The Huron Expositor, 1907-02-15, Page 1--1E-913 ?F SPRING: rne. ess ks for 00 t0-0 soon, uch unseasonabie some advance imp ere bought, not to., rofore,why not show ly exhibit is that this is many abnormally s1ack rooure their services to ummor wardrobe1 rauco tyles shown now ng I- duplication in .ble.. iterest Persian Lawns.• Prints India Lawns ghams. White Duck Owns Waist Linen nbrays Dress Linen THISTY-EI GEITEI TM. I WBOXiE NUMBER, 2,044 j SEAFORTH, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 5 1907. Tal Wring and Made lothing he GREI OTITI• I FURS AND FURNISH MOS sQ,"0-„A.M.M1 DM.A.1.4 " ANIMMENSEAMINEMMOSI1 AU IF' L FURS FOR of different styles of, Neck ana 11011611161P Shoulder Furs for Ladies, in Ruff Throws, Stoles, Storm,Colbers, Caperines and Caps, every piece of which is the very latest design. Bought at a bargain and including Mink, Marnaot, arr\ panese Mink, Sable Fox, Columbia Sable, O'Pos. Thibet, Lamb, Squirrel, We., the regular price of rch ranged fioM $7.50 to $10 and $12. You get your choice, and the Oiler you come the better choice you,can make, 'a each lir gar - TL that akes 3/1 um - 097 W 71 Peter Pan Wakt Spring madefrom White Lawn. Price $1-00 SE/ ONT. ..e ure.--Mr. 5. T. G. Weehornt sick liet this week. -On Sate our hockey team drove russets to play with ',the that village. The ecore wag fa-vor of Walton. The return ell be played Friday after- )(L leeenettee pond. Zurich, Fed Vt: 1:1.13-E'r and too - I; •,ki,r s-afortit. toiet stock company 1J51 bee the ereetion of a skate : in Zurich and it le expected t ie operation far next year, az t Mr. S. Rannee were in last week visiting briain Lr,efrs. Putin. -The annual': o the Huron :Weather Ine Mutuai Company was held to %1 her on Tuesday last. irliere good attendance and the nee hhowed the company to be do - :goo and growing ouziness oni Nand -ate -ea and to re supplying EpttrUm lioftzmarie if! Ell01* MiChigani C_tr.t..trif) nd intends 10{Mt-1 baS frfo.Fiktiu!, a"-.5. milliner in fiothwell,Lamb- toi,vnarnan, e nearly compIet-i 4.or.9.tr,..v„..if..v: rotary ell - e' tet xi innee ie:. which, he e r..v.,,'iu;Ioniz..? the ertgine Napoleon Lebeau, we° rchirreel .froal a trip to is ;it) • keen ter, `with Viet tee', h intend g removing 7th r • h UT:, spring. • etre. \le nrinick jz groww, • riEda it nee ea- rr priNnisea.-D6r- vto hett the misfortune :',41-Julder, by falling :iov; needy reeovered.-- rathera held one ... jrJLcd 71.eeting4 here on: Tuesday evening of 7eek a ro...unber thr2 friend.% of. Echa4.1 Karcjvr. one of oar ▪ apectiql citizer,s. aesembled deuce here to celebrate with 'Atigt anniversary of his birth -4 tee eeening ear. Nearche s presentee with a handeome their, the gifr of his elite-, That he may live matey yeers ;•'et enjoy its 'comforts is alio hi$ many friends. umponsimmow -2 PRICE SA fPPIIIN __ Clothing and Cap It you miss these you are losing the best ever offered in Seaforth. Remember or stook is all new. We have (nothing old to offer 1\1" -CD= PRICS Men's Heavy Suits Boys' Heavy Suits IVI -6s1MOvercoats Boys' Overcoats All Winter Caps Heavy Mitts Heavy' Gloves Men's Heavy Pants Winter Shirts J • Half Price Half Price Half Price • Half Price Half Price Half Price Half Price Half Price Half Price 300 pieces Men's Wctl Un- derwear, regular 76c, 90c and $1, sale price 00A010/0hAl4010~AAAAAAA A.strachan Bokaran Seal trimmed Fur Lined Coon Coats Calf Coats Dog Coats Wombat Coa 55c $25 00 to $40 00 35 Ob to 50 00 3500 to 50 00 35 00 to 60 00 45100 to 65 00 25 00 to 30 15 00 to ?0 00 25 00 to !33 00 At 25 p. e. of these Prices a - Everything new—Terms cash or prod.uc&. va"rowsee•P#APAAAAAANvow fo-irigh.est price for Butter and Eggs, ieleieleleh+++.1-1-14-hieneeeefeieteh4+41 The GRUG CLOTHING CO., East Side Main Street, one door South of the • Dominion Bank, SE.A2TORTTE n the Gold Fields of Cali fornia 50 Years Ago. THE ADVENTURES OF A McKILLOP 'YOUNQ MAN. swim mony Yaw • (Written; by Robert ovenlock, Stiatorth.) ----- I was bales on Junet lettih, •1826, at Ilittrickbridge End, Scotland, my •fatis sloe name was "John ,Govenlock and my 'mother's, Margaret Scott, We left Scotland in the spring of 1884 he a sailing vessel called the "'William Avery'," and landed in Hamilton, Ont., somewhere about the first of August. The cholera was very bad there at that time and I saw . a corpse being wheeled along the wharf in a wheel- barrow. We hired two wagon e end Started, fer the county of Huron, It paesengers ,some satisfaction as they took us nine days to get, to the Maar' would not! be put off mew longer. Iiis land river th the - townehip - of Mc- ' wife did not want *hint to go but as Killop as the roa,ds were very poor. They would not leave without hires , My motherhe father and brother had he vomit. We Youeg fellows were 1 corne out the year before to take up waiting under: the trees and when ' land and build a 'houge. We got to they cadne up we closed in on him, to them on the 12th of August, 1834 MY allow hint to retreat. Mrs. Rice took mother hied taken sick the day be- him by the arm and Mies Smith Zia fore we got to our Journey's end, and I walked. close behind. Mre, Rice did died three days after meeting her not Say much, to him until we got in - father, and brotner, I had two broe side 'the Government wharf. Then 'she thers and four 'sisters, the youngest told him, that if he was irk trouble he sister .died, at Gros Isle, so that there should have let the passengers know. I were i six motherless children: left "VoU have not got all our money yet i with Ittly father., the eldest under 14 wig we would have tried to help you ' heats ior age. He never rrarried again. 'to. get away from here. But, on. the : . ,e1deet sister, Margaret, kept your brains out this moment with a but rry aunt kept 11011$0 far WA for other hand, if I thought you were , two o three years when she married trying to cheat 110, I would blow and house. Dchnfathexi built a *saw mill on loaded pistol I `have in my breast". We_rivelnt but it was Txot a very Prorlitht "For pod's sike women hold your able investment, at the spring floods tongue," said the main, "I have clone often took the dam away* We had all that man an do, I have been. 1n *three hundred acree of land, very trouble but I have got all settled heavily -timbered. I stayed, a.t home, now and She will sail to-trohrow." worked hard att, the saw mill, and "You need not tell Ine at foe *the clearing land, -until I was twenty-one is not provisioned for such a, long 'yeas ot age. In 1837-88 my eldest eedache , brother, Thornaed was called out as "Well, lei will get her ready elgia a soldier, to defend the frontier a- away," seized the vessel, took her ,to the Government -Wharf at Staten Island, and, tied her up there. We were glad to get 'to Shore, as we were tired ettying on the vessel, but it was al bad look -out for us hettieg to Cali- fornia. The pretended owner of the Vessel rho had Tesidenee on the leland, were) np to New York every meaning on the ferry and came back in the evening. As he never came near thevetesel all the time she was lying In the etrea,m, a good many of ut were threa,tenhig to take sunernarf ven- geance on, him but Mrs. Rice told, the young men not to lay a band an. him se we might get six -months in the Tombs, She told ma Just to leave Ilitn to ber. One nightwhen he stepped of the ferry boot Mra, Ries end Mies Smith -met him and went up to hie house with him. They told him he meet come to the veesel and give the gainst thee rebels, and I, between By tine time we *fee opposite t11 eleven_ and twelve -years, was left at wharf where the vessel was tied u home to do a, man's work, About this It was fast getting dark, but as W time we built a, ernall house in the stertedhto wIlle out towards the v buele and pitned the loge together(' sel, we sew the Government sail° set eu,p a, ceutch ors each side, raised feeepping alt the sails off her it the one, ,end -up with, a, lever, put a looking them up in the warehouse. hooked stiek down. the centre, put , Mr. Taylor, The owner, or pretend norm bark one it, and fixed, the lever owner, had not a word to 'arty. .ste that it would fall down, an velth this we eaught three great wolves in It one winter, There was plenty of wild wane thee, as it was an unbrok- en wilderness for huntirede- of miles to the north, so that we proeured lots of furs of all kinds. •t Then Murray .Anderson, of London, came to our house one night. Ile was buying funs and timothy seed, and wished ma to go e,nd sell /stoves and d o we all walked out to the vestiel. e had lett! old Mlle. Smith on board when „ ,, invitation to their p cl a very Implement experience. we went to hunt up the owner. When 'tock -taking eales, had long been v.erY}wheary tor, v. , E. Janes, to remain vital had. a were obliged to stay over nigtit she Saw, the .rnen taking off the sells eetablished institutions, but this was 'rived elle was running up and do,virn originally projected the scheme to re-. a new idea. It is said that Mr. Baton them another year. The invite len. i in Bad Axe, was accepted* . in the htv,ing Rouse. During the night she got fairly -Wild and when ve'S ar- Michigan, and tookroOrns lieve the pressure of his business on -Peter Magee, who has had- the the deck with her white hair hang- the buileing took fire and they were cclicesei°4 1,/ 1". taken from: the burning builditg by Saturdays. At thet time Saturday was Pe Cook farm, Goderich township, for the t 6_,L-- ladders. Fortunately they were r beg loose end flying in the win . I shall never forget that siglit. Wier the ibusiest day of the week, and ao ---- u"''' cutd witholat mishap or loss of bage She sew us coming she sprang to ethe ordinary eau of hands could hardly three Years has rented the ton, to Which he mOved last we k, do At the annual eneetin f t6 tin -.ware. I left home, bought a team throat with both haeld.s and &mend- "off " day' of the week. Mr. Eaton. , g 0 • Diamond and not -content with supplying hot • Water, hot air end steam heat from the same little furnace, he utilized the wstate heat to took delicacies in the kit- neragement Rings c .lien This tombination heater ettn nIAMOIsiDS have advanced in ••price, bat we were lucky enongh to have our stock bought a- hetul, and can sell at the old priees for some time yet. Wo handle first. class god s and buy direct from tne importer. A nice small stone in 14k ring, tor s12.00. Larger 8tones- $10, $18, to26, e4e, tee, elle. John Btilgeri - — SeafOrth Marriage Menses Issued. be operated by either eoal, gas or • electricity. The heater. rna,de in six 'different glees. A four horse -power boiler, the inventor cialmee, is big enough for a, six -storey building, Its gas consumption is only thirty-five cubic feet an hour, or about equal to an ardlnary kitchen burner. Mr.HOW- turd is arranging for the manufacture Toronto; of these heater e on a large scale in -Mr. John McGarvey, a resident of Strathroy, died, on Thureday morning of last week, from the effects of a fall suetained, two days before. Welles passing along the slippery sidewalk, Mr McGarvey' fell, striking tee, ice - covered pethr with his head, fracturing his skull. He was in; all Inge/tattle condition when picked up and taken home, 'remaining uncobecious until death ensued. He was 70 years of age, -At Crowe, Lake Sask. *setae Me - nen eeeeesseessese Intosh, st, member of the English bar, To_ and a ITIOXI4 of tonsiderattle prorate- Godericti, who made a visit to once, and whose preeenee In the Tonto for that purpose. It was a West, an been a my,stery for some thoughtful and graeeful tribute. The monthe, has pe'rished in a blizza,rd, following are some of the cottrieti- 'with a, coinpanion he was driving from tore tot the/ testimonial; B. Allen, the post -office. They god off the trail. oChoulciangloco;k,JuwdgearoWawoo,deN,,.Styr.a;tfoarodbnL. ; The Mounted' Pollee found this earn. but theehiewyer will not be found un- Johneton, Sault Ste. Marie Dixie pahion, nearly dead, near the sieigle Whtting, K. U„. Kingston; 'Judge til the snow melts, He evidently wan- soWaattstir, wileasghtinnag;tonW; DrO. Voanrahaievrnere, ered up. der,ed out on the plaens, and was tov- BrueselEs; A. R, Ord, Ilamiltoa ; Sam- uel Stnillie, Hensall; C. C. Cra,bb, Huron Notes Chicago; Judge Doyle, Dr, Holmes I and D, MaDenahd, Goderleh. The -The nionerief etore in the town- puee,e contained $200. Mr. Haldane is ship of Grey has Changed bands Mr. IlOW 98 years of age. At the presets Shields having eeld out to Mr. Sae& presentation -among others present era tee Brittain. --A. branch office of the Sterl n it,werereorderani Mors.c4A0d.erMic.,hRosbeu,t folfornwerloyt bank hae been opened et the viliag Toronto and Miss Meyers, of CalgarY; of Aueurn. Banking offices will so formerly of Sea,forth. iteee es numerous as newspaper 'offiees -The roll attendance et the Gode ---0 erich public ischool for the month r Abon,t the Late Afr. Eaton, January was 481, being 232 boys one Phase er the b'ehievemente °I' 249 girle. Last year the board p MT, Thnothy Eaton, which helped 'to $4,899 fort teechers' salariee. 'revolutionize the -retail tritdo meth- ods, not only of his owe cuntry„ but - iticLEAN BROS& a Year in Advance; appreciation of itis long 'and taithful eervices 'to the cause, and his hos.: pitality in lending his consforts,ele residerxe as a meeting place, and for the universal and kindly hespltality always manifested by himself and MTe. McLaughlin. The membere epent a, n-ost enjoya,ble day discussing the. , State _problemn, and in social converse, Mr. John Stewart was re-elected MRS- tre asurer, ter, and, Mr. A. Drummond, secretary- -Rev. Mr. Howson, pastor of the ;Wingttam Methodist church has been asked by the official board to Yernalh we pastor for another yeer. The beard also passed a unanier,ous resolution very highly commending Mr. How - son's pastoral work toth in the. pule • pit and among- the people. -Mr. Thomas Carter, an old resi- dent of Goderich. township, but who lead resided in Clinton for the pant twenty years, died in that place on Sunday, February 3rd at tee advanced age of 87 years. The decemed was the father of Mrs. George Brownlee, Mrs. H. Cooper and, hire. J. Cooper, all of Tuckersmith. -Mrs. John Jarrott, of Exeter north, last week received word of the death of her brother-in-law, Hugh Smith et McGregor, Manitoba, on January 18th. The cause of death was pahalysis of the brain. hdr.Smith was a I -former resident of Hills Green and. Moved to the west about 24-yeare ego. Het leaves a wife and eeven, children. • -Mr. Will Firsher„ of the Huron. Road, /War Clinton, has'recently pur- chased and sold several stallione. He bought a. fine coach stallion from Mr. Roes, of Lucknow, ; one heavy draught; from Jame.s Snell, of Hullett; one from the Tabb estate, Colborne, and two from parties near, Blyth. These latter ihe mold to Mr. 'Whiteley, or Inehbridge, Alberta, -On Tuezdey evening of last week the brick residence of Mr. John Link - later, of East Waheanoete was destroy- ed by fire. The Presbyterian thitrch ehoir, of Winghate, was 'spending a coda evening there, and about 11 0'- d clock were at refreshments, Whal, they discovered *that the house was On the contents down The following have been appoint- fire, Some of ji f W stairs were saved, but, as the tire oe 'the United States as well, has es. - Huron; Matthew Loelthert, A.ubur caped attention in the estimates a Thornals Durnin, Dungannon; Th lile tamer. He was the fir.st mehe Churchill, Clinton. chant So' far as it is knowek to adopt a regular weekly "bargain. day," -The official board of the Aub "Fire sales," "moving sales," and eircult Methodist church extende . appeared to _have got Inside the par- . talents, the ',building could not be • Saved. -Mre. Boeing, Finkbeiner and. her san, Crediten, While returning to 8, their home, from Hersey, Miehigate, wheel and /grabbed Taylor by the handle the trade. Friday was. the farm on the London road near lin- gitze. ,, ,. win givo 44, figured Ithat by setting peopfe into the -Mr. John Lippert, = ef Khlv in' North Huron District Orange lodge of my owe, and worked fee' him Lor ed her-n:011er back.. 1 " habit a doing some of their buying the toy/riskily of Stephen, recently sold held at Myth last week it was de - over two years, sordetienes collecting, back to; you ' to-morro*," the Said. on Friday he could relieve tile Sat- a pair- of horses of his own raising tided to .thane a county 1201 of July sorrietimes selling, and' other temes "No I muted hese it now." "I Will buying errs and timothy seedurday pressure, run with a normal for $650, Mr. J. Turner, of Greenway eelebration at Myth. The following bought ag much as one thousand dol- . I have give you my cheque, said Ta,*lor. "Your edecride,,, . isadd Krs. smith, staff end do more business, It is said in the. same township also sold a °theses were ejected: 'w. 1,1,,, H. the late Robert Simpson at first scoff- matched young team for over $400. Horning; D, IL, Matthew Danee: lams' worth of furs ie one ' day tram "Your ehequet what is that #ood ed ail the idea, -claiming that if you . -Mr, and Mrs. John Bell, of Brand- cnipiain, Bey. gr, Hartley; Fi, Indian traders. for, I would ! like to know. , No gold an, 'article at a certain price one on are visiting in and around Bel- Mr. Robertson; R. Se T. J. Sheppard; I was at Neil MoTaggart's when they, 'you ha.ve. got all my money and 'rather day you could not get a high figure grave. It is 20 years since Mr. Bell treasuren a. Golley; IL of C., J. Jenne started ;raking fanning mills, in than be thrown wank an New York for it the next day, Thie -seemed removedefrom Belgrave to the west. Clinton, ' and While I was there the without a, cent, I will willingly tootle logical, but humanity is essentially Mr. Bell is in the real estate but. Mains, . ston; lecturers, W. McCrea and -Geo. great gold fever in California oroke my life with yours for over this ilock1 . illogical, end: the e bargain day" idea nese which he claims to be lively- ' -The following areeetlfe` town, offi- out. I decided to go. Two men, one you Isbell go." She had never let go came to be adopted, not only by Mr, -Miss EMMA QlligleY, of Hullett, eers of ciliate/1 for the current Year, from London and , one from Beech- her Sold, of him all this time ece she ville, promieed to go with meI had jerked hiron to the edge othe Simpson, but by merthente an over was married to Mr. G. Krauskopf, of with the salaries paid to each: D. L. . e f; just got, thirty are cleared on mY wheal. His fine plug hat went in herthe presence or a stable was performed msail- , - n to go . oThe meet assuredly have followed it, or group of fmerchants, all of about equal nesday of last week . The ceremOnY leY, tax collector, weighmasterten. , -- powerless When a, ir.a,n forges alleaa from a is s.. in „ ett., $460; R . Welsh, night- ' ton., by Rev. Father Hanlon on Wed- Taggart, treasurer, $1-00; J. Wilettb-i made every preparation. fialn Eula 1 came home" e-n!tod, it and Ing out into the water end they would last night I was at home, -myf fa.then the mull seemed , eans and opportunities, it uu watchman,- ete„ $400; Thomas Cottle, sat up with me after all the rest had g to good luck. An element of rOrtnn- 1' -While Mr. Thomas- Fisher of the assessor, $S5; O. Crich. eelneterY fal" ally attributed by envioue neighbors select company at triende. , hands but the other two women arab- gone to bed-. He could not beer to bed them! by the legs and pulled them 3rd concession, Usborne, was feeding have me go away alone, and aftert he on to the wharf again. The old wo- ate chance there May be, but it is his home one of the animals kick- k,eeper, fees.; 0. Johnston, town est- perintendent, $876; B. Idennell,pounde seen neverelet go her hold of his hirt usually due to daring -to a coure had talked a long time trying to per- suade trW net, to go, I stood up and until it was all torn to pieees, fkey Wflierk more conservative merchants de- ed 'him! in the arm, fracturing a gineer; Dr. Shaw, iteate•I health of- . ' said, ' father, ir you say you do ,not pulled, him op to the tar track, tore scribe as mere recklessnesa, If a man small bone above the wrist caitsing ficer hitn to Carry the inhered member in' _ went nie to, go, I will' noe go." T-1 --e evetY -each of clothets off and went eucceeds in; this 'recklessness lie Is II, clid not Bay a word for a good while . . , h Knox thumb, Goderich, a at Ihi with their finger nails until- -genius, if he tette he is a fool. The at hillinhi lRevMrAnderson is pastorseem and severed days. and theni he said, "1 'Won't say It; they llid, not leave one ince or sone Old 'business friends of Mr. Eaton i -Mr. Rotd. Rae, a termer reepeto be prosperous financially andother- cthd , you -might east reflections on me al- *kin a 'his body The captain tried elm 'tell of the sears of eeeenttahxiety ,r81dent of 13„ line, Howick, but wilt wiee. as 'resided in Listowel for ten years, to interfere last about thirty of us ' all purposee during the pest year 'Phe total amount raised for fterwards." So I decided to go. We he went threugh when it seemed pots- 1 ed in that plane on the 6th inst, Waa $7,056. Of tnis &meant $1,112 formed a ring around 'them and kept gible that every recurrent fourth of ' went for missionary- and benevelent kneeled, clown and he prayed, and gave ,me his blessing at mid -night, h wean !hire beck. . Mamie would be the day of doom, One , 0 was 67 years of age Ad a native i of East Kilbride, Lanarkshire, Scot - all the Test were asleep, (Continued, inext week.) . merchant eta' doing a reumnerative , Stage drove back to the "farm for mer keeps as a souvenir e cancelled cheque -Mr. Fletcher Sweitzer has die- , and the mortgage debt of the congre- : Dublin, in St. Joseph's church, Clin- Macpherson, clerk, $SD; D. M. Mee • purposes, The year was elosed with On May 12bh, 1850, I Started. The business on a more modest scale, yet ; land. a balance of $473 to the general fund , 8outh kturon Reforrneria I for et100 which be loaned MT. Baton ePosed of his farm on the 3.4th ceriees. The ermualt meeting of the )South to pay wages a quarter of a century 'sloe of Usborne, to Mr. David Bal- four, of Hibbert, for $7,000. Mr. Bale Huron Reform Associetion, aS con- ago, a, loam which he could nab repay stitubecle far Dominion purposes!, was for monthe. Knowing theb the bor- four gee possession on the let of held in Boesenberry's hall, Bruce- Tower's word was as good as his-eond, March. Thies tarne COMBAT'S lop acres, field, on, Monday a,fter,noon hetet CCM- be never worried anout its payment, and jee one of the best in the township. aide -ring the stormy weetherl there and takes-, pride in baiting in a meat. 1, -The fifty a,cre farms of Mr. Hot- , was a fair aetendance. Mr. ! Alex. Mustard, president of the Associa.,- tion, presided, and stirring ad resses were. deliveredt -by Messrs. Thomas Fraser, George McB-wen, R. Itolmes, Clinton, and others. The fee ing of those present was that South Huron will be redeemed at the 'next election and all seemed enthusiastic end hope- ful. Resolutions were passed ,endOre- Ing the selection of Hon. Gearge P. Grana,m, as leader of the Opposition, In the Ontario Legielature ; endore- ing the policy of Sir Wilfridi Laur- ier and eommending him and the Fi- nance Minieter for the • etand they have taken an the tariff. It Was de- cided to hold a convention the seccmd week in June for the purpose f 'nom- inating a candidate to contest the wee to sail at Once, but they kept , Tiding in 'the Liberal inte ests at puttang oe off from day to day for I the coming general election. The fol - three -monthf3, My .money was get -I lowing officees were elected; Presi- ting pretty low. as- I was paying h5, a I dent, A, Mustard, Brucefie d; lset week for bdard. There Were several' vice preeident, 14. Murdie, M Killop 1 University of Toronto $10,000 et On - Canadians on board, but most, of ..the I 2nd vice, Henry' Smith, Hay, rid vic 1 tario Government bonds, the interest passengers were New Yorkers. ' There I Hugh IdcDonald, Howell ; secretarY, I of which is to be -used in giving prizes were ten of twelve cabin passeng- J. G. Ste,nbury, Exeter; treasurer, I on a err.all scale similar to -the Nobel ens, al Mr. and hlre. Ince, and one. John Mutdock, Brucefield. he fol- prizes. , little girl, about twelve years old; lowing chairmen were elected, for -Rev. W. I. Clark, pastor of the Mre. end, Miss Smith, a doctor from the .differbnt municipalities: Me- First Presboterient church, London, Buffalo, Mr. Basely, a Frenchman Killop, John, eleDowell ; Seatorth, J. has 'received a telegram from Mont - from Belleville, Canada, and. two , Watson ; Tuckersmith, Ge rge S. reel, informing 'him that the eongre- Englishmen, Then there were about Black, Stanley, Wm. Murdoch Bay- Bay- „ getion of SV Andrew's chureh at forty or fifty steerage passongers, We field, John Fraser,'Hai, Peter La- Weetmount, a, fashionable suburb of got Very well aceuanted as we idea, merit ; Hensall, Dr. .MeDiarmid; the Canadian metropolis, hut extend- ed (the vessel every clay. They kept Stephen, Feed Wurth ; thiboree, Alex. ed him! a, unanimous call. to be their putting us off from day to day,' un- Gardiner; Exeter, W. J. He Man. pastor, til„ finally, some one of the passeng- , * -John Duncan, a well-known ra'nc'h- ers a.pplied to the American consul'. to -Mr. John i Haldane, now o Toron- er, was married Monday, at Maple see if they could do anything to help to, but for many years head master Creek, Mailitoba, and started for his us. But they took no action,. Then of the Goderich high Selma, has Tee -ranch on' Skull Creek, with his bride, Their team wandered from the trail, and they1 were found the followtng day almost dead, They` are in the hospital at Maple Creek, and Duncan's te,et will have to be amputated, Many repeats of 'people perishing in the ertorrn are being received. . -To merely turn on a gail Jab. in the cellar, and forthwith to have a, Continuous supply of hot water heat- ing for a large house or hOti air for the 'register Egerns too simple to be true. Yet Wm. Howard, of Toronto, has at Invention which does ethle, then, and we drove by way of Clinton gatian bad been decreased by $1,500 to London. When we got there I and the pastor has been given ant to.. Lound that MeTaggare, who owed we 'crease of *200 in his salary./ 1. about two hundred 'dollars, could not .-A few evenings ago a large re- pay me until he collected some notes. yreSentation from tire Smith's Hill $o Malcolm McTaggart and, I drove 13reebyterian -church assembled In the out with two- ponies and spent about two weeks before we collected the money. When I reaehed Beechville I found the man from there in the same fix, scee started for Hamilette alone, then, I went to Buffalo, and. from there to New York, I never felt really alone until I bad 'spent a few days in New York. I bad lettere' of introduetion from Mr. ,.Anderson, to Borne very influential men ie New York, to see if they cotild • pet a, passage for me by way of the Isthmus of Panama, toTe were not enough vessels to carry a- way passeng-ens who landed on the Is- thmus, r took passage on a fine 'clipper ship, which was advertised to well around, CA'pe Horn. I got a cabin passage on bard of tier for el50. She chest There were no trunks here ate ownsen .te odd basement of the Auburn eleurch and sine telpedLhirn onward in his ulti- reately triumphant career. Canada,. I y offered. for sale by auction . Clin- ton last week but were not Id. The 'higheitet price for the T•owns d farm; -Mrs. Lillian Miller, of Toronto, wite 9,2,500 and for the Cric fermi, found guilty of selling noxious drugs, $1,600. was sentenced to two years in King- -The ohl 'established firm Bich - eon penitentiary. -Jarr.es Johneon, a, pioneer resident Dad and John Elmsford, salt retanufac- teudrebr; Inc:our tuCla Clinton, has Tbeheen of Hosanquet, Larribtan county, e died suddenly Friday evening, after a few will thereafter be 'carried on. days' illness. He owned tne largest, John Itensford, Mr, Riefler fruit farm, in Western Ontario, ford retiring. -MT. George N. Kidd, M. P, Pi for -As a, result of hog cholera ha.v- Carlton, died an Monday last, of ty- trig got into his herd, Hr. T., cle phold fever. Mr. Kidd had represented Elliott, of the London road, near CM - Carlton in the Legislature since 1894 ton, had to kill 85 of hie hogs last He was 42 years of age and. a native week. This ma,kest 60 he has lost of 'the county he repreeented. He was from the same cause during the past two monthe and eleans 'him out of his-upre.r.seannta smtoerak: James martin, of a farmer and a Conservative. pros-Tpeheetorlat'eof ASeundebulury,A'kCwhhao148°Lead In August last, willed t o the Cobalt, e have recently been -visiting relatives around Whitechurc , their fanner home. Mr. Martin ha4 struck it lucky in the silver cou recently sold one mining $25,000 and still has three others to dispose of, -The newel has reached Be he death. of Miss Lizzie G aged '18 years, second eldes ter of Robert Gallagher Jaw, but formerly of Belgra the yeung lady was well a ably known. It appears she ed a bait 'cold, veldeb,tdevelaped into short Hui - pneumonia, proving fatal in a, time. -Mrs. Thornton Wallace, 'of let, wee went to NorthBattleford, Sask., 1944 Septexnber, to visit ted in six of her children, who are loca that vicinity died there last week. Sive was a daughter of the lots Wm. le well and cli3t1 ts were /3ingham, of Hullett, and Wi advanced In years. Her hust ;fourteen years ago, -The remel brought horne for interment: -At the annual meeting of the Bel - at the of How - more Division] Grange, held home of MT; R. McLaughlin, Ick, the members present Mr, efeLaughlite with a beau watch and clutin, as a tok dissolve nsiness by Mr. Rens-. gome one suggested that I, being a British subject, tehould apfly to the el3ritish consul. So I went, and the very 'next clay they took ection. The emitter been the recipient of a teed,. menial from a number of hie. former pupils, many ef whom have SiTlee dis- tingultend themselves in various owner of the vettsel got frightened, walks of life and ,are now Scattered and e sea for eel the passengers ' to far and wide. The presentatIon con - come on, board, We were all vfry* ;steed of an address, A puree! di gold glad 10make a md ove. although we end a beautifully bounv0111111* eon - knew the veseel was not previsiooed taining a, pen and ink sketch of the ) for such a, voyage', The captain got; residence Mr. Haidene Gem') ed dur- 1 1 a, steamer to take us down oppoeite tag hie residence in Gederien The Staten' Island-. where we dropped tlai- I presentation wag maele la.st week by chor and leech for about two weeks. ! Judge Doyle and Mr. D. cDonald, Then the, United States marshal came, I County mid, Surrogate riou t Clerk, . try. He taim for r four grave of llaghen &mgt.- f Moose e, where d favor- contract- • resented Ifni gold of their surnenaning paettxr of the two ' congregations, Rev. Mr. mall. pre - Dented him with a .complimentary ad- dress expressive of their appreciation of his faithful services as their pas- tor and informing 111111 that a load of oats had just been deposited in the bin of the .manse atabia for the comfort and up -building of the faith- ful ministerial horse. -Previous to ids departure frqm 33elgrave for a more importaut po- sition inf the service of -the Grand Trunk Railway, Mr,. D. McGregor, who 'has been station agent et Bel - grave for the past year, was enter- tained at an oyster supper by the citizens and business men of the vile lage end was presented with an ad- dress. accompanied by a, pipe and a. tobacco pouch. The address was signed by C. McClelland, DaeldSproe,t, 13. H. Hamilton, Wm. Watson, John: Scandret and Thoma Hall -At the annual meeting of the South Huron! County Orange Lodge, held ae Exeter recently, the follow- ing officers were eleated: G. D. Hanley, W. M.; F. Davie, D. M.; Rev. R. S. Wilson, chap.; W. Lewis, hen. thap.; P. cantelon, It. S.; R. Hutch- eson, F. S.; Cantelon, treasurer; 3. W. Hodgins, D. of a; W. Deacon, lecturer, E. J. Elliott, dep. lecturer.. In reference to the celebration of the 12th of July next, the various lodges in the districts were left to go whore. they felt disposed. -Mr. lamea Snell, who has a Doe Minion reputation as a breeder. haS BOW MS talu1on, Brave Boy, to Mr. W. Fieher, for e500. It was raised by Mr. Snell, and is elightly up in years, Last week: Mr. a Blatt, Of the base line, another of Huron's well- known stockmen, sold a two year old Polled Angus bull to Mr. B. Stafford, of Gorrie, for $100; he also sone # of the same age to Mr. Ford,of White- church, for the same figure, Ore Saturday Mr. Ben Churchill, of Gode- rich township, delivered to Mr, Han- ford, of Exeter, a very sine five year old gelding, for whist he received the eum of $275.