HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1907-02-08, Page 8a
Dissolution of
Waite is hereby given that the partner -
.hip beretofore existing between the tua
&aliened, as hardware merchants and coal
dealere, under tire firm UMI144 of Cheney
Smiley, at Ssaforth, Ont. has. been this
day dissolved by mutat consent. All
debts due the said partnership are to be
paid Georg! L. Chesney, at his office were
tide of Main greet, Seaforth, and all pert-
nerehip dente be paid by him.
• Seaforth, Jen. 28bh, 1907.
NOTICTE is also given, that the above
imaineeewill now be carried on by George
L. Chaney, in partnership wish Audrew
• Arehinald (who has been with the old then
for years), under the firm name of nhesney
et Archibald. We hope by fair dealing and
strict attention to business, to merit a con,
thrust -ion of the patronage of our old atriSe
tamers and many new one.
'Ikon° tb Jan, 28th, 1907.
• INntinion .--Bart*
Head Office
Savings Bank
Deposits of $1,00 and up-
wards received -and interest
paid at highest current rates.
Withdrawals may be m.ade
at any time.
.1: • ims .1 .01
HAYS, Solicitor
James Watson,
Successor to W. N.Watson
General Fire, Life, and. Accident Insur-
ance agent, Beal &tete and Leer
Agent. •
Dealer in fusaelase family and Murata:J-
eering Sewing Machines and Cream
Separatorn :
New Itaymbrid and White Sewing
Msehiner. and Natinnal and
line sena Cream Separators.
Also nesvieg machine needles, oil, attacb.
mean repairs and sundries for all
kinds of eewing maehines.
With over 25 years experience in tbe above
business- you cab rest assured of prices
rightn'square cludieg and satssfaetion
tatirmiCe *Vent, end dealer in Sewing asceine:
and Bicycles. North Mein street, Seaforth. •
The leading commercial school of Western Ontario.
Our courses are thorough and practical, while the
teaching ia done by We instructors. The ambitious
young men and worridn, who desire to get the best
possible commercial training, patronize this sebool,
'While business n,en are in search Of our graduates to
till responsible positions. The best time to entet.our
Itriasses is NOW. Beantifid catalogue free.
Send us a Horse
---- AND WE WILL —
Him- With the best blanket for the noney---
Wool, Jute and Kersey.
oaiinee, Bishop, Coat, Horse ark Imitation
Buffalo. We guarantee the Quality. Com-
pare prices.
Our own make of genuine "Rubber Trimmed
Harness. It is the best value in Canada. .Ask
your neighbor about them, 8
. •
200 pair of samples at wholesale pL c — A
.1:ells—Trunks—Wise8 — Suit (ase—
Plush and Wool Rugs, Ere.
Lisped, our stock before purchaiaz
Watch Our
'Christmas Window
nova roifenr—
Opposite Oommereitti: Hotel, Seaforth.
Watch Need
uatch will tell correct time if
it isn't cleaned and overhauled or..
en.sionally. if your wateh hasn't
been cleaned for a year, its pretty
certain that it needs attention.
yo u.se the best materials and
have all the,faciiities for fiae watch
work. We promise entire satisfac-
tion In the matter of cleaning and
Jeweller nt- Opticiat
• Issuer of Marriage Licens
•I ea' a P.resinaterianato religioneand a
' 1 Zriber I in! lin: lie I el. •
Xposi or a po cs'. s seri ve
Property Change.—Mr. Alex. Gor-
den baa sold his !residence on Vest
Winierri ritireet, to Mr. Wm. Turnor
Who treceetty, sold his term: le McKil-
lop. The house is' a new one and has
in in a new furnace. .The price paid
wee $1,800. Mr. Turney _is bayttig
auction sale of Vsform stock and ire-
plethents on the 20th, and will then
move into town. He than -Bemired a
nice coinfeetable • home- fjo 'a good
pad Of the town, :and tag gat it et
vera reaseriabie price. e
• The Town Asaseeserent meettng
of the town council was „held on
Tursday evening -inane .when the
principal !nuseineena- unden eeneidera-
tion wet the asseeerOite of the town.
It was considered by tee, cenfitil that
the aseessment' -:frenerelit was not
sufficientle equalized, . and einn order
to overcome this,? if'•p-enn_a4iiiiiin:e Messrs.
W. Ballantyne, E. H _ lied A.
Says were appointed ainfOnessors •' for
tht :yeat„, with a. view of having the_
eliffeeent propertiee put on an equal
footing aa fan as aseess,ment is con-
cerned! •A I '
Mewled—A quiet wedding took plane
at the residence of Mre. Geo.W.Spar-
ling, Seaforth,. on Saturday Iaen when•
her eldeeil daughter;- Katie L., was
united la inerria.ge to Mr. George A:
&fondle, !contractor, of Woleeley, Sask.
Owing to recent bereavement in the
famny the wedding was a very quiet
One, only the immediate relatives bee
Ing present. •Tbe ceremony was per-
formed at six onlock ire the evening
by 'Rev.. A. K. -Birks; pastor of the
Methodist church,. Mr. and Mee.
niceidie leave, the end of this week for
their western; homer, • and they will
take- Nettie them the neat wishes of a
large_ eircle of -friends.
Hockey.--Cliotorf and: Statie pley-
ed here on Tuesday evening, the game
reeselting. a. victory for .eaforthl
by a score of four goals to one. 'The
game was' by no means a scientific ex-
hibition of hockey, but was keenly
contested throughout, and the penal-
ties imposed on both sides were mime
Seafortin did all their scoring
th the• ' filen half and in the( feeneed half
the only tally made was by Clinton.
During the second hall' Dave Stod-
dard had his nose broken by being
struck lo the face with the puck, and
had 'toretirefrom the game. The
break was a bad one and he will have
a, !sore face for Borne time. ,
The Turf Club. -'-The annual *meet-
ing of the Seaforth Turf'Club was held
on Monday evening last.- The trees-
urerle report showed the Association'
to be inexcellent financial standing,
baying a balance in the treasury of
$662. It is the Intention this -year to
'have a three days' meet instead of
two days as on previous years. The
dates arranged for are June 18, la
a,nd 20. The club will this year of-
fer $3,800 In purses and the program
will include six stake races as well
asa number of open events. The of -
finers elected for the year are: Pres-,
Idea, Robert ; Tice` president,
James Dick; secretary, M. Broderick
-treastar•er, • G. E. Parkes; directors, D.
T. Pinkney, G. E. Henderson, A.
•Winter, J. 'Canino, F. Kling; audit
tors, W. 'Hills and J. C. Greig,
A Close ' Call.—St Thomas' ' church,
Seaforth, had a narrow shave train
destruction by fire on Sunday last.
About two o'clock, a son, of Mr. Deem,
the' eexten, went to ring the bell
for Sunday School, and on ,entering
the church found it full of smoke.
After ringing the bell he went around
to the furnace room; to find out the
cause of the smoke, and found that
the floor above the furnace had caught
fire. He at once ran to Inc rectonr
for aasistanee, aind Rev. Mr.. Berrie
with the assistance of others, had
'tee fire under control by the time
!the firemen, arrived on the scene. Very
little damage - was done by the fire,
but. the church was badly •smoked up.
The fire was caused 'from; the fur-
nace. ' On accoutti of the cold there
was an exceptionally big fire in the
furnace, and the floor above - being
close to the top of the furnace, with-
out ;sufficient protection, • it . became
ignited. Had it got a farther start,
nothing could have saved the building,
as it. regular gale was blowing at the
The • House of Refuge.—The house of
-refuge committee of the county coun-
cil met at Clinton on Frada,y. The
committee vietted the house and made
a thorough inspection of 'the whole
prennsen They fauna 92 inmates all,
apparent y, well and corefortabln
eared for. They found the house and
!surroundings properly kept and ex-
pressed satisfaction, with.the Manage --
Merit. The committee decided that the
matron ehouldhave additional help
ahd instructed the inspector to pro-
cure a 'hired woman. They also learn-
ed that there is a scarcity of milk
In the institution and instructed the
inspector NY purchase a cow or itSVO
SO that all the inmates may have a
sufficient supply of milk at all times.
It was also found that the windmill
used foe pumping water is 'not suf-
ficient for that purpose as there is
fnequently a ahortage of water to
properly "supply the requirements of
the house and .some action must be
;taken to remedy this and the ways
and means will be considered at the
next meeting of the committee.
The Late John Mantosie—We .are
this -week again called on to chron-
icle the demise of another a the
pioneers on this district in the, per -
!son on Mr. John McIntoeh. Mr. Mc-
nntoste passed away very suddenly at
the reeldence of his son-in-law, Mr.
George - S te ve xis orf in B g m on d vine on
Saturday. He was prostrated by a
stroke . on paralysis about '10 o'clock
Thursday forenoon and never regain-
ed conseiousnees. Afr. 'alantosh, Was a
son of the late Hugh McIntosh and
a brother- of Messrs. 'Geoage and Jae.
McIntosh, of McKillop. Ile was 'born
neer Toronto in 1834. With hie fath-
er and Other) members of the tannin
he tame to MoKillop and seethed on
the second concession on the farm
now owned and eceepleci by Mr. Sas.
Men -Anne Many .eea're ago he took up
e, term on the 8th concession of . Mc-
Killop, widen . he continued - to oc-
cupy wait about three yearsago,
when he retired! from the more aective
duties of life and made 'his home with
1:hte sorrein-late and daughter, Mr.
and Mar. George Stevenson, of Stan-
ley, hoer Varna and about a year -age
be, with them tame to reside ItV Inge
tondville. Mier. - Mei:nese- died in
1894. The, decd Was a' intht or
dtaritrif. eiteracter, . straleinfOrwarn
and ihneenable and wan treated era
enepeeted ; all. who tnew tim. I
neerealemily !of fire eters end! fit
daughtere, ,The daughters are Una.
JUex.'MeTtivicne, 'Brettleford, Semite;
Wm.. Nails teen Miss Annie, the
lotmgest daughter, a Bcasseyaia,
Manitc,bae Men John Storer, Oren
lean nine: Stevenson, of Ogrziondville.
The sena are Thompson, In Dakota;
Findlay teen Hianit in McKillOre and
-.George and Nan to Alberta. The ee-
rnatrie were lain Ito rest tn. . the
landbank cemetery Cin Monday.
"Ferre,Sold.—The Farm ;belonging, to
he Wagers .McLellan, -south of nig- •
mOndville, waei :Enid on Mondani ! bn
auttion. Me. jOhn Murray, of .:the,
Hullett and McKillop 'town nine, Wes'
the purchaser for .43,200, The farm!
60114.6,1ns 29 • acres, is pleasently altu-
ated, hats good 'buildifigit andi •vvill
rea,ke a very comfortable home, for Mr.
Inuerity, and( his family.,
- •
Successful —We have to congratul-
ate =mai young friends, Miss Isabel
Scott end Miss Iva •; Dodds, ea theiti
success -en the musical exa,minatione
theld lant week in the conservatory of
inueic, Toronto. They took respective-.
ly the flast and ;sebond places on the
lint of candidates, Who passed' the
intermediate (nrcn 'year) exaani;nation:
to *tinging. Miss naabel Scott also
passed, wttin firnt clase bermes; the
Tent ,i, Brat :year the/VT Int hnlain•
Egmendville.— Next Sabbatni Rev.
Dr. Murray, of Kincardine, will .coe-
duct the annivereary !services in the
EgmondvIlle Presbyterian church. On
Monday evening, Dr. Murray will lee-,
tire On " Yellowetone Perk, !the
;Wonderland of America." Munice,l'e01-,.
cations will be given by Mr. Jolla
&Ott, of Roxboro Rev. Mr. Urquhart,
of Inippeo rend local talent. 'Volun-
tary offertrigs will te taken at. all
the services.
Scotch nntertainment.– The enter-
•taternent- given by the bible clani of
the. Presbyterian church, on. Tiles -
day evening, was a great success:
The Misses Dodds and Sproat, in their
Highland costumes, acted an ushers.
The two little daughters of Mr. Geo.
Turnbull, Mine, Hazel Grieve, Miss
Anna. Bell and.- Mestere' MacCamond,
afl ini Highland contemn took pant
In the programme. Mr. MeLerun, ot the
Collegiate Institute, gave an inter -
eating talk on a recent,nrip to Scot-
lend. Mes. Meredith, Mr. Miller, Mr.
Robinson and. Mr. Robt. MeIntoeticon-
tributed to the musical part of the
prograrnme and Mr. Geo. Murdie eave
a, recitatiee. 'All -the nurrebera tire
programme were Scotch and during
the intermissiore the audience were
treated to peppermint -0. Rev. F. .H.
aJarkin occupiedi the chanr and the col-
lection amounted, to something Over*
$17. It is the intention of the commit-,
tee in charge to have en Enslish, and
en Irish evening sometime in the :leer
TOO BATE.—Don't be too late, gpt some of the
shoe bargains at Robert, Willis' shoe store. Shoes at
67o a pair, samples in onr north window. Robert
Willis; opposite Ezeoserott ()merry Seaforth.
Delicious oyster stews, cocoa and lunch at the
Kandy, Kitchen, Seaforth. cane
SPECIAL NOTIOE,—As I have sold my, retail
business. I aln now closing my hooks, and all' act -
counts must be settled either by cash or note by
February 16th. W. H. Willis' accounts MEIV be set-
tled either a,t the shee factory Or at IL Willis' shoe
tore, opposite TOR EXPOSITOR. Office, 2041.3
ACCOUNTS.—Our accounts are now ready, and
we would be pleased to have persons call at once
and settle the gime. Orieh Bros, Seciforth. 2040
MONEY WANTED.—Wanted, to borrow on good
town property, about $2,500at a per emit, Apply at
TUN itvomit OPNIOR, lieriforth. 203S -IE
Highest prices paid for ilaril;.•elass clover and Wu.
othy seed. Send samples, Beattie Bros., Seaforth.
DOG LOST,—, A yellow scotch collie— white' On
breast and tip of the tail. t'artles are warned not to
harbor or detain said dog. Also, any information
concerning same, If left at the post °Mee, Sea -
forth, will be suitably rewarded. • 2043X1
Try the Kandy Kitchen 'for hoine-made (randy,
high-class ehoeolatea and fano- biscuits. Sweet na-
vel oranges frorn 15e per dozen, uP• 2043-1
MRS. O'CONNELL—Musical instruetion, pupils in
pianoforte and voice eulture taken. Terme on rip-
plieation at residence, John street, Seaforth.
New Dressmaking.—Miss. Oaffne,v has opened up
IL dressmaking eatirblishmerit in the rooms over the
dye worka Otte door north of the Dominion Bann
She -will be pleased to execute all orders entrusted to
her and will do her best to give satisfaction. A trial
le respectfully' solicited. Prices reasonable.
BUTTER, AND EGOS,—A. O. Ault, Seaforth, will
pay the verrhighest prices either .in cash or trade
for goot butter and fresh eggs, 2043-tf
• ,
Local-Binefe,—The cold weather of
the past week has had an effect on
business and things have been pretty -
quiet in town.—Xes, T. F. Coleman,
Who is -visiting her mother and sister,
Mrs. and Miss Robereitsore In Chica-
go; ha gi been placed in quarantine on.
account ef Miss; Robertson having
contracted scarlet fever, and will have
remainthere for six weeks.—One
of the waterworks mains on South
Main atreet 'burst on Sunday, and men
have been busy this week repairing
it —Dr. Hodgind 'has been unable to
attend to his practise this week on
account of illness.—Miss Reta noting
is visiting friends in Toronto.—Mr.
Peter Scott, of Brussels, was call-
ing on friends in town on Tuesday.
—Mrs. Thos„ Patton, who had the
misfortune to have her arm broken a
couple ef weeks ago, is now 'recover-
• ing nicely,—Mr. G. E. Parkes, mana-
ger en the Bank Of Commerce, was
confined to the trouse one day this
week throguli illeress.—Mr. W. WWII -
lis has had a telephone ;plated in his
shoe store. --Mr. Roy -Willis will sing
a solo at the evening' service in the
Methodist church op Sunday Anext.--
Mr. F. C. Elford, manager andlecterr-
er oil the poultry department of the
MacDonald Agricultural College, Mar
Montreal, was this week the .guest of
hie sister, Mrs. A. K. Birks,—Mr., J.
F. Daly has purchased tee old Bur-
nett property on North Main street.—
Mr.' Alex. Winter has purchamed the
old Powell house and adjoining lots
nlEast William street, and we un-
dereta,nds intends erecting a ceuple
of house e on the ,property.—Miss Mar-
garet Daly, organist of Si. Janne'
church, !entertained the members of
the; dant. last Thursday' evening.—
Mr. L. Pleurseteitz, who has been
lei up for some time with a broken
rip, le able to be around again.—
We had the tail end of another North-
west !blizzard on Sunday. . Fortunate-
ly there was not much snow, just,
enough It ,rea,ke good sleighing, nut
the weather wasintensely cold for
several days.—We are sorry to learn
of the zerioue illness of Mrs. L. L.
McFaul, Who lies teen confined to
bed for a,bout two en,ks.—Mrs. Greig,
of Clinton, Was here this week, visit-
ing tee son, Mr. J. C. Greig.—Mr.
,Archibald Dalrymple, formerly Of
Tackerarette, One of the prosperous
farmers on the Moose Jaw dietrict,
Seek., Who bag been in this vicinity
visiting friends, returns 10 adet Weal -
era 41010e- neZt week. .nuf brother,
Mr. Reinert Dalremale, and wifeafrorn
the Name locality,' have ,also 'been 're-
Ifewing old` frientiehips l• in this tie
ninitne—Senviee WIII .be Mid, in •
_Therense- Outran,' ser usuel,
ti er, On M±Wedneaday_at
Fancy China.
During February we will
give - •
20 per cent. discoun
We do th s to clear up our stock
left over after the holiday trade. •°
Big bargains, so come early to se-
cure the best choice.
Agent for -up-tonlete Trusses, Syringes
'Hot Water Bottling, Shoop's remedies,
Cook's Cotton Root Compound and
Woo, Phoeuhedine.
learn! 'that Mr. Andrew Calder In
still confined to nis ben through.
nese —Atter the °ordinary lodge bus-
iness bad 'been completed, the neema
here of Britannia Masonic lodge
spent a 'pleasant tiros in their lodge
room on! Monday evening lent Car-
pet Inane and euchre were the 'prin-
cipal ,an-ftreements.—.:The hockey team
were in leradon on Wednesday tight
and played a friendly garaei with the
Forest my: team. Seaforth wnrr *by
a :score of elx goals to ane.—Mi-
Macdonald, o .Woodstock, nits return-
ed 'home after spending her holidays
wtth friends here.—The funny man of
tee Toronto Star ea-ys "The geound-
nog clime out Tuesday, cast his eye
over the dountrY, observed that Sir
Wilfrid Jea,urieree shadow was
the right. pace, and murmuring,
"Everything's -safe; I can go to
sleep again,' crawled into the hole
and drew; the hole th after MM."—
Two rinks! of curlers from Clinton and
two frinice from Goderich were here
on Wedneeday' to play with 'the Sea-
fornherinke. The result was a win for,
Seaforth all round. They won from
Clinton by One ehot and from Gode-
rfole !by twenty shots.—" Beri Huns'
the thrilling, story of Bible times,
with stereopticia view, will be pre-
nented ire the Salvation Army bar -
:racks next Tuesday evening.
Notes.—Mr. C. Beacom is busy at
present moving to his new home on
the base line—Mr. J. W. Hill has
disposed of his ,farai iq Hullett to
Mr. W.' H. Bell. Mr. Ball is on exten-
sive lend owner, as he has now in
the :neighborhood of 800 acres.—Rev.
Kerney etas been around visiting the
:member t of St. Peter's church —Mr
`J. A. Watkin • had ,a successful wood
tbee 'the other - clane—Mrs. C. S. LoW-
fery ie net progressing as rapidly as
!her many friends would wish.—Mr.
IR. G. Reid, of 'name, !Called on friends
tine week.
'Nolen—Miss Maggie McQueen has
Just returned ..from a month's visit in
Bracebridge.--The Misses Stewart, of
Winnipeg, are the guests of 'their
cousin, Miss Maud Glenn.—Miss Em-
ma Dickson, of Seaforth, is visiting
friends on the boundary —The box
eocial 'held, by the Ladies' Aid in the
Chiselhuret Methodist church, proved
a grand success, the proceeds amount -
ling 'to $45.—Qu1te a 'number from tine
. vicinity attended the funeral of Mr.
william ' Fairbairn,—Miss Govenlock,
teacher, spent Monday evening at the
home Of MTS. Broadfoot.
McKillop. .
07 CENTS ISN'T AIECIP I still for that price you
can get a good pair of shoes at Robert Willis' shoe
store. Samples In north window. Robert Willis,
opposite EX,POSITOR OPYRIE,--pettfOrth. 2013-1
The Council.—Council met at the
Commercial 'hotel, Seaforth, on Satur-
day, Feleruany, 2nd, ani, !Phe members
being present: The tender of Nagle
and Looby, for cement abutments, for
a4.20 per cubic :yard, and for exca-
vating 40 cents per cubic yard, and
six-foot eulvert $187, and 14 -foot cut-.
vert -010; was accepted. The auditors'
report, after consideration by the
counell, was accepted as presented,
and the clerk was authorized to have
200 copies!, printed for distribution.
Accounts to • the arnount of a201.14
paid. The council adjourned to Meet
again at the Commercial hotel, Sea -
forth, ore Friday, March 8th, at 10
Onioek a. m. M. Murdie, clerk.
nit -Goon Bii11.—As will,, be seen in our
advertising columns, Mr. A. G.
Smillie is offering for sale his well
known stock bull; Sailor's Peer,
49,4.63. Thee animal- has p'roven a
meet seccessful- snook buil, and a
glance at 'his pedigree will allow him
to .be from the Meet - strains of Im-
ported stock. . • . ,
'eVest End Notes.—Mr. and Mrs. R".
Wileon, of Gocierich, visited relatives
here 'Wit week.—Mrs. Robert Whitn
who has been laid up for a couple
of ' weeks, is now recovening.—Frank
Layton haier been engaged as engineeti
at the Brueefield !sew mill and com-
menced on Monday lama—Leone Crich
leaves this Weeks for Stratford, where
be will take a course at the busi-
ness college In that city.—The farm -
eye there are taking advantage of the
sleighing and are getting their team-
ing done. . -
The Counc11.—The council met in
Seaforth on Friday, Feb. 1st, as per
adjournment, all the members pres-
ent.. The auditor's report was ac-
cepted `end' one hundred wines order-
ed 'al be printed The Permanent
Bride By -Law, having been advanca
ed - hrough all the necessary stages
to s cure its validity, it was decil-
ed tb proceed with the erection, - of
'bridges an the renewing places dur-
ing the coming glimmer, viz:. • The
Crich bridge, between, tote 30 and" 81,
necnession -n„ H. R. S.; the. McLean
'bridge, ;betweeri lots -20 and 21, con-
tession 4, a. R. S.; the Eider bridge,
at rear •'end Of lot 11; eoncefenote. 8,
Ti R. S.e, the Amen line bridge, hee
;ween lote 32, concessions 4 and 5,
R.S.; UV t4rar 'bridge, on the
IHI i0g.C1;. the Alexander bridge. neat
e;angees gray-si ,pit; ' ate Mo.!
betWee'n iota' t, con -
10_ , 10 and ;II; the Paterson;
nridge, between lens 25, and' 28, tette:
!mestere 1, L. R. S. • Mr, Jame A.:
Belle an expert engineer, a St.,
moue, tali 'betti engaged to draft
epecifieretioes, and otherwise armlet
the .cOunell to secure first class .pere
manent 'etructures at vial of these
pyaces.Xtlis- hoped that contracts ter
the ;above. wornt Will be let at the
teentl meeting, 'the date of which, ale
though not ye k fined, will be anal
manned- veta rsoc,n.—A. 0, SMILLIB,
• Ca).1 Recelved.—Rev. R. A. Crane-
nen,B. A., the esteemed pastor of
the Presbyterian chureb, of 'this place,
hes ahem given a UnatiniOus call to
the 'pastorate of Knox church, Palate!
eraten. It le licit known yet wheth-t
or 011 not Mr. Cranston will accept
tine; spOntaneous In.vitation, but If he
ahonld do so there will he much ree
gret felt among this people here as
!by thin good -pulpit work and bis faith-,
ful .paetoraI ministrations the hae
greatly endeared himself to all classes
here nd• in selecting him so unane
im'ously the Palmerston congregation,
Will tind that :they, have not made
any, entetake.
Alma. -
Farmers' Instittite.—Farniers' Inane
tute meetingswillbe held, in Fewlerni
school house, he the afternoon and eve
ening of Thuteday, February 14t11, the
afternoon meeting commencing at 1.30,
'rend !the !evening meeting at 7.30. The
speakers will be Messrs. Thoee Mc-
Millen, of Hullett, and Mr. W. J.
Kidd, of Sirocoe, and a musical pro-
gramme will be provided for the ev-
ening. This le the first meeting of
the kiod held here, and it in hoped
that those In the vicinity will shwa
;their ;appreciation! by 'turning out to
both meeting% an they will no doubt
be yere, interesting and. profitable.
Not —Mr George Smallacomb of
the nrci: concession held, a. Iniccess-
ful sale on Friday' last He sold
�i1 s, farm', to Richard Tony, ot Eke -
tar, for n3;920. The implements, and
entire stock also sold at a good
figure.—Mrs. 'Ma,rtirs McTaggart, of
the 4th cOrtoessiona met with a pain-
fiul accident on Thursday of last week
When she fell through a trap door la
the 'barn, breaking three riles and
fracturing her breast bone.
.Thames Road NOtes.—MT. and Urn.
Peter --Whitlock -spent Sunday last
visiting relatives it Logan.—Mr. C.
Monteith had -the misfortune to break
his leg and sprain his ankle last
week. He wan carrying a bag of oats
down he stairs from the barn into,
the stable cWhen, his foot slippedbaek
between the steps causing the break.
His many friends hope to see him, out
again soon.—Mr, - Fred Whitlock, of
Seeketehewan is renewing acquaintan-
cehe the neighborhood.—Mrs. John
Ilunkins, Who has been so seriously
ill, is convalescent—Mr. Harry Tyn-
dall, of Seaforth, visited relatives in
this vicinity last week.—The mann
friende of. Mrs. Ja,rnes .Anderson will
be plea,sed to hear that, she is recov-
ering trona her recent illness.—The
Epworth League convention held at
Elimville on: Tuesday last was well
attended. Topics were taken in, the
afternoon na Mr. -Fred Stevene, of
Zion, Miss Ada Tucker, of Betheny,
and Miss Mabel Fair, Miss Lizzie
Johns A.nd Mr. Chas. Johns, of Elim -
vine. Those topics were well deliv-
ered and time for discussion was giv-
en rater each one, In the evening, ex-
cellent addreeses were given by Rev.
Mr. Fear, of Exeter, subject, "'Want-
ed, e Mari," and Rev. Mr. Toll, a
}Tense% subject, "The Mind." The of-
ficers for the coining year are: Pres-
ident, Mitre Ada, Tucker; secretary -
treasurer, Mr. Bert Francis.—Misses
Flossie and Hilda, •Whitiock, of Strat-
ford, are visiting relatives in this
neighborhood at present.
Highestiprieeir paid for first-zlass clover and tim,
othy seed. fiend oniplee. Beattie_Bros., Seaforth.
Death of a Former Resident.— On
Monday, Inre. R Melite, of the vil-
lage, :received th.e sad and unexpect-
newe( of the death of her sister,
Mrs. (Dr.) Hutton, of Forest, who
was called away on nunclay. Many -in
this vicinity will regret to learn of
'her death, as she wee well Raceme in
this vicinity, some of our residents
having gone 'to school to her ie the
Old dzys, when, about 40 years ago,
Mes. Mitten was the teacher in the
old log !school in' the village, which
did !service as a church as well as
a. achOol, and which -stood where the
prnsent manse now stands. Her many
kind deeds are still well remember',
ed by mazy. Mrs. Mellis was in For-
est this week attending the funeral.
-'Briefs.—Phe Ladies Aid of St. An-
drew's chureh purpose holding an
onetee supper on the evening of Tues-
day, 19th: hest, No stone Will be
left unturned by the ladies to make
it a most !successful affair.—Miss
Mary Meths, of Toronto, is visiting
at the home of her father, MreThomas
in the villa.ge.—Rev. Mr. Bale
• lantyne, of London, conducted the ser-
vices in St. Andrew's church on Sun -
'day last Mr. Ballantyne is a good
speaker and gave two excellent ser-
mons but on account of the weath
the service S: were but slinna atte
ed.—Prayer treetinge nave 'been 11
each !evening this week, in the Meth
odist ehurch, and have been well a
tended—The present told weather is
tellingon the coal pines and has been
keepin our villagers 'busy attend-
ing 101 the time—Me. Win. Sinclair,
of the Kippen 'road, who always has
an ey for a good horse, has recent-
ly pu chae,ed a fine ;team of three
year 4lds, a;nd is now, occupying his
spare time training them.—A large
Winn, of sew logs are being brought
to th M. McGregor, the
offiele 1 teacher of No. 10 school, in
Tucke amlth, urposes holding a, box
metal and entertalnenterit about the
fleet if March, .
F. A. ',:dwo.rd8' Irehrnarystrie la a money saw r. In
all depa tmen-s prices have been redueed. Prints,
rie for Oe ; 100 tonic. You never hod a cetter
chance t sale on blankete 3 for 84,55 ; for
; $4.5 for $3,1,45 ; 85 for 84,25- F. A. Edwards,
Bayfield 0043-1
Obit ary.—Again it is our 'Bad duty
to re cord the death of one of our
most spotted residents, Mies Marye
Pars° , third daughter of Mrs. Wm.
Parsoes, Who departed thls lite on
Thure ay, January Sit, agea 32
and three months. Deteased
poor 'health for tile' past three
and endured her sufferings
atienee and Christian fortitude.
asa a deeoted member og the
it eburch and a true Christ -
he futeral took place oo 'Sat -
from her late home to the
ye ars
Ntiraa 1
'church which was filled with'frie-nris
who lulled to pay the last tribute: on
Teem . Rev. T. A. Steadman con-
dueted an Impressive .service. The
-pall 'bearers were a Spender, 3, Mc-
Donald, 3/1. Switzer, /T. Yea, H. xic-
AS 1907
ring Dre
Early: Atrtha.
T. EARLY to talk
I doesn't ? Never
• There are sound rea
announcements. The first is th
tions are now to hand, and the g
store' up but, rather, to sell.
The second reason for such
the month when dressmakers are
—the ideal time, lo to speak, t
Make garments for the spring an
pring Goods? Seeins so
eless, it is not too soon.
ons for such unseasonab
t some advance import
ods were bought, not
Therefore, why not s
arly exhibit is that this
usually abnormally sl
procure their services
summer wardrobe.
The third reason is that the dvance stylps shown u
are practically exclusive, cowl ring that duplication
many instances is well ntigh imp ssible..
We enumerate somb goods o nteres
Black Dress goods
Colored Dress Goods
Tweed Suitings
Black Silks
Dress Muslins
' °rums mats
Gra o 'S Prints
Stripe Ginghams
Check Gingham's
Plain Chambrags
Separate Skirts
Separate Waists
One great feature in tavor-of our a
ments is that they get away from that
commonplace " sameness " that makes
many tailored suits look like a lot of uni.
It will give us pleasure tn silk' you
the new ideas brought out in the Spring
Skirts and Waists.
Persian La
India Lawns
White Duck
Waist Linen
Dress Linen
Peter Pan Waist
ade frem-White Laws
Price, 01.00
Gregor and W. °Wallis. -
13re'szes —T H ,Browiilee and sis-
ter, Mrs. IL Little, attended the fun-
eral of their grandfather, Mr, Carter,
at Clintoro ofl Tuesday.—Dr. Brown,
of Landon, was the guest of Mr.. and
Mae. Molt Nhiddon a, few days this
week.—The; following from a distance
attended 'the funeral of Mies Mary
Pareems on Saturday: *Mr. -Robert
Buller, of ntidgetovni; Mr. Henry, of
St. Means; Mrs. Simpson, Brueefield;
Messrs. Robert and James Parsons
and their Wives, of Hills Green, Mr.
and Mrs. A. Furry and Sons, .Roy and
Heroine of. Klapen.—Mr, Robert Pen -
hale, of Stanley, purposes opening up
a, butcher shop in the village short-
ly and the village eouracil at "their
meeting on Monday night decided to
pass a by-law fold impose a license
on non-resineets peddling meat in
the " Out of the
World," put on ley the young people
Of Tringen church choir Friday, even-
ing last, was a -complete succeit The
various feharacters were part ularle
well taken, especially Larry Lime -
gen, trieh eervant. by In H. Browne
lee; country laborer, by Robert Bail-
ey; Biddy, Triah servant, Miss F.
Pollock. Between acts songs were
sung by R. Bailey, J. Spencer and 3,
Parker. The whole programme was
very interesting and there WAS a
large attentlanee. Next Moaday ev- ed t
ening they- 'repeat the programme at glee,
Varna and all who wieh to mien' a enne
treat should attend—Phe regular bus'
old structureet-Mrs.
Oni tee sick ween.—On
urday loot our Akkey tearer dr-
over to Brussels to -play; with
team of that village. The score *
4-1 in favor of :Walton. The re
match will be Obeyed Fsidaa. aft -
noon en Beanettne pond. ,
Zurich. '
• Highest prlees' aid for lirst-oless clover and tine,
ot.tr seed. Send samples. Beattie Mos., biqtforti!
Notes —A joint stock company is -
ing formed for the erection of a s
Mg rink in Zurich and it is expec
to :have, it In operation tor next,*
—M'r' . emit Mrs. S. Ra;nnie were
Goderich 1a,A4 week visiting
daughter, Mrs. Paulin.—Tbeann
meeting • ot the Huron Neatber
surance Mutual Company was held lix
the tall here On Tuesday lest.. s
was g000d attendance and the
ports showed the company to
ing good and growing easiness
saf fottnnation ancl to be supplyia
a fel want.—Mr. Ephriarn EoZtzzna-.
who 1 as peen in Elkton, nlicblgane
plane s old Ontario and intends locat-
ing f Roxie Eliber ban
taken a goodposition as milliner •
an e tablishment in 13othwell-,142
ton ounty.—Our worthy toveresme
Mr. ohn. Foster!, has 'nearly eminent:
construction of a rotary en -
of his on, :invention which te
ts will revolutionize the ea
Napoleon Lebeau,,
returned froin e trip
ts so much taken up with t
that the intends remov-Ln
vith his family in the spri*_
restaurant eed confectionarn_
ss of Mrs. McCormick Is anenn
Ing iss rapidly that she finds it aceenc
na'ra to enlarge ter preinisese-Mr
Fred Demuth, wile had the rnisforta
to -ni 1ocate his shoulder, by fall n
on. t. iee, te now nearly recovered.—
The ay townsbip fathers held 174e
of periodleal n-teetinge here oa!
:Wed eaday.—On Tuesday evening
last eek a nuniber of the felon,
Mr htfael Inearcher, one or
most :respected citizens, asseMnlen,
is sidence here to celebrate wi
74th antivereary of hie birt.
da Durhig tee evening Mr. 1CearCt
ar w1 presented with a handsome
Nor chair, the gift of his ebil,*
dren. That he may live =any
,inore to enjoy it comforts'
wish of his many friende,
monthly Meeting of the AVomert's In-
atitute will be held Thureday after-
noon, Feb. 14, at the borne of MTS. -
Walton. busin
Farmers' Institute,—A meeting of
the Farmers' Institute for the dis-
eUeekei of kindred subjects- will be
'held the Workmen's halt on Satur-
day, February 9th, afternoon and ev-
ening %sessions. In the afternoon ad-
dresses will be given by Mr. A. IL
Crerar, of Xoleswortts and Mr. W. F.
Inydd. In the evening a, musical pro.,,
gramme will also be given.„ Every -1
body wencekrae.
Local Notes. --Saturday tight was a
snitter.—The 'auction sale of Mr.,
Rickert Holland on Tuesday afternoon
'Was fairly well attended -The brick
for the new sclool nouse is drawn
and 'tender e are asked for the een- :
&ruction week. When,. -completed it
ill 'be vine an adveaterge over thin -