HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1907-02-08, Page 7ARY tfayt .; 34.14:4•1446 IlkZits rziett of a He •41-lirov the Juices d Prunes1 „mileirially than the fruit Juke. mating fruit only helped to keep I. tem comeouud aotually cured. ake it more valuable stffl, mein ;.,n added the thiest tonics and I e, and then, by evineoratingr compound to a powder., =des zablets. n ehort, is the method of make t rut-a-tives "—these wonderful the met reliable cure foe time Biliousnese, Stomach ▪ Ii ey and Bladder Disease, n Affeetiona Being made from: Fruit-a-tives " may he tam - en and c'hildren withOut fem • • take a Fuh8iitute. # t dos not hendle tem a hoe to- Fruit -a -trice nee, fld (O u have FL4RROL flized -by physi- and iron should as where one is bility needed, too, ther. y attempts have d in combining the Canadian physi- experiment, man - en added just a t a.latable and easily iron and Phospho- ry,to increase the d Build up the theve value of such of Bronchitis and .ckets, Anxmia and and Chronic Coughs specific. s freely published. A is presmihed by et Medic Journals. is used Ut oral, On -tar -lot - heansekeepers—almost seems nJ much. And yet, if merit in ices will appeal to you, and wc: nspect our splendid new stock and Sunday calls answered at the opposite the Methodist churchk 11-70RTJEE.. TO 'CONTRACTOR& its re ---vel by the undersigned Fil.rizary ?•:rfl, at 1 p. in., for the ut ;al lei •1. eilool house at Wal - em atal speeitieate.ee ney be seen at. the, now imetainto. The brick i9" A11111811' th.te. I, re ;Pit the 11',!1 Jill by the trustet?. t an2.- tender net etaesetirity aucepted. TlioMae If. 1:4(iElt, tar%';%Treasurer a A, g, N. 11, Men's, Grey- iind Wahone z•arital3roo ite.;:ts-t"‘t. de by e Ceoreau with to tau -colored cot- ton. Interlined •wtl2 heavy can- vas duck bee tween the rubbe.r upper and the tough cotton e lining. Outer rolled sok vi heel are _ 1double heavy pure gum, corm- tete& Inside is an insole of solid cather, so you can have th, shoe re -soled, 1 A Y A Y. 3OBW-RVE ; Reno graiktate of Ontario Vete onary College. All diiioliece Vomestio Animals treated. -Calls inemarnettly, ettended rto and ohargeer einte. 'Veterinary Dentistry LaItyOffim and reaidence Areet, one or ea..# Dr. finett/S Onto% Seafortle 90 RARRURN, V. S. Honoreiry graduate of the Ontario Efeterina.ry College,- an Hcatorary ;ember ef the Medical Amooiation et the Ontario Veterinary College,. Treats diseases of. all Doineetic 'Animals by the most modern princi- toles.. Dentistry and Mill t eve m a specialty. Offioe opposite Dick's Rotel, Main etr.eet, Seeforth. Ali orders left et the hotel will receive prompt ,athention. Night oana re - at th office. 1871-52 TAMES KiLlIJORAN# Ilarister Solicitor; Notary Pub- . li, etc. thney to loan. In-Searorth illondaPsridays and 'Saturdays. Of - floe open every week day: Over ireoleaters filers, Main Streit, Sea- Teth. ; 1904 R. S. HAYS. itsreettem Solicitor, "Conveyancer hots Solicitor for the Denehtion Beak. Office—In rear .this Demini)Ie Bank. Seallontla Wear to loan. 1285 , Z. M. Mr"( Barrister, Solicitor, Ekinveyancer wad Notary, Public. Office uperitaims Pier Pearls drug atone', Mainetreett psafoteh. - 1327 E. 110LMESTED. Barrister, Solicitor, Convey - linter. Notary ;Public. Soliolbor_ for; the Canadian Bank a Ocanenerce. Stoney to loan. Harms for sale. M- ate in -Scott's Block, Main street. I3onforth. DICKINSON & GAR,ItOVir. Barristers, Solicitor, etc.. Gode- Wichtithaterie. E. L. Dickenson, Cha,. Darrow, L. U. B. 1833-tf 01,••••:••••••••L 101.roamomomo....madore DENTISTRY. DR. J. HODGIN'S. Graduate of Royal College of Den- tal Burgeons of Ontario. Suoceseer to Dr. Tv;ooddle. Office—Over. A. Xoung's grocery, store, Main street, Seallorth, 1975 MEDICAL, • DR. 3.011N MoGaNNIS. Office and residence „Victoria St,. oaforth, Mime 73, DR. H. HUGH ROSS. Graduate of Univeiniey of TorlOnto ireacalty of Medicine, mem-ber of �o- ge of Physioiens and giargeon&I of Ontario; pass gradva.te- courses in inioago Clinical School, of Chicago; /Loyal Ophthalmia Hospital, London, ilugland; University Ootlege Mal. London, England. Office— er Stewart Bros.' store, Main Ste ileaferth. P-horte No. 5. Night calls answered from residento, „Vietoria. ftreet, Seaforth. • 1820 J BURROWS. . • Office and Reseidence—Goderiah Earreet, east of the Methodiat oharoh, orth„ Pone, No. 48. Coroner r the ootnaty, of Huron. - 1888 _ DRS. SCOTT & lifthOKAY. Goderieh street, opposite Aletho- Rist oharelle Seaforth. J. G. Scott, graduate of Victoria nd Ann Arbor, ancl member of the tario College of Physieiane and. ltoergeons. Coroner tor the, comity et Aaron. a Mackay, honor graduate of inity University, gold medallat of inity Medical College. Member of College of lethysioians and Sur - eons, Ontario. 1483 OrIONEERS. THOMAS BROWN. nieensed auctioneer for the oun- ies . Heron and Perth. Ordere aeft' „at ; A. M. Campbell's implement areratioes, Seaforth, .or at Mae ipasiter Office, will receive' prompt gtention. Satisfaction guaranteed or to °barge, .17D8-tf JAMES G. MoMIOHARL. licensed auctioneer for the conn- re- of Huron. Bales attended to in eny part of the ()aunty, at a:moderate tates and satisfaction guaranteed. prders left at the Seaforth post, office, OT on Lot 2, Cain 2, Hzillett, will reaeive prompt at- tention. 1832-tf B. S. PHILLIPS. Licensed auctioneer •for the ocsun- ges of Huron and Perth. •Being a raetical farmer and, thoroughly, understanding the value of farm ;stock and implements, plaoes Dae hi P. better position to ;realize • geed prims. Chargee .mod,eritte. Satis- faction guaranteed cir no pay. All orders left at Hensel" post office ier at Lot 23, Concession 2, Pla.S, will be promptly, attended to. 1700-tf McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Company. www. m.04 FARM AND ISOLATED TOWN FRCPERTY ONLY iNSURED. OFFICERS. Z. B. McLean, president, • • 0, ; Thenme Fraser, viceepresie fleet, Iirucefield P. 0.; Thomas E. ai's, secretary -treasurer, Seaforth .0. DIREarons. William Chesney, Seaforth; 'John G. Griev, Winthrop; Gree bale, Seaforth; John Bonnewei, Tames Evens, Reeohw-ood; John Watt, Ila.rlck; Thos. Eraser; Brum- field ; John B. MoLean, Kippen ; ,Ta. Itonnoliy, Clinton. AGENTS. Robt, Smith, Harlot*: E. Hinch- lee. Seaforth; James Om:inning, ES- tnendville ; J. W. Yeo, flohegvjile P. 0.; Go. Murdie and Geo. Steph- enon udtor. J. Lewis Thomas (iii Engineer, Arehiteee. ec. LateDeneinienfle pattnient Public Werke Consulting Etigirieer for Municipal or Counts' 'work. Elebtri° RAtir64(1°. Sewerage or Wateriverks Systems, Whetres,Bridgee Reefored Concete. PHONE 2220, teesee•aolD01, Moo ; - ow do you know yo do not need If there Is pain itt the back and through the hips, you need L-eiti. If the hands and ankles are swollen, you need Bu -Ju. If there are head- aches or neuralgia, you /teed Bta-Ar. If you are nervous and do net sleep well at uightnYou need Bieelu. If there is a constant d.esie to urinate, you need Ilun.hi. If the urine is reddish, cloudy, milky, hot a.tid scalding, you need u.#.1u. Bspe- ially if you are tortured with In- fammatory or Muscular Rime:net ism., Sciatica, Lumbago, you cer- tainly do need Bu -Ju. If you have any of the above Byrn?. toms, don't hesitate ;, don't delay. Take Bu -J�. and mire yourself. ... 3 rimier se, Toronto. / am anxious that youshould knowthe retikf. and benefit I -have derived front taking 13u -Ju. The effect has bees". isiarvellous. I had suffered r,einedyI severely or years vrith pain in the back, espee., tally on r sing in the morning, wadi ampieased , to ay that the pain has completely diappeared. Before using Balm, I had tried every heirdof for Kidney Trouble, withot even re - ceiling *ice I would strong& advise anyone suffering *Om Kidney Trouble to take Bu -Ju .witnouetimay. Ciitaa. X. T4n#02r. • It eciets, only 3e. a dee to take Su -Ju, and your money refunded if they fail ta ince. Socha bulge box. At druggists, or sent ost reatipt of price. . rent CLAFLEN CHEMICAL CO.' 1.11INTIED • WINON011e ONT. • NI IMPORTANT .NOTICES. BL -LLS FOR SALE.,—six Shorthorn bulls for sae, from 9 to 17 months old. Apply to .ANDREW IIISLOP, Lot 2, Concession 14, Grey. 2037x8 PO RENT in Brussels by February lab, 190, SO x 22 ft., in block 2nd door from American Betel, lately ecenpled as tailoring, readymadeelothilig, eue DR. MeRELVEY, Brussels. • 20414f BULL FOR SERVIOE.—The undersigned wiR keep for service on Lot 25, Concession I. L. R. S., Tuckersmith,i 111108 south of Isreceilekr a thor- oughbred Durham Bull. Terms—e1, to insure a call, payable January 1st, 1908, with the privilege of re- urning, JAMES PATERSON. 2040x4 W31.13. MLEAN11 patent stovepipe thimbles are economical, clean, safe, durable, as well as being- a heat conveying, regulating and ventithi- ng apparatus. Best material used. Orders by mail promptly filled, wholesale or retail. WM. ft Mc - MAW, Ffenall, Ontario. -20994f XtrOOD FOR SALE,—On Lot 5, Concession 14, McKillop, *large or small qpantitieste suit urebasee Cedar posts eight or eight and a halt eet Iping ; anchor postsany size. Any person re quiring- barn timber would de well to inquire early. For hather particulate apply to JOHN lie:PHERSON, Lot 7, -Concession la, Mehillop, Leadhury P. 0. 203541 /3usiness College: Is a high grade Commercial School Three Courses: Commercial - Stenography • Telegraph rite GEORGE SpOTTOR Pliny Logs Wanted. MII•0101/101111•M The undersigned is prepared to pay the highest eaeli price for an unlimited quantite of first-elasa -oft JJin, Reek Elm, Basswood, Maple, Beet, Ash, Reneoek and Oak Logs, delivered at the Seaforth AW and Stave Mill. To be cut in even length, ex- aept soft dm ; soft Om to be cue 11, le and 16 feet. leill also buy Basswood Beading Bolts, 40 inches ong, at' &I.110 per cord delivered. Will 111110 rby meaeurement or by bulk in bush. Special at. be -Oen paid to custom sawing, eatiefaction guarlin: t, -d, 00-10 AMENT. Seaforth. You cannot possibly have a better Cocoa than delicious drink and a sustaining food. Fragrant, nutritious and economical. This excellent Cocoa maintains tile system in robust heath, and enables it to resist winter's extreme cold. Sold by Grocers and Storekeepers 1-1b. and 11b Tins. te. 7,7 Never Be Without it. Muscular Cramps, Neuralgia, pack Ache, Pains lu Side andLimhs are cured instantly by .3. • "rf Hirst's Pain Exterminator The most Rowerful •lininient made. 25c. at all dealers. • Try Hirs('s Litfie Liver Pins for sick headache and • dizziness. Ask your dealer or send us 25c‘ direct. A handsionte water Color sketch free. •„ • THF. F. putzr cawUn nan au% AIL HAMLIN GARtdAND Copyrght, OW, b Ropaun oar/and Wontinited from last week.) A roar of leughter respo dee to his est. • "Don 471th the oppres° of labor!” shouted Munro, "Off with' head!" Kelly playfully struck at him with his hat and then • btoeam serious. "Now, boys, let me tell yoi. 1 hon. estl3r don't think you need a unin, •The landscape is wide up he e; there's a e.hamce foe every man in the hills. I believe In the big, free la d. When any than tries to earner me, take Me mule and strike out into the ild come - try. I have no fear of the ed Star Mining eompany nor any o her, mid you nedn't I do not oppos the ln- tel. Mind what I'm sayin'. well enough for those who belle e in; it and made it, but lave- inc o it of .it The Kellys will take care Of them- selvs." • Larned was on the box beeore Kelly lied time to get down and, leveling his finger at him, cried out sharply: • "That's all well and good for yeti, •Matt Kelly, askilled prospector, a man ;wth aaying mine already, ltut htteir about these men who 'vivo no shill in finding gold, -who are working for money to start themselvesa home? Row about those who are hoping to bring their families Mee and clothe and educate them? Thy are not so fond of all outdoters. They haven't evert the mule ana the grub stake. They are holed up five hundred or thousand - feet underground, working for a --company, and. this company, I tell you, has ne regard for its hands. Their interests aremnot those of the miner. You may blarney all you Ilan but the miners Must look out for their owninterests, just as the employer hires laWyers and agents to look atm: his" "Very true," replied Kelly calmly. "I'm not objectin! to that Organiee and take care• o' labor's interests, bet dont ask tee, an employer of labOr, to throw up me hat when.you vote to raise the wages of me five men. I'll fight Ceandalous" "Go it, Kelly! You have him on three legs and goin'" sheeted a that,. and, amid the laughter that followed Kelly leaped down and, made fir the door. • •When Raymond overtook him agate he was in talk with ,a lean youngfel, low with large, bright eyes, who had the tone of an old and bitterly d1so,6; pointed man. ICeliy introduced him. "Rob, shake hands with Mr. Dolan, cotre pendent: of the Valley Springs News, ine thia Is nay new partner." Dolan, as he 'Yociesled bands, • do reark- ecl,"u'vent-upwith god mni amanthat won'tyead there arent many like him in tis i wn" Only long after aio. it come to Ray- mond's mind that Kelly had been giv- ing Dolan a note concerning tbeir _ plaits and that his whereabouts would be at once made known to Valley Springs and to Louie. "Me is this man Munroe" . asked Ilayinond as they left the imperter and started for tome. s .. efee's . a devil-may-care eliap from lied Cliff. He pretends to be a miner and; is a partner with an old fellow on the nortb side o' the 'hill, but he's workia' for Hanley—lookont for the roulette wheel. The boys all think a heap of him. They say be always gives 'Pn - a square deal." • "Does he?" "I think so. I never heard to the con- trary." "Lamed was right about the union," said Raymond. "The big owners in tl.u.' Springs are sending east for their millers. They know that men ike you aud me will not do their deep vrork for thein. He's right, too; in sayi e these cowboys and farm hands from the states won't make miners. Tli y dont iateuti to work underground. We'll - find ourselves left short some ijuorning if we depend on these fellows; who can hit the trail at ten minutes' not ce." 'Sure thing," said. Kelly. "1 is get- • tin' under the crust o' the ea th and livin' there es unholy business not for free meu like -purselves. It's 411 gain' to be done by the Rooshians nc3, the- dileot"4-- 111 ;;iiltee the two 11102.1 looked abroad over tile valle toward the dini line of punkA faintly lit by the big purer r;glt• 1100U. A sentence from Richter eilluee int) rial y in 0 ud'e mind,- "In the presence ' of beautybeneath the stars, men think of love,!" and his heart ached with a. settee of loss. Vticonscionsly,. • in spite of his at- temn to mit himself away front her pittemets Alla had Colne to dOMillte• 111_4 utimeig hours.. At thought elf her he grew resolute aud hopeful reaching forth a powerful hand, igrap- pled die air as if it were the !throat of a b tier to . invincible opponent and Sli id, "I, will win' He acknowledged that Wealth had power to aid him.' "So Mug ae I ittu unknown and poorf and in diegrace she can only considet me wbat I ana—a failure. IlOney iis a measure of value, and wealth Iin ust have first; then leisure and the hligher life." • . •CHAPTER XL 0N the second Morning aft r bis meeting with Dolan, Ray - "Ilona, riding down the trail toward ,Boole, disecive ed . a small figure toilliag toward him, palm ing often to rest. "It can't be 'uis," he said, "and yet there'ssometh I g fa- • miliar in that walk. It is Lou s, and he's on my trail!" When the boy, lifting his .1 head,. recognized the rider he uttered fierce shout Of joy, but lie fairly st ggered (MX/. the the lita Hale I Delicious Soups • and Tasty Gravies • Are what every lady desires to have served at her table. But unfortunately it often happens that when prepared in the ordinary way they lack nourishment and flavor. At such times " Bovril "is invaluable A little "Bovril" added to a weak, taste- less soup gives it richness, strength, and a deliFhtfully appetising flavour. The next tiine,you make soup try a little "Bovril" • in it. You'll appreciate the, difference. . wan weannes. Raymoud slid front his horse and put bus aem about the reeling lad, "When • did you come to camp?" • Louis leaned against his big friend. "Oh, I've been here a week. I knew you were here somewhere, but I couldn't get track of 3i011. Don was over here yesterday, but I dodged litho and lie Urea battle I didn't kga 103' own- name on the register." He griu- tied slyly. "See my boots. !Aren't they right r, mylnond 16ktl dawn at the boy's small legs clothed with tuineite liteed !Snots. • "You believe in dressing- the part, don't you? You aro a ithi:et," He laughed at the boy's ehaptalien • lbok. for LOUIS detested -being milled a boy, and added: "Well, what now? - Does your sister know-- where you are?" Raymond's whole expression changed. "Climb that horse," 116 said sternly. "You're going blink to town, andyouire going to send her a telegram at once." As he led the horse clown -the hill Raymond comprehended something of the anxiety the runaway had brought • to Ann and- that he Indirectly was the cameo of it, but at the doer of the of- fice lie said more gently: "Now, youn- t He lett the horsedown, the MI. ker, hop oft, You're going to send word to the folks that you're with inc and safe." • "You're not going %to drive me away?' Raymond looked at him in silence. "No. I'm going to put you to work." The boy's face threw off its shadow. • "That's bully! • Now I'm all right, Give me pen." Ile wrote: I have found. Rob. We're all -0. K. Don't worry. - • LOIS. As he handed it over he said gayly, • "Will that do?" "That's satisfactory. Now rush it" • As they walked out Raymond stern- ly asked: "Want' to stay with me, do you? Well, everybody works where I live, We don't allow idlers. If you bna something to do youd keep out o' misehlef," bonli twisted ilia small right arm. "I'm ready for anything." • "Got your outfit—your whole kit?" "I've got one camera and my draw- , int; materials." Raymond packed his hand bees on the home, and together they set out up the trail. At filen the Ma exulted mid icried out like a Wee jay, but bis ibreathing grew labored as they rose, and at laet Raymond turned. "Nora see here. Loui, this air is pretty thin till a fellow gets used to it; you'd bet- ter 'mount. You'll enjoy the seenery better." With a feelingthat e was succumb- ing to an unmanly reekneos, Louis clambered to the to 'se's back and perched among Ills p esessions, erbile Raymond, steeling all ad, led the way up and up till the wh le world seemed coming into view. " 11, this is fine! • JupSter, this i;.5 the pia -e for me" He was unfeignedly delighted -with everything—with the new shacks, evi the slab tables and the plank chides and with the liberal and smoking diu- ner which Mrs. Xelly provided—but he drew a Missing breath of admire- " ;1 • t I I) Li r• .7 IC. ; • METALLIC ROOFING C9 tion over the grand figure of old Mat- thew Kelly. "Gee, butyou're a won- der! I must do you." Kelly was puzzled and a little em barrassed by this outspoken. admira- tion and regarded .Louis with definite diSitIVOr 1'411 he presented him with a pencil drawing of the lads playing on the doorstep, and then lie said: "The Lord God has made a power M people that the Kellys have not seen. This is wau of them. Now, isn't that a won der? • Ike put the whole thing together In five minutes." Thereafter he ac- cepted the 'boy for the cunning that lay his fingers. Raytuond wrote that night to Annas fozimmiiti;ly as the riot in his brain would v mannea to take myself out of Your life as eornpletely as if 1 were dead, but Louis would not have it so. When I met him on the hill today and he fold me how long he had been from home, 1 de. terrained` to hustle him back to the Springs, but Me asked. to stay a day or na, and here he is. Will you trust him with me? He will tire of it here by and by and go hack to you o -his oWn accord. Just now he Is mad over -the life and the seenery. As for myself, 1 -am a new man, with new aspirations. They May not eem very high to you, for 1 am striving now to acquire gold, but that is only a means to an end, There Le something else In the world for me to do, 1 don't know what it is to be—perhaps ray care of this wonderful boy le a part of it. At any rate, he is here and not to be -driven away Without great risk to him and deep path to me. SI, unless you object, I shall keep him. Our life is rough, but not contam- inating-. I will see that 110 harm comes to There was nothing more personal in the letter than this, but Ann's beart warmed to the writer enaccountably. And yet the thought of Louis in a min- ing camp troubled her. "I ought to go and fetch him away," she said to Dou. "o, no! You remain here, and I will go over and see the Iittle scamp and bring him back if possible," The next morning Raymond put into action a measure he had formulated during the night. He called Louis to him, and together they ascended the "Lookout," as Kelly ealled the ledge baelt of his cabin. "See here, lad, I've brought you -up Dere to ask you a few questions," saki he. Louis braced himself. :Tire away!" "As I understand it, you and—Ann are alone in the- world—I mean you are closer to each other Oen to any one else—she's your best filend. You'e given het: a great .dertl of anxiety., my lad, and that isn't right. You must go straight back to her and. apologiee end ask her permission, to come back, If she consents, then make a place for you here," "She won't consent, I'd have to run away again, and I'd do it!" he added defiantly. Raymond, after a pause, slowly re- sumed: "Now, I want to make a com- pact with you. If you'll go, down. and t013," fj pOmtecl tow "Wen, I'm to bring you me—In- Atantly!" Louie took shelter httind • aymoucL 417.Co. you don't. Tell hiz, R Rey:mind winked at Barnet • "He's going tomorrow on a promis to me, Don, I've made a bargain n Ith him. Ile min tell you about it Ofl 0 way. the town De itloreover. 110 tst aing by sta Hes on honor." Wheu they 11-(.11.'0 alone Barn et said; "The emit unaccountable of a1 things Is the hman heart. That boy 'is crazy about you. By the way, wis the lung?" "Almost as good as ever." "Your constitution Is a wond r, Aiad the mining deair "Very premising." In thelthlii: that followed Raymoud 'earned fere the first tune of the pro- Oopeolideten of the R d star with two or-Ihree other heavy proper- ties, ato they M into a discu sion of the camin . "If I had my way," said •Arnett, "I'd have this meddling idiot Larned thrown out of the camm Wiit busi- ness has he here? He's a r..nk out- sider anyway, and this unii n is a breeder of war." Raymond raised a warnirt hand. "Carful, Don. It doesn't do f r you to say such things up here. Th s 11/21012 has come to stay, and you wit employ lapor will do well to treat with a. • certain measure of respect" "But you're an employer too" Raymond laughed. "Oh, im little • crew don't count. They're 11 pros- pectors or eowboys, and, bsides, I 'work right with them and Rn classed as a working miner. Your epee is dif- ferent." . Barnett went away calmly uperior, but came back from a eonfere ee with hfackay, the superintendentf the Red Star, less haughty of manner, but dis- tinctly more acrid of tone. Mackay says this confounded union is erovving rapidly and that practieally e ery i - coming miner joins at once. 1 old hint to nip the thing in the inul, ani he has begun to formulate a plan to "Wait A year,' f warned R4.ymoxid. "Wait till I pay for my mine." That night as Louis sat before the fire In the center of the unihi1she1 cabin his face shone with joy and mbe lienrt of the tall miner grew: very te der to - wird hint. It was good to h Ve this gay young brother of his iove o keep him company. A new sensatio 'arose from having some on4 to plan or and to protect. The dreaming Ind, outstretehe on a pile of blankets with his hands under his head and his small feet, do seed in raoocasins, extended. to the blitz , sud- denly turned and said: "Rob, his I the kind -of life for me. Would i't fa- ther have liked this? I'd be pc fectly happy If I didn't have to pack off down the, hill tomorrow. Wity couldn' Aun come up here?" "Maybe, by and by, when we g our cabin fixed up, we will ask your sister and Mrs..Barnettto come up an visit us," said lia.yrnond. Louisstarted up. "Olt, will yo If Ann were here would never w nt to go back east again—never! 1 °ld live here always." A foot outside disturbed Ibayontl, and a man's voice called, "Is Bob Ray- mond here?" In the unfinished doorway sto a graceful young feNter in a ;white som- brero and a neatly fitting dark snit' "Jack elunror exelitimed Itayn and they shook hands. "Sit d wn, This Is a boy friend of mine fro the Springs," he said, indicating, Luis. "What can 1 do for you?" "Nothing, old man. Just lined out today. I heard that a man 11 you med Rayniond'had taken -a lease With Kelly, but I didn't know it was you till I sit you with 13arntt today. Well, tbs woMierful! Where you from? 1 -hat have you been doing sluce we— act- uated?" There was something in his voice that eluded LOUI. Ray ond gave Munro a warning glance. "Oh, a little of everything — e ttle ranciting, hunting, ruining. X saw byon last night in Ha.nieees salon." Why didn't you speak up?" aymoliel hesitated, "X didn't ether yo"— Ob, rats! 1'2/2 not one to doge. at did getting area amount to ny- y? 1 was ready to leave." aymoed repeated his warning sgn. ave yeu been back—home?" unro emild broadly. "You heti I t back and swelled around in Igh theraatold xny side of the sto erstand? I didn't let the institu 1ion the drop on me. But, see h e up to the saloon; X want to • nik gs over with you. The boys are rid to make me take a hand in is n." it see her, I will write a letter interceding wli for you and asking her to let youre- • turn." eve The lad's face was suddenly illumi- • Wa nated. He threw out his small palm. 11 'I'll do it!" he cried out, and his tone 71 carried conviction. . Raymond continued: "You like me, Wen and I like yob: You can't live in the lea' Springs, and your sister can't live mid .here: So it seems that I must be your •Pt big brother and look after you. lAnd, 001n hark ye, you -Must mind what I say,•thin or I'll take a bircb to you." bou This threat seemed not 'to appall the 033I0 boy, "Can, I Work in the mine?" 'o; you can't work in the mine, but I find something on top for you to You must take care of those lungs yours for awhile. But come, let's if we can't eateh the stage," 'Oh, let me stay tin tomorrow!" aded the boy. "I don't want to go ay. It's too beautiful to miss." taymond reflected a moment. "Very eth 11, but you'll want that ge ride. one of tbe finest roads in the utaius. You rattle down tbe can- t tomorrow, sure thing. Remember t!" wilier they went down -toward the le, where a group Of men were Ming a log cabin. "Here is where are to live, provided your sister stmts." mete came riding up the bill about IdOW11 aud immediately at sight of uls began. a jocose tirade. "You nip! You young flyaway; - A. nice erhele you've given us. Ann hadn't A a wink for a week till she got ✓ message yesterday.• How long e you been her?" ayrnond hastened th say, "I induced' to Wire as soon As he turned up," I111(1 you been here all the time, you ng rattlepate?" calls was not afraid of Barnett. s; I was down there 'looking for • do of see ple tod I we MO yoi tha mi bul we con 8311 Lo sea int you hav 11 Jilin 4if YOU nrc, 4C1-iLSSICre:)X1.1.A... tha• The KW You Hive Always Bought (To 118 oontinued.) CASTOR IA For Wants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bough Bears the Signattire of Kills Bugs, prevents Blight, Rot and Scab. Increases crop on average 115 hnshels to acre. Entirely automatic in operation. Send for free 84 -page booklet M. 15 SPRAMOTOR CO. BUFFALO, N. Y. LONDON, CANADA. The Great Iinglia nes and Invigomtes the ono srAcm, makes oldVeins, Cures IV lealeifealta W Pe'raL1119eleat°712, breal.a74 Elects of -Abuse or ; ,..- Price *1 per nox,ele'fo, One WilP1 wilicure. Sold _ al ; se or • OU 0 -4 Arno (MED ANOTHER tg. _ Pi OL One Mere Added to the L ' List f Cures Effected by inychine. This young lady, who lives In Browns, ville, near Woodiock Ont tens her own story in a few effective words of how ehe obtaineil deliverance from the terrible grip of weakness and dieae. I have f6 thank Psychine for?Iireeent health. Two y' ears ca I Ives going itno a decline I eould hardly drag myself across the floor. I e'eteel not sweep the carpet. If I went far drive I had to 110 down when I comebak, If 1 went for a mile on two on my wheel I was too weak to lift it through the gate- way, and- last time I -came In from having a spin I dropped utterly helpless from fatigue. my father would give mem peace untie I procured Psy. chine, knowingit was excellent for ° decline or weak- ness. Imust say the re on 1 ts are wonderful, and people rearked, myimproement. It/Stead Of a iltle, checked, 1ist1eca. melancholy girl. full of life, ready for a sltligh-ride, 'a Elratink match, or an evening party with anyone. and a few months Iwo I could not struggle to chrch, 40 roads from my home. I have never had the &lightest cause to fear ally return et the disease. ELLA MURIEL WOOD: Brownville, bat. Thousands of women are using PSY- °HINE, because they know from eeter- ience that in it they have a safe friend and -deliverer, Psychine is!.a wonderful tonic, purifying,. the blood, driving out disease germs, gives a ravenous appetite, aids digestion and assimilation of food, and is a positive and absolute cure for disease of throat, chest, luns, enema& and other organs. It quickly builds u the entire system, making sick peop e well and weak people strong. ire (PROMOIDICED 3114er.21) for sale atau druggistsat 50e. and $1..00 per bottle, or at Dr: T. A,Sloeum, Litnited, Laboratory, 179 King Bt. West, Torono. Dr. Root's Kidney Pills are a sure and permanent cure fortheometsra, Bright's Disease, Pam in the Back and all forms f Kidney Trouble.. 25c per box, at all dealers. DE. WOOD'S 1 Y PINE SYR Stops the imitating eough, ioos- ens the phlegm, soothes the in. flamed tissues of the lunr,se'e"14 eee broneh.ial tubes, and produces a. quick and permanent cure in all eases of Coughs, Colds, BY NI- # ehitls, Asthma, Hoarseness, t .)re Throat and the first stages of consumption. Mrs. Norma Swanston, Ont., writes: "I take great pleasure in reeome mending Dr, Weed's Norway Pine Syrup. I had a very bad eold, could not eke') mb night for the coughing and bad pains in my °We and lunge. I only used half a bo -90 of Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrtip ante was perfectly well again." Pelee 25 cents *Mettle. Hemlock Lumber . FOR B A.RN BUILDERS. We have 200,000 feet of sound dry Hemlock Lumber m ebeek, with which to empply barn and house and thoushils. N. CLUFF & SONS. Planing rut and Lumber Yardo SEAFORTfr 5.11-3 Meetings iof East Huron Farmers Institute Will he held as follows FORDW1011, FEBRUARY 4, at 2:',01#, tn. . MeMlUan, " Weeding el! Marketing Beef Axi- ntals"; W. F. Hydd, 4 Am 1 Raising the Mott Pro. hable inc' ,M.6-8 IL Madden, addrese7 J p. rn-: T. McMillan, "A Talk to our *feting People " ; W. Fe "Dropped Stitches " ; Miss Mddoek, address. BLUEVALE, FEDIWAUY 7, at 1.30p:m. R. Bennett, 44 Dairying " ; W F h.d • I Raising the Most Profitable_Horse," with live anima/ for object leason. 7.2o p. m.: T. eleMigaie ," A Talk to our Young People"; W. K414, Dropped • JAMESTOWN, FEBRUARY t, at 14,1 p. 711, T. MeMiltan " Breeding and Marketing Bate Ana. neds " W.. le Edd, Dairy Cow. her Sumo xr 7art,!. and Winterreed. ' 1.30 p. pi. : T. Talk to our Yount; People ; lied Stithes.' MOLEeil'ORTLI, FEBRUARY 5, at 1.e p. no. " Breading and Marketeie male ; W. KYdd. Cultivaton, and Maunree 7.30 p. J11. " Dernandsof faanediati A. tieutluro ; W# le Redd. Dropped ettitehee" ETIllala FEBRUARY e. Ley T. MeMILLAN, "Breeding a -i Marketar 1ie1 Atli male W,1 Itydd, "Ani 1 Laisine the Most Pro' fitable iioree " ; Mem Maddeea, with -eke. 7.1e p. rn, McMillate " Talk to eotret Perple ' W• " Dropped lititthes " ; M 11. :+leelle.!-, rei d tesa. WALT -ON. VEBRI1ARY o, r.t A. If. Orearer, Molesworth, (halt et ion end Bola. tion " ; W. P. Kydd, Am I Itaisirk the Mier Prate. able Beret." 7.9 p. in,: T. Al -Milieu. iveoraidn of Oseadian Agriculture " ; W. le Moppet Saab es.," HAMM:1i, FEBRMRY 11, at 1.30 p. A. 11. ferearee "Cultivation etai itotaton W. le. " Atli 1 Rising the Mow Pttitaba! floree. ; Me51ian, " Demands ot f anadiau Agreulture ' ; W. F. lipid. Plopped sit, -hr-. 1iINTI1ROP, Fl3lIt4:ARY 12, at 1.:10 e. A. n. erre. Cultivation and Retataen F. "Orltvdd The Mew." 7.30 p. in. :T oe *. A Talk to our Young People " ; W. E- 44 Dropped Stitches." ST, COLUMBAN, FEBRI-ARY it:. T. 2IeM11,LAN. " Breeding and Markethig Deef Au!, multi ' W Kicken "The Ilona. • nee T, McMillan," A `lads to our Yonne Popl. ; F Xydd, 'Dropped etilthee." FOWLER'S 8C11001,-H0CSE, FEJL 14, 1.eir p. n. T. MnMillan, "Breeding and liarlietinir mals- ;17 1 Hydd, " Talk on tint iTomo." 7.:19 p. m. : T. McMillan, "Talk te war Yontn; Pe,ple 1V. le Enid, "Dropped Stitehes." Musleal Program at the Eveninellicetinge EVF.RYBODY TIIGS. ileetILLAN, riesident P. WIART111.1R, 014 lieeretzry