HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1907-02-08, Page 6HE HURONNIEXPO TO RENT. -To rent, about the 15th of Id. Apply to E. MeCARTNEYe Bruce - maw 0 10 READ MSS SCHWALM'S LETTER TrOVSE FOR SALE.--Vor sale, house and. lot on .1.1. Chalk street, Seatorthi The home containe 7 room% hard and sole water, ete. ; in good repair. Will he sold eheap, al the proprietor is going West,. Apply on the premises or address, 8eaforth p. -O., -CAME TO RENT. --To reete the ro)acregrass WM, et: being West Half ot Let 27, Conceesion Me- Killop. Theft= is well fenced and underdrained. There are pod buildings and pienty of first clatie Water. For terms apply to G. S. DURIE on the pren:isee, or address eleaforth P. O. 20304 910 LET -The eridersiened will rent hie farm On X the Lake Shore to a good tenant for a term of flee years. Tbe term consiets of 210 -acme of geod land, nearly all under cultivation and in good con- dition. For fell terms end particulars aPply at once. DANIEL SMITII, St. Joseph P. 0 198 te • money on improved quarter sections of 160 eres each at from s:s to los per annum. Only first mortgages taken. Ample security given. Torrens altleSystein is perfect. From $300 up can be lent on farms worth from $1,000 to $2,00e. For further particulate. write to me. J. A. JACKSON, Ilarris- ter, eta-i'Donpka, Alberta. 10501. "VOR SALE, a tomfortable frame house in Er, Jia mandville, with three acree of land, cellar and also stable. The house coneains 1 bed room, par- lor, dining room and kitchen downstairs and two bedrooms and e large halt Upstairs. There is plenty' of bard and oft water. The property lactose to both caurchand school. Will be sold cheap: Apply to' JAMES S. BROWN, or box 857, Seatorth P. O. 1MARal FOR SALE. -The subscriber offers for side laie farm of 103 acres, being loa 31, 3rd cellos- ston, E. it. s. Tuckersmith. Ail °leered and under editivation except a acres ; altbut 18, acres in grass. Frame house, bank barn, hay -barn and other oub- nuildings, bearing orchard, good water, sehoolhouse on thepremisee. Ib is within six miles pf Seaforth and five frem aintan. Will be sold on easy terms. • WHITFIELD CMOS, Clinton P. O. 2009eatt IMAM_ 'FOR SALE. --For sale, Lot 8, Concession 8, 1-14 R. S., Tuckersinith, pontaining 100 ores, of which 9 acme is good bardwOod bueh. The balance is well fenced, tiledrained and in firsteelass condition. There are two good barnseone a bank barn 86 x 78 ft. with stottestablingundereeath and the other 56 x sett", and a comfortable frame bouse, three good welhr and a never -felling spring at the rear of the lot, and a good bearing orchard. The ploughing is all done and 14 mires of fall wheat. It is within two miles ot the flourislarig village of Heiman and within half a mileed a -school house. Apply on the premises ITOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE. --For salertie comfeartable frame house on Centre street, Sea - forth. accepted by Mr. .T. y. Smiley. The house ie practically new, has ell modern vonveniences and is beatesi by a furnace. There is a stone foundation and cellar under the whole house. There is, in con- nection, three lotsaori which is A stable. Will be - sold reasonably. Apply on the premises. J. Y. Parte of Canada Lydia' El. Plnitheni's table Compound Has Effected Shnifer y wonderful cures of female ills ritinually coining to light which been. brought about by Lydia E. 's Vegetable Compound, and _ FAM FOR SALE -For sale, Lot 24, Concession 2, Stanley, containina 3.00 scree. Ninety Pres are leered. and in a good state oe cultLyabion ; there are "t0 acree of good hardwood hush. The farm is all e'en. underdrained and well fenced. There is a two- storey brick hmise.with elate roof, a first-class farm house. Benk barn, 40fteet 80ft., °emelt silo, pigpen; driving house; There are two. never -failing wells, and an acre of orehard and -small fruit, This excellent fermis three miles from 13tucefield arid five miles from (llint,on, with_ good grevel reads. For further particulars apply on the premises or addressAL0FitT NoTr, Clinton P. 0 .19484f GooD FARM tOR SALE: -For sale cheap and on easy terres, Lot 26, Concession 4, abigillop. This farm eontaine 97a acres, ail eleared and lit fine ziondition. Fifty acrea are seeded to geft&g, six or seven in fall wheat and the rest all plonghed and readylor spring crop, There is a arm spring for watering' the stook 010.58 tO the buildings, a good brick house, two large tarns, one with frond stabling underneath, also horse etatile and implement home and a large orchard. It is.within e mile and a half of the town of Seaforth. If not sold, will be leased for a terneof years. Apply to the undersigned, box 192, Seaforthlee O., ROBERT GOVENLOCK. FOR $ALE -For sale, Lot 5, Concession 14, Hullett, contain ng 120 acres. The farm is ail cleared and in high state of cultivabion. It is well drained and well fenced. There is a large two-storey brick house with woodshed and kitchen. There is a large bank. barn and two smaller barns and driving shed. Two good orahrixds. There are two never failingsprings on the farnawhich make it an excel- ' one for either stock or _Topping-. There is also a pump at the barn, with eindenill. This excellent farm. is two miles from }Mock P. 0., four milee from Biyth. Terms to safe purchaser as the prop- rietress wishes to leave the farm and, if not sold, it will be rented. This is the farm of the late John Mills, For further particulars apply au the premises or address, Harlock P. 0., AIRS, -JOHN MILLS, 100 ACRE FARM FOR SALE -Lob 1, Come- sion 1, Hallett, conteiniog 100 ores Of choice land, no waste, excellenb sibuateon, being on Huron Bead West, 2A- miles front the flourishing town of Seaforth, On the Win is a two storey frame house, of 8 rooms,. also verandah anti summer kitchen. The house ls heated by Heat furnace, coal or wood- There le an excellent hard water, soft warar pump, and cistern, in house There are two barns, one on stone basement, also hen house and driving ehed. The farm is well fenced and drained, and contains a small orchard of choice fruit. There are 1 acres of fail wheat in, and 10 acres of ploughing done. Will be sold _rersonable and on easy terms. Posseseion given in the spring. If not sold will be rented tr e. term of years. GEORGE ACRE FARM FOR SALE. -The undersign - 'UV ed offers for sale that most desirable prop- erty known as Lot 0, Concession 1, Townehlp of Blanshard, Perth County.. There are, on the prem- ises, a good brick. house 8a e 24, with kitchen attach- ed, 10 x 26, both in good repair ; a, large bank barn, 70 x 70, with good stone stabling underneath ; one treacilass cement silo, 12 x 37, and other useful buildings. The farm is well watered, both in front and in the rear and is adapted both for grain tied stock raising and is in a high state of cultivation, which is v ell known from the fact tho-t tlie propriet- or has resided thereon .for nearly fifty years, being one of the most successful farmers in tbe township. It is ventrally located, being near bobh church and school, and within emir reach of epos] market. For further particulars address JOHN SUTHERLAND, Kirkton P, 0. 2909-tf "IMAM FOR SALEe:For sale, Lot 24. Concession -la 3. Stanley, containing 100 acres. There are 85 eattres cleared awl the balance is good hardwood „aensh. The bum is well underdrained and well fen& tad. There are, on the premises, a two-story frame - house with stone foundation and good. stellar. 'The heuse is in firstalaes e,cindiitort. There is also a good smite hovt. There is.plenty of good water both at ene home and barn and good .spring creek rune eve ethe batik of the farm. This farm is in first- rk shape and le one of the best in the township. is three seta ahalf miles train the village of Bruce - 'field and five miles from Clinton. Will be sold on easy tertlis as the proprietori s going west. For fur- ther partieulars apply on the pretnieee or address, Brumfield 1'. 0., MRS. JOHN GILMOUR. the adViee of Mrs. Pinkham, , Mase., which is given to sick absolutely free of charge. resent Mrs.. Pinkham. has for twenty Ilse years made a study of the ills of her sex; she has consulted with and women health Dear M vised thousands of suffering 'Silo to -day.. owe not only their nit even life to her helpful advice. Annie E. Schwalm, of 326 Spa= 1 ba e found Lydia E. Pinkbam's Vege- table 0 mpound a specific for female weak- ness w' h which °I have been troubled for years. periods I also bad irregular and painful which affected -my general health t spring. I was only a wreck of My foe ter self. In my affliction I was ad- vised t glad tit short m weakn aod insseit elate ne uso your Compound, and am so , my strength gradually returned, a very short time I considered good bealth, arid beg to assure yon most grateful to you for discovsr= A Town Invaded by Cattle, A despatch from lYiacieod, Alberta, dated January 29th, gives 'the felloW- ing sad but graphic descriptien of conditions IA that vicinity, It -says: The toWn was invaded last night by'''. fully six thousand head of half famished range cattle. They- have been within half a mile of the bus- iness centzte a the town all day. Just now mounted men are exideavor7 Ing -to drive- the animals outside the town limits. Range cattle are now in exceedingly bad shape, and the mortality this winter will run high. From walking through the crusted enow the legs of the animals are raw and bleeding. Many of them can hardly stand and every ;night many die froth exposure and weak- ness. Now that the cattle eXe begin- ning to come in off the range many small farmers whose limited sup- ply of feed le inadequate to: their own requirements, will need to stand guard over their hay and straw if they wish to save it from the at - ITU herds. The chin- . visited this part last Tin', but a brief dura - t lasted on -the prairie ing sue a wonderful remedy for auffentig woman " The testineonials which we are con- stant17 publishing from grateful wonten E. Pinkharn's Vegetable COM• conquer female diseases. en, suffering from any form of weakness, are invited to promptly. nicate with Mrs. Pinkhani, lass. She asks nothing in return advice. It is absolutely free,_and nds of women has proved to be recious than gold. Lydia pound Wo female fer he tho more tacks of the h week was w Con. While marry places were covered with wat- er and sloppY snow. Ten minutes after the chinook dropped the prairie was one mass of lee, and before morn- ing the. drifts could :be crossed on itiorseback. - It is impossible for cattle to, readh the feed, and they now 'bunch together, and a ceaseless walk has been goitng on night and day ever fence. This is reducing the cat- ett tle int flesh wand ully fast. The present winter is ' he coldest exper- ienced in the last twenty 'years. All oetside work has been stopped by the cold weather, which has prevailed al- most without a. break since November. • SORES RINGWORM OR Wea idneys 'Weal4 Kidneys, surely point to weak kidnel Nerves; The Kidneys, like the Heart, and the Etonmeh, end their weakness, not in the organ itself, but in the nerves that control and guide and strengthen them. Dr. Shoop's Restorative is a.: medicine specifically prepared to reach these controlling nerYea To'dootor the Kidneys alone. ls futile, It is a waste of time, and of money as If yonr hack aches or is weak, if the =kis scalds, or is dark and axon g, if yoti. lmve sYnaptoms of Ilrights or other distressing or dangerous kid- ney disease, trY Dr. ShooP'S Restorative a month-, 'Tablets or Liquid -and see elhat It ean and win do for you, Druggist recommend and sell begin ghortly and the` eatimates eXpenditute of $250,000. It Xpeeted that the realdence will be finest tn. Canada, The death acctirred at Meafor Brown, ex -warden of the tounty • GraY, and one of the oldest cal- nVi of Seaford,- Be was born near onto, and was a prominent Mason d Orangeman. -A divastrous fire oceuered I 40:14Peg on .Mondaiy night last. The b tiding :destroyed wag; handsome s le centre of- the city, and was 'corn- . b of eastern frms had warehouses therein, and 1 of them lost 'their stocks. The rruit helpi to keep one healthy, s is estimated. at $210,000, about lf covered hy liteurance, Fruit, in itself, will not cure dieease. -A private fetter received erom The inedicihal principle -or that part ininipeg, dated 'Jarruary 28th, says! of fruit which has a curative effect- , All the trains are running. oe.hind , is in such -infinitesimal quantities, 13 ing eel much as 85 hours late. , that it is unable to overcome a diseae- t ir scheduled time, sortie of them i ed condition of the stoniaele liver, he thermometer has stood contiriu- may at! from 20 to 50 degreed be- i bowels, kidneys or skin. w sere, bat mostly around 30 de- just here is where science stepped in. recs." An Ottawa physician did what nature -What heel beri. known as the Do- could not do. He first found that some inion Salt Agenc3r, of London, which f it as controlled over 90 per teent. of the ru s were stronger medicinally than that apples, oranges, ngs alt ou.t-put of Canada for the .past I , °thers-and 11 ee • r or more is to be, discon,.., and prunes contained all the healing 11 FEBR INTENSIFIED FRUIT RUES AN IEPROI LON A Discovery that is Re olutionizing Med ine. Remarkable Success Attend Medicinal Compound by of Apples, Orange the Finding of a New Combining the Juice Figs and Prunes. AUCTION SALES. A Txyri N SALE of 25 Horses and 29 Head of .1-1. Cat le. -James Leiper hes instructed Thomas Brown to ion 11, eldiegs rivers. nd 6 yo Mon ae ed and fr unity to will be so ood con errns.--- even months' credit on approved joint otes. A discouut of $ per cent. on ;the face of the sell by public auction on Lot 10, Comes. ulletai on Tuesday, Feb. 19, 1907, at one m., the following 25 heavysimft filliee and awing in age from 8 to 6 years, also 'three 73 head ot steers coining 8 and 4 yeare old tg• cattle. These are well bred, in good con - sound. 275 bushels of seed peas, clean - e from hugs. This will be a splendid oppor- any person wanting good horses, as they' d without reserve. The cattle are also hi ition and will be sold without reserve. note will JAMES tioneer. e allowed for cash. On the peas, cash. A UOTI ja Robert N ary 18th, FARMS 'FOR SALE. -Lot 13, Conceoion 2 Lot 15 Coneeseion 3 ; 8. Lot 14, Concession 1, and S a *Ler 15, emuee-sion L. Huron Road Survey, Ts:feels:flip of Tuekersmit h, County of Huron, eon tain- ing 300 acres.. situated within two miks of the thriv- ing town of Seaforth, one of the best markets in Wes- tern on tario. This farm was awarded the gold medal in the farm competition of 1883. The farms .. have been aastered for the past ten years and would now bo in excellent shape for general farming. geoet clay loan: -two4;torey brick dwelling -Mouse and kitehen with brick woodshed -hot air fuenace- hard and oft. water in kitchen --fine groundk with ehrubbery, evergreens and cedar bedgee-orehard with sprnee windhreak on west. and north -good barns with stone stab/ ing---30 items pi hardwood bush, maple and beeeli- watered with' :9, ri creek end river. Will sell altogether or WOUld divide pro- perty. • No better oroperty in fie County of Huron. -ENA.DM ON TUE LoNDON ROAD FOR SALE. - The undersigned offer for sale Lot 10, 0onces. Ann 1. Tuelierentith, being part of the estate -of the late Renjamin Sloane. Tili4 farm mulatto; lop acres, 13 tt"t (if good hardwood bush and 83 aeres cleared, well relived, thoroughly under drained with tile. and in an exeellent star. ou:tivation, Consisting of 8 crop ivid the remaining. 45 aeres seeded to grass. Tiwre is, on the premises, a good briek house -.vith lug?, kitchen awl 'exeellent new bank hero, . x 70, also a eencrete silo, a pig pen and (hiving shed. There are three neYer-failin-4 wells. This is a very desirable. propnty and is., :•.iztiated one mile north the village of Hensel!. WILLIAM 11011l. & BEN- SMILLIE, Executors, liensall P.•0. • FARM FOR- SALE. elose up an estate, farm Lot No, 20, Con.' •c(s,ion Township of MoKillop, one hundred acres uith eoutfortable frame house large bank barn and other improvements is offered for sale. The land is in a gold state of cultivation and well • fenced and late postlett COM be g'iven. Terme cagy.. Apply Co THOMAS E. HAYS', teatforth .p. Exeeittor of WANTED 11=BeLE100:51% throughout United Statee and cannaa to E advertioe our goods, taeking up show cardm roes. fences, bridges, one all conspicuous plades ; dis- tributing small advertising matter. Conunission or salary $t10 a month and expenses SO.50 e. day. Steady erneloe- moot, to good reliable men. We lay out your work 102 70U. NO experience needed. Write to particulars. SALO$ MEDICINAL 00.. London. Ontario. Canada pose ho year old. yearling h sow to lit a number of hens. Implements. -1 Massev-Harris 2042-3 N SALE of Farm Stock and Implements. es Jones has received instructions f om well to sell by public auction o t 2,, 12, Tuckerstnith, on Wednesday, *ebruJ t one p'elook p, m., the following ; Roams emapose mare 7 years old supposed to be driving horse 0 years old ; 1 general per. rising 4 ; 1 horse rising 2'; 1 mare colt 1 Cattle. --5 milch cows supposed to be in ifers ; 1 yearling- steer, 4 calves ; 1 brood binder, 1 ris ePed d 11, 1 Noxon disc harrow, 1 Perrin sulky plow, 1 h rse rake: 2 single plows, 1 see iron har- rows, 1 Fr st & Wood gang plow, 1 land roller, 1 pair buggy, 1 uggy pole, 1 cutter, 1 hay rack, 1 gravel box, 1 fan in lila 1 set weigh scales, 1 stonebotta 7 7. wheelha row 1 water trough; 1 grindstone, 2 sets double ha nee , 2 sets single harness, robes, horsd 2 leather fly rats, a "gnaw ity of hoe , stove, 1 daisy churn, 1 cream tank and other articles. Everything will be sold serve as the proprietor has sold his farm. mount, 10 months' credit on approved . A discount 4.4 cents au the dollar pl- ash on credit amounts-. ROBERT NEW -6 rietor ; JAS. JONES, Auctioneer. blankets., epoxies, sh etc, 1 coo numerous without r Terms over that joint note lowed for ELL, Pro and on th pr N SALE of Blaolcsinith Shop, Dwelling eot.-There will be !told by public auetion los, in tbe of Leadburv, 7i miles north of 8 aforth, on Friday, February 15th, at, one o'clooa p. of 1 adre dwelling also good 20, and bl sold at ti tools, con tn., the following : The property consists land, on which is erected a comfortable ouse with rooms, kitohene stone caller, rchard of choice fruit, frame fitable, 10 x eatfilth shop, 28 x 88. There will Moo be e same time an& lace, the blaelannith king of anvil, bel ows, vice, drills, are upsetter, latform, hammers, chisels, dies, wrenches, and other dots commonly used in a blacksmith shop also a quo. gf iron, a supply of horseshoes of all sizes, bolt , mhafts, shaft splices, fork handlese wheelbarr ws, hoes and numerous other articice, all of whieh ill be sold without reserve. Also 1 top buggy, 1 Ater, 1 set light harness almost new, 1 driving nu The prope smith shoi sold separi articles, al amount, 8 discount on (Ted it on day of re 9 years old, 2 tone -blacksmith s cool. ty will be sold with or without the black- , and the tools and other artickes will be tely. Terms of Sale. -On tools and other sums of 85 and under. eash ; oyer that nontlis' credit on npproqed joint notes, A 6 per cent.per annum alio .veci off for cash mounts. On houee and lot,..inade known ale or on application to the proprietor or MOMAS BROWN, Auctioneer. 2,0414 moorglEY .411 ETIO 5 or 500 or 5,00000 -they are all alike. Each biscuit as light as if made by fairy hands, Baked to a golden russet brown. So fresh, and crisp, and tempting, that just opening the box is teasing the appetite. And you find a new delight in eveiy one you eat. Yon get perfection when you get Mooney's erfeetion Cream Sodas SO Zam-Buk Will Surely: Cure. Here are a few instanees of Zam-. ,Bules 'healing power : Three children- in one family. in Battle Falls have been cured of ser- ious skin diseases by Zam-Buk. Mrs. fMinnie Elliff, of • St. John's 'West, Welland County, says: baby had a kind of ;rash on his head --quite_ a lot of small ;-ed spots and pimple?. I applied Zam-Buk and .was delighted with the result," Mrs. Goring, of Longford Mills, healer ef ringworm. I tried every- thing that could )ee thought .a, but nothing was able to cure until Zarn- Buk came, It is a fine remedy." Mrs. William Scott, of Portland, writes : Zam-Buk seems to take the patn] out of sores, wounds and skin inauries as soon as applied and then it aleals them up in quick time. Thet has been my. experiente and I have used Zam-Buk the 'home for come 'time." e CaSS Writ- Zam- hould ted to free er and en- So one could go on quoting after case where mothers hay ten'' in glowing. terms of 'haw Bilk has cured suffering e Mothers who read these lines delicate and, tender skins:- It from all mineral coloring Mat from animal fat, being purely al. It heals cuts, burns, brui eel's, chapped places, eczema, worrn. running sores, bad leg, larged veins, piles, scaling Bier s, etc. As an embrocation it cures r euma- • Vaal, sciatica, 'neuralgia. and, run - bed well on to the 'chest in et es of cold eases the tightness and ching. : All druggiets and stores sel at 50 cents- a box, or post freeefro the -boxes sent for , $2,50. ZaneeBu is highly antiseptic, and applied to a. wound„ cut or sore inemediatel kills, the germs' which' give rise t in-' flammation, blood- poisoning, etc Manitoba and North, "West INot'es, ,-Mr. J. Pethicke manager of hard - drop oper- d the ghest le *are istore in Portage la P fell down .an elevator shaft, of ten 'feat, fracturing' his collar -Dunring last. year building ations in We yburn, Sask., reach value of $300;000, the fourth h in the province. The p.opualtio 1,350. -The contratt for the •new post of- fice building in Edmonton has been awarded to Charles May, ex -mayor of that city. Th9 building le t? eOst about $240,000. -Although the Edmonton board has just completed a echool, plans are being prepar the erectien this spring of a building. In another part of the -The names of the Regina ci liens who donated $5,000 each to the Y. M. C. A. building fund in that cityt.were Peter McAra, Jr., James .Balfou McCallum, Hill & Co. -The Presbyterian.s of Porta Pralrle have in -creased their p ealary from' $2,000 to $2,400 per The assets of the congregat mount to $31,650 and the lia to $12,718. -The Belleview hotel, one oldest landmarks of the town o tage la Prairie, has ehanged the purchaser being W. Riche, of Portage, and , the price $32,0 year ago the hostelry was boug $19,000. -Some farmers in the Loth district are burning oats, othe reparted ae burning straw. The roads inl the country are extremely heavy, causing great hai.dehip on the farmers coming loeg dielances, and having to return with only a ee.w hundred pounds of coal. -J. McGavin has sold a fine farm in Souris, North Dakota, for $35,000, and is arranging toestablish a Cream- ery on. a large c:tale at Lethbridge, Alberta. He will maintain. ai large dairy of his own, as he thinka there is money in the creamery buginess, even at prices very much less? than now prevail there for butter. -Simon Johnson, a rider ter the Knight Cattle Co., near Raymond, Al- berta, went out on horseback, and h.sard of one thousand range cattle v.-hich got away. He followed therry for 36 'Apure without food or fire. After his horse played out he kept up the pursuit 011 foot. His face and wrists were badly frozen. -A despatch from Swift Current, Seek.. dated January 29th, says: " The eo,a1 famipe took a very Serious tiro. for the worse this week,' and it was impossible for the citizens an,d farm- ers obtafn a pound of chal from any one of the loaal coal dealers. efany farrriertt, from the surrOunding dis- trict Nett in town for nearly a wesk, waiting t take a supply of coal to their families, who are freezing on the prairie. .At last, beCominfs des- Perate, they took the!r sleighs and in the yard and loaded uee after which they had the loads weighed and went to the agent, offering t& pay for the nhool 65,000 d for argee e la stees year. n a - the Por- t for ridge e are ,-Shoop!..1 . • 1 coali that had been taken. One farm- er, iwbo had 'been In' town for four. da: stated that his vvife and three small children had only one bucket of coal wheni "he left, and he greatly feared for lthe condition , during his a„ large new warehouse, 'built t summer' in the eity a Winnipeg by the, de.partment of the interior, a do n melee are now engaged' in the which will, during the next few m the be distributed throughout the U ited States, Great Britain and th0 continent of Europe, This work le: done under the general direction of, the commissioner of immigration, and the object - is to adyertise th great Canadian, west throjughout th !-Through a, postman' i t other. day, the tragi re, Mary Troughton, a 'n arty Seventy years, w ea. The postman had been unable t e Cure ant answer to Ns knock fo veral days. On 'his round he 'au sted an investigation. This was a eofdingly institu•ted, .and when door yea* burst Open the aged woman dead body was discovered. on the floo in the! bedroom, where she hall. 013 frozen to'. death. A faithful' do Which- had for four days- ,maintain its solitary vigil over the remains its unfortunate mistress, was fou almost perishing beside the bod Mrs. Troughton's husband, who di jewellel of Winnipeg*, and she h Corr and brother in the.cl,ty. tle in southern Alberta is very u satisfactory, A big company at R ;mod, it is said, anticipates a loss !$100,000. Cattle men who have h 'travelling over the various • II report the conditions much the sa everywhere. It is thought that beut' 25 per cent. of the cattle( in country will perisli. A favor Menge tow could probably bring as ihorseri cat paw their way to food, -while the horned stock only use their muzzles. The var bands of horses are reported to in fine condition. The sheep are fering to a certain extent, but lo are being averted by the ancient 'hod of levelling the snow On feeding grounds'ewith drags, so they can get at the herbage. -The districts of. Calgary Leth,bridge which have been: s bound moSt of the winter have relieved by Chinook winds. At bridge after 24 hours of these the grass was visable .on the ranges and cattle were • devouring it' with avidity. At Calgary the warm "wave struck early in the morning and be- fore neon work WER started* in the building lines' in all parts of the city as though it was spring and Stonemasons, carpenters and other builders were busilY engaged after a lay off. of several weeks. But, the warm wave was followed a few days afterWards by Wu/tiler cold dip and a storm and now conditions are 1 Winnipeg death o idow, age eaa of en ES he ble he ers ne, the can ous be uf- et- eir hat and ow een eth- Inds A MOTHER'S PRIDE A mother's greatest pleasure is in seeing her little emes bright, playful and 'healthy. The well child is a blessing to the house,' but the sick child is a regular little tyrant. A few doses of Baby's Own Tablets will make the sickly child well, or an oe- eas'onal dose will prevent sickness. There let 'nothing to equal these Tab- lets, as a cure for stomach and bowel troubles. They rnake teething easy', break up colds, expel worms and cure Simple fevers. Baby's Own Tablets are -sold under the guaran- tee, of a government analyst not to coetain one particle of opiate -they never do harm -always good. Mrs. G. M. Kemp, Carleton Place, Ont., ease :-"1 hair° given Baby's Own Tablets to -my little one since he was a week old, and have found them a eplendid medicine, At eleven mbnths he weighed over twenty-six pounds." The Tablets are sold by drugg'ets, or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. etive medicinally than the fruit jnIeee- here eating fruit only helped to keep ne well; this compound aetually cured sease. To make it more valuable still, this ntiseptles, and then, by evaporating - he entire compound to a powder, made t into tablets, - This, in short, is the method of mak- tiblets - the mast relia.ble cure for Constipation, Biliousness. Stomaeh Troubles, Kidney and Bladder Disease inued after tpe clohe of this month, properties of other fruits. There are ond Skin Affections. Being made from rid the several works will, there*: I two princiPIes in fruit julees-bitter fruit, "'Fruit-a-tives" may be tat-. - by women and children iwithout ferf- Don't take a substitute, -re druggist does not handle t - 500 for a Ott, J. Carter, of Sarnia, dent, and JOhn Ransfor n, cetretaryl end manager. Sonth Wellington, and chief editor of bitter. This resulted in- an elitirsly the Gli#1pn Herald, has resigned thak new combination being formed. This poi:alai'. with; 'the view. of engaging new compound Was many times mere in :business in Guelph. He has been les. Mr. a* Pres' of the four fruits mentioned, this phv- sides). -succeeded in replacing one atom P. P. for ef the sweet principle by one of the Connected with, Alm Herald for 27 I •yeare, laving worked his way up from an apprentice to ,the printing buelnesa. It is -possible he. finds strict party allegiance inimical to hit independence as a Journalist. -Russell Gilbert] was instantly killed a few days ago by falling from the reof of publie school in Glen - Coe, He and a, number of other boys were- climbing towards the belfry, when Russell slipped and fell to the frozen grounth fracturing . hie He is- about twelve 'years of age, and the only son of MT.. and Mrs. James Gilbert. -The Boardeof management:of Knox College, Toronto, have decided to re- commend Prof. Jaanes Ballantyne. to the next General Assembly aa prin- eipal of • that institution, as emcees- sor to Rev. Principal McLaren, who is now eighty years of age, and, eon- oequently, unable to bear the re- sponsibilities or the 'position. Pro- fessor Ballantyne is a native of Perth county, and the eldest son of the Hon. ThOnlaS Ballantyne, of Stratford. If you are Constipated, aull, or billotio, or have a. 'Allow lifeleso complexion, try Lax-ete just once to oee what they will do for you. Lax- ets are little toothsome Candy tab- lets -nice to eat, 'nice in effect. No griping, .no pain.. Just a gentle lax- ative effect that is pleasingly desir- able: Handy for the vest -pocket or aarse," Lax-ets meet every desire. Lax-ete come to you in beautiful lithographed metal boxes at 5 cents and 25 cents. Sold by a A.berhart, Druggist, Seaforth, GRAND TRUNK VI--rerX Wish to Visit MEXICO CALIFORNIA PLOILIDA or the SUNNY SOUTH " Are you anxious to escape the cold weather and snoW, and spend the winter in the " Land of Fruit and Flowers," Tourist tickets are on sale daily, and if you're contemplating a triples that your tickete are routed via Grand Trunk. or tinker's end lull iniormation call on W. SOMERVILLE, Town Agent. A, Tr, PHILLIPS, Depot Ticket Agent, • Canada. -The, hearing of the London brib- ery cases has been postponed until the May aesizes at Toronto. -Hon. J. P. Whitney has received.' ca.pitalizt who proposes to erect. in 'district of Cobalt a smelter to cost , will assist the enterprise. -John Walker, of Paris, is dead at 77 years of ay. Ile was a native of i Forfarehise, Scotland, and for many yoare Was a business Man in London. Ho tad, Hived in Perla 30 years, and had ,sereed in the council and other public boards. -The 'receipts from the Ontario Euroau of Mines for the. past year a- mounted to S250,000, eompared with $86,950 the previous year. The entire intrease and more coma from the Cobalt district, -Sir Henry P-ellatt, the well itnown broker and financier of Toronto. ts having a ctatle in connection with a reeidence in that city complet- ed, which it is egimated. will cost one hundred thouzand dollars. AccoMo- dation • for 14 horses is provided ; and architect Lennox thinks *the stables will be the most beautiful in Amer- ica for their size, Work on the house The New Store For New Goods FRUIT- T'iese ate arriving daily, and the quality is with- - .m tdoubt the very best. Our prices are the and Trout. These are very scarce, but are extra good quality. viGETABLES- ',dame, Celery, Cabbage, Carrots, Beets, Par snips and Turnips always on hand. FRESH MEATS - We buy nothing but the best quality in Deer, Pork and Lamb in this department. We havb extra fine prices. CURED MEATS - Ham, Btleon, 13reakfasb Da -con ttad Rolls always on hand. COOKED MEATS - Corned Reef. }lead. Cheese, England Hain. GROCERIES - Bologna and Nt Our groecry del etment is complete. Always fresh and good. K.RUSE BROS., COMMERCE SLOOK PHONE 96 box to Frult-a-tlirer COD LI E L and 1..(0 Add PHOSPHORUS nd you have Fa' RROL For many years it has been recognized by physi- dans everywhere that Co Liverpli and iron should be given in combination if possible, as where one is required -the other is in all probability needed, too, each enhancing tho vai e of the other. Strange to say, alth ugh many attempts. have been made, no bile ever succeeded in combining the oil and iron until, quite recently, a Canadian physi- ; clan, after some years o study and experiment, man aged to solve the prat) ern He then added just a little phosphorus ; the r ult is which contains in an elegant, palatable and easily digeSted emulsion CodlLiver Oil, Iron and Phospho- rus, the exact constituents necessary ,to Increase the Weight, Enrich thei Blood and Build up the No argument is necided to prove the value of such a preparation in the/ treatment of .Bronchitis and Pulmonary Diseases, Scrofula, Rickets, Anwinia and 3.0 Domestic Vsoraptly alty. Stotes ary of t Onta Irreats dieeal piss. Dentit3t 'Animals by t rs left at I, Main pt .etten t the Barlater 1110, ett4 :gone Sae ,Open eve *id liottri, trf the land Nota17 Bar the Ca Stoney to leer Noe in ficott's Barristers, 1 fitirroW, L. V. 13)13 *nate of. rgeona Twei wasting diseases of any kind. For Croup, Whooping Cough and Chronic Coughs and Colds Ferrpl is an absolute specific FERROL is not a patent mystery. The formula is freely published. It is p the best Physicians. It is endorset1 by the most eminent Medical Journals. It is prominent Hospitals, Sanitariums, etc-, r.V. PEAR, Druggist, Seaforth Ontario. Store Overflowing WITH FURNITURE. A wealth of stylish ilarniture for housekeepers-ahnost seem; na. reasonable to expect to sell so numb. And yet, merit furniture, workmanship. and plus will sppeal to you, and are bound tbst it did, you'll certainly inspect our splendid new s before ifivesting elsewhere. Promptly attended to niplit or -day, Night wad Sunday ealls ansWered at residence of S. T. Holmes, Goderieh street, opposite the Methodist elm* Seaforth. BROADFOOTI BOX & Oa, 8. T. TIOLMES, Manager. AV Nurses' an d r Mothers' Treasure -safest regulator for baby. Prevents colic and vomiting -gives healthful rest -cures diarrhoea without ihe bannful effects of medicines containing opium or other injurious drugs. 42 Cures drug -stores. National Drug St. ctsenv- Ei VW Seated tenders will be received by the undersigned up to Saturday, February 23rd, at I p. ne, for the erection of a cet lent and brick school house at WO - •ton. Hans and speeifications may. be NORA at 11'4 reeidence nf the undersigned. The brick iS furnish- ed and deliver( 1 on the ground hy the trustee*. The lowest ot an tender not neceaseelly accepted. 2042.137. No. 11, :Morris, Grey and Melt -Mop* Wore Wet Proot-ColdtloProof- MOS d When you want a pair of rubbers that will last until, you're tred of them -rubbers that will keep youi- feet bone-dry though you wade all day in slushy. snow -rubbers that will wear lite Ent and fit like slippers go to a live dealer's and buy a.pair starrape-d 'puck Never Break " on the soles. Up m the lumber camps they swear by Duck Never Break Rubbersl. Prospectors and miners wear them, too. so do people wh• w rubbers that will stand pretty ranch any abuse. It imply isn't possible make rubbersany better tban we make Duck Nev.• Breaks -isn't possibl to make them npy stronger, any stauncher, or any more wear-proo They re made fel- sru-vice and give servic =vim G4 bers can WI -a pair and see how a pair 01 teally SPLCirIC &'TRADE MAR* DUCKNEVER e =Pro° THIS I THE GEORGIAN DUCK NEVER BREAK Sor RE Double Wear In-E'very Pair Tell your dealer you want those better rubbers made by The Daisy Rubber reopie At Berlut Ontario 201 vas duck be - Amen the rubber and the Cotton - lining. ter rolled sole double. heavy pure gum= corm- In,side is jewher, so you can have thi !shoe re -so of Physie 07huttiffigooLo;opi7taa;1 errortfiltreirt ered fro Ooderich get abill'adie Ge &Otte Ann At rio Calle Useica itz Thai rge. 34. • tention. Lieektieedi Sul •.tatees of Huron practical fat understanding stock and ia3.-e faetion or at • Lot 23, be promptly, Me M tinsurai FARM AN dent, Bruce IN viimaro Ob Warnes Evan Watt, Earle& field ; john B igionuelly, Olin Raft. &nit lay, Seatorth; Jenson. andites 1.1 Le -Cie Engeeeer, S.unielpal or Co See/erne or Wave