HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1907-02-08, Page 3AWARDED
mtJal for Alt in ,...anecia.
Peery See _
not an
entibutwith proper.
awe, they asenre endee
u the start. IJrs have
>fa at planting nor dims
mente at harveet. Get
re rramtng.
of vesr you nearly always
be of pictures you wish frame.
At keep puttleg lb off, often be -
the oxpenee. Picture frain-
a epectaby, and we carry a
and mouldings that are
t, pretty but not expensive.
ieture for you, and we
you of the trath c4 what we
your next, Photo,
S Seaford?
Women Suffer
too* it is from So-called
" There 'slew female trouble'
Women uft_ler from backache,
•owarJ,. irritability, and A.
..; in the loin 4, So do men,
-ferrztlq, trouble." Why,
uble to remade Disease r
ff."47 women will ever
lc di,,,rien." Tim kidneys are so
;.'eted with. all thy internal organs,
Iliz• Li Ineys gi) wrong, everything
distress would be saved if
-4 only take
re-,:‘ per iy-yx or three boxeu to 23e
,r FO.?nt direct on receipt of prim
71-.1u-:!;,. PiU Ca.. 'rorouto. Ont.
!Italic Notice !
tt,:.r. 4 te,-.11.1.,, a,! piv.,sed by :
Townaltip or Tlek..rsnlith rat the
inp.ry , 1Y., 1,d1)7, prinilling for We
tr.) th- a.,:.,,t!nt of for the
Ntritetin4 Pern.zment. Itrid ges in the
und that suf-it 1, -law tire registereed
Comity o Htron, on the 23r,t
Any motio1-I...1 qtrt..h or ;Jet aside
!c, part tie.re;:/f, mrt.t Withig
it frt!!.1.1:.it:.jlf OF Odd ft0.
• lat,l'! th7-1.•raftt•r.
A. G. SNtioroo,
fowl i3 fropor di'vrested,
rtelit Li ticlt,frm it by
nd the purpes-, of catirio,, is do-
hw the food or
at; wantof the-
wg. c; r1.-1,:.ituto=1, energy
.• awl vim axe
t• IOAt
. or.:e 1114
r• *; ‘•
„:, „I;
t xo.• bacl
0 CK
:fktth3 cures of dysperpsis.,
in a natural yet effeetivo
fl the organs involved in tho
loe Jr, -removing all cioggi
niekieg easy the work
'trvey, Arndiasburg, Ont.,
vc been troubled with dye,
• ti years and after usin„,,-r
ei fiurdoelz Blood Bitters
tired. -1 cannot pra.ist,
ffir wimP it ha R done for
liad. a sign of dysimp4i3.
sulaititto far
i.ri! "lust, g Jod."
A R,
r Safety and %bill
as for Sovereign.
rThe Safey and Stability of The Sovereign Bank are amply proven
lby these figures :—Over 25 millions of assets accumulated in
4 years. •
Ass ts exceed liabilities to the public by over 5 millions.
The Sovereign Ibuk of Canada.
Interest paid 4 time a year on Savings Deposits. $1.00 operas
an account.
Bargains In Farms
92 acres, MI cleared except 1 acre bush, large barn
on stone wall, drive house, pig pen, ete., 1 storey
frame house, situated within three miles of Seaiorth.
Price only 85,500, part zash.
100 wires, all cleared except, 10 acres of -valuable
Web, medium sized frame h.ouse, barn on pests, large
drive shed, situated witnin 3 miles of "Brnceileld.
Price, $4,800. Terms $2,000 °ash.
Also 20 others that cannot be duplicated for price
or terms in the county.'
For further partLeilars apply et residence, Mill
Bead, or address
2439-tf Brucefield, Ont.
Late Division Court Clerk, Ma a number of prop
erties for sale or to rent, among which is a good
4 building lot, the South East Half of Town Lot No
--- 461 Piet Ward, in George Sparlineos Survey, Seaforth
which will be sold on reasonable terms, Insurance
ffeeoted, debt* collected and loans made on satisfac '
ory security at reasonable rates. Call and see me
•-and be convinced. Late Division Court Office, Sea
forth •2018-tf
Whooping Cough, Croup, Bronchitis
Cough, Grip, Asthma, Diphtheria
cresolene Is a boon to Astlutiatios
Does it not seem more effective to breathe in a
remedy to cure disease of the breathing organs
• :hart to take the remedy into the stomach ?
It cures because the en' rendered strongly anti--
se -eerie is carried OVei the diseased surface with
levinenerr. hrrittlt tvirzugirlelotngesdnoaldersconswtittubt treat
children. •
Thoseofa consumptive
tendency find immediate
relief from coughs or in-
flamed conditions of the
. •throat. ,
Sold by druggists.
,Send postal for booklet.
1 4
"ted, Agents, Mont-
i, Canada. soy
$ sot
Lehman s
Foot Warmers.
You have ae n-ucb corofort when driving
in the widest; weather, even 40 below zero,
If you nee a Lehm5n Foot Warmer, as you
have sitting in a comfortably hosted room.
For beating vehbirs of all kinds, and
for other purposea, - whore a steady inex-
p EN heat is deoireci, the Lehman heat-
er ;unquestionably the most perfect 'de.
cis ever invented. It burns a specially
prepared carbon, known as Lehman coal.
without emitting gas, smoke or odor, and
this fttsl can be lighted or tx.inguichicd ati
The Heater oen, be made ready for use in
three minutes, and one-third et a 'brisk,.
•costing three cents, ,wdi heat the warmer
for 8 noun, For sale by
Farm Laborers andi
I have been appointed by the Dominion Govern.
meat to plaf!e immigrants from the United Kingdom
in preiitions as farm laborers and domestic servants.
Any person mmiring such help i4110111(1 uotify ne te
J' iter stating fully the kind or help requit.ed, when
wantee and the wages 4ffered. The numbers, arriv.
ing may not be sutheient to supply all requerits, ifttt
'ter:: effort will be made to provide each applicant
ith help required.
2012-13 Seaforth.
• A,eimple and effective �mcdy fer
They coinbine the germicidal Vi11110 of Cresolene
with the soothing properties of slippery elm and lie°.
rice, Your drugOat or tram us, ino in stomps.
Lamm, Mums 00., Limited, Agents, -Montreal. ,toz
TilePRONT I 1 Attend the famoue
rela- 1.10TX
And he properly prepared for buelnese posit -
lone We deal only ill High Grade Business Ed-
ucation—the kind every young man and woman
should have. Our school has now the largest
attendanee in its history. Commence now.
Prepare well and moos is certain.. No trouble
for our graduates to tot positions. Catalogue
W. 3. ELLIOTT, Principal
• Cor. Yonge and Alexander Sts
PAY .11. DAY
What do you get on PAY DAY ? Does
your iAllarY for the year total los than $000/
; If so you are wmting your time. Let us
start you as a telegraph operator—a position
\that leads to the highest position in the rail-
way service, commanding salaries rang,ing
from $5,000 to $50,000 a year. Clip this ad-
vertisement and mail it to us, and receive
free our handsome book, " The Highway to
8. W. Somers, PrInelpal
Dominion Sdhool of Teleg-
raphy & Railroading
•The First Day.
The first day of our winter term
will be -January 2nd, 1907.. We
will then re -open with undoubtedly
the lirgest olafs in the history of
this school. If you want the edn-
cation that prepares for good positions, write for our catalog—costs
All Graduates get Positions.
T.aki BERLIN '
W, D. EULER, Principal,
Only One Best
in the line of tuoiness Training Insti-
tutes in Canada, and that one is the
Central Business College,
Best in courses of study, best in num-
hes and experience of teachers, best in
souring positions for graduatee. Have
you read our catalogue t- It explains
our methods. Get it before you decide -
which sehool you will attend.
• Winter term from Jan. .2nd. ZYou
41 be welcome. Ener any time.
W. IL SHAW, Principal
Yonge and Gerrard streets, Toronto
• 2018.20
Area True ileart Tonic,
Nerve Food and Blood Enricher. They build
up and renew ail the worn out and wasted
tissues of tits body, and restore perfect health
and vigor to the e nti re system, _
Nervousness, Sleeplessness, Nervoto Pros.
tration, Brain Fag, Lack uf Vitality. After
Effects Of La Grippe, Antemia, Weak and
Dizzy Spells,Loss of ricmory, Palpitation of
the ileart, Loss of Energy, Shortness of -
Breath, etc., can all be cured by using
Miiburn's Heart and Nerve Pills.
Price 50c, a box or 3 for $1.25. All dealers or
Tom T. Mum oroo CO., LIMITED, Toronto, Onto
I o nes t Dealing, Sound Innestments, Realized. Estimates and a,
Clean Record, are some of the features that make this pre-
eminently the Polieyholdees' Company.
Wan the average rate of interest earned on • the mean in-
-rested essete for 1906. The average vete for the past 'twenty
years is the highest of all the, companire 'epee, itang .for that
Length of time. NO LOSSES ON INVES.IE'NTS.
W. H. ROBINSON; Inspector, Seaferth.
Legislagve COMInitteers lair. I-lenry
Bilber, 'et P. P., tor So t ureni.
has been appointed a merfribpr of the
following standing no no ttees of
the Liegislatm tor this ss1on : Rail
Ways, Munieipal lave, lit iculturto
Public Accounts' and Fieh aInd, ChilThe.
Mr. Arehibald Hyslop, M. . P., for
East Hertel, has been zna 6 a meme'
'ber of the following:. Sta ding Oro.
dere, ,Railvra; ize Municipal 1iaw Agri -
eolith's and coJ.onlzatlon. r. M. G.
Cameron, M. P. P. fee' West Huroni is
a member, of the tonowing: Private
13ille, Railways, Municipal law.' Priv-
ileges and Elections and 'LegalBills.
The OldeettI ° Insu'rance , Company.—
Ilovviek Mutual Fireo Insurance Corn-
pany bald( Its thirty-fotirth annual
•Inesting te Gerrie, Friday, Feb. late
It hasi had &fairly satisfaotory year's
innetneSE3. The small losses were not
11111T14TOUO, ' 'but there ' were Several
large fires., which make the loes rate
for Ithe year unusually high. How-
ever, the company had & liberal re-
serve fund to draw frome so that all
losses were promptly net and BO
With a eel su,rplus of 11,01
mernbekfelt over taxed.' The year-
In the tovorsury weld closed with a sur-
plus of e„$18,401, and to. lia,bilitlee.
There - was. an increase during the
'Year of 280 policies. The net amount
ot insurance in force at the end of
tile year was $7,144,883. During the
past year the company built a com-
fortable and commodious buildieg for
a head office In Wroxeter. This with
the neceesary furnishings cost $1,485.
It is, like all the other Veal mutual
corepanies, well and OCODOMICally
managed a,nd furnishes its membere
safe and cheap insurance. It is tie
olde,et company in the county, the leco
Killop ranking second.
, •
Piles get quick relief Ifrom Dr.
Shoop's Magic , Ointment, I Remember
it is made alone for Pile — and it
works with certainty and aelstaction.
Itching, painful, protrudif:g, or , blind
piles disappear like magic by its use,
Tr,y it and see I—Sold by C. ',Aber -
hart, druggiet, Seaforthe',
. ,
Notes,—Mrs. Simon Hicks has re-
turned home, after spending the Past
month with friends in ilichigien.-eMr.
and Mrs. McAfee. visited, the lattor's
parents on Monday.—Mr. and Mrs.
Graham Rennie spent ro few days east
week the guests of Mrs,. D. Sinclair—
Mise Ilbode, Hunkin visited friends in
Stratford this, week.—Mr. and Mrs. .G
Roger* visited the latter's parents on
Tuesday last.—Mr. and 'Mrs. :Vern, Line
ton visited friends in this neighbor-
hood laet week.—Mr, Wilfrea Came -
tell went to Seaforthon ;Wedoesday
of last week. 1
School Report.—Tbe following le the
report of the pupils of School Sec-
tion No. 5, Hibbert, for the rnoettij of
January, It is based on regularity,
punctuality, good • conduct, • general
proficiency and weekly examinations:
Class 7—Nellie Dow. • Senior' IV—An-
drew Hamilton, Neil ,McKellar. Jun-.
lor IV—Ethel Dalyrmple, Laurie Hock-
ing; Agnes Hamilton, Stanley Dow,
Warren McKellar, Edward Hocking.
Senior III—Annie C.hrietie, John.1,1ot:ic-
ing, Mamie Scott, Jennie McGill. Jun-
ior III—Margie Gralia,m, Roy bow,
Thomas Scott, Thomas Lang. Senior
II—Hugh, Dalrymple, Junior II-1-Ro3r
Hocking, Malcolm Norris, Stanley
}looking, Part It—Donalti 13a1foor,
James McKellar, Elmer Scott. Senfor
I—Bessie Dow, Gracie Scott. Junior
I—Stirling Graham. —t.d. 8, leAW-
REINCE, Teacher.
Gas i n the Stomach,
Belching and that sense of fullness
so often •experienced after eating is
caused bythe formation of - gas. • The
stomach fails. to ,perforrie its func-
tions, and the food ferments. Cham-
berlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets
will correct the disorder. • They aid
digestion, •and strengthen and
°tate the stornvoli end bowels. For
sale be all druggiste.
Seh000l Report.—The • following is
the result of the examination or
January tielcl in U. 8:5. No, le lVic-
Killop. One bundred marks is the to-
tal and those receivin.g 75 per 4ent,
of total obtain honers Geograehr—
Hseiors—Class IV Sr. Mary Cartel
86. Class IV Jrsejes, McGrat1. 93,
Mary Grimoldby 93. Claes III r,
Josephine Kale 76. •Class III
Annie Curtin 89, Agnes' Murphy' 47,
AlldreW Grimoldby 75. Pass Without
ihonors—Clase I'V 84 Jas. leurphy
73; class III Sr., Vincent Murphel 67;
class II Jr., Thomas Downey .67.—N.
S. Devereux, Teacher.
—The following is the repose of the
pupils in fid11001 section' No. 2, Mc-
Killop, for( the month of Janoary.
Mark -s are given for examinations and
good behavior; Class IT—Ethel Kerr
452. Class IV—Brenton Kerr. 885,
Aileen Scott 327, Homer Hutt . 326,
Percy McMichael 810, Samuel Storey
309. Johnston. McElroy • 2994 Frank
Hent 246, Sydney Dolrnage 166, Claieg
III—Mabel Dorrance 402, Jcesie Wil-
son 349, Mime, Dolmage 827; _Lorna
Harn 301. Willie Storey 297, Clif-
ford Hunt 284, John: Hurie 263,' Rob-
ert McElroy 262. Class 'II—Ethel Harm
2630David Hurie 224, Edith Rua 159.
Class I --Edith, Dolmage 190—HELEN
lieleMFLLAN, Teacher.
• Dublin.
The Voice of Death.—The home of
Mr. Wm. Wall was the scene of a
pathetic event on Thureday morning
of last week,- when a telegram was
received from Buffalo 'that their
daughter, Agnes, had been asphyxiat-
ed by gas In her roorie at the horne
of Mre. W. H. Kelleran, at 815 Elm-
wood avenue, where she had been,
• living for the past few years. Mr,
D. J. Wall, brother of the deceased
girl, went to Buffalo on ThurseaY
• evening, where he was met by a hint
of /sympathizing friends, whom his
sister, through her genial and loving
nature, had gained for ,herself dur-
ing her stay in 'Buffalo, and whce of-
fered every assistance in the sad
work of preparing to have the body
brought home for interment. The re-
mains arrived here Friday evening, ail
10.80, and were conveyed to the home;
of her father, followed by in assembly
of earrowing relatives end friends,
who were in wait at the statient to
•witness the sad home coming of one
who ae few short months ago had
gone away" so bright and cheerful.
The funeral took place on Monday'
morning from the father's -residence
to St, Patrick's church, where a
!high mass of •requiem was celebrat,
hy Ro er
o Doctors
Because we make edicines
for them. Vie ielI then) all
about Ayer's Cherry Pectoral,
and they prescribe it for
coughs, colds, bronchitis, con-
sumption. They trust it. Then
you can afford to trust it.
Ask your own doctor.
•The best kind of a testimonial—
"Sold for over sixty years."
Made by.7. 0. Ayer 00.,Lowall,
Also manufaeturer* of
yersDILLS -
We have TIO IFOCrehl I We publieh
the formulae of all our medicines.
Aeor's Pills greatly aid the Cherry,
otoral in breaidng up a cold.
(0° by Rev, Pother • Noonan and from
1 dere the devoted priest 1d the way
to St. Colurnoan cemetery, where the
lest sad rites were perfcrmed over
the lowered remains of a «evotit Catlt-
ollc, loving sister and lOyal ohild,
surrounded by a -large cncourse of
thope whom she was so en
deceased was but in he
and was the second da,ug
and Mrs. William Wall,
elx brotifers and ' three
1eft to mourn the loss a
eupported by the symp
Coughs. COWS, booming*, and other throat
•,Illnivzsts are quickly relieved by CresolenC
Ablate. ten cents per box. All di uogista
eared. The
24th year
ter of Mr.
ho beaides,
sisters are
d who are
t.hy of the
House Warming.—Ir. an Mrs. John
Rowcliffe have now got settled in
ther handsome new re idence itt
this village, and, without oubt, have
one of the finest and mot comforts
able homes in this part o the coun-
ty, 'everything being up- 1 date and
most convenient. To celebr te the oc-
caseen of their moving in on Tues-
day of last week they eel rtained a-
bout seventy-five of theiteo der friends
and neighbors, when a ight good
time wast spent. On the following
Thursday evening the yo ng people
had their turn, and like t eir elders,
had a most enjoyable tine . and
Mrs. Rowcliffe are capital entertain-
ers, and, with such hosts, t was im-
possible for the guests flt t to have
a righteroyal time. Mr. • owcliffr's
house is of cement blocks 4nd besides
presenting a very fine app arance, is
eerfainly a credit to Ulel different
eontractoret wbo bed the work la
elia,rge, for they gave Mr, Rowoliffe
ail al job, The cement oirk was
done by ,Mr. Wm. ICydd,. o Usborne;
the carpenter work by Byno1de
Ingram, of Hensall; the p lilting and
graining by Mr. G. Stacey; while the
plumbing and, heating, hich in-
cludes- axe up-to-date etean beating
plant, was done by fcDonalI Bros” of
Itching Piles.
If you are acquainted wi h anyone
who is troubled with the 'stressing
ailment you, can do him no greater
favor then to tell him to try Cham-
berlain's Salve, It gives lestant re-
lief. Price 25, centsper box Seid
all druggists.• ,
In The Olcten Days.
6.3.• Ja. 1w:ft
Interesting sketches of ihe early.
days • of Seaforth and vioinity,
taken from the files of The Ex-
Yaomm al•••••••••
Seaforth, July 8, 1874.
At the residence of the b ide's -fa-
ther, Seaforth, on 'July let, i1r. David
• Johnson, of the firm of Johnon Bro.,
hardware merchants, was znjted in
marriage to Jernima Roger, eldest
daughter of R, P. Rogere, sq. The
ceremony was performed by ev.Chas.
Mr. Robert Carmichael, of Seaforth,
left town on Wednesday last, on a,
trip to Scotland.
As the excursion train was return-
ing from Goderich, on Wednesday ev-
-ening last, when near the bridge, at
Holmesville, a, young man of ithis vil-
lage, reamed, Neil McDeritott, either
Jumped or accidentally fell from the
Messrs. Mabee & McDonal , whose
saw mill, in Grey, was dest eyed by.
fire a few weeks ago, have p rohased
the saw mill of Mr. A.darns, at
Walton, t
During the etorrn of Thursday of
last week, a barn belonging to Mr.
Peter MeDonald, concession 15, 4roYO
was struck by lightning and burned
to the ground.
On Thursday of last week, a little
daughter of Mr. •Gebrge Irwin, of
Bayfield, aged two years, was miss-
ing, and on search being made she
was found in an open • well, quite
dead. It le supposed she had been
playing about the well and had fall-
en in.
Seaforth, July 10, 1874,
At the ,Clinton races, on Dominion
Day, a colt belonging to Mr. Geo.
Ewing, 'of this village, took second
money Ott one race, and third money
in another.
At the annual shooting match of the
Western Rifle Assoc:lotion, at London
last weelt, Messrs. Charles and John
Wilson, of Seafortie and P. Cavan, N.
Robson and L. S. Morse, of Clinton,
won first prize for the test score
made by any five men in one battal-
ion, Mr. Charles Wilscni took third
prize in all comers' match.
At the semi-annual examination at
the Academy of the 'Sacred Heart, in
London, the first premium for vocal
music was awarded to Miss Annie
Downey, of Seaforth.
Mr. James A. Cline has purchased
from Mr. E. Lusby th•e unfinished
cottage and lot in th'e rear of the
Catholic church, for $600.
Mr. Andrew Young has purchased a
lot adjoining the residence of De.
Coleman, from Mr, Charles Wilson,
and is erecting a brick residence on it.
Mr, E. Cash has purchased the cot -
/Quick relief and certain cure for ,
colds, sore throat and all in! one
or the mueoue membrane.
Deliciotis Uwe. Physicians recommend
Art -them. Ask for the three,cornered kind in
":, Oozed and yellow box. 1
nge and adjoi
Presoyterian church,. 'at 'present ooe
cupied by Mr. a Fomytin for $600:.
Mre Dunham' Oboe purchased from
Mr, Wm. Campbell, for $800, the houve
arid lot near the residence of Mr., Ar.
mita,ge, lately occupied by Mrs. 3too.
• Dougall.
1 John) Dorsey has. purchased from
Mr. ;Walter Scott the cottage again-,
tog Broadfoot's planing 'mill, on
the market scius,re.
- Mr. Joh % McGregor, of concession 2,
Tuckersmith, was injured the other
oiay while doing statute labor. His
team ifitarteff and he became entail-
o.glemde igettahenc-el.ines and was "dragged
Mr, Henry Chesney, • one of the
pioneers of Tuckersrnith, died at his
residence on Tuesday might last,- Mr.
Chesney had, been. unwell for some
days previouele, but nothing of &ser-
ious ,nature was apprehended. On
Tuesday evening he was sitting on
the verandah where it wait.cool,wheu
be became faint and was .put to bed.
He rapidly grew worse and died in a
short time. He leaves a widow and
a largo; family.
• Seaforth, July 17, 1874.
Qn bionday, 13th inet,, the Orange-
men of the southern district of Hur-
on, celebrated the glorious 12th in.
Seaforth. There was a large crowd
In town,.
Mr. Martini Charlesweirth, formerly
of the well known firm' of James P.
Kendall & Co., millers, of this vil-
lage, has purchased the Van Egmoad
'mill property in Egrnondville, and in-
tends pulling down the old mill and
re-conitructing it on a much large
M.r. George Jackson, of Egli-mad-
ville, has been appointed vice-preel-
dent of the Canadian Chess Associa-
Rev. Mr. Starr, who has been the
incumbent of St. .Thomas church, for
the past three or four year, has-been
appointed to the pastoral charge of
the Eple,copal church, Brantford.
A fatal accident occurred on Tues-
day evening to ei man named Pat-
rick Duff. of 'the 10th concession, Me-
Killop. Tfle deceased was goleg
home iv a wagon, when he Wilf4 jolt-
ed off the seat and fell Oil/ the whif-
fletrece with, his head down, PHs
feet taught in the whiffletrees and
he was dragged a considerable dis-
tance with his head scraping on the
wheel and the ground. When the
110rEeil were stopped the unfortunate
man was quite dead.
To stop a" cold with. "Preventics"
is safer than to let it`rtm and cure
it afterwards. Taken at, the "sneeze
stage,"'Preventics will bead off all
colds and Grippe, and, perhaps save
you from; Pneumonia or Bronchitis.
Preventics are little tootegorne candy
cold cure' tablets, selling in 5 cent
and 25 cent boxee. If you, are chilly,
if you, begirt to sneeze, try' Preventics.
They- will surly check the cold, and
please you. So1d by, 0. A.berhart,drugo
gist, Seaforth.
--4 landslide oecurred on the O.
R. track, about three-quarters of a
riffle from' Hyde Park, eeeneli a large
area of ground, several 'blocks in ex-
tent and about sixty feet in hedght,
gave way and buried the north track.
To provide/for ouch a contingency,
the workmen, when operating in the
Out where the slide happened, dug fe-
way, the earth from the embankment
for many yards. This prevented the
whele line from being burled. For-
tunately tbere were no trains or
workmen Who cut when the excident
occurred. •;
Croup can positively be etepped in
20 minutes. No vomiting—nothing to
sicken or distress • your child. A
sweet, pleasant, and safe Syrup.
• Dr,. Shoop's Croup Cure, does the
work and does it quickly. Dr.
Shoop's Croup Cure le for Croup a -
I lone, remember. WS for Croup, that's
all. It doesn't claim' to cure a dozen
aliments. Sold by 0 Aberhar4 Sea.:
—Hon. ChaRt. Himaro of Lonaon, Do-
minion. Ministe-r of Public Works is
soJourning a Coronado Beach, eitu-
ated across Sandiego Bay, opposite
Sandiego, being one of a number of
Canadians enjoying the salubrious
climate of Southern California there.
The statesmen's health has been in a,
very critical condition, but be is do-
ing nicely. Coronado, with its fam-
ous 'booed and Ito hotel of that name,
it a. watering place situated onethe
Pacific coa,sti in Southern California,
a eliort distance north of the Mex. -
loan border.
Nothing' Reached the Root of the
Trouble Until Dr. Willi iris' Pink
Pills Were Used.
"I suffered almost untold agony
from rheumatism. For several weary
months I was confined to bed. I
had the i best of medleal treatment,
but nothing' seeerned to reach the
root of the dieease until 1 met Dr.
Williams' Pink Pills. These have
completely restored my health."
This strong' emphatie statement Is
/rade by Mrs. 1 Edna Morrill, of
Woodstock, N. S.. a lady wno had
practically been riven up as incur-
able by doctors, Sne further says;
"I euffered for over two years and
rneumat'em seemed to be firmly im-
planted in my- system. At the out-
set I was able to attend to rny-
household duties, but at night I suf-
fered the greatest pain. I at once
began to `take medicine but my con-
dition actually grew worse. I was
attended by a skilful doctor but was
ultimately forced to remain in bed.
euffering untold agony- with every
movement. Finally- the doctors told
me the trouble was incurable. One
day I was advised to try Dr,. Wil-
liams Pink Pille and I decided tei do
so. Presently the -pains were not so
severe, and 1 ,began to feel myeelf
gaining. Shortly- atter I was dole
to go about, and ill WA than; three
months I was perfectly- well. For
this condition my thanks are grate-
fully "due to Dr. Williams' Pink Pills."
, Dr. Williams' Pink Pills timed Mrs.
Morrill by driving the rheumatic
poseon out of. her Mood. They actu-
ally make new blood. They don't
ad! on the bowels. They don't
bother with mere symptoms, They
go right; to the root of the trouble
In the 1-•lood. That is why they have
cured the worst cans of anaemia,
(bloodlessness), headaches ad back-
aches, kidney troubles, Indigestion,
neuralgia, nervousness, and the speci-
al aliments of , girls and women,
whose blood_ supply becomes weak.
soarity or irregular. Sold e by all
medicine dealer, or by mail at 50c
a box, or •zex boxes for $2.60 from
The Dr. Wiliam' Medicine, Co"
Brockville, Ont.
"Satisfaction or your Money ..packs
The time for clearing out our stook of Fars isgetting
short, practically only a few weeks left. We -hate d, how..
ever, in that time to dispose of ,every coat in our store. We
cleared thezii out last year, and we iatend to do it arn
this year. We know from experience. however, that
PRECE is the only avenue through which we can accom-
plish this object at this seaion of the year.
If there is a man or woman who is contemplati
purchase of a Fur Coat, now is your time. We are going
to the low water mirk in price to stay there till every coat
is sold. Tue price will mover be cheaper this year or any
year to come, as furs ()oh year have an upward ten4ency
All we expect of this advertisement is to fell you thth
it will be to your advantage financially to see our stook oe-
fore you buy. Our stook and prices will prove this to you
when you call, Remember, these are the famous Musk Ox
Brand, sold under the guarantee of satisfaction or your
money back, You take no chance.
Men's Dog Coats, regular $15
to $20, for ,
Men's Wallaby Coat
Men's Wambat ,Coats
Men's Calf Coat's
Men's Coon. Coats
Men's Fur -lined' Coats
24 00
‘0 to 24:.
-37-to 46
Ladies Fur Coats
Ladies' Astrachan Coats
Ladies' Bocharan Coats
Ladies' Bocharan Coats, sable
Ladies' docharan Coats, mink
trimmed 55
Ladies' Near Seal Coats, sable
trimmed 40
Ladies' Near Seal Coats, mink
trimmed 55
Ladies' Fur -lined, boats, only
3 left, your 6hoiee for 40
5 to 830
20 to 45
35 t 50
Fut Caps
Grey Lamb, Near
lian and Can
Ali Small Furs
Seal, Austra.
dian Beaver
• 0 -Butter. aid Eggs takn as Cash.