HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1907-02-08, Page 1TIEURTY.EIGHTH, 'TEAR. INSOLE ?AXE . 2,048 ailormg and readymade Clothing The GR FURS AND FURNISH INGS • Death of Mr. Eaton. Mr. Tirecielly Elam 'the trerrehate Prince of 'Canada, ante the thunder end head of the greet T. liheten De- partment. if Itore in Toronto, ie dead. He died on Thursday morning ef, itist week erten a few daee illness of pneumonia,. Mr. Eaton,' although 70 year's of age, was 01111 eigeroue both Mentally and phYsically end kept close in touch with every breach, of 'the innnense buseriesra of Wiilfh he Bern! Id Ireland. Ong af ers Children's esses Sateen Underskirts. t Wrappers TS them above the esteera We see to it then that mds Rece od direct fro in; just come tp t in Tweeds,. , also Black ard to get at .0,1).r.th Ontitt TO:IAMM! The lake Mr. Tirnot born in Ireland, et milee from Belfast,' a Sleraielf, fa,med in re place veltere St Petri doring hie 'sojourn\ in Scetland meaty two ago. They, with, maxi families, formed a s agrarian pursuits. hy Eaton was Clogher, thirty d not far from thology tis the Ireland.' Mr. igrated 'from hundred years other -Scotch ttleinerth end • If you ask the doctor he will Say put on your heavy clothing now. The weather man, also, is bringing ,pressure to bear in this direction, and, along with the inducem.ents we are offering in the way EXTRA LOVV PRICES, Berwickk`hire, Scotland. Leaving her native village ih her young woman- hood, woman- hood, she engaged as Companion and Wald ±o the Countess of Winterdon in the vicinity of L,pndaon, and while in her train she was present at the marriage and coronation ceremonies of Queens Vittoria. - Sipe wee a pleas- Ing cenve'raa'tionalist and having a re- maxkable, memory eeuld recall in, an interesting manner ::many of the in- cidents of her loig and extensive life travels.• - Huron Notes. Mr. Jdh;nf `Mow'bra`y and family 'have removed from = Virnglaam to• Ed- monithe, w'he're they; will in future reeide. --Mies E'a>'an&li -MeDDugall, an old aid ve'r'y' highly respected resident of Porter's •Hi11, in* Goderioh 'township, died lamb week. ' The Orang^eneen of Belgrave are pe paring for a grand a `nc ;rt, to be' given! irk that place, on 'the ' evening of February 26bti. —Mr. Algi+e, a former 'well.: known Early De • He wag' the 'young t of a:family. ccincluctor on the Grand Teenk• 'gan- ef Mee. Before hie bi th :father way, hate purcha,sed the King ndward died, and 'his widowed mother eaced Wheel in Wingbane. !the, world with a dep relent -family —Rev. Tvia. Burnett, of efoleeworth and 'nothing:to suppor it. She wee will repreeent Grey! township at th .ainbitious foe her chil ren, however, Temperence Convention, toh e held i liege of such education' . coeld he acquired at the .netion 1. schbOl: years found the toilers tale Weeitro ler then before, ,and hen celernit- les in the form of cro faileree be- fell, they were Jo dire limed. . Mite year 1846 wage one of t e darheet in the history. of Irelend. The ...potato crop was ruined with ro ; 'other- drips were partial or total allures, end Those who were able e igreted e the othere bore their -suffer' gs patently. • ISTO man) woman or child should be uncomfortably dressed. We tire simply determined to make clearances of everything Winter Suits, Winter Overcoats Winter Un.derwear, Fur Jackets, Fur Coats, Fur Caps, Fur Ruffs, Winter Caps and Mit.ts. rd's heck 'ite and 500 Just Opened. IVO= P.TtIOMS.: Men's Heavy Sliits Boys' Heavy Suits Men's Overcoats Boys' Overcoa;ts Ali Winter Caps Heavy Mitts Heavy Gloves Meii's Heavy Pants Winter Shirts- E CURTAINS LUSSEL SASHES TFFLED CURTAINS - )0T MUSLINS EAFORTIL ONT. y on, •Wednesclay for inter - whither they were followed rget COnCOUrse of friends. The arere vtere Joshua Snider, Dowson. Robert Drysdale. hiuglas, Thomas Sherritt and Oh e lhure t. Mrs. Fitzgerald.—Much re- t here last week on team - death of lire. Sohn Fitz - this place, whieh occurred asidence of her daughter, Mrs. ▪ m be re , near Kipper., thr January. Mrs. Fitzgerald's Lame was Margaret Latta and rearly 67 years of ege. She from, paralysis for several_ na that was the immediate her derteh. She was a re- ; (1 patient sufferer and al - her helpless coldition was erly trying to che of her 4.0roosition kr.isy life slut, r•:•:. heard to inurinur or corne was genereres and kind, :lost to a -relit and no dee ever /eh her home- IncIrTil she was ru(t bristlan lady in the !Prise of the term end she will, • oilseed in this vicinty where nory will be long and loving - „shed. She leaves her sorrow - hand and a family of tour, four daughtere. to whora erest sympathy of all -Will be Half Price Half Price Half Price Half Price Half Price Ralf Price Half Price Half Price "Elalf Price 300 pieces Men's Wool Un- derwer, regular 750, 90c and $1, sale price 55c All small furs—Ruffs, Muffs, Caperines, Gauntlets, Caps Stoles and Scarfs in sable, fox, squirrel, mink, 25 tier cent. of Everything. Astrachan Bokaran Seal trimmed Fur Lined Coon Coats Calf Coats Dog Coats Wombat s At 25 Among those who le t for. other lends VI seek their fort nes was the Aboet the same time, imothy, the 'yonugeist, was apprentice. to a drap- er et P-ortglenone, a s all market town on the banks of th river Bann, eelebrated as tele of the best fisbIng Streams in: all 'Ireland. Portgienone itsele was 'notorious for 't e tree fights ithat characterized every market day, that the market was a Wished. alto- gether, end onle within he last few years hes permihsion bee granted for ee-establistunent. At the end of five yearly-, the term of the apprea- ticeship, the s Went of thirs sketch ed to eomettari like $5 0 end wieh: this he, took p ssage to anada. $25 00 to $40 00 35 00 to '60 00 35 00 to 50 00 35 00 to 60 00 45 00 to 65 00 25 00 to 30 15 00 to 20 00 25 00 to 33 00 p. e. offe these Prices Everything new—Terms cash or produce, 4N—Highes't price for Buttei and. Eggs, The GREIG CIA,)11111ING C East Side:Main Street, one door South of the DOminion Bank, SDELA.FORT11.2„ Shirts In Carta a. He aerived in Canada Isom afterwards opene Kirkton, int Huron cou time little money wae i Produce Wes tradee fo goods int turn were bou the merchant waa co •rde own! freighting. Wit oxen, he hauled his pr iteareet port and •returnp changed for produce. Ai Short duretiore 'Eaton Moved to St. Mar hieducted. Store for Not !satisfied with) the tern then! in' vogue there he decided- to move to money was sufficientl :permit of 'his desire to a: store at tye diet goods, and nknown and - pelted to do wagon and duce to the laden with er a stay of irkton, Mr. e, where he some years. as elsewhere ronto, where plentiful to conduct bush nees on: a ease basis. This he away regarded as the only so tilted 'MI his wider b' when lie, .esteblished In To'ronto 'he opened quarters were sibeedo corranodious, ones at 178 and these were, late where ,etill mor,e desire tion w secured at 19 the p Bent address o A Greet Fl nr. lel and hone t S. Wild had two of ore Iasi right hand • hadly , working on' the shaper in —Mee Albert Nott, of t road, Stanley, who had his en a short time ago Is now run at full force this corn h seam The dtreotore have engaged a go butter maker end are now Pirating a, good supply of ice'. —At the annual otnivention of t Grand Chapter of Royal Arph, Mason held in' Toronto last weelh Dr. Ke Grand Steward. —Mns. G. Neural, 'died Suddenly Toronto, lest week. ,,Her maiden na, was Rebecca Higgins. She was a "nat- ive of East Wawenosh, and was a si —A. M. Polley, the veteran hor 'heavy lose laze week, when one of t mast valuable 'yearling colts, een stook farm became eaught ire its h ter and broke its back in: its stru has poll on a 'new vestibuled coach, which peseengers May ! convey irom Kincardine to' Tokontl, witho change, ,leafing .Witigharte t 6.40 and returnihg at 9.15 p. m. T will net a great convenienc paerons of the road along t men loge his fine laege b deece by fire on Tuesday All. the house furnishings trig , apparel were destriyed, and Mrs. Scott had to mak exit, id their 'night clothes even boots on. The cause o is unknown. terloo county, celebrated , Mee. Tait is ere aunt of Mr. `Ala Cosene, of Wingham, She ie still marka.bly emelt for her age; end able ter read the• daily .papers, public affairs the day. ifinger whil enter leg brok elficien rive n. a, store Klag. These ed for niore Yonge street; on, vacated le accommoda- Yonge street, the compeny. The higtory of Me. -years te the history of the ,'business. He tion, ite mainstay, it through ell the etage oprrient he 'had held' Steered it clear of t end fina,11 brought it s that he had striven f r, to make the of a netion, tryst conory of the countr Marys Mr. Eaton ma garet 'Beatty, of W had five, children, thr daughters. All ere cept the eldest eon, died five years ego. Ea,tores later f the growth as its inipira- guiding star. of -its (level - tee 'tiller ; he e • shoals, and feey to the port nstitu lion, an tution that oc- lace in th.e e- odstoCk. They e sons and two till living ex - r. E. Y., who suecesser at aton 'Company eldest soe, Mr. sent vice ''pres- who has been: his father in inese. He has of all the de - ranches •of the that a store n :Winnipeg. Of as seized with and like many y of tile The late Mr. Hato ehe headdeof the T. will probably be his closely associated wit the con uct of the b eh heti ate knowlede hale o the mefny to his ntiring eherg hes, been eete,bliseed • a buoyant 'nature, Ile the. spirit of the...wee other ;business 'nen, future' for t'he grata • e -The death metier JannerY 21de of one eibeemed residents hies. argaret Pring had re' bed the adv 'years nd nine mont a ?resident of St. Ma ye for over half a fierily of: one son Afr. H. R. Mot daughee•r, Niro. hav wife of Mr. Alex. Niverf, the well known land surveyor, Who wan of St Marys' pkineere. The late Mrs. Mclevey wee torn .April 26, 1815, a few wealth be- fore the battle of Waterleo end liv- ed under five govereigns George III, George IV, Wellia,m; IV, Victoria end d ore Merida y, f St. Marys most the persere of • e ;McEvoy, who need' age of 91 . She had been to t et roil Wawe morning and - a' has the f y. 0 - is rid 11 ora op- edi- eher idea. and re in. e re- ed to n the enty- ut le Year first s and is a. le e. RY 8, 1907e Diamond ngagement Rings TVAMONDS have advanced in _price, but we were lucky enongh to have our stock bought a- head, and pin rmll at the old prices for some tiine yet. We handle first- class breeds and buy direct from the A nice small stone in 14k ring, Larger stones--: V-5). ele, Veto, ilea Vase John Bulger,. Marriage LIOCIISEW Issued. 'The meeting empowered the Session ceps. Daring -the year 52 members were added. Thirty-six removed from the boiled* .of the congregation, and six were called away by death, leav- ing the memberehip at 419 at the Close ef the year. —The death: of Mre, Towneend, re- lict of the lake Elijah Townsetue ot not unexpected, she having been a patieet suffer,er for years. She ex- perienced a stroke of paralysis a- bout six years ago, ,whieh partly de- prived her of the power of ripeech, and from which she never reeedrered. She was born in Blenheim township, Ox- ford coanty. She wes a daughter of mr. Valentine Fleeter, of the base line, who was One of the most highly, re- spected residents a Colborne. . Her husband predeceesed 'her by few years.. She was only in her With year. She leaves a fartaly of five sons. - —The aernuel supper of the members of the Independent *Order of Forest - ere of Fargehar, in the township of Usborne wag this year o:ne of the most pleasant and successful of these annual getherings ever held. Up- wards of 75 were in attendance in- cluding Foresters and their •wives or sweetheaets and besides the excel- lent suppee served a splendid pro- gramme wad reneered, consisting of vocal and instrumental music, read- ings, etc, Mr. •W m. eforiteith, Chief Ranger, had charge of the program and isome very interesting numbers weee rendered. . In, foot all were g000d but the readings by Mr. Wm. Stew- art were particularly worthy efuote. —The site of the new sehool ho at 13elgrave, has been purchased f Mr. John ecandrett, end buildtng erations. 'be commenced im altely., Pending its ,completion, M JacksOn's:'house will' tie utilized school, end Mr. A. Naylor, the be eommenced directing the 'young how to shoot on' Idenitia;y la,st. —The fina,ncem of -the Adlifiel a, very satisfactory condition. T ceipte for the past 'year arr,oun 't$1,459 end the diaboreements t 044, leaving a balance of $405 two dealers hed teen paid prizes. ene $0.05 for special tiona. The fair will- be held thi as usual at Dungannon on th Thutedite and Friday in Oetobe —Mrs. John Big& ded at lait week, the age• of 35 :yea ter of • Mr. Atifhcery Lawson, of Hut - lett, and ine ' appearance looked like one who would enjoy. the 'best of health, but seme 'time ago she con- feets of Which •ehe never fully recov- ered. She leaves' a family of eight vote• d-Irnether's love. and care. —Rev. W. J. Yager, a former paetor Of the Evengelical Zurieh, and new Stetioned at New Hamburg, 'had Eigo last Sunday. He a.ttempted to cross Ilelreeies %ridge where the weter flowed over the street, the riv- er having risen to 'a great height on event od the heavy 'rains. He could not get througe, and had to unhitch the •horsee and leave the buggy, and was ireeseued by the 'neighbors with a boa*. The buggyedroes 'recovered after ;the flood had- abated. —Mr. Henry 'La.report, en old end re.specte dresideet of the township of StePeen, Who -resided en the Ithcon- ceselon sodte of Crediton, died on - the 28th of Januery. He wee' 69 years of age aired had suffered from Bright's - native Canadian, having been 'born near Woodstock, Oxford county. Mrs; Laniporte survives him, but she has been suffering from paralysis for ebout• two' yews., He leaves a fam- ily ok eight. Ile 'was a Methodist in religion itnd a Liberal in polities. Wing:ham, held recently, end of which Rev. D. Perry is the pesber, the af- fairs of tee cOngr,egation. were shown to be in e vers, prosperous condition. The congregetion hope this Year to be completely free frem debt. The con- tributione to• the schemes of the eleureh amounted to $466.20, an in- crease of 'neatly $33 over the previous ear, adding to tele amount what waa cintribated bye the Sabbath School, mereicei bend: end' other sources, tiring tc( enterierse 'up ,,to solo, $180. —The congregation of Knox -church, Manchester, held its annual meeting on Monday afternoon. There are lei families tonneeted with tee congrega- tion, wee 142 members. The total. paymente• in all depertments during 1906 amounted to over $1,20, includ- ing $116 to the mission schemes, and about 'aeit, to other benevolent ob- jects. The sum of $6,300 has been paid on the new ehu.rch in less than four years, the mortgage debt gaud- tng now at $700. The board of man- agement were authorized to proceed with thel repairing of the sheds. This ei. pastoe, fr. Small, was yeted tour —A belga -and promising young wo- rcan. Mies Martha., M. Taylor, third daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm'. Tay- lor, of the 9th concesSion of Us - borne, died in the hospital at Strat- feed oh Tuesday of last week. She was not quite 23 years of age. She wee; 'training for a profeseional nurse in the hOepital when she was taken 111 of fever, Which proved fatal. She was home at Christmas and after a rest ghe returned to her duties. but wae back only a short time w,hen she was taken ila At first ter case was not considered at all Berious but sh.e took e sudden turn for the worse two clays preceding her deeth ate 'never -rallied. The remains were tiken to her home in Usborne and Interred in Zion cemetery. ha.d a narrow escape from drowning about four o'clock Monday afternoon .Iaet, while sketing on the Sheet of -ice knowa al tee Briek pond. Tee little lad yeas skatine bockvratde at the time of the ecciderit and did !cult observe the hole in the ice until too late. His erase through the ice, and criee quickly brought as- eistanee end he WaS rescued little the worse for his immersion, —Mre B. Sarvis, of Valley City, North Dakota, is visitieg his sister, Mrs. Alex. DItiott, Mit h.e 1. He left end none owrie and • e- a half —A hereto 'belonging to Mr. August Pike, of Rodeock, ran awaY in Strate ford the other dey and ,did consider- able' dernage. Mr. Pike 'was thrown oht of the cutter and had his face badly cat- but 'no bonea evere broken. —Willie, the little son of J. W Graham, barreitere of St Marys, on day ladt week, got hold' of a bottl of carbolic acid, and Lead hia hand Wad faC6 badly burnt, bat fortunatel was discoTered before he had a chang —On Sunday, January 27th, whew seer serldees were held in th Motherwell Presbythrian. eburch. Rev evening a most successful entertain ment was held in the church, —A quiet but pretty wetiding too place Tuesday afternoon, January 21, at the home of Mrs. Alex. Smith, 'f ter, Edith M., wee united in the hoi bonds of matrimony to Mr. Walter Eastwood, of the Whyte Packing C —Five Stratfore hotelmen appea in teeepolice coert there, one day- 1 week, a,ne four of them were fined end nods for selling liquor a hours, and the other pleaded gurney th infraction of the cornmendone regulation, that the blinds should drewn after hours, lime was fined Easson, one ot the Old reeidents of Stratforre died en Mo day, in his 82nd year, after a short Deceaged was a 'native of Scotland end ceme to -Stratford ie. tee forties, He operated one of the eaddie lest sawmills in Stratfore, and for '40 tie guards, ties end cordwood. -eOn Friday, the fiesr day of Fe ruavy, Rev. Dr. Langford, pastor the Central Methodist eiruech, co pleted his fiftieth year in the mi. istry, having cerernented in 1857 the Belmont eircult near. London. T congregation celebrated the 'event tendering -Dr. Langford a banquet. —A very pretty 'wedding se-ae sole gazed at nine .o'etock Thurad morning, January 3let, at StJosep •ehurch, Stratford, when Miss Jelle teeorte daughter of Mi. Michael :Ben- ton, Of Elliee, and one of Elliceie reoet estimable young ladies, becaine the bride. bf Me. John Doyle, firereare of Stratford, Rev. Father McGee Ofee —John Day met with. a painfal eident in Straefore the other day. wee -tiding on a bobsleigh when fell, the runners passing over leg above the.knee,rbatily crushing' it. At first it was th.oughtb the leg. was broken, but after the soy Was tar- ried to a, nearby house and an -exam- ination made it wive found that 'the injuries consisted ot. several death of Mrs•. George Rabe, one of Logan's oldest residents, t ok et tee home of hee -daughter, r Reinholt Rock, concession 54 She er poor health for , some time i dropsy belt the immediate cause o ber death • was prieumon.la. This makes the 'third death in the family the Perth Items. —Mt. and Meg. Peter Smith, of -A.v- onton, have moved to Stratford' —Messes. John; Bennewels, D. Law- rie and David MeConnell have been re- appolated license commissioners for Soute Perth. —Perth pays the following salaries; County clerk, $725 treasurer, $1,000; care 'taker, $600; auditors, $60 each; —Tee el, P. Lang Co., dealers In: high class furnishings and interior' decoretions, 'have announced their in- to Landon'. Ottawa,hae accepted the invitatio.0 of the Central Methodist church; Strat-* far& to become their pestor for the reext term'. uted $88 to the tund being raised by, the' public schools of Ontario, for a monument to the! late Alexander Muir the author! of The Maine Leaf. --MT. John Pinnearnore, who aets as local Methodist preacher, was kindly remeinbered by the people of Bethel chureb, Munrce, not long ago, end .preseneed with about 75 bushels of oats. —14e. Wm, Sanderzon, an old and respectederesident of Stratford, died last week at the age of 72 years. eir- Senciersen was employed for 18 years le the master mechanic's office of the Grand Trunk. - —Mr. Wm. Pethick, Stratford, died last weelt after, en illness of four days from blood poisoning. pe - ceased had -"lived in Stratford for• number of gears add waa very high- ly !respected. —George Ingram, of Mitehell, met with e severe accident one day Jetzt week. -He was -carrying a bag of emit when he_ slipped end fell, the bag lightieg- on his, stomach, and he was slightly internally injured. has purchased the farm lately ocr,u- pied by Mr. Michael Pauli • of Ellice. foe( which ee pald $5,300. He is now one 4 the lergeit property bolters in thee neighborhood. - —Ierricelot Skinner, the you•ng son of Urt, Nod Km 'St re Skintere Strata fl age while trave ling with her husr band, Capt. A, Greafell, in Mexiota weence she came direct to Ottawa ae bout three weeks ago. The fatal her arrival. —Tee eecelpte of the Bell Telephone Company in Toronto last year -macro —There were *vet two ..huridr evrelages lel the T. Eaton funeral! erocession on, Monday. The company, have owe ten thousand empIoYees their pay roll. —Mr. Walter Maim, a well knowle egattle. dealer., of Melbourne, Middle - flex comity, warn struck by a Grand, Trunk train at Longwood% 'Crossing,. on Monday and leuitantly —Jan CalnareN .6. respected Wiener of Prince Edward County, 70 years age, fell off .a..load of hey' on Saar eirday, On his way to Pictore -aed* reeeived ineuriert from which he —Nees. Burns, relict' et the 19.10. icholas Burns,' -111111 a resident Of rockville district ;sin& 1812, _died he her home near North Augueta, age* 102 Valls. She was born in- Irtil-and A latge -family survive, --Thomas H. Lynch, the fleet eirild born in what is now the -Otte' oft Geelph, died_ int Toronto on Sunde7. merging. He was, 79 years of age ant lived in Guelph, until 14 vitro ago erten he 'removed to Torionto. He had acted is deputy sheriff of Wellington county for many yeare and was known as:- an 'expert judge of tattle. . and' -restated in ethetalting 'the Mc - ;e, weret hoevever; defeated. Mr. MODonald, the Opposition lead.; J. er W. poeition leader was defeated '•in Vane • e-Maior Sudd, of London, hat been is,ppointed to weather little. commission- erehip 'by the Provineial Government. Charges eave been madelagainef Thos. reeDorialti, registrar of deeds of Duo., ng officer, Mr, Judd has not yet coneluded his -leveetigation into the charges preferred against the Governe 29 years, and wite,-dreve from Wind...! sor to Maidstone, to attend.: the funeral of Mrs. efinihales rnother. Ur. night on reaching ehe outskirts of tee eity the bores was etopped and Mr. Mini:hate was found to be dead. Heart trouble -Was the eadee. - 1306ause the Bell Telephone Came d of five hours e, daY elealSei teur hundred girl operatore went en etrike -in Toronto on Friday, elaiming that it would be impoesible for them to- etand the attain of eight eontin- uous• hours' work at the Duey city twitchboards, even if the wages evi.N.re inereaeed as promised by the COM -0, president 'of the Ontario Bank, wiee was 'On. trial .befort the Police !slag- istrat.e of Toronto, on a tharge of wil- fully making Wee reb11113 tO tits having been /11`0Yen tbat the true con - 'Mimi. of the bank bad been system - end -directors by::ther-late Manager, last, .12 months. Her husband daughter also died of dropsy'. —At the age of 83 years en months, Cheelotte, wife of th Anthony Rowe, of Mitchell, di Port Hope, on Sunday, eenuar whither elle had gone from then on May 24th of last year .1Ier Mind hat31 been mentally unbalaneed for some months, and she was looke.d atter by friends with, wholn she died. borhood for the best part of her life, ahd wee :respected by all Who -knew —The Sunday echool of tbe Baptist church, Stratford, held a banquet re- cently. The classes were all assign- ed their plaees at -the table and excellent ;sipper was provided by t ladies of the Church after which an interesting toast list was propoied end respoeded to by the pupils. After the banquet . an excellent addrees 11 - was given! by Mr, Lebb of the -Railway Masten Manchester, Dngland. in the. aueltoriune of the church. and five late d at Mite ,—efr. -W. 3. Paynthee engineer et the St. Marys power house, had a narrow escape one day last week. While he was working around the en- gine a valve burist rend emitted hot water end steam with such force as to blow the mortar out of the etone wall to the deeth of a foot. efr. 'Payed ter Wee struck by a piece of flying metal which glanced from the wall but wee Aot eericlesly hurt. The 211 - gine, *morn. was 'flooded with steam anct licit water.' Fortireately Mr. paynter managed to get out of the en- gine roobin end get the fire out from - 'under -tee boilers ibefore any injury was done; —Judge Horn; senior judg:e of the ctiunty of Essex died at ins residence in Wireleer cin Saturday night lase He had been attenditg to his official duties until the hreceding Friday wah 70 yeers or age and was appointed judge in 1883. __Sir Louie jette, Lieutenant Gov- ernor of Quebec, WA pr.esented with air address Oh Saturday at the'ieourt house in Montreal by the members of the -Bah of the Province of Quebec, on the occasion of the 50th anniver- sary of his admission to the practiee of law. —Lady Violet Greaten, the eldee daughter of Me Excellency Grey.. Governor General, died at Government House, Ottewee en M daY morning, following an larlena three weeks 'from eypbold fent. S belieeed, ter hoe eontivied the —The Westerh Fair Boerd, London, how tad a ;surplus of $11,000, tee - largegt in its histoty. At the' an- neal Meeting On February 20, the cereal:on' as. to the tuture of the Or will be diseussed as never be- fore. The - question of moving the fair to some other lcea.tion will. ham to be taken up before long, as the present site is becoming tho valuable. The most likely preposal is to eetate lish, the fair -on- Carling's Heights, somewhere adhering the present mil- itary earep grounds. —Mr. Nethaniel Dyment. prominent- ly known as a -breeder and owner of thoroughbred horses and also as an extensive lumbermen, died at his home in Barrie on eforiflay. He wee 74 yeare of age end ead been111 only about two weeks. 'His yeueger,cleya were epent on his father's farm- in: Beverley township, Wentworth 401111.4 ty. When 16 years of age be left the farm and started in business for himeele His start rile worthk of. nate. With the fire few dolle.re he earhed he bought a pine. tree., Willett he took to a mill and had sawed, which planed him amotg the waste' thiest of Ontarioie lumbermen. —A dispatele from Mooae Ire Tife failure of th eels to move the crop le tau n efred time he the midst of prosp and people generally are emit der what is to be done tg r ev the ituation. The Willow Bunch end terday for the first time tbie month. The mail started with hore-del but was abandoned, the mail terrier leav- ing the eleigh on the prairie, and the. breed named MeGillis thek four collie doge, made a, toboggee, and started foe Mocee Jew. He :node. a hundred; ,mile trip in four de eh He- walked all th.e way and Ste Old one night. 7—The fuel and transportation prob- lems ar;e• gradually becoming more ace ',cute in the Northwest. Continual storms aud cold weather have go completely ilemorelized the railway:a fie can be carried On with eertainty, and fuel can not be eistributed frefn pointe where It Is to 'De bad. In Brandon 'arid Regina tne ecttoole. tabliehments have been' closed, so that the little fuel re..me.ining ean• be distributed among the people, while the mituation it the outlying -0e the country districts in each of the three hrovi-nces is in many ip.ses alarming. The following le a -gamete et the tele- erwell, the Minister of Agriculture f.or Saekatchewan; "Weybuen is without al and people freezing. Can you ” "For the sake of humanity ship oil. Town completely out. Draw hte Answer. Signed, Blythe and tee Dubtio, Sask.",