HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1907-02-01, Page 8THE 0 ON POSITOPA R1JARY 1.19 7 Dissolution Partnershi e-eeeei Notice ia hereby given that the partner- ahip heretofore enistina between Ate un dereigned, & hardearo merchents and coal dealers, under the firm -alma of Chesney cb , Smiley, at Soaferth, Ont., has been tine day erseolved by mutual consent. All debts due the said partnership ere to be paid George L Chesney, at his effice west aide of Main street, Seaforth, and all part- nerehip del te be paid by him, __ Seaforth, Jan. 28th, 1907. JAMES Y. SMILEY GEO. L. CHESNEY* NOTICE is (Aso given, bird the shove business will now be carried on by George L. Chfsney, In partnership with Aodrew Archibald (who has been with the old firm for years}, under the firm name of Chesney Archibald. We hope by fair dealing and etrict attention to business, to merit e nen tinuetion of the patronage of oar old aloe tomers and many new ones. GEORGE' L CHESNEY ANDREW AROHIBALD. • • a Savings Bank • 1,0•••••........, Deposits of $1.00 and up- wards received excl. interest paid at highesteurrent rates. Withdrawals may be made t any time. voiamiwiniiin■wwwww=inwsw. Aimummilommenigammaingor SEAFORTH BRANCH A. E. GIBSON, Manager 11, HAYS, Solicitor James Watson, • Svccssor to-W.-N.Watson NORTH MAIN ST., SEAFORTH. General Fire, Life and. Aocident Insur- ance agent, Real Estate and Lou' Agent. enealer 111 firsteAast family and Manufeo- turing Sewing laachiues and Cream Separators, viz. : WewRayMond and 'White Sewing Machine?. and National and Una eds. Oreeni Separator = Alio eewiog machine needles, oil, attaohr mints repairs' and sundries for all kindfre)f sewing machines. With over 25 years experience in the above business you can reit semen of prices right, square dcalieg and eatssfaotion guaranteed. JAMES WATSON, Insurance Apent, and dealer in Sawing Machina aud Bloyeles. North Main etre* Seaforth. D7) ,i // AP' STRATFORD, ONTARIO: The leading commereial,sehool of Western Ontario. Our courses are thorough and practical, while. the teaching is done 10 able instructors, The ambitious young men ancl-wornen, who desire to get the best possible earnmereial training, patronize this school, while business men are in searoh of our graduates to responsible positions. The best time to enter our classea is NOW. Beautiful catalogue free. ELLIOTT & MoLACIILAN Principals. Send us a Horse AND WE WILL — BLANKET Him with the best blanket for the money - Woof, Jute and Kersey. ROBES— Galloway, Bishop, Goat, 1k>re and Imitation Buffalo. We guarantee the Quality. ' Com- pare prices. IMBNESS-- Our own make of genuine (tubber Trimmed Harness. It is the best value M Canada. Ask your neighbor about them. MITTS & CLOVES - 0O pair of samplos at wholesale prices. - A Snap. Bells -Trunks -Valises -- Suit Cases -- Plush and Wool Rugs, Etc. Inspeet our stock before purchasing. In Broderick, OPPOSITE_ COMMERCIAL HOTEL, 2034 Watch Our Christmas Window WE HAVE BEAUTIFUL PIPES AND EXCELLENT : TOBACCOS ALL KINDS -- ALL PRICES eeintee-- A NICE OLEAN . SHAVE AND NIFTY HAIR CUT. Oppoafte Connuercial I otel, Seaforth. Watch Need Cleaning? No wateh will telt caztreet time if it isn't cleaned and overhauled oe, casionally, If your swatch hasn't been cleaned for a. year, its pretty certain that it needs attention. We use the best materials and have all the facilities for fine wittch work. We promise entire satisfae- tion in the roatter at cleaning .and repahing.. OUR MOTTO IS " PROMPTNESS PRICES MODERATE 4agegnmemotel J F DALY Jeweller & Optician Issuer of Marriage Lieensea. 'JAR.DNO BLOCK SEAFORTH rou post or DISTRICT II1ATTDRS. Died th Brantford, --The, death lac - cursed on Thuredsty of lent week, at the haspital in „Brantford, of lames S. Muir, front typhoid feverPbe deeeae- ed, who was 28 .yrt0fit of age, was the son on Mr. /Tenn Muir, ot Seatorta, but he had lieed 111 Brantford for many years, residing with his uncle, Mr. 3. T. Edwards. Ile was employed at the Malbeab-le Iron Work, and belonged to the Dufferin Etifles, being one ot the crack Sivas of the battalion. He had been niarriedi 'two years, and leaves • titerrowing young widow, and, little' daughter. The friende of the bereav- ed parents will extend, to them their heartfelt sympathy, • *— Damon and Pythias. -The Knights of Pythias, of Seaforth, have ar- ranged 'to place the drama entitled "Damen and Pythias" in Cardnols Han, on Thursday evening elext, Pao- ruary 7th.. Titite beautiful drama was presented: in Clinton a few nights a- go and was exceptionally well ne- ceivedIt tale' the .story of the beautiful friendShie In - fivet differ- eriteacts. The company includes 120 people and is elaborately staged, Tote should beat this date in mind and get your ticketearly, Plan of hall at Aberinert's *drag store. • Wedding Bells. -The home of Mrs. R. S. IkObertee Seafortte was the scene of a pleasant event on Wednesday,- The occasion being 'the nrarria,ge of her daughter, Miss Lily, to Mr. Wm. Seabees son of Mr. George Smith- , ere, The: ceremony was performed by Rev. Mr. Berry, rector of St.' Thomas' church, et high noon. The bride and groom were unattended,, and the core. inony wee witnessed only by the im- mediate relatives. Tne bride wore a travelling drese of blue cloth, A large array of preeents testified to kthe popularity of Mk. end Mrs. Smith - era. Atter a; wedding dinner the bridal couplet left on. the afternoon train for, Toronto, and after their return wlU make their home for a time with the ,bride'=s mother. Mr. and Mese Smithers ' are 'both popular young 'people, and their large eircie of friendwill unite with The Ex- pesitor in! congratulations and good whittles. _ Who. Ie She t -The Toronto papers of Friday lent contained, the follow- ing paragraph, abut a woman who elaims to belong to Seaforth, although we di not know of any person of that name here n " Shortly after five on- -clock 'yesterday afternoon a well- dresed woman, about 36 'years of age, created considerable excitement in the Eaton stone. She first started oat in an affectionate mood, and wished to embrace everyone in sIght. That did not last long. She ckanged ,complete- ly, and was anxious to deal out solar pleius blows. Detective Madkie took her to police headquarter's, wnere She becarrre e little quieter. From there oho was taken to No. 1 statiom. !,. She was net yiolent there. After some time she gave her 'name as Emily( M. Avery, of Seaforth. Shesaysshe came to the city Monday, but could not Te - member, or would itell, where she was ,stopping. Sheis demented, and kept repeating tee .Mrs. -Whidden, the matrein, that ' Robert' would soon come fon keher. She worela gold watch .o and loct ith the initials 'E. M. A.' on: each them. She has aabura hair earl fair complexion, and were an astrachan jacket." • . What Regina is Doing. -In a letter received from our old friend and fellow townsman, Mr, .William G. Sinith, who is now an extensive build- er and contractor' in the city of Re- gina, the, capital of the, new Pro- vince of Saskatchewan, he gives us an inkling of what is going an in that rapidly growing and bustling city. The letter was written on Jan- uary 21st and in which he says:( t`,I would feel loft without the dear old Expositor, Several other papers come to me but none, for me like it, I must say that we have experienced more cold weather this winter than any previous one for'yegis, but as the sun shines brightl§ I • erveh day one ir ovbrlooks ,the severe cold. To -day ill leVelY, tliSt 10 - de ens below and the gun( shining brightly. It may seem trange to Seanorthites to know that building has neer let up for more than a day or so at a time this winter. The Northenh Bank, a modern five story'building, .ore nun - deed and twenty five feet long aid tiftY wide, solid stone' front, has been built sixfce winter began, and is nearing completion ; also = the Haslam block, 100 feet by 125 feet, five storys, • and Is nearing completion, as well as several other, buildings. The coming surrunee promises to surpass all oth- er.. -11-4 the building line as well as real estate. Inspectoe Harwood's re- port on building- permits alone ex- ceeded= two million dollar mark. How is that for'Regina, for the year 1906 ?" Death of Mrs. Ames Scott. -Another of the worthy pioneer settlers of this district, in the person of Mrs. James herself and husband retired from scenes of this life. MTH. Scott died on Sunday morning lest. She had been in feeble heelth tor ISOM months and. owing to !nen great age her re- covery wee not expected. Her maid- en name was Isabella Dickson. She was = a 'native of Roxbdroshire, Scot- land, and was a daughter of the late Archibald Dickson and a sister of the late James Dickson who, at onetime, was one of the 'leading and best known 'residents ot the county. Of a, once large and prominent family, her death leaves but one surviver, a sister Mrs. -Chisholm, of Manitoba. With other members of her.. family and a large number of friends, the deceased came to Canada in 1.834 arid aettled at Roxboro McKillop, on. the old Dick- son hornesecad and whither the father and one, brother had preceded them the 'year before and prepared for theni a home. .When she married her late husband they settled down on the farm clone by which is inow owned and occupied by a son, Mr. = Joseple Scott. nins. Scott continued to res side there uhtil a few years ago when her self a.ncl husband retired from farming end erected for themeelves a comfortable home in Ilarpurhey, where she has since resided. Mr. Scott died st year ago last September. They had e family of nine children, eight of whom are still living. These are Isabella, Lien* and = Mrs. Jamee Grieve at !home, Mrs John Wilson, McKillop; Mrs. J. G. =Wilson, Sintalu- ta, Sask.; Archibald D., James and Joseph, all of this district. Mrs. Scott waif endowed ;With a strong min.d, great energy and force of character, but was kind and consid- erate in an emineet degree and was, In tii# fuUea �erise of the tern* good and, useful womanwhose mem- ory and intleenee will long Wye with thoee who lamp' her best. A somewhat remarkable eoineidence ie that :on all those who' came to Can- ada. On the boat with Mee.* Scott only frotre so far as Is kflOWII, are now living. The are Mrs. 'Chisholm, al- ready mentioned ; Wilson, of Silver Greek, Mr. Robert Gov/niacin Seaforth, and Mr. ,George Habkirk, Mc- Killop. • Travellere,-The following were tieketed ;tie distant .points this week by W, Somerville, .railway a;nd steam- ship agent: Mrs. h. E. Gibson and son, :William, to Washington, D. C., oh Friday; Mr. end Mrs, David Arm- strOng, of Stanley, to Pilot Mound, Manitoba, on Tuesday, and W. 7. Ca,rnoehan, of Hullett, to New Lie- keard, New Ontario, on Thursday. , ' • A Social Illeening.-A pleasant Social time was _spent in the ledge roonf a Court Sherwood Forest, Ancient Or- der of Forestere, on Wednesday even- ing, when the members' and their wives andfriends assembled to en- joy an evening's music and song. The chair wa= taken by Mr. Wm. Patter- son' and a good programme Was pre - suited, consisting -of an instrumental by Miss Edith Hoag, solos by lifr. Travel, violin solos t‘y Miss Gertrede recitatiens by Mrs. Jobe Leatherland and Maiter Percy Hoag,, solo by Mr. Butt, or Toronto, and a fevr words by Mr. H. Town, who was instrumental in_ organizing Court Sherwood. Mr. Batt, of Toronto, High Court Junior Woodward, was also preSeret, and gave a short address on Forestry, its aline, and What it is ac- complishing for the members, the wi- dow and the orphan, and in support of hisi statements he gave figuns which prove conclusively , the geed work thisOrder Is .dolng. = The pro-. gramme was most entertaining, and - was thoroughly enjoyed by all. At the close of the programme refresh - meas., were served, and a short soc- ci&I time spent. -• torte, oe Monday, February 4th, front 1 p. 211. to '6 p.714. FORSTER. f .Stratford, speOlalist In oYe, ear, nose and throat, will be at the queen'e Hotel, Sea - 2041 -2 The Annual Meeting of the shareholders of the Sea- fortAt tart Nub tor the election of officers for the coming year wal be held on Friday, ll'obruary 1st, at. 7.30 o'clook p. m., at the Commercial Hebei'Sea- forth. M. Broderick, Secretors,. • 2041-2 HOUSEKEEPER, -- A refined widOw vritii one child wishes a position AS housekeepee. Best, refer elm& Apply at this Aloe or write Box 274, Sea - oral. 2042 al , fiPECIAL NOTIOE.-Ae I have sold my retell business, I an now closing my books, and all au - codas must be settled either by cash or note by February 151hf W. H. Willis' accounts may be set- tled either at the shoe faetory or at IL Willis' shoe tore, opposite This Exroarrolt Woe. 2041-3 ACCOUNTS. -Our accounts are now ready, and we would be pleased, to _have pereone call at once and settle the same, Orieh Bros,Seaforth. 2040 MONEY WANTED. -Wanted, to borrow on good town property, about $2,500at 0 per cent. Apply at TUN EXPOSITOR Onace, Seaforth. 2038-0 The person who exchanged a boot at the rink on ordanival night can have the Hanle by calling on or writing to John Weber, Barber, Seaforth. 2042-1 Good servant wanted, three in family, another 'servant kept. Mrs A H. Martins, 160 Wollner Road, Toronto. 2042-1 FOR SALE. -Jersey eow,milking and in calf again, oleo a good set medium weight sleighs, shafts and pole, cheap. L, 0, Van Egmond, Seaforth. 2042x1 LOOK HERE Yon= have any pair of -shoes that you see In Our north' dow for 07e apair. We want to Sell every pair. The prices are out to do the business. Get your pair to -morrow. Roltert opposite Exrosrrott. OFS[OB, SediSpth. • . Anneal Meeting. -The annual meet- ing of' the First Presbyterian cherch was theld in the school room Ors Mon- day evening leet. Reports from the different Organinationer were read and Showed these to be in a prosper- ous condition. The total= amount rats- oa far. th'S general expenses of the church was $3,802.95. The Wornen's Missionary Auxiliary and the . three mission bands raised ¶,400, the Sun- day -School' $151.71; the Bible class, $46.96, and. the Ladies' Aid, $1,609.51. The • :report for the . chunch schemes was slot given, but we presume the contributions will be about the , s am e. as lag year, viz., $460. The totel contributioes for theyear were, therefore, $5,871. The new year com- mences with a small balance in the treasur. y, Curling Notes -Two rinksfrom tne Seafforth curling club were in Strat- ford on Thurenay last Competing in the primary Matches for the Ontario tankard,. They were drawn against St. Marys in the first game and, were defeated on the total score by. two sluts. Mr. R. S. Hays' rink was up 11 shots and Mr. W. McDoagall's rink down 13. e :e -The :two -rinks of colt curlers, who played with Stratford here lest Week played the !return game in Stratford on Monday, but this time did not fare so well, being beaten by ' seven shots which -Reaves Stratford ' winners of the mild by six shots. Mr. G. A. Sills' wink was up five shots, and Mr. H-: Jeffrey's rink ;was down 12 shots. -Two rinks of curlers were clown from Clinton on Wednesday and had a friendly game with the itorne play- ers, the genie resulting .in a victory for Seeforth by three shots. . - • 7 How 'They Farm in .Manitoba. -Mr. James Armetrong, formerly of Varna, but who has been residingin Hart - hey, Manitoba, for the jjaist four years, is in- this neighbor clOd jllet !xlilewscalling on his old fri! ds. Mie Armstrong in quite enthusist 'tic over the west. He and his on pave now 460 acre fe near Saskatoon:, said kis son-inelaw, Mr. McCool, " !has mere land in!. that locality, and they, ex- pect to move from . Harteec to their fent in 'the spring. Just to show as ihow they farm in the west, Mr. Armstrong 'brought us e, photo of a hareeeting .scene op . the farm of M.T. ' (1. Thomas, near Hartney. The phette ehowe Mr. Thomas with his 'nine eons at • work cutting wheat on binders, each drawn by fou horses, a 6001, acre field. There ar; !twelve, at work, and the scene gives one, a very geed idea, of the way things are done on e, big scale in Manitoba. Mr::Phomas and his nine Sons ere the o-wieer of 2,100 acres of land, all In one' block, of which 0 450 acres are „tilled. And although the land as it Is to-da;y cost over $33,000, there has been in incumbrance on the pro- perty -or some -years. In. 1892 Mr. Thomas went to Manitoba train Sim - cos county, taking . With him money and chattel‘. to the amount of '$3,- , 600. . He purehased 320 acres for $3,- , 500 , pitying $2,000 down. The first ' 'year they sowed 100 acres and reap- I ea 2,500 bushels - of wheat. In 1896, having rented a halt section, :they i sowed 32.5 acreof wheat, which ave , eraged SS 1-2 e bushels to the sere.. Irk: 1896 a 'handsome brie ' residence Nirk.i.s eneeted ors the ',horn teed at a c ti of -$2;500f Ini the sucoeeding 'ye /. two teections and three quartern w re added. During the ' last flee 'ye rs 1 they have grown sin average of 25/090 ?buehels of wheat a 'year, and he plan time have erected on _this property': four houees, throe of them brick, at ..FEBRVARY; CLEARING SALE --- OF- - Fancy China. 1'emosvms*P4 During Febraary we will give. 20 per cent. discount ON ALL CHINA. • We do this toclear up our etoele left over after the holiday trade. • Big bargains, so ,come early to se- cure the best choice, elm •••••••1 • O. ABERHARt DRUGGIST, OARDNUS - BilOOK 1:421.49..1r CD IRMIEE Agent for up-tcedate Trusses, klyingee Hot Water Bottles, Shoop's reme hue Oookai Cotton Root Compound arid Weorint Phosobedine. an average. eat of $2,150, And tour berme at an average cost of $1,250, besides. Often builflings. The Messrs. Thomai ewer `and operate their own threshing outfit, they have nine 'binders, nine 'gang plows and 16 farm wagons' ' and keep 73 !head on .horses end 80 head of cattle. Mr. Armstrong says this shows what a, big family, Who Stick together, and who are not afraid to Worn, cisn do in. a few, 'years in Manitoba. ' 1 110ekey Notes. - The hockeY! tearo were int GOdericir on Friday night last, playing a c'hampionship match, and log 'bee a score of 12 goals to CI The boys, however,. had much more Of the ga..me thani thedr score would I indi- ea„te, end 'made , a very good Shewing. The Goderich team was considerably strengthened from what it was when they played in Seaforth, In fact was practically the same as the chanViofir ship team of last year, so that the. boys have 'netting to feel blue ebout. .This sraetically , gives Goderich the cha,rnploreihip on .UO8 district. They are a good team and should make a good showing in the finals for the intermediate. champlonship. . -Gederich came 'down Tuesday, ac- companied by a big bundh Of lusty rooters, and played their' final game 'here. There was ea big crowd out, and the. ice was in the best of condi- tion, andi the crowd was 'treeted to fine oft the fastest and beet games played on the home ice, Although Goderieh won oat by a score a ,eight goals to six, tha,t is no indication. of them having the best of the game. On points, the home .team had 1 them beaten tO a, is -tend still, and it was only the superior weight of the visit - Ors %and the. excellent work of their goal -keeper whieh, eaved them from defeat/ Goderich had an their strong- est -team, nut it was only -at rare in- tervals that they were not on the defensive, and it ratist have been gall- ing to them t� be blocked send Shunt- ed att every turn by fellows about 'half their! size. Although the home boys we're beatten inn the ecore, tires showed theft friends what they are • made of, and their speed, combine - tion and stick 'handling was an eye *Opener. Then they had a little herd luck in ehooting, as several times the puck struck the poets and grazed off. Goderich n-vy ohave the dietrict cham- pionship sure, and we hope they will go in end win out the championship, for, if the Seaforth toys lents- to- gether for. another sea=son, this will be the, last look in, rGoderich. will lhave. The home teem were : Goel, A. Westcott e point, J. McKenzie; cover point, -.A. BrOadfoot ; rover, George Reeves; right, II Stoddart; centre, W. Munroe; lett, E. Munroe. • 1 Local Briefe.-Messre. John Shannon, John Cardiff and Roht. Musgrove hive been appointed Licen.se Commission- ers ferc East Huron. Messes. John Bennli ewein, Geo. D. e -Wide • and David 'McConnell have been append- ed fort South Perth. -Miss Cowan, of Toronto,: hes been spending a -week with Mts., Geo. Dorrance and other friends. -Mrs. Gee. R. Anderson, of Toronto, and; Mrs. Somerville, of I.,on- don, were here thie week visiting with friends. -Mr. L. 13. Thompson, an old Seaforth boy, but now a Vanc-onver, British Columbia, has sent us 'a re- cent copy' of the Province, publiehed in that city. It contains 64 pages, and a glanee through, it impressee us with, the fact that Vancouver has ap- parently caught the =boorn fever from Manitoba and the new western. pro- vinces. Certainly Vancouver is 'forg- ing aihered rapidly wrid will- soon be one of the large cities of the Pacific voaet.-Mr. Walter Murray, son of Mr. Mini Murray, of the MeKillop- Hullett boundary, is nbme, from Man- itoba' on! a visit Mr. Murray broaght with him the head of a moose-which he Shot in, the Riding mountains. ,The head in a large one end' the antlers .are o4 immense size. It ,is quite a sight for 'us of the civilized east,- The friends 'of Mr. Alex. McLennan will ,ba. pleased to know that he has sufficiently recoeered from nes re- cent illnesa to be able to sit up a short time each day.. -Mrs., Dan Ken- nedy has returned to her home in To- ronto 'after spending a couple of ,weeks with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Rbbert Barnett. -kiss Smith, of Pet- enboro, is spending her holicla,ys with her staters, Mrs. Kerslake and Mrs. Hiatcher.-Miss Norma Dickson is Visit- I-- g friends in Hamilton.Miss Mary rvey, of London, visited with Dr. and Mrs. Burrows over Sunday. -Rev. A. K. ,Dirks preached` at the openiag services of the Methodist church, in Baytield, Cgli Sunday, and Rev. Mr. Clement, of Goderich, occupied his pulpit here.-Misie Glrette Watson has gone Ito Yilidt friends in Kincardine. :-The 'regular meeting of Brita:nnia Lodge A.. F. & A. M., will be held in the lodge toom, oa Monday eveuing '110*. Arrangements are being neade for an evening's enjoyment, after the ;regular lodge Wellness has been tnansacted, end a full attearlanCe of the Trernbere is requested.-Pfr. Frank Cherry, of Prince Albert, nisited his aunt, .gre: D. W. Johnson, his week. -There isi com'iderable si knese in town at preelents-Mrs. L. . Mcli'aul has-been ill fon Flame daysee.Mr. .Win. Roberts, of St. Louis,- ke '„teare ON a visit to his mother, Mrs.' Re S. Rob - rte. -Dr. Kennedy, of Wingbene hag been appointed a steward' of the Grand Chapter on Royal Arch Masons o Ca.necla.-Mr. George • Murdle has been cOnfined to his residence tor some days with an, atteek ot grip. - Mr, W. D. Stewart, of St. Peal, Minn., and son of Mr. Alex. Stewart, of Sean forth, is a big figure in St, Paul curling circles. Mr. Sthwert is pres- ident a the Nushke Curling- Club, and recently took part in the big boaspeil at buluthZ.ielo also endk- en or a* a skip for the big Winnipeg loonspell,-Whine going home from work the other evening, Mr. George Woodhonse, formerly of Stratford, but now of Seaforth, had a narrow escape. He was jumping off itsleigh when a horse eoming up behind struck him, but being like a, rooster, light on -his feet, he escaped unhurt. -Mr. George niurdie bee beer). appended by the Dominion Government to plaoe im- rnigra,ntee from the United Kingdom, Iii positions as farm laborers and do- mestic servants, Any' pereon requir- ing suCh help should communicate „with Mr. Murdie.-Mrs. W. Reidy is recovering from serious attack of pneumonia. Her sister, Mrs. 3. S. Mc - Nab, isiehere from Owosso, Michigan., waiting on her. -For the convergence of those who were -late getting tick- ets, twei extra rows of reserved seats have ,been, added for the*Ileggar Stud- ent Co. concert, this. Friday evening. -Vire. Jame Cumming, of • Eganond- ville, Tvlio is quite, an, ardent flor- ist, has an azalea, which, is out id full bloom: The flowers are pure white, and there are over 100 a thew oni the plant. A white azalea Ise ;quite, rare, and fhAs °Ile is Just now a1 motel beautiful sight. -Mrs. Ta,ylo'r and Mies Sotinetton, of _ Port Huron, are visiting Mrs. Prank T.- Ketrnedy, P. E. Lennon., and W. M. MelCey attended a dance in Clinton, on Monday evening. -Mr. Alex. Stolid') has been nursing a very sore foot or a, few daye. 'He was piling wood when a stick fell on one of his feet, He has been confined to the house. -The Bible class a the Presbyterian church; *ill give --a Seotchentertainment in the school room of the church on Tuesday even- ing next, When a good programme will be provided. -Mr. Moody, of Woleley, Sask., spent soxne day's evitte friends la town. -Mrs. Faxqueson, with other( members of her family, at- tended the marriage of her son, in Grey on: Wednesday evesing.--Miss Muldrew, Who has spent several monthe id the west, has 'returned end is spending the winter with rel- atives ihere.-Mr. W. M. McKay, of the Roberts' cirlig store, 'was in Port Colborne this Week' visiting his Lather, whe is in poor health. -"The spiritual resurrection of young Men"' will bo the subject of Rev, F. H. Larkin'a sermon next Sabbath even- ing. -Mr. James Cumming-, of Egmonn- Ville, W110 has been, confined to the 'house for a couple of weeks, as the result of a fall on the pavement, is now able to be out again. -Mr. othy Ea,ton, the head of the depart- mental stores or the T. Baton Co., of Toronto and Winnipeg, died .on Thursday afternoon. Mr. Eaton ceme mewed his baldness career In the outhern pert of this county. • Bruoefield. II, R. HIGGINS. Brucefield, Fire and Life Thaw - nee andlleal Estate Agent; Conveyancing, Mone 0 loan. private or company funds nt lowest retell of nterest, 2034-tf Good Pigs. -Mr. Robt. Inert -Isom of Stanley, on Tuesday of last week, de- livered t� l Mr. G. Dick. at Hensall, five pigs' five InCifiths and six, days old Which tipped the scales at 960 pounds. Zswo of thee pigs weighed 200 pounds ash. This ie a.pretty good weight nor, pigs of that age and shows that . Morrison, knows how to teed to et the best -results. LondesPoro, Notes -Mr Mates will scion be a- ound again. -The intent child of Ir. Charley Crawford ie suffering ith pneurnonitnezMise 13. Brogden is the sick list this week. -Quarter - 1 meeting services will be held ! Methodist church on Sunday 'ening next.-Qaite. a number of t tfarntera attended the DI, y tn horse f ill on Wednesday. -Mr. and Mrs. k -son, of Manitoba, are at present ,gueste of Mt. and _Dire- James C rripbell.-Ifiss 4 A.. Brigham 'Visited A burn friends on Sunday last. Sumenelltill. Notes. -Miss L. Lowery entertained , glide a number of her friends last Friday evening. All report having epent a, very enjoyable time. '7- Mr. B er visited his brother, 1,1r. S. Barr, 011 Clinton, who is very ill at present. r. and Mrs. C. S. Lowery are the proud possessors of a baby gira-Miss O., M. Hill le visiting Auburn friends thts week. -Mr. and Mrs. John Scar- lett, of Leadbury,visited her sfieter, etre. G. A. Tyner, on Saturday and Sunday Mrs. Noble( Lovett and fam- ily' 'returned with them. -Mr. J. W. HIll has disposed of = his Summerhill farm to Mr. C. Beacom, of the 16th co esslon of Goderich township, and 'Mr. Beacom takes p'ossession in two we ks. Bayfied. S otch = Social. -Last Friday even- ing, a very- successful social was bel in the baiement of the Presby- ter! n church, under the auspices of the Ladiee' Aid Society, As all" the Scotch know the 25t1t of January 1I3 the annivereary on the birth of Robbie Bur a and the evening naturally took on t el tone of an evening with Burns. In 'he early part of the evening all Join d in singing some df the old tam- illae Scottish airs, "Scots .Wha hae " "Bonnie Banker' o' Loch Lom- ond," "Annie Laurie " and others, Afte luects was served a programme was given consisting of readings by Mrs. Stanbury and Dr. Smith, recite - none 'by John McNeil, songs by Mrs. nicN il. and Miss Ruby Whiddon ; an add so by Rev. Mr. Hinde, of the Angl can church, and a couple" of chor ses, "Rolling Home to Bonnie Scot). nd " and, "Burns and Scotland Yet," winding up with "Auld Lang Syne. ' We 'understand it is the in- tenti e of the ladies to.have an Irish soden in honor of $t. Patrick's Day and Webespeak for them a most suce ceased]. evening as these social gath- Inge nre very popinar in the village. , Harlook. Notes -Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Watt en- tertained the' yottrig people of the vi- cinity at a house warming on Friday night. After tripping the light fan- tastic tillthe wee lardet hours all de- parted t� their homes wishing their host end hostess many years of hap- piness in, their beautiful and= tom- modioue residence, which has lately been r modelled, furniShed and cern- plated with the latest modern im- Prqve John Mills also built 4 hatuteme tyro story brick residence Which is completed and furniehed with all the latest- im- EISMINM ny YOT Whiteweaf ..4,sisa.40:015Rw0.4 A7 - Night Gowns Skirts We Would Ns Infants' White SI* Noreen Underskirts Print Wrappers WAIST8 • -Corset Covers, Adtgee the Buying of, Children's Dress Sateen Underskirts' Flanne 'tette Wrappers AND ANTS Dra e There ii that pe-Auliar something about the; selection of all on Wear Garments whic the ordinary and wins, and confidence of e that the quality and -pr pression. Women's y -to - proclaims them above at a glanee, the esteem stomers. We see to it ice strengthen that New Spring Dress Goods' Receive A shipment of Dr European Manufzetur hand. = It comprises ii ranging in price from 5 Cable, Cord, Crepelin Rilienne, etc: ss Goods direct from rs has just come to ht effects in Tweeds, to g5c also Black Black and. Colored We wish you to notiee two specials which are much in demand, yet hard to get at present. Black Panama 50c and 75e 11 Shepherd's Check 351C and 5 New Spring Goods C R17 M'S PRINT G-RAFTON'S PRINTS STRIPE GINGHAMS CHECK GING HA MS Opene LACE = CURTAINS BRUSSEL SAHES 'RUFFLED- CURTAINS - SPOT MUSLINS nrovements, and 'adds 'greatly to. the appearance 01 the fneighborhood. Mr. Leeson Hill, of Blyth, was" the eon - tractor awl deserves credit for his excellent %FOIE on both houses -The many friends' of Mrs. Fred Argent are pleased to note 'that *she is sufficient, ly 'recovered. from her recent Masse to again attend to aver duties in the store and postortioe.-The recent wind Stormi did considerable damage around these parts, having blown off one-half of the 'roof of Mrs. H. Alleles barn. The weather being so cold the 'boys are having quite a time get - Wig It -repaired. • Drysdale Death, -On Monday lent another of the old settlers of this neighborhood, In the. person of Mrs. Johnston, relict ot 'the late Wm. Johnston, passed away at. the age on 68 years, after a, prolonged, il1nss. About a year ago the deceased ad es narrow escape from death at the Kippen station, when in. some way she was jolted Off the train, which was not brought to a standstill and that accident left her . in such a weakened con- dition that she wale unable to with- stand attacks of pleurisy and bron- chitis, ti which -troubles she was subject. Tne deceased was a cen.sts- tent merriber Of .the Presbyterian church, a kind 'neighbor and a loving mother to her famili of ;six eons and daughters, whom she leaves 'behind to mourn leer loss. They aee Mrs. Kyle and M.Drysdale. of Mich!- . gan; Um, Pollock., Of DrYsdale, and Jarnima, 'rhornas and John at homo. ger- rentainie were taken to Bayfield-- cemetery* on ;Wednesday, for inter- ment, - whither they Ware fOlieWed- by a. large concourse of Wends. Tiler pail 'Warn* were • .30,Wtia Snider, jeseph Dovecote, Robert Drysdale.. Peter Deuglas, Thomas Sherritt and Egon Esler. Chiselhurss. Death, -of Mrs. Fitzgerald. -Much re- gret was felt here last week on learn- ing of the tneath ot Mrs. John Fitz- gerald, of this place, which occurred at the esaidence of her daughter, Mre. John Chambers, 'near Kippen, on the 20t1t of Januany. Mrs. Fitzgera10 maiden name was Margaret Latta, aid she Was nearly 67 'years of age, Slit ouTtered froth paralysis for ' several. months and that was the immediate .cause on her death. She was a re- signed and patient sufferer and al- th,ough her helpless . condition MS particularly trying to, one of her active disposition mid busy life she was never heard to murmur or eorne plain. She wa neroas and kind hearted almost to a fault arid no de- serving person ever lett her home- eirpfy handed. Indeed she wee a noble, true Christian lady in the - fullest sense of the term and she will be much missed In thee vicinty whera her memory will be bong and loving-. ly cherished, Site leaves her sorrow- ing husband and a fam117 of four sons arid four daughters to whone the sineereig srmpathr of all will be extended OD geoputtatt of their irrepare atie Was .'" Tailorin and readym Corning