HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1907-02-01, Page 5040E., STOR ;.ntOr f 2nda KWILAN but to say shoe sale» ..0 rlttk ear buyers. This sale, and continues for 30 days, aU Winter Shoes, to make 7eather of the winter is yet. :ar Yoti can get at this sale. SNAP FOR MEN. Slippers, regular price 7as safe. 'pers,, regular price $1, sale pHs* Gaiters, regular price $1.75, -5. .shelem Ping price $1.50 a Wearing Shoes, regular price - Nice $-2. must be sold during this your share of the bargains LIS, t ver" fr,ea for men. d fa.mily.—We ae pleas - that Mr. Vitra. Sine air in- k -timing to our village in the d occupying his neat dwel- ,ast end of the village.— Y. Hopper, of near Portage as in the village durin week visiting his brothe Hooper.—Miss 13elle Spare sicking hermother, who has • Ul during the past week' t we are pleased to learn la roving nicely.—The Sabbath hildren of St. Paul's church ere treated to a pleasant le. and afterwards entertain- Ewen's hall, on Tuesday 1- and evening last. --Mr. M. t. of near Seaforth, was ie ge last week, visiting his F. Wickwire, of Exeter, he village last week renew- aintances, — The carnival y evening last was a success attended.—We have receiv- te for Me week, an account Diane warming at the hand - home of Mr. and Mrs. John but it will appear naest Deatie—Our villagers were on Monday morning /Etat, to the sudden death of Miss aAllister, of this Mister had been in declining sing the past year, arid not the benefit she had hoped medical treatment, she was to go to St. JoSeples Hos-- London, where she was in .t special treatment, coupled it' rest and nursing, woUld quickly restore her to nearly two months ago she re, and it was thought she vering nicely, so much so mother was looking for' -- h great pleasure to her hone stitch was expected this week. ill were greatly shocked to her very sudden death,which at the hospital, on Sabbeth at, very ehortly after she ken. of her tea. The inirnedi- of death was dilation of The deceased was a bright. 'ming lady, possessed of ex- ialities, and was a great 3he wag the third daughter s John McAllieter and was :he homestead farm, in the. of Hay, an the 23rd of Feb - TR. Thies= years ago she he villa,ge with her parents 'retired from the farm. For ears she was a regular and lember of Carmel church for several years had been nt teacher in the Satabath was also an active mem- e Christian Endeavor and vas always ready and will- ajat in church work. The were conveyed from St. iospital on Monday, and on y afternoon were borne to urch, where a touching- and . mon was delivered by the v. Mr. Smith, who paid a tribute to the life and ser- e.coased had rendered to the ev. S. Hart, 3lethodist min - also present and took part vice. The church was filled. funeral service the re - re interred in the Hensall etery. The pall bearers were ra and brothers -In-law of ed, and Mr. F. Reese, choir [F.. deepest sympathy of the Imunity goes out to the end sorrowing widowed mc- .1rothers and sisters. 1•••••••!•••••••.........,1 Constance. we: fee nieeleelereary w ssill se/1 oelitef len. For eeample : n sr price. ei.75 to e.2. gide prea ree; pe ire fd melee overeboen at :el .n re in l• lee it tee: need any rtt Eersea tee Oeince, Seaforth. ettleel rrn J. D. Hinch- ld his farm on the 7th con- ullett, to his neighbor, .3.1r. The• farm contains 100 good buildings and Is In :icular a fine farm. The - wdv :1:6,300. Mr. Scott is te quite a, landed proprie- iiechley haw purchased from Sc'eafortn, the property rner at Roxboro, and • will up hes resideace there. roblern. ?aerasieeess.-4,„ f!oncr.trated animal tonic - E. Foci], pronounced by many le previously m, -ed. Money will find it right. We Pete ek food on the market. at you are -I ing for it OKA D' ONTARJO EMMA 191E :OEURON 0 TO 442 • Veal ealvas'soal it . , botinury j, . Horton. of the unbar -e ii ‘11'113°).1' "" inlirt qi''' - ti°155: 811") -andeeits:oill: fl'Cl Mr. ,N,:eatthr 'here rt ' '-6 ' " i (6 t° 1'5 65 . 411113B 11 . A Sa4 Math._. --T.. faint& of . f1"4 4114 1-4PtlitPlt " "2 Per 1°11)84 erTaaivernedd°thell Sir little four '8°YeWeara:ol 141 dIrdeaths bo n , ,1pool1vi":;i1 tli PTP ein; )5;11 1° 4ol Inl 11 1171 ):: : ; 42i e 1 Ftg 1:41:1:rVadfig I- \,7"v and6.t(; 0 b :II 10 :ekta I 11 g 88 1 1"0 1 4 37v 5 an° tendeter leak' *.`- . 1 1* "y8-20'."--Cabil'eeadliv°1P-Sec'es froiti'L'ive' re' of ie to Iecerpeer 1-1). for Canadian (Attie tie , Frank. The little', fellow, was taken, advanee sales tit 12ed. The butchers were oat strong Wit d ill or Saturday of pneumonia and Cattle Was active, but owing to sinaplies lo. died the following' day, ,The heart toTtgviie,i,atIvalti(1 rTar weakened fel% to per lb. 'Mole° Horton in this their sadden bereave-' I fy w II I be extended to Mr. aridt Mrs.'. Iva ()root-ratan:1"i r4iitt 8u4ki144110etre; 0:501)em. ros4rne'leai aentde it at tbaoltlit el rn:,,, felt syrnpathY of the entille COITIMUlle, 10,e , meat. , The funeral took • place on de te4iT'IPellat;'aintlbeasIbv7snagth/filte9•-t:$84444* lif4:seaetETicamt Weaker feeling whir% developed in th h /31' he TliefedaY, ES`Ildt, the sympathy • of tile in the middle of haat Week was the main featalte of neighborhodd ws,4 expressed by the the market agein this morning, and price . ed ' large number Wi10 attended. 1,eiuxrttebnetrwtiasiodnuneo toofthehelbtocreteedpeor,o4v- tii.e0Th:iiite:tteoriSnoonri I so to the fact that buyers were not so keen for sup. plies, and trade WAS $10W1 With sales of eeleeted tote Winghana = at r7,20 to $7.25 per °este weighed off carte The New Hospital.: --The opening Of 1 ....., the new Wingham Hospital took place `_. SALE REGISTER. .ing consists of a i stibitautfal three -4 ! on Thursday of last week. The Ibuild, I atOn_ Wedneaday , Hoeuhseelgl5cr goe.of Mr. D. D. Wilson, in Seaforth, , February Oth, at 1 o'olook p. m.1 '' titory . briciq structure, , containing - twenty-two roorne, with 'accommoda- tion for some' forty patients. ... Mr. I Wilson, proprrehitotrr ,Theettertess'seCenartitljsttneBeter.‘ . D.D. 2042-1 On Tueeday, February 6, at one o'olook pe me, on Thomas Bell, president a the board, and Nee. a, M. Walker, president , Lateea, Concession 14, MoKillop Boundary-, Farm „. 0•T Sautootiro.11eRobert Holland, proprietor ; F. S. Scott, . the Ladies' Auxiliary, received, the On Fribcir;y, February 1st, at 12 o'clock noon, on 2041-2 visitors. The ladies served a light - o4, luncheon-, and during the eventhLt 8 g the Coneession 6, UshOrne, Farm: Fenn Stook & Wing/111ra hand furnished a musical PrciNOgrtes9411.—nfir. Thomas Casselhi. was in Clinton on Monday attending tne fun- eral of his uncle.—The new pestof- fice opened, on §Wednesdwy morning, January 28rd. At is ' a fine building and mucli creditjis due to Dr. McDon- ald for E10211r1fig it for Wi"iighany. — NVIngharn played a game of hockey at Gerrie on Friday night last and were defeated, by a score of 14-6. Gorrie played tile return game at i Wingham Monday night and were de- feated by a score of 9...7„ Nommemorrimmiimsomemet Bluevale. Notes.—Bluevale Orangemen, vielt-i ing brethren, and a large number of friends enJe.yed an oyster supper in the basenlent of the Methodist church, on PridaY evening last, and after-, wards repaired to ,the Forester& hall, where a prograrnme of speeehes and musie was presented. Mr,Thomas Stewart was chairman, in the absence oMr. W. 3. Greer, of Winghesn, Mr. A. H. Mosgrove and Rev. Mr. Boyle, of Wingliam •' Rev. W. J.West„ M. A., and Rev. George Baker, of Bluevale, were the orators of the evening, Mr. James Bowman and daughter, of It:fortis, contributed vio- lin and organ duets. Miss 'Alba Chis- holm, ot wingnam ; Bus. W. 3. John- ston, Miss Pearl Baker, Miss Mina Haney, and Jain Stewart were the so- ; Miss Gertie Ross, of Winghaar, WaS accompanist and Miss Mary Pea- _ czock and Mr. Hanna contributed re- citations. The entertainers had a full ihouge and the affair passed off very pleasantly.—Mr. J. C. Johnston was one of the victims of grippe last week.—George Sproat, of FlImore, in Saskatchewan, Miss Myrtle Sproat, of Seaforth, and David Sproat, of Bel - grave, visited at R. N. Duff's this week. MARKETS. SZAFORTIT, January 31, 1007. Fall Wheat $0 63 to e0 63 Oate, per bushel ,0 35 to 0 85 •Pees, per bushel .. ..... .... 76 to 0 75 Barley, per bushel. ........ 0 45 to 045 Bran, per thir. ... . .. ,....... 20 00 to 20 00 Shorts, per ton., ... .... 20 00 to 20 00 Low Grade Flour, per ton 23 00 to 23 00 2 10 to 2-76 ....... 0 20 to 022 0 10 to 021 0 22 to 0 25 60 to 05 10 00 to 10 00 8 00 to 850 1 00 0 50 1 86 7 00 3 75 050 700. 00 elour, per 100 lbs. Butter, No. 1, loose . .. Butter, cub Eve, per dozen Corn Ilev per ton Hides, per 100 lbs. elneep skins, ,... . . ... „ , 0 76 to Potatoes per bushel 0 40 to Salt, retail) per barrel. ... 1 26 to Wood per cord(long).......... 7 00 to Waod per cord (short) 3 7F to Atiplee per bag 0 20 to ellrwer feeed 0 60 te . 'Timothy Seed. .... ... „... • ...... 1 30 to Dairy Markets Tortorro, Jan. 29 -Butter -The market 'thews very little improvement. Prices are generally easy. Creamery prints, 26 to 27e'solids, Me to 24c : 'dairy printe,22 to 230 ; tube,10 to 21e. Cheese -The market is very steady and firm, Quotations are Mee for large and 140 for tv,ine in job lots here. Ego - The market is steady, although new -laid are a little weak in tone. Prices are : New laid, 28 t6 29 ; sereete. 26 to 27e; storage, 24c; limed, 22e. Morriteere Jan. 29. -Butter --The market is very firm, there being a Wendy demand for local consum- ption. Prices are quoted as follows - Butter -Fresh made creamery, 25 to 25c; western (lain-, selected, 22 to 2216 ; Manitoba, dairy, 20 to 21e ; rolls, in baskets, 2.21, to 23e, and half -barrels, 22 to 22e -e. Eggs , -The egg market is very-fli•m, new -laid still being quoted very high, the price asked being 35 to 40c ; elected price asked being 4540 55o; selected stock is quoted at 26e to Mee ; No. 1 cold storagi, 21 to 22e, and timed at 21e. Receipts thismorning vsere 457 cases, • Poultry. Menem, Jan, 29 -The 'market Is generally steady, but With no stronger tendeney, Fresh killed are not very plentiful, but there is a good supply of frozen stock. Chickene, &owed, 10c to 18e ; inferior, 80; f owl, Sc; doctoral° to 12e ; geese, 10e to lle ; tur- keys 12e to 130 per pound all dressed weight. _Canaan, eto. Tonorro„ Jan. 20 -Flour-Ontaele wheat 00 per cent patents are quoted at $2.05 to $2.07 in bit ers eeeke outside for export. Mani•teba - first pritnttee $4,50 ; second patents, $4, and strong bakers' 8:3.00, Toronto. Wheat -No. 1 Manitoba hard is notninal at 34e, lake ports ; No. 1 Northern at $2e,c, and No. 2 Northern at 80c. Bran -Car lots of bran outside in built are noniinal at $18.50 to $19,andshorts at 819.50 to $e0. Baled: Hay -The Mai -Ices is easier and pricesy a little lower. Quotations are *11.60 for No. 1 :tim- othy, and 89 for No, 2 in ear lots on track here. Bided Straw -Steady at $6.50 to $7 on track here, _ - Live Stook Markets. Loxeox, England, Jan. 28-Ameriean cattle, fled. Liveerout, January M. -Canadians, (id; short supply. Gtasoova Anomie' 28, -Edward Watson & Rit- chie report 000 cattle offered ; trade was slow, al-. though prices svere firm for prime steers .at 12 to secondary, 118 ;• bulls, prime, tee ; secondary' and inferior'8c to edie per lb: Beefatie,!Jan. e29 -Cattle -Active, and goneratly steady ; prime steere, e5.60 to e0.16 ; shipping, $5 to 85,75; butcher' 84,50 to $5,40 ; heifers, $3.25 to 85.25 ; cows, $3 to $4.50 ; hulls, 83 to 84,75; stockers and feeders, $3 to $4,35 ; stock heifers, $2.50 to 84; fresh eon and springers, eSe to $8. per head haver at :e18 te $48. ealn-Active and 25c hieher„ at $4.25 to $0.75, Hogs -Active ; 5 to .3.0e higher ; heavy, $7.10 to $7.15 • • inixed,$7.10 to $7.15; 'Yorkers, 87.15 to e7.20 ; pigs, 87.30 to 87.40; roughs, $0a2.0 to .80.40; stags, e4.50 to $5.25 Sheep and Lainbs.-eheep native and steady ; 'melba slow and firm ; lambs, $3 to $7.80 ; yearlines, $0.25 to $6.50 ; wethere $5.50 to $5.75 ; ewes, $4.75 to 85.25 : sheep, mixed, $3 to 85.25. ' lemony), Jar, may :50th. -Outside of a very few,the geality of fat cattle was not good, .out they all sohl readily -Est fair prime in fact everything was sold be- -fore noon. More good cattle would have sold. EX - porters. ---Not inany shipping cattle were on sale,not a eingle straight load of good exporters bein,te othe market. Two or three of the export dealers were in need of five or 6 cattle each to complete shipments and they had to call from amongst the butchers' to get (little enough to fill out their loads. This being the ceee 15 cattle sold at re5.50 per ewt., JAt the -y W't'(- Hold for inore than they were worth, and this sale ie no eriterioa to go by. " Butchers ---A few of the best lots -were reported sI 81,80 to $5 per cwt. Otto dealer teltIThe World that he wanted to get a load of good butehere on the market. Load e of the beet cattle sold at $4.50 to $4.75; Medium loads sold at 44.15 to 84.40; common, $3.50 to $4,90 ; eon from 82.75 to e3.75 ; canners at $1. to 82 per cwt. Feeder's and seeekera-liarry hlurby bought 1 loa 1 of light feeders, 800 lbs. each, at $1.15 per cwt., and this sale mule up the market for feeders & stockers. Mitch Oen-About 40 milkers and springers, a• .znongst which there were none of choice qualiteesold at $50 ta $45 efieh. Veal Calves -About 50 veal valves sold at $3.50 to $6.60 per cwt. for the general run, but $7 per cwt. wae pad for teem new milk -fed ealvee. Sheep and Lambs -Export ewes sold at $4.5e . to $5 ; rams, e3,76 to 81 ; lambs, e6 ,t,o 80.50, and 0 few pieked lots at 07 ; common twist, $4.50 to $5.50 per eivt. Ilogs,-The rim of howl was light, hut the priees were reportedas being unchanged. Selects veld at '4, 60 and lighte and fete at 80.35 per met. Toaoxeo Jescrioe. Union Stock -Ye,rde-January 20 ----The quality of fat eattle was fair •, trade was brisk. Export prices ranged from. 24.76 to 85.40 beik selling at $5._00 to 86.25 ; export bulls,ae 84.00 to 24.25; butehers' prices for picked lots choice rang- ed from $4.75 to 2400; good from 81.25 10,84,50 ; 44, • 4. 44 Implements. George Sinallacombe, prop ;_ Themes Cemeron, auctioneere 2040-2 On Tuesday, February 191h, at one o'clock p. na,on Lot 15, Coneeesion 11, Hullett, Horses and Cattle. Jamesleiper, proprietor; Thomas Brown, auction- , eer, 2042.3 On Wednesday, February 13, at one o'clock p. on Lot 2, Concession 12, Tuoltersmith, Farb) Stook & Implements. ROBERT NEWELL, Proprietor; JAS. JONES, Auctioneer, 2042-2. On Friday, February 15, at one o'olook p, m., on the premises, in the Village of Leadbury, le miles north of Seaforth, Blacksmith Shop, Stock & Tools, Dwelling and Lot. A. McGregor, proprieeor, ; The - matt Brown, nuctioneer. 20t1-4 diediMiliMUNEW• Your Savings itrelafe When deposited in — Western Bank of Canada Interest paid or compound- ed twice a year. OWE NO MAN ANYTHING Borrow Your Requirements from us and pay cash. FRANK McCONNELL, Manager DU,BL1N BRANCH. births. • LONGMAN-In Morris. on Jan. 16th, to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Longman, a son. DODDS-In Brussels, on Jan. 3041-i, toehlr, and Mrs. Charles H. Dodds, a son. Marnaues. SMITHERS-ROBERTS-In Seaforth, an January 301h, by Rev. Mr. Berry, Mr. 'Wm, etrnithers, of Seaforth, to Lily, daughter of Mrs. R. 8, Uob. erts. lifeEWEN-SHANNON-At the residence of the bride's parents, MoKillop, on Jan. 28rd, by Rev. A. hirioNale, hi. A., of ‘salton, Alex. MeEwen, to Jetinie Shannon, both of McKillop. WATSON-MILLER-At-the.residenee of the bride'S - parents Clinton, on Jan. 28rd, by Rev. W. Joiliffe,,Geo, s. Watson, of Lashburn, Sask., to Nona Miller, daughter of Mr, eneob hillier. TURNER-MoLEAN-In the Judson Memorial church, New York City, onehtna 18th, by Rev. - Wm, M. Hubbell, Polly McLean, of Dungannon,. to Harold Turner, of Goderioh. , Deaths. SCOTT -1n ilarpurhey, on An. 27tii, Isabella Dia- . son'relict of the late Jae. Scott, sr„ aged .84 yre. ALLEN -In Clinton, on Jan. 10t11, John Allen, aged 79 years. PICKARD-In Goderieh township, on Jan. lath, Mrs. John Pickard, aged 78 years and 11 days. KEYS -In Stanley, on Jan. 21st, hire. Wm. Keyseir., of the Babylon line, eget' 70 years and '4 months, "MoPHERSON-In Turnborry, on Jan. 22nd, Wm.)! c- , Pherson, aged 80 years and 6 months. - GROVES -In Aden, on Jan. 21st, Mary Groves, re- lict of the tete James Groves, of Wingham, aged 77 years. PHARIS-Di Godericle'on Jan, 18th, Ann Marie, re- lict of the late John Pharis, aged 87 years end 6 mon rho, CAMPBELL -At Calgary, on Jan. 22nd, J. Duncan Campbell, late of Toronto. e BAGSHAW-In 'Exeter, on Jan. 10th, Mary Ann - Snell, relict of the late'Abrahain Bagshaw, aged 61 years, 2 months and 1 day. FITZGER.ALD-Near Kippen, on Jan. 20th,Margaret Latta, wife of John Fitzgerald, aged 60 ybars, 11 months and 9 days. Farm Laborers and Domestics. I have been appointed by the Dominion -Govern- ment to place immigrants from the United Kingdom in positions as farm laborers and domestic servants, Any person requiring such help should notify me by letter stating fully the kind of help required, when wanted and the wages offered. The numbers arriv- ing ma'not- be sufileient to supply all requests, but every effort will be made to provide each 'applicant with help required, GEORGE MURDIE, 2042-13 Seaforth. ' Picture Framing. At ibis time of year you nearly always bave a number of pictures you wish fram- ed. But you keep pur.titg is eff, often be: cause you fear the expense. Picture fratni, ing with no is a specialty, and we carry a stook of frames and mouldings that are cheap and neat, pretty but no:, expensive. 1J -A us frame a picture for you, and we will ow - ince you of the truth of what we say. Try ns for yournext Photo. JACKSON BROS Seaforth,. NOTICE. Town (if. Seaforth... Applieation will be made to the Legislative Asseire. bly of the Province of Ontario at the next eession thereof for sn aot to confIrm the. following. By -Laws of the Town of Seaforth : By -Law No. le for 1004, passed 260 January, 1005, authorizing the issue of Debentures to the amount of $20,000. .By -Law No. 11 for 1000, passed 201h June, ipao, authorizing the issue of Debentures to the amount of 810,000. By -Law authorizing the issue of Local Improve- ment Debentures to the amount of 226,500, to defray the coat of paving a portion of Main Street in the Town of Seaforth. Dated at the Town Hall, Seaforth, this 26th Day of December, A. D., _1906. JOHN A. WILSON, 2038-6 Town Clerk. GRAND TRUNKIVreca - Do You, • Wish to Visit hiEXICO CALIFORNIA FLORIDA or the "SUNNY SOUTH" Are you anxious to escape the cold weather and snow, and spend the winter In the "Land of Fruit and Flowers." Tohrist tiekete are on sale daily, and if you're contemplating a trip see that your tielsets are routed via Grand Trunk. For tickets and full information call on - W. SOMERVILLE, Town Agent. A. F. PHILLIPS, Depot Ticket Agent. IMPORTANT- NOTICES, .f TIOUSE TO N1 -To rent, about the 15th of AL' Marnin Comfovtable brlok heturein the village of Erucufleld Apply tee. Be MCCARTNEY, Bence - 2048X8 field. HOUSE FOlt•SALEe-For sale, ilOttBe and 161 on Chalk street, Seaforth. The house ;rentable 7 rooms, hard and soft water, etc. e In good repair. Will he setaeheap,as the proprietor is going Week Apply on the promises or address, Seatorth p, '0,, 'PROS. NV, ADAMS. 204234 ' • AUCTION SALES. DOTION SAM Of ll'ousehold Furniture, -Thos. 21. Brawn heighten inetruilited by Mr.' D. Ile Willem to sell by public auction at Idereeldence in Seaforh on Wedneeday, Febriiery 6th, at. one ceelook p. n., the whole of his Household. Furniture, consisting of Parlor, Sitting ftQCIM and Bedroom Suites, together with Carpets, Etc. 'Phe whole will positively be gold without reserve as the owner is giving up hotere- keeping. Terme.-All owns of $5 and under, eiieh ; over that amount, 0 menthe' credit on. bankable paper. A dieeount at the tate of 6 per cent. per en. num allowed for cash on cradle amounts. Parties desiringg to inepeoe the attieles can have the oppor- tun nity any forenoon before the Hate. D. D, WILSON, Proprietor ; THOS. 131tOWN, Anetioneer. 20424 A UOTIO1',T SALE of Draft Horses, Fillies and 001- ,M -dings, Stook Steers and Heifers, Newly Calv- ed con and lepringerse-In the Village of Dublin,at one p. 111., 011 Tuesday, Fe'eruary 6, the following property : Horees--1 paAr of mares tieing 6 years 1 pair of itires tieing 8 years; 1 pair fillies rising ttivo Year8 ; spring colts ; 1 driving horse 5 years old ,• 1 blood colt rising 3. sired by Gold Bar1 blood oelt rising 2, sired by Wilder Lee ; 1 blood Nit rising 2, sired by Roadniaster. Cattle. -12 steers rising three years old ;.1.0 heifers rising 2 and $ years old ; 15 steers arid heifers rising 2 years ; 3 newly calved cows, 4 cows due to calve In h4roh. Pigs. --4 brood. eows due to 1ittei in March ; 24 seere pigs. Terms of Sale. --Eight months' credit on approved joint notes; A diecount of cents on the dollar allowed for cash. J. hi, MATTHEWS, Proprietoie; Thomas Brown, auctioneer. 20421 A UOTION SALE of 26 Horses and 20 Head ef Cattle. -James Leiper hoe instructed Thomas Brown to sell by paddle auction on Lot 10, Canoes. sion 11, Hullett, on Tuesday, Feb. 10, 1907, at one o'olook p, in., the following ; 26 heavy drafbfillies and gelcliege ranging in age from 8 to 5 years, also three drivere. 28 ,head of stem corning 3 and 4 years old and 0 young nettle. These are well bred, in good con- dition and sound. 275 bushels of seed peas, clean- ed and Wee from hewer This will be a splendid °pima+ tunity for any person minting good horses, AS theY, Wili he sokl without reserve. The cattle are also In good condition and will be sold without reserve. Terms.- Seven months' credit on approved joint notes. A dieeouut of 3 per cent, ort the friee of the note will be allowed for oath. On the peas, cash, JAMES LEIPER, Proprietor ; THOS. BROWN, Auc- tioneer. 2042-3 APOTION SALE of Farm Stock and Implements. James Jones has received instrnetions from Robert Newell to sell by public auction on Lot 2, Concession 12, Tuokersmieh, on Wednesday, Febru- ary 13th, at one o'clock p. m., the following ; Horses -1 general purpose mare 7 years old supposed to be in foal ; 1 driving horse 6 years- old ; 1 • geneml pur- pose horse rising 4 s • 1 home rising 2 ; 1 mare colt 1 year old. 'Cattlee-5 winch cows supposed to be in calf •, 8 stem 8 years old ; 8 steers 2 years old ; 3 yearling heifers ; 1 yearling steer, 4 calves ; 1 brood sow to litter in April ,• 0 atore hogs 4 menthe old ; a number of hens. implements. -1 liassev-Harris binder, 1 Brantford mower 6 foot out, 1 Manley -Har- ris seed drill, 1 Noxon diuo harrow, 1 Perrin sulky plow, 1 horse raker, 2 single plows, 1 set iron bar- ren, 1 Frost & Wood gang plow, 1 land teller, 1 pair bobsleigh% 2 lumber wagons, 1 top buggy, 1 single buggy, 1 buggy pole, 1 cutter, 1 hay rack, 1 gravel box, 1 fanning mill, 1 set weigh scales, 1 stoneboat, 1 wheelbarrow, 1 water trough, 1 grindstone, 2 sets double harness, 2 sate single harness, rebee, horse blankets., 2 leather fly nets, a queue ity of ha) spades, shovels, forks, oilcans, crowbars, grain bags, etc, 1 cook Stove, 1 daisy churn, 1 cream tank and nurneeoue other articles. Everything will be sold without reserve as the proprietor has sold' hie farm. Terms of Sale. -All sums of $5 and under, -oaeh •, over that amount, 10 months' credit OA approved Joint. notes. A durcount of 4 cents on the dollar al- lowed for cash on credit amounts. ROBERT NEW- ELL, Proprietor ; JAS. JONES, Aubtioneer. 2042.2 Shorthorn Herd Bull For Sale. ••••411414• MWS• Having used him in our herd as long as it le „pos- sible, we now offer for sale our well known stook -and show bull, 1 • SAILOR'S PEER 49,463 Roan, calved Ootober 22, 1002; bred by J, & W. B. Watt, Salem, Ontario. Dame Got by Sottish Peer (imp.) 40,424 Mildred 7th, 88,937 Royal Sailor (imp.) 18,959 Mildred 4th 22,941 liespodar (imp.)8,708 711 Mildred 3 05,022 Challenge, 2,023 ,. Anyon wanting a trat.class fonr-yeer-old that hes. proved hiineelf n good and sure getter, and Is still as useful ae he ever was, should Bee thie one. We are also offeiing four young butte that are just ready for service. . • A. 0; SAIILLIE, • Hensel) P. 0, Lot 11, Concession 2, L. R. 8 , Tuckertimith. ' 2042-3 Accuracy Cleanliness Integrity tilre, the W atch- Words of 1his Store. awammetsmi J47e-Randle— , PURE DRUGS ' PATENT MEDICINES RUBBER GOODS TOILET ARTICLES PERFUMES LEATHER GOODS GANONG'S CHOCOLATES CIGARS, 'PIPES, TOBAGO° TPUSSES, ALL STYLES 3TOOK FOODS Give us a call. We appreciate it even if you don't buy. The J. S. ROBERTS DRUG STORE W. M. MoKAY, Manager A Money Saving Shoe Store. 11•11•44 4•1••• • While this shoe store is a money sav- ing store, and saves its patrons money, , at all seasons of the year, we are now' going to do soinething great in this We shall at ono° commence a grand shoe clearing sale. Modern business meth- ods know of no better time to clear out broken lines, and prepare Mr new styles,than ths between season mouths. Spring Footwear will soon be here, while many winter shoes still linger with us. Thole 'hobs must go at some price. Nothing the matter with the shoes, but the prices ars badly shattered. Men's Fell Bale. or Oangress, were $2 50, now $2.00. Women's Faip BIN, or Co4ress, were $1 75, no* $:125, Women's Dongola l3tsh., h4vv or • light soles, were $2 50, now a po These are only a few of our cut prices. Richardson& rinnis SWORTH, Sole Agents for the Hagar, Just Wright and Derby Shoes. , CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE Paid-up Capital, $10,000,090. Reserve Fund, $415001000 HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO . E. WALKER, General Manager ALEX. LAIRD, Asst. Carel Manager BANK MONEY ORDERS ISSUED AT THE FPI-LOWING RATES atid under, .. ... .. 3 cents Over $5 and not exceeding $10 6 cents " $10 " " $30 105 cceenpttss ii $50 di 830 It These Orders.are Payable at Par at any office in Canada of a Chartered Bank (Yukon excepted), and at the principal klanking point t in the United State. Neteareenat AT A FIXED "*.ATE AT THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE, LONDON, ENG, They forin an excellent method of remitting- small sums of money with safety . and at small cost. SEA FiC)Ft TH BRANCH. F. H• OLMESTED, Solicitor G, E. PARKES, Manager. BIG FUR REDUCTIONS. One man's undyed brown calf coat, was $21, for $18 • 1 men's fur lined coat, with exceptionally high Gernaan table collar, was $38: now $25, 1 lady's black astrachap cape, with very wide skirt and sweep, was $21, now $15, one lady's black astrachan fur jacket, size 40, well lined, -was $31.50, now '1 lady's black astrachan fur jacket, size 36, splendidly made and lined, was $26 50, for $21, 1 lady's black astrachan jacket, size 38, with fine curl and Italian lining, was 826, now $20, (1 lady's black balkahran jacket, size 42, with big curl and large collar and revers, was 08, now $27; one lady's black German astrachan jacket, size 34, best we have had for finish and lining, was $40, now $30, 1 lady's North SeaSeal, with brown satin linings and well quilted, high collar and wide revers, was $42,50, now $31; five men's black Siberian dog coate, not guaranteed, made by -Paquet, Quebec, were $20, for $13.50, Fur Ruffs, Caps, Capes, Stoles and Caperines, 20 to 25 per cent. discount Thirty-seven Ladies' Jackets, made of good fine cloths, and all good goods -1905 styles—to clear at eaeh $2. POPLESTONE & GARDINER — 9 (SUCCESSORS TO MESSRS. McKINNON & CO,) . BIalirT11, ONTARIO. Sleek Fat Horses in a Month. A good reliable farmer told me last week that it does not 'take long t� put ' Ten Dollars on a horse with FEAR'S Condition Powders. 1st—They' get the blood right • 20d—They pile on the flesh !ike magic, Their action is different to anything you ever saw. Get a package, and watoh their magic influence. The directions are simple and easy to follow, 25o for 1 lb.; 3 lbs. for 50c; lbs• for $1 At FEATS Drug Store, Seaforth. We sell Kow Cure, tb great cow roedicine. W.A..1\111MID 444 4444 445.01-1.. if+++1,4444.4.4eleeli4i Comfortable Homes for re- spectable young women With or Without IE!oard. SEND PARTICULALS TO W. E. Southgate & Co., CLOTHINO FACTORY, SEAFORTH. ORONTO. BAURGAIN HOUSE Great Bargains in every line. We carry everything in our store but groceries, and our goods have been marked at prices thai will save you money. We do not wish you to take our word for it, but corns: and get our prices It will surpaise you, as it has done others. Just look at this Men's and Boys' Overcoats, worth from $5 up, for $2.50* Collars and Collar Tabs, regular 25e and 35c, for 10c, Ladies' Ostrich Plumes for Hats, r g $4, and e4 50, for $1 50 and $2 M In Jewelry we carry a full line of pair department is under the mana,„acine all repairs will be done promptly and at .see 'our 58.50 watch. This watch has a years, Waltham, 7 jewels, works guarant ordinarily for $12—our price $8 50. Eight day Clocks, regular $4, for $ ' See our Spring stock of.Boota and D O'L GOFF an Watches, Clocks, Rings, etc. Our re- t oi a competent watchmaker. and sasonable prices. It will pay you to gold filled case, guaranteed for 20 ed for 20 years, This watch. sells Opposite the Roya TO CONTRACTORS. Settled tenders will be received up to February Oth at 1 p. In., from eontractors, fqr the erection of a brick school house at Leadburya Plans and epecifi. eatione may he wen at the residence of the under - tripled. Thelowest or any tender not necessarily ac- cepted. ALBERT DUNDAS, See.-Treas., S. S. No. 7, 2041-2 Len.dbury ,50. 'hoes. d ISAACSON Hotel, Seafole h. TO CONTRAOTORSrn Corms? Main sect Morkist Bract, Sesforth, — 'Ontario, j Dry Goods and Ci•thIng , Canaan" In resur4Countles Annual ''Stocktak. ing Sale 'eb.. 1 to We are nearing the end of our business year. If you have not visited this' store at stook-tako - ing, you have missed the great est values of the year. Clearing lines, odd iots and ends appear ,daily, and go on sale re- gardless of price. aeWellatabeitievarrISMISNIPIel Great Clearing Prices in Furs FOr the next sixteen de:ys the greatest valtres ever offeyed by this store will be found in Furs. , Fifty Men's tur Coats in all to clear -1 lis wailaby, womba Burr. gall calf and dog coats. Get our prices—the irony of ack-taking they must be sold within the next sixteen days, Twenty-five per cent. off all mensmall furs—caps, gauntlets, -collars, AAAAMMAAAAAMAMAAAAALA A Ladies' Furs — Twelve Ladies' Plain Astrachan Jackets, regular 134 98 530 taking prices $20 to $25 'All other coats, in fur lined and trimmed, at 25 per cent; on 1 Twenty-five per cent, off all Caperines, Collarettes:Ituffe, ruffs, (tc Stocktaking prices on Ladies, Mikes' and Children's -Cloth Ooats.For sixteen days we offer this stock at one-third less than regular price A bargain it of Cloth Skirts, regular pdess from $2.90 to 395, 0r 1 one -fifty A table of Ladies' and Children's Coat o For sixteen ays your &dee for $1 50, Twenty-five per cent, off all Flannelette Wrappers A pile of Wrappers, worth from $1125 to 5225, on sale at 89c A bargain lot of Cushion, Tops, worth 250, 35c and 50con sale at 19c Black and colored Kid. Gloves, reg lar prices $1 and1i,25, for 75c Dress Goods All Remnants and Ends at half See our 25c table of Dress Goods fo Drees Trimmings worth 12ic to $1 Depar men e for sixteen days the next Sixteen days yard, on sale at 10e a Staple Dry oods— Twenty-five per cent. off all Wrappprettes Twenty-five per cent. off all Grey Blankets Fifteeu pieces of Oxford Shirting, r gular 13; for 9ic Fifteen pieces Flannelette, worth 7, for 50 Ten pieces Towelling, worth 7c, for 6c Twelve and one-half per cent. off al Flannelettes Men's and B js'.iCilotiting Twenty-five per cent. off' all metes, youths' and Boys' Overcoats A pile of Men's Overcoats, worth from $10 to $12, for sixteen' days at five dollarsof Boys, and Youths' Vests at 25e each Two hundred pairs of Rants, worth from 51.75 to $2, for sixteen days at 51.25 each A pile of Boys' and Youths' Sweaters, worth 69eon sale at 39e Special clearing prices en all men's and boys' Underwear In addition to the above lines, odd lots will be brought out daily +41++44++++44441444*4444+++41 Highest Prices paid for Butter, Eggs and Wool. DRIED 4PPI*13 WANTED. Sealed teridere will lee remind by the undersigned p toSaturday, February 28rd, at 1 p. m, , for the rection of a eemene and brick erehool houseat Wel- n. Plans and speollIcatione may be gee% at the eeidenc,e of the undersigned. The brick is fornish. and delivered on the ground by the trustee& e lowest .or any tender not nee.esearily accepted. THOMAS If. BOL0fat, Seoreten-aretunirer U. S. S. No. 11, Morrie, Grey and McKillop, -2,042.3 Warm. WarlaranD Opposite Town Builditik) Coruezi fan and t;'-, • DI IMP arket Streets