HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1907-02-01, Page 3or Lung
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral cer-
tainly cures coughs, colds,
bronchitis, consumption. And
it certainly strengthens weak
throats and weak lungs;
There can be no mistake about
this. You know it is true. And
your own doctor will say so.
Tho best kind of a teetinion1o:1—
"old for over sixty years."
Made by 0. Ayer Co., Lowoll,ILsess.
Also m.anufsoturere of
We have no secrets! We publish
the formulas of all our modtoines.
Keep the bowels reguiar witn Ayer'3
Pills and thus hasten recovery.
ithout wo usually tends to e
life. On the other hand, worry,
sitheatewor , Is tatai, because
What the Doctors call the
a phosphorised fat which
ief conetituent of the brain and
ystene—a waste which, if not
• time, means complete ner-
-eck. The evident moral is
eerryeeeadvice easy to give,
hese days of stress and strain
Uy impossible to take. The
-e . find some way of re -
the Lecithin—the
Tired fat, This absolutely
element will be found in
fect palatable an -d assirni
siou of Cod Liver Oil and
irue(phosphorized fat)together
, the recognized blood builder
Le FERROL the ideal nutrient it
- prevention or treatment of -
prostration FERROL Is abso-
equalled—it is safe, sure and
nula of FERROL is freely ex-
" Von Know
t you thke"
- 1 V FEA1 Seaforth
--Two good Shorthort BuU
months old, sired by Hot.
=pion t London exhibition in 1905.
ca.e. These are first-class calves both as
eating and individual animals. JAMES
) forth. 20:le•tf
The undersigned has for sale sea. -
• Leicester Sheep and Durham Cattle
-. Address Egmondville P. 0., or apply
i•Road, Tuelteemith. ROBERT CHAR.
P.N CA'rILE—Seven first-class young -
from imported cow, for eale at nioder-
d on easy terms ; geed young- cowl and
er sale. All interested are etti•dially in-
eet the herd. Farm adjoins town, long
phone to farm. Write for catalogue,
:offers:for sale on Lot 27, COneessiOn
nship, a number of heifer and young
Ives at foot, 4'ethorthorn burs at for in
eee,eired by imported Prince of Banff.
eek are all reteist.ered in the National
k. Prices moderate, tervaS easy, visitor
AVID HILL, Staffa P. O. Ite,16-aZel
II.N5.—Choiee bred intile and females tit
t ages for vale, al.ent two (Preen to eelee
ee re -1.4.4131)1e. Herd now headed by
ttItti" (5691.1t). Is3 the be.
reported stoek on both beteg, eios.ey dart:
awl well set on short IL.48. Terms
'4 .95 ins1re•1 ; others on zEppliestion
..o;ne. JOHN ELDER, Ileneall P. Oe
r. Rro
eerie- ,Cetds1 Ercnehitier,
.sonose, Croup, Asthma,
'n or Tightness in the
Chest, Eto.
that tictliag in the threat, Is
o tale and soothing and heat-
, lungs. Me E. leseop Brand,
nown Galt gardener, writes
very severe attack of soro
tightness in the chest. Some
n 1 wanted to cough else coulA
td almost choke to death. M
me a bott!e: of DR. WOOD'S
PINE SYRUP, and to uty sur -
mind spf?edy relief. 1 won't t
thout it if it cost $1.00a bot -
ear. recommend it to everyous
a cough or cold.
PrIce 2o Cents-
i„tbile- Notice., t.
re'..et given that, a by-la.w ate) passed la,
the Town,ship, of Tuekerentith on the
'nusry, D.., 1997, providing. - for the
' to the athount of $1;e.enta for the
trtlr( Permanent bridges In the
nd that such by-law was registereed
Mee, County of Huron, on the 2:het
. Any motion t quaeh or set aside
rt thereof, must be tutute within
tter the first Iniblicatien of this not
ot br ust4.• filet-mitt:1%
A. O.
Clerk of Tneker-enit h.
day Of Jarnetre ,
ag of women suffer untold raiser -
ay with aehiag. ewes that really
sinless to ache. A woman's back
da :ao ache. Unel2r: Ordinary
ovtght to be string and ready
'bear the burdens of life.
to do hotrewo:I: wtc, an ach-
Hours of rnieery at: lgisure or
f women only knew the cause.
;lornes from sii.k kidneys, and
3f troublo kidne,;.-a k.:31.130 in
;esaaa' if tr.,..re w,erk
than they van eland it's not
red that they get. ut:t of order.
surp1y czy ft.,:7 help.
-t A
pt. They're helping aick, over-
-al ever the world—
rong, healthy and rigorous.
Douglas, Ont., writes: "For
laths 1 was troubled 'With imam
Vas unatae, to move without.
orl 01 kinds a plater A and.
Lt they were no use. Atf last
Lt Doan's Kidney Pilis
el ti.roo-coarter5 of
as etecnig and well as ever."
pe:. -box or three hoxl-; r
let or The Doan Kidgey
—the talc of success, atrength and -safety
A new Canadian record accomplished in 44 years:
• $25,000,000
Asses, over
Deposits, over .
Capital, Reserve Fund and Undivided Profits,
eves • • . • • • . G
Your account—large or sroall--is invited.
'Deposits of $1.00 and upwards received in the Savings
Department --Interest paid 4 tunes a year— 26
The Sovereign Bank of Canada.
...or Sale.
At a bargain, one half section in Southern Mani-
toba, within a half a mile of a good railroad town.
Improvements cost over .93,000, wheat averaged 8,1
bushels per acie last year, gamin sales amount to from
1:1,400 to $1,000 each year, besides, cattle, hogs'etc.
100 acres ploughed ready for spring crop, 50 acree
'being sunimer Thie is a money maker. Get
full partiettlers at once front
A. A. wAirr,
2040-tf Brueefield, Ont.
Teething Babie
are saved suffering—and mothers
given rest—when one uses
Quie.klyrelieves—regulates the,
bowels — prevents convulsions.
-Used so years. i Absolutely safe.
At drug.stores, 25c. &bottles, $1.25.
NaHonal Drug & Chemical Co., Limited,
"Sole Broprietors, Montreal. 41
Late Division Court Clerk, has a number of prop
rtes for sale or to rent, among which is a good
- intl.:hi:1g lot, the SOuth East Half of Town Lot No
5, East Ward, in George Sprang's Survey, Seaforth
bioh will be sold on reasonable terms. Insurance
eeeted, debts collected and lemma made on satisfao
ry eecurity at reasonable rates. I Call and see me
, nci be convinced. Late Division 'Court Office, Sea
orth e 201S-tf
Established 1879
Whooping Cough, Croup, BrOildiltiS
Cough, Grip, Asthma, Diphtheria
! Cresolene is a boon to Asthmatics
., Does it not eeem snore effective to breathe in a
1 remedy to cure disease of the -breathing organs
! than tet take the remedy into the stomach?
i It cures because the air rendered stronglyanti-
septic is carried over the diseased enrface with
every breath, giving prolonged and constant treat-
, ment. It IS savatuable to mothers with small
Those of a consumptive
tendency find immediate
relief rrom coughs or in-
tflamed conditions of the
throat. '
Sold by druggists.
Send postal for booklet.
Lezatitto, Mu.= Co.,
halted, Agents, Mont-
eal, Canada. 307
Foot Warmers%
A simple and effective remedy for
They combine the germicidal value of Cresolene
With the (soothing properties of slippery elm and lieo•
rlue.IYour druggistor from us, 20c in, stoups.
Lamm% Maas Co., Limited, Agents, Montreal. gor
'THE FRONT I ! Attend the famous
You have as rutteh conic, t when driving
-in the coldest weather even 40 below z3ro,
if you use a Lehmen Foot We.rtnec, as you
have (sitting in a (6 ri f ortably lieut.:El room.
For heating -vet.i.1)es o alt kinde, and
for other purpoioa, vi hare a e toady inex-
pensive heat ia the Lehman heat-
er is unqueatIonAbly the me, -t perfect da.
vice ever invented. hams 'a specially
prepared eartinu, kers:ye as I ehrnan cosi,
without emittine gee, smoko or odor, and
this fuel can he lignted or (x inguhhed at
And be propeelyiatwared for business posit-
ions. We deal only in High Grade Susiness Ed-
ucation—thekind every young man and: woman
ehould have. Our school has. now the largest
attendance it. its history. Commence now.
Prepare well and sauces is certain- No trouble
for oar graduates to get positions. 'Catalogue
t free.
W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal
Cor. Yonge and Alexander Ste
2022e t f
The -Heater can he made teady for MO in
three volumes, and crls-third of a brick,
eostieg three te‘nte, v4.111 hut the warmer
for 8 noura.- F..x.rale by
offers you a tangible oppoitunity
to better yourself. If you desire
to engage in more pleasant, in-
teresting, better paying work,
this is your chance. Merely clip
this advertisement, mail it to us,
and receive free our handsome
telegraph book, "The flighwa,y
to Success."
B. W. Soma, Principal
Dominion School of Teleg-
raphy & Railroading
Sealed tenders will 1)(4.-reueived up to February Oth
at 1,p, ne, from contraetors, fur the erection of a
briek schoolhouse ab Leadbury. Plans and specifi-
(Idiom may be seen at the residence of the under-
signed. The lowest or any tender not necessarily ac-
Sect.-Trerm, S. 8. No. 7,
Mehillop, Leadbury.
The First Day.
The first day of our winter term
will be January 2nd, 1907. We
will Then re -open with undoubtedly
the largest eliss in the history of
this se,hool. If you want the edu-
cation that prepares for good posi-
tions, write for our catalog—costs
GradusteS get POSitiOnS,
W. D. EULERe Principal.
In. The Olden Dayes,
interesting sketches of the early
eays of Seaforth and vicinity,
taken from the files of- The Ex-
am= Nils
Seafor,th, May 29, 1814.
1(04Clal ladt the Sftar 'baseball
team played the A/lapie Leafs, of
Guelph at Guelph, being defeated, by
a atom, of 80 rt0 O.
Queen's ,blethday was eelebrated in.
Seeforth on Monday last, by horse
races and athletic sports. Rata in
the morning threatened to -mar the
day's pleetierre, but it clee,red off by
noon an the lerge crowd had ae
good -day of It. In the jumping events
Robert Winter s was very much in
evidence as- a prize winner, while
the half mile: running ratei was wen
by Hugel Bob with"3 Robb second.
Jan! Murray, one of the pioneers
of Tuceeremitte 'departed this life on
Sunday lag, at his home near
ntyndvI11e Mr. Murray wee* 1 'native
of Scotland and in 1838 vatted on
the 5th concession of Tackersmith. He
leaves a widow, one eon end two
Mr. Irfurde McKinnon, of Tucker -
smith, left with his wife and fam-
ily foe, Manitobarr a feev days ago.
Anthony Tindall, of the township
of Grey, died eiuddenly on May 21st.
Mr. Tindal W aff about movingtoan-
other farm. On Thureday mortiing
the family had taken breakfast, and
shortly afterwards Mr. Tindall W 8.43.
taken ill end died In a few minutes.
. Seafortle Jane 5, 1874.
Mr. Wm. Ballantyneiturs sold his
house an lot, opposite' the school
house, to! Mr. John C. McKay for
Only One Best I
in the line of Business Training Insti-
tutes in Canada, and that one is the
Central Business College,
Best in courses of study, best in nbrn•
bers and experience of teachers, best in
securing positions for graduates. Have
you read our catalogue.? It explains
our methods. Get it before you decide
which school you will attend. •
Winter term from Jan. 2nd. :You
w;11 be welcome. Eneer any time.
W. H. SlIAW, Principal
Yong -e and Gerrard streets, Toronto
The Ma,nsion. -houes in. ties -village'
had a 'nerrow erseepei frorn destruct-
ion by -fire on . Saturday night. A
&el oil lamp exploded, but fortunate-
fy the fire was noticed' in time and
extitiguished before any serious darn
age ware done.
Last Saturday night or ei.rly Sunday
morning the pork packing estab-
lishment of Mr. Thomas Stephens, a
tew- doetet north of Knox's hotel, was
destroyed 'be fire. A man named
Bunch, who occupied the upperpart
of the building lost all his effects,
anti it was with the greatest cliff*,
culty that the office and stables Of
Me. W. N., Watson were saved. The
cause of the fire is unknown,
Seaforth, June 12, 1874.
It (required over thirty stitches to
close 'the wounds on his head. It is
thought hO ma' die*
, Grey
Serious ,Ateldent.—Thursday of last
week, Thomas Lett, who lives ea,,st
of Brussels, on:, the 9th concession,
'had occaelea to go to Wingharn. In
extterapting tof get on the -afternoon
train to. come home he slipped and
fel,. and had a very, close call from
being pulled tinder the wheels. Mr.
Lott' g nose was hart, a rib or two
darnagee a,ncl, a small bene broken in
his left hahd. Althoagh Mr. Lott is
74 years of age he is" remarkably
smart and we are sorry he met with
tills set back but we hope he will
soon be able to be about as usual.
The Couteil.—The cotmcil of Grey
beld its inaugural meeting in the
township/ hall, Ethel, on Jandary
14th. The following officers were
appointed for the eneuing 'year John
McIntosh, clerk, salary $250 ; Neil 3,
At the residence of -the bride's par-,
eats, in McKillop, on June 10th, Mr.
James McIntosh arid Elizabeth, eld-
est daughter of Robert Turnbull, Esq.,
were united in marriage by Rev. T.
On June le. at Brucefield, Mr. Wm.
Murdoch, of 'Stanley, was united in
marriage to Ellen Lillie, fifth daugh-
ter or Alex. Ross, Esq., of Stanley,
by Rev. John Ross. .
Mr. Hartman Happle, of Zurich, left
Seeforth otr Tuesday last, on a trip
to his native land, Germany.
Mr. Hugh efeelillen, one of the old
fesidents of Tuckersmith, died oa
May 29th, aged 69 years. Mr. elcMil-
.1anwaa a 'native of Scotland, and set -
tied he Tuckersinith po years ago.
Mr. Jcihnl Grant and faintly, of
Tuckersmith, left on Wednesday for
Maretoba. They were accompanied by
Mr. Kennedy, of Tuckeramith.
est residents
ameMoufrrnay,ar`otnoewnotahtittpe: ,doiled-
on Tuesday, the 2nd inst. Deceased
had reelded on the London Road, Hay,
eince 1834. Deceased leaves four sons,
two residing in this country, Jame,
of ,the London Road, earal Robert, on,
the 2nd concession of Hey, and one
daughter, Mrs. James :Moir, of Us -1
borrie. Mr. Marrery had been post-'
master at Hay for neatly 80 years
During the thunderetorm, onSunda'
Morning late, a 'young main name
John Lunny, who lived about a mile
and a quarter north of Carnbrook, in
Logan, was struck by lightning and
lc II led.
• .
Are a specific tor all diseases and dis-
orders arising from ka run-down condi-
tion of the heart or nerve system, anal
as Palpitation of the Heart, Nervous
Prostration, Nervousness, Sleepless -
nets, Faint and Dizzy Spells, Brain Fag,
etc. They are especially beneficial to
women troubled with irregular men-
Price 60 cents per box, or 8 for 0.24
All dealers, or
MIR T. MILBURN Co., lanrrias.
Toronto, Ont.
1.—Sound lioestments.
This Company has been operating since 1874 without 'a
in veatmen
2.—Honest Estimates.
In no case have profits paid fallen below the Company's estimates.
S.—Large Guarantees.
raddition to the.Government reserve we guarantee profits.
loss from
W. H. ROBINSON Inspector, Seaforth.
Seaforth, .1;en‘ 19, 1874.
Mr. Thos. Bell has removed his liv-
ely ltd his new premises, south of the
commeicial hotel, and nearly opposite
Mr. .McIntosh's carriage works.
Mr. MIMI Lope has purchased gore
house No. 3, adjoining_ the railweY
track, from Mr. Hogg, for $1,500.
Mr. Wm. Ballantyne has purchased
a lee from Mr. -Jas. Beattie, neaily
opposite the 'residence a Mr. Arnie-
ta,ge, and intends erecting a dwell-
ing 'house, an it this summer.
The council .have awarded' the con-
tiact for the construction of eight
'water threw in, various parts of the
village, to Mr. D. Kerr. These tanks
will cost on an average of $135 each.
The rapiiti and continuous increase
inbusiness at the Seaforth station
'has forced upon the Grehd Trunk
Company the tnecessity- of largely in-
creasing the accommodation during the
present summer. The grounds in
are to be level-
ew switch tracks,
length, are le be
ition is also to be
t bulldeng,
the village councel
It was decided to
front of the static(
led off, and two
to run the entire
eelded. A large ad
made to the Emig
At ai meeting of
on Tuesday last,
submit a, by-law for the approval of
the ratepayers, f
raising $5,500 fo
steam fire engin
piles, a1t, rigs, etc., and to
that they are kept clean during the
'year, For wine time ,the fire hall
lims been! 'used att a StOre room for all
kinds* Of Stuff. This prevented the
keeping of 'the engine in tho 'ber.ftt of
'shape. Our +town fathers do• Ineli
think this is right or safer, and for
this year intend to see that the hall
la wed for the storing of the 'ire
fighting appliances only. This is
eight. The village guardians haye
eta.rted out the year, and as they are
all good, live, men, we expect to see
them keep up the good work.through-
out the year.
Itching Piles.
, If you are acquainted with anyone
who is troubled with thedistressing
ailment you( can do him no greater
favor than to tell him to tee Chain-
berlaineg ,Salve. It gives instant re-
lief. Pierce 25, cents( per 'box. Sold by
ell druggists.
- 0
1 Manitoba and North 'West Notes
1 —The residenee of T. T. Baird. itt`
Crystal City, Man., 'was 'destroyed by
fire last week.
—James -.Hall has sold • his halt
section farm at Elgin, Man., to Jos.
sr., at $35 an acre,
—On January 15th. it WEDIe 47 be-
low zero at Moosornin, Sask„ and
there was not one wand of coal to
be had In -the town.
. —The east half of section 2e-2-21,
near Boissevain, Man., has been Bold,
by W. J. Collinson to H. Me.tCorouo-:
dale, the price paid being About $19.
per acre.
—On Tuesday night of last week
the thermometer fell to 40 degrees
below zero itt Winnipeg. Even the
most enthusiastic •Winnipegger Ad-
mitted that It was 'cold.
—A block of land with 212 feet
frontage on Portage Avenue, Win-
nipeg, was sold last week to easb-
ern capitalists for $2-2,000. It was
,purchased for. speculative purposes.
—J. S. Armitage has disposed of
400 acne adjoining the town limns
of Minnedosa, Man., for the sub-
stantial sum of $11,000. eJoim Mor-
ris, of England, is the purchaser.
—Buyers who have been north
from Dauphin, report furs stares this
winter, They state that trapwrs
are experiencing difficulty In catch-
ing wild animals owing to the deer)
—lle school board of Brandon are
MeNair, assessor, salary $100 P. 5. arranging for t,he erection of a $65, -
Bishop, collector north division, sal- 000 collegiate bending in rear
The work of 'construction will com-
salary $125; 3. Livingstone
ely $45 ; John MeIntosh, treasurer,
mence lust as soon as the season
and J*
Davie, auditors, salary $10 each;
. D. Porter, a, well kno7wnl
;:u"n; farmer of Basswood, near
Ship hall, salary $17; Dr. Fergason, —
Thomas Chapman, caretaker town -
Manitoba, recently suf-
medical !health officer, George Me-
l'ffe4re" 'frafrrhe loss of one of hie legs by
:m4"p:t"a.vtpiona', Ties was rendered lifter,-
Farlane, member board of health. A
Children's Hospital, Toronto, and
grant $s wax made to the ,S1ek sary by an
injury received Itt .
one of a similar amount to Whet
public librarY. A motion -was passed For six months ending December
football match about a year ago.
asking the Government to relieve th:
Da—uphin, Manitoba, paid bounty on 94
wolf hides. The bourity is $2, and
ant- the pelt In worth, on an average,
r y
en $1.50, which brings the value. of each
ekin up to $8.50.
The —A number of weetern men have
end -
a decided on establishing an industry
Pare" ih Fort William for the manulace
Ler titre of alcohol from refuse grain.
r at
, The initial cost of the plant will be
nn,e 400,000 and the manufactured pro -
"et duct will be used in making perfumes
se.' and toilet soaps.
—3oslah Gilbert, the old farmer
ss:cm who resided near liegina and who
,vi,4E last fall shot e man named Richard-
son, who called at his farm on
°' some business( has been found
Pric,e guilty of murder and has been sen-
tenced to be hanged on the 8th
Tr,ecer of February. The unfortunate man
$°418e5eu; le—oTvehre 7a0ovyeeranrinsenotf age.
loiment Ag-
fene,t ent at Winnipeg says that forty per
*3". cent. of the harvest excursionists of
el Ete tdeyd. 1906 were remaining in the wee. A
large number who came west in Aug -
°unto uelt and September have not return-
ettles!: ed east, while others who were Ob-
liged to return temporarily, are now
making arrangements' to etettle per-
manently in the west.
cure --The C. P. R. abope and round
sneeze house at Napinka. Men.. were total -
XI an ly destroyed 'by fire. The origin of
rEla„ve the tine he a mystery as not one was
n-11. present at the shop at the time' it
rceneYL broke out, the men- being in the
° can'. blacksmith_ shop waiting mairs oa
chtllY/ an engine, which was totally de -
r the perpose of
e the pureeese of a
Gas in h.° Stomach.
hat sense Oliallness
need afterleating is
rrnation of 'Aga* The
to perform -Its ferric -
food ferrinehts. Cham -
ch and Liver Tablets
e disorder. They aid
'strengthen aside Invig-
'mach and hOwei.S. riot.
Belehing end
SO often exper
caused bythe f
stomach fails
tiOns,. and the
berlain's Stott:
will correct t
diges;tion, an
°irate the et
sale by all d gide.
-,4-____.----. ,
II) shwooa.
A Serious; ccident.—An accident,
which may fy t pfove fatal, happen-
ed on 'Sunday ' January 20th at noon
, I I
to Joh:ante Stier„, son of Mr. and 'Mrs.
.(4eorge Stier, af' this plate. The lad,
.who is proeably ten or eleven years
old, ware going. to lead. their cow to
the purne for water, and thoughtlessly
-fastened the loading line around his
`waist. The cew became frightened
and real away, wifh the boy dragging
on the hard frozen ground. After run-
ning ISOITte diidtance she was caught
by Messrs. eteter and Dan. McIssac,
end the boy. bleedine and unconscious,
was taken to his home and medical
aid summoned, whereupon it was found
that bis head was cut in al terrible
manner, Nei scalp tbeing almost torn
off: hie collar bone is fraetured, his
epine Is thought to be emit come -
what, besides being hurt internally.
81, 19116, the rural municipality of
municipalities from a portion of the
responsibilities for the non-repa
highways. Fifty dollars was g
ed toward e gravelling on the
and Elma boundary provided
council spend a similar amount.
clerk W8.0 instructed to ask for
ere for the conetruction of four
of cement abutments to be buil
the following bridges: One pa
Duke's bridge, lot 85, concessi
Elliott's bridge, side road 6. c
don . 1; McCartney's bridge,
ioad 4, concession 2', and o
Beauchamp drain, lot 21. cone
17. The tontracts for the fall
bridges were given to .A.
company ; Duke's bridge, leng
feet over all, cement" flooring,
$165 ; Me'Cartneyeg bridge, leng
feet over all, cement flooring-,
$685 ; Elliott's bridge, length
over all, cement flooring, price
I3eauchamp bridge, length 3
over all, cement flooring, price
The above bridges to be corn
forthwith after abutments are
.After passing a number of 9.c
the couheil adjourned to m
Monday, February 4th.
To stoii a cold with "Preve
is safer than to let. it run an
it afterwards. Taken at the
stage," Preventics will head
colds and Grippe, and, -perhap
you from. Pneumonia, or 13ro
Preventics are little toothsome
coed cure tablets, selling in
'and 25 ce'nt boxes. If you are
if you begin to sneeze, try' Pre
They will surely check the co d. and —The town of Swan Lake reeently
please you. Sold by C. Aberha t,drug- Buffered froma coal oil famine and
gist, Seaforth. flint foe a, supply of candlesetbe town
would have been in darkness. The
Zurich eituselon Is thus described in a de-
Notes.—Mr. and Mrs. J. Pre ter and patch from that place "There • has
family are visiting relatives in. Bei-, been- no freight train from the east
lin and other eastern points. A. case on this' line of the a N. R. for
tried at tire Division Court ere bee nearly two, weeks, when there le
tween Louie Fester and G1 drnan & supposed to be a daily- freight ea,c,h
Stanbury, of Exeter, and o which way. Matters are beginning to have
the judge reserved decision, has fin- a serious aspect here, as the mer -
ally been settled, the judge giving a chants grocery stocks, etc., are get-
decleion, le favor of Mr. Foster.— tine -very low."
Mrs. Abel Schilbe recently underwent —The cities of Vancouver and Vic -
an operation, at one of the hospitals toria, British Columbia, have been
In London. Dr. Campbell went to experiencing very coId weather re -
London te aesist in the 'operation. cently. A despateh from Victoria,
Mrs. Schilbe's friends will, be pleas- dated January 15th, says: Last
ed to learn. that she is getting ete night ,closed a week of almest un -
long nicely.—During the heavy- wind- precedented cold in Victorie, the
storm °a 'Saturday, night of le,st thermometer falling to within 15
week,. the judge's, stand ot the fair degrees of zero. This is lower than
grounds was blown drown' Mr. Her- it has been in a quarter of a earl. -
..man Bender's barn had a
cape from! being "unroofe
was shifted smite but w
6 (
a s ae ion. or yo Money a
entice. eeeoyee.
narrow es- 'Wry. A partial fuel fen -line peevalis,
. The roof reveral factories and numerous bus-
s b.eld in: iness houses not opening until after
place by chains.—Mr. o Charles- noon, and the schools a,re being
worth,: who was recently in the closed on account of the cold. efueh
hardware business here,
chased a livery business
His many friends 'here w
ed to hear of his emcees
the youneson. of Mr. F.
:recently underwent an
a growth on one or his
operation was successful
ed by Drs. Campbell an
the bey is doing nice
Meidinger has purchased
Rennie' the house arid I
occupied by- Mr. Led
Mr. Hartman Steinbae
sister, Mrs. Charles Kalbfleischwho' to the room. In the morning one ok
visitingtheir mother, Mrs. J. a the inernherl of the household, before
Xaltfleisch, have. retur ed tet De- going tol the stable, turned on the
trolt.—Mr.- John Schne 1, who re- draughte and almost immediately the
e4ntly sold Ms farm on ebe 14th con- rest of the familystill itt bed, were
cession, has purchased Ifrom Mr. F. rudely awa ened 'by a heavy explos-
Kalbfleisch a. plec'e of and, west of ion. Mroward rushed down stairs
the Lutheran church, an1 will erect a and found the beuse full of flames,
-residence OA it in the spring. He and it was with difficulty be succeed=
already has the ma eriali on the ed 1n getting tier: falTillY Oa of doors
ground—Last week, Mr . (Rev.) Sch- before their ex:1- cut off. Nothing
uelke received the se,d
the deathof her brother, Mr. Ezra mates, who found shelter/ In the
ace le Spok- barn, escaped with no other clothing
deceased was than their 'night robes.
business with er
Croup can positively be stopped in
The Town: Patbers.—Oer police trus- 20 minutes. No vomiting—nothing to
tees, Messrs. E, Appel, G. Hess !sicken or distress your child. A.
and W. O'Brien,had th
in,g on Monday of last
subscribing te the oat
'W. G. Hess was- a,ppol
for the year. . Mr.. Andr
gatn apinted Zonsta,b1
instructed to baye th
the village cleared' of al
has' pur- damage les been done to the roses
In, Petrolia.„ and other garden flowers.
11 be pleas- —Deprived of their comfortable
.—Emerson, home and turned out into the snow
ossenberry, in 'the early morning, with' The mere
peration for eury registering 86 degrees below
lege. The zero, wee the misfortune which over -
y perform- took a Howard's fattier' at Wheat -
Wilson, ad land, Saskatchewan, lest week. An
y.—ler. M. explosion of coal gas caused the
from Mr. S. disaster. .A heavy supply of soft
to recently coal had been plated tri the stove the
elesworth.— previous eight, and, It had been so
and his damped up that tee gee escaped in -
ntelligence of was saved fro-- the fire, and the le -
Schaefer, which took p.
ane, Washington. The
engaged in, the savr rnill
his brother there.
Ir first meet- :sweet, pleasant, and safe Syrup. call --
week. After ed Dr. Shoop's Croup Cure, does the
of office,Mr.- work and sloes it quickly. Dr.
fed Chairman! Shoop's Croup Cure to for Croup a -
w Thiel was lone. remember. It's for Croup, that's
, and he was all. It doesn't claim' to cure a Omen
streets of ailments. Sold by a. Aberhart, Sea-
rubbish,wood forth.
For 'the First
eek. of. 'February. _
always reveals to us numerous artioles.that should
have been sold, or have been lost sight of in the
rush of a busy store.
D one week only, we will offer shoppers
IL values and prices that are little less
than sensational. In some instances you will note
the prices are only a fraction of the regular prices.
will not carry goods from one year to
VY .0 another, even if we have to almost give
them away. We believe the first loss is the best
loss, so here goes:
Our af
of Furs 1
Stook4aking sale
year was u usual
ly large. We purpose mak—
ing it larger this year than
ever, if price is any iduee...
Ladies' Astrachau Jackets
Bocharan Lamb Jack
Ladies' Fur.lined Coats
Men's Black Calf Coats
og Coats,
Men's Wombat ( Mural or d" d) 20
Men's Coon Coat .08
Any Progress 13 and suit for
Overcoats, reg. 10 and $12 $4 to
Working Vests/ made from
Heavy Smocks reg. $2, for
Underwear, _re 50c and 75-0 for
Sox, regular 2-c, for
Mitts, regular 50c and 75c, for
Caps, odd meti's and boys', 50c
to 75c, for
Collars, straigtit band, regular 5-c
Collars, double, regular 15e,
New Excieldo ,llandkerchiefs
Men's Puff Ti s, regular 500 foi
Men's, Fine G oyes,
6 25e
3br 250
2 for 25e
tff—Butter and Eggs taken as Oa3h,.
20% ths.