HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1907-02-01, Page 2er arft urce General Merchants for the Psopte Grogarertrunlor Back .4gain. her Edithur,—Its nearly a year twilvo inontbe, since we Met be- ibub color Ioike the cat, 1 came ,tcl yez Well, in neroozin th4 folles- av yer ekillint paper, I ame acresee. intheristin -matters from Ould Gros gate who; didn't wrolte, an yersilf who did -Wrote. No doubt an. (mid ward poiltleal 'feeler, ofk-e -mesilf.is expected to be discoursin about poly - tics an po1yt1ana Av eourse, glad the salary grab epidemic has grown no wOrse, an is now in a convaliscint conditioe, Me w.olfe,BiddY Ann, who's somewhat .up in political phasegoligy, See, mere power to their round, Robins, but svicl proper threatmint It's an seer matther to keep `then(' front rotundas an their heads from serellin at the coque- thry's. lexpinse. Accordin to yer paper, yer tame— ;lake, Billy ilecLeart, av the Toronto World, didn't kick to any adarrnin extint at :recavin the second potash- = -av the e2,500, as he did' the foirst toime. Biddy Ann' See, sez She, the collatheral w910 in Billy's pickitt -pocket, iwhfch made his leg wake. But Billy'e all 'might in sphots. He's jabbin the bik corpyreshun's wid eome kithogue upper cute that'll make thine sinsible to their public chafes. But I was plased to see that me ould frind, Sir Wilfrid Laurier, threw wan av hid sunny beam e av loight into =the -political difficulty, be choppee Off !his own pleshun an the pinshuns av the Cabinet Miletthers. He could- n't chop down the members" sa,lar-. ae they'd all round Robin a - gin =him BiddyAnn S.ez, sez- she, Sir Wilfred is an astoete statesman, an 1 belave sheet a marker.. I 'noticed in wan 9,,v yer back rntm ber a grate divirgence in the qual- ity av the epa,ches delivered an the Attanomy Bill, The mirnber for South Huron ginnerally ehoots off his gun to euit me, berrin, an this occashun. Bet Biddy sez, sez she, It was the cleavage av paety polytios ao, a ques- t* av loyalty to his polit1da,1 lead- er, lbut, bedadd, I don't know whether I'd rayther be shot at in pa,rlymiat or chopped at wIcl Biddyde cleaver. To be share, sez Biddy, sez she, Grogan jenlor, me bye, ye pays .yer money an .yez take yer choice. I'M erttoirely ia (mooed wid yer editorial remarks re- gaidin the justice mated out to the Catholic rnirtorithy in the Northwissht an thie grate conshutitooshunal quest - question av eolghts guaranteed to the Catholic settlers by Sir Jawn. Mick- donaldea Government an other grate etateetrin av the counthey. An takin Ideas all rourd, they exaehtly square wid me owe ideas. Av . coarse, sez Biddy Ann, see she, the moinds av grate min -ran in grooves—they do, .Well, cal the vexed school quiehtions are settled eriver, 'barrin in 'Eng- land, on as Biddy Ann sagely 're- ms.r.lcs, all's well that -Inds well, an, lot lby-gonee be by -genes. Bevis', me ould frind, Yfac, - ye deeirve grate praze at the hands/ ay the electors; I'm sorry ye vreoe electhed be accla- ma/share, as ye chatee Me out av givin ye mebilestn wid the sign av 'a crass forninet yer name, bat bether luck reit tofme. Alm, hoigh, Mack, me bye, an, _yell 'hit the bull's eye, loike me auld fried Capthain Wilson do be doin ai Bisloy. Well, our' towerlat party was met a store or more av rayjoicini lathives - at the station, But , Biddy; Arm eez; see she, Grogan, call it Day - pee, to be classical he yer Frinciaas we've jet vethurned from our .thrip an the continent av America, 'becaetse ye've seen more av America, in, wan day ihere than if ye lived, in' France all 'yet loife. Now, -whin Biddy Ann: eays Daypoo, its Daypoo from this out, an. elle -spelt It for ma a la President Roosevilt. Afther raettivire Our con.gratulish- unsel fell 111 wid Me ould frind Jimy Dick, an,' lee had a tilmoile .aret a phetedi graph av the srnoile widin. He grip- ped me by the ham, an Sez he, Well, 'how's the Irish? Niver .bither, see mesilf, anl lesolde av his lolfe Savin stashun we wint, an meellf still re - martin :that in ivery ,walk es,/ loife 'that min av Irkih blood sthocel, now &hand, prelminint as stha,tese min, orethose poet, artistes, grafters eoldiers, pathriote, martyrs, an the bindle an 'at Ithe bas—wid that Jimen'y remarked, Ye can bring. an Iristrnerr to the bar, but ye can't make him re- fuse a drink. Afther refreshin mesilf copiously wid Jimmy's nose paint, I felt that mole ,amiliar feelin wid :the could town, an on comin outt agia I could distinguish double the 'num- aer av beauty sphots, an Willis' two Shoe facthories, an Bell's double ex- tinshuns, an two shilnoke thacks bee rant at Boxe's.. Well in due coarse av toirne I, ma the payvement an Mayor Brodtherick. I'm entoirely glad yez se/feted me ould frind eloikee which coincides wid me ovyte opinfo, n. exaetly. Sure Moikt, is great id publie works 'en- toirely, an I hear Egrnondville tnixt. tired and, weary get dizeye thryin shwlm wid Sayfort as settled now, s Dave- Moore. Wlein I saw yet= Mond SPEOIAL SALE -14,44t- d Tuesday, Jan 28 -and 29— QrOceris 10 lbe. of Epeoro, Salts, .. ..... . ..... ....2i5o 8 lbs. of Sulphur, for.. . „a. , 4,25e 9 lbs. of Rolled Oats, for..... ....... 2bc Wednesday and Thursday,: Jan: 30 and 31-- 0 Dry Goods Only.. rid Union Grey Flannel, at... . . White and Grey -Flannel Sheeting, double fold, at. Ladies' Fleeced Vests, at 130 per yard per yard •..............2c and Saturday, Feb. 1 and 2— • ClOthing Only • • I kten's Tweeed Pants, regular $2,00, at ....$1,19 a pair . Youth's- Odd Coats, sine 32 and 33, at .....$1,00 each Youth's Odd Vests, sizes 3=0 to 34, at:..... ...50c each te i PatmOg la Psti.-.FOrri a OF SA TAILORING DEPARTMENT Mears,. Faroularo, of London, and Zupo, of Toronto, expert tailors and eitttere, are now open for business at our store They will be pleased to show you thrcugh a new stock of the latest patterns in fancy TWEEDS WORSTEDS _ SERGES CHEVIOTS ETC, If you want to look well, dress well. Aepearaeces count for eo much in. all walks of life to day, that it is necevary for any young man to have perfect fitting gaements, which are only to be hed in the tailor made, and the expense is only a trifle more than the ready-made. Give us ft trial oa your tpriag _eta or ovoat. Satisfaction assured. WILLIAMS and PURCELL Successors to B. B. GUNN CORNER STORE - SEAFORTH -LOH " Cegita 1 village hostelry was inadequate for .• -their accomodation. Fortunately mast s.or the raana,gerd of the church were 4x.vansa `Hrkroavas members of :the convention, and only the minister's consent was ,necessary . A Good Work Being Done. The country is 'being .honey comb- ed by Fanners' . Institute Ineetings, say e the Toronto World. Every far- mer has a chance to attend one -or more of these sessione. The grovillef. popularity of those lectures and il- lustrated talks, with their attend- ant discussions, le an evidence of the bet.ter work that le being done on the farm. The time is pea when. kayone can scatter seed and reap a boantiful harveit. The planting now had to be done with , considerable /ere sight and well thought out plans. The man -who doee things OR the farm Is elle '..man Who theake. He studies his soil his sarroundings and the markets. He believes thoroughly in cause and effect In, cutting the swath of his. sdccess. Consequently to his diligent thinking and working, he adds all the know- ledge the can, gleam feorre the govern- ment reports, the institute lectures, the Experimental Ignion's- results and the opinione Of ram He hears all this and weighs it. Re does !not rush headlong hit° the advice 'even of an expert. He must be satisfied that the proposal IS suited to his conditions. Then he goes ahead, makes the, money( and enjoys a healtby agriceltural ex- istence.. To sech a, MAR WCis a series of pleasurable experiences. 'He is the right man: to , benefit by Government oncou,ragement. He prizes the work of the Farmer' Institutes because he can learn and, also help others. The bringing of samples of weeds, grains Or restatir of private experiments to the meetings make the gatherings of :tree ttothe people. He aide the lecher- er, and by a queetion at a point Where he neede, help, he opens up' mine of Information. A Memorable Political Event. In its ".Points About People" ,To- ronto Saturdey Night makes the fol- lowing reference toan incident of by -gone clang which occurred, in this county, rt says t 'One of the most remarkable scenes in their history of Canadian politios took place at ttte opening of the South Huron Liberal convention, which met. int the Presbyterian church in the' little vilis,ge of Bruceffeld ir Ig83. John McMillan, a local farmer won' at the general election in ttte- preceding year, but agreed to resign in favor of Sir Richard Cartwright,. Who was ,beaten in Centre ;Wellington, if so requested by a convention duly called. Hon. Aleiander Mac- kenzie and Hem. Edward Blake were among those present, and, so menr delegetee turned out that the small hait oyer the driving shed of the for thel .udee of the church, This was granted on. conditions Which, were Unfolded later. ;When the gathering had 9rowded late the church, the pas- tor, Rev. John Rose, a- unique per- sonality,. Who preached one hour eerrnong ire Engliet, but two hour sermon ti in. Gaelic, arteee end solemn- ly said: "My dear friends,' there's no Ibuilding but tag that can cover you thiet day, end you are welcome to iiee 'uree. Only, every meeting ever !had in this house has been opened by !the reading of the Word' ot God and ,by prayer. Therefore I will read a portion frOra the Book, and Hon. :Alexander Mackenzie will follow in a, prayer." the Scripture was read, (was it an irriprecatory psalm?) and an earned prayer was uttered- by the leads:11 of the Opposition', after which theconvention got down to the business of the claed" Although the leading participants in the above incident have been remov- ed from this life, there are still many who attended, 'the convention hale and hearty and they will readily re- call the incident. It is all correct- as :related bed- Saturday mot except that there :was no passage of Scrip- ture read. Mr. Ross .did not ask for that. He Simply arose and in a few appropriate words- asked err. Mac- kenzie te open the meeting with pray- er, Which he dii. • Reductions in Dutire on Farm, Implements. The Dominion Glovernnaent has pre- pared, for the information of Parlia- ment a table containing a comparison of the duties paid on agricultural ma- chinery and stoves in 1006, With the duties on the same quantity of similar articles payable under the new sched- ule. The items are: - Paid in Paid under 1909 under new old tariff tariff Moving machines, harvesters' binders and reapers. „ .. . .. Cultivators, ploughs, harrows, horse rakes,seed drills, man- ure spreaders, weeders, and windmills Thrashing machine outfits Hay loaders, potato diggers, horse -power separators, n.o. p.; wind stackers, fodder or feed cutters, fanning mills, hay tedders, rolls and other agricultural implements Axes, scythes, stoldes or reap- ing hooks, hay or straw knives, hoes, rakes, ri.o.p. ; pranged forks Shovels and spades, sh2vel and spade blanks, iron or steer out to shape for sante. Stoves of all kinds 118,320 , $ 25,882 $ 23,621 173,891 171,793 89,090 71,997 28,703 " 18,085 13,90 110.41111111111111111111 118,594 Pileget craick relief from' Dr. Shoop' s Magic Ointment Remember It is made alone for Piles -- and it worker with certainty and eatisfaction. Itching, painful, protruding, or blind piles disappear like magic by its use. Try it and see 1—Sold by C. other - hart, ;druggist, Seaforth, 24048erati)041-100000$N 1444000 age Ca• lppe :Dz., Influenza, whichever you like to call it, is *xte of the most weakening diseases Srott',..F Etnalsfort, which is Cod Liver Oil and Hypoplaosphites in easily di- gested form, i3 the greatest strength -builder known to medical science. It is so easily cligezff:ed that it sinks into the sysim, making new blood and new fait, and strengthening nsrves and muscles. Use ,._)coit's Emulsion after Influenza. Invaluable for Coughs and Colds. ALL DRUGGISTS; 50o. AND SI.00., 42D 041100000000100004141.0 440 .goin to ennix Av coarse, all the aden farmers' will to glt intri the An its as geed ould .frind ew.._pavymint an felt the lee shots here and there, head the medic, av \the Italyon pay - nut roasther, an the dick av the horses fate, allure, I thought I was threnspoorteci tack to New -York, where I vvirrt to hear Me compathriot William O'Brien, shake an Home Rule for dear Ould Ireland. Whole' I was nein attintively to Billy,, fur I wanted to bring back a full repoort to me ould fiend Jirny: Pur- cell, a coentheymen av me own, was damitr the English an thee Union Jack, mud) to the annoyance av Biddy Ann an mesilf. He said. thee Union Jack was the Imblirn av slav- ery, sci I involted him to come veld md to Canada, where the einem flag was .the imblim av freedom, an ivery fresh laid barber's sign was the av inteilleince in Sayfoorth. He saz, the Union Jack wust the itry- blim av slavery. ,;,in Ireland an that's part av yer Impire, see 'he. He had me tight and fasht (here, until Biddy Ann came to rrie riecue, Shure. Gro- gan, me she, itell him its bailee eenoe blackin'two in wan. I clid but the didn't raugh. Bad cees -to hint, he meet have been Scatch orr his 'grendmOther'e eoicle, and not the rale ould Irish *huff, or he'd a, seen the eeke. Biddy 'Ann was mid at him too. While away itt bereft lands I read j 'yer paper wid avidity an nie holght cap convan:yant an I was pIazed witd •Ithe way the Hurons played the -ould coinithry Corinthians at football, klekin a dhraw wid the farriners. Maybe Sayfoorth will immertaite could E. Peat by eindin a letter lict the Corinthians invoetfn thim back to tontind wid our -bye s agile A.v coarse they'd reply to the invIta,shan, Ft. S. V. P., as me frend fack thel drtigge reht, would wrote; hayiri nether man- e -ears than their narnesPeee av ould did Ito the Apoihtle ay. the Gintoiles. SPhakin av Paul av ould,. I'we pleated ittlitON EXPOSITOR." that flayfoorth'S Paul is retoteli from a severe affack ay gout, or pain. 1 he fut, and whoile congrata ulatin hine On the- auseelchious °aces - Ewa? lite( *ad, eez he, Grogan, a con- thrite -harte is betlaer then a bob- tail fillet. Biddy Ann see the :remark gave her eould feet. Forninst Sandy' Cardno's big sthore who did I run clap Into but me young trind Misther derilliaro Shloan. I scarcely know'd, him, he's grow'd so big and eirtout since he was -head push int the late Robert • Jimrneeon.'S ethore—God resht his soul. Biddy Ann, sez I, come here and ehpake to Billy. She did an !there was oscula- thory moveminte in the air, but loike the eha,proniee I wasn't lookin beeoldes it was bargain day wid Biddy Ann. The hoight av'good raisin Sayfoorth hes to feel proud sie, him, *leffether Edittur, and ye should have his ,name ingraftherl in yer column, Huron, Byes to the Front. Well, ye see, Billy Was wan av the theaht pion- eer goold proittpecthors In the Yukon an he fell on both feet, and had einee enough to stay fell, an now( he has an eXtinsive mercantile inthre,st on, Vancouver Ieland an on the main - an ,b.egar, isn't Billy an tv P. at Ottaway tete An able an theueted follower an Sir Wilfred from the Sun Set Province wid a Cabinet po- elehune itt oroshpective, Shure, e *lye Biddy Ann, sez She, Isn't ne av he tame sthrane av blood as the fee- Mieheet's wie the McMillans, wit; et loike virtue,. 'has its own rear.;, Assini, see neesilf. -Jist then Ii wanbed te step irtat the Royal to see Harry men, the dis- pitmen av frenzied finance whin Biddy Ann wed, a rid- elr ithrae: in her eye, eez, sez she, If ye'Il sow( to the wind, :ye'll probably reap a =cyclone. so look out for breezes Grogan, sez ehe, net much av a temperance local oetimist, but I often wonder who originated the fool notion that dhrinkin was fun. Grogan, Grogan, see she, ye'r a procasthinathor. Yes, Vet eez mesilf, I do belave I'm that 'earne. But 1 always use a breath perfumer an Biddy Ann's niver sure. If ye print thk; lether Daugh go Ballagle fur the /list. 'Yours rishpictfull.y, GItOGA.N JR: TORTURINL+ e`A. Severe Case Cured by Dr, Williams' Pink Mlle, t 411.•1111.1.0, Fierce darting pains—pains like red hot needles being driven through trte flesh—In the thigh, perhaps down the lege' top the, ankles—that's sciatica,. None but the victim can realize the torture. But the sufferer need not grow discoureged, for there le a cure —a, sure cure in Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. These pills make new blood, thee new blood feeds and strengthens the nerves end frees them from pain. The pain, ie banished to stay baniell- ed—the cure is complete. Mr. Chas, B. efeclean, a prosperous farmer near Brockville, Ont., has been cured of a severe case of sciatica, and wishes other sufferers to hear of his cure, that they may benefit by his experi- ence. He says: "Fore upwards of five years I was a periodical sufferer. from iodation. In the morning, while getting up, I would -be siezed with agonizing pains' in rny hips. Some- times thole& pains extended down one leg, sometimes down the other, often: down both. The pain was terrible.= Imagine the agony ,caused by a red hot spike being= deflate -through the flesh, That was Just My -feeling When !the sciatica was at its work. Often while carrying water he the horses the pain :became so acute I heed to drop ithiti pail to the middle of the yard. I followed., doctor's treatment, but with slight relief. I 'then tried rheumatic plasters and liniments, but these did, not help me at all. Then I decided to give Dr. Williaans' Pink. Pills at, :trial. At first :they did :not eeem tel help -me, but as they had been, re" _highly recommended, I per - stetted id the treatment, and gradually .netioed a change in my condition. The pain bisca,me less severe, I felt stronger, erad my appdtite -improved. I 'think I =wed the pills about four or five rnonthe before I was completely' cured, ,but 'though that; was two :years ago 1 have not since had the slightest retuint of sciatics. I think Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are a mare sellous medicine, and so does my wife, who 'Weed them as a blood builder. She says they have to equal, and never wearies of prising them! to :her friends." - Good 'bloodist the secret of health —Dr. Williams Pink Pills the secret of good blood. -That is Why they cure eciatica, rheumatism, St. Vitus dance heart palpitation, indigestion and thee ailments common to women. and growing girls. Sold by medicine dealerts or by ma,11 at 60 cents a boxi or sIX boxes for zjee.50 from the! Dr. Williams Medicine Co., Brockville, Ontario. • yaei Mere :Weber, of Sebringville, died Sate/elan January 10th as the result of injuries received soir.e tour months ago. In September last Mr. Weber had the misfortune to get ser- iously hurt while engaged in dril- ling a well. ee leg of the big and heavy tripod efell on injuring this spine, with the result that het never - recovered .from. th,e accident. The late MrWebberwas well known: and was about 61 'years of age, and W918 bern end raised ill the township of Ellice. He Ieavee to mourn 'his demise -three 'brothers and four els- ters, all living in - Michigan, and tt beloved wife. .7.--toannerae-e. trraTAM.M.A.Vil. Can cure your 0. ugh or Cold, no question about that, but— why go to all th trouble and inconvenience of lo king him up, and then of having prescription filled, when you tep into any drug store in anad- and obtain a bottle of SHILOH% CURE for sa'quarter. Why pay two to five dollars when a twenty-five cent bottle of SHILOH will euro yo,u. as uickly? Why not do as hundreds of thousands of Canadiens have done for the past thirty-four yelre : let SHILOH be your doc- tor whenever a Cough or Coid appears. HILOII will eure you, and all druggists back up this statement with a positive guarantee. The next time you have a -Cough or Cola cure it with Helpless from Rheumatism when Rheumatism grips you—when you can't crutches—when every movement means agony— Tale Gin Pills They. Cure Rheumatism 413 wonderful—the way Gin Pills take away the ipain—streegthen and heal the kidueys— 7 andj cure Rheumatism, Sciatica and Lumbago to 4ay cured. , ry Gin Pills on our guarantee that they cure or money back, 5 oe„a box -6 for $2.50. At. druggists or By mail, 99 „ ROLE DRUG CO. WINNIPEG. MAN. pm•••••.r Here is the label that proteas. It goes in Clot ing and guarantees Perfection in every detail. Look for it. Pr 'RV. THAT KILLS, NOT 'WORK bout worry usually tends to ong life. On the other hand, worry, without work, is fatal, because ses up what the Doctors call the cithin," a phosphorize4 fat which is t e chief constituent of the brain and nevous system—a waste which, if not sta ed in time, means complete nen= vo s wreck. The evident moral is don't worry"—advice easy to give, an4 in these days of stress and strain pr ctically impossible to take. The alt motive is: find some way of re- placing the wasted Lecithin—the ph sphorized fat. This absolutely! ntial element will be found in ost perfect, palatable and assimi- e form in an emu's on of Cod Liver Oil and. Ph sphorus(phosphorizedfat)togethe, i. wit1 Iron, the recognized blood builder —eking FERROL the ideal nutrient it, claims to be. , Fothe prevention or treatment o nervous prostration FERROL is abso- lutely unequalled—it is safe, sure and spe y. Th formula of ram is freely ex- [ po d., consequently 1 . "You Know what you take For Sale by L V„PBAR, Seaforthi BOLE'S PREPARATION OF iar's Cough Balsam , One of the good, oicl-fashioned things that hes neer been improved upon. Infallible for coughs, colds, bronchied and lung troebles. It is the largest and best 25c remedy for coughs and, colds. Prepared, recommended and guaranteed by the largest wholesale drug house in the world. 11 our druggist does not handle it, let us know. NA NAL Drum CHEM. CO., Limited - 30 LONDON, Ont. mother has the prettiest feet., r /*any on our street. f t./ Vies most particular abottLC-, .tier rubber shoes when she g02457;) Aa6RAN8Y RUBBER5-trim Zia ma Are just the ones fir prey feet. :HOB SALM It ALE.—Two good Shorthorn Bulb le, twelve months old, iilred by "Ho ' ehativion at London exhibition in 1901 dams. These are iirst-clase etives both as breeding and indhieluel animals, JAMES AN Seafolth. 20384/ ------- LEX/ESTER SHEEP AND SHORTIPORNeATril. FOR SALE—The undersigned has for sale sev- eral Thorobred Leicester Sheep and Durham Cattle of both Boxes. Address Egmondville P. 0., or apply t farm, Mill Road, Tuckestnith, ROBERT CHAR TERS & SONS. 1:37241 QI-TORTHORN CA ..._LE --Seven first-elass young - LI bulls, 2 frmn imported cow, for sale at moder- ato prime and on easy terms, good young COWi and heifers also for sate. All interested are cordially in. vited to lnspect the herd. Farm adjoin s town long distanee te hone to !km. Write for H. SMITH, gxeter. E,O. under sfgned effoz forsale' 84 Bil'bert township, A nund young cows with calves at foot, 4 'northern buflstt for im- mediate servioe,siroA. by 'import.ed P1nee of Banff. The above stock are all regiakred la the National Stock Records. Prices moderate, terms casv. visitor welcome, DAVID HILL, Staffs P. O. 1-999-x82 SHORTHORWS.—Oliolce bred bulls and females ot different ages for sale, about two dozen to Beieg• from. Prices reasonable. Herd now headed by Countsylvanus" 06904 He is got by the ben scotch bred imported stock on both sides, glossy dark. red in color, and well set on short legs. Terms :— re/slated co;vit $5 insured; others on application Visitors welcome. JOHN ELDER, Hensel! P. and Station. 1986-tf Dy. Wood's A 7A;iir Dere are 4,10 5pecal leature5 about GRANBY RIME THEY1901C ILAND ItY AR Tr AS4 IKE Nit. **a* amaa•••,.. etewereemenrel eer Reese r'45.4[77,1"....WPAIMilmot,...ra.......• a BREAD 'IS THESTAR OF LIFE and it is more vital that it should be good than any other food. WI -UTE CLOVER BREAD is made of the highest quality of flour, and other ingredients, and Milk is used instead of water. These are combined by the 'highest baker's skill, and the result is the PERFECT LOAF. Its crust is light and crisp, its texture fine and even. It is healthful, nourishing, digestible, and TASTES cow Do not any longer be content with the old dry crumbly bread made of cheap flour and water, but insist on having The Best, Bread That Can Be Made. ICH BROS., SE 0 RT MAD Y 1.1 -winter Clothing. 3143 for on In Funks pe ---181011111111121100-6 t about this time of year the cold winds find the kinks in your nter clothing. You don't want lo inveit in a full new outfit, but do require a little renewing. COM8 to us and see what we can do you, and at a psice that will surprise you. We do .not blow about after Christmas b\aasains. Our clothes are always bargains. We e you big value for ibue money every. time, ngs and the email things for men's wean we carry a fall and com. te line. We can please you, Call and see. RIGHT BROS L °Iv .FDRXISBERS) ASEAFOAT orvveby Fir Syrup Cures Coughs„ Cids Pronohltise Hoarseness, -Croup, Asthma, Palo or lightness in the . Chest, Etc. It stops tbattickling in the throe pleasant to take and soothiag and heal bag to the lungs: Mr. E. Bishop Braude the well-known Galt gardener, writes :— I had a very severe attack of sera throat and tit,Yhtness in the chest. Some times when I wauted to cough and could ,not I would ahnost choke to death. My wife iot Me a bottle of DR. WOOD'S NORWAY PINE STRIJP, and to my sm.= prise .1 found speedy relief. I would not be without it if it cost $gto a. bot- tle and 1 ran recommend it to everyone toilsered evith a cough or cold. • Price 25 Oentio Public Notice I .4 Notice is hereby given that a by-law was passed by the 'councilor the Township of Tucker,srnith on the 14th day of January, A. D., 1907, providing for the issue of -debentures to the amount of 815,000, for the purpose of constructing Permanent Bridges in the said Township, and that such by-law WilS registereed in the., gistry office, County of Huron, on the 23rd of January, 1007. Any motion 0 quash or set aside the sat le or any part tliereof, must be made within time onths after the limb publieation of this no, tice, and cannot be made thereafter. .. A. G. SMILLIE, _ 2041-3 Olerk of Tuckersmit h. Dated this 23u1 day of January, 1907, WOME: ONLYKNEW Thonsande of women suffer untold miser- ies every day with aching backs that really have no business to ache. A woman's back wasn't ,made to ache. Under ordinary aoriclibtons it ought to be Strong and ready so kap her bear the burden e of lifo. ISli hir to do housework with an ach- Azg back. Hours of misery at leisure or ralt=leorkIf vromen ordy knew the tense. ,kaokache cornea from eick kidneys, and viva a lot of trouble sick kidneys cause in eite world. But thet can't help it. If more work is pat onthen than they can stand it's no* to= be woneered thethey get out of order. Esekaoho s simply their ory for help. DQAN'S DNEY ILLS ea help re helping sick, over- werked 0—S1 over the world— =king thetn vrong, healthy and vigorous. Mts. P. Ryan, Douglas, Ont., writes: "For over five inc back and. help'. I lhurnents heard tel after I h ray bee* Price Sel.25, al C:) Toro rne nth5 1wa,s troshl with lame ens jumble to move without 'ed all kirids of plasters and ut they were no use. At List 1 f'Doan's "Kidney PIM and ed threelpartere Of the bee as atit strong and wallas ever." eras per box or three boxes ter alers or The Doan Kidney Piii to, Ont. Your 1-1 Lzepo pep bein fun pa 2040-tf is per am $1,92 s plotq miner atop • bate • c-rtiu ler sal lrulldmg 5. Eat. Woad, •whieb will be ffeected, debt ory seemitya and he cenvi forth Yon tel f you se have sit re 1. ar iv litiq furOlvthr peuaertea 1717chicilethe ever .14 will. The three emitio for 8 eo