HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1907-02-01, Page 1good new to persons spare, and still better re plenty of money to he remainder a our Low nries ean drive r.rent things we have uation better thau an appearance; roc in, therefore we on 'Tater goods, (lin ry Dress Ends' rderwear Blankets Etc. Be Put On Furs es now; furs must 'ns and Linens. coutain these gdods housekeeper can ed are made the and cturers' prices is Tmg Clothg- Towelling Difaw Linen fidlef Linen Lawns If New Printc leady, for Your f • SEAM.- .—r* ONE. '3urchased a yearling Durham lieln et the Doherty sale last wee —4 jrlce of tat cattle Ls evidently! he Ise, as a number of sales aire dy been made for earlydee y. me Sold—tr. John Hannah hant hie farm on the tith coneeselont ckersmith, to his 'neighbor,. Mr. Hay.. The teem contains IN has on. it fairly good build- ana the price le seed to be $6,e Mt. Hay, in ids home farm has ares and thin purchase make the owner of 350 acres ,set land, BA can be Pima th Caniclac Hannah, tve understand, intends vIng to the Northwest in. the Alex. Gordon has clis-1 o• f his farm, on the 8th cote& , welch he purchased a 'yeah o ago from Mr. Thos. M. Grieve r, Same Berry, of near Staffac arm contain e 100 acres, has on good brick house and build It tst*a first -daze farm, anh sold for $7,000. Mr. Berry g-etin ioa about the first of Marche , Gordon, has purchased Mr, Wm.! ,eyde farm on the 3rd emcee+ of eicKillep, * he extraordinary demand * for- tdian apples in Scotland need, the • of England threatene to create: ener at Glasg-ow, where - the leeale firms are attempting" tc, eve the retailer% tr Nathaniel Dyment, the tweiP en lumberman and horseirien. g dangerously ill at "Rowan-, ." his beautiful home, at Bare Paralysie is the cause of Idle e. Fred. Whitham, of Brantfordc :teen awarded thui eontracthfor the n of the four new Normal! . j thin protinoe. The price IS The schools are to be toe at North Bay, Peterboro, Strate and Hamilton. Mee Edward county has a resie - w ho has attained a rernarkablet His name is Sonn Pymer, and hitt out from England in 1835, with vire and three childree. He t in. the battle of the Winamilli a ott, aad is stilt heerty. Hit reaa a. needle and do sewill0 leases. If he lives to :mite, next birthday, the 12th of he will be 108 years old. iTio, resident or Haller for about Tears ,. and :since the death e, about seventeen yeenis reaM 1,i home with hisdal L G. Lovell, of 'ETBIRTY-E,IGETtf TEAR. WECLE EICE NEBR. 2,C42 Tailoring and readyniade Clothing • .1 s IF 'GI_ FURS P" AND FURNISH \ ..,INGS LOTHI C/CDIEV..A..N-Y7= • SQ-Cr.A.Mtill. " 131MC:11:2.M: 1 eisemessachootheeres SEAFORTH, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 1, 1907. HUROA) COUNTY COUNCIL. The fired' meeting of the neW Huron County °Tanen open -at Goderich, on Tuesday afternoon last. There, was a Lull Bet of members present. The firtit bushiest% was the election of a Warden. Mr. Jetta T. Currie, reeve of East Ittrawanostr, was proposed. After 'waiting the required _half- hour, arid no other ,norninations be- ing made, Clerk Lane, who presided, -declared Mr. Currie duly elected War- den. Judge Hole then performed the ceree siony of searing in the Warden, and in .a, neat address congratulated the ,Warden on his election. He aleo re - erred to the neve, order of things under which the council met, and he presumed that seldom if ever before. there were so raaner new Members who had nci previous experience in the council, and he was pleased to see a- mong the, number Old colleagues of Coencil met pursua.etto adourn- hte in the council, such as 'Tient. The 'report of the executive Messrs. Leckie and McLean,. The war- committee of which the following is den then cordially thanked the coati- the Substance wan read and adepted ell for electing him. to the i honorable The exeoutive committee reported recommending position of warder'. • - that the tender of„the Goderich Star for the county printip Messrs. RMcLean, 11. Wiliert, John be accepted ; that no notion be taken on . justice, $6,682; schools, $10,420; mun- icipal government, $4,699, interes WC county property, $1,763 ; indus- trial borne, $5,191; roads and bridges, h20,155-. A motion for the usual grant for a. new lock-up in the village ot Wroxeter was referred to :the executive eommittee. Motions td -appoint Francis Jordan trustee of Goderieh Collegiate. Insti- tute' * Dr. Burrows, of Seanortia Rev. lvir. Genre of Clinton, and J. A. Morton., of •Wingham, were referred to the education committee. Moved by Messrs. Shearer and Hain- letock that on account of the an- nual hnc'reaseed expenditure in the county rate, the yearly' expenditure be confined * shisolate necessities,— Carried. t. The council adjourned until ten o'- clock Thursday. THIRD DAY. ° Leckie, P. *Lamont and M. Y. McLean were appointed a committee, to sel- ect the 'standing committees. for the 'year, '‘.44""*".•.#"*".°4-• w A strong fr eiture of our Fur Jacket Sale, and one that commends itself to all women, is the excellent fit of all our coats. Not one but has style, combined with common E ense and comlort, and none but, first quality in the fur, in the large lustrous curl, the fine Persian curl, the seal trim- med with sable and mink, or plain. A good large range to select from, and sizes to At all comers. if YOU have the Jacket Ileum' or fu Coat notion, COME NOW. Prices as low now as in Wiarch,, and the range to choose from twice the size now as it will be in March. Can You see the Advantage? ani•ounimmommummomm, Astrachan $25 00 to $40 00 Bokaran 35 00 to 50 00 Seal trimmed 35 00 to 50 00 Fur Lined 35 00 to 60 00 Coon Coats 45 00 to 65 00 Calf Coats . 25 00 to 30 Dog Coats 15 00 to 20 00 Wombat Coats 25 00 to 33 00 .At2pc. of these Prices. Look at these Men's Suits: ry pie in sizes 34 to 44 breast, all good patterns •Malta of cloth, and new style sack coats, ,single and double bre,asted ; the regular price of these sftits ranges, from $7.50 to $10 &$11. SALE PRICE $5.00 Dozen all heavy weight, in dark colors, with slide bands to cover the ears, dressy and in every way good wearers; regular price 60e to $1.00, SALE PRICE 390 6 dozen odd Wool Shirts and Drawers, regular price 75c to $1:00, for 40c Boys' Fleece 60c Fleece Lined Metiers.' IheMillen, Cantelon and Milne were appointed a special corn. mittee to revise the by-laws for gov- erning' the proceedings of the coun- cil. Applications- fon the petition of county auditors were " read from W. S. McKercher, Wroxeter, A. G. Sad" - lie, Tuckerstnith; W.- R. Robertson, Goderich e P. Camtelon, Clinton; W. Black, Merles; F. Hens, Zurich; T. S. IfeKenzier Ashfield; E. N. Shier, U� - borne, N. Robeen, Clinton. These ap- plications were laid on the *hole. Communications and applications for grant e ton various public institutions were read and referred to the pepper committees. - 13elgrave to' getIts School. The arbitrators appointed ar;the December session in reference to the petition Cif certain ratepayers of the to nshipe 9( East Wawanosh and Morris, asking for the formation of a new union school i3eotion at or near Belgrave, reported that they had come to the conelusion that a new union sbhool section should be formal and that the prayer of the petition should granted, and an award has been aecordingly made. A conaramication Was 'read from Mr. T.- Hemphill, of Wroxeter, com- plaining of injury being done to his mill by the road -way at the bridge In Wroxeter, and was referred to -the road and bridge corinnittee. M. Y. McLean, Seafortn, and W. Lane, county clerk, were appointed Members of the board of audit of criminal accounts. The council adJourned until ten o'- clock on Wednesday. SECOND DAY. time that S copy of the municipal ftet tile Burnt of $2 per -day. The report, 55c 30c 45c Everything new—, -Terms cash or produce,. vitAAAANhowwwwwwoevtiApv ft2rHighest price for Butter and Eggs, 4÷1.44;H++++.1•44444++++4444 The. GREIGICLOTIIING- CO. ..ItS • . East Side, Main Street, one door South of the Dominion Bank, SELA.HORTISE _ the app motion of the tovereqn Bank for the coun- t° the if councillor Middleton considers it necessary. It is ty account ; that the sum or 00 be granted Sanitarium for Consumptives at Giavenhurst -, that also reeommended that the following tenders for • the usual grant of $20 be made to the Sint child- new bridges be accepted ; For concrete work, Thos. ren's Hospital ; that Kli be granted to the Publio Sandy, of Loelialsh, Kingsbridge abutments, *3.73 . or cubic yard, including excavating •, Mr. Sproule, Libraries ; that S20 be granted to the Huron Oen., weeswater, Hall's bridge abutments, sass per enbie tint Pair Assoeiations and a like sum to each of the other Agricultural and Horticultural Societies in the Vard and 30 cents for excavating ; Ilunsworth and bounty ; that 1325 be grented to each of the Farmer's Echmier, Ethel, for Bluevale bridge, S4 per cubie Institutes, and that ecteli of the Traders' Institutes yard, ineluding excavating. ' That the teeders of be given the usual grant of 8211 ; that $10 be grant- Hill & Co., of Mitchell, for the steel superstructutes ed for flower planting around the court house ; that of the following -bridges be accepted : Bluevale, 103 110 grants be made to the Prisoner's Aid Association feet, 82,209.50 ; Hall's,. 53 feet, *949.50 ; Kingsbridge,.. and Salvation Army, although thc latter have the 22 feet, $2.01. Also that the contractors for the sympathy of the eouneil in their work, they nre re. bridges be allowed the use of the timbers in the old ceiVieg aid from the Dominion and Provincial Gov- bridges, while building the new ones, providing he ernments ; that the applieation for grants to lot4t- takes down the old bridges at his own cost and piles ups be laid over mail the June meeting and that the the timbers on the bank when work is complet- clerk prepare a list of all grants for -this purpose, Vv. The report W aS amended in the Pol- ing the dates of the same ; that John Knox, turn ey lowing of the gaol, be given an inereaselef $20 to his ealary 'respects: To recommend that' as turnkey of the gaol ; that the risual grant of -25 11, foot bridge be erected to the Blue-, , cents per man be made to the non-corminssoned off- vale ,bridge, providing that the cost leers and men of the 33,rd regiment while they are does not exceed $350; a motion to a - on duty, providing the wnole stun does not exceed WOO. tee on the Good Roads movement was read and adopted. The report -stated that a provisional by-law had been prepared- and the clerk is requesteFI to have a sufficient number printed and a copy sent to each county couri- cillor and, each municipal councillor and that the matter he further dealt with at the June session. The road and bridge cornmittee re- ported int substance al; f011OWS Rea) mnsending thetthe report of the county en- gineer be received ; that all the bridge.s requiring painting, be tightened up, repaired and painted ; that the Hayfield bridge be ettended to as soon as possible, and that all smail bridges be kft over until the spring freshets ; that the engineer and council- lor Fraaer examine into the complaint of Mr. Hemp- hill about Wroxeter bridge and report at the June 'meeting ; that the matter of the Port Albert bridge be left for the wninell to deal with. (The council de- cided not to hike any action hi the matter as it was dealt with at the December meeting.) That the council take no action in respect to a foot bridge on the new bridge at Bluevale ; that inisity bridge et Grand Bend be rebuilt tie soon as possible, and that .it be assumed by the county ; that no gmnt be made to the McKillop and Grey roan as asked by GOVell.- loek and Fraser ; that the sum of $10 for work on Kippen bridge be paid as soon as the bill is present- ed to the engineer ; that the following bridges whieh are asked to he assumed as minty bridges, viz. Itapsins, Cochranes and MeMillans, be examined by the engineer and that he report to the June meet- ing, also that the engineer examine all the other bridges asked by motions to' be examined by Jibe that the approaches to Turner's bridge be mutat . mend the 'report by Govenlock - and Fraser se as to recommend a grant a. The Teporit of the capable' commit- tee ;recommending that no represene *500 Ith the proposed road; to be con- tative from this council be Beet to etructed 'tei a flag Station on the the meeting of the Good Roads Anse- cluebh and °°derieh RallwaY, be- . tween Monkton. and :Walton, was dation was :read and adopted. respecting the Rapson The following 'notions were read voted dOwn; bridge, Cochrane bridge and McMillan and referred to the road and bridge bridge, that the engineer examine' committee ; By Messrs. Middleton anti these •bridges and report at the June Cantelon that the approach to Turn - meeting; an additional clause wag er's bridge be gravelled on the north added Ito' the report, as follows: -- aide. By McDermid_ end Cantelon that the road and bridge cominittee Where a new bridge is being built consider the work done by the rriu- 'th-e reeve' of each. municipality sup - cement work of all nicipalities of Hay and Sta;nley eridend the -county bridgeS within his municipal - the boundary wit of the village of ity, and that the reeve nearest the Kippeh on tne approach of the coun- ty :bridge; the value of the work is work, superintend the cemeht work on h1.6. . all ,boundary line bridges, and in the event oh any reeve not desiring to per - Moved by Mr. Cantelon and Dr. Woods, that each _member of this sonally superintend the' work, he be empowered to supply some other suit - council be supplied, with copies of but able person, and that the remunere,- ;the 'revised, statutes rot • Ontario, itithese are _not prepared in sufficient tion for such 'service do not exceed with these a,mendments, was adopted. The council met at the appointed be supplied to each member. Referred 'hoer. A petition; from residents of to the, executive committee. ' The finance committee reported recommending th/.payment of a large grist of accounts, and also having exemlned the nnanlial statement of the county engineer, and finding that the total e3nonnt of the payments authorised by him on bridge ac- count is 203. Grand Bend, asking the council to make a grant to assist in. erecting a lock-up at! that place, was 'referred to the- executive committee. Mr. *R-- W. Duff, of Bluevale, ad- dressed the: council, asking that a foot bridge, for the safety of foot passengers, be added to the new bridge tot be erected at Iiluevale. A Motion mote passed instriecting the road and bridge committee 'to in- quire into this matter, and report at this seSsidil of the council. The report of the committee to se- lect the standing committees for the year was read 044 adopted. The fol- lowing -are the standing 'committees: Executive Committee—Leckie, Cantelon, McMill- an, Dr. Woods, 3iidd1eton. Special Committee — Bailey, 13obier, Musgrove, Hunter, MeDiarmid. FinAce (io,iinuttee—Dr Irwin, Barris, Hawkins, • MeKayMtothers. Edueation Committee—M. Y. Mclean, Dr. Milne, Shearer, John Grant, Kellerman. Road and Bridge Committee —Lamont, WIllert, Fraser,Govenlock, It. Elliott. , Count3, Property Committee—It. McLean, 'Geiger, Jas Taylor, Jos. Minster*, Geo. Taylor, '4 Equa ization—Whole Council. Warden's 0ommittee--1.eckle, Lamont, It. Me - Lean, Robb. McKay, D. Cantelon. House of Refuge Committee—M. V. Macau, J, 3licidleton, Geiger, Willed. The ;reports of h ublic school In- spectors Robb and Tom were read and referred to the educational com- rrietee. These reports were most ex- haustive, and contained* much valuable and useful information. The report of Inspector Robb dealt largely with the new amendments to the school law, and it contains a whole vol- ume of useful and interesting infor- rraition. These reports will be found in other columns of this issue. • A motion appointing J. H. Cain- Oronek principal of Brussels 'public school, and N. J. Moffett, Principal of Seaforth public • school, to the county hoard of exaaniners, was re- ferred te the- education committee. , Motions tel. ant $20 to the Sick iir Children's spite', Toronto, $25 'to each of the - a,rmere Institutes; the usual g -rant ito a,ssist 10 the erect- ion of a lock-up in Herhhill; $50 to the Huron Central Spring Fair at Clinton.; $20 to each of the Agricul- ture( and Horticultural Societies in the county; the usual grant for the purchase of flowers for "the court house ,ground; $15 to each of the pub- lic libraries, and $25 to each of the Teacher& hettitutes, were referred to the-exetutive committee. , Moved be Mr. Kellerman and sec- onded by Mr. Lamont, that our busi- ness hours be from 9.30 a. me un- til 12 noon, and front 2 until 5.30 p. in., daily until the work of the council, is completed. Referred to the executive COMmittee. Dr. Tiroodith moved that Bayfield be the centre fer entrance examinations inetead of Varna, as tit present. Re- ferred to the, education oonardttee. The county engleeer's report, de- tailing the work required to be done on the sev,eral bridges this com- ing season was read, and' referred to the road and bridge committee. The county registrar's eport, which was read, showed thet -during tb.e year there had been 1,438 deeds reg- istered ;i 1,024' mortgages; 1,105 mode ganies discharged; 232 wills register- ed and:the amount of the mortgages registered vtas $1,669,033. The gross receipts of the office were $5,917, of this the county receives $1,208 and the registrar, LA2,589. A representative of the, free The treasurer subrnitted his an- emotive 'hospital in lituskok dressed the council asking grant of $300 to' endow s bed i Institution, was referred to e-cutive committee. Tina report of the speciat co Moved by Meesne. Clovenlock and Grant that a. grant of 000 be made for opening a road between the townships of McKillop and Grey. Re- ferred to the road and bridge com- mittee. There were altogether 10 appileant,s for the Iposition After considerable,' tee of the whole; Kereher, of Wroxe telon, of Clinton, received a ajor- ify of ell the votes east and declared' elected accordingly. Mesers. Blair, of Goderich, Brydone, a Clinton, addressed council, explaininghthe condition the Bobineon family, of Go township, two members of ere inmates pf th,e House of and the means desired to be a for their maintenante therein. matter wee referred, to. the Hou Refuge Committee. Motions wete made and referr the road and brihee committee structing the engineer to examin following bridges; On the bou eetween West Wawanoeh and field, known as Taylor's beidge the town litre between Hey and ley, 'mew" as Cochrane's bridge on the London Road, south of B field, known as br on the Sauble line, Stanley, near Dewarh ; on the boundary line tween Colborne and Neat Wa chh, known as McFee's bridg the boundary' between Hullett Goderich township, known' as Rap - son's bridge; an the London one mile south of Hensel' the bridge and& the approaches th at the, railway crossing; on Jose street, •Win.ghture Also a motion the engineer ascertain the arno damage to Hemphill's mill, in eter, and report to the June se Ctil. Young and Capt. Gundr dressed *the council, asking a gra 25 centsc per day to each junior o end OB,C,Ii member of the 38rci re while performing thhir annual .The matter wee referred to the e thee. • ,Moved byl litr. Y. McLean and se ed by Wm. Bailie that the s committee be inetructed to into and ascertain 'the best me ih thein jugdmhat, to be adopt this council to enable the comn. participate most advantageous the Ontario Godd Roads appr tion ana that the committee be powered to consult with the c eolicitor, if they deem it advi and report to the council befor close of the session. This motion: created a length hitereeting discussion in Nellie whole sebject was ventilate was finally passed, but instead being referred to the 'regular s comaiittee, the following specie mittee was appointed to deal It, ; Messrs. Fraser, Bailie, ler, Cantelon and McMillan. The council adjourned until t clod( on Frida,y. . FOURTH DAY. f county auditors voting, in commit- essrs, W. S. Me- er, 'and Peter Can - were and the of erich which- efuge opted The e of to: in - the dery Ash- ; on tan - and ee- dge ; Geo. be- an - ;on and oad, lyth reto, hene that t of rox- ion. ad - t of ficer merit drill. ecu- ond- eels:j quire hods, d by y to y in prise em- unty BibleL., the and the and of it corn - with Bob - fl lot The county' property conanittee re- ported naving visited the gaol, rand finding incerceraned therein four prisoners., one for insanity, two for vagra;ncy, and one for assault, they also, among other recommendations, feeommended that the use of the pourt house be -net given to Police Magis- trate Hurriber, for the hearing of cer- tain police cases. This" with the re- commendation for minor repairs on different buildings, constituted the main portion of the report. The more of the House of Refuge committee, relating only to arrange - for admission of a couple a In -mates, was read and adebted, • Tire following report of the educa- tioncommittee, wok reed and adopted: The educatioe committee reported reeornmending as follows : (1) In reference to the cireular from the, Trustees' Asirociation of Ontario, asking that a dele- gate he sent from this council to the annual meeting, that no action be taken. (2) That the report of the - publieeehool inspectors for klast and West Huron be published in the minutes, and the committee desire to very hip,thly Compliment the inspectors on the very full, exhaustive and interesting reports, theY have presented, (8.) That the w trden and clerk memoralise the Legislature on behalf of thb; council to amend the school law go that linitead of the sal. aries of public school teuchers being graded in ac- cordance with the aseessment of thesection, the sal- aries be graded ir accordance with qualifications and experienee of teachers employed, Also that the members of the Legislature from this county be re- quested to support the said Aretition in the Legis- lature. (4) That H. Cameron, of Brussels, and W. J., Moffatt, of Seaforth, be appointed on the 13oard of County School Examiners in accordance with the motion of Leckie and McLean. (1) That the returns from the Seaforth, 'Clinton and Goderich Collegiate Institutes have the following amounts paid the re- spective Institutes lese the fees of county pupils Goderieh ce,e61, Clinton 52.143, Seaforth 52,424. (0) That the claim of the $t. Marys Collegiate Institute for arrears on pupile from this county attending this Institute be naid, and the Treasurer send the requir- ed amount forthwith, together with $47.37, the a. mount dne for 1400. (7) That Dr. J. F. BUITCM$ be appointed trustee of Seaforth Collegiate Inst4tut/3 ; ,Rev. Mr. Gunn of Clinton 1.1. A. Morton of Iffirigham and Frank Jordan of Wingham. (8) The committee further reeeornend that the continuation class wheels receive the favorable consideration of the council to the extent that the usual grants be ex- tended for this year. (0) In, reference to the motion of Dr, Wood, asking that the examination centre be removed from Hayfield to Varna be not granted as the representatives to the cot nail from that district recommended the change and Varna is more Gen- trally situated for thedistrict and likely to be more convenient for the greater itumber of schools. (10) That the county grant to Wingliam High School be mId in like proportion with the grants to the Col- legiate Institutes and in accordance with the Ira governing the same, The council met persuant to 'ad- journment. A letter was readifrom the police magistrate of Goderieh slak- ing fon the 'use of the council roora for the hearing of certain police court eases. Referred to the county p opere ty committee. • counts for the year Which were re- ferreA he the finance committee. The total expenditure for the year a- mounted to $58,144 and was made up In part as fellowe: Administration of eon- ad - Or a. that ex- it - ElAr-4 BRO8, PUbliethera a Year in AdVatinh4 tion of $50,000to aid the earthquake eufferers. The cable says that no further a.esistanee• will ne required except for rebuilding. Education in West Sur Public School Inspector Tom s bmit- ted his annual 'report to the c nifty council hat week. The fo11ow1jig is a synopsis of the report for the Went Huron Inspeetorate; The receipts of Trustees . for 1905 were $84,996 and for 1906 were h99,-- 031. The expenses for the same per- iods amounted to 06,844 and h76,627. There was paid for teachers' salaries in 1905 $48,001 and for 1906 $t49,10; for school rates and buildings $1,51 and $11,731, abet for librarie1, ooks, giobee, ote, $841 and 034. The Gov- ernment grant in 1905 was 12,266, and in 1906 $5,661. The Government grant for continuation classes was in 41, 1905 $840 and in 1906 $1,087. The county grant was $1,680 and ,1,817. The 'total grants 1)y Government a- mounted in 1905 to $5,786, and i to $8,566. The; total number of registered in 1896 WAS 7,673 1905 5,580, and in 1906 5,463.' - There were 130 public ehes partarents open in 1906, They w charge of 35 ,rnert and 95 1906 uplis ; la de - re in ere Tev'elve teachers held first-clase icer- tificates; 49 second class,- a•ndS 68 third class. Of the 106 teaches in rural. :schools, twelve had been more than fire years. in ther present posi- tions; 88 three years or ,less, a one yean or less. Mr. George of „No. 1, Stanley, has complet years of eontirruoute service 'in same echcol. Of the 180 depart 66 changed teachers during the These frequent changes retard progress of the ;pupils, and are advantage tin The teachers therns If rural trustee boards consist six members pithead of three, would not be nea,rly so rriany ere- change each year as ther now. The 'recent regulations of Education depertment and the a merits- to the Public Schoo of 1906 have greatly interested trustees end ratepayers of rural S., lic school! sections. The Ins mot with the trustees and ratep of nearly every ached gection, discussed with them the 'provisi t,he 'new law mostly eomplaine and found that the minimum scheme and the mlinirnurn equi are objected to largely beeaus the increased assessment 'in townships, the decrease in the attendance, and the fact. the Separate schools and the schools are not -"affected by 'th law la the respects named, ad the irritation canted by the changes h :When the .law is a 'to apply to all the schools o Province, there are likely to be mod- ifitations which will Make the law more- acceptable to all concerned. A -beautiful four roomed schoolhouse was erected at Creditor' -laat sum- mer, ecieting $700. Its architecture' appearan.ce, its substantial structure, its coevenience and complete/lees are. excellent. Four teachers, are eMploy- ed, the principal giving his Whole time th continuation work. The, peo- ple of Crediton should now halve a wheel which will be second to sone ill, accoinodation or -efficiency, Four school houses, No, 16, Ashfield; No. 10, Goderich; No, 7, Stanley, a 3, Emit Wesvencish and Morris, repaired end will be as comfo as 'new buildings. There are some schools' which must De improved d 55 aird, d 46 the eats, past year, end thirteen changed wice. the Ives. d of here itch - are the end - Act the pub - actor yers and Its of Of, alary meet or the chool that rban new ed to cent eeded the No, were table atill end providedwith modern desk meet the equirementis of the regulations. The lighting and ve Um of the schools are not looked after by the teeehere as their importance demands. Many of the teachers de not traderstanci the most elementary principles, ef ventilation or heating, and therefore waste the fuel and allow the foul air to eecurn- Wale in the class 'room for the child- ren to breathe.. An intelligent know- ledge of heating and ventilatingicom- bined with proper atteatiorx, would (te- ethe for the pupils pure air and uni- form temperature with less fuel. It la 'discouraging to rind that in kome schools the pupile are required to sweep the school at noon. The child- ren _rnuat eat their lunches in the -sante 'room, and breathe dusty, herrn laden air, the 'whole afteracion. This le contrary to the .regulations and should not be perrritted ltt any sahnel to new tila- The reeves of municipa,Iitiee were given power,: by reeolution, to get small repairs made in county bridges; pa,yrnent to be made to the contractor by the municipality and then charged to the :county, the said amount .not to exceed $80. After reading a couple of by-laws, the 'council adjourned to meet on the first Tuesday' in June next. section. The dhsire to pass the entrame a.minationseauses many pupil to 'remain a longer time at schools and to take a greater interest in their work.- The increaee in the ,nurnher of examinaticin centres has been a treat convenience to parents, and a large pare 01 of en- cess- ex - THE MAYOR'S BANQUET. Mayor Elliott,' Goderich, entertain- ed the members of the county council, the county officials, and the members of the - Goderieh town 'council at a complimentary supper at the Hotel Bedford, on Friday evening. The Mayor makes a, genial and admirable host, and all present spent a most dilioyable social evening, —It la reported that the Manitoba Government will undertake to finance a railway line .direct from Winnipeg to a, port on Hudson Bay, thus mak- ing a ehort route to the European markets. The length of the road will oe a,bout 800 milee. It is a big under- taking. for a small province. —Thee Dominic& Government have 2.'6 -Mixed a cable from Governor 'Swett- enham, of Jamaica, thank.thg the Can- adian Parliament for its contrioa- saving in expense as well as a couregement to the pupils to pr for this examination. 261 pupil the Inspectorate wrote on the trance in 1906 and 214 were su ful. 1 • Three villages and 21 rural 'se revelved grants for continuation man who knew municipal law and alwa ys gave good service hoth in township and county affairs. He was a staunch Liberal in- politics and a Presbyterian in. religion, Fifty- five e -ears ago Ire was married to Helen McDougall, who predeceased him on the let of Januray, 1904. Huron N ot es —On Tuesday of last -week, Alex. Perrie, who lives near Cranbrook, fen in the barn and broke one of his legs at the hip. —Mrs. John Pickard, of Porter's Hill, died on Friday, January 18th. Deceased had been a resident of that locality for many years. —The office of Dr. G. El. Holmes, forrrerly of Clinton, who is prac- tising dentistry in Saskatoon, Sask., was destroyed in the fire. which re- cently l'aged In that town. —The Gotlerich Daeght-ere of the Empire gave a fancy dress bail in the, Oddrellowe hall, in that town, on - Thursday evenIng, January 17th. The proceeds of 'the ball were given to the hospital fund. —Mr. Chas. Ilellyar, one of the sPee- tators of the hockey match at citn-L, ton the' other might, was struck in the chin with the puck and received such a, cut that it had to be sewn up, by a surgeon. —A quiet wedding. took place at • Maple La'w'n, Ethel, on Wedne.sdar, January 23rd, when Miss Lillian Th. Simpson was married to Oscar J. W. SpEtITOW, of Paisley, Rev. Mr. Arm - :strong, B.A. officiating. —The old established shoe business, in Clinton, of W. Taylor and Son, has tiecit eold to Mr. Fred Jackson. The latter is a son of Mr. - John Jacloson, of Clinton, Who was in the shoe business in that town for 41 Aare. , , —After a, brief illness of a few weeks, Mr. George Allan died at his resihence in Clinton. on Friday, Jan. 12th, aged ' 70 years. Deceased was a resident :of the , 9tir concession of Hullett -for about 82 years, moving to town some 11 heath ago- -Mensrs. Jelin and Wm. Reid have purehased the farm Of Mr. Matthew Bates, on the Bayfield road, Stan- ley, paying' for it $9500. Tire farrn Contains 160 acres, has on it good buildings and la in every way a fillet -class farm. *—The auction sale of der - son, of Auhlren, was held 1t week. Horses event high, the beat team be- ing bought by John Denhohn for $245 and $218 apiec-e; year old eolt at $153. Mt. Anderson 'has gone to Al- berta, and settles about 45 miles from Lethbridge. cella ork last year; These classes enable Pu - pile to continue their school wOrk at a time, when they are too youitg to ne deprived of the protectin fluences of their hornet:. In schools the continuation work is in - any well done, while in °then* It is not sat- isfectory. The fifthclass pupils miss the etimulus of the public school leav- ing examination. In schools itoing continuation work i ;the pri cipal 'should tie, a teacher of culture and experience and etrong personiality, who is' able to create noble char eters in his pupils. The report of Mr.- Boob will in euceeeding issues, • —Mr. Wm. McPherson, one of the respected pioneers of "Turnberry, pass - —On idoeday, January 21st, Mrs. Elizabeth Keys, wife of Mr; W. Keys, of the Babylon line, &anise, departed this life'aged 70 years and 4 months. The deceased had been 111 about a Month. Besides her aged hus- band She leaves a farnily of grown up sons wig daughters. —Mrs. Jas. Groves, one of the oid- eet residents of Winghain, hied at the home of her daughter, in Anfen, lest week, at the ase of 80 years. Dneeased, with her laueband, came to Turnberry in 18614 when there was no place called Winghauf. The farm le now one mile from the town of Wing - ham. —The spacious /*siderite of Mr. knAt Mrs. A. S. Strome, Fordwich, was the eeene of great festivity on Wednesday, January 16, w.hen their eldest daugh- ter, Ethel IL, was h-oined itt wedlock's bonds to Dr. Edwin 3, Foster, the sue - cetera 'young practitioner of that - village. Rev. A. B. Dobeon performed till?, ceremony. A pretty wedding wits solemniz- ed at the Drysdale church on Tuesh day peenocin, Jan. 22, when Rev.. J. .A. Loiselle united in marriage Miss Annie, daughter of Mrand hith. B, Charrette, and Mr, Orank Denomy. The brihe was supported by her sister, &DeskMabel,. while Mr. Renhe Jeffry sop° rted the groom Mr and Titre. De only will settle on the groom's farnt near _St, Joseph. —On Friday, 'January 181h, the mar- riage of Harold Turner, forroerly of the staff or the Goderich Signal, and Mrs. Polly McLean dirughter of -Mr and hire. JaThOs Tehyarcl, of Dungan- non, was celebrated in the Judson. Memorial Church, New York city, by Rev. Wm. N. HubbellTite groom is at present employed in New York and he and Mrs. Turner will make their hOme there for a time at least. - —The following officers were elect; ed at a meeting of the Credjtore Am- ateur Atidetie Association: Hon. Eires., H. Eilber, M. P. P., and Wm. Dewis; pres., Dr. McCue; vice -pre%, Fred Yeulig sec. a Bluett ; committee, H. F. Ellber, C Zwicker, El: Brown, G. Holtzman end Wm. direntzel. A cell ebra.tion vvill be te1d on Victoria Day, an a field will also ite pur- chased for tlie use of the asseciat4on- . pear —On Wednesday afternoon, January 23rd; the 'Rev: W. J. jolliffe, pastor or Wesley church, Clinton, performed the wedding ceremony et the reeldence of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob- Miller, when their third -daughter, Miss IsTona, became the bride of Me-. George H. Watson. Owing to the illness of Mr. Miller the event waa a quiet, one, only the immediate family being pres- ent. Mr. and Mrs. Watson will re- side Ini Lastiburn, Sask., where the groom 'hail a proeperome mercantile business. } —Owing tO the unfortunate accident at Goderich North street Methodist church, on Sunday, January 20th, an interesting -event which was to have taken place' there on the 23rd, WM held instead at the reeidence of Mr. and Mrs. J. E, Bridges, but the change in their plans did not interfere in the least with the contromation of the nuptials of their daughter. M. E. Lauri, to Samuel T. Armstrong- oh ed away at hie home, lot 11, eace- Nutana, Alberta. The ceremony was sten 1, on Tuesday morning, January Perfermed by the bride's uncle, Rev. 22nd, in his 81.tet year. Deceased was 8. V. R. Pentland, of Salem eircuit, a native of Scotland, and came te this assisted by ReV. G. N. Hazen, pastor country in early life. Ile had been a *resident of Turnberry for upwards of fifty years and helped to make the township what it le ho -day. He re- ceived all the municip4-1 honors that his fdlow, ratepayers could bestow upon him. He first served as a COLL11,- taker, and then as deputy reeve. He was the honored reeve of the town- ship, resigning at the end of /899, af- ter serving eighteen years centinuous- of North street Methodist church, at eleven o'clock in the morning. Miss Brydges was a pupil of the Ree gina Normal school and taught in Nut ana prevaaue to her marriage. —Another breach has been made in the Ontario representathm in the Doxnhibon Senata. Senator John Doh-, son died at Ms rev -Wanes itt 141ad- tvAty. Gni Sunday. He had chLenupd 171 the powitim He wai alab cne seat talia Sfniate :since M2 a year warden a the cou4y. U was was SS years of as -e. _