HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1907-01-25, Page 10..F.Or. T.1.0.0;
Otir store will offer many' lines
both useful pd•ornamental. We
have dozens of artieles that make
Our *took cannot be beaten in—
sellendid gifts for old rout young.
11 IMIVE0 AND man
Also a special assortment of
Give us a call, and Whether you
buy or not we shall be glad to
zee you;
0111031111Y SMILEY,
Hardware, Stoves and Coal.
FERE EtRON ExPosrroit
Capital,. Fully Paid Up-S8,000,ouo.o0
Reserve Fund. and un.
tpvided profits 3,889,000
Deposits by Ptiblic 42.000,000 • -
Total Assets $ 48,000,000
very tactility for the traneaceing of a
%nerve banking bullfinch.
Collection!. made on ell points in Canada
:ed abroad.
Adunces made bo Fetmere. Special at -
intim paid to the collection of Sale Noted.
Deposits of one dollar and, upwards re-
ceived, end interest paid or added June
30th and December 31st. Withdrawals
-may be made at ally time.
R. s. save Bache?
Curlin.g.-Two rinks- from Seaforth
competed int °Matto Tankard ser-
ies on Thursday. The following •Com-
poeed the rink. ;N. D. Bright, it C.
Steele, W. Amenal W. ;
W. Kerslake, 4. Beattie, N. Pickard,
and R. S.. Hays, skip, r -
-Two ?inks were here from Strat-
ford on Tuesday afternoon, to play
in the Oats' - Competition, when thei,
Seaforth rink won out ,by one shot,
The Seaforth rinks were Ker -
lake, Geo. Stewart, Ed. Bright; and
H. realer, skip, 2 down; T. Hatcher,
K. M. McLean, Johneron, and Geo.
A. Sills, skip, up, .
Successor to W. N. Watson
General Fire, Life and Accident Ineur-
anee agent, Real Estate and Lose
;herder in first -oleos family and dranuface
taring Sewing ;Oa:chines and Cream
Separators, viz. : '
New Reymond and. White Sewieg
Machices. fe and Nation41 and
'Una eda Cream Separet.orr
Aho sewieg meohine needle, oil, attachmen:It repairs and sundries for all
kinds of sewing reachinee.
With over 25 years erperieuee in the above
business. you can test. assured of prices
. right, squeal deethes Pad eataefaction
Wins.= Agebt, and dealer in SbttilAg Machine
and.13loyeles.. North Main street. Seaforth.
7Zedd ° "ye-
The leading commercial school of Western Ontario.
Ouricourses are thorough and practical, while the
teaching Is done by able instructors. The ambitious
young men and women, who desire to get the best
possilole commercial. training, patronize this school,
while busInestt men are in search of our graduates to
fill responsible positions. The best time to enter our
classes is NOW. Beautiful catalogue free.
•tieulati. "At meeting of tlee di
reobors, held after the annual meet -
tog, MS. 3. E. McLean, a Tucker -
smith, was re-elected presidenlif
Thos. <>Prityer, of Stanley, vice-preale
den*, and Mr. Time. El. Heys, secre-
tary ruadhtreasurer.
Travellers. -The following- Were
ticketed to? distant- points this week,
by W. Somerville, railway and erearet-
ship agent : Eight English ernOloye
ees of the woollen! mills to Albany,
Mies Belle Stole to any Creek,
Manitoba; Mlle. D. Keefe to her home
in San ,Francisco, California, after a
visit or ,several weeks with friends
here. ,
Send us a Horse
--- AND ' WE WILL —
Him with- the best ',minket
Wool, Jute and Kerney.
Calloway, Bishop, Goat, Horse. and Imitation
. Buffalo. We guarantee the Quality. Com-
. pare prices.
-Died In? treirontoee-The followleg ap-
peared InJ tne Torooto Globe Of Sat-
urday "Allan Lorraine Thomson,
'YocMieert on, Of Mr. and Mrs. Wal-
ter Thomson, Of Mitchell, died sud-
denly at the Tcronto General Hoe-
pital, ore Thu:today e.vening. He was
nineteen vars. of age, ant.wasa.
third -year student in iarts at the
University od Tometo. - He thed 'teen
sick only, three clays, and was ret
moved, to the bespiral only a few,
hours ebefore he died. His parents,
brother and sister, came to the city
-yesterday, eta took the 'body' back
with thent to Mitchill for Interment."
The deceaeed was a clever Student,
and ,at brig.ht and prorniering young
men. Mr. and. Mrs. Thornson have
many 'friends .amongr the readers of
The ExpoSitor who will -.join 11.0 In
expressions a the sincerest 'sym-
pathy on! account Of their very se-
vere bereavement.
Egmondville Notes. -The* anniver-
sary services -of the Eemondville Pres-
bytertian church will be held on. Sab-
bath, February 10th, When Rev. Dr.
Marva., of Kincardine, will preach.
On the following Monday evening,
Rev. Dr, Merray .will lecture Om
" Yellowstone Park,' the Woederla,nd.
of Arnerica."-AS mentioned last week
Miss Addle, Stevenecon, daugh,ter of
fr Donald Stevenson, 'formerly of
this village, but now living in Doug-
las, Manitoba, died on New Year's
Day. She was sick •odly 'a...fear months.
The sympa.thy of a host of friends in
Egrnondville end Seaforth. is extende
ed..itO Mr. Stevenson. ---The -annual
meeting of the Egrnohdville -congrega-
• tion waft 'held ori the 3rd inst. All
the reports showed that the pasthrear
was one of the best in the history of
the eortgregation. The •treasurer' re-
potted all aecounts settled end a good
embetantial balance on 'hand 'to begin
the new year with,
The Carnivar-The first fancy
dress caritival of the season was
held la the Palace Rink an Friday
evening lasihr and was a, most de-
cided et1COOsst. There were.. a large
number in costu.me, and. the coetumes
were as -einnerous and as varied as
The Beggar Student Co. -This colt -
pear which, is to appear in Cardno's
hall ore Friday evening, February let,
under the auspices of the Huron Foot-
ball Club and the Beaver Lacrosse
deb will wittiout exception be the
event of the semitone The programme
le divided, into two parts. The Beg-
gar Student Which constitutes the
first • part is a cha,rming musical
drama, tull of bright songs and mus-
ic and sparkling dialogue. Given as
lt is by a, caste who are not only
*actors and actresses of the first
rank, but, Singers ef national reput-
tatiOn, " carrying' their own special
scenery, etage settings and bright
costumes tee the. seventeenth century.
It presents a delightful picture for
the eye as well as a therm! tee the
ear. The eecond part is composed
of the very newest song -hits taken
from the latest operatic sensations
swig solos, . duets and quartettes,
Making the performance the most Ver-
satile and brightest of the sea,son.
The artists have been procured by
these two clubs at a very heavy ex -
pollee with the view of giving the
people of Searottli something really
good <and it is hoped the boys will
'receive a bumper house.
the numbers. There was a y
. DR. FORSTER, of Stratford, specialist in eye, ear,
nose and throat, will _be at the Queen's Hotel, Sea ---
forth, on Monday, February 4th, from 1 p. in. to 6
p, m. . 2041-2
The Annual Meeting Of the shareholders of the Sea -
forth Turf Club for the eleetion of officers for the
coming year 401 be eld on Friday, February 1st, at
7,30 o'elook p. M., ot the Cominareial Hotel,. Sea -
forth. M. Broderlel -, Seeretary, 2041-2
GIRL WANTED.—At once, to learn telephoning.
Apply to I. V, Fear, local.manager, -Seaforth.
DETROIT. EXCURSION, 1607. — Which date do
you say is best, leave Godorieh Tuesday and 'return •
Thursday, or leave Goderich Saturday and - return
Monday, or, clown one clay and. retnen the next ?
Write Mi. Ayer, Steamer Greyhound, Detroit, Mich,,
what;you think' about it. Special trains from Wing -
ham, Clinton, Berlin, Etc,' • eena
HOU.SEKEEPER, refined widow with one
Child wishes a position as .housekeeper. Beat refer-
ences. Apply at this office write Box 374, Sea-
- 2041x1
SPECIAL NOTIOE.—As ' have sold my. retail
btine, I am now closing my boots, and all ae-
eounts nuist be oettled either by °ash or note by
February 16th. W. H. Willis' accounts may be set-
tled either at the shoe factory or at It. shoe
tore, opposite Tux ExPOSITOR Office. 2041-3
• BUGGIES PAINTED.—Parties havii?g Buggies or
Vehicles of any -kind that require painting, should
bring them. In now, iti order to have them ready by
the time Spring opens up, It. Devereux's C204arroi.a2ge
Works, Seaforth. • -
ACCOUNTS.—Our acteounta • are now ready, and
We would be pleased to MVO persons call at once
and settle- the same. Bros, Seaforth. 2040
ALONE)." WANTED.—Wo.nted, to borrow ;07.; d
TUB EXIVNITOR 04,111e,14 beaforth.
town property, about $2 600at 6 per cent. App!y at
1Trsc 0r0Wc1, spectetors. After • the -
1hadbad been.. Judge every' per- Local Briefs. -Mr. David Reid, of
eon w,ho wished was allowed to "Brandon, Manitoba, was town
skate, and the ice was crowded u.n- lair week. Mr. Reid is a son of Mr.
tit' dosing time. The nand was in Hector Reid, formerly of • the 2nd
attendence and livened up the ev- con.oession of Stanley. . He went
ening. The following fc a, list of weer several years ago, and for a
the prize winners: ,Gentee Character
-1st, Geo. Israel, as Spanieh Cav-
alier; 2nd, C. Crich and E. TWatraeY,
as Cowboys. Gent's Comic-lst, Ben.
Daffy, £111 Clown; 2nd, J. Cdrrie of
Brussels, as Flying Dutchman. ioy's
C,omic, under 15 -Joe 'Dick, as S.
Miller 'the 2nd. Lady's Character -
let, Edith Strausser, as Indian, Prin-
cess; 2nd, Lillian Adams and Maud
Dickson as • Night and iterning.
Lady's 0omic-Haze1 Reid, as Aunt
for the money—
Oar own make of genuine Rulther Trimmed
Harness. It is the best value in Canada. M1
your neighbor about them.
200 par of samples at wholeaate prices. —
Bella--Trunks--Valises — Suit Cases—
• Plush and Wool Rugs, Ete.
Intieet our stook before purchasing. Li_
M. Broderick,
:Seaforth. ,
Watch Our
Christmas Window
-13:r.A.m)Lims 331:z0s.
„. Opposite Commercial Hotel, Seaforth.
%.'14 f
• -
gly •
Eyeglasses nray not alweers
be becoming. Neither are
headaches, bloodshot eyes, .
wrinkled eyebrows and half-
closed lide. For any or all
of them this may be the alter
native. We adapt the style
of glaeses best suited to the
face of each patron.
Hockey Notes. -In the Intermediate
serie4 inethie district, Goderich de-
feated Clinton, in Clinton, on Friday
night last, ley four goals to none.
-The §eafOrth team' goes to Gode-
etch this Friday evening to play, and
it is expected they will be- accompan-
ied by a, number of enthusiasts, who
go to encourage the boys...
-Clinton and Seaforth played here
on 'Tuesday night. Although the game
was mit a brilliant exhibition ,of
tosliey, it was exciting, a,nd that is
what pleases the crowd... The teams
were toe evenly matched, end the
checking was too close to permit of
'Truett team play, but they were at it
all the time. For the firer half or
the greater part of it, the visitors
_were eche aggressers, and their su-
perior weight was to their advantage,
but the home bbys were faster and
had better ?combination, a,nd . this.
overbalanced the difference in weight.
It was a fight all through thei first
half, which ended in a score of one
•to .one. The• Seaforth boys clinched
thger early in the second half, by
scoring three in gOicle succession, and
the.best Clinton could do was to tally
- • 44
4 •
'is •
y have- also to •Mention the death of an
- old resident a our village, in the
Persort a Mr, .larnes McTavish, who
kEARINC_ SALE epaeted this life on Satueday last.
Ippen for 25 'years, and few. in this
te McTavish bad been resideat
OF --
miry China.
Olper cent. discount
February we Will
We do this to clear up our stook
left over after the holiday trade:
Big bargains, so Coale -early, to se-
cure the best choice.
0A.RDNO'S = BLoca
Agent for up-to-date Truhes, Syringee
Hot Water Bottiee, Shoop's remedies,
0ook'e Cotton Root Compound and
Wood'e Phoenhedine.
heighborhoed were better known I
en he.-0Wing to the 'anniversary
rvices in the Hilla Grden church on
nirdwy theect there will be no. services
in St. Andrew's' church, but the Sab-
bath echool will meet at 2.30. -Mr.
and 'Mrs, R. B. eMeLean were in. Lon. -
don this week, cantos on Mrs. Me-
i...sands stoker, who has mean in.
poor- health. ---Mr. John Deitz, a few
days aso, had the misfortune to lose
a tors% which he Valued at oyer $200.
The flame' day he purchased another to
take it* place. The lose a a horsei
won't break Jam.
ohe being taken off. -Kr. and Mrs.
Will Borland, of Lemberg, in Sask.,
'visited the latter's aunts, Mrs. John
,Habkirk and Mrs, James Cumming,the
beginning of the week. Mr. and Mrs.
Porlan.d,Who are on their wedding trip,
have been vieiting trr.. Borland's fa-
ther, in Uebornee-.-Mrs. J. S. COn-
iftable, of London, formerly Of Sea -
forth, has gone on an extended tisit
to Toronto and -Beaverton.-One of the
chimneys on the new brick residence
of the_ Messrs. Mulholland, of Har-
purhey, WaS blown:down by the Wind'
last Sunday morning, and the fall-
ing bricks injured tile roof elightly.
-The Huroo Old Boys' Association, of
Troonto, will "hold their annual At
Home in the Temple building, Tor-
onto, on the evening of February 15th.
-d-Wedriesda,'y was the coldest day this
season Jo' far. Early in ithe morn-
ing_ the the-rmorneter registered at
eleven below zero -The proceectei of
the lecture given by Dr. Cleaver a -
Mounted to $32. •
time engaged in farming in alle
toba, but he 'gave that up and' has
since been extensively engag d in
veal estate in several towns•in Seek-
atchewan and Manitoba. He i tends
remaining in Ontario for abou six
weeks, -Mr. William Evans, a „ the
veteran assessor of McKillop, as a-
gain been selected for his ol posi-
tion and, enters upon the si teenth•
Year a Office. This shows ,that Mr.
Evans Is a just assessor, and ' that
the council of dicKillop appreciates a
good, faithful and conscientious - of-
ficial. •We tope our old friend may
be long spared in health and vigor
that he may enjoy life and serve. the.
public, -Mr. John Cooper, an old
Tuckersmith boy, who is now lo-
cated in the Province or Saskatch-
ewan, about one hundred miles north-
east of Regina,. Was in town last
week, tailing, an old friends. At
'present he is about forty miles from
a railway, but they expect the Moose
Jaw branch of the C. P. R. to lee
completed and running near their
place in time to remove the net
erop.-Mr. Richard Robinson, of Mc-
Killop, neer Leadbury, paid his 36th
subscription to The Expo.sitor on
Saturday. This shows that - Mr.
Robinson is a fine judge of good lit-
erature, and we wiett him a long
life itce continue in well doin.g.-Me.
George Chesney 'shipped a car ' load
of cattle to Toronto on Saturday. -As ,
will be seen by an annOuncernenf in
another column, the marriage of Mr.
J. F. McLaren and Miss Jennie Ew-
ing was celebrated in 'Toronto •on
Thursday of last week. Mr. and Hrs.
McLaren were formerly well known
and popular residents of .Seeforth
• ,
JANUARY 25. 1941
Notes. -Mr. X. Mains, who has
been suffering with an attack Of
pleurisy, is improving. -Miss A. Bell'
has as guest this week her cousin,
Mies Taylor, of Listowel.-tliss Kirk-
donnell gave a party to leer friends
oh Thursday evening, -Me. -Wilfred
Crisp, of London, visited his parents
this week.-Ertough snow fell this
week to make good. sleighing, and
people am tering advantage of, it. -
Mr. jam Hill, of Summerhill, visit-
ed friends here on Sunda:ye-Mr. Ern-
est Adams sold a fine driver last
week fori the esum- of $160. -The ser-
vices in the church were net largely
attended last Sabbath an account of
the stormy weather.
A New School. -The ratepayers of
school section No. 101 Winthrop, have
decided to build a new echool during -
the corning year, and as will be seen
by our advertising columns, are
asking YOB fenders for the erection
of the same. The building will be ot
brielewith cement basement, ire
the basement will be a large room
for 'the, pupils, with the class room
above. he building will be of the
most modern, kind, heated by fur-
nace and everything up-to-date, and
will cost in. the neighborhood of
000. When the Winthrop people do
things, they do them well, and when
they get their new Elehool., it will be
one of the best in the county-. t
Death ot Mr. John MeKinley.-A
highly respected ' resident of Sea-
fc•rt.h, in the person of Mr. Johre hece
Kinley, died, on Saturday last. Mr.
MeKinley thad reached the unusual
age of 85 'years. He hid been in deli-
cate health since New Years. He
was one of the pioneer -settlers of
this county having located in the
township of Stanley itt the early days
of itir settlement and by industry
and good management succeeded in.
Sking a caimfortabie home and a
competency foe himself and family.
Several years' ego he retired trent
the more active duties of We, and
came to reeide in ,Egmondville, where
he continued to live until about three
years ago; When he removed to Sea -
forth. Mr. McKinley was a man of
mere than, ordinary intelligence, but
never took- an active part in publie
affairs, preferring to devote him,:
eself Ito :his own interests and to the
education and welfare of 'hie family.
He was a consistent and zealous
'member of the Methodist church, and
!always endeavored to make his life
equals witbi his professions, being
honorable and fair in all his dealings
with his fellow men. In polities he
was a Conservative. 'He leaves a wid-
ow and family of four -sons and six
daughters, all grown up, and occupy-
ing good positions in life. We regret
to learn, however, that Mr. Me-
Kinley IS very ill, and it is feared
that -the death of her aged partner
Will be severely felt_ by her sin her
weak condition. On this eceount the
funeral on, Monday was private, The
remaine were taken to Bayfield, and
were laid to rest in. the Zamilyt plot
and they have a large circle of
one, an ,dthe gatne ended. four_ to two friends :here whO will join with The
in favor of Seaforth, „ . Expositor in ektending tlie moat
-Goderich play here again next)
'hearty congratulations and good
next -Tuesday night, and, as they. have wishes. They will reside in. Term -
strengthened their team and are .out to, where Mr. McLaren has been in
to win the championship, this game business ever since leaving Sea -
will be one of the best in, the seriere. forth. -The severest wind storm of
the iseasoni occurred an Sunday morn-
- rieldnloe Insurance ComParlY.-The lag la,et and continued terough the.
annual meeting of the MeKillop Mut- day with flurries of snow wad
uai Fire Insurance Company was held tenee. cold. The cold corning • -after,
in the council cheenber, at the town- the unusually mild atmosphere of 'the
meeting was presided over by My. every one. Considerable damage was
previous day was somewhat trying t6
hall, Seaforth, on Friday lEfet. The
3. dt. McLean, president of the Com- done id other places by the wind & but
early. The auditors' report showed none that we have heard ,of thz etchle
the Ccompeng- to be in excellent fman- destriet.-Mre John A. Wilson. _was
eial standing. During tire year 540' laid off duty several days recehtly
policies were issued, covering insure bya.; Severe attack of la grippe, -Mrs.
enee td the amount of $853,285, secure James, Scotto sr., who has been very
ed' by premium notes to tne value of 111 id somewhat improved. - The
$30,244.29. present there are In Ddll Engine Works was cloged down
force r,162 poltcies, covering insur- an. Monday owing to some of the wat-
er -lee tee the amount of $3,581,635, This sr pipes having become frozen (lure
is secured ley premium notes to the Ing thei Bevels cold of Sunday. -The
value of $126,290.80. The losses Paid many friends of Mr. Alex. McLennan
during the year amounted to $6,604.20, will 'regret to learn that be has been
,Which include/ $2,086 of claims un- seriously III for some days, but will
settled tht 1905. The working ere be pleased to know that belga:ow imt-
penses amounted to $1,167.09, making proving -Mr relen McGrath, the well
a total expenditure for 1908, eaclus- knovrn !horseman of releKillopees bav-
ire of the 1005- elating, ad A35,745.29. ing air auction sale of heavy draft
The total ateeesements paid in 1906 ,a- brood mares, fillies and gelding's at
mounted to $7,090.85. At present „the Dublin on MOnday next.. It will pay
Corrpany :heel a surplus on hand of -those wanting good horses to at -
$7,518.89. The retiring directors -were tend the , eale.-Mr. It S. Andertion,
Wears, Mtn Benne is, Logan, and of WInnieleg is on a visit to friends
3. G. atiese and
Sibese we
eGe&ge it*
meg Evanot. /14, 1113 SetgOlith vieinity. M. Ander-
all re eon le ethga,ged in the real estate
e., Seat* 4 bushisss.-miss Brialy Ridadatee of
John aovenlock, MoKillOp,. Were- o, is- the gueet of Miss, Pearlt
ed hhflitOrer. A mattiolle Was Passitd_ •Lawreneteaelifiber le Lawrence visite
ee.eaesting the direaters to - tonedder I8JC the • parental home, in Melallop
ihe.thattert.ef raising the thntV ot itt.. 1a&t SaturtIO and SandayeaMiss 'nut).
gurAnce: hero:* nd----ether liYu of ;Wok, pram *ataaaa :gaesa,
and .paying loeses on ths srnie of th lese. Stephrt, at theQic'c'n's
in the cemetery there.
13, R. HIGGINS. Brueefield, Fire and Life Insur-
nnee andReal Estate Agent; Conveyancing, Money
to loan, private or company funds ati lowest rates of
it wrest, 2034-tf
Notes. -Mr. Taylor, of near Grand
Bend, was here last Friday visiting
his daughter, Mrs. Bruce Bossen-
berry, of the Dixon house.
Hills Green.
Anniversary, -The annivereary ser-
vices in connection with the Hills
Green Presbyterian church will be
held ore Sunday, January 27th. Rev.
Neil 'deckle, BD, of Londesboro, will
preach both morning and evening. On
Monday evening a social ge.thering
vvili bei held,' for ivhich a, good pno-
gramme has been prepared. Special
mask, solos by Miss Edna McDonald
and the Zurich Quartette wilt be a-
mong the attractions,
Aallimmum. OF
-.46001. Intores.
Notes, -Mr. and Mew. Borland, Of
Manitoba, have been visiting 'relatives
in the village. -Mr. and Midi. Hugh
Hamilton spent Sunday.at the home of
Mr. T. Harellton,-Mies Eve Campbell,
of Walton, who has jeeen visiting her
relatives here, has returned home. -
Mr. Jas. Carmichael and his sister,
Miss May, who were visitiag for two
months Id Blenheim, have returned
home. -Miss Annie. Carlin, who was
home for holidays, has gone back to
Chatham. -Moi. Chappel is home from
Stratford, where she,: was visiting her
brother, Mr. Harbuffe-Mrs. Mark
Drake is visiting her lister, Mrs. Re
Hotham, of Constancee-Miss Charity
Norden is home spending a holiday.
Farm Sold. -Mr. ,WIlliam Turner'
has disposed of his tarm an; the 3rd
conceselon, which he purchased a
couple of years ago from Mr.
Thos. W. Adams, to Mr. Alex. Gor-
don., of Tuckeramith. This is e. good'
farm and in good shape. -We have
not learned what Mr. Turney in-
ten.es doing, but we trust he will
not leave this neighborhood.
Aecident-On Monday evening last
Mrs. 3. Ilughps, mother of Mr. James -
'Hughes and Mrs. Roach, of Seaforth,
Met witIi a painful accident at tire
residence of her son-in-law, Mr. P.
-Welsh, 6th concession, where she
was staying. She was going out of
doors, when, she slipped ind `fell, a
severe straini of the muscles being
the result. Mrs. Hughes Is well ad-
vanced in years,. and it is fortunate
the accident had no more serious re-
sults. Her friends will be pleased
to know- that she is getting along
Notes. -Mr. and Mrs. John Earner
'have returned from a month's visit
with relatives in Lansing, Miehigan.
-Messrs. Hainetoek and Shearer, of
Howick, and Reeve Harris left on
Monday to attend the county council
in, Goderich this week. -Mrs. T.
Smith aecompanied her daughter,
M-rs. Jeiha Rebertson; on her return
to Tara -lest week. -Miss Dobson, of
Ford ich, visited over Sunday With
r -Se
Mise. Edita Har -A very enjoyable
the0was spent at the fowl sup-
per given by the dOcidfellods Lodge
to their friends Monday everting. -Mr.
Li. Katfleish, of Dinsbury, Alberta,
.elpent Beyeral days of the past week
With, ISA steer, Mrs. a ' Rels.-Mr.,
B. : Morrison 'left for Mount_ Forest
liatt week. -The Young Peoples' So-
Ciety of the Presbyterian church will
chode a iiterarY meeting in the base -
anent of the church Friday evening.
4%. very cordial invitation is extend-
ed to all to attend.
THIS STORE NEWS is good new� to persons
with little money to spare, and still better
news to those who have plenty of money to
spend. We are pushing out of tockthe remainder of our
winter goods as hard as the powettof low pries can drive
If you come and look at the dikerent things we have
to dispose of, you will understand thesituation better than
we can tell it here.
• Spring goods are begin ing to put in an apPearatede
we need more shelf, table and counter rot,tu, therefore we
put prices to the very lowest -notch on winter goods,
such as
Furs Cloth Jackets
Raincoats Skirts
Blue -gale.
Notes. -La grippe is a visitor in
the village. -Miss Jean Bleck had to
dismiss her department in the school
on Tuesday atternoon, owing to
illness, -Mr. Peter Cantelon, of White-
• water, Manitoba, is a visitor to
Bleevale and, vielnity.-eMer.Wuutani
Patton took a wrong step one day
last week and is now laid rip with
broken leg. -Ur. James Agar, of
Killarney, Manitoba, is visiting rel-
atives in Morris -The annual meeting
Of the Bluevale Presbyterian con-
gregation was held on Monday even-
ing, Mr. John Burgeso, the secretarY,
being ill with grip, Mr, A. McEwen.
took Ms plate for the evening. Rev.
W, J. West, M. A, °cell -hied. the chair.
The congregation had a fairly eue-
cessful year financially. They gave
over $200 to missionary work, are
free of debt and have a balance of
over $80. -Howard Stewart has been;
ill this week. -Mr. B. N. 1)utf spent
a, couple of days in. Goderich thier
Notes.-The many friends of Mrs.
3. Balfour, of this village, who has
'been! in the hospital in London, for
rhe past couple of weeks, where she
tniderwent an operation, will be
pleased to learn that .ehe is improv-
ing nicely, and that in a short time
She wilt be able to -go around 15
ciur rnideit as usual. -This week we
have to; mention the death of a good
old „lady, la the pore= of Mrs. John
Fitzgerald, of Cideeliaurat, who died
Sif the( reoldente of her daughter,
Jelba (Meta**, watt of oar tile
Monday last Mrs. 'Fitz-,
living with her
months, where,
tAre that
'At .1;0-
Stanley. •
Obituary. -On Friday, renuary lith,
there passed away at his residence,
lot 13, 2nd concession, Stanley, Mr.
Joh* GIbion, at the age of 66 years.
Deceased was a son of the late Robert
Gibson altd was born on the London
Road, on the farm now occupied by
Mr. John Murdoch. His parents were
originally from New Brunswick.
Leaving the London Road, biz parents
came Od the line arid settled on the
farm now occupied by Mr. John Ket-
chen, After *Mang to Mr. Ketchen,
they moved to the second, to the lot
which the deceased occupied till the
the,e of 'his death. During the earlier
-years of his life he sew co,m3ider-
able. of the world. He was in Cali-
fornia for acme years, then the rnost
important gold region. He also spent
some time in New Brunswick, his
ancestral home. Seme years ago he
also vielted Dakota. The greater part
of his life, however.," was spent in
Stanley with his wife and family.
He was an upright, conscientious man,
of good ability, independent in his
thought and action, 'ret withal a
genial, friendly companion and neigh-
bor. He had a good knowledge of
men and things, and had a wide fam-
ily and social acquaintance in his
home district. By fairness and hon-
es -tee sauyity and kindness of man-
ner he gained the confidence and %re-
spect of his fellow men. He was sev-
e ral timehonored with a seat at
the municipal counell board of his
native township, and performed the
duties Of that office with honor and
ability. He was a staunch Liberal
and in religion a Methodist. He -was
• 'meniber of the Masonic order and
arlf0 of the Independent''Order of Odd -
fellows. A large number Of the mem-
bers of These orders attended 'the fun-
eral on) Monday, 14th init., as well
se -a TOY' larg.9 number of -people
vicinity, allowing t*e great
Which the deceased- VMS
Dress Ends
Heavy Pressure Will Be Put
- The Sale Of Furs
We will not attnapt to quote prices now ;
,simply suffico. it to say that all our furs musP
go soon, so b& here early.
Cood Values In Cottons and Linens
'TIRE DEPARTMENTS which contain these pods
present chances which no careful housekeeper eau
'afford to overlook. The values offered are made the
more nOtabr1)e, if the firmness of man'nfacturers' prices is
taken into co sideration.
We hay
itt view such goods as
Five -O'Clocks
Bleached Sheeting
Unbleached Sheeting
Bleached Tabling
Unbleached Tabling
White- Cotton
Tray Cloths
Dhoti Linen
RAY Linen -
About 1011 - Pieces .of New Pr
.Best- QuWity, .are Ready.
. • •
A st
sense BM
ibe Jar
pled w
held by the community among whom zer aurchase- a yearling Durham tele
he bad lived and the orders to which fer at the Doherty rale last weele-i4 _
he belonged. He leaves a widow, a The price of fat cattle is evident:IX
scin, a, daughter, a niece and alarge 011 0# rise, as a number of salel
number of relatives to mourn his
loss. The remains were interred in
Baird's cernetery. The funeral Ser-
viees were, conducted by Rev. A. H.
Brown, of Varna, assisted bY Rey.
Ilartt, a former pastor and warm
personal friend of the deceased. The
•pal] bearerswere ras, MeDermid,
Hugh McDerrold, ;Wm. Murdoch, Wm.
Berry, Jas. McQueen and Walter Mc -
Be atter-Com. .
Notes.-Corne to Bethel teameeting
on Wednesday evening, January 3015.
It led under the control of the 'Adios'
Aid of the church, which lie a surer
sign that -the 'refreshments will be de-
licious, and the programme of music
and speeches eanneit fail to 'be ene
have already been made or early
EMILIO Sold. --Mr. !Jan Hannah' h
Held this farro on the fith eonceseloei
of Tuckensmith, to his neighbor, Mr?
John HaY, The- taunt contains 1
acres, has on: it fairly good butiti-
inga End the price is said to be Opt
400. Mt. Hay, In his home farm baa
250 acres and this pure/lane make*
like the owner et 860 acre"
good land as can be foetid in
Mr. Hannah, we understand,
removing to the Northereatt itt
spring. -Mr. Alex. Gordon has
posed of this farm, .ore the Sth
cession, which he pule -based aTe
or EC, ago from Mr. Thos. M. Grieve
to gr. James Berry, of near Staffat-
The farm on/tains 100- amen, has 01#
• good b ck house End _
Joyable.-Mr. Mattb.ew Coats is back
barn. It lee firstelass farm, =4
from ManIteba, on a visit to his
wart sold for $7,001). Mr. Berry ge
ther and other relatives )aere. This
is mot the first time Matt, heel -come SINIdeliiliOlt about the, first .of Marclti
back to Ontario,' nor Yet 'the secost. C4or4ote .has purchased Mr W
last Week, thibbling grass,
-The :cattle were out in the fields
but, at a S1011 0! isleKhlop.
Turners term on the- Srd. eonce
time of writing, it 'looks: as if wo , •
would have a sniff of winter. -Joshua -The • extraordinary demand
Dennison and Mrs. Dennison and Canadian apples in Scotland &nil
children, of Moose Jaw, are be One ; serth of England threatens to treat
tario OBI a visit. -The Young Pep- I a eorner at Glasgow, where • th
ple's Circle, out here, held their last 1; 'wholesale firms are attempting to ea
meeting at the home of Mr. and Mrselude the retailers.
Albert Dundas, and had a good time 1 -Mr. Nathaniel Dyment, the well'all round. A pleasing feature was a • known lumberman and shorreale 15
'couple of recitations given by Uri lying dangerously 111 at "Rowan -
Richard Robineen.-Mr.a Thos. Deem- :-hurest," his beautiful home, at B8r4
-Ing has sold his fine Shorthorn bull • rie. Paralysis 1.8 the cause of
to Mr. Geo. Whitfield, of Grey. He
was sired by Hot Scotch, owned by -kle Frede-Whitham, of Brantfor
Mr. jarnes Cowan, near Seaforth, and has been awarded the contract for the
the dam was from Mr. Michael Mur- 1 erection of the four tem,- Normal:
die's. Shorthorn herd, out in licKil- schools in this protince. The price is
lop. He lei a fine animal for his age, $212,100. The schools are to se lea -
and Mr. Whitfield has certainly got cated at North Bay, Peterboro, Strati
good value for thetponey paid for -him. ford, and Hamiltora
-Prince Edward county has a res1.4
Tuokeismitiadent who has attained a remarkable
age. His name le John Pymer, and lin
(Continued from (page 3.) I eatr.e out froni Brigiano in 185, whit
Wet 'End Notes. -Quite a number of his wife and three childrea. HS
the -residents here are, laid up with
the grip. --Mise A. Seaman, of Bien',
helm, id assisting the Polka", Bev. Arif.
Kerr, in the Evangelistic services.
Miss Seamani is a :fluent ABC! Winter;
Ing speaker, and large numbers are
coming out to tile servicer, -Mr. Becht.
White had been: laid up with a severti
buti is now ecover' lg.-Messrs;
Layton 8e Townsend are bt4ir grind -
Ing graini for the farmers on Wede
needay eteeki week. -Mr. a Swelt-
fought 4n the battle a the Windmill
at Prescott, and is Still /warty. 04
can thread a n,eedie and do sewinV
without glasseslf he lives to eels,.
brats his next birthday, the 12th te
.April, he will be 14)8 'yealw old.
was a realdent of Hillier for
tortY Years, and since th.e death
laler wife, about seventeen yeas $tsi
he had Wade his home with hisdahritt
ter, Kra. L. G. 7-omi1, a Bloornt