HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1907-01-25, Page 9R Y
fz�rtnerq ao Dflatz
for ru&king Lx good .`i!l Bed
Pri 71rig Coma or 2008 Ground, Or
�,-�tigh job. It �q the bt,zt by far. None
Bi- the naille "BISSEL& "
q � rl y n R Jq
ou*,( k ee pets---%] most ae-mg un -
much And vo-t, if meiit ir,
IC(_1Q wili 81 PeIll 10 3 0-1, RL�d wO
1141ect cur spifndid ne% ft(ek
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(alls an,sweiE:d at -he
oo[�lte the Metbodlat ebunh,
If yon like liftinW, grt
a i4h%rple,; Tubuldr. Ht�v'
iry Tubalar in thp ml(1,1'p, awl
tii kind for you ? The girl iq fivo
I e I Y. T11rIU!ar-.i htve wait Inw
hei separator Call and
4=� W�_ R Ww
fellanii' -'tore. OP a HDIC Ac IV
C U R E Z) H I 1 PAH -
the words cf prake, A. 11cInn"4
n Bridge, .9., h.ol for Doan's Kidr-tY
(Ifewritesus): "for the past three yev suffered terri*'r stgotly frorn pain I
idnevq. I I could Dct nd. I con,;u:tvd aild several doctur' me, but coul I g t no rebolf. On the s(1% iev,
of ymir ving reme(".- �!: surprige and t:'t T. In my oj,inior; Di .R N 1 or
11C I'I'a.1
110t ace"1, A - .., .:, , and -so? r
K4)R ,,ALE. Apply UD t i a.,4 for qale W41 CHAR 1 3 7 4i V(MTW TT Iav0W9 toWn, f(,r ------------- F, k1t 1, I'- - T h u W! f h'.;f rq slid voqW___A
tollli fit for t I. flozen to W- !,(,w head, -A Cot I'v the Iial#O JW� rp,t1eiVtn1 I" tho I-lork tin
JANUARY 25.9 1907 BEIM HT137RON Linve spare,d tilmelf the trouble of When Barnett returned, Ann, white P_ with anxiety, poured out her story. H comforted her by saying: "You take I ItLe for U00 0 H A Mv� y 6N. too serioustly. I will notify the pollop Itt qz% pw�% t Cinnabar and '.Nlogalyon. They'll 1.1cate E_ btni in in hour." They did not find him, and Ann M*4ik I dils for Only ouderi kept hin ed a miserable ul h imagining all U By MA&M GARLAND Ito sorts of III adventures Into which go t t I I I 111) dys Ilie lias Lydia E. Pflnikharn-'s prove their worth at harvest Louis ml.ght be led, and would have all the woraing for it AN M -, - - time. After over fifty yersof U?getablc d nnrn(-tt on hN n t Z� - T.. t,,i lTaynlin Garland rV
Ilow you it'll Inv iii that ex success, they tire protiouticcd t,)Iie th.1t liothill- day hut for his firm the best aii(f surest bv careful I can finil Iiiiii alone much e'. Your JQ--ritinued from last week.) All'a Lirvtt into Tho Iplanters everywher -ker IN7 Seed dealer sells them. PM.12al free on request. di.-, �011 s.,l,)u! :�-!. t him if you have to use I - , 1 CIIAPTI,.'It VIll. 10/,X a CO- VFRMdOor. Onit. JU it is a. force!" she crINL And theri, with a T last thete (-am(-, a day when ply bel it i,i; t 'I knovvledge of Raymond's po-wer, she the doctor permitted his 19, -_ �J g pa- U4 4 14u ite In hor vo`ee touched L dde(l: "If you find Raymond Most IM11ORTANT NOTICF rs. ltient to be clothed and seat lid 4lowly please tell him to send laddle, home. ed in an easy chair, and, f`i)R SA LE. 8N shorthorn hulls for Hall, all. lit Say I wish It." 0 &5f _4 mond IIfrom'.) to 17 niontht old. Avply to ANDREW calling I%Irs. Barnett to him, Ray iffs. Lot 2, 14, Grey. asked, "Do you thluk Miss Rupert will With th"e words In his ear Barnett You 11:1- see me now'?" (Ikl to tlint. poor fellow. are took his way to his office. At lunch he Ciflilly sl1uhholl 1.11111; Yoll f I, e I I S rts of the I--.- ow
--Wanted, for Sehool section 1-1 0i* _1 wg inorn conoorn0d, "He's not Ift Mo. 1, Tuckersmith. 10 cords of '10 inch 9=1 "I will ask her," repliM Jeannette, lave bvell cumd, ttiue4l. %%o�'Al, ��rePn. Tviviers will be reeek-ed for the with due appreciation of the romantic I';I)' Of hve wirm,sqtitl eurt.-anit Cinnabar nor any I,.% ttie mviersitzme(I ilittil Maroh Ist. ED. the virtuo of Ly,li., E He may bave gone back to 040x2 situation, htowns. Alan rose to comply, with a little Coni the ranch. I will out there this -J,1ARM T4) RFN'T. -To rent for a terin of front one you live nut iu stabbillg a 8 -ii are fair enough to give creTt lit n it three N eam that line fatin, being Lot 1. on thrill of unpleasant excitement. She E.:111 to the is due. nfteruoon. Did lie, have any money" t1w th sion of titillett, near Constanee. did not want to see him, and yet she "Yes. I had Jt,.,t t)11il(lj11�:4 quite iifi.;taken. I was ver: T W 7"! E V M - Y A R S' � 5 U C C Fil C 0 R -U
and oon%enlentiv situated. For par- v
at Tity. Exrorrol, Seaforth. could not decently refuse. If physicians dared to be fmmk am! lowauce. He i..,u-;t lit 0 had uearly
2 (9 0 t the door of the itting room rs. ll,(.e to bbil. open, h�ndre(.18 Of thern would ackno,xl- $2 '00, -ONEY = buy --advertising epacp, but it em't buy a
Barnett stopped, and the girl walked I've seen you nice to yotm.gr edgre that they conotantly prLseribe Don whistled. "AL smart boy can quarter cientm7le eucce-seful record of wonderful a�nd %V.-k.NTF[)-Al1 parties indebted Do Jos- before. Ob, I'd like to see soiu(-' Lydia E. Piukham Vegetble Compo M
of llrowlha��e in alone, her face set In Ifties of cold almost mira=oua cures of the moFt difficult and
Y,I& Kennt4h it, are requested "I'll hide out a good while on that. How- crush you! I'd enjoy 3*9',l in sovere (wee of female � ills, as thev
to ^ t ie %mme oil or I)efore January 20tb, after disdain. ver he'll come back when his pet intyiesta of throA lung and stoma& troublea Such ifl
that di,k,e his Nvok,4 will be plai in *other hands, knovy by experience it can be relied - U
Raymoud sat In a bl,-, padded chai�, wears ofr." Pavchine's record. Thousands. of be& -ea given ULp by leading
I204OX2 NvIth his back to the window and thp B-ii-nott went imwodlate:y to tipori to effect a cure. The - following Even though Raymond had taken �octors as hopelem- and incui-rable have been quicklv and per-
I.:oor and kuocked. At Ill.; letter proves it. t-, It ir *nfalli'le remedy for
11 LL FI)R SERVICE. -The undersigned will sunlight streaming over his head. 11; himself bodily out of her life, his mms7-lently cured by Psychine. . , an -4 0
_D keep fUr service on Concession 1. L. R. entered. Ile sat where =-ghs, colds, bronchitis, pneumonia, consumption, indigesibion,
.S. nickersmith, 11 miles south of Isrucefleld' a thor- wore a handsome gray dresslag own Dr. 9. C. Brigham, of 4 Brigham Park, power to disturb and thwart Ann's low of appedte and all wasting diseme
e�glilired Durham Bill]. Ternis-01, to insure a calf, 0 hail left h1iii, but Louis was bc,3,.(1` Fitchburg, INIass., writes:
and the linen at his neck and wrists will reinaineil. She began to fer him
pa5al,le Januar� Ist, 11M. with the priviletre of re- hil-Li, iih-)wfug hlui a iiew UT11in.j. JAXF�S PATERSON. 2O4Ox4 was spotlessly clean. Ills hands were 'AMY mn had G terMbl e cough and again worth L Isu't that wonderful!" said "It gives me great pleasure to say that I — -------- 7- was to a shadow. Doctors ardj�, Uarriot;U Cove, N.S.
refined -almost delicate iii effect -ad have found Lydia H. I"inkliam's Vegetable Wd h6 could not Uve, He u --d PU4 11 My lungs air-- now found m a bell
('110i 1. MEFTINU.-A meeting nt the ratepayers his clean shaven face and his well sketch In the all-, li',,j Compound very and often chine itcuredhini.11-M-r- T. Ra3ig- sfteruging Nychine-11-9- Rohbin&
, S of *Sch-V)l ection No. 10, cKillop, Winthrop, :qr!ow pride In the VOY. "If I scribeitin my practiceforfenialediftleu. ties. e% Bridgebuxg, Ow.
n I F;c�kvfl e.
%vill 1-v held in the school on Itondil,3- evenimg, Jan, brushed, abundant brown hair gave co,.:,tt t'o that I would never be lone. "My oldest datightvr found it very benefi- After taking $5.03 worth of Psy- "Psychinesaved uar% �I-t. at s n'clock. As a now school it; to be chino my lungs an weU and Ufa I-, den, 7 CiornwsU 6L. Toroam areful toilet. IsWit, afiffl attendance of the ratepayers is desired. sonio or restless. I wish I knew cial for flomale trouble tinIC 11-0 and Itollf-AtT CARLET, Secretary. 2040xl Something mystically solemn and � ?t for mchine Never Falls Psrlhiffe has Alft-w-
use ill the world as certaiuly as Louis my youngcst daughter i�3 now taking leg sweet was in his eyes, and his lip" (loes. a feniale weknes4, ani. is surely gaining in AT ALL DISALERIX 80c said SLOO A BVY-MIS . It. 1cLEAN'S patent 9tovepipe tbin)h health and stren.-th. elt-.%n, safe, durable, as well trembled as he greeted her. "This is 'File young artist flushed with tho "I freely advocate it a,.i a most reliable Pardon' me, won't pleasure. "It*s just a3 wonderful to specific in lVdise,aseg to which wornen are DR. T.A. SLOCUM, Limited, 179 King St. W., Toronft
ils 1--iiiL., a heat conveying, regulating and ventilat.- very good of you.
p,,)aratus. Best material used. Orders bv mail -prouil-m. tillc4l. wholesale or retail. WM. i3 Mc. you? I am forbidden to stand." ride ,the way you do and throw a rope suliiect� and give it hotiest cridursement." -- ---- LEAN, . liensall, Ontario. 2039 tf !11 beg you, do not think of it." and all that. I'll teach you ta draw if Women Avho rit, troubled with pain. Inr!'. persisted aii(I In their little mor- 11r. Munro," said Mr. Clark. - Had
"Dare I ask you to be seated? I you ant ale to." ful or irreguar periods, bloating (or tars brayed the ore and In 'tiny porta- you been *here you iwylouid haveknown
-1Vr00D FoR SALE, -On Lot.6, Concess!on 14, want to thank you more suitably than VV Nl,-Kjllo in large or small quantitie tc suit Raymond turned , to Mrs. Barnett flatulence,) Nveakness of organs, displace- ble furnaces; smelte for many a stur- what was said." With that Mr. Clark
VAIrchwier. C1711 r posts eight or eight and a half I have been able to do for -what you with a look In which amusement au(I a ments, inflammation or ulcer-ation can dy miner minitite buttoDs of shin;n- resurned his sea;t,T Mr. Munro, how-
ieet long -, anchor postsany size. `Xny person re- (I;d for me." ever. remained atandi.ng, and after
n'l, harn timber would do well to inquire early. certain sorrow met. "I'm lon.- past be restoretl to perfect health and stre th metal. The go]d ivqq tbore, nd at I iri I- SU a E. Pinkham's Ve a I -M Idible -remarks, he a-eized his
r f1lirther particulars apply to JOHN MaPHERSON, "Please don't, Mr. Raymond. I as- ch instruction, lad. I havou't b" taking Ldi. ge le last even the ino,,t skeptical believed. Isom Mal -I
Lot i Concession 13, cKillop, Leadbury P. 0. no credit. I went enough to keel)-. out of mlselflef. YOU Compoun,l.' If advice is needed, write Then the inflow be-rin in eaniest. ove-reot and 'hat, and left thechurch.
9-035-tt out there under compulsion, and what draw, and I'll do the'posizAg. Fill a to Mrs. Pinkhain, at Lynn, Alim. She The trail was beaton smooth 1) -The village of ijethbridge, Alberta,
iq dauuh ter- in-law of -Lydia E. Pinkhain L 3' had an. -unlaue invmion a iew' days
K.\DERS WANTED. -Sealed tenders for the er- I did was determined by pressure of a swarnilng foet. It became a stigre
good poser. Don't you think so, Mrs. and foi years has been adviB_ age. hou:t �,000 range cattle. art
Tection of a brick church at Winchrop, will be circumstances. I'm not a bit of a hero- Barnett," ron. A -rent railroad sent survey ot &.Tve� 'herd that had been wander -
the chairman of the building committee ing sick women free of charge. No other oit or before the Sth of February, 1007. Tenders will ine, and I do not like praise." "I don't know what you sill living person lis lia,l the benefit of a on,; toillin,_- n of tho deep i 7. ing on the rive.- bQttom near by,
he received for the whole or any part of the work. He was chilled. by her tone and for a - Wider (%Xperieniro In treating female ills. A'.
Plans and Ix-cificabions can be',13een at the store of she, fecl!Dig vaguely his pain and dis illdtivz 11, tile ,ittp!np� t,, stanipmeelled Into town and for a time
A. A. Cuthill. Winthrop, on and after londay, Jan- moment hesitated. "A sick man may c h e i:!tiifiv,1 thousanda to health. 1,1,9
oura-emeut-his disilliusiouineut. -be' d Dosss.%slon of the business
uam--lisit. The lowest or any tender not necessitrily be forgiven some things," he began to Eve suffering Nvoinan should ask for beizinin- to shine throuz!mnt t and Utureatened to clean thn go
ac(' ted. - ROBERT SCARLLTT, Wirthrop, Chair- t3 "I posed as a farmer and Lieceive(i ft f I -119
VP say at last. "I may as well confess and 701low lier advice if She wants to be out, as they T-o—Uze ama-111L or food.
mian ALEX. ROSS, Secretary. 2NO-2 good Don. Barnett. I made UT) for Tfie beautiful grassy hills The range men finally 6-0-t them cor-
that I have been Ion -Ing to see you. I L strong nd Well.- the, world. 0 cowboy and fooled Baker and the reit blotched with eruptions of red rAled and drove them oift of town.
have�beeu trying f6r many days to rise t 4
of the squad. And now I'm posiug 1c; earth. Paths appeared leadiaig frow -The ladies cof St. Patrick's pariann
Vaeft rhogpha&W. and dress In order that I might have round the block, eagerly seeking Ray- in Ottawa,, to the iuMber of ei ht
an invalid when I ought to be out on burrow to burrow like runways In a _9!__
n, GTea#. English, dy. you come In. You must let me ask inond, who Nvas nowhere in sight. hundred, have res6lved not t-, DU -1 -
Be?" the rpuch again. It's time I rode towu of prairie dogs. ' French Tones and invi.wozates the whole your forgiveness for the rude way in When Barnett entered Rob's room he chaee- goodia olf nervous syswili, xnakes new away to a new range." (To De continued.)
loodia oldVoing. UuregNem which I received you that day. All that Mrs. Barnett was alqi-aied a t tl�,e found two letters lying on the little -dnt!l the g�mvvrnrnent of the mpublic
ou& DeWit If al and Brain WO'rrY,, Des- I did seems iucredlble to me now, like zxmd,ney, � eakness Ah,niqsiow, undertone of bitterness In IIi3 desk. One was addressed to Don and does Juatice' to the _K01Y See. Rev.
Ifl.atorrhma, and .&Teets of 2 bwe or spe7_ ' L one to Ann. ADVICE TO MOTBERS 'the zmeat-
Ercasgu. Lbe ae'ion of another man." "You must not think of even Father Whelan addressed
in- ad gave a brief re-surn, e c� the
Price $1 per box, sixfor$5: Onewillplease A gicain of amusement crossed -un's Barnett broke the seal and read his if you 'haie P_ baby or young chil- 0
will' care. Sold b.T all druggist,s or zuaileA in downstairs for a week." conditions tbast pre'-s--nt prevall in
Dl nZk onreceptOfDrice. Now face. "I didn't blame you. I'm willing -e and notd almost at n glance: France. The nkwt'. effective
a "But I can't sit hei drn In the horne always keep a box _way� he
�F;ee. The Wood Medicine Co. to admit that your position was try- TP hand.
Varmerly Windsor) Torent% Ont and deeper into obligation to he Dear Barnet, -+I'm sorry to pull out in of Baby's Own -blets on said, ,of t1ho Freach - Grov,ern-
6 1� _V J Don"t wait until L ment come ""'to, 'its senses "was '-Y
in - answered. "What rights I III thl's way, but I am afraid it's my only -ou're not haff as good as Ile U." tti-e little on e w j
Ile was too exalted of mood to re- way. I have been very uncomfortable be- sick, for sometimes an hour's delay touching it in the pock -et, and this
this room? I'm only a.,poor, wander- cause of my rro�ving Indebtedness to you a little. He was biggor, more power- may nrove fatal. ThW niedicin,2 -R*
spoud to her quizzical tone. "I had im. Could the ladies. of St. Patric s par! --di
'W"W 'Ingham ing ne'er-do-well, and your be.iutiful nd Mrs. and so I have cut loose. ful, than she had thought b cures stOmach troubles, constipation,
lived for years quite apart from any- home makes mo asliamed-move t,:m Please klon't thin't me ungrateful. It is she have found him in the days which could In a measArze accomplih.
from association with cultivated peo- beeauso I feel flo deeply your kindness diarrho--a, slinnie fevers, and makes _A popular drink in the isaloons
Business ple, and besides I had begun to fee, a8hamed-It fills me with a scu'lle ol that I go. Don't look for me. I'm going followed --days of Increasing unrest t-ething painless. If children are In Motreal knQ-,vA-i av " oyster coak-
guilt I can walk now. and I oug,'it to holo lip for a few days till I get and anxiety ---she would have humbly esick, Baby's Own Tablets Make them tM1 19 eam .0les ge which beert
that I was wasting my life and had be- of ,casional - ' come Irritable. 1 went to the rauch to not to stay another day . strong. If you happen to get any clew to asked him to find the runaway and well ; and beter stUl an ox Tab- analimd by the civic food in-
whero I've gone. don't tell the boy. I briner him back to her, but he had. dis- dose will keep them well. The s p --- to rs, and fte-s been found tocon-
i4i a higb grade Commercial School pay off a debt, and I -well, I had fallen Airs. Barnett knew very well thot can Elpe that iii.3 siste'r does not approve D lets ae gooa for children of alI ages Ist of 'a mix tumn ail o vaters In a state
appeared as utterly as If he had never Three Courses into a groove. You recalled me to bet- his mood was due to Anti's lCY (Ei- oc Ills fondness for me. and she is quite beou. and am gu�ranteed to contain no ot, mom or lms putir'k tioni, toma=
dalu, and she realized, too, how (1:111- right. l'in not a proper companion for a piate or hatrnful drug. Mrs. Joseph Co-i-mercial - Stenography Telegraph ter things." 111illd boy of his sort. I inclose a check, which to cat -.up whicli has fermented, and
a " she said rather cult the task (9 diverting his so far as money can, but your P�ms, of Havthorne, Ont., saYs vc-getable matter Which bass ode bad
GEORGE SPOTTON, Priny flippantly, for she was becoming appre- from this foolish ptirpose would be. kindness in other ways, and especialPy CHAPTER IX. have used Baby's Own Tablets and is unfit for human consumption. Sev-
She said gently: "You ivere In Mrs. Barnett's cre and assistance, I am EANW11ILE, during R y- find 'hem jus -f the thing to keep chil- i eral cases of typhoid f:�ver and o'th-
hensive of the trend of his confldeneps. i ving. I slide out be- our service, Robert, and It j.i our (h:ty in desputr of ever pa. mond's days on the ranch, dren well." Theae Tablets are Eold 1E., dUseases bave been rap -ed to the
He Ignored her Interruption, or, i01- to look after you. You tutist not cause it would be difficult and painful to while the cattle were wither- by all medicine dealers, or you can <onauniptioin of this drnk. it will
Logs 'Wanted, er, he plowed across it with somethlng say goodby, and, besides. I feel that I et them b mail at 25-- a box by not' oe so popular now that Its main
like his old time resolution. "It is Slie another Nvord of this sort or tnnc to must cut loose from the boy. I Ing away on the plains and writing The Dr. Williams' ed!clne 'been ascertained.
or I will call Don, an"I th"!] vill Raymond's note to Ann was short, the long trail from the F3outh was fill- ingredien'te have 'rhetindersignedis prepared to pay the highest to you to know -or at any rate I d6ire me Co., Brockville, Ont. -Britigh Columbia is suf:bering from
pri(-e for an unlimited quantity of first-class Ing with grass, a most notable settle- .1ni, Rok Elm, Basswood, Maple, Beech, Ash,
�,oft F you to know -that I am not a fugiive will hear a voice that ",III inalu, o u almost curt: a cld spell, unprecedented in itz hi-,-
lieml(wk an(] oak Logs, delivered at the Seaforth from justice. Baker thought be was quake. I tell you frankly I will III-, Since my thanks are a burden to you meut had been forming like some new 'Canada tory, and: grieat suffering as _re-,
Sai% and Stave 31ill. To be cut in even length, - i kind of para's'ItIc growth on the wost- _r
ex being funny." listen to your walking out of this the least I can do is to take myself ou suited. Tt*- themom3ter in sevT4 a!
*1t %oft elin ; soft elin to be cut 11, 13 and 16 feet. -
11 also lm� Basswood Heading Bolts, 40 inches - "I am not so dull as you think, Mr. for . week." padon for having ward shoulder of old Mogalyon, the -James Muir, one off the ploneer3 parts of Vancouver, registered zero
ng,itt per cord delivered will also "Y till- Raymond. I understood him perfect- Louis, who had been sfttiiag hi soll)(1 entered it. Had I attended to my duties mighty peak to the west. of Cavan township, Petorboro Minty, las Monday night a tern-1-mture low -
that night of the fire, you would not have A
Iwr 1,% measurement or by bulk in bush. Special at- died last week. He wa' -, born in Ire- teiioin paid to custoni t3awing, satisfacti onder, tryng to catch the been troubled by me. I stayed because In the midst of the mountains, in er tian any hitheerito reoordied. The
on guaran- W land, and, had he lived until May cold snap cauwd geat suffering a -
"I am glad you did. It is true I am rent of this talk, I)Ut hl:4 hand 0111 11':,y- you were beautiful, and that is the whole the lap of two smooth, grassy donies, next, he would have celebrated his mong the� Hindooq- The foreigners
W51. AINIENT. Senforth. estranged from my family, but it is not luond's knee and said: "Wheu ol) go, truth- It is not the first time a man ha -9 old Philip Le Beau established a cow hundred and fifth birthday. His aree Id no condfitiop. to etand cold
I go too. Remember that." neglected his duties for a woman, and the camp in, the early seventies and called wife died 9, year ago. weather, and hun&reds are sich, with
due- 31y faults have never been crIm- pain I now suffer in giving uP all hope it Belle Marie, after his wife. This, -The Farmers' Bank of Toronto. The Huron Weather Insurance Inal." It was Interestug to Jennette to of meeting you again Is a just punishment I pneumonia.
"Please do not feel it necessary to observe that evening dress for my presumption. I a sorry to g6 however, proved to be too fanciful for ba.9 just issued a $25 bill which Is -A very pretty event took Plar-e
Mutual Company. without saying goodby to Louis, but it i, big Cowboy neighbors, who promptly the first oT the kind to gain cur- a- t , . m L Mr. d J rupted Ann. "It Is pain- Ann's estimate of Raymmid's challac- L he ho e of &11 0-41r
- - - best. I know you do not Itho his growing cafled It "Le Beau's IIOI(-," and Jil the reny in, Canada or the United States. N-felville, oo the boundzry near CaT-
ful to you, and -and it Is wholly unnec- ter, The girl had to admit that lie regard for me, and you are quite right. On -the- faoe of the bill arp llkeriesse8 munnock, an Wdnesday, January
pe you loolwd surl)r1singly Nvell s he canie Louis came to her door and cried end It was known among cattlemen as
essary. I beg you to desist. I ho of Sir WllfreA Laurier and Hon. J. ',)nd, when 'their youngest daughter,
Annual Meeting. It!, -%vlll understand that I am in no sense slolIvly Into the library Ju.st before the out dolefully, "Ann, Rob has gone Bozle Creek. P. Whitney, premier of Ontario. gnes Crystle, was united I.Ti the
little Chinese chitne for dIn- Just west of Le Beau's camp, nd Nf,t i,v is hereby irh en that the First Annual feet. doubting you." away!" -A syndicate lias offred $1.250.000 hol y bonds of matrimony to Mr.
sentinel to the valley of the Loup, tood
ing (if I lie meml)ers of the above named company A shadow of pain crossed his face. uer. L,very tnice of the cowboy, the "I know It. Come in." for 'the property on which to sltu- W. E. G. McNaugAt, a prosperous
uill I,o- held in tbeTm4n Hall, Zurich, on Tuesday, eal, which some ini,,- ated the mother house of the Grey young farmer olf that vicinity. T he
the 5t h (I:% N of Februarv, A. D., 1907, corm nenci ng at Somehow the Teallty of their meeting man Of Still srult, wind swept plain. He entered with troubled, tearfu I a symmetrical p
w., for the purpose of receiving the not as lie had imagined It. was gone. Ile was pale, languid, but face and in deeply aggrieved toile said: slonary to the red people had called Nuns, in Montreal, but the sisters re- nuptial knot waq securely tied by
dirv.-tors',auditors'and tiecretar),-treastirer'srel)orts; She, on her part, Nvas angry and dis,-. self contalned nd wore Ills dinner suit "He wen' without saying goodby. I 1101lut Horeb. About the year 1.9TO plied Immediately, that they did not the Rev. J. D. Ferguson, B. A., off
Im the election of three directors ; for the appoint. some persons not mis.,sionarles plantetl want to sell. Knox church, Monkton. Ater can-
mi-itt of auditors, and for the 4onsidemtion of such pleased with herself and resentful of with easy grace. want to go hunt him and bring him gold in the soil in convenient place -91 UbeL weddhig p-,, r t y r
othcrinattersasmaybeinth interestsofthe - at -John Kelly, a farmer of Bucking- gratulattons coln" his implied social equality, and yet he His manner toward Ann was that ' Of back-, but Uncle Don says that we ham, near Ottawa, charVd with paired to the dining room, where P,
All Member are requ tedtobepresent. id a
looked the gentleman, and his face a polite acquaintance merely, and her the base of this hill and ralsie it'
U()(.Flt '.N'0RTHCOTT, Esq. President. must respect, his wish. All the same, causing the death by Ill treatment of dainty ispread awsAted them.
� 1�1 hl� fear of something -she hardly knew mighty shout over the' diseovery of a
E.%ftLER, ec.-Treas. was very handsome, very moving in I like him, and I want him back. No, an old country boy who �worked for M r. D. i - 0"Donoghue, a. once
Its clear pallor. Suffering had infinite- what -instantly vanished. His bearing liew El Dorado. A rush took place and him has been found guilty of maTn- re
III I don't -1 want to go with him." to the outside world the region bec aine prominent figu - in Canadian poll-
ly refined Its -lines, but she could not durlug dinner and thtoughout the even- "Amd leave me?" slaughter and will be punished ac- tic died last week I n Tot -on t o a t
forget his services as coo Ing made her forget the kind of persou His resentment, long smoldering, known as "the Mount ore) in cordingly. the age of 63 years. For sorne yc,�ars
district" and was alluded to witli deep OR
boy, and, besides, she hated being per- he had hitherto seemed to her, and she burst forth: "Yes, I would! Don't you -Alexander Crawford, a homeatat ad- the deteamed ha occupied the posit'.
seated resentment, with curses, er, living fifteen miles from Strath- of Fair Wage Offic-er, under t"he D__
turbed. She resolutely changed the began to study him in his true charac- suppose I have seen how you treated Minion Govern
But there were miners -whoin neither more, S&sk., was frozen to death on ment. -tie was a print -
subject. ter. He dropped all his ranch life hIm7 You think -because you're from, opinions of geologists nor the prairie. He was a son of J. W. er by trade and vrafg the fort"cr ot
the dogmatic Dr. Bralde says you are getting on phrases and, putting aside his reserve, New York you can snub a man like rous miller,
the tricks of schemers could turn aside Crawford, a prospe Of several labor organizations a n d Jan
talked with was mar,
entire intellectual freedom,
splendidly and that you will soon be Rob, but you're not up to him. You're Durham, Ont., and r1ed in 1874 he was elected to
from a faith that somewhere on the
showing a knowled,ge of books and of that town to Margar-et Ryan, only city of Ottawa in tk-- Ontarto --g-
returning to the rane not half a- ood as he is.
ner, communities rernarkable, in iiny man. Ann 11siened in as'onisl2menl- to this mighty slopes of ogalyon lay veins of two months ago. is 1 at u r,--, ao thie repreaentative of
Checked and chilled by her man to chip and to -A team of Clydesdale horsed laboy. He heold hia seat in til-, Legi-0-
gold, and these continued have lie plainly abandoned all further Once or twice as she ercou*tered his outburst from her 'brother au�d then an- ' glance a mysterious movement ran cuti remarked: dig and to hammer. been receiving a good do -al of admir- lature until 1879 when he waa Uefeat-
f 45 �I
thought of confiding In her and Valley Springs was becoming known Ing attetion on the atreets of Van- ed and mmoved to Toronto. He wa
swerpd, wearily and sadly- "it wl I be about b6r heart and her breath Julek- "One would think I had taken away -ood a -
as a pleasant health resort, and the wa- wuver, Pritish Columbia, recently. a man of Umat energy and b
a long time before I return to the life som- plaything of youra. Go out of Do y ters of Its springs were being bottled They were taken there from Ingersoll blitty and remained the true friend
Azz thev rose ?rom d1uner and while and shipped to the east;,;�m cit'D on the ranch, I have other plans -room and stay out till you can trest by lifessrs. Atkins and Johnsm, and of labor until
les. Each have been Gold to a Vancouver con -
now." he stood to allow her to pass he said: me with respect." year an larger number of stricken ones Roman. Cat ' hol Ic in religion �,n Ann buff regretted her action and as vyou e -re very beautiful toulghit. MOU-11- "I'm going 61ractor for $1,100, the high-e-st price active member of the Lorrd'e D, y A' -
and oul'll never see Me came to End respite, if not. recovery, in eer Daid for a tep-M in that cit. man
for y yearz.
she Pose SaIC1, wlth a smiling assurnp- tain air has done WOUdOrS fO-. Y01J." axon. I'm going to follow Bob. I its gloriously brigeat anid joure
-Hr. Alexander Clurint ostmaster -Ernest 8103son. a young G4�r-
-at yor VVM -two illage -o
tion of ea$y, friendly Interest wWcb -You are ver courtemps," She rlb- Wh air. Fov years it remined a v f Kingston, died laat week from an -1, who
()Alt car* s4y�09
44 ma. larided in Woodetock t%;
spond6ij. and her *eyes fell exa0Perf1Lt-_ and Its busluess men merely shopkeep- ettack 0� pmneu Mnia. He w"- 78 yep -r-4 ago in a penniless condition,
I damt err, 1j_6,.rVs'h0d from the -Pam. �aurt h1m woese tbau nything she bad ingly, and ohe Walked Away, With ' -ki' 0
Aches ft of -ows and resident ranch but as yea -z -a of agee and a native & $cot- and was giren lodgirig at the polie3
Wtherto spoken, "I think It woaddrflu ift � fame e -o
gense,or ha-Ving IVV09110d. 2 ow- *04, Of ieud. In 1878 tw ran agabiet the late stafton, left th-a city a few days ago
the way you gre coming on, *"e will spre A families of wealth and
posf# , on Lu the wist beau to set- 16h MudDneld and defeated in -esWnser to a telegram tellin.ghirn
�Mw WOW Sir Z M A.
alzd Pa Is, see you at dinuerin a fe- an -hour nuo -at until 18177. to go too Farhb, France. to claim 14ter: to 047 -MM off the Bear rind Inj large forr-tunie that has- been left birn.
-Thank you. 1, shj-all be down at the al ever elected
1W -I* t -44 Libor
i", K!t-getw_ Fe i beea pos-inian- over t o e'- 00 14 ago� f pain Exterm revUbd ap d
h utaM and fhe Prr- -inator �bo. quietl� earliest quickly relieveS R801e lnaek-09, and leaned 104-dit 'n t
the ell known Clannan army, and wals el
-lee n le 9
an T.4 d suKeriD ij he. oal if r the country.
M g whUe I TV-
anles, bad "Ineeaq nada P be -t Alis w&F
of the Ontario F -e carile to Ca- _nd
ang tit wmtsbe had not -4 I=- he bas filled for 23 did gtot understand a word of IIVA inion Allianm, to Woodatock on a IT
t Dow -
d4 solf iA tw h - I_ - -1 I - __ - I I- - - __ - - .. __ Ani H. The athorit[-_
took r, Mr. B. all=
L fly him to th, hospital,
t -A ba7e of the bullet wBa exta W 'A"d yot IV JW aims
ed tound for hirn later. 114 e
rr-p- c hn n I c.
E 10F r 1:1e Eng-liggh languagq-. arid
-11�� -Igog- - - t- - __149 o !.16 f�l --k aft big the old rel =11-V W
40 years iable by We U medicine. 25c. at all dealoW. Mrs, iver M-1 if Try mras ift U Itonic and effec� ive. Ask yow. dtfiler nuku aid cure
ftmn to I -
oath or send no 2k. dirwL Han&A-"-V Air f F swap'. ater - --------- F. DAU je can y
ori -the eold� f da
in the
fz�rtnerq ao Dflatz
for ru&king Lx good .`i!l Bed
Pri 71rig Coma or 2008 Ground, Or
�,-�tigh job. It �q the bt,zt by far. None
Bi- the naille "BISSEL& "
q � rl y n R Jq
ou*,( k ee pets---%] most ae-mg un -
much And vo-t, if meiit ir,
IC(_1Q wili 81 PeIll 10 3 0-1, RL�d wO
1141ect cur spifndid ne% ft(ek
: N1-1 -
(alls an,sweiE:d at -he
oo[�lte the Metbodlat ebunh,
If yon like liftinW, grt
a i4h%rple,; Tubuldr. Ht�v'
iry Tubalar in thp ml(1,1'p, awl
tii kind for you ? The girl iq fivo
I e I Y. T11rIU!ar-.i htve wait Inw
hei separator Call and
4=� W�_ R Ww
fellanii' -'tore. OP a HDIC Ac IV
C U R E Z) H I 1 PAH -
the words cf prake, A. 11cInn"4
n Bridge, .9., h.ol for Doan's Kidr-tY
(Ifewritesus): "for the past three yev suffered terri*'r stgotly frorn pain I
idnevq. I I could Dct nd. I con,;u:tvd aild several doctur' me, but coul I g t no rebolf. On the s(1% iev,
of ymir ving reme(".- �!: surprige and t:'t T. In my oj,inior; Di .R N 1 or
11C I'I'a.1
110t ace"1, A - .., .:, , and -so? r
K4)R ,,ALE. Apply UD t i a.,4 for qale W41 CHAR 1 3 7 4i V(MTW TT Iav0W9 toWn, f(,r ------------- F, k1t 1, I'- - T h u W! f h'.;f rq slid voqW___A
tollli fit for t I. flozen to W- !,(,w head, -A Cot I'v the Iial#O JW� rp,t1eiVtn1 I" tho I-lork tin
JANUARY 25.9 1907 BEIM HT137RON Linve spare,d tilmelf the trouble of When Barnett returned, Ann, white P_ with anxiety, poured out her story. H comforted her by saying: "You take I ItLe for U00 0 H A Mv� y 6N. too serioustly. I will notify the pollop Itt qz% pw�% t Cinnabar and '.Nlogalyon. They'll 1.1cate E_ btni in in hour." They did not find him, and Ann M*4ik I dils for Only ouderi kept hin ed a miserable ul h imagining all U By MA&M GARLAND Ito sorts of III adventures Into which go t t I I I 111) dys Ilie lias Lydia E. Pflnikharn-'s prove their worth at harvest Louis ml.ght be led, and would have all the woraing for it AN M -, - - time. After over fifty yersof U?getablc d nnrn(-tt on hN n t Z� - T.. t,,i lTaynlin Garland rV
Ilow you it'll Inv iii that ex success, they tire protiouticcd t,)Iie th.1t liothill- day hut for his firm the best aii(f surest bv careful I can finil Iiiiii alone much e'. Your JQ--ritinued from last week.) All'a Lirvtt into Tho Iplanters everywher -ker IN7 Seed dealer sells them. PM.12al free on request. di.-, �011 s.,l,)u! :�-!. t him if you have to use I - , 1 CIIAPTI,.'It VIll. 10/,X a CO- VFRMdOor. Onit. JU it is a. force!" she crINL And theri, with a T last thete (-am(-, a day when ply bel it i,i; t 'I knovvledge of Raymond's po-wer, she the doctor permitted his 19, -_ �J g pa- U4 4 14u ite In hor vo`ee touched L dde(l: "If you find Raymond Most IM11ORTANT NOTICF rs. ltient to be clothed and seat lid 4lowly please tell him to send laddle, home. ed in an easy chair, and, f`i)R SA LE. 8N shorthorn hulls for Hall, all. lit Say I wish It." 0 &5f _4 mond IIfrom'.) to 17 niontht old. Avply to ANDREW calling I%Irs. Barnett to him, Ray iffs. Lot 2, 14, Grey. asked, "Do you thluk Miss Rupert will With th"e words In his ear Barnett You 11:1- see me now'?" (Ikl to tlint. poor fellow. are took his way to his office. At lunch he Ciflilly sl1uhholl 1.11111; Yoll f I, e I I S rts of the I--.- ow
--Wanted, for Sehool section 1-1 0i* _1 wg inorn conoorn0d, "He's not Ift Mo. 1, Tuckersmith. 10 cords of '10 inch 9=1 "I will ask her," repliM Jeannette, lave bvell cumd, ttiue4l. %%o�'Al, ��rePn. Tviviers will be reeek-ed for the with due appreciation of the romantic I';I)' Of hve wirm,sqtitl eurt.-anit Cinnabar nor any I,.% ttie mviersitzme(I ilittil Maroh Ist. ED. the virtuo of Ly,li., E He may bave gone back to 040x2 situation, htowns. Alan rose to comply, with a little Coni the ranch. I will out there this -J,1ARM T4) RFN'T. -To rent for a terin of front one you live nut iu stabbillg a 8 -ii are fair enough to give creTt lit n it three N eam that line fatin, being Lot 1. on thrill of unpleasant excitement. She E.:111 to the is due. nfteruoon. Did lie, have any money" t1w th sion of titillett, near Constanee. did not want to see him, and yet she "Yes. I had Jt,.,t t)11il(lj11�:4 quite iifi.;taken. I was ver: T W 7"! E V M - Y A R S' � 5 U C C Fil C 0 R -U
and oon%enlentiv situated. For par- v
at Tity. Exrorrol, Seaforth. could not decently refuse. If physicians dared to be fmmk am! lowauce. He i..,u-;t lit 0 had uearly
2 (9 0 t the door of the itting room rs. ll,(.e to bbil. open, h�ndre(.18 Of thern would ackno,xl- $2 '00, -ONEY = buy --advertising epacp, but it em't buy a
Barnett stopped, and the girl walked I've seen you nice to yotm.gr edgre that they conotantly prLseribe Don whistled. "AL smart boy can quarter cientm7le eucce-seful record of wonderful a�nd %V.-k.NTF[)-Al1 parties indebted Do Jos- before. Ob, I'd like to see soiu(-' Lydia E. Piukham Vegetble Compo M
of llrowlha��e in alone, her face set In Ifties of cold almost mira=oua cures of the moFt difficult and
Y,I& Kennt4h it, are requested "I'll hide out a good while on that. How- crush you! I'd enjoy 3*9',l in sovere (wee of female � ills, as thev
to ^ t ie %mme oil or I)efore January 20tb, after disdain. ver he'll come back when his pet intyiesta of throA lung and stoma& troublea Such ifl
that di,k,e his Nvok,4 will be plai in *other hands, knovy by experience it can be relied - U
Raymoud sat In a bl,-, padded chai�, wears ofr." Pavchine's record. Thousands. of be& -ea given ULp by leading
I204OX2 NvIth his back to the window and thp B-ii-nott went imwodlate:y to tipori to effect a cure. The - following Even though Raymond had taken �octors as hopelem- and incui-rable have been quicklv and per-
I.:oor and kuocked. At Ill.; letter proves it. t-, It ir *nfalli'le remedy for
11 LL FI)R SERVICE. -The undersigned will sunlight streaming over his head. 11; himself bodily out of her life, his mms7-lently cured by Psychine. . , an -4 0
_D keep fUr service on Concession 1. L. R. entered. Ile sat where =-ghs, colds, bronchitis, pneumonia, consumption, indigesibion,
.S. nickersmith, 11 miles south of Isrucefleld' a thor- wore a handsome gray dresslag own Dr. 9. C. Brigham, of 4 Brigham Park, power to disturb and thwart Ann's low of appedte and all wasting diseme
e�glilired Durham Bill]. Ternis-01, to insure a calf, 0 hail left h1iii, but Louis was bc,3,.(1` Fitchburg, INIass., writes:
and the linen at his neck and wrists will reinaineil. She began to fer him
pa5al,le Januar� Ist, 11M. with the priviletre of re- hil-Li, iih-)wfug hlui a iiew UT11in.j. JAXF�S PATERSON. 2O4Ox4 was spotlessly clean. Ills hands were 'AMY mn had G terMbl e cough and again worth L Isu't that wonderful!" said "It gives me great pleasure to say that I — -------- 7- was to a shadow. Doctors ardj�, Uarriot;U Cove, N.S.
refined -almost delicate iii effect -ad have found Lydia H. I"inkliam's Vegetable Wd h6 could not Uve, He u --d PU4 11 My lungs air-- now found m a bell
('110i 1. MEFTINU.-A meeting nt the ratepayers his clean shaven face and his well sketch In the all-, li',,j Compound very and often chine itcuredhini.11-M-r- T. Ra3ig- sfteruging Nychine-11-9- Rohbin&
, S of *Sch-V)l ection No. 10, cKillop, Winthrop, :qr!ow pride In the VOY. "If I scribeitin my practiceforfenialediftleu. ties. e% Bridgebuxg, Ow.
n I F;c�kvfl e.
%vill 1-v held in the school on Itondil,3- evenimg, Jan, brushed, abundant brown hair gave co,.:,tt t'o that I would never be lone. "My oldest datightvr found it very benefi- After taking $5.03 worth of Psy- "Psychinesaved uar% �I-t. at s n'clock. As a now school it; to be chino my lungs an weU and Ufa I-, den, 7 CiornwsU 6L. Toroam areful toilet. IsWit, afiffl attendance of the ratepayers is desired. sonio or restless. I wish I knew cial for flomale trouble tinIC 11-0 and Itollf-AtT CARLET, Secretary. 2040xl Something mystically solemn and � ?t for mchine Never Falls Psrlhiffe has Alft-w-
use ill the world as certaiuly as Louis my youngcst daughter i�3 now taking leg sweet was in his eyes, and his lip" (loes. a feniale weknes4, ani. is surely gaining in AT ALL DISALERIX 80c said SLOO A BVY-MIS . It. 1cLEAN'S patent 9tovepipe tbin)h health and stren.-th. elt-.%n, safe, durable, as well trembled as he greeted her. "This is 'File young artist flushed with tho "I freely advocate it a,.i a most reliable Pardon' me, won't pleasure. "It*s just a3 wonderful to specific in lVdise,aseg to which wornen are DR. T.A. SLOCUM, Limited, 179 King St. W., Toronft
ils 1--iiiL., a heat conveying, regulating and ventilat.- very good of you.
p,,)aratus. Best material used. Orders bv mail -prouil-m. tillc4l. wholesale or retail. WM. i3 Mc. you? I am forbidden to stand." ride ,the way you do and throw a rope suliiect� and give it hotiest cridursement." -- ---- LEAN, . liensall, Ontario. 2039 tf !11 beg you, do not think of it." and all that. I'll teach you ta draw if Women Avho rit, troubled with pain. Inr!'. persisted aii(I In their little mor- 11r. Munro," said Mr. Clark. - Had
"Dare I ask you to be seated? I you ant ale to." ful or irreguar periods, bloating (or tars brayed the ore and In 'tiny porta- you been *here you iwylouid haveknown
-1Vr00D FoR SALE, -On Lot.6, Concess!on 14, want to thank you more suitably than VV Nl,-Kjllo in large or small quantitie tc suit Raymond turned , to Mrs. Barnett flatulence,) Nveakness of organs, displace- ble furnaces; smelte for many a stur- what was said." With that Mr. Clark
VAIrchwier. C1711 r posts eight or eight and a half I have been able to do for -what you with a look In which amusement au(I a ments, inflammation or ulcer-ation can dy miner minitite buttoDs of shin;n- resurned his sea;t,T Mr. Munro, how-
ieet long -, anchor postsany size. `Xny person re- (I;d for me." ever. remained atandi.ng, and after
n'l, harn timber would do well to inquire early. certain sorrow met. "I'm lon.- past be restoretl to perfect health and stre th metal. The go]d ivqq tbore, nd at I iri I- SU a E. Pinkham's Ve a I -M Idible -remarks, he a-eized his
r f1lirther particulars apply to JOHN MaPHERSON, "Please don't, Mr. Raymond. I as- ch instruction, lad. I havou't b" taking Ldi. ge le last even the ino,,t skeptical believed. Isom Mal -I
Lot i Concession 13, cKillop, Leadbury P. 0. no credit. I went enough to keel)-. out of mlselflef. YOU Compoun,l.' If advice is needed, write Then the inflow be-rin in eaniest. ove-reot and 'hat, and left thechurch.
9-035-tt out there under compulsion, and what draw, and I'll do the'posizAg. Fill a to Mrs. Pinkhain, at Lynn, Alim. She The trail was beaton smooth 1) -The village of ijethbridge, Alberta,
iq dauuh ter- in-law of -Lydia E. Pinkhain L 3' had an. -unlaue invmion a iew' days
K.\DERS WANTED. -Sealed tenders for the er- I did was determined by pressure of a swarnilng foet. It became a stigre
good poser. Don't you think so, Mrs. and foi years has been adviB_ age. hou:t �,000 range cattle. art
Tection of a brick church at Winchrop, will be circumstances. I'm not a bit of a hero- Barnett," ron. A -rent railroad sent survey ot &.Tve� 'herd that had been wander -
the chairman of the building committee ing sick women free of charge. No other oit or before the Sth of February, 1007. Tenders will ine, and I do not like praise." "I don't know what you sill living person lis lia,l the benefit of a on,; toillin,_- n of tho deep i 7. ing on the rive.- bQttom near by,
he received for the whole or any part of the work. He was chilled. by her tone and for a - Wider (%Xperieniro In treating female ills. A'.
Plans and Ix-cificabions can be',13een at the store of she, fecl!Dig vaguely his pain and dis illdtivz 11, tile ,ittp!np� t,, stanipmeelled Into town and for a time
A. A. Cuthill. Winthrop, on and after londay, Jan- moment hesitated. "A sick man may c h e i:!tiifiv,1 thousanda to health. 1,1,9
oura-emeut-his disilliusiouineut. -be' d Dosss.%slon of the business
uam--lisit. The lowest or any tender not necessitrily be forgiven some things," he began to Eve suffering Nvoinan should ask for beizinin- to shine throuz!mnt t and Utureatened to clean thn go
ac(' ted. - ROBERT SCARLLTT, Wirthrop, Chair- t3 "I posed as a farmer and Lieceive(i ft f I -119
VP say at last. "I may as well confess and 701low lier advice if She wants to be out, as they T-o—Uze ama-111L or food.
mian ALEX. ROSS, Secretary. 2NO-2 good Don. Barnett. I made UT) for Tfie beautiful grassy hills The range men finally 6-0-t them cor-
that I have been Ion -Ing to see you. I L strong nd Well.- the, world. 0 cowboy and fooled Baker and the reit blotched with eruptions of red rAled and drove them oift of town.
have�beeu trying f6r many days to rise t 4
of the squad. And now I'm posiug 1c; earth. Paths appeared leadiaig frow -The ladies cof St. Patrick's pariann
Vaeft rhogpha&W. and dress In order that I might have round the block, eagerly seeking Ray- in Ottawa,, to the iuMber of ei ht
an invalid when I ought to be out on burrow to burrow like runways In a _9!__
n, GTea#. English, dy. you come In. You must let me ask inond, who Nvas nowhere in sight. hundred, have res6lved not t-, DU -1 -
Be?" the rpuch again. It's time I rode towu of prairie dogs. ' French Tones and invi.wozates the whole your forgiveness for the rude way in When Barnett entered Rob's room he chaee- goodia olf nervous syswili, xnakes new away to a new range." (To De continued.)
loodia oldVoing. UuregNem which I received you that day. All that Mrs. Barnett was alqi-aied a t tl�,e found two letters lying on the little -dnt!l the g�mvvrnrnent of the mpublic
ou& DeWit If al and Brain WO'rrY,, Des- I did seems iucredlble to me now, like zxmd,ney, � eakness Ah,niqsiow, undertone of bitterness In IIi3 desk. One was addressed to Don and does Juatice' to the _K01Y See. Rev.
Ifl.atorrhma, and .&Teets of 2 bwe or spe7_ ' L one to Ann. ADVICE TO MOTBERS 'the zmeat-
Ercasgu. Lbe ae'ion of another man." "You must not think of even Father Whelan addressed
in- ad gave a brief re-surn, e c� the
Price $1 per box, sixfor$5: Onewillplease A gicain of amusement crossed -un's Barnett broke the seal and read his if you 'haie P_ baby or young chil- 0
will' care. Sold b.T all druggist,s or zuaileA in downstairs for a week." conditions tbast pre'-s--nt prevall in
Dl nZk onreceptOfDrice. Now face. "I didn't blame you. I'm willing -e and notd almost at n glance: France. The nkwt'. effective
a "But I can't sit hei drn In the horne always keep a box _way� he
�F;ee. The Wood Medicine Co. to admit that your position was try- TP hand.
Varmerly Windsor) Torent% Ont and deeper into obligation to he Dear Barnet, -+I'm sorry to pull out in of Baby's Own -blets on said, ,of t1ho Freach - Grov,ern-
6 1� _V J Don"t wait until L ment come ""'to, 'its senses "was '-Y
in - answered. "What rights I III thl's way, but I am afraid it's my only -ou're not haff as good as Ile U." tti-e little on e w j
Ile was too exalted of mood to re- way. I have been very uncomfortable be- sick, for sometimes an hour's delay touching it in the pock -et, and this
this room? I'm only a.,poor, wander- cause of my rro�ving Indebtedness to you a little. He was biggor, more power- may nrove fatal. ThW niedicin,2 -R*
spoud to her quizzical tone. "I had im. Could the ladies. of St. Patric s par! --di
'W"W 'Ingham ing ne'er-do-well, and your be.iutiful nd Mrs. and so I have cut loose. ful, than she had thought b cures stOmach troubles, constipation,
lived for years quite apart from any- home makes mo asliamed-move t,:m Please klon't thin't me ungrateful. It is she have found him in the days which could In a measArze accomplih.
from association with cultivated peo- beeauso I feel flo deeply your kindness diarrho--a, slinnie fevers, and makes _A popular drink in the isaloons
Business ple, and besides I had begun to fee, a8hamed-It fills me with a scu'lle ol that I go. Don't look for me. I'm going followed --days of Increasing unrest t-ething painless. If children are In Motreal knQ-,vA-i av " oyster coak-
guilt I can walk now. and I oug,'it to holo lip for a few days till I get and anxiety ---she would have humbly esick, Baby's Own Tablets Make them tM1 19 eam .0les ge which beert
that I was wasting my life and had be- of ,casional - ' come Irritable. 1 went to the rauch to not to stay another day . strong. If you happen to get any clew to asked him to find the runaway and well ; and beter stUl an ox Tab- analimd by the civic food in-
whero I've gone. don't tell the boy. I briner him back to her, but he had. dis- dose will keep them well. The s p --- to rs, and fte-s been found tocon-
i4i a higb grade Commercial School pay off a debt, and I -well, I had fallen Airs. Barnett knew very well thot can Elpe that iii.3 siste'r does not approve D lets ae gooa for children of alI ages Ist of 'a mix tumn ail o vaters In a state
appeared as utterly as If he had never Three Courses into a groove. You recalled me to bet- his mood was due to Anti's lCY (Ei- oc Ills fondness for me. and she is quite beou. and am gu�ranteed to contain no ot, mom or lms putir'k tioni, toma=
dalu, and she realized, too, how (1:111- right. l'in not a proper companion for a piate or hatrnful drug. Mrs. Joseph Co-i-mercial - Stenography Telegraph ter things." 111illd boy of his sort. I inclose a check, which to cat -.up whicli has fermented, and
a " she said rather cult the task (9 diverting his so far as money can, but your P�ms, of Havthorne, Ont., saYs vc-getable matter Which bass ode bad
GEORGE SPOTTON, Priny flippantly, for she was becoming appre- from this foolish ptirpose would be. kindness in other ways, and especialPy CHAPTER IX. have used Baby's Own Tablets and is unfit for human consumption. Sev-
She said gently: "You ivere In Mrs. Barnett's cre and assistance, I am EANW11ILE, during R y- find 'hem jus -f the thing to keep chil- i eral cases of typhoid f:�ver and o'th-
hensive of the trend of his confldeneps. i ving. I slide out be- our service, Robert, and It j.i our (h:ty in desputr of ever pa. mond's days on the ranch, dren well." Theae Tablets are Eold 1E., dUseases bave been rap -ed to the
He Ignored her Interruption, or, i01- to look after you. You tutist not cause it would be difficult and painful to while the cattle were wither- by all medicine dealers, or you can <onauniptioin of this drnk. it will
Logs 'Wanted, er, he plowed across it with somethlng say goodby, and, besides. I feel that I et them b mail at 25-- a box by not' oe so popular now that Its main
like his old time resolution. "It is Slie another Nvord of this sort or tnnc to must cut loose from the boy. I Ing away on the plains and writing The Dr. Williams' ed!clne 'been ascertained.
or I will call Don, an"I th"!] vill Raymond's note to Ann was short, the long trail from the F3outh was fill- ingredien'te have 'rhetindersignedis prepared to pay the highest to you to know -or at any rate I d6ire me Co., Brockville, Ont. -Britigh Columbia is suf:bering from
pri(-e for an unlimited quantity of first-class Ing with grass, a most notable settle- .1ni, Rok Elm, Basswood, Maple, Beech, Ash,
�,oft F you to know -that I am not a fugiive will hear a voice that ",III inalu, o u almost curt: a cld spell, unprecedented in itz hi-,-
lieml(wk an(] oak Logs, delivered at the Seaforth from justice. Baker thought be was quake. I tell you frankly I will III-, Since my thanks are a burden to you meut had been forming like some new 'Canada tory, and: grieat suffering as _re-,
Sai% and Stave 31ill. To be cut in even length, - i kind of para's'ItIc growth on the wost- _r
ex being funny." listen to your walking out of this the least I can do is to take myself ou suited. Tt*- themom3ter in sevT4 a!
*1t %oft elin ; soft elin to be cut 11, 13 and 16 feet. -
11 also lm� Basswood Heading Bolts, 40 inches - "I am not so dull as you think, Mr. for . week." padon for having ward shoulder of old Mogalyon, the -James Muir, one off the ploneer3 parts of Vancouver, registered zero
ng,itt per cord delivered will also "Y till- Raymond. I understood him perfect- Louis, who had been sfttiiag hi soll)(1 entered it. Had I attended to my duties mighty peak to the west. of Cavan township, Petorboro Minty, las Monday night a tern-1-mture low -
that night of the fire, you would not have A
Iwr 1,% measurement or by bulk in bush. Special at- died last week. He wa' -, born in Ire- teiioin paid to custoni t3awing, satisfacti onder, tryng to catch the been troubled by me. I stayed because In the midst of the mountains, in er tian any hitheerito reoordied. The
on guaran- W land, and, had he lived until May cold snap cauwd geat suffering a -
"I am glad you did. It is true I am rent of this talk, I)Ut hl:4 hand 0111 11':,y- you were beautiful, and that is the whole the lap of two smooth, grassy donies, next, he would have celebrated his mong the� Hindooq- The foreigners
W51. AINIENT. Senforth. estranged from my family, but it is not luond's knee and said: "Wheu ol) go, truth- It is not the first time a man ha -9 old Philip Le Beau established a cow hundred and fifth birthday. His aree Id no condfitiop. to etand cold
I go too. Remember that." neglected his duties for a woman, and the camp in, the early seventies and called wife died 9, year ago. weather, and hun&reds are sich, with
due- 31y faults have never been crIm- pain I now suffer in giving uP all hope it Belle Marie, after his wife. This, -The Farmers' Bank of Toronto. The Huron Weather Insurance Inal." It was Interestug to Jennette to of meeting you again Is a just punishment I pneumonia.
"Please do not feel it necessary to observe that evening dress for my presumption. I a sorry to g6 however, proved to be too fanciful for ba.9 just issued a $25 bill which Is -A very pretty event took Plar-e
Mutual Company. without saying goodby to Louis, but it i, big Cowboy neighbors, who promptly the first oT the kind to gain cur- a- t , . m L Mr. d J rupted Ann. "It Is pain- Ann's estimate of Raymmid's challac- L he ho e of &11 0-41r
- - - best. I know you do not Itho his growing cafled It "Le Beau's IIOI(-," and Jil the reny in, Canada or the United States. N-felville, oo the boundzry near CaT-
ful to you, and -and it Is wholly unnec- ter, The girl had to admit that lie regard for me, and you are quite right. On -the- faoe of the bill arp llkeriesse8 munnock, an Wdnesday, January
pe you loolwd surl)r1singly Nvell s he canie Louis came to her door and cried end It was known among cattlemen as
essary. I beg you to desist. I ho of Sir WllfreA Laurier and Hon. J. ',)nd, when 'their youngest daughter,
Annual Meeting. It!, -%vlll understand that I am in no sense slolIvly Into the library Ju.st before the out dolefully, "Ann, Rob has gone Bozle Creek. P. Whitney, premier of Ontario. gnes Crystle, was united I.Ti the
little Chinese chitne for dIn- Just west of Le Beau's camp, nd Nf,t i,v is hereby irh en that the First Annual feet. doubting you." away!" -A syndicate lias offred $1.250.000 hol y bonds of matrimony to Mr.
sentinel to the valley of the Loup, tood
ing (if I lie meml)ers of the above named company A shadow of pain crossed his face. uer. L,very tnice of the cowboy, the "I know It. Come in." for 'the property on which to sltu- W. E. G. McNaugAt, a prosperous
uill I,o- held in tbeTm4n Hall, Zurich, on Tuesday, eal, which some ini,,- ated the mother house of the Grey young farmer olf that vicinity. T he
the 5t h (I:% N of Februarv, A. D., 1907, corm nenci ng at Somehow the Teallty of their meeting man Of Still srult, wind swept plain. He entered with troubled, tearfu I a symmetrical p
w., for the purpose of receiving the not as lie had imagined It. was gone. Ile was pale, languid, but face and in deeply aggrieved toile said: slonary to the red people had called Nuns, in Montreal, but the sisters re- nuptial knot waq securely tied by
dirv.-tors',auditors'and tiecretar),-treastirer'srel)orts; She, on her part, Nvas angry and dis,-. self contalned nd wore Ills dinner suit "He wen' without saying goodby. I 1101lut Horeb. About the year 1.9TO plied Immediately, that they did not the Rev. J. D. Ferguson, B. A., off
Im the election of three directors ; for the appoint. some persons not mis.,sionarles plantetl want to sell. Knox church, Monkton. Ater can-
mi-itt of auditors, and for the 4onsidemtion of such pleased with herself and resentful of with easy grace. want to go hunt him and bring him gold in the soil in convenient place -91 UbeL weddhig p-,, r t y r
othcrinattersasmaybeinth interestsofthe - at -John Kelly, a farmer of Bucking- gratulattons coln" his implied social equality, and yet he His manner toward Ann was that ' Of back-, but Uncle Don says that we ham, near Ottawa, charVd with paired to the dining room, where P,
All Member are requ tedtobepresent. id a
looked the gentleman, and his face a polite acquaintance merely, and her the base of this hill and ralsie it'
U()(.Flt '.N'0RTHCOTT, Esq. President. must respect, his wish. All the same, causing the death by Ill treatment of dainty ispread awsAted them.
� 1�1 hl� fear of something -she hardly knew mighty shout over the' diseovery of a
E.%ftLER, ec.-Treas. was very handsome, very moving in I like him, and I want him back. No, an old country boy who �worked for M r. D. i - 0"Donoghue, a. once
Its clear pallor. Suffering had infinite- what -instantly vanished. His bearing liew El Dorado. A rush took place and him has been found guilty of maTn- re
III I don't -1 want to go with him." to the outside world the region bec aine prominent figu - in Canadian poll-
ly refined Its -lines, but she could not durlug dinner and thtoughout the even- "Amd leave me?" slaughter and will be punished ac- tic died last week I n Tot -on t o a t
forget his services as coo Ing made her forget the kind of persou His resentment, long smoldering, known as "the Mount ore) in cordingly. the age of 63 years. For sorne yc,�ars
district" and was alluded to witli deep OR
boy, and, besides, she hated being per- he had hitherto seemed to her, and she burst forth: "Yes, I would! Don't you -Alexander Crawford, a homeatat ad- the deteamed ha occupied the posit'.
seated resentment, with curses, er, living fifteen miles from Strath- of Fair Wage Offic-er, under t"he D__
turbed. She resolutely changed the began to study him in his true charac- suppose I have seen how you treated Minion Govern
But there were miners -whoin neither more, S&sk., was frozen to death on ment. -tie was a print -
subject. ter. He dropped all his ranch life hIm7 You think -because you're from, opinions of geologists nor the prairie. He was a son of J. W. er by trade and vrafg the fort"cr ot
the dogmatic Dr. Bralde says you are getting on phrases and, putting aside his reserve, New York you can snub a man like rous miller,
the tricks of schemers could turn aside Crawford, a prospe Of several labor organizations a n d Jan
talked with was mar,
entire intellectual freedom,
splendidly and that you will soon be Rob, but you're not up to him. You're Durham, Ont., and r1ed in 1874 he was elected to
from a faith that somewhere on the
showing a knowled,ge of books and of that town to Margar-et Ryan, only city of Ottawa in tk-- Ontarto --g-
returning to the rane not half a- ood as he is.
ner, communities rernarkable, in iiny man. Ann 11siened in as'onisl2menl- to this mighty slopes of ogalyon lay veins of two months ago. is 1 at u r,--, ao thie repreaentative of
Checked and chilled by her man to chip and to -A team of Clydesdale horsed laboy. He heold hia seat in til-, Legi-0-
gold, and these continued have lie plainly abandoned all further Once or twice as she ercou*tered his outburst from her 'brother au�d then an- ' glance a mysterious movement ran cuti remarked: dig and to hammer. been receiving a good do -al of admir- lature until 1879 when he waa Uefeat-
f 45 �I
thought of confiding In her and Valley Springs was becoming known Ing attetion on the atreets of Van- ed and mmoved to Toronto. He wa
swerpd, wearily and sadly- "it wl I be about b6r heart and her breath Julek- "One would think I had taken away -ood a -
as a pleasant health resort, and the wa- wuver, Pritish Columbia, recently. a man of Umat energy and b
a long time before I return to the life som- plaything of youra. Go out of Do y ters of Its springs were being bottled They were taken there from Ingersoll blitty and remained the true friend
Azz thev rose ?rom d1uner and while and shipped to the east;,;�m cit'D on the ranch, I have other plans -room and stay out till you can trest by lifessrs. Atkins and Johnsm, and of labor until
les. Each have been Gold to a Vancouver con -
now." he stood to allow her to pass he said: me with respect." year an larger number of stricken ones Roman. Cat ' hol Ic in religion �,n Ann buff regretted her action and as vyou e -re very beautiful toulghit. MOU-11- "I'm going 61ractor for $1,100, the high-e-st price active member of the Lorrd'e D, y A' -
and oul'll never see Me came to End respite, if not. recovery, in eer Daid for a tep-M in that cit. man
for y yearz.
she Pose SaIC1, wlth a smiling assurnp- tain air has done WOUdOrS fO-. Y01J." axon. I'm going to follow Bob. I its gloriously brigeat anid joure
-Hr. Alexander Clurint ostmaster -Ernest 8103son. a young G4�r-
-at yor VVM -two illage -o
tion of ea$y, friendly Interest wWcb -You are ver courtemps," She rlb- Wh air. Fov years it remined a v f Kingston, died laat week from an -1, who
()Alt car* s4y�09
44 ma. larided in Woodetock t%;
spond6ij. and her *eyes fell exa0Perf1Lt-_ and Its busluess men merely shopkeep- ettack 0� pmneu Mnia. He w"- 78 yep -r-4 ago in a penniless condition,
I damt err, 1j_6,.rVs'h0d from the -Pam. �aurt h1m woese tbau nything she bad ingly, and ohe Walked Away, With ' -ki' 0
Aches ft of -ows and resident ranch but as yea -z -a of agee and a native & $cot- and was giren lodgirig at the polie3
Wtherto spoken, "I think It woaddrflu ift � fame e -o
gense,or ha-Ving IVV09110d. 2 ow- *04, Of ieud. In 1878 tw ran agabiet the late stafton, left th-a city a few days ago
the way you gre coming on, *"e will spre A families of wealth and
posf# , on Lu the wist beau to set- 16h MudDneld and defeated in -esWnser to a telegram tellin.ghirn
�Mw WOW Sir Z M A.
alzd Pa Is, see you at dinuerin a fe- an -hour nuo -at until 18177. to go too Farhb, France. to claim 14ter: to 047 -MM off the Bear rind Inj large forr-tunie that has- been left birn.
-Thank you. 1, shj-all be down at the al ever elected
1W -I* t -44 Libor
i", K!t-getw_ Fe i beea pos-inian- over t o e'- 00 14 ago� f pain Exterm revUbd ap d
h utaM and fhe Prr- -inator �bo. quietl� earliest quickly relieveS R801e lnaek-09, and leaned 104-dit 'n t
the ell known Clannan army, and wals el
-lee n le 9
an T.4 d suKeriD ij he. oal if r the country.
M g whUe I TV-
anles, bad "Ineeaq nada P be -t Alis w&F
of the Ontario F -e carile to Ca- _nd
ang tit wmtsbe had not -4 I=- he bas filled for 23 did gtot understand a word of IIVA inion Allianm, to Woodatock on a IT
t Dow -
d4 solf iA tw h - I_ - -1 I - __ - I I- - - __ - - .. __ Ani H. The athorit[-_
took r, Mr. B. all=
L fly him to th, hospital,
t -A ba7e of the bullet wBa exta W 'A"d yot IV JW aims
ed tound for hirn later. 114 e
rr-p- c hn n I c.
E 10F r 1:1e Eng-liggh languagq-. arid
-11�� -Igog- - - t- - __149 o !.16 f�l --k aft big the old rel =11-V W
40 years iable by We U medicine. 25c. at all dealoW. Mrs, iver M-1 if Try mras ift U Itonic and effec� ive. Ask yow. dtfiler nuku aid cure
ftmn to I -
oath or send no 2k. dirwL Han&A-"-V Air f F swap'. ater - --------- F. DAU je can y
ori -the eold� f da