HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1907-01-25, Page 73,011GOVOliP.Wel.RDAReeKsitabssNaROWMitisegef
.4.1*(W.W.11414L.4141,401MeRIP24, PiPeirnIONMeaMmIlimpjffilsegtegy
000 people
who real?
-a-tives" toi
were an unsolved
of Canada's leading
nillion of Canadians
re --a positive cure
- Bowel and Skirt
ured stubborn eases
[ironic Rheumatism
that defied ordinary
of Biliousnesss, Inc&
Pain in the Back,.
;ularity of the Bowel,
Le thousands, "Fruit—
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LiceS and toaica in tablet
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boxes for $2.5o. At
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',• *In Is ho e re -soled.
For New Goods
art a; rit &ale. and tha goiity is with.
• te.• cp.! eest. Oar pr:ees me the
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Wietefiele Maekerel
Ttee.e rar,. -se:dr but at e eetere
Crier; , C t7arrws, ieets,
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Ind Land' in tbii depertus-nt.
me- pri
Pee on, Brea.efast Krim awl Et,011, alsca,
1:0 Beef, !fewt e 7
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We havo
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2011 -4, ht.
E ROE 64.00k -- PHONE 90
cannot possibly have
a better Cocoa than
elieions drink and a sustale Ina
Fragrant, nutritious and
nomical. This excellent Cocoa
latains the system .in robust
ilth, and enables- it to resist
winter's extreme cold.
d by Grocers and Storekeeper&
lb, and ielb This
.... • Fell Wheat......if *VI, .•• V tO Og
▪ iliteg, per bushel..4* • • .* • .** ter**, -(1 36 tO 0 85
Jt', pr bteshel . iv* 11. 0 Is to 0 70
'Barley, per • 0 45- to 0 45
Bran per 20 00 to 2000
Short,pee on.... • .20 00 to 20 00
;Low Grade Flour, per ton., , „ 00 to 28 00
flour. per 100 the e 10 to 2 75
to 0'22
to 0 21
toe ,0 26
to 65
, 1907
• .
StAroartf, &Mary 24a- Beg.
ritittre; NO* 10050-• • • • *.• • to ** *•• a of 0 20
Botter, ............,. 0 19
.',Fegga, per doteiv...•..•-••iilt•
COnhttest 1/ett. 11,0•••••••••• 00
• Et es, per 100 1tet,••4,,r4,”,r,owsfirr,••••• 8 00 to 8 50
* Seeep 81;40, . . ,.e a 0 75 to 1 00
Potatoee per hush -el. ......... .. 0 40 to 0 60
State retail) per . - 1 25 to 1 35
Wood per cOrd(long)... ..... 7 00 to 7 00
Wood per cord (shon).. 3 7e to 8 ee
Appleo per bag.... . . . .. ....,...... 0 20 to 0 60
cower Se.ed . „ 6 50 to 7 00
Timothy Seed.... 1 60 to 2 00
Dairy Markets.
Toaderria, Jan. 22-..B1tter-ahe market is quiet
but steady. Prices are generally unchanged. Cretin-
ery print, 26 to 280 ; eoliele, 2(1 to me dairy
lents, 23c; tubs, 19 to 210. Cheete-The market
is firm at laeo for large and 14c for twins in job lots
here. Eggs-Theenarket tit steady at. 24o for etorage,
eee for listed, and 26 to Tee for seleets. Newlaid are
Bun at 50, with light receipts,
Mozafte.an, Jan. 2e.---1tutter-There he nothing*
new in the butter market toeday, local demand is
good and prices are well maintamecl. Prices quoted
are :-Butter -Fresh oreamery, 26 to Mee' ; western
dairy, seleeted, 22 to 220 ; eltuatoba dairy, 20 to
alo ; rolls, in basketstee to 28c, and half -barrels, 22
to 22c ; receiptthis morning were 168 packages.
$P -Market still In starved condition; New -laid
are practally unobtainable, and only at the exorbit-
ant figure of 40 to 600 ; selected stook quoted at 20e
to 26ec, ;No. 1 cold storage, 21 to 220, lead linied at
Receipts this morning were 600 eases. Cheeee
-Market still shows considemtde activity, Septem-
ber and October makes being qu'oted at Ree to 18e.
Receipts this morning were ten boxee.
TORONTO, Jen. ea --There ins little poultry on
the rnarkee this morning. The colder weather is ex-
pected to tone the market up a Chickens,
dressed, 9e to 100; !mile 7e ; duths, tolOc ;
geese 90 to 100; torkeys 11c to 13e per pound all
dressed weight.
Tottoaro, Jan. 22 -The potato market is steady.
Ontario are 70 to 75e per bag in ear lots here; east-
ern, 80 to 85o.
Baled Hay.
TORONTO, Jan. 22nd-Bale1 Hay -The market is
ve ,rv steady, and looks as if it will continue so for a
while. No firmer priees are expected, however.
Straw - Steady at $6.50 to $7 per ton •in
oar lots here.
Live fiitaok Markets.
faxenox, England, Jan, 21 --Trade is dull i ' Canad-
ian caetle are weak at 10c to 12° per lb. ; reftigerittoe
beef is eteedy at 9e to 90 per lb.
Gnase0w, January 21.-Tratle is `Slow, although
rod prices are made for prime cattle : top quality
es leo to 120 per lb ; secondary, lle ' to nee ; bulls
are 100 per lb.
Liveftreon, Jantiary21.-Canadian steers, 12c, with
trade slow, but firm, .
Moreorea, Januarye22,-About1,800 head of but.
cheat' cattle, 35 mild' cows, 50 calves, 00 sheep and
Iambs and 200 fat hogs were offered for sale at the
East End Abattoir to -day. Severe cold weather did
not prevent the butchers from coming out in large
numbers, and trade woe brisk with Orin prices all
round. Prirabeeves sold at 4le to nic per lb,‘;
pretty good cattle at 3e to 430, and the oothmon
stook at, No to tee per lb. A large bull, sve4hing
1,800 lbs., veaksold a8 at 4e per lb. Mitch Cows. -
Slow Of sale, as the roads are too slippery, and the
c,old too severe, for driving them any distange.
Caives-Sold front $3 to $13 each. Sinop -Sold at 4e
to 4ec per ha, and Jambe at about tio per lb. Hogs-
Cemd lots fat hogs sold at 7ec to near no per Ib,
Buteeteo, Jan. 22 -Cattle -Active, 10 to 16c
higher ; prime eteere, 85.05 to $0.15 ; shipping, $5
: to 83,75; butcherie $4.50 to $5.50 ; heifers, 8,.e.50 to
86.25 ; cows, $3 to $4.50 ; bulls, $41 to 84.60 ;
stockers and feeders, $8 to $4.26 ; stock heifere,
12.50 to $3 ; fres. h cows and springers, $2 to $8 per .
head lower at Safe '0,4. vettis--Aotive and steady
at $4.25 to$9,50, Hogse-Active •, 10 to 25c higher ;
heavy, 86.90 to 86.95-_,- mixed. $0,95 to ST ; Yorkers,
$7 ; pigs, $7.25 ; roughs, 20.10 to $0.25 ; stage, $4.50
to $5.25 Sheep and Lambe. -Active ; sheep steady ;
lambs and yearlirigs higher ; Jambe, $5 to eS e year.
limp, es.so to 80.05 ; wethers $5.50 to 85.65 ; ewes, ,
•-44.76 to $5.25 : sheep, mixed, $3 to- $5.25.
TORONTO JUNCTMN. Union' Stock. Yards -January
31 -The quality of fat, cattle was mediuin ; trade
brisk. Export. prices ranged from $4.75 to
bulk selling at E4.00 to 85.10 ,• export. bulls,at $3.60
to eeee; butchers' prices for picked lots choice rang-
ed from 84.60 to $4.80 ; good from $4,26 to $4.50 ;
. medium, e3.90 to $4.16 ; common, $3..30 'to 83.75 ;
butcher cows, $3.75 to; canners, $1.25 to $1.75 ;
Veal calves sold at $4. to $7.00 per 100 lbs.* milk
-cows and springers at $ 5 to $55. Sheep and Lambs,
-Sport ewes front $4.76 to $5.26 ; huoks, $3.50 to
$4.001, spring Jambe, $6.50 to $7. Hogs --Selects sold
tit $0,60 ; light, • 86.36 ; sows, 84 (10 85 ; etage, $2,59
to $3.50 per lea lbs„ fed and watered.
TORONTe, January 28rd.-The virility of fat cattle
with few exceptions was far from being goad. Trade
was brisk and prices outraganielea high, when the
quality of the offerings is considered. Exporters --
Not many shipping cattle were on sale, and prices
ranged from $4.00 to $5.35 per ewt. Export bulls
sold at $3.60 to 84 per ewt. Butchers ---Picked lots
sold at 84.40 to 84.80 ; medium to fair, 82.80 to $4.25,
common mixed, with ewe, $3 to $3.70 ; eonnnon
cows, $2 to $3 • canners, $1.25 to $1.50 per cwt.
Mitch Cows -here was &good demand for milkers
and forwardsoringers and prices ranged from $36
to 805 ea.a. Veal Calves -Prices for goodto prime
calves were tirmi but there were faw of their). Price
ranged from 28.50 to $6.60 per cwt. Prime new milk -
fed ealvea are worth about a7 per cwt. Sheep awe
Lanihs-The quality of the bulk of the sheep add
lambe offered on the market to -day was not good
arid it positivt diegrace to Canadian farmers. The
limbs especially were a skinny lot, that would drive
trade away from any butcher that would dare to
hang them up in his shop when dressed. Prices for
Jambs were quated at $6.25 to $6.75 for good qualicy
and $6 to 80 for common ,- export ewes, $4.50 to $6 i
culls and rams, 83.50 to $4 per cwt. Hogs -Mr. liar.
ris got about 1,000 hogs on the market. Prides are
off 30o per cwt. ; selects, $0.00 ; lights anef fats, e6.35
per ewt.
HORAN-In AleKillop, on Jan. 21st, to Mr. and Mrs.
Edward Horan, it daughter.
WEBSTER-Outhe 21st inst., to Mr. and Mrs.torna
S. Webster, of Lucknow, a daughter. -
SWANSON-In Winghara, an Jan, ilth, to Mr. and
Mrs. Chas. Swanson, a son.
ISARD-In Winghant, on Jan. Ilth, to Mr. and Mrs.
J. S. bard, a. son.
MeLF,AN-eIn Wingham, on Jan., lath, to Mr. and
Mrs, Thos. J.. McLean, it daughter.
HERR.--In Crediton East, on Jan. 1 tth, to Mr. and
Hrs. Chas. Kerr, it daughter.
REDDEN Crediton East, on Jan. 13th, to Mr.
and Mrs. Russell Hedden, n. mon.
-TAYLOR.-In Blyth, on Jan. 12t0, to Mr. and Mei
C. K. Taylor, a son.
GRAM -At the Parr Lida Hay, on Jan, 12th, to-
and Mrs, George Gram, a. daughter.
RUPP-At Laming, Mioh.1 ori Dec. 19th, to Mr. and
Mrs. Ed. Rupp ,a daughter.
UACIAREN-EWING-On Jan, 17th, at St. James'
Square Presbyterian church, Toronto, by Rev.
Alfred gaudier, B. Jean Hutton Ewing, Sea
forth, Ont., to John Ammon MacLaren, Ter-
CADWEeLL-ISBISTER-At "Burnside Farm,"
Morris, on Jan, Oth, by Rev. D. Perrie, of Wing-
hatn, John W. Cadwell, of Saskatoon, Sask., to
Nina Jeanette, fourth daighter of Mr. and Mts.
Wm. Isbister, of Morns.
FOReWTH-FIRANDON-On Jan. 2nd, af. the 31etho-
diet church parsonage, Alameda, Sask., V Rev.
•:,!rosa, Simon Forsyth, formerly of Morris
township, to M. Caroline Brandon, both of Fro -
Weber, Saek,
CARRICK-IdeLf,M-At Knox tantreh manse, in
goderich, on Jan. 7th, by Bev. Jas, A.Andereon,
William Carriek, of Strathroy, to Mabel Chris
tem, eldest daughter of Daniel MeLeod,of Code0-JOHNSTON-On Jan. lath, ae Victoria
Hereto Methodist ehureh parsoonace, (ketone:hi by
Rev. W. II. graham, B. A„ Robert McCabe. • .of
Goderiele to Mattie, daughter of Mr, and Mrs.
&mind &Amnon. goderich township. _
BELL -WALKER -At the residence of the bride's
parents, on Jan. 7th, by Rev, W. 11. Hiutley,
P,lizabeth, eldest daughterof Mr. Ja,bez Walker,
to J. If. 8e11, all of Myth.
SPARRoW-SIMPSON.-In Ethel, at the residence
of Mr. ame Watt', on January 23r0, by itev,
E. Armstrong, Mr. Oscar J. W. Sparrow to Miss
Lillian It. Shawn, all of Ethel.
PARQUHARSON-TELFER.-in grey, at the reel-
41c0e of tbe bride's parente, on January 23rd,
try Rev. A. MaeNah, Mr, James D. learquharoon
to Miss Isabella, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. NV111.
McKINLEV -In Meaforth, on Jan. 1140, John Mo-
Kinley, in his Seth year,
JANI,ES-4n Vehorne, oil Jan.14th, David Jacques,
aged 07 years, 8 mantle; and 2 days.
BEATTIE-In Varna. on Jan. e1th, Jane Beattie, re.
licit of the late George Beattie, aged 70 years.
^GIBSON-In Stanley, On Ian. 12th, John Gibson,
aged flit years.
BURROWS -I a Goderith, on Jan. 10t0, Annie,
daughter of Alr.quid afro, George Burrows.
XNEESDAW-In Goderich, on Jae, 17th, William
Horace, second atan of Mr. and Mrs. Albert
Kneeshaw, in hie 20th year,
WALLACE-In West Wawanosh, on Jan. 12t0.
Susan, relict of the rate Thome Wellaee, Aged
73 years, 4 months and 28 dare.
McGUIRFa--In Winkham, on Jen. 16th, helmet Me-
Guire. in his62011 ye4e. 0
Tnesday, Feheiffiree5,_ at one o'clock p. In., on
Let le4, C011eefisiOn 14, eleKillop Boundary, }arm
tette*. 11,thertjHoliond, proprietor Seott,
tomtioneer. 2041-2
On Thuntda;v, battery illet at 1 o'olook p. in., en
Deb 17, 0°110081;11°n 12, MOLtil op, Fenn, learm Stock
.and Implemente, John fitOrey, proprietor ; Themes
, atm oneer. • 2041-1
Oii fieturdaye &tottery 20th, at a °tele* p, is., at
the Antertiam Druesels, Lot 12, On the ath
Concession Of Morris, e. good improved kiln, hielon
Ink to the estate of the lute B. Saddle. F. S. Sent
auotioneer. '
On Tuesday, &untrue 2013a at one teelOok'p,oo.
Let-7.LOoneesslori 9, Tuckersinith, 1 nide east Wax°
Red Tavena Farm, Farm Stock -and Implements.
Neil Kennedy, prOpeletor ; Thonias BroWn, atietion.
eer. 2040.2
On Wednesday, January 30th, at one oealoolt p.na,
on Lot 29, Concession 2, MeKillop, Farm Stock and
iniplementa Ite G. Murdie, .proprictor ; Thonitie
Bron, atletioneer, r 2040.2
On Monday, January 28th, 1907,• on the pretnises, „
situated on the Kippen road, south of Egniondrille,
_Ferro Property and Chattels. Agnes and Kate Me-
.Lellati, proprietresses ; Thos. Brown, auctienieer.
, A040-2
On Friday, February let, at le o'clock Hoeft, on
Lot 84, Concession 6, Ushorna Farm, Farm Stock &
Implements. George Sitiallecontite, prop ; Thomas
Cemeron, auctioneer. 2040.3
On Monday, January 28th, In the Village of Dub-
lin, at the Doniinion rem, Brood Mares, Geldings
and John. McGrath, proprietor ; JaMe.s
Jones, auetioneer. 20414
On Friday, February 15, et One ceolocer p, in,, 00
the tnamises, in the Village of Leadbury, 7e miles
north of Seaforth, Blacksmith Shop, Dwelling and
ree. A. McGregor, proprietor; Thomas Brown, auc-
tioneer. • 2041;4
On Wednesday, January 80, at one &cloth p. m.
on Lot 29, Concession 2, MoKillop, one mile and a
half north of Seaforthe Farm St,00k and Implements,
R. G. Hurdle, proprietor ; Thomas Brown, auction-
eer, • 2041-1
On Saturday, January 26th, at one o'clock p. rn.,et
the Grip Hotel; Seaforth, 20 Choice Draft Jellies and
Geldings from a to 5 years old. „Thos. Connnolty,
proprietor ; Thos. Brown,. auctioneer. 2041-1
Your Savings
Amieft...- are Safe
When deposited in.
Western Bank of
Interest paid or compound-
ed twice a year.
Bo crovv YOur Requirements
from us and pay cash,
COWS FOR SALE. -Two young ewes due to calve
V this month. Apply to JAMES SOMERVILLE,
Lot 81, Concessien 4 MoKillop, 20412
r 4.4•444,
/FENDERS WANTED. -Sealed tenders for the er.
eotion of IL brick school at Winthrop will be re
delved by the Seoretary-Treasurer on or before the
8th day of February, 1007. Tenders will be reeeived
for the whole or any part of the work. Plans and
specifIcatione can be seen at the home of the under-
signed on and after Monday, January 28th. The
lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted.
SCARLETT. Secretary -Treasurer, School Section NO,
10, Winthrop. 2041x2
berlain Metal Weatherstrip, which has been
handled and installed by We .I. Swallow, genera.'
agent. is now handled in &Worth by Wm. Jamieson,
who will be pleased to call on any of ehe citizens and
give them estimates of price to install this great fuel
saver in their homes, free of charge, and it
will prove to you that it can reduce your fuel bill
to the price of the strip every three years. Can you
make money faster than this, Say nothipg of the
comfort of Jiving in a warm house, with no trouble
qf handling storm doors and windows. All work
guaranteed. We also lumdle McCormaok niathinery
arid Leslie's stock food. 2041.2
A leCTION SALE of Horses.- Thomas Cameron
111., , has been instructed - to sell by publib auction at
Lot 25, S. T. R., Osborne, on Tuesday, January 280,
1007, commencing at one o'cloek sharp, the following
stack : 3 brood mares 5 yeites old with foal ; 4 three-
year-old fillies with foal ; 8 two-year-old fillies with
foa.1: 2 geldings 4 years old ; 8 geldings 3 years old ; 4
aeldings 2 years old ; 4 geldings 1 year old ; 8 fillies
1 year old a 4 good draft Male. Terms of Sale. -Six
monthe'-eredit will he given on furnishing approved
joint notes, or a discount of 5 per rent, per annum
off for cash. O. E. KAOKNEI , _Proprietor ; THOS,
CAMERON, Auctioneer. 2041-1
COMM SALE. --Mr. P. S. Scott has been Instruct.
-ed by Mr, Robert Holland to sell by publio
auction on Lot 24,concessron 14 McKillop boundary,
on Tuesday, February 5, 1007, at one o'clock p.
the following property, viz : 2 roadetete horses, one
rising 6, and the other tieing 7 ; 11 cows supposed to
be in calf ; 6 heifers rising 8, ,supposed to be in calf ;
2 steers rising 4 ; 1 bull 18 mouths old ; 6 heifers ris-
ing 2 ; 4 'steers rising 2 e 11 calves ; 7 store pigs ; 1
brood sow. The stock is in good condition. 1 large
cooking stove. The whole will positively be sold
without, reserve. Terms. -Ali sums of $5 and under,
cash ; over that amount, 10 months' credit on ap-
proved joint notes. A discount of 5 per cent. per
annum allowed for cash on credit amounts. ROB-
eERT HOLLAND, Proprietor ; P. S. SCOTT, Auc-
tioneer. 2041-2
AUCTION SALE of Brood Mares. Geldings and
Filliek-James Jones has received instruotions
from the undersigned to sell by publics auction in
the Village of Dublin .at the Dominion Hotel, on
Monday, January 28th, 1)07, the following : 1 first-
olase heavy mare 6 years old, in foal to an imported
luereie ; 1 first-class heavy !mire 4 years old, in foal to
an imported horse ; 1 agricultural horse 6 3•ears old ;
2 first-elass heavy fillies rising 3 years old ; 2 &O-
ates geldings rising 4 years old ; 1 pair .heavy -draft
geldings rising 3 ; ears old, well matched ; 7 heavy
draft geklingo rising 8 years old, 4 heavy draft gel-
dings rising 2 years old i • 2 heavy draft fillies rising 2
years old ; 2 heavy -draft fillies rising 1 year old.'
Sale at one o'clock sharp. Terms. -Nine inonths'
credit will be given on furnishing approved joint
notes. 4 pee eeut. off foreashe on credit amounts.
No reserve. This stock is in fieetailass condition and
intending purchasers will make no mistake in at-
tending this Pale. JOHN eleGRATH, Proprietor ;
JAMES JONES, Auctioneer for Perth And Buren.
A UCTION SALE of Blaokinnieh Shop, 'Dwelling
J l and Lot. -There will be sold by public) auction
on the premises, in the Village of Leadbers, 74- miles
north of Seaforeh, on Friday, February 15th, at one
otelock p. Ire, the following ; The property consists
of 1 acre of land, on which is erected it comfortable
dwelling house with 5 rooms, kitchen, stone cellar,
also good orchard of choice fruit, frame stable, 10 sc
20, and blaelcsmith shop, 28 x 88. There wi'd also be
sold at the same time and place, the blankanith
tools, cionsisting of anvil, 'bellows, vice, drills, tire
upsetter, platform, hammers, chisels, dies, Wrenches,
and other tools commonly used in it blacksmith elm
also a quantity of iron, a supply of horseshoes of all
sizes, bolts, nails, bloats, shaft spaces, fork handles,
spade handles, whiMetrees, doubletrees, neckyokefe
'wheelbarrows, hoes and numerous other articles, all
of whiett will be ffold without reserve. Aloe 1 top
buggy, 1 cutter, 1 set light harness almost new, 1
driving mare 0 years old, 9 tone blaokstnith's coal.
The propmay will be sold with or without the black-
smith shop, and the tools and other artieles will be
sold separately. Terms of Sale. -On tools and other
artielefe all aunts of $5 and under, cash ; over that,
amount, 8 monthscredit on epprotled Iola notes, A
discount of 6 per eenaper annum idlo.ved off for cash
on credit amounts. On house and lot, made known
on day of sale or on application to theproprietor or
to the auctioneer. Na•MoGREGOR, Proprietor ;
THOMAS BROWN, Auctioneer, 20414
,t UOTION SALE of Farm -Stook and Implement's.
Ile -Thome; Brown has received instructions
(roue Mr. R. G. Murdie to sell by public) auction on
Lot 20, Conceeeion 2, McKillop, one mile and a half
north of Seaforth, on Wednesday, January 80, el one
o'clock p. tu., the following : Horses -1 geneted pine
pose gelding rising 6,1 draft gelding rising 4, 1 draft
filly rising 2, 1 brood mare supposed to be in foal to
Lord Huron, 1 driving horse 8 years old and safe for
lady to drive. Cattle. -1 cow to calve about time of
sale, 4 cows to calve in the egging, 1 thorobred
Shorthorn now in eat; to 00Wan'S imported bull and
due to calve In March, 1 thorobred Shorthorn heifer
10 months old, got by Guy Mointroh, 1 heifer Willing
3 to calve aboat time of side, 8 belfers rising e, 12
steerwrising 8, 3 steers tieing 2, 2 heiferrising 2, 4
ep g calves, 1 throbred polled Angus bull tieing 8,
1 t orobred Berkshire sow nine menthe old, 10 good
h eding ewes. Implements.-eMassey-Harris Milder
7 early new, Frost & Wood mower,. Massey - Harris
ed drill, Sylvester spring -tooth cultivator, steel
Btpscll land roller 9 feet, eleConnieke hay rake, Ox-
fam4l twin plow, stogie plow, bay fork, car, ropes and
ma lop; complete, lumber wagon, pair bobsleighs, get
double team harness, set single harness, Melotte
cream separator and other artielee, A Ith of goo
hay in thebarn. The whole will be sold without ee-
serve as the proprietor is leaving the fan. Terms
of Sale. --All sums of $6 and undete cash ; over that
amount, 0 months' eredit on approved joint notes.
A discount at the rate of 4 per (sena-riot altrnal allow-
ed for oath on credit amottnta. The hay will be sold
tor (mob. R. 0, MURDIEk Proprietor ; THOMAS
BROWN, Auctione.er. • 20414
littely ectia
In lirtfeethe by Palefillry 1b, 1007,. 80
si blOek 2nd deorfethe American HOW,
ed ail tailoring, rea,dymadeoretsiele eh.e.
Y, Brussels. 204Ietf
Sealed tenders will be received up to February Oth
at 1 p, ni., front ontractora for the erection of Di
brielt qt hOol house at Leadbury, Plane and speoifi-
eatione nut} be seen at the reeidence df the,. under.
Waned, The lowest or any tender not necessarily ao.
Sete -Teem., 8, le, No. 7,
Public Notice
Notiee is hereby given that it by.law was passed by
the counell of thoToivnthip of Tuekeraltith on -the
14th day of January, ee, D., 1007, providtag for the
iseue of debentures to the, arnontit *1415,000, for the
purpoee of constructing Nrnamenb Bridgesin the
said Township, and that such hy-law registereed
in the registry offiee, County of Huron, on the 23rd
of January, 1007. Any motion te quash or set aside
the same or any part thereof, must be 'imade within
three months after the first publietation of thie no-
tice, and cannot be made thereafter.
20414 Clerk of Tuoltersmith,
Dated tido 23rd day of January, 1907.
alen/ •MONIMI.
The Robert Bell Engine &f. Thresher
Company, Limited.
ammo 0.11Sueoll
Notice is hereby given that a dividend, for the
year ending Oeeoher 31st, 1000, calculated at the
rate of 7 per cent. per annum, has been declared on
the fully paid up capital stock of this Company, on
reeords October Inst, 10004 Cheques will be issued
to the shareholdere'On February 10, 1007.
By Order of the Board.
ROBERT BELL, Managing Director.
2035 -td
Hemlock Lumber
•. . FOR . . .
have200,000 feet of sound
dily Hemlock Lumber in stock,
°With which to supply barn
arid house and house bills.
Planing Mill and Lumber Yards
Meetings of East Huron
Farmers Institute
Will be held as follows;
' FORDIVION, FEBRUARY 4, at 1:80 p, m:
T. McMillan " Breeding and Marketing Beef Ani-
W. F. Kydd, " Am 1 Raising the Most Pro-
fitable Horse " ; Miss B, Maddock, address. 7,80 p:
m. T. McMillan, " A Talk to our Young People ,
W. F. Keelde "Dropped Stitehis " ; Mists ataddook,
address. .
BLUEVALE, PE13It1JARY ‘7, nt. 1.20 p.' m.
T. IL Bennett, 4' Dairying " ;W. P. Kydd, " Am I
Raising the Most Profitable Iloree," with live animal
for objeot !mon. 17.80 p. na '• T. McMillan, " A
Talk to our Young People" ; W. 10. Kydd, Dropped
Stitches." •
JAMESTOWN, PERRUARY 6, at 1,30 p. m.
T. MeMillaym. " Breeding and .Marketing *Beef Ant -
mats " ; W. F'. Kydd, "Dairy Cow, her Summer Care .
and WinterFeed. ' 7.80 p. tn. : T. McMillan "
Talk to our Young People " ; W. P. Kreld, " Drop-
MOLEeIVORTII, 'FEBRUARY 5, at 1.80 p. fn.
T. McMillan, Breeding and Marketing Beef .Ani -
male " ; W. P. Kydd, " Cultivation and Manures. ,
7,80 p. m. T. MeMillan, " Demandeof Canadian Ate-
ricutlure " ; W. le. Kydd, " Dropped Stitehee."`
• min, FEBRUARY 8, at 1.30 p. m..
T. MoMILLAN, " Breeding and Marketing Beef Ani-
mals w; W. F. Keeld, "Am I Raising the Meet: Pro.
ilta,ble horse " • Mies Maddock, addrese. 7.80 p. m.
T. McMillan, '''A.Talk to eur Young People i ' ; W,
Je, Kydd, " Dropped Stitchee " ; el, B. Maddock', ad-
WALTON, FEBRUARY 9, at i.30 p, in.
A. IL ()retiree Moleeworth, "Cultivation and cita-
tion " ; F. 'Kydd, "Am I Raising the Most Mit
able Horse." 7.30 p, m..: T. 3icMilIan "Demands
of Cnnadian Agriculture " ; W. "Dropped
Stitches." ,
• HARLOOK, FEBRUARY 11, at 1.80p. m.
A. H. Cream "Cultivation and Rotation" ; F.
Heald, "Am fltaising the Most Profitable Horse,"
7.30 p, ni, P McMillan, " Demands of Canadian
Agriculture" ; W. F. Eyck!, " DroppedAtitchea
WINTILROP, FEBRUARY 12, it 1,80 p. in.
A. H. Orearer, "Cultivation and Rotation" ; W. le,
Kydd, On The Horse," 7.80 p, tn. : T. MeMillan,
" A Talk to our Young People" ; W. F. Kydd,
"Dropped Stitches," .
T. McMILLAN, " Breeding and Marketing 'I3eef Ord-
inals " • W.F. Ky id, on "]he Horse." 7.30 p. in.
T. McMillan, "A Talk to our Young PeOPle P
Kydd, "Dropped Stitches."
FOWLER'S SOHOOL-HOUSE, FEB. 14, 1.80 p. rn.
T. McMiI1an "Breeding a d Marketing Beef .Ani-
mals" ; W. ,F• Kydd, "Tal on . the Horse." 7.30
p. m. : eitiMillen, " TttL to our Young Peopli: " .
W. F. Kydd, Dreipped St tthea."
A Musioal Program at he Evening Meetings.'
eresident 1'. A. MeARTHUR,
Leh an's
Foot Uariners
You have as fr nab coVo t when driving
in the coldest.. weather smen 40 below zero,
if you use Lstanan FOOD Warmer, as you
have eitting in it to nfortably heatd room.
Fr heating vet i dee of all kinds, and
for other purposes, hore a etesdy inex-
pensive heat is deeired, the Lohman heat,
er is unqueetional.4 .the mint perfect do.
vice ever invented. Is burte it specially
prepxed carbon, known as Lehman coal,
without ernitbinit Wilt, smoke or odor, and
this full can be lighted or eaainguiehed at
The Heater cen he meal.) remly for use in
three minutes, and r no -third of it brick,
costing three Petite, %Intl heat the warmer
for 8 noure. sale by
Paid-up Capital, '$10,000,000. Reserve Fund, $4,500,000
WALICER, General Manager ALEX. LAIRD, Asst, Gang Manager
A general Rankine business transacted. Accounts may bo opened and condu
' - -mail with branches el this Bank.
Deposits of $1 and upwards received, and interest allowed at
current rates. The depositor is subject to no delay what-
ever in the withdrawal of tbe whole or any
portion of the deposit
F. HOLMESTED, Solicitor G. E. PARKES, Manager,
• 1
A good reliable farmer told me last week that it does not take long to put
Ten Dollars on a horse with
in a Month.
FEAR'S Condition Powders.
lst—They get the blood right
lid—They pile on the flesh Hke magic,
Their action ii3 different to anything you ever saw, Get a package, and
watch their migic infidnce, The directions are simple and easy to follow.
25o for 1 lb.; 3 lbs. for 50c; 7 lbss for $1
Drug Store,
Sea forth.
Mitrkot Sreeete ck
Dry Goods
d ClothIng
*negro In
Jr XtattriVrks
rtnua tock-elear"
g a e
Opens FODAY, Jan 4111
• O.,'
The fame of our Annual Stook Clearing eiale has
spread far and wide ; hundreds of people wait for it,
appreciating the 4emendous advantages of its un -
approached offers The sale will be the greatest
this store has ev(4. known. New goods will be
brought out &EY. You will find something inter-
esting in every ilepartmentf--positively no goods
carried from one season to another. Below is a
partial list of our redactions
.Great Clearing Prices F -urs
Twelve Ladies' Plain Astrachan jackets' ranging la prices fro *ao to
1$40, to clear at from $20 to 825, in sizes 32 to 42
en s r .s Croats—,
Fifteen per off all othet lours and Fur -lined Jackets"
' Twenty-five per cent. cff oll Muffs, Ruffa. Caperinele etc,
We sell Kw Cure, the great cow medicine.
id -winter Clothing.
Just about this time of year tbe cold winds find the kinks in your
Winter clothing. Yon don't want to invest in a full new outfit, but
you do require a little renewing. Come to us and kis what we can do
fox, you, and at a price that will surprise you, We do not blow about
our after Christmas bargains. Our clothes are always bargains. We
- give you big value for your money every time,
n Furnishings and the small things for nur's wear, we carry a fall and Qom-
• plete line. We can please you, Call and see.
I.Vir.A...1\11"111 M
Comfortable Homes for re
spectable young women
With or Without Board .'
W. E. Southgate & Co.,
Accuracy Clearing Sale,
ear, mess
4re the Ratoh-Rords of
lhis Store.
Re _Handle—
Give us it call. We appreciate
it even if you don!t buy.
W. M. *KAY, Manager
Picture Framing.
At. this time of year you nearly always
have a number of pictures you while fram-
ed. But you keep putting it off, often be-
oause you fear the expense. PioLure fram-
ing with us is it specialty, and we oarry a
stook of frames and .mouldings that are
cheap and neat, pretty but nob' expensive.
Lit us frame it picture for you, and we
will convince you of the truth of what wo
Try WC for,yonr next Photo.
• 0&*
Lovm. vapor now.
Bring in your feet at onee. Sev-
eral hundred pairs of Winter
Shoes are anxidus to take a walk
° to get out in the cold and to keep
somebody's feet warra and dry.
This is the time of the year we dean
out all Winter lines, and its also
the time of the year when shrewd
buyers invest in cold weather
We have Men's, Women's, Boys'
Misses' and Children s Winter
Shoes and Slippers at :prices that
will open many a purse. Don't
think of staieing away from this
sale if you want shoes. See that
you get your share of the good
Nos. deco ;mild
Richardson& Drinnis
Sole Agents for the Hagar, Just
Wrighe and Derby Shoes.
Do You . .
Wish to Visit
or the-
Are you anxious to escape the ooki weather
and snow, and spend the winter in the
"Land of Fruit and Flowers."
Tourist tickets are on sale daily, and if you're
contemplating it trip see that your tickets are
routed via Grand Trunk.
For tiokets end fall information call on
W. SOMERVILLE, Town Agent.
A. F. PHILLIPS, Depot Tioket Agent.
Ninety Coats to clear a prices unheard d in Furs, .
.Black and brown calf el sting at from $14 to $24
sale from from $20 to /30 -
Bulgarian Lamb and 0itg Coats at from 112 to 118
Labrador Dog, zelebratp Leak manufacture, worth from 130 to $40,
' Australian and Canadian Coon Coats at the greatest reduotion we have
, •
ever offered. .
Men's Overcoats in Raglans, Beavers, etc., worth from SIC to 112, e -o
clear at five dollars,
The balance of our stoe of Black Cheviot Coate to clear at 25 per cent.
Twenty-five p'er cent all Boys', Yonths' and Children's Coats,
See our clearing lines ia Men's Suits
Fifty Men's Pea jackete, in all sizes, to elear at $2.70
Two hundred'pairs of en's Tweed' Pants, regular prices from 11.7 to
12, on sale at 81.25
One hundred Men's 'create, all-sizee, at 750
One hundred Youths' arid Boys' Verne on sale at 26e aoh.
A bargain lot of Ladies' Kid Gloves, regular prices from 11 to 11.25, on.
sale at 75c .
Samples of Wrings in fancy silks, velvet and chiffons, regular Flees 9�o
each, on sale at 25c each
Three dozen Ladies' Flannelette Wrapper; regular prices $1.25 to n .25,
on saLleadaite8spc ,
Mies'sand Children's Cloth Coats; we offer the balance of our
AtLadies' and Children's Coats to clear at 91.98 each
A bargain lot of Ladies' Cloth Skirts, regular prices $2.90 to 15.95, on
sale at $1,50 ..
Staple Div Goods:—
Ninety pieces and ende o, Wrapperettes to clear,at 26 per cent.
Fifteen per cent. off all Prints
Ten pairs Wool Blankets, large size, to clear at $2,65 per pair
Twenty-five per e,ent. off all Grey Blenkets
Fifteen pieces of Oxford Shirting, regular price 13c, for 9e
Ten pieces of Towelling, Worth 7o, for 5e,
Twelve anp one-half par ceint. off all Flannelettes
Fifty pairs of Towels, a bak•gain 250 a pair
Flannelette Blanketa, alt siees, 12i per out. off regular pieee.
Six pieces of Tapestry Car et, regular 7re, for 490
Six pieces of Brussels Car et, regular price 85e, for 65e
.A. pile of Rugs and Mate, worth from $2.75 to 13.25, for $1,98
Two pieces of Union. Carpet, regular 50; for 38c
A pile of Carpet Squares to :dear at oncetnird leas than regular price
Clearing lines in Tapestry liable Covers
Spectial 4 yard wide Linoleiumn, best Scotch manufacture, regular pri
2 .2 5, for 81.90; regular $1.65 for $1 43
See our special values in Lace Curtaine
Highest Prices paid for Butte-
and Woolt
Opposite Town
uuidhlg, Coe
ain, and Market Streeta, eforth,