The Huron Expositor, 1907-01-25, Page 3The Thee? ow spirited -bate • tired out LS )rou weli !d -either through over - It is the Kidneys -that cited. °in Pills eure sick tint strong -give you all italitv. Cheer up -and z-6 for $2.50. Sent on er does not handle them. WINNIPEG, MAN. RESS BRAND OT LNG 70 TIERS ion of h lidiSOM oughs The first teaspoonful aurs you.. notice that k -the coughing speels id the sorenees gone. rreparation of Friar's as NOON, Orrr. f OF LIFE S THE S'TAFF I more vital that it e good than. any nighest quality ased instead of aker's skill, and light and crisp, 17 nourishing, ger be content 'leap flour and 7ORTE. ROUSE ds .nd we are now in a ve te good you. u.-5 quota 0 of kinds, 116, now 2 for $1.25,. Children. A 0 SON • en th -and Youth A Safe Combination In 4* years the Assets of The Sovereign Bank of Canada have increased tomer 25 millions, and exceed the liabilities to the public by over 5 millions. Deposits have increased to over 15 millions. Your account -large or small -is invited. $1.00 opens an account in our Savings Dept. Interest paid 4 times a year. The Sovereign Bank of Canada. liENSALL AND BRUCEFIELD. ANNUAL MEETING. s. ' The annual meeting ot the tisborne & Ilibbert Mut- ual Fire Insuranee Company will be hied in the Public Han. Farquhar, on Monday, It'ebruary 4th, 2907, at 1 o'elOck p in Business, -Receiving the directors' auntie' report, auditorsreport, election of directors and auditors and the transaction of any business in tho interests of the company. Policy holders are invited to attend. - JOHN A. moiaus, President B. W. F. BEAVERS, 2038x8 Setretary. Nurses' & Mothers' Treasure -most Tenable medicine for belly. Used over 50 years. Fuer comporaeled By Dr. -P. E. Picauh in 1855. Make BabyStrong es the iitde organs to perfect health. Gives sound sleep, without resort to opium or other injurious druga 44 At " ',.25c. 6 luottUa $1.25. NaticaI 9 6r CherniCal Co. Ltd., Montreal JO IN BEATTIE CRESOLENE ANTISEPTIC TABLETS A iiimple and effective remedy tor SORE .TtIROATS, AND COUGHS They combine the germicidal value of Cresolene with the soothing properties of slippery elm and lieo. rim, Your druggist or from us, 10c in stamps, LESIONS, Mtn Co., Limited, Agents, Montreal. 40r STRONG HEADS AND SKILLED HEADS TO THE FRONT 1 1 2tttend the famous TORONTO, ONT. And be properly prepared, for. business posit- ions. We deal only in Ilig•h Grade fluidness Ed- ucation -the kind every young man and woman should have. Our school has now the largest attendance in its history. Commence now. Prepare well and succes.s is certain. No trouble for our graduates to get positions. Catalogue free. W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal Cor. Yonge and Alexander Sts 20224f Late Division Court Clerk, has a numher of prop ••■••••••••olormail•Nrmomma- ,ertie.s for sale or to rent, among which is a good building lot, th4 South East Half of Town Lot No 46, East Ward, n George Sperling's Survey, Seaforth which will be s Id on reasonable terms. ,Insurence Ifeected, debts 4olleoted and loans made on satisfao ory security at teasonabla rates. Call and see me and be convinced. Late Division Court Office, Sea forth 201841 Barga ns in Farms 92 acres, all cleared except 1, acre bush, large barn on stone wall, drive house, pi".6,- pen, etc., 1-.1 storey 1rarne house, situated within three miles of Seatorth. Price only $5,500, part Jash. 100 acres, all cleared except 10 acres of valuable bush, meditan sized fmme.house, barn onposts, large drive shed, situated within 3 miles of Brucefield. Price, $4,800. Terms $2,000 cash. Also 20 others that cannot be duplicated for price or terms in the county. For further partimlars apply at residence, Mill Road, Or a1dre88. ,2a.3:9-tf • A. A. wArrr, Brucefield, Ont. Established 1879 Whooping Cough, Croup, Bronchitis Couth, Grip, Asthma, Diphtheria CresoIene is a. boon to Astbmailes 4 Does .4 not seem mere efractive to breathe in n remedy to cure disease of the breathing organs than to take the remedy into the stomach? It cures because the air rendered strongly anti- septic is carried over the diseased surface with every breath, g.ving prolonged and constant treat. ment. It is invaluable to mothers with small children. , Those of a consumptive tendency find immediate relief froni coughs or in- flamed conditions of the throat. Sold by druggists. , Send -postal for booklet. LI= zIG, MrcEs Co., Umitei, Agents, Mont- real, anad. 307 3ranci Trunk Railway System. Railway Tim. Tobi Trains leave Seaforth ae follows: 9.50 a, zo. For Clinton, Goderich Wingham an Kincardine. 12.46 p. m. Far Clinton and Goderich fi.18 p. tn. For Clinton, Winghain and Kincar .dine. 10.88 p. m. For Clinton and Gerierich. ' 7.40 a. m Per Stratford, Guelph, Toronto Orillia, North Bay and points west Belleville arid Peterboro ,ad point. eNst. 8.82 p. w. For Stratford, Guelph, oronto, Hon. treal and points. east. 6.82 p. m. For Stratford, Gu(Ipb and Toronto. London, Huron and Bruce. dZIOINGI NORM-- PANUT:g01, Loom" depart- - -.. 8,16 A.m. 4.50 Jr M Uentralts,...... •• - • ,.. 4.18 6,48 Exeter - „ Kipper) .. a 000 • 0 • • • Brimfield.- ....- -••••.. Clinton bondesboro • • • Blyth __ solgrave- - Wrogham arrive.... 8ouTa- WIrighare, depart,. - ••- Beltrhave--.. tiOnde;b131rea • • • • 00 0.• 00 31.i/14011-. Klopen * •••• •••• a a • • 11•• Lxeter. .• 1..ondon, (arrive)- 4 80 4.46 60 9.58 10 15 10.80 10.88 10.60 11. 10 5,64 0.05 0.11 6.19 6.35 • 5.52 7C0 7.13 7, 35 •Passenger. 4/ a.11. 8.80?. 652 , 8.44 7.66 8.16 7.14 4.04 7.47 4.28 8.05, 4.69 8.15 4.4/ 1 8.22, 4.52 8.85 5.05 3,46 6.15- 0.45 'a. v. 6.19 ----•--- Palmerstc.n and Kincardine. •Gocxo NORTH. PSEIS. Pass. P.flxed Palmerston 7.65 p.m. 12.4i p.m .1.0 8.41. Brussels. 8. 61 9.08 9.16 . igit•ghtiirt • • • • • • • • ,)11410 SOUTH. Wmgham.. _ 43% .m 10.40a.m. Noel:ale 0.52 10 55 7.05 11.15 „E•41e1 7.15 11.46 8.01 1.20 1.34 .- 1.44 9.10 1.50 0.30' 2.C8 111.15 `113 Pass. Mtxed. Pass. 2,40 p.m 2.49 8 03 3.13 4.00 Brrisfleis....• • ... • • • When ? Now You can begin your work in this school at any time. You can,in fact,go, ahead now fust as well as if you had started the first ef the term. We are always up with the tole& Our, reputation and attendance show this. We have now the largest enrollment for this time of year in the history Of the school. If you wpuld like a copy of our handsome book, The Highway to Success," clip this advertisement, mail it to us, and the book will be sent to you free. B. W. 8oraers, PrInoipctl Dominion School of Teleg- raphy & Railroading I 10 ADELAIDE, STREET WEST rORONTO AMES aNIE611100011E010:111MISZEID Why Not Write for copy of our catalogue? This simple act, costing a, cent and a moment of time, _might change the whole cur- rent of your life and bring you many thousands' of dol- lars within -the next ten years. Try it. Adress W. H. SHAW, Principal Yonge and Gerrard streets, Toronto ' 2018-20 The First Day. The first day of our winter term will be January 2nd, 1907. We will then re -open with undoubtedly the largest -Aass in the history of this school. If you want the edu- cation that prepares for good posi- tions, write for our catalog -costs nothing. All Gradustes get Positions. THB:1 BERLIN BUSINESS COLLEGE, W. D. EULER, Principal. 2018 - BB AT THE TOP Burdock Blood Bitters holds a position unrivalled by any othei blood medicine as a cure for DYSPEPSIA, BILIOUSNESS, CONSTIPATION, HEADACHE, SALT RHEUM, SCROFULA, HEARTBURN, SOUR STOMACH, DIZZINESS, DROPSY, RHEUMATISM, I Bu/LS, PIMPLES, RINGWORM, oidany disease arising from a disordered state of the Stomach, Liver, Bowels or Blood. 'Whey you require a, good blood medicine get BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS. LONDON LIFE INSIMANCE COMPANY _.1. -Sound Investments. This Company has been operating since 1874 without a, loss from investment. 2.-. Qnest Estunates. • In no case have profits paid fallen below the Company's estimates. • 3. -Large Guarantees. In addition to the Government reserve we guarantee profits. W. H ROBINSON, Inspector, Seaforth., Bright ifuronttes.--Th Beaton of tt, recent, da,te cempliment to a couple friebi4nts. The Mr. aleGraW ii a, brother of Mrs. dame of Seaforth, - and is a Goderich township, and, every- person knows who thee ,other gentleman named is. The Beacon says: "Mr. Edward Lewis,, M. P., for West Huron, and Mi. F.' A. McGaw, the head of the We tern Can - 'da Flour Milts Company, of Godeta ich, spent a few hours In Stratferd on Saturday, on their w'.y home from a, business trip to Montreal and Quebec,. MT. Lewis is - one of the most popular .of the you ger mem- rebere, of the House of Com sans, he being liked by both sides of the Hous. Mr. McGaw is at t e head of one of the largest if ot the largest, milling companies n Can- ada, the capacity of the trails at God- reeve and! clerk. Messrs. And'. Scott erich, Winniheg. and Brando being a,nd Henry Horton were appointed 6,600 barrels or flour per d y. ma ---9 auditors. The hespital for sick child - long • connection with the Ogilvie aen, Toronto, was granted a done, - and Laket of the Woods Companies tion of. $10. The collector returned 1 Stratford ays a .nice • of leTurordes mentioned Archibald, native of of course, a,nente form. In the evening many ot the guests tarried to enjoy a mer. ry dame. Smile of those preSent Were Mr. and MrehGeo. Knox, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Fairservice, Mr. and Mrs. *john Shannon, Mr, and Mrs. W. Clarke, Mr. and Mrs. Creeks, Mrsand the Misses Watt, Mr._ and Mrs, :Willison, Mrs. IvIcEveing, Mr. and Mrst War- wick. Thet best wishes of many ttriends go with the young couple to their home in Gray, which the • groom had provided fos 11.10,, worthy bride. 6 Taelhersnaith. The Co16011.-The council elect for 1907, Messrs. Raft, McKay, reeve, and Jos. Atkinson, Win, Wallace, Her- bert Crciie and Alex. ..)3uchanan, councillors, met in the town hall, Seaforth, on Monday last, as directed by statute and each having made the necessary declarations of quallfica- tions, and of office, entered upon their duties, Mr. James Gemrnill wag re-aptiointed assessor at a salary of $80. Mr. Wm. R. Archibald was ap- pointed a, member of the board of health, which for 1907, will be com- posed of Messrs. D. McIntosh, Hugh Chesney, Wm. R. ,Archibald and the has given him an experienc Is very- valuable to the new cany, which has already est a world-wide connection and -tion for providing the highes of flour." Presbytery of Huron. -The bytery met in Clinton on Jan Mr. Martin .was a,ppointed M for the ensuing six moeths, ing to; Mr. Martin's absence !trough will be further published in the illness, with whom the Preisbytery Huron Expositor with the neces- expresses sympathy, Mr. Fletcher sarynotice appended thereto, regard - continued to occupy the chair The in the quashing thereof. The clerk 'following elders were certifi their aessions as representati dere for the year. and the r mede up: Messrs. John Lind Willis church, Clinton; Jame teith, of Thad -tea Road; Henry Of 'Cavenr church, Exeter; Ale Saunders, of Knox church, Go Richard Somers, of St. •An chuech. Blyth; R. Hicks, of E vtll; James Gamble, of Union church, information. • Accounts were passed • Bruc,efield ; Wm. Waite, of A burp ; amounting to $328.47. The next meet - Wm. Lowery, of Burn's church Hui-, leg will be held in Seaforth on Fri - lett; George McKay, of Kippen ; Geo. day, February lst at 10 o'elock.-tA. Sparks, of Varna; Thos. Turnb 11, of G. Smillie, Clerk. Grand Bend; John •Litnklater, of That Bridge By -law. ---Dear Expoe- Lseburn. The' Presbytery agreed to itor,-The electors of Tuckersmith in their wisdom; or otherwise, had said rants by their votes that the council shall _ Bay- I borrow by debentures $15,000 for 20 "ayetl years, to build bridges in the town- , to tp We live in a debenture age, an ed to age of mortgaging posterity. Our mod- •hational governments do it, but sure- I'll- hie roll for 1906. The ,aanount of un - r corn- collected taxes this year was $29.69, Welled which hi a, :small amount out of a reputa- total of $19,004.90 of:taxes. As the loc- grade al option by-law was defeated at the polls, no further action will be tak- en with it. The permanent bridge by- Preis- law, however, shared a better fate, arY 1.5. ut ow- being carried by the electors by a dera or majority of 83. It was, therefore, finally passed by the council arid d by was instructed to correspond witb. e el- eome expert engineer, with a view 1 :was.. of securing the services ot a, first aY.nri 91- class man to oversee the construe- 2aqnt 1 tion of the bridges and to lay the trarig, correspondence before the council at ander its next meeting. The clerk was also erich; instructed to take legal advice on rew a some points in connection with the mond- bylaw, about which the council wish ask the Assembly's Committee Augmeatation of Stipends, fer 'to the following congregations: ,Varna and Blake $50, to field $100, to Grand Bend '$10 Leeburn $100. Leave was grant St. Andrew's church, Blyth, to erate in a call when they are pre- ly that does' not -Prove that. the eys- pared for it. Session records well.e ex - tem is just and proper. Fifteen tb.ous- amined and, attested. The Tre surer and dollars for 20 years Will re - gave his annual report and the books quire over $1,100 per year, the total were audited and attested, wi'll being $22.070, not taking into ac - thanks given to Mr. Sbaw, the Treas- .count the loss on the sale of the de- urer. It was agread on the iecom- bentures. The extra amount for in- mendation of the Committee oni Con- tereet will be $7,070. The largest ferences to have a conference at the steel bridge in the township, 100 feet, May meeting on Religioue SubJectlt cost $2,404. Taking that,' as a' basis Programme to be submitted84 the the interest would build all the large March meeting. •, •bridges remaining to be built in i -0 L . the municipality. ,It appears by the .A.notner " Oldeet Postmaster ' -Our ballots cast that a majority of the esteemed old friend, Mr. Peter- Port- heaviest tax payers were in favor of erfield, the veterita clerk of the town- meeting the cost as required. Sure- 33hip of East WOwa,nosh and also a is •many ballots were cast without veteranstmaster, and who Ifs still prorier consideration. As regards the. p) we hope, ti , esned for many years view of the tenant paying the taxes, of useful ublic service, write n to us no reasonable owner would compel as follows: In last week's issue of his tenant to pay a tax where he your paper I noticed a. paragraph would 'receive no benefit. Please in - headed "The Oldest Postmaster," mixt in your next issue and oblige. which goes on to _say that Mr. S. Yours -truly, . Dickeon, the veteran postmaater of - . RB. MeLEA.N. Seaforth, can fairly claim, the honor.; . , . I ' of 'having been in working harnese A aciedra,ntee Cure for Piles. for a longer period than any other postmaster in the county of' Huron. that he, Mr. Dickson, is now in' his 42nd year as postmaster of Seaforth, etc. "While pleased, to congratulate Mr. Dickson on his long and faith- ful service a's postinaster of a town I like, Seaforth, and further, •hoping he may enjoy many more years in the flame capacity, I beg leave to submit to your , notice •the ' following faets relating to postoffice businese: On the 1st day of September. 18611. Mar- soch postoffice, a new office, ,in the thwnehip of East Wawanosh, was opened 14: my charge as postmaster under directions and instructions from the late Gilbert Griffin, the aceing in- epector at that time. I held the of- fice continuousay from that date to January '1st, 1907, a period of 45 years and four mon:thee, so that I claim, it not the oldest, I arn at least one- of the oldest established postmasters in the connty of 1 Huron. For certain .reasons I sent in any res- ignation to Ottawa on. S-ebtember lst last, as postmaster of Marnoch, which was accepted, and on the lst day of January, 1997, the postoffice at Marnoch ceased to exist. re other words it was closed for any further business being done there as a nost- office. So you see' that. Mr, Dick- son, or some one else for him. while claiming' credit for being an old and. tried 'hand in the postoffice,i my re- • cord of 45 years and four rronthe., to January let, 1907, is ahead of him- yet. Of courthe the business done all these years back at Marnoch was at a mere nothing when compared with what was being done in a town the size of Seaforth. I might also state fur- ther, by way of postcript, that I have held continuously for over forty years the contract for carrying the Mails between Marnoch and Bel- . ' I grave. For any disease of the skin there' Is nothing better than Chamberlain's Salve. It relieves the itc'hing and burning sensation instantly, and' soon effects a cure. For sale by all drug - itching, Blind, Bl Piles. Druggists refund money if fails to lure in 6 • eediet Protrudihg ere utleorized to PAZO OINTMENT to 14 days.. 5do. Hensall. The Late Mr. Miller. -Our village was the scene of a very sad event on Thursday morning, 10th inst., when the remains of the late W. 5. Miller were brought here from Los Angeles, California, for interment. Mr. Miller was well and favorably known here, comang • as' a very young man to learn the blacksmith and carriage - making business 'with Messrs Brown and Clark, 'and- after serving his ap- prenticeship with them, he erected a. ehop for himpelf some 'twelve years ago, and, as 'his business enlarged and hiS premises were too 'small, he erect- ed, about five years ago, the fine, aubstantial cement shop, which is one of the largest and bent fitted up shops in the county. Here he continued to carry on a large trade until last spring, when he WEIS at- tra,cted to the West, where he engag- ed in. another line of business, until his health failed him, and, although he received the best of medical and hospital treatment at the hands e,f his Brother Odtifellows, and kind friends, hie wife and family not yet having joined him in High River, Alberta, al- though Mrs. Miller was there to visit him, he continued to grow 'weaker, un- til at last he was advised by his doe - tors to take .a trip to Los Angeles, California„- in the hopes of regaining his health, but before reaching that place, accompanied hy a nurse, and while on the train, a short die- tance frorn his destination his strength 'seriously taxed by his illness and the trip, gave out; and he expired on; the train. The rerea,ins were sent here for interment. Mr. Miller was born in Cromarty, in the township of Hibbert, in 1847, and was a man pose sessed of splendid business ability coupled with lots of push and energy, and worked t beyond his physical strength. so ambitious was he to gists. - succeed. He occupied the positien of both- reeve and councillor in Hen - calla aed took a live interest in Ms progress and development of our village, and did his share to im- prove it, having erected the opera house with -shops beneath it, a fine drug store with rooms above it. and besides, a number of handsome brick dwellings. -As a husband and father. he was loving and indulgent, and leaves to mourn his loss his wife and four children, Who have the heart- felt sympathy of the community in their sad, beteavement The funeral service was held in Carmel Presbyter- ian church on Friday af ter noon, January 18th, and was conducted by the pastor. Rev. -"Mr. Smith, -who paid a high tribute to the deceased for his many excellent qualities, and deliv- ered ate impressive diesourse to the large congregation. which Tiled the church. where the deceased had wor- chinned and where he had also been 'a, choir leader. The service at the grave was conducted by the Independ- ent Order of Oddfellows, of which order Mr.. Miller was a ialtied mem- beratand who attended in a body- be- ing else. joined 10%7 a number' of the Canadian- and Independent Order of Fhtellett A Happy Event. -A pleasant gather- ing took place on. Wednesday of last week, at the home ef Mr. John Watt, in the township of Hullett, neatHar- lock. The occasion of the gathering was the marria0 of Mr. Watt's niece, Miss Margaret Fairservice, to Mr. Richard Armstrong. of the townehip of Grey. Between fifty and sixty re- latives and friends witnessed the cerea mony. The marriage was perforcned by -the Rev. Neil M. Leckie. B.D.. of Burne' church, Hullett. The bride andegroone were unattended except by Molder Ernest Stevens, who carried the wedding ring in -a small basket of flower's. The bride's deess was pretty and becoming, being I Made of cream voile with lace bertha and • trimmings. Almost immediately' after the ceremony, . the large cornpany were served' with a. dainty and elabor- • ate supper, the Rev. Mr. Lec,kle pro- posing the health of the bride and groom,' and assuring them' of the kindly interest taken in their; pros - peas by those present. A large num- ber of wedding gifts expressed the same feelings in a more tangible and _ Foresters, of 'which societies he was a member, The casket bore beautiful wreaths from all the three orders. The deceased was characterized as genial and kind hearted neighbor and friend and his sprightly step will be •missed from our village where he has resided for so many years. The Late airs. Drysdale. -It Is our painful duty to ,chronicle the death of Mrs. Rettert Dryedale. Only a short time a,go we welcomed Mr. and Mee. Drysdale and family to our vil- lage. We had hoped that tt, kind pro- vtdence would have spared them many years among us, but alas ire the midsh of life we are in death, Mrs. Drys- dale had been ill for the past 'year but she bore her pain in silence and with great fortitude. She was .of a quiet, amiable and kind disposition. and was highly esteemed by all who made, her acquaintance: Her maiden name was Susanah Stephenson, the third daughter of Mr. Ralph Stepai- email, who located in the township of Stanley in the early thirties, when Stanley was comparatively a dense forest. ahe leaves a husband and eight children to mourn the 1GSS of a loving wife and kind mother. All the family except Ralph were per:. milted to witness the cloning scene!, of a well spent life. The family con - cies of four sons and four daugh- ters, viz.: Robert, who condacts a, general store at Laurel, Michigan; Ralph, who also conducts •a general store at Dubuc, Saskatchewan; John, who is book keeper for 'the Wm. Dav- is Co., of Montreal; Mark, Mary, ily, Maggie and Pearl at home. The funeral service was held in Carmel Presbyterian church on Monday, January lth, where the deceased had regularly attended while her health pertrdtted. The spacious church was well filled and an impressive and ex- cellent sermon was delivered by the pastor, Rev. Mr. Smith, in which he epoke he the highest terms of the character and life of the deceased and the loss that net ondy the berealved family but the church had .sustai!n.ed in her death. After the service the remains were conveyed to the fam- ily plot in tne Bayfield cemetery, followed by a, large edturnber of rel- atives and friends and we extend our deepest sympatny to the sorrow- ing nusband and family in their sad bereavement.. News Notes -A surprise party of gentlemen friends front Stratford paid a visit to the, homestead of Mr. Matthew Hamilton, of North Easthope, recent- ly, where .)they were entertained in a delightful manner by the host and Mr. James Campbell. Progressive euchre was played until midnigb.h• when a very tasty supper was serv- ed. Sobge and speeches brought to a, close a very pleasant night's. en- joyment, the party arriving home •at, an early hour, greatly pleased with the hospitality displayed by Mr. Ham- ilton. -While- Mr. George Gordon, who lame in Guelph township, was driv- ing linto Guelph city with a. load of hay I the tongue of the wagon broke. The homes became frightened, tin- cetting the load and hurling Mr. Gordon of the top into the bull- frog" pond. Be broke through the ice, and the horses ran WO a wire fence. A search, was then instituted for Gordon, and the eearchers were commencing to drag the pond when he was discovered in a nearby house not much the worse Or the mishap. -About one o'clock last Thursday morning, a party from Papineauville which had crossed the Ottawa river to Rockland and Lachute, •started for the Quebec side. The horses took the wrong road, and while the party were talking and laughing they were Jinn -teased in' a hole 24 by 40 feet„ where ice - had been cut. All wore heavy fur coats. It was not until the survivors collected on solid lee that they found that one of their number was drowned. The .team was also drowned. , -The municipal distribution of the railway taxation, under the act pas- sed last session of the Legislature will be made in a few days by the Provincial Treasurer's department. The amount collected in taxes from steam railways last year was $875, 689 as compared with $191,990 collect- ed the previous Year under the old law. From this will be deducted $30,- 000 presumably to say the salaries and expenses of the Railway and Municipal Commiesion and the balance or $172,844 will be distributed a- mong the municipalities in accord- ance with the population as shown by the cengus of 1901. But there will be a reduction of 10 tents per day from each muhicipality for each pa- tient any municipality is having supported tn the asylums or other public institutions. ••••• 0 DAILY FADING AWAY. The Story of a Woman Made Well by Dr. Williams' Pink Pins. Bad iblood means bad health. That is why!Dr. Williams' Pink Pills mean good health. They actuallY make new, rich; blood, which strengthens every nerve and every organ in the body. That is why people who use Dr. Williams' Pink Pills feel brignt, active and strong. Mrs, Arthur Hannigan. alarehville, Ont., is a wit- ness to the truth of these state- ments, Mrs. Hannigan says :-" For nearly three years I suffered from anaemia, ('bloodlessness) and during that time coxibulted and tdok medi- cine from several doctore, without beneficial -results. My compleedon was af a waxey appearance, my lips and gums seemed bloodless. I suffer- ed from beadaches, dizziness and pal- pitation of the heart. My appetite was so poor that 1 did not care whether I ate or noteand, I grew(' so weak, andi was so much reduced in fleoh that my friends thought I was itt coneumption. As I have :said,- I doetored without benefit, until the last doetor whom I consulted ad -vis - ed me to try Dr.Williamet Pink Pills. I followed his advice, and less than a, dozen boxes have made me the -well woman I am to -day. ,All the symptoms of met trouble have van- ished. and I enjoy •the very best of health. I know there are hundreds of women who are drifting into the same condition I was, and •to all such I would r:trr,-.1 gly urge the im- mediate uze •of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills." Dr. Wilbert& Pink Pills do not act upon ,the bowles,they do not tinker With mere symptoms, they go right to the root of the trouble in the blood. That is" why they cure com- mon ailments like rheumatism, neur- algia, kidneytrouble, headaches and backaches, St Vitus' dance, and the special ailments that afflict so many women and growing girls. Sold by all medicine dealers or by mail •at ,50 cents a, box or six boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., 'Brockville, Ont. .010, Satisfaction or your lffoney Beam 101111111111111111111010•10011001811411111 •••••••annamiaansaaamems..0 LYON E °fore Stoc AAAAAAAAAAsAswArboto44"4440, Only one more week before February 1s1 -o taking day. Our January sale has made a great r in our stock, but it is our intention that thie last week of January will be a record breaker. January 31st is the last; day of our business year, Th has been an exceptionally successful year, and we are going to celebrate the occasion by a week of senSational selling throughout our whole store. If you need an thing in -nen's wear, now is your time to bay. 12.00 Progress Brand Suits For During the week ending January 31st, we will place on sale every Pro- giess Brand suit in. on store, r in price from $10 to 18, for The superiority of Progress Bran over all other ready -to -!ear clothing is so generally conceded, that it is not necessary to go into detail. Every person recognizes the fob thatPre-- gre:ss Brand Sui at $8.50 is a genuine 'ballgain. Are you going to miss it ?1 Men's Blue Serge So We have a lin), ted nuniber of men'e tweed - bine serge suits, single and double breasted, that wewill put on sale for the balace of this month only ,at $5.00 20 PE - DISO p • ENT T. Last week was a banner eek for us in our fur department. People have learned that when '3$,,e say 20 per cent .discountg that we do exactly as WO say, with the result that 7011 Call buy you; furs now at la price as low as you could get them a couple a months from now, and at thei EMIL& time have the use of your furs througli the two st months in ..the year If yoi4 are ,contempleing buying anything in the far line, it will pay you to 1l ai onCe and 'see our stock and et the prices We have some exidat interesting prices in small furs. Overcoats 33 1.3 per cent. dis. Underwear, 25 per opt. dis. iYlitts and Gloves, 20 per cent. ills. Heavy Sox, 420 joer cent. dis. aeavy Smocks, 20 per cent. Winter Caps, 20 per cent. dis. Isn't that a bwain ? Isn't that a bargain? Isn't that a bargain? Isn't that a bargain? Isn't that a bargain? Isn't that a bargain 2 SPECIAL, TO LAL,I.ES. A line of ladieil heavy short wintero4 new sleeve, black melton, grey and black tri $2 40 med, and tweeds; ranging in price from $10 to $12, for the balance of the month only.... 0-3utter and Eggs taken as Ca3h4 SEAFORT