HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1907-01-18, Page 8- 8 For Itoliday Time. Our store offer many lines both useful and ornamental, We have dozens of articles that make Our stock cannot be beaten in— edlendid eifts for old and young. ALL KINDS OP OUTERY ROGERS PLATED • KNIVES AND FORKS IsUCKEL PLATED TEAPOTS CARPET SWEEPERS FANCY LAMPS Ei GEM FOOD CHOPPERS Also a special assortment of NEW SKATES AN HOCKEY STICKS Give US a call, and whether you buy or not we shall be glad to a eee you. ORESNEY it SMILEY, Hardware,' Stpres and Goal. ()MINION BANE. HEAD OFFICE, TORtheee0; 16611•1•100.en=111111.11. Cepital, Fully Paid Up--$8,000,ouchoo Reserve Fund and un- • . (Fielded Profits le 3,839,000 ; Deposits by Public $32,000,oieo Teta Assets 413,o0os000* REAFORTH BRANCH, eery twenty for the transacting of a *send banking business. Collections made on all points in Canada ed abroad, Advanosii made to Framers. Special ig- nition paid to the colleation of Sale Notes. • ••••••••00/1/111•••••••1111 SAVINGS BANK. s Deposits of one dollar and upwards re- ceived. and intermit paid or ,added June 30th and December aist. Withdrawals way be made at any time A. E. GII3SON, Manager. NAYS. sonoitor ,James Watson, Successor to W. N.Watson NORTH MAIN 8T.eSEAFORTH. General Fire, Life and Accident) Insure mice agent, Real Eetate and Lome Agent. J.)eiler in nest -clan family and Manufac- turing Sawing Mechinos and Cream Separators, viz. : New Raymond and White Sewieg Machines. and National and line oda Cream Separator*. Abe eewirte machine needles, oil, attach - mantel, repairs- and aundries for all kinds of sewing machines. With Gver 25 years experience in the above balance; you can rest aimed of prices right, square &Mel and satisfaction guaranteed. JAMES WATSON, slaurance Agent, and dealer in Sewing Machine and Bicycilee, North Mein street, Seaforth. DI thitiae MATTER or Ileet1cultura,1 Society. --The virtual meeting of the Seatorth Horticultur- al Society was held on Wednesday evening of last -week. The society had a moot successtul year, having enrolled 142 membere, and the pros- pects for the next year are cit the best. The following officers were elected: President, I. tangstroth; ist vice, 'W. D. Hoag; 2nd vice, R. Gov- entock; secretary and treasurer, A. Scott; directors, J. C. Steele; joha Beattie, J. Grieve, V. $., Ed. }linen - ley, P.' Dill, E. Lusby, W. .Reitin Wm. Aitcheson and Win. Hartry ; audi- tors, W. J. Moffatt and John Turner. Egmondville Notes.-eliss Bell Kyle left on Wednesday for London, where fitte has Oen 'tailoring for several years. -The annual meeting of the Sabbath school was held' .Wednesdey evening of last Week. The report; for the year was read: and adopted. The officers for 1907 are; Superintend- ents, Mr. Re Hicks and Mr. JOhn Fin- layson; secretaries, Percy Monk and Willard eMonk ; librarians, Chesiber tBarker and Roy Mason; organists, Harriet Mason and Ella Chesney. - Miss Louise Toms is at present on the sick list. We hope for a speedy recovery. -Mrs. Thomas Ward who was ills is able to be out again, SIRAlliORD, ONTARIO. . 'The leading commercial school of Western Ontario. Our courses are thorough and practical, while the teaching is done by able instructors. 'The ambitious young men and women, who desire to get the imst -posale oommereial training, patronize this school, business men are in searea of our graduates to ftll responaible positions. The best time to enter our classes is NOW. Beautiful catalogue free. ELLIOTT St McLA.CHLAni Principals. Send LJS a Horse — AND WE WILL BLANKET Him with the best hJanket for the money— Wool, Jute and Kersey. BORE S— Galloway, Bishop, Goat, Ibrse and Imitation Buffalo. We guarantee the Quality. Com- pare pries. •HARNESS— Our own make of genuine Rubber Trimmed • Harness. It is the best value in Canada. Ask your neighbor about them. , MITTS & CLOVES - 200 pair of samples at wholesale pries. Snap. Bells—Truaks—Valifies — Suit. Cases— Flush and Wool Rugs. Eta, Inepect our stook before purchasing., M. Broderick, OPPOSITE COMMERCIAL HOTEL, Seaforth. Ten Watch Our Christmas Window WE HAVE BEAUTIFUL PIPES AND EXCELLENT TOBACCOS : ALL KINDS - ALL PRICES DONT FORGET- – A NICE CLEAN SHAVE AND NIFTY HAIR CUT. 13 0 S _ , Opposite Commercial Hotel, Seaforth. HURON EXPO Brigade and $60 Ito! the Chief. The Fire, Water and Light Committee were instructed to ascertain the lo(4b inetbed of extending the water worker so as to fernieh fire protection for all parts of the town and the prob- able cost thereof, and report to this eouncil el as early a date as pos- ,eible. Accounts, to the amount of $369 were passed, and the council adjour,neci to meet at the call of the afeeole Curling. -Four rinks of curlers went to Stratford' on Thursday lest and had a friendly game with the Classic City players. Every Seaforth, rink won, the total score being 69 to 47 in fav- or of Seaforth. The following come posed thei Seaforth•rinks and the score they won by: W. Kerslake, T. J. Stephens, J. C.` Steele, W. Arnent, flittp, 22, to :43 ;T G. F. Colling, O. Neil, W. D. Bright, W. McDougall, skip, 15 ba 12; E. 'Hinchley, J. Dick,- J. Beattie, W. Bethune, skip, 18 to 1J; F. J. echeck, H. Jeffrey, J. Turner, T. Richardson, skip, 14 to 12. A Seaforth Boy Appreciated.- Mr. Russell Hartry, son of Mr. Har - try, of this town, who is teaching in Pelee Leland, was givea ample testi- mony of 'his popularity with his pu- bes- on the eve of closing school for :the Christmas holidays, when he was presented with a handsome gentle- man's companion, and the following address by, the pupils:, ." Dear Teach- er, -We, your pupils Of schoel. ward No: 3, desire! to thank you for the kind way 'you have treated us since you came, to our school. You are ,a1 - ways looking after our educatioeal welfare. Wee ask you to accept this small present as a token of respect for you, and we hope that you -will be vtitie tee, until .another Christmas Day " • The POultry, Show. -The a,nntial poultry show under the auspices , of the Human Poultry and Pet Stack .Asociation was 'held in the town hall, Seaforth, this week. -The sheer was in every respect a decided sue- cesi. There was an exceptionally- large entry, many exhibitors, comprising some of the best in the -Province, were represented, while the birds were of the best in. it: -Irsedieferceiti clasees. On' Wednesday, ahean addit- tional attraction, there was an ex- hibition a thoroughbred dogs, by the local fanciers. The largest ex- hibitor in this' department was Mr. John Thompson, who is gaining a wide reputation as a breeder cif the best In! dogs. The 'exhibition was well patronized. .A . list of the prize win- ners will be given 'next week. Huron Blood Will Tell. -Me. James 'Sanderson, some 25 years ago, re- moved from% Wroxetere la this coun- ty, to Prince Albert; Sask. After be- ing 'there some years‘ "he entered in- to the lumber business, and, he bas lately disposed of his extensive saw rain and timber' limits for the hand- some sum of $225,000. He stilll retains a large' amount of valuable property In that district, which would bring him Jill a very large amount if he sees fit. to realize on it. Mr. Sander- son end his family bave been down east at Ottawa and Toronto for] two or three' weeks, but again returned to the west a few days ago, to close up Ills' lumber business, having still over ;1,000,000 feet to ditspose of and ship in: the next few months. Mr. San- dersori was quite- a young rnan when he left Wroxeter and had only enough -money 'to pay his way to Prince Al- berti and in adattIon he was handi- capped by a lifelong lameness. His many old Huron friends will wish for shim long life and health to en- joy- he, rich fruits, of his enterprise and pluck. Eyeglasses may not alweys be becoming. Neither are beadacbes, bloodshot eyes, wrinkled eyebrows ancl half- closed lids. For any or all of them this may be the alter- native. We adapt the style of glasses best suited to the face of eace patron. Wedding. -A pretty wedding , took place at rfle reeidenee of _Mr. Abram Seaforth, on •Wednesday, white les eldest daughter, Martha A., was united in marriage to Mr. James -A. Chrtstie, a prosperous young farmer of Stirling, Haetings county. Tie; ceremony wale performed at 'high neen by Rev. A. It. Birks, pastor of tiie Methodist church, and was w1tnessedt by about twenty five guests. After the 'ceremony the young couple left 6b. a trip. to St. Catearines said To- ronte, before. going to their home in Hastings county. The -gifts received by the; bride were nurneroue and very pretty as wellas useful. The Ex- poeitor 'extends the hearties eon- gratulatione and good wellies, • From The Weet.-A correeporiderot writing from .Milestone, Sask., oh' January 7th, ea:ys; " We notiee. that a ntimbee of our esteemed towns- men are spending the winter in old Huron, among whom we note 'Prof. James Meta,ughlin, the wOrld renown- ed 'horse and bear tamer. Prof. Mc- Laughlin int his ppecialte, has a, repu- rtation second to1 none , in, this lo- cality. He 'has been, enfortunate in not !being able to aecure any pratrie wolves on which to exercise his won- drous faculty. Since he departed! we 'have been able to procure en ex- tremely vicious weasel which we two !to have' the Professor tame When he returns. This, . when tractable, we Intend presenting to the Milestone's Zoological 'Gardens. Prof. McLaugh- lin is reported to be in the Market for a couple of car 1oa,d8 of the best Eastern, !horses, and if the excels in one paenicular, it is in 'his judgment .of the hcible equine. Rumors, also as - leer that the Professor has tired of s141e .blessednese, and will endeavor t thave some fair'- 'maid rescue him rn the perils of bachelorism. Who - the forttmate one may be, we ea,k for 'heed a hearty welcome a happy home» ' 'Town Council. -The first meeting of the newly elected council was held .on Monday forenoon. All the mem- bers were present, Mr. John, A. Wil- son wee re -appointed clerk and ,treasurer, at an increase of $30 a year int his salary. The Mayor, Reeve aed Councillor Greig were appointed, a committee to select the standing committees for! the ' year. The coun- cil then; adjourned until eight o'- clock the same evening. -At -the even- ing meeting the report of the saint- ing committee, naming the commit- tees for the year, was' adopted, as follows: Street committee, -Messrs. eiurdie, Cluff and McLean. Fire, Wet - ea and Light -Messrs. Greig, McCal- lum, ane Stewart. Finan --Messrs. McCallum,- Murdie, and Kerslake. Proeerty-Messrs. McLean, Kerslake, and Muff. 'Charity -The Mayor and Mr. Stewart. Mr. W. D. Bright was re-appoiateed member. of . the Col- legiate Institute board. Mesers. Wm. Somerville and Joan Rankin were ap- pointed auditrors. Messrs. S. Johns and John Turner were appoitned mem- bers of the Board of Health. R. S. Hays - was re -appointed Uncle) so- licitor. Messrs. Wm. Gillespie, .E. Lusby, and R. Hammett, wee re- appointed policeman, market clerk, and waterworks engineer, respective- ly, at. the sante salaries as last year. Dr. McGinnienwas appotnted Medical Health . Officer. Messrs. Sidney Johns, John Shine, and James Mc- Michael were re-appoented fence -view- ers, The clerk was authorized to procure a copy of the Municipal World, for the use of the council. The Mayor, Reeve, and Mr. Murdie were appointe1. a committee to ascertain, the advisa- bility of extending the corporaeion limits of Seaforth, so as to include Egmondville, and report to the coun- cil. The sum of $10 was voted to the Sick Children's Hospital in To- ronto. At the request of the Secre- tary of the Public School Board, the Treasurer was inistructed to place $1,000 to the credit of the Board. A byelaw was passed, autlanezin-g. the Mayor and Treasurer to borrow mon- ey foe current expenses. The usual grant of $300 was' given to the Fire eye .bes and BUGGIES PAINTED.—Parties having Buggies or Vehioles of any kind that require painting, should bring them in now, in order to have them ready by the thne Spring opens up. II, Devereux's .0arriage Works, Seaforth. ACCOUNTS.—Our amounts are now, ready, and We Would be pleased to have persons call at once and eettle the same. Crich*Bros, Seaforth. 2040 MONEY IyANTED.—Wanted, to borrow on good town property, about $2,500at 0 per cent. Apply at THE Exeoerroit Oeetoz, Seaforth. 20384f -ea RENT, No, 170 Goderich Si., West: larg comfortable dwelling house containing parlor, dining: room,kitehen,four bedrooms,bachrootteclosete,pentry woodshed, hard and soft water, also good stable and two lots %vita variety of fruit trees. Apply to Tile Egrosiroit Deem, or to William Copp, Seatorth. 203341. FRESH FISH no A' on hand at Kennedy Brows'4.0b4ut- cher shop, Seaforth.. • - 'SPECIAL NOTICE. -1 beg to notify the public that I have sold my retail business to my father, Mr. Robert Willis, and that he took possession on Mon- day last, January 14th. I wish to thank all my cus- touters for their patronage in the peat, and trust they will accord my successor the sarref, and assure them that by so doing, their interests Will be well served. Y5urs 'truly, W. H. Witias, We take this opportunity of notifying all old customers and any ,new ones that we are prepared to give the sante loourteous treatment in the future that you received in the past and that in future we will deduct 5% on all caeh purcheseS amounting to 41. or more. Thank- ing you for past favors and hopiqg to receiv2e 04071ur future prtrone.gefm , I remain yours • truly, R01310T WILIA14, . • • Hockey. -The hockey team ,played In Clinton on Friday "night last and were again defeeted in extra time: The score stood one to nothing in favor off Seaforth until a few min- utes 'before time was um. when Clin- ton were given a, score which our boys say did not go through. How- ever, it was allowed. and five minutes extra was played each way, during which Clinton aadect three to their acore, While Seanorth got none, thus leaving Clinton nie victors -by. four goals to one. The Seaforth boys played better combinittion, but the superior weight of the Clintoa play- ers told more in the long play. -At the eink on Saturday lest, there was a spirited game between the Maple Leafs and. the Parks, the Parks winning by • a score of 12 goals- to 11. We Rest our 'claim to your seproval entirely upon the character of our Drugs and Medicines,. it We ask your trade because we ..no what you buy here will never prove disappointing, We have earned a re- putation for selling pure drugs at moat. orate pricee, Their reputation was not won without rea- son.i, Pure fresh Hellebore 30o a lb. anent Powder, 50e a lb." Sheep Dips, we carry all the leading niakee. • Our Own Condition . Powdere, 25o a package. e-• Giveits a (isle Our etock is fresh, ur prices right, and you will reoeiv courteous treatment, whether you buy or not. • 0. ABERHART9 'DRUGGIST. OARDNO'Si - • • • BLOOK SIMALFORTIII . Agent for up-eadete Truesee, Syringes Hot Water Bottles, Shoop's remedies, ; Cook's Cotton Root Compound and Wood's Phosohedine. ture, and at a :special meeting held for that purpose, a resolution was passed fixin.g Brumfield as the head- quarters of the society and giving It the name of the South Huron Agri- cultural Society, subject to the ap- proval of the Minister' of. Agricul- ture. At a meeting of the newly el- ected board of directors held after The annual and eipeciai meetings, M. T. McLean! was re -appointed tsecre- tary-treasurer end it was decided -to hold the .Spring Show at Brucefield as usual and a meeting; of the board will be held early in March to fix the date, arrange the prize list and other matters, touele of wee' holidays with thei cousin, Mise Gram GeMmell, of Brun- fleide-In it report be an entertain- ment by; the International Entertain - ere, thei Star, of Cercleton, Alberta, says of ,Will McLeod, de Seaforth, who Is at =ether of the company: "Will McLeod is a character singer and danoer of high repute and his antics and songs are ealculated to put. one's 'eh; entirely out of business fot every ether canine than lthat of laughter,' -Richard Rewa,t, for many *yearn a well known figure about Sea - forth, died in the House ef Refuge, on Senday last, aged 67 years. Last fall his health began to tail and he W takea to the Home. Death was caused by consumption. The remelds were interrea in the M.aitlandbank cemetery. -Mr. Campbell, .who has been ledger keeper in the Bank of Commerce 'here for some time, ha.s been ttransferred to Walkerton. -Mr. D. D. Willion has been 'confined to his residence for several days with a severe attack of grip. -Mrs. (Rev.) Larkin. 18 in Toronto for treatment for her eyes, which have been giving her much trouble for some time. - Mrs. Je Y. Smiley received word on. Wednesday morning of the death of her mother, -Mrs. And McCandless, of Strathroy. Mr. and Mrs. Smiley are In Strethrey, attending the funeral. Mrs. McCandless has been sick for some time. -Miss Little, a Sam Fran- cisco, is a gueott at Mr. Samuel Dick - son's. -The friends of Mrs. Robert Hogg, of North Main street, , will re- gret- ba learn that she is seriousty ill. -Mrs. 3. H. McCall, of Montreal, is the, guest of Mrs. James Beattie. - Mies Jessie Gemmell left on. Monday to attend the - stenographic depart- ment of the Clinton Business Col- lege. -Mr. and: Mrs. C. McKinnon, of Clinton, were guests of Mrs. Allen McLean. on Tuesday. -Mrs. C. :W. Pet - ton and little 'daughter, of Boston, Maze., are visiting at the -home of Mrs. A'. Young. -Mrs. F. L. Willis will receive on Thursday and Friday and Friday evening, January 24t1a and 25th. -At the Poultry Show, on Wed- nesday, Miss Bona Case disposed of a pair of her prize winning White Wyandcittes for $25. This is a pretty big figure for twd birdie and shows that Miss Case muet be a success et poultry raising. -Next Sunday even- ing the Willis' Bros. Quartette will sing at the Methodist church. The. subject of 'Rev. .A. K. Birks' sermon will be, "-What's in a Name r -The friends In this vicinity dee Miss Ad- die' Stepheneoe, daughter of Mr. D. Stephenson, formerly of- Egmoad- yille, will regret to learn of her death which occurred! it Douglas, Manito- ba, on New Year's Day. -Miss Sether- land ietends going to Bervie to spend the winter with her sister there.-efies Jessie D., eldest daugh- ter of Mr. Fred Vanstone, Strat- ford and eormerly of Seaforth, was married -inj that city last week to Mr. Thos. Pwtterson, of Barrows, Seek., a prosperous young business man of that place:, Mise Cora B., the pretty little' daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. Gelb, of thl,s town acted as flower girl. Mr. and Mrs. Patterson leave for their Western home on Saturday. -Miss Meyer, of "Calgary, was ithe guest of Mrs. J. P. Brine and other old friends in 'town this week. -The Huron Presbytery held a meeting in Clinton on Tuesday last. The report has been received and will appearneact week. -Mr. ana Mrs. Joseph Keating gave a pleasant evening to a number of theirl freende on Monday last. • The Story of Jewel Val Jean. -We were nob mistaken. *hen we told our evaders, beet week, of the treat in ,istore for them, ectrhen they would hear 'Dr. Cleaver, of Toroieto, tell !them; the story of Jean, Val Jean. Dr. Cleaver is a. most 0118/led sp,eaker, and has the- gift Of telling the story so !that his audience forget every- thing but have 'narrative. He sipcike for two home, but no one -thought of the timeL as the doctor pictured to them, the life cie his hero, the in- justice Ishownl 'ben by Ills fellow ceuntrymen, the kindness which gave a, new color to 'his existence, his sin, the struggle between. good, and evil for the soul of Jean Val Jean:, in which right triumphed, and the after life, de struggle and self sacrifice. The Prestyterian church, 'in which' the meeting Was held, was well filled, Rev. Mr. Birks, cif the Methodist. church, acting an chairman. :The op- entng selections on the organ were played by Mrs. Walter Pickard, and a 'quartette, comsexied: of mern'bers ,of the church; choir, led the congrega- tion inf the openine hymn. It is gratifying td know °that the lecture was alsc; a success financially, and a goodly sum was -realized for the Girls' Residence in Tokio., Japan. -The hockey team gave the peopee; a pleasant surprise on Tuesday night, when they defeated the crack Godee rich team in the Palace Rink, here, by a scoee, of ten 'goals to 'three. The boys showed surprising form. Their combination was good, they were fast and accurate in shooting, while the defence was always in plane and to be' depended upon.. In fact, they look like winners. In the first hale the play was fairly even, although the home boys were nearly alwaye on the aggressive, and made (the score five to two. In the second' half Seaforth were all the time in, the play, and, at times, had Goderich on. the go, a•nd scored with apparent ease. In this half they scored five more, whIle Goderich got but one, and very few more tries. The Seaforth team wade is follows: Goal, A. West- cott ; point, J. McKenzie; cover' point, A. Breadfoot • centre, --W. Mun- roe; right, D. Stoddart; rover, G. Reeves; left, E. Munroe. .Referee Crooks, of plinton, had the game well in band, and any aftterapt at rough Play was speedily !stopped by the players being sent to the fence. -Cnaton 'and Seaforth play on the rink here next regnenday night, and. the game shouidl be a good one. : • South Huron Agricultural Society. - The annual meeting of the members of the South Heron Agricultural So- ciety was held at Brucefield on Wed- nesday last. There was a -fair at- tendance. Mr. Jcitue Ketche-n was ap- pointed to the chair. The 'auditors' tatement showed that over $1,000 ead been paid' out in prizes. during ;the past year and there. is still a balance of nearly $400 in the treasury. The following officers and directors were appointed: Thomas Fraser, Stanley, preeident; Thomas Russell, Exeter, let vice; Ja-mes Paterson-, Tucker - smith, 2nd. vice. Directors -John Mur- dock, Stanley; Henry Smith, Hay; W. D. Sanders, Stephen;.Ed. Chris- tie and Wm. Dixon, Exeter; A. G. Smell° and Robt. Charters, Tucker - smith; Peter, McGregor and Wm. Berry, Brucefield. Messrs. Jn Ket- chen, Stanley, and D. Winton -1i, V.S., of Bruceeteld; were appointed honor- ary directors. Messrs. A. T. Scott, of Brumfield, and Joseph Senior, Ex- eter, wete appointed auditors. Messes. Thee. Murdock and Thos. Russell were appointed representatives on. the dir- eetorate of the Western Fair, London. The old South Huron Electoral So- ciety, which has been in existence for about half a century, peened out ot existence wth the clese of this meet-' Ing, owing to the requiremente of the nevr Agricultural Societies 'Aet pateedelast session of the Legialas Local Briefs. -Mr. and Mrs. James Anderson, of North Dakota, are visit- ing at Mr. Charles Routledge's, West End, Tucker:smith, Mrs. Anderson is the youngest ;sister of Mrs. Routledge and a daughter of the late George Sproat, Mr. Anderson haa sold his farm in Dakota and will likely re- main, in Ontario. -The many friends of Me. Robert Arnestrong, ot Wal- ]aceburg, formerly Of Hullett, near Constance, wili regret to learn that the had the misfortuneeto break his item a Short time ago. -Mr. Daniel Hughes, who spent, the summer in Battleford, Saskatchewan, has re- turned to town for the winter. He likes that country and intends going 'back inf the spring. -Me. and Mrs. James Shea and little 'daughter have returned from Chicago after a pleas - eat visit with Mrs. Shea's brother: Dr. M. J. Prendergaiet.-Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Jack, of Toronto, were here visiting MTS. Jack's mother, Mrs. R. S. ROber. b8.—Mr. and Mrs. Samuel -Chesney, of Cartwright, Manitoba,, are inl :this vicinity vesting old friends. Mr. Chesney is an old Tuck- eramith boy, being a brother of Mr. James Chesney of that township and Mrs. Chesney. is a daughter of Mr. I3ickle, of Egmondville.-Mr. John Murray, of _the Hullett-McKillop town line eeturnect :home last week after spending the 'summer in Manitoba and the western' Provinces. While there he purchasecl a half section of land -butt he has not yet decided to leave old Huron. On his way 'home he stopped off at Port Finlay, Algoma, to see :his parents and brother who reticle 'there. -Mr. *George Sproat, of Filmore, Saskatchewan, who la in title vicinity vistieg old friends, sent, Sunday in town Wite his 'sister, Mrs. (DO Gooper.-sei.r. John Shine has disposed of les farm on, the 5th concession of McKillop to Mr. Aug- uet Hicknele for $5,500. We under- etand Mr. and Mrs. Shine intend re- turning tci Seaforth to reside and we are sure our citizens will be pleased to welcome them back again. -We are 'sorry to learn that Mr. John Turn - are still keeps very poorly. -ler. George Chesney has 'taken Mr. An- drew Archibald into his hardware business with him. Mr. Archibald has been engaged as salesman in the 'store; for several years and is no stranger to its patrons. Mr. Chesney and Mr. Atchibald are both young, men of un- exceptional character, good business ability, lots of push and enterprise and will make a strong team. They are 'both; graduates of the esta,blish- n-.ent fa wihch they are now the proprtetors.-Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Beattie have moved into town from gemuop and ere now residing le Mrs. Alexander's house on Victoria street. Mr. Beattie is engaged in the livery business with Mr. Carberte -Mr. Wm. Jamieson, agent for the McCormick harvesting machinery, has been appointed agent for Leslie's Scoteh, Stock Food and for the Chem- beelain Metal ;Weather Strip Company. Mr. Jamieson is a 'hustler and with! dutch a, geed line to handle will un- ' doubbedly tere a big' businese. -Mise Kyle, cie Egmondvetle, and Miss G. Gemmell, of Guelph, are spending a Varna. Notes. -Mrs. Andrew Reid, of this place', has eeen called Goderich to Wait, on. her mother. who :was talten euddenly and serioualy, a Brodhagen. Beetle -The many friends of Mr. Fred Bushelberg -will. regret to learn of his serious; illness, he having suf- fered a stroke a paralysis this week. -Mr. Fred Hoegy has gone to Mich- igan, to visit his sister, Mrs. Ewald, for a. few! weeks. Harlock. News Notes. -Mr, Wm. Knox in- tends erecting' a, fine new brick kit- chen in the spring. Mr. Hill, of Myth, has the eontract for the carpenter work. -Mr. Herrington, entertained a number ce 11.IB friends to an oyster supper Oa election night. -Mr. Wm. Ferris; is home and reports favorable proimeets in; the west. He, along wtttt hia brother, intend taking a car load of settlers effectie in' the spring. -Allan ,Bros, say 'those Who contem- plate doipg cement work should be at it as the -price of gravel has al - 'ready advanced. to twenty cents per cubic 'yard and it may perhaps go higher. wol far 'hou his Wh so fox wh • Beechwood Les -Mr. Louis Hoegy, of Beech. - d, cut seven tons of straw on the de Mr. John Nolan, in three a, one day last week. He used new gasoline engine, and eels it big saytng of fuel and water. can beat this 7 -Mr. Hoegy al - captured three fine specimens of s this week. -Mrs. Jas. Hughee, spent the last six months on a visit td friends in Chicego, is home agein end( her mally friends were glad 'to ;see her looking so well. - Min J. Ryan and' sister, of Walton, vested at Mr. Lynch's last Sunday. - ew goods are arriving almost daily a jtheBeechwood store. They are pay - in city prime for butter, eggs and dr ed apples. 1 • e January Exhibit o Muslin Underlie •^ .Brucefield. B. R. HIGGINS. Brumfield, Fire and Life Insur- ante andlterd Estate Agent; Conveyancing, MoncY to ' loan. private or company funds at !meet rates of interest. 2034-tf COW FOR SALE.—A young grade Durham cow due to calve January 20th, Apply to Alex. Watt, Mill Road, or address Brueetield P. 0. 2039-2 Death of Mr. Gibson. -Mr, John Gib- son of the second concession of Stan- ley, near here, 'died on Saturday last. Mr. Gliesont had: not enjoyed robust health foe a good many years and during the present winter he had been confined to hie residence most of the time. He stMered frbm some term off kidney trouble. He was 67 years of age and leaves a widow and, a son and daughter. He had resided in Stanley most of his life. He was a most worthy and useful man who was respected and trusted, by all who knew him. He 'had been a member ot the Stanley council for a good many years, He was a faitheal member of the Masonic order, and strove to prec- tise its noble principlea itt his every day life. His death is a loss te the community. Notes. -Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Speare, of Ridgetown, were this week visit- ing at Mrs. Aikenhead's, on the 2nd concession of Stenley.-MeS. (Dr.) Mo- DOnal, f Wingharre was here bver Sunday, visiting Brucefield friends. - We are pleasedl to sey that George Swan, vibe arrived home' on Friday from Niagara, metering f-rorie what was thouglt to lee typhoid fever, Is 'now out and around.--Theee Botts, of • A111111 No Better Values Than We Show isiOT a garment in our store was made for Special, Sale purposes. Not a garment is trinmed with trashy lace or embroidery. Every 'piece is - composed of such stuff as,you buy here reg-&'4arly—generous in cut, neatly trimmed, perfectly stitched—ad will be sold. at a very low price. Pleased to have you make comparisofls. with any other white goods- anywhere. Night Gowns Skirts Corset Covers Drawers, also Infants' Slips and Children's Dresses Liberal Price Reductions in Fur AND this, too, at the very • height of fur -wearing time. An dour furs were fairly priced at old fig - urea ; now they become most excellent investments to those who contemplate buying goods qf this nature this year.. It will payyouto help as get rid of every far article we have in stOck— Jackets, Ruffs, 'Boas, StolesMuffs Gauntlets, Caps, etc., Regarding New Prints for Spring. open the Sing season with the AS usual, we will best Prints produced. Already we are showing some of the new pattens, and in a very short time we ex- pect to have a complete assortment of everything desirable in Prints, Muslins and other wash materials, The new goods will be put on sale as soon as they C011313 to haat therefore customers will be given the opportunity of prc curing what they need at an early date. Embroideries and Laces will be a very strong feature with as this Spring. the Mile road, is, laid up with a eevere attack of the grip. -Mr. Lochreeit, of London, conducted the services in the Presbyterian; church on Sabbath. Rev, Mr.. Sewers, the pastor, is im- proving and hopes to take fuli charge 'next Sabbatte-Rerriemberi the !nett- tute meeting on FrIeley of this. week. The farmers should all attend. -Mr. Robert Murdock le again: at his poet. It takes a good deal to. lay Bob of but the. grip is no respeetor of per- sons. Hullett. A Good. Hog. -Mr. John A. Murray, of this township, 'recently sold to Mt. Jas. G. McMichael, of Seaforth, a 1 hog weighing 690 pounds. A pretty I good, weight for a pig. 1, Usborne. Thames Road; Notes. -Misses 'Rose and Lizzie' Passmore left last Friday ' for Vancouver, where they have .se- cured. good positions in the orphan's home. They 'will be greatly missed; by their many friends here. -Mr. and Mrs, Ed. Stone visited friends and re- latives t Tuekersmith on Sunday, last. -Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Johns. of Sarnia, visited relatives in 'th1 neighbarbood last week. ;isavy IMO girderie In position; eiteek to -be used in placing ' the bridge* at Auburn' and Sal-tfor ;,a, n 'the CA P., which we hope w 0011be; completed, We are alixio ly 'awaiting the time when we w ve regular, train service. -The • ual meeting of Duff's Presbyte hurtle will be held this, Friday,,e nines atti 6 o'clock. It is commen. 13Ie to know that i all =Oa* eet the expenditure for the p year have been collected, also a b pace on hand to begin with. for ,ne year.—Mr. Charlie McKenzie had r turned front the west to spend tb- 'winter with hes parents. i e , , Bornholm • Notes .-Mr %Mors Melts Is confi to his house with a severe attack la grIppe.-Mr. August Race, who It , been Oh the sick list for the pa,i month, is improving. -Mr. and -Mr James White and Mr. and Mrs. Dave MeNichol spent a, few days last week the gueets of Mr4 and Mrs. H. Run- Misies Hunkin entertaine* a number of their eriends. to a prd- gressive Lose Heir party on Mendel evening. -Mr. Amos Gant visited friends in tile village last SirndaYee Mr. Wilfrid, Campbell, Of Davidson, at present visiting friends here. Tucliersmith. Municipal Matters, — Mr. Small clerk of thW township, iniorms that the local option by-law In Tuckeremith was defeated bsr 33 vote Instead of by Inas we-etated last week and on further investigation we eine ' Mr. Smillie is correct. -We taye ses • hand a report of the proceedings, 'cif j the firet meeting of the touncil eiecit for thts year, which was held in Sea - forth on Monday 14, but we' a0 forced to bold i over until next ,Week. 1 1 Walton, Local at-mg.–La) grippe now holds sway MI this vicinity, a.:d quite a number are 'having enfor• Id holidays becuase of its ravages, and are Monte. fete unable to be much from Main Irmed.—The engine and crane page- ' ea through our village on Monday; a Clatselhurse. A Good Thne.-The Ladies' the MethodisteChurch of this place ° tend holding a box social on Wtedn.- day evening, January SOth. A eh program-ree will be given. Everyb and ag . Ladiesocv ime, btringy. our bo d Note-B.—Mr. and Mrs. Bagler here from the west visiting Bagletds parents, Mr. and Srnale.-The many frieees of Smale will be pleased to hear she is recovering and is able to up.—Mr. Leach is preparing to bul4. a cement block house next surmise,. This will I* the .first of the kind le this viciniters-Men. Treffry baS turned to her home` near Zurich 6311Biater01:e0dstraing a tworBo rienwe.....ekeedrs With :s.e. '82"WiFe4Lock SuWdstinaking gat aGuldtrillel. eclur Clot ing al ment, bevel wear Red, hiin His re -There take it bound gets th which