HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1907-01-18, Page 5of Shoes is one of be found A caleful the sue- -gured shed take aio many season of this sera an :god shoes for 11. A.- . k - and J. II. egoIng of- attend- !' be com- reparations noon on Cressy a died at Deceased, umber at ach Brussels ned to the time. He a ago. and took ill this coun- -to be sent: rrivea it , was about le reside in k place to sday after- ae lighting In James F. Stret- srs. Kraut - 1. Braley el a, are vis - Mr. Jaarreg in.ot Gor- iternoon . Morrison, ie guest of John Mot - Adair lett 'former has . foandrY-- tam, visited [e Harr14.— elm the vil- in Gorrie r. F. Miller few weeks' , of Gerrie and John 13.111, of this ening. Fur - given next Linton, va1t- Lovett this yth, visited —Miss M. A. Scott, of Scariett. or friends' in; Lovett, of sister, Mrs< re.—Mr. and ..ovett spent Lr._ J. Scar - K. Several were enter- EN lips, bad we TARTO. the ques t one we the wear. I for, The ether shoes Wray B & of the Ban - red 1e. yarns are Lena at 25e; at 50e, • 1 1 g, Jan ary and, twenty -f the :residence of J. Bell, Ltttle twenty-liftk nivearY ot their'wedding. 'The part of the vetng way spent al and bistrumental music and Chat. Mr. John D.. Hyde, d the guests with several ofj ttish song6 in his usual good Strle, The grand wedding supper was served. ire !tile spacious bagenient, vihich was beatttifully decorated with bunting andt evergreens. AU having 'done- -juStice. to the good things set before 'Mein, repaired to the dancing Mom, Whe-re they tripped the light fantastic toe( till 0. o'clock in the °rang. Among thet presents was a, sterling silver -Mounted carving set land $24: in gold. SALE REGISTER. On Saturday, January 26th, at 8 o'clock p. m., the American Motet, Brussels, Lot 12, on the Otb Concession of Morris, a good improved farm, belong- ing to the estate Of the late B mIh1e F. S. Scott, atictioneer. On Tees/day, January 22nd, at 1 o'clock p. m., at the Villaeo ef Stara draught horses, fillies and geounga a Thome Coneolly, proprietor, Thomas ArOwn, auctioneer. Qn Tuesdey, Januar e Salth, at one o'cilookip.on., on Lot 7, Concession 0, Tucketeraith, 1 mile east of the Red Tavern, haann. Farm Stock and Implement') Neil Kennedy, proprietor, ; Thomas Brown, auction. eer. 2040-2 On Wednesday, January 30th, at one o'clock p.m., •on Lot 29, Concessiort 2, McKillop, Farm Stock and Implements. R. G. aturdie, proprietor ; Thomas Brown, auctioneer. 240 - On Monday, January 28th, 1007, on the premise, situated on the Kippen road, south of Egmondville, klamProperty and Chattels. Agnes and Kate Mc- • Lellan, proprietresses; Thos. Brown, auctioneer. 2040-2 On Friday, February let, at 12 o'clock noon, on Lot 34, Conceseion 5. Usborne, Farm, Fenn Stock & Implements.. George Smallacornbe, prop; Thomas Csmeron, auctioneer. 2040-2 MARKETS. SEAroaric, January 17, 1007. Wheat.— ........ $0 68 to $0 68 Oat a per bushel. 035 to 035 pins, per 'bushel . 0 75. to 0 75 Baxley, per bushel.- . . 0 45 to 0 46 Bran, per ton.. . . ... ... 20 00 to 20 00 Shorts, per ton 20 00 to 20 00 Low Grade Flour, per ton.. ..... 23 00 to 2;3 00 Flour, per 100 ..... .. .. 2 10 to 2 75 B .... atter,,No. 1,10080. 20 to 022 . 0 19 to 0 21 Biretta tub F.ggs, per dozen 0 22 to 0 25 -Com 60 to 65 Hey per ton. 10 00 to 10 SO Bides, per 100 Iles.. . 8 00 to 8 50 S neep skins 0 75 to 1 00 , Potatoes per bushel 0 44 to 0 60 Salt, retail) per barrel 1 25 to 1 35 Wood per-cord(long) 7 00 to 700 Weed per pord (short)... .. .. 3 7e: to 3 75 Armies pet bee 020 to 050 eavea Seed 6 50 to 7 00 1 60 to 2 00 'Ilmathy Seed Da ry Markets. TOlto.NTO Jan. 15 -Butter -The market is very needy and., prices generally the same, choice quail - ties being -In demand at firom prices. Other grades -*re steady. Creamery prints, 26 to 280; sands, 24e to 26e : dairy prima 22 to 23e • pails, 19 to 20e ; tubs, 18 to 200; inferior, 15 to lie. Cheese -The market has a very firm tone. Quotations are 13ae for large and 14e for twins in job lots here. Eggs -The market is very firm, with a geod demand for all grades. The trade is principally in storage, and peeve are firm at 24c: limed are 22e. Selected eggs are quoted from 25 to 27 ; new -laid, 80c. Honey -The market is firm, with strained honey quoted at 11e to 120 per lb., and combs at az to $2.50 per dozen. Moyrareb, Jan. 15, -Eggs -Show very little • threrge to -clay. Receipts are small and prices rule high. New laid are quoted at 400; select fall eggs, 25 to 260 '- limed and cold atorage, 21 to Mac. Butter -The market shows a firin tone, the local de. mend boffig steady. Prices are quoted: Finest east- ern townehips creamery, 24 to 260 ; choice dairy, 23 to 24e • western dairy, 33e • lower grades, We to 21c; Manitoba, 20 to 23c; ralis, 22 to 28e. Receipts here this mornine were 449 packages. Cheese - The market shows a very steady tone, and there is a considerable amonat of business being done. Towner°, Jan. 13 -The poultry market show little activity, but the general tone is very steady. Choice chickens are in good demand and firm, Ducks, geese and turkeye are in quiet demand, but as receipta are lighe pricetehold steady. Chickens, dressed, 9e to Ile; fol, 7 to 8c ; detiks, 9 to Ile; geese, 9c to lle ; turkeys Ile to 130 per pound all edressed weight. Grain. etc, TORONTO, Jan. 25 -Fall wheat, 72 to 73c; red, 78c; goose, tric ; spring, 700; oats, 460 '. barley, 53e ,pets, It e Dressed Hogs -Firm at $0,25 for lightweights, and $8.75 for heavies. Potatoes -The rnerleet is very quiet and steady. Ontarios are scarce and quoted aa 70 to- 75c per bag in car lots here. Eaten 80 to 85e. Baled Hay -The market, is easy, supplies continue fairly plentiful; Qu itations are $11.40 ter $12 for No. 1 timothy, and $0 for No. 2 in car lots here. Straw -Easy at $3,50 hi car lots here Seeds. Team°, Jan. 10 -The situation in the seed mar- ket has not changed since before the holidays. Prices are generally firm, fancy grades being quoted it little firmer. Quotations are.: Alsike. fancy, ; No. 1, $6 to $0.25 ; No 2, 35,75 te 85.85; No. 3, 34.65 to 35.10. Red Clover -The market continues fairly strong-. Fancy', 38 to $8.25 ; No. 1, e7 to 07.25; No. 2, /6.35 to $6.50. Timothy -Local market quiet. No. 7,81.50 to 31.80 per bush. ; No. 2, $1.20 to 81.40 per bushel. Live Stook Markets. Loanox, England, Jan. 15 -Liverpool and London cables are higher, at from 10ac to 131e per lb. dress- ed weight. Refrigerator beef is quoted at from Oe to frac per lb. Bevearee Jan. 15 -Cattle -Active and steady to 10c lower ; prime steers, e5.55 to 30; shipping, 35 to -85,59 ; butchers' $4.40 to 35.30; heifers, 33.55 to $5 • cows, $3 to $4,50 -' bulls, 82.75 to 84.50; stokers and feeders, $2.-.75 to $4.25 ; stock heifers, $2.60 to fresb cows and springers, steady to armee at 820 to 856. Hogs -Fairly active; pigs seemly ; others 10c lower; heavy, $6,65 to 50.70; raved and Yorkers, $13.70 to 30.75 ; pigs, e6.00 to 37; roughs, $5,S0 to 36; stags, e4.25 to $5. Sheep and Lambs. -Active ; _sheep steady; lambs 25c lower ; lambs, 86 to 370.); yearlin es, 30.60 to 86.75 ; weth- ere $5.50 to 35.75 '• ewes, 64.75 to 35.25 : sheep, mixed, to $5.,e0. Union Stock Yards, Toronto, Junction, January 15,th, 1907. -The quality of fat cattle was fair to medium, not many finished loads, either of shipping or butchers'. A large number of the eXporters offer- ed were rough, unfinished steers, that ought to have been feel for a month or six weeks longer at the very least. In the butchers' class there were many handy little heifers and steers that were not more than warmed up, few ripe nettle being offered. Dirac:it- -ere-Prices- ranerecl from 34.75 to 85.-20, but not many at the latter price, the bulk going at .24.85 to 35.10 per cwt.: bulls, 33.65 to 34.25 per ewt. Butchers - Picked lots of prime ripe cattle, which were scarce, sold at e4.50 to $4.75• fair to good loads at $4.10 , to 34.40 ; common mixe'd loads, 33.75 to 84, COWS at •33 to 33.85; rough and canners, 31 to 32,75 per cwt. Feeders and Stockers -None offered, although a few of good quality would find a ready market. Milch Cows -A few milkers and springers sold at 340 to 345 eaeh. Sheep and Lambs -Trade in sheep and lambs was brisk, with prices higher. Export ewes, 34.75 to 85 per ewt rains and culls, 83 to $4 per cwt; lambs, 36 to 37 per cwt. Hogs -Not many on sale, with prices still higher. H. P. Kennedy reports selects at 36.90, and lights and fats at 36,65 per met, ded and watered. Mummer', Jan. I5--Cebles from Liverpool and London on Canadian cattle were firmer at 11/ to 12o. Exportslast week from Portland, and St. John were 1,330 cattle and 242 sheep. Dernend for ocean freight space is very limited, which is offering freely at 258 to Liverpool, 30s to London, 358 to Glasgow, and 2es Maneheeter. There continues to be a verry strong undertone in the market for hogs, and prices have scored a, further advancelof 15c to 250 per 100 lbs. Thar due to the fact that supplies, coming forward are not sufficient to satisfy the requirements of the trade, and in consequence the competition between hoyere for ‘k.hat stock is arising . le very keen, and Sties of selected lots were made at 87.25 per 100 lbs., weighed off ears. European prices on Canadian bacon -continue strong, and cables from Liverpool, Londen and Bristol note an advance of Is to 2s, but they will have togo still higher in order to let shippers out with any margin at the present cost of hogs 1 -ere. The butehere were out strong and trade was good, With prieee about the same as on last week's mar- keta Prime beeves sold at 411 to ate per lb. ; pretty good male at 3 to 41e, and the common stock at ta to :P.c. MHO cows sold at from 330 to 860 each. Three very fine craves were sold for $70, and several other good veals sold at froni $8 to 815 each, or 5e 5e per lb. Sheen sold at 4 to 4ac, and lambs at 51 to ee per ib. - Torten°, Januara,Itele-The quality of fat cattle Was about the mine as has been coming for two or three weeks, that is, it few good and many 1111%116h. red. Trade was brisk all round in every three, all be- ing sold out in good time. Exporterra-Not rimy of- fered- One Riad, weighing 13e5 1s.,SOM at $4.85 per ewt. Butchers -Prime lots of butchers sold all a- round 34.40 and 84.50, and one extra. lot Of 73 but- chery? 1130 lbs. each, was sold at*. per mt. • loads- vf for to good, 34 to 34,25 ; medium, mixed, 30,70 tie *4, common, 83.50 to Sa.75 •, cows, $2,50 to 48.60 tanner), 1 to $2 per owt, Mob Cows About 88 Milkere and forward springers ware`eold faorre$80 to 455 each Montreal buyem-caused an Wive 'Market at the above prices. Sheep and Lemhs-axport theta. et, to $5.25 end rams, $2.60 40 $41 iambs at a5.50 to a`r.15, with few selects at_ 302()• owe,. Hogs -over 1,000 -hogs Were -aioulerAteby Harris at $0.00 for stIecte- and OA for Poe our—Savings Alma, are •Safe When deposited in ---r Western Bank Canada Interest paid dr compound- ed twice a year. of OWE NO -MAN ANYTHING Borrow Your Requirements from us and pay cash, PRANK lacOONNELL, Manager DtBLIN BRANCH. Births, LANE. -In Seaforth, on January 17th, to Mr. and, MTS. Thomas _aim, a son. 110IXIINS-In Stephen, on Jan. 1st, to Mr, and Mrs. A. M. Hodgins, it son. LAUNDY--In Blyth, on Jae. fith, to Mr. and Mrs. Ed, Windy, it son. KAERCHBIR-In Hay, on Jan. 5th, to Mr.- and Mrs. E. Knercher, a daughter. Mullett, on Jan, 3rd, to Mr.and Mrs. John Gibing, a daughter. Marriages. t CIIRISTIE-CRICH-At the residence of the bride's father, on January lffia, by Rev. A. K. Birks, B. A., air, James A. Christie'of Stirling, Ont., to Miss Martha A., eldest daughter of Mr. Abram Crich, of Seraorth. . BRIOE-RENNIE-On December 25th,byRev. Rex. Brown, at the residence of the bride's parents, Dumblane, Ont., Maud Brice to Peter Rennie, of , Rouleau. RENNLE-SUTHE,RLAND-At the manse, Moose Jaw, on Deceurber 12th, by Rev: S. MaeLean, B. .A., 'Robert Dodds Rennie, Rouleau, Sask., to Beatrice Craig Sutherland, Hamilton, Ont. IIARKNESS-P,EARSON-At the residence of the bride's parents, Grey, on Jan- 3rd, by Bev. A. 0. Tiffin, of Trowbridge,- Alfred A. Harkness, of Banff, Alta,'to Isabel, daughter of Mr. Robert • Pearson. UEDDEN-KYDD-At the Main street parsonage, Exeter, on Jan. 3rd, by Rev. Mr. Fear, Samuel Hedden, of Crediton East, to Florence, eklest daughter of Jonathan Kydd, of Exeter North. SIMM0NS-111.114VILLE-At the manse, Tharne8 Road, on Jan, lst, by Rev. Mr, FletcheraWesley JA0K8ON--McNAU LITON-At the ChuroheTot the li Simmons, of Ear bar, to Susie Melvilleadaugh- ter of Peter MeIv le, of Mense.11. -i. RedeeineraCalgary, on Jan. 3rd, by Deatillaget, Sidne • Jackson of Lethbridge, to Maud Sic- Naug ton, of 0 inton. ARMSTRONG-FAIRSERVICE-At the residence of the bride's unole, Mr. John. Neat, Mullett, on January 10th, by Rev. Neil M Leckie, Richard Armstrong, of Grey, to Margaret Fairservice, of Mullett. Deaths. HEWAT-In Clinton, on Jan. lath, Richard Hewat, of Seaforth, aged 67 years. RUMBALL-In Clinton, on Jan. eth, John B. Rum - ball, aged 37 years and 5 months. KIRKBRMGE--In Godericb. on Jan. 5th, Alexander Kirkbridge, aged 8 years and 4 months. CAMPAIGNE-LAWSON-At Dunlop, on Jan. 6th, Annie Flora, elder daughter of Mr. and Mrs. D. Lawson. OROSS-In Brussels, on -January 14th, John Croes, ,aged 35 years. • STRETTON-In Brussels, on January 15th, Jane McCracken, wife of James Stretton, sr., aged 71 years, 4 month and 23 days. CARD OF THANKS. gasnwee$0.mon TO THE ELECTORS OF MeKILLOP Ladies and Gentlemen -I desire to return my sincere thanks for the support you gave me in the late municipal election. As a member of the Coun- cil I will endeavor to serve you to the best of my ab- ility, and in this way merit the cenfidence you have placed in me. 2040-1 , ALEX. ROSS. NOTICE. Tenders for the cement work and also for the Township printing of the Township of' McKillop, for the year 1907; will he received by the clerk till one o'clookaSaturday, February 2nd, 1907. • 2040-2 2i. MURDIE, Clerk, JOHN BEATTIE Late Division Court Clerk, has a number of prop erties for sale or to rent, among which is a good building lot, the South East Half of Town Lot No 45, East Ward, in George Sparling's Survey, Seaforth which will be sold on reasonable terms. Insurance ffeeeted, debts collected and loans made on• satisfac ory security at reasonable rates. Call and see me and be convinced. Late Division Court Office, Sea forth 2018-41 DIVIDEND NO. 4. molvomm.ii The Robert Bell Engine 8e,Thresher Company, Limited.. immommormint Notice is hereby given that it dividend, for the year ending October 31st, 1906, calculated at the rate of 7 per cent. per anuum, has been declared on the fully paid up capital stock of this Company, on records October 31s4, 1900. Cheques will be issued to the shareholders on February- lst, 1907. By Order of the Board. ROBERT B L, Managing Director. 2035 -td ANNUAL MEETING. The annual meeting of the Usborne & Hibbert Mut- ual. Fire Insurance Company will be hied in the Public Hall, Farquhar, on Monday, February 4th, 1907, at 1 o'clock p. m. Business -Receiving the direetors' annual report, auditors' report, election of directors and auditors and the transaction of any business in the interests of the company. Policy holders are invited to attend. JOHN A. MORRIS, President B. W. F. BEAVERS; . 2038x3 Secretary, WiliNG OF HURON COUNTY COUNCIL. The Council of the County of Huron will meet an the Council Chamber in the Town of Goderieh on Tuesday, the 22n0 day of ads month at 3 o'clock in the afternoon. Accounts to be dealt with by the Council must be placed with the Clerk before the above diet - W. LANE, Clerk, Dated January 7th, 1907. 2039-2 Accuracy 'Cleanliness Integri elre the Wateh-Words of lhis Store. We _Handle— PURE DRUGS PATENT MEDICINES RUBBER GOODS TOILET. ARTICLES PERFUMES LEATHER GOODS. QANONG'S CHOCOLATES CIGARS' PIPES, TOBACCO TPUSBES, ALL STYLES 3TOOK FOODS Give us* cell. We appreciate It even if you don't buy.. THE 111 PORTANT NOME& - • , 1XTOOD WANTED.--Wantede ter A, 001 Seetleti V NO, 8, Tuaterstnitle 10 eerie of 20 . good bard w0081 Men. Tenders will hieTeeelv0 for the eame ber the undersigned until March lit, ED. PAPPLE, Secretary, Braoefield, ',2040x2 • tairtafeTta ItENT,---TO rent for a term of froin on e to three years, that fine limn, being _Lot 1, on the 74h Concession of Mullett, near Conetahee. Good buildings and conveniently mituated. For par- tioulars reerply at Tee ExeotuTort Omen, Seatorth. ' 2040e2 ONL Y WANTED. -All parties inclebted, to Jos- eLY.1. eph Kennedy, of Broadhagen, are requested to pay the Same on or before Janurtry 20th, after - that datk his books will be placed in other, hands. JOSEPH KENNEDY, Beeehwood P. 0. 2040x2 loaner, FOR E. SERVIO--The undersigned will A/ keep for service on Lot 25, Concession le le R. S., Tuckeremith, 1 milea South of Isracefield'a thor- oughbred Durham 13u11. Terme-41, with the privi- lege of returning. JAMES PATa•IRSON. 2040x4 11•11.M01, SOHOOL MEETING. -A meeting nf the ratepayers of School Section No, 10, McKillop, Wirithrop, will be held in the Karoo' on Monday evenimit, Jas- uar 2Ist, at 8 °Week, As it new sehool is to be built, it full attendanee of the ratepayers is desired. ROBERT SCARLalle Secretary. 2010x1 IIOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE. -For sae, le the Comfortable frame house on Centre street, Sea - forth, octupied by Mr. J. Y. Smiley. The house is practically new, has all modern conveniences and is heated by a furnace. There is a stone foinidation and cellar under the whole house. There is, in con- nection, three Iota, on which hi it stable. Will be Sold reasonably. Apply on the premises. J. Y. SMILEY, Seaforth. 2040-tt AGOOD CHANCE. -100 acre farm for rade, being south haif of lot 9, concession 4, Morris. There 16 on it a large frame house, good bank barn, 1 acre of orchard, seven acres bush,80 acres ploughed ready for crop, and balance in great The Maitland river crosses one corner of the farm. This farm also in - elude e the Redman Lime Works and is situated two miles east of° Belgmve. Reasonable terms to suit purchaser. Apply to C. B. WILKINSON, Belgrave P. 0. 2040.x3 mENDERS WANTED. -Sealed tenders for the er- ection of a brick church at Winthrop', will be received be the chairman of the building committee on or before the 8th of February, 1e07. Tenders will be reeeived for the whole or any part of the work' Plans and specifications can be seen at the store of A. A. Cahill, Winthrop, on and after Monday, Jan- uary 21st. The lowest or any tender not neoessarily accepted. ROBERT SCARLETT, Wirthrop, Chair- man; ALEX. ROSS, Secretary. • 2040-2 AUGTION SALES. A UCTION SALE of Draft Horses, Filliee and Geld- et'A. ing8.-Thomas Bro en has been instructed by the undersigned to sell by public auction in the i Village of Sanaa on Tuesday, Jannary 22, 1007, at 1 o'clock p. m., the following : 1 mare 5 years old; 1 mtvehed team 5 years old, 4 geldings rising 4 vearit old, 3 fillies rising 2 yeara old, 2 geldinge year old, 1 spring filly, 1 spring gelding, 1 driving colt 3 years old, also 4 choice cows due to calve iii January, and 6 pigs 3 months old, all of which will be sold without reeerve. Terms of Sale. - Nine months' credit on approved joint otea 5X per an. num allowed for cash. THOS. CONNOLLY, Propri- etor ; THOS. BROWN, Auctioneer. 2040.1 - • •••• AuarroN SALE of Horses veld Cattle.- .James Jones has received instructions from Mr. Looisi Becker to sell by public auction on Lot 1, Concession 8, Township of McKillop, on Thursday, January pl, 1907, the following driving mare 4 years old got by Lord Ferguson, 1 heavy draft mere 3 years told got by Best Man, 1 heavy draft filly rising 2 years eld got by Sir Walter, 1 blood colt 6 months old gol. by , Lord Ferguson, 4 vows supposed to be in ea a one' due to calve about time of kale ; 10 steers rising years, 7 steers rising 2 years old, 7 heifers rising 2' years old. Ssle'at one o'clock. Terms. -9 months' credie on approved jofnt notes. 4X, off for cash.' No reserve as the proprietor is overstocked and is short of feed, having recently sold one of his 'fa Is. LOUIS BECKER, Proprietor ; JAMES ,JONES, Auctioneer. 2040.2 AUOTION SALE of learn, Farin Stook and im- plements 'on Tnesday, January 29th, at 0110 o'clock p. tn.' on Lot, 7, Concession 9, Tuckersmi h, 1 mile east ofthe Red Tavern, a choice 50 acre fa , on whieh is erect -rd it good frame house and kitch n, a bank bane 36 x 66, with stabling beneath. ire farm is in a good state of cultivation, with 45 acres cleared, balance timbered. The property is well waered. Terms of eale on farm made knewn on day of sale. There Will also be sold at the same time nigi place, the gook and implements, consisting of 't e follewing• ..-Horses-1 brood mare 8 years Oki ii foal to an imported horse ; 1 good working horse years old ; 1 aged mare. Cattle -3 cows due to calve in April ; 1 cow due to calve in May • 1 dry cow ; 1 steer rising Syears old ; 2 steers rising. 2 yr old ; 2 heifers rising .2 years old ; 3 spring calve. Leplements.-1 lumber wagon, 1 pair bobsleighs, le binder, 1 top buggy, 1 crater, 1 eingle plow, I set diamond harrows, 1 bay rack, 1 honing mill almost new, 1 set double harness, I set single harness, I seed drill, 1 horse rake, a number of hens, and other small articles, all of which will be sold without re- serve'owing to ill health. Terrier of Sale. -All sums of Wand under, cash ; over that amount 0 months' credit on approved joint notes. A discount of 3 cents on the dollar allowed for cash on credit amounts. NEIL IfiENNEDY, Proprietor ; THOMAS RT3 OWN, Auctiopeer. 2040-2 -AUCTION SALE Of Farm Property and Chattels. -There will be offered for sale by public auc- tion on the premises, Monday, January 28th, 1907, that desirable property of the tate Andrew McLellan, situated on the Kippen Road, south of Eginondville, containing 20 acres. There are four aeree of good hardwood bush, the balance is all cleared and in a. higtrstate of cultivatiori. There is on the premises a good frame house in first -glass repair, also a large barn, good hen house and pig pen all in good repair. There u plenty of water, also a good orchard. This is a most desirable property. Also the following chattels: -3 cows due to calve about time of sale, 1 heifer 2 -years old, a number of hens, 1 set of single working,barness, 1 walking plow new, 1 scuffier, 1 pulperel set harrows, flight wagon, 1 set one-horse bobsleighs, 1 fanning mill, 1 wheelbarrow, 1 horse rake new, 1 stone boat, 1 top buggy, 1 cutter, also forks, shovels, hoes and a number of other articles, also it quantity of hay -and straw in the barn. Terms -On thepeoperty car be obtained on applica tion on the premises or on diey of sale. On chattels -All sums of $5 and under -cash ; over that amount, 9 month& 'credit on approved joint notes. A discount of 3 cents on the dollar allowed for cash on credit amounts. AGNES AND KATE McLELLAN, Prop- rietresses; THOMAS BROWN, Auctioneer. , t• 2040-2 AUCTION SALE of Farm, Farm Stock and 'Tn. ' plements.-Mr. Thomas Cameron has been in- structed by Mr. George Smallacombe to sell by pub- lic auction on Lot 24, Concession 4, Usborne, on Fri- day, February lst, 1007, at 12 o'clock noon, sharp, the following property: Horses -2 draft brood mares with foal, 1 draft, gelding rising 3, 1 general purpose horse. Cattle. --1 thorobred OQW with pedigree ; 3 grade cows supposed to be in calf, 3 heifers 2 years' old; supposed to bein calf 03 steers 2 years old ; 2 heifers 1 year old '• 2 calves ; 1 thoeobred bull, 18 menthi old ; 2 brood sows ; 100 heflo and pullets. Implements. -1 truck wagon, i1 set bobsleighs 1 sin,- gle cutter, 1 Massey-Harrisjinder,. 1 Maxwell' mow- er, 1 Tolton pea harvester, 1 Noxon 12 -. hoed seed drill, 1 lead roller, 1 souffier, 1 spring -tooth cultivat- or nearly new, 1 set iron harrows nearly new, 1 Per. rin sulky plow nearly new, 2 walking plows, 1 light gang plow, 1-beavy gang plow, t hay reek, 1 Chat- ham fanning mill with bagger, 1 root pulper, 1 grind stone, 1 s ' tdooble harness, grain bags, shovels, forks, barrels, citains, 1 ;car, rope and slings, it quantity of roots and t raw. rilso some elm and basswood lumber and numerous other articles. The whole will be sold as the proprietor is going West.. The Fa.m-The farm is cOmposed of Lotett, Concession 4, Usborne, on which there is a bank barn, drive house and log dwelling ; 5 acres of hardwood With t • 10 acres of fall wheat; 20 acres ploughed and the balance in grass. This farm is weil drained and fenced and in a good state of cultivation. It will positively be sold. Terms of Sale. -Terms on farrei made known on day of sale, ordm application to the (meta:Meer, Farquhar P. 0., or on the p:emises to the proprietor; on chat- tels, all steps of $5 and under. cash ; over that amount, 10 months' credit on approved joint notes. A discount a of 5 per cent. allowed off for cash on erect% amounts. G-EORGE SMALLACOMBE, Pro- prietor; THOS. CAMERON, Auctioneer. 2040-2 ' The Huron Weather insurance • Mutual Company, Annual Meeting. Netice is hereby given that the First Annual Meet- ing of the naetubere of the above named company will be held in the Town Hall, Zurich, on Tuesday, the 5th day of February, A. D., 1907, commencing at one o'clock p. we for the purpose of receiving tbe direetorseauclitors' and secretary-treasureree reports, for the election of three directors ; for the appoint- ment of auditore, and for the eonsi,deration of such other mattemas May be in the interests of the, com- pany, All members are requested to be present. ROGER, NORTHOOTT, Esq., President, 2040-3 E. ZELLER, Sec.-Treas. For Sale. At it bargain, one half section in Southern Mani-, tabs, 'within it half it mile of it good railroad •. town. Improvements post over $3,000, wheat averaged 84 bualeisfer sere lad ycar, grain sales amount to from 0,400 to $1,1)00 each year, besides, cattle, hogs, etci` roncres ploughed ready_ for spring crop, W., acres mcr mtge. elegise inoaey maker. Get fit at Once froth - WATT, -Bructfleldi 011td ON 74, . seeeee—s• ERCE Paid-up Capftal, $10,000,000. Reserve Fund, $4,500,000 HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO B. E. WALKER, General Manager .ALEX LAIRD, Asst, Genii Managfr BRANCHES THROUGHOUT CANADA, AND IN THE •UNITED STATES 'AND ENGLAND A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED FARMERS' BAKING Every facility afforded Fanners for their banking business. Sales Notes oashed or taken for collection. BANKING BY MAIL—Deposits may be made or withdrawn by mail. Out-of-town accounts receive every attention. . SEAFORTH. BRANCH. F. HOLMTED, Solicitor G. E. PARKES, Manager, Which Kind for You If you don't like lifting, get 0 a Sharpies Tubuler. Here are five separators—the largeet Sharples Dairy Tubular in the middle, and two "back breakers on . each side. Which kind for you'? The girl is ive e inc es tali 1 handle Tubulars exclusively, Tubulars have waist low supply cans and other advantages over all othei separators, 9all and ex. amine the Tubular. 47.AINININ7 SEAFORTH One door North of Richardson & McInnis' Shoe Store, Sleek' Fat Horsesi •in a Month. A good reliable farmer told me Nat week that it does not take long to put Ten Dollars on a horse with FEARS Condition Powders, lst—They get the blood right 2nd—They pile on the flesh Hke magic, Their action is different to anything you ever saw, Get a paitege, and watch their magic infinence. The directions are simple and easy to follow. 25o for 1 lb.; 3 lbs. for 50c; 7 lbs s for At FEAR'S Drug Store, Sea forth. We sell Kow Cure, the great cow medicine. i!eSweet as June Meadows" WHITE CLOVER BREA 1 BREAD IS THE STAFF OF LIFE and it is nore vital that it 'should be od than any other food. :k.V1 HITE CLOVER BREAD is made of the highest quality Of flour and other ingredients, and Milk is used instead of *rater. These are combined by the highest baker's skill, and the result is the PERFECT leBAF. Its crust is light and crisp, 4ts texture fine and even. It .is healthful, nourishing, 1.igestib1e, and TASTES COOD. Do not any longer be content itb the old, dry crumbly bread made of cheap flour and Ifiater, but insist on having The Best Bread That Can Be Made. MADE lElY ICRICH. BROS., SEAFORTH. caring Sale. AMMIIII•••••• VON. Bring in your feet at once, Sev- eral hundred pairs of Winter Shoes are anxious to take a walk to get out in the cold and to keep somebody's feet warm and dry. Thi is the time of the year we clean out all Winter lines, and its also the time of the year when shrewd buyers invest in cold weather shoes. We i have Men's, Women's, Boys' !Misses' and Ohildren s Winter Shoes and Slippers at :prim that will open many a -purse. Don't thinleof staying away from this le if youwant shoes. See that on get your share of the good hinge 111 hardsonit , SEAFORTH# Sole Agents, for the Hagar Xust t -and Derby Shoe& Logs Wanted. ••••• 11.•!•• •••••• The undersigned is prepared to pay the -highest cash price for an unlimited quantity of _first-class Soft Elm, Rock Elm, Basswood, Maple, Beech, Ash, Hemlock and Oak Logs, delivered at the Seaforth Saw and Stave Mill. To be cut in even length, ex- cept soft elm ; soft elm to be cut 11, 13 and 16 feet. Will also buy Besswood Heading Bolts, 40 inches long, at $8.50 per cord delivered. Will also buy tim- ber by measurement or by bulk' In bush. Special at- tention paid to custom sawing, satisfaction guaran- teed. 2036-10 A MRNT. Seaforth, CRkNO TRUN RAILWAY SYST E M Do You . Wish to Visit MEXICO - CALIFORNIA ElaiRIDA . or the " SUNara,' SOliTli • Are you anxious to escape the cold weir er and enow, and pend the winter in the "Land of Fruit and Flowers." Tourist tiekete are on sale daily, and if you're contemplating a trip see that your tickets we routed via Grand Trunk. For ticket* SiMi fail information oalLoa W. SOMERVILLE, 'Town Agent. -PUILLtPS,i)ep b Ticket Agent, Cotilet MielY not Market Spools Seafyilh Ontario. ar Qf sad Cis Consorn Feurleounties Animal Stock-clearn irtg Sale Opens FRIDAY, Jan. zith. The fame of our Annud Stook Clearing bale has' spread far and wide; hundreds of people wait for it, appreciating the tremendous advantages of its un. approached offers. The sale will be the greatest this store has ever known. New goods will be brought out daily. You will find something inter- esting in every departmentr—positively no goods canted fron one season to another. Below is a partial list of our reductions: ...ectrita Great Clearing Prices in Furs. Twelve Ladies' Plain Astrechan Jackets' ranging in px.es from $30 to $40, to clear at from 420 to $25, in sizes 32 to 42 Fifteen per off all othet Furs and Fur -lined Jackets] wenty-five per cent, of oil Muffs, Ruffs. 0aperinea, e c. Arfassorsa~gasseasaMaligeawaMolefffak Metes Furs Coa .0.31EICWOOM Ninety Coats to dear at prices unheard of in Fars. Black and brown calf clearing at from $14 to $24 -Bulgarian Lamb and Dog Ooais at from. $12 to $18 Labrador Dog, celebratep Leakemanufacture, worth from. $30 to $ sale from $20 to $30 Australian. and Canadian Coon Coate at the greatest reduotion we have ever offered, +.+444+:144alia Clothing Department Men's Overcoats in Raglans, Beavers, etc, worth from $1C to $.2 to clear at five dollars. The balance of our stock of Black Cheviot °oats to clear at 25 per cent. . s , Twenty-five per cent off all Boys', Youths' and Ohildren's 0oats. See our clearing lines in Men's Suits Fifty Men's Pea jackets, in all.sizes, to clear at $2.70 Two hunched pairs of Men's Tweed Pants, regular prices from. $2, on sale at $1.25 One hundred Men's Vesta, all sizes, at 75e One hundred Youths' and Boys' Vests on sale at 25e each. sivoivoiwowwwwwwwie# Ladies' Goo1s-- 75'tet A bargain lot of Ladies' Kid Gloves, tegultir prices from $1 to $1,25, ern sale at 75e Samples of Yokings in fancy ailks, velvet and chiffons, regular prides 900 each, on sale at 25c each . Three doien Ladies' Flannelette Wrappers, regular prices,$1.25 to $2,25, on sale at 89c Ladies' Misses' and Children's Cloth Coats, we offer the balance of our stock at onelthird off • A table of Ladies' and Ohildren's Coats to Clear at $1.98 each A bargain lot of Ladies' Cloth Skirts; regular prices $2.90 to $5,95„ on sale at $1,50 11 all1211111111111111111.11111kommumm Staple Dry Goods -- Ninety pieces and ends of Wrapperettes to clear at' 25. per cent. off Fifteen per cent, off all Prints Ten pairs Wool Blankets, Urge size, to clear at 82.65 per pair Twenty-five per cent off all Grei Blankets Fifteen pieces of Oxford Shirting,, regular price 13c, for 9i -e Ten pieces of Towelling, worth 7e, for Sc Twelve anp one-half per cent off all Flannelettes Fifty -pairs of Towels, a bargain at 250 a pair Flannelette Blankets, all sizes, 12. pereeent. off regular prices. 441141~11*****44141******.afg. Carpet Department. Six pieces of Tapestry Carpet, regular 7L'e, for 49e • Six pieces of Brussels Carpet, regular prioe 85c, for 65e A pile of Rugs and Mats, worth horn $2.75 to $3.26, for $1:98 Two pieces of Union Carpet, regular 50e, for 38c A pile of Carpet Squares to lear at one-third less than regular price Olearing lines in Tapestry Table Covers • Special 4 yard wide Linoleumn, best Scotch manufacture, regular prices 2.25, for $L90; regular $L65 for $L43 See our specie values in Lace Curtains 4+144444+4444414+44444.144 Highest Prices paid for Butter Eggs and Wool. DRIED APPLESWANTEDN Iff.PICKARD & SONDIRE IMPO WEBS Opposite Town Building, vorner'ain and Market Streets, Seafortk ""..„ a