HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1907-01-18, Page 3t Recant
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examirie the growth pf The Sovereign Bank,
In 44 years, ending 31it October, 1906.
Anita have inaeaseS to•. . . i25,343,401
EZeess of assets oVer Liabilities to the Public
has increased to 5478,557
DepJtihve1creaedto . 15,578;920
SIAM opens an account in the Sevings !Apartment.
Interest paid 4 times a year.
e Soverei Bank Canada,
.Christena Pti-Ofos
There is no more aoceptable Chrlstrine
can be eent a friend than e good
photograph. We make a Speolaity of
and vow le thetime to order, as Chriattna
will soon be here. Call at once before the
rash starts, and eve youreel disappoint-
Picture Framing ie a specialty with uz.
JACKSON BROS. Seaforth,.
calop Liiieetory for 1.906
Vieethrop P. 0.
tM.11.011411AND, Councillor, Walton
E. leeQUAID, Councillor, St. !Colum-
ba., P. 0..
es0H.N McDOWELD, Councillor, Sea-
eforeh P. O.
H. BYERMAN. Councillor, 13rodhag-
en P. 0.
G. E. Ma:ANIS, Treasarer, i-eftell-
vrood P. ,
LOMON S.' SHANNON, j. P., San-
itary Inspector, Winthrop P. 0.
Bargains in Farms
9Z acres, all cleared except 1 acre bush, large barn
en stone wall, drive house, pig pen, etc., U. storey
rame house, situated within three miles of Seaforth.
Price only $5,600, part ash.
100 acres, all cleared except la acres of valuable
bosh, medium sized frame house, barn on posts, large
drive shed, situated witnin 3 miles of Brucefield.
Price, f4,800. Terms $2,000 cash.
Also 20 others that cannot, be duplicated for price
tenns in the county.
For further partiaulars apply at residence, Mill
Road, or address
2039-tf Brucefield, Ont.
Established 1879
Whooping Cough, Croup, Bronchitis
Coo0,11, Grip, Asthma, Diphtheria
cresoieue is a boon 'to Asthmatics
Does it not seem more effective to,breathe in a
-remedy to cure disease of the breathing organs
than to take the remedy into the stomach ?
It cures because the air rendered strongly anti.
septic is carried over the diseased surface with
every breath, giving prolonged and constant treat-
ment It is Invaluable to mothers with. small
Thoseof a consumptive
tendency find immediate
relief from coughs or in-
flamed conditions of the
Sold by druggists.
Send postal for booklet.
Limited, Agents, Mont-
real, Canada. 307
The New Store
For Naw Goods
These are arriving daily, and the quality is with-
out doubt the very best. Our prices are the
Finnan Haddie, Ciscoes, Whitefish, Mackerel
and Trout. These are very scarce, but are extra
good quality.
Lettuce, Celery, Cabbage, Carrots, Beets, Par;
snips and Turnips always on hand.
We buy nothing- but the beat q aality in Beef,
Pork and Lamb in this department. We -have
extra fine prices.
Ham, Bacon, Breakfast Bacon and Rolls always
on hand.
Corned Beef, Head Cheese, ologna and New
England Ham-
Our grocery department is complete. Always
fresh and good.
SEAFORTH. ' and Mothers' Treasure
—25e.-6 botdes $1,25.
&nal Drug & Chemical Co.. Limited
A. simple and effective remedy for
They combine the germicidal value of °mullein
with the soothing propertiee of slippery elte and lien.
Nee. Your druggist or from us, Ific in 'stomps.
Ineente, mesa Co., Limited, Agentsi, Montreal...sot
THE FRONT! 1 Attend the famous
And be properly prepared for business posit-
ions. We deal only in High Grade Business Ed-
ucation -the kind every young man and woman
should have. Otir school has now the largest
attendance in its history. Commence now.
Prepare well and success is certain. No trouble
for our graduates to get positions. Catalogue
W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal
Cor. Yonge and -Alexander Sts
From Drudgery
to $1,200 a Year
This is what we are doing for the young
men of Canada to -day.'
From long hours of uncongenial work
with little pay, to pleasant positions it rail-
way offices, with salaries ranging from $50
to 8150 per month.
Clip this ddvertisement, mail it to us,
and receive (free) our hanslsome illustrated
s, book, "The Highay toSuccess."
8. W. Somers, Principal
Dominion Sphool of Teleg-
raphy & Railroading
Why Not Write
for copy of our catalogue?
his simple act, costing a
cei t and a moment of time,
mi ht change the -whole cur- .
rent of your life and bring
you nianyehonsands of dol-
lars within the next ten
years. Try it. Adress
W. H. SHAW, Principal
Yonge and Gerrard streets, Toronto
The First Day.
The first day of our winter term
will be January 2nd, 1907. We
will then re -open with undoubtedly
the largest :3Iacs in the history .of
this school. If you want the edu-
cation that prepare& for good posi-
tions, write for our catalog—costs
All Graduates get Positions.
W. D. EULER, Principal,
The annuai mceting of ,Ithe Aieliillop Mutual Fire
Insurance Company will be held in the Town Hall,
Seaforth, on Friday, January 18th, 1007, at one o'.,
°lock p. m. Business,—To receive the annual state-
ment, directors' and auditors' reports, the electing
of three directors and other business for the good
nd. -welfare of the company. The retiring directors
are John CT. Grieve, Winthrop • James Evans, Beech-
., ood, aud John Benneweis, Biodhagen, Who aro el-
gible for re-election.
B. MeLEAN,President
8 ecretary
StOPSs puny babies
-and all stomach
Cland rosy.Proved
use. eksk your druggist
y 50 years successful
for it -
VI rine
.The Great Freaclt Vitalizer
Prmtit.tly curds Debility or vt.',.-akness result -
i4; trout Indiscretions or exetsres.
Itest and st,rcst remedy known for all diseases
that tts a sequence of abuses, Loss of
*fernory • Pains in the Dael;„ Dirtiness of 'Vision,
mature old Age and many other • diseases
that lea,i Foy:deal Weakness, Insanity and
an. wri:- grave. Mailed to any address on re-
ef 60 cents. or .five boxes for $2.
I tiE RAY MEDICINE CO., Stratford, Out.
To close up an estate, farm Lot No. 20, Con.
'session 9 Township of MeRillop, one hundred acres
with comfortable frame house large bank barn and
other improvements is offered for sale. The land is
in a good state of cultivation and well fenced and
drained and is within 2 miles of Seaforth. Immed-
iate possession can be given. Terms easy. Apply to
THOMAS E. HAYS, Seaforth p. 0., Executor of
ill of John II. Hays. 20284f
1.7.—Sottnd Investm,ents.
This Conipa.ny has been operating since 1874 without a less from
Honest _Estimates.
In no case have profits paid falleri below the Company's estimates.
4.—Largs Guarantees.
In addition to the Government reserve we guarantee .profits.
W.11, ROBINSON Inspector, Seaforth.
Hapelly Married.—A pleasant- eVeret
took place on. Wednesday aftelhoon.'
of Java -Week at the Methodistparn-
age in( peatoral; When Miss Myrtle,
Woodley, daughter " of the late
Thornas Woodley; ot BrucetTield,
be -
cane the bride -of Mr. John O'Brien;
• -prosperous young 'farmer of PLOffie;
1(1:1,11itObeE. The _bride was !at-
tended hy- '464 'sister, MISS ,pearl W.
Woodley, while Mr., paviti Regan act-
ed the. part of ;groomsman. Bette A.
K. 13irkertermed _the 'ceremony
after which the happy couple took,
the 8.86 p in. tra,iu for Sande and:
o-tber Western points. ,Their many
,friends Join fri 'heartiest congratu-
lations and( extend well wishes for
their ;future wen being and success.
Good Hunters.—Thei following par-.
ageaph we take 'from the Graven-
huret -paper ot a r.eoest. dete. The
Meer. Hart mentioned therein are
Zforrner residents Of Seaforth and it
le evident they have lost none of
their ;skint as' expertand suceesefue
spOrternen. Phe- says: "he
members if i the Imperial Hunt Club
which emended of Dr. McPhee W.
Mullen, J. Hart, G. Hart, C. McPhee,
• iEJ Olaveson, A. Olaveson, of
Gravenhurst, and Wm, Brown and
Thomas McCeeery, of Lendore, e.nd R.
Mullen, cook, returned • laSt, week from
their annual trip In !search ,,of the
fleet footed denizens 'of the forest.
The 'party went on to the Blac.k
River in the township of Ridout, and
report 'good' camping grounds., are ex-
celeent time and an al:meths:rice of
gaine. They !brought( back 18 deer
and one tear. Eight .bucke shOt
weighed 1,200 pounds end thetotal
weight of deer Wulf 2,268 pounds. The
dector (tells us that this le the leeat
lot of deer ilerought into Graven -
hunt for many a long day, and nat-
urally lei 'eels elated at belonging
to so( successful a party." We ven-
ture to eay that our old townsmen did
'their full share to; contribute to the
success oftethe -hunt
For any dieease of the :elan there
Le nothing better than Chamberlain's
Salve. It relieves t'he itching and
-burnenge sensation instantly, and soon
effects a cure. For sale by all drug-
gists. •
In The Olden Days.
Interesting sketches of the early
days of Seaforth and vicinity,
taken from the files of The Ex-
positor. •
Sealdrith, March 27, 1874.
The Seaforth tax mill, which was
sxed by auction on ' Saturday last,
Was purchased by Mr. John; Beetle.
The annual meeting of the Seaforth
branch Seethe British anck Foreign
Bible SOciety was held in the Pres-
byterian !church, on Thursday even-
ing last. The' following officers were
elected : Rev. C. Lavelle,.M. ete P'eeiele
dent ; Lumsden, secretary' and
treasurer; nefremittee, D. D: .Wilson,
S. 'Trott, Wm. Hill, Dr. Vercee, H.
Robb, Ji Beetle, S. Dickson, F.
Holmested, O.( C. ,Wilson, and W.
Badge. I
Camee Thompson, an oldt rend re-
speoted 'resident of -Stanley, met with
a fatal accident on Thursday of last
week. He was on a beam( In the tern
unfastening e. enatni when he lost
his 'balance and fell backwards into
an !emptir. mow, fracturing hie skull.
He lived until Saturday, morning:
Thomas Cook; of the' Tern,perancet
house and . postoffioe, Varna, died oe'
Sunday laid. Deceasee hadi been' in
pooe (healthfor a long time. fleeted
been a resident of Varna for eighteeoi
A young son of Mr. Wm. Chesney,
of Tuckersenith, cut hie pot badly on
Tuesday last; 'while Working in hie;
father's tush, The (Iasi glancedi reom
the stick and struck his foot. '
Seaforth, 8, 1874.
Mr. G. E. Cresswell, reeve of Tuck-
ersmith, has returnee from a trip
to The western States.
Mr. o.r C. ;Wilson has purchased
the Sremtses on Mairs etreet, et pre-
sent occupied. by McIntosees car-
riage works, together -with !the ad-
joining reeidence, frm Mr. A. J.
McIntosih, for, $2,500.
Mr. Alex. Innis, of Stanley, re-
cently purehaeed from Mr. Charles
Brooks, of Hibbert, a .heavy draught
colt, 11 monthe old, paying for it the
handeome sum of $400..
Messrs. Simpson; end Hillen, of Mc-
Killop, a few days ago sawed sixty
cords oe. wood in nine hours, on the
farro ter Robert Morrison, with a
two :horse sawing machine:
Seaforth, April '10, 1874.
Wm. Elliott and A. Armitage have
purchased the McPhillips property ad-
joining the Commercral hotel. for the
sum off $2,300. They intend during
the coming summer to erect a 'brick
block on( the front ot the lot.
Captain Thornae E. Jackson, form-
erly of Bayeield, an.c1 brother of the
Messrs. G. E. and Henry Jackson, of
Egmondville, 'has been appointeci to a
prominent positicee tn the Northwest
mounted [police, force.
Mr. .Vem. Sclater, of the tirm of
Sclater of this village, arriv-
ed 'home from Scalped on Tuesday
Mr. Hugh McPhee, of McKillop, has
been sorely afelicted. Within a few
weeks six of his children have died
of diphtheria.
At the auction sale of perms held
at Brucefield on Saturday laet, the
farm belonging to the Messrs. Garry,
Was purchased by Mr. John Workman
late of Stanley, eor $3,870. The
Moffatt • farm was purchased by Mr.
John Aikeneead.
Seaforth, April 17, 1874..
Mrs. Robertson 'has leased her ho-
tel in Egmoneville to Mr. Matthew
A number of the friends of Mr. G.
E. Cresswell entertained him at a
complimentary supper at Knox's ho-
tel, on! Friday evening last.
Several farmersl in this neighbor-
hood, have( already. started ploughing.
Mr. John McArthur, of Tuckensmith,
has sold, his farm on the 5th conces-
eion, to Mr. Robert Coleman, of Stan-
ley, for $34500. _3
Mr. Andrew Govenlock intends -er-
ecting a greet mill at Winthrop dur-
ing the' corning eummere
' The congregation. of Rev. John
ROSES, pastor of 'ther Came.da, Presby-
terian ehurch, Brucefield, on Thurs-
day -last presented him with a hana-
some 'buggy and set of harness.
Mrs. Hamilton, widow of the late
Francis' Hamilton, atn old aind es-
teemed resident of Hibbert, 'died on
This is one reason why, Ayer's
Cfietpy Pectoral is so valueble in consumption. It stops
the wear and featof useless
coughing. But it does more
controls the inflammation,
quiets. the fever, soothes, heals.
Ask your doctor about this.,
'he best kind of a testimonial -1-i
"Sold foe over sixty years."
Made bee..a. Ayer 0e., Lowell, Maas.
Ala* untaufaciturera of
We have no searetet . We publish
the formulas of all our medicines.
t..,c insiauggsacoggiegm
Hasten recovery by keeping the
bowels regular with Ayer's Pills.'
Monday, April fith, aged 82 'years.
Deoesteed had „been a redident of Hib-
bert Since( 1800.
Seaforth, April 24, 184.
There !died at the residence of her
son, 'Mr. Confidence Van Egrnond, on
.April '23rd,( Mrs. Susennele Van Eg-
mond, eeliell of the late Anthony 3.
W. G. Van Egneend, aged. 88 yeers.
Deceased with her husband', and fam-
ily. were among the first eettlers in
the Huron trent. She emigrated from
Germany tre 1810 and after spending
some time in Pennsylvania fend Wat-
erloo county, creme to Huron in
1829,' and settled in the township of
Hullett, ion( the Huron road, on the
farm now occupied by Mr. John Few-
lete.; and Mrs. Ge.orge Sproat, Tuck -
eremite, flef4 Peetorth on .Tueeday
on -a trip to Scotland.
Mr. Donald McKay has sold his
farm onf. the Mill road, Tucketernith,
to Me. Brock, feorn near "Montreal,
for $0,450.. .
Mr. George E. Henderson, of Mc-
Killop, 'who is attending the Lon-
don Commertial College, has! been a-
warded a'handsome ,peize for the
beet opecim'en of business; writing.
Mr. Robere Hays, ome of the most
prominent men of this district died
at 'hie residence in McKilllop on Sat-
urday last,( ib the 80th, 'yeer of his
age. 'Mr. Hay's was a native of Ire-
land.- In 1&28 he emigrate d from Ire-
land TO the States, where he engage
ib the( mill business in Rocheeber;.
from itthere be went to Oxford coun-
ty, .afterwarde establishing a mill
Haysville, a village which he
founded. About So( years ago 'he
moved to( MeKillop arfe settled on
tbe farm. on, which he died. During
his Iretidence in McKillop ha has
filled many, Importer)* pubite posi-
tions, having beerr reeve, cottacillor
and !treasurer( of his municipality.
He has' also heldi a com'mis,sion of the
peace for about 25: years. 'The tfun-
eral wasi held -on! Sunday last and
wee one of the largest even seen in
McKillop. The etensensi, were inter-
red in ;the Ilarpurhey PreebYterian
cemetery. •
Bow to Prevent Bilious Attacks
One who is subeect to bilious at-
tacks will -notice that for a day or
more before the attack he is not
hungry at' meal time, and feels dull
after eating. A dose of Chamber -
Jaffee Stomach. and Liver Tablets
when these first symptoms appear
will ward off the attack. They are
for sale .by all druggist.
Eibbert -
A New School, -The evening of Jan-
uary 4th, was one lef censiderable
interest ,tci the ratepayers of No. e
8chcoi ,distriet, Cromarty, on ac-
count of the opening ote the new
eohool. As a ,great many of those
who were at the concert had attend-
ed the old school they were able to
appreciate the immense advantages
the upr to dale structure ,possessed
when compared with that of the old.
All, with the exception of a. few
chronic kicker, heartily agreed in
congratulating the truetees and
ratepayers upon the comforts and ad --
vantages of( their new school. We
are living in an age of progress and
the people are slowly but surely be-
ginning he zee that education will
have to keep pace, and should be in
the tore front of the various progres-
sive movements of the times. And
the sooner( -this is permanently set-
tled in the minds! of our fellow coun-
trymen, the better it will be for fu-
ture !generations, and for the fu-
ture ot our country at large. The ev-
ening lot the concert was an ideal
one in almost every particular, good
ioads, mild wether, and a bright
night. . These favorable conditions,
coupled with the natural and quite
excusable desire of the public to be
present on,, the occasion, caused the
school house; on that evening, to be
endowed with the properties of a.
powerful rnegnet and as te result,
its seating capacity at an early th.our,
was taxed to the utrnoEak. Mr. ,Wrn.
White, ot Mitchell, occupied! the chair
add as usual. fulfilled the duties of
chairmen in an easy, offhand and al-
together pleasant manner. Mr. McIn-
tyre, Me Pa- of St. Marys, and
Hon. Nelson Monteith, of Stratford,
delivered addresses during- the course
of the programme, cie, fetich a nature
that all ,within hearing could 'front
thereby, 'if so disposed. Several other.
speeches were given in such a, man-
ner 'that the _profitable and pleasing
elements iblended and were 'receiv-
ed wine perfect order by the audience,
Mr. Cameion'e songs and recitations
were entineelaetically received prov-
ing !beyond:: doubt that the people had
come ire order that they might have
a good time- He is well named an
entertliner. Altogether the emcee e
proved to be a crowning success and
was a credit both. to the section and
to all( these who took pert. The
school, which is decidedly modern in
every particular, tands as a solid
monument to( educational success .1n
this district. -H. M.
Coughs, colds, boarsonem and other throat
iiimehta are quickly relieved by Clresoleur
zblets. ten cents per box. All druggists
-Mr. Fraser, liverym
" an, of Rivers -
dale Sask recently purchased a fine
team of horses from a young man,
who ,offered them for sale, paying
sno spot cash for therm Fraser was
wisitied to raise money .to go and vis-
it her before She died. Fraser only
had the tearn a couple of days when
'a farmer in another part oX the
country came along, claimed the team,
proved his, property and took them
away. The farmer *said the young
Ma/ had hotrowed the team from him
and bad not returned them. No trate
of the thiet has since been discover-
ed, and Fraser is a, wiser if a poorer
A Guarantee (Cure for Piles. •
'Itching, Blind, Bleeding, Protruding
Piles. Druggists are authorized to
refund money if PAZO OINTMENT
fails ttn Joure in 6 to 14 days., 50c.
Manitoba and North West Notes
-An Indian recently brought into
Portage la Prairie the skin of a sil-
ver fox,: which he sold to a. depreer of
that town for $800.
—The town df Portage la Prairie
will apply at the next! -session of the
Manitoba LegislaturA to be incor-
porated ate a city.
---,Reports from Albertastate cat-
tle are perishing by thousands
;through cold Weather and their in-
ebelity to secure food, and many,
ranchers will be almost completely
rularoMettead entries, at the Regina
land office, for the year 1906 were 11,
705, as compared. with 9,894 in 1905.
The increase is a wonderful one,and
shows the work of the office. The
entries; for last month were 282.
-James Forge, a yoeng farmer liv-
ing east of Drinkwater, Sask., had his
collar bone' broken by being crnedied
between twd horses which he was a-
bout tel put into 'his barn. He was
standing ae the shoulder of one of
the ;beasts when the other s-wung a-
round, hitting him s:nd crushtng his
-Mr. Andrew Carnegie, the Amer-
- lean millionaire, 'leas offered the
town of Neepa,wa, Manitoba, to erect
handepme buildings there, and es-
tablish a public library, II the town
will contribute 10 per cent. of the
cot annually towards maintenance.
-There are in the west some 170,-
000,000 acres of habitable lands. Of
thie 40,000,000 has already been home-
eteaded, 82,000,000 taken up by rail-
way grants, While 25,000,000 were
marked on to the Hudson's Bay Co.
and, for school lands, etc, leaving a
bilasice of 73,000,000 acres.
-On -hie' timber limits near Blair -
more, Alberta, this season, Peter
McLaren is emplo3ring already over
150 men, and has three logging camps
in operation. The season so far
has been good for lumbering, and if
it continues as at present, it is ex-
pected that fully six million feet of
logs will be taken out of the woods.
-During the year Just closed, 964
free grant homesteads were entered
for at the Dominion lands office in
Winnipeg, an increase of 835 over
the entries recorded during the pre-,
ceding year. The greater part of the
homesteading was done in the die.-
trict between Lakes Winnipeg and
Manitoba. Considerable land was, al-
so 'takers up in eastern and southeast-
ern Manitoba. .
-Archibald Ferguson, of Southwyn,
wttis ths,if the misfortune to Joffe his
stables, twenty-five bead df cattle
and 'twelve horses by fire on Christ-
mas, was :the recipient of a much
apprecieted New Years' gift. A
number -of his friends, aesisted by
the wholesale merchants of Winnipeg
contributed a sufficient' amount to
•puurchase two fine teams of horses
and harness for them.
-Rev. Samuel. Polson, formerly of
'Winnipeg, lies recently donated to
the town of Vernon, British dolum-
bill, a public park. The lend given
to the western town by Mr. Poison:
is situated in the centre of the place,
and of an estimated . value of at
leasif $10,000. It is located -within.
tiety eeet of the central school, and
is said to be one of the most beaut-
iful spots in the Okanagan country.
-The 'expenditure of the Depart-
ment of Education in Manitoba or
the past year was $353,478. Of this
amount office expenses amounted to
$9,889; Inspection of echools, $21,-
382; Normal schools, $18,854; exam-
ination of teachers, $2,2e2; free text
Abooko, $2,880; Colleglete Institutes,
$9,907; High Schools, $6.345;
rtedLate schools, $8,800 and ordinary
school grants, $208,187.
-The Canadian Bank of Comme• rce
have recently opened brandies at the
following points: Bawif, Alberta, A.
E. D. Band in charge; De Lorimer,
Quebec, E. H. Carter in charge;
Innisfree, Alberta, W. P. Perkins in
charge; Stony Plain, Alberta, C. S.
Freeman in. charge; Wadence- Sask.,
A. j. Jensen in charge; "Watson,
-Sask. W. E. D. Farmer in charge.
-The C. N. R. announces that from
January let the passenger fare on
f.hf Regina -Prince .Alberta line will
be reduced from four to three and
a half cents le mile.
UM. irgmEg 4.0•11.
Zam-Buk Then Applied and Gave
Inetant Relief.
An accident in a Toronto home the
other day might have had very serious
consequences had it not been for Zam-
Buk. Mies Martha( Green, of 9 Cler-
mont St., in taking a pan of toilingfat
from tee oven spilt it over her right
hand. The !boiling fat ran into the
palm of my hand," she says," and
o'er all my fingers. -You May well
Imagine Abel agony 1 suffered In con-
sequence. I wee almost • wild with
the pain. The hand became ewollen,
and large blisters formed all over the
palm! and along the fingere. For over
a month I Was unable to use the hand
at all, I tried several kinds of sal -
vee and liniments, . but the wound
eeemed eppatently no better. It was
altogether tool severe for these _pre-
parations en 'betel. -About this time
I wag advised to try Zair-Buk, I
Stopped using all other preparations;
and applied Zam-Buk insiteaci. The
veer first application soothed my hand
and seemed to dr.ave out the fire and
inflammation; end as I kept on us-
ing Zam-Buk the blisters gradually
dried up and disappeared. Irr a very
short time the ecald was healed com-
Thie Is hut 'nitance of 'the uses
to which Zarr-Ph can be so advant-
ageously applied. It Is eaually effect-
ive fdr barns, cuts, bruises, abras-
ions. sprain dead stittriese. It also
cures lemma, ulcers, sores, blood
%dean, :ringworm', scalp sores; chron-
ic wounds, acne, blackheads, plinples.
cold sores, chapped hands, and alt
ekin diseases and injuries. Ruebed
well onto the chest in cases Of cold,
It relieveg. the aching and tiglitnes.s,
and ' applied as ,an embreention it
induced tie buy. the horses, on account, cures rheumatism, sciatica, neuralgia,
of the pitiful story told him by the . ete. All druggists sell Zam-Buk
young man. Re said he had Just re- at 50ea box, or it may be obtained
eeived word of the serious illness of from the Zam-Buk Co., Toronto, upon
his mother in Eastern Ontario, and receipt ot price. Six boxes lor $2.50.
"Satisfaction or your Money Back"
Take Time to Read
the List
e w _sit will
•-. �4•-•
There is no man or boy who is no t in
immediate need of one or more of the arti
dips listed below, and there never was a
better opportunity to purchase than at the
prices' quoted, where every purchase saves
you money, and we stake our business re-
putation that every figure quoted is genuine
Men's Heavy Wool Winter Ribbed, n
grey and black, plain and colored toes
and heels, regular 25e Sox, sale, price
20 cents
All lines of Men's Underwear Wool
unshrinkable and flews lined, in ali
makes, this month 25 per cent,
A line of odd garments, pure wool,
regular 50c and 76e shirts or drawers
39c each
Men's Stiff Front Dress White 3hirts,
regular 50c and 76e lines, in all sizes,
good roomy shirts, well made
Mitts &
Men's Heavy Winter Working Mitts—
cordovan, Texas* steer, pig skin, mule
skin, horse hide. Sale price
Men's double eollars, alt sizes and
heights, four ply pure linen, round and
square corners, regular 1e collars
Boys' and Men's Winter Oaps, fur
lined, in tweed, Melton and Oorduroy,
Toque Caps, honey comb knit all colors,
In this department we call special atten-
tion to our Ladies' and Men's Fur and
Fur -lined Coats. We were particularly
fortunate last year innot having to
carry over any cods. Price did it, and
it is going to do it this year. We .offer
from now till the end of the month
20 per cent., or one-fifth. off tb.e price of
every fur in. our store,
Your choice i of any Overcoat in our
store, includIng this year's very awefl
,coats, for the balance of the month
A special line of odd Overcoats, dress
uhters Laid frie
Your elsoice of any Progress Brand
Snits iu our store—tweed, serge or
worsted; every suit guaranteed, regular
$12 lines
20 p,
A special line of odd and broker lino, -
all first-clas suits, well made; they are
good, or they would never find a place in
our store. "
Xr`Butter and Eggs taken as Ca3h.