HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1907-01-18, Page 213
ral M
for the Pe e.
+++++++ +,+++++++++++++
We take this opportunity of wish -
ng all our customers a Merry
Xmas and a Happy Prosper- +
oeus New 17 ear.
,7 A
++4 t•4.e+4.++++++++++++++++
44.44S4W4eFurWessamseasno4 wsass.sw444
e.or the Holiday Season of Xmas and New Year we have prepared many
Specials in the following departments
We have epcially prepared Coffees and Tees. If you have
any special friends visiting you, we have delicacies in our
groceries that will suit the best. : : : :
We are still handling First Class Dressed Poultry. Altuough the market
has declined, we will pay the best possible prices either 'lode or cash. We
want all tlie ?vet -Class Butter and Fresh Eggs that We e in get, and will poy
good prices. Dried Apples are higher this week.-
Successors to B. B. GUNN
Mut Pan Oxpoiiitor
SEAFORTH, FRIDAY, Jan. 18, 1907,
The ljanger of BOoMS.
Twenty 'years ago, says the Week-
ly Sun, the real estate boom of that
date wad' at its height in Toronto.
The city council, consiSting cif some
forty members, was matte up Of men
who were reputed to, be worth any-
where froni half „ a 'million, • <mai
down 'to ze paltry fifty thousand. But
with most of these men this wealth
was wholly In the form of land values
which had been filled with the east
_wind of speculation. Sc long as the
wind kept on 'blowing the 'ratinge of
holder/3 of lets is the goose pastures
continued td soar. But at length the
wind gave out and then the c-ollapse
began. Of the aldermen of that slay
some 'have died in poverty one or two
are in exile, and practically all have
since tasted. of the dregs of poverty.
But members of the city council of
Toronto 'were not the only sufferers
from 'the depression Which followed
the boom. In almost every township in,
older Ontario some men parted with
farms int order to speculate in lam&
which were then. got** upin value as
fast as leorne ot these mining stecks
adea,ricoci in the year Just closed. The
relatives of most of those who did
thiet have suffered ever since from
the pinch caused by losses sustained
when the boom collapsed. ,
To -day it is a mining boohnand the
cep.= iS even greater over this new
forrn d gambling than it was over
the land gaexible of twenty years ago.
--The mines of Cobalt have • been cap-
italized fon $270,000,000. As the Globe
said, mining, on account of its frisks,
and because the supply of are is bound
to !run out, must pay 20 per cent. oa
the investment if it, is to prove re-
munerative. This means that Cobalt
will behrequired to produce over $50-
000,000 a. yead to let holders of stock
out even. Sit down quietly and fig-
ure on the probability of t_his hang
done. So long as new buyers keep
on on -.11-1g in stocks will keep on
going up, but the tsupply of buyers is
nbt Inexhaustible, and as soon as
the period of exiaeustion begins the
erash wilt come. Cobalt, instead of
proving a benefit to the procince.will,
because og 'the wild speeulation. to
-which it has givey'rise, prove an in-
jury. Farmers,' remembering the his-
tory of the big land, boom in the
city of Toronto, will do well to keep
clear of this Cobalt business). Loss
and suffering here are Juat as in-
evitable ad fhey were in the,case of
'the goose paeture speculation in To -
ton to.
The Situation m North Dakota.
The distre.as, logs and inconvenience
occasioned (tlyi Ithe *lack of shipping
faellitie.s this last fall and winten
have been more wide spread and mere:
keenly telt in the Northwestern States.
of the, American Union than In the
17ireztern Provinces of Canada. Pres-
ident Rooseelt instrueted a Commis-
sion to investigate tato the causes;
for the shortage of cars and the con-
sequent icoal, famine in North Dako-
ta. After a thorough and searching
Investigation, ger. Frank Lane, the
chairman lef, the cOmmission, has is-
sued a preliinin,ary' report. This re-
port -ecimits thrCt comblna-tian
lets between coali companies to fix
pricee and, 'to freee oiit all dealers
who doi not belong to this tombin-
ation, tbut it also Says that there is
no evidence to justify the .supposi-
ton Oat the hoal famine is in any
way the( result ofi this combination.
It la. due entirely to the shortage of
cars. As Showing' the lamentable,
conditione produced; by this- .shortage
of cars, outside of, the coal famine al-
together, fiket aeport says,:
"Fifty million bulibels oft grain,' as
nearly ate can be estimated, remain'
oh the rams or in the country* ele-
vators of( Mirth Dakota, but 38 per
-cent ot the crop has been shipped.
The country or line elevators at -a
large number of country Stations are
full, *someo thernareached their ca-
pacity get; early as September, and
etill contain the grata they then
held. Thousands a bushels o wheab
are .aying at this time covered with
enow infopen bins built beside the
railroad track. The fariner.cannoteell
because the country dealer *cannot
but; 'the country dealer cannot buy
beeieuee Who country elevator is al-
ready 'full; -the- country elevator re-
mains full because the !railroad has,
not 'rroved the grain from the eounel
try elevator to the terminal elevator ;
ha terminal elevators at Duluth, Sue
pert= and Minneapolis, which act as
greet reservoliS for thee line elevate
oks, ,are( almoedF empty, and at no
time clueing this season have they
been filled to more than one-third of
their capacity."
...We in Ontario are sometinaes prone
to complaAn o2. ourt circumstances, but,
falsely, in view of the facts indicated
above, we are he a blessed condi-
tion, and have leas= for great thank-
fulness WWI our lot has been caSti
under -such favorable circumstances
and ini such a favored land.
A baby that does nort eat well and
sleep well, that is not cheeeful and
playful, needs attention, or the re-
dult may' be serious. Stomach and
bowel 'troubling make children , eros
and sleepless, but W dose of Baby's
Own Tablets soon durea the trouble,
' the childsleeps soun.clly and natur-
ally and wakes up bright and smil-
ing. Mrs. J. E. Harley, Worthington,
Ont., says: "My little one has had
no medicine but Baby's Own Tab-
lets since she was two months old
and 'they have kept her the picture of
good health!' You can ge4 Baby's
Own Tablets from any druggist or
by mail at 26 cents a box from The
Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., - Brock-
ville, Ont.
A giaristmas W eelding.
Yes, I ,lead, a double-barrelled Chrie-
Mau this year. I was invited to
tend a wedding the day after Chri-
tines. As the ceremony was to be in
the vicinity; of my boyhood home, I
left the train at a- little staioreand
walked from the sleepy little old
village tClr the home of my relatives,
three milesi away. In the little vil-
lage sounde of music and singing
came from, the houses as the placid
inhabitants celebrated Christreasnight
around their ain firesides. It was a
lonely walk for me, and rife with,
painful and pleasant memories. Scarce
a farra along the well remembered,
soad but had passed into the hands of
new owners. Tho hearty old pioneers
who had held those farms in 'my early
days had all gone for `the last time
to the old cemetery in the village.
Not a, - homestead from which the
•hand of Time had -not • swep t old faces,
and in their planes were either
strangers or descendants of -those
who tilled those fields a quarter of
a. century ago. Even ths old houses
in most cases, had either disappeared,
or had been shouldered' into the back-
ground 93y( pretentious brick dwell -
Inge, beside wbich 'they seem Le have
ehrunk in! pathetic shame for their
Shabby smallneSsk. And yet, . many a
Joyful tn,ighlti I had (spent in those
deeerted old log' houses in days long
gone. Tile chinked wall had rung
with the laughter long since stilled,
and eehoed the merry tread of the
Scotch 'reel and the lilt of the ruetie
fiddle. There west a time when I
could have gone into any of those
old houses as confident a a warm
welcome els( 'though i1 '.had been my
own 'home, but the names of me,ny of
the old land -holders aee now al-
most traditions. May Orttario never
forget that the owners of these pion-
eer narnee were the founders of; her
present prosperous greatness end the
arbiters oil (her destiny, working oat
to fafgrand fruikon.
• 0 • •
Coning tc( a cosy log dwelling of
pioneer elaye; in which etill reside
descendants on' the oldfolks who
knew me when I was at the divil-
neent age of boyhood, and where I
had spent many hapPy hour. I
dropped in for, a short call. There
was the( same hearty welcome, the
'same 'hospitable spreading of the
cloth by the old hearth, and—yes, I
mist admit it—the same cold Christ-
mae fowl. 1I ignored it, devoting
my attention Itc(• the numerous other
dainties so appreciated by a city. pal-
ate. And a real egg; what wealthy
people farmers' are.
Then bit Ito the( next farm, where
some ot my 'relatives live, and—and
then there was no sleep that Chris-
tmas7-tighti for, anybody. The hours
.unalloyed Joyesped by on rapid
wingomarred avf but one distressing
incident. At midnight supped the
massive !reinaires of a lordly gen-
der, which .had graced the festive
board ies(rliert th the day,was plunk -
down front oe me, and 1 sil-
ently 'bowed my head and wpt a
few surreptitious tears while grace
was being said. In the country peo-
ple expect one to eat, and, I man-
fully turree'd in and did as much
execution las I could though Napol-
eon never 'undertook a mightier or a
more lhazardoue task,
e -0 e
Next morning I tha,d1 a delightful
ten -mile cutter, drive behind a. span
of 'lively -young horses to the scene
of the wedding. How royally -these
farmers ider,live. They Just go out
• to The stable and grab a couple of
horses that know how to 'travel, and
go Where they like,and Stay as long
as they feel inclined. The real arle-
tocrats o ntario are era* Ice.Y,•
1 went to "thee home of And when the excltement was all
to-teti give foW w
on- �r and I returned alone to my
Ole.tion and exhOrt bine to ber hun- deterted domicile, to be cOnfrOnted by
If with , Christian ifortitud .Mtsrthe corpse a ei well preserved tut
bad talked and exhorted a while, key Stretehed out on asplatter—#
the 'youth was reduced to a state a waief too much—entirely tao much.
pale alarm, and tremulouely asked if R. J.. De
I would advhee him to slide over the . seeeneemea .
back fence and take up a homestead If you - are Constipated dull, cfr
in the Far Westbilioue, or have a 09,110* lifele 0
• "Nay, nay, my' eon," / 'responded complexion, try Lax-ets Just once
In faltering tones, I could still taste see what they Will do for you. Le,
that goose, "twould be of no avail1 ets are little toothsomeCandy t
Women are everywhere, like politics lets—nice to eat, -nice in effect,
and 'potato bugs and these things griping, no Pain. Just a gentle I
have 'to be, Gerd on your armor , ative effect that Is p teasingly desi
and 'be of good cheer." I able. Handy for the vest pocket
Hie armor -coosisted' of a shell- • puree, Lax-ets meet every ' desir
proof latest:oiled shirt, into which he Lax-ete come to you in beautif I
was savagely butting his way like , lithographed metal boxes at 6 cen a
a yearling steer into a straw stack. and 25 cents. Sold by C. Aberher
He may have been of good cheer, but Druggist, Seaforthe
it didn't eound liige it.
"You will become used to it all In Canada
time," . I proceeded,
. e
as t he crawled —The revenue of the Toronto Str
underthbed after his collar but- railway
m- "Sometimes. it takes years, but Company ft:a the year 19 6
amounted to $3,206,969.29 as lcompa
one 'can get used to anythtng,
could telll ' , you a lot of useful :
T. ed with. $2,788,843.85 the prev1ote
thinge, but . the 'two women are alike, tyeearg.9.theThriaupi° Ina' b51gcepnilte -pieocteem.°17
and that is the reason the Almighty '
gave 'us biains. He expects us to —Rev. Francis Berry, -a veteran
Methodist minister, died at St.
use Them' and they are intended for
Just such emergencies' as married- Thomas on Frday, as the resulteote
men iencounter. IVIarried women are a few days' attack of pneumonia. Mei
not 'particularly brainy, but they Torento‘a
,V8s15. bora onon
yearsagY,ge atreet, in
—At the Assize court in Le nen
last -week, Wm. Breven was awar "ed
$500 damages for his daughter, Ire. e,
beat • the deuce for intuition, Tore-
sight,t, (Mai sight . and -second sight.
Never .araue with her my eon. When
She sayS ujuet because,' or " so aged 14, who While employed 11.1
there," you shut up: and stay shut. Relf Bros.' factory, lost two fingers
.Within varying periods after mar- of her left handTie plaintiff elaini-
raige eihe'll tell your that you don't ed that the girl wa not properly iri-
love 'her any more and probably' structed, and that the machine was
scare; you half to death by leaking not properly, safeguarded.
large, Wet tears all over her eotn- —The firat payment by the Ontario
plexion. Any - oneof tern million Government 2c4 the Board of Gov -
reasons may be responsible for 'this!, ernore o Torouto. University, under
and you'd never be Able to under- the financial clauses oil Ihe a.ct Of
stand, scl don't worry. Don't begin last session, bas been made utidee
to expostulate, or she'll talk of go- Order -in -Council. It amounts to $126,-
ing right straight home to her sna. 629 for the .halt year froro July to
Lay off a day and talk the silliest
baby tattle you can think of or in-
vent. .The sillier it is the quicker
herfaith in you will he retstored,
December, 1906;
—All railway companies in Canada
have decided to refund the value a
unused tickets at the offices where
and She'll look up to you as a mien such are, bought without reference' to
who knows everything. But one the head office in Montreal, if pre -
thing •youl must be firm about right fiented within thirty days after pur-
from the start XI you want to avoid chase,
years off ktruitles 'search and need- _probably the oldest voter in To -
less loss of slumber.. Absolutely ronto at last week's election was
refuse td get up at night .aad roam mrs. Jane Frawley, who lives at 0
around !the house in search of a St. David street. Mrs.. Frawley
'burglar. Well' th:er the veryl first one hundred years old, it is said, b t
'time jihe sits 'up in the dark and She was able to walk to her polar'
booth, at the Park school, and ther
cast ,her ballot.
--More snowl has fallen in the wieod
this veinier in the district Mem
Prince Albert, Sask., than at an
time iz the recollection of men wh
have spent flAy year in the North
wee. In, some places it is -nine 10
ten feet ,deretoon the level. Wild ant -
male of every description are being
forced into the barn -yards and town
for !food.
—That the( severe winter in the
West is delving the wild animate
Out of the woode is proven by the fa,ct
that a lynx was killed within the,
city limits of Winnipeg, on Satur-
day, and the same day, shortly after
daylight, a coyote ran across Maio
street, in the centre of the city, hav4-
ing come', in the direction of the
1.9,15attoirs. -The animal was captured
!alive. This ie considered sornewt4
remarkable, in ilew of Winnipeg'S
metropolitan arribitions.
—John McCallum, formerly* of Lan-
caster, Ontario, was almost instant-
ly killed in a, logging camp near.
Dickeneozi Centre, N. Y., a few days
ago. Along with some other men he
During gbet ceremony though I had sawed, down a huge tbireh which,
could 'not see the happy couple, 1 in .falling, pinned him to the ground,
managed tot ig•et a position where and before he could be liberated the
my 'better i half could quite distinct- tree 'had to be sawn, through again.
ly hear the preacher say, that the He died ten minutes later. He was
husband was the head of the house. 29 -years of age, and had resided at
So far I cannot see that it has made St. Regis Falls, N. Y., for our years.
any very noticeable impression, ex- He was a well liked young man, in-
,cept that I was instantly conscious dustrious and sober, and had many
of a very painful pinch when I relatives he Glengarry county.
ventured a nudge at that part of —Captain Robertson, ef the ill
the ne,rvice. When the two were fated !Steamer Monarch, Is lying ill
finally Idled up beyond all hope of at his home in Sarnia. The ee,ptaill's
recovery, everybody, particularly the right foot was frost *bitten. during
men, pressed forward tor kiss eth.e the wreck. He made light of it, and
bride, while- the groom, as is also did 'not give the inJueed member the
customary, did' his besi, to look as medical attention It requIred, with
if he didn't care. In the crowd' of th.e :result that last week the doctors
strangers albout me I kind *of lost found Lif n,eoessary to 'amputate the
my 'bearings and I got flustered big toe andfor a time _blood poison -
:for I was 'going. 'to miss 'that' ing waseleared.
bridal salute altogether. I -wasn't i —The Ontario Government has re-
taking any chances on losing that ceived another big chunk of money
chaste 'salute, so when I found my- J for another Cobalt mining claim. The
self face to face With a rosy -looking : right of mining was let by tender and
girl dreesed in white, with a, chrys- i the offer of a syndicate of Mont-
anthemum in her hand2 embrace real ca,patalists was accepted. The
ed her without further preliminary, J price is, $178,500, in addition of a roar
and was: squaring away for an en- aity of ten per cent. on the groes
core, when my better half gave me value of ores mined, for the unalien
an awful pinch, and the blushing sted portion -of the .bed of Kerr lake,
maiden in the Cobalt district, an area of 23
What'd ema want to do that for V' acres.
I asked in an injured tone. "Every-
" That wasn't the bride," was the le safer than. to let it run and cue
To slop a cold with "Preve.ntics"
body else is--" •
stern reply, " and I believe -you knew
it wasn't." It arterwarcle. Taken at the "snee e
etage," Preventice will head off all
" Where in( thunder is she, then a, -colds and Grippe, and, perhaps seen
I growled, in a horse' whisperyou from Pneumonia or 13ronc
"Why doesn't she stay around till- we Preventics are little toothsome
all get what's corning to tie ?" cold cure tablets, selling ih
"That' hry,
h4sliat'seihe her Haveh't and 25 cent boxes. If you are
lf Yon begin to sneeze, try Prey
"No, I haven't. They all look ; They will, eurel,y check the cold,
• :
like ta- o me. Now, you stay here *d please you, Sold by 0. Aberhart,d
1,11 see that she doesn't start out Ion •
her 'matrimonial •career without rhY gist, Seaforth.
blessing." .
whispers, 'listen—what's that noise,'
tell her that it is the rumble of the
stars sailing through space, or the
breaking of, the dawn—tell her way -
thing, p.m absolutely refuse to get
up and chase after _it. I may as
well tell you that you'll have to
yield 'in 'the long run. No man
evez* 'lived who didn't have to give
In on, that point, and no man ever
yet found a burglar.• I've been
hunting ;burglars for . fifteen years
now; with as niuch success as the
average policeman but heaven help
him le I ever catch one. The rnar-
triage service says the husband is
the head of the house. Sometimes
he is, and frequently he isn't. It
depende, largely 'upon himself and
what kind of a woman he zneeries.
As I have never seen your bride-
to-be, / I canna make any predic-
tions ;-I I will know better after „I've
sized 'he up, but on general princi-
ples it 1 the best to be resigned."
Them eeing to it that he had the
ring aridifee and license bandy, we
h.urried 'til the scene of execu—I Mean.)
exquisite happiness.
44 4i W
an y
-As -the result of the effort of
But the crowd shifted, and when two different companies to buy the
I stepped up and imprinted a Juicy Klima farm; near Aueable, Mb igen,
benediction on the cherry lips of ten- erfor ce°1Pecttarircalvpalueuapbosless,wtawtr pow -mem -
other damsel in white, stan.dtngenear here of the family, supposed to have
the groom, she drew back in sur- been dead for yeare, have been foundi
and the ,family has been reunited.
The mother is Mrs. 'Elizabeth Ann
Hopkinson, who has lived in Wind -
What's the matter 'how I or for sever9,1 years. She went
eald, impatiently, "wasn't -that the 1 there after the death of Mr. Kinna.
bride ?" • She retnaied there, but is again a
"That wee a bride about six weeks widow. The oldest son, Wesley, was
ago, and it's lucky for you her hu- in legal possession of the Ausable
band didn't see you. Now, you need property. He was drowned as he was
not go around embracing any more' about to comPlebe the gale to one of
of the guests, for the bride has gone 'the compSneca seeking it. Three re -
to change her gown." maining brothers divided the property
And thud another opportunity had among 'themselves. In looking for
slipped from 'my grasp. I ;felt jus e all the heirs to get, full posseselon
the same when I traded a mining of the farm at Ausa,ble, .one of the
claim out west once for a rifleand companies found a fourth bretheranzp:
the other' fellow struck • a vein of posed td be dead, living at Ashton,
eilver that made him rich. But the Ont. Tien:Mgt him the mother was lo -
present case had its compensations— cated at Windsor. She had never com-
two of 'em, and the opportunity had municated with, the sons at Ausahle,
not been in vein., though only 200 miles from them, and
- _Presently the g.roone hunted me up they supposedl she was dead also.
and anxiously inquired: Under the Michigan statutes the mo-
" Well 'how did you like the lbrlde ?" 'them becomes( sole owner of her
As I hadn't -got a glimpse of her yet former home.
I could have given an unprejudiced,
opinion, 'but all I said` was:
Croup can positively be stopped in
"Well, She tasted all right to me." 20 minutes. NO vomiting—nothing to
He's puzzling. over that yet, I gnome * sicken or distress your c'hild. A
because he was keeping tab on ail sweet, pleasant, and safe Syrup, call -
Who availed_ themselves of guests' • ed Dr. Sheep's Craup Cure, does the
work and does it quickly. Dr.
eye. ShOop's Croup Cure Is for Croup, a -
And they had turkey at the bridal Jane, -remember. It'e for Croup, that's
feast. How I did long for a 'bit of all It doeen't claim to cure' a dozen
boiled shank or oatmeal porridge. or ailments. Sold by C. Aberhart, Sea-
-anything but that ever lasting tur- forth.
prise, -and my better -half againcame
to my rescue and bundled me out of
the 'Worm
a Momen
11 will do it for you
A. eal prepared-vvith the hell, 4.: a
dish has a Teat fascination for mar
But the woman who uses a chafin dish and
• hasn't tried what the addition o. a few crops
of Bovril will do, has yet to find out how
delightfully piquant and appetising, – chcf-
intr dish preparation can he made.
Not only does "Bovril" add to the richness
and taste, but also very materially to the
nourishing qualities, and that's best of all.
flousOold Necessity
o have been first, proves antiquity.
To have become first, proves merit."
has BECOME first
through MERIT.
it shows that the throat is sensitive and bronchial tubes
weak. Make them well and 3trong with
Bole's Prepavation of
Friar's Cough Balsam
It heals irritation, and inflammation—strengthens the
membrane of throat and lungs—and not only cures coughs,
but also protects you against catching another told.
25 cents a bottle. At druggists.
MI X ,SEr IS/4-
Is a Raney Mak. Frame leeks to the
Gangs with a simple haleturn. scraper
Knives combined with Cleaner liars keep
Wes free of all sods or trash. Rill Bear.
. 40 anti -friction balls make draught
very light. Flexible. WHIM furrows or
fib uneven ground. Plates the correob
shams- turne and pulverizes the soil. Other
Diale`and cultivators tested against' the
"BISSELL" get aemr.prise. Sold by on
A.gouts. Manufactures, by
Write for Booklet"
1 Aeafa. tAe Pog172&Ti OD our street
24,y, GRANBY RUBBERS aft* beat
In them 1 tminp an tramp ab'c7dt:.
TAey're.eay towi
an& 6,00 wear out
e deem
Appal. oiGPANIIY RUBBE,R5 win wear a5 long az two pain
orrnary rubb€r3 i& tby 1,06k wefl zal the ti
Osy ..setsissitst
More New Goods
We are still placing in stock new goods of all kinds and we a
sition to meet the demands of all.
A Money Saving Store
This is a moneysaving store for our customers. , We have the' goods you
want and our prices will surprise you. Call in and see 'US and let Ils quote
now in
Granite Ware
We have in stock a large quantity of the best granite ware of all kinds,
and at old pricks.
Fa me rs 100 Horse Blankets that were $L26, now 2 for $1.25.
Call and see our Boots and hoes—Gents, Lathes and Children.
D 0 L GOFF and
Opposite the Royal Hote1 Sesforth.
ree'llous and t
of Victory Over
No MediCill0 has ever effected es
a number of wonderful and alrhost mar-
vellous cure8 es Psychine. It has had one
continuous record of victories over dines.
fee of the throat, chest, lunw and stomach.
Where doctors have pronounced cases
' eatable from consumption and other
wusting diseases Psychme step e in and
rescues number lees people even from the
very verge of the grave. Coughs Colds,
Catarrh, Bronchitis, Chills, Night'Sweate,
La Grippe,. Pneumonia, and other like
troubles, ail of which are forerunners of
Consumption, yield 9uick17 to the camp
tive Dowers of Psychme.
Mrs. Campbell, one of the many embd,
makes the Wowing statement:
'cannot reirtin from telling all who suffer
of my remarkable recovery with Fayenine. In
April, 1002, 1 caught a be,ftyy cold which sclAled
on my lungs e.nd gradually led to consumption_
/ could not sleep, was subject to night seatw
My lungs were so diseasedony doctor toned
tee incurable. Rev. Mr. Mahaffy, Poo, Elgin
yterian Church, recommended Dr. sioemes
bine to me, when I was living in Ontario.
r using Psyehine for a abort thee I ate fad
Ient well, the nfeht sweats and -cough ceased.
ontbs ago I stopped talking Payehlue, sal was
torIecty restored to health- and to -day I never
!eLt b-3tter in niy life. Psyehine has been a e•--
Cottonwood, N.
A. - 'r
PSYMID.T. E never isappoints.
IPSYCIIINE has no substitute.
There is no other medicine
At all dealers, Sc, and SLOG per betas.
ff not write to
DR. T. L t WU limited, 179 rag St W, Ittelift
Dr. Root's Kidney Pills are a tar*
snd raiment ONO for Rheumatism
s Disease, Pain in the Back an
all forms of Kidney Trouble. Z6c nor
bait at all dealers.
0., -gaP0. T .4c) i':
g 5 5 f.i
02 co
P ..4 I
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er, co
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0 -134 co
a) 0 iwoie
cri 0
NO B 10E
The undersigned is prepared to take inabout 20
head of cattle for feeding purposee. Terms made
known on application to the tuiclersigned. H. MK"
Lot 14, Coneeseion 1, Stanley, or Bruce.
field P. O. 2038-4
1 I
Thousands have 4tbiis when the
caught oold, '1oiie °qhave neglecte&!
to cure the (Ad, Th km4.6110(144
Consumptives grave throut,oh neglect.)
Never neglect a cough or cold. It can halm
but one result, It leaves the throat or!
rigs, or both, affected.
Dr. ood's
Pine Syrup
Is the Media:10 you need. It strikes att
the very foundation of all throat or 3.ungl
oomplaints, relieving or curing Coughs,
Colds Bronchitis, Asthma, Croup, Sore.
Throat, and. preventing Pneumoniaandi
It has s the test fornmny years, an&
is now more gendrally used than ever.
contains all the *lig healing virtues of tb
pine tree combir(ed With Wild Cherry Barki
and oeher pectoral remedies. It stiniu1a.t-es4
the weakened bronchial organa, allay
irritation and subdues inflonniatiop.1
soothes and heals the irritated tsetse
loosens the phlegm ..rid naneous, Ulla srds
nature to Deasily_ oislodge the morbid ae-
cumulation,s. on't be hereleagged /Mei
accepting an imitation of Dr. Wood's Nor-
way Pine Sirup. It is put up in a yellow!
Wrapper, three pine trees the trademark,'
and price 25 cts.
Mr, jrdian J. LeBlanc, Belle Cote, K.S.,
writes t- "1 wits tem...bled with a bad ce)Iii'
and severe cough, which assumed such an..
titude as to keep me confined to my,
use. 1 tried eeve ral remedies advertised
but they were of no avail. As a last resort
tried Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup
andono heethe aerial me completely."