HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1907-01-04, Page 5AtrARY 4y THE EXPOSITOR DIAN BAN for n Years Logan, A., a for Marys, "died at his ort .time ago. De; for several- yearn., ▪ atr ck r. affeney, wife and er ot Eagle River, ;Wisconsin the former's parents in eight years since Mr, home. eoper, son • of Mr. 'red H• ooper, Mitchell, has been re- ,sugaged as principal of Miami, Man- itoba- public school, at a salary or Mr. John Paul and Miss 'Janet Paul, of Virden,. Manitoba, who have iived In tbe WiNst tor the past fifteen ears, are in Listowei for a couple of menthe this winter, visiting Mr. ;Andrew Climie. Mr. WM Jones, of Mitchell, Who a few week's ago or California., he purposed spending the win - or the benefit of his health, re- Trned home last week, finding no vhange irt his condition froft the Southern air. .01 he g rh- a-kounc- Miner, gornia Very S. . Miner prising demise entire ipa isi Robo ie - nun e ; cIama- candi- Norris, 1. Ven- Lielper, this exten- mt the r from corning ,u -al of he ex - given er has onth.- Tears Cin, of Tag - 5. hem ). Hut - e, are flbank, Lke err - ends at Hugh New -Miss rest of r took t the atford, was ary C. The The v. B. ch in ediatet con- esting t the omas on when r nee A.. rit at per - pan con - pular Avon v npany '5ented ac - .ch he. La in- narri- stmas :o lile e and Your Sayings -are Safe When deposited in 0••• Wester Bank of Canada Interest paid or -compound- - ed twice a year. WE t10 MAN ANYTHING Borrow Your Requirements from us and pay cash. FRANK McCONNELL, Manager DUBLIN BRANCH. SALE REGISTkat. On Wednesday, January Oth, at one o'clock p, at Bossenberry's 1rote1, Brueefield, Buggies, Cuttere, Roues and other articles. Thomas Brown, auction - ger. 2038-1 On Thursday, January 10th, at one o'clock p:een. at Dick's Stock Yards, Seaforth, Horse, Cattle and Pigs. P. A. O'Sullivan, proprietor, ; Thomas Brown, Auctioneer.. 2038-1 On Saturday, January 26th, at 3 o'clock p. m., at the American Hotel, Bruesels, Lot 12, on the 6th Coneeseion of elorris, a good improved farm, belong- ing to the estate of the late R Staling. P. fe, Scott, Auctioneer. .1111•111111M111111111111•11111MM.Mill • MARIKETS. , — Seeman', January 3rd, 1007. " Fall Wheat • ea 70 to $11 70 -Oats, per bushel.. a .. _ .. , ......... 0 36 to 085 Peva per bushel .. • . ,, .. .. ........ 0 75 to 0 75 13ar1ey, per bushel. . 0 42 to 0 45 Bran, per ton. 20 00 to 20 00 Shorts, per ton 20 00 to 20 00 Low Grade Flour, per ton Ve 00 to 23 00 „Flour, per 100 lbs 2 10 to 2 75 Batter, No. 1, loose.......- • • a...a:0 20 to 0 22 Bucter, tale 0 10 to 0 21 „aggs, per dozen •0 22 to 0 24 Corn (30 to 05 Ray per ton. ' I0 00 to 10 00 Hides, per 100 ibe 8 00 to 8 50 Sneep skins, 0 75 to 1 00 Potatoes per beshel 0 40 to 0 50 Salt, retail) per barrel. ... a ... .. . 1 25 to 1 35 per or ( one) I 00 to 7 00 Waod per cord (short)37 e. to 375 Apples per bag 0 20 to 0 50 -Clever Seed 'Timothy Seed 6 50 te 7 00 1 60 to 2 00 , Wo Dairy Markets. Tinton% December 31. -Butter -The market coq - Vanes very steady and firtu. Choice qualities are still scarce. The demand keeps good. Creamery, 26 to 27e - solids, 24c to 250 ; dalry,prints, 22 to 280 ; PaPs, if) to 20o, tuba la to 20c inferior. 15 to 18c. Cheese -The market is very eteiiele-, and iluotations arefirm at 13etor laege. and 14c for twina. Eggs - The market continues very firm. Storage and lim- ed are in good demand, Storage are quoted firm at 24e, and limed 22e. New -laid are nominal as from 30 to- 35e. 3.1-opra,RAL, Dec.31-Butter-afarkee, remains erm, with very aetive local demand. Finest Feetern town- ships creamery, 251 to 25e ; lower grades, 24 to 24e.o. There is a scarcity of choice separator, and small packagee are in good demand at 24 to 25e. 'Wescern dairy selected is sailing at 22 to 28e; lower grades, 21 to 21ec ; Manitoba, 20e to 21o; rolls in. baskets, 22i to 23c •, boxes and barrels, 22 to 221. Quip a iew lots of Canadian butter liove been brought back from England,eand there are other shipments on the way. Eggs -The market has gained further strength and prices are slowly het surely going up. Local demand is itetive and shows a half cent increase on east Week's quotation. Ne laid 35c. and home lots a trifle over; select fall eggs. 25i to 26c ; Ihned and coIdesterage, 21 to 21ec. Potatoes. Tokowro, Dee, 91 -The market is very quiet and steady. Ontario are quoted at 60 to 65e per bag- in ear lots here. Eastern, 70 to 75c. Poultry. Toimerro, Dec. 30 -The poultry market this morn- ing was rather quiet for a before -holiday market. The demand is principally for geese, and turkeys are somewhat slow and easier. The continuance of mild weather is not improving. the market any. Wakens, dressed, 0e to 0c:: ; fowl, 5 to 70 ; ducke, 10 to 12e ; • geese, lee to 12e ;turkeys 12c to 13e per pound all dressed weight. • : Seeds. Toneraeo, Dee, ell -There is very little doing in the seed trade everything having a holiday quiet - nem Prices, however, ar-e generally strong, fancy arades being quoted a little timer. Quotations are.: -tkeilea, fancy,'No. 1, 30 to 80.25 ; No 2, 85.75 to erc4 eee; N 8 KO to $5.10. Rad Clover -The market continues fairly strong. Fanevals to 38 25 ; No. 1, $7 to $7.25 ; No. 2, $0.35 to 86.50. Thnothy- Local market quiet. No 1, $1.50 to 81.80 per bush. ; 2,31.20 to $1.40 per bushel. Gram, eto. ,TOR0NT0, December 3L -Wheat -No. 1 Manitoba laird is nominal at the lake ports ; No. 1 NOrthein at ma and No. 2 Northern at 78m Eran-Market firm, at18 to ato outside, in bulk, and shorte at $10 to 810.60- Baled Hay -The market is steady; t re- sent quetittions are stt ady at $11.50 to 312 for N .1 timothy, and $0 to $9.0 for No. 2 in oar lots h re. Straw -Steady at 87 in car lots here. _ 'Live Stook Markets. toevox, England, Dee. 81 -Canadian cattle in he Bailee markets are quoted at 11 to 13ec per M ; re- erieerator beef, 81e per pound. Grasoow, Dee. 31 -There is sharp trade for steers at 13 to laic per lb. LtVzitrotn, Dee. 81 -Canadian steers at Hee ; 'Canadian ranehers at 10A(t. MONTRTIAb, Dec. 81. --The butchers were present In eoneiderable numbere, but the wet weather help- ed to make a rather dull market. There were not many really good cattle on the market, and these sold at 4e to 5c per lb. ; prate good at el to ale, and the common stook nt 21 to 31. There were no, good veal calves on the market ; grassers gold at 2e. to eie., and the young veals at 4 to 50. Sheen at - 31 to 4ee, and lambs at fee te Od per lb. Owing to the contittued Ughreceiptof hogs during the vase ten alays a stronger feeling hat; developed in the market, and priees base been steadily advancing. Offeeln gs smali, demand keen, with Hides of eelected lots at 84-75 to e0.85 per evvt, weighed off ears. ToioNT0 JrscrioN-Union Stook Yards, December 31 -The quality of fat cattle was fair ; trade was gond. Export; prices ranged from 8440 to $5.10 ; bulk Belling at $4.80 to 35; export bate 83.50 to to 84; butcherspriees tor picked lots choice rang- ed from e4.25 to e4.371 ; good from $4,00 to 84.25 ; medium, 83.60 to 33.9`0 ; common, 83.25 to 83.50; -butcher e3 to 0.75 canners, 81.50 to 82 ; Veal -calves sold at $4.50 to 80.50 per 100 lbs. Milah Cows and sprinaere at e35 to 950. Sheep and Lambs -Export ewesifroni 84.50 to 84.75 ; bucks, 83.25 to 83.50 ; spring lanam, ea to 30.50. Hogs -Selects sold at $6.40 ; light, $0.15 ; sows, e$4 to 85; stags, $2.50 to 8340 per 100 lbs., fed and *altered. BuFFAJ.0, Dem 31 --Catele-Active and 10,: to 15e bigher prime steers, 35.65 to 38; shipping, $5 to 3.60; butchers' $4.50 to $5.40 ; heifers, 4.40 to 80.15; cows, 83 to $4.75 •, bulls, 82.50 to 41.50 ; roekers and feeders' 82.75 to eg.35 ; stook heifers, 82.50 ' to $3.25 freshcows and springers, $2 to 83 higher, at 325 to 3.54. Vealq-Active, and 25c higher $1.25 $9.50. Hogs -Fairly active .• Yorker o a ahade lower ; others, steady ; heavy, 36.65 , mixed and Yorkers, 80.05 to 30.70; pigs, $6.70 to KW &few e6.85 ; rougbe, 85.75 to $6 ; stage, 34,25 to $5. Sheepand Latel.s.-Active and higher; larribet 85 to 88 ; yearrin e0.50 to $6,75 ; wethers 85.60 to 40.i5; ewe. 84.75 to 35.25 : sheep, mixed, 38 to 1540; Cana -I% lambs, 47.50 to47,85. •In Seefortk. MI lid 2.4re. r Dill, w soh. •• . _PUROELL-IA MoKillop on f and Mrs, Thomas PUrceil, a BlATTIR-In Cache °reek, B. 04, on Dee. 23rd, to and Mate Matthew Beattioi a son. in. Clinton, on December Weed, Or Mr. and Mrs. George niece a daughter4 STEWART---Th Clinton Ifoepitoe, on Deo. Illei , to Mt. mid Mrs. 'John Steeertre, Of Stanley, 4 daugh- ter. BLAKE -In 001borrie, elaieland cloncession, on Dee. 23th, to Mr. and Mrs. Richard Bialtoattenefighterk e, Warrirssres, tPAISLEY-MoRWEN-Ab the residence of the ,bride'spirent,s, On Dem 20th, by itev4Dr. Stew' art, Mary, daughter of Mr. Denlean MaEwenjand O. Lionel.Paisley, all of Olinton. ARMSTRONG-STRPRENSON--Atfthe residence of the bride's parents, on Ohristmas Day, by Rev. W. Hinde, of Bayfleid, Alioe youngest daughter of Mr. John Stephenson,of Stanley township,and David ArMetrorim of Pilot Monad, Manitoba. WATKINS—WRIGHT—At the residence of the bride's sister, Mrs. Jesepli Watson, Mullett, en °Mathias Day, by Rev. Mr. Kerney, Rose, third deoghter of Mr. John Wright, to Joseph' 'Wat- kins, of Hullett. MASON—HEASLIP—At the residence of the bride's parents, -74 River street, Toronto, on Dec. 2sul, 1by Rev. R. J. Fallis, Feed IL Mason, of Ethel, and Anna Bertha, second daughter ,of Mr. and Mrs. Ben. Heaslip, olLROY—WILLIS—At the residence of the bride's parents, on December 2fith, by Rev. S. Ander- SOU, John MoIlroy and Edith Willis, both of the township of Morris. MITXTABLE—FINKBEWER—In eieditao, on Deo. 25th, by Rev. Mr. Bean, Russell }Notable, of Haneilton, and Lydia, daughter of Mrs. Rusina Pinkbeiner, of Crediton, OHRISTIE-BAGSLIA.W -At the home of the bride's parents, on Dec. 20th, by Itev. IL A. Far. David J. Christie, of Lachute, Quebec:, and Victoria, daughter of Mr. Win, Bag,aleatv, of Exeter. OWTOLIFFE---13ATTEN-In IJaborne,on Dec.25th, Brian Rowtoliffe and Peer], daughter of John Batten, all of Ushorne. OGIT,ISON--BAKER-At the home of the bride's parents. Goderieh, on Dec. 200, by Rev. J. A. Andersoh, B. A., George Iligginson tied jernirnea third daughter of John %Ito. MACIDONALD-vuoN- At the home of the toldes mother, Bruesels, on January ist, by BOY. A. 0, Wishait, 13. A., Mr. Duncan Macdon- ald, of Jamestown, to Miss Kate, daughter of ?fir. James Wilson, BARNARD-MULLIGAN-At bhe residence of the bride's. parents, In Jamestown, on' Deo. 26th, by Rev. L. -Perrin, Miss E. E. Mulligan, and Edward - Barnard, of Wroxeter. • Deattts. HUNT -In efoLillop, on Dee. 20th, Enwerd Hunt, aged 83 3•ears and 11 months, NOLVES.-In efeltillop, on Dec. 28th, JeMinia, re- lict of the late Wm. Holmes, in her 04th year. MoNAIR-In Oraubrook, on December 28th, Mary McTaggart., wife of J'ames MoNair, aged 73 years, 2 months and 22 days. - • EDWARDS-In Bayfleld, on Dee. 22nd, ,Henry Edwards, aged 70 years and 0 months. DAIIIWEY-In Stephen, on Dec. 25th, Annie Hind, wife of Joseph Dauncey, aged 54 years, 11 months and19 days. 7 IRWIN-1n Clinton. on Dem 23rd, May Eva Irwin, youngest daughter of Mr. Josiah Invin, aged 16 yeare, 4 months and 8 weeks. salons Car TO TRE ELECTORS OF MoICILLOP.- • Ladiett and dentleinen,-/ one a etandidate for 001mOiller- for the 3re,ar 1907 and reepeetfully 'our 'ate and infinence to setntre my election. If elected, r will endeavor to :levee the hese interests of ,the Whole township. 'Wishing you the compliments of tile oettsettai am • Yours Respeotfully, 2038.1 F. J. MoCellAID. woormaraar TO THE ELUOTORS OP MoitiLLOP Ladies and fientlemen--Ifaving been nominated as a Oandidate fOr the Council Of Moitill)p, 1 beg to solicit your votes Mal influences and in the event of my election / shall aortal you to 'the very best of.my Yours Respectfully, 2038-1 . ALEX. ROSS. ••••••••••••••••••aa TO THE ELEOTORS OF Me1111.140P • - Ladies and Gentlemen.. -As it will be impossible Lot' me to oee you all personielly before election day, I take thie opportunity of liciting your votes and inildeneti. During the past'yearl I halve endeavored in my capacity as Reeve of MOKIllop; to conduit the affairs of the Township to the best of my ability. In again asking- your suffrages; I promise tmeontinue to conduct the, businees of the 'Township a ith econoiny and efficiency. Wiehing you the compliments of the 8 ea4mn' -Yours Respectfully; 2038x1 "; JOHN M. GOVENLOOlee FARMS- FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE. Iraral A &mice unimproved notion h Caueral Alberta. --R. R. 8 miles. Good teeter at 20,feet. For alio on easy terms, or will exchange for suitable farm in Huron county, first elms section in South Saukatchewan.--14 milee to It, a. and market, Proposed R. R. -will mine within 8 miles. Water at from 20 to 60 feat. For sale at a bargain, or will exchenge for•farM near Seaforth. y lia5cont,dnsn. desctiption of some of the finest atok and grain farms offered for sale ie. Huron. May I send it to you. A. A. WATT,Real Estate Agent, 20324f Bruoefield; Ontario. DIVIDEND NO. 4. ar The Robert Bell Engine & Thresher Company, Limifred. Notice is hereby given that iv dividend, for the year ending Ootober 81st, 1006, cnioulatod at the rate of 7 per cent, per anuutn, has been deolared on the fully paid up capital stook of this Company, on records October 31st, 1000. Cheques will be Issued tc the shareholders on February 14t, 1007. 13y (eider of the Beard. i 265.w ROBERT BELL, Managing Director. IMPORTANT NOTIONS. farmers' Institute . BULL FOR SALE. -Por sale, a• thorobred Short- horn bull with registered ped1greeta12 months old, red in color, got hy "Hot Seetoh," Apply to THOMAS LEEMING, Leadbury, 0, Ont. ' ' 203(0(4 'DULLS Fort SALE. --Two good! Shorthorn ulls A,/ for sale, twelve months old, sired hy " fiot Scotch," champion at London exhibition in 1905. Imported dams. These are first-class calves both ae regards to breeding and individuaL animals. JAMES COWAN, Seaforth. 2038-tf CATTLE FOR SALE. -John McConnell Will have for sale at Dublin on Monday of each week, a uumber of WU'S, some springers and some to calve in March and April Win have a number on hand during the entire season. Clash or credit. Will try to give satisfaction ds much as possible. JOHN Mo- CONNELL. 2038x3 DIaPER ON SALE OF EfOROBRED SHORT - HO) CATTLE. -M sers. W. Doherty, of (Minted, an Jacobs, of Blyth, will heve a disper- sion sale of their combined herds of thorobred Short- horn cattle on January 15th, at Mr. Doherty's, barns in Clinion, end at Mr. Jacob's barns, near Blyth, on JenueryItab. 65 head will be offered, including two imported Scotch Shorthorn Bulls. W. DOHERTY & A. JACOBS, Proprietors. 2e38-2 A.1131 FOR SALE. -A good farm in the Township of Usborne. 100 acres, Lot 34, Concession 4. There is a, good comfortable log: house, bank, barn, laving house and stable combined. Tele Perm is well drained and fenced, has 5 acres of hardwood bush, 10 acres of early fall wheat, 20 acres of fall ploughingdone. The balance is all seeded down. There are also two never -failing wells on the place. The property is tear miles from Hensall, six from Exeter and le miles from Chiselhurse, where there ere two churches, a store and a blacksmith shop. Tina sold privately, on or before the 18th of Janu- ary, will be sold with the chattels, on February 1st. For terms, etc., apply to THOS. elAMERON, Aue- tioneer, Farquhar P. 0. For full particulars apply to GEORGE SMALLACOMBE, Chiselhurst P. 0. 2035x4tf FARM ON THE LONDON ROAD FOR SALE, - The unclereigned offer for sale Lot 10, Cowes - mon 1, Tuckersmith, being part of the estate of the late Benjamin Smillie. This farm coniains 100 aeree, 15 acres of good hardwood bush and 85 acres cleared, well fenced, thoroughly under drained with ale and ,in an excellent state of cultivation, coneisting of 8 acres of wheat, 2 acre orehard, 80 acres ploughed for crop and the remaining 45 acres seeded to grass. • There is, on the premises, a good 'ergs brick house with large kitchen and excellent new bank barn, 50 x 70, also a concrete silo,- a pig pen and driving shed. There are three never -failing wells. This is a eery desirable property and is situated- one mile north' of the village of Heiman. WILLIAM MOIR & BEN- JetelIN SMILLIE, Executors, Hensel! P. 0, 2038-tf "WThth ARM FOR SALE. -The Executors of e eatate 1: a the late Benjamin Benne have instructed Mr. E.S. Scott to sell by public auction at the Amer- ican Hotel, Bruseels, on Saturday, January 26th, at 3 o'clock p. m., that pert of the estate being North Hal; of Lot12, Concession 6, Morris Township, con - tattling 100 acres. This farm hasbeen seeded to grass for a 3ouple of years and is well adapted for either grazing or mixed faripihg. There is a never -failing supply of good water, 20 acres of good hardwood bush and some choice fruit trees. There is on the premises a comfortable fmnie house and good bank barn. The farm is situated on the main road be- tween Brussels and Beigrave, half a mile from church% and post office and one mile from school. Thi e farm win bo sold to the highest bidder as the executors must wind up the estate. Terms locale known on day of sale or previously on applicatia,n to the Exee- utors or auctioneer. WILLIAM MOIR & BEN- JAMIN swum, taccubore, Bengali P- 0. 2038-4 NOTICE. Thoundersigned is prepared to take in about 20 head of cattle for feeding purposes. Terms made known on application to the undersigned: II. ANC- ENIIEAD, Lot 14, Concession 1, Stanley, or Bruce. field P. 0. 2088-4 ANNUAI MEETING. • The annual meeting of the Usborne & Hibbeit Mut- ual Fire Insurance Company will be hied in the Public Hall, Farquhar, on Monday, February 45h, 10107, at 1 •o'clock p. in. Business, --Receiving the direetors' minuet report, auditors' report, election of directors and auditors and the transaction of any business in the interests of the company. Polley holders are invited to attend. • JOHN A. MORRIS, President B. W. P. BEAVERS, 2038x3 Secreteey. Annual Illepting. The annual meeting- of the Stanley 13ranch Agricul- tural Society will be held in the Town Hall, Bayfield, on Wedneeday, January Oth, 1007, at the hour of one °Um:Mar the purpose of receiving the auditor's and treasurer's reports, the transaction of business and the election of ofileere for the ensuing year. A full' atteudanoe of the members is requested. R. SNOWDEN, President G. E. GREENSADE, Secretary 2036.2 NOTICE. asasarlia Town of Seaforth. ••••••• mem.m. Application will be made to the Legislative Assam. bly of the Province of Ontario at the next seesion thereof for en act to confirm the fallowing By -Laws of the Town of Seaforth: By -Lew No. 15 for 1094, passed 26th-jo.nuary, 1005, authorizing the issue of Debentures to the amount of 820,000. By -Law No. 11 for 11100. passed 20th June, 1006, authorizing the issue of Debentures to the amount of $10,000. By.Law authorizing the issue of Local Improve- ment Debentures to the amount of $26,500, to defray -the cost of paving a portion of Main Street in the Town of Seaforth. Dated at the Town Hall, Seaforth, this 26th Day ef December, A.- D., 1906. JOHN A. WILSON, 2038.6 Town Clerk. • Meetings. error ..ma • The regular meetings of tne South Huron Fanners' Institute will be held at E X ETER, JANUARY 17th • BRUCEFIELD, JANUARY 18th EXETER. -At the Exeter afternoon meeting the speakers will be W. Elliott, Galt, on "The Cultiva- tion of our Farms" and J. Gardhouse, Highfield on "Care and Management of Horses," and addresses by M. Y. McLean and B. S. Minim. A. lady speaker Cs expected at both afternoon and evening meeting's. In the evening err. W. BMA will speak on "'Things we ought to think about", and Mr,: J. Oardhouse on "How to Improve Present Farrn Conditions." BRUCEFIELD.-In the afternoon Mr. Elliott, of Galt, will speak on " The Cultivation of our Farms and Mr. Gardhouse on "Ooze and Management of Sheep." -Addresses will also be given by D. Forrest- er, of !Hinton, and W. Lewis, Orecliton. In the even- ing Mr. Elliott will speak on "Things we ought to think about and Mr. Glardhouse on "flow to Im- prove Present Farming Conditions." The afternoon meetings will commence at 2 ceclook sharp and evening- meetingsat 7:30 sharp. W. D. SANDERS, It. GARDINER, President. Secretary. • 2088-2 SWEELY, SHIPMAN & COMPANY present for a tour of America, the • • Jessie Maclachlan Concert Cbmpany The Queen of Scottish Song. SuPporting Artists — I • D3i OuTeLrtGRAA: YOUNGs:r • MEIN McLINDEN , ROBERT BUCHANAN The best:of Scotland's Music, • old a,nd new. Selections from the World's - greatest composers., C.A.RDNO'S OPERA HALL SEAPORTS Sat., January, 5, '07 Children, 25c Adults, 50c & 75c. • Seats on sale at Aberhartes Drug Store. - 2038-1 We Thank ,411 Cur Many Patrons For their liberal pat- ronage the past year. It will be our aim to give you better service during 1907. We Wish You 411 4 Happy and Prosper. ous New Year, The J.' 'S. ROBERTS - DRUG STORE W. M. MeKAY, Manager A HAPPY NEW YEAR 41v..14•Vit• WELCOME TO 1907. erieePelteenee New Year's Resolutions are now in order, May we suggest: Resolved, that during the coming year you'll buy all your footwear at this -store. Think you'll be pleased to make the ac- quaintance. Man or woman, boy or girl will never repeat knowing our excellent shoe o well. We've the season's best, and the appear- ance and comfort of your feet as well as the welfare of your pocket book. Urge a close acquaintance with our good shoe& orrarro Richardson& Pil'Innis . SEAFORTH, Sole Agents for the Hagar, Just Wright and Derby Shoes. ` RCE Paid-up Capital, $10,600,000. Reserve Fund, $4,500,000 COrner 191 Is end Market Smote Seafortk, ()Staple. HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO 1.3. E. WALkEre, General Manager ALps.". LAIRD-, Asst, Gen'l Manager , BANK MONEY ORDERS eisoer) AT THE FOLLOWING BATES : $$ atAd under. . . ‘, . 3 cents Over $5 and not exceeding. $10 6 cents 44' $10 •44 " $3o,,,10 cents IN $30 it " $50 15 cents These Orders are rayable at Par at any office,- in Canada ck' a bartered Dank '(Yukon excepted), and at the principal banking- points in the United States. rnmotatatA AT A V1XE)3 RATE AT THE CANADIAN BANK' OFOi`trIMERCE,. LONDON, tNG. They form an excellent giethod of remitting small sums of money with safety , and at small cost. F. HOLMESTED, sSofdiAtoFr ORTH BRANCH. G. B. PARKES, Manager, arrormarrerarra.ar•••••ma POPLESTONE &ARDINER - 9 (SUCCESSORS TO MESSRS. McKINNON4c CO.) - aa CONITARIOs W8DIVRIRRgENXIIMMENNIENSIM The Big Clothiers. The buoyant feeling evident in all branches of business appears to be amply justified, Avery interest of the country is flourishing, and indications point to not only continued prosperity, but to still greater development in industrial progress. In view of this bright outlook, we ha,ve made liberal preparations for this .eeasen's trade. The rages of Men's and Boys' Suits will be found larger, the Overcoate more complete than heretofore, especially in higher grades, We are confident that the season just opening will bring us many new faces; for new clothing. We are poeitive our Clothing has no superior—everythingl'meritable is am - elated with our Clothing Departments Boys' Suits from .82 to $5, Young Men's Snits from 85 to 88, Men's Suits from 84 to 814, Boys' Overcoats from 83 to 85, Young Men'tr Overcoats from $4 to 88.50, Men's Overeoats from 85 to 810. Stanfield, Penman, Turnbull and Puritan Unshrinkable Underwear at popular prices, e Poplestone Gardiner,THIERS THE BIG Blyth. CLO invest Money Fifty to 150 per cent, profit I Prettygood in- vestment, isn't it'? The "money bags , ' of Wall Street grab chances at 6 per cent —why don't you take advantage of a better one Buy a Tubular. Invest in a Sharpies Dairy Tubular Cream Separator. It gets a quarter more to twice as much cisam a pans or cans. Every year it pays 50 to 150 per colt. clear profit on its cost. Only Tubulars have waist low can—simple bow,' suspended from Motion- lefs ball bearing--whony enclosed, self -oiling gears. A Tubular did 24, years' work without repairs. Let me sho you one like it. j.A.TELIN SEAPORTII " One door North of iRiehardson & McInnis' Shoe Store. More New Goods We are sun placing in stock new goods of all kinds and we. are now in a position to meet the demands of all. A Money Siaving Store This is a money saving store for our customers. We have the goods you Want and our prices wilt sarprise you. Call in and see us and let us .quote prices, Granite Ware We have in stock a large quantity of the best graniteware o 1 kinds, and' at old price. • Farmers 1 100 Horse Blankete that were $1.25, new 2 for $1,25. Call•and see our Boots end Shoes—Gents, Ladies and Children. I) 0 L GOFF and I SAACSON Opposite the Royal Hotel, Seaford), The Bush is Increasing Daily AT THE GREAT — Clearing Sale Which is still going on at A. G4 AULT'S Store, SEAFORTH. Great Bargains to be had in Mina, Crockery and Glassware; also all kinds of Groceries at such low prices, that everyone who calls cannot help but buy when they see the great bargains that are offered. Invitation extended to all to call and get some of these bargains: - 10 lbs. Sulphur for 250; 10 lbs. Glober Salts for 25o; 8 lbs. of Epsom Salts for 26c. 10 bars Soap for 26c; 6 bars Naptha Soap for 25o; 0 bars Beehive Soap for 25c; 7 bars Ivory Soap for e5o ; 7 bars Eclipse Soap fqr 25c. Pure Maple Syrup, 250 a quart. 25o japan Tea now 10o a lb. ; 260 Green Tea now 10c a in); 26e Black Tea now 2,0c a lb. ; 40e Cot - fee now 80e a lb. •, 30o Coffee now 25c a lb. ; 25e Coffee now 20c a lb, f8olrbs2.5ne.ew Raisinfor 250 ; 3 lbs. new Currants Lots of good fresh Batter and Eggs now in stock Lake Huron Herrings, Salmon Trout and Salt water Herrings on hand. A good tock of Apples and Potatoes. Flour, $2.00 per 100 pounds. FRESH BUTTER, EGGS AND DRIED APPLES TAKEN AT CASH PRIDES, • aolOO•11.0 OK, A. G. AULT, Seaforth. room Tuckersmith Agricultural Society. Annual Meeting. The annual meeting of the Tuckersmith Branch Agricultural Society Will be heTd at the Commercial Hotel, Seaforth, on Wednesday, January Oth, 1907,at one o'olook p. in., for the purpose of receiving re- ports, electing talkers and the transaction of other business. 15 18 particularly desirable that there be a large attendance of members at this meeting. Sev- eral changes under the new act governing rigricul. tura,1 societies have to be considered and acted upon. M. BRODERICK, President. • THOMAS E. HAYS, 20843-2 Secretary. The Standard of Value Is the Honest Dollar .The quality of our guide can be Judged by that standard and not found wanting. There Is one hundred cents worth of it in everything in this stock 'of —Pure Drugs and Medicines —Ladies' and Gents' Purses —Combs add Brushes —Fancy China of an, makes —Pipes and Tobaccos to suit all smokers —Delicate Perfumes in raw pack- ages —Toilet and Shaving taws —Shaving Brushes, Strops and Mugs —Toys and Dolls in endless variety Come in and, see for yourself. You will be welcome whether yoti buy or not and you will receive courteous treatment. a !Mar re 0. ABERHART9 DRUGGIST, OARDNO'S — BLOCK RITIEC Agent for up.to•doto Trusfme, Syringes ffotl Water Bo' ties, lihoop's remedies. Cook'd Cotton Root Compound and Wood'l Phan:Mediae. RTilN"'r,YGAliKsyEA Do You . . Wish to Visit MEXICO CALIFORNIA FLORIDA or the "SUNNY SOUTH" Are you anxious to escape the cold weather and snow, and spend the winter in the "Land of Fruit and Flowers." Tourist tickets are on Bele dally, and if you're contemplating a trip see that your tickete are routed via Grand Trunk. For ticket!, and fall information call on W. SOMERVILLE, Town Agent. A. F, PHILLIPS, Depob Tieket Agent; io kard Goo id Clothing Conoorn in F.Tor Counties nar.r.rarroo-ovoomariroro.orere..> Annual .8.1ook-tleape ing Sale .Opens Mat Jan ':4th The fame of our Annual Stock Clearing iSale has sitread far and wide, hundreds of people Wait for it, appreciating the tremendons advantages of its un approached offers. The sale will be the greatest this store has ever known. New goods will be brought out daily. You will find something inter- esting in every department—positively no goods carried from one season to another. Below is a • partial list dour redactions: FTTIRJS. Great plearing Prices in Furs. Twelve Ladies' Plain Astrac n Jackets' ranging in prices from $30 $40, to clear at from 4520 to $25, as sizes 32 to 42 Fifteen per off all othet Furs and Fur -lined jackets] Twenty-five per cent, off ol/ Muffs, Ruff& Oaperines, ete, ilkelietio9leMAIWiekiikOW.N10110tAIWNilil Metes Furs coats — Ninety Coats to clear at prices unheard of in Furs. Black and brown calf clearing at from $14 to $24 Bulgarian Lamb and Dog Coats at from $12 to $18 Labrador Dog, ceiebratep Leak manufacture, worth froin $30 to $40.„ on sale from $20 to $30 Australian and Canadian Coon Coats at the greatest rednotion we hp,ve ever offered. Clothing Department. Men's Overcoats in Raglans, Beavers, etc, worth froM $1C to $12, to clear at five dollars. • The balance of our stook of Black Clieviof °oats to clearl at 25 per tent. ffo, Twenty-five per cent off all Boys', Youths' and Cthildren'al Coats. See our blearing litres in Men's Suits- / Fifty Men's Pea Jackets, in all [sizes, to. elear at$2.70 Two hundred pairs of Men's Tweed Pants, regular prices ILTh to $2, on sale at $1.25 One hundred Men's, Vesbi, all sizes, at 75e One hundred Youths' and Boys' Vests on sale itt 25c eacl. 4 ~~"A*AAAA#4410~0~4, Ladies' Goods— A bargain lot of Ladies' Kid Gloves, rogular prices from $1 to sale at 75e Samples of Yokings itt filmy silks, velvet and chiffons, regular each, on sale at 25c each Three dozin Ladies' Flannelette Wrapperff, regular priees;$1 on Sale at 89c Ladies' Misses' and Chitdren's Cloth Coats weioirer the balance rim 80e 2.25, our stock at one-third off A table of Ladies' and Ohildren's Ooats to clear at 81.98 each A bargain lot of Ladies' Cloth Skirts regular prices $2.90 t sale at 81.50 • , milagititaNIMIEM111111 Staple Dry Goods— r Ninety pieces and ends of Wrapperette to elea t 25 pecent. off Fifteen per e,entoff all Prints ' Ten pairs Wool Blankets, large size, to blear at $2.65 per pair Twenty-five per cent. off all Grey Bien ets Fifteen pieces of Oxford.Shirting, regal r Flee 1 for 91-0 Ten pieces of Towelling, worth 7o, for 3 Twelve anp one-half per bent, off all Flannelettes Fifty pairs of Towels, a bargain at 250 pair Flannelette Blankets, all sizes, 12:1- per ent off regular prieea. firrnernM*********Mini , Carp et ve artment. _ Six pieces of Tapestry Carpet, regular 'Mc, for 49c Six. pieces of Brussels Carpet, regular priee 85e, for 66e A pile of Rugs and Mate, worth from $2,75 to $3,25, for $L98 Two pieces of Union. Carpet, regular 50e, for 38c A pile of Carpet Squares to clear at one-third less than regularprice Clearing lines in Tapestry Teble Covert; • [ Special 4 yard wide Linoleumn, best cot& manufacturesregularpriee 2.25, for $1,90 ; regular $1,65 for $1.43 See our special values in Lace Curtains, +4+44.144444+4+41.4++.44+114 Highest Prices paid for Butter Eggs and Wool. DRIED APPLES WANTED& MR CT MPORTS.R8 Opposite Town Budding, Corner MAUI and Market treet, Seaforth