HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1907-01-04, Page 4•
ARYI 1907
The figure betwacan tho parenthesis after ea c h
ad, denotes, the page ot the paptr on %veils the
advertisement is toiled.
Winter =in -Grog -Clothing Co -1
taarterrentury-E. Menial Co. -8 ,
appy New Year--Itichardson Mein es -5
Cattle for Sale-.Iohn MeConnell-5
Annual 3feetinz-13. W..F. Beavers -5
Bull forSale-Thonnts Leem1np..-5 •
Farmers' Institute Meeting8-r5
Election Cards -6 .
Smile Maelaohlan Concert -5 ,
Money Wanted -Expositor 011iee=-8
Leeturo--Rev. S. Cleaver -8 .
Bulls for Bale --James Cowan -6
invest Money.-W.j. Al1in--6
Big Otothiers-Popiestone and Gardin
House to Let -J. Rankin -8
New Goods -Doane and Isaacson -5
Notice--Seaforth 9own-5
Dispersion'Stile-W. 1oherty--5
Hockey Match JanuarYS-S
Oalf for Sale -A. Calder -8
Action Sale of Farm -Wm. MoirL-5
'Farm for Sale -Wm. Moir --6
Wu* t ttt expoottor
SEAF-ORTH, FRIDAY, Jan. 4 1907.
Editorial Notizie and Conemnente
The Ontario Legislature has been
.sumrteenect to meet for the trensac-
-tion of business On 'Thursday, Janet-
- ary 24th. The Premier says Iegisla-
ten 10 well advanced, and it will
likely be a busy add useful SeSsii0B.
Lr ettarlema.gne Laurier, U. P.
for L'Avsumption, 'Quebec, dc on.
laetThe deceased was a
half hreiher of Sir Wilfrid Laeirier.
He bad 'held a seat In tbe House of
Commons since 1900, but did not Us -
play an of the brilliant -ehararter-
istic of hie brother. He was 54
years of age.
Dr. William -Pakertiaarn, principal of
tbe Toronto Technical Selool, has
been appointed dean of the faculty of
education, and professot of the their
in the valence and 'history Of educa-
tion. in Toronto University. This is
a new department recently es ta oils had.
The appointment has been well re-
ceived and Dr. Pakenhatn seems, ad-
mirably enalified foe the position. He
has worked 'himself up through the
.. various- grades from a punlic school
teacher to itie present position, so
that he has earnedhis promotion,
and -Should have the practical know-
-ledge as. well as the educational train-
ing to enable him to efficiently fill,
the very important positioa to _which
• he has been appointed. He Is a _nat-
ive Canadian, a graduate of the Uni-
versity, and 40 years of age,
,•••,••••••11, ••••06 -
The British Columbia Leg'slalure
lias been dissolved and Premier Mc-
Bride is, again . appealin,g to the peo-
ple. The elections, take place this
month. frii.e Opposition Leader is •Mr.
McDonald., a von of Mr. James MC -
Donald, of Stretford, a nephew of
Hon. Dr. McDonald, of Wingham, and
if we mistake not, a, native of the
tovrnen.ip , of Tuckersmith. In the
event of the Opposition being success-
ful in thiv election, Mr, McDonald
will be the new Premier. The gener-
al expectation, however, is that the
McBride Gevernment will be *sustain-
ed. There is talk about Mr. McInnis,
- Governor of -the Yukon, resigning that
position and running _for a British
Columbia, constituency and in that
event ne will, be associated With Mr.
• McDonald In - the lea,dership of the
• Opposition. Mr. McInnis is a bright
young politician, one of the best
platform epea.kerth •In the Province
and would be a power 'ot strength
to the Liberals of . thatt roYince.
At a banquet in honor iof Hon. Mr.
Emerecle Minister of Railways in
- 'the Dominion Government, given in
St. Johns, New Branswick, Hon. A.
G. Blair, Mr. Emenson's predecessor
in the, office, and W110 - at one time
cut a wide swath in - Canadian p0 -
Mite, in his speech said if when the
time came a constituency wanted him,
he would be ate their disposal. Mr.
Males political history is quite
familiar to_ our readers, so we need
snot refer to it. is now and !has
been for some time a selleitor or
legal adyleor for the Ca.nadian Pacific
Railway. Be. 't fT'IMEI he still has
a hankering for political life. He lis
too late, however. Ho Will, never a-
gain cut any figure in politic.• His -I
tory and experience are ag-ainetnim.
He has had his turn; he let it slip
and a second opportunity rarely, if
ever comes even to a young man,
and Mr, Blair is no longer • young,
although, possibly, like moat old
people who 'have had a busy life it
is hard for him to realize that he
as old as he 'really is.
The BrItieb, House of Lord i are
: getting into trouble with tne pop-
ular and elective body. They emas-
culated the Educational bill passed
by the Commons; they made soar
faces at The Workingman's Trades
Disputes Bill, and finally . passed it
after several members speaking very
bitterly against It, but they • baulked
entirely at the hill a.bolishang plural
voting and threw it out without
ceremony. • The object of this • bill
was to prevent ^ citizen from voting
'in more conetitrlicies than one • at
an election. At r-eeet a person may
vote in all the ceeetituenciee where
Are has a certain .mount of property.
The result. of this condition of things
is that many constituencies tan nev-
• er be renresented by a resident
Member of Parliament. So many out-
eide votere appear on election days
that the reeidents are swartiped. In
London City. In one of the certain-
• uencies, probably from -25,000 to
85,000 are non-reeldent. But as the
Coneervative party would be 'the
most affected by the reforin, owing
to the =neer of latidown.ers among
them, the Peere have no use for such
a reform art Is proposed. The Peees
largely represent the lend owning ar-
istorracry. and it is this cumulative
voting power that gives them their
great Influence in Parliament. It is
not surprising therefore that the
Peers ehoulcli, desire to llueng on to
this relicof an lent aristocracy- or
plefitoeracy. . Bu!, the world le
moving rapidly aijd Great Britain oc-
euplee ne mean eilace in the progress -
ive iltoteelitkin. The dukes - and 'the
Lorft have had the hy day andnow
what Is eometritnes contemptuously
Galled "the -common - people" are tem-
me/icing to. exercise a powerful
Puence In political ank poblic eta
-fairs generale% The 'Change,- wheth-
er. for better orfor worse, is bound,
to corm The labor organizations
now have several bright young fe-
presentatiyes in the House Of Com-
mons, andthere. are Many others of
• advanad views, so that the British
Haute of Commons Is mei& more ade
vaneed and liberal In iter ideas than
ever before, and the House at Lords,
although in, a' meaSure independent
of the people, will untiMately have
to 'hew to the public will and the
more gracefully they de it the bete'
ter for themselves.
Lord Strathcona, formerly Donald
A. Smith, who for the past ten years
has been Canadian High ; Commession-
er In London England, is at preeeet
In this. country. , It is said the oh-
ject. of hio business is to press On
the Government the acceptance of
his-reeignation as High . Commis-
sioner. Lord_ Strathcona is a re-
markable roan. He is 86 ;years of age
and is still as vigorous' :!botri Ment-
ally and physically as many men of
eixty. But it is- not surprising that
he !Should desire to be relieved of
hie duties as Canadian !Commission-
er,- as he ha e other large business
end financial .intereets Willeh he per-
sonally supervises., He lis supposed
Lo be 0, millionaire three or Nue
timea. over and the proper: adrninistra-
tion of such great wealth 13. 110
light tee for any man. in the event
of Lord, Strathcona eeingerrelievod of
the High Conemissionersieep his sue-.
ceesor will likely , be Sir Richard
Cartwright if be will accept of the
position. '- -
The Ontario Government have ex-
eercieed the power given °them by an
gr _win also reside The regular
meeting of .the East Huron Farmers*
Institute will be 'hel e' here on ,Thurs..
day,' Januaey 10th. Harry Stewart
who io there on a ,isit from the
Weet, and a eon, o Alex. Stewart,
Queen street ,east, was .united In
marriage, on New ear's Day, to
Miss Dolma e, otiesa„y. The bride
is well known Itikei being a sister of
W.W. Herrera Of, town. -A plealo
ant event 'took place at the home of
here. James eiVilleen, . on Tuesday af-
ternoon of thin: Week, the occasion he -
Ing the' marriage of ',her estimable
daughter, Miss Kate, to Mr. D1,111Cati
merchant, of Jamestown.
The ceremony was performed by Rev.
A. C. Vi*-14leet, at two o'clock, in the
arteenee of about twenty-five guests.
The bride has many friends here who
wish her health and happiness in her
new home.
• Notes. -Mr. Andrew Musser is here
from Kimberley, British Crumble, He
intends going back' next
Florence Rhode l 'home from -Detroit
-Mrs. Holtzman, of Michigan, is
visiting her brother, M r. George
Reedy. -Mr, and Mre. Sim Schlueter
from near -.Pigeon, Michigan, are
visiting friends ill this loetelity.-
Mienes Violet and Beatrice Graybiel
have gone to spend the holidays With
theiraunt, in Bad Axe, Illehigen.-
Mrs, Rader and children from near
.13ay Port, "Michigan are visiting her
,brother, Henry Treumner, of _ the
Goshen Iine.-Mrs. Volker, who lives
neer pigeon, Michigan, le visiting
.with nee brother, Mr. 3. Webare
and other relatives. In this commune
Ity.-Miss 'Ethel Kellerman who has
beep for some time studying in one
of the institutions at Sarnia io now
home for Christmas vacation. -Mr.
George Snider of the state of Ohio
is vesiting hie eearents .'here -Jacob
Kellerman placed! a fine new-orgeen
In the home of Fred Willert on Mod-
-gay. mameeseassaaeas
Act passed' at the last session of the ,
LegiSlature, and have passed an or-
deren-couneil, transferring to the made arrangement? with the Wei -
Board of Governors* or tite University laceburg Sugar Beet Company to grow
of. Toronto all. the -rights, titles, and three 'hundred acres, of beets in this
intereet of the . province 18. ahe old eicinity next seasiM. This should
Perlieenent 'buildings perverts,' in Ter- 10a11€ a lot of good- money among the
onto, subject, of conrse, to the lease farmere.-Mr. arid Mrs, D. Allison
of. the Grand Trunk' RallWay and the end femily, of Roland, Manitoba, are
option of purchase 'in such lease, visiting at the parental home of Mr.
T.he property was leased on March John Allison, Themes Road. -The
23rd, 1903, for .twenty-one yeas, at many friends df Mr. W, Dyer Hurdon,
a rental of $6,000 per annem for the manager of Voleons Bank here, will
first ten years, and $1,000 for the be pleased to learn that the is now
remaining eleven years. If ey urchas- 'nicely recovered from his recent se-
ed within fiye years, the l price was yere Illness. -Mr. Wm, Pugsely has
et at $180,000, If at any time there- -gone to Detroit, to spend the win -
after during the life of :the lease, ter 'With 'hie dauhgter.-elessrs. Fred
at $200,000. The purchase . money in Pen'hale and C. W. Cann, who spent
event of- a filttle IS ,daSighed to go the summer in Saskatchewan, . have
towards the -Physics Beading. Thisreturned home. -Miss Mary Armstrong
it will be seen, is a veey valuable is here on a visit from Willow OitY,
property of which the Province has North Dakota. -Mr. 'VT. T. Hawkshaw,
dispossessed itself for the eenefit of. of London, has purchased the reel -
of the Uniyereity. The University is donee of 'Ma John Hawkshaw, on
a good and worthy' institution, but Main Street, *end the latter has pur-
its wants are growing -with Marne- . chased Wm. 'Airth's residence.-Mr.W.
Ing rapidity and at the present rete H. Kestle, Of Sharen, in Stephen tOW11-
of going it will ultimately' absorb ,e'hip, had the misfortune to have a
the bulki of the Provinclel revenues • good mare killed at the station here
and will still he seekingmore i -a few. days ago. He had come to
I meet Some friends coming on the
Local Briefs.-Reeee • Bobier has
' We mentioned last week that the. train, and the animal became fright -
Ontario Government kdiegiased of a, '.' ened and 'rushed onto the track, and
mining claimunder like • Cobalt for 1 •
wae struck by a train and instantly
over, a million dollars to• a comnanY , eperrt the- Chrititmas holidays with
• I killed. -Me and Mrs J G Stanbury
composed- mostly of Canadians. This Mee. Stanbury's parents, at Whitby.
company is to be ' capitalized at be- -Mr. and Mrs. Wood, of Detroit,were
tween six and seven. million dollars. visiting Mr e and Mrs. 'D. Kernick,
Thie means 'bleat the , puechase price of. Math Main street, lag week. -Mr.
will be pat .up by m
the proetens. or J. W. Broderick , the ban -Irrupt stock
the company. They will then sell men, has purchased the Store stoek
eioek to the amount of five or els of Smith Brothers, of Exeter North,
millien dollars. If the venture turns it 55, cents on the dollar -Mrs Bow -
out all right and ,proves a profitable ollnan, of Willow City, North Da -
investment tbe shareholders will re- k°tfie 18 here visiting 'her sister, Mrs.
dente interest on the five or six mil- Irwin Artnetrong, and intends spend -
Hon dollars they "have invested, ef it frig the winter in this vicinity, -
proves a failure, they will lose eee Postmaster Christie and shisassist-
money they have invested in the come ants hadi a busy time of it during
five million dollars for a 'temporary. and handing .oilt. Christmas parcels.
transm itting
an'y . But the promoters will have the the holidays, 'receiving,
inveetment of one mililoti or thepur- The postmaster n says itis harder
work t'han doing the fall lo in or
working' statute labor in .the gravel
pit and !not much more money in it.
e -The 190 acre -farm on the 4th con-
ceesion of Usborne, owned by Mr..G.
Smallaorembe will be offered for
Sale by public auction on tne
1st of February if not previously
col d. -The following members of
good money in the corapany and if Lebanon Forest Masonic Lodge Ex -
they lofs' it the Government may- be eter, have been , elected officers ,for
fairly 'held reeponeible,' not legally,
but 'morally, for the loss. A much
better policy for the Government to
pursue withall such Mining claims
is to sell the right to mine to a ros-
poneible company at a 'nominal price,
retaining a royalty sufficient to re-
imburee the Province for its just
fihare in the profits of theecompany.
. .
• chase price ,of the propeety. It is, to
teal the. hest, a risky venture for the
ehaveholders.. We doebt r*.nuch if the
Government are , ..justified in giving
their • -countenance to ; speculative
schemes of thisenatureS The fact of
the GOyernment 'having sold the pro-
perty tor so Urge .a price will be
an incentive for many to invest thOr
the current year: Thomas Fisher,
Master ;' W. W. Tamen, Senior War-
den-; D. W. Collins, Junior Warden;
Rev. E. A. Peer, chaplain, E. J.
Davis, treasurer, 0. H. Senders-, sec -
rotary, S. Sweet, Tyler.
Notes. --Mr. and Mrs. Jehn Mellick
- o, ricr WQUJd bf of Edmonton, are epending the Wi-
en:Anted in its rights and innocent days withrtheir parents, Mr. and Mrs.
people would not be enticed to invest Justus Mellick of this plece.--Miss U.
their menet in enterprises.of a 'hig'hier McDougall, of J. J. Merner's millin-
speculative and risky nature. If the cry department, is opendieg her 'holi-
claim turned out a feilure. the Pro- days at her 'home in Usborne, near
vince would not make So much money Hurondane.-The membersof the W.
but the people would be *saved loss c, T. U. held their regular meeting on
and the- .Goyernment .can always af- Wednesday afternoon at the home of
ford to do with lees revenue than Mrs. S. Rannie.-Mre. W. P. Fink -
three -fourths off the people who biher, of Milverton, has been visiting
vet in mining stocks can afford to her fath.er. Mr. D. S. Faust. -Mr.
lose their bard earned money.
13rrisse1 s.
Notes. -Harry Downing', Who is here
on 'iv visit from Marittoba, has been
laid up during the past week, with
an attack of neuraegia.-A meeting of
tho ,ftareholders of the Brussels 011
Company is called for 'Thursday of ;
next week, 10th inst., for the . pur-
• pose of organization and the CM-
meneement of business, The meeting
will be held In the town hall here.
-The eecond horse fair of the sea -
non was held on Thursday of 'this
week.-Miso Hattie Downing. has been
engaged as teacher in the public ;
school here, in the department for-
merly taught hy Miss Dore, Smith.
Miss Smith wilt' take Miss Wilson's
room`, the 8 tter hosing resigned. --ea
new smoke stack !for the National
Roller Mills arrived last week, and
will be put in place ebertlY'.-The an-
nual meeting of the Grey Branch Ag-
ricultural Society Will be held in the
town hall on Wednesdrey, the 9th inst.
The East Huron SOciety will hold its .
meeting In, the game place on the 16113
inst.-Rev. T. W. Cozens, of Wallace -
burg. a recent paltor, preathed -In
tbe Methodist church here, last Sab-
bath. On Monday evening ae prograar,
was given, when among other Thing?
the mortgage on the .church wdsi
burned, the final p ayment of $1.200*
being made recently. -Dr. Fred Gil-
pin and wife. of Michigan City, 1:11-
dlana, were visitors in town' during
the past week, -Miss Olive Mainprize,
of Preston, spent the-pa,st week at
the home of her eister, Mrs W. H.
Stewart. -At the parsonage, Listovvel,
on December 241h, Hiltons, youngest
seri of Mrs. Alex., Hunter, of tovro,
Iwas -united in marriage to, a Mies
Cameron, of Allintori Where the
and Mrs. C. •Pfile, cif Bad Axe, Michi-
gan, are visiting friends in this vie-
Inity,-Mr. LOUIS, Witmer Is :haying
the brick delivered for the new re-
sidence be ,intends erecting 'herenext
aummer, There -are few places the
size of Zurich thet have as many
pretty and comfortable residences and
this one will Add to the number: -
The following is the 'report of the
• senior room of the Zurieh school
foir the term ending Christmas, 1906:
V. Roy FausteeePearl Wertz, Erwin
.Greb. senior IV. -Lee ,Heffman, El-
ehora Hartleib, Arletta Walper. Jun-
ior INT. -Theodore Haibe ere Ethel
Weldo. Clayton Bossenbetst. Senior
III. --Wilber Rummel, Willie David -
eon, Esther Lelhold.-Mr. I SIM011 Sar-
araz, of the Goshen line .south, has
been elected trustee for the sc'hool
in neetion No. '7, Hay, in ,place of Mr.
John Pfaff, whose term had expir-
ed. -The Christmas tree entertain -
Mont' in the Lutheran church on
•.0hristmas ,eve was largely attended.
The church was tastefully decorated
and a very interesting programme
was rendered by the children of the
Sabbath sehool.-The following sta-
tistic from the financial statement
of the township .of Hay. for the past
• year, will be of interest: The total
receipts were e22,504.58, and the to-
tal payments fee all purposes were
P22.837.48, leaving a balance of $167.-
10 on hand'. Taxes uncollected for 1906
are $617.93. The various 'ditch schemes
ate all in geod financial shape, on-
ly one being in delAsto the township
the Zurich drain ditch, which was
'cleaned, out last summer. Zurich Po-
llee village has a 'balance of $46,52
but accounts against the yillag.e still
uhpalci will considetTably reduce this
balance. -The Herald of Jae week
seers ; On Monday, a farmer living
not far from Zurich brought a colt
:.tobiackamitl. mp to
be Shod. The animal was gentle
enough until the door of the editip was
rearehed, When it refueled to enteir,
Neither persuasion nor force could
budge It an Inch. ,Every person who
earrie,, along tried sortie new and sure
way, but It was of no nee. One man
came along, _ and it looked salt 'he WAS
going to -carry it in bodily, , but he
Succeeded' no better than the reot.i
It breke loose and ren away, but
was captured again and brought beck
to the Chop. When nearly all metbodo
Of getting it into the 'shop bad fail-
ed, another person came along and
by tapping to gently on the back w4th
• stick it weht in like a veteran,
Thames 'Road Notes. -Mr. Fred
a.ecompanledby MIss Adele
Mitchell, spent Christmas' Day at the
home of' the latterrs parents', Mr.
and Mrs. Jahn Mitchell, of ,Crediton.
Coming events cast their, shadows be
fore stheina-lelr. Sam eleMordie has
returned from London, where he Wee
visitlng his father. Der. • McMordie
was calling one his neighbers Friday
night oi last week,--Ikere. Beamish,
who has been spending a few weeks
with Mr. Thomas. Cann, has returned
to her home. -Christmas Dee' was
spent quietly In this• .neighborhood.
Quite a number took in the enter-
tainmerit at Sumehine at nig•htea-"Miss
Olive Madge, of Termite,' and Miee
Myrtle, of Hamilton, spent the 'holi-
days at their home here. -Mie Peed
johns, of Toronto, spent the vacation
with his' parents -Mr and Mrs. D;
Allizen and family, of Roland, Man-
itoba, are visiting at Mr. J Allioon's,
-Mr. and Mrs. John Paseencire, of
Stratford, were visiting relatives in
his,vicinity last week -Mrs V. M.
Millar and Mr. Wm. Millar, Of _Tier -
vie, visited relatives in th1s! neigh-
borhood during the vatatione-eMr. J.
Hunkin IS wearing a 'broad smile
over aeyoung datighter.-Mr.:Wnl
Leech,. of .-Ohiselburst, is busily en-
gaged drawing cement blocks': for
" veneering his !house during the com-
ing summer. Mr. Leech knows a good
thing when he sees it. -Mr.. David
Bruce, of Hibbert, is drawing cement
and gravel for the foundation ot bite
barn. -Miss Irene Whitlock Spent
the New Year's vacation _With her
cousins, Misses Ma,bel and Edna, Me-
Neughton, oe Forest CitY.-Mr. Wm..
Stone and sister, Miser Retta, visit-
ed in Ingrooll last week. -Mr. and
Mrs. John Selvee, of the Base line,
Blaneihardwere the guests of Mr.
and Mrs; P. Whitlock on Sunday laet.
-The many friends of Mr. Bert Pass-
more will be pleased *ta hear that
he is, improving itt health. -Mr. T.
Passmore had a brick bee last Sat-
urday. Mr, Passmore intends raising
his barn this corning sum mer
John Vail, of Exeter North, has been
epending .a couple of weeks at Mr.
Peter Moir's. Mr. Moir is Wearing a
smile over another boy. -Mr. M. Al-
fred, ot Port Hope, accompanied by
Mr. Matthews, are visiting it •' the
home of the -former'a daughter, Mrs.
Isaac john -The Sunday school of
. Bethany churchshare purchased a new
library, 'eoneierting of about severity
books, of the latest pahiications, Beth-
any echolars do not intend to run
•out of reading for a 'while
-Steck, vjited, at tho home of h
uncle, Mr. John Whiteman; during the
week. -Mrs. Urquhart, of the Manse,
*epent New years with: her daughter
ill Toronto.e-Miss Clariteea mews, a
trornntch IS visiting at tier father's
home here -Mr and Mrs. ThosKyle
arrived home from the wed this week
and are visiting among friends here.
: -Mrs. French, Of Poet Elgin, le vise
iting her parents, Mr. *and Mrs. Jos.
Unehall.-The saerarreent of theL'orst's
Supper will he dispensed In St. An-
tereWes church next Sabbath: The
preparatory eterVice will be conduct-
ed this, Friday, by Rev. Mr, Smith
of Hensali.-Rey. eer, Bart, pastor
of the Methodist church, .will preach
a 'temperanceerrnen on 'Sunday next
! -The- congreiation of St. Andrew's
'have not onl li due regard for the
. welfare of their werttlY pastor, bu
also take pride in providing for his
faithful hon,
ee as during the past
week they -delivered 27' bags of oats
in thei bins of the Manse' eitables.
Kindly ado of this nature are always
duly appreciated by the recipient and
bring forth good fruit. -Mr. and Mrs.
Malcolm eitleey, of Goderich, °spent
New Years with Mr. and Mrs. A, -
Monteith Mrs. McKay being a sitter
; of Mrs. Monteith.
• itippen. •
ChriStrnas Tree. -The entertainment
held on Friday eveninglast, in the
public ball, under the auspieies of
St. Andrew's. Sabbath' school, passed
of very satisfactorily. The weath-
er was' 'delightful and the attend-
ance was large. The children of the
school were the principal participat-
ors in the programme and they left
nothing to be desired. They not only
looked pretty but all did their parts
to perfection, Showing careful train-
ing on the part of their instructors,
and natural ability on their own
part. The audience .was 'delighted and
Well entertained. The p astc,r, Rev. D.
Urquhart, presided and short ad-
dreeses were given by tne superin-
tendent, Mr, Balfour, lend the aseist-
ant, Mr. 3. B. McLean. But the best
came at the last when genial, gen-
erous old Santa Claus appeared Ip
person to disrobe the Christmas tree
and handed out presents to all and
eundry of the young people, winch
greatly delighted their bearts. This.
Sabbath school is well officered and
has a s lendid staff of teacher n
is doing good -work, and the enjoy-
; giv
year. .
A Prese tation.-On Monday even-
ing last 'Ithe 'home of Mr; and Mrs.
Wm. 'o•hrtetori, of Stanley, was tak-
en by !dorm by the , pupils of Mr.,
Johnston's I Bible class, the officers
and tea,cheee of the Methodist Sabbath
school an many 1 rein s The o
Jett of the visit was the desire cif
the Bible class and friends to show
their appreciation of 'his services in
connection with the Bible class. and
Sebbatinechool and to spend a pleas-
ant evening with Mr. and Mrs. Jonn-
ston and family. And it is needless
to say that both objects were ac-
cornpliehech Mr. Johnston was pre -
**tented with a complimentary address
accompanied-- by a handsome easy
chat).- and a fountain pen. The ad-
dress was read by Master Herbert
eenitorrein and the presentation was
made by Miss Ida Dinsdale.Mr
'Johnston made a brief but feeling.
reply. He paid' a hig'h compliment to
the memberof fits class for their at-
tention to hie instructions and seid
the duties devolving upon him, ae
teacher formed one, of the chief pleas-
ures of his life. • The ladies then
brought forth the baskets and a
choice lunch was served which was
heartily partaken of by all and WILE)
much appreciated and a most enjoy-
able evening was spent in music and
Baena converse,. Mr. arid Mrs. •John-
ston left nothing undone that could
tend to the pleasure of their guests
and the occasion will be long and
pleasantly remembered by all pre -
Notes. -Mr. and: Mrs, James 'Ern-
mone, of :London, spent some days
'this week tbe guests of Mr. 'and Mrs.
Wm. Anderson of this yillage.-Mr.„
John Young from western Manitoba,.
Is visiting with friends in this
vicinity. Mr. Young is an old Kip- t
pen beer who went west amny years
ago,-?fr. Geotge Sproat, of Weyburn,
Saskatchewan, epent the New Year
with 'his. cousin, Mr. Wm. Sproat, of
the third concession of Tuckerernith ,
and other friends, -Mr. Gilbert Sin-
clair, who le home from the west is ;
enjoying a vielt et 4 " home of his
mother, Mrs. John ee -elair, of Tek-'
ersmith..-Mr. and' liere. McConnell, of
Chicago, spent the Christme holt-
clays at the borne of Mrs. eferennell's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Whitereen of
this village. -Mr. Peter Loutitio.
resides west of Hensall, visited at i
the 'home of Mrs. 'wm. .4,riacirson, itt i
this village, this week. Mr. 'Loutit ,
is S8 years of age end gets about;
With. great activity for a nea,n of 'his
years. -Mr. Rem Potter, of Wood -
t ofl•trid
added zest to the work for the • new
F. A. Edwards Woo pleasure in wishing all a
happy and prosperous New Year. and truSts during
1007 to merit continua -nee of :i,our valued patronago.
Watch for special sale announcements. F. A. Ed-
wards, Baytiold. 2088-1
The Women's Institute. -The first
Woverr's Institute rneeins to, the
Year 1901 will be held Thursday af-
ternoon., January 10th at two o'-
clock at the home of Mrs. Speck-
mItin 8auble line. The secretarybas
juet received word from the secre-
tary of the Farmers' Institute to the
effect that that society has granted
$15 to the Bayfield • Branch Wom-
en's Institute, also a, $3 grant has
been received from the Legielature.
The next meeting will doubtless be
an important, one to deeide ways and
meane for improving our meetings
and 'the beet way of investing, the
fund E. Campbell, secretary.
Breezes. -Mrs. H. Little and fam-
ily ha,vei gone to visit ars, Little
parents at Forest Home. -Mr. end
Mee, H. Darrow, of the Commercial,
were visiting th London last week.
-The Stanley District ,Orenge Lodge
will Mid at Varna onaTueeelay next
for the election of!ofrIcers.-Trinity
church Guild had e 'very pleasant
• and tuccessful 111 the town
hall on Frida,Y evening last. -Capt.
John Ferguoont and ,Mex. Ferguson
are here visiting their parents. John
Bailey IS also here . on a visit. All
three gentlemenare lake /mariners. --
The Christmas 'tree entertainments of
both the Presbyterian land Trinity
Sunday Schools were largelyattend-
_ trd and sucoeseful and furnished a-
musement and pleasure for both old
and young. -Mr. H. Edwarde an Old
and very highly respected resident
of this village and father of Mr. P.
A, Edveards, merchant, died on Sat-
urday, December 26.. Deceesed,„ Wag
79* years of age and was a very quiet
Unobtrusive- man. He was genial in
his manner and of stereines charac-
ter. The remaine were taken to
Strathroy, the former home of .the de-
ceased' tor. interment,
• Our School. -The following Is the
report of the Bayfield public school
for the mcynth of December. 'based en
attendance, demeanor • 'and general
• proficiency : Senior Division- V -
Harry Cameron, Cleave Erwin'. IV -
Ford King, Hilda King, Clifford Pol-
lock. Sr. 'McNeil, John
McNeil, Laura Currie, Jr. III -Ev-
elyn Pollock, Maggie McLeod, James
; Warnsley. Sr. TI-Marnie Parsons, L.
i King, Irene Rose. Number on roll,
37;• average, 32. Junior Division -
Sr. II -Russel ErwinHarold Brand-
on, Anna. •Woods. Middle
• Elliott, Floy Edwercler, Kathleen El-
liott. Jr. II -Dorothy Fowlie, • Agnes
McDOnald, Annie McNeil. $r. Part II
-Albert Leitcli, Kenny Currie;
Woode, Middle Part II -Kate
Little. Bessie Elliott,: Wilfrid .Thorne.
Jie Part: II -Abe Brandon, Lorne
Warn.sley. Part I -Alvin Town.send,
Lillieh Catling, Prank Xing. Mr.
T, M. Brownlee is the principal and
Miss P. M. Stan.bury, the assistant
and they are both engaged for next
(From Our .Own` Correspendenk.)-
departed this life on Saterdrev.Decern-
her 22nd, one of Bayfield's well known
residents, in the person of Henry F.
Edwards, who camw here twenty
yearsmago from ray. an open-
ed „ I store itt the prernises
formerly occupied bv- Robert Morris-
on. He was born in Highworth. Witt -
shire. England, in March, 1827, and
when ft y01111g man cerne to this coun-
try., settling first in Lobo townshil3.
HIS wife predeceaeed lum about 1.2
years ago. Be was a devout Ohrist-
a member of the Baptist church,
and very highly respected in the vil-
lage MT] Cl surrounding COU n try. A.
ehort funeral service was held et his
late home on Sunday, "Dec. Ved, by
Rev. T. A. Steadman and on Monday
the remains were taken to Bt uceflelel.
and thence by train to Stratroy,
where internuint took place, His son.
Frank Felwarrls. with hie wife and
daughter. accompanied the remains
to Strati, ray.
BnemzEs.- Miss P. Stanimiree Anent
the holideys in London, --Mrs. Bran-
don and son were at. rielgrare far
eihristmas. - Mr. and Mrs, Turner
have moved here from Varna for the
winter. -Mr. and. Mrs. Harry Turner
were at Londesboro thie
John Fraser, who has been at -the Soo
for the past six or seven week. NW'
home for Christmas. - Dr, Elliott and
wtfe, of Lucknow, who have heel, on
a trip to the Old Country NVOrP the
guests of N. Fraseron the way home.
-Mr. T. J. Marks and daughter Ethel
have gone to Oberlin, KR TIS:1,5, for the
winter -John Bailey, Wm. Fergus-
on, Charles Ferguson, Harry Falcon-
er and Captain John Ferguson. who
spent the suinmer on the lakes. have
Arrived home for the winten-Ameng
the number who were home for the
holidays were Harland Moore, John
Wainstev and Wm. Cameron. of De-
troit ; Wm. Warnsley, -Stratford;
Mr. and Mrs. Graham idoorehouse
and Charles Oupee, Saginaw ‘• George
Sanderson and Wm. /Brownlee. Tor-
onto.- Miss Rubv M. Fisher, of 13er-
lin. spent New Yeses the guest, of Mr.
and Mrs. F. A. Edwards. -Mr, Ed-
-ward Looter, of Edmonton, who has
been absent from Hayfield for itbout
thirty yearsis renewing acquaint-
ances here. -Bert Tribilcock, of „Lon-
don, was the guest of George Erwin
last weeke-Oharies Dupee left for
Saginaw on Wednesday. He was ac-
companied by his sister, MISS Liza. -
The building committee of the Meth-
odist church extend their heartiest
thanks to Mrs. Helen Trudie for the
gift of a handsoine neve r' no, and al-
so to Mr. Charles McDonald. of Tor-
onto, son of Mr. George McDonald,
Bronson Line, for his gift of a $100
cheque. These donatione are highly
A.sthe winter may now be -said to
have set m. in, earnest, the question of
warmer foot eovering is an important one,
and should receive your first considera-
tion. This store is exceedingly well pre -
to supply your 'wants in the Win-
ter Feetwear line, being filled With all
Felt Boots and Shoes, Slippers,
sonable prices. No need to suffer with
kOi:edrsahonfiei Legging, etcres.-
,, st most
cold. feet when Ion earn buy—
Felt Slippers for house wear for 50e to 81.25 a pair
Felt Shoes for $1 to .150 a pair
Felt Boots for 81.75 to 43 2$ a pair
Overshoes for $1 to $3 a pair
Leggings for 81 to $2 a pair
Moccasins for 81,25 to 82 a pair,
Gum• Rubbers
We handle all the leading makes of gum Rubbers, such as the Kant
]rack, Armor Clad, Moose Head, and Stub Proof. We have them in lovr
cut and high'ant, one or two buckled, also leather tops. Prides—t2 to $2.85
n men's, and $1, 25 to -$1.75 in boys.
Sale Agents for the "Sister" sad " Walk-gver nom for me
(easliby" and "Empreeir" Shen for women.
preciated. \T 0. Johnston, of
ilestone, Sask., a former resident Of
the Sauble Line, is here for a visit. -
Arley Atwood, of Detroit, is home to
see his brother James, who is serious-
ly 1.11. -Mr. end Mrs. McKay, of Eeir-
mondeille, spent Christmas with their
son Hugh, of the Albion Hotel. -Mr.
and Mrs. Riley, of Mount Pleasant,
Mich.'were the guests of John Fel-
conerlest week. -.Henry Drebmann,
of Hollyrood. was here this week. We
understand he intends to return to
Bay -field -.Thomas Sanderson, of Mile-
stone, Seek., is home for the winter. -
Mr. and Mrs. Stewart, of Goderich,
spent New Years the guests of Robert
Brown. -Miss Kate Wild, of Hannab,
North Dakota, is home for a visit, af-
ter MI absence of seven years, -The
long looked for opening of the new
Methodist churelt is now announced
for Sunday; January 20th. This build-
ing has been in course of erection
since last June,
01,ATIMAX & .STANBITRY, misters, Ete., at TIen'aII
Tuesdafs, Thursdays and' Saturdays, 2,0294f
A Merited Tribute -On New Year's.
evening a very .pleasant event took
place at the home of Mr. •Wm. Stone-
man, of this village. Mr. Stoneman
had just moved into hie handsome
new residence end the members of
the Methodist church -choir thought
It an opportune thr.e to present him
with a handsome rockinftheir as a
eight .recognitloye of his valued ser-
vices for over a score of years as
leader of the choir and as the nicely
worded address, that accompanied the
presentation stated he was in every
eenee oe the term a leader that :any
church choir -might be proud of, ever
'cured a Scheel at C4ntralia.--f-
Marke, of Brueefield, was in the 'vil-
lage on WedneedaYa az-
enairitancee.-A sad message was
cetved here on Wedneeday announc-
ing the ,death of Mr, W. J. Miller,
who had remntly gone to -California
in the interests of his health. Very
much sympathy is felt liar Mrs. Mil
ler and her young family. Mr. Miller
was one of our mosi. enterprising
business mon and his early demise
is deeply' regretted by the ientire
Notes. -Mrs. Win= (i. Peebles,
Yorkton, Saskatchewan, accompanle
by leer children, is here on a visit to
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Holland, of Walton,
The Municipal Electimise-The fel-
ow ng real o e MIMIC
Pt1 nonlnations In this towns
John A. MeLaren, reeve by acclama-
tion. The following are the -candi-
dates for councillor: 'Hugh ',Terris,
P. Jordan, Jas. E. Roney, Wm. Bal-
four, ;Wm. Oliver and Thomas Vene
Mil' lett.
A Sale of Horses. -Mr. Jas Lelper,
the well known horseman of this
township, intends having an exten-
sive auction sale .of horses about the
Ist of February. He will offer flora
25 te_30 fillies and geldings, coming
three and four years 614. Several or
these colts are well broken. The ex-
act date] of ,the sale will be given
ready tO do his part be a capable and later.
pleasant manner, and the wish of ail
his choir Is that he may be long
sfared to lead the service of praise.
Mr. Stoneman i made a very feeling re-
ply,-Itt wliich he thanked the choir
for their lkind rememberance of him,
and a5aur3dt them that it would stim-
ulate h1n in the performance of his
pleasant duties in connection with
the Choir in the future, and he hoped
the relations which had so long sub-
sisted between them would Continue.
A mod enjoyable social evening was
spent with!, Mr. 'and Mrs. Stoneman,
and MO Whiell will not soon be for-
gotten as one of the pleasant events
in life.
Briefe.-Mr. and Mrs. C. Southwell,
of Toronto Junetten, were here spend-
ing New Years with Mr. and Mrs.
Alex. Thomism/a-The many relatives
and friends cf 'Mrs. ROA. J. Drys-
dale will regret to learn ot her very
critical illness. -Mr. Wm. Fulton, of
Hamilton, spent the New Year holi-
days here with his parents. -Mr. A.
Dalrymple, a 'very successful farmer
in the Went, is here visiting his fa-
ther. -Mr. ;Wm. White was in Lon-
don on Monday last, visiting his
brother Sainuel.-The Misses McEwen,
daughters of Mr. Wm. McEwen, spent
New Year's with their parents. -Mr.
and Mrs. George Case spent New
Years , with their son, A, Y. Case,
G. T. it. agent. -Miss Alice Petty
spent New' Years With her parents.
*---Mr. Owen Geiger and Mr. Thomas
Hudson, are in the field for the
reeveehip and for councillors we beve-
1 W Ortwein, H. 3. McDonald, 3.
D. Stewart and David Nichol. --Miss
Dougherty, of Galt, is the guest of
Mrs. C. A. McDoneli.-In the -hockey
match with Exeter on Thursday last,
on the'Exeter rink, our boys won, the
score standing 8 to 6. -Miss Bessie
Urquhart has- returned to Toronto
to resume her studies, -Mr. and Mrs.
Wilson Wood, of London, were here
recently visiting their Many rela-
tivee and friends. -Mr. anti Mrs. W,
Coxworth spent Christmas with Mr.
Coxworth's parents. -The contest for
the reeveship promises to be a spir-
ited one. -Mies Munn has returned to
London toirevurne her studies at the
buelness cbllege.-Miss Mabel Sparks
has passed at the model scnool at
Goderich, with honors, and has se-
1 Staffed.
Notes. -Miss Annie Bell Sadler has
gone to London to spent a month.
Mr, Frank Tuffin spent New Tears
at Windsere--Mrs. Jahn Tuffin, of
IComber, is the guest of Mrs. MeTag-
tart.-Mrs.- Hambly, Who has been
visiting her daughter, 'Mrs. Camp-
bell, le home again..7-eMrs. F. D.gut-
cittima end her son, Lorne, are
epending 'the holidays at Milbank
With M. A. Babb. -Miss S. Drake an-
tertaine a number of her friends -At
a party PrIcley night. -Mr. Hugh
Hamilton and, family spent New
• Years at M2'.. T. M. 1-1aniiitones,-Mise
Sillery, of Exeter, was the guest of
her aunt, Mrs. Leonard Butson.
1 ' -
ear eisease
I. -A quiet ChriStmas weddin took
' plaote on Jiredneaday„ Dee. 26,that the
. residence of Mrs. E. Ross, Stratford,
when her daughter, Margaret, WAS
united he marriage to .Mr. Henry C.
albfleisein both of that city. The
ridal couple were unattended. The
ceremony was performed by Rev. R.
Martin, pastor of Knox -church, in
the presence -of Only the inunediato
f Mendes and relatives ree the Con-
tracting parties.
-A Very quiet and moat intereeting
home wedding was ftlebrated at the
residence of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas -
Male, Listowel, at high noon on
Wednesday, December 19th, When
their .youngest daughter, Florence
-Myrtle, was married to Mr. H. A.
Chalmers, Q. T. R. station agent at
Milverton, the ceremony being per.-
'fOrmed bY Rev, D. N. ifeCamus, pas-
tor (:)t the, Methodist church, in the
presence of the relatives s)-1 '..the con-
tracting parties, -
-Mr. Everett Cornell, the poptilar
assistant superintendent of the Avon
Hosiery Co„, Stratford, was waited
on by representatives Of, the company
one evening recently and presented
with a handsome bedroom -suite, ac-
companied by an eulogistic ad -dress,
setting forth the esteern in which he
is held. The presentation was In-
tended to mark Mr. Corneille marri-
age, which tool; place on Christmas
Day, and Is a fitting tribute- to s
worth az an appreciated employee and
to his gentlemanly demeanor.
WE HAVE tried to anticipate the wants of
all our customers for presentation goods,
useful and reasonatle in price. How far
we have succeeded is shbwn by the trade that is wining
.• our way. Durinz the few days left befoie Christmas you.
will find early shopping vety satisfactory
--* AT --Ng*