HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1907-01-04, Page 309111, JA.NUAitY 4, 1907 _ - •*k_ , M fruit ute e For SPEPSIA mi al of Per tid Town- Yorrowing )1e.— tit briligesbj of the reii. e at large. .ozit of (on. 2tU4JJI 1)01-, .)ing for the bridges, it 4 Township or Wi::,000, re. zed to be rais. the S1Ipro. 3 efe rateable pro. online; to the t• . • eetrer eertette 7777110 of Si,. eel er inter. reby enaeted orpora t ion of I ereeted .t neressary, .elity at a cost .1 Cottncil to .ee and enter all neees,wy- te purpose of' to be erect. r the erection shall he law - e said Corp -or - :re to lend the Tel Dollars at t. per annul's" the repayment er thereof, it. :•ause to be is., tion to that and pay. with intereat. 'enturn per an payments oe t. said debene eeSeal of the e Reeve and said Corpom. nil agreed to be payable at wee, in the e- said deben- t of ininelpat ball be. Levied' r'atesuffivier it) the eaiet ee and effe +.d the aseer the said Tom, ron this by- N TII DAY U Alt?, 19fee k in the fore in the after- .-)1ee wittijr.j wing -pay. Bates' 11 nty Rett. House No, ,- Officer. i House No. (Itticer. 1�us No. , House No. leer. ir.ii.Id nk. Yon:ion shall : f Tucker- annary, 1907,. um up the t this by-law, ence on Lot in the afterther, 1900, for at che vavioi.. ti summing up - of person. 'the pa&.itig of of December, 'KAY, .? Reeve +posed by-law on and which f the alunici- (in the event a' 4 thereto) eation in the first publica- , and that tba •ipality will bo our aid places - in the 3Rre Town- eby 'uact N fermented, he prohibit- pleee of pule. itec, awl the e fuel shall .'her than 'a seid tie eee ieelew hy .er named, Oft kY :r JAN HAR el 80;4.711 .77J3771," WWI Cort- i). at the un - Geo. i[Lk[e[iP ['IT'LL% RA,. 10,.4 Iltpttse 1,4iti:.; officer. e. heel ;Pelee e etre: titiice•r. !louse nee; officer- : eeel Meisel _ celieer. ' gee Th4Z' , +tee.. r. le re, of ,eet ..t eet t,, 6ttrra 1, I k,:t,:ift ”.2 1.'1'1f 7,7 • IT 77,,77;:•7 r ort ' -"tree, et .!.,e f'sest • Ititf. 7 ,77.`1717077 /fp tilt; i 1/.1 I es4---- ‘‘.20t bt. 2143 '4 • McKay, `E 11E, erot 'tip of of 0- 1,2, the ,e the (ewe. the Lig. 111,4t •=r• r be Fof :t- ow at the teeing the 1. Cierke, s • • ee ---;-the tale of success, strength and safety. A new Canadian record accomplished in 4% years Ames, over . $25,000,000 Deposits, over 1.5,000,000 CapitalRtionie Fund and Undivided Profits, over 1 5,250,000 Your account—large or small --is invited. • Deposits of SLOG and upwards • received in the Savings Department—interest paid 4 times a year— 26 The Sovereign Bank of Canada. IIENSALL AND BRITCEFIELD. 'Christmas Pi-tatos tREsovNE AN11SEPTIC TABLETS $oRra 74746(7,,,Taffsee'veArGdYco'r volts They combine the germicidal value of °reaction° With the soothing properties of slippery elm and Ho- ' rise, Your druggist or from us, 10e iu stamps. Lamm% Mums Co.* Limited, Agents, Mentresl. 4ex There is- no more acceptable Oheetrnas present can be Pent a friend then a .goed ,photograph, We make a specialty of usHILISTMAS PHOTOS, gar.d now is the tirne to ( ram', as Chrittmas will soon be here. Oall at, mace before the - rush starts, and eave youreel disappoint- -ulna. Pleture Framing le a specialty with u.9. ,f1ACK8ON BROS, Seaforth. 4c.gi1lop Directory for 1906 -WORW M2 GOVENLOCK, Reetvg., Ikeetthrop P. 0. N. ROWLAND, Councillor,' WitItot P. O. 31sQIYAID, Councillor, St. Colum- bus, P. O., • beeRN NeDOWELTI, Councillor, Sea - tomb P. 0„ U. BYERMAN, Counoillor, Brodhag- en P. O. fifICHAEL leffURDIE, Clerk, Winth- rop', P. O. HOLUAND, Treasurer, Beech- wood P. O. , • -50L0MON S. SHANNON, J. Pa San- .1 itary Inspector, Winthrop Lumber, Lath and Shingles XX X & X XX X 41111.01111=11010•11=01111.111011111sme, Winter Tern; opens Jan, 2nd Here are some of the reeentirecorde made by the =mon /7,1 TORONTO, ONT. Out of the 1486250 calls from business firms, ive have filled FIFTEEN of the positions. We had no one else ready to send. We have also had V mile for business college tetechere. 101 ex -students of other business colleges or oboathand schools were' enrolled here during the last two years„ We be• 'Ve we have the best comniercial school in Can - dWe thoroughly satisfy our students. Write ay for eatalogue. • W. j. ELLIOTT, Principal Con Yonge and Alexander Ste 20224f `UMW TELtc-RAPPY oilers you a tangible opportunity to better youreelf. If you desire to engage in more pleasant, in- teresting, better paying work, t is is your chance. Merely clip this adyertisenaent, mail it to us, d receive free our handsome legraph book, "The Highway Success." 14.1.8.....•110•8•••••• B. W, &mere, Princ/01 Dominion School of releg- N.• CLUFF- & 'SONS, raphy rWailroading .Planing Mill tind Lumber Yards 10 ADELAIDE STREET WEST • CORONTO EFORTfT T yer. at e Established 1-879 (roping Cough, Croup, Bronchitis Cough, Grip, Asthma, Diphtheria eresoiene is a boon. to Astlunatics Does h not Bien more effective to breathe in a remedy to cure disease of the breathing organs than to take the remedy into the stomach? It cures because the air rendered strongly anti- septic is carried over the diseased surface with evexy breath, giving- prolonged and constant treat- ment. It Is Invaluable to mothers with small children. Thoseof a consumptive tendency find immediate relief from coughs or in-, CIIIIOS6' flamed conditions of the : t throat. t Sold by druggists. S end postal for booklet. laghiltiO, Mrees Co.? Limited, Agents, Mont- eal„ Canada. 307 The New Store For New Goods These are arriving deny, and the quality Is with- out doubt the -very best. Our prices are the lowest. - i811— Pinnan Haddie, Ciscoes, Whitefish, Mackerel and Trout. These are -,,*•cry scarce, but are extra good quality. - ILEGETABLES— Lettuce, Celery, Cabbage, Carrots, Beets, Par: snips and Turnips alweys on hand. MESH MEATS - We buy nothing but the best quality in Beet, Pork and Lamb in this department, We heve extra fine prices. CURED MEATS --L TISIrt, 1341.30/1, Breakfast Bacon :Ind Rolls always on hand. COOKED MEATS-- Corned Beef, Head Cheese, Bologna and New England tram. ,CROCERIE8— Our groaery department is Complete. Alw:ays fresh and good, KRUSE BROS., COMMERCE BLOCK — PHONE 96 SEAFORTH. VI 111 ne Great F.rertaleVitalizer CEFOBE AFTER Prolu:r.lv• cures Debility or Weaknees result - lee fr Ind iseretious or excesses. Best tutu surest remedy known for all diseases ilint follow as a scquence of abuses, Loss of :Mem+ t y, 1 telie in the Back, Dimness of Vision, Je etre+ etre elti Age alId tunny other diseases filet *wed to Pnysical Weakness, Insanity and nn arL grave. Mailed to any address on re- ceitet of nec, .50 cent', or five boxes for $2. UE RAY MED fel PiE CO., Stratford, Ont. 17.7.7-7 , •••••••••••011...wwwW0.10•101111.111101•116. Why Not Write for copy- of our catalogue? This simple act, costing a cent and a moment of time, might change the whole cur- rent of your life and bring yen many thousands of dol- lars within the next ten years. Tey it: Adress W. H. SHAW, Principe.' Yonge and Gerrard streets, Toronto 2018-20 The First Day. The first day of our winter term will lie -January 2nd, 1907. We will then re -open with undoubtedly the largest lass in the history of this school. If you want the edu- cation that prepares for good posi- tions, write for our catalog—costs nothing. All dradutes get Positions. ••••••••••••••••• TH111 BERLIN BUSINESS. COLLEGE. • W, D. EULER, Principal. 2018 Safe Investment. •••••....•••••• Debentures for Sale. The Town of Sea,forth offers. for sale Debentures bearing te end 5 p6r cent. interest, payable in 5, 10, 15 and 20 years. Less trouble to look after ,than mortgage+ ; simply draw your interest. For par- ticulars inquire of JOHN A. WILSON, 201-tf Town Clerk. Teething Babie are saved suffering—and' mothers given rest—when one uses Ntilleand Mothers' TreasTre Quickly relieves—regulates the bowels — prevents convulsions. 'Used go years. Absolutely safe. At drug -stores, 2,5e. 8 bc;ttles, 1j2,5.' National Dreg & Chemical Co„ Limited, Sole Proprietors, Montreal. ; 41 FARM FOR SALE. o elose up an estate, farte Lot No,"29,'• Con- cession 2, Township of MeRillop, one hundred acres with comfortable frame house large bank barn and other improvements is offered for sale. The land is in a good state of cnitivation and well fenced and drained and is within 2 miles of ,ileaforth. Immed- iate posseselon can be given. Tehns easy. Apply to THOMAS E. HAYS, Seaforth p. 0., Executor of will of John'''. Hays. 202844 LONDON LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY , iNVESTIGATION HAS SHOWN In a i absolutely conclusive mennerthat there is not now and never has been any irregularities in the tnanaget Tent of this Company. ' . CORRECT METHODS ' - Were proved, to the entire satisfaction of the Insurance Commission, to have been followed in all de- partments of the Company's- business. HONEST DEALING With the pelicy holders has al;vayebeen a distinguishing feature of the London Life. Estimates of pr -fits on preurrut mees have been fully realized—a fact that speaks volumes for the straight -forwardness of the representations as to the probable results under policies. CAREFUL MANAGEMENT The Company has never entered upon a career of extravagant expansion, such as has characterited too nutty of our Canadian eompanice. Orderly, normal growth, conservative methods and common honesty have been the outstanding qualities.—Extract, Editorial, Toronto News. W. E. RQBINSON, Inspector, Seaforth. • 1 DISTRICT MATTERS. 'Take Care at Your Tires.—As rub- ber buggy tires are 110W becoming Very-eonmion ithe following advice if followed may be a use: "Rubber, buggy tires will be damaged it left air °Pea shed through the winter. If the tires are .iineurnatiO pack them in a box and cover gwith. chalk. If hard rubber either. take the wheelie off or jask them 'tip, and cover tires with sulpha' and soapstone in equal. quantities-. ICeepP the tires in a warm p/ace,"' • Sad. ---Many will learn with regret ,of the' serious illness of Mr. Samuel White, late -of Detroit, but at one time a salesman in Mr, Wm. Mkt- ard's store' in Seaforth. Mr. White ie a soni of the late Jennie White, of Hensall and a brother a gr. Wm. White of the London Toad at Rodger - • For several months Mr. 'White !has suffired! from lung trouble and was confined to the Ailarine of Detroit and later to the Marine Hospital, New Mexioo, but thinking a change would benefit 'his condition about three weeke ago be came to live witit hie mother at Hensel'. The change, bo•weVer, brought 'no relief and owing to his mother' being in- dieposed together with °ter% mem- bers of the family, it was deemed ad - viable to have Mr. White removed to 'Victoria Rospttal, London, at Which place he 'now is. Alt% White is very much reduced and there is no hope entertained! tor his recovery. To Cure a Oold i,i One Day Take LAXATIVE BROMO Quinine Tablets. Druggists refund money If it tants to cure. E. W. GROVE'S signature is on each box. 25e. ` • Tha 'Olden Days. _ interesting sketches of the early days or Seaforth and, vicinity, taken from the files of The Ex- positor. yr. •Immi Seaforth, Jan. 80, 1874. . The electieh in Centre Huron for the Dominion Parliament resulted in a' vietory for Mr. Horton, Liberal, by a majority of 7802 over 'his oppon- ent, Mr. Crabb. The following is the vote in the different municipal- tiee Horton. Crabb. Flullett, 280 55 Colborne 1'75 100 MaCillop . 185 168 Tuekersmith 262 31 Grey 265 79 Godeticle Town: 265 252 Seaforth . 110- 85 Brussels 18 10 , 1,510 730 At 'the annual meeting of the Eg- mondville Preebyterian church, held on Monday last, the question of un- lo.n with the church of Scotland was submitted, but was rejected by a con- siderable majority. At the annual meeting of the Sea - forth Presbyterian c'hurch on Tues- day evening the following officers and rna,nagers were appOinted for the ensuing year: Managers, J. C. Laidlaw, Allan McLean, Adam Gray, James' McIntosh, James McCulloch, James Hastte,, S. G. McCaughey ; treasurer, R. Lumsden; auditors', W. Thomson and A. Dewar. The population of Seaforth according to the late census, ordered by the council, with a view to lacorpera- lion, within' the present limits, is 2,007. The following officers have been apppointed in connection; with the Farmers' Club, in Tticleersmith: Pres- ident, James' Broa,dfoot, sr.; secre- tary, Jelin Hannah, jr.; committee, C. Dale, , Ed. Turner, Charles Rout- ledge, Calvin Campbell. Seaforth, Feb. 13, 1.674. Elections weis held in;South and North Huron.; on Monday last. In South Huron, Mr, M. E. Cameron was elected over! Mr. Thorhas Greenway; While in North Huron, Mr. Thomas Farrow defeated Mr. John Leckie. The following is the vote: ' ; SOUTH HURON. Gdderichtp. Stanley Hay Stephen Usborne Exeter Clinton Cameron Greenway 209 848 262 240 355 189 204 272 264 236 81 ,62 197 139 *or ow* 1,522 1,436 NORTH HURON. , Farrow Leckie kalif lel& 295 268 -W. Wawanoshi 187 230 E. Warova,nesie 181 199 Morris 290 238 Brussels '26 59 Turnberry 219 225 Howick • 457 291 1,656 1,510 In Seaforth, on February 2nd, Mr. Henry S. McGregor, of Clerela-rd, Ohio, wa,sr united in marriage to Margaret M. McMichae , daughter of Gilbert McMichael, Es ., of Hullett. The ceremony was perf rmed. by Rev. Thomas Goldsmith. Seaforth, Feb. 13, 1874. Mr. F. Meyer has s ld the lot op- posite the residence Mr. Ca,rdno, to Mr. Dunlop for $5O . Mr. Dunlop will erecb a residence on it. Messrs. Coleman & jiouin1oek have let the contract for the construction of an establishment for kiln -drying and. grinding table and dairy ealt. About a month ago /yin Reuben ,Clark, of Hullett, while in town, lost $16 in bills. On the following day the money was picked up py Robt. Dever- eux, of Tuckersmith, jwho returned the money to Mr. Cl4trk. Messrs. Min: and H gth McPhail, of Grey, 'have sold theIx farm, on the 17th concession, to ?vlti amuel Rath - well, of Stanley, fax $8,000. While chopping in !the bush,the other day, Mr. Rich, ambers, of 'the llth concession of H bbert, cut his foot badly. The axe eaught on a twig over 'his bead, a d the axe glane- ed and struck his f Wm. Nelson, of tit 7th concession of Usborrte, received 4 bad cut in the. face while °hopping lJn the woods, on Monday last, splittthjg his nose and otherwise injuring h/m-. Seaforth, Feb. 20, 1874. Mr, -Wm. Muir, clerk and treasurer of Vuckersmith, died at 'Ms residence, On Thursday last, from' congestion of the lungs. Mr. Muir was a native of Scotland, and in 1884 he came 'to Canada and settled in Tuckeramith. He was the first clerk and treasurer . . _ . , _ . .• . . . ; Dyspepsia, indigestion, Beleial.tig of gas after eating, ine.an weakness, ny means of its muscles, the stomach should churn the food --changing solids into liquids—mixing in the gastric juice L :gest digestion. If the stomach is weak—then food b tit properly churned and mixed with intotlgh gastric juice. Then you have ePeli Ova dyspepsia. OR "FROM LIVER TABLETS" strengthen the stomach—just as juicy beef and eggs and milk strengthen the wasted frame of a patient getting over Typhoid. FRUIT- A-Trvr.,s contain the elements that give new-- vigor new energy--; to the muscles lining" the stomanh— stinielate the digestive glands and assure a copious flow of gastric juice for each meal, More . than that, ITRUIT-A-TIVE'S correct the Constipation which usually attends stomach trouble—and by acting directly on kidneys and liver, put the whole system in healthy condition. Preti-IT-A-TIVES are a pecuriar com- bination of fruit juices and tonics that are known all over Canada for their wonderful cures in all Stomach, liver and kidney troubles, sac. a box or 6 boxes for $2.50. Sent on receipt of price if your druggist does not handle them. PRUIT-4-TIVES LIMITED, OTTAWA* of the 'township, being appointed to these positions in 1843., and had held these continuously since. He was years of age. At the' annual meeting of the Star base ball club the following offi- cers were elected: Preeident, H. W. C. Meyer; vice president, J. Lamb; secretary, D. Hogan; committee, D, Stewart, R. Latimer and John Grieve After the meeting the club was en- tertained at a supper by Mr. 5 Powell. The following are the officers of the Cricket chib for the corning season: Patron, Dr. Coleman; president, H.W. C. Meyer; secretary, Cha,s.Arrnstrong ; Committee, John Curry, Chas. Brant, A. Dentioon, J. Digby and Wm.White. Building operationpromise to be brisk ifl See,forth as soon as spring opens up. Mr; J. C. Laidlaw has pur- chased trent Mr. Cull, for $2,000, the let adjoining the telegraph office,and Intends ereeting thereon 'et fine brick store. Mr. M. Br. Counter intends erecting a brick Store on the lot ;he recently marehased from Mr. Dick- son, adjoining Corby's store. Fidel- ity Lodge, E 0. 0. F., are also pre- paring to erect their handsome new hall. • A Guarantee Cure for Piles. Itching, Blind, 63leeding„ Protruding Piles. Druggists are authorized to refund tmeney tif PAZO OINTMENT fella to sure in 6 to 14 days.. No. • News Notes —Mr. Henry .Wade, of Toronto, died in the hospital in that city, on Mon- day last. He bad suffered for sev- eral months from kidney trouble. For many years r. Wade had been close- ly associated with many agricultural and live Stock associations in this province. —Five 'hundred horses and mules were burned: in Harper Bros'. livery stable in Atlanta Georgia, on Chris- tmas morning, The loss, is about $100,000. The fire was started by 6afe blowers, who 'exploded the safe in the °Vire, the shock overturning the lamp. —The contract 'has been let for the erection of the new Grand Stand and the Horticultural buildings on the Toronto Exhibition grounds, to re- place those some time ago destroyed by fire. The contract price for tile Grand Stand is $216,466, and for the Horticeltural building ei $90,000. —D. 1 J, Bereeford, of Medicine Hat, Canada 'reported 'dead in the Ender- lin, No:rth Dakota, wreck, is Lord Delaval Beresford, younger brother of Admiral Lord Beresford, of the Brit- ish navy, and son of the fourth Mar- quis of Waterford. He had a ranch in the Sierra Madre Mountains of Mexico, south! of El Paso, and another at Medicine Hat, Canada. —The T. Eaton Company, at Wine .nipeg, Manitoba, were the victims of a clever- forgery a few days ago, when a man, giving the 'name of John Wee, made extensive purchases n their etore and tendered a check or $506 in payment, receiving $825 goods. The forgery was speedily dis- n caSh, in a,ddition to $180 worth of overed, and the police were put on —Aire. he track of West. Robert English, of Strat- I ord, gave birth to triplets last Fri - ay morning. Mrs. Englieh is the , mother of thirteen children. By her Ire husband, Mr. Legge, she has a arge grown up family, Her hus- and is a working man, not overly leased -with this world's goods, but fforts are being made to see that he little ones are well provided for. pplication will be made for -the oyal bounty.. Jas, Henderson, a well known , rid prominent physician, of Cobourg, 't? as killed while passing over a rail - ay crossing in that town, between; we've and one o'clock Friday morn - ng. He was driving home from vis - ting a patient and not having had full night's sleep for several weeks, t Ie thought he had faliee asleep in I s buggy. The .horse which he was riving was 'not injured. Dr. Hender- on was about forty years of age, nd unmarried. —Three business blo6lcs in North ay were destroyed by fire early on uncles? morning, causing a loss of a - out $40,000. The upper flats of the ulIclingS were largely occupied by yrian families, arid' the flames -spread o rapidly that many of them were, eecued In their night clothes, and hey ice their little all. It was a itiabIe eight to see these poor crea- ures, scanty clad and with their lit- e ones; shivering in the street while he mercury was 'twenty below zero. —Sitting in 'his cbair by the stove, ead-, from' suffocation, his wife and aby dead' by his side, his little boy , ead in bed in the next (room ' and his tile girl gasping for Me on the oor, James Harris was tound at 6 clock Thursday afternoon in 'his ome, at Niagara Palls, by his lit- ' e niece, who chanced' 'to call in at e !house. The niece hasl been skat- • in, and called ri.,t ;the house of, he uncle 'to get warmed. $be geve th alarm, and it was ',found a lid ha been lett•ott the stove, which wa being heatedby natural ga.s, allow Ing 'the gas to esciape into the :room —Mrs.- Goetz, wife a Rev. Leon ,ard Ga-etz, of Red Deer, Alberta, die very euddenly Thursday evening. Sh had been around as usual, enjoyin good health during, the day. She ha eaten a hearty supper, and died whit sitting a hair reading, and without uttering a word. Mrs. Gaetz was the firet white woman to set- tle at Red Deer in 1884, and one of the first between Calgary and Ed- monton. She was born in Nova Sco- tia, her maiden name being Carrie Hamilton. —re. Argo, wife ot Ree. Argoo Of, Ivan, was eitruck by a, C. P. passenger train, at a street railway crossing in London a few days ago, and was instantly killed Mrs. Argo was ridieg to her home in a sleigh with a young man. As the sleigh reached the track Mrs. Argo noticed a train, and beearne excited and jumped immelliately In front of the engine. The entire train passed over the unfortunate woman. The eleigh, with its other occupant, escaped completely. —The young ladies on the ground floor off ^the Langevin block at Ot- tawa, were in a state of fright a few days ago, when a bear mada its appearance in the corridor. The' animal belonged; to Mr. Samuel Cas- sidy, and had been kept in a shed in the rear of his restaurant, which is Pelt behind the Parliament buildings. It got loose shortly after noon, and made its way to the street, and got into the Government building. A waiter eaw the animal escape, and hurried after him. With the assist- ance a some of the civil servants bruin was finally captured and re - tittered to his pen. If you are Constipated, dull, or billoue, or have a sallow lifelesd complexion, try'. Lax-ets just -once_ to see what they will do for you. Las- es are little toothsome Candy tab- lete-enice to eat, nice tn ef,fect. No griping, no pain. juet a gentle lax - stave effect that is pleasengly desir- able. Handy for the vest pocket or purse, Leases meet every desire. Lax-ets come to you In beautiful lithograp'hed metal boxes at 5 eents and 25 cents. Sold by C. Aberhart, Druggist, Seaforth. 5. e 0 —The Education bill, which has been the subject of much and bitter controverey in the British Parlia- ment) and in, the Country, has been killed for this - session in the House cif Lords. Both sides speht three days in practically incessant con- ferences with the object of discover- ing an acceptable compromise, but the Opposition found themselves unable to accept the concessions offered! by the Government, These were form- ally presented by the Lord President 'of the Council, the Earl of Crewe, when. the House of Lords met, but Lord Landsdowne, on behalf of the Opposition, refused the proffered olt ive branch and moved that the Lords Infest on their amendments to the bill. This was adopted by 132 to 62 votes, and the Education bill was thua killed. Coughs, colds, hoarseness, sod other throat ithuelit,s are quickly relieved by Cresolens 'tablets. ten cents per box. All druggists —A peculiar accident occurred on, the engine of the fast C. P. R. train. running between Hamilton and To- ronto on Saturday. When the train was leaving Toronto it was noticed that the engineer, Jobe Paul, was leaning fan out of the Rah window with MS head hanging down. At a glance it was seen that something was wrong, and the signals were . Made for the train to ptop. The fire- man, however, was busily engaged with his work, and did snot notice. the signals. At ,parktiale signals were also made by employ-ees of thet company who noticed Paul's posi- tion, s.nd who knew that he was- ser- louSly 'hurt and perhaps dead. When the train was nearing Mimic°, and the fireman paused for a moment in his work of gr,etting up steam, be noticed the engineer, and finding him to be dead, With, his face covered with blood, brought the •train to a standstill. It was found that Paul's death bad' been caused by a deep wound hi the side of his bead, which had, it is supposed, come in contact with thei s;rrn of a semaphore or the abutment of the semaphore bridge. • CURED OF SKIN DISEASE BY ZAM-BU.K. Once more Zam-Buk, the great her- bal balm, has been proyed vastly su- perior to ordinary remedies, and has cured where other preparations; had signally failed. Three children in one family have been healed by it. This not only Shows the power of Zarn- DUk, but goes; to prove how bereificial its pure herbal ingredients are to - the delicate skin of children. Mrs. J. C. Bates, fo Birks Falls, reports :the case referred to. She says: "I take great pleasure ih recommend- ing Zarn-Buk as a cure 'for skin dis- ease. My three ehildren were all broken out with eores on face, bands and feet. Their condition was pitiable and although I tried •various ant-- rnents and Salves, they did not seem to be able to get to the root of the evil, and the sores continued to spread. One clay I saw a report in a local newspa,per telling how benefl- thi was for skin diseases, ulcers, etc. go l a supply ,of the balm and appliedwit to the ehild- ren's sores. Almost immediately they got relief, and the sores began to heal. Although the skin disease had -defied an the salves I 'had previous- ly tried, in one week Warn-Buk over- came the trouble, and to -day the chit - ren have not a pimple or spot or mark of disease on their skin. For this grand result I have zam-Buk to thank. It is a splendid healer.". Za,m-Buk ie thus shown to be al- together different and superior to ordinary remedies. It is a healing balm eompounded from saps and essences of the finest known medi- cal herbs. It 'has high antiseptic power, killing disease germs Which, s;ettle on sores and eruptions, etc., a;nd which set up festering,blood: poisoning and suppuration. It cures eczema, skin rashes, cuts, burns, bruises, abscesses, ulcers, acne, blackheads, ringworm, blood poison, act. It 'heals cracked and chapped bands; cold sores, etc. As an , em- brocation it is also widely used, and gives speedy relief in case e of museular rheumatism, sciatica, etc. RUbbed on chest in cases of' -colds it relieves the tightness and aching. All druggists Sell at 5-0 cents a box or may be obtained post free from the Zarn-Buk Coe, Toronto, upon re-, ieipt of price, 6 boxes for $2.50. Send one cent stamp for dainty trail box, a Sa is a ion or your o ey Back" 100000000110•011NOSIOOWLEmerts............nollie .GENVT NUA From L January 2n4 to tlie 15th ONLY. 44k-oms-o-o+440-0-4.4.-+-o-o-4-4-O-o-o0 • 77 When we advertise a sale, we _mean what we say—that is our policy in all our /IA vertising. We never hatch -up " a sale, nor are we continually crying sale tile year round, but when we hold our llllual Clearing it meets 'with success, because it deserves. it; because we always sell at prices that make things real bargains. This year we can afford to be a little more generous than usual, as we have done an extra lar$e volume cf. business„ DSOs quently have more broken lines, and Remember the store that% has the best goods at regular prices is the store that has the best barains when those prices are reduced, FURS, 20 - to _31- per, ent. -teduSion This is not a sale of poor Furs bought at reduced prices) but a sale of standard Musk Ox Brand Puts, sold minus the profit. Our ressork----wis lieed the mon.ey represented in our stock. We do not, will not, earty fate, over from one season to another. We are -bound to turn our stock rut° sash., and we frealize that the shortest turn t� getting chit; is to make the -primi wonderfully cheap, consequently. we say to you 20 to 33 1-3 oft any ur our store. 9 CLOTHING., --- Overcoats and Suits We have sold quently we have an clear, if low price wi 50 odd Overact this year's 25 odd Overco were wonderful lot of Overcoats and Suits thie Fall, zones,- nusual lot of broken. lines, which we are determi ea to do it; so here goes: ts, dress and heavy weights, all ts, fine black and blue beavers, e •• se see,. e we .•11... ...O..... * • • • • * • • 25 odd Suits, roken lines, some regular $10 • and. $12 stiits, to clear................. ..,,....... 50 odd Suits, regular Prbgress Brand $112 lines, 1 highest quality. ' •...• ,. 0 • • • • *I* •••* • * 4 • I 25 per cent. straight discount on all Boys! Suits. Underwear, ali lines, 25 per cm. discount. Heavy Mitts; Smocks, ttz., 20 per cent, discount. Regular school stocking, while they last 25c. Space will not permit further listing, but all we can say is that durIng this sale the more you buy the more money you save. EWART BROS SEAPORT - - - a