The Huron Expositor, 1906-12-28, Page 2-
Williarns & Purcell
enerat Merchants for the People.
WI:POW. sten Into 'ills place, and
hueiness of the bar, with - all
uhallovved aesbehations, would
tinue ws Woregen might come
men might go, but the 'bar as an
estitution would go on. -
A. groat rnany peoph3 are very
the had secured two red foxes _before he
its sighted . the black one. The ,skin is
elightlY touched with eilver on the
and breaelt and tip ,of the tail, and is
in worth $000.
-e-The Conger/dives- of Treherne,
Manitoba, at lt, eeee,
seseste, ing to lend their- influeece in oeu- nominated Ur. Geer
ing something that is not attainable,- P. est their d !candi
4-4-444.4-444÷4-e+4--H-4-a444.4-444-+ 4-4-+++++4-4.44444+
1- We take this opportunity of wish- 4.
Iing all our customers a -Merry 1
4. Xmas. and et Happy &Prosper- 1
.§- ous Hew Y far.
or+ • .1:
+444 -1 -1 -1444++4 -1.444 -4 -44 -1 -4 -4 -tee+ tetetetets+40+++++++++++444.
wortmor,..owir.;osoomso 114;1••••••••"rrr."6"re......
For the Holiday Season of Xmas and New Year we have prepared many
Specials in the following departments :
We have spcially prepared Chilfees and Teets. If you have
any special friends visiting you, we have delicacies in our
groceries that.will snit the best. t : :
or in agitating for something that is In Provincial elect
not the Josue. If a. general pro ibie
tion lew to proposed, these • carping
, opponents, of motel reform sal "You
, are ;simply toiler doing it and the new post offiee bu
the countny at large will, not *I and paratione aro befalls
for it. Give us prohibition at ome !fiction of *levered b
on e email scale and see bow it -The eity of Br
Works first." But if local optio boast of a public
rdekosoa 'they oay Enact a proL Conoidering the 13
t convention re -
e Steele, M. P.
• at the approach -
-Carlyle, Sask., 1 likely to have
a building boom next °year, Postmas-
ter Riddell 1ntertds erecting a fine
lding, and pre-
mede for the er-
ick blocks.
ndon can now
ebt of $1,128,000.
pulation of the
. t
We are still handling .First Class Dresi4-d Petit try. Al tuough the market .
has declined, we will pay the beat peasible erices either ti ode or wish. - Are
want ali the Firbt-Class Batter and Fresh Ego that we ctii get, and will pay
good price& Dried Apples are higher this week.
Successors' to-, B. B. GUN N •
gilt 4rou xp
A ,Cheeky PrOpOsetion.
Mr. Armand Lavergne, eyettrig Qu-
bec member, has • introduced into the
Dominion Parliament a, bill which,
for pure "cheek' Surpasses anything
that hod been brought' to light for
some time. The bill has a very inno-
cent title, and is represented as-- a
measure respecting inland 'naviga-
tion -companies. It, is in- Mr. Laver -
_accent favors of this kind from any -
corn any or corporation having, deal -
Inge with Parliament. '
The Coet ofVogs.
hibitien law for the Whole coti.htr place this is aline t alarming. Dur-
and atop the maufacture and we wt1l lag the past year the addition to the
vote, for it:'! The duty of e arY debt waS $256,000. ,
voter is Pain, use every laWfu -At the Mora convention for
mearte withhe -yourpower to seur4 the cortotituency of Beautiful Plains,
what isnow swithin your reaj held at Neepawa, Manitoba, Air. A.
local option a geed law, r Dunlop was select d as the Liberal
er than fritter; away the golden candidate for .that onetituenoy at the
partunity in 'Wiese . inactivity approaching Proviocialelections.
idle carping about what is unatt -The will of the late Dr. John M.
able. Great refornise do- not c ver, has been filed
all at onee and the woeld
never to_ he reformed from the
vide but from the inside. Your 1n -
fluence may become wideepread, but
it mut radi ha from where you arO
as a cent It 'is not so' much Vie
local opttth law Versus license Unit
Is on trial in. -this. contest, but the
e1c3ctors who are call d
upon to vote for or soh* this b
law. In 11310 crisis will they stri
for moral reform and abolish t
bar-roorte a thoroughly had instit
tion, or . will they leave the bad a
effete Inotitution to corrupt • t
young and drag men down to rui
and 'perdition? .
The proposed law in a , good la .
and Is as different from the Scot
.Act as day IA from night.' The Scot
Act was a Dominion, law, an annuli
ed the Provincial License Law. It
jurisdiction was in question and t
machinery for Do enforcement , wa
!entirely inadequate. Its penalties were
altogether too mild - and convictiorre
under the -Act. were extremely' diffi-
eult. The proposed local option law
•-nob perfeet but it is free , from
most if net all the defects of the
-Scott Ad. iThe proposeds law eirnply
takes away_ 'from the License Corn-
missieners the power to issue lic-
enses to any persons to sell spirit-
uous liquors in the municipality in
which the law is in operation, and
the whole machinery of 'the License
act as at present, is available for,
the inforeement of the proposed local
option law. But, the penalties un-
der local option are much mere severe •
than under License and evasions of
the • law much more difficolt.
Citizens of He.nsall . you are face to
face with a crisie in the historyof
thio beautiful village, and e the tight
will be-ehort and decisive: You are
not fighting as slaves but alg free
men and women. The gladiators- of
old faced each other in deadly com-
bat 'upon the bloody oands. .They
fought SA slaves ter the amusement
of the vulgar and sensuous crowd
under the Wiese gaze of a heartless
populace who applauded every oucs
coos and greeted with; groans and
of eietration every failure.
Imagine the ocene. There they stand
the heavy Weight with his short
sword and buckler, tile ,light weight
with his trident or .spear . and his
deadly -net, Each must play his part
'offeneive stnd, defensive, with an earn.-
es,tness which nothing but the ter-
rible strenuousness of the movement
co'alti inspire. If the former succeed-,
ed in avoiding the deadly cast of thp
net and' at the flame time. gave his op-
ponent the death stroke the victim
rolled heavily in the dust, bleeding
from a- mortal wound, while the vie -
tor wee .greeted- by deafening cheerio
from the Immense throng' above. On.
the other' hand, if the light weight
by skilful fencing, eluded the well
aimed thrust of his adversary, aid at
the earns time, by a skilful a,ncl for-
tunate cast, sueeeeded in -enveloping
him in the deadlynet, by a quick
lurch, he brought tilm to the earth
arid plaritIng his foot upon him and
jabbing him with the -spear till the
blood ran through the net, he looked
up at the immense throng above for
their verdict, if the hoartthos and
fickle throng in the 'benches, touch-
ed perhaps by a momentary sympathy
turned their thumbs up the victim
wan. 'spared if they turned , their
thumbs down the bleeding victim
Was given the death thrust amid, the
deafening cheere'of the vulgar throng.
Citizens of Hensall, eyou do not
fight thus as slavettunaei-''' the piti-
less gaze of the .sonsuous, but as free
mon in the sacred cause of freedom,
under theeintelligent eye of civiliz-
ed communities, . who are intently
watching .to eee what the village of
Anything 'relating to the feeding
and marketing of pige ie. always in-
teresting td• most farmers, especial-
ly In a time like the presiente when
the d' porker" lo one of ithe most ,
profitable products of the term. We
dare atey, boviever, there are few
pig raisers ahd feeders who know
just exaetly what it cOste to tit a
pig' for 'market and what the actual.
prof s are. Last year the WiMame
peels explanation of his measure that
ne is Daels Packing Company of Toronto',.
the. tat :gate out of the bag. rnade an effort to obtain. accutate
reported as explaining that it Is
inferrnation on this important ,point.
based on the principle of the amend -
They tattered a premium of 60 cents
meats to the railway act, whiah
per hundred over market. prices for
obliges railway cornpanies to carrr
bacon that was preduced vahere a
senators and members and their lug -
strict account was kept of all feed
gage free. He saAd: consumed., The majority of the ex -
There are certain companies en-
perimente, .were.. cOncluesded in No -
gaged in inland navigation which re-
vernber, Wien the pric were much
eche& ;subsidies from tlds Hough and
at the same time are not obliged to .lower then, towel,
give free tra,noportation he senators The hog te were fed in all parts of
and Members.. Certain of these corn- the country. Some very striking re-
panieS avail ;themselves of that de- , sults were ebtained. For instance, a
- feet in, the law to serve their per- pen of -pigs fed in South Ontario, and
sonal interests when thee have cer- a pin fed in Waterloo county -cost ex-,
tett tale' before Parliament, and actly the, same and were _fed the
the sole objed of the bill is to pro- same, although the fee-.7,sre. of the
tect senators and members from . different lote of pigs were entirely
those companies. 1 would 'name for , unknown to each -other, and there
would, therefere, be no .00mParlson
instance, the Richelieu and Ontario
Navigation Coropany, Which 'received ` of notes.
subsidies for transportations of I In the tests made 'the cost of the
ail by its steamboats, and which, young ,pige at weaning time was cal -
at the! same time, I am told and dull culated at $1
informed, offer free traneportation. to , .Agricultural'
certain members' 'on condition that to be on the
they would favor their bills. I have 1 at the Coll '
known that myself ; not that Ll3l-Y-* 1 $1.27 each.
thing has been said to me, but 'I have , these tweiv
Been it offered to somebody. Thus- I The av
oxilY wish, to probed Parliament by was gem
this bill which is bound On the If eeii p
same principle as the act that pro, each t cost., ou
vides for free transporta,tion of sen- each, iiiienrtheilOed dist $20 per ten,
ators and mernhers on subsidized rail- and $4,99 'when '1 the ' Meal cost $28
ways:' per ton. ,.-...c,-.,'V '.%i.
We de not know muCti about Mr. The copt of ' Jtoducing a -pound of
gain in' thesOrge was little less than
Lavergne, but if his ability is to
the average ofa:Ifiti-litters fed at thei
be, measured by his logic- he will Ontario Agricultural 'College in the
never jet the world on fire. In order wester a - -
to keep the members add senators &sf"'""'"1- '
The Bankers? Association are take
from being bribed by the eteeneship i ,-
1 ing private proceedings against has.
companiee, 'he proposes to compel -
and Prof. Day, of the
lthge, corianders !that.
oide, as the average
twelve litters was
e . were 95 hogs in
of all the pigs
ed when fireished4
bought at $210
have been $4.67
Lefevre, of Vance
for probate. The,
$366,000 Including
tate and everythi
Mrs. , Lefevre.
-The daily av
the public school
Ing the month of
9,343, Which is .
on4 the average
November, 1906.
-The. flour an
owned by Messrlit Schwalm and Fair,
of Glembore, Mane has been purchas-
ed by • Measrs.
Tharnesford, On
-James Wise
tler of the Plu
ing nthe cows 1
a bull runnin.g
and attacked hi
Tied to, the lea ,
lin, is' in a very .critical condition.
-A, large tarn) house belonging to
Mro. Moxley, about four miles west
of Killarney, I Manitoba, Vass de-
otroyed' by fire. The fire was dis-
covered by some of the neighbors and
before assistance could be obtained
the house was in flames,. The loss
le Very heavy.,
-A meeting of Winnipegees hailing
from the wtern counties of Eng-
land was. held the ether evening to
conorder the idea of forming an aft-
sociation. The 'Inovernent is , of Inlet -
est to former , resiaents of Waves -
ter, Dort, Devon *and Cornwall'
. -Haintiota, Manitoba, has taken
another important etep in advance -
Anent and in Icitgping with the general
'reeperity of the district surround-
rneg. It has been incorporated as a
own and has eleeted Mr. Cham-
rs as RS. first Mayor by acclama-
ion. ,
-The first out -break of glanders
to occurr In Winnipeg hi two years,
was detected
day twenty af
at the city n
supposed that
eontraded in
McGill, late manager of the defunct
the said cempanies !to give them
have secured a
,free traneportation. This seems to Ontario Bank; and
Writ .asgainst him at Osgoode 'Hall,
be on the princdpIe that the beet way 1
claiming $1,8f4,800. What they ex -
to kill a dog is to try and choke
pect • t� gain by thie move only, the
Ian with butter. The bill, coupled
lawyers know. ,It is not easy to get
with the explanation, is an insult '
blioolld from a erIone, and we fancy it
' to every member of the ‘House and daoraurts aisor diafficmul t fo get a
if it ever again sees the light of. il-Nrrsilliobne illion cents
daY or becomes law it will be a from Me. McGill. The claim, is for
disgrace to both. the Government and money that 'McGill drew from the
Bank and paid to New York and other
Parliement. It was a mistake for
1 brokers in connection with his stock
the country when it was made corn, speculations. And while there is no
_puleary for railway cornpa,nies to doubt but this amount, and perhaps
give ft -9e transportation fo meth- more, wag drawn from the Bank for
bers and senators. The compaeies get
compensation with compound interest
frem the people. They de not give
seiretnine for nothing. Instead,there-
'fore, of aggravating the evil Mr.
Lavergne proposes, the people should
Insist on Parliament repealing the
law compelling railwa,y companies to
give free transportition and replace
it by a law making it a criminal. of-
fence for railway companies to
grant or members of Parliament to
hy efer
Because we make medicines
For them. We tell them all
about Ayer's Cherry Pectoral
and they prescribe it for
coughs, colds, bronchitis, con-
1 sumption. They trustit. Then
you can afford to trust it,
Ask your own doctor.
The bent kind of a testimonial—
Blade iiits*g. elzrottli.?,.,ot (:),Ivi, mese
Wo Lave no secrets 'We publish
tho formulas of sal our medicenes.
ver'o greatiy aid theCherry
Pectoral in breaking up a cold.
this purpose, it is very unlikely that
he ha.s. any of it left now. As far
as we can judge now, we Should say
that the penitentiary or an asylum
la the: most fitting place for Mr.
• ..Abolish the Bar.
To the Editor of The Expositor. •
Dear Sir, -Perhaps as an old friend
of The Expoeitor you will perrnit me
to say a few_ words in reference to
the Local Option contest now on in
Ilensall and adjoining municipalities.
I had the privilege of hearieg Mr.
13. Spence on Sabbath .and again on
Monday evening recently, in Hen-
oall, on the salient' features of the
proposed law, and to say that 'his
addresses were elhquent and soul --
stirring as well as lucid and logical
Is putting it mildy indeed. Mt Mr.
Spence must be heard to be fully ap-
preciated, I will try to emphasize a
few of the points made by Mr. Spence
in my own way, slinply trusting to
memory, and without; -reference to
the order in which they were de-
livered. We ohould clearly disting-
uish between an hotel and a bar-
room, as the two have no nesessary
connection. Such questions, for in-
stance: "If hotels are done away
with under local option will not the
taxes be inctea,sed " are entirely ir-
revelant, as an hotel is simply a
place of, accomodation, and it is only
cuetorn end convenience that has un-
united the hotel and. the bar -room!
Hotele ere not done away with under
local option, only the bar -room, which
la ehtirely unecessary adjunct to
an 'hotel. The fight is not ageing
men as such, but a,ga,inst an im-
personal bar -room. Some say better
try meal suasion on the men engag-
ed in the business. Suppose that in
a rare case you succeeded in .per-
suading a liquor seller to abandon a
bad business and enter a more re-
epectable or honorable calling, it
would eImply _ mean that another
estate consists of
cash a,nd real es -
g is bequeathed to
rage attendance In
of Winnipeis -dur,
November 18441, r;1.13
n increase of lei.36
attendance duri.te
grist mill,forrnerly
awthorpe Bros., of
ghlin, pion.eer set-
ae district, *as driv-
to the stable, when
loose outside, turned
A 'hired man hur-
tle, but Mr. McIsaugh-
Herman will do In the battle for
moral reform. Will this village be 0,
shining example to large munici-
palities and to the world at • large,
or will it like Napoleon at Waterloo,
experience the ohame of defeat
through listless Inactivity and oVer
confidence. Opponents say, that under
local option men will go to neigh-
boaing towns and villages- and get
Ilquor.. Then let them go, but let it
be veld on the seventh of January
next that in so far as Ilensall is con-
cerned the bar room has gone. by the
:board and is not a feature of life
and " activity there.
last week tend in one
tided horses were' shot
qisance ground. it is
the disease waS first
the budh; and brought
to the city tiy animals !brought in
from the cam
-The 1101;4
Park, near
been oold by
prietor, to
Balmoral, the
Waldorf at Boundary
innipeg Beach, has
Joseph Reid, ,the pro-
atholm Campbell, of
°consideration being
$22,000, the sum of $12,000 being paid,
in cash. ( The new owner is a pros-
perous fanner and will add a wing
to the b '
iltilding making 100 bedrooms,
for the tsccomodation of, summer vis-
--Mr. Cecil B. Smith, who is en-
gaged With the city of Winnipeg for
opeOlal engineering work has' a large
otaff o workmen under him. Some
of theee frightened the Winnipeg
council recently .by the bills. they
presented for; payment. R. D. John-
son, the chief designer, had many
Items down for expenses. Excess
baggage wad' charged In two plaCeS,
while $20 the
from Toronto
ed up to t
ed lathe ac
King Edwar
nearly $5' fo
the earns hoetelry. The account was
finally laid ever for further consider-
etion. • I
-The towill of Borden, Sask., and
diettrict are excited OVer the disap-
pearance t nder strange circum-
otances of tildney McMahen on the
day previeuei to that fixed for 'his
marriage. F,verything had been ar-
ranged fot the wedding to take
place at. thol home of the parents of
the bride the following day. Invi-
tatione had been sent to a large
riends to attend a re -
he music ball, where e,
een arranged in 'honor of
i easy to SAY that
this or that clothing is best.
,PROVES its superiority by
the style, -fit, quality of every
• _Look for the label that protects.
The Gift Giving Season
price of a drawingroom
to Winnipegawas charg-
city. Over .$6 eppes,r-
ount for a room .in the
Hotel, Toronto, and
service in the cafe at
number of
ception to
dance had
the' event, thd minister was in
The gift giving season is here with its good
cheer and, good vvill, You are now on the
look out for a remembrance for a relative or a
friend. What is more acceptable or useful
• than something to wear. We have many
things you want. A few, hints.
We would be pleased to show yon a; large
range of all the latest in these goo s,
lbRX1SILERS, S.E.I1OR.7:011
Store Overflowing
Allawimm.-- With
ER 28, 1906
data L.*,
By Law No.
--QP 1906
wnsliip of Tuckersmith
County of 'Huron.
•••••1 o•• 000•
To authorize the Construction of Per-
manent Bridges in the said Town-
ship, and to provide for borrowing
the money required therefor. -t -
Whereas it is desirable that permanent ledge* be
constructed for the uee 9,nd convenience of the resi-
dents of the Municipality and the public at large,
And whereas it is estimated that the 'cost, of con-
structing such bridges will be Viktor Thousand Dol-
lereAnedrwthheerreeeasbeefuoter *the purpose of paying for the
erection and construction of the mid bridges, it is
necessary for the Corporation of the Township of
Tuekeremith .k borrow the said Bum of $16,000, re-
payable within O years.
And whereas the total amount required to b; raise
ed annually by semial rate for pa ing the said pro-
posed debt and interest thereon, is $1,108.60.
And whereas the value of the whole rateable pro-
rty within the mid Municipality, according to Iast revised asssesment roll, is 82,140,924.
And whereas the total present existing -deben-
ture debt of the said. Municipality is the sum of 4113.7
168.32, of which no part of erther principal or inter-
estyTilitehe in
fa:IT:nee:hi ere ; itpaenacted
Couneil of the said Corporation of
, and it is hereby enacted'
thtTostnasthbiridogfeeTuccikaerpeerartnaitlenent nature he erected
and constructed where expedient and necessary
within the limits of the said Municipality at a 008
not:exceeding the said sum ef V16,000.00.
2, That itshallbe lawlulfor the mid Council to
take ail necessacy steps and proceedings and enter
into, on behalf of the said Corporation, all necessary
contracts or other instruments for the purpose of
musing and procuring- the said bridges to be erect-
edieeTnhetarti.lfeotr?dtheeppdueer-pnlosPeleeti4payingfor the erection
and censtruction of the said bridgee, it shall be law-
ful for the said Council, DD behalf ofthe said Corpor-
ation, to borrow from any parties willing to lend the
same, the said sum of Fifteen Thousand Dollars at
the rate of four and one hall per eentper immure
reepayeble within 20 years by equal annual
ments of principal and Interest.
4. That for the purpose of eecuring the rep/orient.
of the mid sum of 1415,000 to the lender thereof, it.
shall be lawful for the said iDouncil to cause to be is-
sued, debentures of the said Corporation' to that
amount in sums of not less than $100 each, and pay
able in 20 years; from the date thereof, with Interest
at the rate of four and one-half per oentum ver an
num, that is to Sky irn 20equalanpual pea -went* of
interest and principal combined, which said deben-
tures stall be sealed wish the Corporate seal of the
said Corporation and signed by the Reeve and
countersigned by thaTreaetirer of the said Corpora -
time and the mounts thereby secured and agreed to 4
be paid eball thereon be expreseed to be payable at,
the office of the Canadian Rank of Commerce, in the
TownThof aS:e. during
currency of the said deben-
tures, the stun of $1,103.60, for payment of prinei
and interest ot the said debenturest shall be levice'
and collected in ractiyear, by especial rate terflicieri
mthuenreifaor the rateable property in the nit,
O. This bv-laW sball come into force mid effe
when finallypamed, after having received the assert
of the electors.
7. That the votes of the electors of the saidTowe
ebip 0i vote upon this be
ha :.
3/1. 0 N. D Y.', OF JANUARY, 190,
cotemenoingot the hour Of nine o'clock in the fore
noon and continuing until jive o'clock in the after-
noon of the same day at the following pieces within
the said Abinieipality, and by the following Deputy,
Returning Officers, namely
Christmas :Furnitute-
wealth of stylish furniture for housckeepers--almot seems IITI
reasonable to expect to sell so much, And yet, if merit it
furniture, workmanship and prices will appeal to you, and we
are bound that it did, yotell certainly inspect our splendid new stock
before investing elsewhere. ,
TT 1\1- 1R,T.AJKII\TG-
Prc.mptly atiended to night or clay. Night and Sunday calls answeredat the
esidence of 8.- T. Holmes, Goclerich streets opposite the Methodist church,
eafortb., •
8. rt. HOLMES Manager.
e:wspaper Chances
The Papers You Want
attendance, but no bridegroom aP- 1 The Expositor to New Subsribers from now
peered. McMahon r-havtl h1 mseif made
coesiderab:e preparations by exten-
sive purchalses and apparently _exhib-
ited much Iconcern lest the seat he
had ordered ehould not arrive in. time,
,and borrowed a 'eon from a friend.
morning McMahon came
from his beinestes,d, 4
On Tueeds,
into Borde
mince out,
Pogie of p,
He node' 1
ostensibly for the pur-
rchsing a pair of gloves.
on 'horseback and stayed
at the' 'hoe). with !several relatives
Opendin.g a convivtal ,af-
til about 4 o'clock, when
d he left to meet a train
east. Whether he actual -
way by the train is not
known, but 'there are entertained
he andered into the adjoining
illimentd are quicklv relieved by Cresolene bu.nh 'and was evermore by exposure,
Valets. ten cents 1,or boxr, All druggists hut soarc ing parties have failed to
discover liswhereabouts.
Msnitoba and Northwest Notes
of the gir
It is state
just going
ly went.
Coughs, colds, hoarseness, sod other thr t that '
If "taken at the sneeze stage," Prete
-Dayeland, Alberta has now a venttc-a toothsome candy. Tablet -
population of 600 and will shortly be
' will oure y and quickly check an ap-
proaching cold or Lagripne. When you
-The beautiful 'residence of Mr. C.
Jfirst cote cold -or feel it coming on-
. V. Spratt, of Victoria, B. C., has
take Dr. Shoop's Preventics, and the
been • purcnased by a Winnipeg mil- prompt ffect will certainly sur-
lionalre for $20,000. ''. .
, •
Priee and please you. Preventics sure-
-In Brandon on February 19, 20 le .sury
and 21, will be held a otallion show, i . " n,1 the proverbial " ounie _ of
PY'eventicPSold in 5 -cent end 25-
poultry show, seed grain fair, judg- 1 `'"
, rent hoxn by C. Aberhart, druggist,
ing competition and live dock con-
ventions. i Seaforth.,1
. 1 .omoOporowesomostosnemooaNce
-The value of building permits is- 1
eu,ed at Edmonton this year, will fall -A b4siness 'property iToronto,
on Kin
a little :Short of the two million g', and Melinda streets,known
aEl •the Herold .A. Wilson & Co. prop-
-The pastor of Wesley Methodist - ertY' wajg4 sold 'last week to the Geo.
dollar 'mark.
.A. Cox Co., for S128,000. The prop -
church, Winnipeg, asked for a col-
lection of $1,500 one Sunday recent- twinned to W. 3. Paterson, of
Owen SoundThe little frame build-
.ly, and the collection plates contain- .
, ing on' the property is one of the land -
&I $1,700.
e -A vacant buziness lot „in Portage marks tat the city, the store having
b, with a frontage of fifty and been built about sixty years ago,
la Prairi
and though at one time partly de -
feet, was recently sold for $210 a
foot, and forty feet with. a building. ntroyed by fire, wks reeaired, and
trail located ! $310 per t• has always been occupied.
cen y , sold for
foot to local, buyers.
-Mr. J. Elliott has been elected
Mayor of Poissevain, Manitoba, by
acclamation. Mr. Elliott has resided
in Boissevaire eighteen years, and has
been actively associated witn re-
ligious and sodial work.
-Mr. John Jahnsten, of Eigin,Maril-
toba, recently bad the good fortune to
sboot a black fox. The lucky man
was fox-hunting on snow shoes, and
As sohn as the child, is done nurs-
ing app0 Chamberlain's Salve. Wipe
it of Vvitil a soft cloth before al-
lowing the child to sucks Many of
to January ist, 1907, for $,1.00.
We have made special arrangements with The Family Herald and Week'.;
Star of Montreal, whereby we .can make the following extraordindry offer
New Subscribers to
The Huron Expositor
The H
T Expositor........41 001 BOTH FOR
The Family Herald...sq..
'Polling Bub -Division No. 1. --At George Rates' ilail
Egniondsille, George E. Jackson, Deputy Return
'bi Officer.
Polling Sub -Division No. 2.-1tt School House No. 8,,
Samuel MeGeoch, Deputy Returning Offieer.
Polling SubiDIvielme No. 3. -At Sehool House Ito. 4
Ohm, Routledge, Deputy Returning °Meer.
,Polling Sub -Division No. 4. ---At School House NO. ;
Robert McCartney, Deputy Iteturoing Officer. •
Polling Sub-Dlvision No. 5. --At School norm No. 1,
A. G. hirnillie,Deputy Returning Ofileer.
Sub-Divielon No. 0. --At Strong' s Hall, Wm.
Sinclair, Deputy Returning Officer.
8. That the Clerk of the said corporation511511
attend at his Wilde In the said Township of
smith, on on Wedneiday, the Oth day of -January, 1907,
at eleven o'clock in the forenoon, to sum up the-
number of votes given for and against tbis
and the Reeve will attend at het residence on Let e
24, Clonceesion 4, L. S,, attwo *Week in the after-
noon, on Friday, the 28th day of December, 19001 for
the appointment .of persona to attend at the varroute
polling places and to attend et the final summing up,
of the said votes by the Cleric, on behalf of persons.
nterested in promoting or opposing the pmsing of
nis by-law respectively.
Provisionally passed this 81h clay of Deeember,,
1900, , •
In this will be included the Fam,ily Herald's handsome picture" A Tug of
War easily Worth the price asked for the two papers. Subscribers Avvishing
that excellent work, "The Farmet'd Manuals? can have the same for 25c ext:a.
--The Balance of this Year FRES
Another 1:)f the Best.
We have arranged with, the publishers of The Toronto Globe for a special
rate for the Toronto Weekly Globe. We can give thebe +wo
The Huron Ex,positor and
The Weekly Globe for
Tiri ExPostrou and
gr ,stest of
TUB )xrosniort brid
The Balance
Weekly Witness...,
• •
Northern 40
$2 00
Family Herald anINd etkly Star
Farmet's Advocate, the
Farm papers. • i• • .1•'••• ••• • •••
$2 2r)
.82 50
the Presbyterian...
Westminster ... ..
Weekly Mail .
tie • • ••• 41r• • • ...$2 25
Farmer's Sun . $1 80
Farming World.... . $1.35
of 1906 Free to New
the tained nurses use thla with the
best results. Price 25 cents per C
box. For sale by all druggists.
°leek Reeve
that the above is a true eepy of a- proposed beelaw
which bas been take e Into consideration and which.-
will be finally passed by the Council of the Muniol-
pelity of the Township of Tuekerstnith (in the event
of the assent of the electors.being obtained thereto)
after one month from the first publication, In the
HURON, Exrosrrop, the date of which first publics,-
tion was FRIDAY, DEORMDRR 14th, 1900, and that the'
votes of the electors of the said Mrmicipalitywill be
taken thereon on the day and at the hour and pier**.
therein fixed.
A. G 8M11.1./E Clerk
By Law No. 8
„ .
•••••• mooloP
To Prohibit the Sale of Liquor in the
Township of -
TX?' 03EC S 1./i JgC4
The Municipal Council of the Town-
ship of Tuekersolith hereby enacts.
US follows :-
i. -That the sale by retail of spiritous, fermented,
or other manufaetured liquors Is and shallbeprehibite
ecl in every tavern, inn, or other house or placeof pub-
lic entertainment in the mid municipality, and tbe
sale thereof, except by wholuale, le and *all
be prohibited in every shop or plaee other than a -
house of public entertainment in the said munici-
2. -That the vote of the electors of the said Town-
ship of Tuckersnuith wilt be taken OD the beelaw ,by
tho deputy -returning officers hereinafter named, on
One Thousand, Nine Hundred and Seven
commencing at nine o'clock in the morning and Dec-
tinning till five o'clock in the afternoon at ihe uu.
dermentioned places :
In Polling Sub-Divielon No. 1 -At Geo. Wes'
Hull, Egmondsille ; George E. Jackson, Deputy Re-
turning Officer.
In Polling Sub -Division No, 2. --At Shoed lionees _
No. 8 ; Samuel MeGeoch, Deputy Returning °Meer.
In Polling Sub -Division No, 2. -At School House
No. 4 ; Chas. Routledge, Depaty Returning Ofiltere
In Polling Sub-Divieion No. 4. -At School House
No. 9 ; Robt. MeCartney, Deputy Returning °diver.
In Polling Sub -Division No, 5. --At Scheel Home
No. 1 ; A. G, Smilile, Deputy Retarning Officer.
In Polling Sub -Division No. 0 --At George Strong's
Hall ; Wm. Sinclair, Deputy Rettreninir Wirer.
3. -That on the 25th day of December, A. 0..19101.
at his residence, Lot 24, c onecesion 4, le IL 8,, a
the Township of Tuckeremith, at the hour of two,
o'clock in the afternoon, the reeve Shull eppaint
writing, signed by himself, two persone to- at
at the final immure; up of the votes by the elerk,e
one person to attend at eaeli plllitl2 place on bebeir
91 the prone int0res111i in pul &terms of pro.note
ing the paseing of this by-law, and a like Jammer on
behalf of the pensms face:et-lel in and desirous or
opposing the passing- of this le
4. -That the (7Ierk of the eaid Monicipal -Commit
of the Township of Tuckersmit h thall atten1l at hire
°Mee at the hour of ten o'cloek in Nile forenoon ott
the litb clay of January, A. D., i907, to bum up the
number of votes given for anal -against this by-law.
5.,-'1'his by-law shall come into opPl'ation, and he'
of full force and effect on and after the reel, day a
May next efter the final passing thereof,
couneil ChanVier, November 17th, PAM
A. G. Robt. ilycKay
Take notice that the above 3 g true ropy of a ,
posed by-law which has been taken int() conexier-
ation hv the Munleipal Council 4,1 the Township of
Tuelterernith and wideli ell) be finally passcei,by the
saki Council (in the 'event of the tosent of the elect-
ors being%obtained here ',
to, a4 provided by the lg.
nor License Act) after one month from the first pub,
lioation thereof in Ulf. IICROti EXPOAITOR, the datol,
of which first 'publication was It'amAY the Rata -
TERM% DAY OF 1906, ante that at the -
hour, day andpiseee therein fixed for taking the
votes of the °let:tars the polls will be bold.
2036%3 G, MILLIE, Clerk.
win soon be her
And, ttoW la the
Picture Frani
P. 4.
a A]
Tbesee WM Snit
Olt dOubt the
and Mout.
- good qutvlity.:,
Lettuce, 'Celet
$nipe and Tint
Pork and Ian
extra fine prii
tecji?,ED AreAT
Ham, Damn,
on hand.. -
fresh via
Promptly cut
3ng from indiaci
Best and sanri
that follow as :=
Memory, Pains;
Premature old ;
that lead to
0.11 earb gmve
ceipt of price,
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