HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1906-12-14, Page 9g wh
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7.ne New York Sun mice offered, a
vis for the best reply to a ciaesrioa---
what Would you de if you were and-
' Iv made a millionaire The fellow
wle won the prize said" 1 ;would have
of suspenders for every pair of
own. Make him feel like a
We have suspenders froan 25o to
in nice boxes.
111,11711.1,110mo.. 4.7!iliirlils.amowagremasassmomm101,71**N.
Where else .cawyou find a store go complete in a variety of useful Christmas presents as you have a
selection her If low prices, cou4eous treatment and prompt service count for anything,
we should get your trade,
Our Holiday Stock is Highest in Quality, Broadest in Variety, Fairest in Price
This is our stronghold, 'All of the
leading manufacturers hrelfe 'unloaded a
tremendous stock of then very choicett
N EC KT ES, the very neweet patterns
and etyles. They unloeded them at this
store. They are heree ely arrenged
for your inspection. elaim to have
the largest and best "ortment of neck-
-wear in this vicinity. ;
Prices a...to 50c
s Me don't put on any eraa price at Ohrismas &See. No extra charges
for boxes. Last week we bought the entire, lot of samples of mu era hope
Johnstone and Swordi one of the largest factories. in Canada. We will sell
them Ohristraas time at reasonable- prices. You should see these before buy-
ing rau 8 f3ra.
Prices,35c to $2.75 Each
WISP' "Y."0" -CI
We want to clear every overcoat out of took befo
the New Year and we have
Rrid,uced the Prices
on every one of them
$2,00 off Each Coat
They are all marked in plain figures. "You can't make
mistake, One of these will make a splendid gift.
A Sweater
is good gift or a boy. We
he. nice tine ones, extra q
at all prices.
. -.3, .J1, „ ,...• . *4**,,, ,„7„ Z.„7,,,•„.: 4. le;:•?...,. ....• . ••.r.,-.•,r•,:t. 1, .7...- 'tate*
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(Ned this, your highness, is his sisa
the Princess Candace," he an-
nonneed aloud, bowing low before the
g!ri. At that inStant she ceased to be
ite timidcringing boy. Her chin went '
hi truly regal state as she calmly,
yen haughtily, responded to the dazed,
Falf eartiest salutes a the men. With
e smile—a knowing one, in which
mischief was paramount—she spoke to
Baidos. giving him her hand to
"Ail, dear Miklos, you have aehie-ved
a grudger He laughed so b oyantly,
our sweetest triumph—the theatrical
so fearlessly. that Quirinox forgave hiedr
aurae to all this time of plotting. My
rOthes r'sister loves you for all this. everything. Dangloss chuckled, an un-
bheaxd of condescension on his part
Your raelness"—and she turned to 'DX'
'We shall meet again, Count Mariam.
`e wita a captivating smile --"is tne
ttet.:less sister of Dantan : Nrelcome in You were not far wrong in yclur accu-
iere! : east ier :day I rest l4re iu peace? Batons against me, put you halve much
a 'i 1 year, th"
to account for in another direction."
it leis beett 1,,tter y long
' "This is all a clever Wok," ried the
find me
hen the
in doubt aud uncertainty. Wii t were
alley to do with Baldos, ti'.6 priloner?
i"Yort are asking yourself what is to
be dope with me," saicIlBaldoS easily.
"The order is for my arrest. - *illy the
princess can annul it She ha retired
on a missten of love and fender ess. I
would not have her distiirld.i There -
is nothing left for you to'-'ffelint to
place me in a cell. - I am qui,
Colonel Quinnox. You will be
put me in. a place where 1 canr
wink you further. You do not
wise to
t hood
ear me
pat week,- she sighed. Fatigue shot
baek into her sweet face, and Yetive's
love e-eut out te hdr unreservedly.- As -
drew the slight figure up the steps -
S:11. turned a tal said to her miiiisters:
"i shall be glad to receive Prince
Daman in the throne room without de -
Tay. 1 tun gullet to put 'the princess to had not the worn, &lady polling man
bed.- • restrained bin].
-Yottr higlineze,-• said Iktidfr
os om "Your hand, Captain Baidos," he
ew. "ay 1;e the first to announce' said- "Most loyal of friends,' you have
te pat that there will be no war with -
wit.; tee much. Even alaxlanx
la )..-aal at 111.4 enemy with something
eoilapae in his eyes.
-What do- you rueau?" cried Lorry,
eei:sing him by the
mean that Prince Dantan is here
to anneunce the recapture of Gabriel',
his half brother. Before the hour is
past your own men from the dungeon
in the nieuntains will come to report
the return of the fugitive. This an-
nouncement may explain in a measure
the conduet that lias earned for me the
accusation which confronts me. The
xrcen who have retaken. Gabriel are'the
members of that little band you have
heard so much about. Once was its
captain; Prince Dantan's chief of staff
—the commander of his ragged. army
of twelve. Miss Calhoun and fate
brought me into Edelweiss, but my
loyalty to the object eSpoused by OUr
glorious little many has never wavered.
Without me they have succeeded in
tricking and trapping Gabriel. It is
tore than the great army of Graustark
could do. Your highness will pardon eroar hand, ear:earn Bados
the boast under the circustances?"
• "If this Is true, you have accomplish-
ed a rairacle," exclaimed Lorry, pro-
foundly agitated. "But can it be true?
I can't believe it. It is too good. It is
too utterly iraprobable. Is that really
Prince Daatart?"
"Assuming that it Is Dautan, Gren-
fall," said Yetive, "I fancy it is not
courteous in us to let him stand over
there all.arVe and ignored. Go to im,
please." With that sire passed through
the doors, accompanied by Beverly and
the young princess. Lorry and others
went to greet the emaciated visitor in
ra and tags. Colonel QuInnox and
ZAMA Daugleres looked at one another
Iron Count "But you shall
ready tio accommodate you
time comes." -
At this juncture Lorry 'a d Count
Halfont came up with _ Bel -
dos would have knelt before his ruler
"She is being nut to bed," said Bal.
dos, with a laugh so jolly that Ravone'S
lean face was wreathed in a sympa,
thetic sralle. "I am ready, gentlemen!'
He marched gallantly avray between
the guards', followed by Dangloss and
Colonel Quinnox.
Icaturally the Graustark leaders were
cautious, even skeptical. They evralte
ed confirmation of the glorious news
with varying emotions. The shock pro-
duced by the appearance of Prince
Denten in the person of the ascetic
Ravone was almost stupefying. Even
Beverly, who knew the vagabond bet.
••• •• • 4 • •••• • •••• 4 • • a. ea •• • • •
eee we have knew= as
ter than all the others, lied not dream-
ed of Raerone as the fugitive prince.
Seoretly she had hoped. as long as she
could that Saldos would prove, after
all, to be no other than Denten. This
hope had dwindled to nothing, however,
and she was' quite prepared for the
revelation. She now savt that he. was
just what he professed to be --a brave
but humble friend of the young. tiove
ereign, And she was happi in the
knowledge that she- loVed him for what
he was and not for what he might
have been. .
"He is my best friend," said Bayonet
they led Baldos away, "I moaned
Alavone, ;gentlemen, and I am content
-to, be known by that name until betten
fortune gives me the right to use an-
other. You can hardly expect a thing
In rags to be celled a prince. There is
much te,,ba'adecanplished, much ,to be
forgiven, before there is atrrince DanA'
tan of Dawsbergen again." ,
- "You are faint and weak," said Lor-
d, suddenly perceiving his plight.
"The hospitality of the castle is yours.
The pronalse we made. a few days ago
holds, ft oc10.. , Her highness will be proud
to recelvt you when you are ready to
come to e throne room. T Gren-
fail Lord. ° Come, sir; rest and refresh
yourself our gladdened honlie. An
hour agorip Were making ready to rush
into battlel, but your atstonisbing but
Welcome tkViCS is calculated to change
every Plan: have made."
"Undouliteilly, sir, it will. Daps-
bergen haidly' will moke. tight to re -
tease GabrieV Ile is safe in your dun-
geons. If they want him now they
must come tdyour stropgbolds. They
will not do la -believe me," said Davone
Simply. "Aldii, I am faint and sore, as
You suspecteialay I lie down for an
hour or two?) In that time you will
have heard from your -wardens, and my
story will be substantiated: Then 1
shall -be readrto accept your hoepitall-
ty as it is proffered. Outside your city
gates my huiiible followers lie starv-
Ang. My onlyt prayer IS that you will
send them cheer and succor."
No time weir. lost in sendiug to the
gates for tbe strollers -who had accom-
plished the LIarVel of the day. The
news "Of Gabriers capture was kept
from tbe city'e inhabitants until veri-
fication came from the proper sources,
but those ID, tontroll of the affairs of
state were certaiii that 111IXOUO'S Story
was true' Ali Operatioas came to a
standstill. Th4enovementkof the army
were checked) Everything lay quies-
cent under thd'shock of this startling
"Hang 'IV glowlea Anguish, with a
quizzical grin s 11,0NO110 departed un-
der the guidance of Count Halfont
himself, "this knocks me galley west.
I'd like to have had a hand lu it. It
must have been‘great. How the devil
do you think Mit *miserable little gang
of tramps pulta it offi" ,
"Harry," skirl Lorry disguitedly,
"they taught us a trick or two,"
While the young .princess Was being
cared for by Yetive's own naa.ids one
won far more than. the boner and love
I can bestow upon you. They tell me
you are a prisener, a suepectecl traitor.
It shall be my duty and joy to explain
'your motives and your 'dims. Have
no fear. The hour wil *be short and
the fruit much the swee er for the bit-
terness." I
"Thunder!" muttered I:Carry .A.nearish.
"You don't intend -to slap him into a
cell, do you, Gren?" Baldos overheard
the remark,
"I prefer that course, sir, until it has
. been dearly established that all I have
said to you is the truth. Count Ifiar-
lanx must be satisfied," said be.
"And. Beldam, is all Well Whit liecti
castle Beverly was engaged In writing were to haveseized me the next morn- always been loyal to your
o brief but pointed letter to her Aunt_ ' ing. Bappo has been master of the said with eager eloquence.
josepaine, who was still in St Peters- stables for more than forty years. "1 know, dear, and 1 Neve
burg. She had persistently refused to Dear old Bappol He procured the
visit Edelweiss, but had 'written many boy's clothing for me, and his two 'WIs
imperative letters commanding her i accompanied me to tbe hills, where I
niece to return to the Russian capital. SOOD, found my brother and his men.
A Box of
own ell'
along. He will be honorably a quifted. 1 7ietive.. "A thousand times welt°
Count Marlanx was, overzealoue. He 1 "All Gratidtark Is your throne,
has not been wholly wrOg, I Must fin, i glorious Yetive. Tbat is why T
in justice to him"— - I asked to be presented here andtnot ier
you uphold blual 'reeve, i the royal hall below,' Said Reverie.
Beverly now was recalling her scat-
tered wits in the effert to appease ter We W your scouts and talked to aigovir can
them a day or two after I became a after wind he has said nit mar 1 _ "YOU WM Wait here with us, then, td'.aunt and her fatber at the etarne time member of tbe band. Bappo's boys are cried Beverly with blazing ey . - - I bear the good news fromeour warden,
. I
Major. Calhoun emphatically bad or- with the band now, But my brother I "Beverly,-BeverIy, you- atelotWal daft I- said- the princess,: "Said the con Z -
clered her to rejoin het aunt and. start Denten shall tell you of that. I was mean that. He hail been a cowardly i to me," she commanded. "Such weer
.. .
n - =,
for A.merica at once. Yesterday Bev- so frightened I could not tell what WaS villaiso faras you are conteria04 1 newt should be received in the
erly would have begun packing for going on. I have liVed in the Open air and be shall be punished, ,ne er Om which Is deareat to ine in:all Orau,
the trip home. Now she was eager to for a week, hut I love it. Dantan's
makes a very desirable- pres-
ent foi a man.
We have the me boxes
in linen or ril With initials
or without
65 t 4)2 a irwlc
andkerch efs
25c to
5c TO 2
Smile upon the merry Beverly
stint later.
"-Welcome, Prince 'Dantan,
cannot eendone that one
piece of wickedness on bis p
"You, then, are the girl Bal
so muck about?" cried Candec
ly. "You are eliss Calhoun,
mazIng Starke'.
remain itt 'Gra-ustark indefinitely. She 1 friends are all heroes. You will love " 1 The ministers and the ',lords. and la
;that She- scarcely could hold the pen,
was so thrilled by JO and excitement them. Yesterday old Fro= brought a
message .intO the castle grounds, It -eager,- the room 'when Baron Danglees-
tttlks ; dies of the eastle Were aseembled ht.
elairy ° peltred *with the eourier from the priese -
: ap
"Father says the United States Pa- told Captain Baldos of the plan to seize - ,t- .
on. - pount Marlanx was missing.- He •
everirs -I was DU, Ws way to the fortress, 101
th ado, Lcrushed, furious, iropotent old mem In
y eoteld hie quarters lie was to sit and wait
. for the blow -that he knew could not 14
e up to . averted: In, fear and despair,-
teidee . his poi and his shame, be Vag rack*
d there big his brain for means to .1e.sSen t..110,, ,
trations force of that bloW. Ire timid Withdraw*
the charges. agablet Baldos, but
could not soften the words be htut 0,03:11
pers are full of awful war scares from Gabriel, twho was in the hills neat.; your princess? I am -so glad to kn
the Balkans. Are we a part of the Bal -
city. Deln't you know bf that. Oh,
Bala" hand and looked into her eyes
katis, Yetive?" she' asked. "Ile says Pm'. The young princess clasped
we knew it two days ago!
miration and approval. Beve
to come right off home. Says he'll not knew it yesterday. He met us at 4
pay a nickel of ransom if the brigands o'clock this morning—that Is, part of have crushed her in her arms.
catch me, as they did Miss Stone and
that woman who had the baby. The sounds of shouting
He =us. I was sent on with. Franz so that
I should not see bloodsbed if it came
men were rashing to and fro, a
were signs a mighty demo
the windows from below.
says mother is worried half to death.
I'm just going to cable him that it's all to the worst We were near the city
gates, and Baldos.carae straight to us.
off. because he says if war breaks out Isn't et funny that you never knew all at the gates.
"The people have heard'of the cap -
he's going to send my brother Dan over
these things? Then at daybreak Bill- .
sephine send him this cablegram fromthroelugh" elhaiedwCerlitidaaalaieengaosneerblaivea: -oanasd nwriotttetr:tub°lfin:ehiraVerseIYlfCawlih - fear rje
here to get me, I'ni having Aunt jo-
dos insisted on bringing me here to te
St Petersburg: 'They never 'fight ill awaitsafer, theand,n e wbesides,sfrb ethsaid
wilt: ,
euP ef tee- . ' , cause of the -Adventures in the chapati •
other object in coining There was. a potmding at the boudoir and _passage. He knew too well hoWf
Balkans. Just scare each other. Skiping back at once." . - . ,
headlines, father dear. Will be home
Beverly fitished warmly. The three door. 1't ileW open unceremoniously Yetive cptild punish when her heart.
soon. Beverly.' How does that sound'?
:women were crowding about the flax- and in rttshed Lorry, followed by MEI bUter against an evildoer. Grate*
It will met a lot, but he brought 4it h
rater, ebeyond a star honored and protected its wot
group of noblemen. conversed excitedly men.
upon his own bead. And we're not in
the Balkans, anyway. Aunt Joe will ith the, women of the castle . /The Warden of. the dungeons front
have a fit. Please call an A. D. T. boy, •
a in throu la one a the big
dace looking from one to the other warden says that Gabriel la bis
ec me gth d mad wi
et.e."-guish In the hallway
eagerly drinking in her naive
gates and not through e ergro 'The rePort from the dungeons, Ye -
Which -Gabriel had escaeled Months be
princess. I want to send- this mesiagee
passage. That was a fib,' said Can- tive," cried Lorry joyously. "Th fore reported to the princess tied tint
to St. Petersburg." .
with a perfectly delicious twinkle in again, Here's to Prince Dentimr/ 111 1 prisoner was again in, eustody; Brief
boudoir half an. hour later she was d d ly he related that a party of Men led'
When Candace entered 'the prinCess'
her eye. The conspirators gut -pc an Ravone was standing in the door- by Prince. Da.)etan bad appeared earl
from being the trent youth who first
smiled gull. "Baldes says there is Candace ran over and leaped into his
came to the notice of the Graustark ' , r
a very mean old. man here who is tor- arms. . /
cabinet. She was ,now attired in one
of Beverly's gowns, and it was most menting the fairy princess—not the
brown hair was done up_ properly; her back to protect. ber, which hwas very
beconaing to her. Her short, curly
,eal princess you know. 'He came CHAPTER XIX,
pink and white complexion was as - bra.ve of h1131, I am sure. W ere is my
clear as cream, now that the dust of brother?" she asked, suadenly anxioue.
"Ile is with friends. Don't be alarm-
ed, dear," said Yetive.
"He is claangbag clothes; too? He
needs clothes worse than I iaeeded
•- the road was gone; her dark eyes were
glowing with the wonder and interest
. of nineteen years, and she was, all in
all, a most enticing bit of femininity,
these. Does he say positivelelethat Ga -
now than when I first saw yee,e briel has been captured?, :t)
"Yes. Did you not know of ion'
"You are much more of a princess
stalled Yetive, drawing her down`upon "I was sure it would happen. You
the cushions of the windovr seat bee -
know I was not with them In the pass."
side her. Yetive was reflecting, a soft smile in
"But she was such a pretty boy," her eyes.
protested Dagmar. "You don't know "I was thinking of the time when 1
how attractive you Were In those"— .. wore men's clothes," she said. "Unlike
Candace blusbed, "Ole they were • yours, mine were most uneomfortable.
awful, but they were comfortable, One It was when, I aided Mr. Lorry in es -
has to wear trousers if one Intends to caping from the Tower._ I wore a
be a vagabond., I wore there for more guard's uniforra mad rode miles with
than a week." . him in a dark carriage before he dis-
"You shall tell us an about It" said covered. the truth." She blushed at the
Yetive, holding the girl's hand in hers. remembrance of that trying hour.
"It must have been a most interesting "And I wore boy's clothes at a girl's
week for you." ' party once—my brother Dan's," said
7 .
"Oh, there is not much to tell, your Beverly: "The hostess' brothers came
' iglu:less," said Candace, suddenly reti- - home unexpectedly, and I had to sit
cent and shy.' "My stepbrother —oh, Val/Ida bookcstse for an hour. I didn't
how I hate him !—had eondemned me to see much fun in boy's clothes."
"You ought to wear them for a
die because be thought. I was helping
week," said Candace,' wise -in experl. -
Denten. And I was helping him, too,
mace. "They are not so bad when you
all that I could. Old Bopp°, master of
become accustomed to them—thett is,
the stables, who has loved me for a
if they're strong and not so teat ' that
hundred years, he says, helped me to 4..,.._v„.....
escape from the palace at night They i u-te
"You all lave Baldos, don't you?" in-
eserarerert"s1241""rerterer , tempted Yetive. It was with dialculty
— - that the listeners suppressed their 1
A.V01;111 was handsome in: his
borrowed othes. He was now
the clean, imIculatl
MUM. *stead of the
',Vagabond of the hills. Nye
was surprised at the clang
,,Etis erstWhile sad and melon
was flushed and bright with h
The kiss he bestowed upon th
ed Candace Was -tender in the
Then, putting her aside, be st
and gallantly kissed the b
stark's princess. beaming an
e delight -
ode over
f Gra0.-
that day. bringing the fugitive prIncie
uninjured, but erawd. by rage and die.
appointment. They had -Welled. hint
Int? Jr:MeV/tug them through the hiller
Went upon elayin.g his brother Dane .
ten. There could be 1.4 mestake as td
Gabriers Identity. In conclusion tiltS,
;warden implored her higbness to seta
troops up to guard the prison in th0
mountain. side. He feared an attaek in
force by Gabriel's- army.,
"Yottr bighness," said Lorry, "1 hav4
sent instructions to Colonel Braze e ree
quiring hina to take et large force
men Into the pave -to guard the prism*
Ottleelel shall not eseape again, thougat
(Continued en, Page 104
ES' PATENT erailes.
votsre, F014
"rollawra,cAti g
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a, I
"Better than any one else. He Is our
idol. Oh, your highness, if what be
1 says is trtut that old man must be a
aend. Baldos a spy!. Why, he has not
Islept day or night for fear that we
:would not capture Gabriel so that he
might be cleared of the charge' without
= • el 1 aDirealing -torete Mer-hroting. 1:Se Itee
• • • • • • • • •
441 tf.sOlt
Don't ne.
alone over
And inostof thee consumptives might
your coug
how that in New 110
eop!e die every week from .
be living now if they had not neglected the
warning cough.
-You J�ow how quickiy -Sc
inalsion enables you to throw of
cough or cold.