The Huron Expositor, 1906-12-14, Page 7there. grocers. L Fason a ny SHIRTS ERCOATS rge pst set ms un- mexit t you, and we id new stock ir MACE n -Ceutral Albert. ,* feet. For &ale on ✓ suitable form in easkatchewan.-14 "poeed It, R. will ream 20 to 60 feet. e tor farm near some of the finest eale in rluron. Nay 'g4tate Agent, • 7y for 1906 oox, Reeve, Walton Opium- unoi 10r, Ekaa,- r. Brodhag- rk, Wintli 'Barer, Beeoh- P., Sae - P. O. Lath I 11 KXX NS, mber Yards L r i•riectly digested rived from st by of eating is de - Ss id the food or ut • nte of the iyspeptic often ,iiitated, energy aap, and vim aro dullness, lost gour. it takes ),w when one hes ihetving sYmP- , constipation, headachS eto. it, to get beet T7' uft PTERS!‘ res of dye -Peri& Tel yet effective involved in the Leg all clog g :asp the worJ of .1iasbur, Oate s....ibled with dy�- ! and after usin Blood Bitters :1 cannot preise it has done for of dyspepsia, es, itute for good." vereIgn, Bank of Can Chartered by DoMinion Parliament A N.r..*/ ‘...‘ANAZIAN' RECORbe Capital Paid-up 1,173,478 11300,000 1,300,000 1,610,478 3,942,710 on Hand and at Baukers LeSetveisland and Undivided nrk tA $ 240,000 362,838 420,873 523,461 ,847 Sovereign Bank Notes in Circulation 750,905 1,237,650 1,284,840 1,550,790 2,850,675 Bonds, Debentures, etc. 383,097 439,863 622,774 713,37 .1,214,822 6742,034 1,491,398 791,153 3,016,842 • 1,612,831 I,oans at CaLI Deposits $1,681,730 4,309,432 7,196,741 10,134,209 16,578,920 Commercial Loans and Discounts da cells Msts over abilities to the Public $14413,478 1,662,838 1,720,873 2,133,939 0,4784667 T4tat Assets 1,630,199 $1,358,469 1,747,342 4,074,048 1,179,540 7,014,123' 1,566,144 9,578,850 4,614,067 14,640,510 fffig$ BepFirhrtent al all Offie,es 'Elst SALL AND BRUCE PIETA D. 0,855,203 7,269,920 10,201,954 13,818,938 23,343,401 Deposits id $1.00 and Upwards Received. interest Paid Four Times a Year. Car Load has just Arrived of anada Steel Ranges Classic and. Wellcome National Cast Ranges And Alberta Airtight Heaters. .......--- JON!" 1 44,Jt CNIARA kl6110PAL - This is the Canada Steel Range, and -take notice of these points: Th „even, 20 inch square, the Re $ crvoir, large and constantly hot ; the Ashpit, capacious and bandy; the Fire Box, large and ecientifically constructed with tete% heavy bricks, the broiling front lids, 9. new departure in stove conetruol on; the general design, the handsomeat steel range in the market. GREAT 11 OF,D \ft PROMISED TO i HEIVI TO WHO I HONOR FATHER AND MOTHER. Call and examine them at GEO A. SILLS Seaforth. must of necessity be lasting in order to successfully weather the storms of business life. The FOREST CITY' BusINEES & SHORTHAND C-OLLEGE trains young men and young women to take minor positiOns which eve nt u a I ly lead to positions of responsibility and trust. The foundation is secure. Our students go up, not down. We are 'curable to supply the demand for our "students. Why? Be- cause business men recognize the superior training they receive. 'Write for our business and - shorthand booklet; it's free. School term: September tifl June, inclusive. FO rest Cfty Business -College L W. 'WESTERVELT 11.7.1.C.A. Bldg., Principal. London. Everybody knows that Cod Liver Oil is a wonderful flesh producer, IF you can take it Nobody doubts that Iron is the greatest enricher of the Mood, IF you can digest it: It is well known that Phosphorus is the ideal nerve and brain tonic, IF it is properly administered. "IF," all! there's the rub. But everybody does not know that Cod Liver Oil, iron and Phosphorus have at last been combined in an emulsion so palatable that anybody can ta:ke it, so easily assimilated that the smallest infant can digest It without difficulty and so perfectly and scientifically prepared that the value of the original ingredients Is enhanced fourfold. This emulsion is known as (Iron and OH) " FERROL " has wipe,d out the "IF." " FERROL" has brought the wonderful and uni- versally recognized virtues of Cod Liver Oil, Iron and Phosphorus within easy reach of the multitudesrwho need them. , "FERROL" is the only perfect emulsion of Cod Liver Oil, because it is the only one that contains IRON and no emulsion is perfect without it. That is why FERROL is an unequalled system builder. PERRoL is not apatent mystery. The formula is freely published. It is prescribed by the best Physicians. It is endorsed by the most eminent Medical journals. It is used in th yeominent Hospitals, Sanitariums, etc. 1.1T. FEAR, Druggist, Seaforth, Ontario. GROW OLD WITH GAY HEART THE HURON EXPOSITOR Righteous Old Age Desirahle—Sane Men Wish to Live as Long as They Can Be a Blessing and a Beneficent Influence to Their Fallow Man— Good Effect Upon Physique of Young People,- Follows Obedience. Entered according to Act of .rarliament of Can- ada, in the year 1e06, by Frederick Diver, To - route, at the Dept. ofregneniture, Ottawa, Los Angeles, Cal., Dec. 9,—In this sermon the preacher shows the pleas- ures that attend a life rightly spent and the blessings also, including that of longevity. The text is Exodus xx, 12, "Honor thy -father and thy mother that thy days may be long." Would you like to grow old? Would you live upon this earth so, long that • your hair shall become white as the driven snow? Would you, if you could, live to see your children grow up and the family scatter and most of the rooms of the old homestead become empty and silent except when your children's children come to ro.ake their grandfather an annual visit and play in the nursery with some of the same old toya which their fathers and moth- ers used when they were children? Would you be born in the latter part of one century and live on and on • until you could stand at the cradle of a new century and then live on until you could see that century cast aside, its swaddling clothes and pass through the days of its youth and young manhood and come .on toward its mission of middle life? In other words, would you like td lite) out the full allotment of a nian's life and see the sun rise and set when you h.ave reached your three -score and ten, or even pass your four -score, or even live on, as did Ludovico, the fammis statesman who started to write the me- moirs of his times at the great age of 115? Would you like to be an old man, like Peter Cooper or Titian or Pe- trarch or Cato or Jacob or Isaac or Abraham? "Well," you say, "that all depends upon circumstannes, If I could flourish in a righteous old age, like the psalmist's palm tree; if t could grow old with a youneg heart; if my influence for good over my fel- low men might be stronger when became greyer, I would like to live, to be ver' Y old, and the older the better. But if I am to be like an old evotm-eaten tree, gnarled and twistei out of shape; if I am to be an imbit tered, whining, fault-finding, helpless old man, out of touch with all the advancements of life, then 1 want i.o die before I become a pest to every- body and a dead weight upon mv friends. In other words, if I can live to be one of those lovable, gentle, helpful, kindly old men who lightea the burdens of all those with whom they come in contact, then I wish to live. But if I cannot be such a one then I want to die, and perhaps the • sooner I die the better it will be for the happiness of those about rne. Well said, my brother! We are here, of course, speaking of a glorious old - age of Christian usefulnesret eNo sane • man should want to live to itt a bag old man any more than he shouil wish to be a bad young man or a bad middle. • aged man, but most of us want to live upon earth just as long as we- can be of use to our fel- low Mem Therefore the tenger •we can be of use the longer we should wish to live. Who wouli want to die at fifty years of age if he could live to do his best work for Christ in his sixties and seventies, as did John Wesley? So wonderfully did that great man s physical frame -retain its vigor that it grew stronger is it became older. In his biography we find that it wee not until John Wesley reached his sixty-ninth year that he could be per• suaded to travel ,in a carriage. He ,always made his preaching tours up to that time on horseback. At Kings- wood he preached under the shade A the trees which • he himself had planted. W -hen he was seventy years of age he spoke at one time to over' 30,000 people, by all of whom he was distinctly heard. He tells us himself that when he was seventy-two years of age his eye's were more powerful and his nerves were firmer than they were when he was forty. Yes, we should want to do God's work in our twenties and thirties and forties. But we should also wish to live to do a noble Christian man's work in our fif- ties •and sixties and seventies and, if possible,- in our eighties and nineties. No man should desire to shorten his earthly usefulness. one day OT one hour when he is still able to serve his Di- vine Master and King. • Would you serve God many clays? Would you serve him as an old man? Well, if you thus desire, I can tell you how you can do it. How? Why, read the commandment of my text: God here states a simple plain gos- pel truth, He comes to us to -day an practically says this: "Boys and young men and young women, if you would serve me upon earth for years and years to come, then carefully follow the advice of your Christian parents." You and I can never flni on -earth a better friend than a noble Ohristia.n mother or a noble Christian father. Most of. us are ready to 5on- tug! that God. chose well for us when he let us be born in the homes of our 'Christian_ parients. Now comes the practical question, which I am 'putting to every young man and eve ery young woman, Are you ready to "honor thy father and thy moth.er that thy days may be long upon the land -which the Lord thy God giveth thee?" This divine commandment, in the - first place, is emphatically true in reference ip our young people's phy- a brain's' Poled and the- agritual ap- portunities vehi4h are opening up be. fore us, they are all to a more Jr less extent dependent upon the strength of our lungs and hearts and stomachs and muscles to profit by theme It is VOT y important that the ship have the right,kind of masts and sails and steering gear and cargo and provision and water supply, but it is - also of vital importance that the ves- sel have the right kind of Mille The Work of my brain and iny epirittal opportotrities may be the eargo ray journey of life, but my physical body is the hull by which I shall ie able to sail on the sea of time. if that fails me, then I must the Yet how manY young people there are to- day who are laying the foundation of a future life of invalidism or of an early death by not heeding the ad. vice of their parents in reference to the care of their physical bodies! Oh, the tragedy of the wrecked hu- man frame How they call a halt to mighty careers of earthly inftences1 Would. you like to know what is one of the saddest sights to me? Itisnot to gee a baby die. It is not to see an • old man die. It is to see a ming man come up to thirty or forty years of age after years and years of work, come to the time when success is about to be his, and. see the death sweat upon that young man's, brow or see his trembling hand fall tack upon the invalid's coverlet and 'know that he has wasted his physical manhood at the altar of pleasure or at the student's' desk and know that his ph.ysical health can never .be brought back, There is hardly a tragedy like it. Many years ago the rats gnawed through the water casks of the good ship Sarniiento, bound for California. • Nearly all the ship's water was lost. On: board that vessel were 'many miners seeking the western gold- fields. Two casks alms - were left to quench the thirst of hundreds. At that time the vessel was a thousand miles from the nearest port of San Bias river, where fresh water could be obtained. The 'two semaining oasks were hroutht on deck and a guard placedover them lay and night that thp water might not he wasted. Then two-thirds of a pint of water was given to each man daily— no more, no less. Slowly the ship sailed on. In that hot climate the fever burned, and the passengers Were almost mad - One day a man said to a party of men, among whom stood a young fel- low who afterward told me the inci- dent: "I am dying of thirst. I must have some water."I will give a dollar to any one who will give me half a • pint of water to drink." No answer. NO one moved, "I Will give $5 to any one who will sell me some. water.' No answer. No one moved. Then he took a twenty dollar gold piece out of his pocket, and he aid "I am dying of thirst. I must have water. I will give $20 to any one who will give me 'just a little water to -drink." No answer. No one moved. Then, with an oath; he threw the gold coin upon the deck as he said e "What is the good of it? It will not buy me even one little drink." You say that is tragic? Yes, but it is not nearly so tragic to me as to see boys and. girls squandering their health and vital powers in disregard to the advice of their parents in reference to their physical health. Then just at the time when they ought really to begiri to live they are about to die. Then they come forth with the pale, wan cheels of death or of helpless invalidism and say: "Here, Lord, is my money; here is my fame. Give me back my health." "No," says God. "No. No. I commanded thee to obey thy fa- ther and mother. They told you how you should care for your body. You have refused. to follow their advice. You must die." Oh, ray young friends, will you honor your father and your mother by heeding their warnings that your days may be long upon the land which the Lord, thy God, giveth you? The next important step for young people •to heed in order that a long earthly, life may be theirs is to give their parents their confidence in ref- erence to the companions whom they are 'making their daily associates. Y0u should not only introduce these friends to your fathers and mothers, • but you should tell your parents their true natures, and you should tell your parents their bad character- istics as well as their good. Then, if° you father or mother advise you not to associate with this boy or that girl or this young Maii or that ' young woman, you shquld obey their wish- es. They know best. _Mark me, if you will make friends of the young peo- ple your parents wish you t� go with. and no others, a pure life, a good and noble lifeis almost certain to be yours. Furthermore, mark me also in this, if a son of Christian, parents will persist in associating with those corapanions whom his father or mother disapprove in the end that boY will turn out badly. He will do this in a physical and a moral and a Spiritual sense: There is hardly any eXception to the rule. ut the evil phyeical effehts of imt pitre associates do not end with • youth. They inevitably find- their oul- nination an unholy marital al- cee When the young daughter Makes the wrong kind of friends at sehool there will,come a time when she will begin o associate . with young men whose reputations are not wlhat they ought to be. The influence o the one class on the other is ;:t; sure in its results as that the mica ght -darkness follows the twilieht w. Then when the call of love mes into the young maiden's heart, tead of going and telling her best fr end„her mother, all about it, else will keep the secret concealed in her own heart, or perhaps she will con- fide in bur school friend, who is her- self •a gii:1 of whose friendship wit.if their daughter the parents do riot ap- prove. Cannot you hear he two yeting girls talking about this love in their hours of friendly intercourse? Then comes the marriage. Pexhaut deal equipment for a long future We. It is very important to talk about "the beauty of holiness' and the ne- cessity el developing our moral char- acters aright. It is well enough to, plan for the higher attainments of the intellectual life. No one shbuld vrmet to grow = to be a inere.heslihy but we must remem- Viet._ no _matter_ how._great the. : • ft is ,ftn elopement, Then what fel- Iowa? Enevitably an unhappy and an unholy home. Cannot you see the worried look'in the face of the young wife? Cannot you count there ins -.:y wrinkles? Cannot you see ln hair prematurely whiten? Cannot pee boar the church bell toll the funeral dirge as the poor wife's body is carried to its earthly grave? What is the mat- ter? Why did she die? "Oh," you an- swer, ."she died of a broken heart. She had a good foe nothing, worth- less husband. He aimed flea Ho kill- ed her." Ah, my f; lend, that is not the direct cause of that young wile's death. She prematurely died because in her young school days she made ,friends with young girls whose EtS80- elates hcr father and mother did not sanction. Her premature death Was the direct result of not then giving her parents her confidenee. No daughter, no son, should make friends independent of the parental , sanction. . And why should you young people not introduce your friends to your parents; Are your fathers and mo- thers foolishly jealous? Like a Miser, do they wish to keep you frail loving any one else or ezeociati-hg with any other people but thcsneelvee? If you make the right kind of friends, are they not glad? Is their home a prison of solitary confinement? When you, as a loving son, would bring home a desirable friend does not your mother always have a place for him at the table Does she xiot alweys gladly welcome •your boyhood associate? Why should a honey bee live with wasps and serpents when she can have the companionship of other bees in the maternal hive. ' WhA would a gentle rabbit nest with eopperheads andfoxes and coyotes -which aro seeking to destrdy her when she can find, safety by the warm, loving breast of the mother who gave her birth Can a flower bloom amid the noxions gases of a sewerVCan a sap- ling wax strong when the wood worm.s are gnawing at its roots? Can a dove have- her wings covered with silver and her feathers with yellow gold when in the befouled company of buzzards sho is feasting apon car- rion? Neither can a child lead a pure life and grow spiritually strong and come to aix honored old age whsai her associates are the bestial and the im- pure and the bad. To the right kind of friends thy Christian parents are always ready to extend a glad, a lov- ing home greeting. Beware, 0 young manwhen thy aasociates cannot be • the '.friends of thy father and thy, mother. But our young people should not stop here in yielding their wills to the parental guidance. They should be willing to press toward the prizes of the high callings of life which their Parents are continually holding up before their eyes. They should be willing to do as young William Pitt did when his' father, the, great Earl of Chet)tham, came to hine and said: "William, you should not be satisfied with going through life as an ordin- ary man. You should say: -1 em go- ing to fit myself to be the mime minister of England. I am going to fit myself to igovern a great nation. I - am going to 'fit myself to be a potent factor in settling the international politics of Europe. Therefore I will put aside all de-aires which will swerve me from my main purpose of life, and I will study, study, study. I will work, work, work, and I will never be satisfied until I achieve that end." My friends, when our boys and girls start out with a great and a noble „purpose in life and at the same time if they will carefully look after their physical health they are traveling the surest road to a long life of earthly influence., There is no power this side of heav- en which will make a man triumph over his physical ailments and over- come his troubles and trials so sure- ly as the inspiration of some high pur- pose of life which will never allow him one moment to cease labor. "What, sick, Ligarius?" said Brutus to his friend in the great Shakespear- ean tragedy. "No, Brutus," answered Ligsa4lus to the assassin of Caesar. "If thou hest any noble enterprise en hand I am well.- That xneane, "Oh? Brutus, if thou hast some -w-ork for me to do—some worthy prize for nee to strive after ---that high aim of life will TOUSO my flagging energies an 1 I can do the work of a iant 1' Thus, any friend, if you are ready to seek some of the high prizes which .your parents are planing before you, if you are ready to struggle for the neces- sary preparation and struggle to be a Cheistian lawyer or doctor or min- ister or successful merchant, as they want you to be, one of the most ef- fectiveteleraents of a long earthly life shall be yours. The true development of the mind and the:true development of the spirit are two of the most ra- tional incentives for a long physical existence. Are all their parental pleadings, all their prayers, all their advice, to go for naught? Do you not realize that the very moment you begirt to prac- tice your mother's virtues yotr phy- sical body as well as your brain and soul will uodergo a complete reforma- tion and recreation and that you will renew' your ,youth and true Christian m.anhood. Oh, my friends, would you like to have your step firm?, Would you walk with your head erect? Would you go forth into life's struggle as an athlete goes to the arena? Would you have faith in God, faith in your own self and faith in the work God has given you to do? Then to -day trans- late in your heart your Christian mothers' and fathers' "psalm of life. ' Live for the higher ideals for which they lived. Walk with their Jesus as they walked. Live not for your selfish self, but live to do good to others,. Then vour heart will beat with a stead- ier throb than ever before. Then thy brain will teem witb mighty thoughts for helping thy fel- low men. Then. thy soul will sing with an immorttl hope. Then thy earthly days will be prolonged and thy heav- enly advent will be ushered in with .the -Welcoming songs of -those Whom thou least helped on their journey to the cross this side of the grave. Shall thy parents' "psalm of life" be thy endless song? Answer Christ and an- swer hire now. Wilt thou "honor thy_ father and thy mother "that thy days may be long upon the land which the LOW. thy God, giveth thee?" To Curb a Cold th One Day Take LAXATIVE BROM° Quinine Tablets. Druggists refund money if it fails to cure. E. W. GROVE'S signature is on each box.,25c. - a gl cc Dear MoLher Your little ones are a constant care in Fall and Winter weather: They will catch cold. Do you know about Shiloh's Consumption Cure, the Lung Tonic, and what it has done for so many? It is said to be the only reliable remedy for all diseases of the air passages in children. It is absolutely harmless and pleasant to take. Itis guaointeed to cure or your money is returned. The price is 25c. per bottle, and all dealers in medicine seZ 314 It is not the annoyance alone which makes chapped hands a source of grave trouble to housewives and out- door workers; it is the danger of festering and inflannnation. Irritation, swelling, cracks or scalingroughnes..s round about the knackfee and the back of the hand are serious, end the greateet p-ornpti- tude should be exercised in Lrenting with Zarn•Buk. The affected part should be cleaned of any dirt Then gently anoint with ZamsBuk, smearing with the fingers or spreading on dean linen. Zern-Buk will soothe the irritation, ad fhiafly completely end the inflam- mation and pain. Swellings will go eown,and over the raw surfaces Zarn- Buk will GROW NEW HEALTHY SKIN. Hends toff, strong and white are possessed by those who use Zarn-Buk regularly during the winter. CONVINCING TESTIMONY Mrs. EC IL Rankin, a Apple, Ont., says: s My hands had big *racks on theta whiela caused me such pain I could hardly work. Whenever I tried to out them near 'eater they would smart and bin n as if I had scalded then They dill not seem to be benefited by anything I trite. until Zam-Buk was introduced. To my great. pleasure 'within a very ci,hort time Zam-13uk closed up the racks and healed the sore plaos My bands are now white az.d sraooth. Tree( namended Earn -link to a friend 'who had a store finger, and it cured that, too. I think it a spienuid household ointneent." SKIN RASH AND ECZEMA CURED. Mr. G. Shaw. 1(1J Givebs St„ Toronto, says Reading of the wonderful healing qualities of Zam-Bilka I thought would try it, as I bad been greatly annoyed for SOMO tim.e with an itching, irritating skin rash on both armee 1 had tried various remedies, but failed to find a perma- nent cure. 'sent for a supply of Zain-Bukand began using it. The resultf3 were s satisfacto4 that I persevered, and in two weeks' titne, through daily application of the balm on my arms, the rash was completely removed. I found Zam-Buk, when applied to the skin, to be MOit eoothing and to relieve the itching and Irritation almost instantly. I have had no trouble, since from skin eruptions, so I am. fully convinced Zaan-Buk permanently cures.' Mr. M. Jones, of Tart -tock, says: " I ha -i am ma for four years and painful scalp sores. Eara-Buk CUred nao of Loth, although everything tise I had. tried nom. pletsly failed." 1774- This remedy should be in eta,' household.- aga.ESIMIC:VM4el-etteee Bears the Ihe Kind Yeu }lave Always Be Bipature of lat2fie Zam-Bulc cures cuts, bruises, burns, scads, eczema, pimple..., ruining Sores, olsoned wounds, sore f festering sores, piles, bad leg, diseased ankles, abscesses, bods, ringworm, sere baare, scrofula, itch, so breasts, barber's rash, and all injured or diseased conditions of the skin. rubbed in over tile parts affected. it also tures rheumatism, sciatica, neuralgia, etc. From all druggists,sou.' per box, or from Zam-Buk Co.eColborne St., Toronto, upon receipt of price. 6 boxes for $e.so, has made a great reoord throughout all Canada. There are good reasons why this is sa. Balanced Right —Does not hum up. Improved Plate--Oute and turn2so7 over. Bitches Wei Bach—Easy draught This Disk has several Imitators but no equal. Nonai genuine without the name "BISSELL." For 13a1e by Agente. Manu- factured. by • T.E.BISSELL. EL0RA, ONT. [31] Ask for Booklet 4E." Never Be FTithout It. Muscular Cramps, Neuralgia, Back Ache, Pains in Side and Limbs are cured instantly by Hirst's Pain Exterminator The mbst powerful liniment mdcle. 25c. at all dealers. Try Hirst's Little Liver Ms for sick headache and dizziness. Ask your dealer or send us 25c. °direct. A handsome water color sketch free. THE F; F. bALLEY CO., Limited Hamilton, Ont. DR. WOOD'S NORWAY PINE SYRUP Stops the irritating cough, loos- ens the phlegm, soothes the in- flamed tissues of the lungs and bronchial tubes, and produces a quick and permanent cure in all eases of Coughs, Colds, B* )n- chitis, Astluna, Hoarseness, Throat and the first stages of Consumption. Mrs. Norma Swanston, Cargill, Ont., writes: "I take great pleasure fax reepra- mending Dr. Wooces Norway Pine Syrup. I had a very had cold, could not sleep at night for the coughing and bad pains in my chest and lunge. I only used half a bottle of Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup and. was perfectly well again. Price 25 cer.ts a bettio. Annual Meeting, 'OR SALE. SHORTHORN BULLS, FOR SALE.—Four choice calves, 11 to 16 months old; goad eactoi colors a,nd registered pedigrees. Also one reg- istered cow 6 years old. A. G. SMILLJE, Lot 11, Concession 2, L. R. S., Tuckersmith, Hensel' P. O. 2034-2 The annul meeting of the Londesboro Batter and Cheese Manufacturing Co. -will be held in the Town- ship Hall on Friday, December 14th, 1900. Direct- ors meet at 1 o'clock; Shareholders, 1.20 o'clock and 1 Patrons at 2 o'clmk. . B, ADAMS, BIMPresi.4"AM .. JOHN b. Secretary. T _FACESTER1311EEP AND SHORTHORN oATTLE _LA POR SALE.—The undersigned has for sale sev- eral Thorobrecl Leicester Sheep and Durham Cattle of both sexes. Address Egmondville P. 0., or apply . at farm, Mill Road, Tuckeemith, ROBERT CHAR, TERS & SONS. 127241 "DULL 10it SALE.—For sale, a thorobred: 3 _Li horn bull, with regiat•ered pedigree, 23 'Months.; old, and red in color. He was bred from Vice Chan- cellor. Apply on tendon road, Tuckeremith, a mile south of Brueefleld. JAMES PATERSON, Bruce.. field P. O. 2003-tf STIORTPORN CASTLE—Seven firet-class young bulls, 2 from imported cows, for sale at moder- ate prices and en easy terms; good young cows and heifers also for sale. ,All interested are con:Rally in- vited to inspect the herd. Farm adjoins town, long 'distance telephone to lama Write or catalcgue, II. SMITH, Exeter. 114934f llept EGISTEreED STOCK FOR SALE.—The under - ../.11) signed offers for sale on Lot 27., Concession 8, Hibbert township, a number of heifers and young cows with calves at foot, 1. yearling hull, 1 Berkshire boar 9 months old, a right good ankaal. The alba, o stock are all registered in the National Stoek e - cords. Prices moderate,terms easy, visitorwelcome. DAVID HILL, Stan P. O. 1996-tf ZHORTHORNS.—Choice bred bulls and females of .0 different ages for sale, about two dozeneto select from. Prices reasonable. Herd now headed by 0ountsylvanns" (56900. Be is got by the best scoWle bred imported stock on 'both sides, glossy dark red in color, and well set an short legs. Terms registect cows $45 insured, oth rs on application. Visitors welcome. JOHN EL 71, Heiman r.' and Station. 10$134f - REA.le ESTATE FOR SALE. PROPERTY FOR, a'ALE OR. RENT.—Being north part of Lot 28, Cones eseion 8, Meliillop, eone taining 113 acres. For pa.rtieulars apply to MINNIE E. McGREGOR, Seaforth P. 0- - 2032-tf zee - MO LET—The undersigned will rent! his farm et 1 the Lake -Shore to a good tenant for a tetmof, live years. The farm consists of 210 acres of goo,. land, nearly all under cultivation and in geed nen. dition. For lull terms and particularapply at once DANIEL SMITH, St. Joseph P. 0. I.9814f 10trOUSE FOR SALE.—For sale, the comfortable rend pleasantly situated residence, at presenb occupied by Mr. John Habkirk, near Beattie's Grove, There are four bedreoms, parlor, dining room, kit- chen and pantry. Good stone cellar with -cement floor and hard and soft water. Apply on the prem - lees to JOHN HABEIRK, Seafertlet 2053-tf3 TATANTED.—At once'good local salesman for V V Seaforth aed dirstrictto represent Canada's Greatest Nureeries. Largest list of New Specialities ever offered in fruit and ornarnenta stock. Per - /raiment situation fertile right man, on liberal terns. Apply at once for spring selling eeason, STONE 0Se WELLINGTON, Toronto, Ontario. 2032-0 WARM FOR: BALE.—For Sale -Lot 2, Conceeelon 1' 7, Stanley-, containing 126 acres, 100 acres cleared,. the balance timbered, Goal buildings. The farm is an a good state of cultivation, well under - drained, well fenced, and a good eprieg creek running through it. There is a filet eines orchard of 'four acres. It is within 4 mike of Rippen and 0 of Renee.% aud adjoining the village of Bills Green • where are stores, blacksmith, two -churches, school ; etc. Terms easy. Apply on the premtees or addrees Hills Green P. 0, ISAAC HUDSON. e0tse:8 WARM FOR SALE OR TO 1tENT.--230 acres,. J. situated on the Bayfield toed, Gederk b town- ship, three quarters of a mile from Clinton. Boil in excellent amdition, having been all under grays ear five eare ; splendid grain or gra-s land, well drain- ed. Five acres hardwood bush, and an excellent or- chard. One barn, 412 x 74, with stone sta.bling for 12 horses and 25 cattle ; one barn, 23 x 54, with siioand stabling for t7 cattle ; large implement house and pigpen; power and pumping windmills; large frame house 2 good wells And running watkr at rear of /um. Apply to MRS. ALEX. McEWEN, Clinton 0.. or Lot 28, Conceasion 2, Stanley. 2032x8 M01\41 -"Y"' .00.164101Pte, elfislat I have the following private funds to loan on farm security, no cone - mission charged. i At Lowest EF.Ra Current Rates 500 5,000 2,000 2,700 2,000 Real Estate 'A A. A. WATT, & Loan Agent BPNOEFIELD,