HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1906-12-14, Page 6ESTATE FOR SALE.'
r mrri& - I can lend -
rinse -ear tectAens of 1.60
per 0* first
-mirky given. Tortens
fora 1300 np_ can be lent
SZ,Olee, Poe further
A. JACKSON, )3arris-
(gofer' house in lege
•th tearT-e t land, Meer and
Thehouse c. bed rode _card
and kitchen downetaire art
hall upstairs. There is plenty'
'the preperty is close to both
II be told cheep. Apply to
or box 367, Seaforth 0„
s a 1
of hard and soft w
churoh andschool.
FOR SALE, -The subscriber offers for sale
ot 106 acres, being lot 81, 3rd cone-eg-
et:in, H. S. Tookersmith. Ad cleared and under
cultivation except aeres I all hot 18 acres in grass.
Frame house, bank barn, hay barn and other out-
oxiidinge, bearing' orchard, goad water, Schoolhowle
on the premises. Ib Is within six Vince ot Seatorth
and lire from Olhetere Will be sold on easy tonne.
WHITFIELD .eitiotr, canton re cs. eoeteestt
--- _,,..., ,
i 1 .ADRE FARM -ma SALE. -The ietedereignd
ILF ed offers for sale that most • deeirable :farm,
relwety known lie West Halt Lot 6, Concession I,
roil Road, Ifullett. There is, on the promieee, a
good frame house. a good hank barn, 66 x 84, iit fit-
ted up with cement flooring and in first-elass shape,
It ie leitos.ted on the Horan Regal, st miles from Sea
forth and 5 miles from Clinton and one mile from
school. It will be sold on reasonable terms , as the
proprietor wishes tee retire. For further ptiaticulars
apply ote the prpnises or address GEORGE Ill,WIR,
Seaforth, Ontario. 2028 -It
FARM FOR SALE. -Lot 7, %Add Roseo-, North,
Townehip of Stanley, containing 100 acres -
soil good Ole loam, us been seeded to grass for the
past twelve years, nine aores ready tor spring orop ;
good frame ewe -story house and Molten ; two barns,
olio 30 x 701 the other -40 X 60, good underground
steeling, windmill for p i ping water, 16 acres of
bush, hardwood and cedar four acres of orchard,
°hole° winter fruit. This ropertyis nicely situated
on the Gravel Road, tali and 3 half miles from Bap
Sakti and two and a half miles from Varna. School
on adjoining lot. Poseeseion given at any time.
.Apply to MATTHEW BATES, Box 16, llityfield le 0.
Ti'ARM FOR SALE. -For sale, Lot 8, Concession 3,
L. R. S., Tuckerainitte containing; 10- acres of
which 0 aces ie good hardiveod bosh. The balance
well fenced, tile drained and in first-elass condition.
There are two good barns, one a bank barn 36 x 78 ft.
' with stone stabling underneath and the other 66 X
36 ft., and a, comfortable frame house, three good
wells and a never -failing spring at the rear of the lot,
and a good bearing orchard. The ploughing is eel
done and 14 mires of fall wheat. It le within two
miles of the flourishing of Henson and within
halt a mile of a school house. Apply on the premises
orto J. CALDWELL, Hensall P. O. 1037-tf
le ARM FOR SALE. -For sale, Lot 24, Concession 2,
J. Stanley, containing: 100 acres. Ninety acres are
cleared and in a good state of cultivation- ; there are
10 acres ce good hardwood hush. The farm es all
well underdrained and well fenced There is a two-
storey brick house with slate roof, a first-class term
house. Bank barn, 40tt, x 8ffft., ce.mefit silo, pig pen,
driving house; There are two never -failing wells,
end art acre of orchard and smell fruit. This excellent
farrn is three miles from Bruestield and five miles
from Olhiton, with good gravel roads. For further
particulars apply on the premises or address ALBERT
• Clinton te 0 1948-tf
GOD FARM FOR SALE. --For sale chen.p end an
easy terres, Lot 25, Concession 4, eloKillop.
This farm containe 07/ acres, all cleared and in flue
condition. Fifty acres are seeded. to pees, eh( or
seven hi fall wheat and the rest all ploughed and
reacly..for spring crop. There is a fine spring for
watering the stock close to the buildinge, a good
brick house, two large barns, one with good stabling
underneath, also horse stable and implement house
and a, large orchard. It is within a mile and a half,
of the =own of Seaforth. If not sold, will be leased
for a term of years. Apply to the undersigned, box
102, Seaforth P, 0., ROBERT GOVENLOCIi.
100ACRE FhtEttriteAnSitygirt.-gLic:t I, C00 roensceoei
choice land, no waste. exeellent situation, being on
Huron Road West, 2e nilles frorn the flouriehing
town of Seaforth. On .the farm is a two storey
frame house, of 8 rooms, also verandah and slimmer
kitchen- The house is heated by ileola furnace,
coal or wood. There -is an excellent hard water,
soft water pump, and cistern in house. There are
two barns, one or stone basement, OASO hen house
and driving ehed. The farm is well fenced and
drained, and contains a smell orchard. of choice fruit.
There are 4 acres of fall wheat in, and 30 acres of
ploughing done. Will be sold rersonable and on
easy terms. Possession given in the spring. If not
sold will be rented f it. a term of years. GEORGE
C. DALE, Seaforth P. 0, 2031-tf
VARM FOR liALE-For sale, Lot`5, Concession 141
.1: Hallett, containing 120 acres. The farm is al,
cleared and in a high state of cultivation. It well
drained and well fenmd. There Ise large two-storey
bre* house with woodshed and kitchen. There is a
'large hank barn and two smaller barns and driving
shed. Two good orchards. There are two never
failing springs on the farm, which make it an excel-
lent one for either stook or cropping. There is also
a pump at the barn, with windmill. This excellent
farm la two miler; front Harlock P. 0., four mile
from Blyth. Terms to snit purchaser as the prop-
rietress wishes to leave the farm and, if not sold, it
will be rented, Te18 is the farm of the late John
Mills. For further partioulars,apply on the premises
or address, Harlock. P. 0., MRS. JOHN MILLS.
WARM FOR SALE. -For sale, Lot 24, Concession
X' 8. Stanley, containing 100 acres. There are 85
acres cleared and the balance is good hardwood
, bush. The barn im well underdraln,ed and well relic-
- ed. There are, on the premises, a two-story frame
house with stone foundation and good calyx. The
house is in first-olass condiiton. There is also a good
frame barn. There is plenty of good water both at
;the house and barn and a good spring creek runs
. soros ethe back of the farm. This farm is In first -
:ea shape and is one of the hest in the township.
It is three and a half miles from the village of Bruce:.
Aoki and five miles from Olinton. Will be sold on
easy terms as the proprietor is going west. ' For fur-
ther particulars apply on the premises or address,
Brucefteld P. 0., MRS. JOHN GefeitOUR.
1 AA ACRE FARM FOR sAra-The undersign-
ed offers for sale that most desirable prop-
erty known as Lot 6, Concession 1, Township, of
Newhard, Perth County. There are. on the prem -
lees, a good brick house 82 x 24, with kitchen attach-
ed, 16 x 20. bath in good repair; a large bank barn,
70 x 70, with good stone stabling- driderneath ; one
. first-elass cement silo, 12 x 87, and other useful
buildings. The foam is well watered, both in front
and in the rear and is adapted both for grain alai
stock raising and is in a high state of cultivation,
which ell knewn frnm tile fact that the propriet-
or has resided thereon for nearly fifty years, being
one of the most suocessful fanners in the township.
It is centmlly located, being near both ehurch and
school, and within easy reach of a good market. For
further partioulara address JOHN SUTHERLAND,
Kirkton P. 0. 2009-tt
WARMS FOR SALE. -Lot 15, Concession 2; Lot
J. 15, Coneesaion 3; e Lot 14, Concession 1,
and $ e Lot 15, Concession 1, Huron Road Survey,
Township of Tuekerstriith, County of Huron, contain-
ing- 800 acres, situitted within two miles -of the thriv-
ing- town of Seaforth, one of the beat markets in Wes-
tern Ontario. This farm was awarded the gold
medal in the farm competition of 1883. The farms
have been all pastured for the past ten years and
would now he in excellent shape for general farmipg.
Boll good clay loton•-two.storey hieek dwelling house
and kitchen with brii!,k woociehed-hot air furnace -
hard and soft water in kitchen -fine grounds with
shrubbery, evergreens and cedar hedges -orchard
with spruce windbreak on west - and north-geod
barns with done stabling -30 acres of hardwoodbileh,
maple and beeeh-well watered with spring creek
and river. Will sett altogether or would divide pro-
perty. No better property in the County of Huron.
JOHN T. DICKSON, Seaforth. 2026-tf
MeARel FOR SALE. -For sale, that valuable farra
of 175 acres, situated on the 7th concession of
Stanley. It is only half a mile froni eehool, three-
quarters ole mile from Methodist and Presbyterian
Churches and post office, seven miles from Ilense.11
and four from Kippeu dation. There are, on the
preiniees, 3 barns,. one 64 e 40 ; ono 70 x 28 and the
other, 50 x 28, all in good '-'air; a comfortable frame
house and log house. e"e-re are 22 acres of fall
wheat sawn. The farm is .v 41 fenced and 100 acres
underdrained, the other 76 e -res leeing drained by
the township diteh runnio, 'trough. There is' a
never failing- well at the hotae with a new Brantford
pumping mill, also a never failing spring back on the
farm, There are le °eves of good bearing orch-
ard. The farm is in a first class state of cultivation
and is situated in one of the beet grain plowing sec-
tions in the province. Will be sold 'cheap and on
terms to milt purehaser. :Fr further inforniation
apply on the premises or address GEORGE COLE-
MAN, Hills Green P. 0. 2028-tf
OOD FARM FOR SALE„ -For sale. Lot 2, Con
cession 12, II. R. S., Tuekerstnith, containing
100 acres. This farm is well fenced and thoroughly
and systematically underdmined, and having been
kept in it high state of cultivation, isachnittedly, one
of the mod productive farms in the township.
There is a, first elms trame house with kitchen. and
woodshed, and equipped with cistern and other eriod-
ern co.nveniences. There are two good hank barns
and other up-to-date out -buildings. There is it good
bearing orchard and also a new orchard of well se-
leded Lenit trees. There are two never failing welie,
the one at the house and the other at the been.
This farm is most desirably' situated, beinp three
miles from the prosperous village of Henson and one
quarter at a mile from Ohiselhuret, where there are
to elenrches, it store, post office and hlacksruith
shop. As the proprieter is in poor healthe it will be
sold on reasonable tunes. when one half of the pur-
chatie money, or mow, if necessary, may remain on
the farm et a reasonable rate of interest. For fur-
ther padiculars apply on the premises or to ROBERT
NEW= Chiselhord P. 0. 20004
u die and Geo. `Stepti-
A Surprise 131seuits
Every box of Mooney's Perfection
Cream Sodas- you open -you will
find a new delight in these dainty
When you
give your a
ant to surprise yourself,
petite a treat' with .
°alley s
Perfect Cream Sodas
WOWS PhOSPhaainer
ptive Chvat Englieh Remaly,
ones and invigorates the whole
ervous erysteine, enneeee new
lood in old Veins: Owen Nene
oils Debility, al and Brain, Worry, Dee.
poneleney, ,Sex Weaknese, Bmieffierad, SPer-
fizatorrbeea, Effesta of .etbuse or Excesses.,
Pnico per bo six for $5. One willpleasetaix
wilt cure. Sold b all druggists or mailed in
plain pkg. on re ,Sirt p Oa. liTezo pamphlet
mailerZ free. T e Wood fillodfolno 00.
(fornzerby Witzelear) • Toronto; Drat
You cannot possibly have .
a better -Cocoa than
ri Orth sit Note
d wolves are numeeous
in the yicinity ot ROIWond, Manitoba,
thee winter. ... e
The stun a $150,000 wae offered
and refused for the: Marlaggl 1lote4
Port Arttui er reeentlye .
-Mr. 1 Re Cowejle Who hise4 'been
editor of the Red Deer, Alberta, Ad-
vocate,. tor -Use pasttwo years, hag
dipposed of !the hwsiness to We P.
W. Galbraith., late of the Guelph, On-
tario, Daily Mercury.
Mr. JOhn Williams, of 'Welts.
Manitoba,' the defeated candidate ' at
the lest election, has again been se-
lected 'by the Liberals of the con-
stituency as 'their candidate at the
neXt Provincial election.
-Mr. George Lawrence, M. Pe; P.,
has been re -nominated as 'the Con-
efervative candidate for Killarney',
Manitoba, at the apprdaching -Provin-
lel elections:
-A loft with fifty feet trontage en
Notre Dame aventie, Winnipeg, has
recently been sc•Id to an eastere
'purchaser for $80,000. It Wall bought
for epepulistion. '
-The' news has been communicated
to tile Irector of St. John et church,
Lloydminstkne Sask., by the bishop
of the diocese, that a gift of $1,446
has been offered' by et gentleman fin
England toward the buieding fund ' of
a new church for Lloydminster. i
-A hat'dsome ' 'new cement block
building, just completed by Mr.
James Donley in liilinto, Manitoba, is
to be 'used as offices fer the Union!
Bank of Canada and a :residence for
The bank manager. °The banking of-
' :flees are to be fitted,. up with the
most up-to-date office fixtures.
The Wascana, the largest hotel
next to [the destroyed Windsor in Re-
gina., was burned, one night last week.
hebuildinghad been Just erected,
and men weee at work on the inter-
ior turn/fillings. The lose . will be in
the neighborhood of $75,000 to $100,-
000. The- building was iv4 stories ID
; height. ,
-The town of Prince Albert, Sask.,
spent this 'year $146,000 in estab-
lishing a town water and sewerage
system and $19,000 for their public
schools. Next year it is intended to
erect a 'Collegiate institute at a
cog of $45,000. '
-The North American Live Stock
Co., of Port Arthur, 'have receiyed
their first shipment of sheep from the
West. The shipment amounted to a-
bout one thoueand head. This Is the
first consignment to arrive of the
ten thousand Which' the con'panY in-
tend to feed at Port Arthur this win-
-Little Lleyd 'Roadhouse, the 3 -
year -014 son of Mr, Geo. Roadhouse,
:of Katepwa, about fourteen riellee
' north of Indian gead, was ineta,ntler
killed. He was playing in the yard
t where a big wagon, rack was lying,
ilyhieh had just been taken off the
Veigh and left in thei snow, i and on
whiohehe was in the act of climbing,
when it toppled over and strack him
on the head, killing. him I stantlyi
I -The Troy laundry in 111 rnonton
' was completely destroyed' bly fire,
caueed by the explosion of 0 , gaso-
line tank 'used for heating the cylin-
ders. This was the se,eond explos-
ion of the same nature that occurr-
ed in the la,undry within. two weeks'.
Mies Fanny Holmes, a female em-
ployee, was so severely is ed a-
bout the '
e face bands and 1 gs that
her recovery is despaired Of. 'he
! was the main support of seri aged
; mother and invalid , sister. ;
1 -The Canadian Pacific 110 decid-
ed to employ a, number of !Japanese
es porters and servants on their
through transcontinental trains. The
; s
Jape will be employed in romewhat
the ame work as the col red por-
ters on the sleeping ears, looking
after the comfort of the passengers
on the first and second class cars,
: and cleaning the interior of the
ears.The reason for emplo*Ing Jape
is that it le 'hard to get white
1 men for such work.
i -The anniversary service
' Methodist to'hurela Boissevai
: toba, recently held, were la
! tended and very successful.
; vces were conducted by Rey. Dr.
, Stewart, of (Wesley College, Winne -
peg, a former pastor and on of the
. : pioneer. ministers of that district. On
Monday evening, at the anniversary
< tea meeting, besides a good pro-
gramme, the sum of $2,100 was real-
ized, which cleared off the balance of
the debt on the church.
1 -The Galician people of Winnipeg
• made' a 'record. in the month of No-
vember in the matter of the number
; of couples conteacting marriage. In
' the Greek Catholic church of the
city. 53 couples appeared before the
ME T. Muslim; Co., LI:arm), Toronto, Out priest of that body and entered into
I - ' the alliance of matrimony. The num-
ber of marriages contracted un'aer
other eircumstances amcrunted to 169.
The table of vital ei tatisties as fur-
nished by the city clerk was as fol-
cOliege lowe : Births -Male 182, •female 181;
1 .
is a high grade Gemmeroisi School
Three Courses :
Commercial - Stenography - Telegraphy
A delicious drink and a sustaining
1 1
food. Fragrant, nutritious and -
economical. This excellent Cocoa
maintains the system in robust
heal.th, and enables it to resist
winter's extreme cold.
Sold by Grocers and Storekeepers
in 1.1b. and \2i,lb
throu,hou. 'United States .a7 anatla 61:
advertise our goods, tacking up show cards
on trees, fences, bridges, and all conspicuous places ; die.
tributing amen wavertiegne matter. Commission or Haien,
$OO a month and expenses ps.se a dey. Steady emvloy•
mint to good reliable men. Wo lay oub your work iqr
you. No experience needed. Write for particulars.
BALU2 MEDICINAL 00.. London, Ontario, Canada
Area true ileart Tonic,
of the
, Mani-
gely at -
he ser -
Nerve Food and Blood Enricher. They build
up and renew all the worn out end wasted
tissues of the body and restore perfect health
and vigor to the entiee Pystem.
Nervousness, Sleeplessness, Nervous Pros.
tration, Brain Fag. Lack of Vitality, After
Effects of Ls Grippe, Ansamia, Weak and
Dizzy Spells, Loss of flemory, Palpitation of
tLuo Heart, Loss of Energy, Shortness of
Breath, etc., can all be cured by using
Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills,
Price 50c. a box or 3 for $1.25. All dealeri3 or
Late Division Court Clerk, has a number of proP
cities for sale or to ,rens, among whioh ,is agood
buildinglot, the South
et Half
of Town Lot No
46, East Ward, m George Sparling's Survey, Seaforth,
whit% will be sold on rea:onable terms. Insurances
ffeeoted, debts oolleeted nd loans made on satiated-
ory seetueeet at reasonable rates. Call and see me
and be convinced. Leto Division Court Office, Sea -
forth 20184f
Many Women Suffer
Very often they think it is from so -coiled
'Female Disease." There is less female trouble
than they think. Women stiller from backache,
sleeplessness, nervousness, irritability, and a
dragging-dovne feeling in the loins. So do men,
and they do not have female trouble." Why,
then, blame all your trouble to Female Disease ?
With healthy kidney, few women will over
have "female disordeni." The kidneys are so
closely connected with all the internal organs,
that when the kidneys go Wrong, everything
'goes wrong. Alueh distress would be saved if
women would only take
total 26e. Deaths -Male 108, female
79 e'total 187. Marriages -222.
-D. Campbell, of Teuion, and Mr.
Copeland, of Plumes, had a narrow
escape from 'death by asphyxiation
at the Cabinet Hotel, Winnipeg.
When they 'retired at night one of
them blew out the gee, wh eh was
not discovered until an earl hour in
the morning lby one ot the kotel
attendants, who noticed the odor of
escaping gas and traced it to the
room: Both' men were • expected to
recover. Thr member s of Mr. Cope-
land'e family had died within the
past war, and when he met with
this ' misfortune he was returning
from attending the funeral of a
-A young min named Dave& S.
Reid, a brakeman on the C. P. R.,
lost his - life at Alexandria Station,
near Brandon, on Sunday, the 2nd
inst. He was bra,king on a freight
train ,and had Just opened' the switch
to allow the freight to take the sid-
ing, and when the train ' drew up
he attempted to junip on the front
of the engine, but his feet slipped, and
he fell beneath. Both feet and both
hands were eut off and the body
hedly mangled. The victim was kill-
ed almost instantly. Reid's parents
live in the vicinity of Newda,le, Man.
He had only been working for the
railway one month.
-Timber wolves have beeciree more
dangerous this season than they
were -ever known to be before in
the vicinity of Batoshe, Sask. Since
the ifiret heavy snow, packs of big
wolves have been over running this
country. They have killed cattle and
attacked several persons. One man
'was forced to climb a tree, and re-
at stated intervals.
Price 50 cents per box or three boxes for 31.25,
all dealers or sent direct on receipt of price.
Tho Doan Kidney Pill Oct., Toronto, Ont.
ears of
Take one when you feel the cold coming
on, -take one when that cobgh troubles,
-they give throat comfOrt and they
41, CURB Recommended by the medical pro -
!elision. Ask for 0131hr-co-cornered kind
in the red and pilaw box. 5
1MisS Brat -113 Colo Says that Lydia E.
Philehairee Vegetable Compound has
Saved, tier Life and Mado Her Weil.
. .
How Intiny lives of beautiful young
girls have 'been sacrificed just as they
were ripening into wornanh.00d I Bow
many irregularities or displacements have
been day -eloped at this important period,
resulting in year of suffering 1
Eiel ma Cole
A mother should come to her child's
aid at this critical time and remember
that Lydia E. Pinkharres Vegetable
Corr.pound will prepare the system for
the coming change and start this trying
period in a young girl's life without pain
or irregularities.
Miss Enama Cole of Tullahoma, Tenn.
writes: •
Dcar Mrs. innkhant:
"I want to tell you that I am enjoying betl
ter health than I have for years, arid 1 owe
it all to Lydia, E. Pinkhani.'s Vegetable Coms
"When fourteen years of age I suffered al-
most constant pain, and for two or three
vears, I had sorenees and pain in my side,
headaches and was dizzy and nervous, and
doetore all failed to lielp_me,
Tyilia E. Plaharri's VegetableCompound
vas recommended, and after taking it my
heel:h begin to improve rapidly, and,I think
it saved my life. sincerely hope my eXperi-
enoo will a help to other girls.who are
passim; from girlhood to womanhood, for
1 1:now your Compound will do as much
for them."
If you know of any young girl who is
eick and needs Motherly advice ask her
, to write lfts. Pinkhatre tynn, Mass., and
she will receive free advice which will
put her on the right road to a Strntng,
healthy and happy womanhood. Mrs.
Pinkham is daughter-in-law of Lydia E.
Vinkhant and for twenty-five years has
been advising sick :women free of charge,
main in, the severe cold all night to
avoid being devoured. He was res -
coed by a brotber, who heard the
ack yelling around him. Another
tnan was chased for ten melee north
of the river,
and escaped death by the
fleetness of!his 'horse, which be kill-
ed in his ferious ride to get away.
-A North leattleford fartner'e wife
says: "We think our eow's record
worthy a mention. She calved June
13th, and has simply pastured on the
prairie grass since, with no extras.
Having an average family of six, and
always- !having from three to four
boarnere we used over two querns of
freeh milk each day. From the bal-
ance we have Churned up to Nov. 10,
178 8-4 lbs., of butter, churning as
high as/ twelve lbs. per week when
there was the greatest flow of mi1ls4
From 22 hens, picking their living
on the homestead during the warm
weather, in seven months we had 189
dozen eggs, besides raising 62 chick-
ens. Not a, bad record for Saskat-
chewan, is it V"
If "taken at the sheeze stage," Pre-
ventics-a toothsome catoly Tablet. -
will surely and quickly check an ap-:
proaching cold or Lagrippe. When you
firet catch cold -or feel it coming on -
take Dr. Shoop's Preventics, and the
O'ompt effect will certainly sur-
prise 13,n4 please you. Preventics sure-
ly supply the proverbial "ounce of
prevention." Sold in 6 -cent and 26 -
cent boxes by C. Aberhart, druggist,
Record of Hardship and Splendid En.
durance by a Member of Northwoot
Mounted Police -Frozen Meat.
The qualities of the men who com-
pose the Royal Northwest Mounted Po-
lice have often been demonstrated, but
rarely have fidelity, devotion to duty,
fearlessness, unselfishness, and indom-
itable determination been manifested in
greater degree than was displayed last
winter in a journey made ny Constable
Seller, amounting in all to about 995
miles, The trip was made in company
of Interpreter Ford and an ESItimo
named Tupealook. It Was undertaken
for the purpose of locating the where-
abouts of a Scottish ship, the Ernest
William, and ascertaining her liability
to the customs duty_for supplies im-
ported. Constable Seller probably re-
ceives pay to the amount of about $1.50
a day, but, without a, murmur, lie
entered upon and saocessfully accom-
plished a journey attended by great
hardships, and which many an explorer
would have been proud of relating. The
recital of Seller's trip is contained in
a dairy, which has just been received
at the Mounted Police Department. Nei -
thing more modest or` unaffected than
his account of the long journey and the
difficulties met with and surmounted
could be imagined,
Constable Seller, with his two com-
panions and a dog team of ten, left
Fullerton, on the west coast of Hudsbn
Bay, on Feb. 21 last. They returned on
April 19, having been exposed for two
months to the rigors of an _Arctic win-
ter. The only casualty was a frost-
bitten leg of one dog that was left be-
hind at Lyon's Inlet. On the way to
their destination and back intensely
cold weather was encountered, and
many blizzards. At night snow houses
would be built for shelter, called by
the Eskimos "igloos." Herda of deer
were seen, and several were shot for
food. For a couple of days, however,
both men and dogs went on short ra-
tions. Had it not been for falling in
withja, party of natives they would at
One time have been in desperate straits.
For a great part of the journey the
food had to be eaten frozen, because
the aleobol and wood -gave out.
Here are a few extrants which show
the nature of the hard ,:!Ips encounter-
ed on the Journey: nave only fifty
pounds of deer meat, two pounds; of
pemmican, and six pounds of boiled
meat for ourselves, and the ten dogs,
so we must find, natives. Very cold day.
I had both my feet badly frozen. My
footgear is in a very bad state -wet
• and w-orn out. We were compelled to
break up sonae barrels to cook food, as
we had been subsisting on frozen ni,‘at-
• ,
for the last three days.'-'
"Terrible_ snowstorm. Impossible to
o out iolleing atives. Otir dogs
are getting they have lecul
nothing for threedays. We cannot
possibly give them anything out of what
small supply we have for oerselvea. My
feet are very sere, -the result of frost
'Tea storm, but not nearly se bad
as. yesterday. I sent Ford and Tupea-
leek' out to look or nativee. They
returned at 5, p. mo, bringing us in.
forenation that oheered os elate a lit-
tle. The ship they learned was at
eiefelachuseetuelte the place where
shining ohase women. They brought
one meat for the d -vg, and said the
not VC% who belonged to the Nitultelt
tribe, would come in the morning with
an Mucb. meat as they ocenn
"Still storming, Finished up all our
meat for breakfast. About noon the
natives come in, bringing about 400
pounds of meat, which I purchased
from them. It was nearly all seal meat,
We found it rather high all by itself,
but hunger is a great sauce."
In due course the party reached the
Vessel for which they were searching,
and received a hearty Scottish, welcome
from her commander, Capt. Murray,
Wein fitted. theell Otte with stores for
the return journy. •
Iitlre is the last item in Constable
SAilrtes diary:
"April 10th. Broke camp at sun -
re (about 4 a, tn.) and made the de-
latnnment about 2,30 p. tn. Some few
miles from the barracks noticed the
flag at half-mast, which told me plain-
ly that what I feared had come to DaSS.
On arrival my thoughts were confirm-
ed on hearing that Staff -Sergeant
lIayne bad passed away the night bee
fore, We were just in tiine to attend
the funeral."
The report of Conti:able Seller con-
tains much valuaVe information about
the country traversed and the natives
mr.'.t with. Ho mentions a rumor cur --
rent among the natives that in the
inter of 100e a white man belonging
to a ship wintering in the Arctic- was
killed by the INTItulick tribe. The white
711;•11 retaliated by killing three Eskimbs
and all their dogs. Constable. Seller
be:leves some- such thing, may have
hslellened in couneetion with the Nor-
worna,n, sloop Gjoa,
A White,Legged Ghost.
Lonesome, the deserted village near
Mitenatn Common, near London, has
evolved a ghost which terrorizes the
inhabitants of the neighboring districts.
A row of villas was partly built near
the woods at Mitcham, 20 years age,
and then the work was suddenly aban-
doned: Weeds and shrubs have grown
up among the houses, which, with an
old barn, present a weird appeexpnce.
The place is known as the deserted vil-
It is in the buildings and on a tortu-
ous path between the villas and the
woods that people assert the ghost ap-
A man employed at Polioks Hill
briekfields describes bis experience
thus: "About half -past eight, as I was
crossing by the woods, I heard
a. piercing shriek, and then flaw in the
distance a black figure with one white
armand a white leg. Zollovved it,
and it again shrieked and appeared to
drop through the ground.
"I ran to the spot, but before reach-
ing it the thing again rose and, again
ehrieking, glided over the ground and
entered the barn. The door was banged
to, and then such a fearful row inside
ensued that • I was scared and came
Other people tell similar tales, and
all Lonesome and the woods are avoid-
ed after dusk.
Britain and Canada Harbors.
The Imperial Government is desirous
of having a thoroughly up- to -date map
of allharbors, places of shelter for
vessels and other particulars which
might aid navigation or even defenSive
tactics for the colonies, and the Ma-
rine and Fisheries Department, Ottawa,
has had a request from the Home
Government for correct maps of var-
ious Canadian harbors and bays, in-
cluding Toronto. Ma Rust, City Engi-
neer of the latter city, has received
from Ottawa a request to mark on the
map the location of all buoye, shoals',
ourrents and such other matter as may
be neeessary to make the map com-
plete. The last authentic map of To-
ronto harbor in the possesSion of the
Imperial Government 10 one hundred_
years old.
Willing to Oblige.
A little cockney 'boy from one of
the back shnns in London was invit-
ed, with about 30 others, to a charity
dinner given at the house of a lady
in fashionable sodety. When dinner
was over the lady asked the little
ones to ping or recite in turn. All
went well until it came to the little
cockney lad's turn, but he made no
sign of starting to sing or recite un-
til the lady said, `Tome, Tommy, let
me hear you sine After a moment's
pause the young guest answered„ "I
earn% lidy." 'What," said the lady,
"you cannot sing? Then what can
you do, Tommy?" "Well," said Tom-
my, "I aren't used to singing, but
I'll do my best. I'll fight any of the.
other kids in the room."
Game Dinners In the Workhouse.
The paupers in the Meriden,. Eng-
land, workhouse have been dining on
pheasants and rabbits for several
date by th,e generosity of a local
sportsman, who sent the game to the
A Canadian Abroad.
The long list of Canadians who have
won distinotion in th.eipolitical,
trlal or financial life of the United
States includes the name of Edward
Thomas Burrowes, manufacturer. Mr.
Burrowes was born at Sherbrooke, Que-
bec, July 25, 1852. On Queen Victoria's
birthday,- May 24, 1867, he became a
resident of Portland, Maine. At the
age of 14 he entered a store and con-
tinued at that work until he had reach-
ed the age of 20. During this time he
saved a little money, which he used to
advance his cducatIon in' the Maine
Wesleyan Seminary and Wesleyan Uni-
versity. After one year he was obliged
to leave the latter institution on ac-
count of health. It was about 1873 that
he commenced the ma.nufaeture of wire
sereene in a .small way. To -day he has
the largest factory for the manufacture
of wire screens in the world. 1-113 is
also president crl the Curtain Supply
Co., Chicago, maeaufacturers of the
railway curtains which he invented. Mi'.
Burrowes is a trustee of Boston Univer-
eity and a letvitng Maine prohibitionist
Cure for Bor
As soon as the oti _Jne nurs-
ing apply Chamberlai • =. Wipe
it off with a soft en_ before al-
lowing the nhild to .suck. Many of
the trained nurses use this with the
hest results. Priee 26 cents per
hex, For Mlle yr, all Artiggisto,.
is pof3itively the finest Tea in the world.- Packed in nir 1igbt peeks, there-
fore you are aesured that it has retained all its original flavor and
25o a0e, 40o 60c and 6Oc per 'lb b
Lead packets
The -Gift Giving Seas6
The gift giving seatnn is here with its good
cheer and g3od will. You are now on the
look out for a remembrance for a relative or a
Mend. What is more acceptable or useful
thaa something to wear. We have many
things you want. A. few hints.
We would be pleased to show you a large
rauge of all the latest in these goods.
Store 'Overflowing
Fall Furniture
wealth of etylish furniture for housekeepers -almost seems un-
reasdpable to expect to tell eo much. And yet, 1 if merit in
furniture, woareanship and prices will appeal to you, and:we
ound that it did, you'll certainly Inflect cur splendid new stock
before investing elsewhere.
Promptly ettcnded lo nip& or day. Nipbt and R-onday calls answered t tbe
residence of S. T. Holmes, Gederich street, opppsite the Methodist churrb
13, T, HOLMES, Manager
C1-174, ta
Weak Kidneys, merely point to wash Mdney
Nerves. The Kidneys, like the Heart, and, the
StOmaeh, find their weakness, not in the organ
itselfbut in the nerves that control and guide
and strengthen tbere. Da Shoop's Restorative is
Tnedielne specifically prepared to reach these
control.; lug nerves. To doctor the Keldnelee alone:
Is futile. It IS De waste of time, and of money as
If your back aches or Is weak, if the urine
scalds, or is dark and etrong, if yeti have symptoms
of Brights or other distressing or dangerous Ma.
tier disease, try Dr. Shoop's Restoratives. month --
Tablets or Liquid -and see what it canand will
do foryou. Druggist recommend and soli
r Shoopf
The more particular you are
about Unterwear, the better you
will appreciate
" Truro Knit"
No inside seams -no bunching
around the waist or over the hips
-grateful to the sldn-holds its
.iihape-warin yet light -and
guaranteed unshrinkable.
You.r dealer has -"Truro ,ICniV
uitry Wanted.
The undersigned is prepared to pay the highest
cosh price for all kinds of poultry, live and dressed,
during the months of September, October, Novem-
ber and December, delivered every Tuesday, on Lot
30, Concession 2, MoKillop. If dressed, must be dty
lucked necks pulled, and fasted 24 hours before
• ling. No thin or crooked breast bones or deform-
ed birds of any kind taken. Full partioulars how to
kill and dress will he given on application.
1 ROBERT G. MUBDIE, Seetorth,
A. choice unimproved section in eeutral Alberts,
s miles, Good water at 20 feet,: For eaieen
easy term, or will exchange ;for suitable farm In
Huron county.
A first class section in South Sasi hatebewan.-14
miles to R. R. and market, Propn,cd IL P. will
come within 3 miles, Water at from 2050 00 fe4.
For sale at a bargain, or will exelmge for farm near
My list contains a description of some of the
stock and grain farina offered for sale in Rumuse-
r send it to you.
A. A. WATT, Real Estate Agent,
?ete. Brucefield, Ontario,
ilIon Directory
20 in
vapseione an
,eith'it heavy
Net seethrop 0.
M. HOWLAND, Councillor, Weitc
V. leteQUAlli, Councillor, Et.
ias, P.. 0,
,,OHN AtoDOWELA Connell -lora Sale
foreh P. O.
H. Br:ERMAN, Councillor, Brodbagm
en P. O.
MICHAEL MURDIE, Clerk, winth-
rapt P. 0,
G. R. HOLI3AND, Treaserer,
itary Inspector, Winthrop
fee? 1
the s
Plantiriall and Lumber Yards
Does: Your
Digest Well
When the food is imperfectly
the full benefit is not derived from
the body and the purpose of .eating
feated; no matter "how good the food
how carefully adapted to the wants alt.
body it may be. Thus the dyspeptic Ofb
becomes thin, weak and dcbilitated,en
. is lacking, brightness; snap and vim
lost, and iui their lilac° come dullness
appetite, depression and langour. Itk
no great knowledge to know when one
indigesticni, some of the followin
klnIS generally exist, viz.: conlltipatto
our stomach, variable appetite, h
heartburn, gas in the stomach, eta
The great point is to cure it, t� get b
bounding health and vigor.
is eonstantly effecting cures of di-
beeause it acts in a, natural yet
way upon all the organs invoivi
proeese of digestion, removing all
impurities and making easy the
digestion and assimilation.
Mr. R. G. Harvey, Ameliasbe
writes: "I have been troubled WI
impsia for several years and after
three bottles of Burdoek,Blood Bi
Was wmpletely cured. XI cannot
13.13.13. enough for what it has done
me, I have riot had a sign of dys
Do not aecopt a substitute for 3
There is nothing "juet as goW.."