HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1906-12-14, Page 4r-t-h-th teterteht
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adThe figure lactwOn the parenthesis after eaeh
ad, denotes the page of the paper on which the
advertisement is tolled.
Rums Shopping. --Stewart Bros. -8
XmasGifts-P. L. Willis -0
Gift Giving' Seasen-Biight Bros. -4 .
eat's-Williams & Purcell-%
ma Presents -Wm. Pickant & Son -
Come On -E., 3IeFau1 Co. -8
Ideal etift-W. tt A1lan-4
Evtrydoq Suits--Popplestone te. 0xe-leek-5
Rush Beginning -Greig (Mottling 00.-1' •
Oloys--0. S. Rolierts--5
Useful Gifts -R,. Willis & Son -4
Ready for Xrcaa-Dolgyff & Isaaeson-5
LOiilea Oras -L v. Fear -5
day Rates -W.4 Sonierville-5
ring Sale -Evans Bros. -5
Annual Mectinir-Ed. Papple-5
Estmy Steer -Wes, Searle -5
Two for Sale -R, 'MoKenzie-5
Farm for Sate -George Smallaccutibe-5
Wood for Sale -John McPherson -a
Special Prices-Kryse Bros . --8
Stook for Salc-Dsvid 11111-5
The New Store -Kruse Bros -5
Holiday Thne-Obesney & Sinifoy-8
Auction 8a1es--5
Ohristmas Pre,scots-J. F. Da1y-8 5
Wise Gifts-Johl Buiger-1
Oiseeoatea-Crich Bros. -8 e
Ode More 0hance-K, W. Jewitt -8
Flowers-5Iitchell Nursery 06,-8
Looking for Gifts -F. A. Edward8-8,
Notice -H. Kilber-5
Notice -M, Murdie-5
Rush Increasing -A. G. AuIt-5
Confectionery. -Kandy Kitchen -8
Outter for Sale -Beattie Bros. -8
Robes -Wf. Broderick -8 ,
Carpet Sweepers -Chesney & Smiley -8
r Xtuvoit ftigioitor
. Ther Donainlon Parliament.
As we predicted the Dominion Par-
liament took a breathing spell after
he delivery of the Budget Speebh
and the eubmission of the new atte
iff, to permit members to thorough-
ly digest the somewhat batty mental
food supplied them by the Finance
Minister. Consequently the discus-
eion of the tariff changes proposed
tee ecarcely been rightly started thus
far. It is expected, however, that
membere vtill soon be in trim to
deal with this important question. It
is not likely, however, that any im-
portant changes will be made. The
matter has been thoroughly consid-
ered by the Government and they
will likely ;Stand by their guns, as
they know that if they make an op-
ening to accommodate one interest
they may have to Make rnteheopenin,gs
for others which feel that they have
been as heavily struck as their favor-
ed neighbor. In the mean time the
-Government are makinh 400d pro-
gress vrith other legislation. The
Minter of Agriculture has had what
should be a very usefill measure as-
sented to by Par/lament. His iIan
l� to appropriate $100,001) to encourl
age the starting of new codl storage
plants. When a man. has construct-
ed each a plant, and it has been ap-
proved, he will get ten per cent. of
ita -cost down' and, probably, five
per centa year for the four elle-
ceeding years, thus tiding over the
early and difficult yeare. The par-
ticulter features qf the plan are that
the Government let to have full power
to decide what plants to help ; that
existing plants are not to be helped;
that unfair competition with existing
plante is not contemplated; that the
Government reserves liberty to decide
as to what will eonstitute unfair com-
petition; that rates and temperatures
!will be oubJect to Government super-
owever are searcelY hg
e ,
t i
minded; Itowither, that .Whttney,
ugh for the 'pottitioir ';rlite are re-
the present Premier, watt etOt a Very
big man polititally, whon he. was
elevated to the ieadrehip Of hie
patty, but he develope marines
arid rapidly 'under the rceponeibi1iL-
lee placed upon him and became h
eltilful and e successful poi tician Wile
cion led his patty out. of the opposi-
tion wildernees into the wartit sun-
shine Of political power. And, as it
was with him So may it be with 'Mr.
McKay, Mr. Graham, or Mr. Pres-
ton, whichever of them may be se -
Meted for the leadership of the Lib -
dal party. Hitherto the need has al-
ways called forth the man, and no
doubt it will ultienately do go on this
... , .• I
occasion. • 1 .
The Clinton New Era 1- lastweak
eaefee It is an open teen et that Mr.
Hugh Spackman; Of Exeter, Warden,
is after the nomination i'n .South
Huron for the Dominion 1House. We
do tot pretend to know the attitude
of the Conservatives towards , Itir..
Gunme the present re resentativee
bat we Would assume t at he will
again be 'up for nomination. Itoth
Mr. Spackreant and Mr. Gu. n are pop-
e Liberals
1 grievan-
looted who
Lem at the
ular men, and shrewd
but we believe beet if t
would: settle their iterson
tote 4 man could be .0
would defeat either of t
next election. . .
nuron 1'Toteti
-The total taxes for Grey town-
ship this year .-amount t $24,408.78.
-The people of Wingharh are4;talk-
ing of the establieturtenr t o a ho pitalj
In that town. . - .
-The 60 acre farm on t e 5th line
Morris, belonging .to Geor
of Brussels, has been pu
George Davis for $1,500. ,
-Mrs. Watt, of Guelph, _ grave an
.1htereeting address, on the work a-
mong the Lepers, . in Wit lel thurch,
Clinton, on Wednesday evening of last
week. i
-Mr. Gurney, a - Georgetown, has
rentedthe. glove- departm nt of Mr.
Wing -ham,
and It heped that some arrange-
ments may be made whereby the
officewill remain.
--Rev. W r Robineort is in hte
fourth year ae pastor of Dungannon
Methodist church, and, in anticipa-
tion -of his removal, :the official hoard
has extended an invitation to Rev.
W. A. "Smietle of the ,Ashfield circuit,
to 'become a paeher of this circuit
after the let of July next. It is un-
deretood that Mrs Smith has accept-
ed the invitation subject. to the
ruling of the etillitening zommittee,
-The .Great Northwestern Agricul-
tural Society, or in other words the
_Goderich Show, do* their financial
year With a surplus of $711.80in the
treaeury. Their receipts for the year
amounted to $2,822, Of thie amount
the legislative grant amounted tet
$498; the .eounty and town grants
to $140, the member'ssubseriptione
to $280, and the gate reeeipte at
the show to $1002.95. The expendi-
tures amounted to $1,605, and of
thie amount only $787 was paid in
prim. For hands they paid $212 and
for printing $h83. The directors have
decided to pay 10 per cent of the
prizee awarded in 1902, which Were
not paid. -
e Cardiff,
chased by
' Mr. W.. F. McLean 'has- at the first
reading for hie bill providing that
Weeping ear rates on (railways and
express carrying rates - shall collie -
under the direction- of the railway
Commission and also providing for a
wo cent per mile passenger rate on
all railways. Sir Wilfrid Laurier
gave his assent to that part of the
bill relating tor sleeping ear fares and
express company charges, so that
these proposed changes will, un-
doubtedly be made. But the two cent
a mile passenger rete was sent to
the Railway Committee for consider-
ation and it will most likely meet
with death and destruction there. It
would eseern. to be the opinion 6f a
majority of members on both sides
of the Howie the time for a two 'cent
passenger rate has not yet tome. All
dmit thatit might do on the trunk
,lines where the traffic is heavy but
on side lines where there is light
traffic it le said it would subject
the railway coMpanies to sech loss
as would force them to deteriorate
or decrease the accommodation now
given and that is not degra.ble. It
will come however, in time. Sir
Wilfrid Laurier has, also, spoiled the
thunder of some of .his opponents by
promptly declaring 'himself in favor
of municipal ownership and control
ef the distribution of electoral en-
ergy developed or distributed in Can-
ada and also that in case a water
powers controlled by. the Dominion
the Governmentmust, under all cir-
cumetances retain the power to fix.
and regulate the prices at which
power -development from these watetr
powers shell be furnished to the
Editorial Notns and. Comments.
It now seems ;:o be taken for grant-
ed that Hon. G. W. Ross will be ap-
pointed to onElOf the Ontario vacan-
cies in the Dominion Senate and be-
thie reaches the eye of the read-
er it is quite possible the appoint-
ment will have been offIcia•Ily made.
This will leave a vacancy in the Lib-
eral leadership in th.e Ontario Leg -
feature. The Liberals wili be in ag-
reed a flight as the Conservatives
were when Mr. Meredith abandoned
the leaderehip of the party to take`
a seat on the Bench. The only re-
presentative of the old guard who -
°mailed the front eetitte on the Lib-
teral side in the Legislature is Hon.
Mr. Harcourt, but he, although an
able man and privately a very nice
man, is not the material of Which
leaders kfre made, and he is too old
to improve in this respect. 'The eillY
other names mentioned as aspirants,
or likely aspirants for the Tosition
OW Mr. McKay, of Owen 'Sound, Mr.
*Graham, of 13rockiil1e, and Mr. T.
II. Preston, of Beantford. None of
W. D. Pringle's tannery in
and intends manufacturing all kinds
of gloves.
-Mr. T. J. Elliott, or the London
Road, near Clinton, was ntarrIed, on
December 5th, to Mrs.. Liz ie. Gibson,
of Uxbridge, the interestin ceremony
taking place in Toronto.
-Robert H. Wright, ,yo
of Mr.- H. H. Wright, of
of Ethel, died on Novembe
27 years. Deceased hail b
all summer. .
-The property of the Go
gine and Bicycle Works ha
to the Rogers Ma.nufactur
pany, an Ametican firm,
well up in all machinery a
gest son
thhtt hag
30th, aged
en ailing.
(midi En -
been sold
ng Corn -
who are
cl foundry
business. 1 , ,
-Ethel Jenkins, daughter - of Mr.
James Jenkins,- of KalkaskaeMiehigan,
and granddaughter of Mr. 'anti •Mrs.
Thos. Jenkins, of the Bluevale Read,
near Niringharn, died last eek from
.=-Miss Agnes Ballantyne of At-
wood, will succeed Miss A.
ton as in No. 9 sch
after the holidayte, Her sa
be $450. Miss:' McNaughton
a position in Toronto.
2. -Mr. and Mrs. "- -John Le
Wingharn, recently received
the death of their daaghte , Mis. T.
-Edwards, of Mount Albert 1 Deceased
hid _been III for igorne timefrom the
effects of typhoid. fever. -I .
Weston, who has I recently
been in. Clinton, in tne interests of
-the Canadian Order of Foresters, suc-
ceeded in getting 28 new members- for
the Society. The membership of the
t Order in that town is itow over
1'200. i
• -On Wednesday afternoon,' Decem-
ber 5th, Mr. Joehua W. IScott, • of
Wingharre and Miss Mary' Ref& were
united in marriage at th ' home - of
the bride's . parents, on Ithe 13th
concession :of Howick, Rv. A. H.
Thomas, of Mildmay, perfo ming the
-Joseph Hodgins, a former resi-
dent of the, 16th •concess on, Grey,
died in Michigan on Nove bet 18th.
Dropsy was the cause of death. Ah
bout 15 Years ago deceased sold his
farm in Grey and moved to iMichigen.
He leaves a Widow', three isms and
two. daughters. 1
-Alex. Boyd, of Goderichl aged 65
• years,' dropped dead of heart failure
on Friday evening, while visiting at
the home of his nephew, Dencan Mc-
Lennan, Kintail. He with le knowh
and 'unmarried. Mr. Boyd acl lived
in Chelericie with his brother for
the pa,et two years. ,
-Mr. Robert Elliott, of Goderich,
shipped apples this season to the
e„ggregate Value of $58,000. The value
of applee hiihipped from- thit -county
alone this- year mast 'have exceedati
$150,000,- and. still some affirm that
their orchards are net of any value
to them and talk of cutting them
-Mrs. L. Hu.bbard, jr. whose hus-
band lost his life while elploring in
the northland, has been v siting her
sister, Mre. W. H. Cruikahank, Of
Lower Wingham. Mrs. Hubbard has
latelybeen on a Lecturing tour, tele
ling of her experiences while un-
dertaking the completion I of her
husband's work. ,
-The Goderich Signal of last week
thy's: The estate of Ms, Sarah
Louise Taylor, who died r dently in
Tordeto, is left la her sieter, Mrs,
Douglas, and at Mrs. Douglas' death,
whatever of the estate that may re-
main hi to be expended, ‘41 with the
approval of the inspector Of public
schools, for educational purposes of a
permanent character. ac No.I 2 school
section, .Huron countyon the Huron
road, known as Taylor'0ornees."
Miss Taylor was a daughter of the
late John Taylor, after when "Ty.
lor's Corners" was named.
-One evening .recently, the Wo-
men's Missionary Society of ' North
Street Methodist chutch, Gdoerich,
celebrated their. silver annivenutre,
having been organized in •November,
1881, just one montn after the form-
ation of the Woman's Missierfary So-
ciety of the Methodist chureh in Can-
ada. It is, therefore, .one or the old-
est, if not the oldest of I the local
.branches. The first president was
. Afire. Leach, of •Holmesville, and the
Auxiliary was organized bh the late
Mrs. (Rev.) Dr. John A. Williams,
Dr.; Williams being pastor of North
StAet church at that, time.
-There is danger that the post
of4ice at Ilarlock, in the tevenship of
Hallett, may have to be discontinued.
It has been a vecy great conven-
ience, and both Mr. and Mrs. Ar-
gent have been most obliging and
accomodating in .dietribution of mans,
(erten at great personal inconvenience.
But the health of MM.. Argent has
been so poor that they are desirous
of being relieved of the office. Ttfere
are no other premises in the vicintly
that would answer for a post ofifce,
ol, Grey,
ary will
in take
thorn, of
word of
parents in Brussels -Mr 0. Garreve,
ofreocieriche was here last week con-
ferring with the claimants against
Tilden -& Co, but at the present it
rooks very poor for them gettiug their
money. It le a eininie that erthiting-
men should be defrauded out of ste
much moneyt tot we understend the
claims against this firm for wages
tind, board amount to about $8,000. -
Mr. D. Ploody, who has been on the*
sick list) sheet recovered. -Mr. E.
-Watson, accompaniedt by hie son,
Wm., and Mr. George Youngblutt, .of
Auburn, took two ease Of cattle and
one of lambs. to Toronto On Saturday
ehd on their return home took in
the fat *Sock shohe at Gaelph.-Mr.
D. Raymond visited in Goderich, this
week.---Altheugh it is drawing near
the end of the. • municipal year, at
prevent there is ',very little talk of
candidatee. It would be about as
Well to leave the present council in
for var.-Wulf reasons) but one in par-
ticular,- that most of thorn. have
;had quite -,a lot to do in zOnneetion
with ;the 0: P. R. coming here and
as it will possibly be running be-
fore the end of next year they would
like 'td be in when that happens.
'Then as( The county council act
changes this year and ' each reeve
goes( to Goderich we have no doubt
but thati our present reeve would like
to gd ale our representative and he
would be as good a one as we could
have. - The following delegates at-
tended the Liberal ,cohvention in
.Brussels ont'huesdey: Messrs. Jack-
son, .Curnmings, SlOan, Cett, Combas
and Robinson Ir. Barr, of God-
erich, spent Sunday with relatlyes
here. -The Episcopalian Sonday school
Intend holding their annUal Sunday
school Christmas tree on Friday,. De-
cember 21, and as they are training
a great deal we haee no doubt but
that it will surpass any Of the past.
-Mr. W. Davis, of Durham, is at
present visiting in toWn.-Messrs.
E. Mallough and W. Stewart, of
*Dungannon, spent Monday i in town.-
Note -There is good sleighing in
this vicinity and it makes business
hum. -Reeve 'Lamont shipped another
car load of cattle • to Toronto this
week. leir. Lamont- dietributes a lot
of money among the farmers- of this
vicinity in the course of the year
and Mm. George Schoellig have
gone to Detroit to spend the winter.
-Mr. Nelson! Denonty, of Drysdale,
recently brought V, pig to town
which weighed • 620 pounds This
moneter porker was purehased by
Mr. John Brenner. -At the Gingerich
sale last week the 25 acre kwarnp
lot was purchased by Mr. '3. J. Mer-
ner for $27. There should be good
epeculationin this deal.--hilss Amy
Dowson, of Drysdaleh has gone to
Gladstone, Michigan, where she has
taken a position as neu.slc teacher.
She is an 'honor graduate of the
London Conservatory of Music. Her
mealy friends hereabouts uniting in
wishing her much success in her
W home.
Municipal Matte re -The Herald
given out the folirthng chunks of
good, solid sense. It , says: • From
what we have been able to learn,
there to every likelihood that Reece
Lamont will again Ioccupy 'the chair
in the Hwy Council' Board next year.
Mr. Lamont has served the ratepay-
erwell, and it would be due to 'him
to, send him up to the' County Council
/or a term at least. The councillors
a.lso have given good satisfaction, and
very little opposition will be given.
From present indicatione the old
council will all be elected by ac-
clamation for 1907. For police trus-
tees there will likely be some ehang-
es, as "there has been .considerable
dissatisfaction with some • of the
work performed during the year, and
it isn likely- that one or more of the
members of this year's Board will
not be re-blected. We theme beard
of no aspirants to the position, but
BAS nomination draws near new ma-
terial will likely develop. What we
want ite a Board that will lay aside
all - self interest and work for the
eral _Welfare of our town.
Obituary. - In the departure front
this life of the late Jacob Diehl, of
the 5th concession, Stanley, on Fri-
day, December 7th, an old and much
respected pioneer has gone at the
'ripe age of 85 yearn and 9 months.
The funeral tOok place .from his
late residence on Monday, the 10th,
at 2 o'clock, to the 'Varna cemetery.
The funeral ceeemony was conduct-
ed by Rev. Mr. Brown, of Varna, and
Rev. Mr. `Hind, of Bayfield. Mr. Diehl
Was born in Bavaria, Germany, in the
year 1821, and left the fatherland-4or
Boston at 24 years Of age, being six
vreekte crossing the Atiantlic. Six
years laterthe left for Canada and
settled in Huron cotinty, on the farm
on which he has tired for 55 years.
Here- he hewed for himself a home
oat of the forest -vends. In the year
1853 he married Isabella Rice, of
Perth county, who, predeceased hint
29 -.years. He had ten children, 'seven
sons and three daughters, seven of
whom survive him, namely: ,Charles,
of 'Portage la Prairie, Manitoba ;John.
of Edmonton, Alberta, Rev. Henry
R. and Rey. LOUIS W., ValentineM.,
Mrs. Richard. Peck, and MTS. James
.McClymont, all living in Ontario.
Besides these, he left twenty grand
children. There also • survives him
one sister,. • Mrs. Jacob :Wolf, of
Brueefield. He was a man, who by
his quiet, kind, diligent and upright
le, won the esteem- and friend-
ship of all who knew him. He was a
Lutheran in religion and a Liberal
in politics. Ire was sin extenstire and
thoughtful reader and took allying
inthrest in education and temper-
ance reform. His end was verY calm,
being conscious to the last. Dur-
ing the last few. days Of 'his life he
wits surrounded by four of his sons
and one daughter,' who ,watched him
• as he' peacefully ,; sank to rest and
paned into the unseen realm where
death ball never Come: •He' closed
hiti long and useful life in perfect
Myth. •,
•Bueiness Changes .-Mr. J. G. Emigb
who hate been the owner of the Com-
mercial 'hotel forthe pest nu.mber
of years, disposed he it to Mr. J. J.
McCaughey, of Clinton, last Wed-
nesday, for. the sum of $12,000. Mc -
McCaughey takes possession on the
17th inst. Mr. McCaughey is well
and favorably known here having
run the Queen' s hotel for a few ,
years. It is the intention of Mr.
Emigh to take a well earned rest,
as he has been conducting hotels here
almost continuously for 87 years. He
talks of 'taking a trip to •Canifornia
for the winter then returning here
and building a residence in the
Notes. -Rev. Mr. Craw, of Ilder ton,
occupied the pulpit of the Presbyter -
hen church morning- and evening last
Sabbath, and made a very favorable
impression. Next Sabbath Rev. Mr.
Currie, of Sarnia, Will preach and
also conduct the prayer meeting on
Friday evening. -There was DO school
In Principal Ilartley'sroom last
Wednesday on account of. his absence
in GOderich interviewing the county
council: re grant to the school. -The
sleighing. we are having at present
is improving business and every per -
8011 is hoping it will at least con-
tinue till after the holiday. The
stores are all displaying their Christ-
mas goods and preparing for a large
trade. .We are sure it is needless for
any of our town's people going to
other places for presents as it would
he 'hard to find better and cheaper
goods than our merchants are dis-
playing. -MT. Leslie Kerr 'spent a
few days of the past week with his
Zi-PPen• I
:Welcome Back; -Mr. Fred. Taylor,
accompanied by MIAS Elsie, Kettleton,
Who left here some time : ago on an.
extended visiting trip tde Manitoba
and the, Northwest, have returned
home, after visiting friends in *Fill-
more, Rossburn, La Riviere, and other
-Western points. Fred. and Elsie be-
lieve in enjoying life.-Ccen.
• Died In .- The ,West. -Mrs. Robert
Elgie, of Tackeremith, tide week
*received a telegram conveying the
sad news of the death of her brother,
Mr. Wm. ' Blair, which, occurred at
Dauphin, Manitoba. At the time cif
writing no particulars' hate beenre-
ceived except that the ' r mains arei
being brought here for interment.
Mr. Blair was a native o this-. place.
and W SS- well` known to many who
will deeply regret to learn of his
so,* air iseasex..1.-
Wound.-Mr. L Stewart has pur-
chased the O'Neil Bank property on
Main Street. It will be occupied as
a law office by Moms, Madman &
Stanbury. Being on 'the grottn,4
floor thie will make good law more
=enable to those requiring it. -Mr.
and ;Mrs, Frank Sweet have returned
from Itegina, Where they spent the
summer. -Mr. J. G. Stanbury, Dis-
trict -Deputy Grind Master, has, very
generously presented the Independe
cid Order of Foresters lodge with a
• set of new carpet
Stanlake, of Stephen, returned last
week froro an extended trip through
the Western and Southern States. He
went largely for the benefit of his
health which le considerably im-
proved by the outing. -Mr. J. G.
-Jonee, our genial merenant -has pur-
chased the 'neat and comfortable re-
sidence in .which, lie now lives from
Mr. - Spackman -The colteetions on
anniversary Sunday in Main street
Methodist -church figured up to
$860 which shows -commendable lib-
erality on the part of that congre-
gation. -The Womerre Institute held
their regular meeting in their hall
here on. Friday last when the timely
and important subject was discuss-
ed "Plum Pudding and Christmas
Preparations." -Mr. Henry Rundle on
the McInnis' herrn on the Thames road
had a- valuable horse die from inflae
mation lash week,—Miss Victoria
Miners of town has been appointed
, a teacher in the Dashwood public
echool for next year. -Mr. H. Smith
of Springituret Stock Farm, carried
off the first prize at the Provincial
Fat Stock Show at Guelph this week
for Shorthorn steer under One year.
B Notes. -Rev. .W. R. ThompsOn, who
e I engaged in the local Option cam-
paign of the Province will occupy
the pulpit of St. Andrew's church on
Sunday forenoon next and will speak
on the subject of local _option which
is being so much, discussed both in
public 'and ,private just now. -The
&etching in- this vicinity- just, now
is primel".and as a result business is
humming in our brisk village. Our
meTehante have their shelves well
laden with goods suitable for Christ-
mas presents athcili should please
the eye as well as lertghten-- the
hearts of their customers. - As
Christmas approaches our Sabbath
schools are making arrangements for
the usual Christmas tree entertain-
ments which will furnish - amuse-
ment and pleasure for both old and
young. -Mr. John Balfour, merchant
this. place and Mr. F. Taylor are
among the latest arrivals from the
wee. They all like to get beck to
old Huron if they can when the cold
weather sete in ' although many say
they do' not feel the. cold in that
country. -Mr. Alexander Monteith,
who, foe the past few years has
been devoting a pod deal of 'hie at-
tention to Sheep breeding, ihas re-
cently made a number of good sales
in that line. -Mr. Gilbert , Dick, the
'popular, steek dealer of this village,
within the past two weeks has dis-
tributed over four thoueand 'dollars
among the farmers of this vicinity
for stock which he has shipped.
Hereafter Mr. Dick will ship every
Tuesday instead of Thursday as here-
tofore. •
• Dispute Settled. -Mr. A. Q. Bobier
and Mr. David Mak, who have been
in partnership in the hog business
for two years and a half, dissolved
partnership thee first of September.
Mr. Bobier refusing to give Mr.
Mack his claims and Mr. Mack refus-
ing to accept Mr. Bobierht statement,
it resulted in Mr. Mack bringing an
action against Mr. Bobier. The;
difficulty *hate now been settled. Mr.
Bobier paid; Mr. • Mack his claims
and everything 'has been straighten-
ed out Mr. Mack was born and rais-
ed in Hay township, two miles west
of Rodgerville and is well known in
that community and this is his first
occaeion to employ a lawyer In
trouble of this kind. -Com.
Briefs. -A movement is on. foot for
the establishment of a knitting fac-
tory here. A Mr. Spaulding, a prac-
tical man' of experience, offers to put
in the business $2,000of his own
money, the capitalists of the town
and vicinity to take stock in the coral-
pany tobe formed to the amount of
$30,000 • and the town to give a
• bonue to the company of $19,000 for
20 'yeers, the sinking fund and the
interest to be paid back annually.
For this the company would erect
the building, install the necessary up
to date machinery and employ from
40 to 60 working people all 'the year
rOund. The scheme looks feasible
enough if the money can be raised.
-The Ross -Taylor company have
asked the council for a reduced and
fixed rate of taxation on their sash
ahd door tfactory. Their present as-
eessment outside of their business
tax is $2,350 and they _desire a fix-
ed Tate of $1,200. The decision of the
council, they say, may determine
whether or not they will continue in
town as they have had tempting of-
• fent to remove tie other towns. Three-
fifths of their output is for outside
townand cities and their pay
list amounts to about $5,000 a. year.
The matter will be considered at a
future meeting or council. The re-
• quest of the company is not unreas-
onable considering tr t benefit their
factory ta to the town. -Mr. A. R.
Bobier beef purchased from Mr. R.
Terry, the 50 •acre lot near the sta-
tion west of the railway traers pay-
ing for it $4,000. Mr. BoiKer in-
tends u.sing it growing trutic for
the new canning factory. -Mr. C.
Woods met with az peculiar accident
a fewdate; ago. Ire was slaughter-
ing a pig *hen the animal kicked
the knife in his hand' knocking it a-
gainst his face inilicting quite a
Ohristmas :.1 ifts.
Good Cattle. -Mr. Peter McKay has
recelved a car load, 27 head, of very
fine young cattle., from Algoma. He
got thernt for winter feeding,' but, as
there are more of them than he has
room for, he will sell a few to any
who may require them. They are all
Shorthorn grades, of a very superior
class, and all steers coming three
years old, except four, which are
heiferee They were purchased in Al-
goma, and brought down here for Mr.,
McKay by his brother Dan, who re-
sides %ere. The most of them were
raised by Mr.. Batty, a large breeder
in that country, and they are de-.
'eeendants from a very fine Shorthorn
bull, purchased from the herd- of Mr.
•W. J. Biggins, the well known breed-
er of 'Stanley.
Council -The.councij met in the
town hall, Seaforth, on Saturday last,
all the members being present. A by-
law was provisionally adopted, au-
' thorizing the council to Issue de-
bentures for the sum of $15)000, the
meeney to be used for the erection
of permanent bridges where neces-
sary int the municipality, and fo be
re -paid in 20 equal annual instal-
ments. Ratepayers Anterested in this
• or the "Local Option" by-law will
find copies of them in this and the
three succeeding issues of The Ex-
positor. They are also advertised in
poster form in each of the post of-
fices in the municipality. The nom-
ination 'will be held in Dixon's Hall,
Brumfield, an Monday, December 31st,
from one . till two o'clock, and,
should- a.poll be necessary, such poll
shall be held on January 7th, 1907, at
the ueual places and by the follow-
ing . officers: In division' No. 1,1
Geo. E. Jackson, deputy returning of-
ficer, Hugh "Chesney, poll clerk. In
division No. 2, Samuel McGeoch, D. R.
0.; poll clerk, to be appointed. In•
dvivion No. 3, Chas. Routledge, D.
R. 0.•Geo. W. Turner, poll clerk.
Itt divIdion No: .4, Robert McCart-
ney, D. R. 0.• J. W. MeIntosh, poll
clerk. In. division No. 5, A. G. Srnil-
lie, D. R. O. ; Duncan •. Wood, poll
clerk. In divisioh No. .6, Wm-. Sin-
clair, D. R. O.; Alex. Sinclair, poll
clerk., A by-law was passed, author-
izing the payment of the following
salaries, which are the same as last
year, viz: •The reeve, $75; •council-
lors, $55 each; treasurer, $100; clerk,
$165, membersof the Board of Health,
$5 each. Accounts were passed a -
Mounting to $448.71. The next meet-
ing wilt be held in the town ball,
• Seaforth, _on Saturday, December
15th, - at eleven o'clock. It le hoped
that all Who have accounts,against
the _corporation will present thenx at
the above meeting, so that the year's
businese may be completed. -.A; G.
• SMILLIEe Clerk.
•17 MoKillop. .
Tea Meeting. -The ladies- of Duff's
'church will hold their annual tea
meeting- and Christmas entertainment
in Dare church, on the evening of
Friday, thei 21st -inst. The Seaforth
Presbyterian church choir has been
sechred for the occasion. There will
also be speeches, recitations, etc. A
good 4rneh is expected, and all are
cordially, invited to attend.
The • Counc11.-Council met at the
Commercial Hotel, Seat rth, on De-
tember llth, all • thc m mbers.- being
present. Accounts to the amount or
$9,129.19 were •paseed and paid' by
Cheques • on the treasurer. A. by--
law appointing a place for nomina-
tion meeting and in case' 6! an el-
ection polling stations and deputy
returning officers was read and fin-
ally • passed. The council then ad-
journed to meet again at C. White's
at .Leadbary, on December_ 15tn. at
10 o'clock a. m. -M. hiardie, Clerk.
School Report. -The following- is
the !report of the pupils in the school
in section No. 2, McKillop, for the,
month of November. The marks ere
given for examinations and good be-
haviour: Claes y -Ethel Kerr 669,
Class .IV -Brenton Kerr 691, Samuel
Storey 605, Percy McMichael 592, Ail-
een Scott 512, Homer Hunt 507, Jean
McMichael 489, JOhnston • McElroy
137. Cless III -Wm. Storey; 463, M.
DOrrance, 431, Jessie Wilson 419, M.
Dolmage 402, Clifford Hunt 374, Robt.
McElroy 361, Lorna Harn 205, Omer
Anderson 147, John Merle 107. Class
II -Edith. Hunt 362, Ethel Ham 182.
ClaSs 1 -Edith Dolmage 178. -HELEN
McMILLAN, Teacher.
The • Late Mrs. Wm. Scott, -We
made brief reference last week to
the very- sudden death of Mr. -Wm,
Scott of near Leadbury, which oc-
curred on Thursday, the 6th in.st. On
the previous Sunday Mrs. Scott was
preparing to attend the funeral of a
neighbor" - W,hen she was sadderilr
smitten by appoplexy and died as
stated on the follo-wing Tharsday,
never having regained consciotisness.
Mrs . Scott's maiden name was Eli-
zabeth D. Elliott. She was born in
Langholm, Scotland; on Dezember 28,
1848, and was, therefore, only, 57
sears and 11 moaths tld at the time
or herdeath. In company with her
husband she came to Canada on the
ist of July, 1873, and 'Settled in Sea-
lorth, where they centinuea to re-
side for several year- before remov-
ing to McKillop to ohgage in farm-
ing, and where She sontinued to re-
-side :until her . deatin Theyhad a
family of twelve children, ten of
whom are -Still Tliving,. five wine end I
. 4 1
The Christmas spirit is in the air. • Every one is busy planning
they will give to brother Or sister, to father or mother, to son or da
The tendency of the times is towards useful gifts, Take Footwear
instance, What could you give that wouid be more useful or servi
able, or more appreciated, than say a pair of -comfortable House Sli
pen, er a pair of Fine Shos, or Oversboes, or Rubbers, or Felt Sh
This store ie headquarters for all kinds of Christmas Footwear, s
able for every member of the family. When you buy here, you
variety and assortment not found elsewhere, and our prices are alwa
most reasonable. For instance we have :
For Father or Brother Fax Mother or Si
$ 25c to $1
60et. 1
1 00 to 2
1 10 to 2
60 to
2 00 to 2
Carpet Slippers...
Leather Slippers............,t,
Hoekey or Skating Boots...
$ 35e to $1, 00
75e to 1 25
75c to 200
1 35 to 3 00
• 85 to 1 CO
1 75 io 3 00
For the% Children.
We have lots t4 Warm House Slirpere, from 25o upwards
Boots, Moccasins., Fine Shoes and Rubbers of all kinds,
Sole Agents for the "Slater" and WallhOver " Shoes for mete midi1 the
Quality" and 44 Empress" Shoes for women.
five daughters. All, with the ex -cep- 1
tion of: 0116 son, were privileged to
attend the funeral) but Mil' two
daughters and one son. are still at
home. She wee- a woman. of more
than ordinary intelligence and re-
finement of nature. She was a kind
arid obliging neighbor, a faithful
wife and .helpmate and an affection-
ate mother and wise counselors he
will bet greatly miesed, not alone in
the family circle, but in the neigh-
borhood, where she was SO bighl y
respected. The sincere& eympathyi- of
all he extended to Mr. Scott and fent-
ilet on account of their irreparable
loss and sad and sudden bereavement.
Notes. -We convey heartfelt sym-
pathy to Mr. William Scott and fam-
ily int this' their time of- sorrow and
bereavement. -The Ladies' Aid. of
Bethel church had a successful meet-
ing at thehome of Mre J. McPher-
eon on Thursday -afternoon last, The
amiable hostess made her gueste fed
comfortable and at home .-Mr. and
Mrs. Thomas Deeming were down at
Bornholm on Friday last attending
the 'funeral of Mies Shider,twhe was
a niece of Mrs. LeeVitlig's: The de-
ceased young lady, o was about
20 'year.* of age, had retired in good
health but was found dead in bed
the following morning.' Sheelwaeweil
and favorably known to 'many in
tthe section and we convey our sym-
pathy he the sorrowing relatives. -
The flurry of emow ,eombined with
the frozen" ram, which have fallen,
have made very good. Weighing ab
the time of writing.-MunIcipal mat-
ters are dull. Our present reeve,- Mr.
John Govenlock, is likely to be op-
posed by his tousin of the same name
and then will come the tug of war.
• Tour correspondent has again- been
approached and requested to run for
the totmeil but says he ilea no use
for such petty offices.,
ed fteern _Saskatoon. ;We are
to state! that our young friend,*
health was not of the best while ini
the west. -Long looked for but tame
at laSt. "The Construction Tralte"-
which -arrived in our !village . earl -
Monday forenoon. Our citizens
anxioaely awaiting the time
we will have regular train Service -et
We ars sorry to report the -continue
ed illness of We. Barrows and
Jean Stewart, but trust they 'Tess
soon improye.-Miss Violet Carters
hay returned to Toronto after spend-
ing. a few weeks at horne.s.-A, ntune
her of theyoung, people spent a Very,
pleasant evening at Mr. Emigh's las
week. --.Mrs. T. MecloY and Mr. Wt
Murray letpenti Sunday -in Sea -forth,
• Walton.
• Unfortunate • Accident. - A very
dietressing atid painful accident hap-
pened to Mr. Charlie Case, •a well
known and highly respected resident
of thie vicinity. White 'engaged in
ratting eitraw on his farm on the
boundary east, on Monday afterneon
of 'this week, in some unaccountable
manner hie right hand was .drawn
into thei rapidly revolving knives,
•cutting away all of the fingers, and
the palm of the hand, with only the
thumb remaining. Drs. Menzies. and
McKelvey were immediately *lent for
and they found it necessary to am-
putate the hand at the wrist. Needf
less to say Mr. Case has the synae
pathiee of the entire edmmunity in.
.thie• unfortunate accident.
local Items.. -The beautiful sleigh-
ing is being taken advantage of by
any Who have any form of teaming
to dm -Mr. George Hamilton is home
from Indian Heed, Sask., where he
was extensively engaged in the fur-
nitu.re andlz undertaking business,
which he disposed of before leaving
• the weet. We have not heard what
Mr. Hamilton 'proposes doing, but
trust that, he intends rernaliiinc in
Ontario, a we are always pleased
to welcorml back any of our Huron-
Jcent McDonald, of tie •
north grahel road, hat also return -
1 .
B. R. BIGGINS. Brimfield, Fire and Life r-
ancf3 and Real Estate Agent t Oonveyanyin
taloa'', privatea or company funds iowes
int4rest. - ••
(Continued from Page Three)
Notes. -Charles Wessman) of t
London road, Small, has purchased s
new cutter from P. Tomlinson. Mrt
MeCowan also got one the same day*
Fred is a -hustler to sells-Duncate
MeTavidh has arrived home from the
Northwest and it is reported that ha
is not going baek alone. -Jas. Mee
Queen, of the 2nd eoncessien, of Stan.;
ley; Is this week shipping his sagar
tbeets. It is rather a et:At job.---Mrt
A.lex. Mustard is busy shipping 11=4
ber..=-Mr. Geo. Hart, the new mali
contractor for carrying the maile
between the post office and the. stag
ton; corn/fie/ices bis duties on Jane
uary let, 1907. -The many friends of
Mr. David Roee,tt will regret to
know that he le laid' up with a ver
sore hand and &I'M Dr; Ferguson, ef
Hensall, is in attendanee and VS
bope - roe a speedy recovery -41r
Hall, of Ayr, is this. week "Min
at Mr.- John McKenzie'e,.
Christmas Tree -.4 Christmas tres
entertainment, under the auspices
the Presbyterian church Sunday
school will be 'held he thetown halt,
on Friday evening, Deciember
'There will be a good programme and
every person Is Invited to )je pres0$
and lia* a good time thereedvee and
assist in giving others that ASMe.
Your Savings
are S
When deposited in
Western Bank
• Interest paid or• compound-
ed tvvice a year.
Borrow Your Requirements
• frora tis and pay estate
"RANK McOONNEtits Blea\kgek
opularGift Boo
• • THE DOCTOR, by Ralph ,Connor $1 25
• A LADY OF ROME," by Marion Crawford 1 BO
• " CONISTON," -by Winston Churehill 1 BO
" THE SILVER MAPLE," by Marian Keith • 1 25
" DUNCAN POLITE," by Marian Keith 1 25
• "THE 'UNDERTOW," by R. E. Knowles 1 25
'TBE PRISONERS," by Mary Chilmondeley • 1 _50
" PUOIC �F POOK'S HILL," by Kipling 1 50
" WHETE FANG," by Jack London • 1 50
Mailed to any address in Canada or United States, on receipt of price
•- 10c extra for postage, by
SEAFORTH, piqTA uria
What 'would be nicer than 'a good Sewing Machine fax wife,
mother or friend? I have them in different styles, and am
Very special bargains from now
Remember, it's the Singer store
Next to Richardson & McInnis' Shoe Stor
r ,moktseaftrtmtaeri#526#,,,g#T,—#
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