HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1906-12-14, Page 3906
on 481, David Oesch, 821, Thomas'
Johnston 198. Senior III—Total 440—
E031 Schilbe 822., Jurdor III -Total
440—Mamie Solmston 800. Senior II
Total 840—Noah- Hartman 150. Jr.
II—Total 440—Pear1 Sante 834, Gor-
don Johneton. 863. Part II—Total
440—Irene Pollock 896, Bessie Snider
346. Part X—TOtal -340-Minnie J01311 -
eon 256, Arnold Schilbe. Average at.
tendance for the month 14. Helen
M. Sparks, Teacher.
— •
Catarrh of the nose and throat
abould lead you to at least ask us
for a free trial 'box of Dr. Shoop's
Catarrh Cure. Nothing ea Surely
proves merit as a •real, actual test
—and Dr. Shoop, to prove this, earn-
estly desiree that we let - you make'
that test. This creamy, snow :white
.healing balm sc)othes the throat and
nostrils, and quickly purifies a foul
or .1everish breath. Call and investi-
gate, Sold by C. Aberhart,, Seaforth.
of Poem
1 Town.
ianent bridge be
iienee of the resi.
lublat at large.
the cost of eon,
ThOIIRalld Dob,
PaYhr?-, for tha
hatcl bridgee, it is
the Toevenebip of
on or $16,e0), re,
nnired to be raise
mg the veld pro.
toIe rateable pro.
.2 -cording to the
t existing debene
is the stun of te„.
Principal or inter.
le -hereby enacted
Rid CorporatiOn of
natu.re be ereeted.
t and nwessary
ipality at a cosi;
fe4ite.00, -
.said Council to
oalinge and enter
tion. all necessary
or the purpose ot
idges be ereote.
mg for the erection,
it shall he law -
of the &lid Cerpor.
willing to lend the-
etresed Dollrirs at
cent. per annum,
enema instate
he re.payment
thereof ib
1toat to bei.fporation to that:
1.00 each, and pay.
rent With interesb
per centura per an
mime/ payments of
which said deben-
porate Seal of the
y the Reeve and
the said Corpora.
ured and agTeed to
el to be' payable at
Commerce, in the
-he said deb -ell-
e -went of principal
'es, shall be levied
tecial rate sufficient
eperty in the said
D force and effect
received the assent
rs of the saki, Town..
.ote upon this by-
F JANUARY, 1907.
Adock in the fore --
-leek in the after -
wing places within
e following Deputy
Undoubtedly the best areWeci on
the continent. Proved to be so by
analysis of four chemists, and by
awards of the world's great Exhe-
bitions, especially CHICAGO 1893,
where it received ninety.six\ points
out Of a possible hundrede much
higher than any other Porter in the
United States or Canada.
urn Cgogifor
Good Advice. -The Lietowel, Banner
givee the following good advice 'WI its
,ireader, and we repeat it with bin-
jihasis for the benefit 'of the readers
Ot The 8Spositor. It is as follows:
"Te the tfMill sereestor wtho i tempt-
ed to euer Cobieit etock theonly ad-
vice le-atiOn't. If the mine is no
good tyclu, 10000 yeur maney. If the
enine le good l the big men Will, squeeze
Lyoa out 'and you will loose your
mOndy Pit 'a's surely. Get around in
the 'morriing eeadl attend to your
own busnees and let mining stocks
neorge Peace' Hall:
el, Deputy Return'
bool House No. 8,
ruing fifileer.
l•eitool House No. 4
,rning Offieer.
3ehool House No. 3, •
turning Ofileer,
eehool House No. 1.
me Officer.
Strong's Hall, Win.
nship of Tucker -
of January, 1907,
to suni up the
,ainet this by-law,
residence on Lot
ceeIeek in the after-
+ December, 11,06, for
ttend at the various
he final suromiug up
u behalf of pereone,
:eine; the passing of
of December,.
. a proposed hy-law-
leratiou and which
itucil of the Munici-
remith the event
4 obtained thereto>
peblica Lion in the
whieh first publiea-
, 1000, and that the
dimieipality will be
the hour and placea
LIE, Cie&
iiquor in the
Of the Towne
toreby enacts
pirit4us, fermented,
d s allbe prohibit
mem, or place of pub-
nicipality, and the
ele, is and shall
aee other than a,
the saki municl.
s of the said Towne
on the byelaw by
i4nU,fteL named, on
red and Seven
e morning and On-
ternoon at the un-
--At Geo. 13atee
....kiwi, Deputy Re.
- At School Ifouso
Returning Officer.
--At Sehool Houee
Returning Officer.
-At School }louse
• ILL turning Officer.
. -At School House
ruing Officer.
. t George Strong's-
,.rtiber, A. IL. 000,
,..111 o6
tho- hour of LWG
-.oat] appoint in
4 tOittIVA-
the clef h, end
:re plaee09ik•131.11f
'''''''''14 (..f promo. -
a like nuttil.er oa
and clesuotrg. of
Le I :At t t'Lld
.1 the forenoon ort
to stun ttp the-
., this by-law.
...l). ietion, and be
er ti:st dey of
te Tee.
!et h. Oleo.
edpy of a .10'
Lu into coneeler-
el the Towne') IP al.
"Emily paesecl by tile
iseeent of the elect-
rorbled by "the Lilt*
from the lltt
-14:X1'0111'0g, th-e CU4be"
Ferepee, the iiF°riv'
. and that at the-
for taking th
ait be held. .
Ef Clerk.
tmas Photos
no more aceeptahle Christmee
,be eent a friend than a. good
We make a epecialty of
w is the time to order, ea Chrlotrnaa
Eoon be here., WI at omit] before he
-es, and save yoursel disepeoiet-
e Freming le a epeelalty with us.
OK80141 BROS. Seaforth.
Tett free
zee pOst-
eaid this
-romped 18 -inch
'Coleelei Art Centreple
et 5 new
Vigor' e
The Great French Maltaer
*RC 1
ProMptly cures Debility or Wkness result.
ing from indiscretiona or excesses
Best and surest remedy known f rail diseases
that follow as a sequence of abuses. Teosa of -
Memory, Pains in the Back, Dimness of Vision,
Premature old Age and many other diseases
that lead to Physical Weakness, bisaility and
an early graee. Mailed to any addtvas on re-
ceipt of price, 50 cents, orfive boes for $2.
Winter Terrn opens Jan. 2nd
Here are sloIne of the recent records made
by the • 1
Write to -day- enclosing 25 cents In .
.stamps or cola and state design wanted
Thiele thobiggesb offer we ever wade. We
do Pe to convincer every woman that the HOPAr
lourtNat.ts the greatest magazine publibhed
M Canada, containing Health and Beauty De.
eartriteq, Cooking, Household Hints, Wit and
4oraor. ranhion Notes, important Foreign News
eriel and Short Stories and Latest Patterns.
Send 2S cents for one year's subscription t�
the Borne Journal and the centrepiece. s
liome ournalTORONTO
Establiyhed 1879
Whooping` Cough, Croup, Bronchitis
Cough, Grip, Asthma, Diphtheria
cresoiene is a boon to Asthmatics
Does it not seem more effective to breathe in
remedy to cure disease of the breathing organs
than totake the remedy into the stomach?
It cures because the air rendered strongly anti-
septic is. carried over the diseased surface with
eery breath, giving prolonged and constant treat.
ment, it is invaluable. to mothers with small
Thoseof a consumptive
tendency find immediate
relief from coughs or in-
flamed conditions of the
Sold by druggists.
Send postal for booldet.
Linemen, lelmns
Limited, Agents, Mont-
real, Canada. 3°1
Out of the last 260 calls froin Imainess firms, we
have filled PIFTEEI%.l of the posttioask We had no
one else ready to send. We have alsolhad 82 calls
for business college teachers. 101 e:e-students of
other business colleges or sherthand iaehools were
enrollecl here during the last two years. Wei be-
lieve we have the best commercial school in Can-
ada. We thoroughly satisfy our students. 'Write
to.dfiy for catalogue.
W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal
(Mr. Yonge andlAlexander Sts.
2022-tf 1 1
Try the New Store
Where they don't trifle with
other people's businee9, but
pay strict attention to the
wants of everybody's needs
in the line of
•tresh, Cured and Cooked
Bologna and Sausages, Gro-
ceries, Fruits and Vegetable,
al! at right prices.
i_Ly our 27c Tea.
From Drudgery
to $1,200 a year
This is what we are doing for the young
men of Canaele: to -day.
From long hours of unconkenial work
with little pay, to pleasant positions it rail-
way offices, with salaries ranging frora $50
to $150 per month.
Clip tuis advertisement, mail :it to us,
and receive (free) our handsome illustrated
book, " The Highay to Success."
B. W. Somers, Principal
• Dominion Sohool.ofireleg-
raphy & Railroading
New Books. -The following new
bookhave !recently ibeen received In
the Seafoleth Public Library: White
Fang,. London; The Woman at Ken-
sington, Le Quex; House a the -Wick-
ed, Le Qu.ees ; Animal Arts and Crafts,
Lea; Canadian Literature,ehicmurchy;
Hope my Wife, Moberley; Murehmore
Book,- Marshall My Stran,ge Rescue,
Oxley; twO boy tramps, Oxley, En
och Strove, Oppenheim; Ur.Wingrave,
Oppenheim; Lost Leader,
Oppertheirn ; The Betrayal, Oppenheim ;
Princess of Vasa:aye, Oxenhara ; Bob
Hampton, Parrish; The Fortune Hun-
ter, Phillips.; Lady Evelyn, Pember-
ton; Battle of the Strong, Parker;
Wacoueta, 'Richardson; ley Friend
Smith, Reed.
Why Not Write
for copy of our caillogne?
This simple act, cOsting a
cent and a moment of time,
might change the whole cur-
rent of your life arid bring
you many thousandS, of dol-
lars within the next ten
years. Try it. Adrdss
W. H. SHAW, Principal
Yonge and Gerrard streets, Toronto
I 2018-26
The originators of low prices in meats
Phone 96
Commercial Blo3k, Opposite the
Post Office.
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral cer-
tainly cures coughs, colds,
bronchitis, consumption. And
it certainly strengthens weak
throats and weak lungs.
There can be no mistake about
this. You know it is true. And
your own doctor will say so.
The bast kintt of a, testimonial -
"Bold for over sixty years."
Md. by O. 04 Ayer Co., !wire% Muss
- Also manutieturers of
tiers raS;11609,
We have no secrets! We publish
the formules of all our 3nedieines.
Keep tfiTi bowels regular with Ayer's
Pills and thus hasten recovery.
=wereessele ese esemsemes
tlemen.., were nominated as- candi-
dates for the council: Win. Grassie,
Nm. Campbell, W. M. =Gray, and J. L
3hon Johneiton has sold, his fa.rro on
the 13th tonceasion of Hullett, to Dr.
Taylor, of Londesboro, for $4,000.
Another New Tdwn.--Almost every
day we, hear or Mad of somel new'
town thett 'has sprung into .existence
ill Saskatchewan or Alberta, where
•towns seen to grow like mushroome
after a June shower.- A eorrespon-
dent writing from Theodore,
on Novernber 28th, *lays " There IS
quite a settlement around, here, some
twenty sdhool children -in tie lo-
cality; no ochool yet, but onel beteg
organized. Theodore is a thriving
business place. Last Friday, [Satur-
day, Monday a;nd Tuesday as many
as forty to sixty 'Wade re wheat
and lime oats each day ee.re
ed et A. E. Brown's elevator. About
one -hale of 'these- were, by Galicians,
having -good fine ox tearna. Mr.
Brown has had good heck in, getting
cere for Eihipment, many being return
empties- from She'ho, the end of the
line -wept, but the past week, since
the fairly good sleighing has •-come,
•-hie elevator may be blocked full any
clay. Several thresling outfits are
still Working and many stacks of
grain are to be seen ...from the -train,
aeso occasionally fields of stoeked
Ctiok's Cotton Root Compound:
The great Uterine Tonic, and
only safe effectual Monthly
'Regulator on whioh women can
depend. Seidl!' three degrees
of strength --No. 1, $1; No. 2,
10 degrees stronger *3; No. 8,
for special cases, 5 per box.
Sold by all drug sts, or sent
... prepaid on rece pt of price.
N.... Free pamphlet. Address : THE
COOK M ED ICINE CO.,ToRONTO, ONT. (formerlY Windsor)
A simple and effective remedy for
They combine the germicidal value of Oresolene
'with the soothing properties of slippery elm and lico-
riee. Tour druggist or from us, 10a in stamps.
LESIIINS, MILES CO., Limited, Agents, Montreal. 401
• The Firs*
The first day, of our winter term
will be January 2nd, 1907. We
will then re -open with undoubtedly
the largest 21ass in .the history of
this school. If you Want the edu-
cation.that prepares for good posi-
tions, write for our catalog—costs
no thin g.
Al11 Graduates get Pcisitious.
W. D. -EULER, Principal.
A. a MEMMIX2 1,211C2221157.22110=411=nlaE:"EilliNESZUM2112==a=1,
Safe Investment.
Debentures for Sale,
••••••414110 MIMEO
Seaforth, 'Nov. 28, 1878.
On and after April 1t next there
will be a daily mail service between
Seaforth. and Conetance, instead of a
tri -weekly, as, at present.
• -Mr. Malcolm, of the Rodgerville a,nd
West End cheese faetories, shipped
from this station, on Monday last,
Lour car, leasesof cheese. To make 'up
the four -car- loads, it took fifty
sleigh, loads, or 1,400 boxes, of 'cheese.
• 3. Hickson & Co. have sold 'the
Brucefield cheese factory to Mr.
Brownlee, lee of Oxfrod caunty, and
Mr. A. G. McDougall, of Seaforth,
Mr. and Mrs. John Hickson And
family lett SeafOrth on Wednesday
lase for -Virginia, where they intend
to opera 'the winter.
MT. .Wm. Sager," of the firm of
Sclater Bros., of the Seaforth lime
works, left on a trip to Scotland
this week. ••
Mr. Thos. Bell has purchesed from
Mr. F. Meyer, the -corner lot- on Main
street, opposite McIntosh & Morri-
son's carriage, factory, and intends
erecting on it next spring a dwell-
ing house and livery stable.
Mr. Thos. Govenlock stetted for
Windsor on Tuesday' morning with a
droye of 200 fine steers. He sold these
cattle to a distiller in •Windsor, snd
intendo driving them by the road to
that town.
NOtes.-Simon McKenzie,T ke r -
swath, will work his farm next year,
instead of :renting it. -A laige num-
ber of turkeys were sold this sea-
son, Some farmers had large flocks,
the .buyers being from Clinton, Sea -
forth and Varna, and 11 cents per
pound was paid for live weight. -W.
Chapman, who ha,s been ill ,with 'ton -
snits; is improving. -Mr. Geo. 'Hart,
OUT livery man, h.as heft given the
contract of taking the mails from the
'post office 'to the trains, at a salary
a $125 per year. -David Rouett has
returned from Moose Ja,w,Assa.,where
'he WS been since harvest.-Wm.Wil-
son leas (taken a position in P. Eaton's
store, Toronto. -Mrs. Nevin, formerly
of or village, has lately returned'
from 1Dakota, and is now visiting her
daughter, Mrs. Geo. Simpson, of Cobo-
conk,' near Peterboror-eMr. Alex.Mus-
tard has tied 'up a bunch of steers
for Winter feeding. Mr. Mulitard has
am faith in the eettle budiriess.-The
leIcTavieh farm, an -the Mill Road, east
•of thie place, has been again sold.
The purchaier this time isC Mr. Jas.
Armstrong, who now owns two hun-
dred acres of as fine land as there Is-
Piles get quick relief ' from, Dr.
Shoop's Magic Ointment. Remember
it is made alone for Piles - and it
works with certainty and, satisfaction.
Itching, painful, protruding, or blind
piles (Reappear like magic by its use.
Try it and see 1 -Sold by C. Aber -
hart, druggiet, Seaforth.
The Town of Seaforth offers for sale Debentures
bearing re and 6 per centinterest, pe,yttWe in 6, 10,
15 and 20 years. Less trouble to look after than
mortgage + ; simply draw your interest. For par
ticulars inquire pf
2031-tf • Town Clerk.
[ 1
Notice to Creditors.
in the matter of the Estate of George Belle, de-
All persons having any claim against the eittate of
George Belle, late of the Village of Egmondville re
tired fernier, deceased, are requested 'to send full
pertieutere of the same to Mr. Richrd Sillery, Staffs
P. O., or to Mrs. Charles Eberhart St
ela. P. 0., the
Executors of the will of the said Ge . Baile,duly veri-
fied;en or before the 15th of Dgcen ber, 1900. After
the said date the said executors Wil proceed to dis-
tribute the estate of the deceasediamong the parties
entitled to theliame, having reference only to the
claims of whin they shall haire Aceived-ootice.
After such distribution the eRecutors will not he
responsible for any part of the estate to any person
of whose claim they shall not hreVe received notice as
aforesaid. This notice is given pursuant to the
atatute in that behalf.
Sealorth, November 20111, 1900.
Soliclitor for Executors,
2033 -
You Run. No Risk
Pot every 8100,00 liabilities on the Government Standard, the
London Life 'lute 8113.50.in assets ; 85% of these assets are first mort-
gages -chiefly on property in Western Ontario and the -best sections of
You run no risk by insuring in the London Life Insurance Company—
cound investments, high interest earnings and economical management make a
policy in the " Londou Life" as Good as Gold.
In The Olden Days.
Interesting sketches of the 'early
days of Seaforth and vioinity,
- Itaken from the files of The Ex-
"Satisfa tion or your Money Back."
News Notes
—According to an official etatement
made to Parliamentm the other :day,
of the wheat exported' from Canada
during 1905, there was shipped from
Canadian pertre 21,187,886 bushels,
worth $17,919,572, as against 19,909,-
458 bushels, woe% $15,751,919 eent
through United States' ports in tran-
sit to oth.er -countries.
-The Canadian Paeific Railway
*Company are making preparations 'Le
clear up 150,000 acres of land on Van-
couver Wand, Britieh Columbia, with
the object of converting it into farm-
ing lands fit for settlement. It
will coat from $80 to $100 an; acre
to clear this ;ground.
-S. J. McCutcheon, of Port Arthur,
in May laetgave to J. J. Carrick
an option on eorne property there at
$12,000, aefif3 Icommission, taking $1
down, but found next day that hie
daughter, not thirheeff, was the real
owner, and he could' not sell. In; the'
meantime Carrick had void the pro-
perty for $14,000. But McCutcheon re-
fused to complete .the sale. The
matter was brought 'into court and
a judgment 'given in Toronto a few
days ago. At the trial McCutcheore
pleaded that 'the one dollar was not
In ton,sideration of the option, but
was a loan. He also pleaded ' that
the agreement wa.s 'not. 'under seal,
but Juetice Mabee declared a,gainse
him and gave judgMent hi favon of
Carrick for $2,600. So McCutcheoni
will be out that amount foe selling
property that did not belong to !hire
or for eueing his bargain.
- Scarcer Nov. • 7, 1873.
Mr. Robert Gibb ne was, orie Sat-
urday last, gazetted Sheriff of the
county of Huron.
There is some agitation to ex-
tend the boundaries of Seaforth by
taking in Egmondville and a part of
Harpurhey and baying the village in-
corporated into a town.
George Underwood, of lot 18, con-
cession 8, Grey, had his barn and its
contents totally destroyed by fire on
Tuesday afternoon. The fire was
etarted by .a boy named Elliott, who
was working for Mr. Underwood.' He
says he- was told to set the place on
fire by. his aunt, Lavine, Quigley, Who
offered bine $10 ,for the job.
Mr. George Cooper has seld his farm
on the' 7th concession,. Hallett, to
Mr. Robert Adame, son of Mr. Thos.
Adams, of this village. • The farm
contains 100 acres and the price paid
was $5,000.
Early Friday morning leek the barn
of John Leishman, 12th concessioh,
Tuckersmith, was burned together
with meet of his crop. The cause of
the fire is urcknown.
Seaforth, Nov. 14, 1878
At a recent meeting of the public
school board, Mr. Samuel Hicks, of
tWidder Stat4on, was appointed teach-
er of the second department and Mrs.
Coulter, of Hungerford, in Haetings
county,' was appointed teacher of the
junior department.
A meeting was held at Egmondville,
on Thursday evening last, for the pur-
pose of obtaining, the feeling of the
people of that village on the tquestion
of uniting themselves with Seaforth.
The meeting was well attended, and
the feeling was about lunahirnous in
favor of 'union. A committee was ap-
pointed to confer witn the council of
Seaforth int the matter.
W. H. ROBINSON, Inspector, Seaforth.
01.1.10 •••••• .1.•••••
&aorta, Dec. 5, 1873.
On Sunday, 30th tilt, there died
at the; rstsidence of her father, Francis
Fowlere Esq., in Tackeremith, Dora,
wife oil G. Ed -Win Cress -well, Req.,
reeve of Tuckersmith. Deceased -was
88 'yeare of age.
R. P. Rogers, merchant, of thii
village, ;has been seriously 111 [for
several weeks -
Adam Gray :Weil purchased the Sea -
forth Novelty t:Works from J. A.
The bridge which -hes, recently been
erected on the aide road, leading from
the 2nd concessioe to the Mill Road,
In Tuckeramith, and Ineown as Camp-
bell's bridge, was swept away by the
flood on Tuesday last.
The staem of this week' did consid-
erable damage throughout the coun-
try. Janie* Grieve's barn, in McKil-
lop, was unroofed, and the Roxboro
dam washed away. The dam a,t Bg-
mondville also broke away.
Coughs, olds, hoarseness, and other throat
Olments are quickly relieved by Clresolone
ltblets. ten cents per box. All druggists
Soh Doi Reports.
No. 4, McKillop. -The following is
the report of the pupils of school
No. 4, McKillop, for the month of No-
fvember. It kit based on regularity,
'punctuality, good conduct and general
proficiency Claes IV Jr. -Mary Riley
586, Minnie Ha,bkirk, 434, Jean Care -
well, 875, Archie Dickson, 318. Claw
III -Chester Henderson, 250, Emma
Lockhart, 240, John Henderson ,145.
Third Class. Jr -Winnie McIntosh 889,
Chas. Riley' 309. Second Class Jr.-
(- Lockhart 27. Part II. -Norman
Perth. items.
—The new, armories at Stratford,
Were opened by a geend ball on the
evening of Thu.raday, December 6th.
-Hon, A. G. Seyfort, late 13. S.
Consul at Stratford, has been ap-
pointed ,to the consulate at Coiling -
—Captain W. R. King, Of the South
African Constabulary, is vsiting at
the tome of Dr. J. W. Cull, -,of
Ilabkirec 291. Fine' Class Jr. -Jessie;
Kerr q21, Ja
deraon 1580
-The Mitchell band held a very
successful concert last week. eThe
talent was mostly local and: the pro-
ceeds- amounted to $85.
-Mr. Howard Sabine, foreman of
the St. 'Marys Argus, has purchased
the Marmora Herald, a thriving week-
ly of Eastern Ontarie.
-Mr. H. L. Chapman, telegraph op-
erator, who has been working for the
St. Louie & San Francisco Railway,
in the State of Arkansas, le visit-
ing his pareets, Mr. and Mrs. Henry
Chapman, of Mitchell.
-Ur. 3. H. McRobert, e former
principal a the Mitchell Model echool,
has been appointed' principal of Lon-
don Model echool, at a salary of $1,-
100 a year.
-Another pioneer of Mitchell pass-
ed away, in tie person of Mr. John
Fullerton, on Friday, Nov. 30th, at
the age or 86 'yearie wed 5 months. He
was a resident of Mitchell for 54
-Mr, S. J. Stubbs, son of Mr. John
Stubbs, of Stratford, -who 'has been/
English master in Smith's Falls Col-
legiate Institute has accepted a sim-
ilar position itt Peterboro,
-On the occasion of Mese Hobbs
leaving St: Marys to accept a posi-
tion at Rannoch, her pupils at the
central school presented her with an
address and a dainty Japanese tea
se t.
-A' graceful tribute was paid, to
Rev. A. Grant, the venerable pastor
of Knox church, St. Marys, recenti7
when a public reception. was -held
in his honor on the occasion of his
twenty-liret 'year, of service in the
-Miss Eliza Opper, of Listowel,
MAY surviving daughter of the late
Bernard Opper, died at the bonier of
her brothers, in Listowel on Sun -
These art3 bright, busy days -
at our busy store, Such bow-
ers of holiday brightness znau
it seems,Ohristmas every day
here. If you are puzzled whM
to buy, come and let us help
you out. We are headquarters
for everything in gift goodg,
'Tis well to bear m mind.
though, that early buyers enjoy
many advantages over those
• who put off their purehases
until the last few days. We
can't quote everybbing, but here are a few items that should
prove interesting to those with limited pocketbooks.
Boys Sweaters --Specials.
We have been particularly fortunate to purchase the entire samples of ait
Old Country traveller, just previous to his return to England, at a deeided
reduction on the cost price, and are now itt a position to sell you the very
finest quality of imported Sweaters at the domestic price. There are over one
hundred in all—no two alike,—and every garment the very essence of per-
fection in all the latest novelties.
Dickson 886Elsie en- day last. Deceased was 5e years of
, •
Oliver Lockhart -0.-
age and lealeonly been ill a few days.
:-Mies Kat. Schneider, of Bornholm,
eister of Mr. Bee. Schneider, of Mit-
then, died very suddenly last week.
The young lady retired ib good
health and when her mother went, to
call herin the morning. she found
she hadl died during the night. De-
ceased Was only about 20 years of
-One day recently, while Mr. J. S.
Coppin, of Mitchell, . was leading a
'young horse which he had been get-
ting shod, the animal 'reared and
one 'hOof struck him on the breast.
while the other inflicted a number of
wounds on the face. The shock wag
a severe one and Mr. Coppin was not
able to attend at his office for a.
few days..
-Rev. R. E. Knowles', of Galt, lec-
tured he Knox church, Mitchell, on
Friday evening, November 30th. Ow-
ing eci the unfavorable weather the
audience was not very- large but the
lecture on a trip to Europe was giv-
en in Mr. Knowles' best style and
was thoroughly enjoyed • by those
-Mr. Wm. Livingstone's flax mill
at Milverton, was burned down on
Wednesday morning of last week a-
bout four o'clock. The loss is about
twelve to fifteen hundred dollarsea,nd
as far as is known is not covered
by insurance. The mill had not been
used for the past seven years and
stood partly on the C. P. •R. right
of way. It is ,supposed to have been
set on fire.
-- -
No. 14, Stanley.-Tbe names are in
order of merit: Fifth, Etta Jarrot;
N. 11. Jones, Eleanor Hood. Senior
Fourtb.—Murray Fisher, Jas. Jar-
rott, Bens McBeath. Junior Fouethe
• -John Kehl, Oda McBeath, Jas. Gem -
mill. Senior Third, -Hannah Dins-
dlae, Sarale Rathwell. Junior Third,
-Arthur Jones, Lola Rathwell. Sen-
ior Second, -'rank Gemmell, Allan
Fisher, W. leeBeath. Junior Second,
-Anna Hood .Y- Ida, Rithwell. Second
Part,-Wallie MeBeath, Alex, Mc-
Murtrie. Firet Part, -G. E. McKay,
N. Hood, Anna Fisher. The best spell-
ers in the monthly spelling match
are: Fifth, Etta Jarrott ;. olenior-
fourth, Rena McBeath; jr. fourth,Oda
leicBeath: senior third, Hannah Dia -
dale; jr. third, Lola Rathwell ; sen -
tet' second, Walter MaBea,th.
Seaforth, Nov. 21, 1873.
Mr. Samuel Stark, tax collectoi for
Seaforth is on his reunde. The rate
this year is $1.85 on the hundred
dollar, and the total taxes amount
to $3,604.02.
Mr. James Kyle has leased a por-
tion of- the Goulnlock- property, ad-
joining the salt works. and will
'move his saw mill there froin Tucker -
At 81 meeting of rate -payers, who,
desire a ehange in the village council
for the current year, held: on Thure-
Pvening la*, the following gen-.
Ninthrop.-The following ie the No-
vember monthly report for School
Section No. 10, McKillop, balled on
regularity, good conduct and weekly
examinations : Fifth Class, -Total,
770; W. Govenlock 673. Sr. IV, -G.
Campbell 596, M. Bullard 593, J.
Somers 573, M. McKee 504, S. Mc-
Spadden 448, H. Blanshard 373.
Sr. 111, -Total, 650; R. Murdie 465,
L. Pethick 41, Govenlock 861, A.
Pethick 83'0, .W ,McSpadden 272, N.
Pethick 280, H. Warden 215, P.Hart
82. Senior Second -Total 280; B. Bul-
lard 242, J. Hart 140. Junior II -A.
Spearpoint 230, E. Govenlock 186, W.
Dodd e 176, V. Broom 87, H. Campbell
87, C. Warden 72. Part II -Total.
230; Elle Riley -127. Senior Part I
-M. Scarlet 167, T. Blanchard 146, J.
Bullard 141, .B. Blanshard 121. Part
I Junior -F. Bullard 137, D. Riley
PRICE, 50c to
The cream of the very best trade in
Neckwear comes with Christmas.
Every year more and 'more Neckties
are sold for gifts, and the demand is
distinctly Ler the better grades.
The very persistency with which
we've maietained styled and qualities,
gives us a positive advantage when it
comes to Christmas Neckwear. We
have the novelties that appeal directly
to the good taste and liberal ideas of
ladies buying for gentlemen, and ev-
erything that goes out under our name
can, be depended upon as full/ ffrst
411 the lines carried by ether stores,
an& three new ones—just out. Call
and !see them.
Black and fancy colored =
striped squares 500 to 81
Sweater Mufflers ' 26e to 75c
Striped and plain Folding
Mu er, elegant colored quilt-
ed lining, 25c to 81
• The best makers best makes
are here, put up in a hand-
some hex, beaetifully inscribed
•50c to 75e
Famous President Brace e 60e
A good line of men's and
boys' Braces
-The death occurred, -at hie home
on the third roncereion of Wallace at
noon on Sunday, December 2nd Usti
of Mr. Thomas Reid, a pioneer and
well known resident of the township.
Mr. Reid was in '72nd year and
death resulted from a stroke of
t 100, A. Campbell 84. C. y''-,, from the effects of wh c
133, H. Har
Durand, Teacher. •
year and a half.
A man's crowning glory is his hat.
The very latest in botb soft and stiff
81.50 to 82 50
We will exchange any hat after
Xmas, if the style or fit does not suit.
A collection of the swellest patterns
ever shown in Seaforth, all new Xmas
stock : colors guaranteed; fit -and
style perfect.
he has been suffering for about a
Dryida,le.-The following is the -A pretty wedding was solemnized
report of Union echooll section' No. 1, , at St. Joseph's church, Stratford, on
Stanley, based on regularity, punctu- Tuesday morning last, when Miss
ality, good behaviour and weekly ex- Eva O'Brien, eldest daughter of Mr.
axaminatione foe the month of No- and Mrs. D. O'Brien f Stratford, be-,
81.00 to 81,50
Hot Stuff for cold feet.
Fancy Cashmere 50e
Black Cashmere 250 to 50c
Plain and ribbed worsted 250
Heather mixed • 25e
Special silk and wool 500
Heavy Sox 20e to 35e
There is no more appropriate gift
for a man than a House Coat, There
is loads of home comfort in them, and
the ones we have are real beauties.
Pxices 85, 35.50 and 36
Our firat ehipment was sold almost
immediately. We have another for
Quietness—plain. white, white red
stripes, red. witb white stripes, etc,;
every possible color combination.
• Honey comb knit special for
Boys, all colora
came the bride of Mr. George Graham
G. T. R. fireman, formerly of St.
Marys. Rev. Dean McGee performed:
gilton ,Johnitton ,4,92„, Henry, pow,. the, ceremOVyi 1,.
vember MSS V. -David Steick. Close
IV -Total 740-Lo11nda DOWSOR 524,
Gerald Snider 514, Harald Schilbe 510,
The lead ie a strong
we have he variety to
White hemstitched
Silk fancy borders
Silk initialed
Plain white silk
Colored silks
2rc to
Long warm. Flannelette Gowns, e
full, well made, the vdry thing fo
cold winter nights
to II
We have everything in Gloves And.
Special fur lined 4, 82.00 ,
Mocho Gloves., good lining
500 to 3200.
Fine Wool Mitt and
Gloves 26e to 50e
Boys' Mitts and Gloves 25e to 50e
statement, but
back it up,
10c to 25e
20e to 25e7
25e to 50c
25e to 50e
50c to 81
Beautiful Persian Lamb, Dyed
Wombat, Freneh Otter, Australian
Beaver and Imitation Lamb.
Prices, 32.50 to 810.00
Special line for Xmas
Swell handle, double ribbed sub-
stantial, fast black covered self
opener. 31.00
'Lots of other lines
31 to 33
Something to lay aside for the rainr
in every conceivable style; shape, n
Special fur lined with
extra draw -over ear laps
Leather Caps 50e to 11.60
Fur Caps 12 to 312
Storm Caps 25e to 31
Christmas and New Year's, and. the
coming social events, all for high class
and strictly correct collars. 'We have
all the styles fathion has branded. as
Two for 25e, or 3 for 50e