HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1906-12-14, Page 2:toartitehtease peeing for. their - pet-
ariareent imptovernents paf of -eurrent
revenue as they are made, • shOuld. al-
ao. adopt " a policy mien as we have
General merchants for-the.People..
,rtetirnrnencled. Thie would ease
the annual amity rate and would'
..ede- proportionately reduce the .annentl-tax
h..eea--eeeeseeeaie-a'. eeeeeee-eeeeeiee-0.-esee . eueeereeeeeeeeeeeseeeeeee bill of Lthe minor municipalities..
Specials for the Xmas Trade
rOie,d0 were built by the. come-
Haeon hes 'long been. conspicuhus
for theeexcellence of its. leading roads.
Specially Prepared Coffees for the Holiday Trade
This week we have to arrive the following lines of fish --
Poultry Notice
We will still handle DRESSED POULTRY properly; &eased
„ All fowl must be bled, dry plucked, ciean,• including tail 1 and
wing feathers. Geese and ducks heads off
.ifighest Prices Paid for Batter and. Eggs.
Dried Apples this week 6 cents per lb.
Agency for Fit Reform Tailor-made Clothing-.
Successors to B. B. GUNN,
ty, bat if they had to be paid for
otit of current revenue they Would
net !have -been built lentil the preset
day. But the credit of the county
wae used, the payments were spread
over a long eeties *of 'years, the peo-
ple were not 'unduly burdened by
the payments and they have had the
use a the good road e for Potty years
or more. As a rule we do not ad-.
vise borrowing money or -going into
debt, But even this like most other
things, when done Intelligently, with
discretion and at the ,proper time, is
good business and can .be made 'pro-
fitable. Such a time now le, with
the -rural municipalities that require
easing off on acabunt of the 'Multipli-
city of What are known as permanent
improvements which have become ne-
' there are many, Whet through.gack
of -experienee get seettled Ole poor
ltind, Real eState Writs are plenthe -
ful Wherever: !you go,. teetct as - theta
business 'is to . sell land -good 1 and
1)0,4 IS ;advisable to --consult ,,..'.i tlie.'
government• agetitei before bdyin
land. Should a ferret worker.- be un-
fortunate in getting an unsatitsfacha
ery eituatione :the goreltriirrent agent
- he always willing to inetestigete anct;
see Justice done. One agerit tail mel.
as a rale, When a Soetchmen g4t his'
flog place he Could generally 3 look,
to his own interests afterwardie,',.: The
fent that 85 pip mit. of the Path -lets:
own their farms is the besh !testi-
mony that prospects lit Canada), are
a the( brightest." • IA!
— - --------
...........eameeteaa . ,
. . . .1
.NArater,Oure for Constipati n.
Half a 4p1nti of hot water I 4akert
half an !hour before breakfaeiV I will
usually keep the bowels regular.
Harsh cathartics nthOuldi be at ided.
:When a ;purgative T le needed,' take
Chamberlain's Stomach and 'Liver
Tablets. 'They are !mild and gentle in
tghisetira.. action. For sale by all 'drug-
. 4 '
A TimelyQuestion.
Mr. George Taylor, the Opposition!
whip he the Dominion fParliament, a
few days ago pat the following ques-
tion to the Government, which at
the time a witing has not been
'Ier the Government aware - that
Ilon. lar. justice Daagee has heard
several cases at the different, Metz&
Courts throughout the . Province of
Ontario, and that in many of them
he has reserved judgment; and that
although in %some case ti over one
year and in other cases over two
years have elapsed since be triedettieh
cases!, he has not yet seen fit to
'render- judgment thereon, and that
this Max has operated to the great
liejury of litigants V If so, wheat ac-
tion does- the government propose to
• take te procure a eipeedy delivery ,ef
judgment on thee several cases so
reserved?" • ,
This is a most pertinent and time -
than their predece
ssors • lY question and Mr. Taylor is en -
ft Xinvon •xpooitov :111 till:Lipid councils are bound to titled to credit for bringing the sub-
eonstract them or run the risk Of ject hto the notice of the Home and
IIRAPORTH„, FRIDAY, Dee. 14, 1906. '
heavy bills f_thr da,ma.ges for acci-
dents. These hridges and cue- 1 country In this prominent manner.
- d — — - verte cost more money. Thor are Mr, Juectice Magee may not be the
Municipal Taxation.- now a necessity and .the taX payer only sinner or perhaps the greatest
The. people 'of nearlY every rural must furnish the additional cash. sinner in -this respect, but it is very
the taxes are higher than they used
othen counties tut well have been to be,. Sorne, time ago a traction eh- ' grieviouslY. :We
increasing municipal taxes. 'This stip in: the cotaity of Wellington. This .
: efnor t rr°
heardatoGtocrirercii:evscaseigeoofn the
complaining for several years of the gine went over a bridge in 'the town- right at home. Over a year ago he
year the tomplaints are louder and ri f spectins -a dispute between. the to'Wrie
bordrary wthislr lo;Suwfficiennotly
t 0 t rsoan ,f
more bitter than ever before. Some ou,gh to carry the traction engine. It ' Ethft-P and a drain contractor. Ju.dge
are dtsposed to blame the's- mimicipal went through the bridge, the engin-
eer in aharge ' was hurt and the en-
offitere and to accuse 'them of ea..:
: gine more or less da,maged. The coun-
munieipality in this county Ref in certain that rile has Binned, most
These are some of the reasons why
ment was reserved until the learned
Judge could secure the opinion of a
competent and independent engineee,
travagance and mismanagement. This, and fhere the cape still stands so
cll. of the munieipality were glad to
hovtever, is entirely wrong. The mun- settle the Matter by paying the Man oefaffrorrhaano '
Yrscin knows. Every
beepnthade by parties con -
lapel officers of to -day are Just as $1,500 on account of his inijuries taind
efficient, as capable and as ecceeem_ fineesadcillionte
doctor's'Ilisi;drsidatis thhoes%0; e ire vain. 'No influence eeerns power -
ca , corned to .expedite matters-, but all
lcal ae were those of former years h to move the Hon. gen-
et r'epairing the engine, and had their . cu. 1 enough action -
when eTrilhai: motion should bring up a thor-
when taxes were low in ,conaps,rison - own bridge' to repair besides. It Will II'
vtith what they are now. The people thus be seen that it is net good pols discussion of the whol(m
e ese
mast look in another and Ira a du_ 1 icy for thet
municipal authorities more ,I. °ugh
than private individaale Ale lbe t)enat x on of Judicial dilatoriness We do aot
ferent direction for the causes for : wise aImes, but we do know that. in this
ad isound foolish. 1 know how it le in the other Prov -
high taxes. The people, are, them- I -There is also another impottant fac- '
1 tor in thie connection te be cOnsid- Province a Ontario law is dispensed
selve.s, partly to blame and .cieeerne in the higher courts in a most ex-
etanees over which neither the peo- i eied. leumbet has now become sot ,
asperatingly, leisurely- manner and it
high that it does! not pay to use i
ple or their representatives have con- in the constructime. of bridges and i li
trot are responsible for the rest. The culverts and consequently the more " 'g- people have chaetly
the .
There :an d tthe infliction so long
be noexcase for it, eith-_
people of to-tlay will not be ' con-, expensive but more enduring mater- er except pure indifference and lazi-
lal-e cement aral„, stet
el have o be
tent with improvements Buell as sat- I --' ' Bees on. the part of the judges who
I used. The life of la wooden bridge or ..
fted their predecessors ofnresicte over the several courts: There
fifteek4: culvert is about i twelve- years, it -- --
are plenty of them, goodness knows,
twenty on twenty-five years ago. I costs less than fialg what a cement
and they are well paid and oteme
Then the ordinary farmer was eon.. and steel one ddes , but thei life otf
tent to go to market on week days of
trettefroris rat rtharrthtel a means should, be devised !to' make
them toe the mark and tuen out
and to ehurch with his- family on enduring structures are in the end their bueinepe with Much greater
Sundays in a lumber waggon. They much cheaper than the old although
were not so particular about good the present cost is greater. These
rOsitiss Now, a lumber waggon in -a things added to the increased cost of
church ailed on Sunday would be a labor will fully account for the - in-
curiosity. Every farmer now has his creased taxes: This can be easily as -
covered buggy or his rubber -tired .certained by any one who will take
road waggon. This is all right. We the 'trouble tea -think' or figure it out.
do not tincl fault with this. ,Thatee Where the mimi0ipal councils -make
is no reason why the farmer should the mistake is' in trying to pay for
not enjoy the -comforts and luxuries these permaneht improve/meta. out of
of life as - well as the merchant ter current revende, In -doing thie they
manufacturer or any other member ' are leaking pea peeefeee generation
of the community. Indeed, the very Tay for, works' which will be largely
_ best is none to good for the beneficial to future generations. -We
farmer if . he can afford it, and he notice that the council of the towne
shoald be able to afford it. But ship of Tackeramith, are submitting
the -covered buggy and fast horse a by-law for the approval of the rate -
needs a better road than the lumber , payers authorizing ;them to borrow
waggon and the faithful, farm tea,ma sufficient sum to enable them to
The better road reeuiree more money . make these permanent improvements
to construct and maintain it, and the withont Laking - the amount out of the
additional money can only be got current taxes. If We mistake not the
steaders in the N
by iencreasing the taxes. It is the , toternship of Gripy did •the same .
year ending _30th- Of
gradual evolution of the times, only thing three or four- years ago and theme are as fee
the evolution has been more rapid the township of McKillop got author- from . Ontaile, 7,584,
during the past ten years than ever ity to use a portion of their murilci- Quebec, 792 - Caned
heforee .
Besides this, people used to be sat-
iated with a small threshing mach-
ine and horse power. Then carne --the
portable engine, drawn from placto
--Deapite many reports to th,e,
tontrary,the crop of oats in 1906 is
by no: meane up to the expectation*
or estimates of the crop . statistio-
lane, In the United Stated the crop
is away below the normal, and this
in a eyelet of expansion means eiore
then the face ehortage. In Cane,da
returne from mae any districts sw
a fairly poor -yield of light oats. Tee
wintt and rain during the ripening
period did the damage. Many feeders
will have to buy oats =before the
wnter le' over, and tide will have
the effect of sending up prices and of
keeping them up. Less feeding will
likely be done. With wheat , at 750
many will prefer to buy t hie grain!
than Date at 40e.
g • a rk •di• OVIlliffirinEnnaliMa
-Forty- Clydesdale horses, three-
fourths of them stallions, have been
shipped from Glasgow to Canada dur-
ing the past week.
-The Uanadian Northern Railway
Company has let or is letting con-
tracts for four and a half million dol-
lar'svvorth of equipment, consisting
of locomotives and freight and pass-
enger cars, all to be ready by next
fall. Most of the contracts have been
to Canadian work shops, Only what
they could not supply is being sent
out of the country'. ,
-Peter S. Van Wagner, :eine of the
oldest and best known residents of
Saltfleet township, died at his home
on the Beach, Dear Hamilton, Sunday
morning, in his 88th year. Van
Wagner was born within, a mile of
where he died, and had lived in that
neighborhood all his life. ire was one
of the oldest, if not the Oldest, Jus-
tices of the Peace in On team, having
been appointed in 1842, Deceased
was a member of the Chureh of Eng-
land and a life-long Libera/e
-A. despatch. from Regina, dated
December 2ild, says: "SO destierate
has the fuel famine growth' and the
farmers are in such terrible straits
now that zero weather has set in,
. that at Drinkwater, Sask., i 'on Satur-
day a trail on the siding vhis held up
by a band of fariners, whoiturned the
switch and stood guard jantil their
wagons were loaded from at car of
aced bound for Weyburn. Many of
these farmers Were burning lumber
from their buildings for Nei. Farm-
ers living thirty and forty miles from
town often remain through four days
to obtain a supply of coal and then re -
.turn home with a few huricled pounds.
At many points on the arrival of a
car there are sixty and.seventy teaxns
awaiting their supply.
--An exceedingly clever lund daring -
robbery was committed on Saturday
last on the train between Tilbury and
Fletcher, the next station in the coml...
ty of Kent. Mr. P. McArthur, ac-
countant in the Sovereign Bank in
Tilbury, Was on the train- going toitie
Fletcher, where there is at brci of
the Tilbury office. He had with him
a satchel containing VA/true cash and
•nunierous drafts .e Two *ell dressed
peen entered the car in which McAr-
thur was sittiug. One of them ap-
proached him andhanding him a par-
cel asked hiM to give it to a certain
While he
man the
el without
him and
left another, identically th mete in
appearance, in its place. I M6Arthur
did not notice the decepthen until he
arrived at the bank and Opened the
satchel to take out its contents. He
at once took steps to recover his pro-
perty, but the thieves bed left the
train and DO trace has :eince been
found of them. They are eupposed to
be a pair of well known crooks from
Detroit and may yet be captured.
To have beautiful, perfedt, pink,
velvet-like lips, apply at bed -time a
lig.ht coatipg of Dr. Shoop's Green
Salve. Then, next morning, 'notice
=carefully the effect. Dry, cracked; or
colorless mean feverishness, and
are as well ill appearing. Dr.Shoop's
Green Salve is a soft, creamy, heal-
ing Ointment, that will quickly cor-
rect any skin blemish Or ailment. Get
a free, trial box at our store and be
convinced. Large Glass Jars, 25 eta.
Sold by C....Aberhart, druggist, Sea -
forth. °
North-West .Elo nee s teaders.
The Department of the Interior at
Ottawa has made cep a, statement
showing the natio alitles of home-
rthwest for the
June last. The
Canadians fforn
ans from Nova
ans from , New
Brunswick, 245; Canadians from
Prince Edward haland, 176; Canadians
from Manitoba, 1,531; Canaeliane from
place by a horse team. These were permanent improvements . between the Sarikatchewan, 70; Canadians from Al-
berta, 393, Canadians from British
not of suffidient• weight to -require a present and -coming genereations. Columbia, 122. Persons who had , re -
pal loan fund for this purpose. This Scotia 348 Cana&
Is an equitable and proper policy and
should be adopted by municipalities
generally. 'It will keep their taxes
even and equalize the burden of belie
very strong bridge or culvert to sup- Money can be borrowed on the cred-
port them. But now a farmer would it of the townships for about 4
laugh at a thresher who would ask per cent. There are not, many rate -
him to use the old horse power or . payers to whom money is Apt worth
portable engine. The large, heavy, at leaSt 6 per cent. 4 saving is thus
powerful traction engine has come and affected in addition to equalizing the
it has, come to stay. These riecessi- taiation. The county, which has
- tate much ruche substantial bridges been pcfrsuing the game policy as the
Fit and
0.tui ni• PIF,P• • • 1513.•
vious entry, 2,951; Newfoundlan ers,
17; Canadians returned from the Un-
ited States, 703; Americans 12,485;
English, 5,891; . Seotch, 1,657; Irish,
543; French, 817; Belgians, 159;
Swiss, 56; Italians 14; Roumanians,
65; Syrian, 29; artna.ns, 1,024; A.us-
'tro-Ilungariane, 2,193; Hollanders, 75;
Danes, other than Islanders, 109 ;
Icelanders 170 ; Swedes, 589 ; Nor-
-11VV" TIF :44 L I Si, OuprricesAre t e
MennonitesTIsami:usVoaunistilogothrtr 48, ;tax;
Chinese none; Japanese, 'none; Per-
--- \ elan% 1; Australians, 14; New Zeal-
anders, 12, Canadians from Yukon 6,
Turks', 2; South Africans, 2; Trini-
dad, 1; Jamaica 1; Peru, 1; total,
41,869e repreeenting 105,420 'souls.
Is Only Two Weeks From Here.
You are invited to. inspect the
finest quality and lowest priced-
Christrnas:goods ever shown in
Seaforth. We will put away
anything you choose now,
T.: S
Men's Furnishings and Olothirog
A Guaranted Cure for Piles
Itching, Blind, !Bleeding, Protruding
,Piles. Druggists are authorized to
refund money if PAZO OINTMENT
fails Ite ears in 6 to 14, days.. 50c.
"is good tea"
Use a package and. you will not be satisfied
with aby other tea.
Prices -25, 309 35, 40, 5o and 6o cts. per lb. in lead pack
Good Sense
A Seotelenan writing from eorne
part of Canada to his home paper
paintthings in about their right
light as follows:
"The men who have eucceedea and
are succeeding in Canada are those
not afraid of work, who can eee op-
portunities when they present them-
selves, and, 'who can adapt thorn -
elves to new conditions. Many ad-
mitted that for a time they had a
pretty hard life, but after they got
acquainted with the Canadian meth -
ode and secured the class a farm or -
farm work they wanted, they soon
were able to bettor their eondition;
and have become attached to the
country. It Is not, to be supposed
that every one eucceeds in Canada;
some are unfortunate through no
fault of their Own, ' °tilers lack a-
daptability and perseverahoe, while
person at the next statione
was thus engaged with thi
other slipped in behind a'
being noticed took Mr.
satchel from the seat besi
How Bileane: Restored Him After
Long Suffering , from: IBiliousness
Headache and Liver 'trouble.
Mr. John' J. Wilson, St
e ton of the
Church of Messiah, Toroh o, and liv-
ing at 63 Wickson Avenie ' , has re-
cently told a press representative
how Bileans cured him a Chronic
'Biliousness, Dizziness iand Liven
ur. Wilson says: - 't Practically
from boyhood I have etiffered from
Biliousness and Liver and Stomach
troubles, and only recently I was
cured by Bileans, After food I should
have acute pains until ri vomited.
Ile a ("ache troubled me Very much.
Sometime*" it was so bad that I
could hardly: flee. At ther times
there would. edern to' be a rush of
something to my heath I should
turn dim,' and 1 have ven fallen
clown in the street. The biliousness
was so bad that for long periods at
a time 1 have been 'unable to take
food. Bielane were reco mended to
me ancl! I gave them a fe r trial, To
my delight they were e toil to my
case, and after a short .course they
cured me completely, I 'haw enjoy
the beat of health, and am free en-
tirely from the, ailments which
caused me such acute suffering for
so long. Bileans lire worth their
weight in gold."
Bifeans are altogether i differed to
ordinary medicine. They are com-
pounded from vegetable essences and
are free from alcohol,bismuth,meroury,
or any of the harmful mineral In-
gredients and 'poisons found In do
many liver an detomach remedies.
They have the support of ,many em-
inent !scientists and are frequently
prescribed as a cure for constipation,
piles, and stomach, liver and - in-
testinal diseases' generally. They also
cute female ailments and irregular -
Mee, 'headache, debility, dizzy spells,
heartburn, palpitation, heat flushes,
etc" As a general tonic they are an -
equalled and as a family remedy.
All druggists sell them at 50 cents
a box, or post free from the Eileen
Co, Toronto, upon _receipt of price. 6
boxes for $2.60. ' •
Why take chances of
getting unsatisfactory
Suits and Overcoats
when you can buy
Looh Jr The label
that protects.
72borryior youil
?ew your feet get col
ut if6r4yRer5Were
You bhoul& have twopa.nvoll het.
Za for &op
With your.feet N, a.-(23, comfortable m GRANBY-
-OVERSHOES, Coit.,\W:17,j110i 173 tPrror5
• t "..•
1906 —
— OF THE ---
T slit" of Tuekersin-
OotInty t51`
To authorize the Construction of Per
inanent Bridges in the said Towne
ship, and to provide for borrowing
the money required therefor. -
Whereas it is desire' hie that permanent bridges be
eonstrueted for the use and -convenience of the red-
deAnntsdowflthareezsMuintrieiliipalestiinuity land thhaetptelemasttlaorget
strueting such bildges will be Fifteen Thousand D.
necessery for the Cerporo.tion of the Townsbiu of
erection and construction of the said bridges, itis,
Tuckeremith to borrnw tbe said sum of 4,400,
payable within 20 years.
la4ramodrwthheerrea7easifuotsr „the pu' rpm of
ed annually by neecial rate for -Paytug the ate pros
And whereas the total amount re.quirect to be rale,
413h$olle'103rateaso'ble pro.
paving for the
erty within the said elunielpality,aceording to the
whereas tinhteevresalutethoefrtehone,
t revised assessment roll, es 82,140,024.
And whereas the total present existing donee
ture debt of the said Municipality is the sum of tee.
158.321 of which no part of either principal or inters
cut ism arrear.
Therefore be it enacted, and it is hereby ena
by the Municipal Connell of the sold Corporationeted
the Townihip of Tuekersmith.
I, That bridges of a pernsanent nature be erected
and constructed where expedient and neeeeeet5., -
within the limits of the mid Municipality at &cote
not exceeding the said sum of 015,000.00.
• That # Anil be lawful for the mid Comma es.
take all neeetary steps and proceedings and entee
into, on behalf of the sold Corporation, all necesseey
contracts -or other internments for the purpose of
causing anci procuring the mid bridges to be erect-
ed, constructed rind eompleted.
• Than for the purpose of paying for the erection.
and construction ot the said bridges, it shall be kes.
WI for the said Council, on ben& of the mid Corpus.
ation, to borrow from any parties willing to lene stese
same, the said sum of Fifteen Thousand Whirs at
the rate of four and one-half per cent, per annum,
re -payable within 20 years by equal annual Metal.
ments of prinerpal and interest.
4. That for the purpose ofsecnting the repayment
of the field stnn of $15,0001 to the lender thereon it.
shall be lawful for the said Council to cause to be is-
sued, debentures of the said Corporation to that
amount in sums of not less than $100 each, and pay.
able in 20 years from the date thereof, with interest
1 at the rate of four and orm-bialf per centum perm.
num, that ie to say in 20 egual annual paymente
nterest and ttrineepal conibmed, which said deben-
tures shall be sealed wish the Corporate Seal of the
. said Corporation and signed by the P.eeve.
eountereigned by the Treasurer of the said Cotport.
tion,end the amounts thereby secured and aimed to
be paid shall thereon be expressed to be payable at
the office of the Canadian Bank of Commeree, in rite
5. That durbig the eurrenoy of the mid deben-
tures, the sum -of $1,103.50, for payment of prmeipai
and interest of the eatd debentures, ehall b levied
and collected in eachyear, by a epecial rate Leaden?,
therefor on all the rateable property 1,n the ma
43. • This by-law sbaU oome into force and effeet
when ihiallypassed, -after having received the went
-of the elector&
7That the otes of the eteetore of tee
ship of Tuelrersinith entitled to vote upon this by-
law, shall be taken on *
. A.
ewspaper Chances
The Papers You Want
The Expositor to New Subsribers from now
to January ist,190 for $1.0.
We have made special arraigements With The Family 'Herald and Wealth;
Star of Montreal, whereby -we can Make the following extraordinary offer
New Subscribers to
The Huron EXpositor
The HurOn Ekpositor.........$1.001 BOTH FOR
The Family Herald .....$1.00f 0
In this will be included thp FAmily Herald's hau4some picture" A Tug of
War," easily Worth the price asked ter the two. papers. Subscribers wishing
that excellent work, "The Farmet'a Manual," OEM have the same for 250 extza.i
—The Balance of this Year FREE --
Another of the Best
We have arranged with the publishers of The Toronto Globe for . a special
rate for the Toronto Weekly Globe, We can give thee two
The Huron Expositor and
The Weekly Globe_ for
er setes'i of
Weekly Witness.....................$200
Northern . ....,$1 40
Family Herald and Weekly Star $1.75
Farrnex's Advocate, the
Farm papers......
the Presbyterian
Westminster °
Waekly •
Farmer's Sun..... . .$1.80
Farming World.. ......
. THE ExPosrron and
The Balance of 1906 Free to New Subscribers.
.. • • f. • • • 81 50
*•.*•t • • ,***$2425
PAP • I. • I, • I • • • • • 1•121
McLEAN BROS00 Seateor
commencing at the hour of nine ondeek in the fore-
noon and continuing until five o'cloele in the alter -
noon of tbe same day at the following,. places
the said Municipality; and by the lot:eying heretr
Returning Officers, namely :
Pollingetittb-laivision No. 1.--sAt George Dates' Halle
Egmonoville, George E. JatiM012, Deputy Retutiet
ing Officer,
Polling Sub -Division NO, 2. -At School House No. fe
Samuel MeGeoch, Deputy Returning Officer,
Polling Sub -Division No. 3e -At Sehool House No. a.
OW. Routledge, Deputy Returninr, Officer.
Polling Sub-Ditlinon No. 4. -At Scheel Holm N. a,
Robert McCartney, Deputy Returning Officer.
Polling Sub -Division No. 6.—At School 'House Na 3
A. G. Smillie,pepti_ty Returning Officer. -
Polling Sub -Division No. 0. -At Strong's Hall, Wme
Sinclair, Deputy Returning Officer,
8. That the Cierk of the said corporation sbaU
ttend at his office in the mid Township of Timken. -
smith, on Virednesdity, the 0th day of .lanuary, 1007,
at eleven o'elock in the forenoon, to sum
number Of votes given for and against this
and the Reeve will attend at hie -residence on
24, Concession 4, L. R. S., ottwo o'clock in the
noon, on Friday, the 28thiday of DeoeMber, 1000, feta
the appointment of persons to attend at the varlora
polling place4nd to attend at the final summing ITE4
of the said votes bYthe Clerk, on, behalf of persoen
interested in promoting or oppoebag the pawing et
this by-law respectively.
Provisionally passed this 8t1I day et Deeembere
Clerk - Reeve -
1 1 .
that the above a a true copy' of a propesed by
which has been taken into consideration and which
will be finally pitased by tbe Connell of the Minitel-
pality of the Township of Tuckersmith (in the itv
of the assent of the electors being obtained
after one month from the first pnblication en
Hugon Exrotneoe, the date of which -first rdnitie
tion was Flutost, DECEMBER 14th, 1000, and tnat the
votes of the electors of the mid Munielpality will he
taken thereon on the day and at the boar and *Dee
therein fixed.
A G. .8MILLIE, Clerk.
2035-4 •
Of s ,es OF110114.0
:aro •••••••...4
To Prohibit the Sale of 144uor •
Township or
The Municipal Council of the Town,*
ship of Tackersznith hereby enacts
as follows :--
1.-That, the sale by retail of spit -Hens, fenn
or other manufactured liquors is and sballbeprobibi
ed in every tavern, inn, enother house or place of
Bo entertainment In the said munielptilitye and be
sale thereof, except by wholesale, is and
be prohibited in every shop or piece other than,
house of public entertainment in the mid mitlam•
-2.-That the vote of the electors of the old
ship of Tuckersmith will be takenon the by.law
the deputy -returning officers hereinafterrnteeel dt
One Thousand, Nine Hundred and Seven
commencing at Dine o'clock in the morning
tinuing till sive Vele& in the atternoen at the
dermentioned places :
In Polling Sub-Divielon No. 1 -At -
Hall, Egmondville ; George E. Jackson, Dep
turning Officer. s
In PolHng Sub -Division No. 2. -At Sch
No. 8 ; Samuel eleGeoch, Deputy Retumin
In Polling Sub -Division No. 3. -At Schee
No. 4 ; Chace Routledge, Deputy Returning
In Polling Sub -Division No, 4. -At School
No. 3 ; Robt. McCartney, Deputy Returning Ofileets
'ln Polling Sub -Division NO. 1-). -At School Um*
No. 1 ; A. 0. Smillie, Deputy Itetarning 0M -
In Polling subsevision o. 0 --At George S'
hall ; Win. Sinclair, Deputy Returning Offienn,
3. -That on the 28th day of December, A. De
at, his residence, let 24, Concession 4, le IL S
thel Township of Tueltenimith, at the hair of
o'clock in the afternoon, the reeve shall ar
writing, signed by himself, two persons
at the !Mai swimmer up of the votaeby theeler
one person to attend at via polling Pinot on
of the persons interested in and desiroas of er-
g the passing of this by-law, and a like nifenter
behalf of the persons interested in and elesh•ere
opposing the pitssime of this by.lew. •
4. -That, the Clerk of the said 3lenton:11d
of the Townehip of Tnelteremith Audi attend
office it.t the hour of ten o'clock in $he fere-none
thi.• oth day of January, A. D., 1e07, to em
811181)03 of votes given for and ageinst this by.lest-
5,- -Tide by-law ehall come into operation, and .bet
of full force and effect on and after the filet dn. '-
May neet ofter the final passing thereof.
Council Climulier, November 1.7th, 1000.
A. G. Smillie, _Robt. ,1qKaY
Take notice that the above is 4 true Dopy la
posed btelaw-wlsich has been taken hito oes
ation bv. the Munielpsi Council of the To,vflshP
Tuckerernith and which will 130 finally wised
said Council (in the event of the went of the anr
ore being obtained thereto, as provided by the _sneW
uor License Act) after one month from thefl se4t-
1ication fhereof in Tim lirnex ExPosims,
of which first publication eels Finney, the _
mem DAV OY DECEMDER, 1000, Alla it at
hour, day and places therein fixed for tekleg
votes of the electors the pone will be held.
'20P5-3 A. C4. smiLLIE, 0
end pow ie
-will soon be
rush aterth
Baur* E
Thill tli
ito it to -eon
ut Casa"
beitlient# -
;et -Mandl
$nnd 25-
ths lime;
4ddre4 et
mae,,.• • • •