HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1906-12-14, Page 1'Early we hove. =henry * I in•••••••=1..1.2190.9.. FARe S EMS rIATS SAGS TS kIE [ELS ON TOPS OODS KNAOKS VERS. VERS, E Sit 1 CURL and IN RIETY ne of writ - as can be soon see hini now the or - at supplies of way for win - next ' Monday and and Wednes- Terkeys 10e, geose es 7e. Dreesed.— lans r•hickelk,s -R. W. Jewitt, et McDonald (igerson took eveniug.—Mr. -koka on Wed- ' Miss Alberta r.d, :NUBS Mae week.Miss nday at her W al T e laze are busY -ual Christmas .r entertained- xig friendS on honor of her recently re - 'west. We are. ruce with us. lagcrs took In o on Monday ood tirne.—Mr. horse that he of, it having in one load,. e again. Joe McMarat again.—Messrs. t A.darns and a hunting er- Lest and were erne was eerY, EIGEITTI BAB. I 0 NVMBER 2O35, - TailOring and roadYMade telOthin 'he GREIG G 0 0 Itrire BQD 13M.A.Te " I 1.06MEMII6MOMINiallaig0 66.1666 1FuRp :1 AND IPITENISR 111101.13 I /NH The m s Ruh SEAFORTH, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 14, 1906. 10 Pages The County"Counoil. The Dec,eraber moOtinig N ftihtel Huron County Council, opened at GoderichTN Tuesklay afternoon of la,st i wT eek. e Warden addressed the. Colette'', etalling the bueinese trans- acted since last meeting, and giving a summary of tile business likely to tome before this session. Mr. Don- aldson, a member of the Perth County Counell, heing preeent, was invited to take a seat at the council board. — Mr. Donaideon thanked the council 1 for their, courtesy, atd referred to , the friendly relatione that had al - `tee ways existed between the counties of ' Perth and 'Huron. The following communications were toad and referred to the several com- mittees to terhich they belottg ; From the Huron and Ontario Rail- way Company, giving notice that the eaid company are seeking for a charter . to build a railroad rtenning through •certain counties in the province. From the county of Hal- ton, 'respectingthe cost of adminis- tration of justice. Lieutenant Col - Young, giving the etending and the strength of the 33rd regiment in Lon- don camp. Request of Richard Hun- ter, of the township of Usborne, auc- Beginning ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Thousands. of ,people have become - wise to the expedi- ency of at•tending t Xmas shopping tar1y—thaI is be-. fore thpiast three or foul. days — partionlarly so with the larger shopping. Attend to your big affairs .Nictpw, and the ri you'll have theNifew days remaining to attend to the GRADE little things you're otherwise apt to forget. Our Xmas Sal gives most eyeryman, every woman and. boy and girl the opportunity of - the Season to buy sensibly and to .th eir heart's- content of the beautiful gift things; and at prices whieh vvill,not hit the purse too hard.. See if there is any- thing in the list below that will appeal to you. If you don't seeiblisted, come to the store. rnarawirownwerwargria. CIIRISMAS Men's Suits - Boys' Suits Xeres Overcoat Boys' Overcoats Fur Jackets Fur Coats Ladies' Jacket Fur Lined Coats BARGAIN'S I a 25 per cent off 16 15 20 15 15 25 15 it 6 ti And the goods mentioned below at prices given: 25c 35o and 500 15c 25e -land 350 50o, 75c 'land $1 25c, 3501and 50o 25c,500, 75o land $1 750,11, $1.50 260, 500 Land 750 .,75c, 40. $1:50 -50c, 75e and $1 43 to 50c .25,c to 500 25c to $1:50 $2.t0 to $3.50 50, 75c,.-$1, $1.50 500, 754 and, $1 15c 25c, 350 land 500 25c, 60c and 76c 15o, 20c and 25o Men's Fancy Ties - Boy's' Ties Men's Shirts Fancy Hose Mufflers Fancy Folding, Muffler Way Muffler en's Sweaters • Boys' Sweaters Boys' Stockings Boys' Caps Men's Caps Boys' Reefers Men's Gloves and Mitts Silk Handkerchiefs Linen Handkerchiefs` Suspenders Collars and Cuffs SILE6A.LL Oppossum Buffs Sable Ruffs Mink Marrnot Stole Fox Marmot Stole Caperioes Mink Stoles Sable Miffs Mink Muffs Fur Caps Fur Gauntlets Fur Collars for MEM Fur Collars for ladies PITIZ tioneer, asking extension of time on hie license. The solicitor's opinion respecting traction engines being drawn Ion the public highways. Peti- tion from the iniiabitante . of the police village of Mancheater, for in- crease in area of present incorpor- ation limits. Petition from the in- habitants of the village of Dungan- non,asking that the said village be erected- into a police village. After receleing a number of ac- noutts, the council adjourned uatit Wednesday. THE SECOND DAY. The Council opened on WednesdaY, according to adjournment, but, se none of the committees had yet !re- ported, the councel adjourned' _until two o'clock, to permit the committees to get to work. • When the Council resumed, at two o'cloek, Meagre. Cameron,. of Brussels and Hartley, of Blyth, ederessed the Council in reference to grants to continuation classes' in the public schools. They ask that the grant's of the 'council to those clashes, made in 1905, be repeated thie year. Theemat- ter waS referred th the Executivet committee, with inetrtictions to re- port. , A deputation from Wingham, come posed of Mayor Bell, Dr. Tamblyn,Dr. Kennedy, and' Mr. Grnen, addressed the council, staking for a grant frem the -council, to assist in building and equipping a; hoepital in Wingham. The Ekectitive committee were ask- ed to report on the matter. - An application- frone Mr. McCreath, care -taker' of the Court House, slake ing for an increase of salary, was re' ferred td the Executive committee': The gailor's report was reed and sent 'to tho County Property commit-, tee. .The reports of the House of Refuge Cornmittee,, the Goverrinceati Inepector, the local inspector and 'house keeper, were read and referr- ed td the committee of the wholeand adopted. The following are the re - porta referredt to: $3 50 to $ 6 00 4 50 to 1 1.5 00 4 50 toi 10 00 15 00 to 25 00 2 50 to '15 00 34 00 to 50 00 6 00 to 16' 00 35 00 to 60 00 300 to 10 00 3 00 to 10 00 4 50 to 600 3 50 to 500 Vhe1AAANWAWAAchANYVV1All irrEighest price for Butter and Eggs, 6 6 a Tite GREIG CLOTHING CO. East Side Main Street, one door South of the Dominion Bank, House of Refuge. petition was signed by seven rate - 'payers of the township of Morris and eix ratepayers of the township 6f Beet Wawancede *Mare. Clarke and Armetreng appeared before the coun- cil in support of the petition. A motion by Messrs. Grieve and Morrison for a great of $25 to the Huron Poultry and Pet Stock Asso- ciation to atliaillt at their show to be held in &Worth next January. A motion of Mees. Morrison and McNaughton that Mr. D. Patterson, county engineer, be granted $50 extre, for expenses for present year. Both, above motions referred to the Exec:- utive Committee n A motion by Messrs. McLean and McQuillan to have a cenient 'sidewalk constructed around the court house Waa referredi to the county property committee., A communication from the publie echool board of Exeter relating te graatte to continuation gasses in this county was sent to the Execus tive Committee. Engineer's Report. The following report of the Counti Engineer was read and referred to the road and bridge committee. The county engineer reported in substance as roll - lows : All the contraats awarded at the last Beeslon are completed except the two bridges on the bouncla ary of Grey and Elm.. The company were late in completinethe superstruotures and laid plank floor for the present and will complete the nemeac, floor in the coining spring or summer. Since the last session in June the Dunlop bridge has been completed, else a new bledge has been built -on the boundarybetween Tuckersinith and tisnorne. There has been °amid- erable repairing done this mason. Them are a lima- ber of bridges that will require new floors next eant nier. I would adviee that the material be preoureel during the corning winter, I would reeommendthat anew bridge be built at Bluevale next summer'else a bridge on the Lake Shore road north of 13ayficitt, known as the Thompson bridge. Orders to the amount of $15,008 have been granted for work done, County Property. The 'following report of the county prePerty commitbee was submitted and adopte,d. The House of Refuge committee reported 11mila:- obtained accommodation for three inmates in the London Insane Asylum, also that they are well sat- isfied with the appearance of the House and sur- roundings, and that the dock is looking well. also that the inspector,manager, matron, and physician deserve much credit for he interestthey have shown, in the management of the house and farm in every respfet during the past year, aiiti that their manage. men has been efficiept and economical during elle past: -year, and in -the best interests of the county.' —The Inspector reported the total number of in. mates admitted to the House since it was opened to be 327 ; inmates on December 1st, 1905, was 01, and on the 1st 01 December this year there were 90; males 54, females 86. There were 14 deaths and no births duringethe year. There were admitted during . the par from McKillop, 1 •, Cloderich township, 1 •,'"'llow- ick, 1 ; Ushorne, 1 •, Hallett, 1 Stephen, 2; West Waavanosh, 1 ‘; Ashfield, 1 ; Tuckersiiiith, 2; Clin- ton, 6 ; Sesforth, 1 • Winghtun, 1 ; Exeter, 1, and Goderich, 3. Total expenditure for maintenance of - house and farm during the year was 85,597.49, and 1 there are feed and provisions now on hand to the value,of $1,540. The produce sold horn the farm a- mounted to $460.70, and there was received from ,paying inmates 8528. The amount expended for the support of imnates was$3,926, being at the rate of 821- cents per inmate per week. --The keeper reported having raised on the farm the following produets : Hay, 25 tons ; oats, 200 bushels; barley, 105; potatoes, 310; onions, 60; garden carrots, 25 ; garden beets, 20 - parsnips, 15 bushels ; turnips, 215 ; mingolds, 625'; tomatoes, 5: cabbage, 150 head ; apples, 15 barrels; red raspber- ries, 1,100 quarts •, two acres of sugar beets, netting $0841 ; three-quarters of bai .iore of corn fodder, and hogs, live weight, $181.33. They also repainted all the outside wood work on the out -buildings and on, the older part of the house and erected 63f rods of wire fence. —Dr. Shaw, Physician, reported that . the extra wards for the Isolation of special cases, furnished by, the new building, has added Very much to the comfort of all -and the prevention of infeetiop. The hoepital part hail been taxed to its fullest capacity. The opemting room has been used pane eight or nine times,mostly for minor operations, but on three occasions they were major ones and every time successful. There have been 14 deaths during the year, the average age being 70. The causes of death were :—Consumption 2, pneumonia 2, apoplexy 3, old age 2, exposure and heart disease 3, cancer 2. —Dr. It. W. Bruce Smith, Provincial Inspector, in his report says : From this my first visit of inspece tion to this House of Refuge, 1 ani impressed very favorably in regard to the excellent provision which hrs been made by the county of Huron for its indi- gents. The discipline rnd inanagement might in eny udgment, be improved by devoting more carcl. to improve the condition in which the beds and cloth- ing of the inmates are kept. What apparently is peeded is careful attention to see that the inmates are kept better clothed and cleaner. Kind personal supervision to see that the male inmates are proper- ly bathed is important. The provision made for oar- ing for inmates' clothing is not as good as it should be, As far as_possible clothing should not be left hanging about the rooms. There should be cup- boards or wardrobes -built so that all clothing not in use could be kept properly. This would not coat very much and it would afford profitable means of caring for clothing supplies. Even when the itia mates coat be depended upon to do 80 much of the work it would be better to have some one engaged to carefully supervise the household duties pertain- ing to such a home with 89 inmates. It is too much to expect one woman to do all this work. • —The salaries paid the officiate, are as follows :— Superintendent, $360 ; Matron,, $275 ; Physician, 8200; Inspector, $150. The. county treasurer, gave explana- tions to the council respecting the Farquahar term in the township 'of Hullett, of which the council holds the deed, having acquired it- through mortgage, and the treasurer was in- -structedby resolution to advertise the ealdi lot for disposal by public auction in the town of Clinton on a date to be fixed and at a eeserved bidi - The council then -adjouraed until Thdraday. THIRD DAY. When the &land.' opened on Thurse day a Petition was read and referl- red to the Education Committee, ask- ing the council to appoint arbitra- tori with a view to establishing a school in the village of Belgrave. The The Aunty property committee reported having exammed the gaol and finding everything In good order. With reference to the request of the tlount'or Registrar for improvements to the registry OW, the hnprovements asked for are recoinmended and that the County Engineer and Messrs. Ifolsan anti Lane be authorized to have the said improvements carried out. The construction of the gra,nolithic sidewalk around the Court House is not recommend- ed. Moved by Mr. Cantelon and seconds ed by Mr. McLean that the Rev. Mr. Wade receive the ,surn of $60 per yeteil for attendance at the burial of in- mates of the House of Refuge and conducting services there Sabbath afternoons, duties to commenceat once. Moved in amendment by Mr. Gat - diner and seconded by Mr. McKen- zie' that while in sympathy with the appointment, we recommend that this matter be left over for the eoutill of 1907 to deal with. The motion wake carried. Moved. by Mr. Ferris and seconded by Mr. McQuillan that, since- War- den 'Spackman has been the maiti mover in securing to the county some $3,600 for the maintenance of our House of Refuge and has gone to considerable trouble and expense, we. recognize Mr. Spackman's services by granting him the sum of $50e - Carried. It was resolved that the Port Al- ebrt bridge be built as soon as the Aentield council comply with t conditions of a motion pa,sieed the December ;session of last yea. was moved in amendment that no a tion be taken ' in reference to this matter. The motion tarried. The council adjourned until two o'clock Friday. , FOURTH DAY. When the council met On Friday a ,deputation ,from Dungannon consisting of Messrs. Mallough, R.eld and Davidson add.ressed the court il in opposition to the petition asktn„e that Dungannon be made a pollee .village. - , ' Mr. T. R. Eawgeye Field Secretary for the Muilcolca Hospital for Con-, surnptives ' addressed the eouncil ask- ing that the minty assume the cost of establishing and maintaining a cot In the free hosedtal for. tonsu. - tives at Muskoka. The matter was referred i to the Executive co mittee. . The report of the Finance Commit- tee which simplyrecommended the payments of a eautber of accoutels was eidopted. The following reportpf the oExecutive Committee was read: .Execative, -Committee. i The xecutive committee reportbd recommendeig that Itichard Hunter be given a rebate of 88 on his auctionh auctioneer's license, as it veryapparent he lad taken out the license under a misapprehension • Uiat a grant of $1,000 be given thetown of Winghaml ,as- sist in the erection and equipment of a hospital there and that the said grant be paid so 'soon 19 the hos- pital is completed and fib for occupation ; respecting the request for the continuation of the grant ifor cont‘puation class work in public schools it is recall). mendedthat all schools doing this work receive, an additional grant to make their grant equal to ti at received in 1906 ; that the amount of $60 to the County Engineer for expenses be paid ,• that a grant of $25 be inade to the Huron Poultry Assoolatiouifor their show in Jannuary ; that Wm. McCreath, are taker of Court House be granted $50 increase in -eat- ery •, that no grant be given to the Free Consmptive Sanitarium, but that this (toenail recommend this matter to the earnest consideration of the commit next year. . . There was a severe struggle o the item recommending. the gran the ,Winghdro, hospital. Mr. Cante mbved and Mr. Gardiner sewn that the item be struck out and the matter left over for the next couneil. Mr. Isbister, of Morris, Mr. Curele, of /East Wawanosh, and other North- ern members appealed earnestly for the grant, but on a vote being taken Mr. Canteloriee motion, carried. McQuillan and Mr. Curry then v - ea that the sum of $500 be Iv en - 'mended to Wingharn hospital. 'This was .carried and the report was 'ore dered to be amended accordingly. The recommendation of an Increaseel of $50 a year to 4the salary of Mr. Mc- Creath, the caretaker was changed and :he is to 'receive an increase' of $75, making ells salary $525 and he has had added to his duties the care of the :registry office. With these a- mendments the report was adopted. - The following 'reports were read and adopted: '.. itt Special Committee. , e The special committee reported recommending : In regard to thelegislation asked for by the Huron and Ontario Raailway Company from the county of Huron, we recommend the request by said conlpany be granted. Respecting-thecOmmunication from the county of Halton regarding proposed changes to the Judiciary Acts of the Province, it is reconuniinded that no action be taken. Regarding the petitioulf roni the village of Dungannon asking for incorporation as a police village, tifr hearing a delegation froMiDun- pennon, the members of whit% are owners of three of the farm lots described in the petition to be taken in to form timid police village, it Le recommended as advisable to lay the matter over until the Jahuar , a er to on r. 1906--`-1907. ; NESaid at twenty years ago the Lib- Prieete WW1' tir judging W BOOKS th departmente eras of East Huron had selected. ty students of 'the Ontario him se their Agrieul- .standatd bearer and tural Collev, mentioned last week, tnat now he desired to hand back in ihe live etock departments Graham a very warm place in the affections national Live, Stock Exposition, held of the Reformens of East Hurbn. He last week at Chicago. Besides the Public and Separate Schools 'eto them' the trust they had thell giv- Bros., of Claremount, took all the ' he of horses. , --AND-- , en to him, as under no circurestan- *prizes in Haeltney and Cirdeadale tee couldthink ...again In sheepthe Canadian bred COLLEGIATE INSTITUTES. i the candidate. He h6being LEX. \TINTER td no doubt of Shropshires of Mr. W. F. Carpenter .* , the succeste of the Liberals of East of Simcoe, beat oat all the imported Huron at the next election should and American bred, and in liege Mr. e they enter the tontest with the right G. E. 13rethour, of Oxford, won tile Spirit and display the unanimity, en- '. prizes, and sold his Yorkshires for eha.racterized them in former con- the highest price paid for any others Feeiorsistf;liofeaanitidtheate vomteusstcashtavbeefoaremhe; littbgrobilaebwly Iliwoollfho:thereneBcerivi:eorte &scare a majority for any one per- of Forest, Lambton county, fropped then. ate made by ballot and the elm- i trapt price is $235,000 and by the tin* thusiasm and activity which had 10 cents per hundredweight more than tents. But he felt that at his time shown. se life it would not be safe for him- I volt nor would it be justice to the I Is selected. The first ballot did not —John Lundy, a pioneer resident 1Herieadoirv),Idmed. 1' 1' 14:Mr,r,:w..AHre.InKbearlrd, work, from heart failure. He wa.1 76 of a strenuous election campaign, ; the House of Commons bitildin at party for him to -undertake the labore ; The norninatian0 at this cooven- ' Ottawa, has been awarded. The con- is.ve:t'Pliee:stws'eevelprle'ledthecex were main- dead Satuesley morning while at otthaenrds gr.rown tie 'fansily of five eons. yeare of age, and leaves a widow and —The contract for the extens n of A. cat show was one of the events beuicoltdin401700e0o.mpleted et will • Canada a ballot was taken between the gen- Of tills week in Toronto. The show tlemen named. This, resulted in Mr. Warta held in Broadway hall. It was Hislop receiving a considerable ma- opened by hia,yor Coateworth on Mon- jority. On motion of Mr. Kerr eer. i day and closed on Tharsday. There Hielop's nomination wasrnade una,n- ! were 198 entries, -many of the felines . !mous and he was declared the can- I being from the 'United State didate of the Converttion0. —The office of the Despetch news - Resolutions approving of the ' Do- ' paper in Carnpbellford, North.unrber- minion Government and the Ontario land county was completely destroy- .. Opposition were passed, These reso- ed hoe fire Sunday morning. The en- latione we have not space for this tire t} plant, including a new type week, but as 1 they are important as vetting niaohine just installed was thowing the sentative Lib present ques shall publish Pioturo framing a Specialty. ' kiewelery Store GiftsALLz WISE GIrt FTS. -1 I 4 What else can you buy that will hold its value and ap- pearance so long. 118 a good wateb, a nine pieoe of jewel- ry or 'silverware. Our Xmas. stock is now in and you should call early and look aro!md. We handle reliable goes's and should anything not turn out as you expect we wiii make it right. , 'John Bulger, JeweUer,- !' .L SeafOrth Marriage Lieenaes Lowed. OPEN EVENING'S TILL XMAS. / meeting in order that parties for and against may be heard, and that the prayer of the petition asking for the*tension of the boundaries of the police village of Mancheiter be granted- . i Road and Bridge Committee. The road and bridge connuittee reported recorn- Mending that material for re -planking bridges for the ' eotning seasen be procured and that the County En - neer make contractm s for required; thatnew t ridges be built at Bluevele and north of 13aylield, recommended by the engineer and that said, bridges be of steel with ceMent abutments and ten der Inc them be laid, before the council at the Uri- nary meeting ; also the same for the bridges at Kingsbridge In the township of Ashfleld.; *that the opinion of the county solicitor respecting traction engines be referred to the souncil at the January meeting for further consideration, as the reeves of t12112.0.14 municipalities Will then be present. •••••66.16•1144.616.11...19e* 46. .0w. 6.01.01161W • County Solicitor's Opinion. ln reference to the running of trastioa engines over hie ways, bridges, ete., the county solicitor submit- ted the following legal‘opinion : It is not lawful for aey person or persons to AM any en.gine of over eight tons in weight over any highway in the county or Huron, before strengthening at his or their own expense, alt bridges and culverts ta be crossed by such engine'. If there are owners of more than one engine, or if different engines, the expense has to be borne by the owners in proportion to the number of engines run over Such bridges or culverts. If the engines are of leas than eight tons in weight, it shall le the duty of such person or persons proposing to run. any engine or machinery, 1,0 hit down on the and culverts to be crossed, planks of such sufficient width and thickness as may be necessary to fully protect the flooring or surface of the bridges or Culverts from any injury that might result there- to -from the contact of the wheels. In default of do- ing so, the person charged,or his employer Of any) shall be liable to the municipality for all damages re - suiting to the flooring- or surface of the bridges or culverts. Education Report, The education committee reported in reference to the petition for -the establishment of a school see - tion atBelgeave reciounnending that the prayer of the petitiOn be granted and that Judge Holt and Welter Wilton, of Lucknow, and Morgan ,Dalton, -V Ashtleld, be appointed a Board of Arbitrators on this matter. . Istfter re• ading and passing i several by-laws • the Huron County Council practically paesed out of extstence by all joining in •singing ttie Na- tional Anthem abou.t 9.50 on the ntght, of Friday, December 8th. 'On Thursday evenin.g the county treasurer,. Dr. Holmes, entertained the county council, county 'officiate and • a number -of friende at a com- plimentary banquet at the Hotel Bedford and on the following evening the members of the cOuncil were 'sim- ilarly- entertaloed at the same :place by, Mr. Hunter of Kincardine, the ethel bridge manufacturer of that place. East Huron Liberals. .mar. mom. •••••.• •There was a splendid gathering of Liberale at Brussels on Tuesday last. The town hall Was filled, and every municipality was hilly repreiented. Many of the etalwarts of the party, who had fought many valiant betties it behalf of Liberalism, were present, but the majority were younger men, bright, intelligent, and enthusiaetic, and on whom Teets, in a great meas- ure, the grand work of making this country what it unemeetionably is destined to be, the brightest and best jinn in the British Crown. Every Municipality in the riding W ala very. fully represented, and 160 acredited delegates registered their eertifi- Wes. The meeting was presided over by Mr. R. N. Duff, of 13luevale, the , Preslaent. The object of the meeting was two fold: First, to appoint officers for the current year, and secondly, to select a .candidate hi contest the constituency in the Liberal interest at the next- Dominion election. The Bret part of the programme was .got through with quite speedily by re- appointing all the previous officers except the .president who asked tne meeting to relieve him of his duties. This the meeting seemed loath to do as he has proven a most faithful and efficient officer, but at length, con- sented and appointed Mr. W, M. Sin- clair, Barrieter of Brussels, Presi- dent. The officers for the cnrrent year will, therefore, be as follows: W. M. Sinclair, Brussels, President; M. Murdie, McKillofe first vice and opinions of the- repre- deetroyed and there was no insur- rals of the riding on ance, ions of interest we —The plant of the 'Canadian Fold - hem next week. lug Paper Box Company at Brant- ford, veal, damaged by fire on Satur- day afternoon. It is supposed one or the employees dropped s math and ignited some paper.. Flames spread repidly, and exit from the tecond story, on which a dozen ,girlie were employed, was shot .off. The • girls The Peaee River 00Utthry. L. C. Ward this. Government la,nd guide from Pe bine, Athabasca River, le staying at Calgary for a short time, the fire time in seven years. Ile hate spelt the last four yearre trading with the Indians in the far had to be taken down by means a north, /some 600 miles from Eemon- laddere. None were iniured. . ton. For months at a, time he hes —Mr. Angus Campbell, living north. been alone, vtithoat seeing the face of the vtllage of Iona,. Elgin county* an. He describee the was Instantly killed on the crossing of the northern. cotm- there on Sunday by being struck by Le last few years as tile M. C. R. express. He was one his le short of marvellous -way home, oriving from( ehurch. The cl," 'said .Mr. Ward in 'boggy wale smashed to atoms, but the horse W9,13 not lidered. Mee Ofunribell "there is rid limit to ties of the country Who wale 17 Years of age, had lived 'of a, white deveplopment try during t something..lit "To my mi en interview, the . poesibit There is stiff clent ecoal there, sees in that vicinity nearly - all his life. mofirt. -or -it 1 stipple tile et eternity. The anthracite, a the ordinary soft coal, which is , celved a letter from the private See - used for domestic purposes. It has reIngthrtsrhatt Mr tie Andrew eilirrinte.grittrzataiott- would be happy to make a, gift of $100,000 to the Queen's fund to corn- neeste the 'half million endowment au" IittroanadoditthiceniGtreo atthissinotkh; Reloyunertris when the $400,000 required was sub- seribed. Already $250,600 has been ucintbreyc.°17Aliraeagdryeatsqaugratiteeuirs-, provided, and it Is likely that the other $160,000 will be forthcoming at tduresatiln"ed cot the cows ry has been surveyed. The — have -settled/ 120 miles further than an early Ube. During the past month the 1)0 - whole district is being rapidly set - surface, coal, too, to Besides a widow, he leaves a ane Y eds of Alberta for all of four. bogs and three daughter* coal is not so hard as —Rev. Dr.! Gordon, principal' -of d t not at s Queen's College, Kingston,. has re - been deecribed by experts as excel- lent for steam purposes. The prin- cipal coal bede lie in the neighbor- hood of the Great Smoky River. - tied up, and this is proved by the feet that already three flour mills and 26 to 30 binders are in operation. 'The minion Government have held four- teen auction sales of echeol lands in the western ,provinees of Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta. During firm of Lock and Larson have sent 0,- these sales a total. of 121,042acres nepresentativee MT. Livingston,. to were *sold and the amount realized travel the eountry, and to report to was $1,468;328, or an average of $nag them on the extent and value of the Per acre. Some ot the parcels of spruce limits. For miles and miles the country is densely wooded, and, although ite is true that- a certain proportion. of the timber JO small pop- lar, which is practically useless for commercial purposes, there is an im- mense tract of land which Is cove ered with valuable spruce. these vast forests, and the catch principal realized from these lands Is abounds In neerse speculators being 'absent. The "Game of all kinds which has been made, by The white- held in trust by the iElorolniati Gov - and Indian trappers during the last ernment and a School endowment Laid for. each, Province is formed from the interest accumulating yearly. —Three little children, aged' six, four and two years, were *burned to death in their father's house, at Ken Beach, on Monday morning. The mo- ther, rens. Geo. Baker, had been called to neighbor'sabout fifty feet a- way, and left 6e ebildren at play; telling them to wave at the window if they wanted her. She had -only been away about fifteen mitutes when there was smoke noticed coming from the house. The alarm was given, and the firemen and neigh-, bora were SOD on the spot, but the, former were powerless to quell tiler flame. When the children were Dear Expositor,—Permit me a few found their bodies were not much observations on the question of Local burned, but It is suppoded they were Option, which I understand to be sliffocated. They had letvidently been Prohibition not in the whole Pro- frightened at the Bootee, and gene evinr,e, but in sections of it. It Is up-otairs to get as far away as they said that Prohibition doee away with -could, for the fire had started in the a Mania freedom. Let us see. Divine kitchen. The father es- employed with wisdom instititted the prohibitive law a lunsher dealer, and had built his house himself last summer. The par- ents are prostrated sit the loss of their home and eitildren, —The steamer Monarch, one of the largest vessels of the Northekee Navi- gation Company's fleet, was Wrecked on Friday or Saturday last, on Isle Royal, Lake Superior. The' wrecked boat left Port Arthur on the Thursday previous, with a full cargo of wheel*, flour, and merchandise, and a crew of thirty' men and ten passengers. From reports It Is thought the com- pass must ha,ve frozen, she en- countered a heavy enow storm, which mere], one and • society is forced to threw her out of her -course. The land in the vicinity of Brandon were gold foe at high as $35 per aere. There have been no safes of thhe na- ture held in Manitoba since 1000, and consequently at every point `the sales were very largely attended and the bidding was pretty brisk. In nearly every case the land went to the far - year was greater than any former catch for some time. Black, silver, croes and red foxes and lynx are a- bundant, and it le no un -common Piing for a trapper to net $500 for his winter's work. In the near fu- ture three rallwaye will be operat- ing throsighout this" district, and the past summer two survey parties have been working for the C. N. R., and twd more have been in the neigh- borhood of Jasper Pass in eonnece then with the G. T. P. A fitth sur- vey party ha e oleo been working in the flame pass:' LOaal Option. against mut commanded t stone, Thou r, when *Moses was write on the tables of Shalt not kill,"t and he who regards his freedom intpefered with by temenandment No. 6, is a fit subject for suspidion. .Or whatchaste and lionorabl man objects to "Thoa mit adultry " Thou 1," and so on throUgh statutes. Yet no one t, these crimes are not newspapers are full of them. Moral evasion is good enough for a moral. men and no good for an Int - shalt not co -shalt not ste all the divin contends the committed, th protect itsele I felon this latter class. The desires of those who do not care for intoxicatirig drinks will not be interfered With, the apptites of the others require restraining. History teaches .usi that all prim- itive machinery and human legislation. are crude' when compared with the productions of greater requirement and years' of experience. But they are the best obtainable at tile time and we have to utilize what ;we can Alexander McLaughlin., Howick, 2nd get. , VICO, with Mr. W. H. Kerr, Brussels, A READER, Chtselhurst. secretary and treasurer. The Muni - 1— a cipal Chairman are all the sarne as —A fire, which broke oat about 4 last year. - o'clock Sunday' morning, destroyed the This pact of the proceedings being I hardware *Awe of J. B: 61Yere, In completed the meeting was organized ' the centre of the business part of BP a noininating converition for the selection of a candidate. Before pro- ceeding with this beefless Hon. Dr. McDonald, who was present, asked for the privilege of addressing the convention. The receptiont accorded the doctor as he appeared On the Platfmen dhows that he, still retains Stratford. Chief leyeref had a tar - tow escape from severe injury by the eitairway collapsing SS he stepped up- on the charred' strinture. The origin of tl* fire is a mystery. The loss is estimated at about $2,000. • —Ontario carriees off a large reatere ity a the pezes at the great Inter- - stearr.er was pounded to pieces, and nothing,rernains a,beve water bu,t the pilot house. The crew and passeng- ers were able to reach shore safely, and were taken to. Port .Arthur on Monday night by tugs. The Monarch was valued at $100,000, and was in command of Capt., Robinson, Isle Royal is familiarly known as the graveyard of Lake Superler, lying as it does in the path of steamers across the lake between Port 'Arthur and Sault Ste Marie. —The empheyees of the Goderich le- vator -congregated at the Huron ho- tel, in that town, the other evening, and preeented the proprietor, Mr. N. 3. Morrissey with a handscime dia- mond pin, as a mark of their esteenr for him. —Mr. Jas. Mose, of Goderich town- ship, has just 'returned from a three Months' trip to the West. While there MrM000 spent thegreater part of his 'me in the Hartne7 district, and en- gaged- witu a thrteher oiztftt.