HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1906-12-07, Page 9• ." RON EXPOSITOR• J. . - DEC2gMBER7 1906 easonable Goods Se 6 our lines of Coal Oil Heaters Lamm Carpet Sweepers aud Doot Mate, Glee us a earl for Glass Putty, Building Paper,. Ready Etoogg, Lan- terns, Oattle Ties, Chat Baskets and Stabli) Brooms. ' We ha-ve a very large stock of 111 017-M S aud, carrying only the lest malren will fully guarantee auy atente we send CHESNEY & EMIABYt SEAFORTH, Hardware, Stoves and Coat. DOMINION BANK ripAD OFFIOE, TCM0-1111!0. 1 111•11/1•••••• ••••••00. • Capital, Fully Paid Up-t$3,000,orso.cro rite Fund and un. Wed Profits 3,839,000 Deposits bi Public $ 32.000„000 Tote Asset * 48,000,00ck BEAFORTH BRiANOH, tefy feenitit for the traniacting of a mineral banking business. - Collections made on en int, in Canada _ad abroad. • Advance* made to Fanners. Spools' at action pad to the eoltectien of Sale Notes, - SAVINGS BANK. Deposit* of ore dollar and, upwards re. (steed, and interest paid or added June 30bh and December nat. Withdrawals nifty be made at any time. ' A. E. GIBS014, Manager. L S. HAYS, Solicitor - WINTER TERM OPENS JAN. 2nd. STRA.TFORD, ONTA RIO. •This school is recognized to be one of the leading Obanntercial Sehools in America. Our grad- uates are in demand as Business College teacher& The most ree.ent applieation we received for a• teacher offered$1,400 Per annum- We 'he* Neve we are ruerting one of the most progreseive and up-to-date business trabsing schools in the Provmce, The demand upon us for offee help is • several times the supply. Write for our free catelogue. - Rulorr & McLACHA.N, _ Principle. maim. MIMMOMMIMMaa James Watson, , Successor to: W. N. Watsdn NORTH MAIN ST., SEAFORTH. ' General Fire, Life , and Accident Insin. ewe agent, Real Estate and LoaP • Agent. t Inealer first.alass family and Manning - Wring Sewing Machines and Cream Separators, viz. WewReemond and White Sewing Maohtneg. and National and 'Eine oda Cream Separator. Also eawieg machine needles, oil, attacb. meats, rupairs and sundries for all m kinds of sewing achines. . With over 25 years- experience in the above iragittee you can reat Assuted of prices right, square dtalirig and sabssfaction guarantee& JAMES WATSONt Immune Agent, and deter la Sewing Machine and Bicycles. North Main street, &Worth. • ,CHRISTIVIAS cIFTS • Xrnas is only it few weeks away, bold it le a good idea to look a• • relied Early. We have a very cos:plata static, in fact our Xmas geode are nett, y all here. You may be dilative kited if the article you like bet is gone when you want it. We ore only too pleased to lay any article away for you. So tome in and make your se - 'flattens. a We have an EXTRA SPECIAL IN LADIES' WATCHES FOR XMAS BUYERS. A. 2.5 year gold filled watch with first elites Waltham rrovernent, oomph in a nice sitk plush Mei and Falk guard. Special Price, 00. (SWAM OPEN ESENIN(S. ) J. F. DALY Jeweller St Optician Issuer of Marriage Lk:ensue. CARDNO BLOM( SEAFORTH Send us a Horse ANI) NYE WILL BLANKET - Jilin with the best blanket for the 1110.110S— Wool, Jute and gems . ROBES-- Galloway, Biehop, ooat, Horse and Imitation Buffalo, We teutraritec the quality. Com- pare prices, HARNESS— Our own make of genuine 'Rubber Trimmed Hm areeIt is the hest value in Canada. Ask your Ileiglibor about them. MITTS & CLOVES - 200 pair of samples at wholesale prices. - A Bells -Trunks --Valises - Suit Cases.- e Plush and Wool &WO* EtO. • Inepeet our stock before purchasing. Dix Broderick, OPPOSITE COMMERCIAL HOTEL, Seaforth. 2031 Watch Our Christmas Window ••••••••*1.•••••.•*.• WE HAVE BEAUTIFUL PIPES AND EXCELLENT : TOBACCOS : ALL KINDS - ALL PRICES DON'T roiteen- A NICE CLEAN SHAVE AND NIFTY HAIR OUT. ST-A,P1,18 RBQS Opposite Cowart -lel Hotel, Seaforth, votiittato DISTRICT litATTERS,1 Lepel Briets.-Mr. Wire Ballantyne: Of tide town; On Monday last, paid Ws alet annual sunecription to The Expositor. Mr. Ballantyne has keen a eubscriber of The Expositor ever einee it was strutted and has I every' year pond for It in advance, and on the very day on whiole it was . due. This Isa great record, and ore thet can be equalled by -feW.--Messi.e. ge- .11Wen and Goldthorpe, of Glederich, were in Seaforth on Saturday laSt. Both gentlemen 'are, interested, in the Maitland River Power Co., and,weke here on ibusinese in connectien with the Company. Mr. Goldthorpe is - - a hustler and tam 'has a scheme for - building electric railways, through - oat the county. He says Goderiote Seaforth, and Stratford are undoubt- edly going to be the big pla,cete, in this :part of the provine&-Word was -received here on Saturday last announeing the death of Mrs. (Dr) Goainlock, of Warsaw, Ne* York. The . county Council is meeting ler Goclertch We week. This is the -last meeting of the council under the old act. In fixture the council wille be composed of the reeves and deputy reeve rt of the different municipalittes. -Mr. and.Mrs. Wrn. Doweote of near Blake spent, SUIldaY: in 'town - the guests of the Misses Feck.-Nliss • Heffernan, of the Huron- road, east, returned home on Saturday after pending several weeke _ with the family of her brother, Thomas, • In Hensall.-The snow plow appeaeed. on , our streets., for the first time this season on 'Monday, ,last, Decemben Brd, Remember the date. -Mr. .Thos. Beattie, of M0101101), has ebandone his intention on starting a liver Stable in Walton and has purohas ed a half intere'et in the liverybus iness of Mr. Carbert, in this town and will Come to Seaforth to -reside -Mrs. Coulter left here On Frida last for Ingersoll, where she intend spending the winter with her son Mayor Anderson. Coulter. -,We hay been enjoying a.lilight taste of Man itoba and Saskatchewan ettmospher this week, just to keep .iis in .min a the (relationship that, exists- be tween us. On Tuesday Morning th mercury was the lowest of the sea Sen. -The third class .1 professiona examinations will be heldat tb various model schools :beginning o Thesda.y, December llth, at 8.45' a. m and ending on Tuesday, Decembe i le, at 2.30° p.m. -Mies 'Trete of Har • retrhey, left on Mondaty to visit he tr[endo in Acton and i other easter peinte.-The many friend's of Mr W. 0. Reid will be pleased to learn; that although he is not yet able t be Oat, he is recover! g. from his se vere illness. -Jennie, 1 he little daugh ter of Mr. S. Eyre, o Harpurhey, 1 recovering from then recent seriou illness. -Mr. Wm. Golvenlook haedie posed of Hill' Side, the hanendsom • 1 residence Property 0 the .. late ,Dr Coleman. The price paid waS. $5,000 The pnrchaser is Mr. Hugh McCam mond, recently from Seolland, and ii has takee Sip his res dence there. WI Seafor i C. 'sof d% have pleasure in we corhing Mr. Mc ammond ana rein nt and we truet - his stay rieth us .wil tie long and pleasant. -Mr. M. Wil Haire and familyhave now got lo cated in their comfertable residenc on Goderich street :which Mr, Wil liams recently purchased from Mr Stephen Lamb. -As 1 an evidence o the large amount of_ poultry bein bought • and shipped from Seafort this season, we may state that - i four days last week Mr. A. W Stobie bought and shipped 7,127 lbs Thie represents a lat of money dis tributed for poultry In that; time an although perhaps' the largest, dealer Mr. Stobie is only' one of many. • I was all •purchased for ,Mr. Rober Thompson, of Brussels, who .make large shipments to the Northwest an British Columbia every. week. -Mr Kent,. who some '20, Years ago was salesman with Mr. E. Mental, was in town Ms week 1 • :calling- on old friends. It is 38 jyears since Mr Kent left here. His headquarters are now in Toronto and he is still a millinery traveller.4The 'Ladies' Aid ef •the Presbyterian' church are ar- ranging for a real mislead treat to be given in Cerdno's hall on Fri- day evening [next, the lath Met. They have secured the i services of Mr. • Ruthven McDonald4 of Toronto, and other well known Ivocalists for the occaslon and ever/thing, will be done to make the entertainment first class • in every respect. Mr. McDonald very greatly pleased .hieri audierice on the occasion of his last visit and we are sure there are man Y who will be de- lighted to have another Qpportunity of 'hearing blin.-Ae another evidence of the •immenSe poultry shipmente 'from this place, we may state that Messrs. Duncan MeCallum, Jas. - Michael and and C. Little shipped from Seaforth, last week, ten tons, 1,- 460 lbs. This poultry- was purchased for Mr. Powell, of ! Blyth. The ship- ment amounted -to ! over $3,000, and consisted of turkey, geese and chick- ens, and all purchased in the terri- tory tributory .to Seaforth.-Mr. Win. McDougall, Jr., hats been appointed care -taker of the purling. and Skat- ng Rink, and has' assumed the dut- es. The "company ;Were- fortunate t- in °curing theeservices of so .compete.nt nd capable a manager, and one with he experience -pcssessed by Mr, Mc- Dougall. The patients of the rink rila:y depend on ,hairing everything in ood e'hitpe this year. The rink was looded for the first time this sea - on on Tuesday. -Mr., Jas.- G. Mc- lichael shipped a 1 bogs to; Montr which he paid six • Thomas Browr s ,periodical stock ales at Dick's steck yards in Sea- orth, are, •becoming quite popular nd are always well attended and re a convenience 1 and a • benefit to oth buyer and seller. He will have big sale of .tioraCs, cattle,sheep and. igs there for Mrj. P. A. • O'Sullivan n Tuesday next, w ch • everybody 71 ould do well tol at end. -Mr: Fred eattle of the Bank of Commerce,. alifax, and on i of Mr. Jas. Beet- le, is home enjoying a few holida,ys. Mr. Robert Bell, of the Bell En- ine -works, 'returned feorn nis trip. o the West Tuesday night. He was s far West as Seattlei-Mrs.. Ram- ey Holman and :children left here or Toronto this 'week. • They had beeh residing here for fiome Pilaf but as Mr. Holman' is em;ployed in the city they 'returned- to resume their residence there. -Miss Evelyn Darwin, of town, has accepted a sita 'tuition as a stenographer seed book- keeper with the R. bleKie Baggy CD., of Plattsville. She left on Monday last to assume the duties of • bar -new positioan-Mr. John W. Me- Williame, of Lender', was a visitor -in town over Sunday, - Mre Paul Freeman, Who was on the staff of The - Seaforth Xining Company for a great many year, ,has gone to Clin- ton, where he has taken the position of head" miller, in Pave miii, Mr. Freeman is a good man and a thor- oug,hly competent miller 'lard while we, begurdge !him to our Ileghbore we eau heartily ream:intend 'him to ithems-tafr. R. and Miss Lizzie Stew -1, t, a Herman, spent Sunday in town with Were Jean McCulloch. Our old friend, Mr. William Robb was married in Clinton on Tuesda last to Meeinforish of that 'town and will 'return. to Clintoni to reeide. The best wishes a many friends will be extended to Mr. and Mrs, Robb.---Urra. John IT Kerr, of Vancouver, ift in :this vicinity visiting trends.. She in- tends returning lhome in about a week -The eubjeeti a Rev. P. H. 1..Jer1ihfe 'sermon in the Presbyterian church next Sunday' evening, w?I1 be ," Swimming against the Strearn."---Mr. attel Mrs. Geoge McKey, a Brattier, Pennsylvania, Who have been visit- ing Mends in thie Vicinity for a voupie. a weeks, leave next kisreek to spend the winter in Scotland, -where Mr. McKay has two brothers and many other relatives and friende. It le twenty yeais eince Mr, McKay left the old iancl, an& this is his tiret visit. They intend to return in April or Mey, and will make their permanent 'home an Seaforth or 14 vicinity.-Alra. J. C. Greig and Miss Evelyn are visiting friende in or onto.-Meeers. L. M. DeLacey ID. T Pinkney, and John Rankin: attended a Knights of Pythiae demonstration in Bayfield, on , Friday night lest. - A number of the members' of Fidelity Lodge, r. a .0. F., paida fraternal vigait to Clinton Lodger on Teesda,y evening, and had the degrees conferred on a couple of candidate's. They were hoepftably entertained by the ton. brethren. -Mr. Orval Soole, son o a 1 a a 0 ery fine car load al this week, for cents, per pound. - The,reason so many peo- ple buy our oatmeal, is be- cause it is juat a little bet- ter than they get else- wheree A trial will con- vince $ou. E,Iteralakey SEAFORTH, gratirtg between pupils and teacher e,hd tt affords me' the greatest pleasure to Item that I live in the 'hearts, of my pupils. -M. A. Coulter." Travellera.4- The following were Ucketed to distant pointe this' weeiltN Mr. W. Somerville, RallwaY and ( Steramehip agent ; D. (M. McKay, to I his homer In Desbarats; Mise Rose Casb, to Grand, Rapids, Mich.; Mt. Chao. Ininsdale, of Kippfyn, to Liver - Pool and (return, sailing by the Allan Line froin Halifax on. Saturday, . To Hort1cult6raliets.-0n this, Fri- day, evening, at eight o'clock, a gen- eral meeting on the Seaforth Horti- cultural: Society will be held in t che council chamber, for the purpose of receiving the 'report of Mr, Wi Hartry, delegate to the annual meet- ing of (the Provincial Horticultural Association, held !recently .in Tor- onto. -A full attendance of the mem- bers 10 desired,--- The New Teaeher.-Mr. R. A. Mc- Lean, B. A.,hate been. appointed to succeed Miss Kirkwood as classical specialist on the staff of the Sea- forth- Collegiate Institute, Mr. .Me - Mr. Chas. Soole, who has- held a posi- tion in F. -L. Willis' stoleniae gone 4o afaniteba. He was ticketed tie Stewart Bros, O. P. R. agents. -Mr. 3. E. L. Pengirian, of Toronto, former- ly of 'the Bank of Commerce 'here, is visiting friends 'in town. -Dr. Bur- rower is in Toronto this Week, Attend- ing' to .his duties as Medical Councils examiner. The rain of Thursday spoiled the little sleighing -we had, but We all hope for more before Christmas. Iteinember the Ladies." Aid Concert m Cardno's Hall on Friday, December 14th. IL Ruthven Mc- Donald, the favorite baritone, assisted by Miss Grace Moran! and Miss Iva Dodds. soprano %Toasts. Miss Helen Wilson and Mrs. WAD. MeLean, accompanists, llokets 26c and 85e. Plan/opens nt Aberhart's Drug Store on Monday, December 10, 2034-2 OBES ROBES! Gallo .'ay, Bishop, Imitation BdTalo, Goat. We guarantee the quality. Prices thelowest. Broderickleillarness Shop, Seaforth. 2 2034-1 We,have the best assortment of fancy handker- chiefs in town. Call and see them at the Maple Leaf Store, Seaferth. P. Dill. . 2034-1 THAT GRAND PLAY. -The Bonnie Briar Bush will present that grand Scottish play on Wednesday evening, December leth, in -the Mitchell opera House. I Magnificent oostunies and scenery. Prices Mc and 75o.= Plan of hall at Cameron's Jewelry Store. 2034-1 Oranges, Nuts and 0o.ndy.-Each, vear We place larger Orders. T.here's a reasion, Think it over. Beattie Bros., the home of 28e tea. 2034.1 WANTED. -Wanted at once, a laundress and kit. ohen Or!. Highest wages. Apply at p the Commer- Wel Hotel, Seaforth. 2034.1 90108TnAs.-Yes, only two more weeks, so do not delay getting -.temr fruit for youeCake and pud- ding: We are prepared for you with the finest selec- tion that ean be got an place, es do not pass the Maple Leaf Store. I'. Dill, Sea.forth. 2034-1 GLOVES and 31ITTS.---200 pair traveller's samples ivholeeale prices, 13roder1ek's Harness Shop, Sea - forth. • 20341. T RENT, No. 170 Goderich St., West large comfortable dwelling house containing parlor, dining robin, kftch en, four lied room a, bachroonbeloosts, pantry woodshedhard and soft water, also good stable and two lots witn variety of fruit trees. Apply to Tile -EXPOSITOR. 01,1'10E, or to William Copp, Seaforth, 208341. Ilinfol AND &MIL -Win, MoDougall is once more in the market to.pay the highest nauket erioes in cash for any number.of hides, skins, furs ano tallow, delivered at A. W. Stobie's Produce Store, corner Of Main and Goderich Streets, Seaforth. All goods bought at their true value. 2032x3 BLANKETS -Wool, jute, kersey (lined end tudin, ed), with or without straps, The beet values for our money. Broderfekle Harness Shop, Seaforth: 2034-1 Shop early and avoid the lrowds that aro. sure to be around the Hub Grocery about Holiday time. Beattie Bros., Seaforth. 2034-1 Butter, Eggs and Dried Apples wanted for trade or cash at the Maple -Leaf Store, Seaforth. P. Dill, • 2084-1 -WANTED.-Fresh roll butter' 250 ; fresh eggs, Mo. Dry pioked poultry, driedapples, feathers, raw furs, etc, G. E. King, Wingharn. 2031-tf SEAFORTII OATMEAL MILL.9.—Oat dust and oat bran always on hand at lowest prices. Highest prices paid for oats. •2029-11'. ROOMS TO itENT.-To rent, comfortable rooms over Stewart Bros.' store, suitable !or office or resi- dence.. Apply to W. D. MeLean, Exeoerroe Omen, Seaforth, 2032---1 See our ad on page 9 of this 'sane. Beattie Bros., Seaforth. • 2034-1 Good Colts Sold. -Mr. A. Anderson, of Kipper', disposed of a foal foar. month's old, to Me. L. Fisher, for the sum of $100. •This foal was sired( by "Prior's Hero," owned by Mr. T. J. Beery, of Henson. Mr. John Colwell, of Tuekersmith, sold a norm edit tei Mr. H. Elworthy, of Exeter, for thd neat sum of $150. This -colt is seven mOtnhs •old, weighs 950 pounds, and was also sired by "Prior's Hero." Ur. J. D. O'Neil, V.S., of Landon'has purchased a fine entire colt from Mr. -T. J. Berry for the 'sum of $200. This colt is eight months old, weighs 970 pound, and Was sired by, the not- ed- horse, '".Gartley Gold," owned by Mr. Berry. These • sales eshow that good stock will always command high prices. Our Share. -The Otimates of the expenditures for tbe coming year, which were submitted to the Domin- ion Parliament theother, day, by the Finance Minister , contain the following 'tome for Huron and Perth following items fon Huron and Perth; Wingham, public building, $1,000; Goderich, harbor and river improve- ments, $50,000; post ',office repairs and improvements, $25,000. It seems to, us (that the county town gets more than ite legitimate share. There if; no ,granti for a postoffice building in Seaforth although this town is one of the largest • contributors to the reyenue, an goodness knows, it needs a public building as much, or more, than any of the towns that have been thus( favored. In Pertit Stratford gets $5,000 for its armory and St. • Marys gets $20t000 for its public building. Presentafion.-On Thursday after - amp last, a number of the pupils of the -public school-, called at the. borne of Mrs. Coulter and presented her with, a handsome gold necklace and pearl pendant, as a token of their love and esteem for her. In this connection Mrs. Cotater has asked uS td publish the following card of thanks": "Dalt Expositor - On the levelling before I left Sea- I forth a number of young girls frem the public school surprised me mid presented me on behalf of the pit - p s Whom.I had • taught, with i a gold necklace and pendant of penile and a topaz and: I take thie oppor- tunity- of 'thanking all who -contrib- uted to thii beautiful and dainty gift. It. will ever be treaeueed by me as a souvenir and a constant re- minder of the 'happy relations -tip ex-; 5 Lean is arr honor graduate In classics of Queen's University. After, gradua- tion he was appointed tutor in Latin In the Utilversite and subsequently held er Fellowship in Greek in 'the ljnivdfsity of Chicago. During the past two years Mr. Mate= has 'had charge of (the department of °lassies In the Vankleek Hill Collegiate In - (Alta*, from which excellent school. he comes' :highly, recommended. • His salary is $4000 a year. . 0 To• California, Fifty Year Ago. - We will commence the publication in The Expoeitor during the present month of la series of very interest- ing letters deecriptive of the trials, tribulations, hardships and successes experienced -by a youth of the town - Ship of McKillop in - this county .on 'hie journey to the gold fields of California over 50 'yeare ago. The adventurous 'youth, of those days is still a respected resident of this community and although well ad- vanced in 'years, is , yet hale and ac- tive. The lettere are written by himself and they will be found in- tensely interesting as well as in- structive, showing • as they do the vast improvements made in the meth- ods of travel during the last halt century as well as the difficulties which had Ito be -borne and which were suecessfully overcome by the sturdy pioneers of this county, . • • Death of Capt. McLeod. -On- Satur- day last, Mr. L. 02 Jackson, secre- tary of ;Britannia MEiflOrde Lodge, re- ceived a 'telegram, announcing the death at Greenwood, British Colum- bia, of Cot. Norman McLeod', of this town. No particulars have i been re- ceived, but it is ,surmised that death must have been the result of an ac- cident, The • Captain was in charge of tonstrection gang for a firm of railway .contractors, and just cou- ple of «aye before the telegram, an- • flouncing his death, came, letters had been 'received by his sister e,nd by Mr. Jackson, in both of which 'he said he was in the beet of health. He is survived by thiree sisters, Mrs. Mc- Leod, oft,Woodstock ; Mrs. 'Alex. Mc- Lennan, and Mifle McLeod, of Seaforth, to whom the sincerest sympathy of all will be, extended. The Captain had a large 'circle of friends here who will deeply regret to learn of his death. The remains are being brought to Seaforth for interment,and are expected to arrive an Monday. Notes, -An English 'tramp, -who apt plied at police •headquarters for lodgings- on, Sattxrday night, appear- ed before •Magistrate Davis on Mon- day morning and was given six months in the Central Prison, it be- ing found that be had a bad re- cord, The prisoner was taken to To- ronto on the afternoon train. -Quite a numebr of the Italian workers who have been Working on the new Guelph and Goderich C. P. R. road have quit work, and were in Mitchell Monday on their way home to Italy tospend the winter. The work of laying the ties and rails, as well as ballasting - is still going on, and the steels have been laid as fan as Walton. The contractors expect to reach Blyth before Christmas. Kippen - miLLINEBY SPECIALS. -For the next two weeks we %rill sell every hat in our millinery deeartment at half price Come quick while the selection is yostL J. \Voisin-111er, Hensel!. 2033-2 Returned. -Among "those • from this Vicinity, who 'returned from the West the past •week, the following, may be tneationed John Logan and Thos. Gemmell from the Mow Jaw • dis- trict, where the latter has large holdings' of land, off which he. and his sons cut a splendid seven bun - tired -acre crop the past season; Miss Ceertie Caldwell, from Regina, Mise Kettleton from Manitoba, and Chas. Dinsdale frOm ivls.nitoba. The 'latter worked across the line in NortN Da- kota and received $3 a day atit wa,ges. He leaves this, week far England and rumor says lhe may not return alone, Let us /1).ope‘ that such 10 the case, -We need just such men as he is in this country. . Local Option. -On Sunday after- noon, the and Inst., the Rev. B. IL Spence, of Toronto, delivered a mag- nificient address in the yethodist church on Local Option. His re- marks. were clear, conclusive and convincing, giving Just the informa- tion the elector desiees. On Friday evening, the 7th inst., he speaks in Blake Presbyterian church, and all who have any doubts as to the advis- ability of having Local Option in Stanley or anywhere else should hear him. Let everyone go. It is worth a ten mile drive to hear his address.- -On Sunday, December 9th, Mr. A. T. Cooper, of Clinton, will preach Local Option sermons in the Goshen Methodist church, Stanley, at 10.80 an.; Blake Presbyterian church at 8 p.m,, and Sauble line church eti time of evening eerviee. All should 'hear him. Other meetings arranged for, with speakers, ate as follows in Stan- ley : "Sauble line, Tuesttay, Decembrae llth, Rev. .D. Urgubart ; Hille Green Preehyterien dhureb, Thurscl'ay, De - comber 18t1i, Item Brown and Dav- Moon ; Grassick's seheol house, Mon- day, December 17th, Revs. Ilavidsoe and Sawers Goshen Methodist thurch, Tuesday, December, 18th, Rev. D. Ur- quhart. All week -night meetings to begin at 7,80. Hills Green. Oer School. -The tollowing re- port of 'the school in section No. 8, Hay, for the month of November- is based upon weekly examinations and regularity of attendance. The, names appear in order Of merit : Class V- Beessie Cochrane, Claes IV -- Wm. Wiloon, Wesley Caldwell, Maggie Wilson, Wm. Grain and Sophia Far - /lunar, Class III -Annie Cochrane, M. McAllister Robert McAllister, Or- ville Taylor, Ada Gram, Annie Wil- son, Anna M. Love, Gorden Love. Class II -Myrtle Taylor,' Bertie Red- mond, Maggie Politerfield, Percy Gram, Mary p. Conant, Ila Johnston, Jas. Smith, Hazel Redmond, David Kuep- ter, JUIllOr IL*Eid011 Jarrett. Part II -Edison nleAllister, James Forest, Harry Dietz, Addle Green, Case Troy- er, Pearl Conant, Allie ICuepfer. Part I-Solornon Kuepfer, Lucy Redmond, Cecil Johnston. 1?art I, Jr. -Marion Porterfield, Gracie Love and Vietta Green, -J. W. Hogarth, Teacher. Varna. Anniversary Services. -The anniver- sary services int connection with the Varna Methodist church were held on Sunday last, and were a deolded euccess, Excellent sermons were preached morning and evening by Rev. John Hart, of Hensall, a for- mer pastor, and -at each service there were large tongregations. On Mon- day evening a fowl tamper ytas held, at which the attendance was ex- ceptionally large. The ladle's of the congregation had done their part to perfection and the general verdict, was that eleer before had such, a bountiful and appetizing supper been eerveci in the district. After all had had sufficient et the- material things a move wa;s1 made to the church, where the' chair was taken by the popular pastor, Rev. Mr. Brown, and a ;splendid programme, fully in keep- ing with the other gosid things of the evening, was -marten ouj. pxceilent,, wthy and appropriate addresses were given by Rev,. Mr. Henderson' of Bay- field, and Rev. Mr. Kerr, ofClinton, Mre. Leo •Charlesworth, of Zurich, was. present and delighted all with -her recitations. Mime Shipley, of Clinton, another elocutionlet, ,also pleased the audience with her selec- tions. Excellent music wag furn- ished throughout the evening by the choir of the Ontario Street Metho- dist church, Clinton. The services -throughout were most successful and the good people of the Varna Menlo - diet church have every reason to congratulate 'themselves. The pro- ceede of the' Sunday services and Monday evening amounted, to 'the handsome sum of $112. Hansen. GLADMAN & tiTillanIT BIWA:63M Ete., at Hensall Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. 2029-11 noicers.-A team of heavy draft horses for sale. Price $275. Adapted for most any kind of work. D. Urquhart, Heneell Flax Mills. • 2032x8 MILLINERY SPECIALS. -For the next two weeks we will sell every hat in our millinery department at half price, Come quick while the selection is good. J. AN'ehliniller, HenSall. •21133-2 . Local Briefs, -The sleighing of this weekenhas improved the busine.se and Is being taken advantage of by the tarrnere,-Mr. Daniel e Stewart, of London, was in the village this week, combining business with a visit among his friends -Mr, and Mrs. James Logan, very pleasantly enter- tained, a 'number of their friends on Tuesday. .evening last. -The • sacra- ment of (the Lord's supper will be observed in Carmel Presbyterian /church, on Sabbath, . December 16th, • and the ,Sabbath, service on the Friday afternoon preceding will be conducted by Rev. Mr. Anderson, of Goderich.-Rev. S. B. Spence,. of To- ronto, preached temperance sermons in Carmel Presbyterian church on Sabbath morning. last ' and in the Methodist church inhe, evening and 7t after ;the !evening 1,king addressed a friftee 'meeting in Carmel church. Mr. Spence le a most pleaeing and eloquent speaker and made a good impression with his hearers. On the Monday afternoon following 'he addressed a temperance . convention assembled in the Methodist church and again the eame evening and in the- same place addressed a mass meeting in the interests of local op- tion. °The chairman of the evening meeting was Reeve Petty, who dis- charged ts duties in a pleasing man- ner. The church choir enlivened the proceeding -s by a number of fine see lection, The attendance was very good and much interest was* manif- ested on the subject under discussion, as was evidenced by the qtiestione, placed on the collection plate to' be answered by Mr. Spence. -Mr. Nor- man Cook was in London this week.- Mre. George Hudson was in Zurich this week visiting his sister-` Mr, Thompson Murdock, our old, esteem- ed and enterprising livery proprietor, is drawing ,stone •for the foundation he intends putting under his dwel- ling preparatory -to brick veneering it. -Mr. -Wm. Dougall_ returned last week from Manitoba, where he had been emending between tbsee and four months very- pleasantly with relatives and friends. -Mr. R. Mel - lis, of Kippen, was in the village the first part of the week visiting rela- tives, -Mr: H. M. Pa.ussette, general agent of the Canada 141e, was ln the village this week. -Miss 'Case, of Seaforth, who was visiting Mrs. case, of the London Road, has returned horneenalies Alice Taylor, of Kippen, was in the village during the past Week, visiting friends. -Mrs. John H. Petty :returned last week"'. from the West, where she had been spending a /umber of months- with relatives and friends. -Mr. Wm. Graham, of Clinton, was ln Hensall thin week, spending a day with relatives.--Ivlise Chesney, of Ttickersmith, has re- turned borne from a pleasant visit with friends here. -Our i. Sabbath schools are arranging for their Chris- tinee3 entertaininents.-Mesarce Smalla- eornbe and -.Mils are this weak flood- ing the nink.-Mre, Balfour, of lap- pet, was in the village this week visiting her cousin, Mrs. C. A:. Mc- Donell.-A 'number of our villagers 'attended an assembly held at Exe- ter 011 Monday evening lasit eta re- port a very enjoyable time. -4. num- ber of the members of the Masonic' Lodge attended on Sabbath INA,. the funeral of ths• late Alexander Me - GRAB THIS, BE QTY/OK Read this through, every word means doltars to you. The mostgigantle Slaughter Sale of up-to-date Dry Goods, Gents' Fur - Welling& Overcoats, Millinery, Wall Paper and Crockery evertored In Hensel]. Haring bonght part of a wholesale dry goods stock in Montreal at a low rate on the dollar, and, doing- away with the the middienumli profit, I have dsowled to share Iny profits with my numerous customers. The goods ere brand new, nothing old or moth eaten. This great sale opens Friday, Novemser 110th, positively closes on Saturdity, November 15th, Putter, Eggs, Dried Apples and Fowl taken in exchange for goods at market prices. J. W. Ortwein. Hensel 20334 -L, • 9f. 11 ..00Y.M.P.••••••6•••••MM•11•6•••••14.4.....*•••••••••••••••••1.1................. • nholoirng, May SPe171 to be a long way off, yet, by actual calendar, itIJfIis "1"""Li. only two weeks from next Tuesday - not a particularly long time in which to select your gifts., want to link your thoughts ivith this establishment as being -the ONE we pick illrIMEN • dry goods stole in the town where the most desirable stook of holiday things are, A /read/ preparations for an active trade, and display ) IIIIIIMirOVON.Mr11.111.1101 VV:thibitiViteetOrarildeymany of the Ohristmas specialities which we have. Wn would be pleased to have you come into the -store to make a preliminary v" acquaintance with our many lines oi goods which we are sure will in tweet you when thejater rush of holiday buying is on in full force. A Very Choice Selection of Linen _Ready for Yijur Inspection We would urge buyers, in their own interests, to anticipate requirements as far .as possible. We .are particularly strong- this season in the line of both staple and novelty effects. TRAY CLOTHS SIDEBOARD SCARFS 'TEA SQUARES CUSHION- (WARS SQUARES and AT EMBROIDERED LAUNDRY BAGS Tabjitit ,Napkins Towe s. Rich Warm Furs are Always Most Acceptable as a Present And in the selection of gifts df this nature, a matter of equal importance with economy 18 tfie certainty of buying furs that pan be depended upon to stand -the FUR'- LINED JACKET'S FUR COATS oAkERaNEs STOLES • THROWS ;$ tet of time—a matter assured by RUFFS - us in connection with the goods "' GA.UNTLETS we sell. ••" OAP, na Styles, Values & Quantities That Create Buying Enthusiasm ARE HERE iN HOSIERY -* HANDKVF8 GLOVES TIES • '...m.maama•Mimmaiiimpommimaramma COLLARS BELTS SCARFS RIBBONS SATCHELS CUSHION TOPS FANCY GOODS KNIOK lasTAms Attractive House -Furnishings for the Holiday Trade New, and perfect, and in desir- able patternt, are the House Fur- nishings we show, and yet we rednee the price very materially to effect heavy 3elling just now. CARPETS, RUGS LINOLEUMS LACE CURTAINS PORTIERES CHENILLE COVERS TAPESTRY COVERS, Eto, New Eider Down and Bear Skin EIDER DOWN IN PINK, .RED, PALE GREY, PALE BLUE, CREAM BEAR SICIN XN PLAIN and CURL EFFECTS and IN GOOD VARIETY OF PRICES Laren, of near Cromarty, a barrister, who had been practising at Port Huron, and who had returned to the parental home on account of Ws Blake. MILLINER • SPECIALS -For the next two weeks we will sell ev ry hat in our milliner), department at half price. 0 me quick while the selection is zoo& J. Weerniller, Herm% 2033-2 • School Report. -The following re- port shows the relative standing of the pupils ,a the school in, section No. 9, Stanley, for the month of Novem- ber. It is based on punctuality, re- gularity and general deportment: V Class, -Ruth Keys, .Roy Capling, Thos. Meyers. IT Class, -Isabel Man- son, Flossie Capliog, Th.os. Sherritt. III Class, -Albert Keys, Mary Doug- las, Gordon Manson. Senior Class II, -Jakie Brenner/nen, Mary Jane Meyers, Milne Kennel. junior Clase II, -Emma Becher, .Annie Brennerman, Pearl McBride. Part II a, -Katie Pesch, John A. Meyers, Percy Zirk. Part II b, -Lorne MedleOrig Nancy Brennerman, Roy McBride. Part I, - Pearl Moyer, Clarence Hall. Num- ber on roll 50, average 45.-G. S. Howard, Teacher, Dtotes.-Preparations are being made for having a Christmas tree enter- tainment in the Presbyterian dhurch. More direct announcementswill be given later -.4 lecture will be giv- en by Rev. Mr. Spence In the Presby- terian -church this, Pride:7, evening, and an address on Sundt 7 afternoon by Mr. A. T. Cooper, of clinton„ both ef whoro will speak. on -he temper- ance question. -We are sorry to re- port the sad e,faiction which betel Mr. -Wm.-) t7,a,rnie, sr., on Sanirda7 last. Tie old gertieman had a par- alytic stroke. At the time or writing he is doing as well as can tar expeeted. We hope to soon nee halt rebover.-Butchering le noW the or- der of Ithe day and great et applies of' pork are being stored away tor win:, ter use. Constance. Bring along your fowl. Prices next Monday sled - • Tuesday at R. W. Jewitt's, Constance, and Wednes- day elt Seaforth, will be Alive. -Turkeys We, geese - Oe ; ducks ; hens 4e, chickens 7; Dressed. Turkeys 12e, geese 9e, ducke 0; hens 90,chwken590, One cent per pound more for trade. R. Jewitt# Coml./wee, . •201x1 Notes. -Miss Margaret MeDoneld and Mr. Robert Redgerson took - the topic on Tuesday even/inn-We John Riley left for Muskoka On Wed- nesday of last week. -Miss 'Alberta Murray. visited her friend, Miss Mae Adams a few days last week .-Miss Jean Love spent last Sunday at her parental home at Walton. -The young hinter 01 the village are busr preparing for their annual Christinairg tree -Mies Dorene Dever entertained a xi -umber of her young friendS, on Thursday evening in honor of her brother, Bruce, who recently re- turned home from the west. We are always glad to have Bruce with. ue. -A number of our villagers took in the concert at Londesboro on Monday; evening. All report a good time., -Mr. Th.ornas Maras has a, horse that he has cause to be proud of, it having i drawn two toneof hey in One loaf I and is -able to do the same again. Joe Is an exception. -Miss Manama is back to the village again. -Messrs. John Pergueon, Ernest Adams se James Cook went ort a hunting ax -i pedition on Setttrda,y last and were very Successful as game was vet* plentiful. TanorIng and . fc 010.091110.11.9091010114.89ma. 01 - gives opportu art's A era's F oys' Ti Men's :Fancy uffler Way Men's Boys' Boys' Boys' Mtn's Boys' Men's Linen •Sus en Collar Oppo Salle Fox eaperi • FM8111:rlibnuikkee Fur Fur Fur