HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1906-12-07, Page 6tee -.1feteese
e of none of tho
rgiati Bay by U1i
steamer 1T. H. "Tone
that rolling stock to
value of $13,500,000 is now under
lotion by the Canadian 'Pacific.
order includes IM engines, 60
ping, dining and parlor cars, 200
nger and 'baggage cars, and no
le than 10,000 cattle and freight
—Mrs. Robert Campbell, wife of one
of Warwick's best known and Weal-
thiest farmers, took her own. life Pun
ilay morning by cutting her throat
svith a knife. Mrs. Campbell, who
was in her 63rd -year, had been suffer-
ing with melancholia, having recently
lost a daughter, and another member
of the fanuly is now ill with typhoid
—Mr. Donald Turner, ex -warden of
the county of Elgin, inspector of the
House of Industry, and one of the
-most prominent residents of the dis-
trict, died Sunday at his home in
Southwold township. He was born in
rgyIeshire, Scotland, 70 years ago,
ming to Canada with his arents
hen a child, and - settling in the
wnship of Southwold.
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B. R. HIGGINS. Brumfield, Fire and Life Insur-
*Me and Reel Estate Agent ; Conveyancing, Money
tonna private or company fande at lowest rtes of
interest. • 20114.tf
On Saturday., December 16, at it oeilook p. in., in
the Village of Dublin, Village Property in Dublin.
Thos. John O'Connor, Administrator, Thos. Brown,
Autitioneer. 2032-4
On Thureday, December 20, at 1 o'clock p. me on
Lot 8. Concession 4, Tteskeremith, two and a half
race South of Seaforth, Farm Stook. Henry Ches-
ney, proprietor ; Thomas Brawn, auctioneer.
On Tuesda,y, December 11, a one o'clook p. m., st
niers Stock Yards, Seaforth, Horses, Cattle. Sheep
and Pigs. P. A. O'Sullivan, proprietor; Thomas
Brown, auctioneer. 2034-1
Satroant, Deeember eta 1906.
Fall Wheat .. 30,0 to. $0 70
-Gate, per bushel._ . .. 0 83 to 0 86
Pau, per bushel . .. 0 73 te 0 78
Barley, per bushel. 0 42 to 0 42
Bran, per ton- .. . . .. 18 00 to 18 00
Shorts, per, 20 00 to 20 00
Low Grade Flour, per ton..., .......24 so to 28 00
tIour, per 100 tbs..... ........ .. 2 00 to 2T5
Batter, No. 1, Ioose.............. -.. 0 19 to. 021
Butter, tub. • 0 19 to 0 21
Eggs, per dozen 0 21 to 0 22
-COfl1H 60 to 05
Iry per ton.. , . . 10 00 to 10 00
Hides, per 190 lbs 000 to 9 00
eneep skim, 0 30 to 0 36
Potatoes per bushel 0 40 to 0 50
Salt, retail) per barrel- . I 25 to 1 35
Wood per ... . 5 00 to 6 00
Weed per cord (ailed) . 2 FO to 3 00
Apples per 0 20 to 050
-Cinver tlue
'Timothy Seed 1 50 te 208
. 6 50 to 700
Grain, etc.
51ozwerro, December 4 -Fall wheat, 72 to 73o; red,
790, goose, 630; spring, 70c ; old oats, 41e, new
oats, SOa ; barley. 64c ; peas, 80e. Potatoes -Steady.
Ontario le quoted at 55 to 60c per bag in car lots
here ; eastern, 65 to 70e per bag. Baled flay. -rhe
market % holding very steady at $11 for No. 1 Mat-
othy,and $8.50 to $9 for No. 2 in ear lots here. Bal -
•ed Straw -Steady at $6.60 to $7 per ton. in ear lots
Toearo, Dee. 4 -The poultry market was bare
-of poultry this morning, eapractically none were
left over from Saturday. Price:tare firm. Chickens,
dressed, 8e to Mc ; fowl, ee to 70 ; dueler, 9c toile,
.geese, 8o to 190; turkeys, 12e ,e) 18e,
Pattie 0 pin q fty wi th,uer,„ pump lots
st$1.40 to pe cwt. On toed of Prime
lity heifere,i.sr.elbmi, oath sold at the latter Prito ce
enh Oinistines zieloat ; fair to medium wads
Wm. Levack, Who Isit.ated that they werei good
sold tat. $8.75 to* t common at $3.2.5 to eS.611 • crows
t $2 to $3.50 ; cennera 441.50 to $2 per eat, 'Feed-
eand stookera-Feeders sold from ee.25 to $3,86
wt - bulli at $2.25 te $2.76 ; atockersi 82.25 to
•5 nor owt, HIMCovee-Net many cows were on
for seleots and $6.15 for 'gilts end fate ; semi et el
• rims rouged froi cis to stio Ogee Sheep
end Iambs.-- Lambs sot I from $5.75 to $6 per ow
sheed foe expert at ?4.Th per owt. Hoge. -11.P.
Kennedy reptiits ho r p lees as unchanged at $0.40
UFO, and stagfi at to $8.50 per cwt..
Moanx, Dee. 401, bles from Liverpool and
London on Oanadan anL ratich cattle were weaker,
and Priees she* a forth r decline of . sans or
Cansellane in Liverpool were made .at 90 to 100;
ranchers at 9e. London Canadians 100 to 10eo. -Ex.
porta from StJohn last week were 600 cattle, and
from Portland, 1,300 eattle and 1,800 sheep. Al.
though. liable adviees from Liverpool, London and
Bristol on Canadian hacn came weak and 2s to As
lower than a week ago, there was no change in the
condition of the loesi in et for hogs this morning
except that the dernan from packem was not. so
keen as a week ago. P eies remained stelealy, pith
sales of selected lots at $6.70 to et3.8.5 _per 100 lbs.
weighed off care. a in cattle was good and
prices had an upward endenoy all round. Prime
beeves sold at 4 to 411a pet lb.; pretty good cattle,
310 to 4c, and the comment stook, 2ee to 80. Milch
cows sold at 00 to $60 eiteli. Grass-fed calves sold
4ee to 5e per Ill' Sheep
rid lambs at 50 to610per
at st to 81e, and the g
were AM at no to 4e,
Beene°, N. Y., D
steady ; mime steers,*
to e5.40; butchers' fe
heifers, 32.50 to $3 ; fre
steady, others slow and
-Active, and 5c to 1
38.45 to 30.50; Yorke
1.0$0.60 ; roughs, $6,79
dairies, 8e.20 to $6.50.
yearlings, 25o higher ; 1
$0.25 co 30.50; webhers
85.06 : aheep, mixed,
$7.36 to $7.45.
mbar 4. -Cattle ---low and
.50 to $6.25 ; shipping, $4.70
erta 32.60 to $4.10 ; stook
h cows andspringers, prime,
lower, $18 to $64. Hoge, ,
higher ; heavy and mixed,
, $6.40: til $8.50 ; PIP $6.55
$5•90 etegs, $4;26 to 85;
hoop and Lambs. -Active :
be, $5 to $7,50 ; vea.rags,
$5.75 to $6 ; ewes, $5,50 to•
to $5.76 eaCanada. Iambs,
B las.
DELANEY.-In efoleill p, on December lse,to Mr.
and Mrs. James Del nay, a daughter. .
TAYLOR -In Clinton, n November 23rd, to ' Mr.
and Mrs. George Ta. lor, a daughter.
STEWAII,T-In Stanley, on November 24th, to Mr.
and Mrs. Adam Ste art, a daughter.
FA.NSON-In Aberneth Seek., on November 24th,
to Mr. and Mrs. It. . Fanson, a on.
BALL -In Tuokersmith on November 25th, to Mr.
and Mrs. J. E. Ball, a daughter. -
CHISHOLM-In Leeburn, on November 23rd, to
Mr. and Mr:, John hisholni a daughter.
LOWEe•-en Brandon, aultoba; on Deo, 1st, to Mr.
o.nd etre. T. If. Low
LOWERY.-FRAISER-4t the leethodisrparsonage.
Seaforth, by Rev. A. X. Birks, on Deo, lat,
George Lowery and Bertha M., second daughter
of Mt and Mrs. Robert Fraiser, all of Seaforth.'
BAILEY -ALLEN -At the manse, Dauphin, °a
Nov. 16th, by Re'. Robert Gilmour, Cyrus
Bailey, of Roblin, Manitoba, to Mra Annie Alien,
of Seaforth, Ontario
1; AItItIS---1IC)RNEY-Iii Dungannon, on November
28th, Arnold Harris, of Farquhar, to Mabel, only
daughter of Mr. Henry Homey, of Dungannon,
ALLEN-FLETCHER- t the home of the bride's
parents, Exeter, on Novernbor28th, by Rev.A.i.
• Going, Thomas Alien, of Usborne, to Heater
Edna, yeungest daughter of Ur. o.nd Mrs. Wm.
Fletcher. ,
UNTER--HAWKINS At the residence of tlie
bride's parents, on Novernber 28th, by !Rev. B.A.
Fear, George W. Rueter, to Olive Millet eldest
daughter of Mr. Jose h Hawkins, of theeth eon
cession of Usborne, ,
D NOMY-DUCHARM At the, R. 0, church,
Drysdale, on Noyes. er 20th, by Rev. Father
Louiselle, E. Denomy, to Josephine, daughter
of Peter Ducharrae, Of Hay.
Novembee20th, by Rev, Father Corcoran, Chao,
Finkbeiner, to Maud Calogban, both of Seaforth
HEATHERLY-MOTZ-oln London, on November
21st, by Rev. Mr. Livingston, Wm. Heatherly,
of London, to Lizzie l daughter of Henry Motz,
of Orediton I
EIDINGER-FLAXB D -At the home of the
bride's parents, by Rev. E. Schuelke, on Nov.
28th, Elizabeth, daughtcr of Mr, and Mrs. Aug-
ust Flat -demi to Michael Meidinger all of Zurich
,, •
BEDARD-MERO-At the R. C. church. Drysdale,
on Nov. 27th, by Rev. Father Loiaelle, Josephine
Mere. to Edward Be d, all of the Bauble line,
Hay. '
TOBIN-CORBETT-Oa Noveith, at St. Peter's R.O.
church, Goderieh, ;by Rev. Father eleRae,
Michael Tobin, to Satah J. Corbett, beth of Dun-
HAYSWELSH-At St. Augustine R. C. church.
HOTSfe Market. 1 on Nov. 20th. by Rev. Father Laurendeau, 'Ed-
ward Hays, of Niagara, Wis., to Kate Arelsh, of
TORONTO, December 5. -Burns & Sheppard, at the St. Augustine. .
Repository, reported a very good sale of horses on leALSTEAD--PLAETZE4-In Auburn, at the
Friday, but horses are olmep in Teronto. Dealers 1 mtinse, on Nov. 21st, by Rex. J. L. Small, B. ‘A.,
state they can buy cheapee in the city than la the Mary, daughter of George Plaetzere to Harry
country. It is consideredthat horssa have dropped l • Heeeteadi of Geeeeeh
120 per head in price during the last month. At r
Friday's sale Hume Blake's outfit of carriage horses,
hunting horses and polo ponies was sold at very
..gooci prices. The sale also included the horses of
Ross Gooderharn. Besides these, 126 other horses
were sold at reasonable prices.
TORONTO, December 5, -The market continues
tnet because of the absent*of any [appreciable de•
tuand for export. A slight advanee in the quota-
tions for farmy red clover is the only change in prices
within the week. Alaike Ciover-The Americans
-continue to offer abroad better values than are sent
from Canada. The reason for this is because the
prices that have been paid at country points
throughout the season have been above •an export
basis. Whether present prices will be eurintained or
not, depends entirely upon the amount of seed there
it to come out Prices at coutitry poiots Fincy,
;Ve76. ; No. 1, $0 to K2& ; No. 2, $.5.76 to $5185 ; No.
34.65 to e5.10. Red Clover -Market strong for
faney lots. ''SampIes containing weed. seeds are at a
big discount Fancy, $7.75 to 34 ; No. 1, 67 to $7.75
No. 2, 3e.35'to 38.50. San pies containing a large
percentage of weed seed, particularly of buckhorn,
dock and, eatchfly, are at a big diseount. Timothy
-Very little moving. Amerman market Strohg.
110. 1, $1.50 to $1.80 per bushel; No. 2,31.20 to 81.40
per bushel.
Loewe. December 4 -Calcutta linseed, December
and January, 438 ed per 412 lbs.
Dairy Markets.
-Toemeo, December 4.-Bu1.ter-The market eqn
tinues steady to firm, with light supplies, Create
ery, 25e to 26e ; solids, 28e to 24c dairy prints, 22c
to 23e ; pails, 19e to 20e ; tubs,lSoto2Oe, inferior,
I7e to 18e. Cheese. -With prices in England lower,
the market here is barely steady. Quotations are
131c for large and 14e for twins. Eggs. --Supplies of
new laid aranominal ; storage ere firm at 28e, and
limed, 21 to 22e. Honey -The market is firm, with
strained honey quoted at 10 to 12e per lb- and
' combs at $2 to $2.50 per dozen.
MoerrazAt, December 4. -Cheese. -Quotations are
unckanged. Westerns, November melte, 12e to laic;
-October make, Mc to 12e; eztaterns, November
make, llite to lie; October make, 1.2e to 121e.
The butter market is aboet steady in tone. Prices
in the country are fractionally lower, but this is on
account of the inferior quality of the late make.
The demand for local consumption continues active,
and prices here are ebout steads.- at 25e to 26c for
finest quality, and 24e to_eelee for underg-rades.
Egg, -The market con tintlea very firm in tone under
.a good demand and a limitedeappIies. New laid are
very scarce, and are selling- tb grocers at about 80c.
Selected are quoted at 25c, and No. 1 candled and
cold storage at ilee to 21.J.
Live Stook Markets.
Lormon, England, December 4. -Canadian cattle
in the British markets are quoted at 9e to like per
Ib. ; refrigerator beef, See to 9e per pound,
Liveneoce, December 4, John 'Rogers & Co, Liver-
pool, cable Canadian steers 10e ; Canadian ranchers,
GLASGOW, December 4.--Edwarci Watson ane Rit-
chie report all cattle on offer trade eetremely ;slow
and prices worse. Prime steers, llee to 12e ; Mitch-
ers and inferior are deficit% to cash at 9e per lb. •
At Deptford, Saturday prices of Canadian Cattle
were iita irete ; ranchers Sic to 10e. No market
to -day, owing to late arrival of steamers.
T000sro, Dee. 5 -Trade was steady ztt the Cite -
Cattle Market this morninca -The run WAS meher
light, raid dealers had difficulty in getting enoegh
good cattle to supply their %pants. Although
the quality of cattle was largely poor, it was no
worse than the general run of the past few market
days. Eepore trade is very quiet, but butehers were
in good demand at very steady prices. Coed stock-
ers. are still hi demand, and prices are firm. Sheep
are ateady but Iambs have firmer toile. Hogs are
steady and unchanged. The run amounted to 67
ears, ARA ineluded 620 cattle, 1,326 sheep and Iambs,
850 hoes and 54 calves. Export Cattle -Export
tra[le continues very quiet. There were -no export-
ers on the market this morning, nor WAS there anys
demand for eet tie of this geade. Quotations are
nominal at : Choice, e4.40 to $4.60 good, $4 to
cowe, e3.50 te e3.75 ; hulls, .44.50 to 83.75.
Butehrre Cattle-Butchere were very steady to -day,
abut the small number of good cattle on the market
kept business rather quiet. Quoeations are : Extra
choiee, e4 to e4.40 ; medium, ,$3.75 to el •, coneeon,
$2.75 to $3.25 bulle, $3 to $3.2.5. Stockers and
Feedere--The market for stockers and Feeders was
rather quiet, but it was due to the scarcity of good
stoekers. Choice, $3.25 to $3.05 ; good, $2.75 to
63.e5 ; counnon'82.75 to ett ; bulls, $2 to $2.25 ;
litavy feeders, S-3.65 to $3.75 ; short -keeps, $3.85 to
SI. Milch Cows -Choice, $40 to $e0 ; 'common, 825
to 335 ; sPringers, $25 to $10.Calves--Trade steady
itt 2, te Ge per lb. Sheep and Lambs --Sheep were
atedily but lambs were firmer. Exprrt ewes, $4.50
.e.4.q5 InTekS aod mills, $3 to $3.50 ; lambs, $5 to
$0. Hogs -The market has it very firm tone ; quo-
tationa are unchanged at 86.40 per cwt for choice
eeleets, and fe3.15 for lights and fats, fed and watered
Union Stock Yards, Toronto junction,December
4. --The quality of %%tie, with the exception of two
or three loads, generally, .wa.s not good. MePoeteefe
-Trade was fclir, with prrees firmer, the prime lots
of buteher cattle selling- at 16e to.e.6e per cwt. high-
er. Shipping cattle sold all the way from $4,26 to
84.70eethe bulk ging at $4.40 to 34.50export bulls
-at *150 to $4,14.5 per owt. Butchers.-Illate in but.
elcLAREN-In Ribbed, 0 Nov. 29th,,Alex. A. Me.
Laren, %%thew -at -le , late of Poet Huron,
Michigan, aged,30 y
efULDOON-In McKillop on Nov. 390h, Christo-
her Muldoon, aged 7 years and 1 Month.
SCO -In MeRillop, on 000. eth, Elizabeth D. El-
liott, wife of Wm. Scot , aged 57years.
MILNE-In Winghean, on oe".- 25t1I, Elizabeth Id
Scott, wife of ler. Chas Milne, aged 88 yeare.
LOUGIIEED-In Wingluun an Nov. 26th, Dorothy,
infant daughter a Mr. and 'Mrs.D Lougheed.
STONEHOUSE-In East Wr wanosh, on Nov, 23rd,
Elizabeth Rath, wife of Mr. Riehard Stonehouse,
aged 78 years.
THIEL-Itt East Wawanosh on Nov. 21st, Catherine
Wagner, wife of Henry 'el, aged 57 years, 11
mouths and 21 days.
THROWER -In Clinton, on ovember 24th, Russell,
son of Louis and Maud rowereaged 19 months.
Also their daughter Glad , the following day,
aged 7 years and 6 mbnt
fistlYNV0011-In Exeter, ou 1ov. 26th. Betsy Knight,
wife of Mr. John Heywoold, aged 77 years -and 9
A.T.ALT,OT—In Exeter, on No 28th, Fanny, wife of
John Mallot, hi her 50th ear.
WRIGHT-In Grey, on Nov. 30th, Robert Henry.
' youngest son of Mr. Hug H. Wright, aged 27
yeary 8 months and 2 da s.
Your Saw gs
e Safe
When depos ted in
estern B nk sof
Interest paid or cot pound-
ed twice a ye' r.
Borrow Your Requir ments
from us and pay cash.
FOR•SALE.-Four good cows; a emworth sow
with litter, also a good sound driving horse
three years old, well broken to bue y and plow.
WILLIAM. SPROAT, Brickyard, • 2034x1
calves, 11 to 15 months old, goo individuals,
gool colors ant) registered pedigrees. Also one reg-
istered cow 5 years old. A. G. SMI 14[E, Lot 11,
Concession 2, L R. S., Tuckersmith, O.
A VOTION SALE of Horses. ---Mr. Thoinus Cam-
eron has be instructed to sell by public auc-
tion at T. E. Handford's sale stables Exeter, on
Monday, December 10, 1906 commencing at one cle
clock sharp, the following stock : 1 broou mare, with
foal to King Of the Castle ; 1 general pzrpose brood
mare 6 years eld ; 1 gelding 3 years 41d, sired by
Belshazzar : 2 draft fillies, 2 .years old, 1vith foal ; 1
filly, 2 years old, elieible for regiatratio , with foal ;
5 draft geldingse2 years old ; 2 gelding 1 year old.
Terms of Sale. -81x months' eredit will be given on
furnishing approved jointnotes. A dis •unt of 6 per
cent. per annum off for cash. C. E. HACKNEY.
Proprietor ; THOS. CAMERON, Altai° eer.
IP Sheep and Pigs. There will be o ; • red for sale
by public auction at Dick's Stock Yards Seaforth,on
Thesday, December 11, 1906, at ene o'cl ok p. m., the
f011oaing ; 11orses.-2 draft filllea rising 2years old ;
3 geldings rising 2 years old 3 ; geldin rising 8 yrs.
old ; 1 filly rising 3 years old ; 2 s eking fillies.
Cattle. -12 steera rising g years old, 14 ers rising
,keears old ; 12 heifers rising 2 years o d ; 6 heifers
rising a years old, 1 choice cows due to lve in De-
cember, 2 cows due to calve in March, cows due to
calve in April, 8 cows due to calve in My, 6 spring
calves. Sheep. -30 choice ewes under years, 110
choice ewe leIrribs. Pigs. -3 large brood sows due to
litter hi December, 10 young pigs 6 wee old. Ali
df which will be sold withotie reserve Terms of
Sale. -Ten months' credit on approved joint notes -
A discount of 4 cents on the dollar llo ed for cash.
Auctioneer. 2034-1
f I
The mutual meeting of the torsiesteoro Litter and
Cheese Manufacturing 043. will be held In the Town,
ship Hell on Friday, Deceiriber 14th, IWO. Direct.
ors Meet at 1 o'clock, Shareholders, 1..g0 o'clock and
Patrons at 2 oetIock.
R. ADAMS, President.
Notice to Creditors.
In the matter of the Estate ipt George 13aile, de.
ceased. - t
Ail persons having any (Anima mit the estate of
George Belle, late of the Village ot Egmondville re
tired farmer, deceased, are requ ted to aend full
partioulars of the same to Mr. Richard Sillery, Staffer
P. O., or to Mrs. Charles Bberhart, Staffa le O., the
Executors of the *III of the saidGeo. taile,duly Veri-
fied, cn or before theleth of Deceinber, 1906.- After
the saki date the said executors will proceed to die.
tribute the estate of the deceased among the parties
erititled to the same, having reference only to the
claims of which they shall have received notice.
After such distribution the executors will not ne
'responsible for any part of the estate to any person
of whose claim they shall not have received notice as
aforesaid. This notice is given pursuant to the
statute in that, behalf.
Seatorth, November 26th, 1006.
2033- Solicitor for Executors,
Christmas Photos
There ie DO More acceptable Christmas
present eau be sent a friend thau th geed
photograph. We make a specialty of
and now le tbe tinis to or3er, as Christmas
will soon be here. Oall at once before the
raeh stafts, and eave youreel disappoint -
' Picture Framing is it specialty'faith us.
lt, Catharines, Mount Clemens
and Preston
are famous. Why not 'pond it few days at
ono of these point° ? tU oituated on the
Grand Ts unk Railway. Hotel accommo-
dation is gooi and rater reasonable.
eq. ••••••••cmt
Ontario Provincial Winter Fair,
,$1,9510 Guelph and rearm
Tickets g ;of/going December 8th to 14th
nolueive, valid to return until December
176h, Pullman thepar for 0tawa leaves
oronto daily 10,15 p, m.
For tickets And full information call on
W. SOMERVILLE, Town Agent. •
A. F. PHILLIPS, Depot Ticket Agent,
0 cri fr,
s• -
•SP 1:)*
e't;° Fr. rz Ece
CDDssys Pe .
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P - so cm P cp el-
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Pe CD o CD 4 P.
Palm '13
Paid-up Capital, siomoo,oqp. Reserve Fund, $4,500,000
.131. E. WALKER, General Manager :ALEX. LAIRD, Asst. Geol. Manager
$5 and under 3 cents
Over $$ and not exceeding %O..... 6 cents
” • $10 "$30...... 10 cents
o $30 $50 ...... 1.5 cants
These Orders are rayable at Par at any office in Canada of a Chartered Bank
(Yukon excepted), and at the principal banking points in the United States.
- nnooTiast.s AT A 'MED RATS AT
They forni an excellent method of remitting small sums of money. with takty
. and at email cost.
G. E. PARKES, Manager.
-0J .
IV.' en's Stylish Suits.
$5,04 Men' g Suits, made from good domestic
tweeds, sewn with linen thread, shrunken throughout
sizes 26 to 44, for $5,00.
7,00 Men's Suits in stylish tweeds of fancy mixes,
in checks, stripes, overplaid.s, sizes 36 to 44, for $7.
$.00 mows snits, in up-to-date styles, in heavy
or light weights, dark or light shades, made from the new
novelties in tweeds, sises 36 to 44, for $9.
Don't forget our clothing is shrunken and sewn with lir,en thread.
4 1
4 1
4 '0
Poplestone & Gardiner, TRS Myth.
A farmer near Brucefield camp to
me one day, and asked me it I rally
POWDERS were as good as' they
were represented, because if they are.
have, a borsi at home that is so bad-
ly out of order, that it would be a
mercy to shoot him, but if you think
they will help him, 1 will give them a
1 fair show, and let you know how they
come out. He bought a dollar's worth, and went home. About six months
afterwards be called, and asked if 1 remembered hini getting the powders,
and 1 answered that 1 hod been very much- interested in the test, and had
written bim to find out about it. He replied : Yes, 1 got your letter, but
did not write an answer, because I did not want my name in the paper, but
the powders are all 0. K. 1 fed the dollar's worth to my horse, and then
sent by the stage driver for another dollar's worth, and before that was finish-
ed I sold my horse for over $200! The jingle of that money would. make
nearly any farmer happy. Try it yourself, it's easy, it pays, don't you think
25c for 1 Ib; 3 lbs. for 50e, and 7 lbs.
Drug Store,
We sell Kow Kure,
RI aritiot rests
Sea% Nh ,
Ont.* Pit4 i
ry ads
and Clothing
Concern ht
j Fatir ;Count -Us*
Back in the eighties this store began selling fnrL
During thationg period, it has learned much that
benefits you—our public. Oar. tar ,business has
grown to be the wonder of the trade in Weste.n
.Ontario. For Several seasons past we have sold
furs broadcast, This success is due first to the
magnificent furs we have sold, and. second, to the
reasonable prices charged. Como and see this sea-
son's collection, compare our goods and pdces, you
will find us on the right side of every comparison.
When reading through the price list that follows,
we ask you to remember the fact, that poor furs
have never been able to get a foothold in the
Pickard fur business,
assowtotewiN4 11111111141•411=410414111.0104141wwwwwiewiii
Lathes' Fur Coats
, Every fur coat sold by ne is bicked by-, our guarantee.
Astraehan Coate; all sizes, from 32 to 46, at prices fro
styles plain and trimmed
Bocharan Coats, plain and trimmed, all sizes, from $3 to
Near Seal Coats, trimmed, from $34.75 to $57
Persian Lamb Coats, plain and trimmed, from $60 to $165
Fine new fur lined coats, in all sizes, from 40 to 46 ineb.es long at prices
from $41 to $72, in black, brown, fawn, navy blue and green
Caperines, all prices, from $2.75 to $20
atest Novelty'Ruffs, from $1,50 to $39
Muffs from 50e to 147 -
the great
COW medicine.
New. Store in Campbell's Block
The Toronto Bargain House!
Has opened out a fine new stock of
Dry Goods, Olothing,', Boots and Shoes, also
Watches and Jewelry,
MC All of which will be sold at prices so low as to surpriEe buyer. Give as a
rpcell, whether you buy or not. You will be hard to please if we cannot suit
The Standard'
of Value
is the Honed Dollar
•••••• 0141•11+••••
'Me quality of our golds can be
Judged by • that standard and not
found wanting. There is one hundred
cents worth of it in everything in
this stock of
—Pure Drugs and Medicines
—Ladies' and Gents' Purses
—Combs add Brushes
—Fancy China of all makes
—Pipes and Tobaccos to suit all
--Delicate Terfumes in "fancy pack-
—Toilet and Shaving eases
—shaving Brushes, Strops and Mugs
—Toys and Dolls In endless variety
Come in and see for yourielf. You
will be welcome whether you. buy or
not and you. will receive courteous
1191.11, [111•211
Agent for up-to.date Trusses, Syring es
Hot Water Bottles, Shop's remedies,
Cook'o Cotton Root Compouni and
Wood's Phoenhedine.
A specialty with us, a first-claEs watch maker and jeweller always ready te
attend to this branch of the business.
Nkw is the tirae to get bargainki for Christmas and New Year's, and we
can give4h-em to you. 6
Remember the place, the new store, opposite the Royal Hotel, Seaforth,
The weather is getting it snap to it that
demands new shoes. Everybody must be sup- -
plied and everybody dome% have money to
waste. '
Tiateehoe Store is a great money saver. et
same petrels money in two ways. One way
is in quoting prices on nearly every style of
shoe it sells a little lower than other stores
The other way is in eiritig better shoe value -for
the money when the price is the same as at othet
If you buy shoes here, the result will be
that you'll have more money left, or that
you'll not have to buy sham so often. In
either case, this is a money saving shoe store.
Many ahoe buyers have found these state-
ments to be facts, and we believe tie% it will
pay you to investigate,
Sole Agents for the Hagar, Just
Wright and Derby Shoes.
Poultry Wanted.
The undersigned is prepared topay the highest
easki price for ail kinds of poultry, live and dressed,
during the months of September, October, Novem-
ber and December, -delivered every Tuesday, on Lot
30, Concession 2, Mellillop. If dressed, must be dry
plucked necks pulled, and fasted 24 hours before
killing. No thin or crooked brat hones or &form-
ed birch: of any kind taken. Full particulars how to
kill and dreae will be given on application.
noximr. G. MURDIE, Seaforth.
• • -
The Rush
Still Continues
AT Trim
Clearing Sale
Whioh 18 now going on at
A. G. AULT'S Store,
20 lbs. Redpath's granulated sugar for
$1; 10 BT.,: of Sulphur for 253; 10 lbP, of
Welber Salts for 253; 8 lbs. Epsom Salts
for 25c.
• 10 bsri of Judd's Soap for 25c .;° 6 psck-
ets of Soap °hips for 25o ; 6 bars of Bee-
hive Soap for 25e.
40o Coffee now 30o per ib; 30o coffee,
25o per lb. ;26t JAoan Tea now 20e per
lb. '• 25c Green 'Ns rrw 203 per lb.
Pnre Maple Syrup 2.52 a quart; 4 large
size Lamp Glasses t, 25a ; 3 meditun cize
Lamp Glasses for 25e ; best Flour. $1.98
per 100 113r. ; fresh Pork Sausages 10c per
Winter Apples and Sweet Cider now in
stook. -
Invitation extended to all to call and get 1
some of the bargaine which are to be had
at this sal*.
A. G AULYbeaforth
en's Canadian Coon Coats from $30 8
Men's Wallaby Coats from $28 to $33
Wombat Coats from 825 to $28
Russian Calf Coats from tilt, to $25
black Galloway Coatfrom $27 to $33
Black Dog Skin Coats from $18 to. $23
'Brown Dog Coats from 816 to $19
See °tn. Labrador Dog Coat, celebrated Look brand, at pricea from
to $33
Men's kuraned. Coats from. $20 to $120
Compare our prices in Sleigh Robes in blaok bear, ou:o bear, ga
the real Saskatchewan buffalo, Assiniboine buffalo, goat and Labrador
444.44444;444' +4444-414441/-44.
Clothing Department
Promptly at 8 o'clock, on Friday' morning, we start a most remarkable
bale of clothing. • The really wonderful values are unmatchable elsewhere.
and of most intereso to our customers is the fact that all are new and fresh.
Not a man in this vicinity should miss this opportunity. Just a fow of the
good things are listed below:
Men's Suits at
$10.50, worth $13
Men's 04erceats
$10, worth $12.50
409 pairs of Men's Tweed Pants at $1.25 a
$2a -pair
100 Alen's odd Vests at 75c each
100 Boys' and Youths' Vests at 25c each
60 Men's odd Coats a $2 each.
$7..75, worth $11 ,
at $6,25, worth $9;
man's suits at
's overcoats at
pair, wcrth
Stanfield's Underwetur.
We are headquarters for this celebrated brand of Un
derwear ; all makes and all sizes in stock; get our prices.
Highest Prices paid for Butte Eggs
and Wool
Oppozits Town iluilding, Corner Main d •
• • •