HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1906-12-07, Page 5o 6,666 ,46116- 3-4 6 10 11 . 12 16 17 18 19 23 24 25 26 30 31 ....... 27 6611 ti e•tr **a 7 14 21 28 6 1 SYstein Will 'then be -dale xitinued for good. Whatever heeefitoth re may be to Tabu* generationileath coun- try now pay dearly ena4,1e :for ,all the advantage* It dertve$ efr M - the iron *Melting Indatetreee asekeeeeeeaseeela:e 29 6 or.: NEW ADVESTISSIAlefil& adThe figure between the parenthesis after each ad, denctes the page of the papa on whieh the advertiwment is tound. • =A Forerunner -E. MePaul Co. -8 Now is the Tune -J. S. Roberts Drug Store -4 35110.9-0 Buying --Greig Cletthing Co. -1. Annual Greetings -Stewart Bros. -3 t-Christratol-F. 28e. Tea -Beattie Bros -LO Auction Sale -C. Hackney -5 XTriadt. Footwear -R. Willis & Son -4 Stylish Suit,-Poplestene and Gardiner -5 Popular Gift Books --Alex. Wilson -4 Hockey Skates -Reid & Wilson -5 Fel! Shoes -Richardson and McInnis -5 Ahetion 8ales-5 Money to Loan -B. R. Higgins -8 Annual Meeting --R. Adams-5- ladiesAid Concert -8 Wantetiz-R. W. Jewitt --5 That Greed P1ay-8 For Sate -Wm. 13proat-5 Bulls for Sale -A. G. Smillie --5 Robes, te,,.--X Broderick -8 Shop Early -Beattie Bros. -8 Wanted-Commeroial Hotel -8 Xmas. Groceries -P. Dill -8 Harness K. Iiroderiok-5 Xmas. Window -Staples Bros. -8 The %won Oxpottot SEAPORTH, FRIDAY, Dee. 7th, 1906. .test Rieron Reformers The annual rneetiag of the Reform- ers of East Huron as tonstituted for both Dominion and Provincial pur- pcea will he held In the Town Hall, Bruesels, on Tuesday next; the lith inst., at one o'clock. It is also at- tended at the same time to select a candidate for he next Dominion et, .estion in East Huron. The munici- palities particuia,rly interested in this Etre Howicke Turnberry, *roi- ster, Grey, Bruesels, Morris, Blyth, East Wawa,nosh and Winghain. Five delegates are asked from, each, pol- ling 'eula-clivision. This is a eery im- portant meeting and every- polling sub -division should be, felly repre- vented.- Este Theron departed from the true 'fan' at the last electicvni bat the next, election should witness its retarn to the Liberal fold. - The Dominion Parliament. The preserit session of the Domin- ion Parliament 'hale been a session of eurprieese so far. The remarkable and unusual expedition with which members got to work after the ses- sion opened" WWI the first surprise; the next sUrprise was -,the brevity Of the discussion on the address in re- ply to the, speech from the Throne; the third surprise was the Budget speech and the new tariff or the tariff thanges within a week fitter the House 'met and the next and per - baps the !greatest surprise of all liras the universal favor with which the new tariff was received by ail part - torial Notes eind COrn ts, birthday- -Of tliteereerAl xandra,,, Who wae born In, 1844, was ce ebrated. at Sandringham on Saturda Dec- ember let,by an aneSuall leave gathering of fthe Royal !family. Greeting e from all parts of the werld arrived ali day long. Thils is worse than anything in Can- ada. Even .London cannot c me ...up to this. A. Parliamentary re urn of the " offichd" expenses of 'th carob- dateof the repent gener I, elec- tion to the Britt* Perliarne tallow% that it coot the -670 members of Par- liament $50884e29(i to obtai their seats, an average. per vote of 98 cents. The sum privately •isiburseci would substantially 'increase the tot - SO, .judging from the evid Eire of some of the bribery trials w ich fol- lowed the, elections. Why elk a- bout electoral corruption in Canada after this I ; tee and file eqnsequent mild eriti- elenoe whieh 'It 'met from the Oppo- sitiOn. -Instead of being assailed by teee big ganef Of the Opposition and the discusaion lasting for weeks ' or elm months as Was, expected, none of the big gulls- such as Mr. Borden or Mr. Folder vouehsafed a word of comment Mr. Cockshut, of Brant, a fourth rate orator,, was put up to reply to the Finance Minister and the discussion was cormluded in one !sitting. It is likely,however, that there will be more discussions yet as the les -plutons' bringing the tar- iff into operation have yet to be sub- mitted and passed upeti when it is postitble Mr. Foster and the other big guns on the Opposition side will be heard from. This Is, not likely to take place for a few days as the Government Ereems disposed to give tinie for the members and the coun- try to- fully consider the various the/Agee and, weigh the bearing they will have upon the many -interests' of the country'. In the mean time it le likely routine business will be peoceeded with; the estimates evhich have already- been submitted Will be taken up and! the Opposition will be given ample oportunity to pre- lates their thunder if they have any The New Tariff Never In 'the history of Canada ha,s there been Ei." Tariff which has given ellat Universal satisfaction, and which elicited so little adverse criticism as )that the particulars of which Hon. Mr. Fielding* unfolded to Parliament and the country a few days ago. Of course, where there are so many and such diverse interests it would, be ab- solutely:impossible to frame a Tariff that would be entirely satisfactory to every person. The Manufacturers' As- sociation are not eatiefied with :it, because they wanted more protec- tion, although we hardly think they expected their desires in this respect would be complied with. The ultra. Free Tradere on the other side would like to see a further sealing down of the duties so as to bring them more nearly the basis of a Tariff for revenue only. Indeed The Ex- positor is among this number. Con- sidering the buoyant revenue! and the continual and growing receipts from customs duties we think the taxa- tion of the coun ::y night have been still further deer' ased and greater good than harm would result. But as we have already said there are so many and so div-ergified interests to be considered that we have no doubt the Government'beve gone as far in :this direction as It was safe for them, or as the country would sustain them in doing. We must be thank- ful for what we have -got ana if the Government continue to use some of their surplus revenue in decreas- ing the public debt no one can find much fault with them. The most objectionable feature in eOlthe w.hole arrangement is the continuation of the bounties to the iron. manufactur- ers. It is surely time that these pap - fed esteblistuneets were able to stand on their own foundations. The only virtue the system has is that the payments are direct and we can compute at any time just whet they do emit the country. And we -hope that when the present four Years term expires that there will be no further renewals and that the boun- ••••—••• eg.••14.— *OOP .1••• mom. Somesehat alarming newe ' as been received concerning the ah alth of -Hon. C. S. Hyman. An Ot avea de- spatch sem "According te aathofi- tative information received ere C. 5, Hyrnamt is a very s ck man. His weight has dropped fr rn 210 to 158 pounds!, and a specialist who was tonsulted, declared that t e Minis- ter's; complete recovery depended Alp - on immediate and absolut rest. So shattered are Mr. Hymah s nerves that be cannot even lift glass of water to hid lipe. All butaineas matters are withheld from him, and he le not" allowed to re eive any lettere." • i---, -- The bye -election in Bee Hamilton on Tdeiday last,to fill the vacancy in the Legislature caused by the death of Mr. Henry Carscallan, ..resulted in the 'election of Mr. A1140111 Stadhoinn, the Labor candidate, by a majority of 889 over Mr. S. J. Soot, KC, the Conservative candidate, Tie Liberals did not bring out a canal ate but, nn- ited with the Labor part and hence the defeat of the Gove meat can- didate in a strong, Cones vative con- stituency. But, while it is a defeat for the Government, it c nnot, under any erreumetances, be reckoned victory for the Liberal , although flame.' Liberalpapers are claiming it fie ' • •••••••••11•••••••••• In the neve tariff dee ions .have been, made to industry, the., leading a portant in.dustiy in the duty on mowers and been reduced from 20 t ard Harris 58. Jr. II -Ida Irvine 64, Janie McCullagh 14, Oscar Copeland 03, Pe Dope. 58, Part II -Grant Dun- can '76, F. Francis' 16. Senior Part McCurdy 90, Roy Fletcher - 80, Lester McCurdy 00, Jr, ,Peet I-Jobn McClockiln 60, George 'Harm.* 54, G. CouPeland, - Isabelle M. Gardiner; Teacher.' ded conces- the farming d moat im-. ountryl. The binders has 17 1-2 per Walton.' A Glood Colt. -Mr. And Rnigbtt, of Morrie, near this village, ' recently sold to Mr. Jas. McLeod, of Howick, a five !months' old colt, 'for which he received the handsome sum of $170. Thia is a bit PeiCe for a five months,' old tole, ibot it was- an extra fine animal. It was sired by Govehlook & ArChibald's imported horse, Bursar - Local Items. -We regret tine rereek to report the serioas illness of Mrs. Simeon Barrows, who was 9etricken with paralysis on Thursday of last week. -Mr. S.' Barrows, of Enderlin, North Dakota, is here at preeeat, hav- ing been summoned home owing to the seriotie illness of har, mother. Mree Barrows 'has for mane years been a loyal subject under the Stars and Stripes/ and has proepered. But hav- ing said his possessions in Dalcotaehe will again !become a resident un-, der the Union Jack, baying purchas- ed twoisectioni of land in the Albeeta distrlct We wish Mr. Baredws suc- cess in !his new, veatare es he is one, whose enterprise is wierthy of sueoese.-Mr. and Mrs!. John H. HIS - lop, of ,Arcola, SeSk., are visiting at the home of Mr. James, Smillie. They have Sold their farm propeety near Arcola and intend to remain in Ontario to enjoy the fruits, of a well earned competency. We are al- ways pleased to welcome back those who have once been tesidente of our vicinity to. spend and enjoy the fruits ot 'their labors. Mr. And Mrs. Hislop will probably reside in Clinton, hav- ing purchased a house and lot there swine' time ago. -Rev. R. ,Y, Ourrie and bride have returned and are now comfortably settled in • the pareon- age.-We are sorry to announre the eeridus illness of.' Miss Jean Stew- art, 16th concession,' Grey. Some form of stomach trouble seems to be her ailment, hat we horte soon to hear of her, recovery . -A concert in aid of the public library was held In the Workmen's hall on Tuesday even- ing of Whist week.-Hoegy Birosare doing good work with their chop- ping mill. They will run Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday of each week. -We wish them Stlepeae., cont; On windmills, fr m 25 to 20 per eeet.; on axes, scYthes, Sickles, or reaping (hooks, 25 th 221-2 e per eeot, and on spades and shovels,from 35 to 821-2 per . cent. The &lei of el -2 cents- per gallonon gasoline - and naphtha has been struck off The Government bowed to the petition Of 10,000farmers againsta duty .upon tin plate, widc. wEie solicited in the interest a la tin.' plate factory,. the onlY one in Canada, projected_ at Cornwall! Lumber rernains free of-, duty. --Binder twine and barbed fence wire- .also remain! free. Oranges, lernons and limes 'have been made tree at 'a sacrifice of $200,000 a year in r !revenue, -chiefly f r the heneftti of the west, where fruit Is scarce and deer. e''' , • •••.••••.•••••••1 The Toronto Newl which has no, very soft tide for th Dominion Gov- ernment, gieee the Finance Minister 11 the following eertfi ate of char- acter, which le! 0n0 dou.bt -deserves, or he would not rece ve it from such .......' a source. It says- l• All reports a- gree that Mr. Fielding's budget state- ment -was able, ludidI and 'comprehen- sive. He always seems to corntnaed the good -will of Parliement, and to hold the 'confidencejo his friends without losing the yrnpathy of his opponents. He is not an orator, but he is a clear persuasive debater, and he is always 'frank and 'courteous. There is no -doubt t at he ' could have done more than he has done to check extravagant e penditures and useless waste of pu lic money upon sheer political project , bat his own hands have neveet g n into the Treasury, the has pe itted no one to profit by fore-kno 1 dge of tariff changes, and has s adily refused to lend his name or hie office to com- pany prospectuses land speculative projects which be might have turn- ed to personal advantage." • 6•11111111116110111111111111111611611111111111•11 Faroie ar. e Re-Eneaged.-Miss Isabkla Gardin- er, daughter of Mr. Robert Gardin- er, who hasbeen the teacher in the. school in section No. 3, Usborhe, since the su_mmer holiday, has been re- engaged for next year, at a, liberal increase in salary, a d will hereafter receive $600. Miss 'G rainer has prov- en a thoroughly corn tent and pains- taking- teacher, and f her re-engage- ment will be pleas' g to both par- en,:er and pupils. . Hotel Sold -Mr. Jon Westlake has disposed of the Far u.her hotel prop- erty to Mr. Wm. P Hand, who -will take possession shor ly, and run the business. This hostle y has never had a license, andi was conducted for a great many _years on Temperance .principles, Under the care of Mr. and Mrs. - Westlake, it was a most comfortable and well conducted hotel, and furnished just s good accom- modation' to travelle B ale the ordin- ,ary liceneed hotel. r. Pollard Is well known in the eighborhood, and will, no dou t mai tain the very good reputati n whiah, the Farquhar Temperance hotel hale so long enjoy- ed. We have not- 1 arned What Mr. Westlake intends to do. . Our School. -The following is the percentage obtained by the pupils In echool section N . 3, Usborne in the examinations he d in November: Fifth Class -Wm. R ach 73, Earl Gar- diner, 71, Gilbert Thlulcan 68. Sr. IV -Alberta Daupe 79; Carrie Coupe - land 71, Laura Clarke 69, Myrtle Stin- son. 66, Milton • leOurdy 66, Bert Doupe 64,'Itay Fran is 62, John Bal- lantyne 60, Ada, Mc urdy 65, Kenneth Duncan 62. Jr. IV -Victoria McCurdie 66, Norman Francis l 47, Ethel Shier 46, Jeesie McCurdy 4" , Chris MeCiock- ; lin.. Sr. III -John French; 19, 'Isa- belle Turnbull 73, award -,IVIeCurdy 71, Rite, Shier 6E, A. •Coutieland, .46, Oliver McCurdy 46,1 Roy McClocklin 46. Sr. II -Eleanor 'Doup,e 68, Leon- adommi s-M1e E11a 1-16epers a., niece of Mille W.- G. Illieeettand es .graduated nurse from Victoria It1eepita1, Louden, will leave' here, elext week. to 'take the positien eof 'Matron in One of the - *Ode in the Brandon hoepltals Man There le no _municipal election talk here of any accamteeyet. There may beimonle !change in the cceMeil, but the .genetal ,oPinion le that the pres- ent Sky- efficient reeve, Mi. ,Bobler, will be 're -sleeted by. Acclamation and be- destervee it -Mr Wre. Moritelth, of the, Thatnese Road, Usborne, had fi very succeisful -.sale of farm stock on Thuticlay or last week. Wroxeter Death of Mis.-Paulin.-After. an Melees extending over five we*, Nfrs. James Paulin passed away a,t her !home here on Tuesday afternoon, aged 73 years. Her maiden name was Mary Jane Powell. She came from: Burlington, formerly ,called Well- ington Square, with her parents •when *coven 'years old, to lAroodetock where ehe Spent a number of years, and where •she was married to her now bereft partner, Mr. James, Paul- in. They tame to Wroxeter in 1810 where they have ever eince resided. Mrs. Paulin was most 'highly es- teemed by all who knew her, of a quiet , disposition she was a good friend to those in trouble; a kind nal:el:Ler find faithful wife, and kind- ly remembrances .of her .will linger' in the reemOriere of those who knew her so irnany years. A family of five sons, William of Souris, Manitoba, Weeley, of ITreherne, Manitoba; Al- bert! James and George, of this vil- lkge, and two daughters, Mrs. J. _Huger, Sault Ste, Marie, Michigan, and Mrs, NV. Greer, Wiarton, as well as „a number of brothers and Sisters survive her. The funeral took place to the Wroxeter cemetery on Thurs- day afternoon, eereice being con- ducted by Rev., T. H. Farr. e.._ ... TAxeter. Another Sudden Death. - Another very sudden death- occurred • here on Thursday of last week, Mrs. Wm. Miners ,Was found dead , in a pantry adjoining the kitchen of her resi- dence, by her daughter. She had Peen aboet the !house attending to her household duties as usual and it is supposed • that having occasion to go into the pantry for some object the attack came ell denly- and without any warning eh was smitten down there and then.J At any • rate,, -her daughter, wile was in another pert of the _houses found her there, and she ,had, evidently, been dead some little. time. She was a sister of Mrs, Hallo who also died very sud- denly a few weeks ago. Previous to coming to Exeter Mr. and Mrs. Min - ere' had been on a /farm in 'Us - borne, near Elimville, and were /a- mong the early settlers there Dee. ceased, although well advanced in years, had be quite smart and had, apparently, 'enjoyed good health.. She was a lady who was mucla and - deservedly respected and her sudden death was a very severe shock to .her family and friends. They have however, the consolation of very pleasant rnemories,and the knowledge that the departure was easy and withoutpain or suffering of any kind. Briefs. -Mr. A. Dow arid Dr. Ten- nant have !returned from Manitoba. and the West, whitherthey had been with a flot of light heroes and which they dieposed of very satisfactorily. -The social and bazaar elf the Ladies' Aid of Cavan church on Fri- day evening, was well patronized and was a very pleasant and successful affair. -Warden Speakman hes dis- posed of the handsome driving mare hepurchased from Inspector Tor-, rance,, of Clinton, lastspring, to a,,i gentleman in Seafortlf for $326. Mr. Spackman did not want to part with her, ilut the money tempted him'as he made over $100 on her, besides having the nee of her all summer. - Mrs. Heywood, wife of Mr. John,A. Heywood, died 'on Tuesday of lst week, as, the result of anattack of . paralysis from which she suffered a few days previously, She . was 77 years of !age, had resided here for about fifteen !years and was much and deservedly respected. -Mrs. Jas. Miller has !returned, from an ex- tended visit- to Deloraine and other points' itl Manitoba, and the West. - Mr. John Horner and family, of th- borne, removed last week to New Ontario. -Mr. Patrick Kehoe, of Us - borne, . disposed of twenty-four fine turkeys to la dealer in town a few days ago, and for which he received the snug 'suns of $54.76. Turkeys pay as well as pigs this, year.- r. A, Q. Dobler has [disposed of the Exeter ereamery to Mr. John H. Scott, form- erly. of Cromarty, and who has been acting as 'Government Inspector of Creameries and Cheese Factories for smile time, Mr. Scott gets poesesdiod on the Meal of January, and will run it after that. He thoroughly un- derstands 'the !business and will make as good a success of it as his pre- decessor. Mr. Scott hes also pur- chasecl a !residence in' town, that of Mr. Howey, on Main street. --, Mrs. Stonehouse who died' in Belgrave re- cently, was mother of Mrs. C. Bir- ney, of tile town. -Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Oke have gone to Seaforth, and will visit their sons- and daugh- ter there 'until ithe new year. -Mr. and Mrs. William Kycid, of thborne, near town, have returned from a two months' visit to Manitoba and the Western provinces. Mr. Kydd is very much taken -up with, the coun- try and if he were as young as he used to be the inducements of Usborne would hardly- hold him from casting In hisr lot with the wild end woolly Weeterners, although when r passing through Winnipeg ihe saw them hauling ice through the streets, and he had a -Might taste of a WesterS blizzard in November. -Another • old and respected resident of Exeter was removed from this We on Wednes- day of last week. This was Mrsi John Mallett,- -wha seccumbed to an attack of typhoid fevers She was 50 years of age and leavea husband and son. -The James street Mettiodia4. congregation will have their aunt!, versary services on Sunday, the Oth inst. The Y are to be conducted by Rev. Di. Daniel, of London, and the Lades' Aid of Trivitt church hold their annual 'bazaar .to -day, Friday, Briefe.-?Mr. R. T. Miller, of To- ronto visited over Sunday with his mother, Mrs. T. F. Miller, -Mrs. W: Greer returned to Wiarton on Mon- day after spending a few days in the village. --Reid Brossold their Beet car be evaporated apples last .week . -A meeting to appoint dele- gates to the Liberal nominating con- vention in Brussels on Tuesday, De- cember llth, will be held in John Douglas' store on Friday evening at eeven- o'clock. -The concert given by the council last week was a decided success, in every respect. The attend -I ance from the country was very large as no doubt. our country friends appreciate the comfort of our new hall. The council have shown eom- -mendable • enterprise In everything they have underteken and in the mat- ter of an evening's entertainment they are not behind, as they spared no expense in engaging splendid tal- ent. lames Fax never was in better, form and le still as great a favor- ite here as, ever. Miss Lucy Lillie, vocalist. of Toronto, made her first appearance ;here and created a most favorable impression by her splendid singing. Mr. ctracey) of Wingharre has not lost any of hia vim and can hold an audience down with his humerous recitations and readings. Dr. Fowler ;gave a eihort but very; in- teresting and 'instructive -address on the products and resources of Can- ada. Our local orchestra addecirnuch to Plie enjoyment of the evening and: judging by Ithe applause given them their music was 'highly appreciated. They are indeed' a credit to them-. selves as well as to the village. The net .proceeds amounted to about $40 which will be applied to the expenses of furnishing the hall. . W. Hord, of Mitchell, was here on a businese visa' Monday of Mitts week. E. 0A-0 LeselbUry, Notesee-The winter has set in in earnest so appearances indicate and the date of its CoMmeneernent might be set • down for December the 1st. - We announce the death of Mr. a Muldoon which took place on Friday last. Deceased Was one of the earl,' pioneers of the northern portion of MelCillop. He had thel, reputation of being an honest man and was born In Ireland. -An immense amount of poultry has been sent from this sec- tion within the t last fortnight. This is largely owing to the industry of theladies who certainty have a peck of trouble in bringing the 'birds, to maturity. -The meeting of the young peoples' circle at the tome or Mr. J. Barrows was a pleasant and in- teresting gathering, Too much praise cannot be ;even to Mrs. Barrows and daughter, Mies Mabel, for the way they entertained their guests. - J. P. McIntosh has been engaged cut- ting feed, grinding grain and saw- ing wood by steam power on the 10th line lend J. E. Irvine has been busy at 'similar work out around Beech- wood. -The sale at David McCatcheon was well attended and while traps and implements were dull, cattle ffeld y'ry well. MrhicCutcheon was out in Manitoba nearly all last summer and talks about going to reside there permanently -Mrs Wm. Scott, who resides a little west of this place was prostrated by aes at- tack of paralysis on Sunday just as she was preparing to go to Mr. Mul- doon's funeral, We 'trent, however, her case fe not serious. -Any who may desire to procure a copy ot that entransingly interesting work, The. Pancake Preacher," by " Mack Clole," can have one on application • at the Leadbury poitoffice. This IS the second book published by Rev. A. MeKibbon, an old McKilllop boy. It is interesting and like hie first has a good moral tone. The price is $1.25. -Since the above Was in typo We learn of the death of Mrs. Scott, which occurred on Thursday morning. The sincerest symphthy of many friends will he extended to the be- reaved ;husband and tardily. I • • Blyth. A Godd Entertainment. -The young people of the Methodist church de- serve great praise for having such a high .class concert as they had' in their church last Monday evening, when the noted Herold Jarvis, bar- itone soloist, of Detroit, was as- sisted byeMrs. Homlith and Miss Sper- ling, , piano eoloists, of W'ingharn, and Rev. Mr. Small, of Auburn and Rev. Reid,;of Nile, who both:gave very good 'readings. Of course the star of the evening was Harold Jarvis, and he .certainly pleased the large aud- ience, both by his strong well mode idatect voice, and also by his generos- ity in responding to encores, return - leg every time, a couple of times in fact. The audience were sai enthuiastic that it was hard • for himl to satisfy them. Miss Pearl Gidley, of town, who acted as accompanist, did eplen- didly, and although some of the' com- mittee wanted to import an accom- panist we are sure thet they will be well pleased that they did not,. as Pearl certainly filled the bill as well as any outelder could have done. Briefee-Rev. 'Ur, Gilmour, of Blen- heim, preached two excellent ser- mons in the Presbyterian church here last Sunday, and next Sunday Rev. Mr. Cowel, of Ilderton, • will occupy the pulpit, and on Friday evening of this week Will take charge of the prayer meeting. -Rev. 'Mr, Penhale, of Monkton, occupied the pulpit of the Methodist church last Sunday evening and his old flock were all glad to have him once mord preach- ing to them, -Mr. Geo.- Powell ship- ped turkeys from Wingharn last week and from Belgrave and Blyth this week. -There was a fall of snow of about elx inches Sunday evening, so on Monday 'there was fairly good sleighing, . vehich alwa,ys makes bus- iness better. -Mr.- Jae. Nicholl, of Shelburne, visited his parents here a few days during the past week. -Mr. Ss H. Gidley was on a business trip to Goderich last week. -The first of the monthly fairs was held here on Wednesday of this week, and con- sidering that they had only been advertised such a ehort, time, there was a very good attendance and a \number of sales were recbrded.-Mr. John Wanless, of Norwood, inepeetor for the C,P,R., visited friends in town over Sunday. -Mr. John Carter left for Midland last Wednesday, where he has ,secured a good position a• large harness establishment In that place. -Mr. T. B. McArter is at present on a business trip to Toron- to --Mr. P. McIlvain, of the Nile, is epending a few doors with friends in town. -Mrs. James Hamilton is at present in the hospital at London, having an operation performed. Her daughter, Miss Etelka, went toLon- don with her. -A few from 'here at- tended a small parte at Mr. Wth. Einig•h's, Walton, I- -t Wednesday evening. -Mr. John Wekmouth and Mr. J. Scott left for Toronto last Wednesday, Where they have se- cured situations at their beide as carpenters. -The farmers In thle sec- tion seem to have ,had some diepute with the Berlin Sugar Beet Co., as a number who bad contracted to e'en their beets to that company, are now teaming them in a,nd selling them to Mr. Dobler, of Exeter, Who is here in the IntereSts of another iactory, DE.MBE]R 71 SEAFORTH S LEADING SHOE STORE. uiggestions for Xmas. No need to worry about what shall I give this Christmas 1 A visit to our store will solve the question for you. In choosing some article of Footwear, you are giving something you -know will be greatly ap. :predated, and be sensible and serviceable as well. The whole family, from baby to grandfathers can be suitab), remembered from eur stock of Christmas Footwear, and you'll be surprised how little oash you 11 need spend. Look over this list, it will give you an idea osof 3thtoe va- curpet supGprrii S 1103 MEN. Felt Slippers Geed Rubbers Leather Slippers riot,' of oar stock: . $I 00 to 1200 Good Rubbers 75e to $1 00 PelleSlippere 35a to 500 Carpet Slippers v-$11.17:350itto:oti::.305785 Overshoes $1.60 to 12.10 Veit Sheol 85c to $1.00 Overehoes Felt Shoes7,50 11 00 to 82.25 Ovargsiters Bap te Mtn FOR BOYS. 56e to 750 a pair $1.00 to $1 26 36 to 500 $1,5 to $1.754 Rubbers Moccasins ' House Slippers Hockey Boots GIFTS It0,1 WOMEN„ GIFTS 'Ol GIRLS. Homo Slippers Moccasins Rubbers 8011001 Shoes Shop e rly for -Christmas. 350 tiOo a pee - $1.00 to $1,25 40o to floe SIAM to $aes •••••••••••••••••••••••••••=••••• Cromarty. Death of Alexander McLaren. -Mr. -Alexander A. McLaren, fourth son of Mr. Duncan McLaren, passed peacefully away at the parental home' near here on Thursday of last week. Thiel sad event, although not 'Imes- ,, .pected, was a severe blow to his faintly and friends, and was .deeply regretted in the neighborhood. Mr. McLaren beernae affected with tuber- colosis of the throat about a year sago, but being young and strong and with the lbrightest of prospects be- fore him he was naturally -loath to give up, and 'remained at baldness" until about June last, when he was faced to come home to resit and in the hope that the change _would af- ford the desired relief. It was not so to te, however, as despite all that medical skill and the best of ,nursing could do hei gradually grew worse until The final change came as a- bove stated. Mr. McLaren was an Unusually bright and eleven young man. He 'received 'his earlier educa- tion in ethet, Mitchell High School and the Seaforth Collegiate Insti- tute, preparing himself for the teach- ing profession. He taught for three years with marked success in the school at Brewster, on the town line between .Stephen and! Hay, west of Dashwood. Leaving this he entered the College of LaW at Detroit and graduated from this inetitution a with honors in 1903. He soon after com- menced the practise of his profes *ion in. Port Huron, Michigan, wher he was *remarkably 'successful , ani , was building up a large and lucra- tive 'practise when the illness evhich remitted in 'hie death soveetook him. He was 'just 80 Yea,rs of age and was unmarried. It seems. hard for so brilliant a career to be cut off so soon, but such was the will of an ever. wise Providence and who should repine. - The deceased was not only clever professionally, but he had an engaging • and winning personality which 'inspired confidOce and made him popular with all- with whom he came in contact. He 'Wag et -member of the Masonic order and the funeral on Sunday was conducted under Ma - Sonic auspices under the direction of Hensell lodge, and the brethren from several surrounding lodges joined with their brethern in Hensall in paying a ilast =tribute of respect to one who, although so young, was a credit and ornament to the craft. The sincerest sympathy of very many friende will be extended to ttheebereaved father and relatives'. Zurich - MILLINERY SPECIALS -For the next two week we Will sell every hat in our millinery department at half price. Come quick while the selection is good. J. Weismiller, Hensel). 20824 Notes. -Mr. and Mrs, Samuel Rennie arrived home last week from Sas- katchewan, , where they had been for several months, looking after a farm Mr. Rennie had purchased in that Province. Me. Winkenweder, a, son-in- law of 'Mr, Rennie, has removed from North Dakota, and has taken charge of the fa,rm.-Mr. C. Schwartzentruber ha,s sold his fifty acre farm, on the Bronson line, Ito Mr. G. Erb, who will 'ilow have a farm of 100 acres. -The regular nleeting of the W. C. T. U. was held at the home of the presi- dent, on Wednesday- afternoon, when the report of the Aelegales to the re- cent Provincial Convention, held in London, was ,given: The Zurich W.0. T. II, is a Teal live institution, and is doing 'a good work in our midst. - The Hay council held % a meeting in the town hall here on Monday last. The council was principally engaged in settling up accounts and winding up the business of the past year. -Mr. and MTS. C. Haugh, Who have been re- siding in North Dakota for some time, are now .inf this ' vicinity visiting friends!, and we understand they in- tend residing in this part of the countre, preferring it to the west. -- A few days ago while shoeing a horse Mr. Joseph Deichert was struck CM the bead by the animal's foot mak- ing a fievere gash: -Some days ago while cutting straw on the farm of Mr. John McBride, Mr. Sam Mc- Bride got a nasty fall. He was standing on a ladder fixing the blow pipe 'when the ladder slipped and he fell to the floor receiving a bad shaking (up,, butfortunately was not seriously injured: as be might easily have been. -On Wednesday of last week a very interesting evest oc- curred at the home of Mr. and Mrs. August Flaxbard, ot this village, *hen their daughter, Miss Elizabeth, wee happily married to Mr. Midhael Medinger. The ceremony was Wit- nessed by a large number of relatives and friends. The young eouple en- • SEAPORT/I _ Sole Agents for the 'Slater" and " Walk,Over " Sboeu for men, a Quality" and Emp els" Sheet for women, ts "-Qu-se ter upon their new relatione under the most propitious circumetancen and they as receiving the congrattt- latione of many friends. -Mr, John Holtzman, son of Mr. G. Holtzman, of this town, was also married on the same day to Miss Pearl Geiger, of Elkton, Michigan, 'The happy couple have Marry Mende hereabouts Who will unite in extending congrat- ulations and good wishes. -Mr. Jno. Kohene, Who left thie eleinitr a- bout 18 !yearn ago and located In North Daliota, is in the vicinityjust now calling' on- 'old friends all of whom. are pleased fel meet with him -A meeting of the Hay Fire In- surance Company was held here on Saturday and several: new appliert- time for !membership were _Accepted and some clahne were adjested. The fire looses of this company haVe been pretty heavY title year and; wilt a- mount to about $6,000. Tuekeremith. Colt Purchased. -Mr: A. G. Smillie attended the sale of ;It/limited horses of Mr. S. J. Prouse, atIngersoll, a few daye o and purchased a very handeome lyoung Clydesdale filly. She is a lb ght bay, eighteen; months old and Mxj. Smillie paid $225 for her. He ntende to keep her '• for breeding perpoees. Mr e Smillie also recently seld to Mr, George W. Wren, of Chiselb st, a very nice fifteen, months ol hall, and he still has three or our very .gded one for vale. A Close have, -What might have been a se ous accident but for great prese ce of mind, happened to two of ouxll Sproataville ladies, Mrs. James- Spro t and Mrs. Smith. While returning f om Seaforth last Thurs- day evening the 'horse they wero driving;\ although unusually quiet, got scared at the railway track aid commenced' to Tun. Both ladies grab- bed the lines and bung on untiii op- posite John keMarm's residence,when the horse shied or was pulled On to Mr. Ifelvlantee lawn. Mr. Allan Mc- Mann camel to the rescue * and secur- ing the lildrfle quieted it down and -the ladies- Were able to drive horns withour further mitihap. They were both considerably frightened, but oth- erwise .uninjured, and their friends are eongratulating them on their fortunate escape from, more ser- ious inairy'. Breezes. -Chas. Falconer and John Spencer have returned from TheNorth- west.-Robert Battey arrived home last week, having spent , the summer on the •Government supply boat "Bay- field." -Miss Maud Pollard is home from the Nest. -Mr. and Mrs. John Tippet and daughter, Ante, were true gueste of Mr. Johnea Varna, last Sun- day. -MT. John latiggert, of Wallace - burg, N. Y., is visiting bere.-The neW hardware merchant, Mr. Weasell, who recently purchased Thomas Elliott's etoek, has moved to the vacant *We owned by Chasi. Tippet.-Cheeney Smiley, of Seatortia are pottingthe metaliie telling in the IMethodist chureh.-The Presbyteriane are busy preparing for their annual Thrietmas entertainment, to be held etiristens night. Brust els. Briefe.-R.'Wynn of Detr spent a few days at Hit borne, of his mother here last week. -Norman Mc - Quire left thie week for Milverton, where be - has taken a position on The Sen. -Monday of tbte Week brought In the firet sleighing ..of this season. -The electric lights were off duty this week, owing to some repairs being made to the boiler -- John B. McLaughlin 'arrived home from the West on Saterday last. He brought home with blif,-ft a tars lead of Durham grade tattle, and will have an auction sale ef them at the Central hotel stables on Saturday era ternoon of this. week.a-Mrsa Alex. Lewis and daughter were here during the past weela'having their house- hold effects Shipped to St. Thomas, where Mr. Lewle is now employed. -Mrs. Lewis received a message_ on Tuesday morning, stating That\ her husband's younger brother had been killed on the rallarey. Decsaeed also lived attitt. Thomas, elnd WPM a brake- man.-Chrlitopher Muldoon, .father of our townsman, :George Muldoon,pass- ed away at hap tome, In aitKillop, on Friday, last, after la lengthy illness. Deceased was IS years of age. The funeral' took Place to Brueeels ceme- tery on Sunday afternoon. -Tuesday next week is the date a the Co- nveria tion of the Eget Huta* Liberal As- sociation to be in 'Brasses.. There will no -diaubt be a large re- presentation. ,* iraimirationinsitasorse Goderieh. The New Hospital. -The formai of the new' Alexandra Marine and General Hospital took plate on Saturday atternoons when the he- --/Mtatiors. was handed over to the Trustee Board by the 13augh.tera of the Empire. The ceremony was. held on, the day named, In honor a her Majesty Queen AIexandra,'s birthday, and was marked by tne opening- ef the Hospital to visitors, by speeches from 'medical men And members' of the Board, and the serving' of tea dura Ingethe afternoon and evening. Tire Hospital is a large private :resift= on &mill Street, which ;haft es•Ir modelled to make it suitable for the . purpoee, and,, as a, result of severat yearsof effort on the Part of the Vaal ebapter of the Daughters of the. Em- pire, makes a creditable appearance, indeed. ow Is The Time Tolook up yoir,Christmas Gifts. You have time good selections : you have the choice of the cream of the at :iviS will keep your purchases until Christmas for you. Here is (The Place make , k and To come to -first for your Ohristinas shopping. The quality I the best and beauty and variety vie with each other for supremaeya Christmas Gifts T)ys and Dolls, Manicure Sets Perfumes, Drepeirae Cases C• uff and Collar Ebony Brushes • Military Brushes Confectionery a Crane Cigars, Pipes and Tobaecos t The J. S. Roberts Drug Stier W. M. McKAY,, Manager. ()pular Gift Book THE DOCTOR," by Ralph Connor $1 25 - • A LADY OF ROME," by.Marion Crawford 1 60 CONISTO..Ni" by Winston. Churchill 1 50 , THE SILVER MAPLE," by Marian Keith 1 25; DUNCAN POLITE," by Madan Keith 1 25 " THE T.J,NDERTOW," by R.E, Knowles 125 " TM: PRISONERS," by Mary Chaltrionieley 1 oo, tg IrCYCK OF POCK'S HILL," by Kipling L 50 "SVHtTE FANG," by Jack London 1' 50 id Mailed to ny address in Canada or United States, on lOc extra for postage, by zee pt -of price LEX. FIRST .L.x0OR NORTH OF ICKARD'S, A.FORTH, �LTA11JO