HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1906-12-07, Page 4Pet
e a EA: • 61. • ••
Tryone needs something
o create and maintain
strength for the daily
round of duties.
There is nothing better
than an Ale' or Porter, the
puxity and merit of which
has been attested by
ernists, physicians and
experts at the great exhib-
Do you know the system rids itself
of waste matter through bowels and
kidneys? Yes, but by the skin as well.
As a matter of fact the skin 'cis the
eys do.
system of more urea titan the ki
If the skin, or bowels, or kidneys are
unhealthy—theywon't throw off enough
ure.a. This urea is changed iito uric
acid—carried by the blood to Fonts and
nerves—causing Rheumatism.
One never inherits lieu-
matism. One does ililierit
weak kidneys, irregular
bowels and bad skin, acI ion.
jLi Ce trepiec
Itrft FOR FT
will positively cure Rheurnatisn because
they increase the eliminatin action
of skin, leideeys and bovels—a d make
these three orgqns so vigor us and
healthy that there can be no urea or waste
retained itt the system to po son the
blood and irritate the nerves.
PROIT-A-TIVES are fruit 'juices,
combined with tonics—the whole forming
the most effective cure for Rhe atm.
5oc. a box or 6 boxes for $2.5 Sent
on receirt4of price if your drug ist does
not handle them.
FRUIT -ft -TPM 1.1M1TO • IT/t11.11.
. colder
ime. Later
Re there io•
g you avitt
We are thee •
tit in the
eu hey& ever
for 1906,
OE, Beare..
or Walton
St. Colurna
noillor, Seat
r, Brodhag-,
erk, With-
rex-, Beeotei-
J. Pa Sati-i
rop P. a
er Vaid04-
wed Vete
inalva4* N‘,....:LA"'%..447f-I et 5 nen
phl this dr.sisras
itarnped 1thcb CARNATIONS,
`Ceisolat Art centreakce POPPIES. HOLLY.
Write today enclosing 25 cents ill
ems or coin and state destanwanted
mtsisth•biggest offer -we ever made. Wfl
ie it taco:ay-Ince every woman that the 110Mt
;40URNAL is the greatest magazine published
la Canada; coreg Health and Beauty De.
earnaeat, Cooking, household hints. Wit sod
Ir.rner. rashicla RatespImportantrerehm News
wislan4Shart Storks and Weft Patterns.
Send 25 cents for one year's subscription to
Abe -Home Journal and the centrepiece. g
Hoe Journal oNT. NTO,
Established 1879 •
Whooping Cough, 'Croup, Bronchitis
COugh, Grip, Asthma, Diphtheria
Crook= Is a boon to Asthmatics
Doesit not seem more effective to breathe in a
remedy to cure disease of the breathing organs
than to take the remedy into the stomach?
h cures because the air rendered strongly anti-
ses* is carried over the diseased surface with
every breath, giving prolonged and constant treat -
It is iavaluable to mothers with small
Those of a consumptive
tendency find immediate
relief from coughs or in-
flamed conditions.of the
Sold by druggists.
Send postal forbooklet.
Limited, Agents, Mont-
real, Canada. 307
• • Trythe New Store
Where they don't trifle with
other people's business but
pay strict attention to the
wants of everybody' e needs
in the line of
Iresh, Cured and Cooked
Bologna and Sausagep, Oro -
caries, Fruit aid Vegetablet-,
at:, at rieht prioes. -
try our 27c Tea.
The Great French Vitalizer:
atrottr ,
Promptly eurea Debility or Wcakta
free frure indiscretions of excesses. -
Best and sereet remedy known for a
tbet follew ae a sequence of abuses,
Memory , Pains in the Bock; Dimness
Preniatere t/id Age and many oiler
that lead to Pilysical Weakness, In
an erul, hrave. Mailed to any eddy
ceipt o peke, 50 cents, or fi.ve boxes
result -
Loss of
f Vision,
nest and
ss on re -
for $2.
Private funds at 4X to 5% on farm urit
202541. A. AeWATT, Bruce eld, Ont.
New Books.—The following new
hooks have recently been received in
the Sealorth Public Library: A-
wakening of Helena Richie Deland;.
The Leader, Dillon; God W1I1a It,
Davis; Subjection of Isabel Camaby,
Fowler, ; Doe. Gordon, Freemen
tion, Fenn; Julian Home, Farrar ;
Eric, Farear ; St. Winnifred's, Far -
?a; Wheel of Lite, Glasgew ; Bal -
Mice of Power, Gooderich ; A Coin
of Edward VII, Hume; A Woman of
Babylon, Hocking; Bonnie Prince
Charlie, Henty, ; Through the Fray,
Henty, ; an Who Rose Again, Hock-
ing; Arncliffe Puzzle, Holmes; Ben-
ita, Haggard; Silver Maple, Keith;
Undertow, Knowles. -
An Enthusiastic Mason.—The Ex-
eter Advocate of laet week says:
"Lebanon Forest Lodge No. 138,
A. F. and i A. M., was the recigdent
on Monday evening, of a present of
a set Of handsome degree aprons, the
gift of Mr. John - McIntyre. • In mak-
ing the presentation Mr. McIntyre
referred in leindest terms to the
treatment he iad always received at
the hands of the Exeter brethren, and
the pleasure he had in making the
present. vote of thanks was tend-
ered the worthy brother for his
thoughtful and apprecIated gift."
That is just like him. Mr. -'McIn-
tyre received his early ' training in
Masonry in Seaforth, of which he eiras
for many yeare a respected resident,
and his trethernhere will be pleas-
ed to learn that he still- adheres to
the instruction of his earlier years.
1WintercTerm opens Ja
Here are some of the recent records
by the
The originators cif low prices in meats
Phone 96 .
Commercial. Bleek, Opposite the.
Post Office.
Zooles Cotton Root Compountt
The great Uterine Tonic, and
only safe effectual Monthly
Regulator on which women can.
depend.. Sold in three degrees
of strength—No. 1, $t; NO. 2,
1C/ degrees stronger, 43; No. 3,
for special cases, 115 per box.
Sold by an druggists, or sent
prepaid, on receipt of price.
Free pamphlet. Address : Tac
Cs K MEDICINECC.,TORONTO, OUT. 1/0emeell/ Madam',
• Out of the last 250 calls from busine firms, w
have filled FIFTEEN of the positionse had n
oee else ready to send. We Wive also • 62 call
for business college tochers. 101 west dents o
other business colleges or shorthand se cols wer
enrolled here during the last two years We be
lieve we hove the hest commercial sohoo in Can
ada. We thoroughly satisfy our stu en s. Writ
to -day for catelogue.
W. J. ELLIOTT, Princ
Cor. Yonge and Alex
A simple and effective remedy for
They combine the germidaal value of Cresolene
with the soothing properties- of slippery elm and lime
eiee. Your druggist or from us, 10c in stamps.
Lastme, mums 00,2 Temited, Agents, Montreal. 401
nder 'Sts
What o you get on PAY DAY Does
your sa • for the year total less tha WOO'?
If so yo • are wasting. your time. Let us
start you as a telegraph operator—a osition
that leach! to the highest position in t e rail-
way service, eemmanding salaries ranging
from 55,000 to e50,000 a year. Clip his ad-
vertisement and mail it to us, and receive
free our handsome book, " The Hig way to
B. W. Somers, Prinoip
Dominion School of
raphy & Railroad
Who Not Wr
• for copy of our c talogue ?
This simple act, costing a
cent and a mornen of time,
might change the hole cur-
rent of your life nd bring
you many thousa, ds of dol-
lars within the next ten
years. Try it. A ress
W. H. SHA,W, Principal
Yonge and Gerrs,rd streets, To outo
Business C
Write for catalog f the school
that places more students in posi-
tions than any simi ar school in
Western Ontario.
All Gradustes ge
Enter at any
W, D. .e.,ULER, Principah
_Honoring a Seaforth - oy.—We no-
tice with pleasure that Mr. W. D.
Stewart, son of Mr. Alex. 'Stewart,
of Seaforth, is uph.oldizi the honors
of his native town abtoad in good
13tyle.. Mr. Stewart is now one Of
the leading business Men in St.
Paulo /feinneeota„ but he does not al-
low business , to so ingross his at-
tention that he ha -s not time to de-
vote to healthful athletic sports. •We
see by a recent St Paul paper that
at, the annual meeting of the Nuelika
Curling Club, of that city, be was
unanimoesly elected President. This
is one of the oldest and largest curl-
ing clubs in the city with. a member-
eship of over. 150. The honor is, also
all the more- creditable to Mr. Stew-
art am it was entirely unsought as
he as not even at the meeting at
which he was appointed to the hon-
orable position of Peesident Mr.
Stewart. was a -n a mirer. and a good
player of lacrosse n his early days
in Seaforth and ar. seems to have.
kept 'up that connection in hie ad-
opted home ILE the following which
we clip from the same paper shows.
It says : " President W. D. Steyr -
art, of ehe St. .Paul Lacrosse
club entertained the members of •the
club- at a eeven o'clock dinner last
evening at hie home on Holly avenue.
After- an telaborate dinner,, each ac-
tive member or the team was pre-
vented with a handsome gold watcie
the gifts, of the officers of the club.
Speeches. were made by President
Stewart4 'Dr. J. T. Christison and
Jack Elliott."
5 a*
,South Huron Farmers' Institute.—
A meeting of the officers and direc-
tors of -the South Huron Farmers' In-
etitute •was- held at Heffernan's . ho-
tel in IFIensall, on Saturday last.
The object of the meeting was to
make final arrangements for the In-
stitute meetings to be held during
the coming Winter. The regular
meetinge will Pe held at Exeter and-
Brucefield, the former on Thursday,
January, 17th, and the latter on Fri-
day, January:18th. The speakerssent
out by ithei Agricultural Department
for these 'meetings are Mr. W. El-
liott, of Galt, and Mr. J. Gardhouse
of Highfield. They are both -good
men .and they. will be supplemented
by local epeakers. There will be an
e.fternoon and an evening meeting
at each place. .The eupplirnentary
meetings will ;be held at Elimville,
Crediton, Grand Bend, Zurich, Hen-
sall, Strong) Hotel, Tuckersmith and
Bayfield, cftimencing on Thureda,y,
Feb, 14the and cloSing on Thursday,
February 21st. The meetings will be
held in the order we have given
them above. The spea.kere furnished
by the ,Agricultural Department for
• these meetings fare Major Sheppardl,
of Queenstown, and! Dr. H. G.
Reel, ef 'Georgetown, land as at the
tregular meetings thee will ba sup-
plemented by local speakers. There
will also be an afternoon and even -
Ing meeting at each place. The sub-,
jects for each place were selected and
the local speakers appointed and these -
will be • made . public in due course.
A grant of $15 was voted to each of
the ladies' institutes at Exeter and
Bayfield and these In.stitutest, were
given the privilege of having -a lady
speaker at elle Exeter and Bayfield
meetings, the Institute paying half
the expenses. This Institute has af-
filiated with the Provincial Fat
Stock Show at Guelph and all mem-
bers pt the Institute are entitled, to
free ,admistion to all the meetings
at Guelph during the three days of
-the fghow there, by producing a re-
ceipt for .their membership in the
It Quiets
the Cough.
This is one reason why Ayer's
Cherry Pectoral is so valua-
ble in consumption. It stops
the wear and tear of useless
coughing. But it does more
—it controls the inflammation
quiets the fever, soothes, heals.
Ask your doctor. about this.
The beat kind of a testimonial—
" Sold. for over sinty years."
Mee by N. 0.14.yer Co., Lowell, Masa.
.6.1so manufacturers of
e have no secrete I We puleich
he formulae of all out medicines.
- • •
Hasten recovery keeping the
bowels regutar velt Ayerls PWa
Mounting to $1,163.38; the council
then adJourned till Monday, the 10th
of December at one o'clock p. nu
Catarrh of the nose and throat
Should lead 'you to at least ask us
for a free trial box of Dr. Shoop's
Catarrh Cure. Nothing so surely
proves merit as a real, actual test
—and Dr. Shoop, to prove this, earn-
estly desires that we let you make
that tee. This Creamy, enow white
heeling balm eoothee the throat and
nostrils, and quickly. purifies a foul
or' leverish breath. Call end' investi-
gate. Sold by C. Aberhart, Seaforth,
Exeter. Mile important ceremony
was performed by Rev. A. H. Going
in the 'preeence of about 80 invited
guests, some of whom tame from
Stratford, London, Burgessville, ete.
The bride was given away by her
father. ,During the ceremony the
bride and groom stood behind an al-
tar of evergreens and underneath
floral 'bell I which hung In a 'wish- -
bone of evergreen, with a back ground
of myrtle. The wedding march was
played. by Mies Ella Camm, cous-
in of the bride. The bride wore a
beautiful 'gown of whits point de
sprit over white silk, trimmed with
valenclertne late and white velvet
ribbon, and carried a sheaf of ehry-
vent-ten-lune. The ceremony and con-
gratulations over •the marriage sup-
per was served and a most enjoyable
social evening was 'spent 'until go-
ing homeitinae when the 'young
couple accompattfed by many friends
drove to (their (home In Farquhar, and
where •they will receive the congrot-
ulatione and .good wishes of a large
circle of admiring frienda.
7 -
To Cure a Cold in One Day
Tablets. Druggists refund money
if it fails to cure. E. W. GROVE'S
signature is on each box. 25o.
WEDDING Bowie — On Tuesday.
n3orning of last week the marriage of
Miss Tessie Gallaher and Mr. James
O'Sullivan took place at St. Patrick's
church. The wedding march was
played by Miss Kate Carpenter. Rev.
Father Noonan performed the ceie-
mony. The bride's wedding - gown
was of white crepe de °Ilene with. silk
and lace trimmings. She was assisted
by her sister, Miss Josephene Gallaher,
who was attired in grey ladies cloth
with hat to match, both carrying bou-
quets of rosee. • The groom was ably
assisted by his broth, Mr. John O'Sul-
livan. The bride's going away suit
was of green cloth. The presents to
the bride were numerous, including
many handsome cheques. The young
couple will reside on a farm in St.
Colurnban. Mr. and Mrs. O'Sullivan
have the best wishes of their host of
friends in this vicinity.
East Waws,n.osh.
Farm Bought, —Last week Nathan
Johneton, of Hullett township, pur-
chesed the farm lot 30, concession 4,,
in' this township, recently owned by
Thomas Woodcock, at a Mortgage
sale.. This farm was known as the
Robert Johnetore homestead, and is
alongside the , new propritor's 100
acre farm.
Death of Mrs. mita—After a ling-
ering illness lasting over two years
Mrs. Henry Thiel died on Wedness
day night, November 21, at the age
of 57 years, 11 months and 21 days.
Deceased was born in. New Hamburg
and was married In that town and
with her husband- moved to the farm
in East Wawaeosh, lot 81, conces-
sion 2, aboat 86 years ago. Mrs.
Thiels maiden name was Cath-
erine Wagner and she was a mem-
ber of the Evangelical church. Be-
sides the husband there are six grown
up children to mourn 'the lose Of a
kind and thoughtful mother. Mrs.
Pollard of McKillop, was a daughter
of the deceased.
'Run N Risk
Piles get quick relief from Dr.
Shoop's Magic Ointment.' Remember
It is made alone for Piles -a and it
-Wcirks with certainty a.nd satisfaction.
Itching, painful, protruding, or blind
piles disappear like magic by- its use.
Try it and see I—Sold by C. Aber -
hart, druggist, Seaforth.
Water Cure for Constipation.
Hlf a pint of hot Wa,ter taken
half an hour •before breakfast will
usually keep the bowels regular.
Harsh cathartics Ishould be avoided.
When a 'purgative is needed, take
Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver
Tablets They are mild and gentle in
their action.' For sale by all drug-
— -
!Tete Couerom—At the last meeting
of the Hullett Council, the polling
places and the clepnly returning °fac-
ers for the Municipal elections were
appointed as follovvs : No. I, John
Fowler, at Temperance Hall,
Kin -
burn; No. 2, James Watt, School
House. Harlock ; No, 3, P. Quigley,
School House No. 2; No. 4, R. Adams,
Foresters' Hall Londesboro ; No, 5,
WM. MC0001, School House No. 5;
No. 6, George Snell, Township Hall;
No. 7, John Fingland, School House
No. D. A by-law was passed authoriz-
ing the issue of debentures for $500
for the part payment of a .neve school
house in union school section No. 12,
Hullett and. Morris. Complaint was
made to some of the members of Coun-
cil respecting the dumping of old tin-
ware and other rubbish on the boun-
dary line of Hullett and Blyth, causing
horses to be frightened and being
dangerous to the travelling public.
The clerk was asked to notify the
Blyth corporation to have the same
removed. A number of accounts am-
ounting to $1,065 were passed and or-
dered to be paid. Council adjourned
until Saturday, December 15th, when
it is expected that all the township
accounts for 1908 be settled.
—The Board of Health held a meet-
ing the same day and received the re-
port of Dr. McCallum, health officer, -
from which, it appears, there.has been
quite an epidemic of measles, partic-
ularly in section 8, and later on
throughout the township. Therewee
a number of cases of typhoid fever,
also -some very severe cases of diarr-
hoea., two of them being rapidly fatal.
The vital statistics for the township
this year so far are ;—births 45, mar-
riages, 13, deaths, 26.
A deepatch front Toronto annotinces
thatRalpb. Connor's. new story "The
Doctor" has been secured by the
Family Herald and! Weekly Star, of
Montreal, for exclusive newspaper
• publication. This is ia, big surprise.
Such stories are seldom sold to
newspa,pers for Months after tee book
is issued, but. the Family Herald is
in a position fte pay the' peice. and
land the prize. Their saoscribers are
to be congratulated. It eis said the
opening* ehapters will 'be published
on January 2nd, 1907, so as 'to give
all they subscribers ample time to
renew their subscriptions. lie the
meantime there will be a rush from
new subscribers, and no woeeer,
for the Family Herald with their
beautiful picture and Ralph Con-
'nor's story is certainly a dollar's
werth not to t€ .'had every day.
"Sausfac o or your Money Back."
, A Lucky Day.—Orr Wednesday of
last week, Mr. Arnold M. Harris, son
of Mr. fend Mrs: Charles Harris, near
Farquhar, was .married at Duegan-
non, to 'Miss Mabel, only dattgetee
of Mr. 'Henry Homey, of that place.
Mr. and !Mrs. Harris will make their
home at Ur. Harris' farm, -near Far-
quhar, and where they were given a
moat hearty reception by their friends
aen Friday evening last, and When
the :bride was .warmly welcomed to
her new home ane the bridegroom
was •congratulated on his good tor -
tune !securing so charming a wife.
4Tie evening wee most . pleasantly
spent and the happy young • couple
were given a moat propitious start
on their 'matrimonial journey and if
It is as long and 'pleasant as their
'friends wish for they will surely
celebrate their diamond anniversary-.
—A !singularly pleasant event took
place at the pretty home of Mr.
Joseph Hawkins,- reeve of Usborne,
DU Wednesday of loot week, when the
eldest daughter .of the houeehold, Miss
Olive, was 'married to one of Us -
borne' -,8 -brightest and most promis-
ing young liermers in the person of
Mr. George W. Hunter, eldest on of
Mr. Simon Hunter, of the flame town-
ship. Rev. Hugh J. Fair, pastor of
the Methodist church, performed the
interesting 'ceremony in. the pres-
ence of (about one hundred and twenty
guests., relatiees and friends of the.
contracting parties. The bride was
given away by- her father. She was
handsomely gowned in cream crepe
de chene elaborately trimmed with
lace and insertion. She was armlet -
ed by her eister, Miss May Hawkins,
while the groom was aided by his
cousin, Mr. ;Wilbur 'Hunter. After
congratulations had (been extended
and a dainty supper partaken of, the
evening was spent in secial amuse-.
ment. Gueets were present from Ex-
eter, Centralia Seaforth and many
Notes.—A great number of both
young and old are gol.ng to take in
e The Bonnie Brier Bob." in Mitah-
ell on Wednesday evening, December
12th.—Early one (morning last week
_ Morrison, son of Mrs. Alex.
Morrison, of the vellage, passed a-
way in his 17th year. Deceased -had
been &filleted -with. epilepsia tor a
number of years, and 'his death was
not unlooked for. His mother and
eister have the sympathy of a large
number of frien.de and acquaintances
here.—Master Lorne Hutchison, little
son of Mr. and Mrs. DeCoersey- Hut-
ehison, while coming from school
one day last week, climbed on 'to a,
wagon loaded with dement and tum-
bled off and one of the hind wheels
Northern Elookev League.
A well attended meeting of dele-
gates from the hockey clubs compos-
ing the Northern Hockey Leegue was
held in Palmerston a, short time ago.
The clubs represented were Mount
Forest, Harriston, Wingham, 1Kincar-
dine, Listowel. The following Officers
were elected for the ensuing yeer
honorary president, W. H. Jackson,
Harriston; president, A. Rogers, Mt.
Forest ; vice-president, D. D. Wilson,
Wingharn seeretary-tFeakrer, Dr.
E, Bruce, Kincardine. After the reg-
ular business of the annual meeting
the delegates drew up the following
schedule of matches ;
At Mt. Forest.—Listbveel, January
11; Kincardine, Januery 18; Harris -
ton, January 29; Wingham, Febru-
ary 5.
At Harriston.—Mt. Forest, Jan. 4;
Kincardine, Jan. 11; Listowel, Feb. 1;
Wingharre February. 8.
At Wingham. --Listowel. Jan. 4
Harriston, January 21: Mt. Forest',
January 25e Kincardine, Feb. 15.
At Kincar' cline.—Wingham, Jae. 7 ;
Harriston, January 22; Listowel, Feb.
1; Mt. Fordat, Feb. 18.
At 'Atwood.—Mt, Forest, Jan. 1;
Harriston, Jan. 9; Kincardine, Feb.
-11; Wingham, Feb. 18.
„ 011 the S.
( By Ay.)
Of all the ships that sail the ocean,
None beateeeicilian, Wise's my Tuition ;
I chose her for my nutiden trip,
Delighted to find so steady a ship.
Captain Fairfull, courteoUs, kind and true,
A Oner man I never knew;
And good a inariner is he,
As ever crossed the great North Sea.
From Burns' land our first mate hails,
To describe him, alas, my poor pen fails ;
With his neat trimmed beard and his
physcque fine,
He's the envy' of all other mates on the line.
other places. kr. and Mrs. Hunter
will make (their home on the groom'e
fine- farm' 'on the 4th concession and
where it is' the wish of a very large
circle a friends that their Joy's may
everv Government passed over his body.. Pour of his be many and their sorrows fesv and
0 wise bruised. - he great miracle is —Another happy event of a like
gaues--chitfl on Vroperly in Western Ontario and the Emu, tha,t he was not killed.—At the lase nature "occurred at Exeter on the
London—Life 6113.50 in 857 of these asset0 are ribs were brokeq, and he was other- far between.
F01 $100.00 ou
sections of
lkfanitoba. eirAele •
meeting of the Hibbert council, held same day, 'Wednesday, at the home
You run no by insuring in. the London Life Insuraoce Companyi-- in the 'hall here, the clerk read the of Mr. Wen. Fletcher. on this ee-
engineer's report, with regard to ca,sion lair. Thomas Allen, nephew of
r, extra work on the Scott Drain. He Mr. Thomas Cameron, of Farquhar,
sound invettments high interest etarnings and economical manatgement make a
policy in the " Lorelei) Life " Good as Gold. was instructed to ask the engineer with wb.om rhe has resided since early
) 1 )
to estimate the work done in euble boyhood, took .as his Pretty bridee
yards,and settle with the contractor Mies Hester Airdrie, youngest' daughter
ROBIlignIT Insueotor Beaforth. it accordance with said estimate. Or- of Mr, and. Mrs. Fletcher, who have
* re—' clerk were drawn:. on tie treasurer Just recently remove4 from Ushorne
Ladcies of Seaforth
and viczenliy0
We will be At -Home
Every day from now until Christniras.
ourAs place of business is head-
quarters or men's wear, we take this lib-
ert4i of making belo7v a few suggestions
for Christmas presents fol men, and boys,
hoping it will save you a good deal o
trouble and worry.
Yours most sincerely,
All the lines carried by other stores,
and three new ones—jast out. Call
and see them.
Black and fancy colored ,
striped squares 50c to $1
Sweater Mufflers 250 to 75e
Striped and plain Folding
Muffler, elegant colored quilt-
ed lining 250 to $1
The best makers best makes
are here, put up in a hand-
some box, beentifully inscribed
50e to 75o
Famous Prosident Braces 55c
A good line of men's and
boys' Braces
A. collection of the swellest patterns
ever showirin Seaforth, all new Xmas
stock : colors guaranteed ; fit and
style perfect.
$1.00 to $1.50
- 250
- 4.8
A. crowning glory is his hat.
The very latest in both soft and -stiff
$1,50 to $2.50
We will exchange any hat atter
Xmas, if the style or fitsloes riot BUIL
Hot Stuff for -cold feet.
Fancy Cashmere 50e
Black Cashmere & 25e to 50e
Plain and ribbed worsted 25e
Heather tnixed 25e
Special silk and wool 50e
Heavy Sox 20e to 35e
Protects the boy from eold and his
clothes from wear; all colors and sizes,
in plain and striped worsted wool.
Price 50c to $1.00
This defailtment has been oar spe-
cial effort. In the last few months we
have been shown the samples of all
the leading: Canadian and; imerican
manufacturers, and have bought their
beat patterns. These will be display-
ed on revolving rings, so that every tie
will pass before your eye, allowing you
to see the whole of our ina-nense stock
in the shortest poesible time.
Owing to the size .of ou'r order, we
were put in a special line of regular
FIFTY CENT- Silks to sell as a
Beautiful four -in hand, itt handsome
box, 60 CENTS.
In a word, every style, shape, color
and priel in tiedom is here.
Our first shipment was sold 0.1E014
immediately. We have anther for
Christmas—plain white, white 'red
stripes, red with white stripes, c.;
every possible color combination.
Honey comb knit special for
'Boys, all colors
Oureeeond mite seeMs rather shy,
Ile never speaks Re he passes by;
Thal he knows his work is early seen -
In our ship so snug, so neat and clean.
Our third and fourth are sailors true,
As ever donned. a suit of blue •,
With men like these to guide the shies
No wonder we've enjoyed our trip. 1
Dr. Glaister with his draughts and pills
Coe cure us of outyarious ills,
And sing aisong to make un cheery,
With a man like this you can't get weary.
` The bag is kept by the McLean,
Who long has crossed the raging main;
11 you're in doebt What you should do,
You else consult the genial Hugh.
How many stewards like to know,
Could hell compere with Chief Munro;
A Gaul of long :infested sinei
From the bonnie shores of famed Loch Tyne,
We seldom see, lett often bear
Of our most wart h•.• engineer ;
His staff do all that morello can,
To keep their engines spie and span.
Our stewards strive with might and main,
The utmost comfort to maintain ;
Our invalids all shower their blesses
On our most worthy stewardesses.
The barber with his rezor keen, •
Keeps all our gellante trig and clean;
And for the ladies he is handy,
With chocolate Creams and sugar seedy.
Good tuck" Sicilian " and your Crew,
Long may you WI the ocean blue;
If ere again I tross the main,
ru try " Sicilian" once again.
teregits„ colds, boarseases, and ether threat
eats ars quickly relieved by Cresolana
ten oezto per hoz. Alidrugeshi
The lead is a. strong
we have be variety to
White hemstkeht d
Silk fancy b ders
Silk initialed
Plain white silk
Colored silks
Beautiful Persian Lamb, Dyed
Wombat, French Otter, Australian
Beaver and Imitation Lamb.
Prices, $2,50 to 410.00
Long warm Flannelette Gowns, eut
full, well made, the very thing felt
co!d winter nightl
500 to $1.00
We have everything in Gloves and
Special fin lined$2:00,
Mod° Gloves, good lining
50c to $2.00
Fine nod Mitt and
Gloves 256. to 50e
Boys' Mitts and Gloves 25c. to 50e •
Special line for Xmas
Swoll handle, dotible ribbed, sub-
stantial, fast black covered, self
opener. SLOG
Lots of other litres to $3
Something to lay aside for rainy
statement, but
back it up, _
100 to 25e
20e to 25e
25e to DO°
25e to 50e
in every conceivable style, shae and
color I
Special 'fur lined with
extra drav(-over ear laps 50e
Leather Caps 5 e to 1,50
Fur Caps $2 to $12
Storm Caps 25c to $1
50e to $1-'
Christmas and New Ye , and the
coming soeial evente.4eall for high thee
and strictly boned collars. We have
1 all the styles fathion has branded as
Two for 25e, or 3 for 50a