The Huron Expositor, 1906-12-07, Page 2THE HURON' 'EXPOSITOR
ains Purcel
Genera,1 Merchants' for the People.
The ry geueioeity of this business is the purse of its tsucces8. lt
has the heart to go into big things and the courage to try improve -
Drente wherever they are needed.
To the Farmers itho have Produce and Poultry to
dispose of, will find this store a convenient one to
trade in. The best goods carried in the following
lines . •
CARPETS in variety and quality
k;iNliELETTak3 AND WOOL BLANKETS, at old prices,
Riddell The Canadian JUdiciarY. The
dignity a the Courts tan be Much
better apheld, by the Judges exercis-
ing a little more industry so as to
expedite buelness and not keep liti-
gants hanging between heaven and
nudes for menthe beca,Use a their
eillatOrineee. This is one . way in
width the dighity of our Willie can
be improved. Another way is by the
judgee exercising greater care and
knowledge so that the &wisteria of
one, court will not be reversed by the
next, only for that decision to be
t reversed again by the next court,
ere that the stending of -the °see fin
When up about as it was at first,
only the -whole principal involved hae
been eaten up by the Court costs and
lawyers fees in its travels from one
court to another. These are some
of the direction e in which- Mr. Rid-
dell could Use his ingenuitY 'to el-
evate the standing of the Courts in
public esteem, and: at the same time
confer benefite on the public, if he
es itching for notoriety, as he seems
to be.
If Chief Justice Falconbridge in-
dulges in similar foolish pranks, the
eame 'remarks will apply to him, on-
ly with greater force, as he is old-
er and more experienced Lean his
recently appointed colleague. But
some people do not grow in wiedom
as they grow in years, and if whet
is 'said about him is true, the, Chtef
Justice, rnust belong to thia class.
Barkorial_NoteS and Coainintts.
Poutry prices this week, dressed and aive
Chickens—en.... 0•+:4,441.0.0 000 • to• •Al OC Chickens 4
Backe.. •••••••••-4•U**** ** • •••• 11•0100 Ducks. • • l•
Geese.— ... . 90 if • * • 7
Turkeys. . 140 Turkeys..., .... .,............ ......11
Hens.-- • Hens 4 e
Or • • • • II •
fro 04,4 •••••d o
Cash prices on live and dressed poultry lc per lb. less than trade prices.
Dried apples this week 5c per lb.
All dressed fowl must be dry picked, and. scalded birch lie per lb, 1es4.
Coese and .Ducks, heads off.
Agency for Fit.Reform Tailor-made Clothing.
Successors to B. B. GUNN
von Oxpogitor
SEAFORTH, FRIDAY, Dec. 7th, 1906.
Electoral Corruption
The ;Winnipeg Free Frees, in dis-
cussing the recent disclosure in con-
ction .with the election methods in
London, makes some eery rseneible
'omelets and points out that the
fault is not all nor always on the
side a the politiciane; that in fact
they are more often sinned against
than sinning, and that if any rad-
ical. change is to be initiated, the
change ehould begin at the fountain
head, among the rank and file of
the electorate. It says "London
has been a riotoriOuedy corrupt con-
stituency for a generation; and there
is a considerable sectiop, a the ei-
eceorate there who regard elections
as providential devices for the par: -
epee a supplying them witha little
money. ,
It is the existence a this corrupt
money -see -king class of electors which
lefekele clean elections so diffieult ; bee
- cause: -the temptation to go into the
market and get these -kotes ie very,
great when the ardore ofj the campaign
have dulled the moral perceptions. .:We
hear much in condemnation of the
public man who debauches tlie elec-
tors; but the corrupting of public
men ley the electors le an equally
common incident In our peblic life.
Our poeiticians eould tell: some as-
tonishing stories, if they -would, of
the propositions made to thern during
the election campaigns, by men, ef-
ten of some standing in the commun-
ity. In city constituencies' particul-
arly, "hold-ups" on a daring scale
are attempted.
In an Eastern eitrban contitituency
some years ago, a supposedly benev-
olent society, with a high sounding
Philanthropic title, was organized on
the eve of an election with a mem-
bership in excess of one hundred ; its
real :purpose was to sell the votes
of its members en bloc to the high-
est bid -der and it president went
from camp to camp untie he got his
price. Something cif the same sort,
though on a erealler scale, happens
in a large proportion et constituen-
cies every election; and it is not
unknownby any me -ane in rural
communities inhabited apparently by
electors, of a _good class.
• The candidate offend'against the
laws when he deals with these pi-
rates and is juetly punished if his
offence is disco.Yered; but it r4qu1res
no special capacity for sympathy to
appreciate how strong the temptation
is to the candidate, whose election
is in the baltince, to buy the rogues
and salve hie conscience with the
thought that it is an "-essential eart
ofthe game. He is confronted witn
the choice of insuring his defeat by
being honest, or making his election
possible by buying his share of the
purchasable votes on the 'neirket. In
a high 'percentage of cases he takes
the latter course, or rather he per-
mits his friends -to take it. At the
moment the winning of bis election
seems the most important thing in
the universe to him; and the end
le held to justify the !neans.
j It is, however, easier to -state the
evil than indicate the cure. Soeelong
as our intelligent unbribable elec-
tors are evenly divided betwee the
-two parties and are imperviou to
political arguments, voting for their
party when it is wrong as cheer-
: fully as when it Is right, the relat-
ively small clase of venai votees will
hold the balance of powee; and tnay
Will always get their prlee from one
party or the other.
Monkey Shins.
Mr. Justice Riddell, the \\lategt ap-
pointment to the' SUperiors Court of
Judicature, is determined, it is said,
to -uphold the eo-cailed dignity of
the court. He entered tie Non -jury
Assize Court Room in .T ronto the
other morning preceded by the official
cocked her and r4.1eweled hilted rap-
ier, both worn • by De itty Sheriff
Jaryis. It is understood that his
Lordship has demanded t at the dlg-
nity O the court be thus honored on
alI"occasions when he is presiding.
Chief Justice Falconbridge is anoth-.
er member of the • bench' who de.:.
mends -this, recognition. ,Mr. • Justice
Riddeli. is the only associate judge
of 'recent -yearswho has required
:the performance of -this mediaeval
ceremony. He is also the first judge
to ask for it in a civil assize court.
There was a flutter emong the
dozed lawyers present when. the judge
and sheriff • walked- in,. hose mem-
bers of the bar whose bust ess" tweeds
flaunted themselves from eneath the
legal owes of black, trembled. How-
ever, nobody was called down.
Mr. Justice Riddell will not en-
hance his value in the estimation
'of sensible people by indulging in
menkey , shines of this n tare. nor
will he increase the co fidence of
the public' in his legal ecisions. It
looks as if the departmen of Justice
made a mistake in appointing . Mr.
Fit and
norlatr.4.0**,J•ar asr.. a
Are Right
is Only Three Weeks From Here.
You ,are invited to inspect the
finest quality and lowest priced,
Christmasgoods ever shown
Seaford]. We will put awayH
anything you choose now,
Men's Furnishings and Clothing
t.,eafort h
C nta
• • .
The Insurance Conimission, ap-
pointed by the Dominion. Giidneenment,
and which have been enqadring into
the -standing and workings of the In-
surance Companies doing -business in
this country, is likely to be a pretty
•cootly affair, whatever benetits may
,result from its operations. It has
'already drawn $50,000 from the Do -
Minion Treasury for eeperises, arid the
ericL its not yet by any means. Theee
Commissioners, both Dominion and
Provincial, rare mighty.: expensive of --
11... salad
It is said that the caucus of Con-
eiryative members of the Senate and
CommonOthe fleet of ession,held
19, Ottawa, the other day, 'disclosed
an impending split in the party on the
tariff question. The western mem-
'hero are elammering for Free Trade.
,They claim that the Liberals are now
high protectionists, heartily supported
by the manufacturers, and that the
,Congieryatives should set their sails to
catch the free trade breeze from the
embattled- farmers of the great
A case was decided in the courts
at Toronto recently, whIch is Of some
interest to hotel-keepe s and others.
A guest at an. hotel in New Liskeard
handed a chore boy a purse contain-
ing $194, to keep for him till morning.
The boy dug out in the night time,
and the lost his money. He
brought an action against the he -
tel proprietors to recover the money.
The judge dismissed the case and an
appeal was taken to the Divisional
Court in 'Toronto. This Court sus-
tained the action of the trial .judge
and dismissed the appeal. "11 the
boy had stolen the money," the three
judges Said, "the hotelmen would be
liable, but he did not, the boy hav-
ing received the money in trust."
Cure for 6ore Nipples,
As soon aa the child is done nurs-
ing -apply 'Chamberlain's- Salve. Wipe
It off with a soft cloth before al-
lowing the childto suck. Many of
the trained tnurses use this with the
best tresults. Price 25 cents per
box. For sale by all druggists.
t ell. e Poultry.
alm•b• MY** /Mane
(By W. R. Graham, E. 5. A.)
The poultry houses I have seen on
many of. the farms in Ontario are
mostly of two kinds—thoee that are
small, poorly lighted, and seldom
defined ; and those that -are well
balite well lighted, and frequently
kept moderately clean. The last men-
tioned 'houses are not much more
satisfactory than the - first.
The essential points in a poultry
house are [light, dryness ane good
ventilation. The houses that haire
been built wa,rm wed tight, with the
idea of keeping the water from freez-
ing have the objection, that in near-
ly all cases the ceilings and wall
coat with frost during very cold
weather. When the weather moder-
ates and the frost melts yeti have
a very damp house. The house smells
of chickens or in 'other wcirds,
is -
poorly vent'llated, and in many in-
stances the chickens are unhealthy.
Sometimes they lay yvell during the
winter, but the eggs are. very poor
for hatdhing purposes.
• For a number of years we have
been trying to find some way to ov-
ercome these difficulties. The beet
means of ventilating a house, that 1
know of, is by using cloth screens,
and to 'keep a house perfectly dry
have found nothing better than a
straw loft, I. e., the ceiling is Cov-
ered with straw, the straw being
placed on boards or rails which are
some 6 or '8 inches apart. The straw
should be about one foot- or more
in. depth. The straw which is ex-
posed to the air of the pen, will ab-
sorb the majority of the moisture
and keep the house perfectly dry, at
least we have 'had no difficulty
whatever in keeping houses perfectly
I dry by using straw lofts. Where
1 we have not used these lofts, even
where there was ample ventilation,
there has been some little difficulty
with frosted walls and ceilings.
The Use of the curtain front IS
coming, more into favor. Under or-
dinery circumetances a house needs
to be one-third of the front of glass
in order to have the pen well lighted.
There • erleauld be as much more of
the front of cotton. The cotton may
be put on frames which can be
closed or opened according. to weather
conditions. On nice bright days the
cotton is either roiled up, or if the
curtain Is put on frames, it can be
hung up. Thie makes the pen very
nice, bright and airy. On nearly ail
days the cotton 'screens should be
opened for a short time. On days
which are windy and dull,- it is ad-
visable to only open one screen. If
more than one is opened there is apt
to be too many draughts throughout
the pen: As far as we can tell,
cotton will keep out almost as much
cold as ordinary glass frame or sash,
At least, in the houses where we
have cotton fronts, we get a slight-
ly higher minimum temperature than
where we have a similar house with
'all glass front and no cotton. It
must be borne in mind, however,
that in ,these houses of ours at the
Agricultural College, Gaelph, where
Many housewives think
It cheaper to buy than to
bake. That is because their
baking isn't successful every
time. Their failures run
the cost up. Get
Royal Household
and follow directions. The
result will be light, whole-
some bread or pastry every
time. You pay a few cents
more for Royal Household,
but those few cents buy
certainty and purity. You:
grocer can supply you.
OgiMc Pan Co., Uti.
155 filenircrl
ONIMMISMOMMORKWallneWlrialMAIMIEWsr, ....-* ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,„„,
the tests are made . the windows are
not fitted extr me& tight.
Where floors are made of cement,
boards or ilro 1:14„ 4 to 6 inches of
fresh earth should be put on each
-year. Care should be taken to keep
the floors weil cleaned, otnerwise the
ground becomes tainted, and the
common epidemic among fowls more
prevalent. The ground outside the
house should be ploughed or spaded
once or twice a year. The land too
needs cropping and where this is im-
possible the next best thing is to
apply lime and work the same into.
the soil. - •
.A11 poultry houses should be white
washed and disinfected at least once
a year. The present time is undeeir-
able for white washing, as it is apt
to leave the house entirely too damp
foe the corning season. It would be
better done in the spring or sum-
and let, eitutithd on tie corner of
John and 'High streets, a 0,hert dis
ea.nce from The' Expositor offtee to
Mr. Pillms,n, Or $650.
Mr. Burchard, principal of the pub- 1.
lic school, ifs retiring at the end of
the 'year and Mr. McFau,l, second
teacter, 310 (been appointed in r his
plaoe. -
Mr. Charles 'captain of the
Seaforth volunteer company, won
the second- prize for the highest, ag-
gregate score at the Ontario Rifle
Association matches, recently held
in Toronto.
Mr.W. 0. Fowler intends dispos-
ing of this property in Tuckersmith
and going to Wingham te reside.
One day IrecentlY while Dr. and,
Mrs. goimes, Of Brussels, were driv-
ing along theourth concession of*
goer* the front axle of the buggy
broke, and both were thrown out,
but were tnot injured.
If "taken at the arieeze stage," Pre-
veritice—a toothsorn-e candy Tablet—
'will sorely and quickly cheek an ap-
•proaching cold or Lagrippe. When you
first catch cold—or feel it 'coming on—
take Dr. Shoop' s Preventics, and the
prompt effect will certainly sur-
prise and please you. Preventics sure-
ly supply the proverbial "ounce of
prevention." Sold in 5 -cent and 25 -
cent boxes by C. Aberhart, druggist,
In The Oluen Days.
Interesting sketches of the early
days of Seaforth and vicinity,
taken from the files of The Ex-
Seaforth, Oct. 20, 1878.
In Irishtown, on October Ttle Mr.
John Dorsey, of Seaforth, was mar-
ried to Miss Rosanna. Carpenter, of
Carronbrook. The ceremony was per-
formed by Rev. Father Murphy.
Mr. Thos. Hilis, - of Bgmondville,
has sold his year old entire colt
which took first prize at the Pro-
vincial Exhibition, to Mr. Alex. In-
nis, of Stanley, for $160.
The fine heavy draught stallion,
which Mr. Charles Mason, of Tuck-
ersmith, recently imported from
Scotland, died on Tuesday" morning
from inflammation.
Mr. James Broadfoot, late of Mor-
ris left on Monday last for Mani-
toba, taking his family with him.
He has taken up a tract of land In
that Country.
On Friday afternoon last, while the
Seaforth ahow was being held, and
while the crowd on the grounds was
about the largest, a .horse ran a-
muck through the crowd. Before the
animal was captured a number were
injured. - Christina Young, aged 12,
daughter of Mr. Thomas Young, of
near Kippen, had her thigh bone
broken. Mrs. Andrew Ross, Mill
Road, near Brucefield, had the bones
of one of her hands broken aid also
had her shoulder injured, and sus-
tained some internal injuriets. Geo.
Hislop,of , Howick,Was 'run against and
knocked into the sheep pens,recceving
• elight injury in the chest.
Mr. William Bullard has sold hie
farm on the lth concession of Mclell-
lop, to et;. Mr. Morrison, from Zorra,
for $1,500. Mr. Bullard. intends re-
moving to peaforth.
Mr. R. Beacom has disposed of his
farm on rod 20, concession 2, Hui -
lett to :Mr. William Shier, of On-
tario county, for $$,400. The farrn
contains '70 acres. Mr. Beacom goes
to North Carolina,.
Seaforth, October 17, 1873.
In Seaforth, on September Ifith, Mr.
Jacob Weber, of Egmondville, was
united in marriage to Miss Eliza-
beth Boehler, bf the same village.
Rev. leather -.Murphy performed the
Mr. John Dorsey, of Egmondville,
is erecting a new blacksmith shop
on his lot on Market street, where
he intends carrying on the black- seemed equal to my case. Last winter+
emithing business. ! I was worse than ever, and could not
The anniversary services hi con- - bear to eta,nd on my feet for five min-
with the Seaforth Presby- utes. The pain was so acute that
terian church were 'held on Sunda
last. The morning and evenifig ser-
vices were conducted by Rev. Mr.
Inglis. of Toronto, and the afternoon
service by the 'pastor, Rev. Thomas it has now cured me. Whereas before
I coul
Goldsmith. On Monday evening a could not stand on my feet for five
soiree was held. minutes at a Jerrie. I can now not only
etand, but w
The election on Wednesday to fill alk about without feeling
vacancy in the Ontario House,
. any pain whatever- I feel like a new
woman. I have waited to see if the
1 Seaforth, October 81, 1873.
T e farm belonging to the es-
tate of Ithe late Alex. Cameron, sit-
itated on !the Huron road, McKillop,
about two miles . weeit of -Seaforth•
was sold by auction on Saturday
last. Mr. Wm. Fowler was the pur-
chaser and (the' price paid was $4,-
On Thursday last as Rev. Father
Auebro, of Irishtown, was driving
In Morris Itownehip, horse took
fright and Ithrew 'him out of the
buggy. His arm was, broken above
the elbow.
On Monday morning, Mrs. John
McIntosh, who lived; with her hus-
band at the home of Mr, Arch. Mc-
Gregor, ar., '6th conceselon, McKil-
lop, was found dead in bed. Deceas-
ed had previously been in apparent-
ly good (health.
On 'Wednesday last a committee
representing the members and ad-
herents of Warrensville Presbyterian
church (Rev. Mr. Logiee) waited on,
Mr. James .Murray, the treasurer of
the congregation, and presented him
with a !handsome watch and chain,
Mr. Murray hasoccupied tne position
of treasurer for over 20 years.
To have beautiful, perfeet, pink,
velvet-like lips, apply at bed -time a
light coating of Dr. Shoop's Green
Salve. Then, next morning, notice
carefully the effect. Dry, cracked, or
colorless lips mean feverishness, and
are as well ill appearing. Dr.Shoop's
Green Salve is a soft, creamy, heal-
ing Ointment, that will quickly cor-
rect any akin blemish or ailment. Get
a free trial box at our store and be
convinced. Large Glass Jars, 25 cts.
Sold by C. Ab-erhart, druggiet, Sea -
—On Sunday night last, John Bu-
chanan, of Moose Jaw, was reperted
to have been found dead in bed. No
inquest was deemed necessary, and
after all the preparations were made
Lor his funeral he suddenly awaken-
ed in time to prevent being buried
`alive. Hie conditione_however, is so
piecarious :that little hope is enter-
tained for his recovery.
—Three farmers from Stratford, On-
tario, have purchased 18,000 acres -of
farming lands in the North Battleford,
district, paying for it $189,000, or
at .the rate of $10.50 per acre. These
farmers Intend moving to *Winnipeg
in the spring. The land in question
is choice farming soil and there is
every prospect of a large part of it
being put under crop next year.
Through one corner of it the G. T. P.
have carried on grading operations-
-Davidson, Sask., has been incor-
porated as a town. It is but three
years since the sight of the town was
wild prairie. Now it- is . thriving
town with fine buildinge and resi-
dences, and has become one of the
leading towne in Saskatchewan, be-
ing both in an agricultural and a
ccermercial centre. Surrounded as it
Is 'with a fine farming country, es-
pecially adapted for wheat raising,
eecond to none in the great Saskatch-
ewan valley. Davidson promises to
be one of the foremost of the larger
towns in Saskatchewan. -A large
skating rink is being • erected and a
hockey club and curling- rink have
been organized. ..
—A severe fgun accident occurred a-
bout six miles north east of Ham -
iota, Manitoba. William Ga,une and
another young man, going for a
load of straw, took along with them
iri tne rack a loaded abet gun. The
gun was laid, on the bottom of the
rack. The road was rough, and, jolt-
ing from its niece, the gun was just
disa-ppearing thorugh the bottom
when Gaune grabbed it by the muzzle
and pulled- it back. In beirig pulled
back, the trigger caught and the
gun dischaeged, shattering Gaunele
left hand badly. Game Is an English-
man who, with his parents, came to
the Harniota district about three
years ago., He le likely to lose his
Cured by Zam-Buk—Chronic Ulcers
and Sores of Nine Years Standing
Healed by this Herbal Balm,
The wonderful value of Zam-Buk,
the herbal balm in cases of chronic
ulcers, sores, etc., is illustrated by
experience of 'Mrs. W. E. Rice, of
.London Junction, Ont. She says:
"1 cannot be .thankful enough fon
the day Zam-Duk came" to Canada.
For nine years I had been a. sufferer
from 'running sores in my legs,caused
by blood poisoning. I had tried
every kind of ointment and salve that
I had heard of, but none of thern
could not bear to have my slippers on.
"1 heard of Zam-Buk and decided to
give it ag fair trial. From first com-
mencing with it, it did me good, and
caused by the resignation of Mr.
Robert Gibboria, who has been ap-
pointed sheriff, I resulted in the re-
turn of Mr. .Arch. Bishop, of Us -
borne, the Liberal candidate, over
his opponent, Mr. George Case, by a
majority of 14. The following is the
official returns
Bishop Case
115 295
189 212
273 98
182 1.97,
173 210
286 114
22 57
225 196
59 31
Croderich -township
HGoadyerich town
Stanley •
98.00 SWF .41,1
1,424 1,410
Seaforth, Oetober 24, 1873
Mr. Wm. Ault bay sold his house
cure was permanent before making
any etatement, and now 1 am very
wining to give my testimony. 1 shall
be pleased to answer any inquiries,
and it any one cares to come and f3ee
me, 1 shall be pleased to tell them
,.what Zam-Buk has done for me."
It ie by working such cures as the
above that Zarn-Buk has Made for it -
beg its wide -world reputation. Itis a.
certain cure for cuts, burns, bruises,
bezema, pimples, running sores,
spreading scabs, scalp diseases, 01-
soned wounds, festering sores, piles,'
uicere, bad legs,- abscesies, boils,ringe
worm, erysipelas, scrofula, barber's
twill, blackheads, acne, stiffness, 1
rheumatism, and all injured, diseased
or inflamed conditions of skin and
tissue. Of all druggists at 60c, a
-box, or postpaid from the Za,m-Bu.k
Co., Colborne Street, Toronto, upon
receipt of price. Six boxes or $2.50.
"is good tea"
Just notice the color—a rich amber, which
is always a token of quality.
Sold by the best grocers in Canada
LVeyofle ne
to create
ength f
ound of du
There is
*art, an Ale
purity and
has been
experts at t
On a Suit
or vercoa
This Label is
—a good clothes
insurance policy
—a guarantee of quality
—a gold bond of value
—a mark of perfection
Look for the Uhl
That Protects
Gregg Skythan
Touch Typewriting
are two systems which you cannot afford to omit from
your business education. In tbege days, when everything
must be done accurately and rapidly, the system used
met be the best and quickest.
Gregg Shorthand is easy to learn, easy to write,. and
easy to lead after it is written.
Our catalogue will tell you all about the system, and
Is free for the asking.
School term: September till June, inclusive.
Forett City Ellusisteis College
M. e. A. Bul'idlog,
Founder Gregg System.
all 1- Appro.:
Fact is Coming quickly -1 The bool days of Autumn, and the adder -
clays of Winter, will be h' -re before you realize that Summer is past
You should be prepared for the change., and now is the time. Later
the rush will be on, and you may get nipped. Come while there ja,
tim and let us prepare you for the change, by supplying you with
Fall and Winter Suit and Overcoat.
We have the latest and beat in Suitings slid Overcoats. We, are the. -
premium tailors in this vicinity. The combination will result in the
hest fitting, best wearing an I most serviceable garments you have evil -
Dr. Wood's
• Cures Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis,
Hoarseness, Croup, Asthma,
Pain or Tightness in tho
Chest, Etc.
It stops that tickling in the threat, is
pleasant to take and soothing and heal-
ing to the lungs. Mr. E. Bishop Brand,
the well-known Galt gardener, writes
I had a eery severe attack of Bore
throat and tightness in the chest. Seine
times in I wanted to cough and could
not 1 would almost choke to death. My
wife got me a bottle of DR. WOOD'S
NORWAY PINE SYRUP, sid to my sur-
prise I found speedy relivf. I would
not be without it if it cosi MOO a bot-
tle, and I can recommend it to everyone
bothered, withl'a, cough or cold.
Price 20 Cent&
Aoki:S.110p Directory for 1906-
Venethrop P. 0.
M. ROWLAND, Oonecillor, Waitoni
F. leneQUAID, Oounoillor, St. Colume
ban, P. a
011et McDOWEtall, •Octunoillor, 8ea4
forbh P. O.
H. BYERMAN„ Counoillor, Brodbage
en P. O.
roi P. 0,
G. R. HOLEAND, Treasurer, Beeche
weed P. 0.
itary Inspector, Winthrop P., 0.
Lumuer, Lath
and Shingles
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