HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1906-11-30, Page 11'6
A Surprise hi Biscuits
Every box of Mooney's Perfection
Cream Sodas you open -you will
find a new delight in these dainty
When you want to surprise yourself.,
give your appetite a treat with
edion Cream Sodas
.d Trunk Rnil
Railway Tina Tabla
Train. leave Seaforth as follows :
For Clinton, Gee -Jeri -oh Wingham an
Fee (Hinton and Goderieh
For Clinton, Wingham ends Rimier
For Clinton and Gederloh.
For Stratford, Guelph, Toronto,
Orillia, North Bay and points west ;
Belleville and Peterboro and points
For Stratford, Guelph, Toronto, More
tree -and points era.
• lel3r Stratford, Guelph and Toronto.
12.46 p. m.
0.18 p. m.
1013 p. m.
7.49 a. m
ay =
Leandan, Huron and Bruce.
Gottla NORTE-
&stern. --
e, ,
es sm• lam IF.*** t.f
41.0 OWN.,
14n4ftb.0 IV .6 a., a.*
8/3U MO MO Z. 461. 0, earl
Beigrave- - 0* 6.6
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t4Indetbard a,* #-•
Clinton •
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ttienweal 466 oar ow OVAIr
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• Ctelinalaff .10 t as • a dl *ow ON
8.15 4.50 r
9.18 5.43
920 5.54
9,44 6.05
9.50 5.11
9.68 6.19
10.15 6.55
10.8e 6.52
10.38 7.00
10.50 T.18
11,10 7.85
0.40 A.M. 6.80
6.52 8.44
7.06 8.16
7.14 4.04
7.47 4.28
8.06 4.39
8.15 4.47
8.22 4.52
8,e5 5.05
8.46 5.16
9.46 A. s. 6.10
Palmerston and Kincardine.
GoVat NORTH., Pais.
Palmerston ...... 7.66 p.14
Ethel- ........ 8.41
Beuesels, teat
Binereale. KO 9.03
Whig/tams. s. 9.15
ante Soma. rase.
Vlughant.. fl 43 a. ea
Bitievale- ... 8.62
Bra:are-a.. 0 E 0 0 1# 7,06
Eke'. A -4.•#** -91E.. V. 7.15
Vakeerenton- 8 ex
Pam *bred
/2.4.i p.m 6.10 tem
1.34 8.20
1.44, 9,10
LBO 9.30
2.08 111.15
Mixed. Pisa
1040a.m. 2.40 p.m
10.56 2.49
11,26 8,02
/1.46 8,13
1.20 4.00
armersi PoultA7
We 1,4aut all your Poultry, alive
or dressed, and will pay the
Your Poultry may hr. delivered at st
Five fen h Bute' r, (Mester McMann. Clinlon
Not ethber h -Bre, tr, J. A. Vont Dublin- Buyer
le anted. flyth,No t ember e th- Bus er, McMillan et
Co. Ilerealle-len er %tented.
FLA VELLES Limit ed, 'London, Ont.
crea Cmsumptive Preven.
.rghtrkLICI and Happi.
nes s to his Ecru
“Our 4octr there was no cure for
v,:)!‘ a, bGth ht.: It.ngs were affected,"
l;ir. L. 11. ‘ValtEzr, of Pearl Street,
riochville, Ont. " It was a sad clisap-
pollainont to w.:5 juf t starting out in
Lb.. only tnarrieci a short time. But before
had finished tete first bottle of Psychine
pztie in her lungs quickly went away,
and after taking six bottles Mrs. Walter
was a new crent.ure and perfectly well
That is just one of the many families
which Psychine has brought hope,
and happiness. It is a living proof
tiat Peyehine cures Consumption, But
don't wait for Constimption. Cure your
Lat;rippe, your Cough, your Bronchitis,
your Catarrh, or your Pnewasonia with. the
rezncdy that never fails -
flhoneunceel, eakeea
Larzer size
AP BO gela tle
sapy a We
and 52 -ail druggists.
LOCUM; Limiteds Tercet%
Aelhor if "Grauatairk" _
1004bet:Socha/feud and Contpany
iContinned tread- tPalte
('fllhOUlL That's all 1 can sey artLI
I, this is the only time you win
ia.no the chance," she cried legtilyt
"Here we part. Ithshr he whisper
Involuntarily grasping his arm. ° ,
think I heard a step. Can anyonebe
following esr They stopped and •
tened. It was as stilt a.s a tomb. 4
"It must be the same old rat" he
answered jokingly.. She Was too nerv-
ous for any pleasantriee and, releasing
lam hold on his arm, said timidly,
4. (1 oodbyr
"Am 1 to go in this,manner? Have
YOU no kind word for toe? I love you
better than ley soul. 'It is of small
conseqUence to you, I know, but
crave one forgLying word. It may be
the last." .11e clasped her hand, mind
she did not withdraw it Her lips -
rem trembling, but her eyes were
•!wave and obstinate, Suddenly she at
olown upon one of the chests" If he
bad not tokteher of the other woman!
"Forgiwe me instead, for all that
mve broueht you to," she murmured..
"It was all my fault. ,I shaft never
forget you or forgive myself. to-Lain-
gol no back to Washin'tondramediateIy.
I can't bear to stay here now: Good-
in-, and God bless you. Do -do you
think we shall , ever see each other
menhir 'Unconsciously she was cling-
-To to his hand. There were tears in
the gray eyes that looked pathetically
aown there in the grewsome passage-
way with the fitful rays of the lantern
lighting her face. Only the strictest •
eelf control kept him from seizing her
in his arms, for. something told bhp
that she would have surrendered.
"This is the end, I fear," he said,
with grim- persistence. She. caught her
breath in half a sob. Then she arose
resolutely, although her knees, trem-
bled shamelessly,
"Well, then, goodby," ebb said very
steadily. "You ate free to go where
and to whom you like. Think of me
once in awhile, L'aldos. Here's the
key. Hurry! 1-I can't stand it much
longer!" She was ready te, break down,
and he saw it but be made no sign..
Turning the key ia the ihisty lockahe
cautiously opened the door. The mou-
nt world lay beyond. A. warn], latex-
icatluge breath of fresh aircame in
upon them. He' suddenly stooped and
kissed her 'laud.
"Forgive me for having annoyed you
with my poor love," he said as he
stood in the door, looking into the
night beyond,
"-All-all right," she choked ,:out. as
she started to close the door after him.
"Halt! You are our prieener!"
The words rang out eletraly in the
Flieuee of the night. Instinctively Bev-
erly made an attempt to dose the
door, but she was too late. TWo burly,
villainous looking men; sword in hand,
blocked the exit and advanced upon
"Back! Back!" Belches shouted to
Beverly, drawing his. sword.
Like a fleet elle picked -up the lam
tern and spraug out of his way. Cap-
ture or worse seemed eeetaln. but her
heart did not/fail her.
"Put up yew sword! You are under
arrest!" came from the foremost of the
two. He had heard enough of Itaidosm
skill with the swoith to hope that the
ruse might be successful and that he
would surrender peaceably to numbere,
, ,„
•e---„e‘e. "
"One 1" e cd, Da tans.
The men's instrueti MIS were to take
their quanw alive if possible. The re -
weird for the iniui living exceeded that
for him dead.
Baldos instantly- recognized them as
spies employed by Marlanx. 'Dice had
been dogging his footsteps for days
and even had tried to murder himo
The desire for vengeance was w kint
like madneas in his blood. He was
overjoyed at having them at the s oint
of his sword. Beverly's presence
vouchsafed that he would show little
"Arrest me, you cowardly curs!" he
exclaimed. "Never!" With a spring
to one side he quickly overturned one
of the casks, and, pushing it in front
of him, it served a.s a rolling bulwark,
preventing a joint attack.
"You first!" he cried coolly as his
sword met that of the leader. The un-
happy wretch was no match for the
finest swordsman in Graustark. He
made a fem.,' desperate attemps to ward
off his inevitable fate, calling loudly
for his comrade to aid him. The latter
wee eager enough, but Baldos' strate-
gic roll of the cask effectively prevent-
ed him from taking a hand. Witb a vi-
cious thrust the blade of -the goat hunt-
er tore clean through the man's chest
and toached the wall behind.
"One- !" cried Baldos, gloating in the
ohanee that Jiatl come to ,hiro.. The
man paved and felL H,e was none too
quick in withdrawing his dripping
weapon, for the second man was over
the ehstecle and upondalm.
, -
64 OLD -the lantehte 14tiletreOey"-.4
• ethe uryt ot tbe 'fight he
•Tementhered.tha risk -and -len-
•._plertance of not era.entioning
iliep name ,and Stopped- short , He was
fightleg festal:tut- Warily, fOrt he real-
ized that his present adversary was no
mean one. As the swords played back
and forth in fierce thrusts and parries
he spoke assuringly to Beverly: "Don't
be friglitenedt As soon as I finish with
,this, fellow we willgoonl Ah! Bravo!
Well paeried, my man!. How the deuce
could such a swordsman as you become
• a cutthroat of Marlanx?"
!, Beverly had been standing still all
- this time, holdiag the light high above
her heads according to her lever's or-
ders, for she knew. now that such he
was and that she loved hini with all
- her heart She was a weird picture
standing there as she watched Baldos
• fighting for their lives, her beautiful
face deathlike In its pallor. Not a ery
escaped' her lips as the sword blades
swished and clashed. She -ceuld bear
• the .deep breathing of the; combatants
In that tomb-likepassage.
-Suddenly she started and .11stened
keenly. Prom behind her, back there in
the -chiekness, hurried- footsteps were
=Mistakably approachlug. What she
had beard, the lovas not the scurrying.
a a rat. Someone was following them.:
A terrible anguish seized her. Louder
_end nearer came the heaver steee.
'Rados!' she Serealuen lu terrine ".u-:
other Is coming!" .
"nave no fear, dear one!" be sung
out gayly; His voice was infinitely
more cheerful than he felt, for lie real-
ized only too well \the desperate situa-
tion. He was penned in mat forced to
meet an attack from frout and rear.
Ito fell upon ids assailant with redou-
Med fury, aiming to finish him beer°
the newcomer could give- aid.
Prom out of the gloom came te fiend-
ish laugh. Instantly' the dark figure of
a num appeared, lifs face completely
hidden by a broad slouch hat and the
long cloak which enveloped him, A
gun:Emile voice hissed: "Trapped at last!'
My lady and her lover -thought to es-
cape, did they!" The voice was unfa-
miliar, but the atmosphere seemed
eliarged with Marlaux. "Kill him,
Zeal!" he shouted. "Don't let him es-
cape you! I will take care of the little
witch, never fear!" He clutched at the
girl and tried to draw herto him,
"Mariana! By all the god!" cried
Baldos in despair, He bed wounded his
ipan several times, though not serious-
ly, Ile dared not tam to Beverly'
The scene was thrilling, grewsome,
Within this narrow, dimly lighted. un-
derground passage, with its musty
walls sweating with dampness alld
think With the tangled meshes of the
spider's web, a irate girl and her lover
:struggled and fought baek to back.
To her dismay, Beterly saw the point
Of 4 sword at her throat. •
"Out of the way, girl!" the man in
the cloak snarled, furious at her resist -
Juice. "You die as well, as your lover
unless you surrender. He cannot es-
cape me.".
"And if 1 refuse!" cried the girl, try-
ing desperately to gain time..
"I will drive my 'blade through your
.heart and tell the world it was the -
deed of your lover." •
• Baldos 'groaned. His adversary, en-
couraged by • the change in the situa-
• tion, pressed him sorely..
"Don't you dare to toilet] me, Count
Marlanx. 1 know your she hissed. "I
know what you would do with me. It
is not for Gunistark that you -seek bis
The sword came nearer. The words
died in her throat She grew faint.
Terror paralyzed her. Suddenly her
heart gave a great thump of eq. The
resoureeaduess of the •trapped was
'sueging to her relief. The valor of
tbe south leaped into life. The ex-
hilaration of eptillict beat down all hpr
fears, "Take away that sword, tilde,
please!" she Vriee, her voice teen:Min'
but not with terror now. It was x-
ul tation. "Will you promise to snare
his life? Will you swear to let lin
go, If I" •
"No, no; never! God forbid!" hu -
plotted Baides, -•
• "Ha, ba!". chuckled the man. in tilt.
cloak, "Spare his life! Oh, yes, tter
my master inis revelea in your (dia ens,
How do you hke that. lny IWO. Om
goat 'meter?"
"You Menial scoundrel!I'll settle
you yet!" Baldos fairly fumed 'with
rage. Gathering himself togethek for
a final effort, he rushed madly on his
vapidly weaken ing a n tagon let
"Beide:se" she cried hopelessig and in
a tone of resignation, "1 must do it!
It Is the only way!"
The man iu the cloak as well as Bal.
dos was deceived Im tbe girl's cry.. He
'immediately. loWered his sword. The
lantern dropped from Beverly's Winds
tied clattered to the floor. At the 'same
instant she drew from her pocket her
revolver, which she had plaeed there
before leaving the castle, . and fired
point blank at him, The report sound-
ed like a thunderelap In their ears. It
was .followea ginekly by it sharp cry
Nothinj Relieved
His Kidneys
Until I-1 Tried
MARKHAM, Ont., Dec, 1, 1903
I had suffered for seven years
with kidney trouble. •Could
scarcely walk and was unable
to attend to iny farm. Saw
" Buetu " advertised, and after
taking the first few pills, felt
much relieved. After taking
half a box, was able to do a
• full day's work. I know one
bei of "Bu -Ju" saved me
foo.00 doctor bills.
It costs only 30 a day to take "Bu -Ju"
-the kidney pill that never fails.
All draggiedo have "Bu -Ju" or will
get tar.vi fw, erten.,
tallsoilltrit, ONT. _
# Fernalealioadera
1417ed y ,Lyalie$413. Malta, nen'S
Irsagetable Conipoised. - '
A mat many- women suffer with a
form of indigestion or dyspepsia which
d oes not seem h to yield, to ordinary treat-
xnents While the symptoms seem to be
similar to those of ordinary indigestien
yet:the medicines universally prescri
do not seem to restore the patient's
normal condition.
Mrs. Pinkham claims that there le a
kind of dyspepsia that iu caused by a
derangement of the female organisin,
and which, while it causes a disturbance
einiilar to ordinary, indigestion, cannot
lie relieved without a meeioine which
not only acts as a stomach tonic, but Das
e peculiar tonic effect on the female
organism. •
proof of this theory we eet1.1 at-
tention to the case o-irs. Henry
ileaubjen, 59 Sparks St. Ottawa, Ont.,
NVIIQ was completely care' d by Lydia E.
Pinkham's Vegetable Compennd after
everything else had failed. Slie writes
Dear'Mrs. Pinkhain
"1 Jeul beeetroubled with indigestion and.
earierat StOnliti'11 disorders for smart? ayear.
I had. sore: tesn m
s in m
stoaam ch was un-
able to diecet my food. I dieted and doe-
tored without HneeeS3 ; but Lydia E. Zak--
ha:We Vegetable Compound brought me
)ermanent relief. /used three bottle, and
."tied me of my stomach trouble and
'built up my general. health. .1: fl(')W enjoy
seleiultd appetite, can eat ell kinde of
i'md, have uo trottble with indigestion, and
anew that 1. owe it all to Lydia E. Pink -
haul's liegets hie Compound, • '
No other medicine in the world has
reeeived tench, widespread anti unquali-
l.entioheementi or 11118fit1C11 a record of
etires et 'emote iterniblee. ail 'Lydia.
Pail -here's -Vttateble Compound.
111.1110.1111111601MOMIA lettreemetesits
and imprecation from Inc lips or ner
persecutor, who fell, striking his head
'with a therible force on the' stones.
Simultaneously there was a groan
and the noise of a "limp body slipping
to the ground,' and Baidos, victor at
lest turned in fear and trembling to
• find Beverly stanaing unhurt staring
at -the block mass at her feet.
• "Thank' God, you are safer Grasping
her hand he led her out of the darkness
into the moonlight
Not a Word waif spoken as they ran
,.swiftly on until 'they reached a little
clump of trees not far from one of the
gates. Here Baidos gently released. her
c. hand. She was panting for breath, but
nie realized she must not be allowed to
risk a mement's delay. She must pass
the sentry at once.
"Have • you the watchword?" he
eagerly asked.
"Watchword?" she repeated feebly,
"Yes, the countersign for the night.
It is Ganlook. .Keep your face well
covered with your hood. Advance
*boldly to the gates and give the word.
There will be no trouble. The guard is
used to pleasure seekers returuthg at
all hours of night." .
"Is he dead?" she asked timorously,
returning to the scene of horror. ,
nly wounded, I think, as, are the
oth men, though they all deserve
dea "
He went with her as close to the gate
as he thought safe, Taking her hand
he kissed it fervently. "Goodby! It
won't be for long!" and disappeared.
She stood still and lifeless, staring
after him, for ages, It sealed, He Was
gone. Gone forever, no doubt. Her
eyes grew wilder and wilder with the
pity of it all. Pride fled incontthently.
She longed to call him back. Then it
occurred to ,her that he was hurrying
off to that ether 'woman. - No, he said
he would. return. '. She must be brave,
true to herself, -whatever happened,
She marched boldly up to the gate,
gave the countersign and passed
through, not heeding the - curious
glances cast upon her by the sentry,
turned into the. castle,' up the grand
.staircase and fled to the princess' bed-
chamber, s
Beverly, trembling and sobbliag,
threw herself In the arms of the prin-
cess. Incoherently she related all that
had happened, then swooned.
Atter • spe luta been . restored, the
promise of Yetive to protect her, what-
ever happened, comforted her some-
"It must have been Alarlanx," moan-
ed Beverly.
"Who else could it have been'?" re-
plied the princess, who was visibly ex-
Summoning an her courage, she went
on: "Pirst, we must find out if he is
badly hurt. We'll trust to luck. Cheer
up!" She touched a bell. There came
a knock at the doer. A guard was
told to enter. "Enos," she exclaimed,
"did you hear a shot fired a short time
"I thought I did, your highness, but
was not sure." "
"Baldos, the guard, was escaping by
the secret passake," continued the prin-
cess, a wonderful inspiration coming
to her rescue. "Ile passed through the
chapel. Miss Calhoun was there. Alone
and single handed she tried to prevent
him. It was her duty. He refused to
*obey her command to stop, and she
followed him into the tunnel and fired
at him. I'm afraid you are too late
to capture him, but you may -oh, Bev-
erly, bow plucky you were to follow
him! Go quickly, Ellos! Search the
tunnel and report at once." As the
guard saluted wide wonder, admiration
and unbelief he saw, the two conspir-
ators locked in each other's arms.
Presently he returned and reported
that the guards could find no trace of
any one in the tunnel, but that they
found blood.onetheefirdor up -k the exit
and that the doonwas Wide open.
The two girtejooked at each ether la
inquitied the printess, cen-
blyeless. agitated, "doos any one
'yothohlghteesq there was io one
Ondrd but Max, 'Bildos and my -
"Well, for the 'present no one else
Must now of his. flight. Do you unt
detatatid? Not n ward to any One. I
anyealf will explain when the proper
0:n(3'10o/ries. and' Ma' 'WNW' begdi
very eareleaCblat t suppose you elleuld
hot bleptinielleds He hits tricked 'us all,
Send Max to me at once," o
"Yes, your highness," said.Elles; And
he went away with his bead sivIni-
ming. Max, the ether 'guard, fecelved
like orders, - and then 'the ° tvto, yotnag
women sank limply upon tett-Ivan,
"Oh, how .clever you are, Yettve,"
came from the A.merlean -att. "But
what next?"
"We may expect to hear something
disagreeable from Count Marian; My
dear," 'murmured the perpleXed but
corifident princess, "but I think we
have the game in our own- hands, as
you would say in Areterica."
UNT FANNY, what is that
-white thing sticking under
'the window?" demanded Bev-
•'erly late the next 1110111111g.
fThe was sitting with her lime to the
windows while the old negress dreeeed
her hair.
"Looks lak a love letteh, Miss 13ev-
11y," was the answer as Aunt Fanny
gingerly pieced an envelope in her rale-
' tress' hand. Beverly looked -at it in
amazement. It was unmistakably -a
letter, addressed to her, which bed
been left at her window some time lu
the night fler heart !gave 'a thump,
and she went red with anticipated
pleasure. With eager fingers 'she tore
open the envelope. The first glance at
the eontents brought disappointment
to her face. The missive was - froni
Count Marlanx, but it was a relief to
find that h was very much alive and
kicking. As she read on there came a
look of perplexity whieh was succeed
ed by burning indignation. The man
hi the cloak was preparing to strike.
Your secret Is mine; I know all that
happened in the chapel and underground
Passage. You hose betrayed Gea.ustark
in aiding this man to escape. The silet
was cleverly executed, but youcounted
without the jealous eye of love, YO1,1 can
sae-youreeif and your honor and perhaps
your princess, but the eondltions are
mine. This tittle there can be no trifling,
want you to treat me fairly. God help
you if you refusc. Give me the answer
'want, and your secret is safe. I -will
shield you with my life. At 11 o'clock
shall come to eiee you, 1 have) in MY
possession a document that will influence
you. You will do well to keep a close.
mouth until you ho.vo seen this paper,
This alarming note was all that was
needed to restore fire to the lagging
blood of the American girl. Its etfect
was decidedly contrary to that which
,Marlanx must have anticipated. In-
stead of collapsing. Beverly sprang to
her feet with energy and life in every
fiber. Her eyes were 'flashing brightly,
her body quivering with the sensations
of battle. •
"That awful old wretch!" she cried:
to Aunt Fanny's amazement, "He is
the meanest human 'being in all thh
world. But he's making the mistake or
his life, Isn't he, Aunt Fanny? Oh, of
course you don't know what It is, so
never mind. We've got a surprise for
him. I'll see Ulm at 11 o'clock, and
then"- She smiled quite benignly at
the thought of what she was going to
say to.him. Beverly felt very secure
in the shadow of the princess. -
A clatter of horses' hoofs on the -pa-
rade ground drew her to the balcony.
What she saw brought joy to her
heart. Lorry and Anguish, muddy and
disheveled, were disinounting before
the castle.
"Ah, this is joy! Now there are three
good Americans here. I'm not afraid,"
she said bravely. Aunt Penny nodded
her head in approval, although she did
not know what It was all about. curi-
• osity more than alarm made Beverly
eager to see the doeument which old
Marlaux held in reserve for her. She
determined to meet him at 11.
A message from the princess an-
nouncea the unexpected return of the
• two Americans. She said they were to
use Harry Anguish's own expression)
"beastly near starvation" and clamor-
ed. for. substantial breakfasts, Beverly
was urged to join them andjo her
the latest news from the frontier.
Lorry and Anguleh were full of the
excitement on wiliich they bad lived for
many hours. They had found evidence
of raids by the Dawebergen scouts and
had even caught sight of a small baud
"of fleeing horsemen. Lorry reluctantly
admitted that Gabriel's army seemed
loyal to him and that there was small
hope of a conflict being averted, as he
had surmised, through the defection of
the people. He was surprised, but not
dismayed, when Yetive told him certain
portions of the story In regard to Mar-
lanx; and, by no means averse to see-
ing the old man relegated to the back-
ground, heartily indorsed the step tak-
en by his wife. He was fair enough,
however, to promise the general a
chance to speak in Dis own defense if
he so desired. He had this in view
when he requested Marlanx to come to
the castle at 11 o'clock for consulta-
(To De continued.)
-James McLean, of the Holland. dis-
trict, lost his stable by fire last
week, together with chickens and a
quantity of feed,.
niluen a, whicheVer y�i*flle
e v.,f the most 'weakernkgg
diseases kna-
Scoiesnit.Y1..rion, which
Liver 00 and Flypaphosphites in easily 'di.
orin,i* the greatest Strength -builder
medical science.
14 s easil3r digested thatit sinks into
the system, making new blood and new fat,
and trengthening nerves and muscles.
Use Scott's Emulsion after
Invaluable for Coughs nnd Colds.
ALL DRUGGISTS; 60c. AND $1.00.
e ,
The thermometer on
the Pandora range oven
means -precisely in ac-
curacy to the cook *hat
the square and compass
mean to the draftsman.
Without the square and
coMpass the draftsin'an
would have to work en
• tirely by guess, just as
you do without ati. at
curate and reliable thermometer on your -oven.
The Pandbra thermometer reduces cooking to
an exact science. You know precisely how much
heat,you,have and what it will do in a given time,
it is one of the 'small- things which makes the
Pandora so much different and better than common
ranges. •
VirarOZ-A 124309 and agolkorinst
Loudon, Toionto, montresa,
winnipeg. Varmeouve.
St. John, N.B., Hamilton
OHASNEY and SMILEY, Sole Agents, Seaforth.
Ate VOlt SALE... -The undersigned has for sale neve
end Thorobred Leicester Sheep and Durham Cattle,
of both sexein Address Egmondville P 0„ or apply
at farm, Mill Roo,d, Tuekesmith. ROBERT CHAR-
TERS he SONS. 187241
Tpt ULL FOR, SALE. -For eale, thorobred Short-
ie) horn bull, with registered pedigree, 28 months
old, and red in color. He was bred from Vies Channellor. Apply on London road, Tuekersmith, ralle
iouth of Brumfield, AXES PATERSON', Bruce-
. ,200341
field P. 0. •
SttearnOUN Oemreh-seven fhat-class yating
butte, 2 front imported dews, for sale at nioder-
ate prices and on easy terms ; good young cows and
heifers also for 'sale. All interested are cordially in-
vited to inspect the herd. Farm adjoins town, long
distance telephone to tarn). Write for catalogue.
IL sauna Exeter. 19934
signed -IA/ offers for sale on Lot 27, Concession 8,
colires ton Ifloeiltu17111Z,r1Itif git•itiarBlatral%
boar 9 months old, a right good animal: The also, e
stock are all registered in the National Stock e -
cords. Prices moderate,terees easy, visitors welcome.
DAVID HILT., Stafta P. 0. 1990-11
THORNS. -Choice bred buns and feeles of
different ages for sale, About two dozen to select
from. Prices reasonable. •Herd now headed by
Countsylvanue" (56900). He le got by the best
scotch bred imported stock On both sides, glossy dark
red in color, and well set �u short legs. Terme -
registed cotes 85 insured ; othere on application.
Visitors welcome. JOHN ELDER, Hensel) P. 0,
and Station. 19864
To close up an estate, Jam) Lot No. 29, Con-
cession 2, Township of McKillop, one hundred aeree
with comfortable frame bowie large bank barn and
oth'er improvements is offered for sale. The land is
in it good state of cultivation and well tented and
drained and is within 2 miles of &Worth. hunted -
late possession mn be gtven, Tonna eav. Apply to
THOMAS E. HAYS, Seafosth p, .9., Executor of
will of John IL Hays. 202,84
Dr. WO
LUNG TROUBLE'S. Miss Florence E.
Mailman, New Germany, N.S., writes
: -
I had a cold which left me with a very
bad cough. I was afraid I was going
into consumption. I was advised to try
had little faith in it, but before I had
taken one bottle I began to feel better,
and after the second I felt as well as
ever. My cough has completely disap-
Town of Seaforth.
Take notice that the Municipal Council of the Cor -
ration of the Town of &Werth has 'constructed
ment sidewalks on the following streets.
No. 1, -On the North axle of Huron 'Urea, from
High street to Jarvis street.
No. 2. -On the East tide of East William) street,
from Goderieh street to Duke street.
No. 3. -On the West side of Isabella street, South
side of Elizabeth and Fiat side of Lane from ItailwAy
etreet to South side of Lot 24, Jarvis•Survey.
No. 4, --On the South side of Side street, front
East William street to Lot 25, Coleman Survey -
No, r -,--On the East tdde of Jarvis street, front
Goderieh street to John street, and frorn Lot 111,
.Jarvis Survey to Market street.
No. O. -On the North Bide of Crombie street, front
Main street to Victoria street. -`.e•
No. 7. --On the West side of Victoria street, from
Gouinlock street to George street
No, 8. -On the West side of West street, from Cele
tre etreet to Lot 71, Beettie's Survey.
and intends to assess it portion of the eine' cost there-
of upon the real property4o be immediately benefit-
ted thereby, fronting or flanking upon said portions
of said streets oriana The manna rates per foot to
be paid in 15 conseentive years, as follows ; frontages
2,508 cents, and flankage, 1.672 cents. '
The total uteri) cost is 82,900, of which 81,902.90
In 10 be provided out of the general funds ef the
Mid that it statement Atoning the Janda liablo to -
and proposed to be specially assessed for the said brie
provemente or works, and the names of the ovvnere
thereof, go far as the same can be aeoertained from
the last revised aeseesment rol land otherwiee, is now
fled in the office of the Clerk of the Municipality
and is open for 1,nopection during office hours,
- A COURT OF REVISION will be held on the 7th
day of Deeember; A. D., 1900, at the hour of 10 o'-
elock in the forenoon, at the Council Chamber, Sea -
forth, for the purpose of hearing eomplainte againet
the proposed assessment or the aceuraey of frontage
measurements or any other complaints which the
persons interested may t-feeire to make and which is
'by law, cognizable by the Court
Clerk of the Jiunicpalityi
Danes] at the Town hall,r • Wel*.
Seaforth, this 17t1I day of Nov., A. D., '00.
LET -The undersignix1 will rent his farm et
the Lake Shore to it good tenant for it iterniol,
evolver& The farm eonietits of 210 acres of troas
land, nearly all under eultivation and in Iratx1 ten.
dition. For full terms and particulars apply at once
DANIEL ti511TH, $t. Joseph 1'. 0. •
WARM FOR SALE, --For rale the East Half of Lob
4, on the Ill h Concession of Tuckeremith, non-
taining 50 acres, nearly all cleared and in a good
state of cultivation. There is, on the prenneeit,
good bank barn, (40 ft. x 11,) and it eomfortable
dwelling hove, ale° a good orchard of whiter
Terms reasonable, Apply to JOJIN WHITEMAN
Chinelburst, Ont. 2025-8
containing' 125 aCrett, 100 zerca
FARM FOR SALE. -For Sale Lot 3, Conmexion
7 Stanley, .
cleared, the balance timbered. (Ioed buildings, Tbe
farm is in it good etate of cultivation, well under -
drained, well fenced, and it good spring ceeek
running through it There ie it firtt cia‘s oreherel 01
four acres. It is within 4 miles of itiltineft eflo 0 "
Ileneall, and adjoining the village of Hills Green,
where are stores, blavkimiith, two churchee, 5(41001,eta Toni:3 easy. Apply on the premise); or atkire6S
Hills Green P. 0. ISAA0 2029x8
1,71/11-181 FOR. SALE (ill, TO IttNT.-235 acres,
eituated on the Bayfield road, Goderich tonne
ship, three quarters of a mile from Clinton. Noll in
excellent condition, having been all under graes fur
fire .1.Cara ; frAplendil wain or Kreps land, well drain-
ed. Five acres hardwood built), and an excelient or.
chard. (Inc ho.rn, -X 74, with .tone etahling for 12
horses and 35 cattle ; one barn, 33 x 54, with Wotand
stabling for i7 cattle ; Iarge implement home and
pigpen ; power and pumping Windmills ; large frame
house g good wells And running water at rear of
I hall). Apply to Nue. ALEX. bleEWEN, Clinton
P., 0.. or Let SS, Concemion 2, Stanley. 2032%8
_& STANarra, Fen
uredave and $,";)
Atom)) of beat'
7 Adapted for le
-erttert, Here!! Flax 1
- "roan every bat, in oar
• Come quick win
ter. IlesinAL
nores-A. ear (
A Wand
or over for the
Oland. Ali
emelt Oattr.
• us dol.are te
of up-to-date
Overcoate, Mill'1.
&red in IL
le dry good
e dollar, and
onan's profit, I le
tit sny OirtnerrhiCt ,
ew, nothing ole
n$ Friday, N•,
ay, Note -ti
d .11;',owl take
neee. J. W. 4 ri
. Local al
are enp
f our ratepaye
prove live qu
and the close re
bath, December
nce Will deliver
in Carmel l'r
in., and *
at 7 p, m.
of the Sou
in tbe basement
burch on Mondaye
, and it cordif
ail to it
, B., H. Ci
and Alia
xeter, were in t
uy last, renewli
e many friends
nald, nee Mb*
egret to le um -
r room thr
a speed
11 16 in
daughter, Mrs.,
irehantO are get),
ritrna8 stocks •
buyers are makinj
as a, market for hie
mmtity of gram q
very surprising, e
unfavorable eotiditi
• Mr, John Johnstor
moved into the vi'
comfortably settled
dwelling at the we
which. Mr. Johnsta
summer from Ms
:We are alwan
such good ana
Miss Ethel Fulton 1
Egmondville, whe
spending it number
sister, Mrs. Colbert
Bannee, of Zurie
this week visiting
Rennie, merehant,
from the West, ash
• a riumber of
ertMcLaren was t:
r. Joseph Pi
moved from the
shop into the sho
1.'rom Mr. J
. Mr, Mill
sionary ser
ehurch her
g for his sulli'
Why I believe i
• and in the evening
111 Horne Missio
gentleman is an
uent speaker
Aires of Missio
-also' in a very
and held the el
• audience through
to his efforts were
et, than in the
bourn was in
' business eonnee
house, and will
flowers for Chris
holidays. -Miss VY
Shhbath last at h
aecompanied by Te,
• this village.--Qu-
flensall and. vie
niversary 'se
church, ii.ippere
s the tea meeting o
-ening, and taeport
:very largely att
- meeting as one •
tory of the chure
• skaters, to eay no
players, are longi
winter astimes.
J. royer,
ensall, were
recent injury h
kick of a horse,-
• banker, was in
newing aequai
Johnston is team
the house he
ville, at one ti
Jas. Bonthron fa
dwelling in lien
of a, good eeneel
• the Buchanan
eousbe is in, 0
• daughter, Mrs.
-Rev. Wm.
and the oldest
'America, died
ridge, Mass.,
ago, on tbe occae
day, he attended.
Taillietera In Tre
and delivered a
-Four men
and probably
fire that par
Lighthouse Hote
iltivation Army,
than 200 men
building and the
eh, many Jurnpt.
1113Per windows
-Mr. Rs M.
and barrister n.
ty, was found d
he bad used
and others we
Ing to the Ea
• had left the o
about - a mile
• body was bolt
•'death having
• urh during the
he tetur
e railway
A by the
Ow an aggx*
of $388,$00.
of $1.44,611. The
Umber were
Commission pa
the cost f)i •
racks e,nd
However, it
net eurplu.s
tredit by the
net earnings
were $71,842.
who la Free
saYs 4° FOOt bf
Veretty groan
MOS more t
:violence of the
eiropment , In
to games as
f.socly has ob„
the preeerie
carnage Is
time,and w
haltist the
iore for whic