HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1906-11-30, Page 10O: 1906
at this season ee
Intyl and snow
enommal eaneet
a ted
the 4( Qusen
4a -y, and intends
when he will ai
told country. He-
ienC*es th. the far
cry entertaining
,ene Bennett was
,the past week.
Durham, visited
ednesday of last
31over, B. Mal-
' and the Misses
..a,rinort, attended
Wednesday even -
';art spent Sun-
ta in
a family gather-,
L Monday of this
is, who has beenl
daysis able to
stratford, were
days Iaat week
In the Interna,
E Co. They had a;
-ith them and to
seeing a good fn -
the patentee, is
Iowa built by the
quilding Co., to
Grand Trunk
e‘r 15th, and they,
it a good trial,
:isfe.ctor5r are go --
:heir road. They
Lock here, but we
corning back In
rdt family of en-,
excellent concert '
,urch last Friday '•
ience filled the
, from near LW-
-. Wilillarn Grey's
ph Leech accorn-,
ley. George Leech
'Ierida where they
Iter. --Rev. W. J.
ad Miss Eva Duff
teeting at Mo1es:4
church on Mow,:
-in. L. Fraser has
the first line of
d. an auction sale
tplements. -Mr. a,nd
7,arni1y will move
the winter.—Mr.,
New York, spent
ttt his father and
Mr. Jamieson 10
In Bellevue hos-
sser was under
EL couple of days
now improving.—
unday school chit
-for their annual
iment to be held
December 21st.—T
qsited in Brussels
›rge Aitcheson 10
:iity of Hamilton,
of this week
i-Jecial meeting of
n the Presbyter-,
1 the children are
a report of the
they used their
r and Mrs. Burne
address the
.—A happy event:
inc-day, the 21st
r,gmondville, when
ade Murre,y, the
urra,y, of Hullett,
1: Mr. Geo. Hen -
Rev. N. Shaw or
ceremony, the
to the home of -
the immediate
tuous repast was
the evening, in
crowd of invit-4
umb.:r of 125, as -
n• enjoyable time
bride wore a creara
lace, her trav-
,...avy blue dab,
. The many cost-
.uts showed the
vhich the lyoung
0out midnight a
ed, to which all
,'hen after a short
was again re -
tripped the light
heart's content,
-wishes to DIT4
for a long and
1-1 of Fr
jfied with
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Des, and is
NOVEMBER 30, 1906
V. S.
grte et Calitmado, eit*
College. AU diefiamee of
Anisaali treated. Calle
attended to arel charges
;moderate. 'Veterinary, Deutiatry
NipSelaity• Office and TOSiakUOW
`rich Aret, one :doer eai
Dr. soottes office, Seaforth.
E. illARBURN, V. S.
' Oonorary graduate of the °uteri°
areterinary College, an Honorary
amber ef the Medical Association
of the Ontario Veterinary College.
Monts &settees of all Domestic
teximals by the most modern princi-
s. DeUtifiltry and Milk Fever a
-alty. Office opposite Dick's
�otel, Main 'street, Seaforth. All
orders left at the hotel will treoeive
prompt attention. Night ealls re -
*Wed at the office. 1811-52
• IsEGArt.
Barister, Solicitor, Notary pub -
fl, etc. Money to loan. In Seaforth
aeoa-days, Fridays and Saturdays. Of -
pen every every week day. Over
Piekard's Store, Main street, Sea -
forth. 1904
11. S. HAYS.
Barrister, Solicitor, Canveyaneer
taa Notary Public.. Solicitor or
tha Dominion Bank. Office—In rear
of the Dominion Bank, See.forth.
atonal' to loan. 1285
Barrister, Solicitor, Conveyancer
wed Notary' Public. Office uip-stairs
(veer Fear drug store, Main street,
Saaforth. - 1327
Barrister, Solicitor, Convey-
ancer. Notary Public. Solicitor for
the Canadian Bank of Commerce.
Stoney to loan. Farms for sale. Of-
toe •in Seott's Block, Main street,
Barristers, Solieitors, ete., Gode-
rioh, Ontario. E. le Diekenson, Chas.
Ga.rrow, L. 'IL B. '1833-tf
Graduate of Royal College of Den-
tal Surgeons of Ontario. Successor
to Dr. Twaddle. Offie—Over A.
Young's grocery store, Main street,
Seaforth 1975
' Office and residence Victoria
Seaforth. Phone 73.
44114iiiikapffleuk,,, rek.'
Mr -
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s(Continuea from last week.y —With that rose?" she asked suddenly,
flushing and dilifident. Her eyes glis-
tatted with embarrassment.
"It lies next my heart. I love it," he
Said bravely.
think I'll command you to return
me, and they will have false evidenit -to
ce me" -vaguely,
so craftily prepared that even ray tru- "A. command to be disobeyed. It is
est riends n3ay doubt my loyalty :to in exchange for my feather," he smiled
you and to the cause I serve. Before confidently.
"Well, of course, if you are going to
God, I have been true to my oath. I am
be mean about— Now, let me see," she
loyal to Graustark. It wag a sorry
said confusedly, "what are your duties
day when I left the valley and": --
for tonight? You are to stand guard.
"Oh," cried Beverly piteously, •"don't
in the. corridor. Once in aishile you will
Say that!" go out upon the balcony aad take a
"Alas, Miss Calhoun, it is true," said
he sadly. "I am penned up here where look. You see, I am afraid of some
cannot fight back. Treason is laid ones Oh, Baidos, what's the use of ttlY
against me. But, beyOnd all this, I trifling like this? You are to escape
have pernaitted my loyalty to mislead from Edelweiss tonight, That is the
my ambition. I have aspired to some- whole plan—the whole idea in a nut -
thing I can cherish, but never possess. • shell. Don't look like that. Don't you
Better that I -never should'have tasted want to go?" Now she eves tremblilig
with excitement.•
"I do not want to leave you," be
cried eagerly. "It would be cowardly.
Marlanx would understand that you
gave aid and sanction. You would be
stark looked Involuntarily at Beverly, left to face the charges he Would make.
who sat cold and voiceless,, staring at • Don't you see, Beverly? Yu would be
the face of the guard. Sheknewwhat implicated; you would be accused.
he meant; she - knew that something Why did you not let rne. kill him? No;
was expected of her. A. word from her I will not go!" Neither noticed the
and he would understand that he had name by which he had called her..
not tasted of the unattainable. In'otte "But I Insist!" she cried wealtly.
brief moment she B&W that she bad de- ' "You must go away from me.
liberately led him on, that she had command you to"---
couraged him; that she actually had ; "Islt because you waut to drive me
proffered him the cup from which he ' out of your life forever?" he demand -
had begun to sip the bitterness. Pride ed, sudden understanding corning to
and love were waging a conflict be able elm
hapless southern girl's heart. But •she "Don't put it that way," she reur-
was silent. She could not say the enured.
word. • "Is it because you care for me that
"I think I know what you mean, Bal- you want me to go?" he insisted, draw -
dos," said Yetive, seeing that Beverly lag near. "Is it because You fear the
would not intervene. "We are sorry. love I bear for you?"
NO one trusts to your honor more, than "Love! You don't really— Stop!
I do. 'My husband believes in you. 'X Remember where you are, sir! You
will cenfess that you are to be arrested • must not go on with it, Baldos. Don't
as a spy tomorrow. -Tonight you are -come a step nearer. Do' go tonight!
to serve as a, guard in the castle. This • It is for the best. I have been awfully
should prove to you that I have uts- wicked in letting it run on as it has.
bounded faith in you. Moreover, I be-
_ Forgive me; please forgive me," she
lieve In you to the extent that I should pleaded. He drew back, pale and hurt.
not be afraid to trust you if you'were A great dignity settled upon his face.
to igo out into the world with every His dark eyes crushed her with their
secret -which we possess. You came quiet scorn.
- "Yes, your highness. He bears me a
deadly grudge and yet he fears me. I
know full well that lie and his agents
have built a strong' ease against me.
They are almost ready to close in upon
Graduate of University of Toronto
faCulty of Medicine, memaer of Clo-
lege of Physicians and Surge.ons of
Ontario ; pass graduate courses • an
Chiaag'a Clinical School, of Chicago ;
Royal Ophthalmic Hospital, London,
Ragland; 'University College Hos-
• pital, London, England. Office—
Over Stewart Bros.' store, Main St.,
Seaforth, Phone No. 5. Night calls
answered from residence, Victoria
treet, Seaforth.
• DR. F. J. BURROWS. -
Office and Residence—Goderich
otreet, east of tbe Methodist °hared),
Oeafortia Plaone No. 46. Coroner
for the °aunty .,of Buren. 1386
Goderich stree:t, opposite Metho-
#ist church, Seaforth.
of the unattainable than to have the
eup withdrawn just as its sweetness
begins to intoxicate."
He stood before_thens, pale With sup-
pressed emotion. The women of Grau-
...V OOPS. ••••••
1 ir t
•Exclusive: with. Diamond'
Hall are these three remark-
able offerings in highest
quality plated ware.
size, grey finish, with ap-
plied rococo ornaments,
removable porcelain lining.
FERN POT — Soft grey
finish, rose :decoration,
porcelain lined.
ing handle over top, ap,
plied border, embossed
rose centre.
our lrg7i/LtZVZIP
:ruee .of Charge
3. G. Scott, graduate a Victoria
jnd Ann Arbor, and member of the
ntario College of Physicians and
''q.-:geons. Coroner for the county
si ituron.
C. Mackay,honor graduate of
inity University, gold medalist of
rinity Medical College. Member of
1 Vie College of PhySitliallS and Sur -
vans, Ontario. 1483
License& auctioeteer for the 001,111 -
OS of Huron and Perth. Orders
Sft at A. M. Campbell's implement
-are-rooms, Seaforth, or at the
txpositor Office, will receive prompt
Attention. Satisfaetion guaranteed or
so obarge. 1708-tf
here under a peculiar streee .of cir-
coinetances, -,not wholly of yaw ovsn
volition. • Believe me,- 1 am your
friend." .
"I shall revere your highness forever
for those Verde," said he simply. H a
eyes went hungrily to Beverly!seavert- it not been -for the persistent fear that
ed face and then assumed a careless her proud old father might suffer from
gleam which indicated that he had re -
'her willfulness, she would have thrown
signed himself to the Inevitable. down the barrier and risked everything
"I am coustearned to ask you one
in the choice. Her heart was • crying
question, sir," went on the princess.
out hungrily for the love of this tell,
'1.7ou are not the common goat hunter
mysterious soldier of fortune.
you assume. Will you tell me in con- • "It is best," she murmured finally.
fidence who you really are?" The oth- •
Later on she was to know the meaning
ers held their breath. He laesitated for'
• of the peculiar smile he gave her. .
a element. "I go because you disraiss me, not
"Will it euffice if I say that I am an
unfertunate friend and advocate of , becausI fear an enemy. If you
choose to remember me at all, be just
'Prance Denten? I have risked every- '
enough to believe that I am not a
thing for his sake, and I fear I have
lost eVerything. I have failed to be of shameless coward."
service to him, but through no fault of ou are brave and true and good.
mine. Fetches been against me." and I am a miserable, deceitful wretch,"
"ou are 'Christoball"cried Dagmar
she lamented. "You will seek Rayon°
• ' and the others?"
eagerly. "Yes; they are my friends. They
Ire gave -her °a startled glance, but
offered no denial, -Beverly's face was love my poverty. And now, may it
a study. , If he were Christobal,' then please your highness, when am I to go
forth, and in what garb? I should no
what of the game warden's daughter?
longer wear the honest uniform of a
"We shall question you no further,
aid Yetive"You enlisted to serve Graustark guard?'
MIs 4 Calhoun, It is. for her to corn -
"Leave it to me. Everything shall be
mend you while 'you are here. May arranged. You will be discreet? No
one is to know that I am your"e-
God be -with you to the end. Miss Cal -
"Rest assured, Miss Calhoun.: I have
houu, will you tell him what his du -
a close mouth." And be smiled con -
ties aro for tonight? Come, ray dear."
Yetive and D1.1 Vaal' walked elowly
from the room, leaving Beverly and "I agree with you," said she regret-
. - fully. "You know how to hold your
her guard alone. tongue." He laughed harshly. "For
"I am at your service, Miss Calhouo,"
once in a way will you answer a ques-
he said easily. His apparent indiffer- '
ence stung iser into womanly revolt. , ton?"
"I will not promise."
"I was a fool last night," she said ate 1
; "You say that you are Dantan's
ruptly. .
"No; I was the fool. I have been the friend. Is it true that he is to marry
feel from the beginning. You shall note daughter of the Duke of Matz,
the •
blame yourself, for I do net blame you. Countess Iolanda?"
IChas"It has been 80 reported."
. been a sweet comedy, a summer 1
pastime. Forget what I may have eald Is she -beautiful?"
to you last eight, forget What my eyes "Yes; exceedingly."
May have said for weeks and weeks." : "But is be to marry her?" she Insist
- ed, she knew not why.I shall never forget," she said. "You .
deserve the best in the world. Would "How should I knew, your high -
that 1 could give it to you. YOU have ness?"
braved many dangers for my sake. 1
"If you call me 'your highness' again
shall not forget.. DO you know that we. Ill despise you!" she flared miserably.
"Another question: Is it true that the
were watched last night?"- young Dulw Christobal fled because his
-"Watched?" he cried incredulouslY.
father objected to his marriage 'with a
"Oh, fool that I am! I might have .
lime warden's daughter?" -
known. And 1 heve subjected you to— g
"I have never heard so," with a touch
toe -don't tell me that harsh thinge have
of hauteue.
been said to yeti, Miss Calbouni" He
"Does he know that the girl is dead?"
was deeply. dieturbed, . she asked cruelly. Bahlos did not an -
"General Marlaux saw you., Ile has
RAver for a long time. Ile stared at her
steadily. him eyes expressing no erao-
threatened ine,.Baldos"—
"I will kill him! -What do I care for . '
than from which slie could judge bine
the consequences? He shall pay dearly - "I think he le ignorant of that ca-
ter"— , 'amity, Miss Calhoun," he said. -"With
"Stop! 'Where are you going? You
"I understand, Miss Calhoun. The
play is over. You will find the luckless
vagabond a gentleman, .after all. You
ask me- to desert the eause I serve.
That is enough. I shall go toniglat."
The girl was near to surrender. Had
-inentiettwaltinikt4e next move In the*
game. The ghostailte figure of a wom-
an suddeuly stood before .him in the
egth of the moonbeam, a . hooded fig -
ere in dirk robes. Ile started -as if
confronted by the supernaturel.
"Come," Came in an agitated whis-
per, and he steppecl to the Side of the
phantom. She turned, and the moon-
light fell upon the face of Beverly Cal-
houn. "Don't speak. Follow me as
quickly as you can."
He grasped her arm, bringing her to
a standstill.
"I have changed my mind," he -whis-
pered in her ear. "Do you think I will
run away and leave you to shoulder
the blftrae for all this? On the balcony
near your window an hour ago I"—
• "It doesn't make any difference," she
argued. "You have to go. I want you
to go. If you knew just how I feel to-
ward you you would go vrithout a
"You mean that you hate me," be
"I wouldn't be so Unkind as to say
that," she fluttered. "I don't know'
who you are. Come, we can't delay a'
minute. I have a key to the gate at
the other end of the passage, and I
know where the secret panel \Is facet-
ed. Hush! It doesn't matter where I
" got the key. See! See how easy it is!"
He felt her tense little fingers in the
darkness searching for his. Their hands
were Icy cold when the clasp came. To-
gether they stood in a niche of the wall
near the chancel rail., It was dark, and
.a 'cold draft of air blew acrose their
faces. Ile could not see, but there was
proof enough that she had opened tbe
secret panel in the wall and that the
damp. chill air came from the under-
ground passage whieh -le'd to a point
outside the city wails.
"You go first," she whispered nerv-
ously. "I'm afraid. There is a lantern
on the steps, and I have some matches.
We'll light It as soon as— Oh, what
was that?"
"Don't be frightened," he said. "I
think it was a rat."
"Good gracious!" she gasped. "I
wouldn't go in there for the world."
"Do you mean to say that you intend-
ed to do so?" he asked eagerly.
"Certainly. Some one has to return
the key to the outer gate. Oh, • I , sup-
pose have t� go in. You'll keep
theta off, won't you?" plaintively. He
was sniffing in the darkness, thinking
what a dear, whimsical thing sbe was.
"With my life,"ehe said softly.
"They're ten times worse than lions."
she announced.
"You must not forget that you re-
turn alone,"- he said triumphantly.
"But I'll have the lantern going full
-blast," she said and then allowed him
to lead her into the uarrow passage-
way. She closed the panel and then
felt about with her foot until it located
the lantern. In a minute they had a
light. "Now, don't be afraid," ithe said
encouragingly. He laughed in pure de-
light. She misunderstood his mirth and
was conscious of a new and an almost
unendurable pang. He was filled with
exhilaration over the prospect of es-
cape! Somehow she felt an impulse to
throw her arms about him and drag
bian back into the chapel in spite of the
ghost of the game warden's daughter.
"What is to prevent me from taking
you with me?" be said intensely, a
mighty longing in his breast. She
laughed, but drew back uneasily.
"And live unhappily ever after-
ward?" said she. "Oh, dear me! Isn't
this a funny proceeding? Just think
of me, Beverly Calhoun, being mixed
up in schemes and plots and intrigues
and all that! It seems like a great
big dream. And that reminds me—
you will find a rain coat at the foot a
the steps. I couldn't get other clothee
for you, so yoe'll have to wear the
uniform. There's a stiff hat of Mr.
Lorry's also. You've no idea bow dies
cult it is for a girl to collect clothes
for a man. Tbere doesn't eft= te
any real excuse for it, you know.
Goodness, it looks black ahead them
doesn't it? I hate underground things
They're so damp and all that. Hove
far is it, do you suppose, to the (loos
in the wall?" She was chatterhag ont
simply to keep up her courage and to
make her fairest show of composure.
"It's a little more than 300 yarde,"
he replied. They were advancing
through. the low, narrow stone lined
passage. She steadfastly ignored the -
hand he held back for #apport. It was
not a pleasant place, this underground
way to the outside world. The walle
were damp and moldy; the odor of the
rank earth assailed the nostrils; the
air was chill and deathlike. _
"How do you know?" she demanded
"I have traversed the passage be-
fore, Miss Calhoun," be replied. She
stopped like one paralyzed, her eyes
wide and incredulous. "Franz was my
guide from the outer gate into the
chapel. It is easy enough to get out-
side the walls, but extremely difficult
to return," be went on easily. •
"You. mean to say that you have
been in and out by way of this pas-
sage? Then, what was your object,
sir?" she demanded sternly.
"My desire to communicate with
friends who could not enter the city.
Will it interest you if I say that the
particular object of ray .concern was
a young woman?"
She gasped and was stubbornly si-
lent for a long time. Bitter resentment
filled her soul, bitter disappointment in
this young man. "A young woman!"
he had -said, oh, so insolently: 'There
could be but one inference, one conclu-
sion. The realizat:ee. of it settled one
point in her mind fever.
"It wouldn'i,intel'est me in the least,
I don't even care who the waS. Per-
mit me to with you much joy with her.
Why don't you go ou':" Irritably, for-
getting that it v,*fis she who delayed
progress. His smile was invisihle itt
the blackness above the Ian -feria There
were no words spoken until after they
had reached the little door in the wail.
Ilere the paestuse was wider. There
were casks and chests on 'the floor, evi-
dently containing articles that required
instant removal from Edelweiss in
case of an emergency.
"Who was that woman?" she asked
at last The key -10 the door was in tbe
nervous little baud.
—.tee eee flon-e Elle, "Miss
kOontinued eon Page IM
Where it is. Tile saeor will be un-_
Welted." -
"Am I not to see you again?" he ask-
ed, and she did not think him properly
she answered afteree pause
that seemed like an 'et4rnityie and he
went quietly, silently aWay.
_ . •
HILE Baidos was standing
guard in the long, lofty hall-
way the Iron Count was busy
with :the machinations which
were calculated to result in a startling
upheaval with the break of a new day..
He prepared ,and swore to the charges
preferred !Against Baldas. They were
dispatched to the princess for her
perusal the morning. Then he set
about preparing theevilest accusations
against Beverly Calhoun. In his own
'handwriting and over .his own signa-
ture he charged her with complicity an
the betreyea of Granstark, influenced
by the desires of the lover who Maki-.
queraded as her Protege. At some
length he dwelt upon the well laid plot
of the spy and his accomplice. He told
of their secret meetings, their outrages
against the dignity of the court and
their unmistakable animosity toward
Graustarle For each and every count
in his vicious indictment against the
girl he professed to have absolute
proof by means of more than one
reputable witness.
It was not thcedesign. of Marlanx to
present this document to tbe princess
and her cabinet. 'lle knew full well
that it would meet the fate it deserved.
It was intended fotethe eyes of Beverly
cathoun alone. By means of the vile
accusations, false though they were, he
hoped to terrorize her into submission.
He longed to possess this lithe, beauti-
ful creature from over the sea. In all
his life he had not hungered: for any-
thing as he nOw craved Beverly Cal-
houn. He saw that his position in the
army was rendered insecure by tbe
events of the last day. A bold, vicious
Stroke was his only means for securing
the prize he longed for more than he
longed for honor and fame.
Restless and. enraged, consumed by
jealousy and fear, he hung about the
castle grounds long after be had, drawn
the diabolical charges. He knew that
Baidos was inside the castle, favored,
while he, a noble of the realra, was rele-
gated to ignominy an.d the promise of
degradation. Encamped outside the
city walls the army lay without a
leader. pach hour saw the numbers
augmented by the arrival of reserves
from the districts of the principality.
His place was out there -with the staff,
yet he could. not drag himself away.
from the charmed circle in which his
prey was sleeping. Morose and grim
he an,xiously paced. to and fro in an
obscure corner. of the grounds.
"What keeps the scoundrel?" he said
to bimself angrily.
Presently a villainous looking man,
dressed in the uniform of the guards,
stealthily approached. "I missed bine
general, but I will get him the isext
time," growled. the man,
"Curse you for a fool!" hissed Mar-
lene through his teeth, As another
bireling came up, "What have you got
to say?"
The man reported that Baidos had
been seen on. the balcony alone, evi-
dently on watch. '
Marlaux ground his teeth and his
blood stormed his reason. "The job
must be done- Weight. You have your
instructions. Capture him if possible;
but, If necessary, kill him. You know
your fate if you fail." Marlanx actual-
ly grinned at the thought of the punish-
ment he would mete out to them.
"Now be off!"
Rashly he made his way to the castle
front. A bright moon east its mellow
glow over the mass of stone outlined
against the western sky. For an hour
he glowered in the shade of the trees,
giving but slight heed to the guards
who passed from time to time, HIS ,
eyes never left the euchanted balcony.
At last he saw the man. Baldos
came from the door at the end of the
balcony, paced the full length in the
moonlight; paused for a moment near
lieverly Calhoup's wiudow and then
d sappeared through the same door
that had afforded him egress.
Ineilde the dark castle the Clock at
the end of the hall melodiously -boomed
the hour of 2. -Dead quiet followed
the soft echoes of the gong. A tall
figure stealthily opened the door to
Yetive's chapel and stepped inside.
There was a streak of moonlight
through the clear window at the far
end of the, room. Baidos, his heart
beating -tepidly, stood still for a mo
leleisassed auctioneer for the came-
ry" of Huron. Sales attended to. in
pay part of the coUnty at imoderate
rates and satisfaction guaranteed.
prders left at the Seaforth post
office, ar on Lot 2, Ooncession 2,
Hallett, will receiv,e prompt at-
tention. 1832-tf
B. S. namoPs.
Lieenseci auctioneer far the coon -
of Huron and Perth. Being a
'emetics.' farmer and thoroughly
understanding the value of farm
stock and iMpieMents, planes pals in
a better position to realize .t good
prices. Chargea moderate. iSatis-
faction guaranteed Or no pay. All
orders left at Hensall post office
or at Lot 23, Concession 2, Hay, will
be promptly. attended to. 1709-tf
J. Lew is homas
il Enginerr. Arvhiteet, et(, Late Dominion De-
partment Publir. Works. 0ms-tilting Engineer for
INIanieipal or County work. Eleetrin Railr9ads,
:.4ev,erage or \Vat uncorks Systeuis, Wharves, Bridges,
Ite-eofqved Conerete. 2220,
"Thea are 'Maple Leaf ' Rub-
bers to fit all sizes and shapes of
men's, tranaen's and children's
' —W3reless from **the old
wtalau who lived in a shoos."
Fit neatly, snugly and
,ourately, too.
Leave no openings for
the water .to sneak in at
the sides.
Get a pair
and keep your
feet dry.
.the McKillop Mutual Fire
Insurance Company.
J, B. McLean, president, Kiepen
P. 0. • Thomas Fraser, vice-presi-
dent, 'Brucefield P. 0.; Thomas E.
Hays, scoretary-treasurer, Searorth
Chesney, Seaforth ; John
G. Grieve, Winthrop; George bale,
Seaforth; Sohn Benneweis, Dublin ;
fames Evans, Beesahwood ; John
Watt, Harlock • VIM Eraser, Bruise-
tield ; John B. 'leltiLean, KipPene Jea.
Qonnolly, Clinton..
Robt. Smith, ilarlook ; B. Hinoh-
ley, Seaforth; James Ouninling, Eg-
mondville; j. W. Yeo, Holmesville
/), O.; Aleo. Murdie and Geo. Steph-
amesai, macre. .
your permission I shall withdraw.
ate to remain here, sir,- and take your There, is nOthing to be gained (by de -
commands froin 100. I don't want you lay." it was such a palpable affront .
to kill him. They'd bang you, or some- that she shrank within herself and
thing just as bad. Ile'e going to be emu have cried.
punished, never fear!" Baidos smiled Without answering, she walked un.
in 'spite of his dismay. It was Mapes- etemilly to tbe window and looked out
sible to face this confident champion into the nigbt. A mist came into ber
111 petticoats without catching her en- eyes. For many militates she renaained
thusiasna, "What have you done wtth there, striving te regain control of her
emoticms. All this time she knew that
he tvii-S standing just where slie bad
STORIA (-).eorintribi,'Imilit,..ni,c‘.et laasst
efaced awallatilmPgrZO-'
For Infants and Children. . •
.::, iutely, .
_ "rd:11 )N,111 receive instructions as to
B 'It
The Kind You Have Always, oug your ,Thaties here from the guard at
' the "Stairse When you hear the hall
Bears the clock strike the hour of 2 In the raora-
Signature of ing go. into the ellepel, but do elot let
any one see you or suspect. You know
What We Claim for Fe
— --
Cf aft. le or Ce 141.
Beats ads Ths Kind You Have Always Bought
FERROL is an Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil, and. if
it were nothing more it woUld take front rank because
of the quality, and quantity of the oil used and the
scientific method of preparation. But FERROL has
special claims which take it out of the ordinary class
of Emulsion altogether. For instance:
FERROL combines Iron and Phosphorus with the
oil, and no other emulsion contains these ingredients,
although it is well known that they should always be
administered together, as each is the .complement
the other.
FERROL is so scientifically prepared that the first
processes of digestion are actually performed in the
process of manufacture, a,nd the emulsion is ready
for instant absorption into tile blood. This is of the
utmost itnportance to persons with delicate stomachs.
unlike other emuls,ions, is positively palatable, and,
not one in a thousand find any difficulty in taking it.
FERROL contains the three essentials of life, viz.;
Fat, Iron, and Phosphorus—they have never been
combined before.
FERROL holds the record for increasing the weight.
FERROL has received more endorsations from
medical men than any other preparation on the
FERROL will cure any case of Consumption that is
absolute specific for Colds, Croup,
Bronchitis and all kindred troubles.
.FERROL is an unfailing remedy for nervous pros-
tration, Chronic Rheumatism and Neuralgia.
Finally, the formula is freely published, and in
taking FERROL you "Know what r m take."
I.V. FEAR, Druggist, tiaatorth, 03..1
ibaaterProof, za my avalt,17e trgvv5
What3 Ofer iris. when it' von
Tuton y r GRANBY iZugg' bill 5*,
..2. ,,, t ...
'P!seep arm feet
, Aty all the ZSY.
) 11. TrigoN„
You cannot possibly have
a better Cocoa than
A delicious drink and a Slistaillifig
food. Fragrant, nutritious and
economical. This excellent Cocoa
maintains the system in robust
health, and enables it to resist
winter's extreme cold.
Sold by Grocers and Storekeepers
in 1.lb. and Fib Tins.
Lumber, LatF
and Shingles
xxx & xxxx
Poultry Wanted.
The undersigned (s prepared to pay the highest
cash price for all kinds of poultry, live and dremed,
dunng the months of September, October, Novem.
ber and December, delivered every Tuesday, on Lot
BO, Concession 2, MeKillop. if dreSsed, must be dry
plucked necks pulled, and fasted 24 hours before,
killing. No thin or crooked breast bones or deform-
ed birds of 4ny kind taken, Full particulars bow to
kill and dress will be given on application.
A choice indmprovcd section in Central AMerta.
--130 It 8 miles. Good water at 20 feet. For sale on
caSy terms, or will exchange for saite farm in •
Huron county.
A. first elass retion in South Baskatebewan,-14
miles to IL It. and market, Proposed* R. R. will
come within 3 miles. Water at from '20 to 00 feet,.
For sale at a bargain, or will exchange for farm near
My list contains a description of some of tile finest
stock and grain farms offered for sale in ibtron, May
• I send it to you.
Ae A.. WATT, Real Estate Agent,
203211 Brucelleld, Ontario.
Safe Investment.
Debentures for Sale,
ore doi•••••4
The Town of Seaforth offers for sale Debentures
bearing 44 and 5 per cent. interest, plys,131e
15 d 20 years. Less trouble to look after than
moarntgago ; simply draw your intrerest. -Ter ?sr -
Planing Mill and Lumber Yards
tigula.ra inquire of
SEA,VORTH 2G41-tf Tow]] Clerk,