HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1906-11-30, Page 7ese REAL ESTATE FOR SAL. Tair.0101TAISTX INIPFATSIFZITS. end money on impreved quarter ea. of 160 acres Q('1 et frem aer, to 10% per annum. Only 'arse mottgseres taken. Ample security givere Torrens Ma System Is perfeot. From. WO up can be lent on tar= worth from $1,00 0to 8a,0fal. For I arther parteeulare write to nee. J. A. JACKSON, Barrie- I ter, etre, Ponolca, Alberta. 1951ate asa R SALE, /I comfortable frame house he enondville„ with three acres of land, cellar also a stable. The house contains 1 bed room, Ju. dining room and kitehen dounstairs and two bed rooms and a Terfee hall upstairs. There is ielenty Of heal and soft water. The property is close to both church and school. Will be sold cheap. Apply to JAMES S. BROWN, or box 357, Seatorth P. . 201.-3-tf . FO Aber offers for sale niw o acrestbeing lot 31, 3rd conces- sion, Tuekersinith. Mcleared end under eultivation ePe xcept, a res ; all but 18 aorta in grass. Frame home, bank bean, hay bean and other out. buiklings, hearing orchard, Food water, schoolhouse on the premise& It is within six miles rif Seaforth and five from Clinton.lln. Wbe sold on easy terms. WHITFIELD CRICH, Clinton P. 0. 2000-xStf ACRE FARM FOR SALE. -The undersign& jJ ed offers for sale tbat most desirable farm mroperty known as West Ralf Lot 5, Concession a Iluron Road, Mullett. There% on the promises, a frame house. a good. bank barn, 66 x 34, all fit - up with cement, flooring and in emaciate shape. it ia Weeded on the Iluron Road, 81 miles from Sea forth and 6 miles from Clinton and one mile from echoed. It will be sold on reasonable terms, m the proprietor wishes to retire. For further particulars apply on the premises or address GEORGE IRWIN, Seaforth, Ontario. 2028-tf - - FItOPERTT FOR SALE. -A. McGregor offers for Bele his preperty in the village of Leadbury, oonteining 1 acre of land on which are a dozen fruit trees, theebleheee ire fine shape Rev garden, black- sm ith shop, at prsent doing good business, good frame house conning 6 rooms and good cellar and kitchen attached, frame stable apd drive house erect- ed lest summer, room for two dome and ono horse and la tone hay, abuse good poultry house. This property Is well situated, post office and store across the road and school wijoining property. It is a good chance for a blacksmith or a very suitable home for a retired farmer. Will be gold eheap. For further particulare apply to A. MeGILEGOR, Leadbury P. 0. 2030-4 AR I FOR SALE. -For sale, Lot 8, Concession 3, L. R. S., Tuckersinith, containing 100 were& of which a Eeeel ig good hardwood bush. The balance well fenced, tile drained, and in first-olam condition. There are two good barns, one- a bank barn 86 x 78 ft. with stone stabling underneath and the other -66 x BO It., and a comfortable frame house, three good wells. and a neverefailing spring at the rear of the lot, and a good bearing =hard. The ploughing Is all done and 14 acres of fail wheat. It is within two miles of the liouriehing village of Ilensall and within half a inile of a school house. Apply on the premises or to J. CALDWELL, Bengali P. O. 1E674f - 1MARM FOR SALE. -For sate, Lot 24, Concession 2, Stanley, containing 100 sores. Ninety acres are cleared and in a good state of cultivation ; there are 10 mores of good hardwood hush. The farm is all weleunderclraiped and well fenced. There is a two- etorey brick house with slate roof, a first-elasa farm house, Bank barn, 40ft, x 80fa, cement silo, pig pen, driving house; There are twolnever-failing %voile, and an acre of orchard. and small fruit. This excellent farm is three miles from Brucefield and five miles from Clinton, withgoodgravel roads. For further particulars apply on the premises or address ALBERT OTT, Clinton P. 1948-tf 001) FARM FOR. SALE. -For sale oheap and on easy ter.-s,I,ot 25, Concession 4, alcleillop. This farm contain' 07e acres, alt cleared arid in fine condition. Fifty acres are seeded to grilse, six or seven in fall wheat and the rest all ploughed and ready for timing crop. There is a fine spring for watering the stock close to the buildings, a •gooel briek house, two large barns, one with good stahline underneath, also horse stable and implement home and a lerge orohard. It is within a mile and a half of the *own of Seatorth. If not sold, will be leased ter a terra of years. Apply to the undereigned, box 192, Seaforth P. O., RO 'BERT GOVENLOOK. le91-tt - 11 alit ACRE FARM FOR SALE. -Lot 1, Comes- sion Mullett, containing 100 acres of tholee land, no waste, excellent situation, being on Huron Road West, 2a miles from the flourishing town of Seaforth. On the farm is a two storey frame house, of 8 rooms, also verandah and summer kitchen. The house is heated by Reale furnace, coal or wood. There is an excellent hard water, soft water pump, and cistern in house. There are two barns, one on stone basement, also hen house and driving shed. The farm - well fenced and drained, and containe a small orchard of choice fruit. There are 4 acres of fall wheat in, and 98 acres of ploughing done. Win be sold Tereonable and on easy terms. Possession given in theapring. If not sold will be rented f n- a term of years. GEORGE C. DALE, JR., Seaforth P. 0, 2031-tf eGIARM FOR SALE -For sale, Lot 5, Conceesion 141 L Mullett, containing 120 aeres. The lam is al, eleared and in a high state of cultivation. It is well drained and welt teneed. There is a, large two-storey brick house with woodshed and Ititcben. There is a large bank barn and two smaller barns and driving shed. Two good orchards- There are two never failing springs on the farm, which make it an excel- lent one for either stook or cropping. There is also pump at the barn, evith windmill. This excellent farm is two miles from Mario& P. 0., four mile from Bleak Terms to suit purchaser as the prop- xietress wishes. to leave the farm and, if not sold, it will be rented. This is the farm of the late Sohn Mills. For further partieulars apply on the premisee or address, Harlook P. 0., MRS. JOHN MILLS. 2014xtf Guaranteed Buy Stanfield% 'Underwear on a positive guarantee that it is absolutely =shrinkable. if —by any chance—it should 'shrink, return it to your dealer and, he will refiend the 1nOney, or give you new garments. Unshrinkable. NeWn -'40 es -eDr. Levi Seeord, while d lying acres the Gran'd Truok tracke at Brantford, wee struck by a train and thrown frorn his rig, sastaining injuries whit)" rendered him uncoil- • scfoue, but he is now recovering. . -The immigration departments have made arrangements -with e all booking agents in. the Old Country to pay a bonus of 41 sterl.ng or a grand celebration and= streets are not of the g , pl every male immigrant from the Brit- holding ish Isles over the age of eighteen',sul3Per. built class More or less temporary so who tomes to Canada intending to -F. A. Healey, a hardware man, often noticeable in a new town in the eetgage in farm labor or in labor in WinnlOag, last August, purchased West. They are solid, massive, per - upon railroad construction, and a corner lot in Prince Albert, Sask., .manent structures. The water works for every emale immigrant intending to Lor $10,000 or Jest over $150 a foot. and sewerage systems, together with .f Now be has resold the property to the electric lighting', were taken over become a domestic servant. The men roust have had at least one Senator Davis and W. T. Gilmore,of in 1902. The water is taken from the : : full ' year's actual experience as farmers, Prince Albert, for $14,000, or a lit - 212 per foot. Saskateb.ewan, a gluier -fed stream farm laborers, gardeners stable en, whioh le absolutely free from organic - caretakers, navvies or mimtle more than $ ners. For -Mr. William Walker, president Of matter. On electric lightingthe city the Carberry Reform Association,has . children under eighteen: the bonus is making a good profit notwithstand- paid is ten shillings. been selected as the Liberal candi- ' disease a- date fIng that rates are lower than in other -That terribly fatal or Norfolk constituency at the . Western cities, the revenue this year mong cattle, known as Symptomatic approaching Provincial elections The constituency is now represented exceeding $50,000. The service is be - Anthrax, or Black Quarter, 1140 al-yond criticism, and no town in Can - ready caused- the death nf. one valu- ly taheCortnosbeirivnataolveverannmd east supporter'e able mild" cow in the dairy herd of • capital. There are now about 360 tele - John and Mark Munday, , extensive -e armofW. Bro Aftan auctionswalo, a erecently Head-ntlyopes honon the Edmonton exchange farmers in -West Darlington, in Dur- thng 7, ivianttoba, a .well known cat- (also a municipal enterprise). There ham county. Other animals on the tle dealer, cows sold at prices rang- is a farmers' lihe going through the farm have alarming symptoms, so ing from 842 to $59, two year old Clover Bar and Agrdoola settlements. that the Dominion veterinary in - heifers from $30 to $36 each, calves A •Mil speetor bas, ,ordered animals which e of Cement Walks, die to be burned and the rest othe t*$8 to $11 each. Hors, went partic- Notwithstanding the enormous cost f ularly well. of cement at euoh a distance from herd vaccineted. Owing to the fatal points of production, last year a mile John H. Lone, one of the eanly chara.chter of anthrax, neighboring - a cement walks was put, down, four - farmers are grnatly alarmed over this settlers of the Roland district, Man- • , outbreak lest it may spread, as the itoba, died leek week of typhoid teen feet wide Government does not pay any portion fever. He had been 111 for two weeks Some of Edmonton's public school of the loss as they do in the case/ ahd little hope was- held out for his builelings arestructuses which would do of some very virulent disease, such as recovery as he had reached the ad- credit to any city in Canada. Alberta glanders in horses College, aompleted about a year and. a • . -Policeman John O'Brien, of New of: the most highly respected mem- half ago, has built an addition which , . vanced age of76 yearsHe was one York, captured a veritable Walking bora of tne commtmitydoubles the capacity of thn building. bank in that city a few evenings ago. -A patent has been talcao out up- With the coming of the new the old He was standing • on a. street corner, on an ingenious invention, .a port- passes away. Recently the Old Inn of when he was approached by a yen.- ante wire fence, by Mr. Ed. Branch, Edmonton was torn down, a place *short and broad young man, who look- of 'Moose Jaw. The 'appartatus con - around which iire centred forty or fifty ed him over with much interest, s tete of four corner posts, a wind- years ago. They kin tell the tale that "Move on 1" he commanded. " Moveing post, stay rods and wireThe when any traveler complained of the. on i" Ithitead of moving on the new invention makes it possible,the fare 'provided at the hotel he VMS grave- strangerpulled out a knife and b - inventor claims, for the man who • ly advised to go to the next, which was .. 'e 1 gan to carve up O'Brien's uniform. Bella land to wind up his fencing wire I only 759 miles on, Portage la, Prairie the fence away with him. ; being the first stop after yedinonton I After a long straggle O'Brien got 1 and carry -Land prices in the vicinity of that leoasted an ism . eee THE HURON EA POSITOR have 'secured sortie eplendid timber k ton's development is the enntenotie sup- THE PICIK oF E _CROP limits from the Dominion Govern- ply of eanilyernined coal nf high grade, Ment, front which the /wavy timber ' which underlies the city and surround - will be seamed. Ing district. This coal is so easily -]fort s are being made by the mined that it can be cold retail, and Scotchmen of 13randon - to celebrate delivered into the cellars of citizens at St. Andrew's Day in a fitting way. a cost of $3.00 a ton. Coal of good John Inglis, the energetic - secretary • steaming quality is delivered to mills of St. Andrew's society, has the mat- ; and factories at a cost of not less than ter in hand, and is working* among • $1.50 per ton. the local Scotchmen With the Idea, of The buildingEs that are 'men along the 9- Nov 9 VEM B ,,ervesnmeeruee- Meeting of , his man to the station ouse. pocket, and several pounds of change Ilia quarter section to his neighbor, Mr. Glenn, for $50 per acre, or n8, - The Connell of the County of Huron will meet in distributed among the lot. When the Nings„ Manitoba, are steadily rnareh- 'surprise carne when he was Bearched. There was a roll of bills in every ing upwards. Mr. Richard Talbot sold Huron County Council. PITVIIIMP•••• . BOO for Alio quarter. D. Morrish sold the Council Chainber, in the Town of Goderieb, at count wa,s over, there was 4567.10 on 8 o'clock p. on the First' Tuesday in December the desk i front f t eno 'sergeant. his half section to Mr. Talbot for beplaeed with the Clerk before day of meeting. The 'human bank said that he was $85 per. acre, one $11,200 for the half, next. All weestutts to come before the Council must and J. McAllister has sold his half W. LANE, Clerk. Charles Deuglas, of London, Ont., section to D. Orris for $80 per acre, Dated November 20, 1906. 2082-2 and after working all hits life on a ivroors phosphodino He was "locked up on a `cbarge of as- = good many of the settlers in ing a more moderate clime:te are the sixteen families ftom Melita, Mart- teentelenala Wectkna88 -Einleid°n8= 8Per' Helpless and Bera With Itheurnatiarn * Prima per box, -Cured by Dr. Williams' = er e„ few days ago, a ,number will sixfort. ------4 willleiteeasix ° M. P. P., nes purchased a, residence (tenuity Windsor) TOrOnt)§0111V- I was a helpless cripple. I was in FaArvieve, close to Vancouver. bent in form rend could not straight- -Many parts of The Province of en up. Crutches were My only means Saskatchewan are threatened with a or $11,400 for the bait firm, lie bed come to see -New York. Manitoba and the older parts of the, 1, 4_ other two Western provinces desir- nervous spasm, makes new RM FOR SALE. -For sale, Lot 24. Concession 1: 8. Stanley, containing 100 acres. There are 85 acres cleared and the balance is good hardwood bush. The farm is well underdrained and well fenc- ed. There are, on the premises, a two-story frame house with stone foundation and good cellar. The house is in arst-class condiiton. There iir also a good frame barn. There is plenty of good water both at the house and barn and a good spring creek runs across the back of the farm. This farm is in first- class shape and is one of the best in the, township. - It is three and a half miles from the village of Bruce - field and live miles from Clinton. Will be mid on easy terms as the proprietor is going. west. For fur- ther particulars apply on the premisee or address, Bruceffeld P. O., MRS. JOHN GILMOUR. 2019x4tf vie Great snow& Remear saulting an offic.er. loodin odVeina Cures Nerv. A ORTPPL CURED i removing to Beth% Coluinbia. 'Of Tones and invisoratesthewho ti . I ow; DebilitpeanVal and Brain Worry, Dee -1 inaterriztea, and Erects of Abuse or Excesses. , , Robe, district, who rekached Vancouv- 1 plain pkg. on re sit of prices New pamp Phik Pills. i settle in that city. Mr. Thomeson, inearedfree. The wood Modloliso Oa IIIMMINONNOMANN -will cure. Sold elg mists or maie 11 1 00 ked ollierrarMsaligat o'st delaufir 1;3riop: erty known' as Lot 6, Concession 1, Townelup of Masher& Perth County. There are, on the prem- isee, a, good brick house 32, x 24, with kitchen attach- ed, 16 x 26, both in good repair; a large bank barn, 70 x 70, with good stone stabling underneath ; one first-class cement silo, 12 x 37, and other useful buildings. The farm is well watered, both in front and in the rear and is adapted both for grain tied stock raisiug and ie in high state of cultivation, -which v ell known from the face that the propriet- or has resided thereon for nearly fifty years, being one of the most successful farmers in the township.' It la cientnilly loeated, being near both chinch and school, and within easy reach of a. good market. For further particulara address JOHN SUTHERLAND, Kiricton P. 0- 2909-tf leSeARela FOR SALE. --Lot 15-, Concession 2; Lot _IV 15, Concession ; S. e Lot se, Concession 1, -and S a Lot 15, Concession t, Huron Road Survey, Township of Tuckerstnith, County of Huron, contain- ing 300 acre& situated within two miles of the thriv- ing town of Seaforth, one of the best markets in Wes- tern Ontario. This farm was awarded .the gold medal in she farm, competition of 1863. The farms have been all pastured for the past ten years and would now be in excellent shape for general farming. Soil goad clay loam -two-storey brick dwelling house • and kitchen with brick woodshed -hot air furnace= hard and soft water in kitchen -fine grounds whit shrubbery, evergreens and ceder hedges-orohard -with spruce windbreak on west and north -good barna with stone stabling -30 acres of hardwood bush, maple and beech -well watered with spring oreek awl river. Will sell ogether or svouM divide pro- perty. No better property the Cotitity of Huron. JOHN T. DICKSON,. Seaforth, 2026-tf Suffered Terrible Agony of Irving about. I tried many coal famine. That country depends rnedie nes, but they all failed until I largely , on Lethbridge for its sap - began using Dr. Williams' Pink Pills plY of fuel. and the recent _prolonged FROM PAIN ACROSS • a -they cured me.". George Schaw, of strike has cut off this supply and. HIS'.KIDNEYS. D A 111.1'S • KIDNEYPILLS man a,nd IS consequently exposed to that town. and vicioity but he rnany Short Beath, N. a, made the above the scarcity of coal makes it very almost startling statement to a re- difficult to get supplies from other porter a few days ago. Mr. Schaw sources. Saskatchewan is a bad is new a well bola man, strong and place to be without fuel. The fol - broad shouldered. Like thousands of lowing despatch from M.00sornin other Nova, Scotian, he is a fisher- voices the condition not only In CLL icinds of weather, Just t e condi- other towns. It says ; This town is CURED HIM. tions to set the rheumatic p n in practically without Coal as. the vis - 'the blood at work. Mr. Schaw adds: ible ,supply is not above eight tons , "It is impossible to overrate the or Pennsylvania. There le no soft Read the words of -praise, Mr. M. A. McInnis severity of the attack. The trouble coal. Tweoty-three cite* in all have Marion Bridge, H.S., has for Doan's Kidney was located en my back and right been received by the dealers to date pins. (He writes us): "For the past three years Itip I had to quit work a4nd was eat compared with about 60 at this I have suffered tenible agony from pain across mostly indoors.. There was a time date last year. Only a very few of my kidneys. 1 WAS so bad I could not stoop when I never expected to -stand erect the townspeople hb.ye any supply on or bend. I consulted and had several doctors again, but Dr. Williams' Pink Pills hand and the' farmers have as yet re- treat me, but could get no relief. On the advice straightened me up again, not only ceived practically nothing. Very lit - of a friend, I procured a box of your valuablethat, but they made me the strong, tle Crows Nest is sold here, bat 60 life-giving remedy (Doan's Kidney Pills), and to heafty man you Nee me toeclay. 1 per ceot. is Galt. Nine cars of west - rise and delight, I immediately got can never describe the awful pain I ern anthracite have been sold. The suffered before I used these pills. I 'Sutcliff Muir Milling company start - tried many medicines and had treat- ed the season with six bundred tons ment from several cloctors,but to no Of coal, but now scarcely enough is avail. My lege became so stiff that left to last two weeks. They burn In order to move at all I had to use ten tons per day. The weather is crutches. Finally the doctors decid- colder, and a blizzard has been blow - ed that I was incurable, and told me Ing. If the (-cold 'weather continues they could render no further mullet- the eoal sitnation will become ser- ance. I continued to i suffer day and bus as there is no wood available night, and then cattle the turning , at this point. point of my life. A friend from a, i '$THE BATTLE OF THE AGE!' *propopmema Of the fintel Cev t eteprolituorie country in the world new i 'n't hey th gives ou u have coupk would tie s 'earns are and chafe in. OAYLOkil Packed in sealed lead packete, weioh nreeerv its many excellent qua • BLACK MIXED GE -N 25c, 30c, 40; 5l)c aud 6015 per lb. At all grocers. lit When Childt Cioukh give them that old reliable remedy that never fails to cure BOLE'S PREPARATION OF Friar's Cough.Bals4m It stops couglas-breaks up colds --and heals inflamma- tion throat and bronchial tubes. Absolutely vire-and safe for children. 25c a bottle. At druggists or from NATIONAL DRUG & CHEMICAL CO. Limited e LONDON, Ont. 21 t they oriaci." machine = he it and buih to fir the iirr ercas arc na garment nthe ems. ring ac, a tee im rale r eedire Rev. J. L. Gordon Reads Five Propne- • Gioia In Signs of the Twries. In Massey Hall, Toronto, on a recent Sunday Rev. 3. L, Gordon of Winnipeg, taking as his subject "The Battle of the Age," delivered an eloquent address on- the progress of the temperance movement and the outlook for a glorious future That the triumpb. of truth and right was assured, a scan over the past two thousand years Would convince the most skeptical. It was 1,400 years since Rome had fallen. Human slavery had disappeared, as also the degradation of womanhood. In view of these facts, - the speaker entertairied a profound con- viction that, under the guidance of the Holy Bible, the battle for truth and right would. go on to a glorious victory. He would predict five great aehleive- Ments for the future. Be could read the signs of the times that great and marvelous things wolfiel happen. There would be a -universal language .-that of Shakespeare AEA the Holy Bible The removal of tariff Walls and uni- versal peace would/cement the federa- tion of the world. Ile believed the time was soon com- ing when would exist the great political equality of men and women. There would be an equal distribution of the wealth, of the world according to ability and skill, •The cardinal prediction would_ be the restriction of the liquor traffic, so as to &guarantee universal sobriety. The speaker touched on the great possibilities of the Dominion of Carer ada for the development of a magnifi- cent manhood. The world would yet see the gmatest men in mental mould and moral might spring froni this land, which would be the atamping ground for the noblest ideals in the In- terests of humanity. "If we can save the 500 cities of this country," he continued, "we can save the country. The saloons in the cities of this landaplaced side by side, would reach from New York to the Golden Gate, and every saloon is the banquet- ing hall of death, the lighted corridors leading down to ruin. "X come from a city that is growing nearer the day when the rum traffic Will not rule. There is a. bright, and brilliant hope out yonder, and the temperance people are doing a noble work This is a serious conflict, and we are battling for' the 14fe of the home. On our side we have God, the church, conscience and the Bible, and there is no other side. We are making inroads into the camp of the enemy. "The saloonkeeper has more respect for the temperance man now than he ever had before. - But we must not stop at this, although we see the evi- dence that the fight is going our way. There is more ad-vertising done by the liquor intereits selling their wares in the last five years than ever before, which is a sure evidence that- the work of the temperance league and the W. C. T. U. and other temperance. organiza- tions is telling against the forces of the wicked" wj better. In my Opinion Doan's Kidney Pills have no equal for any form of kidney trouble." Doan's Kidney Pills are 50 cents per box or three boxes- for $1.25. Can be procured at all dealers or will be mailed direct on receipt of price by The Doan Kidney Pill Co.. Toroato Ont. Do not accept a spurious substitute but be sure -and get "Doan's." WANTED BEL'ABLE •'MEN throughout United Statesinairierjanada ttro advertise our goods, tacking up show cards =trees, fences, bridges, and all conspicuous placee ; dis- tributing 'wail advertising matter. Commission or salary $90 a month and expenses $3.50 a day. Steady emPlaY- resat to good reliable men. We lay out y,our work for you. No experience needed. Write for patticulars. SALU8 MEDICINAL 00. London. Ontario, Canada 'LURIE FOR SALE. -For sale, that valuable farm .1: of 175 notes, situated on the 7th coneession of Stanley- It is only hell a mile from eehool, thrae- quartere of a mile from Methodist and Presbyterian churches and post office, seven miles front Hensel'. and four from Kippen station. There are, on the premises 3 barns,. one e4 x 40; one 70 x 28 and the other, 51.; x 2‘4, all in goad repair ; a comfortable frame house and log house. There are 2e acres', oe,` fall wheat sown. The farina welt fenced and 100 acres underdrained, the othere-, notes being drained by the townehip ditch running through. There as e a. never failing well at the house with a new Brantford pumping mill, also a never failing spring back on the farre. There are la notes of good bearine oroh- ant. The farm is in a tint class state of cultivation and is situated in one of the hest grain growing' eee- tions in the province. Will be sold cheap and on terms to Butt purchaser. For further information apply on the premises or address GEORGE COLE- MAN, Hills Green 1'. 0. 20e3 -ti fl OOD FARM FOR SALE. -For sale, Lot 2, Con cession 1.2, S., Tuokersmith, containing 100 notes. This farm is well fenced and thoroughly and eystematically underdmined, and, havine been kept le a high state of cultivation, isIrdmittcdly, one of the most productive fanus the teewnehip. There is it firet °lase frame house with kitchen and woodshed, and equipped with cistern and other mod- ern convenience& There are two good bank barns and ether up-to-date outabuildingg. There is a good bemang orehard and also a new orchard of well ge- leered fruit trees. There are two Dever failing wells, • the one at the house and the other at the barn. Thi* farm.% mset deeirably situated, beim three miles form the prosperous village of Homan and one quartet of a mile from ChiseIhurst, where there are to cinema**, a dote, poet office and jeleeksmith ehop. As the proprietor is in poor health, it will be Veld on reasonable henna when one half of the pur- Ohese money, or mon, if nee:emery, may remain on the fatta at a. reasonable rate of interest. 'for fur- Na;WW, Chigelhunit P. 0. 20094 n" gi? Peel ther sm44 touters apply on th ',premises or to ROBERT (12 re, n 'll "1 w ?MN tV -t*i ee et) pet T12 (12 (1) P91, „ 5 /°"'•1 CI" 17j tn 4 0C.'s 'c-6" •51) ,*4 Ciq C • 1-1-1 o mit (*T 00 O fig ;ID ti z Z""' 0-4 jel go `74`j Z n cr) C2•4 g4) - s°' ae c* - 0 *1 eCb*- et- R„ tt c) �Q 1-ee ar; Pi* cr iFq row- rs. 112 CD ge, inej sts CD e'w eff- CD • 0 t -t - Oh ce.f) t„ trikal *it ;;i100 tgivx distance came to see me, and it was -When the tip of a dog's nose le from him I learnen- that Dr. Wil- ,_ cold and moist, that -dog is not sick. 1.1.ams' Pink Pills were a great cure ; A feverish dry . nose means sickness for rheumatism. At once I got a with a dog, and so with the human supply and began to use them. The lips. Dry, cracked arid colorless lips first indication that they were help- I mean refeletnisOankes., =tied are, as well ing me was when the pain grew less 111 appearing. To nave beautiful, eevere. In a few weeks more the pink, velvet-like lips apply at bed - swilling in my legs and hips began time a quoting of Dr. Shoop's Green to leave, then my Joints seemed to ' Salve.. It will soften and heal any loosen up, and it was then not long skin ailment.. Get a free, trial box, until my crutches were throuvvn aside at our store, and be convinced. Large and I could staighten up. Then! I nickel -caped jars are 25 cents at C. began to go out doors and soon was Aberhart's drug store, Seaforth. able to resume my work as well as --- ea - ever. Since that time I have never CITY OF EDMONTON. been troubled with rheumatism or lame back. I can tell you my neigh- Canada's Most Nertherly City Has Now bors were all astonished at my cure, a Population of 12,000 -Grow they had all though I would always be a cripple." From 1,203 In Fivs Years. 'Dr. -Williams' Pink Pills • cure rheue ma'am by going straight to the root of the trouble in the blood. Tbey make new, rich' red blood, that sweeps out the poisonous acid and soothes the jangled nerves. That is how they* cure all taoubles rooted In the blood, each as anaemia, , indigestion, neur- algia,St. Vitus dance, geheral weak - nes and the special aliments that only girls and women folk know. Sold by all medicine dealers or by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50, form the Dr, Williams Medi- cine Co., Brockville, Ont. a Manitoba and Northwest Notes -Vancouver will spend $150,000 on new school buildings and site next year. -Edmonton will spend $60,000 in agricultural exhibition buildings and grounds. -A prosperous lodge of the Knights of Ph'ythias has been organized , in Miniota, Manitoba. Courtney, of the "Caron nie- trict, has sold his farm, a haft sec- tion, to Ebene Wilson, for $23 an acre. • -Newspapers are springing up like mushrooms in Saskatchewan. Fill- more, Francis, Seacoa,ts and Balgenie are now to the fore in this respect. Cupar Is to follow soon. -The Methodist congregation of Emerson will hold their anniversary services on December 16 and 11. ' 8.7 years ago Ree. Geonge Young, D. D., Oisited Emerson, and started the Cane ada Methodist *Introit -The ne* school buildings in the Doukhobor settlements are being rap- idly- puehed forward. The framework will be finished on . many of them before Christmas, and the interior furnishings in the way of 'desks, and ornamental work will be done by the Doukhobors, as some of them are a- depts .with tools, and all the villages Enormous Seely of Coal. have carpenter shops Which they will I 4nothar onvious factor in Edmon- be able to wail( In all winter. They ' The building permits of Edmonton this year are over one million dollars In value. Five years ago the city had 1,200 of a7. population; a conservative estimate now places the population at 12,000, and in great confidence the good people of the most _northern city expect to have in 'another five years 85,000 ina habitants. The city owns its public utilitiss, eleetric light, water works and tele- phone systems) For a thousand miles north wheat can be grown. Govern- ment statistics on the crop of 1906 show- , the average yield of spring wheat in: the Edmonton district to have been 24.29 bushels, and winter wheat 24.51 td the acre. Sub:raves Enormous District. The city subserves an enormous dis- trict to the north. In that vast ter- ritory the inhabitants sleep in blankets made in Edmonton of Central Alberta, wool, and eat Ilona oatmeal, bacon and butter made at'Edmonton, the latter being enclosed in tubs of Edmonton manufacture. The doors and windows In the far northern residences are sent from Edmonton factories; and the cigars smoked are the product of one of its flourishing industries Every package of merchandise that goes into that country 'bears flee brand of some Edmonton' house, It is 'essentially a modern town, with yet a fund of historic associations. It was scarcely a oilier on years ago, and. nearly three-quaetere of . it have been builta during the last four years. The city i one of the greatest primary markets for fur on the continena It Is rapidly becoming also a milling cen- tre, there being now in the city aria near -by territory, five flour Mills and a cereal mill, with a flour mill of 250 barrel capa,city under course of con- struction. The Papers You Want The Expositor to New Subsribers front 1101: to January ist, 1908, for $1.00, 4111199411011.11111•11.111111MMITAIMIII We have made special arraugereente With The Family -Herald and Wee Star of Montreal, whereby we can make the following extraordinary offer New Subscribers to - the Huron Expositor The Huron Expositor.....,... $100 BOTH TOR The Family Herald.... ....$1.00 $1„ 5 0 In this will be included the Family? Herald's handsome picture A T War," easily worth the prim asked- ior the two papers. Subscribers wi that excellent work, "Tho Farmer's Manuel," can have the same for 25e ett --The Balance of this Ye‘r FREE.— Another of the Best We have arranged with the publishers of The Toronto Globe for a special rate for the Toronto Weekly Globe, We can give these two The ,Huron Expositor and. TheP Weekly Globe -for Wi MORE OF Tiif SAME YANKEE'S ENGLISH. 1100111X'-' THE EXPOSITOR and Weekly Witness. ........ ,• 11 65 THE ExPosrron and Northern Messenger • THE Exeosrron and Family Herald and Weekly Star:.....41.75 THE EXPOSITOR and Farmer's, Advocate, the greatest of 60 THE -,ExeostiroE and the -Presbyterian...4.* ••••••••••,•••••,.m25 TEE F.XPOsITOIS and Westminster .....••••-• THE Exrosrron and Weekly Mail... • • • • • $1.70 THE FerPosrroet and Farmer's Sun— • P. P. • ** II. 80 THE EXPOSITOR and Faiming The Balance of 1906 Free to New Subscribers. SEND IN YOUR SUBSCRIPTIONS. McLEAN BROS., gm Seaforth A Car Load has just Arrived Canada Steel Ranges, Classic and Welcome National Oast Ranges And Alberta Airtight Heater& Glossary of English Terms With Am. / erican Translation. The American tourist season has begun, and soon Regent street and the Rue de la Paix will be fined with clean shaven gentlemen with their hair parted in the middle and falling gracefunY over their ears, and. with strong-minded ladies With money -bags hanging round their waists and butter- fly nets pinned on their hats. Appended is a glossary of common English terms with the translation , of each into American:- Engllah. Good gracious! Blouse Situation Circulars Shop Nice Charming, attractive Most. important per- son - Pavement Servant Caretaker Illegal commission Drawing -room Goloshes Crowd_ Ragging Coat and skirt Frock -coat American. Gee wissi Shirt -waist Locatien Literature Store Elegant Bully It Sidewalk Help Janitor Graft Parlor Rubbers Buneh Gulliug Suit Priace Suit 1 • 1 Albert Heavy swell Jem dandy Rallwa.y station Depot -0 A Guaranted Cure for Piles. Itching, Blind, Bleedings Protruding riles. Druggists are authorized to refund money if PAZO OINTMENT faits tto are in 6 to 14 days.. 56e. CANA Ism .This is the Canada S' -eel Range, and take notice of these porn : Th Oven; 20 inch square', the Ret ervoir, large and constantly hot, the Asbpit, capacious and bandy, the Fire Box, large and scientifically constructed Ifith extra heavy bricks the broiling front lids, a new departure in stove tonstrue tthe general design, the handsomest steel range in the market. ion, • 11. Oall and examine them at GEO. A. SILLS, Seaforth DO IT NOW Before 'buying- anything in the line of Riding and Walking Plows Sewing Machines Cream Separators Carriage or Farm Machinery Be sure to call and examine the stock:of ithe new store. J.ALIAIN7 SEAFO Next to Richardson. & Mein Shoe Store. The famous 090.kshatt Riding Plows in stock. ..**PP*PAPPP•PPI*PFP liagd iron free and pelt- paare tale SeAtitifAM7 2tArritKAIktn zealausi VlOtfTS or lWrito Intampsor - • --- Thin is the bine Jo it TA-eortierneee At in th6 steraaehleceth in item a true Aleutian:I, and 'tbey are eyin lama sielmess-not ; was this feet that In the treetien of that ,Remedy --Dr. ShooP's to the stomach nerves and favor to Dr. Sh out that original an iliichlestingaccoma i For stomach breath and sallow lateatore,tive-Teblets self what it manna )talla recommend s kles, and b 13 yeare medicine. Tryira-W Chic andeff send us uv=sr F.