HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1906-11-30, Page 4ITEIVIBEK
almost seems un -
yet, if merit irk -
al to 3 oti, a/Ali-we
plomfid nevEtock
Ole eriEweled at the,
e a -4c dist churcb,.
ccrtt „
a, and the celder
Su terrier ie past
i4 the time. Later
3e while there
pplying you with
vtp, We are tket
will result in the
ant3 you have ever -
The systematic saving of
something each neeke--even $2. ,
or 35. will, in a few years enable
you to take a course at college,
buy a home, take a trip abroad
or get almost anything else you
may wish for.
Commence to save to -clay.
31.00 opens an account.
terest paid 4 times a year in
The Sovereign
Bank of Canada
Hensall, Brimfield.
nele for sale, 13rood Sows, some in pig and some
yming pig, fromtwo to seven weeks old. L.
O. AN EGMOND, Seaforth. 2030-4
3. part of Lot 28, Concession 8, McKillop, oon.
-taining 16 acres. For particulars apply to MINNIE
McGRECIOR, Seaforth P. 0. 208e.ti
fiO TEAOHERS.—Teacher wanted for School Sec-
a. Mon No, is, Stanley, for ensulpg yetu% nuntm
ma Salary, S400. Applications- received up to Dec-
- ,eitiber 10, JAS, F KEYS, Sec.-Treas., Varna P. 0.
ff1FAOHF WANTED.—For School Section No.
, Hay. Datiea tor begin January 8, 1007.
We or female. Normal trained teacher preferred.
selary $400 per annum. Address S. J. SPENCER,
Sea-Treas., Ste Jcqeph P. 0. 2031-3
TrIXAOHE1AVANTED.—F0r11. S. S. No. 7, East
•j. and West Winvattosh. Duties to oommence
January 8, 100 Salary n400, Applleati.ms receiv.
eflby the undersigned, statingqualifieation, etc,
.ASf. ROBINSON, Marnoch, Ont. 2030,4
•14.....*.,11.•••• •
SALE OR RENT. — A comfortable brick
ho in Bennondvitle, in first-clase repair ;
coiitan seven rooms and summer kitchen, and good
et.rnent cellar, About half an acre of land. Apply
-at The Pottery, Egnxiondville. 208124
STRAY UEIFER.--Strayed on to the premises
of the undersigned about the end of August, a,
red yearling heifer. The owner in,requested to prove
property, pay charges and take it away. ROGER
PEPPER, Lot 38, Concession 3, Tuckersmith.
frEA011ER WANTED.—Wanted an experienced
1, toucher for S. S. No. 6, McKiliop, Duties to
' commence Jittinary.,8rd, 1007. Applications will be
be received up to Member 1st. Personal applica-
tions preferred. Salary $150. WM. A. JOHNSTON,
Secretary, Winthrop. 2031x3
ANTED.—it once, good local salesman for
VY Seaforth and district, to represent Canada's
Greatest Nurseriee. Largest list of Nnsv Specialitie.s
ever offered in fruit and ornamental stock. Per-
manent situation for the right mare on liberal terms.
Apply at once for spring selling season. STONE &
WELLINGTON, Toronto, Ontario. 2032-5
TOOK AND WOOD FOP. SALE.—A, number of '
Ileifersan.d steers fit for feeding, 1 ncking fllly
colt sired by King Charming, 1 mare 7 'years old, 1
brood Berkshire sow bearing litteralso a quantity
of Winch wood some suitable for furnace. Will be
sold where it is or delivered. Prices right. Apply
ta4AMES SPROAT, near Brickyard, Tuckersmith.
A laiuAL ATA...i10-N SALE of Steers, Heifers 'and
Cows,—Govenlock Broswill sell by publie auc-
tion at Winthrop, four miles north of Seaforth, on
Saturday, December 1st, 1906, at one o'clock p. re.
The : 20- dock steers weighing from 1,006
to i,200 Pas, each ; 11 stock steers Wider 1,000 lbs.; 4
snitch, cows supposed to be in calf ; 6 yearling steers
*heifers ; 1 farrow cow ; 1 gelding colt rising two -
years old. Terms of Sala—Nine months' credit giv-
en on furnishing approved joint notes. A discount
of 6 per cent per annum allomed for cash. GOVP-N-
LOOK BROS., Proprietors; JAMBS A. SMITH, Auc-
tioneer. 2032-2
Established 1879
Whooping Cough, Croup, Bronchitis
cough, Grip, Asthma, Diphtheria
Cresolerie IS a h0011. to ASthmatics
Does it not seem more -effective to breathe in a
emedy to cure disease of the breathing organs
than tatake the remedy into the stomach
it cutes because the sir rendered strongly anti-
septic is carried over the diseased surface with
every breath, giving prolonged and constant treat-
ment. It is invaluable to mothers with small
Those of a consum ptive
tendency find immediate
relief from coughs or in-
flamed goaditions of the
Sold by druggists.
Send postal for booklet.
Limited, Agents, Mont-
real, Callada. 307
Trythe New Store
Where they don't trifle with
other people's businesq, but
pay strict attention to the
wants of A'erybody's needs
in the line of
fresh, 'Cured and Cooked
Botogna. and Sausages, Gro-
ceries, Fruits and Vegetables,
a'2, at right prices.
y our 27c Tea.
The originators of low prices in -meats
Phone 96
Commercial BioAr, Opposite the
Post Office.
Cook's Cotton Root Compound:
The great Uterine Tonic, And
only sate effectual Monthly
Regulator on which women can
depend. Sold in three degrees
of strength—No. 1, $1 ;'3/q0. 2.
10 degrees stronger 0; No. 3,
for spoenal caeca, per box. ,
Sold by an dragor sent
rrrepaid on receipt of price.
Free pamphlet. .Address: Tog
cooKMEOIOINICO.,Tanowto,ONT. (Jorineril/ Windsor)
Red ROA, Eczema, 1i fact any
skin disease disfigures the coma
plexiOti because the ;b0WeIS are
constipated—or because the
kidneys 40 not rid the system of
waste—or because the skin itself
is unhealthy,
Ointnients, solves and soaps are
Useless. Because the trouble is
with the blood.
Owing to defective action of bowels,
Ithtneys or skin, the blood becomes
laden with impurities. It is these impur-
ities — deposited by the blood— that
make boils, pimples, and painful, dis-
figuring skin diseases. It is because
the trouble is with the bowels, kidneys
er skin, that FRUIT-A-TIVES cure
these diseases
act directly on the eliiiiinating organs --
correct their irregularities—strengthen
them—and thus clearthe skin and make
the complexion clear and soft.
If you have any skin trouble—or any
fault with constipation, liver trouble,
biliousness, headaches, indigestion,
rhemnatistn---care yourself with Fruit-
a-tives. They are made of fruit juices
and tonics—and never fail to cure,
sec. a box or 6 boxes for $2.5o.
Sent on receipt of price if your
druggist does not handle them.
The Great- French Vitalizer
Promptly cures Debility or Weakness result-
ing front indiscretions or excesses.
Best and surest remedy known for all diseases
that follow as a sequence of abuses, Loss of
Memory', Pains iin the Back, Dimness of Vision,
Premature °Id Age and many other diseases
that lead to Physical Weakness, Insanity and
an early grave. Mailed to any address on re-
ceipt of price, 50 cents, or five boxes for 1F2. -
THE RAY MEDICINE,C0.1; StratIoni, Ont.
Private funds at 4i% to 5% on farm scour%
2025-tf A. A. WATT, Brucefield, Ont.
Winter Term opens Jan. 2nd
Here are some of the reeent records made
by the
'4)Out of the last 250 calls from -business firms we
havefilled FIETERN of the positions. We had no
oec else ready to send. We heve also had 62 calls
for business college &sobers, 101 ex -students of
other business colleges or sboatband schools were
enrolled here during the last two years. We be-
lieve we hove the best commercial school in Can-
ada. We thoroughly satisfy our students. Write
to -day for catalogue.
W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal
Oor. Yonge and Alexander Sts.
Parties wanting to sell to the undersigned will hay
to bring them to Beechwood or St. Columbau on
Wednesda-y forenoon, November 214, as we will stop
shipping from home on that date. But will take any
quantity delivered at Seaforth on a date to be fixed
about the lot of December. Will pay the laighest
irtarket price.
2031-2 Beechwood and St. Colurnban,
offers you a tangible opportunity
to betteryourself. If, you desire
to , engage in more pleasant, in-
teresting, 'better paying work,
this is your chance. Merely clip
this advertisement, mail it to us,
,and receive free our handsome
telegraph book, "The Highway
to uccess."
B. W. Somers, Principal
Dominion SchoolofTeleg-
• raphy & Railroading
Brings scores of youug people every year from
the farms and villages of our country to spend
a few months in our splendid school. The
Central Business College
From communiicatons in hand, this month
this year will bring as many as ever. If you
have not thought of it, not aid our catalogue,
write for it at once, and, you will likely plan to
join us
W. El..SHAW, Principal
Yonge and Gerrard streets, Torouto
The Berlin'.
Business C °liege.
Write for catalog of the school
that places more students. in posi-
tions than any similar school in
Western Ontario.
All Graduv get Positions.
Ent6r at y time.
W. D. EULER, Principal,
r --
Invest your hard-earned savings in a " London Life"
will have semething "Good ai Gold," and much safer.
The gold will be available when most needed if yon are insured in
Think of the cases you know where the life insuranoe was the only pro-
tection of the family against poverty, and insure your life for "all you are
W. H. ROBINSON Inspector, Seaforth.
policy, and
I paign Id 'as soon as the Clerk o
vtiitifilt• the We their furniehes ice our boys"VW*" V.. will be prepared to " eoop her up '-
with the best a them. -Warden Speck -
man has been elected honorary pres-
ident ; N. D. Hurdon, President; S.
Sweet, vice-president; Geo. Ander-
Soh, Oecretary. The club will have
the .uee of the rink every. afternoon,
except Saturday, and on Tuesday,
Thuistlay, and Saturday evenings.—
The new brick smokestack at the milt
has been completed and will now
withstend the blasts of centaries,—
There has not been any word recent-
ly of a new station building at Ex-
eter. The present station building
and its surreunclings are a diegrace
to the Company and a detriment to
the town and the more persistently
tlais fact is dinned into the ears of
the railway officiale the better.—The'
anniversary services at Blimville on
the Sunday- before last were largely
attended and were successful in ev-
ery respect. The services were con-
ducted by Rev. Mr. Warner, of .Alms.
College, St. ThOM13.0, and the collect-
ions amounted to the very handsome
euln of $70.—The following have been
appointed officers of the Exeter High
School Literary • Society: Journalist,
lvliss Chidley; critic, L. Hagan ; lead-
er of Glee club, Mr. Fleming; ques-
tion drawer, C. Dunsford ; program
coMmittee, Vera Rowe, Garvey Aches-
on, L. Hagan, W: Huston, T. Car-
ling, M. Murray.—Mr. Rebertson Y.
McLean, of Seaforth, has been engag-
ed as teacher of the School in Sec-
tion No. 10, Mtsborne, for next year,
nt a salary of $600.
Will (IQ .West.—The Gorrie Vid-
ette has this to say of a fromer Sea -
forth boy "On Tuesday of last
week Mr. Geo. Town dispoeed of the
Albion hotel to Geo. Howes, of Mount
Forest. The .new proprietor will take
possession on Nov. .26th. We under-
stand that gr. Town purposes going
west where he will enter into the
hotel_business with John Munroe, at
Borden, Sask.' Mr. Town is a son bf
Mr. Hisnry Town, of Seaforth, arid has
many friends here who wilt be pleas-
ed to learn of his well doing in
the 'new western province to which he
is gaing._
New Books.—The following new
bociks have recently been received at
the Seaforth Public Library: Bez-
amor, 'Atherton; Ten Boys, An-
drews; Crime of the Under Seas,
Boothby ; Cattle Baron's Daughter,
Bindloort; Man Between, Barr; The
House of Defence, Benson; Ten Plays
of Shakespeare, Brooke; Canadian
Life Burpee ; In the Van, , Brown;
Ang:e.of Pain, Benson; White Plumes
of Navarre,' Crockett; Treasure of
Heaven, Corelli ; Prisoners, Cholmon-
deley; Lady of Rome, Crawford; No
Friend like a Sister, Carey; Hand-
book of Modern Japan; Clement;
Laura Secord, Currie; Pancake
Preacher, Cloie ; Sir Nigel, Doyle;
Billy Topsail, Duncan.
Hurn Old Boys Meet.—The annual
meeting of the Toronto Huron Old
Bots' Association was held last Fri-
day evening at the King Edward
Hotel, Toronto. The sum or $60 was
voted to the new hospital at Goder-
ich. The annual "at home" will be
held in the Temple on Febroary 15th.
The officers elected wore: Hon.
Presidents, J. S. William, E. FloodY
and W. 0. McTaggart; president, J.
R. Lyon ; vice-president, W. B.
Groves; secretary, R. S. Crocker;*
treasurer, T. G. Sole. We congrat-
ulate our old townsmen, Mesers. Ly-
on and Soole, on their promotion, the
former to the Presidency and the lat-
ter to the Treasurership. It goes
without saying that both offices will
be well and ably filled.
4. •
Preventics, as the name. Implies,
prevents all Colds and Grippe wheel
" taken at the eneeze-stage."
Preventics are toothsome candy
tablets. Preeentics dissipate all colds
quickly, and taken early, when tyou
first feel that a cold is, coniing,they
check and prevent them. lareventics
are thoroughly safe for children,and
as effectual for adults. Sold and re-
commended in 5 cent and. 25- cent
boxes by C. Aberhart, druggist, Sea -
forth. 0
Council Doings.—At the last meet-
ing of the Turnberry . council a re-
port of the township engineer on the
12t1t concession municipal drain was
laid before the council, which shows
that the contractors had ' done their
work well up to a point on lot 19,
which was not completed and op ac-
count of heevrt flow of water might
have to be laid over for some time.
The report was accepted and filed. A
petition was laid before thecouncil
asking for the township englneer to
be brought an to survey, m4ke pro-
files and assesemente of a Ploposed
drain through lots 7. 8, and 9, in
the 8th concession, and lots 7 and 8
in the 9th concession., ;signed by five.
'of the owners of the said lots. The
prayer of the petition wee geanted,
and the 'Clerk was instructed to
notify the township engineer to come
here and make surveys, plans and a-
wards of the proposed drain. Thomas
P. 'James applied to the council to
have the outlet from his drain on tot
19, concession 12, cleaned out to the
connection of the Brice drain. Ac-
tion was deferred Until the
next meeting of the 'council. A
communication from the inspector of
Prisons and Public Charities was
laid before:the eouncil, re _patients
In the _different 'asylumns from this
municipality that do not contribute
-the gum of $1.50 per week, and stat-
ing that ten cents per day for each
patient will be charged to' the mun-
icipality from the I first, day of Jan-
uary, 1907. Moved by M. Moffatt and
seconded by Mr. Kelly, that inquIries
be made into this matter, both as to
residence a,fid payment's and report
at the next ,meeting of the council.
The next Meeting of the council will
be held etff Bluerale, on Decernbee
16th, at ter/ o'clock.
The Court Clerkship.—The Ontario
Government have had considerable
trouble in securing a person to fill
the Division Court Clerkship here. It
I s not often that Government offices
go long &begging, but thie one
seems to be very exceptional. After
the resignation of the late Mr. Chas.
Snell, which, we etnderstand, was
called for by the GoVernment because
of his political bea4ngse. Mr. El-
liott wale appointed.' 1 He kept the
position for a few months, when he
resigned. Mr. S. M. Sweden( was ap-
pointed his successer, but he respect-
• fully declined. Now it is announced
that Mr. R. N. Creech has been ap-
pointed, and has assumed the duties.
How long he will keep it remaine to,
be seen. The position is not a very
affluent onerfd ;those wo are corn -
potent to di charge the 'duties do not
care to he bothered with it. This Is
creditable to the district, but hard
on the officials.
Briefs.—Mr. T. E. Handford, who
had been ill for some time is now
recovering nicelyee— Itt a batch of
ehickens recently delivered to a
merchant in town by Mr. Thomas
Morley, of Usborne, one pair weigh-
ed 14 1-2 pounds, and petted the own
erthe snug sum of $1.28. This is
the kind of poiiltry it parei" to raise.
—The Congregation of Trivitt dinirch
have purchased the two vacant -lots
on the foath east corner oppositlite
Church poperty, from . Mr. Sweet, of
and have applied to the
council to have returned to them the -
intervening street, which it they
receive, they will have the chureh
sheds removed to ther vacant ,lots,and
extend and beautify the grouride a-
round the chureh and parsonage. They
will have a very pretty and attract-
ive property.—Mr. J. D. Spackman,
who has been 'pursuing his musical
`studies in Germaoy, is expected home
in a few days.—Mr. and Mrs.. Perry
Luxton, of South Bend, Ind., ate
here visiting Mrs. Luxton's 'parent's,
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Willis, and
other friends.—Mr. Alvin Brintuell,
of this town, who is now attending
the Goderich. Model sehool has been
engaged to teach in the school,- in
section No. 1, Usborne; for next year
at esalary of $600.—The curlers have
A Glass Too Much.—A valuable team
of horeee belonging to John Chapman,
of Elms, near Gotham, met their death
on Friday night of last week, tuider
peculiar circumstances, Mr. Chap-
man was returning home after a stay
of a couple of days in Listowel, and
tatopped at the post office at Britton
on his wara leaving his team stand-
that it took Mr. Hagan and, two ae-
sistants three days to get it from
Mr. Dowson's to his own place. But
he will make M. Steer so comfort-
able, that he will be as averse to
leaving his new home ae he was to
depart from the old one.
To Cure a Cold in One Day
Take IsraXATIVE BROMO Quinine
Tablets. Druggists refund. money
if it fails to cure. E. W. GROVE'S
signature. is on each box. 25e.
In The Olcien Days.
•••••••• ••••100, .1.0111M
Interestiag aketohee of the early
days of Seaforth and vicinity,
taken from the files of The Ex-
..10. •••••
Seaforth, Sept. 5, 1878*.
Mr. John Dunn, of Brantford, has
leased the Domin.ion Hotel, in this
village, from Mr. P. Markey.
Mr. Thomas. Bell has now taken
Lull control of the Seaforth-Wroxe-
ter stage line, haVing purchased the
interest ef Messrs. Campbell and
At the last meeting of the council
Mr. John Lee was appointed license
inspector for the village.
John Henderson, of the township of
Ivlorris, fell from a scaffold the other
day and broke his right arm and dis-
located hie left shoulder.
Seaforth, Sept. 12, 1873 •
Mr. Robert Coleman has purchased
the residence of Mr. Win. Logan in
Egmondville and Mr. Wm. Elliott
lute sold, his residence, adjoining that
of Mr. Graham Williamsbn, to Mr.
Wm. Allen, for $550.
While playing football the other,
day, John Lynch, of the 5th owes-
sion., McKillop, had his leg broken
by being kicked by another player.
John Reedy, of the 6th concession,
McKillop„ cut hie foot badly withal),
Ing outsde. The team started off axe the other day. He miseed the
and ran out past his farm and over stick and struck his foot, severing
to the 14th concession, about 'even' it the entire length.
miles away, Here they were running Mr. Peter McDougall, of the 3rct
along the road way beside the big concession of Stanley, has sold nis
oPen ditch, and swung the wagon farm, and intends leaving shortly for
over the brink., The horses were both Minnesota,, where he has purchased
dragged in after it. The .bank was 1 d
steep and the bottom soft and miry,
and, I tangled up with the harness,
tbe horses could not Iree themselves.
They were overheated from their
long run, and the water and air were
cold. Mr. Chapman could not find drawn was 6,130 pciands.
where his horses had gone to, and Mr. John Cowan has sold his farm
went home for the night. When he on the 3rd concession of Tuckeramith,
found them next day both animals
were dead from exposure. They
were both standing on their feet.
but nearly mired in the mud and
water. Mr. Chapman sold his farm
• .
On Friday of last week Mr. Thos.
Thorp, of Tuckersrnith, brought to the
Seaforth flax mill a load of flax
weighing 4,630 pounds, including the
weight of , the wagon, the weight
to Mr. Towers, of Hibbert, for $6,000.
Seaforth, Sept. 19, 1873.
A serious epidemic,resembling scar-
let fever, has been very prevalent a -
recently, and bought a residence in mong children in Egmondville for
Listowel, intending to move into the some time.
town shortly. He is a hardworking Ovving to increasing business, Mr.
and fairly successful farmer, but is
sometimes 'apt to celebrate the oc-
casion a little too joyously when he
meets his friends. The team were
worth over $300.
Bilious Attack Quickly Cured.
A few weeks ago 1 had a bilious at-
tack that was so severe 1 was not
able to go to the office for two
days. Failing to get relief from my
family physician's treatment, I took
three of Chamberlain's Stomach and
Liver Tablets, and the next day I felt
like a new man.—H. C. Bailey, Editor
of the News, Chaplin S. C. These Tab-
lets are for sale by all druggists.
Broa,dfeot has had to put a new and
very powerful steam boiler in his
plaining mill.
The vote on the by-law, granting
$10,000 to the London, Huron and
Bruce Railway, took -place in Tucker -
entail, on Monday last, and result-
ed in. a majority of 17 for the by-law.
Seaforth, Sept. 26, 1873.
In Seaforth, on the .23rd inst., ,Mr.
Kenneth McLeod, of Seafortreand Ws
Amanda Hannah, of MelCillop, were
united in marriage by Rev. Thos,
The members of Fidelity Lodge,
L 0. 0. F.., of this village, have pur-
chased the corner lot on Main street,
Molesworth. adJoining Mr. John Logan's old
stand, and intend next summer erect -
Married and Aurt.–Mr. William big a, large and handoome brick
Brown, one of the pioneers and high- building. The ground floor will be
ly 'respected residents of Grey town- fitted up as a store, and the second
ship, was married at the Presbyter- floor as a Wage room.
While working at the addition ,to
Jan manse, Molesworth, on Wednes-
day niglet, November 14th, to Mrs. Mr. Broadfoot'e plaining mill, the
David Denham, Listowel. The eere- t!)ther day, Mr. David Sproat, of Eg-
mony was performed by the epastor, 'rnondville, and Mr. Broadfoot met with
Rev. John Burnett, and the ' ..0edding an aeeldent. The scaffold on which
was a quiet one. Mr. ann Mrs. Brown they 'Were standing gave way, and
took up their residence in. Listowel. they fell to, the ground, a dietance
Mr. Brown has lived for many years , of about 23 feet. Mr. Sproat was
on the second concession of Grey, and rendered unconscious, and suffered %-
made his home there with his sort -in- ' ternal injuries, v,Thile Mr. Broadfoot
law until the time of his marriage. not o f with, a sprained ankle, and
ewart Bros
"Satisfaaion or you
o ey Back"
The unprecedented popularity of our
is substantiated in the fact that we have TWICE been
allied to repeat our Fall order to enable us to supply the
growing demand for these excellent Overcoats.
Never before in the history of our store have we sold. as
,many Overcoats and never before did we sell with greater
'confidence -0°12h ence in the fit, the style, the wear, the
linings, the patter s. In a word, absolute confidence in the
coat's ability to give the limit of satisfaetion.
It costs you nothing to take a conaparing look here, end
because we know we have got the best values we invite it.
Comparison proves more than columns of talk.
Both he and his wife are the reel* a
ents of the heartiest good wishes vs
town and country. - I da
from their many friends both in
—Mr. Wm. Brown, the gentlema:n a- , de
hove referred to, a few days after , was working, on Teesday last. He
taking up his residence in Listowel was taken ill in the afternoon arid
met with a very serious accident by died the same evening. Cinadian
falling on an icy sidewalk in that
town-,- while walkfng along the Main cholera was the cause of death.
street hill 'near his home, when his of Scotland, met In Kippen, on Tues -
The Presbytery of London, Church
foot slipped and he fell, striking his
head la heavy blow on the walk. He day, 16th inst., for the induction of
was carried to the house and did not Rev. Hugh Cameron into the pettoral
charge of Kippen congregation. Mr.
and as blood was flowing from an Cameron enters on his- work tinder
recover consciousness till next day,
ear it was feared that the bursting et most auspicious circumstances. . Dur-
a blood vessel would cause serious hag the vacancy a cornmodious.'-brick-
.• .
manse has ,been, erected.
injury. But -his condition is now ,
greatly improved and his speedy re-
covery is expected.
. Zurich
Notes.—Mr. Henry Magel has gone
scratches. Mr. Sproat is in a
St dangerous condition.
. Stoddard, son of Mr. Stod-
d, of Egmondville, died very sue-
ty, in Hay township, where he
Our Special Black rilelton
Overcoat is 11
Here is the top notcher of all Dress Overcoats, made of
fine British Melton, rased seams, double stitched with silk
thread, substantially lined, silk back% velvet collar, a real fast
black, guaranteed to keep its shape.
PRICE, $10.00
Seaforth, Oct. 3,, 18184
Wm. Peck, of Stanley, and" - Chas.
Mason, of Tuckersmith," have return-
ed from the old coiintry. Mr. Peck
brought with him three foals and a
to Detroit, combining business with one year old colt, heavy draught, al-
'pleasure.—Dr. G. Schoellig, of De- so a foal for Mr. Dixon, of Brucefield.
trolt, has been swing his father, Mr. Mason brought with hirn a very
who is on the sick list.—The fowl . handsome seven year old Clydesdale
busine.ss has been rushing in town : and a one year old colt.
for the past two or three weeks, and Mr. Gilbert Thompson has sold his
several of our merchants have made farm, on the 13th concession of Mc -
large shipments. Ducks, geese and Killop, to his neighbor, Kr. Alex.
chickene are plentiful, but turkeys Wright. The farm contains 112 acres,
are very searce and also very dear.
Many people will have to be eatis-
fled, 3vith a goose and duck fdr Christ-
mas this year.—Mrs.- Howald, of the
14th concession of Hay, has remov- Every mother who uses Baby's
she purchased from Mrs. C. Hey.— Own Tablets for her little ones has
a solemn guarantee that this medi-
ed to town and occupies the reeldence
home with her. son Jacob, has gone eine does not contain any of the
Mrs. Howald, sr., who makes her
poisonous opiates found in so-called
to Nebraska to spend the winter with, "soothing" medicines are liquid pre -
her daughter there.—Mr. end Mrs. pratione. These Tablets always do
visiting at the home of Mr. R. They vire indigestion, colic, constipae
good—they cannot possibly do harm.
B. Roth, of New Hamburg. have been I
line, Hay.—Mr. Charles Troyer, of tion, diarrhoea and simple fevers,
break up colds, prevent croup, expel
Schwertzentruber, on the l3ronson
Hay, will be in Zurich on Tuesday _ Baby's Own Tablets have done more
tend make teethtng easee
Hills Green, the tax collector for • ,fforree,
township tell, and woe betide those to bring health, happiness and con-
tentment to Tittle ones than any
next to 'receive the balance of the
who do not cash up by that date.—Mr. other medicine known. You. can get
returned from a very -pleasant vie- Baby's Own Tablets from any dealer
in medicine,or by mail at 25 cents
and Mrs. Charles Grebb have receptly
verton. They were in the latter place a box by writing The Dy. :Williams'
Medicine Co., Brockville, Ora.
It with friends in Stratford and Mil -
when the first passenger train on
and the price paid was $3,600.
the new Guelph-Goderich branch of
Mary A. Wright, Is dead, and her
the C. P. R. reached Milverton, and —
father, John Wright, and his wife,of
there was great reJoicing among the
Deseronto, are not expected to live,
people of that little town over this as a result of being overcome by sew -
important event. — Messrs. Wes. er gas, which escaped from a cellar
Merrier and Dan. Oswald have return- drain during the night when they
ed after spending the stammer in the were au asleep. The deceased was
province of Saskatchewan. — Sacra- about 27 years of age, and her tath-
Mental services were held in the er and mother about' /0 years, old.
Evangelical church rag Sunday, and He is a Fenian riad veteran.
were conducted by Rev. Mr. Wagner,
of Berlin.—Mr. Zoseph Lebea,u, who
bay resided in St Joseph • for, four
or five years, left last week with
Wash your hands with warm Water,
his family for Edmonton.—Mr. Jae. dry with a towel, and apply Chamber -
Hagan, of the Herman. Road, purchas- lain's Salve just before going to bed,
ed a, fine three-year-old steer at lerr, 1- and a speedy eure is certain. This
Dowson's sale, and the animal was salve is also unequalled for skin dis-
ave,ree to leaving its native heath eases. For sale by all druggists.
now ,organIzed for. the winter cam80 -
en's Tweed Overcoats.
A great big generous range of this season's very latest
patterns and colors, in choice English, Scotch and domes-
tic tweeds, single or doable breasted, with well made ghoul-
ders'and close lying velvet or self collars, very newest cheeks
and stripes.
PRICE $6.50 to $12.00
Corduroy Lined Long Ulster
Overcoats • w
Corduroy lined heavy Irish Frieze Overcoats, high
storm collar, full length, made for storm protection and a
stubborn wear, easy to get into, easy when you're in, easy
to pay for, hard to wear out, hard to beat.
PRICE $7,50
oys' Overcoats,
Earkcy and Plain. Tweed and Frieze Long Coat or Reef.
er in every style and color, a large assortment.
PRICEI froxa $2.00 Up