HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1906-11-16, Page 5906 le90g either. They built Ora one and wastetie teAtoreperfeettealtb yeteln. mess, Nervous Prose :k al Vitality. Atter enalmin, Wenk and :leery, Palpitation ot ‘tegy. Shinetnetes erik ered by using d Ner-e Pills; eet.25. All dealers or tileern„ Toront0„40eare ALES. nd Irnperngxt strueted by Mre on La Is, 5eriday1, 'November 16, at wing: Mores. -.L epan, years cd; 1 roadster Wilksham ; 1 roadster bane Catt1e.-7 ankh le a thorobred bull; 20 year old; 2 yearling' _ aring calves. Impleme er, six foot cut, in eier, 1 Iow down seaffier, 2 plows, throe, 1 horse rake, eetting. box new, 1 fan. ataoy, 1 cutter, 2 sugar. et saw, 3 logging chams, rapes and pulleys come iirmy other artielea- too :whole will positively be a• proprietor is retire/Jg. leurie anO under, e months' credit on am. bff for caeh on credit roprietor ; TiMietheo =9.2 n, e Fa Stock and line 84igoed will sell by public'. D,neession 13. nieliiilope th. at one o'clock p. ne, avy draft gelding 4 yre. ears old; 1 heav7 4y Sunlight ; 1 heavy Cairlibrogiee Cat- rrow Cow; 11 steers e re ; 1 heifer / year lents.- 1 McCormick Makeey-lfarris seed $ster, 1 disc, harrow, harrows, 2 wagons, bazger, 1 seuffier, box, 1 set plow sieublesrees. oeckyokes, tutielee too numerous to mothy hay, which will be The farm, consisting of epred. with the exceplion i will be rented for pas,: len on day of sale ; under, ash;cover et. will he given on fur - A discount of 4 per ilit amounts. MRS. M. . DROWN. Atte. 2)2J-3 ni ; .M STOCK. -Mr. Miche el-teci Mr. Thee. Browa '.4.t 7, concession fa Mee ea 29, at 1 onelock p. no, ,• :hom rising7 year old_ tolt rising three years eare old sired by Smi- te mare. I filly rising- . .!r('1 by Burr. Cattle- elie 0141 in good cendition, . 5U iteifeea rising threw ek, heifer.; and 1 steer one ,ev with calf by her side, 'el in ealf, 1 fat cow, I ale. Pigs -One good :to wean. Everything- , . ao the proprietor has et). • ionths' eredit wilt be • jeint notee. .A die - ed off for caeh on FLANNEitY, Prop. ; nA30-2 eek and Implereent aleetructed by Mr. tietion on Lot 7, eon. -.1a,y, n';'ovember 22, -ftrjng' : Horses. -1 owe old; 1 first -Neve ; elent brood mare 4 years, tr ie. --I vow due to lis to mire in Febrio oat ; 0 short keep ;:er y care old e 4 see -ere. - ; alvee. The cattIo prime condition. Ono poligree. Implements. 1 pair bobeleiglie, 1 „ , nee,ely new, 1 horse eel 1 taening mill, 1 plat,. .• lnerle slinge. ropes, -pul. tl hoe, 3 walking plows, oee root puipere nearer aid other vatic - One., a quentity ;pi -entity t -hat may ;.4:1rider. 411.,11 ; overthat furnielling approved q,4'" Peet. for cash on 'HELL Proprietor ; .1:0304 1 oung -piee, and fee pet: ;et', a 'Ihorobred tit tia- privilege of re. fit nee. Lot tee, Cone 4• 4. eiree.4 ,Reel ;ORS CATTLE eas fnr safe eav., • leirloun Cattle elle le 0., or apply 1:1/11EIZT CHAR -- 13724 - a therceired Sheer. eeliorce, e3 menthe- ; 'ee.• loa Viee Chan- T•:..1;ereenitie s mile 1'e.TERS0N, Bruce- ' 003,tf n tirstelaes enmeg• fer sate at nimier- • oil V01111” COW4 aoct 441 are e7ne11141v VIM ii; 'Ong 'ite ter eatelogue.- . iterot f :•,e1X.-The. under* e-, coueeesion : ie'itere and yourer hail, 1 Berkebire ,frITIV41. The abo• Nete,i1.41 stoele e- a , iaatkaa ooaatior. Iteeiod • -• 'd fereales of : • • 0 (10.e:, tn Sfqf • —1.(4,7S headed fly •-,4 iev the beqh. • *-14,e-e.- aerie tiers. Terme 0,1 aleelteation. litneall P. p. Reza! .9.34LE. Let No. lee (eon. aeree ,e lank tarn meet -41,.. The lend es. .d well fenced Anil eeefort li.Inane( - tee foe% . AlndY (,„ 1,....aq-utor 0 :top-4.-tf ' • • ee, all pereone 'have 4 01l11e1t 314•Vone 'ey, in the County died ell the 5tie t eenci the ealee to • • •Doueall, Nippene 4'. V.- :RI and testamen• t ol tr,c int (Ica' af Peeve:: • - t the exeentors wig .. Leee claim. ttrey e elOrelifee ooecitor for Baer:avert euse-La te North e -Mrs. George Hart. and tnid Mrs.- Richard Jones and have been visiting their , and Mrs. John Jarrott turned, last week 4 Seattle, Washing - taking wlth theaV Their two - Misses Lizzie and Annie Cooh- Hilla Green. -Mrs. ridwirs. _ and her mother, Mrs. John Jar- Tioned Mr. and Mrs. Harold in London last wee . - SALE REGISTER. ey, zrov.te, a one o'clock p. no, on Lot 18, 11 pe, Moltillop, Farm Stook and ImpIem- Thomas Milipson, proprietor; Thomastrown, 2.020-2 May, November 17th, at one o'olook p. m„ 18, Concession IS, Ifeleitiop, Farm, Farm jraplements. M. M. Coates, proprietrate ; atase Brown, auctioneer. 2029-2 ooTaes lay, Newernber 20, at one o'clock p. in., on ut.7. eeneession 6, MoKillop, Farm Stook. Michael ieientery, proprietor ; Thomas Brown, auctioneer. 2080-2 o Teareeley, November 22, at 12 o'clock, on Lot oessiort 8, Hibbert, Fame Stook ,and IMplent. John Mitchell, proprietor ; Thomas Cameron, neer, 2030,2 letesday, November 27th1 at one o'clock p. oe Lot le, Concession 12, McKillop, Farm Stook and implements. David MoCkitcheon, proprietor; Thos. Sewn, auctioneer. 2081-2 On Wednesday, November 28, at 1 onelook p. Mon' T47, South Bqundary, Stanley, ewe miles West of mope% Two Farms, Fann Stook end Implements. &sail Parsons and Thomas Coleman, proprietors; -Thomas Brown, auctioneer. 200-2 oa Monday, November 10, a one o'otocic p. in., on yeeo $,Coneeedon 7, H. R. S, Tuckerstaide Cattle. Dote Ikrguson, proprietor : Thotna•e Brown, aue- _Veneer. 1 2081-1 G aSisturdaye December 1st' et one a etook p. Ia.. Winthrop, about Si Stook Steere, Oows, and elegem Goventock Bros., proprietors ; James A. smith. Auctioneer. 031-3 Turkeys Wanted we want to buy your turkeys and will pay the highert market price. Write for patticulars and state how many you have. T E CANADA. POULTRY AND PRODUCE CO., Limited, $TRATFORD, - ONTARIO. -2030-- MARKETS. SzArnwm, November 15th, 1908. fall Wheat . .$0 70 to $0 70 Vets,. per bushel ... 0 33 to 0 38 Petr, per bushel •.,,0 73 to 0 73 Earley, per bushel . 0 42 to 0 42 Bran, per ....... . 18 00 to 18 00 Ames, per ton. 20 00 to 20 00 Low Grade Flour, per ton ..... 26 00 to 26 00 flour, per 100 lbs.. 2 00 to 275 Better, No. 1, loose ..... .. ......... 0 19 to 0 21 Butter, cub.. ; 0 19 to 0 21 per dozen.. . . . .......... . . ... 0 20 to 0 21 ey per ton .. 9 00 to 10 00 Hide; per 100 ibs.- ,........ . . 5 00 to 535 8rieeptildris, _..e . 0 80 to 036 Fotstoes per bilehel 0 40 to 0 60 Salt, retail) per barrel. 1 25 to 1 85 Wood per coed(long) • 6 00 to 6 00 Wee& per cord (short). „ 2 FO to 8 00 apples per bag.... . . .. .. -0 20 to 0 60 ,oewer Seed. . 6 50 to 7 00 "Ibnothy Seed 1 50 to 2 00 Potatoes Team°, No -v. 18 -The -potatoe market is steady on moderate offerings. Ontario, 55 to 00c per bag -oil track here, and New Brunswick at 65 to 75e per Gram, eta, roam*. Nov. 13 -Wheat ---Ontario No. 2 white, inle asked outside, 70e bid ; mixed, 70e bid, O. P. R. 'Wheat -Manitoba -No. 1 hard; 801e asked 011 track, Gwen Sound; No. 1 northern, 79c asked on traelc, Point Edward. 7111e bid ; No. 2 northern, Me askTed, on track, Point Edward, ' Oats -No. 1 White, 381n Asked outside,. Millfeed-Ontario bran, $19 to 516.150 in bulk outside ; shorts, nomtnai, $18,50 to 819. Baled Hay -Prices are firm at 810 to $10.50 for No, 1 timothy in ear lots here, and No. 2 at $7.50 to :810.50, Baled Straw -the marXeras firm at $6 per ton in ear lots here. Dairy Markets. Topaz°, Nov. 13 -Butter -The market continues Brno the supply not being sufficient for the demand. Pound rolls are quoted at. 22 to 23e ; tubs. 20 to 22e; nage rolls, 10 to 22c. Creamery prinze• eell at 26 te 27e, and solids at 241 to 2543. Eggs -The receipts continue restricted, and prices show little changed. 'Quotations rule from 22 to 23e per dozen. Cheese - The market is quiet and prices are michanged. large cheese, 12.1 to 14e, and twins 141 to 14lee. • IfewranAL, November 13th -Eggs -Selects, 24c; No. 1 candled, 20e to 21e. Cheese -Ontario, 12*. to Quebee. 12 to 12c. Butter--Choicese cream- ory, 240 ; meditun grades, 28 to 28*o. . • Horse Market. Toaorro, 14 --The following is Burns At Sheppard 's 'Weekly report of prevailing prices :,--- Single roadsters, 15 to 16 hands, -8126 to $165, single cobs and carriage horeeie 15 to 16.1 hands, 8175 to 8250, matched airs and carriage horses, 15 to. 18.1 hands, WOO to ; ;4 ; delivery horses, 1,100 to 1200.pounds., 8140 to P175, general purpon and -express horses, 1,200 to 1,350 pounds 8:150 to $190; draught horses, 1,850 to 1,750 pounds, ,f170 to 8220, eerviceable second-hand workers, 060 to 880; serviceable second-hand drivers, 850 to $75. Live Stook Markets. Lenox, Excite's)), November 12o -No market at Deptford toeloy. Saturday prices --American cat- tle, eld ; Canadian cattle Ged. larnernote November 12.--Canadiana 6/ to 6d ; ranchers, 5*.d. BurFALO, N. Y., Nov. 13-TattIe-Active and 10 to lee highir ; prime steers, $5.60 to $6.15 ; shipping 84-75 to $6.50 ; butchers, $1.25 to 05.25 ; heifers, $5,25 to 090 ; COWS,. $3 to $1.40 ; bulls SS to $4.25: stookers Dad feeders, $2.75 CO $4,16 ; seock heifers, $2.50 to $3 ; fresh cows had sprinprs, $2 lower, -at $18.56. Veals-Slow, and 25c higher at $4.25 to $1.50. Hogs-Reeeipts slow and 10 to 16e lower ; heavy, mixed, Yorkers, and pigs; $6.-50 to $6.60, mostly $6,55 ; rough% $6.75 to 05.00 ; Stage, 84-25 tee.15 ; dairies, 86,25 to $6.50. Sheep and Loanbs -Sheep active ; lambs slowIambs, $5 to $7.25 ; lea -dings 88 to $6.25 ; wether, ' $5.50 to $5,75 ; ewes, g5.25. to $5.50 ; sheep, mixed, $3 to $5.60 ; Canada lambs. 87 to $7.15. TM= Jrecemer-Union Stock Yards, November 18 -The quality of fat cattle was fair ; trade was god. Export prices rang -ed from $4 to 14.00 ; oulk selling at e4.25 to e4.50 '• expore bulls, 43.50 to 84; butchers' prices for picked lots of choice rang- ed from 84.25 to 84.60 ; good from 85.90 to $4,16 ; medium, $8.50 to $3.75 '- common, 83. to $3.40; butcher cola, $2.25 to $3.30 ; canners, el to $1.60; Leedere4 $3.75 stockers from 82.25 to $3.00. ITV calves gold at 84.00 to - 50.50 per 100 lbs. Hitch cows and springers at $50 to $62. Sheep and lambs -Export ewes from $4.75 to $6 ; hocks, es to 83.50 ; yearling lambs, $4.50 to $5 ; spring lambs, ee.75 to $6.16. Ilogs-Selecte sold at $5.66 per 100 Ib(., fed and watered, • Motereeere Nov. 18 --Cable advices from Liverpool oe Canadian cattle were steady at 11* to 12d, while ranchers were firm at lled : London cables reported the, merket for Canadian catele fire at lied to 12d. -Ports for the week were 3,690 cattle. The rnarket ler hogs was steacio unaer a fair demand and smaller mieePPlies ; sales of selected lots mere made at $6 to ee-1.2i per ewt„ weighed off the ears. The cattle markee was demoralized this forenoon, owing to the _unueuahy large numbers of cattle that were offered. ;mere were 2,600 cattle brought to the east end abate ter, aearger number than ever brought here on any day before. Sales were exceedingly slowat lower noes all round ; a few prime beeves welo sold at rom 4 to 4t per lb. Pretty good e attle 8 to See ; .the armlet' stock at 14 to 2)e and the lean cows at lk to There were SO inileh cows on the market, hut no 'buyers came out in the early part of the day. There were 300 calves, nearly all graesers, on the 'market, and prices of these ranged from 2 to 8e per, lb' Sheep and lambs were rather scarce. The teheepeepreior at 4 to 4e per lb., and the lambs at 51- to Toecioro, Nov. 14 ---The quality of fat cattle WAS much the wane as has been coming. Owing to a light market trade was a little better, with prices better ; a.t least, they were firmer, although not Much higher. Ali good cattle sold readily at better Trice& Exporters -There were no shipping cattle offered, dutehers'--Three choice heifers of prime quality were bought by the Harris Abattoir Company aj84.85 per °wit, which was the highest quotation 'wen. Loads of the beet co,ttle on the market sold at $4.15 per evik. ," medium cattle at 83.80 to '84 ; venonoa, 53.25 to $3.60cows, $3 to $3.60 ; canners, 81-50 to 82 per cwt. Feeders and Stockers -Receipts et feeders and dockers were not large. All of good quality and heavy weights were r4i'ly picked up a Aeluy to firm prices at following quotations : Pest feeders, 1,150 to 1,250 lbs. each, sold at $3.90 to84.05; beg steers, 1,000 to 1,100 lbs. at 0.55 to $3.85 ; bat steers, OW to 1,000 lbs., $3.25 to 88.60 ; best steers, 800 to 900 lbs., 83,10 to $3.26 ; stockers of medium 411ftlit3r, $2.60 tO53 ; common stockers, $2 to 82.40 Per elet. Milch Cows -Prices were quoted at $80 to OM:teach. Veal Oalves-Prices ranged front 82.50 to 8%50 per awt, the bulk selling at $4 to $6 per owt. Sheep and Lambs Report ewes', e4.50 to SO ; collo and reins, 53 to 43.50 ; lambe, $5.e5 to $6.75, with a ,Iew selected Iota as high as $6 per ewe.Moge-Se- Zeteee. $5.65 ; lights and fats. $5.40 ; stage, 82•50 to andeoeuw;titesoredwo,baqosools.o6„ These prices are on the fed . coorEn-re Olinton, on November 2nd, to Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Cooper, a eon. POTTE110-alif Goderich township, on November 4t1i -to Mr. and Mrs. Plitt Vetter, it daughter. CIAMPBELLoebt liorrls, on. October 241h, to Mr, and litraiD. W. Campbell. tadaughter. W.111t-40' TurnbeerY, OR November 4th, to Mr. and XIV. James Weir, &daughter.- 1:111APMAN--in Hay, on-Nofenaber 2nd, to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Chapman, a daughter. ' Ht,taNIA.Naain Exeter, on October gist, to Mr. and Mo'. W. le Haman, it son. HARRIS --In amide on November 4th, to Mr. and, Mrs, Ohm. Harris, it UR irANS-In Grey, on November gal, to Mr. and Mrs. Jahn Bryan% it son. - 1Karnapree. RHYS-DOWSON-On November 1st, by Rev. F. A. Steadman, of Hayfield, Florence, daughter cif Mr. George Dowson to Artie Keys,all of Stanley. 0R13WE8-0 *0 -.At the Main Street par. sonage. &cater, on October ffist. by Rev. Mr. Fear, Thomas Crewes, of Satter Mirth, to Flor- ence, daughter 'of Mr. Richard Glanville, of Stephen. RYAN-NOLAN-eh' St. Afichaers church, Blyth, on November 6th„.by Rev. Father Halon, limes Ryan; to_Maggie Nolan, all of Morris. JOILY-FRA.Y1In Exeter, on November 7th, by Rev. Mr. Going Samuel Jory, eon of Mr. Elijah Jory, Ella daud, daughter of Mr. P._Frayne; Of Rxeter. R0BER1S051---M0GILLIVR 11/ --At. the home of the brides parents, on November 7th, by Rev. 1). Petrie, David Robertson, ,to Christina, second daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A.roh. MoGillivray,both of Witigham. BROWN--MoINNIS-At the residence of the bride's parents, Ethel, on November 14th, by Rev. D. II. *Atte, James E. Brown of Grey, to Lizzie L., daughter of Mr. and Airs: Andrew McInnis. Deaths,, WINKENWADER-In Stephen, on November 4th, Miss Melinda Whikenwader, daughter of ,Mr. John Winkenwaeler. - SOMMIDT-In Stephen, on November 2nd,Mrs.John Schmidt, aged 1,0 years. EADIE--In Tureberry, on November 8rd, Agnes Mitchell, relict of the late Thomas Eadie, aged 70 years. EDDINGTON-In Hillsboro, Asset., on ektober 26th, Ruth PI, wife of Mr. A. B. Eddinn, former- ly oO Blyth. BERK-In wood, on November 4th, Alvin Birk, aged 1 year, 7 months and 9 days. LAMPREY -In Goderich township, on November 6th, Win. Lamprey. eftereeeeeeenoweeereweeleoseeoese WESTERN BANK OF CANADA. HAD OFFICE, - CAPITAL, - RESERVE, • - T. H. MoMILLAN, OSHAWA $1,000,Q00 $' 300,000 Gate! Moe, DUBLIN BRANCH. Every facility comistent with sound banking is afforded the publio of Dublin and surrounding territory. Drafts and Money Orders issued. Interest plid on Savings Bank deposits of $1 Mad upwards. Loans made to farmers for buyitag cattle, eto. ' Special attentinn given to Farmers' Busineas. FRANK Me0ONNELL, Manager IM.PORTiNT NOTICES. IMOR SALE OR RENT. -A comfortable brick Jle home in Egniondville, in first -Wass. repair' contains seven rooms and summer kitchen, and good cement cellar.. About half an acre of land. Apply at The Pottery, Egmondville. 2081x4 MEAOHER WANTED.- Wanted an experienced tescher for S. S. No, 6, McKillop. Duties to commence January thel, 1907. Applications will be be received up to December 1st. Personal applica- tions preferred. Salary $450. WM. A. JOHNSTON, Secretary, Winthrop., • 2081x8 STOCK AND WOOD FOR SALE. -A number of Heifers and steers fit for feeding, 1 sucking filly colt sired by King Charming, 1 mare 7 years old, 1 brood Berkshire sow bearing litter, also a quantity of 20 inch wood some imitable for furnece. W1II be sold where it is or delivered. Prices right. Apply to 'JAMES SPROAT, near Brickyard, okersmitie 2081x3 100 ACRE FARM FOR SALE -Lot 1, Commi- t don 1, Mullett, containing 100 acres of choice land, no waste, excellent situation, being on Huron Road West, 2* miles from the flourishing town of Seaforth. On the farm is a two storey frame house, of 8 rooms, also verandah and summer kitehen. The house is heated by Hada furnace, coal or wood. There is an excellent hard water, soft water pump, and cistern in house. There are two barns, one on stem basement, aleo hen ,house and driving shed. The farm is well fenced and drained, and contains a small orchard of choice fruit. There are 4 acres of fall wheat in, and 80 acres of ploughing done. Will be seid rersonable and on easy terms. Possession given In the spring. If not sold will be rented fir a tem of years. GEORGE 0. DALE, JR., Seaford' P. 0. 2031-e1 About Diamonds This.year WO are able to sell you a Diamond Ring as low as any city deal- er oan. We buy the stones bv 'weight direot from the cutter, of Antwerp, whose agent calls on as t wioe a year. We then have them suitably set in Hogs and know the exact. weight if stons and gold in each ring. Give u3 it chance to prove ib before you.buy. John Bulger, J ewe ler, - Seaforth AUCTION SALES. A liCTION SALE of Cattie,-Mr. David Ferguson en,. has instrueted Mr. Thomas Brown; to sell by tiblio auction on Lot II, Concession 7,- it R. S., ckersmitb, on-Moridey, NoVember 19; 1906, at one tfelock p. m., toe follog L. 1 (row supposed to be ln calf, 2 cows milking, 8 dry oowa, 4 steers 3 years old, 8 yearling steer0, 8 heifers 8 years °V, II heifers 2 years old, 4 yearling 'heifers, 2 spring calves. Everything will be eeld as the proprietor has no etabling and no teed for them. Terms -10 months' credie will be given on approved joint notes'. A discount of 8 per cent. per annum allowed off for moth. DAVID FERGUSON, Proprietere THOMAS BROWN, Auctioneer, 2$81.1 A UOTION SALE of Fenn Stook and IMplenientee -elk. --Thomas Brown has-been inetruceed by Mr. David McOuteheon to sell•by public auction on Lob 10, Concession 12, McKillop, on Tuesday, November at 1 o'eieek p. M., the following: Cattle. -4 cows supposed to be in calf, 2 dry cows', 5 two-yearold steers, 8 two.year.old heifer,' supposed to,be in calf, 1 yearling steer, 0 Bening calves, 20 good ewes, 14 ewe lambs and it number of hone. I1flp1ements.-1 Wader, 1 12.hoed deering drill nearly newt 1 hay - loader, 1 wagon, 1 -wagon box, 1 Sylvester plow, 1 two -furrow Noxon plow nearly new, 1 root pulper, 1 land roller, 1 set iron harrows, 1 sot sleighs; 1 mate', • a pile of fence posts, racks, and abhor 811114,11 articles. All must be sold as the proprietor 18 going West. Terms of Sale. -All sums 01 55 aed under, cash •, over that amount, 11 menthe' create will be given on fur- niehing approved joint notes. A disoonnt of 5 per Cont,. for OASh OVI -credit amounts. DAVID Mo- COTOMEON, Proprietor; THOS. BROWN, Auotic2n- eer. atsi • A UOTION SALE of Rowell, Cattle, Pip and OW- ar Posts. --James Jones has received instrue. dons from Mr. Menet Vietor, to sell by public auc- tion. at Bornholm, (live miles north of Mitchell), on Thursday, November 22n1, the following : -- 1 aged mare in foal to a German coach horse, 2 heavy draft geldings rising 4 years old, 1 driver 4 3 ears old got by Oliver 1Vilkee, 1 gelding rising 1 year old sired by Golden Crown, 1 newly calved Jersey cow, 6 cows due to crave in Starch and April, 16 steers tieing 8 years old good feeders, 2 heifers and 1 bull 2 years olcl, 2 steers 1 ye,ar old, 6 pigs 2 Months old; 1 York- shire boar with pedigree, 2 Collie dogs, and about 300 cedar posts. Sale at 1 o'clock eharp. Terms - All SUM Of $10 and undor eash ; over ehat amount 12 mouths' credit will be given on furnishing approv- ed joint notes. 5 per cent, off for cash on credit a- . mounts. No reserve as the proprietor 18 shore of JAM'S JONES, Anctioneer. feed and stabling. HENRY VIETOlto Prop2rio31.7 • CLEARING SALE of Farm Stook.-Janies Jones ' has received instruutions from Mr, John Merlon- nel to sell by public unction on Lot 15, Concession 1, Township of Hibbert, OTI Monday, November 26t1*, 1900, the following : 1 yearling colt got by Tama - tum, 6 'hitch eowe with calves by their side, 4 Putt - °lase spritigers, 5 betters 2 years old, 18 eteers 2 years old. The above stook are finite:lase and must be sold without 1 nerve as the proprietor has no place to winter them; No outside stook will be allowed to be sold on the premises on that date. Lot 16, Oon. 1, adjoinineethe Village of Dublin. Salo at one o'clock sharp. There willalso be offered for sale at the same ime, 2 oar loads' of cedar posts, one otir 8 feet long and the other 9 and 10 feet; long, anchor poets, to be sold in quantities to side purehroers. • Terms. --$10 and -ender, cash e over that, amount, 10 eriontns' credit will be given on furnishing approVed joint note& 5 per contort tor cash on credit amounts. JOHN McOONNELL, Proprietor ; JAMES JONES, Auctioneer. 2031-2 eiLEARING StLE of Fawn §tock and Implem- ent -s. ----James Jones has received instruetione froneldr. John A, Norris, to all by public" auction on Lot 10, Concession 11, Township of }fibbed, on Wed- nesday, November 21, 1906, the following: 8 cows supposed to be with ealfel. cow due to calve about time of sale, 1 registered Shoghorn cow with calf at foot, 1 dry cow, 1 Shorthorn bull 14 months old, 2 Shorthorn dews due to calve about' time • of sale, 2 steers 2 years old, 2 keel% 1 year old, 3 heifers 1 year old, 4 calves,' aged draft horse, 1 general purpose horse 4 years old, 1 blood mare with foal, 1 pony lad- ies' driver, 1 pony 8 years old, 2 gelding's 1 year old, 1 sucking colt, 1 large Yorkshire sow with litter ab foot, 1 pure bred Tamworth sow with litter at foot, 1 registered Berkshire sow in pig, 0 pure bred Berk- shire pigs 8 months old, 27 good store hogs, 1 Tam- worth boar. Implements. -1 Massey -Harris binder with trucks and sheaf carriers nearly ninv, 1 McCor- mick mower nearly neo•, 1 Noxon disc, 1 Noxon seed- er, 1 roller, 1 threedioree power, 1 twin gang plow, 1 walking plow, 1 waffler, wagon, sleighs, top buggy, cutter, bare, binning mill, 1 large cutting box with pipes for filling silo, 1 three -horse tread power nearly new, 1 set platform scales, 2,000 lbs. capacity, nearly new, 1 =filer, chains, forks, shovels, grain bags and other things too numerous totnention. A quantity of household furniture and dairy utensils, 1 Massey - Harris cylinder pulper nearly new. 2 sets double harness, 2 seta single harness, 1 set d uble driving harness, carpenter's work bench, sap p4ris and buck- ets, also it quantity of turnips and ma, golds and a lot of first-class timothy hay. Sale at one o'clock. Terms. -All sums of 8.5 and under, cash ; 12 months' credit on furnishing approved joint notes. 5•X, off for cash on credit amounts. Fo reserve as the prop. pietor haesold his farm and is rafting from farming. JOHN A. NORRISe Proprietor; JAMES JONES, Auctioneer. 20814 AUCTION SALE of Farm, Farm Stock and Im- plements. -Mr, Thomas Brown has been in- structed by Jemes C. Parsons to sell by public auc- tion on,Lot 7,?South Boundary, Stanley, 2 miles west on Kippen, on Wednesday, November 28th, at one o'clock p. m., the following ; Gorses. -1 span of mares, 1 driving mare 8 years old, 1 mare 4 years old sired by Prince of Amitotic]. Cattle. -2 young cows due to calve in December, 2 youngows due to calve I fn the spring, 1 farrow cows 8 years old, 1 dry cow 3 years old, 0 steers two years old, heifers 2 years old, 4 steers 1 year old, 2 Mien, One year old, five calves, 1 Yorkshire sow with litter at foot, also about 50 hens, ' Irnplements.-Deerin bihder, DeeHng a mower, Massey -Harris press drill, mber wagon,light wagon, hay -rack, wood rack, cutting box, mot pulper, set iron harrows, emitter, set double harness, ea plow leo-nesse pair bobS1eighs, two -fur- row imperial plow, walking plow, pig, rack, fanning mill, 8 horse ditto harrow, sap palls and it toe of other small articles, also one deck of good -hay. The whole Will positively be sold without /reserve, as the pro- prietor is going west. Terms. 1. -The haywill be cash ; on the other property, all e ins of 86 and under, cash ; over that amount, 11 tenths' credit on fur. nishing approved endorsed note. A discount of 4 cents on the dollar law d for cash on credit amounts. The Farm .-The barm is a first -elan grass farm and consist e 01 102 acr a will be offered for sale at the same time and place. 1 There are 8 acres bugle the remainder seeded down/ except 80 acres. The place is well fenced and dinned, and watered by a spring crane Frame barn. This term is situated, on t .0 Town Line, two miles lwest of ' Kippen station. Terms made known on day of Wale, or previously, on application to JAMES C. PARSONS, Kippen P. O. THOMAS BROWN, Auctioneer. N. B, -The East Half of Lot To South Boundary, Stanley, will also be offered for tale at the same time as the above. This farm eontains 60 acres, nearly all cleared and mostly seeded to grass. Thereis a never failing spring, a frame house and frame barn, a young orchard. It is an exceptionally good lot and within two miles of Kipper' gallon. Terme-81,000 cash ; balance on time to suit porobaser at 4* per cent. -THOS. COLEMAN, Proprietor, 2081-2 RUSH RUSH -TO THE - Clearing Sale Which is now going on at Marriage Licenses Issued. A. G. AULT'S Store, Well Pleased always are the peo- ple who have learn- ed by ( xperienoe that our DRUG STORE contains exactly what they require. We carry every- thing you would expect in a first- class drug store, and our stook is always kept strictly up.to-date. White Pine Cough Syrup, a good one, 25o a bottle. Stone Root Co. for weak, willing back, 50o a bottle. Never Fail Corn Cure, cures corns, 10o a box. Opal Cream, for chap- ped hands, sore lips, ete., 25c a bottle. Give us a call. Once oustomer always a customer, for we guarantee eatiefaction. 0. ABERHART, DRUGGIST, 0ARDNO'S — - - •BLOOK SM.A.VCDPMEE SEAFORTH. A flifteen days' sale of China, Crockery and Glassware. which will be cleared out AT COST FOR CASH. Alao to make the sale more interesting, I will reduce prices of all kinds of Gro- ceries during the fifteen days' sale. Now is the time to gob bargains in all kinds of goods. Twenty pounds of Redpath's granulated sugar for V. Four pounds of ..laisina for 25a, and 3i lbs. Currants for 25e. Sleek, Green and Japan Tea, regular prices 25e now 20o pr lb.; 40o teas at 30 ) ' per lb, ; 55o tea now 350. Forty cent Coffee now 30o per lb ; 30o coffee, 25o per lb. Seven ibe. Riots for 25o, 6 bars Soap for 25o, and 8 bars soap tor 250; 10 bare of soap for 2.53 ; 10 lbs. rolled ()ate for 25c. 10 lbs. Gold Dust Cernmeal for 26o, 5 doz. clothes pine for 5o, 2 ibe, B. sodas for 5o, pure maple eyrup, 25o a quart; best flour, $1.90pfrlOOlbs. Everything at great bargaine for 15 days. I will take fresh butter and eggs itt cash pricey. Come one, come alt, and got some oi the great bargains which are to be had at this great cleating sale. A. G. AULT Seaforth Coleman Salt Block •eMNS.• NOTICE. Property for Sale. ' een- MB HURON EXPOSITOR, • HE CANADIAN BANK OF C ERCE Paid p Capital, $101000,00 Reserve Fund, $4,500, 60 4. HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO 13. E. WALKER, General Manager ) ALEX. LAIRD, Asst. Gen'! Manager • BRANCHES THROUGHOUT CANADA, AND IN THE UMTED STATES AND ,ENGLAND BANKINO BY MAIL Business may be transacted by maifwith an3r,branch of the Bank. Accounts may be evened, and deposits I made or withdrawn by mail. Every attention is paid 'I to out-of.town accounts. SEAFORTH BRANCH. F. HOLMESTED, Solicitor G. E. PARKES, Manager. Sleek Fat Horses in a Month A good reliable farmer told me last week that it does not 'take long to put Ten Dollars on a horse with. Fear's Condition Powders 1st They get the blood right. 2nd They pile on the flesh like magic. Their action is different to anything you ever saw, Get a package and watch their magic influence, The directions are simple and easy to follow, 25c for 1 ib; 3 lbs. for 50c, and 7 lbs, for $1, At FEAR'S Drug Store Seaforth. We sell Kow -Kure, 1;the great cow medicine. 0 IT NOW »! • Before buying anything in the- line of - Riding and Walking Plows Sewing 'Machines Cream Separators Carriage or Farm Maohinery Be sure to call and examine the stock ofLthe new store. J.ALLIN, SEAFORTH Next to Richardson & McInnis' Shoe Store. The famous Cockshutt Riding Plows in stock. FALL FOOTWEAR • Thoee early days of autumn find us ready for fall footwear businesi. We never entered upou a season better lamp kree to snit everybody'll idea with she hart of shoes or to plume our pabrons with,our prices. Oar footwear merits the highest praise, while our prices remain within easy reach. We invite you to came to see the new styles, anc1. then when you want to buy, you'll know what's correct for the coming seaeon. . We've a epleriolid line of felt shoes in all good styles and in all sizes. Richardson& BrInnis SEAFORTH, Sole Agents for the Hagar, Just Wright and Derby Shoes, W AV GRAND TRUNKMEN, Near By Health Resorts 454.44.444 A few days at the mineral springs of St./ Catnarines, Mt Clemens and Preston has benefitted the health of hundreds. Nothing is equal to the treatment. Best of hotel accomodation at moderate rates. Try All situated on G. T.• 11. For tiokets And full information call on W. SOMERVILLE, Town Agent, A. F. PHILLIPS, Depot Ticket Agent. Safe Investment. Debentures for Sale. ISIM• 21.10.•11•0 The Town of Seaforth offers for sale Debentures bearing 4* and 5 per cent. interest, peyable in 6, 10, 15 and 20 years. Less trouble to look after than mortgage i; simply draw your interest. For par-. tieulars inquire of JOHN A. WILSON, 2031-tf Town Clerk. The undersigned wishes to announce that he will not take in apples at the Seaforth Evaporator after November 17th. 2031-1 JOHN MARRIOTT, . For sale, the Coleman Salt Block property In Sea - forth, including buildings, machinery, etc. Apply T. F. COLEMAN, Seaforth. 2031x2 Another Slaughter IN CHINA We are bound to have an entirely new stack for XMAS. So our present stock must be sold, and sold at a reduction. The prices will startle you. Watch the window, EverLthing must go. Results from feeding Hess Stock Food and Poultry Panacea have been good. Are you getting yours Starting Nov. 14, this store will close at 8 o'clock p. m, ; excepting Saturdays, J. S. ROBERTS Chemist & Druggist w.m.moKA y, Manager. NOTICE. Town of Seaforth. 4.4•••••••••mi Take notice that the Morileipal Council Of the Corporation of the Town of Seaforth has construct- ed an AsphaIt Block Pavement on Main Strad, from the Nonth side of Goderieh Street to the Grand Trunk Railway Tracks and intends to manse a por- tion of the flnal cost thereof upon the real property to be immediately benefitted thereby, fronting or a- butting upon said portion of Main Street, from GO& erich Street to the Grand Trunk Railway Tracks. consecutive ears as follows ;- The annual rates per foot frontage to be paid in 20 Goderieh to John Street... .25.2 eente John Street to Lot 41, Jarvis Survey ....20.925 " We are headquarters for this celebrated brand of Una' George Streetet. to South Side I derwear, ° all makes and all sizes in stook ; get our prices L-ot 41, Jarvis Survey to George Stre.. . 20.405 " 14t 49, Jarvis Survey....20.25 South side Let 49,Jarvis Sur- vey G.T.11, Traeks...19.8 " and that it atatement shelving the lands liable to and I proposed to be specially aesessed for the said improv. ement or work and the names of the owners thereof, so far as the same can be ascertained from the last revised assessment roll and otherwise, is now fyled in the offlee of the Clerk of the Municipality, and is open for inspection dming office hours. The total actual eost of the work is 826,500, of which $18,835 is to be provided out of *the general ftnicis of the Municipality. A Court of Revision will be held on the 29th day of November, A. D. 1906, at the hour of 10 ololock in the forenoon at the Council Chambea Seafortb, for the purpose of hearing coniplaints e. the pro. posed assessment or the aeouroey frontage meta linremente or any other complaints which the per - eons interested may desire to make, and whichis by law cognizable by the Court; • Dated at To Hall, Seaforth, this DM day of November. A. 1908. JOHN A. 'WILSON, Clerk of the Munitip-,ality. Cc rims Main and Markt Smits SoitOrth 4 Ontario. EA -SO 190604 *++++++++444.44-teielefeieteielef4+E Back in the eighties this store began selling urs. - During that leng period, it has learned much that benefits you—our public, Oar fur business has grown to be the wonder of the trade in Western Ontario. • For several seasons past we have sold furs broadcast. This success is due first to the magnificent furs we have sold, and second, to the reasonable prices charged. Come and see this sea. son's collection, compare our goods and prices, yea will find us on the right side of every comparison. When reading through the price list that follows, we ask you to remember the fact, that or fats have never been able to get a foothold in the Pickard far business. ,Ladies. Fur Coats— Every fur coat sold by us is bicked by our guarantee. Astrachan Coats, all sizes, from 32 to 46, at prices from *29 to sty,les plain and trimmed 0, in Bocharan Coats,- plain and trimmed, a11 sizes, from $35 to $78. Near Seal Coats, trimmed, from $34,75 to $57 Persian Lamb Coats, plain and trimmed, from $60 to $165 Fine new fur lined coats, in all sizes, from 40 to 46 inchea long, at pri from $41 to $72,in black, brown, fawn, navy blue and green Caperinee, ali prices, from $2.75 to $20 Latest Novelty Ruffs, from $1450 to $39 Muffs from 50e to $47 skfaAstssANIMAAWAAAAAMOVONA Men's Furs— Men's Canadian Coon Coats from $30 to $85 Men's Wallaby Coats from $28 to $33 Wombat Coats from $25 to $28 Russian Calf Coats from $1.8 to $25 Black 0-a1loway Coats *from $27 to .$33 Black Dog Skin Coats frotn $18 to $23 Brown Dog Coats from $16 to $19 See our Labrador Dog Coat, celebrated Look brand, at prices from $27 to $33 Men'a Fur -lined. Coats from $20 to $120 Compare our prices in Sleigh Robes in black bear, cu'o bear, galloway and the real Saskatchewan buffalo, Assiniboine buffalo, gat anA Labrador dog 4444.144444:414/34;4+Te,444+++ Clothing Department Promptly at 8 o'clock, on Friday morning, we start a most remarkable bale of clothing. The really wonderful values are unmatchable eisewhere. and of most interess to our on.stomers is the fact that all are new and fresh. Not a man in this vicinity should miss this opportunity. Just a few of the good things are listed below : Men's Snits at $7.75, worth $ $10.50, worth $13 - Men's Overcoats at $6,25 worth $9; men overcoats at $10, worthl12.50 400 pairs of Men's Tweed Pants at $L25 a pair, worth $2 a pair 100 Men's odd Vests at 75c each 100 Boys' and Youths' Vests at 25o each 50 Men's odd Coats at $2 each. 1 ° men's suits at feorsoWAVaistak041~04Ae~sAalise Stanfield's Underwear 2031-2 Highest Prices paid for Butter, Eggs and Wool. DRIED APPLES WANTEDs WM PICKARD & SON Opposite Town Building, Corner Main and Market Streato, Seaford)