HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1906-11-02, Page 8I I 9311 11 •Sen5fORMagigaMNT'AMMMIZZEMEr 411521:113 ...i....ssissrissrrogasairarsor TATEFOR SALE. % North h1Uof-Te0 p, Ordaining 60 wee% Thie farm :it: Well d and has on it alIeVer tulllng IL la her partinnstrs apply to TWOS. peaforth, or to THOS. SLIIPSON,,eite, La Conneesion 10, Meleilkip. 2,02541 IN TUCIKERSMrrit FOR SALE,—Lot celesion 15, elentaining 42 aore.s, good for e fit*he or growlOg. It is situated ebent 1i from Chiselharet, Where there are MVO 1 hureties, blacksmith shop, store and poet office. It Iso about Mlles from .11ensall. On the faun is a ryi and a brick house, a good orchard and a dose to the barn. Apple to HENRY hie farm, London. Road Or to Hensel: 20284f 109 saTel:'11"at Lutaosirclh:siunbdletragnr121 propertv known rt s West Halt Lot 5, C/011raCjiOn, REIrOb ilsOad, Hulled. There is, on the promieeli, good frame house, a good bank barn. 06 x 84, all fit- ted up with cement flooring and in first-class shape., It is situated on the Huroli Road, Se miles from Sea forth and 5 miles from Clinton and one mile from sehool. Also the South Halt of Lot 6, Concession 2. • There isa never falling elpring that rune the 3 ear round and it is nearly all seeded to grass. It will be sold on -reasonable termite the proprietor wishes to retire. For further particulars apply on the Preni- Leee or address GEORGE IRWIN, Seaforth, Ontario. 2028-tf, VARM FOR SJ TE.—}'or sale„ that valuable farm of 175 acres, situated on the 7th concession of Stanley. It is only hen a mile from school, three- querters of a nine from Methodist and Presbyterian churobaa anapest Mlle% seven Miles from Hensell and four from Kippen station. - There are, on the premises, 3 barns, one 64 x 40 ; one 70 x 28 'and the either, 60 x 28, an in good repair; a comfortable frame house and log house. There are 22 acres of fall wheat sown. The fermis well fenced and 100 mores underdrained, the other 76 acres being drained by the township ditch running through. There is a never failing well at the house with it new Brantfoul pumpinir niill, also a never failing spring -bank on the farm. There are i acres of good hearine orch- ard. The farm is in a first eine state of cultivation arid le -situated in one of the best grain growing, sec- tion/ in the provinne. Will be sold- cheap and on ter1118- to suit purohaser. For further information ' Apply on the premises or address GEORGE COLE - )UN, Hills Green P. O. 2028-tf QPLENDID FARM FOR SALE,—Vor sale, Lt, 20, Concesekin 10, Ribbed, , oontaining 100 acres. This farm is wen termed with 'good Carter wire few- ing and fitted with wire and iron gates. Itis wen un- derdrained with tile, has always been well cultivated and properly looked after and he consequently in the very. beat condition possible. There are 10 iveres of good hardwood bush, unculIed, nearly all maple, a irst-elass brick house, storey and &half, lately paint ad and remodelled and made up-t,o.date ; soft and hard wateteconvenient at both house and barn, a good well at the bush, making three wells that as yet have never failed, windmill at the barn. eller are tvvo good barns both with good atone foundation and up-to-date stabling-, water inside, good hen house, hog pen and driving house. There is a good bearing orchard and small fruit trees. Thisproperty is well situated in a good locality, convenient to gro- cer, post ale% church and school, a mile and it half from Ohiselhurst, 6 miles from the prosperous village of Ileneall and 9 miles from Seaforth, good gravel roads in all directions. As theproprietorleas acquir- a interests elsewhere that demand immediate atten tion, he is prepared to dispose of this property at it bargain, and anyone desiring it first-oliess farm in a -first-class locality will do weil to investigate. For further partienlars apply on the premise's or addrese JOHN TAYLOR, Chiselhurst P. O. 20144f • • ...•••••••••••••••...,s • FOR SALE. CALVES FOR SALE.—For sale a yearling steer and heifer spieng calf. Well bred Durham. Cali quick at MRS. DONOVEN'S, Louise, Street, Sea- orth. 2028x2 -DIGS FOR SALE.—For sale, 25 young pigs, and 2 !ebrood HOWS, Also for service it Thorobred Yorkshire Boar. Terms 53, with the'privilege of re. turning if necessary. ADAM DODDS, Lot 27, Con- cession 1, eleKillop. Seafartle P. 0. 2028-4 T EIOESTER SHEEP- AND SHORTHORN CATTLE I4 FOR SALE.—The undersigned has for sale sev- eral Thorobred Leicester Sheep and Durham Cattle of both sexeff. Address Egmendville P. O., or apply et farm, Mill Road, Tuekesmith. ROBERT CHAR- TERS tz SONS. 18724f 'DULL bOR SALE„—For sale, a thorobred Short- horn bull, with registered pedigree, 28 months old, and red in color. He wive bred from Vice Chan- cellor. Apply on London road, Tuck'ersinith, it mile south of lirucellekl. JAMES PATERSON, Bruce - field P. O. 2008-tf SHORIEOUN CATTLE --Seven first-class young buns, 2 from imported cows for sale at reader - ate prices and on easy terms ; goal young cows and heifers also for sale. All interested are cordially in- vited to Inspect the herd. Farm adjoins town, long distauee telephone to farm. Write for eatalogee. H, setren, 'Exeter. - 1093-tf EGISTERED STOOK FOR SALE.—The under - Signed offers for sale on Lot 27., Concession 8, Ifibbert township, a nuniber of heifers and young cows with calves at foot, 1. yearling bull, 1 Berkshire boar 0 montes old, it right good annual. The abo, f stook are al registered in the National Stock e - cords. Prices modemtfeterm.e easy, visitors welcomi DAVID HILL, 1900-11 QEOETHOENSI—Oholee bred bulls and females of 10 different ages for sale, about two dozen to select from, Prices reasonable. Herd now headed by " Countsylvanus" (66900. He is got by, the best Watch bred imported stock on both sides, glossy dark red in color, and well set on short legs. Terms e registed cows 55 insured; others on application. Visitors welcome. JOHN ELDER, }Unseal P. 0, and Station. 1086-tf Farm Wanted. For sale or exchange 040 acres of winter wheat land in Alberta. Level open preirie, Less than 6 acres01broken or stony Iand on the whole eection. e 8 miles to G. T. P., and 17 mike to 0, P. R. Wile ex. 'eharige for wen improved DO or 150 aeres in Huron, county. For full particulars call at Lot el, Cm 4, Tuckerernith, or address Brimfield P. 0. 2028-4 A. A. WATT, Rod Estivte Agent. arty a Woman 1 takilg Headache Powders who oughtto be taking len-Ju. The kidneys are making the }lead ache. :hey are not doing their work properly — not purifylog the blood—norriddn nig the system; of poisons. Tbese impurities stagnate the nlood--irritate the nerves— and bring the headaches that so many 'Women suffer with. THE OtENTL.E KIDNEY Ci.IIRE takes away the headaches because they take away the poisons la the kidneys. They aet directly on these vital organs, strengthen , and heal, reduce the inflammation—and- stop othe headaches because they remove every, trace of 3;eidneyTroub1.e. At druggists. THE OtAFLIN OHEMioal..,__00., LIMITED, WINDSOR. NEW Yoitot. IMPORTANT NOTICES. ROPERTY FOR SALE.—For sale, an aore and a fifth on the ard concession of Molelhop, near the Maitlandbank cemetery. On the property is a good house and new stable. There Is, els% plenty of good email fruits end good orchard. 'leo; particulars ly on the preinises or address, Seforth p. o., ItY BA le. 2028-4 a , . riALVES ESTRAY. --Strayed from Lot 25, Conoes= skin 9, Meleillop, 5 spring calves, one white heifer, two reddish heifers, and two reddish steers. Information leading to their recover Will be suitably rewarded. MELVIN ifLANOHARD, Wirithrop. 2028*3 ep MISTRAY HEIPER.—Stmyed from Lot fee cenees. IPA elan 4, MoKillop, about the let of Ootober it heifer, coming three years old. She Is of red color, with white spots and dehorned. Any person giving information leading to her recovery will be liberally rewarded. CORNELIUS DELANEY, BefiehWociel P. O. 1028-4 ern offis sti at; Old Canada. , „ Beale/21in •Geoitson, of ,WheatlY, Essex county, While?driving hie brother to -.Windeor, was thrown from his 'buggy sand euatattiede in- juries whin resulted is. 'his death in es few hours. The horse took fright it an automobile. The -broth- er escaped injury. —Frank, the thirteen year old• on of .W.m. -Hale, of Harriston, met with a fatal accident on Saturday 1 cVene ing last. -While attending the -horses he was crushed in some -manner • a- gairidt- the manger, and euccumbledto his -injuries on Sunday morning. • —Mr. *Arthur Sneering, living near Wallacetown, ElgintOustn was partaking of his supper •last Sunday evening with his infant eon on his knee, when he fell to the floor dying instantly. Heart trouble is supposed to be the cause' a death. His wife lies critically ill with tee:, —On Monday morning Alexander McDonald, a prominent farmer of East - Nissouri, Oxford county,, was found dead in bed. He was 67 years of age, and when he retired the night 'before, :appeared to . be in his usual health. Death Was due to hcartXail- •ure. - -- -L. K. Silvertliorne, At One time. one of the most prosperous farmers in Kent county, ended his life florae time on Wednesday afternoon of last week by hanging„ himself from a beam in hie barn. ,The unfortun- ate man 'wise 154 Years a age.. Sev- eral financial treverepte canoed him to become despondent. —Mrs. Sarah. Clark, of the 5th con- cesston of Thurlow, „Hastings county, Is dead. .About a month. ago a team her. eon wale driving was frightened by an automobile and ran away, the driver being thrown off and hurt. He was .taken home, and:his mother, who was 81 years of age, . was so flustered that, in trying to . wait on him, .she ° fell ,down stairs and re- ceived injuries from which She died last Week. —Earl Grey, Governor General of Canada, and Lord Howlett, his son, were so much impressed With Nelson fruit lands during their .recent vieit to Britton. Columbia, that each has purchased a small fruit ranch of ,a- bout thirty-. acres. ....In Hon. Clifford eSifton's garden at .Assinibole Lodge, on the St. Law- erence river, near Brockville, the gar- dener, Wm. Griffith's, is reaping the - harvest of a peanut crop, plientcd! early in ethe -season. The growing of peanuts 1s4an experiment in that die triet, but Mr. Griffiths is an expert and by the present effort it is seen that fully developed and well flav- 1 vored peanuts can be grown here. e' two. Reeently Mr, HOY eat over to Halifax,, where he is now , stationed. The bothrothal of the - boutle tollOwed, and at the ...home of the , bride'sfattier on Thanktigiving Day the Rev. L. L. Thomap perforxned the ceremony'. - • —In 1896 a previsionalman of Olin- - ton advanced a »mall Stun of ;money to a friend in the county town. Sieve time afterivarde this friend sent as security a certificate for 100 sharee an a Gibad Mining. Co. in ,aneouver. Thie wax put to one side and onaid- ered by the rectplent Of Very IittIe ealue. But the other day, on look- ing, over the daily peeler, he was /quite surprised to see that the stock was 'worth $10 a share, thue making the, certificate worth $1.‘,000 with, accrued dividend -.Another instp,nce of casting bread- n the waters. —The:- death urred on Wedtes- 'day ef last week Of Mrs. Elliott, relict of the late Milian Elliott, at her residence'Dorchester, Middlesex county. Mre. Elliott had reached the remarkable age of 98 years and 6 months. ]Deceased, • whose -maiden name wits Janet Grieve, was eldest daughter of the late Elliott -Grieve, of Westminster. She was born in Rox- boroughshire, Scotland, and came to Canada with her parents in 1810, Plms••••••••••ntomemom.... CUittlre Mr Eakin thinkelAustralla Is- ahead of- Canada. In dairying he considers Australia leads,' and /aye ° they ar.gi e eelly improving their i (Planing herds. I IWhere Canada, Leads. Americans 'typeset of their *great busi- ness 'houses, newspapers, eet., arid they are right in doing so; ibut Can- ada has a newspaper that ,outstripo reoet of the American papers, and Canadians are proud of it. .Think of it; in this eparcely settled country we have; a paper that reaches Over 150,000 homes .each week; repreminting 760,000 readers. We refer- to the family Her- ' aid and Weekly Star of Montreal, Use greatest, farnily and •a,gricultural paper on -the American continent. Its suc- cess is well deserved too, 'for every year it goes on improving and to -day is certainly the greatest value to. be had in the newspaper line. The home . without it -is missing agreat deal. fro ',fanners it is almoift indispensableV Their beautiful ;genre gift "_A Tug of War," is elle worth more than the year's Huhn', ption, which is only one dollar. Canada easily has the beat. of our nsighbers for p, 'great news- paper success. .13A. leIr'-$ .G0 0 D D AYS. one of 'baby's' good days means that your child is thriving and well, Baby's Own Tablets brings all good days into your child's life, for they make little ones well and keep them well. Mrs. joie Ferland, St. Tite; des Caps, Quebec, says' "Since giv- ing my little one Baby's Own, Tab- ' lets she has been in splendid health, Is growing plumper every day, and has beautiful rosy cheeks." These •Tabletei cure colic indigestion , con- stipation, simple fevers, teething. , 'troubles, and all the minor allmante of little one?. They do not contain: 1 one particle of the poisonous opiates ! found in all soothing medicines, and mo ,qu p pare s. a lets can be given With absolute saf- ety to the babe just born, ael well as to the child of advanced yes,rs. Sold by all medicine dealers or sent ; by daft at N cente a box by writ- ing The Dr. Williaans' •Medicine Co., , Brockville, Ont. About Australia. 1 , Sign); of a Hard Winter This ie the time of the !sear when 1 the man who believes in " signs " pones in with his stories of et hard winter,beceuse of the thickness eg the muskrat bouses ,and the like. But as winter generallY &wee as it pleases, in spit r3 of au nrophesiee,a Pennsylvania editer thus makes mock of the Oistro- logers "That the coming vvinter is going to inn the hardest one for the 'past twenty years there Is abundance of signs to Show, and among them lit may be -mentioned that: "The corn husks are a foot and. a beef thick, and all the istalks lean to the West. The geese, ducks and chickens are growing a eoan of fur under their feathers, mid are rubbing borax on their feet to harden them up. "All the one -eyed oWls are leaving the country a month i earlier than usual, and the bob -tailed squirrels are laying in potatoes as well as huts, for winter proivsions. " The farmer who has taken the trouble to investigate has found that all the toadstoole on the old logs 'have wrinkles in them. Tbe last time that this happened we had winter weather. that from the handles of plows. "Rabbits are sitting around ivitle a humped -up look to theirn and field niice have wrinkles in their tails. If this means anything it means twenty degrees below zero from November through to May." 1 A Guaxanted Cure for 'Piles Itching, Blind, Bleeding, Protruding Piles. Druggists are authoriesed to - refund money if PAZO OINTMENT fails to eure in, 6 to 14 days.. 50c._ • —The promised opposition of the Guelph and Goderich branch of the C. P. R. is „likely to sharpen up the Grand Trunk in this part Of the cbuntry, and will in the end -work up good all along the line. It is now stated that the Grand Trunk will double -track their line from Strat- ford to Goderich dock with oak ties and 80 -lb. rails, that is eighty tbs. to every three feet. Larger engines are to be put into service,. and there will be an average of 46 tars to a train. —A ratepayer a Goderich, a letter to the Signal complains bit- terly and apparently. vvith justien, of the way in which the town. coune ell have treated the late market clerk Mr. D. Ferguson. This gentletma,n had been a resident of the town for fifty years mid has done well this part to build it up and tmake it what it is. He has been market clerk for twelve years and has !per- formed the duties . of the position faithfulty and well and to the sat- isfaction of all. But in the face of all thie a young man from the country, who so far as we know, has no interest in the town -whatever, comes and offers five dollars a year more for the position, which thd town council without hesitatIon ac- cepts and sets the old mon and lold servant adrift': This sort of thing Is all too common in other places than Goderieh and is but another ex - temple of 'Man's inhumanity to man." i , With the arrival in Toronto of ‘ Mr. R G Eakin, agricultural repke- sentative and correspondent of the Melbourne Argus, two brothers sep- arated for long years by thousands a miles of land and ocean bave been reunited. It is well over 20 years T. Eakin, of the Department of Or en- tal and Biblical Literature at Mil- sersity College, and formerly of Guelph, last met in the old land, and at that time they were mere boys toe gether. In the interval time has , wrought, many changes, and when the two brothers met lent week they were unable to recognize each other. Ur. R. G. Eakin, who is writing special articles for the Melbourne .Argus and. other papers, is making at extensive tour, having already vis- ited Britain and some of the con- tinental - countriere.. He intends to travel right . through the west and Northwest and is making a special study of agricultural guess- tione in Cenada„ Like so. many new arrivals from across the sea, he is struck with the excellence of the sets - tem for the control of liquor li- censes. Asked as to what the Australian people thought about Canada, Mr. Eakin said: "We talk more of •Cenada than Canada talks of us. The Dominion Is discussed in Australia. I travO a good deal, and in the railway trains In the antipodes you will always hear Canada spoken of. I was particularly struck when I was in Britain with the fa,ct that families who were em- igrating were all going to Canada. The last time I was in the old, coun- try I heard people speaking of going to America, but now It is all Can- ada." i Referring- to ileneetralian politics, Mr. Eakin mentioned that there is a bill at present under ,eonside salon, t‘ and which he thinks will pass, mak- ing it compulsory for people t r - cord their votes. Australia, he also says, is having a prosperous year, the most prosperous in feet, for many years. In some phases of age —The first locomotive ever seen in the =West entered Winnipeg. on the 8th of October, 1877. Great has been the devet:opment in the -West in 80 ereare. And the mon who took the locomotive there was Abe late Joseph (Whitehead, of Clinton, a once prom- inent figure in political and com- mercial circles in this county. Its prospective arrival had been her- alded far and wide, ahd among others who gathered to see it were a num- ber of Indians, who were riaturally very much impressed by it. —The shareholders of the Temis- kerning and Hudson's Bay Mining Co., which is' ca,pitalized at $40,000,e have declared a dividend of $10 a ' sharer or 1,000 per cent. on (invest- ment at par per ehare, $8,000 leaving been issued in shares of the par value of $1 each,. thou.gh now $100 a share is paid for them. This is tied to be one etf. the largest dividends, ever paid by mining interests in On- tario. Mr. George -Taylor, an ! mayor of Lendon, now a New Lisk- eard, is president of the company. —When the Boer war was waging ' the la.dieseof Guelph engaged with thousands of others throughout the Dominion in making articles of wear- ing apparel to send to comfort tlie boy's in Hospitals in South Africa. Among thoSe performing this char- itable work was a young lady, Miss Annie Callender, eldest daughter of Alex. Callander, "Hillcrest," Guelph. She was seized with a whim rto place her name and address on a night gown he was making. This ul- • timately reached a —soldier named Thomas Huby, of Sheffield, England, and, when convalescing in the hos- pital, he wrote to tile address given, thanking the donor of tae garment for her , interest in the cause. Front this originated a correspoittlence, which cullmated in the marriage of CAPTAIN COOK'S FIRST VI, W 41F AUSTRALIA . the natural purgative of the Ihdy, and. by thus worlcing on Nature' b lines, ,Bileans'effeet a care in Nature's own way. In con''Sequence a permanent cure r . 'sults frOM their 1188--110t a merely teMporary relief, JUbt SO ill indigestion a,nd all stomach troubles. Bileans do 'eel. like ordinary medicines, merely remova stomach and intestines, regulate the flow of gastric juice, stimulate tb.e muscles of the digestive organs to healthy action, and thus remove the root causes of digestive disorders. Ptileans always act mildly, never cause griping, are suitable for the most delicate constitution and do not create the pill -taking habit. • For full list of what they care see paragraph below, NOIT hes First Great tuft, Citron d'Ache, tile tamoue French earleaturiste gives this account Of - his first carleature, One day Willie ser- ving in the army as a young man he called on M. Detaille,.the famous mill- tary painter. "Detaille:' he says, "re - -caved, me kindly and advised Me to go on. But before I give you a definite decielon go back to barracks and drew me SOMetaillg fresh," said he, !and bring it to, me next week, and I will give you an opinion," Caron &Ache went back to barracks and attenipted to draw the regimental scullion. Im- possible"As long as the Idiot stood there looking at me -with his mouth wide 'open I. 'e,ould make nothing of him, so, with absolute Injustice, I gave him two days cells' for being such a fool and gave It up. Next day on a piece of writing paper I drew' my scultion from memoryer And so Caren d'Ache's first great .carIcature was made, . A British Illtuoder. There .is au old story of the foreign office in connection with the small French colony a Chandernagore. This tiny possession is situated on the Hooghly, twenty-one miles from Cal- cutta, It extends two miles along the river and one and a half miles inland from it During our wars -with France the settlementVas taken and added to our dependency, but when terms of peace were arranged. our minister of foreign affairs, in total ignorance of its position and of the importance of its retention, agreed to its being re-. stored to France. It turned out tbat he thought it was a small island in the West Indies and of no come- esaancel-eWestminster Gazette, , Cinderella of the canary Wanda* Hierroe can hardly be called, al- though nominally entitled, one of the "fortunate isles." It is the Cinderella, of the Canary group, and in its south- westerly isolation may beneald to live on fog.. But for the mists that drench its shores the little island would die of thirst, and no vegetables could be sent to market. Its western promontory, Debits, once enjoyed celebrity as the spot through which was drawn the first universal meridian. Dlessinss of Work. • Thank God every morning when you get up that you have something to do that day which must be done, whe you like it or not. Being forced work and forced to do your best will breed in you temperance, self control, diligence, strength of will, content and a hundred virtues which the idle Will never know. er reneineelif Education. Nothing will stand you in better stead in the hard, cold, practical, every- day world than a good, sound business education. You will find that your suc- cess in trade, occupation or profession will depend as much on your general knowledge of me f and affairs as on 1 your technical training. More Important. Nell—May doesn't seem so quick to deny her age now as she used to be. Bell—No. She's got very stout lately. Nell—What has that got to' do with it? Bell—It takes all her time now to deny her. weight. Easy eenonch. Insurance Superintendent (suspicious- ly)--Elow did your husband happen to die so soon after getting leisured for a large ,aneounti Widow—He worked • himself to death trying to pay the pre- miums. - They. Come In Flocks. One way to gain lots of relatives is to die rich and leave no will.—Balta Tore Sun. atesausureaseismonsamme Woo Phosphaelias, . zee G' -'eat English. Bernedr, Tones and invigorates the whole Ile/TOM eyeeem, reakee new 'tied in old Veins. Cures ous Debility, Mental caul Brain. Worm, Des- pondency, Sexual Weakness, EmisFrions, Sper- matorriusa, anti Afacts qf Abuse Or Excesses. Price $1 per box, six for f5. One will plea:10,11Z will cure. Sold by all druggists or -mailed In plain pkg. on receipt of price. New panyholael mailedfree. TheWood Medicine Co. (formerly Windsor) Terontoi Ont. BER •Yiskyc AT THE TOP Burdock Blood Bitters holds a, positioa unrivalled by any otlies blood medicine ZS a cure for DYSPEPSIA, 13ILIOUSNESS„ CONSTIPA.TION, HEADACHE SALT RHEUM, SCROPMeet HEARTBURN, SOUR STOMACH, DIZZINESS, DROPSY1 RHEUMATISM, BOILS,. PIMPLES, RINGWORM, or any dismal alleitio' from a disordered state of St6mabele, Liver, Bowels or Blood. Wi you require a good blood medieine ge BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS,' TELEGfik. Offers you la tangible opportun. it's to better yourself. If you desire lo engage in more pleas- ant, interesting, better pain work, this is your chance. Affle- ly advertieement, it to ue, and receive free our handsome telegraph book, The Highway to Success B. W. &mere, Principal Dominion &hoe,/ of raphy &Railroad' 10 ADELAIDE STREET 'TORONTO =semasastampqWS.SYSiirssmft Lualberm)N3's .Fr‘enct All travellers, and those en. gaged in outdoor work, sho. always have a bottle of Hirst's Pa n Extermtnator aiThand. It is the most powerful liniment inanufac- tared and gives thstant retie in cases of Wrenches, Bruises and Sprains. It also cures Strains, ilitesunatism, Neuraigia aandalaildlekalinedrrse.d troubles. 25c. Try &Vs Little liver Pills for indigestion and dyspepsia, Ask your dealer or send us 25c. direct. A handsome uvenir card free. E F. F. DALLEY CO., Limited Hamilton, Ont. ENEFITth THE. CIVILIZED WORLD fitientr=eftaftssst,Ar..ssass.-- ".9011,1•12741,18SMONOCINgspErsIsstrmsfrrAessxismarffirom XPLORERS have found that the healthiest races of the world at the time of their discovery used roots and herbs as medi- cines. Christopher Columbus would have died when he discovered Jamaica but for the herbal medicines the natives brouht him. When Captain. Cook discovered Australia, various roots tieed horhe 'eae n.;ed as medicines by the natives. So effecu- *lye Were they that he wrote :,--" did not observe (amongst the natives) any appesrenee of disease, or eruption or bodily complaint. .Very 01€1 men, With011t hair and teeth, showed no sign of decrepitude and were full of vivacity." Now, if vegetable remedies are thus , powerful when ta,ken orude -form, how much more so must they Ile when concentrated and purified as ill Bileaus ? Bileans, the great - Australian Herbal .Remedy, are compounded from the finest medielnal roots and herbs yet known, and everywhere where they have been.introduced have rapidly displaced the old4ashioned and often. harmful liver and sconvIch medicines containing various mineral poisons. Bileans cure Constipation, Indigestion, Piles, Headache, Debility, and all liver and stomach ailments. (ee paragraph below.) Bileans are so compounded that, they operate directly upon the liver and stomach., Most medicines taken for ----say, Com patio; cause , less violent, clearing the intestines out for the time being, but leaving the cause of the (onstipation untouched. " When Bileans are taken for constipation, they do not merely purge but they act; epon the liver, regulating and correctin8 its bile secretion. Bile A LiT purging mor the fermenting food. To do that is to give relief certainly, but ft is no cure. Bileans tone up the secreting glands of the. A FREE BOX. To enable you to test Bileans at our expense we will send you it free sample box Out out this coupon and mail it to Bilean 00,, Toronto, with one nent st.trop (to pay return postage) and full name ani addreatt„ THE HURON EXPO !TOR SEAFORTII, ONT. November 2nd, 1906 4E6,13L, Testimony from People You,May Know. Mra, T. Beek, 19 Cornwall St., Toronto, says : -"For nearly twa yearn 1 was troub. led with biliousness and gas around the hesrb. Sometimes1 had such a mother ng sensation as If I was going to die. One day, when I had it bad attack, 8ileans Nrere re- commended to roe and I tried them thoroughly. They gave me it speedy rdlierand ef- fected a cure. I think they are a splendid remedy." Mrs. f. Whitaeld, of Swan Lake, Manitobs, says 'Means havo done ma a war. derful amount of got d. I can he.rdly describe llovv bad I felt befOre I took them, I could not eat but. that it oatt-4ed pain. The0 waa a eorittnt sensation of tiglitneee in my side, and my livcr was entirely out of order. I could ne,t sleep at nights, 'offend also from kidney treub14, and was altogether in a rundown end very serious condition. I had been ailing in this way for years, wad it is gratifying to fiad that Bileasa were equal to my case," • Mrs. J. H. Thompson, of Cleveland Park, asp] :--" For irrgrIarities and piinful periods, I can highly recommend Bileans. They pr..tv(d it great eleseing to me and re- stored me when I had become very ill and despondent," Mrs. Wm. Hall, of Dean Lake, nye :—"I have proved Bileana e y gaol for masa- pation, from which I suffered it great deal. They cured trv." What Bileans Cure. Bffeans cute adigettion, nstipat.on, Plif Bilionsnes,to, Liver Complaint-, Readache, Debility, Anemia, Female Ailments, Dizz:nesa, Wicd, pains in the ehett and batwc+ n the kshouldeo , Blood Tut. puticies, Pale Blood -le • 'ompit xion, Palpitat'on, 81eepleesnest , Heat I. / and all ailments arising out of-fiefeetive bile fl w and assimilation. They ai e also ttieittl fo Ltheurnatiere. Fle4,41,03, etc.,and, by tionink up the system, enabl ; t , to throw cif Colds, Chdis, Etc. Bileang are obtainable fromall druggists at 50e a box. Post free from the Bilean Colborne St, roionto, upon receipt of price. Six boxes for $2 50. Dr. end Alsi Wato.tio tr4Z.V00- Am Aare **talon.' underst stook ee a bettei priees, faction ar-ders or at Li be ,pro. J, En, to,1 FARM PflO _ 'tee