The Huron Expositor, 1906-11-02, Page 3OR SALE. 7 ouge in Feamondvilte- :o ith cellar anti mai Lea 4, East side London Will be saki eheap. apply or to J. L. NILLOR, 2027-4 ;nal will rent. his farm at , frond tenant for a terraofe aisleo iOaeras of good Itivation and in good eau id particulars apaly at Once ,t'ph I. O. 10814 --- TMEMTS. — I can lend aj quarter seetiene of 16a IV per annum. Only arse :e security elven. Toereme From $300 up can be teat . 00 to aaelen- For further J. A. JACKSON, rria. 193 the East Half of Lot eseeinle of Tuelterstnith, eau - all cleared and irt a good ere L. on the pirtyaliSe8„ ft.) and a comfortable -- ad orchard of winter fruit iv to JOHN wHam/AN* :ewes toble e houee in Eg- ae acres of lend, cellar and, , :..ea.atainse beef room, par-. /.hen downstairs and WO upstaita. Thore is pleat,' The property iselose to both* 4.4.. gold cheap. Apply ea. pae, Kg, &afotth P. 0. ,Vite suletaribar offers for sale a, Nana lot 31, 3rel eonces. ith. Ail cleared rine ander k 7, all lett is acres in grave. [ hay barn and other out. aood water, sehoolhonse thin six MileTilI bas of amparat wed on easy terms, lietoa P. 0. 2060-xetf For axle, a story -and -a - LY jkla outside the eorpor- aere nine rooms and wood nueetion, also hard mai soft rare are la acres of land, witit k of the best varietiee, also and hen house for about ea, reaently painted and esp. eendition and would be aired fanner, For further J. J. HUGILL, or to, LL.Seaforth P. O. 2011x20 esslon 11„ erea, of balance Condition, kbanStx the other 50 X , frame balm, three good pingat Mee, rear of the lot,. 'rd- The ploughing is all. [. • t, It ie within twa Ikge f !Unseal and within se. Apply on the premiees. heel E 0. 1087-tf saie; Lot 24, Conemsion, IO�acres. laineby acres are - le of cultivatiott ; there are al bosh. The farm is all ral fenced. There is a, two- aate roof, a. first-class fame SOft., cement silo, pia pen. re Lae never -failing welat, d email fruit. This excellent Brucefield and five mile gravel roads. For further .?eeraises or addrese ALBFAZ 19484f ten aerea, Lot 3, Concession namith, Huron County, air 15 acres of bush. Frame ers, land and bush the best. aonceesion 4, Tuckersmith, er, Payffeld river erossing it. a bank. barn, brick house,. , e pig and hen house, young- eleame Shade trees, welle, uildings are new and up -to 'est eonpition. A good lo- ath on o. god road. These, together or separately. If reared for rent. Apply to. liille r. 0., Ont. 1906-tf ,LE. --For eale cheap and on e. Concesmora 4, MeKitiop. Tee, all cleared and in fine lire seeded to grass, six or 'die rest all ploughed and 'Mere is a. fine Bening for- = to the building, a good 'rne. one with aood stabling- :eble and implement home, a within a mile and a ear If net sold. will la leased )11,* to the undersigned, lam ERT GOVENLOtiti. 1991-bf ca sale, Lot a Coneession /4T O rkeres. The farm is al, te of eilltivation, Tt ei weir 5 There is a large two -storey- ed and kitehen. There is s erneiler learns and &Mug - els. There are two never rit, which make it an excel - or !rapping. There is alma This excellent llarlod 13. G., four mile alt purchaser as the urea - ie farm and, if not wild. it :he farm nf the late Jahn eaars &prey on the prendsea r, MRS. JOHN MILLS. 2014xtf sale, Lot 24. Conceesion in;IPO aeres. There are 85 - nee ie good hardwood trelerdmined and well fene- aeinises, a tAvo-stone frame -inn and teood cellar. The, laton. There is aLeo a good lite of good water hoth at a good spring creek runs n. Th ie farm is in first- ti.e best in the toweiship. ce from the village of Balm- rinton: Will 'be sold On a ;vane west. For fur. premises or address, GILIIOUR. 2019x4tf u4rrgn. *- tLt most desirable prop- ; auession 1, Township of There are. on the prem. x 14, :rah kitehen attach- e ; a large bare% hare, eaPere underneath ; one x and other useful aaa•ral, both in front eeeel leeli for grill E1 ..h +! ate. of cultivation', tee that Ow propriet:. eole flay eare, beina nere :n the tewnship. Ile:tr 1,011 01(1E01 and ..f efeel market. For SUTHEIthANDe f IsZ:;171i1V..; toe eontainina ef eaul. part of the ,.site the reere- beading. There ie a _ , earel hard waten e drain all round it, aamit 17 thothand ae_Ln 1,5, bonalit separate - t a number ef loads of build afetitehe alerty win b wed ✓ the Ilaylk.id and wonid liko r .10.1y tlysiring- .1E 'di partietilar-i front 1, 1. 1.1711-E, :57111N.4tf ••1•7/2- : Lot A. 14, ( 'orv.eion 1. I, Hang.; lload Survc:4 40,•-• ..t Huron, vontain- . of the thrly. b niarkets in Wes-- :Lvt, ardtd th,2, 5-5. The farin5 tun- years and .,,r •...ft:::k•ral farming. (1v,-Npfax !loose ▪ A A air fitrnaeo— .1, 7! ain • eretuels with r h. deee - orchard --' eat north etre Od ;an • oi iiantwoodinpla ir.i with spritr.; ereek .r rr 1.voill:1 divide pro- t.',,,inty of Huron. I, 4. Lot 2 C°1'4" ; Teat:ea-ankh, rontltaiblaa ieneal and thoroughly :irlitfe$1, and, havingbeen isadinittedly, one in the townsbiP- E Ye,14P with kit -Chen and eatern and other mod- aaei bank baraft There isa. good. 5:W orebard of wCII ile- two ncver fAiIhU wag, the other at the been, v eituated, beim, thrae ee. Ileneall and one aleraa where there are aet offiee and blacksmith :9 /eeor health, it will be alien one half of the per- neoeseary, may remain Ork ate of interest. For fur - ;be preinace or to ROBERT' ,O. aaaat 'er y Saved. -----eeieeeeesessee, PRE AON Expokirox t= The systematic saving of ethinf each week -seven '$2. wi lon. a few years enable yott to take a course at college, uy a home, take a trip abroad get almost anything ergb you a,y wish for. Commence to save to -day. $1.00 opens an account. interest paid 4 times a year in P Sovereign Bank of Canada Hensel., Brucefield. a , Groups and dren's Photos 7 Are x SpeCialty with us. We do the kind ef work you ail be pleased with. We be.VO exceptional facilities icr mak. jag family group% and child reci's plaotore Coale in ttili Sell as. Picture Famine and Motildine. OKSQN BROS, Seaforth.' _ Established 1879 ing Cough, Croup, Bronchitis gh Grip, Asthma, Diphtheria is a born to Asthmatics tenth not steel more effective to breathe in a emedy to mire disease of, the breathing organs to take the remedy intathe stomach? It cures because the air tendered stronglyanti- pdc is carried over the diseased surface With amy bremie, giving prolonged and constant tieat- meet. It es Invaluable to mothers with email ehildren. ' Those of atonsumptive tendency find immediate relief from coaghs or in- flated Cen,dittans of th exoat. Sold by druggists. Send_ postal for booklet. taltstnIG, Mears Co., Limited, Agents, Mont- real, Canada. 307 FRUIT-A.TIVES are the finest medicine. in the world for women. As a_mild and gentle laxative—as a raositiveand speedy cure for Constipation and Biliousness—as the only cure for weak and irritated kidneys and espe- cially for " that pain in the back "—as a positive cure for headaches -Land as a general tonic to build up and invigorate the 'whole sydtere PRUIT-A-TIVBS stand supreme. In cases of irritated Ovaries, Ovarian Pains, Vaginal Catarrh, ''xcessive and Scanty Menstruation, Ulcerations Bear- ing DowPains—and all those tk u ubles peculiar to women— OR "PRIM Liv ER Talons e have the most remarkable effect. Ninety-nine cases out of a hundred of Female Troubles are due to neglect. Bowels become constipated — kidneys irregular — skin neglected — and the poisons of the body, which should be . carriedoff LI., these unportant organs, are taken up by the blood carried to the female org-ans., and poison thea, thus starting up tt train of fefale troubles. FRUIT-A-TIVES- are made from fruits and by their remarkable action on bowels, kidneys and skin, rid the system of poisons, purify the blood, and restore the delicate organs of generation to new vigor and health. No woman, who suffers, should ever be without them. 500. a box -6 for $2.50, at your druggist's or sent postpaid by FRUIT-A-TIVES LIMITED - OTTAWA. " High Grade" Training pays, and that is the kind the famcdus . BLLIOTT AcKillop, Directory for 1906 OP*. ii0EISI L GOVENLOCK, Reeve, Vesothrop P. 0. M. RGWLAND. Councillor, Walton P. A r.zthiQUAID, Councillor, St. Colum- -: liars 'P. 0. ORM 0ounoillor, Sea- feroh P. O. E. BYERMAN, Councillor, Brodhag- en P. 0. MICHAEL MURDIE. Clerk, Winth- rop P. O. G. R. HOLEAND, Treasarer, Beech.- ood P. 0. SOLOMON S. SHANNON. j. P., San- itary Inspector, Winthrop P. 0. aors Cotton Root Compound: The great Uterine Tonic, and only safe effectual Monthly Reguiatoron whicb.women can depend. Soldfn three degrees of strength—No. 1, 41; No. 2, 10 degrees stronger 43; No. 3, for special cases, 5 per box. Sold by all drugxsts, or sent repaid on reoe pt, of price. ce pamphlet., .Address: Tee Z0OK MEDIOINI CO.,Tancties ONT. (forma -hi -Windsor) Try -the New Store Where they don't trifle lx;itli other people's bu:lines=, but pay strict' attention to the wants of everybody's, needs in th6 line of tresh, Cured and Cooked Keats _Bologna 'and Siloam, Gro - /mks, Fruits and -Vegetables, 4111. st right prices. - fitly our 427c Tea. ••••=. KRUSE BROS. SEAFORTH, The originators of low prices in meats Phone 96 -Commercial BloA. Opposite the Post Office, CRESOLENE ANTISEPTIC—TABLETS A simple and effective remedy for SORE THROATS AND COUGHS They combine the germicidal value of Cresolene adth the soothing properties of slippery elm and lico- alee. Your druggist or from us, 10c in stamps'. Leansata„ MLLES CO., Limited, Agents, Montreal. eca Wingham Business College a a high grade' eernmeroie/ &hoot Three Couples : 'Commercial - Stenography • Telegraphy Write GEORGE SPOTTON, Prin JOHN BETTE Late Division Court Clerk, has o. number of prop ertiee for sale or to rent, among which is a good building lot, the South. East Half of Town Lot No. 46, East Ward, in George Spartinges Survey, Seaforth, which will bs said on reasonable terms. Insurances effeeted, debts militated and loans made on satisfact- ery security at reasonable rates. Call and see me and be convinced. Late Division Court Office; Sea - forth. 2018:tf — — Money to Loan. To loan on first mortgage on farm property. A- bout a2,000 private money. Apply at THE EXPOSITOR OFFICE, 2026-tf. ASeaforth, Ontario. TORONTO, ONT: Gives its students. Recent students have taken positions at salaries from $50 per taonth to $1,000 per annum.- It is a web known fact tin& our school is the best of its kind in Canada. This month is a aelendid time to enter. All gradu. vacs get positions. T he demand is nearly twen- ty times the supply. Write to -day for Inagua ticenteatal °gum. W. J. ELLIOTT; Principal Cor. Yonge- and Alexander Sts. 2.022etf amemeameeeme.....1 1 Now Open Fall Term In The • Certral Business College Toronto. Enter auy Mme. Twenty teachers, 120 eype- writing machines. Tinexcellea facilities for as- sisting graduates to positions. Write for new calendar. W. H. SHAW, Principal • Yonge and Gerrard 'streets, Torouto. 2018-26 1 The Berlin Business College. Write for catalog of the school that places more students in posi- tions than any similar school iu Western Ontario, A11 Graduates get os!tion. Enter at any time. THE BERLIN BUSINESS COLLEGE, W, D. EULER, Preucipal. 2018 WOVEN TO SHAPE NO ROUGH SEAMS If you knew it was going to rip • you wouldn't buy the kind of under- wear that gives out at the seams after you have worn it a couple of times, would you? Besides, seams are rough and chafe the skin. t rya sgosifor DISTRICT MATTERS. Hurehites ,ilt the !West.—A corms-, pondent from Killarney, Manitoba, writes as follows: "That part of Pembina, valley, which lies between Pelican and Lorne lakes twelve miles north of Killarney, is occupied. by' two ferns, . one owned by Geortei ,Thdrn9sin, and the olliter by his broth- er-inelaw, Dr. Moir, of Lenore, both formerly of Hensall, Ontario. Them/ are two of the finest farms in this part of the province, being very easily worked, ' eatirely free from stones and always sure of 'a - good crop in the dryest year. Mr. Tilt:m- oon has grown as high as 50 bush- els of wheat to the acre. and this fall he dug 500 bushels i:t pOtatoes. from one acre of land on his farm. Mr. Thome= came west five year% ago, and .already owns a section of land, his sown threshing outfit and 40 head of cattle. This fail he had 5,000 bushels of grain. Pelican Lake, which borders on his farm, is fast Li beco ing a favorite summer resort. Exc‘s ions were run to it from all part,of the provinceduring the laot months; while pic-nies were held in Mr. Thomson's grove almost - every second day for a *idle last sum- mer. The lake owarms with five to ten poundpike as also does the riv- e where -they may be speared by the sd�zen. IVtr. 'Thomson intends taking his family east for a visit this win. - ter. Dr, Moir has only recently pur- chased his farm and will probably stock it." . 0 Born.hcim. Notels.—Mr. (Wm. Murphy and M. A. Stapleton spent Sunday wtih -friends in this vicinity. Misses Geor- gina and Odelia Vietor spent a few days last week with friends in Preston.—Mrs. 'John Cameron, of Farquhar, returned horn° on Tuee- day after spending a week with her niece, Mrs. H. Hunkin.—Mr. David Hicks, of Ho•wick, visited friends in this vicinity last week—Mr. and Mrile Charles Coppin gave an At- home to a number of their friend on Monday. evening, • Cranbrook. Two of Our Boys—Dr. Thomas Mc- Rae, of this place, and Dr. James Wilson, of Atwood, are taking post graduate courses together at Chicago. We predict for them both a suc- cessful career In medicine. Dr. Mc- Rae ill a son of . the much respected Presbyterian , minister of this place and he will always be remembered here as a cradle foot 'ball player and all round good fellow as well as a successful student. He spent a year. as !house surglym in St. Miehael's hospital In Torontc«. since gradua- tion, the experience of which will Prove of immense advaatage to him in his future work. He id now taking special courses in eye, ear, throat and nose work. Dr. Wilson is a workee and the word failure is not in his vocabtilary. This locality has reason to be proud of these young' men and we have every confidence that their professional training and honorable cenduct -will bring them the success they deservearsyre • un- derstand the ch !: Dr. Wilson has 'pur- chased the p actise of Dr. Buchanan, of Zurich, and that Dr. McRae is go- ing into partnership with Dr. Gunn, of Clinton, in his hospital work and general practise. — Piles quicklY "and /positively , cured with Dr. Shop's- Mttgic Ointrnente It's 'made for Iles alone—and ft deem tpi•Nwork Ourely and with satisfac- tion. Itching, fat Mufti, eirotruding or blind piles dieeppear like magic 13S its use. Large, Nickel Capped glass jars, 50 c'ents: Sold and vseenun'en47 ed by a memart, arliggiRtf &Pei forth. ' For _the Children To succeed these days you must have plenty of grit, cour- age, strength. How is it with the children? Are they thin pale, delicate? Do not forge 4Yer's Sarsaparilla. You know it makes the blood pure and rich, and builds up the general health in every way. alal:sealgW:PSTITIPUTITIOTV'ZI'cf 761,31_ firstat;:gT.ailtnARyveggettlitnsiitlig,:coaattia. I rade by X. 0. Ayer Co., Lowell, MM. 41s0 mauu(heturere of ertiAiR w00% AGUP. CURE. CHERRY PECTORAL. We have no nocrete We publish the formulae of all our modiaineo. astacTheueasee !skunk 1 snipe, 3 felines, 2 hawks, and 1 partridge. Mr. O'Brien's side lost, and had to pay for the supper served at the Commercial hotel. The fol- lowing is the score by points: W. H. Hoffman, captain, 175; Chas Fritz, 200; Ed. Appel, 125; Wm. Schenck, 145 ; H. &babe, 280; John Trust/mere 150; M. Rennie, 10; Jacob Deichert, 75; T. Wnrin, 10; total, 1,270. Win. ()Trion, captain,. 50, 3. P. Rau, 50, Chao. Greb, 50; P. Sipple, 100; M. Meidinger, 240-; Geo. Hess, 96.; J. F. eReekbeil, $0; R. Williams, 0; John. Deichest, ; -Total, 636. To Cure a Cold in One Day Take LAXATIVE BROM° Quinine Ta.bIets. Druggists refund money if it fails to cure. E. W. GROVE'S signature is on each box, 25c. Morns The Council.—At the last meeting of Morris council Mr. John Hopper re- quested that side line between lots 6 and 6, concession. 3, be cleaned! and . put into a proper state- of repair, On motion of Kelly and McCutcheon,coun- cillor Campbell was instructed to at- tend to the matter. The Court of Revision on the Ellison drain by- law was opened, but as no appea1e4 were entered, it WaS moved by Mr. Campbell and secorided by Mr. Youill that the by-law known as the Ell- ison drain by-law as now read, be finally passed. A petition was pre- sented, signed by Mr. Thos. Bielby and 116 others, asking that a local option bytilaw• be submitted to the electors, at the Municipal election to be held in January next. Moved by Mr. Campbell and seconded by Mr. MoCutcheon, that as the said petit- ion did not contain the signatures of 25 per cent. of the Municipal . electors the council take no action. Carried; Movetl by Mr. Kelly and seconded by Mr. Youill that _ the council proceed to ask for tenders for the construct- ion *of the proposed Kelly drain. Car- ried. On motion of Kelly and Mc- Cutcheon, the reeve and treasurer were instructed to borrow $250 to Meet current expenses. A number of accounts wee ordered to be paid and the council adjourned until 'Nov- ember the 19th; • Chapped Hands. -Wash your hands with warm water, dry with a towel, and applk Chamber-, lain's Salve just before going to bed, an a speedy cure. is certain. This salve is also unequalled for skin - dis- ea,ses, per gag by pal (ironies. Morrt..tilhiga,' 3 11 The 01c:telt Days. turich. . Istoies.-41f, 'iiim. klopii and family have removed tti Otratford where they ' will make thei)t. home in future.—It posed of his medical practise here to Dr. Wilson. Dr. Buehanan has been praetising here for nearly thirty years and has been remarkably successful and he has Well earned the rest which retirement from so large a practise as he has so long enjoyed, will afford him. Dr. Wilson is a young" man, a native of this cdunty who has signally distinguished him- self as a studeot and is vvell up in his profession and will, no . doubt, well fill the place which has been se s)rccessfully filled by his predecessor • for so long.—Miss Maggie Rupp, the .daughter of Mr. and Mrs.; Henry, Rupp, of this village, was obrried to 1 Mr. John Taylor, formerly of Hens ' sall, • in Lansing, Michigan, on the, 23rd of . October.—The Jubilee band have sent their instruments to Ham- ilton to be overhaulecr and' repaired ; and no doubt when they get therm ! back they will give us better music ' than ever.—The Young People's Asso- ciation of this 'village, who are do- ing a splendid wairk, held their monthly meeting on Tuesday evening last. The literary committee are having papers prepared dealing.. with the life and labors of Bishop Seibert, the first Bishop of the Eva ngelical church, to be 'read at the meetings.. ' —Mr. Samuel Miller, eldest son of Mrs. Sara,h Miller, of this village died at his home in Sebewaning,Mich- igen, on the 21st of October. He leaves a widow and several of a fame ily.—Mr. C. Schwartzentruber, of the - Bronson line, recently pulled a man - gold which weighed 28 pounds.—Miss Lizzie Truemner, of Detroitvisited at her home here last week.—Mr. Jno. °Gasho hag leased the forth of Mr. .Alet drew Johnson on the Bronson line.— Mr. . C. Doan, V. S., has sold -his rest lace -to Mr. Chaeles Walper for . $90 Mr. and Mrs. Doan intend • ree mo ing to -Winnipeg where two of the r daughters reside.—The many frie ds of Rev. Father Stroeder will be pleased to learn that he has near- ly recovered from his recent severe illness.—Mr. John Preter made ay , shipment of five tons of Dutch Set ! onions from here last week.—In the Evangelical church last Sunday evening the pastor, Rey. Mr. Gisch- ' leis delivered a most able and use-, 1 ful sermon, taking as his sobjec4 "Phe Sabbath and how to keep it holy." — An interesting shooting match was held here on Thnkagiving Day. The • Herald says: Sides were chosen. and all scattered about in the woods. .They had to be back in the - village by six o'clock in the eviening, and each member had to have the game be shot in his posses- sion. The game was rated aecord- ing to its searaity or difficulty to shoot, a moil counting 100 pOirits, a rabbit 50 points, an so on. The game brought in by both sides was as follows: 2 coons, 17 rabbits, 6 black squiivels, 14 red squirrels, 1 UNSRINKABLE UNDERIN Is what they. call "Full Fashioned.' The machine and narrows the piece as it Makes it and builds the garment to the limbs. Even the ends are made right on.the garment and not sewed on. Notsewed on the sew- ing mach ine, there are no irritating seams. InalA, upon seeing this trade mark. If Ceetee not ail WO 01:11111 take it. 1,.R .itua ht yoUr drare it • la Ali tattling ti kit era baive it. Litqg FD .144. 4 C TUMIEV LLT. yj • widens e I 34:,..vositamv..maimmira.vag, GOO AS GOLD. A Company with a Record. The "London Life " has been conducting its business for over 30 years in a quiet, unostentati ous manner, but with the greatest satis- faction to its policy hoi ders. For over 20 years w itla profit policies have been issued, upon which the results are an excelled. ESTIMATES of profits on rates now in force have been FULLY RE LLIZED. W. H. ROBINSON, Inspector Seaforth. /11 • Is stated that r. Buchanan has die- s eres ng s e ar y i . days of Seaforth and vicinity, - tairee from the files of The Ex- positor. 1 ' Seem MU.; Seaforth, April .11th, 1873. The ,quadrille assemblies, which' have been held in the town hall dur- ing the winter season, will be termin- ated on Friday evenipg rnext, by a calico ball. A lad named McDonald had a nar- row escape from serious injury at 'the flax mill, the other day. He was throwing a belt from a revolv- ing wheel, when his feet, slipped and he fell beneath the wheel. Fortun- ately he escaped with a few bruises. • If the lack of house accommodation In a village or town be an indication of the prosperity of a place, Sea - forth must be prosperous indeed. It Is impossible to rent a decent how* at anything like a reasonable sum. Mr. Robert Hays hassold his farm on the 2nd eoncession of Mckillop, to his brother Thomas, for $3,800. This farm contains 100 acres and is two Miles from Seaforth. Mr. Charles Carter has gold his farm on the Huron road, Tucker - smith, to a Mr. Gallinger, from near London, for $2,560. The farm con- tains 50 acres. Mr. Cameron, on the Mill road, in Tuckersmith, commenced to plow on the 10th inat. This is the first WO have heard of this season. - On Saturday last the springfresh- et carried away the large bridge on the boundary of Hibbert and Us - borne. Two bridges -en the 4th and 5th concessions, Usborne, and the large bridge on the Thames road were also carried away, and Pickard's mill dam was destroyed. Seaforth,' April 18th, 1873. Dr. Campbell has purchaaed the res- idence, near the market, at present occupied 'by Mr. Armitage, from Mr. John Dickson, for $1,100. , On and after Sunday next the, ser- vices in comaection with. St. Thomas church will be held in the town hall, while improvements are being made in the church. ' , Adeoreftlz lto the last return the: revenue at Seaforth post office for last year was $2,609.18. The sidary, • including allowance a for for ward - 1 ing. rent and fuel, was $980. -While- tying up the cows tb.e other 'night, Mr. James Messer, of Blue - vale, was hooked in the lip by one of the animals _ Dr. Scott dressed the wound. • Seaforth, April 25th, 1873. Mrs. Campbell, 7th concession Mc- Killop, aged between 70 and 80 years , met with a painful accident in San - forth on Wednesday last. She was climbing on to a load' of lumber on . Which she was going te get a ride. home, when the horses started. Her foot caught in the wheel and before the horses, could be stopped, her right leg was fractured a little above OS ankle. eeeetieteenteieeeteateeree-e_____e_. e.., .A pad accident occurred at Clinton station to a young man named Wm. H. Lowe, at present on- a -visit here from British Columbia. He was standing on the platform. of the train at Clinton when it started and he fell beneath the back wheels of .the car, which' passed over his arms. It was found necessary to amputate both arms, one at the elbow and the other at the wrist. Mr. John Beattie,of Seaforth, purchased the Sparling farm on the 2nd concession of Mcl-Cillop, The farm contains 100 acres and the price' paid was, $4,400. Seaforth, May 2nd, 1873. A new frame building is being er- ected on the corner opposite the bank to be used as an office for the Do - Telegraph Company. Mr. EV811113 has sold his' cottage and lot on the corner of John and Jarvis streets, ,recently occupied by Mr. S. Johnson, to Mr. Peters for $1,225. On Saturday last as Mr. John Mar- tin, of the Seaforth 'novelty works, was working at a circular saw, he got his hand badly lacerated by it. At the millet:ice of Mr. James Laid- law, Seaforth, on May 6, Mr.' James A, Cline and Miss Catharine T. Laid- law were united in marriage by Rev. T. Goldsmith. Mr. Thomas Poster has rurchased the Seaforth foundry 'property, pay- ing. therefor $2,600. The change of guage -in the Buf- falo and Lake Huron branch of the Grant Trunk, between Seaforth and Stratford was effected on Sunday last, and the ftrst narrow gua,ge car passed over the road on Sunday afternoon. • The Messrs. Carter, of this village have commenced the erection of a large salt block. A terrible tragedy was enacted in Grey township, on Thursday, ist inst., when the wife of Joseph Rid- ley, of the 3rd concession, drowned her three children la the river, while temporarily insane. She took the youngest child, then called at the school and getting the other two took them down to the river and drowned them. Preventice, as the name implies, prevents all Colds and Grippe when " taken at the sneeze -stage." Preventics are (*toothsome candy tablets. Preventics dissipate all colds quickly, and taken early, when you first feel that s cold is •corning,they check and prevent them. Preventics are thoroughly safe for childrersahd as effectual for adults: ''Sold and o - commended In 5 cent end 26 cefit boxes by C. Aberhart, druggist, • Sea - forth. * —It is said that some officials In the Kingston penitentiary have been putting • up a job on the farmers who use penitentiary made twine. The binder twine balls are made less than' the legal weight, • and prior to shipment the deficiency is made up by soaking the twine in oil till the proper weight is reached. The oil wets half a cent • a ;pound, but the mixtore of oil ana twine sells for at least ten cents a pound. Thus Lor the addition of every sound ot oil to . a ball of twine, there is nine and one-half cents profit. —A meeting of tthe Dominion grain commission appointed by the 'Ot- tawa . Government to examine into conditions affecting the grain trade throughout Canada, was. held in Goderich last week, Mr. Hitler;' of indian Head, Saskatchewan, chairman of the commission made the remark that the Gederich elevator is talked of everywhere. On account of its Unialla construction, and its fireproof %septic% which he believed could not be improved upon, milletrs are anxibus to deal with this elevator as 'they realize that in doing so they lire not liable to interruption in. Itheir business by the destruction of their grain in transit by a tire st 119 evator.. GOOD FAillt 6117 ttomB ANCIENT HEROES .A.ND A MODERN DISCOVERY. mom. *mop ...II AtOlenti Preece will always be re- membered or the fine types of man- hood supplied by the heroes of her battlefiads- and the athletes of her arenas. Still more will these heroes and athletes themselves be remem- bered for the custom they bequeathed to later ages of healing sore and in- jured places on their bodies by the ex-' tereal application of some secret balm or salve. The Greek charioteers did not emerge from their mad races with- out some severe bruise or gaping wound; and to anoint each injury carefully with their favorite balm was an indispensible part of the day's pro - !gramme. If we go back in hiatory— even to Bible times—we find that this esternal "rubbing" has prevailed all alohg the line, and the only explana- tion of its survival, amidst so many changes in science, seems to lie in the fact that the external use of salves and balms is dictated to us by nature' hersdf. Our own instincts tell us to rub a part that hurts; and in Zam- Buk the ideal substance to apply to an injured or diseased surface is univer- sally believed to have been found at last. Most of the ointments, embrocations and salves that have had to suffice in the past are of a coarthe consistescy,and contain quantities of mineral poisons, rancid animal fats, and turpentine. What healing properties they may pos- sess are generally counterbalanced by the grave danger of inflaming arid con- taminating the flesh. Zam-Buk is absolutely free from any such danger. It is a preparation compounded purely from herbal Juice, essences and ,extracts—a "skin -food," which regenerates old and diseased tissues just as foodrrebuilds and re- constructs the body. Zam-Buk also gives naturally Just that assistancil which Nature is asking for when pain swellings, eruptions, or inflammation icketrit Zalm-33uk tilla.ys all form e of irritation, expels disease, stops sunt puratiorestops festering and virtually "feeds" the skin, toning it' up in Nature's own way. Zam-(Buk should be in every home. It has a wide range of usefulness, but is especially recommended for cuts, bruises, burns, scalds, sprains, stiff- ness. swollen joints,bad leg, blind and bleedingpiles, running sores,eczema, ulcers, pimples, boils, rash, raw chap- ped hands, scalp irritation. sore headsi barber's rash, raw chin after shaving. sore throat and chest, sore and aching feet, chilblains, cold -sores, festering' sores, poisoned wounds, and other dis- eased,- injure.d, and inflamed or irri- tated conditions of the skin. Rubbed well into the parts affected, Zene-Buir gives great relief from neuralgia, toothache, sciatica, -lumbago, rheu-, =Vern, and chest and back mains. Ali druggists sell at 50 cents abet, or post free from the Zam-Buk Co., Toronto, on recelet of pries. Satisfaction or vour Monev Back" MSEROWELSONSIS:4..., Our Prog 'rand Overcoat U. MUST HAVE AN OVERCOAT That point is settled by the weather- man The point for YOU to settle is. WHERE. TO CET YOUR OVERCOAT ,and WHAT TO PAY FOR IT, Good judgment will tell you that the best place to buy is where the stock is largeit, for several reasons 1. A large store is always reliable, if it were ino never would have become large. 2 in a large stock the variety and choice is greater. 3. Stocks bought in large quantitieg are bought to bet. ter advantage, and, consequently P-44 be void decidedly -k cheaper, We Claim thQ Large!tocof Overcoats in Huron County Do not take otir wad for this, but call and see for your-. self. We can show you not a half a dozen coats in a size, Vat sco.res of •overcoats in every size. Men's and boys', in all the latest styles and patterns, including the very latest stripes and checks At Prices that Defy Co petition PROgREASA40 CLOTHING l'rogres 11 ( A) er coa are made side by side with Progress Brand Suits. The same gool mater- ial bought by the same expert buyers is made up into faultless garments by the same good workmen, and the same care is taken in every detail of the raanuficture. All we intend in this adsertieemet is to invite you to call and see our stock. The coats themselves and the fairness of the price will do :the rest. Leading Prices, men 7 5n . Siu, Leading p ces boys $2, $3,50, $5 See Our Men's $9,50 Black dle,i.on Velvet Collar ta1ian Linings TEWART ORO SEAFORT