The Huron Expositor, 1906-10-26, Page 3OCTOBER 26, 1.90 _ ail Ma y know how to earn but few have the knack of saying, &mall sums systematically &avid lay the foundation of future wealth and affluenee, e Creaji sp square C nourislullent. he food that and muse ea -4y digsted and * dy vilor ALL the f'ood &last Cana • a forin he appette. and crisp oof packag 1 end The Sovereign Bank of Canada Assists you to ieve successfully. il:seposits of from $1.00 and up - 'wards received. Interest paid 4 times a year. maw* es. nensall, Bruce dd. ork in this Sohojr it, in fact, go ahead yon had started at sith the times. Our (lame shOw this. We enrollment, for this the history of the like a copy of our The Highway to Sue. ',cement, mail it to be seat to you free. Prhzcfpaf eel of 1'e/ca- d/reading DE STREET 2NTO $.1 FOR SALE.. kick house in Egroondville, odes, with cellar and good: Lot No. 4, East side Landon Will be sold cheap. Apply - trifle., or to J. L. Eil.LOV‘ 20274 SALE. That most de os South Half of Lot. This 4 very choice fifty. pring that runs the year :fried to grass. It nill be For further padieulars. address Seaforth P. O. tit 20:17-tf., 'ale, North half of• Let • iri'dop, containing 80 acres.. :need. This farm is well ,ial has on it a never foilingarti oilers apply to •THOS. THOS. SDIPSON, Sr., Lot W25-tt - .ITU FOR SALE.—Lot 1, airting 4:: acres, good for - It is situated about 1+, - where there are two 1, store and post office. It On the far15 a ae, a good orchard and a horn. Applt to HENRY Eldon Road or to Hensel!" 9.fr2g-tf SALE.—For sale, Lot 20, containing 100 acres. 4th good Carter wire lone - id iron gates. It is well mo. eways been well cultivated and is, consequently in the. le. There are 10 acres or ,111e41, nearly all maple, a. rey and abaft, lately paint :vie up-to-date; soft and both house and barn, a- 'aiing three wells that as datill at the barn. Ther good stone foundation water- inside, good hen g' house. There a a goad 'fruit trees. This property cf.ality, convenient to gro- 1 school, a mile and a half !rout the prosperous village - ton Seaforth, good gravel the proprietor has acquir-• 1 demand immediate attea #d this property at a Ligr a first-class farm in so ell to investigate. For tile premises or addresa P 0. 1014-tf 5A.LE. U' :MOUT-HORN C. TTLV has for sale sev- ;. •ep and Durham Cattier toodoiiille 0., or apply onitio ROBERT CHAR- 1372-tf `‘.11,..a t horobred Short- igree, 23 months. F. be.41. from Vice Chan - ad, 'I'-rsmith. toile- S1ES PATERSON, Bruce- !, -Sotto fh•st-class young coni, for Fah' atinuileV- ; ;;‘,H1 youxu; (see Ewa 1 are cordially in F.Lre, ail,i4-ius town. long - rt rite for eatalog-tts. - 109:3-tf -- r,t sALE.--The under- ,#, 1. .t 7, Concession 8, I:liters and young' arnt..4- boll, 1 lierIcshite 1 ar.in;:d. The abo. rho National Stoek c- isiturs 103U-tf T. mot fentales of ; . t do::ta to select Le AV II KAM hy I H by UV! best glossy dark Terms I 'II applieation• 11V/1:all Oi 19564f , ot Lot :al, Conces- o•o! ;LI a term of year4. • " wply to • or to Llroeelield. i r owing order '1. • 211'2'2.tf r d S-hool Section. teaolier. Satary • of January, RV. .u. 202.5s* — ..* .1 :401;on No. fv.lit•t• h1,1,ung 1:* 5,, ru4t. Duties to cont. Idiom t %II.: received.11 ullk 's .!)TT ...Tr ea, 41 ternee tow* it male eaohor for Sehool !os. 1:7x1erionce51 tetwh- ir /1 referred. Du. • l'eromat aPPli• trots t,,# be whiressed to ....o,10 -r 1st. ROBF.RT S. .2(r.15x1 undersigned will E4mondville, '!ioar. This animal is bred ozte of the best. Term:- - returcong, if 5ecwalr- 302041 Vigorine The Great French Vitalizer role ATTER frotoptlY cures Debilit3r or Niecakness mita.* jug front indiscretions or excesses. Best and sure_st reinedy.kuovra for all diseases that follow as a sequence of abuses, Loss of Monitory. Pains in the Back, Dimness of Vision,. Premature old Age and many other diseases 'that lead to Phtsteal Weakness, Insanity and an earIY grave. Mailed to any address o4 re- ceiPt o PriCe. 50 cents, or five boxes for *2. TIIE RAY MEDICINE CO, Stratford, Oat* throughout United states and Canada to EN WANTED RyzaAntm mitts ' every lodaliti ' advertise our goods, tacking up show cards entrees, lances, bridges, and all conspicuous pieces ; die - ;long small advertising zuatter. Commissionor salatY a month and expenses WO a day. Steady employ - motto good reliable men. We Jae out your work for. yotif ilo experience needed. Writo Lr particulars. MEOW/N.4Z 00.. London, Ontario. Canada Ettaklished .t8/9 Whooping Coegh, Croup, Bronchitis Couth, Grip, Asthma, Diphtheria 'CreSolone is a boon to Asthmatics Does it not seem, more effective to breathe in -a Iremedy to eine disease of the breathing organs than to take the remedy into the !stomach7 h cures I --cause the air rendered strongly anti. septic 4 carried over the diseased surface with every breath, giving prolonged and constant treat- ment. it is invaluable to mothers with small 1 children. 1 Thoe-sof a consumptive relief from coughs or in - tendency find immediate 1 flamed conditions of the throat.-- - - Sold by druggists,. Scud pas cal for booklet. LNEMING, MILES Co., Limited, Agents, Mont- realCanada. 307 :atteaCillop Directory for 1906 VORai M. GOVENLOOS, Reeve, Weethrop P. O. M. ROWLAND, Councillor, Walton P. ea U. eteQUAID, Councillor, St. Colum - baa, P. 0. i3 OUN McDOWELE, Councillor, Sea- foreh P. 0. HTERMAle, Councillor, Brodhag- en'P. MICHAEL MURDIE, Clerk, Winth- ror• P. O. G. R. HOLUAND, Treasarer, Beeeb- wood P. a SOLOMON S. SHANNON, 3. P. San- itary inspector, Winthrop P. 0. *soles Canon Root Compount The great 'Uterine Tonic, and only safe effectual Monthly Regulator on which women can depend. Sold In three degrees of-strength—No. 1, f,t1;• NO. 2, 10 degrees stronger P; No. 3, t 5 for special cases, per box. Sold by all drug ts, or sent paid on receipt of price. ee pamphlet. Address: Tee 0001C11010INECO.,T0RONT0,0NT. (fornterlYWindeor) Trythe New Store. Where they doh% trifle with other people's bueinese but pay strict attention to the wants. of everybedy's needs in the line of /resit, Cured and Cooked Meats Bologna and Sausages, Gro. e eeriest Fruits and Vegetables, al2. at right prices, y our 21c Tea. 4.1..44•00 KRUSE BROS. SEAFORTH, The originators of low prices in. meats Phone 96 Oommereial Bloak. Oppoaite the Post Office. Winghanz Business College Is a high grade Cammercial School Three Courses Commercial Stenography - Telegraphy Write GEORGE SPOTTON, Prin JOHN BEATTIE Late Division Court Clerk, has a number of prop onties for sale or to rent, among which is a good building lot, the South East Half of Town Lot No. 45, East Ward, in George Sparling's Surrey, Seaforth, which will he saki on reasonable tenus. Insuranceli effeoted, debts collected and loans made on satisfaot- ,ory seourity at reasonable rates. Call and see me 'and be convinced. Late Division Court Office, Sen - 2 0184! •—* Money to Loan. To loan oa first mortgage on farm airoperby. A. 'bout $2,000 private money. Apply at ° THE EXPOSITOR OFFICE, 'eaforth, Ontario. 2026-tf, LIVE, Unarm " A R E PruitAatives are the marvels of modern medicine. TheylCve accomplishedmore actual cures—dbne More good to more ,people -.-than any other medicine ever Introduced in Canada for the time they have been ou sale. Fruit-atives are fruit juices. They are natures cureaor ' --CONSTIPATION —Brr.xotIsmgss •—BAD STOMACH ° —DYSPEPSIA. ADACHES ALPURE BLOOD P-SErtr DisuAsitS Xy Taptrsrm ---R.ETUumA'risza HIU.ST . Ikruitea-tivet are the juices of apples, oranges, figs and prunes. These juices are concentrated—and by a secret pro- cese, the juices are combined in a pe- culiar manner. This new combination is much more active medicinally than'. fresh juices—yet so perfect is the union that Pruit-a-tivee act -�n °Hsi system as if they were in truth a natural fruit, medicinally stronger than any other known fruit. To this combination of fruit juices, . tonics and internal antiseptics are added, and the whole made inte tablets. These are Pruit-a-tivel—sold where for 5oe a box or 6 roxes fc FRUIT41,-TIVES MUTED ImanTesormirl "High GradO Training pays, and that is the kind the tarmous . a ' a TORO TO, ONT. Gives its stude its. Recent students have taken positions 4 salaries from $50 per month to $1,000 per annunhi It is a well known fad that our sohool is the est of its kind ks Canada. This month is a splend d time to enter. All gradu- ates get positions The demand is nearly twen- ty times the supp y; Write today for =gni- flaenteatalogue. W. S. ELLIOTT, Principal Cor. Yonge and Alexander Sts. 2022-tt "wesszaweam 11•11111.111,111111111011111.11111111111111 No ,-_Open Fall Term In The Central Business College Toronto. Enter auy time. Twenty \teaohers, 120 type- writing machines. UnexcIled facilities for eas- sisting graduates to posit ons. Write for new " calendar. W. H. SHAW, Principal Yonge and Gerrard streeti, Torouto 2018-26 The Berlin Business College. Write for catalog of the school that places more students in posi- tions than any similar school in Western Ontario. All Graduetes get Positions. Enter at any time. TEM BERLIN BUSINESS COLLEGE, W, D. EULER, Principal. 2018 L2a61116 Ammerswommorzi., NO"HAND-MENDOWNS" AFirER THE FIRST WASHING. "The dealer said it wouldn't shrink and just look at it now. Well, I guess Johnny can wear it, That is what happens with com- m o n underwear. REIN LE UNDERWEAR isabsolutely guaranteed not to shrink, get out of shape or become hard in washing. Perspira- tion will not shrink it. It will retain all its good qualities until worn out. Insipt upon seeing this trade Mark. If Ceoteu i4 tot all we claim take . it hack and your dealerwill re. • pirige It. All <ZETEE .142,2 kive it. 'stME 064. leading dealers GulitIESULL CO LTD. GALT) CISIMDA. emeeefeeneseree e GOOD AS GOLD. A Company with Record. The London Life" has been conduct ng its busimess for over 30 years in a quiet, unostentati ous manner,, nt with the greatest satis- taction to its policy holders. For over 20 years with profit policies have been issued, upon which the results are unexc oiled. ESTIMATES of pro fits on rates now le force have been FULLY REALIZED. We R,OBINSON, inspeotor, Seaforth, - JL DISTRICT MATTERS. Preached in Winnipeg, The Winnla peg Free Press on Monday, October 16th, saya "Rev. Joseph Green, a superannuated Methotilet minister; of Clinton, Ont.', occupied the pulpit of -All People's mission church yester- day morning, an addressed the .Sun - ay school in the ' afternoon. He Is the guest of his nekthew, j. J. Hughes, 40 Maple street. He 'is re- turning East, after a visit -through the west, extending to British Col- Umbia cities) Vancouver and Victoria and to Seattle. He has also been; visiting hie nieces, Mrs. Rev. Wooton, a Indian Head, and Mrs. (Prof.) Jolliffe, o .Winnipeg." From the West.—Mr. 'James McCon- nell, of Filmore, Sask., Is in this vicinity, just now, visiting old friends. Mr. McConnell is the youngest son Of the late Wxn. McConnell, of (Tuck- ersmith, and tor years clerk and treasurer of that township. He lett home about 26 years ago, settling in Dakota, where he engaged in farm- ing. Two yeara. ago he sold out lin Dakota, and crossed the lines into Canadian territory, taking up land in the Filmore district, ab -one thirty miles from Regina. He has seeared good farm, and is well pleassci With the change. ' He. is a brother of Mrs. A. Modeland, of Tuditeremipi, tear ng- iivandville, and is making her home his head -quarters during his stay here. Another -old Tackersmith boy, Mr. George Sproat, son of the late George Sproat, and who was farming In Daketa, has also left the itheitering folds of the •Staer Spe,ngled Banner, and come to reside under the Union Jack, and has a farm near that of Mr. McConnell. ' —...._.„, e..... . The Late krs. Gray. -=A couple cit . weeks ago we made mention of the sad death of Mrs. Jas. A. Gray, at Elgin, Manitoba. The following fur- ther particulars are taken from the Manitoba papers. The Winnipeg Free Press says: "The sad death oc- curred on Sunday, September 30th, of Margaret Connor Murray, the beloved wire of James A. Gray. Mrs. Gray was born In Seaforth, Ont., and has a mother and sister living there at the present time. She also has a brother 'living at Brandon. De ceasedwar! ,38 years, eight months and 26 days" old at the time of heti death. Mrs. Gray had been 111 for three 'years, being a vietim of con- sumption, and the end came peacefully! on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Cray -O&M to Elgin seven years ago, where Mr. array) has during that time managed the Young Grain Co.'s elevator. De- ceased was well known and. a !great' favorite with everyone. The sym- pathy .of the whole of the Inhabitants of Elgin are with the bereaved hus- band." The Winnipeg Telegram says : "Sunday morning at an early hour m Al. J. A. Gray died, after sin ill- ness of three years' duration. The funeral was held Tuesday afternoon and an the business places in Elgin were closed for a couple of hours. The servibe wee conducted by Rev. J. S. Muldrew, of Souris. Many flow- ers testified the esteem in which he was held. A beautiful " broken col-, umn " was sent by the local Masonic lodge, of which Mr. Gray is a (mem- ber, also a floral eheaf from the grain • buyers and a wreath from the La,aies' Aid of Knox church. Mrs.Gray was born in Seaforth, Ont., in 1869, being 83 years, € months old at the time of her death. Her mother and slater are still living there. A brother, Mr. Geo.. Murray, resides in Brandon. Seven years ago she was married, when Mr. Gray took up his residence in, Elgin as a' grain buyer for Youngs Bro. Three years ago she developed consumption, and from that time she became weakened until the doctors gave up hope." • Preventics, as the mime implies, prevents ill Colds and Grippe when " taken at the sneeze -stage." . P Yenties are E toothsome candy t table4s. Preventics dissipate all colds quic ly, and taken early, when you first feel that te, cold 'is coming,they check and prevent them. Preventics are thorbughly safe or childrentancl as effectual for adults Sold and re- commended in 6 cent (and 25 . cent' boxes by C. Aberhart, druggist, Sea - forth. Sodom. -Married.—The residence of Mr. Samuel Prouty, of Sedom, town line ,or Hay and Stephen, was the scene of !pretty event on Wednesday of east week, when his eldest daughter, Miss Laura Prouty, was married to Mr. Thomas Collingwood, of Exeter. The -ceremony was performed by the Rev. Mr. Fear. The bride was attended by her sister, Miss Linny. The groom was supported by Mr. Wm. Oarrick. The ceremony and congratulations be- ing over the happy- gathering, to the number of about twenty, partook of a dainty and delicioue tea. The pres- ents were numerous,useful and pretty: The evening was pleasantly spent in social chat and various amusements. Mr.and Mrs.Collingwood have taken up their residence in Exeter, and The Expositor joins their many friends in wishing them a very happy and .pros- perous future. Usborn e. Farm Rented.—r. George Bell has retited the farm of Mr. Wm. ;Hackney, one mile • north of Farquhar, for a term of 'years. Bethesda Church. -The anniversary -Services of Vile Bethseda, church will `be held on Sunday and Tuesday, Oc- tober 28th and 80th. Rev. Mr.' Fear, of Exeter, takes charge of the af- ternoon services at 2.30, and Rev. Mr. Hart, of Hensall, takes the Sven- ing service at 7 o'clock. The Main street choir of Exeter WilI furnish mimic in the afternoon. 'The Tues- day. evening •enterteenmeht will be in ,the nature of a tesetmeeting and era - gra m. The Counell.—At the last Meeting of the Usborne council, the engin- eer's report and amended adsessment to raise the sum of $243 Ito tompleite the payments for the Gardiner drain were adopted,and assessment against lands and roads of the tow/Whip sor- dered to be entered•cni the Collector's Roll and collected with' the other rates- The petition of Mr. William Stewart and others for drainage work under the Municipal Drainage Act waa approved, and John Roger, 0. L. S., of Mitchell, has been Instructed to examine the 4rea to be drained, and prepare plans, apecificatienta es- timates, etc. A petition signed by 275 electors of ,the rnunicipality,pray- ing that a by-law prohibiting the sale of intoxicating' liquor within the limits of the municipality be submit - ed to the electors for rritification, was received approved by the cOuncil, Is Your Hair Sick? That's' too badi We had no it was looking pretty thin and rough of late, but naturally did not like to speak of it. 13y the way, Ayer's Hair Vigor is a regular hair grower, a per- fect hair tonic. The hair stops coming out, grows faster, keeps soft arrd :smooth. Ayer's Hair Vigor cures sick hair, makes it strong and healthy. The best !rind of e, testimonial— " Sold for over Ginty years." CMWETZDVMVOMMAIDTA rtIgi°17•30'U'IP:ogc:i4lver.i'ass• EkklISAPARILLA. sPLEIA CIIIY PECTORAL. 1,;• . essesseesese and, the clerk Was inetructed to tpre- pare such a lay -law for consideration at the next regular meeting of .the council. The vote will be taken at the same time as the municipal el- ection vote. There is only one liquor license granted in this town- ship. TWA les for the Woodham hotel in the eoutliseast chrner of the town- ship. It was ordered that $640 be paid on the Elitiville drain account, and the • council adjourned until the ; 3rd of November at 1 o'clock. Silver :VSriedding.—On Friday even- ing, the 12th, Inst, County Councillor Robert Gardiner and • Mrs. Gardiner celebrated Et very important event in their lives, their silver wedding or twenty-fifth anniversary of their marriage, at their beautiful home, on ° the Thames Road, near Farquhar. There, was an attendance of about .seventy friends and neighbors. The brothers geld sisters of Mr. and Mrs. Gardiner gave them two dozen each of sliver knives, forks and spoons. The neighbors presented them with a handsome silver tea service. Atter a sumptuous repast , had been served, ,Rev. C. Pletcher and Rev. D'r. (Turn- bull, of Toronto brother of Mrs. Gardiner, gs-ve addresses appropriate to the occasion, Also • music and games. were indulged in during the evening, and altogether a very en- joyable time was spent. — • — Sick Headache Cured. Sick headache is caused by de- rangement of the stomach and by Indigestion. Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets correct these dis- orders and effect a cure. 13y taking the tablets as soon as the first in- dication of the disease appears, the attack may be warded off. For sale , °by an druggists. Constance. Notes.—Our Constance budget of new did not reach us last week un- til after we had gone to epress.—Mr. Parishhas returned from Manitoba. —Mr. Harry Rogerson, who has been living at the Soo for a nember of /ears, is visiting his friends hem He is very much pleased with the country there.—Miss Annie Lawson has returned, home, after visiting sev- eral weeks With friends In Toroato. —Mrs. Richard Hotham and niese, Miss Ada Drake, of Staffa, are visit- ing friends at Hamilton at present. —Many will sympathize with Mr. Lu. Farnham, who has found it neces- sary to make an assignment for the benefit of his creditors. Mr. Dry - don, of Clinton, is the assignee. A meeting -of the creditors is to te held in Clinton. to -day. Mr. Farn- ham has not been enjoying good health recently, and this makes his misthrtune all the more regreteble. Brucefield. Notes.—Mr. D. Rous.tt, who went from here some time ago to the west, has not been enjoying good health there, and he has written to his friend's that he intends returning to Brucefield for the winter. — .Dr. Stewart, the erninent Montreal phy- sician, whose death was announced a cisuple of weeks ago, and, who com- menced medical practisein n Brubefield, was a ephew of -the late Donald MeDermid, of Stanley', and a cousin of Messrs. James e,red Hugh McDermid, of that township.— Mr. Prime, our station master' who was seelously ill is somewhatim- proved. During his illness his duties at the station are being efficiently performed by Mr. George Swan. Mr. Thos. Colwell, who resides in Tuckersmitth, near here, has gone Ito London for treatment for his leye. He had- it injured about a 1year ago and. it °never rezovered, and it :was feared that it was impairing the sight of the uood eye.—Mr. Robert Young, who has been in the North- west has returned home.—Thornton Mustard, who recently dissolved part- nership with his brother, William Mustard, in the sawmilling business in Hayfield, has moved with his family to this village.—Miss Jennie McBeth has reeumed her position .as organist in the Presbyterian church here after spending a few weeks -with relatives and friends in De- troit, Michigan. To Cure a, Cold in One Day Take LAXATIVE BROMO Quinine Tablets. Druggists refund money if it fails to cure. E. W. GROVE'S signature is on each box. 25e. Varna. Notes.—ter, and Mrs. John Denni- son have returned from an extend- ed trip through the weStern Prov- inces. They ha -d a' most enjoyable time and like the west, but have no desiee to exchange their pretty and comfortable home in - VaPna for anything the western Provinces can just now afford.—Mr. R. 3. Rich- ardson, of the Bayfield road east, has gone to Winnipeg, and has ?as- sumed the duties cif his new posit1on1 in ?Winnipeg College, Mr. A. Austin, of this village; will look after Mr. Richa.rdson's farm during his ab- sence.—Mr. John jobnston, of Ban- nockburn, east of here, has return- ed from the west. He Is better !sat- isfied with home thane when he went away.—A barn belonging to Mr. Mc- Gregor, of Goderich .township, wae. struck by lightning about two weeks ago, and the building with it on - tents burned. There was an insur- ance of $1,000 in the Hay Mutual.— Mr. -Wiley, our genial and robuet tax collector, is on his annual rounds gatheting in the shekels for the township fathers to spend for the good of the peoplga Mr. 'Wiley has held this important position _fOr well nigh a 'quarter of a century eind the, years are few if any that ehe has net collected the full amount on the roll. This speaks well for the good 'financial standing of the ratepayers, as well as for the collOptor's assi- duity. But the collector is so genial and good natured that it is almost a pleasure to pay him money be 'al- ways looks so pleased when he te- ceives it. Stanley does not fre- quently change its officers. When It, gets a good -mall it knowsenough to keep him. The assessor, 11r, John Tough, has been in office about as long as Mr. Wiley. Taxes this year are higher than they have been or some time, due to the higher !coun- ty rate, the additional cost of schools, ahd the building of cement bridges. A few years ago $10,000 covered the amount of taxes annually, but this yeear the sum collected ivell be ewer $16,000, and the probabilities are that It Will be higher in the (future, rather than lower. • Piles quickle. and positively cured with Dr. Shoop's Magic Ointment. It's made for piles alone—and it does 'ON -ework eurely and with eatisfac- tion. Itching, etainful, 'protruding or blind piles disappear like magic by its use, Large, Nickel Capped glass jars, 60 cents. Sold and recommend- ed by C. Aberhart, druggist) Sea- eorth. • Exeter Notes. --Mr, ThOs. Handford, and Mr. Wm. Elliott left last week with a e'er load of, horaes for Winnipeg — Auction sales are about As num,esous as threshing bees this fall.— The books and chequer In eohneetion with Mr. .A. Q. Bobeerhe pig buying bust- hhes, which were 1 stolen from his, of- fice a few weeker ago, were !returned one night last week., They were left at the back doors -of his office. Whether the thief obecame repentant and conscious stricken, or whether he procured all the Information from them he could get, and then had no further use for them, will likely re- main a mystery..—Miss Rose Horton, who has been visiting friends in Bast - ern ities, has returned home.—Mrs. John Hawkshaw has gone to Detroit to spend a few weeks with triende there.—Word was received here last week of the death of Mrs. Jarnee Jack - ell,, which took place in London, Eng - lend on Tuesday. The deceised lady went to England in combaue with her daughter, Mrs. N. Dyer Hurdon, a few weeks ago. She had been in poor health for some time prevthusly, and it was hoped the change would prove beneficial. This hope was not realized, however. She was about 60 ;years of age, and had resided in Exeter about fifteen Veers. She is survived by- her husband and sev- eral of a family.—The Canning fac- tory is now an assured. fact. Near- ly all the stock has been subscribed, and the required buildings will be proceeded with as soon at a suitable site is located.— —Mrs. Westcott, of Deadwood, South Dakota, is here vis- iting her sister, Mrs. Wm. Tapia—The It Exeter curlers have held an organ- ization meeting, and are getting in- to shape for the winter campaign, The Ladies' A.Id of the Main street Methodist church had a very suc- cessful concert in the opera hall,. on Thanksgiving night. —A number of the young ladies a the Preasbyteriani church presented Miss Jeanette Gard- iner witha handsome gold locket, as a token of esteem for her iprevious to her departure for Regina. The pres- entation took place at the leene of 'Mrs, James Murray, where a pleas- ant social hour was spent, and which was tinged only by a feelling of etad- ness for the severance of friendship's ties, which must soon take place. -.- Mr. and Mrs. Norman Phair, who have been residents of Elimville for several years, 'have removed to Allsa Craig. • COULD SCARCELY WALK. 41pm..••.•14.011101 A Rheumatic Sufferer Cured by Dr. ;William's Pink Pills. .110.11.1111...•• Rheumatism is rooted in the blood —that is 13, medical fact every eoor rheumatic sufferer should know: Liniments and outward applications cannot ! possibly cure— rheumatism. They are a waste of motley, land while the sufferer is using them the disease is steadily growing worse— is slowly but surely taking a Ifirmer grasp upon the entire system. Rheumatism must be treated through the blood. That is the only way In which the poleonous acid can be driven out. Dr. William's Pink Pills actually make new blood and thus always cure rheumatism. Every dose of these pills helps to make anew, rich red blood, which sweeps the poison- ous acid-- from the system, loosens the Aching joints and muscles, and elves the rheumatic new health free from patn. Among those who can bear witness to the truth of these statements is Miss Dorsina Lang- lois, of St. Jerome, Que. For weary months she suffered from rheumatism and had begun to think she was incurable. "1 could not straighten up says Miss Langlois, " My limbs were almost useless, so stiff were they. For many months I endured such pains as only rheuseat- lc sufferers can undeeetand. .Although only thirty years of 'age the buffer- ing I endured actually made me look like an old woman. I used eine- merits and tried several medieines but got not the slightest heap until ala most by chance my attention was 'dir- ected th Dr. Williams' Pink pins. I began taking them and in tne 'course of a few weeks I cooed see they were helping me. Little by little the pain began to go. and the etiffness to leave my 3oInts. I continued taking the pills for several months when evary ' symptom of the trouble had disappeared. 1 have not felt s, twinge of rheurns.tism since, and 1 bless the day Dr: Williams' Pink Pills came to. my :Aim." Dr. Williams' Pink Pills never fail to pure rheumatism because they go right to the root of the trouble in. the blood. That is why thebe ?pills care ;all the common ailments due to poor end watety blood. such as an- aemia, headaches and backaches, In- digestion, neuralgia St. Vitus dance, general weakness and trie distress- ing irregularities that afflict woven and growing girls. If you need Ia Me'dicine•You wlfl save money byetake Ing Dr, Williams' 1 Pink Pills at once. See that the full name Dr. Rirltliams' Plnla Pills for Pale People is /print- ed on the wrapper around every box. Sold by all medicine dealers or iby mail at ;0 cents a box or Six boxes for $2.50 from the Dr. Williams' Med- icine Co., Brockville, Ont. A (luaranted Cure fOr Piles Itching, Min& Bleeding, Protruding Druggizt s are authorized to refund 3:ioneyt if PAZO OINTMENT fails tto Imre in 6 to 14 'days., 50e. "Satisfaction or your Money Ba F. .HIS week we wish to draw attention to our magnificent display of furs, which in accordance with the increased vol. ume of business the store is doing, js this year Larger 'and Better than it has been—and we ask you to come to our store before you buy any Furs, a44 see 'what we can show you and get our prices on Ladies'Iur Jackets .and Fur Lined Coats Ladies' Fir Gauntlets, -Muffs and Caps Men's Fur Coats (all kinds) Men's Fur Mitts, Collars and Caps The Furs handled in this store are the famous Musk -Ox Brand manufactured by Boulter, -Waugh & Co.,whose name is 012 the inside of each Coat and Jacket--" it stands for quality "—and is a positive guarantee of satis and on each garwent the makers pledge their renownrepu- tation . In addition to this our OWil guarantee of sa tion or your money back goes with every garment. If it is not convenient for you to come and see our stock, write us for one of our 1906-7 illustrated oataiogaes, showing styles on sale at our store. - Prices Cheerfully Quoted. 110111.1 is our great leader. If you have had trouble in getting what you want, come to us. A perfect fit or no sale. We import direct. We employ skilled tailors. r -z-;-,--, -ii air I ImEtisuittz._ ,. r e , •IMMM" rWRNMMWM.WW% A Few Specials Black British Melton Overcoat (tailor 'imade) $22 001 Bartram Harvey (London, Eng.) celebrated Black Cheviot Suit (tailor-made) '23 00 Imported Tweed Suits (tailor- made) , $18 to $25 00 Special weight Black Serge Suit (tailor-made) $20 00 Mothers WHO HAVE 13o do not pas ri and not call in and see our fancy Over- coats for boys from 2 to 8 years old; they are en- tirely different from what you see elsewhere—just Prices 3.50 to $6.00 what you want -OCR -GLOVE STOCK is from the following well-known makers, which speaks for itself : Fownes, Perfins, Jammets, H. B. K. Brand, Storeys and Halls dress Gloves and Mitts, 50c to $2.50 unlined, silk lined, wool lined and fur lined. eamosimsamminnimmismonam Headquapters for the Working Man. Overalls, Smocks, Working Pants, So; Mitts, Raincoat - Underwear, Caps, etc. ST RT SEAL° WE H, BROS. •