The Huron Expositor, 1906-10-26, Page 2General IVierchants- •- ree Produce Dealers e open to buy Poultry,- either alive or dressed, nd f�r. first-clase quality can pay good pricee, In next week's issee we will state a shipping day for LIVE POULTRY. Dremed Poultry handled any time, Highest Prices paid for choice Butter and Eggs. G rocery Specials this Week: Balt by the barrel - Three packages star ammonia Eight bars good laundry soap - Try our Boston Coffees, Our blended Teas are of the purest blend. tal140490INALVISISIIMESSINeititiMM NOWNWINOW111111111019~Malift ;25 .25 HouseF strnishaig s We are opening this week a Lew Fall ato91r of Carpets, Oil Cloths, Chinese and Japanese Nattings, Dont Iait � tee theta, _ Agency for Fit Reform Tailor-made Clothing. WILLIAMS and PURCELL Succesors to B. B. GUNN CORNER STORE elf - SEAFORTH aee,,enelyeeeeet, bare,he having jet no will. A val- v•PAVAPP,W4. . table collection of antirinee, valued at $8,600 le included in the estate,. SEAFORTH, FRIDAY, Oct. 26, 1906. which consists of property throegh- out the pity and other parts of the province • Disfranchising the Ouorruptionists Moralizing over the disciesuree be- ing made in Toronto over the LE‘on- don and other elections, the To?. sonto Globegets off the following Bond truths. It says: "Thpre should be no doubt as to the individual elector Irho has mis- used his franchise. He has ferfeit- ed his right. Every man who has sold hie vote should find that this vote must stay sold. There hasbeen far too great laxity in the matter! et the disfranchising of corrupt el- ectors. -This eaeygoing treatment of men who have confessed to taking a bribe, or who have been proved guilty of selling their vote, haesn- couraged an utterly false viewof the meaning of the franchiee. There Is need for education on this prim- ary point of citizenship,that the right to vote belongs to no man as a natural right, but is a trust corn- rditted to individuals by the State, to be used in the State's interest. To bargain with that right for one's own petsonal gain, or without regerd to the public interests involved is a deliberate -breach of trust, which should be held to destroy the arida. viclual's claim to exerdise the right. In the London case the Crown should put the whole list of suspectsithrougli the witness -box, and every man who has taken a bribe for his vote should be disfranchised. If they dein/ to -be Liberals, so much the worse for them ;-- their claim Only adds to the unpardonableness of their offenee." Ws agree with every word of the above. But what we want to direct special attention to is, the strong plea that is inadveritently made in favor of compulsory voting or rath- er, compulsory attendance at the polls to vote. If the right to Note "is .a trust committed to individu- als by the Mete, to be ivaed in the State's interest," and it is, thus if the individual refuses to use the trust committed to him it is but 'nat- ural and right that he should be dee rived of it. If, therefore, in elec- tor who has been given this trust by the State, 'neglects to use It, lb can wit be any wrong or injustice tot deie prive him of it until such ttime 'as he is prepared to take advantage of his privileges, Hence, if an elector whose name is on the yetere' list ne- glects to attend at the polls tend c14 - posit his ballot, whether he actually votes or not, he should, as a pun- ishment for that neglect, by being de- prived of the privilege, at least fun - til he is prepared to value et highlY enough to use it. We de not now that a compulsory voting law would have worked any improvement in London, because means had been taken to destroy the secrecy of the ballot. But we do know that in tinost elections such a law would be A salutory deterrent to bribery and would, in addition, materially ease the work of the Parliamentary can diciates. —The late Lawrence Heyden Toronto, who died September .4th, left an estate of $120,456.81, which piNesed to his only sister, Miss Ear - 1 I .Fit and I Quality Guaranteed 1 The nevr pure food and, drug. law will mark it on the label of every! coulee (Cute containing opium, chle- roform, or any other stupifying poisonous drug. But it passes •Vie • Shoop' 13 Cough Cure as made for 20 years, entirely free. Dr. Shoop all along has bitterly opposed the else of all opiates or narcotics, Dr.Shoop's Cough Cure is absolutelp sate even for the youngest babe—and it cures • it does not simply suppress. Get a 1 safe and Reliable Cough Cure, by simplyinsisting on having Dr. I Shoop's. Let the law be erour protec- tion. We cheerfully recommend and sell it. C. . Aberhart, druggist, Sea- • forth. 61•11.11111MOMMOmmintlailliMe •It The ()idea Days; Interesting sketches of the early days of Seaforth and vicinity, taken from the Woe of The 'ex- positor. • Sesforth, February 14, 1873, Several cases Of small -pox have made their appearance at Irishtoven, in the township of MclCillop. Mrs. Fowler, wife of Francis Fow- elr, sr., of the Huron road, truckersmith, has been prostrated for some days, by an attack of tspinal dis- ease. The annual tea meeting a the Methodist Episcopal church, at Lat- te.'s corners, Tuelcersmith, was held on the 5th inst. There was' a large attendance and the proceeds amounted to $60. After supper a lecture was given by Rev, Mr. Card. Seaforth, February 21, 1873. • Fall wheat was quoted On the Seaforth market at $1.22 to $1.26 a bushel, and oats Sfic .to 40c. • Mr. Waterous, of Brantford, I/felted Seaforth on Tuesday last for the purpose of making .an estimate of the cost of erecting in this place his works for the extinguishing of fires. The probable • cost of the works is $16,000. The increased attendance at the Seaforth school has necessitated 'the engaging of another teacher. Mies Schofield, of Toronto, has been en- gaged at a salary of $240. Mr. Matthew Kelly, an oldand highly esteemed resident of the 9th concession of Tuckersmith, died on Sunday last. It is 23 years since he first settled in the township. I•mo Seaforth, February 28, 1873. • Mrs, 'Wm. Landsborou,gh died' at the resieence of her son-in-law. Mr. Robert Carnochane in Tuckersmith, on the 24th inst„ aged 87. years. IT -he deceased weer- the mother of the Messrs. John, . Robert James and Samuel Landsborough, of Tucker - smith. Thirfy-nine years ago she and her husbandeetettled in Tuckersrnith. At the last meeting of the village council the .following hotel licenses were granted.•. for . Seaforth: A. J. McLeod, John Murray, J. & Curry, Davidson & Campbell, D. D. . Rose, James McBride and John H. • McCallum. Shop licenses were placed i at $100 for 1873. • WILLI-Sr ow then for Cold Weather I Our Prices Are Right We want to Felyou an Overcoat fcr many reasons, viz We are selling thon rhea per than any other stare in town ; we carry n‘othing but the very best quality ; and we want a share of your trade. ° Prices, $6 $6 60, $7, $7.50 $8; $10 S T—T S Our $10 00 Suit is really worth more money. Come 411d see it .1.1111111111111 UNDERWEAR Ifave yen seen or heard of our 50 Cent Fleece Lined Underwear It iS the best we ever had for such money—all sizes OVERALLS, SMOOKS, SOX (all wOol heavy, ac f.45c). F. WILLIS,FU'RNISHER#'s)1z , 4ed M E NS .1aforth, Ont. . as: Saturday last a mesh tarried n Keeler, a German, who re - on the i2th ponceselion fme- 10p, Met with a serious aeoident; In geaforth. He tried to stop a run- away teamn but the horsed knocked him down and passed over him, tin - filleting_ -serioue In$ury about the head and face, • - 1' • --- Seaforth, March ,7, 1878. • The man ;lamed Keller. who was, injured by a runaway in Seaforth recently, has since died. Mr. Joseph Kidd heti completed ar- rangements for sinking a salt weal at Oarronbrook. • kr. John Winter, of Seaforth, has succeeded W. • Varquharson in the Huron Hotel at Walton, Mr. Charles Mason, of Tucltersmith, has sold his the eyonne *heaSst draught ' imported stallion. Cain - bridge Lad, • to Mr. Charles 3. Doug- las, of York county, for $2,500. , Seaforth, March 14, 1878. The 'young ladies of the Presby- terian church e^ave a eery success- ful soclEa in the town hall on Tues- day evening last. Among those tak- tng part in the programme were Mies Bedelie Scott, Miss Emma John: - eon and Mr. Cline, while Miss gessie, Campbell presided at the . organ. mmig...nwa* NeffifOrtili Wirth 21, 1878, In St. .John $ church. Varna) on the 19th inst., Mr Ekavid McIntosh, of Kincaedine, and iss; .0harlotte Rattenbury, on? Bruce eld, were un- ited in , marriage by Rey. E. DaVie. Oats are. 'now quoted at 48 Ito 45 cents a bushel, 1 . ......— Seaforth, March 8, 1873. Messrs. Calder Bros., late of Bramp- ton, have established marble works In Seaforth. Seaforth, April 4, -1873. Patrick Mctiann, one df - the pion- eers of Huron, died on Marcie -e2nd, at the age of 72 .'years. peceased came from Ireland In 1883 and Settled on the Huron road, in the itownehip [of Tuckersmith. ' Robert Fisher, of this ville.ge,:met with a severe and painful accident on Monday last. He has been engaged on building contracts in Mitchell for some - months, and on the elay in question, while working with some machinery got his right foot badly- 'crushed and hie leg broicen by being caught in a wheel. -A young- man named James Jamie- son, employed by W. O. Fowlert And - toncessian, Tuckersmith. on Wednesday lest, met with a painful accident by having his hand come in contact with a circular se.w at which he was •working.- - 411111•110•MNIIIIIIIMMerVeglepr A.-TBANKFUL MOTHER ---- . . "I thank you with all my heart for what Baby's Own Tablets have dohe for my, little girl," says Mrs. 'An- toine Charette, Jr., of St. Boniface, Que, "When I began giving her the Tablets she seemed to be pining A- way, but after using less than A box she was rapidly ' gaining and she es now a fine, fast, healthy little one, and I write you this as the acknow- • ledgement of a mother who will nev- er forget what Baby's Own Tablets have done for . her child." Lettere like this must bring hope and t nrn- fort to all mothers who have tfeeble or sickly children. Baby's Own Tab - Jets will cure all the minor ail ents r; and can be given just as irately to a new born ba.by as to a well v own child. If you cannot get these Tablets from your dottier write the Dr. Wil- liams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont., and ' get them at 25 cents a box. Perth Items —Rev. G. H. Hazen, of Goderichs preached anniversary sermons at the Central Methodist church, Strat- ford on Sunday, October 14th. —Mr, 3, J. •Galloway, manager of the Merchants' Bank, Stratford, has been appointed inspector of the western branches with headquarters at Brandon. —Mr. Percy Gatenby, who has been employed in Mr. Macdonald's mer- chant tailoring Eihop, in Mitchell, as a coatmaker, is leaving for Medi- cine Hat, Sask., where he will take a similar position, —The anneal field day sports at the Y. M. Ce A., Stratford, were (held on• Saturday, October 13th. The senior Medal was won by: Ralph Chandler and the junior one'eby ID. Fraser. • —Mr. Herbert m e, an employee of the Bell Telephone Company at Stratford, but whose home is in Orillia, died in the Stratford .hos- pital last week after a short Illness from pneumonia. • —Rev. E. W. Penton, who recently resigned the pastorate of St. And- drew's church, / Stratford, has ac- cepted a call , from •Badison and Borden, on the/ Canadian •Northeirn Railway.• Robert E. Young, who has been a resident of Listowel •all his life, has gone ,to Palmerston. Mr. Young Ilas been in the Inland Rev- -enue office fee many -years and has lately been moved to Palmerston. —Miss Pease, of Toronto, has been appointed •temporarily to the poet - tion of domestic science teacher, in Stratford in succession to Miss Lew- is, whose resignation, due to 111 • health had. to be accepted by the School hoaTd, • —A new dental office to to be open- ed 'In Stratford shortly, by Dr. 'Herb. Baker, lately of Chicago and Tor- onto, and son of e4..-Ald. Henry Baker, of Strateord and Saskatoon. —Mr. F. A. Campbell, of Mitdhell, has purchased from the Burritt estate the brick- Week Just east of this hard- ware store, Which le at prefsent Occu- pted by .Mr. H. J. Mundell _and -14W. M. Britton. Mr. Campbell intends to fit the building up to -be used esi a Part of b14 hardware store. • —Mrs, G orge Millar- moved last week frori Cromarty to his new home nes. Statfa. Mr. Millar has been for long time a resident of Cromarty, and his old neighbors, while sorry to lose him, are (pleased he is not going very far iaway. —Mr. J. A. Chesterfield, plumber, of 1,t. Marys, was seriously, injured runaway accident 1 ast week. He was thrown from his rig and bad'his face badly pelt and this ankle dislocated. —Suffer' g from a serious case of blood poi ning for only a few ;days, Mr. Mosee jICnechtel, a partner in the firm of K echtel & Cot, shod .mar- chantd, Stratford, who removed from Berlin to the city. recently died at the General Hospital in Stratford, on Friday evening, October -12th. On the Monday previous Mr. Knechtel felt a small pimple coming on the bask of his neck. At the time the paid ittle attention to the sore, b u t the following day It developed into a boil, causing him considerable pain' 1:313,0N EXPOSITOR and annoyance, On Nrednesdaer morn- ing the trouble had become so V3orious that he Was unable to leave the ;morn and on Thursday morning he was te- rnoved to the hospital, suffering from ° blood poisoning in a most serious form. Despite the effort of the doc- tors- in attendance ( the -unfortunate , man passed away Friday evening at ' seven o'clock. ! —Another old settler of Mitchell has gone to his reward, in the ver- sion ef' Mr. Wm. R. Williams, titled 80 years. and 10 months. He Was, aNteocel citizen and had a large circle of friends. °A wife and 'rown up family turviVe him. His body was taken to Stratford for, interment. —A 'quiet but pretty wedding took place on Tuesday morning, Octobele 16th, at 'eight o'clock, in the Metho- dist church, Listowel, when Mr. H. McCabe " and Miss Myrtle Landerltin, both of the town' of Listowel, ;were united in 'marriage, Rev, D. N. We- i Camus tying ,the nuptial knot, —Mr. and efre. C. H. Gordon, of Deo , *Moines, Iowa, are visiting at the home of the former's brother-in-law, Mr. McKenzie, lfitchell and friends in the veiinity. Mr, Gordon left there 33 years ago, when but a mere boy of nine years, and this tis 'his first return visit to the ,place of his birth. He has made very good progress in Des Moines, and to -'ay holds the position of chlef train .'s- spatcher on the C. M. & St. P. R. 1 - Way. —A pleasant event 'took place 01 Mondayevening of at week in the rooms of Camp Fair Maid of Perth, the local lodge 0; the Sons Of Scot- land, Stratford, when a reception we tendered to Mr. A. F. Mactaren, M. P, on his return frene WS trip to Europe. Songs were sung by var- ioue members or the order, speeches were made and a most enjoyable evening was spent. Mr. McLaren pre- sented each member with bouquets of heather and a ribbon. The heather was Ticked at Bert Lawer's on the eetate of the Marquis of Braedalban, in Scotland. Mr. McLaren, in &sheet speech, thanked the order for their reception and expressed his pleasure at: being back again. —Mr. and Mrs. Henry Roney, of Hibbert, celebrated the fiftieth an- niversary of their wedding on Tues- day, October 16th, 1906. Their fam- .'ily were all preeent eexcept. two tone, Charles, station agent at Murillo, and Robt. in Saskatoon. Ali niglr grand: - :children were in attendance that could be there. Relatives from, Toronto, St.' !Thomas, Stratford, Seaforth, Hen - sell, . and other places, were Also guests of Mr. and Mrs. Roney. Short addresses were made in the after- noon by several of the visitors. . A nekinber of .hnadsome presents were given the worthy couple. Mr. ktoney came .to Canada from Enniskillen, Ire- land, in 1849, and Mrs, Roney was born in Sligo, •Irelands and set sail for Canada in the year'184/, and both settled in Hibleert. • --Edward W.. second son of Mr.- R.- B. Gill, of St. Marys, died last week; in his twenty-first year. The 'young man had been in Di health tor a year and a half. Laat year he took a trip abroad for his health, spending the summer in the Jersey Islands. Later he was a patient at the cottage sanitarium, Muskoka. Up to the time of his illeeee he was preparing himself for a course* at the college of pharmacy and had served the rieeessarY three years with Mr. W. A. McIntyre. The deceased was a young man of Sterling worth and much promiae. His sad death le deeply mourned by all who knew —A horse belonging to Mr. Wm. Henkel, a farmer from near Shake- speare, ran away in Stratford the other day and created quite an ex- citement. Mr. Henkel • was loading some chi into his vehicle when the animal tookfrinht and ran D,W. The horse are up the street and plunged into the plate glass window of the shoe store of E. (Paff. For- tunately the buggy was left behind as the animal smashed into the !front Of the 'window and out at the side. Mr. Paff had been inethe window only a few minutes previously pre- paring to dress it. The horse was afterwards captured and taken to a blacksmith shop where its wounds were dressed. The store window, glass, sashes; and trimmings, wad a complete wreck. rt, AMEN 16n---WiteSOMEMEM, • Torments of Tetter and Eczema A llay ed. The intense itching characteristic of eczema, tetter and like skin diseases Is 'instantly allayed by ,applying Chamberldn.s Stave, and many se- gveisrty:ases have been (permanently cur- ed by its fuse. For sale by all drug- IMPOPT71121,4S.015..M.PCMCIIICIO —Death removed one of St. Marys' residents on Teesday, October 16th, In the person of Mr. Wm. V. Hutton. The deceased gentleman, who had attained the ripe age of 82 veers came to Canada in 1853 from ;Eng- land settling in the Stone Town. For many years he owned the old flour mill op. Queen street, selling out to Box and Somerville who in turn die - pond of their interests to the 'late George Caeter. His declining years wer espent in the quiet atmosphere of •Weetover Park, where Be and his brother, Joseph, had a beautiful residence. The late Mr. Hutton had never married and was the last -but one of six brothers. He was a mem- ber of the Anglican church and in his quiet way had many friends (and was highly respected. Ifyir.veguinowfmottolcor$WAmmErswervart Your odor Can cure your Cough or Cold, no question about that, but— why go to all the trouble and inconvenience of looking him up, and then of having hisprescription filled, when you can step into any drug store in Canada and obtain a bottle of SHILOH'S CURE for a quarter. Why pay two to five dollars when a twenty-five cent ebottle of SHILOH will cure you as quickly? • _ Why not do as hundreds of thousands of Canadians have done for the past thirty-four years: let SHILOH be your doc- tor whenever a Cough or Cold appears. SHILOH will cure you, and all druggists back up this statement with a positive guarantee. The next time you have a Cough or Cold cure it with SHILOH OCT�B -RucH EEL. UiFOTUR OBYLON TEA rI� packed Only in Sealed Lead Packages to Preserve Its Goodues BLAOK • MIXED GREEN 25o, 30o, 40o, .500 and 690 per lb. At Your Grocer's 4*. cleWttiS tresfyik.O.assii\s/iN "Note atokojah.,,Salye,Nefe\-Sro\triefAlyiNr08/4'efe\*Ap • • • • • • • bei Prole is What do you look for --style? —fit? —elegance? --quality? This label guarantees them And you find it in "Progress Brand" Clothing STEWART _BROTHER Sodas are crisp squres f whdlesome nourishment, They are the food builds strength and rause They are as egsily dict by the child e and inv as by the sturdy vSorkrna They contain ALL the f properties of finest Can dian wheat flour, in a forrn that delights the appeti AivVays fresh and cris the moisture -proof package . At all grocers in 1 end 3 pound panicages. Cooks and Baku pods* at 1 the saint Now There is not an- other range built in which the laeat may he regulated so that you can bake in the oven and cook on the top at the same time without spoiling one or the other. But you can do both equally well at the same time on the Pandora, because its heat is not wasted and is at all times under the simplest, most positive control, if you do the cooking of your household you can appreciate exactly what this means. IvicCiary Pandora Range gINCINIIMMIII111111 CELESNEY•ancl SMILEY, Sole Agents, Seaforth. Verserobostssos mead Factories s London. Toronto, MorAtreal. Winnipeg, Vancouver, St. John, N.B., Hamilton ^ Have you arrived at the fork in the road of life? Are you puzzled because you do not know which path leads • to success? No doubt you have looked through t e office wind.° of some great concern and have seen th manager in his chair —looked comfort ble, didn't he? You have wished1 to fill the same position —some day. That' where a Business Cone e ed.ucation comes in But in selecting a college, first see that you are right—then go ahead. Our free booklet tells all about plans, systems, charges, positions after graduating, etc. Write for it. School term: September till Juno, inclusive. FOREST CITY USUESS COLLEGE J. W. WESTERVELT, Y.M.C.A. BLDG., Prinoleal. London. AORSUMIt=X..smr.Mig%Mtz .4(,..zzvnlmr,a,mmmldginEniam=wainNIMiMimi*. FuRN--ifr URE BARGATV -t—L1 If you replete Furniture, get our prices for Bedroom Suitp., iron Beds, Springs and Mattresses. Our Couches, Parlor Suites and Easy Chairs are the very best end prices will suite you. Don't fail to see our Dining Room Tables and Chairs. We want you to call and tee our etock, then you will do the rest. IST Promptly attended to night or day. Night residence of S. T. Holmes, Gnclerich street, Seaforth. BROADFOOT S. T. HOLMES, Manger. Yon can begin your work in thIa at althne. You can, in fact, g vr uo nost as well as if yon had started. the of the term. We are always up with the thnee, Oire reputation end attendanee shenv this. We have now the forged enrollment for tAO's time of the year in the history of the school. If you would nee e copy of our handsome book, "The Highway to Sue. ems," clip this advertirserneni mail it to us, and the beek will be sent.to you free. B. W. Somers, Principal Dominion School of Tel raphy & Railroading 0 ADELAIDE STREET TORONTO REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. • '111111YOUSE FOR SALE—Brick house hi Egmoodytils,. one and one half stories; with rear and goeX., sized stable. Situate on Lot No. 4, Eastelde London Steet, one quarter acre. von be trsid cheap, A I to JOHN DAT Y, Egmondville. or to .1. L. IS Seaforth, Ont, ACRE FARM iron SALE. —That in alrable property known as South Half of fi, Concession 2, Hullett. This a very eatileeei There is a never failing- spring that runs the round. It is nearly all seeiliml gram, It w11 be sold on reasonable tame. For further partieularsi apply on tbe premises or address Seaforth I'. 0 GEORGE IRWIN, Seaforth. 20274f, FARM FOR SALE.—For sale, North half of Let 13, FOR 12, McKillop, containing50aores., It is all cleared and well fene,ed. This fann Is well situated for pasture land and has on it a never Isi ring well. For further partimiars apply to TB MPSON, Seaforth, or to TI108. SIMMN, Sr., LOtb , Concession 10, MeKillop. Vs-sse"-ti ARM IN TUCRERSMITII FOR SALE,—Lot 1, 1. Concession containing 42 acres, good ler either grain or growing. It is situated about It miles from Chiselhurst, where there are two chtirehes, blacksmith shop, store and post &dee. It is also about 3 miles from Ileiotall. On the ratan. Is * • good barn and a brick house, a good orchard and s, good spring close to the barn. s Apple to HENRY DOUGAL at his farm, London Rm44 or to Hewitt P. O. . 2023-tt QBLENDID FARM FOR SALE—For sale, Lot 29, is) Concession 10, Hibbert, containing 100 acme. This farm is well fenced with good Carter wire fenc- ing and fitted with wire and iron gates. It iswellures derdrained with tile, has always been Well cultivated and properly looked after and i tit consequently in the - very !seat tondition possible. There are 10 aeres of good hardwood hush, unculled, nearly all maple,* first-class brick house, storey and a half, lately paint ed and remodelled and Made up.to.date ; soft And hard water eorivenient at both house and barn, good well at the bush, snaking three wells that a yeChave never failed, windmill at the ham Ther are two good barns both Ith good stone foundatioft and up-toelate stabling, water, Inside, good ben - house, hog pen and driving house, There Is a good bearing orchard and small fruit trees. This property Is well eituat.ed in a good iocality, eonvenient to gro- cer, post office, church and school, a toile and a half from Chiselhuret, 0 miles from the prosperous eine, of Heneall and 0 miles from Seaforth, good gresel made in all directions, As the proprietor hag auquir- ed interests elsewhere that -demand itiamediotP Wen Mon, he is prepared to dispon of this property 4 bargain, and anyone desiring a thst.elass farm in first-class locality will do well to investigate. For - further particulars apply on the premises or address JOHN TAYLOR, Cluselhurst P. O. 201441 OR SALE. EICESTER SHEEP ANDBII011.THORN A I FOR SALE.—The undersigned has for nle kegs eml Thorobred Leicester Sheep and Durham Cattle - of both sexes. Address Egmondville I'. 0, or apply at farm, Road, Tueltesmith. ROBERT CHAR- TERS ik riONS. • 137241 DULL 1011. SALE.—I'or sale, a thorobred Shorte _LI barn bull, with registera pedigree, 23 months. old, and red in color, lie was bred from Vice Chan- • cellor, Apply on London road, Tuekeremith, Mil* south of Briteelleld. JAMES PATERSON, Bruce* field P0. 2003-tf HORTI1ORN CATTLE—Seven C t/11118, 2 from imported cows, for sale models. ate prieee and on easy 'terms ; good young ows heifers also for pale. All interested are cordially in- vited to inspect the herd. Farm adjoins town, long distance telephone to farm. Write for calliope. IL SMITH, Exeter. 199:341 EGISTERED STOCIC FOR SALE.—The under- -1.• signed offers for sale on Lot 27., Conees-sion Hibbert township, a munlVo of heifers and young' cows with calves at foot, I yearling.buil, 1 ilerkiniro boar 9 months old, a right god animal. The oho's' stock are all registered in the Nathmal &Ask o - cords. Prices modemte,terrue CASS, visitors welcomes DAVID HILL, Staffs, I'. 0. •1996 -ti HORTIXORNS.—Choice bred bulls and femalo or different ages for Pale, about two &zee to Meet from, Priees reasonable. Iferd ow headed by Countsylvanus " (456900), Ha is got •loy the beet - scotch bred imported stet* sin both side -s, giossYthkrig red in color, and well set on short, legs. Terms se registed COW:1 495 insured ; others on applimtion. .1'1M:tors welcome. JOHN ELDER, Hensel] P. Os and Station. 1004 FARMTO RENT.—South i . :36, Coutes- • sem 3, Tutisersmith to rent for a term ef years. Would like to rent. as soon as polsible. Apply tos the undersigned on the prefIllbet3 or to prLICelle P. 0. ROGER PEPPER, N. I3. -The eider mill will bs in running afterSeptember 25th. Reeen Pr,reett. 202.i 11 . IMPOR,TAN'T NOTICEe. MEACHER WANrED.--Wanted for School soon - No. 1, Morrie, n male oriemaleteaeher. 13403e $.500. Duties tt) eminence hat of ..lanuxr, 1907, Apply to John A; BROWN, Blyth P. 0. 2025x4 ass TEACHEg W.ANTED.—For Sehooi Section NO, Hibbert, an experienced teaeber holding =- second elites eertifle.ate preferred. Duties to coma roenee January id, 1007. Applimtions reeelsed to Noveniber ist, 1900. JAMES SCOTT, SeceTresse Cromarty P. 0. 2Aky,43 rilEACHER WANTED,—A male teacher for &hoof - opposite the MetLocli church, I to. to Wpm. 1 pgado' on t; bP ys ,4_,ser, etzh ool7 94:einpysytrig sfazxffilfeepl P-124..., and Sunday calls answered at the 7107 & C1,0 1 the undersigned before November I t. ROBERT Ss no0AR FOR SERVICE.—The undersig:ed25xsat ILA.BIIIRIi, Seaforth, P.0 . ..--... S 1 ":52 ---01:ir fli from imported stook, and is one of the bests Tem* large, Improved Berkshire Boar. This nimal ais bred ±) keep for service, at his place in Egniondville,,, $1.00, with the privilege a returning, if nemeses,* A. 0, VAN EGMON,D. 20254 , that mem pram -that 1. are , stole