The Huron Expositor, 1906-10-19, Page 89
Stele time iv at nd an4 our
stock Of stoves of all kinds was
never more complete than it is
now. Our- lines of Sege% Cook-
ing Stoves and lleatingeStoves for
both coal and wood are the best
ix the 'market, and we sell at
closest_ prices. °
Happy Thought
Pandora Ranges
Leave your order with us for the
Best Anthracite Coal and Portland
• ne--4 • !
Our prices are right. Give no a all.
Hardware, Stoves and Coat.
Capital, Fully Paid Up--168,000,oaceoo
Reserve Fund ancl un-
cilvided Profits $ 3,839,000
Deposits by Public '1832,000,00o
Total -Assets • $ 48,000,000
very faeility for the transaothag of a
anesal banking business.
Ordleetione made on EX points in Canada
nd abroad.
Advances made to Fanners. Special at-
ention paid to the colleotion of Sale Notes.
Deposits of one dollar and upwards re-
ceived, and interest paid or eidded June
30bh and December 3iet. -Withdrawals
=ay be made at any time. '
8. HAYS, Solicitor
The Leading Commercial School
This schoolis recognized to be one of the hest
Commercial Schools m America. You can safely
judge a'school by the applications it receive& This
-term we received applications from firma in six large
American cities, and from far more towns and cities
of Canada, including Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, in
the West, and Charlottetown, P. E. 1., on the East.
Our reputation means flinch for our graduates.
Write for our catalogue.
-We carry a Choice Lineaof-
PIPE -}3 —
Try us for an EASY SHAVE and
Oppoilte the Commercial Hotel
James Watson,
Successor to W. ft Watson
General Fire, Life and Accident Ineur-
ance agent, Real Estate and Loan
1)ealer in first -elan family and Manufac-
turing Sewing Maohines and Cream
Separatore, viz. :
New Raymond and White Sewing
M.aehines, and National and
Uneeda Cream Separator..
Also sewieg machine needlee, ell, attach.
manta, repairs and sundries for all
kin& of sewing machines.
With over 25 years experience in the above
businese you can rat aimed of prices
right, square dealieg a satafaction
`inanrance Agent, A ud dealer In Sewing Machine
• and.Bloyelee. North Main street, Seaforth.
buy Good
and always have your home table look
nice. It will be a pleasure to yoursolf
and to your visiting friends. If you
wish to replenish your tableware, bny
something geod.
The Genuin• e Rogers Brand
is the best plateware made. We guar-
antee it to give eatiafention, ,Call in
and tee our stook of Silverware and
Cat -Glass.
J. F. DAI...Y
Jeweller & Optician
Issuer of Marriage Licenses.
Family Rubbers
We take great care -in selecting our
Rubbers. There is any amount of
worthless trash sold under the .name
of rubbers.
We buy only such rubbers as have
a reputation, such as we can recora-
naend to our tyade.
We've rubbers fox .the whole fam-
ily -storm rubbers, low cut rubbers,
arid sandals -all sizes and styles for
the Fall shoes.
This is the season of the year when
prudent people inveat in rubbers.
Rubbers lot men and women, 50c
to $1, 00.
•-Boys', Misses' and Children's Rub-
ber; 3e to 85c, according to size and
Richardson& frinnis
Sole Agents for the Hagar, Just
Wright, and Derby. Shoes.
DrairRipir brATTEAS,.
Dr. Ovens Surgeon Oculist and
Sp eciallsta Eye, Ear and Nose, will
be at Commercial Hotel, Seaforth, on
Thursday, November 8th, I p. m
to 6 p. m. Glasses property fitted.
The Seaforth ShOw.--Those who were
awarded prizes at the late Seaforth
Show can receive their prize money
at any time by calling at frhe Ext
positor Officio, Seatorth. Those desir-
ing their money sent by mail should
Send a card • to that effect either to
the S'ecretarye Mr. T. E. Hays, or to
The Expositor °Meet
Entertainment. - -Two entertain-
Ments will be glen by the Colonel
P.ogers's Lyceum Company, of Hart-
ford, COnneetibut, on Wednesday and
Thursday evenings, October • 24th
and ,25t21 la the Catholic ischoel thall
Seaforth, land* t• the auspices of St.
James' church. On the first even-
ing the dogmas of Christianity will
be very. vividly epresented 'mono-
paxiled by a lecture by Mr. E.
A. Starkweather. On the second ev-
ening the " Story Beautiful," Ben
Hur, will be poatrayed. The whole
will be enliVened with a selection of
beautiful soloel -by Wir, sYris B. Mor-
ris, the inOted ,baritone.
Travellers.- T1e tolloWing were
ticketed to dista t points this we*
by W. Somerville, town agent of
the Grend Tiunk : Richard Van Eg-
mond, Hullett, to Sault Ste. Marie.,
arill 'return; Miss Nash, of McKillop,
to Duluth; Mrs. Howatd Lloyd and
family to Portage la Prairie; Mrs.
J. Elliott and ' her daughter, Mrs.
Proctor,,• of 1-11111 tt and Miss Staples
of Seaforth, to New Liskeard; Miss
Maggie • Ross, McKillop, to Sonyea,
N. L; Mr. Jacob Schmidt, Egmond-
ville, to Detroit; Miss. G. Laidlaw,
to Detroit. •
For •The Championship of Canada.
-In order, to further stimulate the Ancient foege:8141Illitserorkmen will be held in
interest- in Association football in October 23rd, at Sao'Clockt.°1tieemn eetInVvir be ad
Canada, Mr. Morgan -Owen manager dressed by several members of the Grant Lodge. i.
of the Corinthia,ns of England, who
q full attendance is requested. leorge Paterson, He-
len 2027-1
toured Canada this summer, has do- °Br(tii, , -
Inc, diHn6s, tnuppliashyamondinPzennna" I plants foiri, Sale.—
nated a silver i cap to be competed me.s, linilyt
for annually •as a trophy fgr the peorlies, etc., at less than v;holer Isisei'mr
turdays or between four and idx o'clock otheTciays
Canadian championship. In addition aa
1 H. W. Brown, Goderich Street, 'West, Seafath. '
to the ' cup a gold medal will be .! 2026-tf
given each Member of the winning I HOUSES WANTED.—Any persons having rooms
team. This season there are four or houses to rent will find tenants by applying tor W.
H. . • 2020-2
teams in the contest -The Hurons of WOO, Seaforth
Seaforth ; Dundas,' Toronto Thistle,
SLIME AND MOS. -A. o. Ault: Seaforth, will
pay the highrst price -in cash! for any quantity of
and Montreal. The Hurons and the nofresh butter and eggs. Bring them right
Toronto Thistles play off in To- along. • 2014-tf
ronto on Thanksgiving Day,and *Try Charlie Hines' hand laundry, Seaforth, for nice
Dundas also
Montreal and play oft eon( Alsint s
thenschoel tniern Of the .Fresbyter-1
thureh on Friday evening last,
Mrs. Hamilton'Goderich,' gave a
Most intereating addreale 'and the of-
fering amounthd to twenty-five
James' Doyennes, of Hill -
treat, is spending the Tha,nirsgiving
holidays in Troronto.-Mrs. W. J.
Moffatt and children are visiting
friendatin Ripleye-Mr. Rich, Peck,
ndio was so seriously 114 last eveejk,
is now recovering nicely and ex-
pects to be able to attend to bust -
nese in a few days as .usual. -The
Colonial Tea Company have opened a
business in the store first door
south of the old Caiaadian Bank of
Commerce building and intend car-
- rying on a wholesale and retail tea
trade. This • Is a ..aew enterprise• tn
this part of the cohntry.
As Far Far As Milverton. -The Guelph
Herald of • Friday has the follow-
ing : "1 Coatractor .Gibsoa who has
, the contraet of laying the steel and
doing the loallasting on the Guelph
Goderich Railway from Wallen -
stein to 'Ooderich, is Sow busily en-
gaged, in finishing the ballasting
and trimming as far as Milvertooe
• in order that the roadvis,y be ready
for traffic by next Monday, when
- the regular eassenger service which
Is now given between 'Toronto and
Elmira, will be extended as far as
Milverton. There will, he two trains
• each way 'daily, one leilving
• for Milverton at 10.40 a.i m., and an-
other at 8.10 p. m. Trains will leave'
Milverton arriving at Elmira at
I7.40 a. ne, end 6 p. int At present the
work of laying the steel has been.
• suspended and extra gangs are at
work ot .the tradk between Milver-
ton and Millbank. The stations are
being rapidly rushed to completion
and in a few days will be equipped
with telegraph instrnments and other
•fixtufes. After- the service is com-
pleted to Milverton the track, lay-
ing will proceed towards Monkton a-
bout the end of the week."
George A. Slater shoes for mon have no superiors.
New rfall stook ot the very latest styles of men's
shoes in this make just arrived. Samples in south
• window. W. H. Willis, sole agent, also agent for
Dorothy Dodd shoes for ladies Seaforth. • 2027-1
gives WORKMEN'S ATTENTION ! A district meeting of the
satisfactio Clothes called for
nable. Laundry two
hardware stOre, Sea -
on the same day. • The, winners of doors South of Reid & Wilson's
-these two groups then play off for . forth. .
the championship. .. The Hurons are i MONEY FOUND .—Pound on the road between
practising• hard to get into shape Seaforth andliarpurhey, a roll of bills. MO owner
for • their game. -They ' will put a can have the same by proving 'property and ipaying .
charges on application to James Manley, Harpurhey.
strong team in the field and twill 1 •I 2025-3
put forth every effort t�- carry off • 1
the silver and gold. • ' Egmondville . Notea-The closing
• _ meeting -Of the year for the Egmond-
Locel Briefs. -Mr. and Mrs. George, ville -Women's Foreiga Missionary So -
Town, of Gorrie, spent Sunday in
Seaforth, with • Mr .Town's parent,
Mr. and Mrs. H. Town.---elrs.eHiram ,
Pollard, of New Likeaed, has been(
visiting friends in Hullett.-Mr. R. L.
Clark and Mr. Johh Henderson spent
Saturday and Sunday with friends in
Elrna.-Mr. Thomas Simpson has dis-
posed of his livery business in Bea -
forth, 'to. Mr. T. Carbert, of 'Tem -
water. The sale includes the bus,
n-111-carry1ng contract, and the stable
and property. The price paidwas $1,-
400. Mr. Carbert gets possession on
November 1st. Mr. Slinpson is, under
hided as to what he will' ido.--1-Mrs. R.
J. Pilacdonald, of Toronto, was calling
on friends in Seaforth on Monday. -
Rev. Mr. McWilliams, of St. Marys,
preached two excellent sermons in the
Presbyterian church on Sunday last. -
Dr. McGinnie was in London this
week, attending the funeral of his
brother. -Flora Margaret, the in-
fant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Peter
Dill, died on Thursday evening of
last week, and the twolittle ones I
were buried on Friday. The -sincer- I .-
. County Postmasters, -A convention
est sympathy of all goes out to ,,,,
Mr. and Mrs. Dill in this idouble be- e.. Huron county postmasters assem-
reavemiant.:-Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Allin bled in the town hall, Clinton, on
have returned from their wedding Tuesday, the 9th inst. •Whilst the
trip, and have settled dawn in the meeting was not largely attended,the
discussions were nrofitable' the in-
home on East William street, which t. -
Mr. Allin recently purchased. -The erest well suatained, and many it -
annual sports at the Collegiate In- ems of business disposed of. Mr. D.
B. McKinnon, of Blyth, occupied the
;3titute were held on Wednesday, and
in the evening an entertainment wa3 chair, and V. 'R. England, of Credi-
held in the assembly hall of the
school.- A full report will be given
• next week. -The Seaforth • Collegiate
football team went • to Clinton on
Saturday last, to play for the Hough
Cup, but again Clinton proved too
strong for them, and won the 'game
by three goals to nono.-Maurice
Shea, who has been conductor of the
Seaforth bus * here for a number of
years, has gone to Clinton, where he
has taken ea position in the (Cornmeica-,
cial hotel -Mr and Mrs K M 1Me-
Flowei‘i•n-g• Bull?s Zurich.
3.- Thompson, Bayfield ; icKilliarns,
The bellowing lerizeis were also
omitted from the list ; Agrioultal-
ral •team, D. Schnell, •mecond; car:-
riake foal, T. Sherrltt, T. H. Brown-
lee ; collection :gamier, tid, Miss
P. Nott, avirtter • peals, 2nd, Joha
Campbell, shadoev embroidery,
Middleton, Mts. Howrie ; eyelet., em-
broiderY, ' 2nd, John MiAdleton;
hand. sewing, '2,nd, Mrs. Howie ; rag
hat sewed, Miss H. Wise, X. Sterling.
• W. E. Kerslake,
cured a situation in one of the To-
ronto braricheia-Rev. A. McNab at-
tended the inductfon of Rev. Mr.
,Duncan at Whitechurch this week, it
being Mr. McNith's former charge. Mr.
Duncan cOmea from Unionville,. -An-
, tivereary services Will be held in
naffs ,PreilOyterian church in the
near future. -Miss Bathe delivered an
impressive address OR miSsiOn work
itmong. the French Cenadla•ns on
Friday aftekhoon d last week in
Duff's church and Was `greeted with
• a large audience who listened with
eager earnestness. -A new firm will
ihertly open a new stone in the
, commodious . building which, is be -
Ing ereeted by Mr.. Eli cLaugt.lin,
_which is •now nearing co pletion,
Pe ratin. al .-Mies Lizzie Lon gwor tin
who, has been enjoying a • pleasant
visit with leer parents and other
friends here has returned to Detreit.
ciety was held In the 'church ion -Tues-
day last. An excellint report was
read by the treasurer, showing that
over $206 have been aaised by the So-
ciety this year for missions. The
,Thank -offering of the Society amount-
ed to Over $130. The following offi-
cers were elected for thaeorn,ing year:
Miss A. G. Gemmel,1 president ; Mrs.
R. Hicks, vice-president; Miss Liz-
zie Gemmel, , treasurer; Mrs. L.
Reinke, I eaflet 'secretary • Mrs, N.
Shaw, secretary. -The raham Mis-
sion Band, organized in- January
last, to work for both Home and For-
eign Missions, contributed $17 to 'the
Women's Home MiSsionary Society.
The Egmondville people • are godd
workers and liberal givers. -Mr. Al-
fred F. Marcus, Of the Salem 'Iron
;Works, in Salem, !Oregon, is at the
Manse, Egmondville, with his mother,
who still continues very 111. -Miss
Tena Mason, who has been visiting
her mother In the village, leevee ifor
Ertroit on Friday.
. . .
Lean returned from their wedding
trip •on Saturday last. -The weather
• clerk has this- week been making up
for the unseasonable pranks he was
playing on us last weeke and. tad a
consequence, we have been fayored
with most • delightful weathetr.-Pro-
fessor O'Brien, phrenologist and palm-
ist, Who has been here- for three
weeks, left on Wednesday for Mit-
• chell. The Professor understands his
. business, and is a square gentleman,
who deserves public patronage. He
• Is no fake, but works on scientific
principles. -Mr. Walter Ilele Inch las
been -engaged to keep the pavement
qn.. Math liftireet cleeen. lerred he aloes
his worle avell.-Miss Gertie Laidlaw
left here on Wedneeday for De-
troit, where her mother and herself
will in future reside. -A district
meeting of the United Workmenrn
will be held in the Oddfeliows
on Teenday eeening next, when sev-
epal of the membe-rn of the )Grand
Lodge will be present. A full at-
tendance of members is requeSted.- ,
On Sunday evening next Rev. F. H. 1
Larkin will speak on "What church I
h td ith the
work of life. -The large new steam
and heating hollers for the furni-
ture factory were got in last eveek-
and are • mew being 'built in t,-;;Ielir,
places. ' The steam _boiler is so
large and _ heavy that it had tor be
taken from the cars on roliers and
with the • house moving appliance.
The brick is also on han.d air the
second new addition to the factory
building. -Mr. John Mcliab, of Duri-
n-annon, was in town this week.-
those thinking of going into the
sheep raising business or those de-
siring to enlarge their flocks should
bear in mind Mr. George M. Ohes-
ney's filiation sale of choice breed-
ing ewes at Dick's stock yardis, Sea -
forth, on Saturday next. -The Thank -
offering meeting of the Barbara
Kirkman Minion band Walk held in
Notes. -The snow storm of last
week did a lot of da,ma,ge ltd fruit
and ornamental trees in this- town-
ship.-Qed. Bell, of Lumley, has dis-
posed of his farm be a ,gentidmen
in London. -Tom Py -bus said sister, of
-Thames Road, who have been 111,
are convalescing. -Mr. Arnold Moir, of
Haileyberry, IS holidaying et his
father's ' home in Hurondale.-Coun-
cillor Fred Ellerington. got the red
ticekt for carriage horse, and spec-
ial for beet turn -but at Kirkotn on
Friday. He certainly has a fine
beat. -On , Wednesday of 'last week,
while Mr. Daniel Dew was picking
apples he fell from the tree, (and in
the fall sustained a bad shaking tup,
As a testa he has now to. walk by
the aid of crutches. _
Goderioh. • • . • .
- Fatal Accident. -As, the result of a.
serious accident, which occurred at
bout 11 o'clock • on Friday morning,
at the bridge the C. P. R. are !con-
structing across the *Snead river
here, one man was 'killed and three
badly injured. A • hoisting • engine,
mounted on a flat a:ar an the bridgd
was raising a girder, when the car
fell over into, the river. Engineer
Jack Maddeford, an Englishman, jell
with it, and received injuries from
which he died almost immmediately.
Jock Campbell and D. Lynn, of this
town, were badly hurt, the formee
having several ribs and an arm !brok-
en. Harvey Gillman, of Peterboro,
received injuries • in the back and
is • said to be seriously hurt.
• .
George A. Slater shoes for men have no superiors.
New fall stock of the very latest styles of men's
shoes in this make just arrived. • Samples in south
window. W. H. Willis, Seaforth, sole agent, also
agent for Dorothy Dodd shoes for ladies. 2027-1
Going Ahead. -The Patterson, New
Jersey Guardian, of October lith,
makes the following reference to an
old- Stanley boy " To -day an im-
portant addition was made to the
automobile industry in this city,
when the Howe Motar Car Co. open-
ed for business the doors of its
fine -spacious salesroom and garage
at 11 Park avenue. Mr. 3. L. Aik-
enhead, an automobile expert, of
New York, is manager of the pro-
gressive new company, which is
headed by A. E. Howe, /Nutley,
from whom it takes its name. Mr.
Aikenhead, the manager of the motor
company, be • a practical automobile
expert, with five years of exper-
ience. He was formerly for some
time in Detroit as representative of
the Diamond Rubber Company, and
the Ford Motor Car company. „ Mr.
Aikenhead ,declares that he is install-
ing and will run a repair depart-
ment of the 'highest class.
Nptes.-Mr. Geo. Douglas, who lost
his barn by lightning some weeks
ago, and who purchesed another near
Dashwood, had a successful raising
tion East, acted as-4secretary. After Tuesday last. We lope- the weath-
full discusslon, and it being conceded er remains fine to enable him tO get
that the best syistpm of organization things straightened up again befere
would be the formation of county as- winter. -Farmers are now busily en-
sociations, with representatives from gaged with their fall plowing. The
these to attend the Provincial meet- snow which fell last week has made
ings, it was decided to proceed to the land fit to work. -Mrs. Otter -
organize under the. 'name of the have been in Michigan aince spring',
" County of Huron Postmasters' As- have beeen in Michigan since spring,
sociation." The following foficers have returned to our burg. -Mr. Robt.
were elected: D. B. McKinnon, Blyth, Allan has had a new cement floor
president; P. Hanlon, •Centralia, vice- put in part of his; stable. -We are
president; W. T. England, Crediton
rEast, secretary -treasurer; and Messrs.
T. Farrow, -Brussels ; P. Fisher,Wing-
ham ; E. Christie, Exeter, and A. D.
Sutherland, Seaforth, with the _above
named officers to constitute the ex-
ecutive committee. ,It was decided
thet the payment of the membership
fee of the Provincial Association
flhquld entitle to membership in the
county association, it being expect-
ed that a sma,11 percentage Of these
fees should go to the county treasur-
er to meet necessary local expenses.
The president and Mr. D. Sproat were
named as delegates to the next 'meet-
ing of the Provincial Association.
Mr. H. E. Proctor, of Aurora, necre-
tray of the Provincial Association,was
present, and gave an instructive ad-
dress, making special reference to the
advantages of organization, and dis-
cussing the present prospects of the
postmaster and the possibilities of im-
provement by intelligent co-operation.
It was resolved that the next !meeting
be held in Clinton, some time in
January next.
eorry to hear of the illness n Mrs,
3. Manson,' sr., who is coiljied to
the house •with an attack o typhoid
fever. ----Mrs . John Oesch et11 keeps
Londesboro,_ -
-Notes.-Anniversary SerIrices were
conducted in the Methodist church
on Sunday last, when the ministeh
from Bayfield rea,ched both morn-
ing and evening. On Thanksgiving
riDay, from live to seven p. rm., a
lgrand fowl 1 dinner will be nerved
after Which f a splendid programme
will be gi en, consisting of ad-
dresses by Bev. Mr. Leckie, Rev. Mr.
Anderson, B yth, Rev. Mr. Clement,
Goderich, an4 the pastor. The Clin-
ton .and stfield quartette clubs
will furnish Jthe music. Recitatione,
readings, et ., will be given A•
good" time is expected. -Mr. Renton.
the well kno n revivalist, gave his
famous lecture "From the bar room
th the church." on Wednesday ev-
ening a last week, when. about 600
people •gathered to hear it.
Walton •Prize List Corrections. -:By some
George A. Slater shoes for men have no superiors.
unaccountable and mysterious mis-
New fall stock of the very latest styles of men's •
si cos in this make just arrived, Samples in south hap the grain -and seed prizes pab•
er nem, W. Wens, Seaforth, sole agent, also elished last week lin the prize (lig of
4.ent for Dorothy Dodd shoes for ladies. 2027-1 I the Bayfield slione were those of la
-Local Items. -Miss Maud E. John- previous show. The secretary, Mr.
ston has returned from a pleasant ' George E. • Greenslade, has very
visit with friends in Cleveland, and kindly furnished us the correct list
has again* resumed her aosiition in -as follows: White winter wheat,
Mr. NeaI's store. -Mrs. A. E. Small, M. Eirethour, J. K. -Wise; red rwinter
Of Goderich, is visiting at the par- wheat, M. Brethour, R. W. Delgaty ;
ental home, theresidence of Mr. spring wheat, . M. Brethour, J. K.
John Rae. -The Heading mill of Mr. -Wise; large white peas, M.Breth-
John McDonald commences' operations our, J. K. Wise; small white ipea,e,
this week, with a competent gang of '813C rowed barley, two rowed barley
workmen. -The basement of the new i and white oats, 3. K. Wise, al. Breth-
building of Mr. T. G. Waghorn, IV. S., our; black oats, timothy seed, and
is being completed this week. The Speltz, M. Brethour, 3. X. -Wise; Vele
work le -being `done by MT. John Stew- low corn, A. Evan, L. Aldworth ;
art, of Blyth. -Mr. E. Calvert, forme Dent corn, Snowden Bros., 'John
erly of -Linwood, has assumed the Campbell; sweet corn, M. Brethour,
management of the Soverei•gn Bank A. E. Matheson ; anty other va,r1e4y,
here Mr Tan K•an hu t having see • G Howson' Snowden Bros Iud es -
• g • g
St Joseph.
Notes. -Mr. Strad, of London, is
putting electric lights in the Bal-
moral botel.-Mr. N. M. Contine is
trying to hire men to finish lime
rooms in the big hotel , as bei says a
gentleman in Brantford has leased
the hotel and Intend S having his li-
cense transferred from there here.
Nothing is impossible for N. M. -
A letter has been recelyed from the
department of Public *Works at
Ottawa saying that the department
have paid the •-contractor for the
St. 3oseph Government works, but
as the , department always tries to
protect the men who work for their,
contractors they will look into the
matter of complaint. -Mr. L. Jef-
frey, flax foremen for Mr. F. Kalb-.
fleisch will shortly move so as -to
neaaer the MOBS, Jr.,
has rented Mr. John Kallefilelisch's
farm. -Mr. Arthur Scree'nan is seri-
ouFily ill with rheumatic fever.
• Wroxeter.
• Notes.-3/Cessrs. A. H. Rae and Nor-
man Harris returned home from •the
west last week. -Editor Carr return-
ed from Toronto on Monday, where the
had spent a few days. -Mrs. W.Ittith-
erford le the guest of relatives tin
Hamilton.. -Mr. Thos. Playford, of
Dauphin, Manitoba, is reneWing ac-
quaintances in the vilta,ge.e-- Miss
Staples, of Teeswater, airent 1astFri-
day with 'Mrs. V. G. Hemphill. -Mr
and Mrs. Alex, Smith spent Sunday in.
Bruasels with the forneer's mother,
Mrs. Smith, who is seriously ill. td.s
she is in her ninety acond wear./ her
serovery doubtful. -Mrs. 0. Smith
and daughters, Rosie and Mria R.
Rae, returned from Radisson, Sask.,
on Friday. -Mrs, 'Scott Black left fdr
London last week, where she Will
visit for, some time. -Mr. R. Thom-
son, of Brussels, spent Friday in -the
village. -Miss Tena Rae and lifrs. 0.
Smith visited in Brussels on Monday.
--Mr. Jos. Cowan' spent a -part oflast
•Week with relativee near Lindsay.-
-Mr. Morfoot and family, who have
been residing en the boundary for
the past year, have moved to iMr.
Martin's residence on *Main street.
Morris •
HapPenitigs.-Everett Walker, of the
6th line, has gone to Hamilton, where
he is attending the Normal School for
a term. -Mrs. Edward Nichol, of the
5th line, has returned from a couple
of weeks' visit at Ingersoll, ?Wood-
etock and Norwich. -John Shortreed,
Jr, a the 9th line, has at new silo
built. His new" brick house is near-
ing completion, and will ,make tine
improvexnent to his farm. -Mrs. peb-
son, who visited here_ for the past'
few months, has returned - to her
4iome in Hamiota, Manitoba. • She is
greatly taken up with the West. -
The Johnston farm, on the 6th line,
has- been leased to George Stevens,
for a term of five years. The new
tenant has taken possession, moving
from the 8th line. -Mr. Robert Nichol,
of the 6th concession, has purehaseid
a very fine Leicester ram from Mr.
James Snell, of Hullett, the well-
known !breeder. It took second prize
at the recent :Western Fair, at Lon-
don. Verniers are now 'commencing
to pay imore attention to sheep Seis-
ing than they have done for several
years. -If is stated that Richard
Mitchell, of the 3rd line,- has dis-
posed of his fifty acre, farm ito Joseph
Shaw, of Grey township, the price be-
ing $2,8.00. Mr. Mitchell talks of go-
ing to the Northwest, where he has a
son located.
Death. of a Ploaelin-Death -dame
very suddenly to Mr. Wm. James
Johastora sr., of the second concese
sion, near Bluevale, on Tuesday ev-
ening of last week. -He had .been dn
his asuar good health; he ate his .sup-
per as usual, and walked up the road
past Mr. Shaw's. Later, as he was
standing in the woodshed, he was
stricken with paralysis. .A physician
was summoned, but •a few minute
after. he . arrived, the apark ,of life
had fled. Mr. Johnston was one a
the earliest settlers of Morris, hav-
ing been in the township fifty-five
years, coming to it when it 'was solid
bush. Hard toil an frugality made
for Mr. and Mrs. Johnston a tomfort-
able home, and they raised a highly -
respected family. Their home was
always open for ministers of the
church of their. choice. Mr. John-
ston had been reeve of the township,
and for many years an active /offi-
cial in the Methodist church. Whetre
ever 'he was known he was igreatly
respected as a man of sterling thar-
acter. Besides his sorrowing part-
ner, he leaves five BOXIlif and two
daughters. He Was 72 y§arB of age.
A.NNIVERSARY. - The Methodists
held their anniversary services on
Sunday last, Rev. Mr. Kerr, of Olin.
ton, preaching two splendid sermons.
In the evening, the ehurch was pack-
ed, a great many from the other
churches being in attendance, for as
usual the Presbyterians had no ser-
vice. The congregation dispensed
with an entertainment this year on
the Monday eliening, but on Novem-
ber 28th they a -e going to have Har-
old Jarvis and other talent.
NOTES. -Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Plum-
mer and SOD, Frank, received a, pleas-
ant surprise last Thursday, when a
numbet. of their friends presented
Mr. and Mrs. Plummer with a beauti-
ful set of silverware, and Frank with
a beautiful pin set with pearls. A
great many will be sorry that they
are leaving here. While they have
lived here, they have always taken
an active part in everything for the
town's good. -Mr. Cantelort, of Clin-
ton, has his apple packers in Reeve
Sloan's large orchard -here at
present where they will have over 300
barrels. -Mr. Frank Metcalf was in
London thiq week. ---The Oddfellows
sent a nicely worded address to their
,brother, Frank Anderson, in his afflic-
tion, Raving loht his mother. -Mr.
Watson shipped a -ear load of export
cattle from here on Wednesday. -Mr.
• W. Letrace left for Durham on Fri-
day, where he is going to be cranes -
man on one of the steam shovels on
the railway there. -Mr. Robt. Dougias
is at present afflicted with Job's com-
forters, making :it hard for him to at-
tend to his business. -Mrs. Bradwiu
and family moved this week to Toron-
trl, accompanied byher sister, Miss
Allie Enngh, who s going to stay
with her for a week. -The snow storm
we had last week did considerable
damage to the trees, breaking a, num-
Feature of store:
is its solid Rellabili
..1.4.444444+44444.4.444: 44.4eteifelsE
Persons who come here, in response to Our printed announcemen
the advantages we, offer, Our high qualities, our varied assortments,
many con:Venienees, are facts, nos theories. Because of the prevaleaci
"fads" in our establishment, customers like to come often This keens
always busy, and our firm adb.erance to _facts is the best guarautee that
Le offered for the merchandise we handle.
Time for Furs.
Fuis are to be bought, you might as well enjoy wearing them from
outset of the cold -weather season, We have more choke things than ev
show you this Fail -good things, too, because this promises to be the gre
season of popularity for furs that we have ever known. We have pro
mile quite remarkable values, among which the following things appear:
At $7.50__Vizinia Sable Stoles, long fronts. wide collars,
At $9 00
laska Saible Ruffs, trimmed with six. tails .6116,
At $15.00—Isabe11a Fox Ruffs, long fronts, very striki
At $35 00—Bocharan Lamb Jackets, the best ,value
2 at the price.
• Millinery
Many new Hats that are attraetive
style, attractive in new and exclusive
signs, attractive in large and eompzelze
sive assortment, attractive in 'low pxlc
You are respectfully invited to see ir
pretty things we now have -new rib
new laces, new velvets, new ornament&
Stylish Ready to Wear
Oommon sense has overcome objections which used to be exp
against wearing -what were called readyrna.le garments, and to every one
two articles that we sold a few Seasons age, wetare now selling dozens.
usefulness and expediency of certain ready-to-wear garments is eelf demon-
strative, particularly durink the seasons of cold, inclement weather. We WO
show you the newest things in voguelor Fall and Winter. We ar0 may to
supply you at once with whatever you need in •
Jackets Raincoats, Skirts, Wai
and Underwear.
Pretty Fixings in Dress Accessoriei
for Fall •Wear.
Bright new things of this order are shown here in ample van
things in Gloves, Hosiery Neckwearr, Belts, Handkerchiefs, Oombs and
mings of every kind;
Light fawn Covert A..
Coating, extra pal- 4.1
,New shade dark g& -
net Satin Cloth
their g
ber of them down. -Miss Kate Brawn
who has been in Toronto consulting a
specialist regarding her eyes, return-
ed home Mondav.:-M• r. John Young,
of London, who a nuraber of years
age* residedhere, was renewing ac-
quaintance s -here on Monday. --Tax
olle‘ctor Westlake is at present on
his rounds.--Xr. Chas. Bunting, who
has had a serious attrek of typhoid
fever, is slowly regainieg strength.- ,
Mr. and Mrs. R. Mathison, of Lucks'
now, visited Mr. Adam McKenzie ov-
er S tin day. -Mr. Jas. McCreight, who
has been visiting his brother in Dres-
den for the past two weeks, returned
home Monday. -The earpentef3s have
finished theirtpart of the work on the
C.P.R. station and have moved on to
Auburn. The plasterers and painters
will be along in a- very short time. -
Mr. Fred Campbell, who waa well
known here, being a son of Contraact
or Campbell, who made an attempt
to commit suicide in Owen Sound,but
was unsuccessful, died last Wedne
day in the asylum, where he had
been since he recovered. "Fris rem in
were conveyed to his parent's honic
in Strathroy, where they were buried
on Friday: It seems that he had been
hit on the head by a base ball, which
had pressed the skull against the
brain and deranged the mind. Mr.
Campbell has the sympathy of his
many friends in these parts in his sad
affliction. --Dr. W. Sloan, who has
been out in the Klondike for'the past
nine yearsreturned home very sud-
denly on Tuesday morning, having a
great ecrperience while tInve. • He in-
tends staying home all winter and
then he is going back. He has met.
with good success, having some val-
uable clairag near Cape Nome. He has
some very nice nuggets with hinl,
DRY 600
which are worth onsiderable
His old friends all welcome
pie of the v age be
j:ei e tt 1 '-ici0desifCNtats0b. eiedzihbbb°t fire
aeifrri°1t1" itdr°1:1Phig. °et. Seuve:tibau ftrall L' They jesnh' bde rieht1trs:. ‘fiedtiell:Itgi''' ' rs tii 5
News -
-Sibley College, Waive
was damaged by we
the -extent a $ , e bu
was saved from re bY
efforts of the tire aid
students. •
- Tourists in Sw hav
suddenly horrified d
that leprosy has II in
tle village in the whle
been frequently vi m
climbers, and that au
ties knew nothing
rifying fact was d
a conseript presentingre
military servic h da
was discovered o n
leprosy. He d c ar rna
- Queen Maud of Nerway hat
ed an album contWrag new
cuttings relating to "herself •
. -The storm that swept over
ern New York recently, des
many thousands of dollars w
fruit trees around Rochester.
peach trees Suffered the '-
many peach and quince ore
Monroe 'county are rfflned.
An army of ants bag
Bloomsbury, London, and
the moot frantic efforts of
dents to evict them, the ill
seized and still hold the b
rows e housesiovertiiiiii
said .-cellaret and driving -
• o olistraction.
sUr )31}1
mink t
sable oi