The Huron Expositor, 1906-10-19, Page 6-77
ESTATel 'rOR ft.k.LE.
RMS. FARM TO RENT. ----1.‘o rent, Lot 17, Oen
"T‘ oeation 4, MoKillop, 100 aores grass. Will be
ented f r a term of Years, Apply to
eRROW BROS., Seaforth. 190341
MO LET -The undersigned will rent his farne
the Lake Shore to a good tenant for aatennof
five- Yeana The term conasts ot 210 eares. of gooe
land, nearly all under cultivation and in gWd
For full tern e and partieulars apply at once
DANIEL SMITH, Joseph P. O. 1 144
ejlteTTAGE FOR S .LE -A story and le half brink
‘3it cotta•go in Harperhey. The house is heated with
turtle -ea and flee a frame kitchen and woodshed at -
tact -ed. There is a good well, good fitable and hen
heuse on the propetty. There are 3 1.5 acres of land.
Apply on the premises. FRANCES FOWLER.
_ - -
money on improved quarter sections of 160
acw each at from 8% to 10% per annum. Only firat
endrtgages taken. Ample security- given. Torrens
Title Syntem perfeck Prone $300 up ean be lent
on farms worth from $1,000 to $2,001. For further
eiculars write to me. J. A. JACKSON, Parris -
etc., Ponoka, Alberta. 19594.
314`FOR SALE. -The subscriber offers for sale
ferm of 103 acres, being lot SI, 9rd COTICOS-
Mon, He R. S. Tuckersinith. Ad cleared and under
oultivatkin except 3 &creel all but le acres in grass._
Frame house, bank barn, hay barn and other out.
buildinga, bearing orchrtml, good water, sohoolhouse
on the premises. Iris within Mx miles of Seaforth
and five from Clinten. Will be sold on. eiwy terms.
WHITTIELD oittog, Minton. P. 0. 200Inet8tf
WAPAI FOR SALE. -Lot 71 and one-half of Lot
le 72, Gederioh Township, consisting Of 06 acres.
There le about 40 acres busk, containing a. lot of
laemlook and other valuable timber, ; 8 acres young
oroharde the plate is well watered and. fenced, spring
creek, good barn with stables under, good hen house
and peg perm, frame house with stone cellar under-
neath with cement floor, three miles from Hayfield,
le from Clinton, on the main road between the two
places mentioned, and one mile fora saw mil
It Will be sold on easy tering, For partieulars apply
to AIM 0. PARSONS, Hayfield P. O. 201/3 -ti
TTOUSE FOR SALE -For sale, a Istory-andavhall
.1.1. house in. Harou/key, emit outside the corpor.
Atkin of Seaforth. Tare are nine rooms and wood
ee wood and cod shed in connection, also hard and soft
e" water in the house. There are linens of land, with
*tit small. and large fruit of the hest varieties, also
etable for cow and horse and hen house for about 50
liens. The house has been recently painted and pap-
ered and is in first-class condition and would be a
very suitable home for a retired farmer. For further
wstioulars apply to MRS, J. 3. HUGILL, or to
kMS. ABRAHAM TIUGILIe Scalar% P. 0.-
WARM FOR SALE. -For sale, Lot 8, Concession
..1.` L. R. S.,,,Tuekeromith, containing 100 acres, of
which 9 acres is good hardwood bush. The balance
well fenced, tiledmined and in first-class condition.
There are two good barns, one a bank barn 36 x 78 It
with stone stabling underneath and the other 66
WI ft., and a comfortable frame house, three good
stolis and a never failing spring at the rear of the let,
and a good hearing orchard. The ploughing is all
41one and 14 acres of fall wheat It is 'within two
miles of the flourishing -village of Hensall and wiehin
half a, mile of a,school house. Apply on the prernites
er to J. OALDWelf,Te Hensall P. 0. - 1987 -ti
W ARM FOR SALE. -For sate, Lot 24, Concession 2,
_V Stanley, containing 100 acres. Ninety acres are
cleared and lan. good state Of cultivation ; there are
10 acres of good hardwood- bush. The farm is all
well underdrained and welt larked. Thee te two-
storey brick house with slat a roof, a first-elass fann
house. Bank barn, 401t, x 80ft., cement eilo, pig pen,
driving house; There are two never failing wells,
and an acre of orchard and small fruit.This exe,ellent
farm Is three miles from Brucefield and five miles
from Olinton, with good gravel roads. For further
particulars applron the premises or address ALBERT
NOW, Clinton P. 0 1948-tf
WARMS FOR. SALE --100 acres, Lot 3, Concession
.1' 5, IL-Ite S., Tuckersmith, Huron County, all
seeded to grass, except 15 acres of hush. Frame
house, orchard, 2 good wells, land and bush the beet.
Also West half of Lot 6, Concession 4,. Teckeremith,
50 acres, , school on corner, Hayfield river crossing it.
On this place there ie a kink barn, ,brick house,
work -shop, &bring house, pier and hem house, young
beating orchard with %%fulsome shade trees, 2 wells,
water first Mass,. The buildings.are new and up-to-
date and the land !lathe best corfpition. A good lo-
cation, 8 miles from Seaforth on a good road. These
farms are -Offered for sale together or separately. If
not gold seen may be offered for rent. Apply to
JOHN SPROAT, Egniondville P. O., Ont. 1998-tf
OOD FARM FOR SALE. --For sale cheap and on
easy terren, Lot 25, Conce,ssion 4, Mcitillop.
islarm contain e 97e acres, all cleared and in fine
eondition. Fifty acres are seeded to grass, six or
eeven in fall wheat and the rest All ploughed and
ready,for spring crop. There is a tine spring for
-watering the stock close to the buildings, a good
brick house, two large barns, one with good stablinea.,:
underneath, alio horse stable and implement house
and a large orchard. It is within a mile and half
of the town of Seaforth. If not sold, will be leased
for a term of years. AppIv to the undersigned, box
192, Seaforth P. O., ROBERT GOVENLOCK.
The season's first cold
may be slight—maY
to early treatment, but,the
next cid will hang on
lon.ger ; it will be More
troublesome,,, too. U n
necessaryfto take _chaeaces
on that second on. Scott's
Emulsion , is a prtventiVe
as well as a cure. Take
1 Illanitoba, and NortheireSt Nov.
-Me population of Red Deer, Al-
berta is now 1,712 ite `ascertained by
I: a. recent censure
-Mayberry Brom. have purchased
i. a 'block of 80 acne of %and, opposite
the exhibition grin:nide in Winnipeg,
paying tor' it $76,000.
-The city council a Brandon
have decided to tear down the great-
er part On the preeent city hall,
and erect a new and modern building
at a cost of $75,000.
--The, dal' :or holding the third
provincial fa stook show- of the
Saskatchewan Stock Breederle As-
eociation has been fixed for Wed-
nesday and Thursday, March 20 and
21, at Regina,
-Mr. James Fisher, of Winnipeg,
has sold his farm, of 125 acres, near
Portage la Prairie, for $101 per
acre. cttTwo weeks previously Mr, o
Fisher bought this farm foe $56.00
an etre.
-A child of Mr. Ennis, of Innisfall,
Alberts, Wale severely burned last t
week, caused by a spark from the '
stove, igniting , the child's clothing.
So 'severe were the , burns *that. one
arm had to be amputated.
-The crops this year in the :vic-
inity of Fielding, Sask., are Ilisap- 1,
potting. In wheat the average has o'
not been as good as was neepected,
although the -sample is fine. Thug for some time; head has ached and back
-is a very light yield of Oats. P also ; has slep-kpoorly, been quite nervous,
tathes are elmoSt a failure- and nearly laintSd once or twice; head
-Messici:Shaw and Pybus are the dizzy, and heart -beats very fast; then
proprietors of (g,he fine new hotel that bearing -down feeling, and during her
Portage, opened last month in .Port-: -
age la Prairie, The hotel is e of, rriods She is exceedingly deapondent.
ogling pleases her. Her doetor saysl
white brick with stone facings, four "Cheer up: you have dyspepsia; you
stoneys high, elegantly furnished will be all right soon."
throughout, and modern in eyery o .
But she doesn't get "all right," and
meebid, raelan'cb.dly, everlasting BLUES.
Don't wait until yeuresufferings have
driven you to despair, With your nerves
all shattered and your courase gone, but
take Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com-
pound. ° See what it did for Madame
Josephine Rinville, Mastal, "Que. She
SCOTTS 40120
when: .dolds abound and
you'll haVe 11T° c'etid. Take it
• when the cold is Contracted
and it Checks inflamma-
tion„heals the membranes,
-of the throat and lungs
" and drives the cold out,'
,Send for free sample.
SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists
Toronto, Ont.
Snc. and $1.00 druggists
WARM FOR SALE -For sale, Lot 5, Concession 141
J. Hullett, containing. 120 mores. The farm is al, .
erleared and in a, high state of cultivation. It is well
drained and well fenced. There in a large two-storey
brick house with woodshed and kitchen. There is a
large bank tarn and two smaller banns and driving
etbed. Two good orchards. There are two never
Jailing springs- on the farm, which make it an excel-
lent one for either stock or cropping. There is also
a. pimp at the barn, with windmilh This excellent
farm is two nines from Flarlock P. 0., four mile
from Blyth. Terms to suit purchaser as the prop-
aletresswishes to leave the farm and, if not sold. it
will be rented. This is the farm• of the late Joen
Mills, For further particulars apply on the premises
or address, Ilareock P. 0., MRS. JOHN MILLS.
-17ARII FOR SALE. -For sale, Lot 24, Concession
1: 3. Stanley, contaiiiing 100 acres. There are 85
acres cleared and the balance is good hardwood
bush. The farm is well underdrained and well fenc-
ed. There are, on the premises, a two-story Item
'house with stone foundation and good cellar. Th
house is in first -Masa aondiitori. There is also a good
frame barn. There is plenty of good water both at
the house and barn and a good spring meek runs
across the back of the fanix. This farm tis in first -
Mau shape and ia one of the best in the township.
lft is three and a half miles from the village of Bruce-
lield and five miles from Clinton. Will be sold on
easy terms as the proprietor is going, west For fur-
ther particulars apply on the premises or address,
Hrucefield P. 0., MRS. JOHN GILMOUR.
A ACRE FARM FOR SALE. -The undersign -
:I ed offers for sale that most desirable prop-
orty known as Lot 6, Concession 1, Township of
Blanshard, Perth County. There are. on the prem-
ises, a good brick house ea 24, with kitchen attach-
ed, 16 x Ina both in good repair; a large bank barn,
70 x 70, with good stone stablina, underneath ; one
first-class cement silo, 12 x 37, and other useful
buildings. The farm is well watered, both in front
and in the reen and is adapted both for grain aid
-stock raising and is in a. high state of cultivation,
which is ell known from the feet thet the propriet-
or has resided thereon for nearly filey years, being
one of the most successful farmers in the township.
it is centrally located, being near both church and
ehool, arid within easy reach of a good market. For
further particulars address JOHN SUTHERLAND,
Kirkton P. O. 2009-tt
WOR SALE. -An excelled building lot, containing
three-quartera of an Ore of land, part of the
MoMann property, Egmondville, opposite the recre-
ation ground/4, all ready for building. There is a
good fence all round the land, a good hard waten
web, the cellar i8 dug out and dram all round it,
also dram froin it There are about 17 thousand
of kiln run brick. The briek can be bought separate-
ly if desired. There are Ostia number 3f loads of
nand and gran -el and enough stone to build a founda-
tion for a large home. This pt./party will b (sold
cheap, as Mr. IAttle cannot drive the Hayfield and
Seaforth stage end live in Et.rmonville and would like
to diapoee of his property there. Any person desiring
to buy this property may learn all particulars front,
R. 8. HAYS, Seaforth, or If. LITTLE, Hayfield.
PIM FOR SALE, -Lot 15, Concession 2 ; Lot
16, Concession 8 ; S. e Lot 14, Concession 1,
and 8e Lot 15, Conceesion 1, Huron Road SurveY.
Township of Tuckersmith, County of Huron, contain-
ing 300 sores, situated within two tniles of the thriv-
ing,' town of Seaforth, one of the best marketa in Wes-
tern Ontario. This farm was awarded the gold
medal in the farm competition of 1888. The farms
have beee all pastured for the past ten years and
would nein be ta excellent shepe for general farming.
Soil good clay loam --two-storey brick dwelling house
and kitchen with brick woodshed --hot air furnace -
hard and soft water in kitchen -fine grounds with
shrubbery, evergreens and cedar hedges -orchard
with spruee windbreak on west and north -good
barns with stone stabling -30 acres of herdwood bush,
maple and beech -web watered with spring creek
and river. Will sell altogether or would divide pro-
perty. No better property in the County of Huron.
..TOIIN T. DICKSON, Seaforth. ' 2020-tf
(1_00D FARM FOR SALE. --For gale; Lot 2, Con
ea- cession 12, II. It. 8., Tuckersmith, containing
100 acres. This farm is well fenced 'and thoroughly
and s,ystematically underdmined, and, having -been
kept in a high state of cultivation, %admittedly, one
of the most productive fame in the township.
There is a lint class frame house with kitchen and
woodelied, and equipped with eistern and ether mod-
ern conveniences. There are two good hank barns
and other up-to-date out -buildings. There le 4 good
bearing orchard and aloe a new orchard of well se-
lected fruit trees. There are two never failing webs,
the one at the home and the other at the barn.
This feem is most desirably situated, beim, three
miles ftom the prosperous village of lIenaall and one
quarter of a mile from Chiselherst, where there are
two churches, a store, post office and blaoksmith
shop. As the proprietor is in poor health, it will be
soki on reasonable terms, when one half of tAte pur-
chase money, or more, if necessary, may remain on
the farm at a reeeionable rate ot interest. For fur-
ther particulars apply on the 'nemeses Otto ROBERT
NEWELL Ohiselhurst P. 9, 20084
WARM FOR SALE. -For sale, North half of Lot
eie 18, Concession 12, MoKillop, containing 60 acres.
It is all cleared and well fenced. This farm is well
situated for pasture land and has on it a never failing
spring well. For further pertimelars apply to THOS.
SIMPSON, Eleaforth: or to THOS. 8E41'80E, Sr., Lob
18, Concession 10, Moleillop,, 2026-tf
WARM FOR SALE--eFor sale the East Half of Lot,
.1' 4-, an the 1.1th Oolcession of Tuckersinith, con-
taining 50 acres, nearly • all cleared and in a goad
state of cultivation. There is, on the premisee,
good bank barn, (40 ft. x 56 fen and a comfertable
dwelling house, also a good orchard of winter fruit.
Terms reasonable.• Apply to JOHN WHITMAN
Chiselhurst, Ont. 2025-8
WOR SALE, a comfortable frame house in h-
moudville, with three acres of land, cellar and
also a stable. The house contains 1 bed room, par-
lor, dining room and kitchen d wnstairs end two
bed rooms and a large hall nodal . There is 'plenty
of hard and soft water. The property is close to beth
church and sohool. Will be sold cheap. Apply te
`J-ANMS S. BROWN, or box 357, Seaforth P. O.
1: Concession 15, containing 42 acres, good for
either grain or growing. It la sitiutted about 34
miles from Ohiselhurst, where there are two
churches, blacksmith shop, store and post oflige. • It
is also about 3 miles from Hensall. On the farm ii. a
goodharn and a brick house, a good orchard and a
good spring Mose to the barn. - A
nouctim at his farm, London Ro
I e to HENRY
or to Hensal:
OPLENDID FARM FOR SALE. --For wile, Lot 20,
Conoession 10, Hibbert, containing 100 acres.
This farm is well fenced with good Carter wire fenc-
ing and fitted with wire and iron -gates. It is well un-
derclrained with tile, has always been Well cultivated
and properly looked after and is, consequently in the
very best condition possible. There are 10 acree of
good hardwood bush, unoulled, nearly all maple, a
first-class brick house, storey and shelf, lately paint-
ed and remodelled and made up-to-date ; soft and
hard water convenient at both house and barn, a
good web at the bush, making three *ells that as
yet have never failed, windmill at the barn. Ther ,
are two good barns both with good done foundation
and up-to-date stabling, water inside, good hen
house, hog pen and driving house. There ig a• good
bearing orchard and small fruit trees-. This properee
18 welesituated in a good locality, convenient to rro-
cer, post office, church and school, a mile and a hall
of Hensall and 9 miles from Seaforth, good, gravel alaele.aseene
roads in all directions. As theprorietor has achuire • —
from Chiselhurst 6 miles from the rosperoue
Health Fully' Restored and the Joy of
Life Regained.
When 'a cheerfule brave; light-hearted
woman is suddenly P'lunged. into that
perfection of misery,, the BLUES, it is a
sad *tyre. It islisdally this way:
She has been feeling "out of sort'i"
heve vanisb,es • then come tlfe brood g,
-Mt F. Hinsehell, of Rose
thern, Sask., this year threshed 10,-
350 bushels the product of ff 230
acres of 'land. Mr. J. .A. Achig, of
Stoneyhill, In the same neighborhood,
threehed 3,000 bushels of wheae",
from 90 acres. All this greed No.
1, northerfre
-The big grain elevator, belong-
ing to Joseph Glenn, a Indian Head,
at Grand Coulee, Sask., toppled over
last Friday morning, and several
thousand bushels of the grain
were thrown oa the tracks. The
elevator contained over 40,,000 bush-
els when the break took place.
-The agricultural society of the
thriying town of Verinillion .Alberta, •
has issued a prize list for' tine first
annual exhibition, to be hald Oe-
, tober 15th and ,16th. iVermillitin is
Lonly about a year old, and the
Attractive prize list, prnited in 'the •
town, is, with 1 s con en s, an a- I
mazing production. The exhibition ;
promisee; to be among the best in :
the west,
elSome time during the night of .
October 1st, a horse and buggy .we,re'
stolen from the barn' of Mr. John
White, a farmer, living three miles
east of the town of Snowflake, Man.
The thief was tracked to 'that place
and onto the road leading to illannalie
North Dakota. It is thought that he °
has gone to Dakota, and is Bum:eased
to be a profeesional in the ,gulie
of a hareest hand.
-During lad Friday's wind at
Holland, Man., Thomas Budd, had
his new separator totally destroyed
by Pre. A epark from the engine,
falling on. the separater, ignited the
etraw, and e in less time then- it
takes to tell, the machinery was en-
veloped in flames'. Mr. Budd had us-
ed the machine but sixteen days. Not
ess than 25 threshing machines have
ed interests elsewhere that deman inimediate atten •
tion, he is prepared to dispose of this property ab 3
bargain, and anyone desirmg a first-class farm in. a .
first-olass locality will do wed to investigate. For
further particulars apply on the premises or lidclrese
JOHN TAYLOR, Chiselhurst P. O. :101441
.1.4 FOR SALE. -The undersigned has for sale sev-
eral Thorobred Leicester Sheep and Durham Cattle
of both sexes. Address Egonondvilk P. 0., or apply
at farm, Mill Road, Tuckesmith, ROBERT OH.AR-
TERS & bONS. 187241
B"DULL OR SALE.-Foi. sale, a thorobred
horn bull, with registered pedigree, 23 months
old, and red in color. He was bred from Vice*Chan-
celloie Apply on London road, Tuckersmith, a mile
south of 13rucefield. JAMES PA.TERSON, Bruce -
field P. 0.• 2003-tf
SuoirraonN CATTLE -Seven first-class young
bulls, 2 from imported cows, for sale at moder-
ate prices and on easy terms; good young cows and
heifers also for sale. All interested are cordially in-
vited to inspect the herd. Farm adjoins town, long
distance telephone to fame. Write for cateloguee
H. SMITH, Exeter. 1998-K
_tit „signed effete for sale on Lot 27, Concession 8,
Hibbert township, a number of heifers and young
cowe with calves at foot, 1 yearling bull, 1 Berkshire
boar 9 months old, a right good animal. The ace a
stock are all registered hi the Natieinal Spick e -
cords. Prices moderate,terms easy, Alsitors welcome.
DAVID /HILL, Staffa P. 0. 199611
• .
SHORMORNS.-Oboiee bred bulls and females of
different ages for sale, about two dozen to select
from. Prices reasonable. Herd now beaded by
Countsylva,nus" (56900). He is got by the beet
scotcb bred imported stook on both sides, glossy dark
red in color, and well set on short legs. Terms :--
regieted cows '85 insured; others on application.
Visitors welcome. JOHN/ELDER, Hensall P. 0,
and Station. 108641
WARM TO RENT. -South half of Lot 86, Concea-
l: sion 3, Tuckersmith to rent for a term of years.
Would like to rent tie soon as possible. Apply to
the undersianed on the premises or to Brucelield
N. B. -The cider nibi -will be in running orde r
after September 25th. AGEE, PMI'S& 292 241
TEACHER WAN.CED-Wanted for School Section
No. 1, Moiris, a male or female teacher. Salary
8500. Duties to commence 1st of January, 1007.
Apply to John A. BROWN, Blyth P. 0. .2025x4
TEACHER WANTED. -Por School Section No. 5,
Hibbert, experienced teacher holding a
second class certificate preferred. Duties to clam-
noence January lst, 1907. Applications received up
to November lst, 1906. JAMES SCOTT, Sec.-Treas.,
Cromarty P. 0. 2020-8
TEAOHERWANTED.-A male teacher for &heel
Seetion No, 4, MoKillopt an experienced teach-
er holding a second-class certificate preferred. Du-
ties to cominence 1st Januney next. Personal appli-
cation if possible. Applications to be addressed to
the undersigned beforoNovember 1st. ROBERT S.
HABICIRK, Seaforth, P.0. 2025x4
WSTRAY COW. -Came into the premises of the
undersigned, Lot 20, Concession 11, efoKillop,
about the Ifith of September, a young cow. She has
had a calf since coming to my place. The owner can
have the some on proving property and paying
charges. ALEX. H. ROSS, Winthrop P. O.
BOAR FOR SERVIOE,---The undersigned will
keep for service, at his place in Eganondville,
large, Improved Berkshire Boar. This animal is bred
from imported stook, and is one of the best. Terms
aim, with the privilege of return'Ang, if necessary.
A. 0. VAN EGMOND. 2026-8
WOR SALE. -A standard bred three-year-old geld-
ing, sired by Taxentlim and out of one of T. le.
Coleman's standard bred mare& He is a brothet in
blood to Harry D., 2:101; who was second at Kala-
mazoo, Mich., about two weeks ago, a. fourth heat in
2:091,, is absolutely sound and without a blemish of
any sort and will be sold cheap for one of his kind.
Apply to W. C. GOVENLOOK, Egmondville.
00.• 1.1•Ta
8909 stock of the Bell Engine Works, Seaforth,
beating interest at seven ver cenb. Will be sold at a
sacrifiee. Address
7 Barton Ane.,
2025-3 Toronto, Ont..
The. Oven That
Ends Guesswork
Before you put the met i
in an imperial Oxford
oven, let the draft bring
the heat to the right
point. You'll know
when it gets there if
you'll look at the oven
thermometer. A f -e e r
the roast goes in, you can
know (not guess) it will
be cooked right in a cer-
t a in definite time..
There's no ups -and -
Idowns to the oven -heat
in a -range built as this
one is, - the diffusive
oven -flue takes all the
guess work out of cook -
i n g, all the drudgery
out of oven -use
That Rack That
Ends Bother
When the roast needs
basting, pull forth the
Imperial Oxford draw -
out oven rack, -roast
and all -slide it right out
where you can get at it.
Needn't reach in and
scorch your fingers no
sear your wrists, -baste
it in comfort. That one
thing alone -the draw -
out rack -ought to make
you like this range above
all ranges. And that's
only one of the twelve
better things about this
range. Come and look.
Lim,Torgeto Hamilton Montreal
— - Wisunpeg Calory Vanoxper
For Sale by G. A. SILLS, Seaforth
1. class building's. A weekly pa-
per to be called the Fillmore Press
will shortly be started, and Mr, W.
1 B. Scott, barrister, formerly of Car-
lyle, hag opened a law office. A
I little over a year ago Fillmore com-
prised a station and about 10 build -
Inge With a population of about a.
To -day it has over 200 population,
which is rapidly increasing. It is
surrounded by a very large district
of the best farming land in the
proviace of Saskatchewan.
—A rather peculia,r and painful ac- 7
' cident happened to Mr. Alf. Affleck,
of Mot Mound, one day last week,
by which he lost the third -fingeir
of hie lett hand. Mr. Affleck's thresh-
ing outfit was woeking at Mr. Geo.
Gosnell's, the former superintending
the work. He was sitting on the
edge of a* wagon box and do alight-
litving to the gronnd a gold ring which
he wore caught -On the box, his en-
tire weight being brought to bear
on the finger and the ring. Mr. Aff-
leek had the ring cut off, and it i,
as found necessary to amputate the
• Dear. Mrs. Pinkbarn ;
suffered for four -years with female
troubles—inflammation or the stornach and
_fallopian tubes which caused me vicilent pain
and ortttr torture, so much so that I could not
Walk at times and. attend to my daily duties.
Life NVLIS ineicity to Tne. I was 80 blue and
desponAent I did not know which way to
turn for relief. I had tried the doctors but
they did not help me. I was advise to try
Lydia E. Pinkhamis Veptable pbund,
so:I bought, a bottle. I am glad tba did so,
for I am well and strong to -day rid the
world looks bright, for I have perfect health,
thanke to your medicine."
If yois have some derangement of
the female organism write Mrs.
Pinkham, Lynn, Mass., for advice.
been burned in Manitoba. this seas-
on, and in some cases 'horses and
grain have also been lost, to say
nething of the injuries received by
the owners arid employeeb in at-
tempting to save the machinery.
-A few days ago the youngeet
;Seel of Mr. C. Cousins, of tc Snow-
flake, Man., was handling a: }gem en
the bush, when the hammer, was
caught on a. twig, causing it Ito go
of, and entirely shot the third fin-
ger away close to the hand, ;which
was rather peculiar au neither of
the other fingers were hurt.
-Mr; Wnet Williams, of the firm
of Villittrns 86 Banister, Merchants,
of Carberry, Men., died trom typhoid
fever. The deceased had been ill
Lor five weeks. Mr. :Williams was
' widely known throughout the west.
He wap forty-oxie years of age, and
leaves a widow and six youn !child -
reh. He was one of the ear y resi-
dents of the district. (He t k an
active interest in athletics and was
a mernber of the tamona local Maple
Lear football club. which won e the
western Canada championship sever-
al years ago; and acted as team
-.When the tip of a dog's nose is ,
Icold arid moist, th,at dog is oot sick.
A feverish 'dry_ nose means sickness
with a dog, gad so with the human
lips. Dry, cracked and colorless Ups
nib= feverishness, alfd are as well
ill teppeariog. To have besAttiful.
pink, velvet-like lipse apply at bed-
time a quoting of Dr. Shoop's 03reen
Salve. It will soften atid (heal any
skin ailment. Get a free, trial box,
at our store and be convinced. Large
nickel capped jars, 25 cents. C. Aber -
hart, Pruggist, Seaforth.
About eight women out of every
ten stiffer from constipation. Certain
portions of the food we eat are use-
less as fooe old the work of the(
bowels is to expel those portions,
Their work lis aided by a secretion
of the liver -the bile. When this ue-
eretion fells, or Is secreted in 4n:-
, sufficient quantity the bowela be -
comb Inactive and constipation re-
sults. Impurities which should be
expelled gather, and then note what
hapPens. The blood comes in con-
tact with this foul accumulation, is
filled with poison and the circula-
tion carries these poisons all over
the body. That is why constipated
persons have so much headache, that
dull, heavy feeling, bad breath, foul
taste in the mouth, etc.
From this it is seen that ;if the
liver be corrected, the bile flow will
be set right, that in turn twill cor-
rect the intestines, and the consti-
pation will be- ended. This is exact-
ly what Bileans do, and why they
are -so superior to the ordinary tmed-
thine . or purgatives. These flush the
bowels but do not get to the cause
of the evil, the liver. Bileans do.
Mrs. Frances Greene, of Earl street,
Kingston, Ont., says: My liver
was sluggish and out of order, and
I had g•reat trouble from constipa-
tion. Every movement of the bowels
had to be forced. I doctored and
tried all manner of remedies, but no-
thing brought a permanent cure un-
til I tried Bileans. They cured the
conStipation, ended the sluggish tir-
ed out " livery " feeling, and made
me feel bright and buoyant."
Similar evidence is' forthcoming from
all quarters of the glebe. Bileans
cure con.stipatiore piles, headache, fe-
male ailments an'd irregularities, 'de-
bility, indigestion; liver chill, wind
siPasrns, anaemia, and all' disorders
Beesing from liver and stomach de-
rangement. All dealers and stores at
500. a box, or post free from he
1311ean Co., Toronto, on receipt of
price. Six boxes for $2.50.
-The towns wet of Arcola, Sask.,
on -the branch' of the C. lEs. R., arel
allmaking rapid pregiess, but the
one which seems to be making the
peke Fillmore, which is situated
about halfway, between Carlyle and
Regina. Many new buildings are be-
ing erected tliia year, among which
Is, a solid bxfick b for the
Union Bank, 4nd a olid brick build-
ing, for Mr. Ca.inpbeli, hardware mer-
chant The Saskatchewan Lumber Co,
have recently opened up for busi-
ness at that point and e,re w.-esttng
—A somewhat 'spirited runaway oc-
curred at Pilot Mound, Manitoba, Mr.
Malcolm McKellar with a team was
leaving Chalmers & Watson's eleva-
tor after unloading a load of grain,
ewhen the horses took fright at a
passing locomotive. In making the
turn the wagon was overturned, Mr.
McKellar befog underneath. i The
running gear parted in the centre
and, the horses contrnued their mad
race. M. McKellar was rescued from,
his position and taken to the Shore
House, where it was discovered that
besides a shaking up he had two
cribs injured and one broken. He
'was later taken kme Where he con-
tinues lee recove from the acci-
dent. r
i; •
To Cure a Cold m One Day
Take LAXATIVE isBBOAIO Qtliltille
Tablets. Druggist 'refund money
if it fails to cure. E. W. GROVE'S
signature is on each box. 25o. •
A. Good Dog.
It is related by Professor Bell that
When a friend of his was traveling
alvoad he one morniv.: took out his
purse to see if It conetined sufficient
change for a day's jauut he intended
making. He _departed from his lodg-
Inge, leaving u trusted dog behind.
When he dined he took out his purse
to pay and found he had lost a gold
coin from lit On returning home in
the evenin,r his servant informed him
that the do o seemed very 111, as they
eould net induce atn to eat anything.
He went at once :s favorite, aud as
soon as he entered tee room the faith
fel creature ran to him. deposited the
gold coin at his feet and then devoured
the food placed for bine . with great
eagerness. The truth was that the
gentleman had dimmed the coin in the
moralute. The Ceog bad picked it up
and kept it in hie mouth, fearing even '
to eat lest he &lead lose his master's
property before na opportunity was af-
foaled bhp to restore it -Chambers'
A simple and effective remaiy for
They combine the germicidal value of Cresolene 1
with the soothing properties of elippery elm and lie°.
flee. Your druggist or from us 1043 in stamps.
Immo, Mtms Cog Limited, Agehts, Montreal. .oz
Orin;in of Crescent Dread.
The origiu of the, Viennese bread
shaped like a crescent, which is found
In most places on the continent. dates
back to the time when the Austrian
capital was being besieged by the
Turks under the terrible Grand Vizier
Kara Mustapha, and as,,they failed to
take the city by assault they decided
to dig a passage under the wails and
so penetrate into the town. In the day-
time the noise of the siege made the
sound of the tunneling Inaudible, and
at nighttime the defenders of the
place were asleep, all but the sentriee
and the bakers. It was' the bakers
who, as they baked the bread. for the
garrison, heard the pickaxes of the
miners coming nearer and nearer and
gave the alarm. In the fighting the
Bakers' association took their share
with the utmost. bravery, .and as a re-
ward for their services -the eroperor
gave them permission to make a spe-
cial eake shaped like the Turkish cres-
cent -London Sketch.
Grace a Net of Pirates.
Lundy, in the Bristol channel, is an
island where one may see an earth-
quake at any time. There is nothing
alarming about these "earthquakes,"
however. They are simply certain cu-
rious crevasses in the west of the is-
land, which the local people call by
that name. Lundy in former centuries
was a notorious nest of pirates. In
King Renry III.'s time _William de
telarisco, a traitor to the king, bullt a
eaetle there and set up as an early
Captain Kidd. And so it went on
through the centuriee until in the mid-
dle of the eighteenth Thomas Benson,
Er Barnstable merchant, who was then
lessee of the island, , was convicted of
piracy and smuggling and expelled
He had a contract for carrying con-
victs to tho American colonies and
used quietly to land them on Lundy
and use their labor there.
Quite a Stole.
"I had expected there would be
great splurge at Miss Fawtyfore's wed-
ding, but it seems to have passed off
"Oh, yes. The young man submitted
to the operation without a murmur."
Breaking It Gently.
Mr. De Oltib-My dear, a great Ger-
man physician says women require
more sleep than men. Mrs. De 0, -
Does he? Mr, De C. -Yes, my dear-
um-er-you'd better not wait up for
me tonight
gYotn. flattle engraved in grace-
ful Ryrio Script on a Copper. Mate
will be furnished by ow- Stationery
Department for $1.00. The supply-
ing and plate -printing of one hundred
Calling Cards will be done for an
additional $1.00.
el The card stock used is made
spicially to i:ittr order and is of the
thin "snaaY " sort, the denotes
q Our Catalogue contains peci-
rnens of engraved Wedding invita-
tiops, Society Stationery, Etc.
Drat -us a &dal card and we wiN
senclyoufree of charge our large illus.
irated catalogue ofjewelry, Silverwaty,
Liather Goods, etc.
e Trust
If you are suffering from
impure blood, thin blood, de-
bility, ,nervousness, exhaus-
tion, you sho.uld begin at once
with Ayer's Sarsaparilla, the
Sarsaparilla you have known
all your life. Your doctor
knows it, too. AsiIim about It.
"Wean there Is doily action of the bowels,
poisonomepreducts aro aboorbed, causing hend
biliclueuess, minima. dyspepsia, and. thus
preventing the Sarsaparilla etorn doing its beat
work. Ayer's PIlla are liver pills. Act gently,
all vegetable.
Modell...To. 0. Ayer 7,:i.orr..r,,,;n, lawn.
51 HAIR mom
We havo no 'carets i We pub1ish
the formulas of all our eriediciaes.
11116.1111riern.i. –......%msterrejt -11.141"
JIP71111111111171111111111111,132111111117171M4M.11Pit ron4:111filEr.r.-81'1111711111YLISFencemliall1141es butithli141111.—
to lit. Every wire Is anibed and the
strand/3m all HIGH 0A1001‘, uaird azol.
TIO annoyance. Illustrated Ca OM) lat.^ V8
ijA 4 ILLON,
agonia nted.
"NCE, CO. 1.
Outdoor Life
often has its disadvantages.
insect Bites, Bruises,
Wrenches, Neuralgia, PIM,.
monk, RIteumailsm, Sciatica.
All these yield instantly to
Hirst's Pain
A family remedy that has
held its place for over thirty
years. 25c. at all dealers.
Try Hirst's. Little Liver
Pills for all forms of humor,
eruption of the skin. ...ask
your dealer or send us
25c. direct. A handsome
souvenir card free.
THE F. F. DALLEY CO., Limited
Hamilton, Ont. 1G6
Turns Ba.d Bio d Ie
Rich Red Biwa.
No other remedy possess sock
perfect cleansing, healing and pu._
fying properties.
Eternally, heals Sores
Abscesses, and all Eruptiqa.
Internally, restores the St
Liver, Boxels and Bioad to heal*
action. If your appetite is pooro
yonr energy pdrien your ambit
lost, B.B.B. will restore you :to the
full enjoyment of happy vigorou
Bring in your avples before the eraporater eie
P'or od und winter apples, large enougil to
wcwiiipay20centsn bag.
Is nature's specific f�r
. SEA SICKNESS, And all SUlie
or Adults.
Its effects ars iinarrefleas.
aceatuPleasant and Harmless to
Eapid„ Reliable and Effectual la Its
arm oulerrnnze.rnsOc se vigrENItitrattnx
Lumber Lath
and Shingles
xxx & xxxx
itt CLUF1-4& SON
Pla9lng Mill gnd Lumber
Heart and Ne...
An a specific for all beart and terve
troubles. Here are some of the snaps
toms. Any one of them should
warning, for you 'to attend to it
mediatery. Don't delay, Serious
down of the system may follow,
do: Nervousness Sleeplessn,
ness, Palpitation o' f the Heart, Sh
4 Breath, Rush of Blood to the HefA,
Smothering and Sinking Spefli 1'
and Weak Spells, Spasm or Pain 1.04
the Heart; Cold, Clammy Hands av
Feet. There may be many minor -0=P'
toms of heart and nerve troubles le
these are the chief ones.
Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills silet
dispel all these symptoms from tho
Price 50 cents per box, or S for P.O.
Mrs, L Dorey, Hemford, N$.,
ttEi 4,1 follows I was troubled
dizzlirs, weak spells and fai#eting
the 'heart1 procured a box of Miguel'
Heart and Nerve Pills, and they did ale
so much good that I got two more leorsee
and after finishing them 1 wasoompletef
caved. I must say that 1 canttotreawk-
mend tlietti too highly.
Fall Approaches
Fact is coming quickly. The cool days of Autumn'an he
days of Winter, will be hlre before you realize that Summer is
You should be prepared for the change, and now is the time.
the rush will be on, and you may get nipped. Oome while theta
time, and let us prepare you for the change, by supplying yo
Fan and Winter Sail and Overcoat
m.,* • *
I 1
We have the latest and best in Suitings and Overcoats. We at
premium tailors in this vicinity. The combination will result 11
best fitting, best wearing and most servieeable garments you Irsv
17 1