The Huron Expositor, 1906-10-19, Page 3E HURON E TTO Kidney 0 poiWor -tette t nvitin • than tql 3- d for young de. aLXd ,oney ISIMMUSSIIIIMMINgsmomamegim, five to position to $60 will bg th splendid pros - ion. g man's oppor- nail you free our trated book,giv- rch, principal iool of Tele aikoading tTRERT EAST, )TO IIIMIII-11 z 1"rti. Pao ems' at. English. invigoratesthe RV:stem, xnakes new' ; Cures Arerik nft Brain, Worm Deg- Vaums, En ions, Spe74- of Abuse er EXCe81142,0 5. One will please, E1X druggists or maned nti e preen .Arew pamp ittaidicins) Co.. "Frarontog On PATTERN tarn t.nig 5: one, - :4 ia a ta RSLIABL.S oleo • in every Icesliti atea and Canada tC2 kith; UP elhOVY Cad& spicuaus yls,Cra ; 01-• natter. Coscruiasion or sear" 1,52.50 a day. fiteadY ev-10W Wa lay out! your vtOrk AO. 1. Write Or particulars. London. Ontario, 0100. emetically give you to enjoy and own many thought only possible to ch. cation abroad; a home; oter-car; a college education r anything else you wish for trthe yours if you save the es'and 1,00 opens an account and rtcrest is paid 4 times a year.in , ta0Vert ank of. Canada sail, Bruoefiekb nd Trunk Railway Sy0em. Railway Time Table ye Reefer* at followe Per Clinton, Clotted& Whighaur in Rincardiae. For Clinton and Goderieh For Clinton, Wingham and Mott Mud. In. For Clint.on u4GedoIoh. For Stratfordit Guelph, Toronto, Grillia„ North Bay and polrits west Belleville and rpterboro aud paints For 8tratlord,-Guelph, Toronto, Mon- treal and points east. For Stratford. °tuella and Toronto. • LOrtdolet Huron and Bruce. Sous- Pasernpsr. zalarion, depart........ at** 8.15 A.M. 4.50 r 0.18 5.43 • . Jonsll ,F$ 4* -- 9.44 6.06 9.50 6.11 - 9.68 6.19 tam - 6.96 "Leudealanu .... 10.80 6.62 10.88 7.00 10.50 7.18 Whighsin .. 11.10 7.85 ietrat- Pastienger. ..... 6.40 A.M. 8.80 r. wee ear 6.52 8.'44 WIE O. • ••• 7.06 8.f 6 . 7.14 -4.04 ton... 7.47 4.28 Id... - • re vet ewe 8.05 4.89 8.16 4.47 \ 8-22 4,62 /*lett. twee 644.4.0t et ...et P.05 5-05 Natralla7 8.46 5as Leaden 07;64- ......- 9.45*. M. 6.10), 111. • Palmerston and 41100Sa loam Pass. w 0. 7.55 p.m. 8.41 8.51 - 0.08 9.16 ErfEt. Pass. - .. 6 48 a.m .-. 6.62 7.05 ........ 8.0) Kincardine. Pass. Mixed 12.43 p.m 5.10 s.ra 1.34 8.20 1.44 9.10 1.66 0.80 2.08 111.15 Mixed. " PAWL 10.40$.m. 2.40 p.m 10.65 2.40 11.25 8.02 11.45 8.18 1.29 4.00 Ackillop Directory for 1906 10Htt M. GOVENLOOK, Reeve, Weeth.rop P. 0. X. ROWLAND, Ocranaillor, Walton P._ • ebeQUAID, Oeunoilleer, St. Colima - bass P. O. WIN MoDOWELn, Councillor, Sea - fort& P. O. II BYEItMAN, Councillor, Brodhag- IfICHA.EL MURDIE, Clerk, Winthe rap P. 0. G. E. ItIOLTIAND, Treaearer, Beech, - wood P. O. SOLOMON S. SHANNON, J. P. San- itary Inspector, Winthrop P. 0. Uok's Cotton Root Compount, The great Uterine Tonic, and only sa.fe effectual Monthly Regulator on which women can depend. Sold in three degrees a strength -No. 1, $1; No. 2, 10 degrees stronger, 43; No. 3, for special cases, *5 per box. Sold by all druggists, or sent epaid on receipt Of price. e pamphlet. Address : 1.14 bag MEDICINE CO.,TORONTO, ONT.. if ormerlYWindsor) Try the New Store Where they don't trifle with other people's bushies% but pay strict attention to the wants of everybody's needs in the line of esh, Oared aud Cooked Meats Bologna and Sausages, Gro - eeriest Fruits and Vegetables, al.! at right prices. byour Tic Tea. -KRIJSE BROS. aigASIRA•Alar..2 li‘or pain in the back - scan urine -highly colored urine - irritated. bladder - irregular bowels -bad stomach- there is nothing that will bring such quick relief and socertain a cure as FRUIT-A-TIVUS. These marvelous tablets etre nature's natural reraedy for irritated or weakened kidaeys. They act directly on, the kidneys...soothe the irritated membran -clean, heal and strengthen the organ -end help them to new vigor with that week. Often kidney trouble ie not due to any organic defect in the kidneys. If tNe bowels are constipated -it the skin doe e not throw oft the tissue waste of the body -then these impurities are carried to the 'kidneys. In a vain exidtanor to rid the system ot irapurities, the kidneys are overworked -the blood vessels are dilated -the nerves inflamed. That eases a host of kidney troubles. SEAFORTII, The originators of low prices thenleate - Phone 9(3 Oomraercial •Bloek. Oppoette the Poet Office. ....••••••••••••• Winghlam Business College • o* "Faun. Li Ica Tam:rm., not only heal an &strengthen the kidneys but they also blereaSe Ole action of the skin, and act direaly on the livert thus ctiriJ the constipation. .- 11X101T-A-TWV....% are the natural and logi- cal eure,for. all kidney tosabfes. rimy art made of fruit and tonics -are pleasan t to take .44ind aguaranteed Care when faithfully used. . re. a box or 6 boxes for $2,*o. Sent on semi of price if your druggist does not handis them. IFIVIT4011VIS aesur ":High Grade" Training pays, and that is the kind the farnc:sus . • is a high grade Commercial School Three Courses : ocainercial - Stenography - Telegraphy Write GEORGE SPOT-TOPrin TORON29, ON1'.. Gives is students. Recent students have taken -positions at salaries 1rom-950 per month to 31,000 per annum. It is a well known fact that our school -is the best of its kind in Canada, This month is a splendid time to enter. All gra4u- ates get positions. The demand is nearly twen- ty times the supply. Write to.day for magni- ficenteistalogue. W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal Cor. Yonge and Alexander Ste. JOHN BEATTIE Late Division Court Clerk, has a number of prop *dies for sale or to rent, among whioh is a good building lot, the South East Half of Town Lot No. 45, East Ward, in George Sparling's Survey, Sed.forth, 'which will be sold on reasonable terms. Insurances effected, debts collected and loans made on satisfact- ory security at reasonable rates. Call and see me and be coavinced. Late Division Court Office, Sea - forth. 2018-5f Money to Loan. To loan on first mortgage on farm property. A- bout 82,300 private money. Apply at THE EXPOSITOR OFFICE, 9020-5f. Seaforth, Ontario. Now Open Fall Term In The 'Central Business College Toronto. Enter auy time. Twenty teaehers,120 type- writing machines. 'Unexcelled facilities for as- sisting graduates to positions. Write for new calendar. W. H. S flAW, 'Principal Yenge and Gerrard streets, Torouto amamosail 2018-26 The Berlin Business .Colleges Write for catalog of the school that places -more students in posi- tions than any similar school ha Western Ontario. All Graduates get Positions. Enter at any tim,e. THh BERLIN BUSINESS COLLEGE, W. D. •EULER, Principal. 2018 • ....040104400041n801011840010.- aL"Me.. DISTRICT MATTERS, New Snow Plow. -The Stratterd Herald SLITS i Something new in the , WAY' of manttfaeturee ts shortly to beilurned out in Stratford. They! .. are no lege than railway anew %Aims 1 - and the. International now Plow ' Manufaxturing Company will open le the door here in a fey, "weeks. he plow tie a patent, the right to ! ' setusive construction being held by Vir. • Mtnerbrt,y, Ot iWaltoe, and Mr. Lett, of Logan, who are ROW 4r:fie1ding in Stratferd, and Intend -to fleet ite .company to eemey on the nna,nufacture a two plows. A prospeettee has ale ready been -termed, which contains the names of several well known local gentlemen on the directorate. The plow itself is somethlog unique 'in its way, ' and its inventors hold that It will • displace the plct• rotary end ether picliws snov in use on the{ trifle Wane It will be 17 feet high, and, instead of- jamming MIway through the now, it lifts it out oe the drift. Derailment is another thingWhich is impossible. The Stratford Brtdge ;Works will make the first .plow, but 'Mestere. Litt -Se Mowbray expeet to be in their own shops by December 15. A PERFECT FIT - VET YIELDS TO EVERY MOTION Underwear that pulls up on your arm or kg. every • time you-. stretch is mighty dis' agreeable stuff to wear. You know that your- self. UNSHRINKABL UNDERWEAR is manufactured in a rpecial way which gives every garment all elastic- ity of hand -made goods. Without being loose and .baggy it yields to every motion of the body. It will never get out of shape or become hard in washing and is absolutely guaranteed not to shrink. !mitt upon seeing this UNS4144,... trade mark. If eeetee ee9 'lee is not all we claim take it ba.ck and your tea will replace it. All -see tem leading dealers ha:reit. HE g.TURNBULL GO., LTD., CANIAMA. Bluevale. (Too aate for last week.) Notes. -Mr. W. J. Yolinstonhsre on ot the most highlY respected men 4n the township, died suddenly eft his bprne, on the first line, on ?Tuesday eveeing of this week. Mr. Johnston bad a paralytic streke oo gluesdate, evening, and passed away fit few hours afterwards. He leaves a wid- McDougall, got the brass of a ;shoe dow, and a large family, all )married, lace in his eye the other day. The most of them living near the old wound is *-tt painful one, and. be( maY home. Two sons are at present- lose the sight of the eye. • Ing in the West, and another on, ! At the annualmeeting of the Pree- V. 3, jr., is laid up rwith a tbrolcdrt beterien church the following t gen- leg.-Monday evening's storm wee tlerhen were eleeted to the manag- hard on trees in this neighborhooding board: John . loth J. • C. The heavy weight of snow, Which teen Laidlaw, D. D. WilsorejM. Y. McLean, on Tuesday night, also did a (lot of John Illekson, lealter Scott, John damage to apple trees. -The barn of -Wilson, J. Stratton, Sas. Nichol, Mr. Jeseph Lovell, near Wroxeter, ° Wm. Sproat, EdwardeCash, and R. was struck by lightning On Monday Lurnsden. D. D. Wilson. was 'ape evening, and burned. The fire lighted pointed Seeretary,1 and R. Lumsden, the village brtghtly.-The frieride of treasurer, Arch. Dewar and •Wm. Miss Janet Hood, at Sunshine,priosente Thompson were appointed auditors. -ed her with a kold watch upon her - Mr. Samuel Trott intends to es - leaving for/ Blyth, :where she and bee • tablish here a efactory for the.. mother will reside. (Mies Hood is well knovtn in. Bluevale, where she hag many friends. -Mr. W. J. Duff spent a few days in Mount Forest and Toronto this week. -The annual meeting of the Bluevale branch of Bible Society will be 'held in the ?rese byterian chtlech next Sunday even- ing. -About a car load of Bluevale people went to Brussels fair last Only part of the wheat berry iS fit for food. Y.et much that isn't often gets into flour. You cannot se • it or taste it, but it's there. It is simply 'a caw of the• miner getting more fiOur from his wheat and your getting less nourishment.: Royal Household, Flour is so milled that nothing C, goes into it except the part of the wheat that is food. You get just what you pay • for -the best and purest flour made. It goes farther because it is all flour. Your grocer can supply you. Ogilvie 'Flour Mils Co., x56 MonireaL an li laid she Would call a - pollee - *men. He -endeavored to compromise by offering Jennie $2, but the tea informed her parents, and the ,China- nian appeared in the police court, and wait fined $2 and $4 icoste. Ili -A Battle C It, Mich., special gam -From a &borer in the Ad- vance Thresher Shops, and in the, city's walk conetruction gang to a land holder worth from $305,000 to $400,600, is the jump taken by Mitt tl, Sands, of Battle Creek, by the !death a his grandfather In Brantford, Ont. Sands' ,grandfather came to America from Ireland when a small boy, working as a farm band. 'Ile loan- ed his earnings in - small sumo, and it worked so wdll that he establish- ed a Ted estate and lean Ibusinesti. Although ,Brantford knew him well, no one. lied any idea of the -extent of hi e fortune. • -The followieg real estate changes are rioted front the village of Cred- iton: Mr. Francis Mark; ' who re- cently purchased the harness bust- n.ess from bis father and removed from Kinkton, hae • purchased the residence of Mr. -William Greenley.- Mr. Arthur -Benedict has parchasert the house formerly owned by Mr, Edward Swelter and wilt move into it in a -short time. -Mr. Claude Bletett merchaped Mr, Tobias wurtzle house. . Mr. Frank Taylor- has sold his earm to Mr. Sam Roden, and Mr. Taylor has purchased the house and lot tormerly owned by Mr. William Hey-, den. -Mrs. lerarain, of Chicago, a, wide ow, who was °visiting relatives In Gaelph township, is dead as the re - suit of an overdose or strychnine?: ;Wheteter it was taken, accidentally ier with tuicidal intent ix -not known, as the unfortunate woraan was alone iti her r00111 at the tin4 Mrs, Drum went into her room -shortly after - dialer hour . on Thursday,and was ap- parentlY engaged with some work. A little, alter 2 o'clock some of the members of the household heard a heay fall in the room and opening the door found the unfortunate wo- man -lying on the floor al liar uncon- ediollef COnaitiOn. The empty bottle which contained the 13tryoihnline was standing on be table. Mrs. Dram was 33 years of age. Her husband had been dead for some years. -The reports of the alarming in- ereese of typhoid fever in the north- ern pats of the province of Ontario, • which 'have appeared -in the press are more than confirmed by the -report of the Provincial Board of Health for the month of September. In the six municipalities of Port Arthur,, Fort William, Sault $te. Maxie Cop- per Cliff, Rainy River, and 'Parry Sound, there were a total of d31. cases and 25 deaths. The population of these places is between twenty and twenty-five thousand. On the 'same basis,. bad Torento been similarly af- fected, it would have meant' for that city 2,800 cases and 260 deaths during the one month. -Fifteen • months immured within: the rocky fastnesses -' of the head- waters of the McMillen river, in the far away Yukon, 225 miles from the nearest of their own eex and trate- such was the exherienee of two IWO- Men, both accustomed to culture and refinement, but who fought bravely against the elements while out of civilization. The two women are Mrs. Armstrong, an Englishwoman, and Mrs. Geo. Lejght, Canadian. The lat- ter made her honeymoon trip into the wild ,country and shared the dan- gers and hardships of her miner hueo bahd. In a frail canoe they 'navigat- ed the McMillan, Pelly and Yukon rivers, and they returned to civilizaa tion bronzed and in perfect health, having endured privations with un- complaining good nature. manufacture .of butter tubs. • mo.A.1.1•0111•••10 • Seaferth, January 24, 1873. Mr. Arch. Hielep, of Usborne, was unanimously elected Warden of the county tor 1873. Seafortb, February 7; 1813. At the residence of Mr. JOhn Bea - tie on Wednesday, Februaky 5th, J. week, and as many more drove, and G. Scott and aiss Lizzie Rath, lboth ali pronounced It the best fair, and of Bluevale, were united in marriage the biggest crowd outside the cities. bx Rey. nnr, Barr. arrited -„honne from a Very enjoyable council At the le.st meethig of the .village• the ifollowing officers were e -Mr. and Mrs. Robert Musgrove have 'Oat .to Ottawa' . Montreal, and other elected for the current year : Tress - place. -Mr. andMrs. Isaac Permed, 3, Duncan, salary, $40 ; .001 of Morris, have returned from their lector, Geroge Sperling, Salary,. $60; trip to the West.-R.Hockridge's mare license inspector, Samuel Stark, sal - dropped dead while drawing' a load ary, $12; clerk, Wm, Elliott, bread up bill one day last week.-e-Mr.Lorne inspector, G. Forsyth, fence -viewers, Myers, of New York, visited his uncle. Mhos. Adams, F. Sparliog, and Samuel Daniel Lewis, last week. Mr. Myers Harris, pound -keeper, T. Whitesides. is visiting his mother, who is -very ill at her home In J-ackson, Michigan. The new pure food- and drug late will mark it _on the label of every co4th! toutre containing opium, cblo- roform, or any other stupifying or poisonous drug. But It passes pr. Shoop's cough Cure as made or 20 years, eutirely free. Dr. Shoop all along had bitterly epposetd thte Ipso a all opiates or narcotics. Dr.Shoopts Cotigh Cure is absolutelp, sate e:ven foe the youngest babe -and it tures It doee not eimply suppress. Get a sate and Reliable Cough Cure, by 'simply insisting on having Dr. Shoop's. Let the law be !your!' protee- ton will be open for traffic ay Oc- tion. We cheerfully recommend and tober 15. sell it. C. Aberhart, druggist, Sea- -A lamp exploded Monday night at- forth.the home of Mr. John McAli1etWr4 on the second concession. a the town- ship of Culross, eight trines from Wingham, and his 'wife. aged, about 57 years, was fatally burned. She died the following day. -A few nights ago an electric wire dropped on the roadway in Belleville.. A 'young lad about seven- teen years old, named !Walsh, was placing a lanternanear the wire as a danger eignal when the lantern touched -.the wire. The look was thrown • about four, feet in the air, and when he was picked uP et was found that he was killed. -Mr. and lire. R. C. Worth, a Philadelphia, couple who fifty days ago started from ,the Quaker City to tramp around the globe for a,wag- er, taking a wheelbarrow with them were in London a few days ago. R they accomplish the task they are to get $4,000 in, cash enda gold cup- -vauled at $1,000.. They carry their personal effects in a wheelbarrow. -George Monk, of Chatham, town -- ship, and his sister, Mrs. Stanfield, of St. Thomag, have been' reunitee at the home of the former's sonein-law, Mr. Winterbourne, of Walkervilie, af- ter a separation of 48 years. In 1857 Mr. Monk, who was employed on the ....••••••••••%•••••••••••••• GOOD AS GOLD1 s PIM Q:CTIZISTI How ratit;h money do you fritter away in non -essentials each year? P0700.know that an insurance policy- in the LONDON LIFE will help you to save a large part of this waste ? - This Company has saved to.oney for many in the least, and can do for you. It has a profit-sharing record not excelled by any other Company operating in Canada,. Start to save NOW by taking a policy in the LONDON LIF V INSUR- ANCE COMPANY. W H. ROBINSON, Inspector, Seaforth.. • 444, 1 .Siok Headache Cured. Sick headache is cause y rangement of the stomach and lay 1 indigestion. Chamberlain's Stomach 1 and Liver Tabtete correct these !dis- orders and effect a cure. By- taking the tablets as soon as the. first in- dication of the disease appears, the attack may be warded off. For Sale by all druggists. ' Canada. -The C.P.R. announces that the section of the Guelph., and • Goderich Railway between Guelph and tetiver- In -The Olden Days. Interesting sketches of the early days of Seaforth and vicinity, taken from the files of The Ex- Positor. Seaforth, January 10, 1873. The result of the municipal elec- tions were as follows: Seaforth-e Reeve, J. H. Benson; councillors, A. Strong, J. H. Broadfoot, Jae. Beattie, F. Seegrniller. Mcitillop-Reeve, W.J. Shannon; deputy reeve, -Jas. Hays; councillors, And. Govenlock, A. Kerr, Wm. Bell. Tuckersmith-Reeve, G. E. Cresswell; deputy 'reeve, David Walk - councillors, David Sproat, Wm. Cheitney, N. Cosens. At the vote on election day at was decided to do away with the !market fees. The -vote stood, 41 for, 102 .a- geinst collecting fees. Mr. Burchard, of Bolton, has been enkaged as principal a the public school in place of Mr. O'Connor, and Mr., McFa,u1 has been engaged to take Mr. Mooh.ey'S place. G. E. Henderson, who has been teaching in the •Wirigham school, was presented with a handsome 'writing desk by the pupils. tyr. Henderson goes to Manchester. --- Seaforth, January 17, 187e. In Clinton, on January' 1st, Mr. Peter Daley, of Seaforth, and Miss Sarah Finch, of Clinton, were united In marriage by Rev. Mr. Kellogg. Mr. -Wm. Dorra,nce met with a ser- ious accident the other evening. He was walking through Mr. Thomas ptephen's packing house after dark, when he fell through a, trap door to the tfloor beneath, injuring himself internally. A large frame building, opposIte Mr. Barr'S -church, in Harpurhey, was burned on Friday last. It was !occu- pied by two or three families and belonged to Mr. Robt. Govenloelt, of McKillop. Dr. Campbell has purchased the residence on Main street, tear the 'station, from Mr. Frank Meyer. The price paid was $2,000. Mr. -Wm. Logan, of the final of Lo- gan & Jamieson, has pureha,sed the cottage near the common' school, from Mr, Wm.- Ault for $800. Wm. Dynes, of WCICillop, met with a serious aceident tbe other day. Ne was drawing a load of wood %into' the salt block, when he get caught !be- tween the load and the top of the door, eiriously 1 njuring his babk. Robert Sbeddon, of Morris, had his leg dislocate on -Wednesday, by be- ing run into by a runaway tea/1i on Main street. Seafored traherery 24, 1873. At a meeting of the village eoun- cil Mr. George Fortlyth was appoint- ed market clerk, street inspector, and town ball care -taker, at a M- ary of $800 a year. A four year cid ehild i6f !A. G. old Great Western RallWay, went vouth to take a new potation. He tre- turned after an absence of several year, to find that his sister aiad married and moved away to some un- known locality. It was not until re- cently that it was learned that he was living la .St. Thomas. .k re- union was en'arranged for, -A tornado struck the village of bead aches and backaches, indigest Ayr, ;Waterloocounty, on Monday tion, rheumatism, " neuralgia, St. night of last week, about 12.30 tot- Vitus dance endthe _special ailments clock, doing rouch damage. Shade that prey on 'the health and &apple trees weee snapped clean off, brick ness of girls and women of all ages, chimneys' toppled over, roofs were de- Get the genuine Dr. Williams' Pink preyed of ehingles, and electric and Pills for Pale People, wtlh the full other wires tartgled. The mills ,vest nilme on the wrapper around each of the town, at Nithvale, veere neatly box. Sold by all. medicine dealers or unroofed, the roofs being( carried a- by mail it 50 cents a box or tiix bout a linundred feet away. The track boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. (Wil- liams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. -One day last week, during a high wind, a sfook waggon, belonging to the threshing outfit of Mr. R. N. Barber, of Snowflake, Man., caught fire from a passing spark from an had to pay a. good round term for engine and the blaze was fanned tim- the privilege of kissing a little igirl, madiately into a flame. It contrum- named Jermie Coughlin. It appear e ed the load of -Sheaves and the wag - that the China,man had been giving gon, the driver having all he could bracelets to the young' girls fthe do to unhitch the team and -get a for laundry, and Jennie asked him flames. safe distance from the fury of- the neighborhood Who went to his shop for one last week. when she went there for her father's clothes. The Preventics, as the 11E1,1110 implies, Chinaman promised her one, but prevents all Colds eaul Grippe when when she went to get it ishe found , 1° taken at the sneeze -stage." ° that it was too small, so (the China- I Preventics are etootheome candy man told her to come again, nearing tablets. Prevelitics dissipate all colds that he would get a larger one. quickly, and taken early, when you when she tame back he placed a first feel that a cold is comIng,they bracelet on her arm, and told her check and prevent them. Preventics It would cost two dollars. She pro- are thoroughly safe for childrereand tested that be had promised to give as effectual for adults. Sold, and re - it to her. He then caught the girl commended he cent iand cent in his arms and kisseid her, rwhere e boxes by C. Aberhart, druggist, flea - unit ohe Mapped him in the face, forth. „ 0 MAKES NEW BLOOD. ••••• env. •A••••• 'That le, How Dr. Ne'illiares' Pink Pills. Cure the Common Ail- ments of Lite. Making new blood. That is 'just what Dr. Willierns' Pink Pills are always doing -actually making new blood. ot-Thie new blood strengthens every organ in the body and strikee straight at the root of anaemia and the common ailments of life which have their origin in poor, weak watery blood. Mrs. A. H. Seeley, of Sterlimg, Ont., tells what Dr. Wile llama' Pink Pills did for her four- teen year old sister, Miss Annie Sager, after. other treatment had failed. She ea,ys: "For some years Allie had not been well.. She 'would takes spells of dizziness and hea,de aches that would last for aeverat days,and her whole body would bee come dry and hot as though she was burning up with a fever. Her lips would swell until near the bursting point, and then, when the fever ° neuld leave iher the outer skin of the( lips _would- peel off r She doctored with tee) different doctors, but they did not eucceed in curing' her, and the trouble eeemed gradually to be grow- ing worse. Then we began giving her Dr. Williams' Pink Pills and un-' der this treatment she has recovered her health. The headaches and dize ziness have gone; her color is time proved; her appetite le better and she has had no further attacks of tb.e fever which baffled the doctors. We are greatly pleased with what Dr. Williams' Pink Tills have done for her, and recommend them to other sufferers." It. was the rich, red blood- Or. Wil- liams' Pink Pills actually made which cured Miss Sager. °That is why these_ pills cure all common lail- mehts like anaemia and debility, Satisfaction or your Money Back." 0006000000tvetwasser Your .N D E.RN g Ft We have sold so much Underwear last week, that'one might think everybody was supplied. But hundreds have that purchase planned for next week, and they should know about our gigantic splendid stock. Underwear, the garment that comes directly in an- ti& with the body, should be chosen wilt care -a man's health depends on it, and health is everything. Every sort of Underwear that a man.should want i here. In this department, as every other, the largeness of our stock gives us both a buying and. selling advantage over our competitors, and it is a matter of dollars and cents to you. Space will not permit us to enumerate all our Dramas as our stock inc1ud6 everything that pertains to Under- wear superiority. Below are a few of our leaders: 74. *1. 40-.4 f• • Stanfie!cez, Underwiv.t,r biniort _)! = • 14..1 Stanfleld's Unshrinkable Underwear in all grades is made tti) fit the body --without a wrinkle. It will not stretch with wear dr shrink with washing. Always a Perfect fit, always comfortable Manufactured by the Truro Knitting Mills 0o., Truro, N. from the best long -fibred combed Nova Sc3tia wool. - This wool being long does not require to be twisted as hard as 'other wools. The result is a softer, more flexible and lar more •durable • garment. The guarantee on Stan - field's is the strongest possible, and the ly one worth considering. Money baok if it shrinks, of the storm was narrow, striking the town at the southwest, and kun- iting in a northerly direction, and its duration was brief, but it was fierce, and the worst experienced for years. -A Chinese laundry man in London Price from $1,up Is made of the Bnest quality two and three ply Australian wool - i much Auer than gar:adieu wool, because grown in a wenn climate. The more St ds there are in a rope the stronger it is, eight for weight. On tlae same princip e, a two or three ply yarn Is more durable than a single strand. . Ceetee 'Underwear vrill not shrink nor get out of shape, and until wornout retains all the original qualities of wool -is soft and elastic. Your Deafer will re - pia c e any Goatee garment that shrirkfts ' Made at Galt, Canada, by The C. TURNBULL CO., Limited and sold by all reliable retailers. •s•-,-3.•,,-•-•0.,••••,..•••,••••:•••••,•••••-••••,--• ce, Ellis' Spring Needle Ribbed Underwear is strictly 12..gh grade, is ribbed alike on both sides, a feature found in no underweax knitted by any other- needle. The importance of this underwear for comfort cannot be over- stated. The extreme elasticity, which is the result of its distinctive fibbing, makes Ellis Spring Needle Ribbed Un.- derwear fit like a second skin. NO AMOUNT OF STRETCHING - EXHAUSTS ITS ELASTICITY. No shrinking, no " crawling," no flabbiness in Ellis Spring Needle Ribbed Underwear. PRICE $1.25 .400001444 sTR SPECIAL WOOL Season by season. the popularity of our special wool 13rderwear continues to grow. Men who have worn it are strong advocates of this line. PRICE 50 ‘41001 Penman s Fleece Lined Underwear In fleece 1...._ed Underwear we are particularly strong, as it is a special feature of our Underwear Department Everything is here, from the finest to the medium grades - all yure wool fleece. Leading Prices 50c and 75c. We also handle " Woolsey Tiger Brand Pen.man.'s and II B. K. altele00 0416.14/40 ,000e4016400410400714 EWART SEA.FORTH