The Huron Expositor, 1906-10-12, Page 8the
8 eves Stoves
Stove time es at band and our
stock of stoves of all kinds Was
never more -templet° than- it is
now. Our knee of Range% Cook-
ing Stoves and Heating Stoves for
both coal and wood e'en the beet
in the market, and we sell at
closest prices.
Happy Thought,
Pandora Ranges
Leave your order with us for thee
Best Anthtacite Coal and Portland
I 4 feeeeet
Our prices are right. Give us.a 0511.
Hardware, Stores and Coal.
Capital, Fully Paid tip—$8,000,oteo.00
Reserve Fund and un-
dhhded Profits S 8,889,000
Deposfts by Public S32,000,000
Total Aseets 48,o0o,000
very faeility. for the tau:reacting of a
a wan
ed banking ensineve.
Genocide= made en sfl points in Canada
ad abroad.
Advances made to Fannon. Speolal a.
anialion paid to the colleotion of Bale Notes.
11.1.11• • 11•141i.....a.
Depods sits of one dollar and upwarre-
' waved, end interest paid or added June
30lbh and Detember 318t. Withdrawals
usay be made at any time.
EL S. SAYS, Solicitor
—A Famous School
This school is recotimixed to he on4of the bes'
Commercial Schools in the Province. our courses
axe thorough and up-to-date. We give a 'practical
training and assist our graduates to good positions.
It is imposaible for us to satisfy the demand made
on us for office help. Those intereNted in their own
vreffare should write for our free catalogue.
Need Weaning?
AMIN. 111111=1.1.11
a. No watch will keep correct time if
it isn't .oleaned and overhauled occaa-
ionally. If your watch has not been
cleaned for a year, it's pratly certain
thit needs attention.
We promise entire satiefaction in
the matter of., cleaning and repair-
°We will loan you a watch while
yoars in being repaired.
Jeweller & Optician
Issuer of Marriage Lieenses.
BA R E$4RS and
—We carry a Choice Lin
IGe of—
Try us for an EASY SHAVE and
Opposite the Commercial Hotel
James Watson
Successor to W. N. Watson
General Fire,' Life and Accident Insur-
ance agent, Real E& -tate and Loan
eltealer in fiest-olass fancily and Manufac-
turing Sewing Machines and Cream
Separators, viz. ;
kleW Raymond and White Sewing
Machince and National and
Uneeda dream Separatork
Also Bowing machine needles, oil, attach-
ments, repairs and sundries for till
kind° of sewing machines..
With -over 25 years experience in the above
busineee you can rest assueed of price°
right, equere dealing and satssfacbion
CI halo"ring Bulbs
18515 she tame, to Yklallop, and- !with-
sgositor .ber husband settled on 0,,arrur net vv
Dr, Ovens, Surgeon,. Oculist and
Specialist, Eye, -Ear and. Nose; wilt
be at Comniercial Hotel, Seaforth, on
Thursday, November 8th, I p. m.3
te6 p. m. Glassesiproperly fitted.
Thanksgiving Day.,
As Thuesclay next is Thankhehilig
Day, end a public holiday, 4t will be
for - us to go lap Ome
r' •one
day earlier than usual. In Wailes
eeuence, we Would etequest out ebr--
reepondents to mail their loopy so tee
to reacts we a day earlier thanusual,
and ai
hvertsers.• to send in their
changes one day eerlier. Kindly bear
this In mind, and eyou rassieh us
• e
nsurance Agent, and dealer in Sewing Machine
and Blayolee. North fdainlitreet, Seaforth.
Ae the question of Fall and Winter
Footwear will soon confront yon, we
would ask if you will kindly oonsider
our claims for your patronage. We
are positive that our lines of anon can
nob he equalled for the price by any
other shoe store in this localieal
We ask the opportunity of demonstrating
this fact to you, which we can easily
do if you will fever us with a call.
Onr shoes have been carefully selected
from the productions of the country's
best uhoe makere. They are such
Aloes as we are able to back by a guar-
antee, which we do in every instance.
No matter what priced shoes you pre-
fer to wear, you'll be sure to find here
the best *shoes your money can secure.
Oorne in pleaee, and it we fail, to deliver
the geode according to our atatements
don't buy --a fair propoeition certainly
If you will test tia by a trial, we are posi
tive that yen will bay your shoes her
over afterwurds.
Agents for the Sovereign,' Hagar and
Just Wright Shoe.
Travellers.— The followintr were
ticketed to dietant paints tbis we*
. w throe., ' R tits:
Chas. H. Broadfoot, Seafeorth, to Vane
couver, B. C., and return ; R. ti. Biche
ardsan, of Varna, to WhilliPeg; Nflh
and Mrs. And. ifunray and 'two One,
clf Heneall, to Regina.
Collegiate Institute Sports.—The an
meal athletic contests in conneetiote
with the Seehorth Collegiate Institute
will be held on Wednesday next,
the 17th 'net., eornmeneing at 1.311
o'clock. In the evening a concert will
be held in the aesembly hall of the
Institute when an excellent musical
programme will be prOVided and
the prize badges will be presente,d to
the successful contestants of the af-
ternoon. These annual . events have
always been most enjoyable not alone
for the etudents but for the towns-
people !generally, and we are sure
that the events of Wednesday next
will only be exceptional in point of
A: Pathetic Case.—The NBVIA
Era of lea week says: "Mr. Jas.
Mitchell, of Goderich, as represeae
Ing the Children's Aid Sosiet,y, went
to London on Tuesday, with a ;young
girl of 14 years, whose case de one
of the sad ones so often occurring.
She recently arrived from the old
country, and found employment with'
a rarmea near Seaforth. A young
man frt the neighborhood led her
astray; and being about to become a
mother Mr. Mitchell is „placing her
In an institution where/ she can be
properly cared for. An effort will be
made to punish the heartlese youth
responsible for her condition, as she
Is under the legal age."
Council. — The regular
meeting of the town council
on Monday evening. Aceou ts to the
amount of $580 were passed. The
treasurer was authorized to place
$100 to the credit of the public; li-
brary. The water rate for 1906 !for
D. D. Wilson &-Co.'was fixed at' $8,
and for the Electric Light Co. tat
$25, and for the Seaforth Woollepf
Mill Co. at the rate of $25( per 'year.
The coutscil adjourned to meet at
the call of the Mayor/ ,—The taxes
.paid in up to the let of tober a-
mounted to $12,678 out of total of
about $16,500. This id abut $2,000
more paid in than at the same time
last year. During the last three days
of the month there was paid Ire over
$7,000. It is 'needless to' eay the -
treasurer was kept hustling. ;
Personal.—The gentleman referred
to In the following paragraph, -which
we take from al recent issue of, the
Avondale Presbyterian Herald, Chi-
cago, is a Seaforth boy, being a
'son of Mr. J. R. Govenlock, of this
town : "Mr. N. H. Govenlock, who
has recently reerrned from an ex-
tended- -trip thr gh Colorado, Utah,
California Mexicb, Oregon, :Washing-
ton and British Columbia, has a large
number of photographs of interesting
places which he took on his (journey;
Mr. Govenlock has kindly consented,
to give a lecture ahd stereopticon
on his journey, which will be 'high-
ly interesting and instructive. The
date of his lecture has not' been' an-
nounced, but will be given Wader the
auspicies of the Ladies' Sewing So -
piety in the near future."
.The Public School. — At the last
regular meeting of the Seaforth Pub-
lic School Board the monthly re-
ports of the teachers o showing' the
attendance of pupils for September
were received as follows: Mr. Mof-
fatt's room, 39; `Miss McKay's, 37;
Miss Beattie's, 32; Miss' Phillips', 41;
Miss Govenlock's, 38; Miss Bethune's,
45, making a total roll attendance
of 222, with an ,average attebdance
of 209. The present staff of teach -
• were all re-engaged for 1907 at
the following salaries: Mr. Moffatt,
$900, being an increaee of $50; Miss
McKay, $400, an increase of $1O;
Miss Phillips, $325, an increase of
$25 ; ' Miss Govenlock, $315, an in-
crease of $15; Miss Bethune, $350.
an of$5, afiss'Ballantyneas
salary was not4arranged for, but will
be attended to when she returns and
resumes her duties. i
Was held
9 conceive n, if
her part in enduring and overcOneing
the hardeitips and Privations of pion-
eer life.. They continued to relt
side O
the farm un'til about fifteen yearis
ago, Abell hereelf and her husband
ebught a well earned retirement, and
came to reside in Seafortli. Besides
her aged and reepected hueballO, She
l's survived by a family of foul sons,
Gilbert, of Tord m
onto, head. oh
Parkdale Collegiate Institute; George
of Regina, and James an4 Samuel, of
.Megillop. A son and a daughter pre-
deeetesed her. Mrs. Smith was A quiet,
kiadly, worthy lady; a fkorne-keetperf,
and watt one who was 'mod beloved
by those wao bow' her best. The
funeral took place on Tuesday sante;
nbon and the remains were laitl to
'rest in the Maitlandbaah corietery.
Thank Offering Meeting.—Last Fri-
cley afternoon the Women's Fereialn
Missionary Society of the SeafOrth
Presbyterian ichurcli hel a their ant
laud]. thank -offering meetteg. Mese
Sinclair, a returned missionary from
India, addressed the meeting'. r ad-
dress wa,s meat interesting' to tleose,
present for Miss Sinclair seems to
have the facalth of making heir. ex-
perience -very real to her hearers.
Mrs. Walter Pickard We've vocal
zole that was enjoyed by the nudi-
*ace. The thank-offerfng asnounted to
something over $108.—The Sunshine
,Mission Band of .thesamechurch (held
their meeting, of a like nature, on
Monday afternoon, The programme
wee a good one, and the °flexing a-
mounted to $10.
Horticultural Societies.—There
sixty-five Horticultural Societies l
the Province of Ontario. There are
three in the county of Iluron, at
Godericb., Clinton and Seaforth, and
two in the county of Perth, at Strat-
ford and Mitchell. Last year tho
Goderieh Societa-had a membership of
74 -expended $236, and received 'a
Government grant of $121. Cl4nton
had a membership of 86; expended
$172, and received a Government grant
of $100. Seaforth had a membership
of 116, expended $199, and received a
Government grant of $122. Stratford
had a membership of 125, expended
$162, and got a grant from Govern-
ment of $110. Mitchell had a Mem-
bership of 124; expended $166, and 're-
ceived a Government grant of $111.
All the Societies in the Province had
a membership of 6:622, expended $11,e
992, and received $7196 from Gov-
Death of Mrs. Smith.—Another of
thh pioneer residents of his county,
in the peeson of Mrs. Samuel Smith,
of Seaforth, has been called home.
Mrs. Smith died at her residence, 'on
Railway street, on Saturday last,hav-
ing reached, the good age of 77 °years.
The deceased had not been enjoying
good health for about two years, but
ha. -d only been confined to bed for
two months. She did not seem to suf-
fer from any particuler disease, but
gave way to, a gradual wearing out
of a; once strong constitution. Mrs.
Smith's maiden name was Margaret
Acheson. She was a native of County
Armagh, Ireland, but came to Can.
ada when twelve years of age. With
her 4arnily she settled in' Trafalgar
township, in Halton county: In 3.8h4
she was married to Mr. 'Smith, land in
ILo'cal Briefs.—Dr. and Mre. McDon-
ald, of Listowel, were lath week vis-
, Ring /Ars. McDonald's sister, Mrs. 3.
Illoycl.-14fr.john McNaughaeldest son
of Mr. David MrcNaught, of Rapid .City,
Manitoba, has been appointed super-
iintendent of the Montana division of England. The presence of so many
' the Great Northern Railway with his was due, no doubt, to a desire to show
headquarters at Ila,vre, Montana, their appreciation' of the victory wohe
Mr. cNaught ts tre old Seaforth boy The meeting was presided over by
Mayor Broderick, who, in a neat
and 'seems to be rapidly climbing to
apeech, commended the team and the
the tope—Mr. 0. C. Willson, of De -
club for the honor they had rivonf for
troit, spent Sunday in town.—Mr. jos.
themselves and the town, recounted
Hurley, who has been a resider::: of
Seafortb for several years, has re-
the many victories won by the club,
and commended them for their gen-
moved to Brantford, where sew ell -
tlemanly deportment (en the fielh'
members of hie family reside.—The ,
ana elsewhere. The winning team
ExPositar has 'to thank Mr. Alex.
were seated on the platform, and the
. Stewart for aesample of delicious
grapes grown iti' hie own garden. ihfr. Mayor called each one forward In
turn, and formally presented him
is a leecceseful grape 'grow-
W. E. Kersialie,
to 12t11,. starting at St. Marys; North
Perth Institute District, October 18th
to 16th, starting at Sebringville. Com-
miesioners ' hiVm. Jones, Send& ;
Peter Christie, M. P., Mancheeter,
day. There were only three ceses and
they were of minor linportance.—The
Seaforth cider' and jelly mill. will tone
for a few days yet.—Prof, O'Brien,
the far famed. Phrenologist and
palmist will be at the Queenhe hotel
for yet a.nothet week and all who de-
sire his services should. embrace 'the
opportunity.—Much sympathy is felt
for Mr. and Mr. Peter Dill on aa -
count of the death of their third
on, a bright itttle boy of two veers,
which occurred on Thursday morn-
ing. The baby, a little girl of eight
moritbe is also very 111 with eittle
ho pe% for recovery at tha tane Of
Presentation of Lohkets.
There was' a" spIenelid audience in
Cardno's Hall, on Friday night last,
to witness the prementation of lockets
to' the members of the Huroa eoot
ball Nam, who so valiantly up held
the credit of the club, and who won
such signal distinction for them-
selves, for the club, the town, the
county and the country in their trch
cent match with the CorTnthians of
er aStevrartne can almost beat Mr. Roth. with the locket. . Mrs. W. Meredith
" Our OWO " ConditNion POwciers will tone nE6vour Govenlock in thris line.—Mr. Wm. pinned the locket on the breast of
hores.Every year the demand increases, 2 tints fa at . each on as it was presehted to him.
echteer, re oten ry o e rrn
a package at Aberbart'H Drug Store, Seaforth. Mr. J. L. Killoran, ari old 'member; of
• 2020-1 Beattie Bros. grocers, has taken. a
Do you want the hest teas and coffees to drink? situation in brandon. Manitoba, and the elub, and one who in days 'gone
In as brief but appropriate address.
Call at the Maple Leaf Score ; once a customeral- intends making that bright town his by was amember of a 'champion team,
ways a customer. Try it. P. Dill, Seaforth. 2020,1 future home. Mrs. Sclater intends to
XL behalf of the honor:0 recipients,
join him there shortly. Mr. Sclateee
Use our "Odorless" stove pipe enamel for your thanked the people of he town Tor
2020.1 is a steady, Tellable young man and
pipes. Chesney & SnlUey, Seaforth.
their k d recognition, an.d refereed
as goo us ness ,a y an s
Live Insurance Agents wanted at once. Ne20.mild
club during its history, and express -
references. P. O. Box, 132, Toronto. Will 'regret the removal of Mr. and
rose:11.11e I uhrtshe In awerish r m
deteriorating with age, the club IS
peonies, etc., at less than whlollesale rates. Apptjly ing them prosperity in
Saturdays or between four and aix o'clock other days, Brandon.—Mr. Geo. V. Cheeney will
to the any victories achieved by the
attractive proposition. Write immediately stating do well in the new country. While all
BULBS, D hli an rennial Plants f Sal — 81 t f o Seaforth,all will ed his grat 'cation that, instead of I have an auction sale of a choice let the talk victory was the greatest lin
gro-witeg stronger and more expert, as
IL W. Brown Goderich Street, Wear, Seaf.oth.
the hietory of the club. He also
Leicester -and Cotswold breeding
• Dave Ai"1 s —Bring your dried apples to us. Wo
; t DI k' t k cl S at` Ur paid a very warm tribute to (Mr.
hynewtahnetgioto.d goods to exchange for tnern, or cash if
2020-1 on Saturday., October 20th. The sheep
, f Brown Jackson, and stated that to
The annual Thanksgiving dinner wb1 be given in I raising buntness is once more be-
his continued interest in and assist -
the Seaforth Methodiet Church, on ° Ootober 1 coniing quite profitable and ae there ance to the club IS no doubt due much
Thanksgiving day, by the Ladies' Aid Society, Tha is a scarcity of good beeeding ewes of its present efficiency. During the
usual good dinner and excellin this yicinity, Meritprogramme may be _r. Chesney's sale Is evening excellent solos were rendered
e.xpteted. 20204
Only three express wagons left. Drug ea-
— Cand These We will timply and ehould be largely at-
by Mies Iva Dodds, and bMr. -W'. H.
Willis and Master Scott Hays. Con-
tended.Messrs. . Mustard
sell at cost to clear, at Aberhart's store, S
forth. 2926'1 Ernie Miarray, rnerribers' of the Huron gratulatory • addresses were also
Gold Seal Bliking Powder, Gold Seal Coffee and 213c foot ball team, who competed in the delivered by Rev. F. H. Larkin,
hea are bran& of quality. Sold at Beattie Bros.,
20284 mdmorable match with the Corinthi-
MesertGeorge Murdie, G. F. Rog-
.,.,I,.,•ans of -England, came up from Tor -
Take your dried p, pcniltsy, hatter, eggs and
all ldnds of traduce to the Maple Leaf Store if you onto on Friday to be present tat the
forth. , , 2026-,1 1 their decorations in person.— 'Mr.
We have a full supply of the very highest grade of Henry Colbert, of London, epent a
▪ herd and soft coal and Portland cement. Chesney
and Smiley, Seaforth. '2020-1 few''deys last week with his eons ,in
I have the best s'orsted stocking for boys at 25c. g • • • • ;
want the hig est price, trade or cash. P. Dill, Sea- fresentation of lockets, and received
It Cannot he beateli: Try a pair. P. Dill, Beaforth, Seaforth music store, has --been suf-
2026-1. i tering from a severe attack of heart
We have a nice hie of coal oil l,heaters; just the trouble for the past week. His base
it to ase hefor ht our stove or furnace
quite serious for some t h
ome and see them. Chesney and Smiley, Seaforth. was
ays, u e
HOUSES WANTED.—Any persons having rooms s now recover n,g, and weopeo
or houses to rent will find tenants by applying to W. • See him about as begirt as !UMW: in
IL Willis, Seaforth D,rg.020h2ing
of the Barbera Kirkman 'Mission
1 a 'few days.—The thank offering meet -
prentiee to learn
ness. Apply a Fear's Drug Store, Seaforth. -022 Band will be held in the Sabbath
BUTTER AND EGGS,—A. G. Ault, Seaforth, will echool Nom of the Presbyterian
good fresh butter and eggs. Bring hem right church this, Friday, evening', at 7.30
pay the highest price in cash for any quantity of
along. • 2014-tf • o'clock, when an address will be
Try Charlie Ulnas' hand laundry. Seaforth, for nice given .by Mrs. (Rev.) Hamilton, of
work. Ahvais gives satisfaction. Clothes called for Goderith.—Mr. Russell Thompson, of
and delive0 . Charges reasonable, Laundry two .
doors south of Reid &Wilsonsem. Montreal, spent -Sunday here with his's hardware store,
forth. .' • . . 1082-tf grand -mother. Mrs. M. Thompson.—
We have the largest stock of stoves in the county. Rev.. A. McWilliams. of St. Marys.
Come and let us show you them. Our prices arelow. will conduct ..the services in the Fres-
Chesney and Smiley,- Seaforth. 2025-1 . ' byterian church next Sabbath, Rev.
14IUSIC.—Mr. W.- Glenn Campbell, organist nod Mr. Larkin. going to St. Marys. Rev.
choir -master orWillis Presbyterian church, Clinton,
Mr. McWilliams gs an old Huron boy-,
who is well known throughout the county as a thor-
and a gra,duate of the Seaforth Col -
°web musician and successful teaeher will visit Sea-
iorth on Thursday of each week, did will receive leglate Institute.—Mrs. H. E. Cherry
pupils for instruction in all grades of piano -forte,
and children ere here from Spring -
pipe organ, and theory study at R. H. Peck & Co.'s
music store. Terms according to grade. 2024-3 field, Illinois, on a visit to her.par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. 'A. Davidson. Af-
MONEY FOUND'—Found on the road between
Seaforth and Harpurhey,.a roll of bills. The owner ter spending. a short time here, @Ira.
man have the same by proving property and paying Cberry will go to San Francisco, to
charges on application to James Manley, Ilarpurhey.
0025.8 join her husband, who has secured a
MAN WANTED. --Wanted at once, a good reliable responeible position
ei. in that city.—
man to deliver milk. Good job and good wages for
There was a large . congregation in
right man. McIntosh Brea" Seaforth. 1 2025-2 ! the Presbyteelan church last Sab-
Breos.—Canary beds for sale. First class singers. ; bath evening, to hear the sermon on
Apply to Mrs. Donovan, Louise street, Sen.foih;,) ! dalleirig ' and card playing, by Rev.
.42r)'‘-' ! IdlEi-
Don't forget, the Thanksgiving,dinner On 06tO1)er Mr. Larkin. It was a most able
course and conhained much good coni -
in the Seaforth Methodist Church. 2020-1
' mon s'ense, air well as prudent and
White Pine Cough Syrup will cure thnt cough. 25 '
cents a bottle at Abrhart's Drug store, Seaforth. seasonable advice, while it was not
2026'1 extreme on either ide.—Mr. Wm.
We have a large number of good second-hand coal Free -man is having a cement fOunda-
and woed heating stoves whielf we are selling at bar- .tion Placed -urider his residence.—The
gain pi ices right now. Do not wait too long. Ches-
ney & Snilley, Seaforth. ' 2020-1 1 many .friends of Mrs. W.. R. Smith
will be pleased 'to leare that he is
The Assize Court.—The Huron Fall recovering from her recent severe ill -
Assizes. were held In Goderich last 'nese, and is now able to be up had
week, before Mr. Justice Britton. .A around the house.—We mentioned last
grand jury had been summoned bee week that Miss Jenny ;Murray, eldest
cause one of the defendants -in 'the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. 'George
Ashfield' charivari case had been com- Murray,of Brandon„ and formerly of
Seaforth, was confined in the hos-
pital there, .suffering from an at-
tack of typhoid fever. The sad in-
telligence 'was received on Sunday,
announeing her death. 1 She was a
bright, clever young girl, and
wax 14 years Of age,and 'her death
is a very severe bereavement to her
parents and friends.—The first snow
of the season fell on Tuesday last,
October 9th. • Put a pin in Me tor
future reference.—Workmen are now
'engaged in erecting the cement
foundations for the new and enlarged
buildings at the Bell Engine Works.
—Mr. G. T. Turnbull is again sbuying
and -shipping apples. He buys mostly
In the Southern counties of the pro-
vince, and sltips to Glasgow, Scot-
land.—The ladies of the Methodist
church intend having their annual
Thanksgiving dinner in the church,
on Thursady next, Thanslcgiving Dya,
when the usual comprehensive pro-
gramme, both physicial and intel-
lectual, will be carried out.—The
ground was White with snow on Wed-
nesday morning. It was hard on the
trees, and electric light and tele-
phone wires.—Mr. G .A. Smith, of
Toronto, principal. of Parkdale Col-
legiate Institute, was here this week,
attending- the funeral of his mother,
Mrs. S. Sinith,—Miss Nettie Johnston,
a Buffalo graduated nurse, and daugh-
ter of Mr. Wm. Johnston, of Goderich
Street East, is here, in attendance
with her sister, Mrs. Wm. Lockhart,
of McKillop, who is confined to bed
through illness.— Mr, John Beattie
returned from his trip to Kansas
and the west on'Tuesday. He enjoyed
'his outing very inucle—Major Ander-
non, deptuy game warden, hag Tee
calved hie deer licenses and any Igo -
Ing hunting In the north can Ibe-sup-
plied by him.—The Young Petertieht
Aseoeiation of St. Thomas' church
Clinton, October 18th, 7.30 p. m.; held their opening ,arieeting for the
South Huron Institute District, Oct- "winter, On Wednesday everting last.
ober 9th to lith, starting at 'Exeter ; Considering the disagreeable weath-
East Huron Institute District, Oct- er, there was a large turn out. —A
ober 12th to `15-th, starting at Sea- ' good programme was rendered, and
forth; 'Wed Huron Institute Dis- I all present spent an enjoyable ev-
strict, October 16th to 18th, start- ening.—Mr, Jeffrey Hamilton, of -the
Ing ti Goderich. Commissioners—H. Dominion Bank, Toronto has been
G. Reed, V. S., Ge,orgetown; Thos. spending his holidays with friends
Graham, Claremont. In town.—Miss Rance eta MrStewart
Perth County.—Publie meeting, Mit- I Jackson', of Clinton, wera the guests
cbehl, 'October 15th, 7.80 p. rn. ,• South of Mr*. R. S. Hays this week.—Divise
Perai Institute District, October 9th ion Court was held here on Wednese
, mitted but a few Tdays previously, he
claimed his right to elect, and elected
to be tried without a jury, tso the
grand panel was 'notified not to
• attend. The civil list containedsix
cause,s, three of which were down for
jury trial, but at the opening toO the
curt, His Lordehip decided that
these be tried without a jury, ao. the
petit jurymen were discharged. The
only case of local interest was that of
Wilkinson vs. ,The Grey Branch Ag-
eicultuale Society. An eaten . to re-
cover $1,000 damages for illness and
injuries, claimed to have been caused
byefalling into a bole* on the Society's
Fair grounds, in October, 1905. By
aft agreement between the parties, the
case was post-poned until next court,
and it will likely, be settleefore
that time.
The Horse Industry.—The Ontario
Department of Agriculture have ap-
pointed, a commission i01 experts to
investigate and re.port an the horse
Industry of the Province. These corn-
mission.ers will visit several centres
throughout the Province, and will
meet with parties convergent with the
horse industry and in this way glean
as, mach information as they think
will- be of public use. As Ito the modus
operandi to be pursued at these,
meetings we_are not posted, but that
will likely be made' known in aortae
Way in due time. It would be well,
hovvevert for all interested in the
horse industry to wait on the Com-
missioners at the different points
where they may in, with the view
of giving them as much information
as possible.. The following are the
places of meeting and the dates as
well as the 'names of the Com- ,
missioners for this county and for
the neighboring county of Perth:
Huron County — Public meeting
era, arid M. 'Y. McLean. The evening'
was a -*very pleasant one, and oaef be
etery way worthy of the occasion.
The followiag are the names of the
players to whom lockets were pre-
sented: Gordon McDonald, Horace
Chettle, -W. B. McLean, Ernie Mur-
ray, Charlesy lteetard. A. McKenzie e
W. Munroe, rank Sills, Charles Sills,
R.Peck, Cha .Stewart, Maurice Shea,
Chas. McKinnon and H. W. Cresswell.
The three last named did not partici-
pate in the match wtth the !Corinth-
ians, but were members of the (regu-
lar team, and took part in several
of the league matches. The lockets
are of gold, neat and pretty, and
suitably inscribed.
—In this connection, what Mr. More
gan-Owen, one of the Corinthians, in
a letter to one of the •thome papers,
says of Seaforth and the game here,
will be interesting. He writes: " A
shoe' journey of three and a (half
hour, on the eeening of August 21,
brought us to Seaforth, where we
were next to play. The latter is the
centre of an agriculturaldistrichwith
eornething under 3,000 inhabitants. It
was here that the even tenour a our
way was first somewhat interruptach
as when we arrived, after a somewhat
perilous ride in the dark in a
'buggy,' at our hotel, where we were
told that we should have to 'double
up,' as there were not sufficient
rooms for all. However, by sending
a detachment to a neighboring hotel,
and with the help of couhhes, we
managed to pass 'a comfortable night,
though it took us some tirne Ito 're' -
cover our luggage fromthe station,
which had, immediately the train ar-
rived, been shut up. The next morn-
ing a game of bowls peeceded the
foot ball _match in the afternoon. Wee
aad all Along been troubled with the
beat, but at Seaforth it reached a 'cli-
max, and the match was played avith
the heat 94 degrees in the shade.
Our teane—Rowlandson, Page, May,
Craig, Morgan Owen, :Willett, Vas -
sail, Foster, Harris, Core:onus and
Wright—met with opponents who
were demons for energy and pluck,
who had been training hard and
looking forward to the match for a
long time, who had a good !reputat-
ion behind them, and it was only
after a very bard fight that the
match resulted in a draw (1-1). Fav-
oured as they were by a small
ground and playing the " Canadian"
game, which SeeMS to allow a great
deal more latitude, and taking a
;quarter of an hour's interval in
which to gel rubbed down, it la not
eurprising that most of us had al-
most had enough when the whistle
eounded, while Vassal had a nasty
kick on the heel and Morgan -Owen
one in the ribs, to take away as a
reminder of their visit to Seaforth.
Still, one could but .admire the aluck
of our opponents, while regret,ting
the idea the referee had of how As-
sociation football ought to be play-
ed. Cornelius scored our goal.
Notes.—Mr. G. T. McKay has sold
to Mr. Hugh McGregor the vacant
frame dwelling house on his farm.
Mr. McGregor has had the building
removed to his own farm and !pur-
poses veneCring it with brick. When
he gets all the finishing touches
put on he will have a nice mei-
dence.—Mr. T. N. Forsythe's -.:;tock
male on Saturday last was a big
success. The weather was very 'dis-
agreeable and prevented a large at-
tendance. But it was evident from
the start that those who did !brave
the elements, were there ta buy and
had money to burn, and as a con-.
sequence big figures were realized
all along the line. Thomas Brown
Wielded the hammer In his masterly
manner—Rey. and Mrs. Cranston, of
Cromarty, were this week visiting
at the manse with Rey. D. Urquhart
sled other friends In the village.—
The beautiful now of Wednesday
morning was a eurprise to many. It
Is just a foretaste of what de coming.
It is seven years ago on the 27th
September since the big fall of now
that ruined so many apple tres
throughout this county.—Mr. and Mrs.
Melville Martin were here from Ex-
eter during the past wedk visiting
Mrs. J. Balfour.—Comrntinion services
were held in St. Andrew's church
last Sabbath. The preparatory ser-
viceson Friday were conducted by
acts that S
nfluence You
If experience in buying and selling counts for anything, we eould
a position to merit your patronage. We know the kind of goods
are wanted here We know,where they can be bought at the hest
vantage. We know bow to select the best qualities, and we give
customers the Le,neiit of the knowledge has taken us years to gain,
Excellence and ,Oompleteness-
our Fur Stock.
The cardinal features of our Far stock are the excellence of qualith.ew,
fortable fit, sensiVe etyles and immense variety of the jackets enamel
er furs, together with most reasonable price -in every iestence.
price is always a strong factor ior our goods, when quality iS oonsider
Now is the best time to buy Furs of every kind—
We would specially attract attention to our $35 00 Ladi
Fur Coats. They represent the best valrte obtainable,
An elaborate display of
finely trimmed hats for
fall and early winter, re-
markable for tht beauty
and cheapness, is now be-
ing shaft.
We cater to the tastes
of particular persms—and
do out utmobt to please.
Skirts se- Waists
- Rain°
Plain Homeapun Skirte,
straps and button trimmings
Black and Cream Luster Waists,
large and small tucks
RainpAof Tweed Coats,
latest styles -
°overt Cloth Coats,
Latest Styles
Special Offers 41- Dress fabr
The goodsareall this season's manufacture and are guaranteed
in weave, dye and finish --
Chiffon Broadeloth,,52 inches wide, ilia finish,
Navy, Myrtle, Blak j Sl.l5, $4.35;
--Botany Wool Venetians, wide widths
eAll popular .
5pc, 60c, ne,- 850,
50c 6.5.e 7.50
Broadcloths Venetians
Fancy Cb.eck and Mottled Tweeds,
:Unobtrusive effects.
We offer
Vali es
Our Stock
of Underwear
was never
Bev. Mr. Martin, of Exeter, and the
services on the Sabbath by the pas-
tor, Rev. Mr. Urquhart. The serrnom3
on each occasion were of a thigh or-
der and were lYstened to with much
interest. and profit -by large -congre-
gations. The missionary offerings on
Sabbath were record breakers in the
history of St. Andhewls, showing that
the good people of that congregation_
are becoming enthused with the right
spirit in the missionary cause,. which
Is very eneourating to the much es-
teemed pastor.—Many from this vic-
inity attended the Anniversary ser-
vices at Chiselhurst on Sunday and
Monday (last, and all report having
a profitable and enjoyable time. The
services on both occasions were of
the best, and. were largely attended,
and were succeeded in every re-,
spect.—Mr. G. T. McKay's sale of
stock and implements takes place to-
day, Friday, and Mr. Peter Fishier,
of Stanley, has hi e on Wednesday
next, the 17th inst. If people do not
get all their wants supplied it will
not be for the lack of a,uction sales.
—At Mr. T. N. Forsythe' s sale onSaturday grade cowe sold as high
as $61 each; yearling steers, $28;
saring -calves from $15 to $18. iA
two year old gelding sold for $175,
and a .thiiteen months old filly for
Notes.—The late TRIMS were rmich
needed by those who wanted to !get
ploughing done.—Miss Florence Story
has gone to 'Brussels for h
Some of the sports attended the ball
, down near Winthrop.—Mr. Alexander
Ross, who wits ill, Is' able Ito be se
, round again.—Hunters trern Seaforth
have etarted to come 0 -t here oc-
casionally in quest of game. The
game is scarce, howevete—hehn Zeig-
ler, Jr., was - taken' to the asylum
one clay. lest week. It is Ltd be hoped
that be will soon recovette—lefr..-
Bennewels, and on, George,
were ill v,rith typhoid fever, him'
Icovered.—Mr. J. J. Irvine has
into the new house which he
on the Kelly rarer( this sumnaht
he r esided ohwards of a mile treat
the acene of operations, he had*
slavish time with the building.
Notese—Thanksgiving servieas
be held in St. john's 'church Da
day evening. ---Mr. nos. Xeys
been on the sick list, but we up
Bide:0-nhlwmasarionunBditystoiteT41. —or V.
intends building a summer ,
there—Communion servieee
In the PresbYterian church 011
morning, On Friday Rev, Mr.
preached the preparatorY
Mrs. (Rev.) Davidson is rem
and is able to zit up a little
day —Mr Alfred Austin hao p
h.leh °how
e, Iive:
Miss Ward have returned frI
pleasant visit to Wyoming.
Entertainment — The
League a Turner's ehureb
an entertainthent on tbe evenfil
Thursday, October 25th, when
ical and literary programme
given- and during the evening
and cake will be served in did_
met. A good time 'is expeda
all are cordially invited.
8pecial Services.—Baryes
giving services will be lield
church on Sabbath next. Bev.
lisle, B.A., of Memorial their
don, will conduct the servik.
rneneing at 11 a.m. and 'I p.m.
person will e made welcome,