The Huron Expositor, 1906-10-12, Page 312_130g
• ' _
nothing too no,
RS The
Canada mile;
and cream that
resnoue dairies can
a:14'..f the bi'st
aekery in Canada,.
them into the
'fr's you ewer
A Saviags Account in The I
--voreign Bank makes you
--Win independent of the
which keripe ydu from
in the present.
Opei a savinge accoaut to -day.
Tts ef tloin tel.00 and
received. Iyatexestpaid
A, it
pod caiing'any
• toothsome-.
of Canada
Hensall,, Brumfield.
rand Trunk Railway
who less than a
e students he our
earning $100.00 st,
dilation they went
'tin% and have a
. You an do equ-
iely illustrated new
!e tens how.
r3, Principal
E •
re• oaf of Teieg
_reat Rented -LI
invigoratesthe whole -
system!, makes ,_nerw'
II old Veins. Cures -Wert',
vt,ft Brairc Worry, 1?ee-
01,--ses9,,RmissiSus. ElPer-
3 Of 4 Intse or Excaserer.
7*.5. One wiliplease,ez
druggiSta or mailed hi
price pamplikS
Ifletilefrse COi
Tororrbn4 On*
la aver,'
a1tad Statea And Cons,dis t4
.x.ods,..t.soking npabow
I. tat conspicuous p1acrs:dis-
13,a6r. Cc:9=1241On Vr
i3.50 a day. StaitzlY szi3P10.--
Wo lay out your mr ork
Writ a for particulars -
London, Ontario, Cana
Raljevay Tinto Tablet
71. One leave Sesfortb as follows :
vu. For Clinton, Goderleh Wingbam an
. Kincardine.
nf. For Clinton and Goderloh
419p. m. For Clinton, Wiugham and KInear
ISO e. Me Far Clinton and Gaderieh.
139 a. en For Stratford, Guelph, Toronto,
Orin*North Bay and points West ;
Belleville and Peterhof° and points
zn pi tu. For Stratford, Guelph, Toronto, Mon -
treat and points east,.
p. m. For Strafford, Guelph and Toronto.
„London. Eittroli and Bruce.
likalle ucediengam', ;pan 8.16 .4.14. 450 r
118 148
. oot 0.80- 154
0.441 6.05
• •0
9.50 6.11
Illyth... gni MO /Pao am necwoo *
Whigham artiVes 4.04 ... Aro
"or oar
"IfItighstn, depart
,.. 6ot or.
BlYtholo '66 o es Too •• low • 0
1On4ellb43168, 0 • IF #0- me
MUSOU•60es —es lote• • 0" 0 0 0.0
aftteeffeld. 0.! • WE••••• to•i•• OW V.ipe*.
11:ir.;; 1411 Am. MI* 11141
Hernial' O.. WPM- Oa •••• •Zaae. * • mow
Ulan --------
London, (sir.fles)
OW, lk
9.56 6.19
10.10 0.86
10.80 e.62
10.88 7.00
10.50 MO
11 10 7.85
f4) JAL U.30 T. w-
6.62 5.44
7.06 8.16
7.14 4.04
7.4.7 4.28
8.06 C89
8.15 4.47
8.22 4.62-
825 5.05
8.46 5.15 .
0.65 A. M. 6.10
*sem NORT1L
filesersion.....-.. 7
and Kincardine.
Pass. Pass. 'Mixed
.55 p.m. 12.4.1 p.ra MO a.m
.41 1.34 8.20
.61 1.44 6.10
08 1.56 9.30
.16 2.08 111.15
an. Mixed. Pass.
.48 10.40a.m. 2.40 p.m
.52 10.55 gm
.05 11.25 8.0e
7.15 11.45 8.18
.03 2.20 4.60
Othei**, ** di* a* " 8
gh• •••• 8
Wiserhans- ..• .• 6
111,1! 6-
.... .4-
X Mel* • o. • *
D rectory for 1906
1101114 M. e0VENLOOJ Reeve,
Vareathrop P. O.
N. ROWLAND, Councillor, Walton
E.heeiQUAID, younoillor, St. Colum -
hate, P.0.
ON MeDOWELD, Councillor, Sea -
fore& P. O.
BYERMAN, Councillor, Brodhag-
' en P. O.,
Okin0HAEL MURDIE, Clerk, Winth-
rop P. O.
HOLUAND, Treasurer, Beech.
wood P. O.
itary Inspector, Winthrop P. O.
(Voles WWII Root Comma
- The great Uterine TOSiC, and
,only safe effectual Monthly
, lator on which women can
depend. Sold In three degrees
of strength -No. 1, Si; No. 2,
10 degrees stronger, tt3; No. 3,
for special cases, p per box.
Sold by nil druggists, or sent
paid onrecemt of price.
ee pamphlet. Address: THE
8101141 CO„TORONTO, ONT. (forraerillWindscri)
Trythe New Store
Where they don't trifle with
other people's bush -lean but
pay strice attention to the
wants of everybody's needs
in the line of
Tresh, Cured and Cooked
Bologna, and Sausages, Gra.
ceries,_ Fruits and Vegetable;
all at right prices.
lry our 27c Tea.
The originators of low prices in meats
Phone 96
Commercial Block, Opposite the
Post Office.
le a high grade Commercial School
Three- Colima
'gm:amen:nal - Stenography • Telegraphy
Late Division Court Clerk, has a number of prop
.orties for sale or to rent, among which is a good.
Isnildtng lot, tke South East Half of Town Lot No.
4i, East Ward, 'inGeorgeSparling's Survey, Seaforth,
'which will be sold on reasonable tering. Insurances
leeted, debts colleted and Icons made on satisfaet-
-gry rea.sonabIe rates. Call and see me
and be oonvmeed. Late Division Court Office, Sea-
quarter Section Choice Wheat Land. Good local-
-11Y. One and a. quarter miles from station on main
Ana of the C. N. E., in Saskatchewan.
- A. R. SHEA,
Queen's Hotel Seaforth, Ont.
Pit.awtivewill ctire the worst
of C.hraic Constipation and
Because Pretit-a-tivet are the true liver
tonic. They strengthen and invigorate
the liver ---make the liver gwe up
enough bile to move the bowels regu-
larly. The bile is nature's laxative.
rellit-a-tiVeS are the finest'
Kidney and Bladder' Remedy in
, the world. '
rruft-a-tives reduce inflammation and
- congestion—relieve the over -supply of
blood—enable the kidneys to rid the
vstent of Avaste—and thus prevent the
formation, of uric acid. Fruitit-tives
talie away that pain in the back—and
qmckly'eurc irritated )31adcler.
rruit-a-tives , completely cult
Headaches and Rheurnatisin.
Hi•adaches and Rheumatism both mean
•poisoned blood,' Either the • skin, kid-
neys or howeis are not ridding the sys-
tem ot waste matter. Truit-a-tives in-
vigorate and str-ngtiten'tfiese organs—
start up healthy, normal action—rid
the system of poisons --and purify and
enrich the blood. That means,
away '
with Headaches and Rheumatisut.
Fruit-a-tiVeS are the ideal tonic
for everyone. o
Prun-a-tives strengthen
invigorate. They sharpen tile appetite
le -steady the nerves-enableone to sleep
well -and .keep the whole system 111
perfect health. They are fruttAittices,
concentrated and combined with tonics
and interpal antiseptics.
sec. a box or 6 boxes tor $2.5o. Sent on
receipt of price it your druggist does
not handle them..
. -
A. Superior -School
During ,luly we had 50 times as many calls for
othee help as we had graduates going out, and
during August We had 87 thnes as many. nit Is
the sehool that is constantly " going ahead," and
not "standing sttll "or "booking up.'.
Write for beautiful catalogue.
Now is the time to enter.
W. S. ELLIOlvte Principal
• .Cor. YOnge and Alexander Ste.
Now Open
' Fall Term In The
Central Business College
Enter auy time. Twenty teaohers, 120 type-
writing machines Unexcelled facilities for as
siding graduates to positions. Write for new
W. H. THAW, Principal -
Yonge and Gerrard streets, Toronto
The Berlin
Business College.
Write for catalog of the school
that places more students in podh
tions than any similar school in
Western Ontario.
All Graduates get POSitiOnS.
Enter at any time.
W. D. EULER, Principal.
Some underwear alwreys seems
to rub you the wrong
e'v ay- a nasty, prickly,
disagreeable feeling.
You know how that
kind makes you
s quirm.
.made from the best
and fineet qualities
of 'AustralianWool
-much finer than the Canadian
wools -retains all the original
qualities of the wool and is
soft and elastic. 111
It is as soft and fits as well
at the end of the season as at
the beginning.
insist upon seeing
trat mark. If ..o.reso unsupme,
Ceetee ismot all we claim
take it beck and, your .6'
dealer \will replace
'tmE Nt
All dealers have it. ioc'v
? **,1/2
much money do you fritter away in non -essentials each year?
Do you know that an insurance policy in the LONDON LIVE will help
non to save a large part of this Waste -2
This Company has sa.ved money for many in the past, and can do so for
you. It has a profit-sharing record not excelled by any other Company
eperatink in Canada.
Start to save
NCE COMPANY, NOW by taking a policy in the LONDON LIFE INSUR-
W. H. ROBINSON, Inspector, Seaforth.
• -=',;.g.'sfr,-"1. -
Stdney Sold. -Mr. Tobias Nash, of
has purchased the well
Known roadster tal11on, " Sidney,"
the property a the late George
Whitely, of Seaforth. Mr. Nash
paid $575 for him, and $25 extra for
his harness and buggy, making $600
for the whole outfit. Sidney hale
been used *in this vicluity since a
colt and hale proven himself a oplena
did stock horse. His _colts show for
themselves and are foie looking, der-
viceable aximais, and Many of them
have turned out speedy. -(We hope
Mr. Nash will haveo the very best
of good luck with him and that his
inveetnient will , prOe a profitable
Klieler Prospering. ir , The . many
friends of r/lr. Fred ibler, formerly
a Zurich, bot now cif Listowel,
be pleased to learn that he is proeper-
ing in hie new home and that his
business has so increased that he 'is
forced to ?secure larger premises.
The Listowel 'Banner of last week
says'Xr F, Kibler, the shoenean
has taken a term lease of the eracan4
;store in the Schinbein block and will
remove his stock of shares over eri
soon as the place le refitted. Orobe
ably in a couple of months. !Mr.
Schinbein will put [in a rem front
and a new floor, and fit eui the in-
terior, 'espeelallY for the ahoe trade.
Mr. 'Kibler has found his present
prerniees too small , for the large
stock be Ca/TieS, and he Will have
plenty of room Ind one of the best
adapted stores in teie county for
proper display and handling of the
trade, When he has made the !change."
Robert Bell Engine & Threaher Co.
vs. Anderson. -In the Divisional Court
In Torcento, on Wednesday Of lasti
week, len. L. D1ckin4on, (Gdderich), for
plaintiffs, appealed from -Judgment of
tounty court of Hu on, dismissing ac-
tion on -a promis ory note, and for
the price of reuechinery, supplied to
the defendant. The :defendant set up
the defence that the traction en-
gine and( boilersupplied by the plain-
tiffs, we not aa they were repree
sented to be, and were of nor use for
the purposes nequined.- IL. E. Roes for
defendant, opposed' appeal. Appeal al-
lowed and tests referred back to the
County judge, to .di pose of slam up-
on evidence alrea,drI taken. Cost of
this appeal to b costs in cause to
successful pantSF 1r1aint1ffs nndere
take that should they recover Judg-
ment execution will net be enforced
until defendants have an opportun-
ity of realizing uPon machinery in,
question. j
-When the tip or a. tlog's nose is
cold and moist, that dog is not sick.
A feverish dny nose means aickness
With a dog, arid so with the :human
lips. Dry, cracked and colorless lips
mbain feverishness, mid are as well
ill appearing. T have t beantiful,
pink, velvet-like 0, apply at bed-
time a quoting of �Jr. Shoop's Green
Salve. It will f;often ahd heal any
skin ailment. GeV +, a free, trial box,
at our store rand be eonvinced. Large
nickel capped Jars, 25 cents. C. .Aber -
hart, Druggist, Seaforth.
• —
School Report. -The following la;
the 'report of the pupils of School!
Section NO. 2, McKillop, for the month
of September. Marks obtained for
gooci behavior and (examinations neld
during the month: 'Class V. -Ethel
Kerr, 438. Class IV. -Brenton Kerr,
589; Percy McMichael, 628; Sarno&
Storey, 524; Jean McMichael. 456; H.
Hunt, 331 ; .Aileen Scott, 273. Class
III. -Willie Storey, 503; Mabel Dor-
/lateen 484; Mima Dolmage, 467; 3.
Wilion, 456; Clifford Hunt, 864; L.
I -Tarn, 384; R. 3/leElroY, 294. Class
II. -Edith Hunt, 805; Ethel Ilan,
291. Class 1. -Edith Dolmage, 100; C.
Dolmage 100. HelenMcMillan, teach-
791-M 15 Jewelled Ryrie
Bros. Movement of this
$25 watch may be had in
either closed or open face 14k.
gold case.
.It canes a full guarantee as
to its accuracy in time-keepipg.
Precisely the same excellent
movement in 25 -year gold filled
case will be sent postpaid for
Drop us a postal card and we will
sendyoufree of charge out :awe illus.
irated ccdalogue.
A,nrfie -Wilson, Anna M. Love. Sr. II.
-/vlyrtle Taylor, Hazel Redrnon.d, B.
Redmond Ila Johnston 'Maggie Par-
': terfield,? Percy Gram,. Mary B. Coll
Ott, James Smith. Jr, IL Eldon
Jarrott. Sr. part IL-Adda Green,
Harry DiOltzr Cale Troyer, Allie
Kuepfer, Pearl Coesitt. Jr. Part W.
. -Edison McAllister, Jan & Forest.
Sr. Part L-Luey - Redmond, Cecil
Johnston, Solomon Kuepfer. Sr. Part
L-Vietta, Green, Marion 'Porterfield,
Gracie 4Lovef,Nirai parents please
eend pupils every day if possible, as
thoze who do not attend regularly
are at a peat disadya,ntagee-J. W.
Hogarth, .Teacher. - •
Preventies, as the name implies,
prevents all. Colds and Grippe when
taken a the sneeze-gitage."
Preventics are (toothsome candy
tablets. Preventics dissipate all colds
quickly, and taken early, When iyou
first feet that (a cold lin conting,they
check and prevent them. Preventies
are thoroughly safe ter children,and
as effectual for adults. Sold and re-
commended in 5 - -cerkt and 26 cent
boxes by. C. Aberhant, druggist, Sea-
; forth: . e
Usborne. • •
Our School. -The following is the
report of the September examination
held in the school in weal.= No, 2,
Usborne : Senior 4th tClass,-Anna Al-
lison 284, Willie Monteith 280, 'Flos-
sie Passmore 218. Junior 4th Class,
-Ethel Hunkin 31.0, +Mary Darch,_306,
Garnet Passmore 298. Senior '3rd -Class
-Terlasa, Coward 820, Meryl. Snell 319,
Kenneth' MeNieol 266. (Junior 3rd
! Class-Coursey Brown I 324, Chrissie
; Riley 823, Annie +Turnbull 812, (Viola
Hunkin 801, Charlie Allison 284, iAlda
'Westlake 280, Milton Hodgert 277;
_Willie Jeffrey 264, Lindsay Polhen
148, Nellie Stone 1.61. Senior 2nd Maas
e -Jean Allison 281, Joanna Monteith
281. Junior 2nd Class,-Llewelland
*Stewart 254, Jessie Hodgert 252,
Charlie Coward 175,- Garfield Brown
160. jessle A. Hamilton, Teacher.
' Piles quickly 'and (positively cured
with Dr. Shoop's Magic Ointment.
It's made for rpiles alone -and it does
tlinwork !surely and with! satisfac-
tion. Itching, retainful, 1peotruding or
blind piles disappear like magic by
its use. Large, Nickel Capped. glass
jars, 60 cents. Sold and recommend -
er. ed by C. Aberhart, druggist, Sea -
School. Report. -The following re-
port shows the relative standing of
the pupils. .of Union. School Section
No. 9,: Stanley, for the month Oft Sep-
tember, the names appearing+ in or-
der of merit: IV. Class, -Ruth Kepi!,
Viola Edighoffer, Roy Capling. IV.
Claes,- Isabel Manson, Flossie Cap -
ling, Pearl Zapfe. III. Class'-Albern
Keys, Gordon Manson, Mary Douglas.
II. Class, sr., -Jackie Brenneman,
Mikie Kennel, John Brennermara II.
Class, Jr., -Wilbert Hall, Pearl Mc-
Bride, Emanuel Moyer. Part II, -John
A. Meyers, Katie Oesch, Sophia Oesch.
Part I., a, -Edmund Erb, Rachel Gas-
eho. Part I., b, -Aaron Oesch, Loren
Manson, Allan Oesch. Part I., c,-
Peael Moyer, Ada Kennel, Clarence
Hall. -G. S. Howard, Teacher,
The School, -The following is Sep-
tember monthly report of S. S. No.
14, Stanley ° NaMes are in order of
merit : Ftiffh-Etta Jarrott, Jean
Grassiek, Norman Jones. Fourth -
M. M. Fisher A ie Gemmell, !Herb-
ert Jones. iird John Kehl, James
Gemmell, Saah Rathwell. Senior
Second -Arthur J nes, Lola Rathwell,
Allan Fisher. Julnior Second - Anna
Hood, Ida Rathwell. Second Part. -A.
MeMurtrie, Wallie MeDeath. Fleet
Part -Nelson Hood, Gladstone Mc-
Kay, Anna Fisher. The best anell-
ers in the monthly spellling !matches
were : Fifth, Ett' Jarrot, fourth, M.
Fisher; third, J hn ; Sr. ee,n-
ond, Arthur. Jon 'FJ ; Jr. second, Anna
M. Hood. -We H Johnston, Teacher.
ay'. •
School No. 14. The following fa the
standing of the pupils of S. S. No.
14, Hay, for the month of September/
This report is ;lased 011 regular. (at-
tendance, conduct and the prepar-
ation of lessot and parents should
observe these ,orithly reports as
they are a true test of the ehildren's
progress. 150 marks is the perfect.
mark for the1 nont and the empils
are given abco din ly : Eliza Mul-
holland 141, N llie McArthun 139,
Sarah Petty 137, lLa ra Fee 188, (Mag-
gie Fee 128, J ne McConnell 128,
George Mulholla d 26, Gretta, Iv-
ison 125, Emily ,Ivison 123, Samuel
Thomson 119, Rae McArthur 115, Or-
ville McConnell 113, Eliza Thomson,
Elmore Deters aad Anna Datars 97,
Willie Petty 88, Sidney McArthur '86,
Clarence Datars - 64, Clarence Me -
1 Thompson, Teath-
The following re-
. '3, Hay, for the
and Septembee, is
y examinations and
ndance. The names
Connell 44.-Isab
School Report.
'port of S. S. I
months of Augus
based upon week
regularity of att
appear in order dg merit V. -Bessie
Cochrane. IV. -Wesley Caldwell, W.
Gram, Sophia, Farquhar, Willie Wil-
son. III. -Robbie MeAllieter, Orville
Taylor, Maudie McAllister, _Ada
Gran, Annie Cochrane, Gordon Love,
Manitoba and Northwest Notes.
-There is a shortage of lumber. at
B. C; mills, and higher prieeef are a-
gain , predicted in Western Canada by
Pacific Coast dealere.
-The barn of Man. Evane, Snow-
flake, Manitoba, was destroyed by
fire, together with fifteen horses
stabled in it.
-The frame barn of T. J. Shore',
; Fort Qu'Appelle, Manitoba, was burn-
ed to the !ground, resulting in the
loss of $3,000, as eleven herees, har-
ness and otherfarm equipments
were eoneurread.
-The burgs of Hamiota arid Grand-
view are to be made incorporated vil-
lages, and will elect their first
councils on • the first of Decernben
-Henry Stephens, of Westbourne,
near Perta,ge la Prairie, Manitoba,
has sold his 480 acre farm, including
stock, etc., to an American for $14,-
000. The new come. leas taken p0-
McKinnon elevator at May -
burn, Sask., collapsed, the foundation
giving way. The elevator contained
25,000 busbels of wheat, which will
likely be saved, with the exception
of about 1,000 bushels. The ere-,
vator is a total wreck. f
-As an evidence of the rapid 1n
crease in . values 4n Portage Avenue
property, in ;Winnipeg., a, Term were
recently offered $4,000 an- etre foo a.
block of ,67 'acres, which they pur-
enased fifteen Months( ago, 'for $650 an
e eountry Immediately north of
Lumsderr, Sask., in filling up with
settlers. A year e,go one 'threshing
outfit °Quid do all the work. Now
there are five outfits, and a lot of
threshing not finished iya.
-The 500 acre farm of Nicholas
Garland, within ithe -corporation lim-
its of Portage la Prairie, 'has bead
purchased by a Winnipeg syndicatd
for $40 per acre. _A few houes after
the purchase an advance of KO per
acre was offered land refused.
-F. A. Vickery, a well known ieport
of Neepawa, Manitoba, when out
shooting got a charge of shot in
his body, and lies in the hospital
In a precarious condition. He is the
owner of the pacer Billy Wilkes, that
made a good record Oil *Mani t °bal. and
southern circuits last 'year.
-A serious fire took place on the
farm of Samuel Evans, living one
and half Miles east of Purves, near
Pilot Mound, Maeitoba, involving the
total lose of the barn and seteeiteere
homes, eleven of which belonged to
Mr. Evans: Tke barn had been lock-
ed up for the night, with one man
eleeping -in the hay loft. About one
o'clock the threshers in the caboose
were awakened by pee piercing yells
a the man who slept in the • hay
loft. The men wan 'liberated, al-
though severely burned. One horse
mailed out with maxe and tail, on
e. The whole structure, Ineluding
200 bushels or !barley, was destroyed
within twenty millutes. The bean
onlywas insured.
-14brris Nokee, proprietor of the
Winnipeg Hotel, Winnipeg, has pur-
chased the • residence for so many
years occupied by the late Re jt
Whitla, on Carlton street, in that
city, for $18,000, 'and will take' po-
ssession within a, month,
-Thieves entered the 'Belmont ho-
tel, at Belmont, Man., one day last
week, and relieved Jos. Thompson of
$100 and his watch and chain, tak-
ing also $22.40 aad a gold wri,tch
from 3. Fraser.
-Sohn. McConnell, an American, 30
yeare of age, inet with a Serious ac -
&dent laat Friday afternoon, near
Elgin, Manitoba. He was working on
a threshing outfit at Richard Moore's,
five miles south of Elgin. The driv-
ing belt •split and etruole McConnell,.
shattering his leg from knee to
-A double fatality occurred on the
farm of George Vail, 25 miles -wail
of Regina, when a man ermined Rich -
ens; formerly of Fergus, Ont., and a
companion by the name of Moffatt,
w'bre suffocated by gas, While at
ework fixing a, well. Richens went
down first and succumbed, and when
Moffatt went down to investigate he,
too, was overcome. Both were dead
When discovered.
Sigmund Rothschild, president of the
• Canadian Klondike Mining Company,
operating at Bear Creek Dredge, Yu-
kon, was in 'Winnipeg last week, on
Oita way to New York, to buy a le500,-
000 equipment for a general electri-
cal plant on the Yuloni-River mist
year. He bare three more dredges
coming, to cost a million dollars.
warrant hail been issued for the
arrest of Leander Ford, a. achoor
teacher of Keinnay, eight miles from
Brandon, charging him with bigamy.
Ford is a native of Nova Scotia and
Is believed to have three witee liv-
ing. A wife and, two children are in
Nova Scotia, and a wife and two
children In Boston, where he spent
two years before coming to Mani-
toba. His latest victim to a &lush-,
ter of W. *B. Burns. a well known
farmer of the Kemnay dietrict, the
ceremony being performed by the
Rev. Mr. Dickle, of lara,ndon, in July
-Mrs, Walter Purries, Burnside;
Manitoba, on an -area of alma one-
sixth of an acre, this Year raise§
over 4,000 pounds of beautiful toma-
toes. The tornateea began to ripen
In July and are being !marketed up
to the present time. The product do
a. beautiful sample and the flavor
exceeds all imported (goods. The fruit
ripens on the vine and 'many samples
develop to a weight of '1201 ounces. At
five to six cents per ipdtinci (and this
price can easily be obtained) toma-
to raising is away ahead of wheat.
-There is a large variation int the
yields of grain 'in the older 'Sections
of Manitoba this (year, but to show
the possibilities of the soil under
proper farming methods a couple Of
instaaces of *bat the old land can
do may be of interest. East .,of Por-
tage la Prairie, Jahn O'Reill has an
30 r acre farm .which is perhaps ths
oldest continually croppea land in
the west. From records It is- esti-
that this farrn was broken up
by a missionary 60 year ago and
It has been cropped almost tontinuale
ly ever since'i. The threshiag re-
turns show that on this MX acres an
average of 33 1-8 bushels per acre
was the efield and the gra-de No. :I
northern. Fulton 13ros. secured an
an 18 acre area an average of 39 1-2
bushels per acre, on land that. has
been cropped since 1875. All of this
graded No. 1 hard, and la( a beaotiful
eaMple. These farmers have a, total
yield of 22,000 bushels. Mr. :Wilton
has completed threshtng and has 30,-
000 bushels of !grain to market.
The new pure !food and idrug' law
will mark it 6n the label of every
cotreie noire containing opium, chlo-
roform, or any other stupifying or
poisonous drug. But et passes Dr.
Shoop's Cough Cure as made for 20
years, entirely free. Dr. Shoop tall
along has bitterly opposed this vas,
of all opiates or narcotics. (Dr.Shoop's
Cough Cure is absolutelp sale even
for the youngest babe -and it tures
it does not simply suppress. Get a
safe and Reliable Cough Cure, by
simply inSiSting on having Dr.
Shoop's.. Let the law be our protec-
tion. We cheerfully recommend and
sell it. C. Aberhart, druggist, Sea -
-On Tuesday, October 2nd, Mar-
garet Levy, relief of the late john
Levy, the oldest resident a Mitchell,
died at the residence of leer on, Mr.
W. 3. Levy. She was Iv -her ninety-
ninth year; and had lived in Mit-
chell fifty-seven years. Her maiden
name was Margaret Ferguson. She
was married in Glasgow, Scotland, on
June 1st, 1849, and shortly after-
wards the family came to Canada land
aettled Mitchell. About a dozen
people aepided there at that time.
Her husband died twenty-five years
age. Deceased retained her faculties
to the last, and was very bright and
intelligent, though lately she had
been physicially weak. Her surds -
Ing children are: James, in :Win-
nipeg; W. 3. and 'Mrs. George Lark -
worthy, of Mitchell. She was burled
on Thursday. Her son, Mr. W. J.
Levy, was unable to be at the fun-
eral, as he is at present in a hospital
in Toronto.
'Sir Chas. Clifton Browne, who has
toured considerably in Canada,,intera
viewed at his Deal (Kent) resideneee
admitted that he had reaped very
great benefit from Bileans.
He •saion; "I. have no objection to,
you stating that I have found Bilenas
a very fine medicine for biliousness,
headache and -digestive troubles gen-
erally. suffered frequently from
bilious headache,and nothing that I
have ever yet tried did me Aso much
good as 13Ileans. I believe they are
a good thing and worthy of SUCCeSS." •
In those last few words Sir Charlea
aptly summarizes Bileans : "A goodi
thing." "They are compounded- from
purely vegetable essences, and are the •
best possible remedy obtainable f
headache, debility, dizziness, indiges
tion, etc. They also operate gentl
on the bowels, curing constipation,
piles, etc. They correct female ir-
regularities and ailments. pains in. ,
the loins and bearing down pains. ;
They tone up the whold system and
enable it to throw off colds, chills,
rheumatism, etc. Anaemic and pale -
faced women and girle will find them
a veritable - boon. Of all drugglets at
5Qc a box, or post free 5.1panf: recein ,
of price from the Bilean Co., /11V214
onto ; six boxes • for $2.50. Send one
cent stamp for sample .boxt •
"Satisfaction or vouroneT
One year ago this store began operations under the
present firm. It has been a most successful year—success-
ful beyond our most sanguine expectations. Arld we ring
up the curtain ior the coming year„ better equipped than
ever to handle a rapidly growing business.
The discipline of experience is ever teaching us pro-
gressiveness in buying and selling. At present the busi-
ness bringing strength of our stock is greater than ever„
By co
old custom
ness. Our
store's lon
The faime
stant attention to -businesil we are hording our
rs, and always reaching forward fa new busi-
ersistence in discovering the best values, the
standing connection with the best factodes, and
of our prices, is attracting scores of. new cu -
touters to our store, for we are constantly adding new im-
ducements to our unequalled stock of menis wear.
If you have not been a cultomer of ours the past
year4 we want your trade this year. Cali in and, investi-
gate our stock by seeing its intrinsic value, and learning of
the demand there is for the quality, styles, fashions and
designs we are showing. You will receive positive informa-
tion of profitable investments.
To give you a list in detail, or an inve tory- of our
stock, is impossible here; but now that the Fall trade is at
What we really want is the favor of
your presence in our store to
see what we are showing in
good honest Men's and
Boys' Clothing, and
Men's and Ladies'
At Prices that are More `than
We want your trade, we are doing everything la our
power to deserve it, and will do our utmost to hold it. The
public c nfidence isithe'hardest thing in the world to get,
but the asiest thing for a good honest house to hold. -
We have not mentioned Furs this year simply because
the 'weather did not warrant ; but, notwithstanding the
unusual warmness, we have been selling -a goodly quantity of
to Ale 44. variety and, macs-'"e-ce -r-
01111-L%-i dtt-
2nd—Because we sell the famous Musk Ox praad
whose .reputation for perfection for so many years has ex-
tended throughout the entire Dominion, and whose reliabil.
ity has earned for this store an an.equalled reputation fo
first class furs.
3rd—Every fur leaving this store sold under the guar-
antee of "satisfaction or your money back and we make
our guarantee good. ,
Write or -call for our illustrated fur catalogue.