The Huron Expositor, 1906-10-05, Page 8t
_79W $= I7P� HURON _..Axpoll" UTOR i -OBE 9 -ft who died at Clinton on S=da.�Mfom wo-O 0) most- nita,blo and estimable! town last week -.lady,- Wad war veO eatly beloyed ring-, Bulbs ishart Arrived, In Flowe Mail.. usinezrs sit by all Wbo WnJoyed g' *Cqu4intanot. and bas aken -up her ihome, to X01- Order', --B
her" viW manse.—Wbile Mrs, W*ax - and She wavi quite a Young twoman. brl Xuaband, but. no Camily, survive her. Hyadnth8 da�ghter, Of the .7th IiAe, Morris, were driviftg Into itov�u last Monday, Sto-ve, time is at hand and our DISTRICT XATTEJRB.'. Re'r death, Is a-�')oevere bereavement to rnorn4ng their horse hied and threw Cl 4 %�er irother and a lile, �andl the toter he 'Given - S e, ial Attention stock of stoves of all kinds was cerest s' theW1, out of the buggy. Mhe former was ympathy of their many. Freesiaa- �ucz,.Beets. drabam,. of 'badl Uever more complete than it is friends mrd� go out to them.-�iftnnid very�-_ y bruised nd shaken tap. Our lin a of Ranges, 000k Inspector for the Berlin,.Sug, Murray, the( little daughter ot 9r, A load of tennis players trora Lis- OWING that our store is now brim full of -Wew now � a a, Rest factory, was, IqT own � on Brazolon, and �% towif came. to town last Mhutsday dise, you will probably b& -more or less intereste in iGwrge urrayt of Lillies es and Hest' 9 Stoves fOr Wednesday. Mr. Graham -,,has cony. iug StOv and,�played a- game, ithe home team A are the betst menabd the sh1pnient of 'sugar beets niece of the deoeaisedi has been con- both coal and woo fined, Iri the hospital theire.41th- ty-- w4nning.—Next Sunday will tbe,,.Rally being shown. Therefore, if you expe�rlenee any ]n, we sell it' from thia district. .,While- the�� -crop 6 friends kqpei. for. e- Methodist Sabbath iochool. in the mark -e4 and phaid fev r, butber W. EO lKerslakey D.,,,.. th ike you write for B41*0 i&4 yea ience in coming an early date, we woul h j, A W47 not' , her reooyqrlr. —Tbe -rate of taxatiov. for )Bruss62 'at pr on; Abo"twhole a, very, SEAFORTIL this year will tbe 21 mils oir thadol- of materials for fall and Vvinter garnients. We are well eq ,pped tott�r& good crop, and the beets jar. bis is n Increase, t4 dae,-rrilll 'arei.testing Mosmeeting high ta sugar. Mr. Graham, expects Ing Postponed, your wants in a hurry. No delays. Send us your next �order Happy.'Thouglit over las you called for- Friday eveaIng laot Irr h o has been serl- t year. 500 cair loads: In, ble district and Cardno'o hallo for the'purpos got satisfaction. 0 dt pre- ously III for a We0k or soi Is recov- nd' will be i3bippirig 35 car, iloads 9; eek Twi
'tIng 11to the team ering.—MV. SeA the[ mementoes Hills Green. -all out. (Dr.) Coon, of Philadel until they ae of the Huron 7 6otball Clubo (Vvbd so phia, wag -visiting 1friends 'In towil Notes.—Miss Ethel Hill is ou the, Pan'd, ol* �a uanx:,''eff of gnally distinguished themselves tit over Sunday.—The vot r list court Deatit of: An Aged MInIsteb.—Rev. sick list at!pres6nt) but wek hope the recent match w1th the fCorinthIA2114 for Seaforth"Is to be held in, he coL - to e her Around ag In.— iW. Jphn LeAroyd, f6r 44, years'a is e -a Mr rni� of Ehgland, was postportecl on ac6ount oil Chamber, on the 20th Inst., be�ore ',Grain 'is -visiting r. Wm. Glenn, in Leave your oder with us for. the odiart minister, 'died at his home In. Now For of thei' small ',attendance. The InOtice Judge�_Doyle. The Conservatives have Albbert.�)drs. G. Innis do visiting iat 3ortland London, on Sunday, In his 77th year. Beat Authl efte Ooal and I of the meeting was onLy .6-tvelf, that a considerable -list of appeals, ibut the he aeceas was -known by a nurri- her father's ih Zurich.—Mr. Charles Cement. to the town papers, land it Was Aeformero have none.—The brickwork pq the 11st of Oe-- ber of our readers,, having aper.6 day royer started ut aTed that many ho might destrel on the new shoe factory lei completed, vome tinle here,with his oon,. kr. 'fe tober to I fm� er (the taxes Un thd Latest to bel !present bad �not had ime ol and Mr. Keating -has b1A �6ice at township ok Hay.This makes his 10th 0. Learoyd, a former MeIrChan. see the.!notice.Mhe meeting -will e k -putting on the roof.—Rev. Mr. of Seaforth,, 'but now of Kenors.- The held Iry the same place this, Friday, wor tor. This la the �Jaxmy 0=6"t Learoydbad been stationed BIr_ks has returned from his holidays- best proof that he doeof"his work latif Mr evening, at 8 blelpk, tond It 0, hoped —Mrs. R. McFaul has gone to - St. well and that the council ave full FORTH at different timep at Belleville, SEA nlap- Ingersoll, jWindsor and VC-. our. ettiteno 'will 4how their lapprect., Thomas to visit friends,—Miss T'ennie confidence In him or they ,wouldL 'not nery I I ation of the urenown won I -or their T. Forbes Is attending the Vormal It HardWare, Stoves and Coal. Marys. eep him at Lt so long. 1A Is Always town and-cotintmy giving thel boys CDlleg,e:, Esmilton.—Miss May Broad- morb agreeable for 1peopte to tracelve a bumper house.'Cardnols hall should 60 For Tdronto.—Tho following . stud� f t has gone to Kingston, to v1sit money than to ipay It lout, but,Charlie be filled and me hope dt, will, be. ents left heare this 'week to pursue her -cousin, Mrs.- Campbell.—Mr. Lit- makes his visits so agreeable that Ideas th6ir stu h DOMINION, BANK dies at tbe'various ioeato of tle, Who 'hag . beefir x member. of + e It Is alomat ja pleasure to Way, 'taxes learh1hr in Toronto: Fred. Phil-. A- Fatal A-ecidefit.—Mr. 7Hary Craig, Bank of Commerce-, ataff - here, .or to im* of the Molson Bank, t s, bao been moved to' HEAD OM04. TORONI!O. Ups, W,. MbIntosh, son of Mr. Jae. Me- manager some rqonth utt on display in Intosh# --McKillop, Bruce -Waughi and on, was Inotantly killed at that Bleiihelm.—Mr. Scott Hp�yo, ;son of laeneall. ............. k a 1p s Ernie Murra Of place "oa Friday �vevenhig, at the Mr. -T. .E. Ha;y-g,' a �a a 1 a . G1. our millinery room. The Hinty Practical Scit Gordon Gunn and %Michigan Central station, while talk- , ti Obituar We have a d on in the Bank hera—Mrs. Thomas Y. regretl this meek Ckspitat, FullyPaid Up -080000,000-00 Keith Fear, at,Toronto Medic Ing to, Mr. Siston, a frierid, 0 U of McKillop, returned last to have to chronl6le the death of Mr. touch here and there that distingushes thtm &I Gol�. v�ho Hender o ting to board the lexpress(- for st, w1here ishe had William Coleman, of the township of .rve Fund and un Blatchford At the Dental was WAI Friday from the Wd .0 U, A touch that stamp lege; F Ir In 07di %ry effects. 8 3111889000 college; Bert Archibald, at- Trial St. Thon%as; He was standing -ort the Hay, which occurred t his- home on ty been y1sitin' her-,,daughter,7 Mrs. Me- AdVidaid Profits r, platform bAweev s Stember 29th. Mr. them pretty." Prices are most reasonable varsity; Mary G111eqpte and Bu- the double tracks, Int6,9h.—On Uext Sabbkth evening, Coleman was born In the 1year 1861, 0,000 I Cow Ckqmits by Public;� $-a2?00 d attempted to cross In �ront of m a aA at the niversity.; all Rev. IF. H. La;rktir will -speak on he 6 48,000,000, on ther -Parr Line, townstAp log, tan- ToW Assets 'the train 0, it came Inta ion. Cards, thy dance, and othe things." W -el The engine struck him and threm —Mr. John Hoatson, of Bisbeb, Art- ley, awas the second son of the M 1 to the Toronto Medical Behool. late Francis Coleman. In the year - -;a Igge assortment of all the� Robert Davis, Hibbert, has also gona ,W.hbn picked kip zona, paid a flying visit �oi Mr. nd We hae frie so him some distance wish our young ndo much oucce FIT * �� 0 life was 'Ioxtict. Mr. Craig wad the Miss BRANO In their, studies. Mrs. Joba, eattie, last week.— 1886 be. was married Lo Miss nery 20-t
011L 'Sarah Jane Consitt, 61dest ot son of Rev. Can Craig, of -VeLrol- Nellie McDougall," of Egmondvillef daughter, things that are required to mike styl-4h MmI& V If fadlity f0rltk� trim" Inj of a y ea, and_.L Waly in hs 06th year. f He left this weak for Portland, .OregoA, of Mr. John Consitt, of the. Parr Line,, UIS:ItCS efy, aii)d will give our usual great ,care io hog
X&I b:kiug business. Death.—The following Is tAen from. I Stanley, and resided tirst In the Req to be arr ed in Sove!mber to will visit her lstst&r,, -Mrs, 0alleationaiiadeou-sM points In 0anada the -London Advertiser- of Tuesday; was where -she uokeromith tor,. some opeci4l orders ontrasted to us for hats, adi abroad. d T4,ers to a grand -daughter . of Miss Parley, daughter of Jolm Par- Chas. Stewart.—Mr. and Mrs. James township of 6T an 12 or. 13L Ye&Ts, afterwards moving The ley, -K.C., St. Thornaa. The deceased Droyer, of Milverton, -spent . a few Advances made to FoAmers. Speolal ab- Mrs. J. 19.,Forter, of thlo town. M Y -L ' W an old Seaforth boy, his f ather to the township of 'Hay. The deceas� *ation paid to the oollection of Sale Notes. many friends of the fa 117 Will a M as days to town, the past week, the having -belert Incumbent of St,.Thom- ad was a strong Tobust man, until pathize witb them in their bereave- guests of Dr. afud 'Mrs. McGinnio.—A le as' -church, try his town for , *veral some three years ago, when hel met Wide Tffeta Ribbon, extra value, 25 ment. The Advertiser sa;ys: 11 Maur of years. The former arisboners of new tement culvert (has - taken the with a;zv accident, and afterwards -was Things at 'SAVINGS BANK. Louisa, thef youngest daughter place of the old wooderr structure, Westminster Velveteen in a d )the 9,A Rev. Mr. Craig, and big iold, friends betweea Silver Creek bridge an afflicted with a very -severe attack
Depositi of one dollar and upwardIlL re-. Christopher And Sarah Papst, of 4 sciatica, wnd In hop' 8 cial Pdoes full.Tange 4A shades, 50 -unite in extending'the velved, &ad interest pikid or, added ju-be Ontarlo street, died 4n, Victoria Ros- here, will town limits, on the Auron Road East. - es tot being To- d -d bst sincere alid hea;rtfelt sympathy I �ed be went to the minera oprings Navy, Piwn and Brow -Corduroy for 0 'tu Withdrawals -pital * on; Sun ay. Decease �waa U m —The many friends of Mrs. Robekd 30th and December Sint. Mount Clemens, whe(re he iDbtain- years of agb,. and ad, lbeorr, 111 $or on account of the sudden wnd sad be- -Tones, of Godei4eb Street East, will vaivy be made at any time. bim e considerable relief, but Whle the 'en's Hoods : reavement which has overtakeii ;o pleased to learn that she to -now 54-ireh Whits,Bearskin, good qualty, -for Chidr some time. She to.lisurvived by, one 9 $1 JR. GIRSON, - s there he met with another at- brother a;nd one istot4r—Martin and self and family. able to sit up for a short time each Muffs, Robes, at bome. he filneiral day. Mrs. Jones has been confined, to cident, Tesulting In a broken �,eg. He JIM. ftlichor DRIBD 'Apprs.�Bring your drkil apples to us. We Phyllis, both will take placee Woodland cemetery b bed for over a month, but, hopes are Was the brought home 4?n V stretefi- 40f aj�le bnejood qoda to exehange -for them or cash If er, and from that time iuntill-his dq- yo Mt
this Afternoon." a It. Beattie Bros.,Seaforth. 20254 now ,entertained -for her ultimate ire- —A Famous school — RE, )LEKBES I the Ist of October as the date on covery,-Mro. A. Chisholm, of Wlnni- tease be gradually experienc4d a ide- RUA
a are which twine accounts are d and settle Getting Ready.—The curler ue. Ploasecall peg, who had been In Ontario for line, although for a -time be, was JLA. _.CK LV Lu al)NE(dy getting In shape for -'the by thal dale. J. J. Holland, Sb. Columban. several months and who has. been able to go around a Rittle, but gor 9TS EvERYBODY IS 2023-3 some weeks before his death be was copaing winter. The eml annual- visiting friends In tc7wn ana vicin- WANATED �n a prentice to learn the- Drug busi a great but very, patient sufferer. In But Cconeiderably Less n rce rlZ. meeting of the Ontario LA -s- ness. Ap 1� ab I ear's Drug Store, Seaforth. 2022 Ity, left.on Thursday for bome,�-Mtsa P religion e was a Methodist und! In soclation will be held in froronto on,.. BUTTER AND EGGS.—�. G. ult, Seaforth, i0ill Gray, of Toronto,.is the rs. politics a Conservative, and was ipo, Than Everybody Expects to ay STR TROPM OONTA IL D. Black.—Mr.sii'd Mrs. Jaff. Cline. _J 01101
TuesdAy next. The propo�ed �group- pa the ice in �h for anf-quantity of 7his schi�; is �eco:_ 0 to be one of the bes go�d frehsightuUperr and 'BrinLr them righ, seessed of mazy excellent qualities. gred,4 and District 7ill buy a heavy tweed jacket," flake, 'effect over Ings for, the Tankard along. 2014-tf of Stratford, spent Sunday 'with their 'ComMercial So obiff in the Province. Our courses friends in town.—Mr, Robt. Brothe He leaves to -.mourif hip death his a series bave jbeen. drawn ap, r- ardLthorough and up4o-date. e give a inctic, I CUP Try.0harlie Hinas'band gundry, Seafoith, for nice I widow, five sons and one 'daughteir. ade viffi, ve.lve*-. work. A-Away8 gives satisf�ction. Clothes called for � p, but -who blue or black ground. This tyle is a training and as3istlour graduates to good positions. Seaforth is placed,- in tAe 011owing ston, formerly of McK11*10 tri,
It, is impossible for us tuor satisfy the demvwd. made eldent of 'North Dakota The remains were Interred in Bay- �)5 uartfr lugtb. kroups: For the Tankard Groub d d ]i red. Charges reasonable. laundry two has been a re collar, o3 -A back, and is cut three -q a ' 1v on u for offlee b61P. Those i#terested in their own No, 7—Derlin, Preston, St.— Marys, dno`crses'ouh of Reid & Wilson's hardware store, Sea. for leven. years, as been orr a viol field -cenieitery on Monday last, and wtilfare should w'ijke for our ffee catalogue. forth. �the funeral was very". Jargely at- Clinton, Gudlph Royal City. Guelph to old, friends hereaboqtp- Mr -Broth, OUR JACKET 9T00X includes a large assortment of Kersey, B HLAN, ELLIOTT & McLAO GIRL IVA-WTED.—To da general housework in tended, many relatives and friends -Union, Bright, �'Eie'aforth, speler erston left on Thursdy for Deaa 'Gam ted dikeet He family of four. Good wagres. Apyly to Mrs. W. H. Covert Cloth and Tweed ents, which have been impor Principab. Stratford. Play'at Gtraf6td. U.M� MEN% Goderich street, Seaforth. 2024-2 wAre, .on the Atlantic coast, whe;re coming from a long distance. Whe bereaved widow and family have the German Manufactnrer. The coats Tau e from $1 0 to 10 Ii. For the District pire, T. 0. R.obsor Pianos I *eareagent�for the old Heintonan, be, has a daughter Tesiding, and SYMPathY of the whole commu -ty.fn meeting w Cup—District No. 4'—Elora,' Owen 3rason & Risch, New Sca)4'Williams, Isell, Dominion, where he will spend the wInter. n) ith pronounced favor. their sad affliction. d Palmer. R. IET. Peck.& Co., Seafortb. 2024. bf ... Watch, Sound,- Palmerston,' Mount Forest,, an Guelph Royal City, Guelph-Unton IffUSIC.—Mr. W. Glenn CampbeU, organist and Briefs.—Mr. and Mrs. George 'Trott choir-in4ster of Willis Presbyterian cburch, Olinton, Still Prospering.—We are pleased left here this week for Ithe est forth on Thursday of each week, an(r will receive 41merotbn. im-pire, .41r.' A. I , is still iprospering. cess Ili Seaforth,' Harriston, Preston,, South7 ho ia well known throughout the countyr as a tbor- to le4kn that our old ifrlerid� and for- era n, Stratfordi'Ferguc, W.,ingham. ough musician and successful teacher, %41 visit Sea. mer fel�ow townsma we wish -them' sue "vE AN U i T11 Need Cleanifig-9� ampto n Mr. Ames and whil-6 we -regret losing % th W
LVT MMTE �w from our village N 0 -forte, Carter, arn a pupils for instruction in all grades of piano the wests—Our meYebants re- yule. I - f pipe�organ, and theors, study atR. If. Peck & Co.'s Mr. Carter is -president of fte IDm- 2024_3 i port trade isbitewhat quiet, 9winig to Anexceptionally noteworthy assortment' bow being shown. Pure w music store.,, clng to grade. pire SkIt Company, of Sarnia, who : the farmers being so buslly� iengage -No, wabeh will keep -correetUrn Travellers.—The follawin.�6 were d ugPly shrunk and uuispo%V it iWb elenned and overhauled oceas-, tckdted out this Week �bY TW.' &Gm- you ever seen in Seaforth ab R. H. Peek & Co.'s, Sea� 0 if Pianos The finest collection of grad pianos operate one of the most xtensive a4id 1 at this seagon'of the iyear.: r. Pet- oods, very finfo and bilky in the weave, thoro modern -salt W(lants in 'Canada. -We chiffon fiqiish in some instanpes. The faahihable fall and winter shadiw� forth. 2(M-tf- er T. M,cArthur, of the Sove'reign tonsit. If your watch has not been exville. rail -way and steaniship agen: Meet POPUIS_r Sell, notice �by the k(arnia papers. thit the 40 oleaned for a year, pretty certan. Miss -Ford, Hensall, -to Casselton, N. Twen�y Carpenters Wanted at Once. -83 cents an Bank staff, Thedford, was here aast elude new- blues, reds, greeias and browns. Th-ei hour wili be paid tofirst-class men. Applto S. B. company have decided eto extend week visiting his parents and ispend- that, it needs atentioll. D.; Mr. Robert- Bkoadfo6t, to ,his Bagshaw, 477 Marlon at., Toronto, Ont. 2024-2 their operations and In addition to home In T41mage, ansas; Mrs. R. 'VIANTI,)D.—Good.regpectablegirI as, 9 hereafter Ing part of his holidays.—Mr. games 50c, 60c, 75c $1 .00 and 1$1.25 th eneral ser- the ordinary grades, will yard. We promise entire satisfaotiou� in i S. MeD 'J iCampbell and tiece, Mrs. �:J. K. onald, of Carling, Manitoba. th L van t for famili, 'of three. Good wages. Comfortable manufact�ire all 'the gr- ies of table ff a niibter of 'elesning and repair- Urden, to [their ome in lWolseley, hoine. Wrlte�-Ars. M. A. Kennedy, P. 0. Box 421, has bee spending. the past ',*eeks- and dairy, �salt. For'this (purpoaq they ing. --Mlss McDougall, Dgmondville, Toronto. with his wife, who has.- lbeen' here Sask. V . und on the road between 'have erected large new buildings -for som6 time 'n 4-1 A r%_ 1k ?M4 0 _�4. MONEY FOUND—Fo vlaff-In %J.V UK M11 , Va V , Moo . - . Seaforth an . d Harpurboy. a roll of bills. Tho owner and have equipped them with Ithe We will loan yDu a watob while, obI6;, Seaforth, and friend, Miss Mr. a:nd' Mrs.- Wm. Duchanan,Mlss
your& in being repaired. an have the same by proving property and paying most �.mo(oera ,'macbinery so that a
Hughes, of- BraAdon, 'to London, Eng- cLbarges on application to Jameslanley, MrPurhey. Bessie -U.pAubart returned to Toronto
first claosk article of the various this week to resume her studies.— land, per stearnship Tunisian, Allan salt will be assured from
Line, sailing from Montreal on Fri- 31AN WANTED,—Wanted at once, a good reliable I J)rands of Mr. Robert. Carlisle's -farm was. hot
'The )korks will Sol man to deliver milk. Good job and good wttgcs for i the commencement,
lof Jan -
right man. McIntosh Bros., Seaforth. 2026-2 completed about
-werb -t-icketed -bv last, owing to the bids Inot. coming'
the f1& I d by public auction on; Saturday JX a, DALY, ��a_, h STovr. You SALr,.�-An Art Garland heater in good Uar, and immediately after the loom- 11
stewtet _ Bros. C. P. R. agents : ondition. Applo, to Mrs, R. Laidlaw, John street U� to; �the value of the: farm. —Dr.
will sink another well, fhich Blackall, lately of the Quqen'Ei jHo-
eweller & Opti m. Hergott, K6Edortb, to Edmonton $eaforth'. 2026-1 Pony
toiall .# and return; Mr. �and Mrs. W. P. Go)(18 n will be 'necessary to supply tb� rap- to, here, who has disposed vDA his In- d 6t
Issuer of Marrlkge:�icen6s. eal Baking Powder, Gold Seal Coffee a'd 28c 1 t
Idly increasing dema heir
ar 'le", our brands ol quality. Sold at Beattie Bros., BICe%
son, Seaforth, to Edmonton and , terest Ity the business to Mr. GARDNO ]�LOOK Seatorth. 2026-1 salt output. Mr. Carter was one ,of the of London,'Intends going -to the SEAFORTH rV - eturn. West
B11tDh,--C(tnai birds for sale. Firab class singers. pioneer salt manufactureri ok Se
with thel Intention of ongagJng In
Hortimiltural Societv.—The.,falisun- Apply to Air& Donovan, Louise street, Seaforth. forth and has been connected NvIth
AT hotel hmainago Jn af%�,n t^f fs,
ply of bulbs -for members of, the Ho,r- the business �ever since, and dt Is larger western towns of the aiew k ow that he hag made ticulural Society: is mow ready for —Mr pleasing to n or comes well Local Briefs, Ed. Daley rep -provinces. His success Fall a -success of it and hast. become'wAl- turned last week -from a, pleasant distribution,- and may ibe- bad, iat Mr. ne . mendqd and took possession this st of thy at It. P. Dfli's store. About eight thousand visit to Manitoba. He spent mo week.�We are pleased to learn that With its &mp, cold, cheerless bulbs of tulips,' freeslas, hyacinths Crystal MiSS Jennie Murray, daughker of Mr. iie time, In the vicinity bf weather. Character Re6ding.—Prof. O'Orlen, and narcissi have been purchai John Murray, of Dudas, formerly of 3ed and City, where 'he has a host of,,rel- each membert r9celves an assort- atives, among 'the numbeir being Mr. the r�cientiflc phrenologist and palm Hensall, and who -has been teaching Protect Yourself -Against ment' of forty, th6 retail value of Ist, to a George Stewart and ' Mr. Seaman t present staying dn: 9 e af or t h, in �,Ha;y to Improving nicely, 1but! will at the QueeWs -hotel. We had the i which is over jolie dollar. Instructions be able to resuine. keaeffing for it Take 'Watson, his brothers-in-law, who n6t pleasure of spendIng an hour with s6Me time.—Mr. GrW, of -for growing accompany each collec-, left here, last spring. These gentle- Clifford, sor, the -other day, and, in tion. The mem4orship. *f the -society the profes men arp working a1arge 1farrq near i Was Irr te village part iot, last wedk Roberta Peruvian Tonic, Is now one hundred' and ;sixty, and Is Cystal City- a;nd are doing well. Mr. conversationt will reaally convince you and this, v1piting his daughter, Mrs. Blood Maker. growing mipidly. Extra ulbs have Daley was -much pleased with hat that his knowledge of phrenology and , John McArthur.—Miss Jennie Welsh Jeen ordered as -a premfum for new alrnistry Is the outcome of 16tudy and Robert's Emulsion Cod -Liver he saw, of Manitoba aed thei, WOgt.— P who has recently'been promoted to Ab@1Iena(, research, and is ntirely devoid i0f membeis and as long- as the supply Mr. )Robert Broadfoot of head 'nurse in the Surgeons depart- Oil towards the falce or lasts any person joining how tand ment Of Victoria Hospital, pent ttheL Tissue Builder Kansas, who has'been'visiting friends anything tending paying the dollar ernbership fee �for in this vicinity for several weeks '-f raud. If bis argument Is not isuf- past week visiting heir paxen Da; on's Cough Syrup 1907 will receive -this -fall's tpremiums f1cient, a glance over his personal SEAFORTIL ONIt. wri T( and Mrs. Richard Welsh, of it- is vil- left fo , his home on Muepolay. He th Stop that Cough you havo in addition to ithose of next spring in'tends stopping of f at Chicago and register, bich ontains he nameo age.—Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cook, of of leading clergymen, 4awyers, doc- 1 and, P.ex*t fall. Further information Knsas City on his way. :He hao Chicago, and little daughter$ ar lar.—Mr. Jas. Sutherland nd him now% mecel'yIng Its first coat i6f Pipes and China, may be had (from Mr. D11P or trom tors and merchants 4n Toronto and here visiting Mrs. -Cook's married daughter living In the. lat- mothe�r.� 'this %week vlottin re- The 'work is ibeffig o e lbv� . 41 - vialt-ed Is an daurhter aTe d nG g at Dig 1�edtictions. H. vy. urown, secretary. V VX %-i P "AL G1 Ibi the ter city nd will stay there dur-Ing MISS Coulter, of Milverton, Is h(Jr%, latives In Oxford ounty, in the!nelgh- Crich,'Of Seaforth, who absolute proof of h1s genuineness land Lr
the great Kansas state faii.—Mr. Gar-, I visiting her pousin, Miss Ida Coulter. V .. -- a nheim and Wood- tract of -painting all the r, stati0s. stock.—XT. -.Qeo. Joyatlo fine new along the Gaelph and AGoder I Kind jWoids,—The Isabella ounty field Sipprel, of St, John, NewBrun?- f the past and pres- ren� - of Brantford who were here ' Guelik " I
bility, The Profe-saor delineates —Mr. -a-d Mrs. Chapman and ichild- i hood of Embro, Ble
character, tells o Courier, published af Mount 'Clemens, wick', who was spending his holidaYs f ent, and speaks of the dwelling Is mi"king. a tine apPar- way,witly the' exception f Alle. Michigan, makes the tollowing flat- with his uncle! ana aunt, Mr. and Mrs. ossibilities of last week visiting, have returned �to, 'Ons,—The J. S., 1110BERIrs- ence to a;n old Seaforth Jas.Cowan, left on Saturday.—Mrs. J., 'Our council iinteind x- inonk ad Godeklch F
tering refeir I the future, dealing entirely with that ance and will soon be troofed. A starl of their home, our maz veryfine dwellings ft will rainfall on Saturday of which is of importance, devoid lof any, -9 welftme as the boY, aMd son of. Mr. Arthur Forbes, of R. Campbell, formerly Miss Jamieson, -the we t, tending the, large 4rain to trash. It ls� the Profesbor's intention b� the most expeslve�—Qulte anurn- was almost -a CM4'st' & Drug ist Roxboro A E. Forbes, who has 9 and Mrs, U. R. Garden, daughter -of and to that end' have a), -numbafr of re, to lecture oh these two Interetating sub bor ot our villagers attended the fte -he' -for that: piir�oseC rn. Taylor, of Mork1s, ft tile at the istatlon been the efficient district nianager Mr. �p.. renology and palmistry— be- f4neral of 4he late jWm. Colem1pn. for the Dell elephone Co., there, has I on Tuesday for t4eir home dn! - W-01- Smith,-q)ast(>r WX MOM Y, Managera, I jects�p Rev. Mr. of Carmel 9 for whom much'sympathy was (felt fore le ving town. AlroadY 'he ha Presbyterian i Stlif Fa. church, delivered been promoted to the same',position at esley, Sask,, after a very 1 as t _p 6 an done considerable businbss,arid,as his ex- In his long jand painful dllneBs.—Mlas lraeU
Menominee. His successor for thIs vJstt of several weeks with fri ends re sure that h1s cellet sermons on Sabbath last. In In' 'this vicinity.—F lower SundaXwas re —Mrs. F. J. Kerslake -180: the morning It was what is known- the ast month with her Telatives -eta Ker stay PrApogs, we a JEmma Ford, who thas been spending place K not een named. e regret Pe onl.
ally Increase, as zi FALL. MORAL businesi 'Will materl' to maker the nnouncement of this celebrated -on Sunday last by the as Children's service, land tbB choir i a,nd friends, Teturned to Casselton, ahas bee rf the case In every. place he and MT'
chaiige, as there are but xfew men like children of the Presbyterian Sab- was composed all of children who h Dakota, this week,, feeling much Mrs. Kerslake's brother, have Tort Artie " Forbeo. He itook the eystem bath school. Each�scolar, as fusual has yet been. He do aeopmpafiled by sang nicely. The service -was ver i Detroit a;nd Grand Rapids, benetitted by her trip & fess� Bonvini O'Briett largely attended and ,much enJoyed' a7�d thar1ge their staters, rMill his Wif;;;, Coun
here- and built t from a run down brought a -bouquet of flowers with h
As the question of Fall 4pd Winter of air.—We regret to learn $that Mrs. 111T s. X an and condition to Its who Is 'an accomplished musician.
Haig. . .... Foobwear wilfs,)on confrAt you, we presence excellence, i text of scripture attached to It. by all.—In St aul's church a; ape - B Smilliel-wa very dang0ously III Home iservice was hDId A Gwd Colt.' Mr., t W m. Patrl*j and while he was building ft he 'grew tal Harvest
These flowers were afterward dis- would ask if you will'kindly consider late of during the past week, but iat e Bornholm last Sabbath, both morning and in the favor of the people, who, will. I levon- ce, has -purchased a fine our I tributed to the sick pbop n0 the is pla
Parish epent a wrIting we areleasdd to Ilear
31aims for yor pationage. We I I n: that '-thl regret tor have ihim go way, becau. Notes.—Miss Ads Ing. The attend five months old irrom 'David are positive that our lines of shoos can se town. There Was, i ter noral I ance was 4good a"a I she is somewhat Improve.—Mrs. A. they like him, like him �soclally, and display. A very sermon this week the iguest of Ifer !'excellent a neighbor, for the neat ileum 0i $ -few days and appropriate sermons , V - -
not be equalled for the price by any appropriate M- Murdock recently very tpleaoantl e like]
alike hira fn * busines's way, -ib,ut we friftol, Miss Rhoda, Hunkin.—Mr. and were delivered by the Rev. This ,colt was sired by h was preabhed to the Young Tolks by-, Mr. C01- tertained a number of her friends. other shoe 8tora in this looslityl I - I ti will all join 4a wishing ail Ill the pastor. Rev, F. H. Larklha.—Mloo Mrs, T --Prior, of Exeter, visited with, linsi the new irector of Tri7itt Mem- , stock horse, Gold. this, ,wee1C.— brial Qhurch, Exeter. The church we sek the opportunity of demenstrating, greater success In u field� which ds Lella Best, eldept daughter ot Mr. friends in this vicinity er, of Mc t4is f act to you, wbich we can easily larger than �.tpis, where - to abilit I j. M. Be4,t, left on Monday qa6t to Mr.. Andrew^ D 9, n X1110P, was be�utlfully decorated for the oc- Blake. Your
w Bluevale, spefit Sunday 'ith Mr.- J. amil- do if yGu will fevor us %vith a call. co have 'more iscope, The ilew 151ace attend -the Normal College at )H 'Doberty.— casion. with!- flowers, grain and fruit Notes.—A number from here gttend- Ont ehoes have beeR oarefully Peleeted Carries with it a increased Tespon- ton.—Dr. Forster,'eye, ar land throat ya;n has returned home af- and reflected much credit upon ithe NotesAnnivesary services ding a sibility, but also an Incr6ase In couple of weeks with i ladies of the congregation and ,Ir ed Baytteld fair on W�ednesd d In the Bluevale Methodlatt1110 -
from the prooluetions of the oonntry's . Sal spe. 1. specialist, who made a professional hel arY. The change will take rplace abo t her ol�ughter, Mrs. Michael Connol Drysda:le, of Hensall, called on her beat shoe makers. They are such, U vialt here on Monday, at the Queen's helpers. The service of vralse oil Sunday, when Rev.- W. a. was friends -her last week.—The rain . . . . . . . . . . rhoeo as vvelare able to baek by a guar- October 1q. Y—The Missear Veitor gave an at also 4n, keeping witlf'the occasion, - an Indian fnIssioary, was he vroolK hotel, 'expectg' to visit Seaforth tbe IWas badly UePd_
natee, W-hiO4 vve,do in every instance. . . . . ............. . home to a number of theIr Tribnds and waet well irendere&—Mrs, Wm. which fell Saturday first Monday of each month.—Miss ed as many were getting scarce of er bGtlr morning and evenIng. 'what on Tuesday evening. Chapman, Sr., returned last 310697 No Matter &aed shoes you pre- Died In Markitoba.—Mrs. John Mur- Scandrett. of London, a visitor at week witer, congregations were large. On for to you'll 'be sure to find here ray4, of, Goderich �treet, received Word,, N1r. Jas.Deattleys, slipped on a boarli 'from a ple4,sant visit with her daugh- day evening, Mr. CroWel gave big_ Brussels. ter, Mrs. Jobn Dick, of 'Clarksburg.— ture on the Indian. Miss Sherky Of the beet chdoo your money can zecure on Friday' last, oC the very seTious 0;1 Friday -�morntng last, a;nd In, Tall� 'Walton. 111fiess of her aughter, Mrs. James Ing broke her arm.—Mrs. R. D. Black. Notes.—Mrs, 0, G. Martin, of Nlag- Mr. a;nd Mrs. Chas. Chapmaz und lit- Wingham, wsloted at the Come in, plea�e, sad if we fail to deliver Gray, of Elgin, Maflitoba, and on Sun- visitor tle daughter, of Woodstock, spent Local Items.—Mrs. David �and Miss' will receive on Saturday, 40c.tober-6th-.- ara Falls, New York, Is Ja rendering solo.—Ebenezer the goods according to our ttatemeots day the sad intalftence came 'that she —Miss D6ble, sister of Mrs. W,' D. with Mrs. J. Leckie.—Mr. ad Mrs. the past week or so ,with' their rela- I Annie Campbell left on Tuesday of sary services take place next- Out" danb buv—.%, fair proposition &OrtsinlY had died on that day. * Mrs. Gr&Y' had Bright B. -,W. Chapmaand children, x)f Brit- tives bere.—Dr. Ferguson, --,who sold this week to v1sle relatives day.—Jarnes Masters has had AnOW. and
1f you will test us by a trial we are post left here this week Torl Ger- at his practice and welling to Dr. Me- friends in Harniota s-nd BradwardIn, 'att r been in Brandea, visiting ber_ broth- i many where he will - pursue her Ish Columbia, spent iseveral days k of heart 'trouble —J& -r. . o tiva thab you wilt bay �,D�r shoes her er, Mr. 'George Murray, and family, m 19 the Padden last Januaxy, -and located In Maitoba. Mm A- McCualg and u teal studles.,�-She e,xpects to The the home of I. 0. Richards during Mrs. sess Is recovering fxom ME IVA01 . . . . .
aver afterwards. and wa talcen� Ill sbortly after reach- and unes Georgetown, where he isoon worked iin D, Gardnet, nee MiSS Sarah Taylor, 111ness.—Mr. -Joseph Leech gone - about a year.—Mra. D. YL,cln- ast week.�Colln .1 Ing her home. She waa home only, a- tyre'lia:9 gone to :Exeter toi spend a thtir Teturned on Monday -night from . to a good practice, has" returned to also left' the same day 41a Join t heir turned from a, pleasant OL bout two weeks before her foleath, and few dayo thet.e it Mr. larfd Mrs. their three months' trip to ithe old Hensall, and purchased back bis Nhusbands, " foi-Ti-ier goes to Sao- outing In the west.—Wine Ids had been conflned to bed, onl four ebuntry.—W. H. and ra. Mauders dwelling property and prazt! ce, , katoon, ad latter to )Wit,-n1pgg, - -- _ Alex. Dow. Mrs. McIntyrels friehid horn Ttturned to o,mto on Richardson& IjWhiril'S day. She bad not been In obust wil' be s and childrer� left on Monday of this which speaks fo�r 'itself ae to the Miss Carrie johniton *aa ,w a dayMr. -.Will H"ey was allot" I b`0 pleased to know that 'Her maiden sufficte7itly tri eek for Idaho, where they ourpose strong preference the doeor has for asenger ry SEAFORTH� health for -several years. recoveied to er it of w pa ADV the e train. nd week witif a spralhed ankle.—A Balm. S this malting their bome.—Mr. and Mrm. Hensall and vicinity. and hIs triends goes to ItUssel, Bask., laarge nmber .)m a,3 Maggie Murray. She wa hertakiag the journey, ali�,d lall, will v1CM jojr�', Agents for the Soverei,n, HagAr and a ative of Seaforth, and livea. here liv the! hope that the, outing will jobn Fergus= were at Ligtowel on will bef pleased to s6e hert a- by hG1' Zepber, Mast r Douglas tened inghl'aul fair I te gain', but will:o-egre, Iosing Dr,� Me- Proud, -Nr.o wlsb dbo_km all a oafe and Lat Sunday was T all herl life, funtil her marriage to )rove ben�e fetal.—We a�re plea�a6d to Tuesday attending, the funeral of U ri u W ght Shoefi, Mr. GTay, about weven years ago. $he iearn, that Mrs. Robert Hogg, of their brolther-In-law, Geo. Ballard, Padden, who, had,becOme quite OPU- PlOas&At JOUriney,—Irne new station is the F"abytetag O'hanits,